HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2969 Adopting competitive proposal process for contracts COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2969 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, ADOPTING A COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL PROCEDURE FOR CERTAIN CONTRACTS AND APPOINTING A PROCUREMENT OFFICER. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18-4-124, M.C.A., the Bozeman City Commission has the authority to adopt any or all parts of the Montana Procurement Act, Title 18, Chapter 4, M.C.A., and the accompanying rules promulgated by the Montana Department of Administration; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission desires to establish a procedure for using Competitive Sealed Proposals and Requests for Proposals rather than the competitive advertised bidding procedure of Section 7-5-4302, M.C.A. when it is advantageous to City; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission desires to use the Competitive Sealed Proposals and Requests for Proposals procedure whenever the City deems it advantageous for the City to do so, even when the competitive advertised bidding procedures of Section 7-5-4302, M.C.A. are not applicable. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of t/1f! City of Bozeman, Montana: 1. Pursuant to Section 18-4-124, M.C.A., the Bozeman City Commission adopts the Competitive Sealed Proposal procedure of Section 18-4-304, M.C.A. and pertinent Administrative Rules. 2. When the City Manager for the City of Bozeman determines in writing that the use of competitive sealed bidding is not advantageous to the City, a contract may be entered into by competitive sealed proposals, as provided in Section 18-4-304, M.C.A. and A.R.M. 2.5.602 as follows: a. Proposals must be solicited through Requests for Proposals. b. Adequate public notice of the Request for Proposals must be given in a reasonable time prior to the date set for the opening of bids, in accordance with A.R.M. 2.5.503. Notice may include publication in a newspaper of general circulation at a reasonable time prior to bid opening. - - c. Proposals must be opened so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing otterors during the process ot negotiation. A register ot proposals must be prepared in accordance with A.R.M. 2.5.602(4) and must be open for public inspection after the contract is awarded. d. The Request for Proposals must state the relative importance of price and other evaluation factors. e. As provided in the Request tor Proposals and under rules adopted by the Department of Administration, discussions may be conducted with responsible otferors who submit apparently responsible proposals tor the purpose of clarification, to assure full understanding ot and responsiveness to the solicitation requirements. Otterors must be accorded tair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals, and such revisions may be permitted, after submissions and prior to award for the purposed of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting discussions, there may be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing otterors. t. The award must be made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous to the City taking into consideration price, including the resident bidder preference of Section 18-1-102, M.C.A., and the evaluation factors set forth in the Request for Proposals. No other factors or criteria my be used in the evaluation. The contract tile shall contain the basis on which the award is made. 3. Pursuant to Section 18-4-307, M.C.A., a Request tor Proposal may be canceled or any or all bids or proposals may be rejected in whole or in part, as may be specified in the solicitation, when it is in the best interests of the City. The reasons must be made part of the contract file. 4. The City Manager or his designated representative shall act as the Procurement Officer. 5. Copies of Rules 2.5.503, 2.5.601 and 2.5.602 are attached hereto. 6. The City Manager, when he deems it in the City's best interests, may require a contract to be entered into by the Competitive Sealed Proposal procedure adopted - 2 - _. ..________n__ above even when the competitive advertised bidding procedures of Section 7-5-4302, M.C.A. are not applicable. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 18th day of April 1994. - ~~~~ ATTEST: (]~ ;/ d/1~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 3 - --. - -----..-- --- 4-13-94 9:-28AM ; 406 585 1412!3 ...,. ~.....__ I . . -_ ~ RCV 8V:XEROX iELECOFIER 7010 ; P.2/4 .~ APR 13 '94 0g:20 GALLATIN CO COMM I I \ ~ \ i t' , ! ~,\ " - .- , ! ~.5'002 CQHPETIT!V~ SE~LED ~ROPO~~ (1) "Competi~ive \ : seale p~QPosal" i~ a procurement optiQh allowin9 tne a~ard to \ j be baled I.Jpon staUd .::riteda or ev~lul!ltion bctors: coat' w111 hot be the only consideration. Co~pet1tiv. .ealed bidd1~q is ~. not p~acticabl~ when one or more of the tol~cwin9 cond1tiong exis~ ~, ~~ " ~. (Ia) the con~tact needs to be other than a fixed-price " ' I typ,e; i 1 ,. ~) oral or written di~cussions ~ay need to be conducted , . ....: with tferers concer~in9 technical AnQ price a~pects at thei~ ,; , \ '/:' propoJai!ls: ~. 0 .. (~) offerers mAY need to be afforded the opportunity to ? ;, '", rev1se~ their proposals, including pricesr ~ (~) award m~y n$ed to be besed upon a eo~~arat1ve evalUa. , " ~ion ~. st~ted ~n tae r.ques~ tor proposals ot d1fferinq price, 1 , qQ41itt, and contractual factQrs in Qrder to d.te~ln. the aost advant geoQS otterin9 to the state. Quality tac~ors' include t.chnl~al and perto~&nce ~ap4bility and tb~ content of the tecnni~al proposal: and (4) the prl~ry ccnsld.ra~ion in d$tar.a1ning awa~ may I not belprJ.ce. (:ot) The officer who ~ade the ~.ter.!nation tha~ ..aled i -, bi.do:1,in~ 1e not practicable ot" advAn'taqews to the state may J ,. modi~y lor revOke it at any ti.., and the deter.ainat1on should I c' b. r.v~ewed for current applicability fro. tt.e to 'ti... I (3\) The r$quest for proposals lIIust be pnpared in 4<:<:01'- 1 dance ~th sub$ect~on~ (I) throQqh ($) of ARM 2.5.GOl ahd aust , .1so 1n~lude: , ' , " (a~ a st:ateaent that diacuss10ns ..y bt- conducted with. ' 'c ctteter Who s~b.it propo5a18 but tha~ propo$al. ..y be accept- adi'nd . contract i.sued vithotlt SUCh d1scusa1cns: and ' \ ~ , (bt the relative Impor~anco Of prioe and o~er evaluation i L ' t I I tactOl'a ~ ' I , , I (4) proposal. shall not be opened publicly but .hall b@ 1 opened 1" the p~.$Cnce of a proeure..nt otticial. Proposal. and ~, I mQdit1c tions snall be time-st~ped u~on receipt an~ held in a secure Dl$Qe by an ~ploy~e ot the ~gency until the esta~lisheQ due dat~. Proposal I and =odificaticns shall be shown only to \, procure ent ot~icialB havin9 a leqitimate interest in th@.. Alter t~e date established lor receipt ot proposals, a reqister of propo~a18 .hall be prepared vhic~ shall 1ncl~de 'tor all proposa~. the n4.~ of each offerer, the nuabe~ ot ~ifIcatiQns re~eiv~d, it Aoy, and a description 8uttlcient to identify the supply cir s@rvice offered. The re9ist@~ of proposals shall be cpen to rubli~ in$pe~tion only after award of the contr4ct, proposal do~uments, sue~ ~s financial intor.ation And trade secrets, I ~hat are identified, jU8tifIed by th~ p~opa$er Q~ offer.r" and agreed 'to by the d.partm~nt as requir1nq conllden~iality will remain confidential ~ft~r award. (5)' Tl'I. evaluation shall be b..ed on the evaluation factors \.at tor~ in the request for proposal.. Nua.r1~al ratinq :st... ..Y ~ ueec5 but are not required. tact.or. &\O"t sp4Citi in tbe reque.t tor p~opos.l ~ll not be aOft$id.r.c5. kult1pl~ Award contraets are alloVable if det.~ined to be in '\ ' ,j the ~.t interest ot the atatfl. ~'; ; t (6)! For the purpose ot conductinq discu$siQns, P~oPQs~la : \ 1.';:. l' ' sh~ll bel initially Olassified as: ;, ~d d Ca) I acceptable: \ f;' (b)i pc~ent1ally a~ce~taQle: O~ \ " .',~ r: (c); un~cc~pt.bl~. , '; ~ ':. 1 : . (1): For t~. purpose of ~owp~titlve sealed proposal., the i te~ ~ot,.r.~.~ lnclud~s only thos~ business.. suba1ttin9 I \ ~ ; p~opo..lt th~t are aeceptable or potentially acceptable and the t.ra aha 1 not In<:lude busines.e. Who sub.itt~ una~c.ptable I i prop~.l.. Discu.sions with o!terers a~e h.ld to: i Ca> I p~oao~e understanding of the .tat.~s r~irements an4 '! i the ott.~.r.' propo.al~; and I , (:b) i hQllitata arrivlnq at a c~ntreC't that will be .o.t advanta9~oU8 to the state takin9 into con.1~er.tion price and other fa~~or. sot fortb in tb. requ..t ~oc propo.als. :! ($) , If ~ p~~u~~nt ot:icer ha. elected to us. a ~~l;i-.tJp requ.st tor proposal which 1nclud.. the .ubalttal ot " } Mbest and final- otters, the p~ocur~nt otf1cer .ha!l then' .1 mAke a v~itten awarQ determination .howinq the b~sis on vbi~~ ;1 the ~wardi V&$ toun~ to ~e most advanta9_oUs to the .~at. b...d on tbe, factors set tortn in the r~~eAt for proposal~. (iji$tory:! s.~. 18-4-221 MCA: ~, 18.4-304 K~: IlK. 1983 MAR p. 1918, Eft. 1~/3Q/8J: ASC, 198' MAR p. 244. Ett. 3/1s/a,; ;' ~, 1'87\~~. 1961, 1ft. 10/30/81; AaD, 1'" MAR p. 2144, ,< , Eft. 11/2./81: AHa. 1990 ~ ~. 1770, Eff. 9/14/$0.) \ . ..------.-- ..-... ... -......-..-".. -..---- RPR 13 '94 09: 20 GRLLRTIN CO COMt'1 P.1/4 ; , , , i :! I i j i \ I ; , - I ; ( j I t ! 2.5.601 COMPETITIVE SrAL!D ~IOS (1) ~Se~l.d bid" 1. ~he I I I. preferred ..thodo! ~p.pet1tiv. procure.ent for state supply ; i contract. and servlc.:~ontr.cts over $2,000. Sealed bid. .hall , r I be soll~lted vith an JnvitatiQn tor Bld. I " (~) Tbe invitation (or bid -hall inolude the fOllowinq: . I , ! (a) In.tructlon~ and Intorattlon to bi4ders eoncerning . J the bid _~iaaion r:t::~ts, including the ti.. and dat. ; establi.hed tor ~ld lnq, the.addra.. of the offica to wbich i bids are to be delfve ed, and any other -.-cia1 IDf~~lont , , (b) n. putch." deaeriptiOll, deUv.ty or perfo~nce ~ sGheclule, and UJ' tnaFc:tion and a"eJ)t.anc. reqalr.....u no~ t inclwlttd in the fQr.ch .e 4eacripUODl and . i (e) !'be contt.ac, terM and coed1t.101W. 1nc1111;1J.nv warranty . I " and !xJncUQ9 or other .ecur1~y requir-..nt., .. a"Uoul.. I (3) fte 1ftv.itat~Oft for bid...y inOQ~rata d<<tTIQlftt. by : r -; naf.nace it the .tnv1 ation tor bid apecU i_ ...... ROb - ! d~t. caB be obta4ned. I (.) - JWch.,U ,any, w111 be sent. t:.o -U vendors vbo I : . r..:.iYed an iJlwt:E3.:: bid. I . , (5) 0paIJ no.tp of.a 1111., Aft -.lotM of tile ~ '. , - . ~r t.bM the . off1ear will C!4I_ 1~ to H , , t1_~ and.~D~ in . HCUre pIece .mil . the ~iae aDd 1 ute Ht tv bid :opan . ! ! . I. . . I , . - ..... . . '.- ",- .. ./. '.. .11Io,_'4 ." . ",.,.. '. .: .. . t ,~ I I 2.5. -'Q;J PUBU~ iJtOTrC!: (1) InvU.t;!oe for bid8 and i .; requ..ts tor p~.IJ; shall be aailed. or oeta.rviH fwmlshec1 I I , ~o a sufficient .~ of bidders requi~ t.o aecQr. I ,. ~~peti~ian. ; , , t " (2) In the: int~_t ot econoay, ftotj,.c_ of ....Uullity I . ot invitations tor b ..and hqa..ta tOI: Propa&al. _7 lie i , , ,i _l1ed a. prov1~ 1 : $'aseetion (1) .nd/o~ advertlHd .. . ! provided in .uD"~i. (4) instead ot the eo..,leu 1mt1bt.1.an I or request. : , 1. .; (3) Where apprcpriate the stat!!! My requir. p.~nt at a ' : J fee or _ deposit for .upplyinq the invitation tor bids or . request for propo"l.~ .1 . ; . . i (4) 'l'he 8tate1! det.ndne t:hat bids and propoHh ! ,