HomeMy WebLinkAbout019 Project Narrative811 W Mendenhall SPR SUBMITTAL 811 W Mendenhall Apartments| BOZEMAN, MT, 59715 | PROJECT NARRATIVE 019 7KHDSSOLFDQWLVSURXGWRSUHVHQWDQHZ0XOWLIDPLO\PL[HGXVHSURMHFWWKDWFUHDWHVD⒐RUGDEOHDQGPDUNHWUDWHKRXVLQJIRUWKH&LW\RI%R]HPDQ7KLVSURMHFWLVORFDWHGRQWKHFRUQHURIWK$YHQXHDQG:HVW0HQGHQKDOO6WUHHWWRWDOLQJVTIWRISULPDULO\PXOWLIDPLO\UHVLGHQWLDOVSDFHDQGJURXQGOHYHOFRPPHUFLDOVSDFHZLWKDQRYHUDOOIRRWSULQWRIVTIWORFDWHGRQDQDJJUHJDWHGORWWRWDOLQJVTXDUHIHHW6WRUDJHLQFOXGLQJYHKLFOHSDUNLQJELNHDQGVNLORFNHUVWRWDOVTIWRIWKHEXLOGLQJ  5HVLGHQWLDODSDUWPHQWVDQGDPHQLWLHVDFFRXQWIRUWKHPDMRULW\RIWKHEXLOGLQJVTIW  DQGFRPPHUFLDODQGUHVLGHQWLDOXVHDVVHPEO\VSDFHVWRWDOVTIW  DQGVTIW  UHVSHFWLYHO\ 3URMHFW$GGUHVV:HVW0HQGHQKDOO6WUHHW%R]HPDQ07=RQLQJ'LVWULFWV5 %02FFXSDQF\&ODVVLrFDWLRQV56%$5HVLGHQWLDO 5 $SDUWPHQW6W\OH5HVLGHQFHV6WRUDJH 6 &RQGLWLRQHG%DVHPHQW3DUNLQJ*DUDJH&RPPHUFLDO % )LWQHVV6SDFH6KDUHG&RZRUN6SDFH$VVHPEO\ $ 5RRIWRS5HVLGHQWLDO$PHQLW\'HFN 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$OOODQGVFDSLQJZLOOFRPSO\ZLWKWKHPDQGDWRU\ODQGVFDSLQJSURYLVLRQVRIWKH%R]HPDQ8'&LQFOXGLQJWKHXVHRIGURXJKWWROHUDQWSODQWVDSSURSULDWHO\VL]HGODQGVFDSHSODQWPDWHULDOVWUHHWIURQWDJHODQGVFDSLQJWUHHVZLWKUHVLGHQWLDODGMDFHQF\FRRUGLQDWLRQZLWKXWLOLWLHVDQGXVHRISHUPDQHQWLUULJDWLRQ$OOVHUYLFHDUHDVDQGXWLOLW\HTXLSPHQWZLOOEHVFUHHQHGDVUHTXLUHG 6WUHHWSDYLQJLVGHVLJQHGWRSUHVHUYHWKHQHLJKERUKRRGbVGHVLJQDQGFRQWLQXLW\IURPDGMDFHQWVLWHV7KHVWUHHWVFDSHDW:HVW0HQGHQKDOOZLOOWLHLQWRWKHH[LVWLQJ0DLQ6WUHHWDQGUHHPHUJHQW0LGWRZQIDEULF7KHVRXWKDQGDSRUWLRQRIWKHHDVWVLGHRIWKHEXLOGLQJZLOOIROORZ6WRUHIURQW%ORFN)URQWDJHVWDQGDUGVZLWKDPLQLPXPbZLGWKVLGHZDONDQGUHYHUWWR/DQGVFDSH%ORFN)URQWDJHVWDQGDUGVIRUWKHQRUWKWZRWKLUGVRIWKH1RUWKWK$YHQXHVWUHHWVFDSH7KHFXUUHQWODFNRIRFFXSDQF\RUPDLQWHQDQFHRIWKHVWUHHWFRUQHUKDVJLYHQWKHVLWHDQXQGHVLUDEOHDHVWKHWLFRQWKHSURPLQHQWFRUQHURI:HVW0HQGHQKDOODQG1RUWKWK$YHQXHDQGWKLVSURMHFWZLOOLQKHUHQWO\LPSURYHXSRQWKHH[LVWLQJFRQGLWLRQ 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Provide housing in the geographic center of Bozeman: With 95 total units in a location that is strongly connected to the primary commercial core, at the cross roads with the increasingly reinvigorated Midtown district, close to Bozeman High School and Montana State University, this is a great opportunity to create housing for a wide variety of community members. The building is designed to conform to the B-2M and R-5 form and intensity standards within each respective zoning district present on the project property. As a mixed-use building with a small amount of leasable commercial space that is designed as a co-work space, the floor-to-floor height at the ground level is 15’-0” with large storefront windows to engage the sidewalks and the surrounding streetscape. On levels 2, 3 & 4 the floor-to-floor height is 10’-4”, with level 5 units having a slightly taller ceiling to take advantage of the spectacular views the site offers. 2. Bozeman geographic center as vernacular crossroads: 811 West Mendenhall incorporates a varied material palette of masonry brick veneer, horizontal wood siding, wood-look fiber cement panels, corrugated white metal siding, and large glazing elements to relate to both the Midtown Bozeman aesthetic and tie into the high-density Community Core. This project ties both the academic and agricultural regional vernaculars together with the project located at the center of Bozeman. To convey the design intent of West Mendenhall apartments, the architectural drawings provide a more holistic picture of the design intent. 3. A new building should exhibit clear order and comprehensive composite on all elevations: 811 West Mendenhall establishes itself at the corner of West Mendenhall and North 8th Avenue. The building takes on a bar-bell shape that aims to provide the best views to the largest amount of apartments. The materiality and design have been applied to the rest of the building so that each intended unit has the available views and the unique aesthetic carries around the rest of the building and site. 4. Building interface with residential zone properties: 811 West Mendenhall’s site, zoned B-2M & R-5, is directly adjacent to other B-2M zoned properties to the south, east and west, with R-4 zoning to the north. The design steps back the top level on all sides, including the west and north sides of the building where step-backs and zone transitions are not required, but are being included to soften the impact on the adjacent residential properties. B| BUILDING QUALITY 1. Sustainable methods and techniques shall be applied to building design but also integrated with site layout and infrastructure design: With a density of approximately 120 units per acre, and its adjacency to the Midtown District, the proposed design allows for the residence to live in the “Community Core,” which reduces the need and use for cars in the area. Storm water management procedures for on site retention are proposed, while also providing outdoor space to the residents at multiple locations throughout the site. Individual heating systems are planned for each unit as these will be leasable units. C| BUILDING ROOF FORM 1. Use flat roof lines as the primary roof form: 811 West Mendenhall’s roof design lends to the buildings aesthetic engagement as it relates to the other B-2M zoned buildings in Midtown and on Main Street, while also maintaining available locations for the mechanical equipment. Roof top mechanical units will be hidden from the pedestrian experience and the proposed screening will provide for near-zero visibility of the mechanical equipment. 2. Use of other roof forms: A pergola structure at the rooftop amenity deck will provide weather protection and sun shading. The roof top amenity deck also includes a BBQ area, fire pit, and seating area for the use of the residents. 3.Residential entries: Each of the residential entries on the ground level will be covered by a smaller scale canopy roof as required by Landscape Block Frontage standards. 811 W Mendenhall SPR SUBMITTAL 811 W Mendenhall Apartments| BOZEMAN, MT, 59715 | PROJECT NARRATIVE 019 D| SITE DESIGN 1. Create strong connections between Midtown, the Main Street, and the surrounding neighborhoods: 811 West Mendenhall utilizes façade relief and a unique design at all façades along 8th Ave., Mendenhall, and the alley to the west. This, partnered with store frontage at the ground level, encourages interaction with pedestrians and brings the five-story building down to a pedestrian scale. The landscaped elements around the site allow for integration into the city fabric and pleasurable access to Midtown Bozeman’s re-emergent activity. 2. Public spaces should be made active through programming or utilizing opportunities with adjacent uses that promote vitality and safety: The project provides private residential spaces at the interface with the neighbors and creates a roof top outdoor space for the project. The roof will be private for the residents and programmed with various amenities including covered outdoor seating, fire pits, yard games, and bbq counters; offering views and outdoor amenities to every resident in the building. E| PARKING FACILITIES 1. Enclosed parking, integrated into individual new buildings, is preferred whenever possible to surface parking lots: 811 West Mendenhall is planning to house 70 cars in an enclosed basement parking garage to help meet the required amount of parking stalls required in the B-2M & R-5 zoned districts. With each residential unit having the required 1 stall per unit in the parking garage, there is also 9 additional on-street parking spaces. The project will also include a car sharing program to add to the overall parking count. 2. Shared parking structures are preferred to surface parking lots. A parking structure should be designed so that it creates a visually attractive and active street edge: The building is utilizing enclosed parking in a garage that is hidden from the street frontage, to promote the pedestrian activation at the street frontage. 3. For residential projects, enclosed parking is preferred to surface parking lots: The enclosed basement parking garage is to be hidden from the street frontage, to promote the pedestrian activation at the street frontage. F| SIGNS 1. Commercial and Mixed-Use projects should include a variety of creative and clear signage: 811 West Mendenhall’s building signage is still in development as building branding has yet to be finalized. Signage will be located in prominent yet unobtrusive locations at the primary façade, according to the signage standards as set forth in the design guidelines and Unified Development Code. 2. Residential projects are encouraged to include building identification signage to add to Bozeman’s overall sense of place: The main building identification signage will prominently add a sense of place to the building as a point of reference at the southeast corner of the building. 3. All signs should be developed with the overall context of the building and the area in mind. The placement or location of a sign is a critical factor in maintaining the order and integrity of a building. Consistent placement of signs according to building type, size, location and even building materials creates a visual pattern that enhances the street scape experience: 811 West Mendenhall’s building signage compliments the proposed design, while establishing a sense of place visible from the surrounding vehicular and pedestrian approaches. 811 W Mendenhall SPR SUBMITTAL 811 W Mendenhall Apartments| BOZEMAN, MT, 59715 | PROJECT NARRATIVE 019 G| STREET PATTERNS 1. Alleys: The existing alley along the west edge of the project property is clearly defined and slated to be utilized as a public right-of- way utility easement. The alley will be the primary access for residents in and out of the parking garage. 2. Streetscape: The streetscape at West Mendenhall & North 8th Avenue has been designed to align with the landscaping proposed. The design streetscape is in line with what is identified in Bozeman’s Code of Ordinances. Additional landscape details have been provided in the landscape section of this narrative and the landscape drawings. 3. Planting strips: Planting strips will be maintained with in the northern portion of 8th Avenue to keep with the existing design of the streetscape. Additionally, a planting strip will be included at the main lobby entrance in an effort to soften the grade change of the sidewalk and provide adequate accessibility to residents and visitors with disabilities. 4. Pattern of street trees: The pattern of street trees is intended to create a soft transition between commercial and residential neighborhoods of the surrounding area, while addressing the requirements of Bozeman’s Code of Ordinances. Please see the landscape drawings for further details. H| LANDSCAPE DESIGN 1. Preserve and maintain mature trees and significant vegetation that are a direct enhancement of the pedestrian streetscape environment: The landscape will include planting areas with ornamental grasses, perennials, shrubs, and trees. Required City of Bozeman landscape performance points will be met with a combination of drought tolerant plants and enhanced pedestrian areas. See the landscape drawings for more information on the design that is being proposed at the ground floor and common courtyard. I | UTILITIES 1. Orient service entrances, waste disposal areas and other similar uses toward service lanes away from major streets: The waste disposal, trash room, is located directly adjacent to the main garage access along the alley. This location takes advantage of the existing site circulation and pattern of service areas located off of the alley. 2. Position service areas to minimize conflicts with other abutting uses: Trash bins are located in the conditioned trash rooms throughout the building with a larger trash room in the corner of the basement for easy access from the alley. These services are located away from the pedestrian store frontage. J| SITE FURNITURE 1. Site furniture should be simple in character: There is no planned site furniture at the ground level. See the landscape drawings for more information on furniture layouts on the roof top amenity deck. 811 W Mendenhall SPR SUBMITTAL 811 W Mendenhall Apartments| BOZEMAN, MT, 59715 | PROJECT NARRATIVE 019 STOREFRONT GLAZING PRODUCT DATA SHEET Product Data Sheet Vitro Architectural Glass Aesthetic Description Solarban® 60 solar control, low-e glass by Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) was engineered to control solar heat gain, which is essential to minimizing cooling costs. In a standard one-inch insulating glass unit (IGU), Solarban® 60 glass offers an exterior appearance similar to clear, uncoated glass. With a very good Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.39, Solarban® 60 glass blocks 66 percent of the total solar energy while allowing 70 percent of the visible light to pass through. This combination produces an excellent Light to Solar Gain (LSG) ratio of 1.79, along with exceptional insulating performance, as evidenced by its 0.29 winter nighttime U-value. Aesthetic Options Solarban® 60 glass can be coated on Starphire® glass and paired with Starphire® glass to produce an IGU with exceptional clarity and solar control characteristics. For even more color and performance options, it can be coated on the second (#2) surface of nearly all Vitro’s wide range of tinted glasses. It also can be combined in an IGU with any Vitro tinted glass, Solarcool® reflective glass or Vistacool® subtly reflective, color-enhanced glass (see performance data on back page). Prudential Center Location: Newark, NJ | Product: Solarban® 60 Glass | Architect: Morris Adjmi Architects | Glass Contractor: Josloff Glass | Glass Fabricator: J.E. Berkowitz, LP LEED®u;7b|rrou|†mbঞ;v Possible Points LEED Credit Solarban® 60 Feature -|_ņrঞom"-ঞvC;7 18 Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Optimize Energy Performance Excellent SHGC, U-value and Tvis performance Whole Building Energy Simulation (Option 1) or Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide (Option 2) 5 mmoˆ-ঞomŐő Innovation in Design Exceeds minimum performance mandated by local energy codes Innovation (Option 1), Pilot (Option 2) and Exemplary Performance (Option 3) 3 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Daylight Exhibits high light transmission Simulation: Spatial Daylight Autonomy and Annual Sunlight Exposure (Option 1), Simulation: Illuminance Calculations (Option 2) or Measurement (Option 3) "†rrou|bm]"†v|-bm-0Ѵ; ;vb]m Vitro Architectural Glass provides abundant opportunities for architects and building owners to realize their sustainability objectives. Energy Use & Operating Cost Reduction: An energy modeling study conducted by an independent energy design and consulting firm showed that a building can potentially save millions of dollars over its lifetime with Solarban® 60 glass instead of less advanced glasses. The study showed that by substituting Solarban® 60 glass instead of dual-pane tinted glass, a typical glass-walled, eight-story office building in Boston could lower its initial HVAC investment by nearly $350,000 and its annual energy costs by more than $80,000. Carbon emissions from the same building also were reduced by more than 300 tons per year. Sustainability Documentation: Vitro Architectural Glass is the first U.S. float glass manufacturer to have its entire selection of products recognized by the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ program, and the first in North America to publish third-party verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for its Flat Glass and Processed *ODVVbSURGXFWV For additional credit opportunities and supporting documentation, visit vitroglazings.com/LEED 811 W Mendenhall SPR SUBMITTAL 811 W Mendenhall Apartments| BOZEMAN, MT, 59715 | PROJECT NARRATIVE 019 STOREFRONT GLAZING PRODUCT DATA SHEET For more information about Solarban® 60 low-e glass and other Cradle to Cradle Certified™ architectural glasses by Vitro Glass, visit ˆb|uo]Ѵ-Œbm]vĺ1ol, or call ƐŊѶƔƔŊ($!Ŋ"ŐѶѶƕŊѵƓƔƕőĺ ©2022 Vitro Architectural Glass. All rights reserved. Atlantica®, Azuria®, Optigray®, Pacifica®, Solarban®, the Solarban® logo, Solarblue®, Solarbronze®, Solarcool®, Solargray®, Solexia®, Starphire® and Vistacool® are registered trademarks owned by Vitro. Acuity™ and Vitro Certified™ are trademarks owned by Vitro. Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a trademark licensed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Solarban® 60 Glass Insulating Glass Unit Performance Comparisons | 1-inch (25mm) units with 1/2-inch (13mm) airspace and two 1/4-inch (6mm) lites Glass Type Outdoor Lite: Indoor Lite: o-|bm]b=m‹ Ƴ o-|bm]b=m‹Ő"†u=-1;őѴ-vv  Ő"†u=-1;őѴ-vv (bvb0Ѵ;b]_|$u-mvlb||-m1;Ő($ő (bvb0Ѵ;b]_|!;=Ѵ;1|-m1;Ő$&ņ_u°=|2°» ő  !&Ŋ(-Ѵ†;"oѴ-u;-| Gain o;==b1b;m| Ő"ő b]_||o"oѴ-u Gain Ő"őExterior % Interior % Winter Nighttime Winter Argon Solarban® 60 "oѴ-uom|uoѴo‰Ŋ Ѵ-vv Solarban® 60 (2) Clear + Clear 70 11 12 0.29 0.24 0.39 1.79 Solarban® 60 (2) Acuity™ + Acuity™ 73 11 12 0.29 0.24 0.41 1.78 Solarban® 60 (2) Starphire® + Starphire® 74 11 12 0.29 0.24 0.41 1.80 Solarban® 60 (2) Solexia® + Clear 61 9 12 0.29 0.24 0.32 1.91 Solarban® 60 (2) Atlantica® + Clear 53 8 11 0.29 0.24 0.27 1.96 Solarban® 60 (2) Azuria® + Clear 54 8 11 0.29 0.24 0.28 1.93 Solarban® 60 (2) Solarblue® + Clear 45 7 11 0.29 0.24 0.29 1.55 Solarban® 60 (2) Pacifica® + Clear 34 6 10 0.29 0.24 0.23 1.48 Solarban® 60 (2) Solarbronze® + Clear 42 7 11 0.29 0.24 0.28 1.50 Solarban® 60 (2) Optigray® + Clear 50 8 11 0.29 0.24 0.30 1.67 Solarban® 60 (2) Solargray® + Clear 35 6 10 0.29 0.24 0.25 1.40 Solexia® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 61 10 10 0.29 0.24 0.37 1.65 Atlantica® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 53 8 10 0.29 0.24 0.31 1.71 Azuria® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 54 9 10 0.29 0.24 0.31 1.74 Solarblue® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 45 7 9 0.29 0.24 0.33 1.36 Pacifica® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 34 6 9 0.29 0.24 0.25 1.36 Solarbronze® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 42 7 9 0.29 0.24 0.32 1.31 Optigray® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 50 8 9 0.29 0.24 0.35 1.43 Solargray® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 35 7 9 0.29 0.24 0.29 1.21 Graylite® II + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 7 4 8 0.29 0.24 0.13 0.54 Vistacool® and Solarcool®‰b|_Solarban®ѵƏ"oѴ-uom|uoѴo‰Ŋ;ŐƒőŖ Vistacool® (2) Azuria® + Solarban® ѵƏҐƒґ Clear 42 20 24 0.29 0.24 0.26 1.62 Vistacool® (2) Pacifica® + Solarban®ѵƏҐƒґClear 26 11 23 0.29 0.24 0.22 1.18 Solarcool® (2) Azuria® + Solarban®ѵƏҐƒґClear 21 19 29 0.29 0.24 0.17 1.24 Solarcool® (2) Solarblue® + Solarban®ѵƏҐƒґClear 17 14 29 0.29 0.24 0.18 0.94 Solarcool® (2) Pacifica® + Solarban®ѵƏҐƒґClear 13 10 29 0.29 0.24 0.15 0.87 Solarcool® (2) Solarbronze® + Solarban® 60 (3) Clear 17 14 29 0.29 0.24 0.18 0.94 Solarcool® (2) Solargray® + Solarban®ѵƏҐƒґlear 14 11 29 0.29 0.24 0.17 0.82 Fabrication and Availability Solarban® 60 glass is available exclusively through the Vitro CertifiedTM Network. Vitro CertifiedTM Fabricators can meet tight construction deadlines and accelerate the delivery of replacement glass before, during and after construction. Solarban® 60 glass is manufactured using the sputter-coating process and is available for annealed, laminated, heat-strengthened and tempered applications. !;t†;v|"-lrѴ;v To obtain samples of any Vitro Glass product, call 1-855-VTRO-GLS (877-6457) or visit samples.vitroglazings.com. * Data based on using Starphire® glass for both interior and exterior lites. All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7.3 software and represents center of glass performance data. For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the aesthetic and performance values in this table, please visit vitroglazings.com or request our Architectural Glass Catalog.