HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFP_GIS Roadmap Questions and ResponsesQuestion Response Pg 5 Proposal Requirements: Firm/Individual, are you asking for the Org Chart?Yes Pg 6 Proposal Requirements: General and Technical Requirements?We are an ESRI shop that has integration with City Works and VertiGIS Geocortex products. “General and Technical Requirements.” - please tell us what your firm sees as technical requirements to meet the scope of the GIS Roadmap for the City of Bozeman. For instance, are all of our components up to date. If not, what would it take technically to get them there. The Scope of the Project certainly is going to need to include what Technical Requirements it will take to build a roadmap for GIS. The question relates to the following text in section II Project Background and Description – “ Additionally, we are looking to upgrade our Cityworks implementation. Recommendations should include direction to upgrade Cityworks and a roadmap that outlines upgrading Cityworks from vs 15.8.3 to vs 2023.” Will Phase II of this services contract require the vendor to upgrade Cityworks, or is it focused on providing recommendations around the upgrade including the hardware and environment which it runs on? In response to your question, the City of Bozeman is interested to hear your recommendations regarding updating Cityworks in Phase 1 which may include a review on the hardware and environment and recommendations on how to proceed with this upgrade. Phase 2 of the contract may include upgrading Cityworks hardware and environment. We recognize that this is a 3rd party integration and may require a subcontractor. Question 1: Does the City of Bozeman have a budget for Phase I – Needs Assessment and Roadmap? Yes, our budget for this RFP in FY24 which is approximately $80,000. Question 2: How important is any prior experience with the City of Bozeman?Page 7 of the RFP has the Selection Criteria for scoring the RFP's which does not include previous experience with the City of Bozeman. Question 3: Does the City anticipate on-site, remote or hybrid consulting services model? The City is interested in hearing your approach to consulting services and will consider on-site, remote or a hybrid models. Question 4: Does the City of Bozeman want to include a Public engagement or Public consultation strategy as part of the Needs Assessment and Roadmap? We would be interested in hearing what a Public Engagement component to the Needs Assessment and Roadmap would include, but it is not required. RFP Section IV. Proposal Requirements states that bidder responses should include a section entitled “General and Technical Requirements.” Can you please elaborate on the type of content you expect to be included in that section and how it differs from, for example, the “Scope of Project” and “Description of Proposed Approach to the Project” sections. “General and Technical Requirements.” - please tell us what your firm sees as technical requirements to meet the scope of the GIS Roadmap for the City of Bozeman. For instance, are all of our components up to date. If not, what would it take technically to get them there. The Scope of the Project certainly is going to need to include what Technical Requirements it will take to build a roadmap for GIS. “Description of Proposed Approach to the Project” should tell is how your firm would approach implementing the technical requirements. What information would you would like to see addressed or included in the General and Technical Requirements section of proposals (RFP section IV. Proposal Requirements)? We would like to know what your firm's approach to updating our systems would be given 3rd party integrations and the physical environment that our systems are hosted on. 1.Can the city provide a diagram or other documentation that explains the current architecture which includes servers and OS versions, Enterprise GIS components and versions (Web Adaptor, Portal, ArcGIS Server, Data Store, Enterprise Geodatabase, etc.), and all integrations and their versions (in addition to Cityworks and VertiGIS). Yes, the City is prepared to provide this information to the consulting firm that is awarded the contract(s). 2. Is the city considering Cityworks Online (Cloud Hosted Cityworks) in the future and if so when? Not at this time Will the city be utilizing extended Cityworks Support for assistance with future upgrades? Possibly 4. Are there dedicated Enterprise GIS administrators currently on staff and if so, who currently performs these duties (position title and department)? If none on staff, does the city currently or routinely contract for these services? Yes, the City has a GIS/AM Systems Administrator on staff. That position is in the Strategic Services Department. We have utilized contracted services for system updates in the past. 5. Are routine backups occurring, is there a disaster recovery plan and process in place for system outages? Yes, but we are interested in knowing if we are conforming to best practices with regard to disaster recovery. 6. Does the city have an Esri Enterprise Agreement (EA)? An EA is a contract in which the customer commits to a set fee to Esri for a specified period of time in exchange for a set of unlimited software licensing and maintenance (for such things ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Enterprise). Yes, the City of Bozeman has an Esri Enterprise Agreement (EA). What version of ArcGIS Enterprise is currently deployed? 10.9. Is Enterprise deployed on-prem or in the cloud?We store our data on prem, but also utilize ESRI's AGOL for some data storage. How many tiers are there in the current Enterprise architecture? (e.g. production and staging? Dev environment?) We have a production environment our GIS and a test and production environment for City Works. We are interested in understanding what it would take to implement staging and dev environments for our ESRI platform. Who manages the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment?We have a GIS/AM Systems Administrator on staff who has worked independently and with contracted services to perform updates to our environment. What VertiGIS applications do they have deployed?We currently are running Geocortex We also have 10 Viewers with two public facing viewers that are highly utilized by City employees, Contractors and Citizens. We have begun to implement VertiGIS Studio Web. We also use Geocortex Analytics. How many end users are there across the GIS and Asset Management applications? AGOL ~66 Portal ~ 238 City Works ~ 152 Geocortex ~ 515 unique users/ week in the month of February How many City departments are currently stakeholders?The City of Bozeman has 33 unique departments, GIS/AM has been utilized by 29 of those departments in the last 6 months. Is on-site work anticipated?Maybe, although we have completed systems updated in on -prem, remote and hybrid environments. We understand the concept of a roadmap for GIS and spatial technology within the City. At a practical level, roadmaps of this sort are often at a higher level than the details needed for implementation (e.g., labor level of effort, technology purchases, detailed work plan, budget, timeline). Is it the City’s intent that the Phase I roadmap product include such details for each identified course of action? We would like to have as much detail as you can provide, knowing that at this stage the consultant may not have all the necessary details to (such as our system architecture). There is a Phase 2, and that will be budgeted over two years for implementation of the presented Roadmap. Does the City have a “roadmap team” or committee that will work with us to make sure our Phase I work is practical, effective, and seen as useful throughout City government? Yes, there will be a team that consists of the Strategic Services Director, GIS Program Manager & GIS Asset Management Manager that will work with the consultant that is awarded the RFP during the implementation process. We would be interested in hearing ideas about a GIS Technical Committee and what implementation of that could look like.