HomeMy WebLinkAboutTPCC and TTAC Kickoff Presentation MPO Review and Next Steps MDT Rail, Transit & Planning Division 1 Today’s Topics and Agenda MPO 101 MPO Designation Process Summary Post Designation Next Steps 2 2 MPO 101 3 3 MPO 101 - Definitions Requirements: 23 USC 134; 23 CFR Part 450 Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Federal statutes require “an MPO shall be designated for each urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000 individuals (as determined by the Bureau of the Census).”(23 USC 134 and 23 CFR 450) Three MPOs existed in Montana prior to 2020 Census results Billings Great Falls Missoula Bozeman and Helena recently designated as Montana’s 4th and 5th MPOs 4 4 MPO 101 Purpose: Metropolitan Planning Organizations are designated to carry out a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive performance-based multimodal transportation planning process. Establishment of a Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee [23 USC 134 (b)(2)] Required documents: Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Public Participation Plan (PPP) Annual List of Obligated Projects MPO Funding Metropolitan Planning (PL) Funds Transit Planning (5303) Funds 5 5 Gallatin Valley MPO Structure Public Involvement MPO Staff City of Bozeman Transportation and Engineering Department Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee (TPCC) 6 Voting Members: 1. Bozeman Mayor 2. Bozeman Commissioner 3. Belgrade City Manager 4. Gallatin County Commission Chair 5. (MDT) District Administrator 6. Gallatin Valley UTD Chair 7. At-large member Non-Voting Members: 1. Division Administrator, FHWA 2. Region 8 Administrator, FTA Voting Members: 1. Bozeman Director of Community Development 2. Bozeman Director of Transportation and Engineering 3. Belgrade Director of Community Development 4. Belgrade City Engineer 5. County Chief Planning Officer 6. County Engineering Director 7. MDT Statewide and Urban Planning Supervisor 8. MDT District Preconstruction Engineer 9. Gallatin Valley UTD Director 10. Gallatin Valley UTD Operations Coordinator 11. Montana State University Associate Vice President, Facilities Management Non-Voting Members: 1. Bozeman/Yellowstone International Airport Manager of Operations 2. Gallatin City-County Health Officer 3. Representative of Bozeman School District 7 4. Representative of Belgrade School District 44 5. Representatives from Bozeman’s, Belgrade’s, and the County’s planning or transportation related boards or commissions 6 MPO 101 Transportation Technical Advisory Committee Purpose: Provide the TPCC with the technical expertise to carry out the 3C’s Transportation Planning in the Metropolitan Planning Area.    Established by formal agreement with adopted bylaws. The TTAC: Is the technical advisory body of the MPO consisting of various subject matter experts to help inform decisions made by TPCC.  Reviews, comments, and recommends implementation of long and short-range transportation programs for the urbanized area. Considers and reviews priorities for relevant programs as the whole committee or sub-committee working groups.  7 7 MPO 101 Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee Purpose: Ensure transportation planning is an integral part of the comprehensive regional planning for each urban area and ensure that the transportation planning remains current. Established by formal agreement with adopted bylaws. The TPCC: Manages the executive business of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process Acts as the official decision-making body for the MPO. Adopts and approves long and short-range transportation programs for the urbanized area, including the following key products. UPWP LRTP TIP PPP Approves Priorities for relevant programs 8 8 MPO 101 Planning Products/Required Documents *All documents must be publicly available on an MPO webpage. 9 9 MPO 101 Federal Funding for MPO Metropolitan Planning (PL) Funding  Provided for carrying out the required planning process and documents Transit Planning Funding (5303 – Transit Planning) Provided for the purposes of transit planning, not operation No additional direct allocation of federal transportation funding 10 10 MPO 101 Metropolitan Planning (PL) Funding Purpose: PL funds are used to fund MPO staff and transportation planning activities Use of PL funds is documented in the Annual Work Program (UPWP) Allocation: Population based distribution Proportional across all Montana MPOs Eligible Activities: Carry out the MPO planning requirements Develop management systems including asset management Performance-based planning and programming (PBPP) 11 11 MPO 101 Transit Planning Funding (5303) Purpose: Provide funding for multimodal transportation planning Allocation: Funds are apportioned by formula to the State The State then sub-allocates the funding to each MPO Eligible Activities: Develop transportation plans and programs Plan and evaluate a public transportation project Conduct technical studies related to public transportation 12 12 MPO FORMATION PROCESS 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Meetings, Bylaws, and Remaining Agreements Schedule for committee meetings Monthly meetings for each committee Adopt TPCC and TTAC Bylaws Needs to be executed prior to taking any formal committee actions PL Funding Agreement Needs to be executed before receiving and reimbursing PL Funds Performance Based Planning Agreement 17 17 18 18 MPA Boundary 19 Local officials and MDT Discuss future growth in the area outside of urban boundaries for purposes of transportation planning and programming Consider census urban population definition Consider zoning and land-use Agree on an area that is reasonably anticipated to become “urban” in the next 20-year planning horizon MPO submits a request to MDT for approval of the boundary MPA boundary establishes the planning area for the MPO planning processes including the UPWP, LRTP and TIP. 19 20 20 21 21 MPO Post-Designation Process Develop UPWP Development of 1st UPWP Decisions need to be made about how to spend 1st year of PL allocation Completed and approved UPWP is required for reimbursement of PL and 5303 funds; activities that occur prior to UPWP approval are NOT reimbursable Proposed Timeline – For FFY25 UPWP MPO approval of UPWP by August 2024 MDT to submit to FHWA for approval September 2024 Eligibility to expend PL funds beginning October 2024 22 22 23 23 Public Participation Plan Purpose Define the public participation process for the MPO Key Requirements Developed in consultation with all interested parties Describe procedures, strategies, and desired outcomes Meet federal regulation requirements of 23 CFR 450.316 Approval TTAC recommends approval to the TPCC Copies of the approved plan are provided to FHWA and FTA for informational purposes only Update Cycle Periodically 24 24 25 25 Long Range Transportation Plan Purpose Define the vision for the regional transportation systems and services over at least a 20-year planning horizon Key Requirements List of fiscally constrained, committed, and recommended projects List all federally funded projects located within the MPO Once adopted, all federally funded projects must be consistent with the MPO LRTP List illustrative projects for future years Approval TTAC recommends approval to the TPCC Update Cycle Updated every 5 years 26 26 27 27 Transportation Improvement Program Purpose: Represents immediate priority Lists projects to be funded with FHWA/FTA funds Key Requirements: Covers a period of no less than four years Approved by the MPO in coordination with MDT Includes all projects Estimated costs, funding source, and year of obligation Anticipated project scope MDT provides draft TIP tables to the MPO for all MDT administered federal funding programs Must be consistent with an approved LRTP before funding is programmed Must be fiscally constrained Approval Recommendation passed from the TTAC to the TPCC for final approval Update Cycle Updated at least every four years, but typically updated more frequently 28 28 Questions 29 29 Action Items/Next Steps 30 30 Summary of Next Steps Begin recurring TTAC and TPCC meetings Begin recruitment for GVMPO Manager Execution of TPCC and TTAC Bylaws Electing committee officers Execution of PL Funding and Performance Based Planning Agreements Setting up financial and administration systems Performance Measures and Targets Setting of MPA Boundary Development of 1st UPWP 31 31 Discussion 32 32