HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-24 - Library Board of Trustees - Agendas & Packet MaterialsA. Call meeting to order - 4:00 p.m. B. Changes to the Agenda C. Public Comment D. Approval of Minutes D.1 Approval of Minutes from March 20, 2024 (Gregory) E. Action Items E.1 Eastside Easement update (Gregory) F. Reports F.1 Correspondence(Gregory) F.2 Director/Staff Reports(Gregory/Department Heads) F.3 City of Bozeman Liaison (Madgic) F.4 Bozeman Public Library Foundation (Johnson) F.5 Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (Eilers) G. Training G.1 Board Training(Cook) H. Adjournment THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LBT AGENDA Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. For more information please contact Susan Gregory, sgregory@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 406.582.3232 (TDD 406.582.2301). 1 In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Public Comment Page or by emailing comments@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Approval of Minutes from March 20, 2024 MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Approval of previous months minutes UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:Approve with corrections FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Board Minutes March 20, 2024 Draft.pdf Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 3 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Cottonwood Room Minutes Attendance Trustees Stewart Mohr, Pam Henley, Jennifer Pawlak, & Mike Redburn; Bozeman Public Library (BPL) Director Susan Gregory; Assistant Library Director Kit Stephenson; Administrative Assistant Lauranna Cossins, Department Head Ellie Newell & Sarah Widger; Foundation Director Janay Johnson, Friends Representative Brittany Eilers, City Commissioner Jennifer Madgic Not Present: Trustee Ken Spencer Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Board Chair Stewart Mohr at 4 pm. Public Comment – No Public Comment Approval of the Minutes Action Trustee Redburn moved to approve the minutes from the January 17, 2024, meeting. Trustee Pawlak seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Action Trustee Henley moved to approve the minutes from the February 21, 2024, meeting. Trustee Pawlak seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Action/ Discussion Meeting Room Use Policy Action: Trustee Pawlak Moved to approve the updated Meeting Room Use policy as presented. Trustee Henley Seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to adopt the updated policy. Kitchen Table Policy Action: Trustee Redburn Moved to approve the new Kitchen Table policy as presented. Trustee Henley Seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to adopt the Kitchen Table policy. 4 April Board Meeting date change Director Gregory asked the Board to approve the change of date for the April 17th Library Board meeting due to conflict with the Montana Library Association Conference being held in Butte, MT, April 17th – April 20th. Action: The Board agreed to move the April Board Meeting from April 17, 2024 to April 10, 2024. Correspondence Highlights Request for staff to frequently sanitize piano keys in the Community Room. Request for quiet area signage. Request for a microwave & new computers. Request for more programming around the Labyrinth and its history. Magazine exchange thank you from patron with a request to accept donations with issue dates beyond six months old. Parent requested cooking and baking classes for children and their families. Several materials purchase requests were received from patrons. Thank you from the group that hosted a service dog training class in the Community Room. Thank you from a patron for the Language Transparency e-resource. Director’s report - Director Gregory provided her report to the Library Board prior to the meeting. Highlights were reviewed. Gregory discussed the February 28th Staff Training Day. Staff were asked after the event to complete an online evaluation form with comments on the day and ideas for other staff trainings. These survey results were provided to the Library Board prior to the meeting. Feedback from Library staff was primarily very positive and stressed the value of learning together as a team. Gregory is continuing to look into the availability of security support in the Library on weekends, in particular, when fewer Library staff are in the building. Panic buttons have been installed on each information desk, including the Youth Services department. Captain Joe Swanson of the Bozeman Police Department gave Library staff training on the protocols and appropriate use of the panic buttons prior to the panic buttons’ installation. The Montana Shared Catalog mobile app is back up and running. 5 Trustee Redburn commented that Director Gregory has been asked to write a chapter in a new book on the role of a public library director and complimented her on the honor. He also thanked Public Service Dept. Head Sarah Widger for the Library statistics update. Trustee Mohr welcomed Youth Services Dept. Head Ellie Newell back from maternity leave. He said that the Children’s department was always full of happy children immersed in a variety of fun activities and complimented the Youth Services staff for creating a joyful environment. Mohr exhorted the Trustees to all check out the Youth Services naturalist station and tent, in particular. Department Heads’ Highlights – Department reports were provided to the Board prior to the meeting. City Commission Library Liaison -City Commissioner Jennifer Madgic shared that the City Commission is working on a memorial for former Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy, who recently passed away after a long illness. One idea is to name an existing park for her. Foundation Director Janay Johnson said that the Foundation is still offering memorial butterflies. Commissioner Magic said that currently Chuck Winn is the Bozeman Acting City Manager. Library Foundation- Foundation Director Johnson stated that representatives of the Friends and Foundation Boards had their first meeting to discuss the possibility of merging the two Library fundraising organizations into one. This would eliminate the confusion over what each group does for the public. It’s a model that has been successful for other public library foundations and friends’ groups. There will be more meetings in the near future to continue the discussion. Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (FOL) - Friends Vice President Eilers announced the Friends Book Sale dates for the year: April 13th-14th at the Library, August 9th-11th at the Fairgrounds and November 1st-3rd at the Library. The group will be using temporary staff for the sale set up. Book donations “drop off” events will be held at the Library on May 11th, June 8th and July 13th. They will have new member recruitment at the April sale. The Library Book Store is going strong and bringing in $1700-$2100 in monthly sales. The Friends currently have 259 members. Other: Pam Henley announced that she is retiring from the Montana State Library in April. She will continue her work as a Trustee on the Bozeman Public Library Board. Next Board Meeting - April 10th, 2024, at 4pm in the Library Board Room. DATE CHANGE- due to conflict with MLA conference 6 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Eastside Easement update MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Administration RECOMMENDATION:Discussion STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Update on the continuation of east-side property owner's historical use of small strip of Library land for their drive setback. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 7 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Correspondence MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:None UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 8 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Director/Staff Reports MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Departmental news & highlights UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 9 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:City Commissioner SUBJECT:City of Bozeman Liaison MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:None UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: March 12, 2024 10 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Foundation Director SUBJECT:Bozeman Public Library Foundation MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:None UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 11 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Vice President of the Friends SUBJECT:Friends of the Bozeman Public Library MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Friends of the Library Updates and announcements. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: April 2024 Book Sale Poster QR.png Summer 2024 Donation Events.png Report compiled on: April 1, 2024 12 13 14 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Library Federation SUBJECT:Board Training MEETING DATE:April 10, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Administration RECOMMENDATION:Montana State Library Video STRATEGIC PLAN:2.3 Workforce Development: Support education and workforce development initiatives to improve the skills of our citizens. BACKGROUND:Trustee Annual Training UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: April 2, 2024 15