HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-24 Correspondence - Gallatin County - FYI Bozeman Entitlement Jurisdiction InputFrom:Boyer, Jennifer To:Boyer, Jennifer Subject:[EXTERNAL]FYI Bozeman Entitlement Jurisdiction Input Date:Thursday, April 4, 2024 12:02:12 PM Attachments:Bozeman_ConsolidatedPlanSurveyflyer_esp_final.pdf Bozeman_ConsolidatedPlanSurveyflyer_eng_final.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. The City of Bozeman was recently designated as an "Entitlement Jurisdiction" by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), meaning the City is now eligible to receive direct federal funding form the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. These funds can help address several needs in Bozeman, including but not limited to: Infrastructure; Economic development projects; Public facilities installation; Community Centers; Housing rehabilitation; Public services (e.g., increased access to mental health services, food access, etc.) Clearance/acquisition; Microenterprise assistance; and Homeowner assistance. Before receiving these funds, the City of Bozeman must put together a Consolidated Plan, which is a HUD-required document that requires the City to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and make data-driven, outcomes-based investment decisions. Additionally, the City strives to ensure the provision of fair housing throughout the community. As a recipient of federal funding, the City of Bozeman must affirmatively further fair housing by taking meaningful actions to overcome patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, eliminate disparities in opportunities, and foster inclusive communities free from discrimination. Federal and state fair housing laws prohibit discriminatory practices in any industry-related business or transaction that may affect the ability of protected class members to secure housing and live in the housing of their choice. In addition to the Consolidated Plan, the City will also be developing a Fair Housing Plan, which will identify how needs differ for different community members, how current City policies and programs can better meet community needs, and where barriers to fair housing exist. The City will be engaging with residents, stakeholders, and the community at large to help identify housing, community development, economic development, and public service needs and priority outcomes throughout the development of the Consolidated Plan and Fair Housing Plan. In addition to a community needs survey that will ask community members to identify needs, challenges, and outcomes, a public hearing will be held on April 16, 2024 to provide another opportunity for the community to share their perspective. https://www.research.net/r/BozemanConsolidatedPlanSurvey2024 Jennifer Boyer Gallatin County Commission 311 W. Main St. Room 306 Bozeman, MT 59715 406-582-3000 406-548-5856 (cell) ¡Neces ita mos su op ini ón para info rma r las ne c esidades de vivie nda y desarrol lo co mun itario e n la c iudad de Bozeman! Use el enlace a cont inuaci ón o escanee el códi go Q R. To do s los que c omp leten est a encues ta parti ciparán en un sor teo para te ner la oportunid ad de ganar u na tarjeta d e re galo d e $100. For project information and more engagement opportunities, visit xxx Para más infor mación, v isite: e ng a ge .bozem a n.net/c ons oli date dpla n ¡Queremos escuchar tu opinión sobre el Plan Consolidado! Para solicitar algún tipo de acomodación especial para realizar la encuesta, comuníquese con Avilia Bueno en avilia@rootpolicy.com o 970-880-1415. ¿Tiene problemas para encontrar vivienda a precios razonables? ¿Su vecindario debería tener más parques? ¿Necesita más opciones de cuidado de niños? www .research .n et/r /B ozemanConsolidatedP lanSurvey20 24 Do you have trouble finding affordable housing? Should your neighborhood have more parks? Do you need more childcare options? T he Cit y of B o ze m an needs your inp ut t o infor m hou si ng a nd c o m m un ity d evelopmen t n eed s in the city! Use t he li nk bel ow or scan th e Q R code t o take the su rvey. All res po nde nts who c omp lete thi s s urve y wi ll be includ ed in a drawi ng fo r th e c hance t o win a $1 00 g ift card. For project information and more engagement opportunities, visit xxx For mor e information about the surve y and the Consolidated Plan, v isit: engage.bo ze man.net /consolid at edpla n www .research .n et/r /B ozemanConsolidatedP lanSurvey20 24 Take the Consolidated Housing Plan survey! If you need an accommodation to participate in the survey—for example, if you use a screen reader and it is easier to complete the survey by phone, please contact Frankie Lewington at frankie@rootpolicy.com or 970-880-1415.