HomeMy WebLinkAbout005 Baxter 80 Project Summary1. Application Forms and Fees
The required checklists for the Baxter 80 Minor Subdivision are included at the end of this
project narrative. The calculated fee totals are outlined below.
Component Fee (FY 2023)Quantity Total
Annexation $2,440 1 $2,440
TOTAL $2,440
2. Executive Summary
True North Partners, LLC is applying for Annexation and Initial Zoning for a tract located
immediately adjacent to Bozeman City limits between West Oak Street and Baxter Lane. The
subject property will undergo minor subdivision into five (5) lots totaling 80.71 acres. The tract is
wholly located in Gallatin County, and it is zoned AS (Agricultural Suburban). With the
development of the Northwest Crossing underway to the east of the subject property, this
annexation is a logical and timely extension to the City of Bozeman. Appendix A includes a
zoning map that outlines the initial zoning proposed for the subject property.
3. Project Overview
The City of Bozeman has designated the subject property’s Future Land Use as Urban
Neighborhood (Appendix B) within the 2020 Community Plan. The applicant is requesting a mix
of zoning including R-4 and R-5 for the subject property. The proposed zoning correlates to the
existing Future Land Use designation (Appendix B).
The subject property is surrounded by land annexed by the City of Bozeman to the south and
east. Parcels that surround the subject property to the south and east are zoned R-3, R-4 and
REMU by the City of Bozeman. The parcels to the west and north are zoned within Gallatin
County. Northeast and west of the property is zoned as Agriculture Suburban, and the parcel to
the northwest is zoned as Rural, Residential and Agricultural (Appendix A).
Future development of the subject property by the owner includes roads and utilities that allow
for subsequent development of the lots. Expected uses are complementary in nature, and they
include a mix of residential and non-residential uses. In accordance with the City of Bozeman
Unified Development Code (UDC), the primary character of lots will be residential, but the
zoning provides varying levels of commercial and civic uses supporting a compact and walkable
4. Responses to Annexation Goals
Pursuant to City of Bozeman Resolution No. 5076, the following ten (10) goals have been
addressed by the proposed development to help the City evaluate the annexation request.
1. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations of land contiguous to the City.
Response: The subject property is contiguous to the City of Bozeman. The
eastern and southern boundary provide the required contiguity.
2. The City encourages all areas that are totally surrounded by the City to annex.
Response: This site is not completely surrounded by annexed property, but its
southern and eastern edge is contiguous with annexed property. The subject
property is within the Bozeman Growth Policy boundary. This goal is mainly for
particular properties within the existing City boundaries.
3. The City encourages all properties currently contracting with the City or City services such as
water, sanitary sewer and/or fire to annex.
Response: The property is not currently contracting with the City for services, but
it intends to do so upon annexation, as is required.
4. The City of Bozeman requires annexation of all land proposed for development lying within
the existing and planned service area of the municipal water and sewer systems as depicted in
their respective facility plans, any land proposed for development that proposes to utilize
municipal water or sewer systems.
Response: The property is located within the growth policy boundary (Appendix
B) area and service boundaries of the existing municipal water and sewer systems
(Appendix C).
5. The City encourages annexations within the urban area identified on the future land use map
in the current Bozeman Growth Policy.
Response: The subject property is located within the proposed urban growth area,
and it is a logical extension of the City with multiple proposed streets, open
spaces, and connections to existing and proposed residential and mixed-use
6. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations to make the City boundaries more regular
rather than creating irregular extensions which leave unannexed gaps between annexed areas
or islands of annexed or unannexed land.
Response: The annexation of the subject property would create a more square
City boundary. With the recent growth of the Gallatin Valley, and the development
of the Northwest Crossing, this development provides a logical and timely
addition to the City. The increased housing and services will help to decrease the
housing demand that the City is experiencing.
7. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations which will enhance the existing traffic
circulation system or provide for circulation systems that do not exist at the present time.
Response: The proposed development will extend Forest Glen Drive and connect
to the proposed Northwest Crossing transportation network (Harvest Parkway and
Touchstory Lane). The proposed development will increase connectivity between
West Oak Street, Baxter Lane, and the proposed Laurel Parkway. Furthermore, the
open space will provide pedestrian circulation that is currently lacking in the
subject area.
8. The City prefers annexation of parcels of land larger than five (5) acres in size but will allow
annexation of smaller parcels if factors such as topographic limitations, sanitary disposal needs,
fire access, maintenance of public facilities, etc., justify a smaller annexation.
Response: The subject property is significantly larger than five (5) acres. It is
80.71 acres.
9. The City seeks to obtain water rights adequate for future development of the property with
Response: There are two (2) water rights associated with the subject property.
Water right 41H 30159830 is an active surface water right on Baxter Creek for
irrigation purposes. Water right 41H 30159834 is an active surface water right on
the West Gallatin River for irrigation purposes. The subject water rights will be
transferred to the City upon annexation of the subject property. The applicant
agrees to provide required water rights as the project is developed.
10. The City of Bozeman encourages annexations for City provision of clean treated water and
sanitary sewer.
Response: Annexation of the subject property will result in the extension of City
water and sanitary sewer services. A comprehensive stormwater management
plan will be developed for the subject property, and that plan will be City-
5. Responses to Annexation Policies
Pursuant to City of Bozeman Resolution No. 5076, the following 19 goals have been addressed
by the proposed development to help the City evaluate the annexation request.
1. Annexations must include dedication of all easements for rights-of-way for collector and
arterial streets, adjacent local streets, public water, sanitary sewer, or storm or sewer mains,
and Class I public trails not within the right of way for arterial or collector streets. Annexations
must also include waivers of right to protest the creation of special or improvement districts
necessary to provide the essential services for future development of the City.
Response: The applicant is willing to dedicate any required easements and rights-
of-way, sign waivers of right to protest for future SIDs, and transfer usable water
rights as the property is developed.
2. Issues pertaining to master planning and zoning must be addressed prior to or in conjunction
with the application for annexation.
Response: A request for initial zoning has been submitted with this application.
Adjacent conditions, circulation, potential open space, connectivity, adjacent
zoning, and watercourse locations were all considered when determining
requested zoning.
3. The application for annexation must be in conformance with the current Bozeman Growth
Policy. If a Growth Policy Amendment is necessary to accommodate anticipated uses, the
amendment process must be initiated by the property owner and completed prior to any action
for approval of the application for annexation.
Response: The requested R-4 and R-5 zoning correlates with the Future Land Use
Designation per the 2020 Community Plan (Appendix B).
4. Initial zoning classification of the property to be annexed will be determined by the City
Commission, in compliance with the Bozeman Growth Policy and upon a recommendation of
the City Zoning Commission, simultaneously with review of the annexation petition.
Response: It is understood that the initial zoning of the subject property will be
reviewed by the City Commission concurrently with the Annexation Application.
5. The applicant must indicate their preferred zoning classification as part of the annexation
Response: The applicant is requesting a mix of R-4 and R-5 for this project. The
locations and aggregated areas of the proposed zoning classifications are
illustrated in Appendix A. Additional information is included below to satisfy the
requirements of initial zoning of the subject property.
6. Fees for annexation processing will be established by the City Commission.
Response: The applicant understands that there is a fee associated with the
annexation and zoning of this tract. The required fee will be submitted as part of
the completed application.
7. It is the policy of the City that annexations will not be approved where unpaved county roads
will be the most used route to gain access to the property unless the landowner proposes a
method to provide for construction of the road to the City’s street standards.
Response: No unpaved county roads are proposed for access to the subject
property. The applicant intends to install road improvements onsite that are
designed and constructed according to the City’s street standards.
8. Prior to annexation of property, the City will require the property owner to acquire adequate
and useable water rights, or an appropriate fee in lieu thereof, in accordance with Section
38.410.130 of the municipal code, as amended.
Response: The Applicant agrees to provide required water rights, or an
appropriate fee in lieu thereof, as the project is developed.
9. Infrastructure and emergency services for an area proposed for annexation will be reviewed
for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and conformance with the City’s adopted facility
plans. If the City determines adequate services cannot be provided to ensure public health,
safety and welfare, the City may require the property owner to provide a written plan for
accommodation of these services, or the City may reject the petition for annexation.
Additionally, the parcel to be annexed may only be provided sanitary sewer service via the
applicable drainage basin defined in the City Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan.
Response: Adequate infrastructure and emergency services currently exist to
serve the property. The subject property is currently located within the jurisdiction
of the City of Bozeman Fire Station 3. Fire Station 3 is located 1.8 miles west of the
subject property. Additionally, the Bozeman Police Department and American
Medical Response ambulances serve the area. Future site development will
conform to City of Bozeman public safety, building, watercourse setbacks, and
land use requirements in compliance with the UDC. Furthermore, building codes
will help secure safety from fire and other dangers.
The City’s adopted plans for municipal transportation, water, sewer, parks, other
facilities, and services ensure that this site will have services necessary to serve
future site development. The subject property lies within the City’s sewer,
stormwater, and water facility plan boundaries. The applicant will propose
adequate services, in accordance with City of Bozeman Standards, in future
applications for City approval prior to construction at this site.
Future submittals will be reviewed for compliance with the City’s standards and
codes to ensure the general welfare will be supported through appropriate
contributions to schools and parks. Site plans, subdivision proposals, or other
development applications will ensure adequate capacity for all required municipal
10. The City may require annexation of any contiguous property for which city services are
requested or for which city services are currently being provided. In addition, any person, firm,
or corporation receiving water or sewer service outside of the City limits is required as a
condition of initiating or continuing such service, to consent to annexation of the property
serviced by the City. The City Manager may enter into an agreement with a property owner for
connection to the City’s sanitary sewer or water system in an emergency conditioned upon the
submittal by the property owner of a petition for annexation and filing of a notice of consent to
annexation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office. The contract for connection to
city sewer and/or water must require the property owner to annex or consent to disconnection of
the services. Connection for purposes of obtaining City sewer services in an emergency
requires, when feasible as determined by the City, the connection to City water services.
Response: City services will be requested for development of this property.
11. The annexation application shall be accompanied by mapping to meet the requirements of
the Director of Public Works. Where an area to be annexed can be entirely described by
reference to a certificate of survey or subdivision plat on file with the Gallatin County Clerk and
Response: The required mapping materials have been included in this submittal
as Appendix D. The subject property can be described as Tract 4, COS 2552.
12. The mapping may be waived by the Director of Public Works.
Response: This policy is understood. The applicant has provided the requested
mapping information as Appendix D.
13. The City will assess system development/impact fees in accordance with Montana law and
Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, Bozeman Municipal Code.
Response: The Applicant acknowledges and understands this requirement.
14. Public notice requirements: Notice for annexation of property must be coordinated with the
required notice for the zone map amendment required with all annexation. The zone map
amendment notice must contain the materials required by 38.220.410, BMC.
Response: Required public notice materials for the annexation and zone map
amendment have been provided with this submittal.
15. Annexation agreements must be executed and returned to the City within 60 days of
distribution of the annexation agreement by the City, unless another time is specifically identified
by the City Commission.
Response: The applicant would like to begin to coordinate preparing the
Annexation agreement prior to final review and possible annexation approval by
City Commission. Please advise on best next steps to accomplish this task.
16. When possible, the use of Part 46 annexations is preferred.
Response: Part 46 annexation provides an alternative method to use for the
annexation of territory. As the subject property is contiguous to the City, Part 43
Annexation is preferred by the applicant (MCA 7-2-4311).
17. Where a road improvement district has been created, the annexation does not repeal the
creation of the district. The City will not assume operations of the district until the entirety of the
district has been annexed. Any funds held in trust for the district will be used to benefit the
district after transfer to the City. Inclusion within a district does not lessen the obligation to
participate in general city programs that address the same subject.
Response: This policy is understood.
18. The City will notify the Gallatin County Planning Department and Fire District providing
service to the area of applications for annexation.
Response: This policy is acknowledged.
19. The City will require connection to and use of all City services upon development of
annexed properties. The City may establish a fixed time frame for connection to municipal
utilities. Upon development, unless otherwise approved by the City, septic systems must be
properly abandoned, and the development connected to the City sanitary sewer system. Upon
development, unless otherwise approved by the City, water wells on the subject property may
be used for irrigation, but any potable uses must be supplied from the City water distribution
system and any wells disconnected from structures. The property owner must contact the City
Water and Sewer Superintendent to verify disconnects of wells and septic systems.
Response: Upon future development the applicant intends to connect to and use
City services. The applicant understands the additional utility requirements of this
annexation policy. The applicant intends to abide by this standard, and they will
verify future disconnects as applicable.
20. Additional Information:
Response: No additional site information has been requested nor has the
applicant identified additional materials relevant to this application that are
essential to include in this packet for review.
6. Responses to Zoning Map Amendment Approval Criteria
A. Is the new zoning designed in accordance with the growth policy? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The new development is
within the City of Bozeman’s Growth Policy Boundary and neighbors the existing
city limit boundary. The new development proposes R-4 and R-5 zoning.
According to the Future Land Use Map, the development is in an area designated
as an Urban Neighborhood land use. This future land use designation within the
Bozeman Community Plan permits R-4 and R-5 zoning within this growth policy
designation. See Appendix B: Future Land Use Map and Correlation to Bozeman
Zoning. The new development will be designed to all City of Bozeman
Subdivision, Zoning, and Growth Policy standards.
Approval of this request and subsequent property development under the
proposed zoning would also reinforce the following objectives of the Community
R-2.3 Make good financial investments that have the potential for economic
benefit to the investor and the broader community both through direct and
indirect returns.
R-2.8 Expand, enhance, or leverage work being done to build on exiting efforts.
R-2.9 Create long-term gains to the community with solutions that are replicable
and sustainable, creating benefit for present and future generations.
N-1.1 Promote housing diversity, including missing middle housing.
N-1.3 Revise the zoning map to lessen areas exclusively zoned for single-type
N-1.9 Ensure multimodal connections between adjacent developments.
N-1.10 Increase connectivity between parks and neighborhoods through
continued trail and sidewalk development. Prioritize closing gaps within the
N-2.2 Revise the zoning map to support higher intensity residential districts near
schools, services, and transportation.
N-2.4 Evaluate design standards. Encourage development in the appropriate
districts of buildings that are capable of serving an initial residential purpose and
be readily converted to commercial uses when adequate market support
commercial services exists.
N-3.1 Establish standards for provisions of diversity of housing types in a given
N-3.8 Promote the development of “Missing Middle” housing (side by side or
stacked duplex, triplex, live-work, cottage housing, group living,
rowhouses/townhouses, etc.) as one of the most critical components of affordable
N-4.1 Continue to recognize and honor the unique history, neighborhoods,
neighborhood character, and buildings that contribute to Bozeman’s sense of
place through programs and policy led by both City and community efforts.
DCD-1.9 Promote mixed-use developments with access to parks, open space, and
transit options.
DCD-1.11 Pursue annexations consistent with the future land use map and
adopted facility plans for development at urban intensity.
DCD-2.1 Coordinate Infrastructure development, land use development, and other
City actions and priorities through community planning.
DCD-2.2 Support higher density development along main corridors and at high
visibility street corner to accommodate population growth and support
DCD-2.5 Identify and zone appropriate locations for neighborhood-scale
commercial development.
DCD-2.7 Encourage the location of higher density housing and public transit
routes in proximity to one another.
DCD-3.1 Expand multimodal accessibility between districts and throughout the
City as a means of promoting personal and environmental health, as well as
reducing automobile dependency.
EPO-2.1 Where appropriate, activate connections to waterways by creating
locations, adjacent trails, and amenities encouraging people to access them.
EPO-3.1 Support development of maintenance standards including sidewalk
clearing, sidewalk surfaces, bike lanes, and procedures for consistent
EPO-3.2 Ensure complete streets and identify long-term resources for the
maintenance of year-round bike and multi-use paths to improve the utilization and
reduce annual per capita vehicle miles traveled.
M-1.1 Prioritize mixed-use land use patterns, encourage and enable the
development of housing, jobs, and services in close proximity to one another.
M-1.4 Develop safe, connected and complementary transportation networks for
pedestrians, bicyclists, and users of other personal mobility devices (e-bikes,
electric scooters, powered wheelchairs, etc.)
M-1.11 Prioritize and construct key sidewalk connections and enhancements.
RC-3.3 Prioritize annexations that enable the incremental expansion of the City
and its utilities.
B. Will the new zoning secure safety from fire and other dangers? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The new zoning will connect
to and extend the City of Bozeman’s Public Water Supply System. The new
development will be designed to include fire hydrants to provide fire protection.
The new development will be designed to the City of Bozeman’s Fire Design
Standards to secure safety from other dangers. The City of Bozeman’s Fire
Station 3 is located 1.8 miles east of the subject property.
C. Will the new zoning promote public health, safety, and welfare? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The proposed development
will be designed to the City of Bozeman’s Zoning Regulations, Subdivision
Regulations, Unified Development Code, and Public Works Engineering Standards
to promote public health and safety. The welfare of Bozeman will be improved by
providing an interconnected development with opportunities for alternative
transportation and a mixed-use commercial and residential uses.
D. Will the new zoning facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewage,
schools, parks, and other public requirements? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The new development will
include internal roads that will connect to Baxter Lane, West Oak Street and the
proposed Laurel Parkway to provide adequate access to the existing
transportation system. Park, bike, and pedestrian connections will be provided
that connect to adjacent developments’ network, and there are opportunities to
extend the Streamline Bus services a half mile to serve the proposed
development. City water and sewer services will be extended along Baxter and
West Oak Street, and services will connect to the individual lots. The proposed
development is within the Bozeman School District 7 boundary. Gallatin High
School is located half a mile from the proposed development. The proposed
development will include open space and a pedestrian trail network within the
wetland setback. There are several parks within a quarter mile of the development
that residents can access by foot as well.
Future submittals will be reviewed for compliance with the City’s codes to ensure
appropriate levels of transportation, water, sewer, schools, and parks are
provided. Site plans, subdivision proposal, or other development applications will
ensure adequate capacity for all required municipal services. As is stated in in the
UDC, the designation of a zoning district does not guarantee approval of
proposed development plans until the City can verify the availability of needed
infrastructure and services.
E. Will the new zoning provide reasonable provision of adequate light and air? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met.
The City of Bozeman’s UDC includes standard’s that address setbacks, park
dedication, on-site open space, and building design standards to address this
requirement. Moreover, the building codes have standards for ingress and egress,
ventilation, and related subjects that further support the provision of adequate
light and air. The proposed development will provide adequate lighting that is
designed to the City of Bozeman’s Zoning Regulations. The lighting will be
designed by a registered Professional Engineer and photometric calculations will
be provided if required. Future site development will require compliance with all
applicable City codes and standards necessary to ensure these primary human
needs, and thus the proposed zoning will not have a negative impact on future
provision of adequate light and air for future site residents and employees.
F. Will the new zoning have an effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems?
Response: Yes, motorized transportation systems will be improved. Therefore,
this criterion has been met. The City’s transportation plan is used to evaluate
transportation needs over the long term across the municipal area to account for
the impacts of motorized vehicles as well as bikes and pedestrians. The parks and
trails plans also examine and specify options for extensions of the existing trail
network through this site.
Future site development will examine impacts on the transportation network,
parks, and trails system, and municipal facilities. Furthermore, these future
development reviews will ensure that development under the new zoning will
comply with the City’s standards for the provision of onsite parking for bicycles
and vehicles, as well as the requirements for onsite circulation.
Traffic impacts will be studied by the development team to demonstrate
compliance with the City’s long-range transportation plans. Future project
development will ensure compliance with the acceptable traffic limits identified in
the transportation plans, as well as provide for the dedication of rights of way,
construction or reconstruction of streets and trails, payment of impact fees, and
other contributions as will be applicable to this project. The proposed
development will have internal roads that will have access to Baxter Lane, West
Oak Street and Laurel Parkway. The effect to these roads will be minimal, as the
development will create only one intersection per city block. The internal roads
and accesses will be designed to City of Bozeman Design Standards to promote
safety and uniformity. Pedestrian connectivity and bike transportation will be
increased through the proposed open spaces and trails.
G. Does the new zoning promote compatible urban growth? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The neighboring properties
to the south and west are within the Bozeman City Limits, and they consist of
single, multi-family, and mixed-used developments. Similar residential
developments are proposed for the subject property. Furthermore, the proposed
development provides some opportunities for limited commercial development. It
is the goal of the owner that the subject property’s zoning will encourage the
development of a dense, pedestrian-oriented, community and civic node. The
proposed development is inside the City of Bozeman’s Planning area boundary,
and it is in accordance with the land use designation. The tract is sufficiently large
and is contiguous to the City of Bozeman.
Future site planning will look to integrate compact development patterns that is
supported by a variety of transit infrastructure. Future development will
additionally support the Community Housing Action Plan through the provision of
additional housing stock variety and availability.
H. Does the new zoning promote the character of the district? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The surrounding residential
areas consist of single-family and multi-family developments. The proposed
development will be consistent with its neighbors by providing single and multi-
family developments.
I. Does the new zoning address the affected area’s peculiar suitability for particular uses? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The neighboring properties
consist of single and multi-family subdivisions. The proposed development is
consistent with the surrounding areas and the City of Bozeman Growth Policy.
The subject property is suitable for the proposed residential development due to
the relatively flat nature of the existing tract. This site will have flexibility to
promote a cohesive neighborhood pattern that will connect adjacent roadways
and corridors, and it will extend existing public infrastructure. Moreover, this
zoning will not impact the UDC requirements for future development in this
location that are intended to support suitable development City-wide.
J. Was the new zoning adopted with a view of conserving the values of buildings? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The site is currently
undeveloped, and no buildings have been constructed on this site. Therefore, the
proposed zoning will have no impact on the conservation of values of buildings at
this site.
Homes in the proposed development will be designed in accordance with City of
Bozeman Zoning Regulations and City of Bozeman Municipal Code. Proposed
homes will be reviewed by the City prior to construction to conserve the value of
buildings and the continuity of the city’s character.
K. How does the new zoning encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the
jurisdictional area? How?
Response: Yes, therefore this criterion has been met. The proposed development
is within the City of Bozeman’s Growth Policy Boundary. The proposed R-4 and R-
5 zoning provides flexibility for residential and commercial areas, and it is
consistent with the City of Bozeman Future Land Use. The proposed development
will be designed in accordance with City of Bozeman Zoning Regulations to
encourage the most appropriate use of land. The proposed development will
provide much-needed housing and businesses near the newly built Gallatin High
School. The UDC contains standards and review procedures that will ensure the
land is developed in ways that protect and promote public health, safety, and
general welfare, and further ensure appropriate future development of this
7. Responses to Spot Zoning Criteria
A. Are the requested zoning designation and potential uses significantly different from the
prevailing uses in the area?
Response: No, therefore this criterion has been met. The prevailing use in the
area is consistently residential in nature. Residential uses range in use from
dense multi-family to single family homes. The Northwest Crossing subdivision
includes some commercial uses, and the unannexed area of the county have
agriculture uses. Bozeman has deliberately developed a zoning system that
includes districts with diverse uses and opportunities. The City has chosen to
encourage diverse development and avoid single use concentrations through
these districts
The proposed R-4 and R-5 uses fit in with the existing dense residential
development that is present to the south of the site. These districts allow for a
variety of residential housing, and lot’s zoning is designed to prevent spot zoning.
R-4 and R-5 zoning will allow for dense development of housing which is in short
supply in the City of Bozeman right now. The area west of this site is a large lot in
an Agriculture Suburban zoned portion of Gallatin County. The mixed uses
envisioned for this site will enhance the character of the area and contribute to a
nodal sense of community for the neighborhood. Therefore, R-4 and R-5 and and
their potential uses, are not significantly different from the adjacent zones and
B. Does the requested zoning designation benefit a small area and only one or a few
landowners, or does the requested zoning benefit the surrounding neighborhood, community
and general public?
Response: This criterion has been met. An annexation and initial zoning request
for the 80.71 acres has the potential to benefit both the surrounding neighborhood
and the community as a whole. This change will be a beneficial asset to the
surrounding area by providing opportunities to enrich future community-based
gathering areas, provide services close to home and increase transit options.
Support services would support the residential development, and new homes will
decrease the demand for housing in the City of Bozeman. Through mindful,
community focused development, the neighborhood fabric in the area will be
increased. It is also envisioned that the proposed development will provide
benefits to the City when future development occurs further from the City center.
Nearby goods and services will reduce traffic and promote a neighborhood
C. Is the requested zoning designation compatible with the zoning district’s plan or is it special
legislation designed to benefit only one or a few landowners at the expense of the surrounding
Response: This criterion has been met. This ZMA does not represent special
legislation designed to benefit the landowner at the expense of adjacent property
owners. The proposed zoning allows uses and scales that are similar to adjacent
properties. Therefore, this proposed zoning map amendment is compatible with
surrounding land uses. Additionally, the proposed zone change is compatible with
City policies and State statutes governing the approval of such requests. The
requested zoning proposes thoughtful future development opportunities that will
help to meet the needs of the neighborhood and the community. As Bozeman
expands, it is the goal of this development to provide a node that the
neighborhood and community will all benefit from.