HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-24 - Library Board of Trustees - Agendas & Packet MaterialsA. Call meeting to order - 4:00 p.m. B. Changes to the Agenda C. Public Comment D. Approval of Minutes D.1 Approval of Minutes from January 17, 2024.(Susan) D.2 Approval of Minutes from February 21, 2024.(Susan) E. Action Items E.1 Meeting Room Use Policy (Widger) E.2 Kitchen Table Policy(Stephenson) F. Reports F.1 Correspondence(Gregory) F.2 Director/Staff Reports(Gregory/Department Heads) F.3 City of Bozeman Liaison(Madgic) F.4 Bozeman Public Library Foundation(Johnson) F.5 Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (Eilers) G. Adjournment THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LBT AGENDA Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. For more information please contact Susan Gregory, sgregory@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 406.582.3232 (TDD 406.582.2301). 1 In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Commission Comment Page or by emailing agenda@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Approval of Minutes from January 17, 2024. MEETING DATE:March 20, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Approval of previous months minutes UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:Approve with Corrections FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Draft Board Minutes January 17, 2024 Report compiled on: March 11, 2024 3 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Cottonwood Room Minutes Attendance Trustees Stewart Mohr, Pam Henley, Jennifer Pawlak, Ken Spencer, & Mike Redburn; Bozeman Public Library (BPL) Director Susan Gregory; Assistant Library Director Kit Stephenson; Administrative Assistant Lauranna Cossins, Department Head Carmen Clark, Corey Sloan, & Sarah Widger: Foundation President Tom Stonecipher, Friends Representative Brittany Eilers, & HR Director Cassandra Tozer Not Present: City Commissioner Terry Cunningham Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Board Chair Stewart Mohr at 4 pm. Public Comment – Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes Approval of the Minutes Action Trustee Spencer moved to approve the minutes as amended from the November 15, 2023, meeting. Trustee Pawlak seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Action/ Discussion 1. Board reaffirmation of Master’s Degree in Library Science requirement for Bozeman Public Library Director Position – Tozer, City HR Director Director Tozer stated that currently the Bozeman Public Library Director job specification requires that a Master’s degree in library science, information science, or a closely related field is required for the position. In addition to that, extensive public library organization and management experience is required. Those are the two requirements for the position. There is little to no flexibility with those requirements as it is currently written. The amount of experience required typically correlates to 7 to 10 years professional experience. The City also has several 4 other Director positions that require Master’s degrees. Not all the Director positions within the City require Master’s degrees. Tozer said that the City Manager, Community Development and Finance Director positions do require a Master’s degree. Board Chair Mohr asked the Library Trustees if they feel that the Master’s in Library Science requirement is an accurate description of the professional education that they would like for the Bozeman Public Library Director to have. The Board discussed the current wording and requirements for the City of Bozeman Public Library Director position. The Library Trustees would like to reaffirm for the State Library that the Bozeman Public Library Board believes that a Masters in Library Science is necessary for the Bozeman Library Director position. After discussion, the Board decided to remove the closely related field statement from the job description. Action: Trustee Spencer moved that the Board reaffirm the Master’s degree in Library Science requirement for the Bozeman Public Library Director position and remove the existing “closely related field” clause. Trustee Pawlak seconded. All voted in favor. The motion passed. 2. Workbench Policy – Board approval requested – Gregory, Stephenson The draft Workbench Policy was provided to the Board for discussion and approval. The Work Bench is one of the two new Creative Labs. The Library worked closely with the City Attorney’s office to create the draft. The Board listened to the request from Library staff who oversee the Creative Labs to remove the restriction that would prohibit the creation of toy look-alike or imitation weapons. Department Head Sloan explained that many of the patrons who use the 3-D printer are members of groups that do costumed role play events, like Star Wars or Medieval games, and these patrons create plastic replications of swords and cartoon weapons. There is still a restriction against weapons that are readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury or that are unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or pose a threat to people or property. Action: Trustee Pawlak moved to approve the Work Bench Policy with the removal of the proposed restriction against creating toy look-alike or imitation weapons. Trustee Henley seconded. All voted in favor. The motion passed to approve the Policy as written with the removal of the restriction. Reports Correspondence – Gregory provided written correspondence to the Board prior to the meeting. Some highlights were: A patron provided a copy of their apartment newsletter in which they had written a piece about the Bozeman Public Library being a storehouse of knowledge. A patron asked that the Library please provide free food for the homeless. We provide this service in our “Food Pantry” located on the first floor with the help of the Gallatin Food Bank. Several patrons asked that we bring back the free magazine shelf. This magazine exchange is now back up and running and located in the first floor Gallery in a new shelf. 5 Trustee Mohr stated that he received some correspondence from the State Library and wanted to acknowledge Trustee Pam Henley and Library Director Susan Gregory for completing the work to receive their Montana State Library certifications. Library staff Monika Wigert, Hilary Woodard & Carmen Clark have also been certified by the State Library in the last few months. Directors Report- Director Gregory provided to the Board prior to meeting. Department Heads’ Highlights – Department reports were provided to the Board prior to the meeting. City Commission Library Liaison Terry Cunningham- not present, no report provided. Library Foundation - Foundation President Tom Stonecipher reported that the Foundation’s year- end fundraising campaign total doubled from the amount of donations received in the previous year. He said that he believes that this is due to the Library renovation and the excellent work that Library staff all do. Friends of the Bozeman Public Library- Friends Representative Brittany Eilers reported that things are picking up from the pandemic and the Friends are making good progress in a number of areas. They are preparing for their annual membership meeting which will take place in the Library Community Room on February 6th at 5:00 PM. They will be talking about programming for the coming year, vote on new Board members and elect new officers. There are currently 254 members in the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library. Membership is not quite as high as it was at the height of the pandemic but it’s continuing to grow. The ability to have book sales in which they can offer a Friday night preview sale for Friends’ members has definitely done wonders for incentivizing people to join the Friends. They are in the process of setting the calendar for book sales for this year and hope to have three different ones. Last year, the Friends did award two grants to the Library in which they supported projects like the Most Wanted collections and book club kits. The Friends are tracking their volunteer hours more closely and report that there will probably be well over 2000 hours in service for the last year. Eilers also noted that the Friends also provide free books to various organizations like Bozeman Health and the Gallatin County Detention Center. Board Training: 2023 Annual City Ethics Training - Gregory Library staff and guests left the meeting and Director Gregory led the Trustees through the 2023 City of Bozeman Ethics Training for Boards. This was conducted in the January meeting due to the Board not meeting in December, 2023. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Stewart Mohr adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m. 6 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Approval of Minutes from February 21, 2024. MEETING DATE:March 20, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Approval of previous months minutes UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:Approve with Corrections FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Draft Board Minutes February 21, 2024 Report compiled on: March 11, 2024 7 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Cottonwood Room Minutes Attendance Trustees Stewart Mohr, Pam Henley, Jennifer Pawlak, Ken Spencer, & Mike Redburn; Bozeman Public Library (BPL) Director Susan Gregory; Assistant Library Director Kit Stephenson; Administrative Assistant Lauranna Cossins; Department Heads Carmen Clark, Corey Sloan, & Sarah Widger: Foundation Director Janay Johnson, Foundation Operations Manager Andrea Kavert; Friends President Marilyn Kennelly Not Present: City Commission liaison Jennifer Madgic Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Board Chair Stewart Mohr at 4 pm. Public Comment – No Public Comment Approval of the Minutes- January 17th, 2024, Library Board minutes approval postponed until the March 20th Library Board meeting. Action/ Discussion 2024 – 2025 Strategic Plan- Gregory provided the final print copy of the Bozeman Public Library Strategic Plan for 2024-2025 to the Board and meeting attendees. The Library Board reviewed the Plan and approved it at the June, 2023 Board meeting. Gregory and Stephenson also referred to the internal Work Plan created by Library staff. Gregory reviewed the process that the Library used to create the updated Plan. Library administration contracted with leadership and strategic planning consultant Ned Cooney, Big Fork, MT, to facilitate six planning sessions in 2023 with a group made up of the Library Board Chair Stew Mohr, Trustee Jennifer Pawlak, Friends of the Library representative Marilyn Kennelly, Library Foundation Director Janay Johnson, Director Gregory, Assistant Director Kit Stephenson, and Department Heads Sloan, Clark, Newell and Widger. Public input was incorporated from the two public surveys conducted for 1) the Library renovation project and 2) the Library Foundation survey conducted for the proposed community center/expansion of Library services. Library Staff input came from the 2023 Annual Staff Day focus groups and was incorporated into the internal Work Plan, which was created in Fall, 2023. 8 The Plan’s four goals are: • Provide access and connection • Cultivate an inviting and inclusive Library • Create space and place • Serve a dynamic community Gregory highlighted several of the strategies for each goal. We plan to expand mobile services and increase publicity of Library services; provide balanced collections and uphold the Freedom to Read; continue planning for a west Bozeman Public Library presence and lay the groundwork for a growing Library system; and continue to provide excellent continuing education for Library staff in order to maintain excellent customer services. Library staff will continue to attend available online CE offerings and both state and national library conference attendance will be encouraged. The Board discussed different ideas on how to periodically review the status of the work being done to meet the Strategic Plan goals. Meeting Room Policy– The updated policy was provided to the Trustees prior to the meeting. It was discussed and approval was postponed until the March 20th, 2024 Library Board meeting. Staff Safety Training Day- Gregory reported on the upcoming All Staff Training Day, Wednesday February 28, 2024. Dr. Kelly Knight, MSU, will conduct training on secondary trauma in the workplace in the morning and Fire Inspector Travis Hansen will work with the staff in the afternoon on fire safety and a review of the 27 fire extinguisher locations in the building, the sprinkler system and how to devise an evacuation plan for all. Reports Correspondence – Gregory provided written correspondence to the Board prior to meeting. Some highlights were: Somebody commented that a library in Nebraska has a great program where you can check out a backpack with a telescope and astrology book. They would love to see something like that here. Somebody was happy with the Workbench lab and said it would be great if we had a long arm quilting machine. A patron said that our library is nice, but stated there used to be a magazine and book sharing shelf in the entry they would like to see come back. (The magazine sharing service has been returned to the lobby.) A patron asked us to get a drafting table/ light table to use for drawing and tracing. 9 Several comments were received in the Youth Services department that contained book recommendations. Directors Report- Director Gregory provided her report to the Library Board prior to the meeting. Highlights included a thank you to all that attended the Library renovation reopening on February 2nd and thanks to those staff who worked hard to create the event. Gregory shared that the proposed West Side community center project is on indefinite hold. Department Heads’ Highlights – Department reports were provided to the Board prior to the meeting. City Commission Library Liaison New Liaison Jennifer Madgic was unable to attend due to a prior commitment so no report was provided. Library Foundation - Foundation Director Johnson introduced the new Foundation Operations Manager, Andrea Kavert. Johnson shared the fun news that the theme for this year’s Library Gala in September will be “DISCOver your library” with an emphasis on “disco.” Start planning your costumes now! Janay provided a printout of the Foundation funding they have planned for the Library this year. One highlight is the $35,000 commitment to replace the lighting in the building with LED lighting that wasn’t replaced during the renovation. This will include the Children’s department, which is good news. Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (FOL) - Friends President Marilyn Kennelly informed the Trustees of changes to the Executive Committee officers’ roster at their February meeting. The Friends continue to slowly rebuild financially from the pandemic losses. The Friends membership is currently 259 members. The group held three book sales last year. Two of them were held at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds, which was expensive, but the new location introduced the used book sale to a lot of people who had no idea about it. Sales amounted to $45,000. Kennelly thanked the hardworking volunteers who donated a total of 1200 plus volunteer hours to sort donated books and conduct the sales. Board Training: “Improving Communication” training was conducted by Library Trustee Pam Henley. This is the second of three required annual continuing education trainings for public library board members in Montana. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Stewart Mohr adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. The next Library Board meeting will be on March 20th, 2024, at 4 pm in the Library’s Cottonwood Room. 10 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Meeting Room Use Policy MEETING DATE:March 20, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Policy Discussion RECOMMENDATION:Move to Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:3.3 Friendly Community: Ensure Bozeman continues to welcome diversity through policies and public awareness. BACKGROUND:Policy Review UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Draft Meeting Room Policy Report compiled on: March 11, 2024 11 1 of 3 Bozeman Public Library MEETING SPACE USE POLICY PURPOSE The Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees (“the Board”) has adopted the following Meeting Space Use Policy, which outlines allowed use of meeting spaces for non-Library events and programs. The primary purpose of the Bozeman Public Library (Library) meeting rooms is to provide space for Library activities and functions that further the Library’s mission. When meeting spaces are not in use by the Library, they may be available for local government agencies, businesses, community groups, and non-profit organizations as a service to the public. Mission:The Library creates opportunities that inspire curiosity, exploration, and connection. Vision: The Library is the community cultural center that connects all Bozeman citizens to their neighbors and the world. The Library supports the principles of intellectual freedom and the individual’s right to have access to ideas, information, and perspectives representing multiple points of view. The Board has also adopted the following statements from the American Library Association, which are attached and constitute a formal part of this policy: LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS MEETING ROOMS: AN INTERPRETATION OF THE LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS ROOMS AVAILABLE Three types of meeting space are available for the public to reserve at the Library: Meeting Rooms, Conference Rooms, and Study Rooms. Each of these rooms has specific booking rules and procedures. Meeting Rooms include the Community Room (maximum capacity: 183 without tables and chairs), the Cottonwood Room (maximum capacity: 20), and the Front Plaza (exterior space; maximum capacity not applicable). Conference Rooms include the Ponderosa Room (maximum capacity: 8), and the Aspen Room (maximum capacity: 6). Study Rooms include the Bitterroot Room, the Buttercup Room (maximum capacity: 4) and the Open Door (maximum capacity: 6). ELIGIBILITY Library meeting and conference rooms may be reserved by any active Bozeman Public Library cardholder, 18 years of age or older, during open hours. Study rooms do not require the user to have an active Library card. Meeting and conference rooms are available to local government agencies, businesses, community groups, and non-profit organizations for the presentation and exchange of information and opinions on subjects of interest to the Bozeman community. This includes organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, advocacy, civic, religious, or political activities. Conference and study rooms are available for individuals. Meeting spaces are available free of charge on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs of the groups or individuals requesting their use. Permission to use Library meeting spaces does not constitute in any way an endorsement by the Library of an organization or its activities, or the viewpoints expressed by the participants in any meeting. 12 2 of 3 APPROPRIATE LIBRARY USE Groups seeking to use the Library’s meeting space must comply with the Library’s procedures and policies, including the Behavior Policy. Individuals and groups using the Library are to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in keeping with the Library’s vision and mission. We expect everyone to treat all people and property with respect. The Library reserves the right to determine whether any person is in violation of this policy and to require that person to leave the Library. Serious or repeated misconduct may lead to restrictions, including loss of Library privileges for a period determined by Library staff, and/or to appropriate legal action. The Library reserves the right to decline meeting room requests that do not align with its policies. ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Library meeting rooms are intended for use by groups and not for individual use. Individuals may reserve a study or conference room for individual use. Any person reserving a meeting or conference room on behalf of a group must have their own active Bozeman Public Library card. Study rooms do not require an active Library card. 2. Any individual or group that reserves the use of a meeting room assumes legal responsibility for all related event activities in the Library room reserved. An individual must complete the application and agreement and must ensure compliance with all rules and regulations described in this policy. Any individual or group that violates this policy may be excluded from access to the Library’s meeting rooms. All individuals, regardless if that individual is the reserving person, who use the meeting rooms are subject to this policy. Use of the meeting room may not disrupt other Library activities. 3. The Library is not responsible for any accidents that may occur on Library property to individuals attending meetings held in meeting spaces reserved by an outside group or individual. Meeting space users will be held responsible for any accidents that occur and for any damage to the Library’s buildings, grounds, or equipment due to negligence or misconduct. 4. Meetings held in Library space must be open to the public. 5. All users must comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which require that a meeting or materials at a meeting be provided in an accessible format when requested. 6. Meetings or events of a primarily commercial nature are not permitted. The sale, advertising, solicitation, taking of orders, or promotions of products or services are not permitted. 7. Fundraising or donation solicitations, as well as entry and participation fees or dues, are not permitted, except for events sponsored by the Bozeman Public Library Foundation or the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library. 8. Alcohol is not permitted, except for events sponsored by the Bozeman Public Library Foundation or the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library. 9. Meeting spaces are not available for primarily private social functions (e.g., birthday parties). 10. Library programs, events, and city, state, and federal government meetings and programs take priority over priority over business, community group, and non-profit organization reservations. 11. The Library reserves the right to cancel any meeting space reservation for any reason. Reservations will not be cancelled without prior notification to the group or individual. SPACE RESERVATION LIMITATIONS 1. All reservations are first come, first serve after Library program and event reservations have been made. 2. Study rooms can be reserved up to 7 days in advance, for up to 2 hours per day, in 30-minute increments. 3. Conference rooms can be reserved up to 60 days in advance. There is no limit on the length of reservation time in a single day. Only 4 active reservations per 30-day period are allowed. 4. Meeting rooms can be reserved up to 75 days in advance. There is no limit on the length of reservation time in a single day. Only 2 active reservations per 60-day period are allowed. 13 3 of 3 5. Reservations for any meeting space cannot extend into the next day. Library closing time indicates the end of the reservation. 6. Groups will be permitted 15 minutes of set up and cleanup time on either side of their reservation time. 7. The first meeting and conference room reservations begin 15 minutes after the Library opens for the day. No group or individual will be given before-hours access to the building. Exceptions include events sponsored by the Bozeman Public Library Foundation, the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library, Gallatin County, and the City of Bozeman. The last meeting and conference room reservation ends 15 minutes before the Library closes for the day. No group or individual will be permitted to stay after-hours to continue their meeting. Exceptions include events sponsored by the Bozeman Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Bozeman Public Library. 8. Any individual or group that violates any part of this policy may be excluded from access to the Library’s meeting spaces.The Library Director is authorized to establish reasonable regulations governing the use of meeting rooms. Any exceptions to the rules and regulations outlined in this policy need to be approved by the Library Director or their designee. Adopted by the Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees on... Revised and re-adopted on... 14 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Kitchen Table Policy MEETING DATE:March 20, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Policy Discussion RECOMMENDATION:Move to Adopt STRATEGIC PLAN:3.3 Friendly Community: Ensure Bozeman continues to welcome diversity through policies and public awareness. BACKGROUND:Policy Review UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Draft Kitchen Table Policy.pdf Report compiled on: March 11, 2024 15 Bozeman Public Library Kitchen Table Policy Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to set criteria for the use of the Kitchen Table at the Bozeman Public Library. The Kitchen Table is a dedicated demonstration kitchen for educational purposes. The purpose of the Kitchen Table is to offer a variety of classes related to cooking, nutrition, and culinary arts. The Kitchen Table aims to enhance community knowledge, promote healthy eating, and support local culinary initiatives. Mission: The Bozeman Public Library creates opportunities that inspire curiosity, exploration and connection. Vision: Bozeman Public Library is the community cultural center that connects all Bozeman citizens to their neighbors and the world. Kitchen Table Policies: 1. Use of Kitchen: • The Kitchen Table is exclusively for Library-organized and Library partner programs. • Personal, individual, or organizational use by patrons is not permitted. 2. Class Registration and Scheduling: • Classes may require registration and can be registered for in advance on the Library website. Not all class demonstrations may require pre-registration. • Registration is on a first come-first served basis. Same-day registration is permitted so long as maximum capacity for that particular class is not reached. • Class schedules, including ingredients, will be posted on the Library’s website. • Participants should cancel their pre-registration as early as possible so that waitlisted patrons have an opportunity to attend classes. 3. Health and Safety: • All Gallatin City-County Health Department guidelines must be followed. 16 • Attendees must comply with all health and safety guidelines provided by the class instructor. • Ingredients will be posted to the Library website in advance. It is the responsibility of the patron to be aware of personal allergens. 4. Kitchen Equipment and Supplies: • The kitchen is equipped with necessary cooking tools and appliances for class use. • Ingredients for classes will be provided. 5. Food Handling Standards: • Strict adherence to food safety and hygiene practices is required. • Participants must wash hands before, during, and after cooking activities in the designated handwashing sink. 6. Conduct in Kitchen: • Respectful and cooperative behavior is required at all times. • Any misuse of kitchen facilities or equipment should be reported to the class instructor or Library staff. • All Bozeman Public Library policies must be followed including the Behavior Policy. • Participants may need to sign a Kitchen Table waiver if using kitchen utensils and appliances. 17