HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuestions Document 0125241 City of Bozeman Bicycle and Pedestrian Gap Analysis RFP Ques�ons for Week of January 25, 2024 1. Question: I saw the project in 2024-2028 but I do not see A&C026 in the proposed 2025-2029 CIP that was released last month. Answer: The project details and budget are found in the “Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvements Plan” document, on page 119, item A&C026, on the City’s Finance webpage. Link is: https://www.bozeman.net/home/showpublisheddocument/12544/6380886134682 00000 2. Question: Are you able to disclose what an approximate budget is for this work? Answer: The project details and budget are found in the “Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvements Plan” document, on page 119, item A&C026, on the City’s Finance webpage. Overall amount dedicated to this project is $100,000.00. Link is: https://www.bozeman.net/home/showpublisheddocument/12544/6380886134682 00000 3. Question: Since we are not located in the US though, I'm wondering if finding a local partner would be important or if Bozeman is open to hiring a firm that is not local and based in Canada. Do you have any experience with that? Answer: A foreign business entity can submit a proposal for a City of Bozeman RFP. But if selected the firm will have to demonstrate they are authorized to conduct business in the United States and in Montana. 4. Question: Cost is typically an element in prioritizing projects. I don’t see any reference in the RFP to producing cost estimates for the projects identified for Deliverable #3 Master List of Prioritized Projects. Can you confirm my understanding that a consultant may propose to provide cost estimates but that cost estimates are not a required deliverable? Answer: Costs are not required as a component of this deliverable. 5. Question: How detailed should the projects be? For instance, is it sufficient to identify a need for a mid-block crossing at a specific location, or should the specific treatments (e.g., striped crosswalk, RFFB, safety island, etc.) be identified? Answer: Assuming question is referring to deliverables and not example projects on the end of the consultant’s proposal, then detail should be limited to location, not details on type of treatment. Further development of solutions at a location will be determined by City Staff. 6. Question: Is the city able to provide access to Strava Metro data? Answer: Yes, the City can provide Strava Metro data. 7. Question: Is the city able to provide access to its bike/ped count data from the volunteer efforts in recent years? 2 Answer: This information is available in a portal created specifically to tally a few years of bicycle, pedestrian, and personal transportation device at key intersections within the city. MSU has also done their own counts over the years and some of that data is incorporated into the City’s data. The data is available in more detail if necessary. A link to the dashboard: https://bozeman.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/b7658915afc344d3a721d151d015c546 8. Question: Is the city able to provide data from any other sources that could be used to estimate bicycle and pedestrian demand or exposure, such as StreetLight or Replica data? Answer: The City has some Eco Counter data. Bicycle and pedestrian count data is also available, as stated in Question 7. Replica data is not available. 9. Question: Can you confirm that the resolution of the 2023 aerial imagery? It looks like it’s 7.5cm imagery, but I can’t find any metadata with the specifics. Answer: The imagery is 7.5cm. 10. Question: For Deliverable #1 am I correct in presuming that the study geographic extent is the city limits, but that the study should not ignore connectivity across and through the county inholdings that are within the outer extent of city limits? Answer: The area in question for all deliverables would include lands within city limits/jurisdiction, with the consideration that ideally connections extend beyond city limits in the future, where applicable. The information garnered in this analysis will be available for future reference by other agencies and the public. 11. Question: For Deliverable #3 should we identify or ignore projects that are within (in whole or in part) county inholdings? Answer: The written report should include information pertaining to facilities within City jurisdiction.