HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-24-24 TB Agenda and Packet MaterialsA. Call to Order - 6:00 PM B. Disclosures C. Changes to the Agenda D. Approval of Minutes D.1 I move to approve the December 11, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes (Ross) E. Public Comments THE TRANSPORTATION BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA TB AGENDA Wednesday, January 24, 2024 General information about the Transportation Board can be found in our Laserfiche repository. If you are interested in commenting in writing on items on the agenda please send an email to agenda@bozeman.net or by visiting the Public Comment Page prior to 12:00pm on the day of the meeting. Public comments will also be accepted in-person and through Video Conference during the appropriate agenda items. As always, the meeting will be streamed through the Commission's video page and available in the City on cable channel 190. For more information please contact Nick Ross, nross@bozeman.net This meeting will be held both in-person and also using an online videoconferencing system. You can join this meeting: Via Video Conference: Click the Register link, enter the required information, and click submit. Click Join Now to enter the meeting. Via Phone: This is for listening only if you cannot watch the stream, channel 190, or attend in- person United States Toll +1 346 248 7799 Access code: 982 5865 6090 This is the time to comment on any matter falling within the scope of the Transportation Board. There will also be time in conjunction with each agenda item for public comment relating to that item but you may only speak once per topic. Please note, the Board cannot take action on any item which does not appear on the agenda. All persons addressing the Board shall speak in a civil and courteous manner and members of the audience shall be respectful of others. Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record and limit your comments to three minutes. 1 F. FYI/Discussion F.1 Transportation Advisory Board Work Session on Commission Priorities and Board Work Plan(Lonsdale) G. Adjournment General public comments to the Board can be found on their Laserfiche repository page. This board generally meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Citizen Advisory Board meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Mike Gray, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Transportation Board FROM:Nicholas Ross, Director of Transportation and Engineering SUBJECT:I move to approve the December 11, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes MEETING DATE:January 24, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:I move to approve the December 11, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes. STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Minutes from the December 11, 2023 Transportation Advisory Board. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:As recommended by the board. FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: 121123 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes Report compiled on: January 8, 2024 3 Bozeman Transportation Board Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023 Page 1 of 4 THE TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES December 11, 2023 A)00:03:34 Call to Order - 6:00 PM Present: Bryce Gordon, Christine Roberts, Shannon Mahoney, Courtney Oyler, Paul Reichert, Cyndy Andrus, Rio Roland Absent: None Excused: Kelly Pohl Staff present at the Dias: Director of Transportation and Engineering, Nicholas Ross, Transportation Engineer, Taylor Lonsdale, Public Works Office Manager, Marcy Yeykal. B)Disclosures There were no disclosures. C)00:04:34 Changes to the Agenda 00:04:48 Vice Chair Reichert asked for a motion to excuse Chair Pohl from tonight's meeting. 00:04:56 Motion to approve to excuse Chair Pohl from tonight's meeting. Rio Roland: Motion Bryce Gordon: 2nd 00:05:06 Vote on the Motion to approve to excuse Chair Pohl from tonight's meeting The Motion carried 6 - 0. Approve: Bryce Gordon Christine Roberts Shannon Mahoney 4 Bozeman Transportation Board Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Courtney Oyler Paul Reichert Rio Roland Disapprove: None D) 00:05:11 Approval of Minutes D.1 I move to approve the October 25, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes 102523 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes 00:05:18 Motion to approve the October 25, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes. Bryce Gordon: Motion Courtney Oyler: 2nd 00:05:31 Vote on the Motion to approve the October 25, 2023 Transportation Board Meeting Minutes. The Motion carried 6 - 0. Approve: Bryce Gordon Christine Roberts Shannon Mahoney Courtney Oyler Paul Reichert Rio Roland Disapprove: None E) 00:05:49 Public Comments 00:05:55 Marilee Brown, Public Comment Marilee brown commented on the last time the board met there was supposed to be discussion on the Capital Improvement Plan that was on the agenda and the board did not speak to that item. She also spoke about going to the country roads meeting earlier that morning and she is hoping that someone could comment if she missed that project on the CIP or if it was delayed to another time. F) 00:08:17 FYI/Discussion Mayor Andrus made an FYI to the board and thanked the board for their work and enjoyed being on the commission for this transportation board. 5 Bozeman Transportation Board Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Director of Transportation and Engineering, Nicholas Ross also made an FYI to the board. He thanked Mayor Andrus and Christie Roberts for their time serving on this board. He also talked about the Kagy boulevard project being fully funded through the Federal muti-model project discretional grant program. F.1 00:14:11 2023 Citizen Advisory Board Ethics Trainings 00:14:48 Staff Presentation Director of Transportation and Engineering, Nicholas Ross presented the 2023 Citizen Advisory Board Ethics Trainings to the board. F.2 00:41:12 Discussion of Shared Micromobility Program Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Draft Scope of Services and Qualifications Critieria.pdf Bozeman Micromobility Policy Toolkit.pdf 00:41:20 Staff Presentation Transportation Engineer, Taylor Lonsdale presented the Shared Micro-mobility Program Request for Qualifications to the board. 00:49:46 Questions of Staff 01:04:36 Public Comment 01:04:42 David Tucker, Public Comment David Tucker had a question about the how the city is thinking about the phasing of updating the infrastructure with the rollout of micromobility program. F.3 01:06:41 Discussion of Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Prioritization and the Gap Analysis and Connectivity Plan Idaho Falls Project Scoring Criteria.pdf 01:06:42 Staff Presentation Transportation Engineer, Taylor Lonsdale presented the Bicycle and Pedestrian Project Prioritization and the Gap Analysis and Connectivity Plan. 01:14:49 Questions of Staff 01:46:58 Public Comment 01:47:02 Marilee Brown, Public Comment Marilee commented on discussing cost of the projects. There are small and large standalone projects, and some of them will be covered by collector and arterial fees, which will be competing with other projects. She would like the city to be discussing how to find sources in the future. Also, in the past, public comments was the number one reason that pathways were considered. She thinks there needs to be a much better way for the public to weigh in on things. 6 Bozeman Transportation Board Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2023 Page 4 of 4 01:49:25 David Tucker, Public Comment David Tucker spoke about prioritizing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. He has been living here now 10 years and thinks it has gotten less safe and harder to bike commute. He would like to see one bold, big project that really makes bike commuting safe for everyone. 01:51:42 Board Discussion G) 01:54:39 Adjournment This board generally meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 7 Memorandum REPORT TO:Transportation Board FROM:Taylor Lonsdale, Transportation Engineer Nicholas Ross, Director of Transportation and Engineering SUBJECT:Transportation Advisory Board Work Session on Commission Priorities and Board Work Plan MEETING DATE:January 24, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Provide input to the City Commission related to Commission Priorities STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:Every two years the Bozeman City Commission identifies a list of city priorities. The City Advisory Boards operate from a two year work plan that are connected to the Commission priorities. Based on input from the City's Advisory Boards, the Commission is soliciting input from the Boards on their priority setting efforts. The intent of this work session is to gather Board input on Commission priorities and Board Work Plan ideas. The ideas for Commission priorities will be passed along to the City Manager for the Commission's consideration. The staff will utilize the input on the Board Work Plan in the development of the Work Plan that will be presented and further discussed at the February board meeting. The Commission priorities are based on the following criteria: 1) Priority must be completed within 2 years, 2) Commission must be able to resource the priority - time, staffing, budget, 3) Priority accomplishment must be measurable. The Commission tends to keep their priorities to a summary of one sentence or so. The Commission Priorities for 2022-2023 were identified in Resolution 5368. The Transportation Board Work Plan for 2022-2023 was discussed at the January 26, 2022 Board meeting . UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None identified. ALTERNATIVES:As suggested by the board. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Report compiled on: January 16, 2024 8 9