HomeMy WebLinkAbout14_Norton Ranch Geo- 77 Acres - Report Rawhide Engineering Inc. 6871 king Avenue West,Suite GlK,Billings,Montana(406)969-5305 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT NORTON RANCH 77 ACRES HUFFINE LANE & FALLON STREET BOZEMAN, MONTANA PREPARED FOR.- Mr. Brett Megaard Hyalite Engineers 2304 N. 7�1 Ave, Suite L Bozeman, MT 59715 Rawhide Engineering,Inc. April 19,2021 RRawhide L F.ir,ineering Inc. April 19, 2021 Hyalite Engineers 2304 N. 71"Ave, Suite L Bozeman, MT 59715 SUBJECT: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report Norton Ranch 77 Acres Huffine Lane & Fallon Street Bozeman, Montana Dear Mr. Megaard: This report presents the results of our preliminary geotechnical investigation for the Norton Ranch 77 Acres located on Huffine Lane & Fallon Street in Bozeman, Montana. The site location and test pit locations are shown on the Vicinity/Site Map shown on Plate 1 at the end of this report. This site is proposed to have residential and commercial mixed use buildings. Our recommendations contained in this report are based on exploratory test pits laboratory testing, engineering analysis and preparation of this report. The recommendations required to design preliminary foundations and utility installation are contained in the attached report. These conclusions and recommendations, along with restrictions and limitations on these conclusions, are discussed in the attached report. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you, and look forward to future endeavors If you have any questions regarding this report or need additlonalr,�f+a,�rliation or services, please feel free to call the undersigned. � 906ERT WAME Sincerely, KUKES RAWHIDE ENGINEERING, INC. Jason A Frank PE Principal Principal ' Enclosures: Reperi (1 nard copy. 1 pdf) Ra%%h4e Engncamg Inc Apnt 15 707• TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................I ProjectDescription..............................................................................................................I Scopeof Service.................................................................................................................I Authorization ......................................................................................................................I Professional Statements and Limitations............................................................................1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................I...................2 FIELD INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................................2 LABORATORY TESTING ..............................................................................................................2 MoistureContent Tests........................................................................................................3 Soil Classification Tests.......................................................................................................3 Resistivityand pH Tests......................................................................................................4 SUBSURFACE SOILS AND GROUNDWATER............................................................................4 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................................4 Excavations ......................................................................................................................4 Material .................................................................................................................5 Placement and Compaction ....................................................................................5 FOUNDATIONS........................................................................................................................5 Shallow Foundations.................................................................................5 StructuralFill..................... ...........................................................................................6 Compaction Requirements...................................................................................................6 CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GRADE.....................................................................................................7 ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONS.....................................................................7 SITEDRAINAGE ............................................................................................................................9 APPENDICES A Plates April 19,2021 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT NORTON RANCH 77 ACRES HUFFINE LANE & EALLON STREET BOZEMAN, MONTANA INTRODUCTION Project Description This report is to determine the subsurface soils on this site and provide preliminary recommendations for future development of residential and commercial mixed use buildings. The project also includes utilities and interior streets. The new buildings will be on Huffine Lane & Fallon Street in Bozeman, Montana as shown on the site map, Plate 1 at the end of this report. Scope of Services Our scope of services for this project consisted of the following: 1_ Excavating 8 exploratory test pits to a depth ranging from 8.0 to 9.0 feet below existing site grades. Piezorneters were set in 4 test pits. 2. Laboratory testing to determine the characteristics of the site soils for use in engineering design. 3. Engineering analysis to aid in the design of structure foundations and structural pavement sections. 4. Provide information as to the existing groundwater conditions at the time of our exploration. 5. Provide recommendations for earthwork and construction on the site. This study did not include evaluations of site seismicity, liquefaction, faulting, or other potential geologic or environmental hazards. This study did not include a groundwater study or the design of a dewatering system. Authorization Authorization to proceed with our work on this project was provided on April 6, 2021. Professional Statements and Limitations Recommendations presented in this report are governed by the physical properties of the soils encountered in the exploratory test pits, laboratory testing, current groundwater conditions, the project layout and design data described in the following proposed construction section. 1 The recommendations presented in this report are based on exploratory test pit locations shown on the site map. Variations in soils may exist between the explored locations and the nature and extent of soil variations may not be evident until construction occurs. if subsurface conditions other than those described in this report are encountered and if project design and layout is substantially altered from the information in this report, Rawhide Engineering should be notified so that recommendations can be reviewed and amended, if necessary. This report has been prepared for design purposes for our client and specifically for this project in accordance with the generally accepted standards of practice at the time the report was written. No warranty, either expressed or implied, are intended or made. Other standards or documents referenced in any given standard cited in this report, or otherwise relied upon by the authors of this report, are only mentioned in the given standard; they are not incorporated into it or "included by reference," as that latter term is used relative to contracts or other matters of law. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION It is our understanding that this project will include mixed use residential and commercial development with utility installation and interior street construction. Structural loads and foundation type will be designed at a later date if the project proceeds on this site. FIELD INVESTIGATION In order to determine and evaluate the subsurface conditions across the site, 8 exploratory test pits were completed using a track hoe provided by Rawhide Engineering. Test pit depths were 8,0 to 9.0 feet below the existing ground surface. The location of the test pits shown on the Vicinity/Site Map were dimensioned from property corners with the site map provided. This location should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. The field investigation was under the direct control of an experienced member of our geotechnical staff who logged the soil conditions for each test pit. Samples were obtained from hulk samples during the test pit excavation. The bulk samples were examined by field personnel, logged and sealed to prevent moisture loss prior to laboratory testing. After completion, the groundwater level in the test pit was recorded and the test pits were backfilled using the excavated material. The test pit logs included at the end of this report are labelled TP-1 through TP-8. A test pit log legend and a description of the Unified Soil Classification System used to identify the soils is included with the test pit logs. 2 LABORATORY TESTING A laboratory testing program was utilized to provide the necessary data for engineering analysis of this project. The testing was used to evaluate the index and engineering properties specifically for the conditions encountered during our field exploration. The following program was used for this project, Moisture Content Tests--ASTM D2216 Moisture content tests were conducted on selected samples obtained from the site. These tests were used to aid in identifying the current soil conditions and aid in classifying the soils. Moisture content tests are shown on the test pit logs. Soil Classification Tests—ASTM D422, D1140, D4318, D2487 and D2488 In order to classify the soils according to the Unified Classification System, soil gradations and Atterberg Limits test were conducted on selected samples. The results of this testing is shown below and on the test pit logs. Gradations and Atterberg Limits Tests Percent Passing Sieve Size TP-6 @ 1.0-2.5 No. 4 100 No. 10 99 No. 20 96 No. 40 86 No_ 80 79 No. 200 64 Plastic Index 9.8 Unified Sandy Lean Clay Classification CL 3 CORROSIYITY AND pH TESTING The City of Bozeman requested corrosivity and pH testing for the soils on the site to determine the life expectancy of metal underground utilities. Four test pits were sampled at a depth of 6.5 feet below existing site grades. The samples were all gravel with sand_ The testing will be performed by Energy Lab in Billings, Montana. The test results will be forwarded when completed by the outside laboratory. SITE CONDITIONS The site is located on the north of Huffine Lane and south of Fallon Street west of Bozeman, Montana. The site is bordered by Huffine on the south, Fallon Street on the north and commercial and agricultural property on the remaining sides. The site is currently covered by vegetation. This 77 acre parcel slopes to the north. Drainage consists of infiltration and runoff to topographical low areas. SUBSURFACE SOILS AND GROUNDWATER The soil conditions encountered on the site generally consist of a layer of vegetated topsoil which was underlain by a layer of sandy lean clay to depths ranging from 2.0 to 4 feet. Beneath the sandy lean clay we encountered gravel with sand and cobbles to the depths explored of 8.0 to 9.0 feet below existing site grades. The sandy lean clay layer was medium stiff and has a moderate plastic index. The gravel with sand was dense and was granular non- plastic. Groundwater was encountered in the test pits at the depths ranging from 4.3 to 5.3 feet during our exploration in April 2021. RECOMMENDATIONS Prior to construction, the topsoil with vegetation layer should be stripped and removed from the site. It appears about 1.0 feet can be used as a reasonable estimate for average depth of stripping. Prior to placing fills for the future building pads, the building pad area should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to 95% of ASTM D698. Excavations resulting from removal operations should be cleaned of all loose material and widened as necessary to permit access to compaction equipment. Excavations The contractor is ultimately responsible for the safety of workers and should strictly observe federal and local OSHA requirements for excavation shoring and safety. All temporary slopes should comply with OSHA requirements for Type A soils in the upper fine grained soils and Type C in the native gravel with sand. [luring wet weather, runoff water should be prevented from entering excavations. 4 It appears that excavation for footings and utility trenches can be readily made with either a conventional backhoe or excavator in the native soil materials. We expect the wails of the footing trenches in the near surface fine grained soils and lower gravel with sand to stand near vertically without significant sloughing_ if trenches are extended deeper than five feet or are allowed to dry out, the excavations may become unstable and should be evaluated to verify their stability prior to occupation by construction personnel. Shoring or sloping of any deep trench wails may be necessary to protect personnel and provide temporary stability. All excavations should comply with current OSHA safety requirements for Type A soils in the upper fine grained soils and Type C in the native gravel with sand. (Federal Register 29 CFR, Part 1926). Backfills for trenches or other excavations within pavement areas should be compacted in six to eight inch layers with mechanical tampers. Jetting and flooding should not be permitted. We recommend all backfill be compacted to a minimum compaction of 97% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. The moisture content of compacted backfill soils should be within 2% of the optimum. Poor compaction in utility trench backfill may cause excessive settlements resulting in damage to the pavement structural section or other overlying improvements. Compaction of trench backfill outside of improvement areas should be a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Material - Pipe bedding shall be defined as all material within six inches of the perimeter of the pipe. Backfill shall be classified as all material within the remainder of the trench. Material for use as bedding shall consist of clean, granular materials, and shall conform to requirements for bedding material listed in the Standard Specifications. Placement and Compaction - Pipe bedding shall be placed in thin layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction_ All other trench backfill shall be placed in thin layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, conditioned to the proper moisture content, and compacted as required for adjacent fill. if not specified, backfill should be compacted to at least 97% relative compaction in areas under structures. utilities, roadways, parking areas, concrete fiatwork, and to 90% relative compaction in undeveloped areas. Foundations At this time this is a preliminary report and the size and design of residential and commercial buildings is not known. We would recommend that future buildings would be constructed with conventional shallow stem wall foundations. The foundations can bear on the native gravel with sand layer. If the gravel layer is lower than the footing elevation they should be excavated down to the gravel with sand and cobble layer. Due to the large cobbles encountered on this site, it 5 may be advantageous to place 1 foot of structural fill under the entire building envelope to aid in concrete forming and provide a uniform bearing surface. Structural loads are not available for this project. Based on our exploration we would recommend an allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 psf for the native gravel with sand layer or compacted structural fill. Settlements will be calculated later when the type of building and structural loads are known. Structural fill shall be placed in layers, moisture conditioned, and compacted to 98% of ASTM D698. Extedor continuous footings should be 3.5 feet in depth to provide frost protection. Interior column footings should be embedded 1 foot in depth for confinement. Wall foundation dimensions should satisfy the requirements listed in the latest edition of the international Commercial Code. Reinforcing steel requirements for foundations should be provided by the design engineer. The allowable bearing pressures, indicated above, are net values, therefore, the weight of the foundation and backfill may be neglected when computing dead loads. Allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for short-term loading such as wind or seismic. Resistance to lateral loads in the sandy lean clay may be calculated using an allowable passive equivalent fluid unit weight of 200 pounds per cubic foot and an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.38 applied to vertical dead loads. Both passive and frictional resistances may be assumed to act concurrently. An allowable active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot may be used. The International Building Code (IBC) site class for this project is Class C. Structural Fill Structural fill will be used beneath the footings and should consist of dense gravel with sand and conforming to the following gradation and plastic index. Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 Inch 100% No. 4 25-65% No. 200 <20% Plastic Index 12 or less All structural fill shall be placed in eight inch loose lifts and uniformly moisture conditioned to within +/-2% of optimum moisture content. The contractor shall provide and use sufficient equipment of a type and weight suitable for the conditions encountered in the field. The equipment shall be capable of obtaining the required compaction in all areas, including those that are inaccessible to ordinary rolling equipment. Compaction Requirements 6 The following table lists the compaction requirements for structural fill, foundation backfill, utility trench backfill and street subgrade preparation. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS Structural Fill Beneath Foundations 98% of ASTM ❑698 Backfill Against Foundations 95% of ASTM D698 Utility Trench Backfill 97% of ASTM D698 Building Pad Construction 95% of ASTM D698 Concrete Slab-on-Grade Construction Prior to constructing concrete stabs, the upper six inches of stab subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned to within 2% of optimum, and uniformly compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. The building pad may be constructed using on site soils or imported fill and then covered by the base course. Scarification and compaction will not be required if floor slabs are to be placed directly on undisturbed compacted structural fill. All concrete floor slabs should have a minim thickness of four inches. Slab thickness and structural reinforcing requirements within the slab should be determined by the design engineer. At least eight inches of crushed base aggregate should be placed beneath slab-on-grade floors to provide uniform support. The aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. In floor slab areas where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, an impermeable membrane (e.g. 10-mil thick polyethylene) should be placed over the base course to reduce the migration of moisture vapor through the concrete slabs. The impermeable membrane should be installed as required by the flooring manufacturer. Current literature from the American Concrete Institute and the Portland Cement Association recommend that the vapor barrier is placed on top of the crushed base course and the concrete is placed directly on the vapor barrier_ Asphalt Pavement Sections The recommended asphalt structural section for the project presented below was calculated using the AASHTO pavement design procedure. Traffic loading information was not available at the issue of this report. If traffic loading information becomes available or if loading is anticipated to exceed assumed loading conditions, alternative pavement structural sections should be determined based on the provided loading information. In our analysis, we have assumed a light—duty section for car parking of 110,000 ESAL's and a heavy-duty section for 7 driving areas that have truck traffic with a loading condition of 375,000 18-kip equivalent single axle load (18-kip ESAL) for the lifetime of the pavement, A CBR value of 3.0 was used for design of the pavement section. PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL. SECTIONS Traffic Condition Recommended Minimum Structural Section Heavy Duty Asphalt Section 4" of Asphalt Pavement on 6 inches of Crushed Base Course on 8 inches of 6" minus pitrun subbase gravel Light Duty Asphalt Section 3" of Asphalt Pavement on 6 inches of Crushed Base Course on 8 inches of pitrun subbase gravel The pitrun subbase may be reduced if the native gravel with sand layer is encountered at the subgrade elevation. It should be noted that the subgrade soils are likely to be prone to frost action during the winter and saturation during the wet spring months. The primary impact of frost action and subgrade saturation is the loss of subgrade and aggregate base strength. The parking/driving areas life will be increased if efforts are made to reduce the accumulation of excess moisture in the subgrade soils. There were areas where it was evident that surface water ponds. These areas should be regarded to drain to preserve the life of the gravel parking section. subgrade and Aggregate Base Subgrade Preparation — Prior to placement of aggregate base, the upper six inches of subgrade soil shall be uniformly compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. This may require scarifying, moisture conditioning, and compacting in both cut and fill areas. Aggregate Base - Aggregate materials shall meet the requirements of the appropriate sections of the 'Standard Specifications" for 1 %" Crushed Base Course. The aggregate base materials must be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to use. After the subgrade is properly prepared, the aggregate base shall be placed in layers, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted by rolling to at least 95% relative compaction. The compaction thickness of aggregate base shall be as shown on the approved plans. 8 Site Drainage and Infiltration Final elevations at the site should be planned so that drainage is directed away from all foundations and concrete slabs. Parking areas should be designed to drain surface water off the sight and away from structures. Residential structures must comply with the current International Residential Code and have six inches of fail in the first ten feet or have drainage swales to carry the water away from the foundations. Rain gutters must be constructed with 6 foot down spouts. Plants and landscaping must be kept 3 feet away from foundations and shall not be obstructed with curbing or other blockages which retain water next to the foundations. 9 APPENDIX A Plates 9 _ Projert Location `t0 :.16 Off { �n -- lilt r iaP"l:"i H'rl;l r 1 ® Mi!•; tp: krh - �I • � .1 ' a. 'ilia;;:r.u:� •r• •..�r� ,���-� fa 340,1:802EfidIS ' f �j�' ..w; . USEd9onlEmp'�ao m,� l TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J. Frank V*. PROJECT: Norton Ranch - 77 Acres DRILL. METHOD: Excavator Huffine Lane& Fallon Street - DRILLER: Duneman Const. ERawlrirle CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers DATE: 4/13/21 Engiiteeriitg Inc. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING b c TEST PIT NUMBER: 'I " MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS 3 = Topsoil with Some Vegetation and Organics-Dark Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff 2 CL Sandy Lean Clay - Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff, -` Moderate Plastic Index 3 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand-Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, 4 Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 5 Groundwater Level at 4.8 Feet 6 7 =z Sample at 6.5 Feet for Corrosive Soils Tests 8 9 = Test Pit Ends at Approximately 9.0 Feet Depth 10 Groundwater Was Encountered at 4.8 Feet Piezometer Set For Groundwater Monitoring 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 Icing Ave. West, Suite G1 K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J. Frank Cq i PROJECT: Norton Ranch-77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator Huf#ine Lane& Fallon Street DRILLER:Duneman Const..E Rttwhkle CLIENT: Halite Engineers DATE: 4/13121 Etrgineering Isrc: LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: 7-i- \40ES LABORATORY TESTING a TEST PIT NUMBER: a n_ o c MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Topsoil with Some Vegetation Grganics and Few Surface 1 Gravels-Dark Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff 2 M1}Jr CL Sandy Lean Clay- Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff, Moderate Plastic Index 4 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand -Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, 5 Dense, Granular ton-Plastic Groundwater Level at 5.4 Feet 6 7 8 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 8.0 Feet Depth 9 Groundwater Was Encountered at 5A Feet 10 11 12— 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 L 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1 K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:{406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J. Frank l PROJECT: Norton Ranch - 77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator Huff€ne Lane& Fallon Street DRILLER: Duneman Const. ElSLrlsulride CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers _ DATE: 4/13121 .1" Engineeritig lice. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING o y TEST PIT NUMBER: 3 v .. 7 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Topsoil with Some Vegetation and Organics-Dark Brown, 1 Moist, Medium Stiff C#w Sandy Lean Clay - Brown. Moist, Medium Stiff, 2 Moderate Plastic Index 3 4 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand-G.ray/Brown, Moist to Wet, Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 5 Groundwater level at 5.3 Feet 6 7 Sample at 6.5 Feet for Corrosive Soils Tests 8 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 9.0 Feet Depth 10 Groundwater Was Encountered at 5.3 Feet Piezometer Set For Groundwater Monitoring 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1 K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax;(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J, Frank -�4 PROJECT: Norton Ranch -77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator Huffine Lane& Fallon Street DRILLER:Duneman Const. R E Ritivhirle CLIENT: Halite Engineers DATE: 4/13121 Ejrgijieerijig Inc. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING TEST PIT NUMBER: 4 � g o " MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Topsoil with Some Vegetation Organics and Few Surface 1 Gravels-Dark Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff;,= CL Sandy Lean Clay - Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff,ss .: Moderate Plastic Index 3 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand -Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 4 5 Groundwater Level at 4.8 Feet 6 7 8 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 8.5 Feet Depth Groundwater Was Encountered at 4.8 Feet 1a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J. Frank -- 116. PROJECT: Norton Ranch-77 Acres ©RILL METHOD: Excavator HuffEne Lane & Fallon Street DRILLER:Duneman Const. R Rawhide CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers DATE: 4/13/21 E--1 Enghteeritig lira. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING TEST PIT NUMBER: 5 = G s M ' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS 5 Topsoil with Some Vegetation Organics and Few Su ace 1 � Gravels-Dark Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff ls�i,tt�r 2 ✓r s CL Sand Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff, s Y Lean Clay- Moderate Plastic Index W, 4 5 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand - Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 6 Groundwater Level at 5.5 Feet 7 $ Test Pit Ends at Approximately 8.0 Feet Depth Groundwater Was Encountered at 5.5 Feet 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave_West, Suite G1 K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:(406) 969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J Frank PROJECT: Norton Ranch - 77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator Huffine Lane& Fallon Street DRILLER:Duneman Cons#, Rawhide CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers ©ATE: 4113121 Engirreerin�r lire. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES 73 LABORATORY TESTING TEST PIT NUMBER: 6 � ^ � � .� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS V 3 E: Topsoil with Some Vegetation Organics and Few Surface 1 Gravels- ©ark Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff CL Sandy Lean Clay-Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff, 2 Moderate Plastic Index F 19.4 9.8 64.2 2.0 �`cn S. 3 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand-Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, 4 Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 5 Groundwater Level at 4.3 Feet 6 7 8 9 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 8.5 Feet Depth Groundwater Was Encountered at 4.3 Feet 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1 K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J. Frank PROJECT: Norton Ranch - 77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator Huffine Lane& Fallon Street DRILLER: Duneman Const. ER Rawhide CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers DATE: 4/13121 Engineering Iize. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING TEST PIT NUMBER: 7 r K o o a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS v Topsoil with Some Vegetation and Organics_Dark Brown, 1 Moist, Medium Stiff _f BM CL Sandy Lean Clay- Brown, Moist, Medium Stiff, 2 Moderate Plastic Index y��fSfl�tfl 4 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand - Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, 5 Dense, Granular Non-Plastic Groundwater Level at 5.0 Feet E 7 Sample at 6.5 Feet for Corrosive Soils Tests 8 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 9.0 Feet Depth 10 Groundwater Was Encountered at 5.0 Feet Piezometer Set For Groundwater Monitoring 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1K, Billings, MT 59106 (406) 969-5305 Fax:(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LOGGED BY: J Frank PROJECT: Norton Ranch- 77 Acres DRILL METHOD: Excavator HufFrne Lane & Fallon Street DRILLER: Duneman Const. R E Rawhide CLIENT: Hyalite Engineers DATE: 4/13/21 Ertgiliecrutg bic. LOCATION: Bozeman, Montana ELEVATION: SAMPLES LABORATORY TESTING c � � TEST PIT NUMBER: 8 _ 2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS 3 Topsoil with Some Vegetation and Organics- Dark Brown, 1 Moist, Medium Stiff CL Sandy Lean Clay-Brown; Moist, Medium Stiff, 2 �� Moderate Plastic index 4 GP Gravel and Cobbles with Sand - Gray/Brown, Moist to Wet, Dense, Granular Non-Plastic 5 Groundwater Level at 4.7 Feet 6 7 Sample at 6.5 Feet for Corrosive Soils Tests 8 9 Test Pit Ends at Approximately 9.0 Feet Depth 10 Groundwater Was Encountered at 4.7 Feet Piezometer Set For Groundwater Monitoring 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6871 King Ave. West, Suite G1K, Billings, MT 59106 (406)969-5305 Fax:(406)969-5307 TEST PIT LOG LEGEND MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Soil Pattern USCS Symbol USCS Classification FILL Artificial Fill GP or GW Poorly/Weil graded GRAVEL GM Silty GRAVEL GC Clayey GRAVEL GP-GM Poorly graded GRAVEL with Silt GP-GC Poorly graded GRAVEL with Clay SP or SW PoorlytWell graded SAND SM Silty SAND Sc Clayey SAND SP-SM Poorly graded SAND with Silt SP-SC Poorly graded SAND with Clay SC-SM Silty Clayey SAND MIL Sl LT MH Elastic SILT CL-ML Silty CLAY CL Lean CLAY CH Fat CLAY PCEM PARTIALLY CEMENTED = - CEM CEMENTED BDR BEDROCK CONSISTENCY Cohesionless Soils Cohesive Soils Cementation VL Very Loose So Soft MH Moderately Hard L Loose F Firm H Hard MD Medium Dense S Stiff VH Very Hard D Dense VS Very Stiff VD Very Dense ilillAN111A1/ SAMPLING SPT Shelby Tube NR No Recovery Bulk Sample Water Table ERawhide F.iiguzeeritzg lite. UNIFIED Salk CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM CrfWU far Austpnhtp Oraup SY+tpoa=W Gmp Nwm ustnp Laboratary Tvats' son t:#assacstlon Gcoup &yn" Group C481a Golbta6 Uft Gnhto a Clean onmets a7:4 and 1 is Cc s W caw W0 s2dad o—W Mwa umrs tS0%rasatnedmm Ponhadko of iim" Lass Shan feet*me Q st t�4 WAY 1>Cc-,a' GP Paory Graded f�on Ma 2W slam Fig.4 sib" Gnus aft Rasa Finn dawi y as UL or&ae GM My graver^. 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