HomeMy WebLinkAbout019 - Appendix G - Design Report Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water, & Stormwater Design Report Ferguson Farms II P.U.D. Subdivision LOCATED IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST of P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA Prepared For: Boardwalk Properties, Inc. 101 E Main St STE D Bozeman, MT 59715 Prepared By: April 2024 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 1 INTRODUCTION The proposed Ferguson Farm II PUD Subdivision is a mixed-use development on 31.03-acre Lot 5, Minor Subdivision No. 295, located in Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The proposed development includes the creation of 53 mixed use lots, 14 open space lots, and 9 parking lots. All design criteria are from the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy (DSSP) dated March, 2004. SANITARY SEWER An 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer main will be installed within Valley Commons Drive, Alley 2, Ravalli Street, Brookfield Avenue, and the West parking lots. The proposed mains will connect with the existing 8-inch mains located within Fallon Street and Resort Drive. DETERMINING AVERAGE DAILY FLOW In March 2022, IMEG (formerly C&H Engineering) prepared a design report which included an analysis of water flows with data collected by the City of Bozeman Utility Billing Department. The analysis considered various businesses operating within the City of Bozeman and calculated a water flow rate based on the square footage of the business type. For hotels the flow rate was based on the number of occupied rooms. These flow rates were then applied to the proposed buildings within Ferguson Farm II which then provided justification for using zone B-2 wastewater flow in their design. The design report outlining this study is included in Appendix A and was used in determining potential wastewater flows. Ferguson Farm II has seen modifications to the lot layout since 2022. Applying the findings of the water flow analysis to the current modifications yields the following wastewater flows outlined in the following subsections. The calculations of the new building use areas are calculated in the “Modifications to Building Use Area” table in Appendix A. Commercial, Bar, Restaurant, Retail, & Structured Parking Wastewater Flow The total area proposed for commercial, bar, restaurant, retail, & structured parking is 185,633-ft2 of which 35% was assumed to be restaurant and bar, and 65% was assumed to be commercial, retail, and structured parking. The average daily flow rates for these two categories were calculated to be: • 0.509-gallons/ft2/day (restaurant and bar) • 0.013-gallons/ft2/day (commercial, retail, and structured parking) Applying these flow rates to the modified areas yields the average daily flows: 185,633-ft2 x 0.35 x 0.509-gallons/ft2/day = 33,071-gpd (restaurant and bar) 185,633-ft2 x 0.65 x 0.013-gallons/ft2/day = 1,569-gpd (commercial, retail, and structured parking) Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 2 Office, Medical and Hotel Wastewater Flow The total area proposed for office, medical, and hotel is 819,553-ft2 of which 35% was assumed to be office, 13% was assumed to be medical, and 52% was assumed to be hotel rooms. The average daily flow rates for office and medical were calculated to be: • 0.029-gallons/ft2/day (office) • 0.029-gallons/ft2/day (medical) Applying these flow rates to the modified areas yields the average daily flows: 819,553-ft2 x 0.35 x 0.029-gallons/ft2/day = 8,245-gpd (office) 819,553-ft2 x 0.13 x 0.029-gallons/ft2/day = 3,190-gpd (medical) Hotel wastewater flow was determined by the number of occupied rooms, not square footage. It was assumed that 440 rooms will be constructed for Ferguson Farms II and half of these rooms will be occupied on an average day. The average daily flow rate for a single occupied hotel room was calculated to be 77.4-gpd/room. The average daily flow rate for hotels is as follows: 440 rooms x 0.5 x 77.4-gpd/room = 17,028-gpd (hotels) The total calculated average daily flow rate is 60,076-gpd and is summarized in the following table. Building Use Wastewater Generation Rate (gallons/day) Restaurant & Bar 33,071 Commercial, Retail, and Structured Parking 1,569 Office 8,245 Medical 3,190 Hotels 17,028 Total 63,101 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 3 This amount of wastewater generation and the proposed land use of Ferguson Farm II rationalizes the use of the “community commercial” flow rate per Bozeman DSSP Table V-2. Applying the community commercial flow rate to the project, the total average daily wastewater flow rate is as follows: Total Acreage = 31.026 acres Flow Rate (community commercial) = 2,400 gallons/acre/day Average Daily Flow (Qavg) = (2,400 gallons/acre/day) x (31.0275 acres) Average Daily Flow (Qavg) = 74,462 gal/day (0.1152 cfs) Peaking Factor The Harmon formula is used to calculate a peaking factor given a proposed population. Due to the fact the City of Bozeman does not have a standard method of determining a proposed population, the peaking factor is calculated with the original Valley West Trunk line design report of 13.3 people/acre. Proposed population = 13.3 people/acre x 31.026 acres = 412 people Peaking Factor = = (P = Population in thousands) Peaking Factor = (.) (.) = 4.02 8-inch Sewer Main Design Qavg = 74,462 gal/day (0.1152 cfs) Assumed Infiltration = 150 gallons/acre/day x 31.026 acres = 4,654 gpd (0.0072 cfs) → Max. Flow, Qmax = (Qavg x Peaking Factor) + Infiltration = (74,462 gpd x 4.02) + 4,654 gpd = 303,991 gallons/day (0.4703 cfs) The capacity of an 8-inch main at minimum slope (0.40%) is checked using Manning’s Equation: Qfull = (1.486/0.013)AR2/3S1/2 Manning's n = 0.013 (Bozeman DSSP) Minimum Slope = 0.004 ft/ft A = (π)r 2 = (3.1416)(0.33)2 = 0.3491 ft2 P = 2(π)r = 2(3.1416)(0.33) = 2.0944 ft R = A/P = 0.3491/2.0944 = 0.1667 ft R2/3 = 0.3029 ft S = 0.004 ft/ft S1/2 = 0.06325 ft/ft Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 4 Qfull = (1.486/0.013)(0.3491)(0.3029)(0.06325) = 0.7643 cfs Qmax/Qfull = 0.4703 cfs/0.7643 cfs = 0.6154 or 61.54% Based on the previous calculations the proposed 8-inch sewer mains are more than adequate to carry the design flows for Ferguson Farms II. Sanitary Sewer Service Sizing To size the sewer services, the potential building use was considered for each floor. It was assumed ground level floors were commercial, bar, restaurant, and retail. To be conservative it was assumed each floor above ground level was office and medical, and also a potential hotel area. 70% of the hotel area was assumed to contribute to hotel rooms with the remaining 30% contributing to hallways, mechanical rooms, etc. Each hotel room was assumed to be 300-ft2. Applying these assumptions yielded a number of potential hotel rooms per lot. The flow rates from the 2022 IMEG Design Report study were applied to these areas of potential use for each lot yielding a potential flow rate for each lot. This analysis is summarized in Appendix A and determined a 4-inch service is adequate throughout the development, however the largest lots (Block 1 Lot 1, Block 9 Lot 1, Block 10 Lot 3, and Block 6 Lots 2 & 3) were assigned a 6-inch sanitary sewer service. WATER SYSTEM Ferguson Farm II will connect to the existing 8-inch water main under Resort Drive (two locations), Ferguson Avenue (one location), and Fallon Street (two locations). All new water mains will be located a minimum of 10-ft away from any proposed sewer and storm mains and tree grates. All water mains will be looped, and internal hydrants will be installed no more than 500-ft apart. Demand for the system was determined by adding 5% to the wastewater generation discussed in the previous section. Hydrant flow test data from the fire hydrant located at the corner of Resort Drive and Fallon Street (City of Bozeman fire hydrant #1751) indicates there is an available static pressure of 128-psi at average daily demand and a residual pressure of 94-psi while flowing 1,625-gpm. This information was used for the development of a pump curve to be used in our model at the connection point. The connection point was modeled with the above-mentioned pump and a reservoir, where the elevation of the pump, reservoir and connection point are equal therefore the reservoir does not create any head on the system modeled. The pump curve calculations and associated equations are included in Appendix B. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SIZING Average Daily Usage = Average Wastewater flow x 105% = 74,462-gal/day x 1.05 = 78,185-gal/day = 54.30-gal/min. The following table displays the Average Daily Water Demand required by each Phase: Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 5 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Area (Acres) 11.85 19.17 31.03 Average Wastewater Flow Rate (gallons/day) 28,452 46,010 74,462 Average Water Demand (gallons/day) 29,875 48,311 78,185 Average Water Demand (gallons/min.) 20.75 33.55 54.30 Peaking Factors: Average Day Demand (Peaking Factor = 1) Maximum Day Demand (Peaking Factor = 2.3) Peak Hour Demand (Peaking Factor = 4.02) Ferguson Farm II Demands: Average Day Demand = 78,185-gpd (54.30-gpm) Maximum Day Demand = 78,185-gpd x 2.3 = 179,826-gpd (124.88-gpm) Peak Hour Demand = 78,185-gpd x 4.02 = 314,304-gpd (218.27-gpm) HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS A model of the proposed system has been prepared using EPANET 2.2 software, to analyze the performance of the system during peak hour and to verify adequate pressure and flow for firefighting. A pipe roughness “C” factor of 130 was used in the model as required by the Bozeman DSSP. The results of the EPANET analysis at average daily, max daily, and peak hour demand, as well as EPANET Exhibits, are attached in Appendix B, and show the proposed 8-inch water main provides capacity with regards to the peak hour demands. To model the system, particular junction nodes of the water distribution system were assigned a demand based on the adjacent building area. The table below quantifies the demands placed at these junction nodes and the associated demands for average day, max day and peak hour within Ferguson Farm II, the factor for each is 1, 2.3, and 4.02 respectively. The calculations for the demand distribution are included in Appendix B and are summarized in the table below. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 6 EPANET Nodes and Demands (based on building area) Phase 1 Hydraulic Analysis Nodes n8, n11, n18, n28, and n29 are located within Phase 1. The sum of these 5 demands based on the adjacent building area was less than the demand for Phase 1 calculated based on the average wastewater flow. Therefore, the difference between these two demands was calculated, divided by the number of nodes in Phase 1, then this value was added to the demands based on the adjacent building area to model Phase 1 of the water distribution network. These calculations are summarized below. ∑(n8, n11, n18, n28, n29 Building area demand) = (9.97+2.38+2.33+1.26+1.23)-gpm = 17.18-gpm Δ=(Average wastewater flow demand) – (Building area demand) = (20.75 – 17.18)-gpm = 7.15-gpm Δ/5 demand nodes = 7.15-gpm / 5 = 1.43-gpm 1.43-gpm was added to each node demand based on the adjacent building area for nodes in Phase 1 to model the water distribution network proposed for Phase 1. The following table summarizes these Phase 1 demands. Demand Junction Node ID Building Area Allocated to Node Average Day Demand (gpm) x1 Maximum Day Demand (gpm) x2.3 Peak Hour Demand (gpm) x4.02 n3 166,611 9.09 20.90 36.53 n4 80,676 4.40 10.12 17.69 n5 43,968 2.40 5.52 9.64 n8 182,852 9.97 22.94 40.09 n11 43,716 2.38 5.48 9.58 n13 41,880 2.28 5.25 9.18 n15 39,240 2.14 4.92 8.60 n16 69,042 3.77 8.66 15.14 n17 41,800 2.28 5.24 9.16 n18 42,760 2.33 5.36 9.38 n20 23,310 1.27 2.92 5.11 n28 23,184 1.26 2.91 5.08 n29 22,500 1.23 2.82 4.93 n33 101,192 5.52 12.69 22.19 n34 72,774 3.97 9.13 15.96 Totals 995,505 54.30 124.88 218.27 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 7 Phase 1 EPANET Nodes and Demands Fire Flows The City of Bozeman Water Facility Plan does not include UMU zoning in the guidelines for fire flow availability, therefore the 2015 International Fire Code was referenced to determine required fire hydrant flows. All construction was assumed to be protected combustible “ordinary” construction (type IIIA), with a maximum area of 103,100-ft3. Using Table B105.1(2) the required fire flow is 4,500-gpm. However, all construction is proposed to include automatic fire suppression sprinkler systems which reduce the required fire flow by 75% to 1,125-gpm, but the reduced fire flow shall not be less than 1,500-gpm according to Table B105.2. The ability of the system to provide fire flows while meeting minimum pressure requirements was checked by placing a fire flow demand of 1,500-gpm at each fire hydrant in the model and checking that all nodes within a section of pipe that contain services maintain at least the minimum 20-psi residual pressure under the maximum daily demand scenario. The results from the fire flow scenarios are attached in Appendix B and summarized in the tables below. EPANET Fire Hydrant Analysis Summary Hydrant Node ID Fire Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure at Hydrant (psi) Adjacent Service Node ID Residual Pressure at Adjacent Service Node (psi) H1 1,500 78.05 n1 89.00 H2 1,500 77.96 n4 87.83 H3 1,500 81.72 n19 85.86 H4 1,500 74.71 n17 85.66 H5 1,500 73.22 n18 83.94 H6 1,500 72.74 n11 82.57 H7 1,500 70.22 n8 81.15 H8 1,500 73.32 n34 83.22 H9 1,500 72.88 n33 82.67 H10 1,500 71.32 n29 81.04 H11 1,500 71.01 n28 80.80 Demand Junction Node ID Average Day Demand (gpm) Maximum Day Demand (gpm) Peak Hour Demand (gpm) n8 10.69 24.58 42.96 n11 3.10 7.13 12.45 n18 3.05 7.01 12.24 n28 1.98 4.55 7.95 n29 1.94 4.46 7.80 Totals 20.75 47.73 83.42 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 8 Phase 1 EPANET Fire Hydrant Analysis Summary Hydrant Node ID Fire Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure at Hydrant (psi) Adjacent Service Node ID Residual Pressure at Adjacent Service Node (psi) H5 1,500 69.55 n18 80.27 H6 1,500 69.37 n11 79.2 H7 1,500 68.39 n8 79.31 H10 1,500 66.46 n29 80.38 H11 1,500 67.01 n28 76.80 Available Fire Flow The available fire flow from each hydrant was determined using FireFlow2.10 software by Optiwater. The Outputs are provided in Appendix B and summarized in the following table. STORMWATER A combination of site grading, curb and gutter, valley gutter, storm inlets, piping, and swales will be used to manage stormwater runoff from a 25-year storm event on the site and direct it to underground stormwater retention chambers or stormwater retention ponds. The proposed retention systems are sized to retain a 10-year, 2-hour storm and are located within the proposed open space and parking lots. Underground retention will be provided by Stormtech MC-3500 chambers (175.00-ft3/chamber) or Stormtech SC- 740 chambers (74.9-ft3/chamber). A runoff coefficient was calculated for each drainage area of Ferguson Farm II. The subsection “DRAINAGE AREA #2 STORMWATER SUMMARY” will include full sample calculations which include pipe flow in the time to concentration. Supporting stormwater calculations are attached in Appendix C as well Hydrant I.D. Phase 1 Available Fire Flow (gpm) Phase 1 & 2 Available Fire Flow (gpm) H1 n/a 2,445.50 H2 n/a 2,450.50 H3 n/a 2,655.50 H4 n/a 2,391.00 H5 2,206.50 2,364.00 H6 2,215.00 2,367.50 H7 2,201.00 2,307.00 H8 n/a 2,371.50 H9 n/a 2,374.00 H10 2,161.00 2,347.50 H11 2,172.00 2,335.50 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 9 as a Drainage Area Map. GROUNDWATER CONSIDERATION The groundwater depth was determined by installing a total of five groundwater monitoring wells. The groundwater elevations within these wells were checked weekly starting on April 5, 2019 and continued through July 26, 2019. Also, the groundwater levels were also recorded on the day of the test pit excavations, which was March 19, 2019. The shallowest groundwater levels were recorded on April 23, 2019 and the deepest groundwater levels were recorded during the initial test pit excavations on March 19, 2019. The shallowest groundwater elevation observed was 4.28 feet below ground surface (bgs) and the deepest was 10.0 feet bgs. Please note that this high-water level was only observed in 1 of the five wells, with the other highest recorded water levels being 4.73 feet bgs, 5.50 feet bgs and 5.89 feet bgs. Also, one of the Civil/Structural Engineering and Surveying groundwater monitoring wells never encountered groundwater during the monitoring period; this well was installed to a depth of 8.17 feet bgs. STORM SEWER SIZING Storm sewers are sloped to maintain a minimum velocity of 3-ft per second and a maximum velocity of 10-ft per second at the design storm depth of flow. Attached in Appendix C are time of concentration, peak flow and pipe sizing calculations for each pipe segment within Ferguson Farm II. Each pipe segment is sized to handle a 25-year storm event where the duration of the storm is equivalent to the time of concentration from the most remote point in the drainage area to the pipe segment. All calculations and sizing follow the Bozeman DSSP. CURB CAPACITY The maximum allowable curb flow is a function of the roadway geometry, composite roughness, and the slope of the road. The road section proposed with this PUD consists primarily of 2% inverted crown roadways with valley gutters at the centerline. For the inverted crown roadways, stormwater is allowed to flow such that no more than 9.5-feet of stormwater will infringe into the drive lane as required by the Bozeman DSSP. The alleys have a 3% cross slope from spill curb to catch curb and Resort Drive and Fallon Street have a 3% slope from the centerline of the roadway. For the alleys, Resort Drive, and Fallon Street, the stormwater is allowed to flow with a maximum water surface elevation of 0.15-feet below the top of the catch curb as required by the Bozeman DSSP. The parking lots have a minimum of 1% cross slope. For the parking lots, stormwater is allowed to flow with a maximum water surface elevation of 0.15-feet below the top of the catch curb as required by the Bozeman DSSP. The maximum capacity flow rate calculated for 2% inverted crown roadways with valley gutters at the centerline at 0.5% slope is 2.58-cfs with 2.28-inches of water depth. The maximum capacity flow rate calculated for the alleys, Resort Drive, and Fallon Street at 3% cross slope and 0.5% roadway slope is 2.24-cfs with 3.60-inches of water depth. The Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 10 maximum capacity flow rate calculated for parking lot curbs at 1% cross slope and 0.5% roadway slope is 4.75-cfs with 3.60-inches of water depth. All valley gutter and curb flows are less than the maximum capacity flow rates with actual roadway slopes exceeding 0.5%. The curb capacity calculations are included in Appendix C. Capacity calculations and curb capacity exhibits highlighting the water depth, wetted area and wetted perimeter for these scenarios are enclosed in Appendix C and show no roadways will overtop during a 25-year storm event. Valley Gutter Capacity Sample Calculation (25-year) The following sample calculation provides insight into the valley gutter capacity calculation included in Appendix C. Composite Roughness, nC = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 Asphalt Roughness, nasph = 0.016 Concrete Roughness, nconc = 0.013 Total Asphalt Wetted Perimeter, PA = 15-ft Total Concrete Wetted Perimeter, PC = 4-ft (Wetted Perimeters obtained from Carlson CAD drawing) nc = [(15-ft x 0.016) + (4-ft x 0.013)]3/2 / (15-ft + 4-ft)2/3  nc = 0.0154 Valley Gutter Capacity, Qcap = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 (cfs) A = Wetted Area = 1.81-ft2 (Obtained from Carlson CAD drawing) S = Roadway Slope = 0.005 ft/ft Qcap = (1.486/0.0154) x 1.81-ft2 x [1.81-ft2/(15-ft + 4-ft)]2/3 x 0.0051/2  Qcap = 2.58-cfs INLET CAPACITY Inlet capacity is a function of water depth over the inlet and the open grate area of the inlet. For valley gutter inlets, the flow capacity for a single specified inlet with 2.28-inches of water depth over the 144.00-in2 open grate area is 2.34-cfs. All 25-year valley gutter flow rates are less than 2.34-cfs within the development. For full curb inlets, the flow capacity for a single specified inlet with 3.60-inches of water depth over the 302.40-in2 open grate area is 6.18-cfs. All 25-year curb flow rates are less than 6.18-cfs within the development, therefore single inlets within a sag point are sufficient for use within the development. Inlet capacity calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 11 Inlet Capacity Sample Calculation (25-year) The following sample calculation provides insight into the inlet capacity calculations included in Appendix C. Curb Inlet Qinlet,max = CAopen(2gd)1/2, cubic feet per second (cfs) C = orifice flow coefficient = 0.67 (typical value for inlet structures) Aopen = Open grate area of the inlet structure = 302.40-in2 for Neenah R-3067-L Curb Inlet g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2-ft/sec2 d = maximum depth of stormwater over the inlet = 3.60-in for full curb Qinlet,max = 0.67[302.40-in2 x (1-ft2 / 144-in2)][2(32.2-ft/sec2)(3.60-in x (1-ft / 12-in))]1/2  Qinlet,max = 6.18-cfs Inlet Bypass Analysis Open-back grated curb inlets and grated valley gutter catch basins located on grade (outside of a sag point), were analyzed using Hydraulic Toolbox version 5.3 software to analyze the amount of stormwater that may bypass an inlet to another drainage sub-area. All outputs from this software are located in Appendix C. The software didn’t allow the analysis of a combination open-back grated curb inlet, therefore each condition was analyzed separately for curb inlets. The total combined curb inlet stormwater interception was greater than the 25-year peak curb flow, therefore no stormwater bypassed open- backed grated curb inlets on grade. The table below summarizes these results. Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) Curb Opening Interception (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Total Interception (cfs) 1A 0.51 0.272 0.457 0.729 3G 0.46 0.238 0.416 0.654 6D 0.65 0.229 0.569 0.798 Each grated valley gutter catch basin on grade has a fraction of stormwater bypass the inlet to downstream inlets. There were 4 different scenarios for this condition: the bypass enters the next valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, the bypass passes another valley gutter catch basin inlet before entering a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, the bypass passes multiple valley gutter catch basin inlets before entering a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, or the bypass enters a curb inlet on grade. The first scenario, the bypass enters the next valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, is summarized in the following table: Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 12 Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) Downstream Inlet I.D. within Sag point Downstream Inlet 25-Year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Downstream Inlet Capacity (cfs) 3C-1 0.09 0.081 0.009 3C-2 1.24 1.25 2.34 6A 0.35 0.208 0.142 6E 0.71 0.85 2.34 The second scenario, the bypass passes another valley gutter catch basin inlet before entering a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, is summarized below. Determining the initial bypass: Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 7C 0.51 0.253 0.257 The bypass flow is then added to the 25-year peak curb flow of the downstream valley gutter catch basin inlet on grade which produces a new bypass flow: Downstream Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 7B 0.37 0.627 0.29 0.337 Finally, the bypass from the previous two inlets enters a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag and the combined flow rates are less than the capacity of the inlet within the sag: Downstream Inlet I.D. within Sag point Downstream Inlet 25- Year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Downstream Inlet Capacity (cfs) 7D 0.18 0.517 2.34 The third scenario, the bypass passes multiple valley gutter catch basin inlets before entering a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag, is summarized below. Determining the initial bypass: Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 5A 1.21 0.456 0.754 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 13 The bypass flow is then added to the 25-year peak curb flow of the downstream valley gutter catch basin inlet on grade which produces a new bypass flow: Downstream Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 5B-1 0.64 1.40 0.501 0.899 The bypass flow is then added to the 25-year peak curb flow of the downstream valley gutter catch basin inlet on grade which produces a new bypass flow: Downstream Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 5B-2 0.56 1.46 0.515 0.945 Finally, the bypass from the previous two inlets enters a valley gutter catch basin inlet located within a sag and the combined flow rates are less than the capacity of the inlet within the sag: Downstream Inlet I.D. within Sag point Downstream Inlet 25- Year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Downstream Inlet Capacity (cfs) 5B-3 0.64 1.58 2.34 The fourth scenario, the bypass enters a curb inlet on grade, is summarized below. Determining the initial bypass: Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Bypass (cfs) 8B 0.84 0.36 0.48 Next, the curb inlet on grade is analyzed to make sure it can capture the 25-year peak curb flow for the drainage sub-area allocated to it plus the bypass from the previous drainage sub-area: Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 14 Downstream Curb Inlet ID 25-year Peak Flow (cfs) 25-Year Peak Flow + Upstream Bypass Flow (cfs) Curb Opening Interception (cfs) Grate Interception (cfs) Total Interception (cfs) 8C 1.04 1.52 0.368 1.153 1.521 RETENTION POND DESIGN CALCULATIONS Per the requirements of the Bozeman DSSP, stormwater retention needs to be large enough to contain the post-development conditions from a 10-year, 2-hour storm event. Retention will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall from a 24- hour storm. A calculation summary for the sizing of each retention facility is included in Appendix C. DRAINAGE AREA #1 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #1 contains a total area of 2.44-acres. The 2.44-acres of Drainage Area #1 have been divided into 3 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter and/or the valley gutters within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #1 under the open space of Block 9 on the northeast end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #1 the total landscape area is 26,327-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 79,848-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #1 will be installed in Phase 1. Storm Sewer #1 Capacity Storm Sewer #1 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #1. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #1. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Storm Sewer #1 Summary Storm Sewer 1: 1A 1B 1C Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 0.62 0.78 1.58 Diameter, D, (in): 15 15 15 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 41.05 44.49 8.17 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0251 0.0126 0.02 Travel Time, (min): 0.15 0.19 0.02 Flow Depth, (in): 2.5 3.32 4.22 Velocity, (fps): 4.61 3.87 5.59 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 10.23 7.25 9.14 Retention Chamber #1 Summary The minimum storage required is 5,227-ft3. 30 Stormtech MC-3500 chambers will provide 5,250-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #1. Retention Chamber #1 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 15 Initial Storm Retention Chamber #1 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 3,214-ft3 which is less than the 5,250-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #1. DRAINAGE AREA #2 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #2 contains a total area of 5.49-acres. The 5.49-acres of Drainage Area #2 have been divided into 5 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #2 under the landscaping north of the parking lot of Block 2 on the south-central end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #2 the total landscape area is 75,077-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 164,251-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #2 will be installed in Phase 1. Storm Sewer #2 Capacity Storm Sewer #2 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #2. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #2. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Storm Sewer #2 Summary Storm Sewer 2: 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 0.89 1.43 1.28 1.62 2.41 Diameter, D, (in): 15 15 15 15 15 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 74.32 9.26 57.4 61.66 94.68 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0162 0.0205 0.0045 0.0216 0.0029 Travel Time, (min): 0.28 0.03 0.31 0.18 0.51 Flow Depth, (in): 3.33 3.98 5.58 4.19 9.17 Velocity, (fps): 4.39 5.48 3.08 5.78 3.07 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 8.22 9.25 4.33 9.49 3.48 Retention Chamber #2 Summary The minimum storage required is 11,036-ft3. 64 Stormtech MC-3500 chambers will provide 11,200-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #2. Retention Chamber #2 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Chamber #2 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 6,785-ft3 which is less than the 11,200-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #2. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 16 Drainage Area # 2 Sample Calculations (25-year) The following sample calculations provide insight into the calculations found in Appendix C. Calculating Retention Chamber #2 Volume (10-year, 2-hour Design Volume): Determining the hardscape and landscape areas: Total Hardscape Area = 164,251-ft2 Total Landscape Area = 75,077-ft2 Total Area = 164,251-ft2 + 75,077-ft2 = 239,328-ft2 =5.49-acres Calculating the Weighted Rational Method Runoff Coefficient, Cw: Cw = . ( ). ( !" ) #$% = . (&,( )). (*(,** )) +,+ )  Cw = 0.6804 Calculating the 10-year, 2-hour Post-development Volume: Qpost-development = Cw x I x Total Area = 0.6804 x (0.41-in/hr) x 5.49 acres  Qpost-development = 1.53-cfs Calculating the 10-year, 2-hour minimum volume: Vrequired = Qpost-development x 2-hr x (60-min /1-hr) x (60-sec / 1-min) = 1.53-cfs x 7200-sec  Vrequired = 11,036-ft3 Calculating the required number of Stormtech chambers using MC-3500 chambers: Nchambers = Vrequired / VMC-3500 = 11,036-ft3 / 175-ft3 = 63.06 chambers Rounding up to ensure enough retention volume:  Nchambers = 64 chambers Calculating the provided storage for Chamber #2: Vprovded = Nchambers x VMC-3500 =64 x 175-ft3  Vprovded = 11,200-ft3 Calculating the first 0.5-in initial stormwater volume: Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 17 V0.5-in = Cw x 0.5-in x Total Area = 0.6804 x [0.5-in x (1-ft/12-in)] x 239,328-ft2  V0.5-in = 6,785-ft3 The 10-year, 2-hour required volume is greater than the first 0.5-inch initial stormwater volume. All retention facilities were sized using the same method outlined above and are summarized in the “Stormwater Retention Calculations” spreadsheet found in Appendix C. Storm Sewer 2B The longest time of concentration for Storm Pipe 2B is through sub-area 2A and Storm Pipe 2A: • Sub-area 2A area = 1.35-acres • Sub-area 2B area = 0.87-acres • 301.16-ft sheet flow at 1% slope over landscape (C=0.2) • 12.03-ft sheet flow at 1% slope over hardscape (C=0.9; southern sidewalk) • 29.15-ft sheet flow at 1% slope over landscape (C=0.2) • 93.70-ft channelized curb flow at 0.5% slope • 27.50-ft sheet flow at 3% slope over hardscape (C=0.9; crossing Alley 2) • 55.67-ft channelized curb flow at 2.06% slope (to Inlet 2A) • 74.32-ft 15-in pipe flow at 1.62% slope with a velocity of 4.39 feet per second (Storm Pipe 2A) o The velocity was an output from Carlson Software’s integrated Pipe Flow Calculator. • Weighted Rational Method Runoff Coefficient, Cw = 0.6804 Total Area = 1.35-acres + 0.87-acres  Total Area = 2.22-acres Determining the individual time of concentrations for each flow: Sheet Flow, Tc, sheet = 1.87(1.1 – CCf)D1/2 (minutes) S1/3 S = Slope of Basin, % C = Rational Method Runoff Coefficient D = Length of Basin, feet Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor, Cf =1.0 for a 2 to 10-year storm return period Tc, sheet1 = 1.87(1.1 – 0.2)301.16-ft1/2 = 29.21 minutes 1%1/3 Tc, sheet2 = 1.87(1.1 – 0.9)12.03-ft1/2 = 1.30 minutes 1%1/3 Tc, sheet3 = 1.87(1.1 – 0.2)29.15-ft1/2 = 9.09 minutes 1%1/3 Tc, sheet4 = 1.87(1.1 – 0.9)27.50-ft1/2 = 1.36 minutes 3%1/3 Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 18 Tc, sheet = (29.21 + 1.30 + 9.09 + 1.36) minutes Tc, sheet = 40.96 minutes Channelized Curb Flow, Tc, channel = L / V L = Length of Channelized Flow, feet V = Velocity, feet per second (fps) = CvS1/2 Cv = Conveyance Coefficient, Cv = 20 for Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales S = Slope of Basin, feet/feet V = 20 x (0.5%/100)1/2  V1 = 1.41 fps Tc, channel1 = 93.7-ft / (1.41 fps x (60 seconds / 1 minute)) Tc, channel1 = 1.10 minutes V = 20 x (2.06%/100)1/2  V2 = 2.87 fps Tc, channel2 = 55.67-ft / (2.87 fps x (60 seconds / 1 minute)) Tc, channel2 = 0.32 minutes Tc, channel = (1.10 + 0.32) minutes Tc, channel = 1.42 minutes Pipe Flow, Tc, pipe = L / V L = Length of Pipe Flow, feet V = Velocity, feet per second (fps) Tc, pipe = 74.32-ft / (4.39 fps x (60 seconds / 1 minute)) Tc, pipe = 0.28 minutes Total Time of Concentration, Tc, total = Tc, sheet + Tc, channel + Tc, pipe = (40.96 + 1.42 + 0.28) minutes Tc, total = 42.66 minutes Determining the 25-year storm intensity using the time of concentration: 25-Year Intensity, I25 = 0.78(Tc, total)-0.64, inches/hour = 0.78(42.66 minutes x (1 hour / 60 minutes))-0.64  I25 = 0.97 inches / hour Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 19 Determining the 25-year peak flow into Storm Pipe 2B: 25-Year Peak Flow, Q25 = Cw x I25 x A, cubic feet per second (cfs) = 0.6804 x 0.97-in/hr x 2.22-acres  Q25 = 1.47-cfs Carlson’s Pipe Flow Calculator calculated the stormwater velocity at 5.52-fps at 4.04-in deep. Storm Pipe 2B was sized at 15-in (PVC) and enters Retention Chamber #2 at a 2.05% slope. Determining the maximum pipe capacity using Manning’s Equation: Qmax = (1.486/n)ApipeRpipe2/3S1/2, cubic feet per second (cfs) n = Manning’s n for PVC pipe = 0.013 Apipe = Area of the storm pipe = π[15-in x (1-ft / 12-in)/2]2  Apipe = 1.23-ft2 Rpipe = Hydraulic Radius of the storm pipe = Apipe / Perimeter of the storm pipe = 1.23-ft2/ (2π(15-in x (1-ft / 12-in)/2)  Rpipe= 0.3125-ft Qmax = (1.486/0.013)(1.23-ft2)(0.3125-ft)2/3(2.05%/100)1/2  Qmax = 9.25-cfs The 25-year pipe flow is between 3-fps and 10-fps and is less than the capacity of the pipe. All storm pipes were sized using the same method outlined above and are summarized in the Storm Sewer spreadsheets found in Appendix C. DRAINAGE AREA #3 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #3 contains a total area of 7.53-acres. The 7.53-acres of Drainage Area #3 have been divided into 9 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter or valley gutters within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Pond #3 in the open space of Block 7 on the north-central end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #3 the total landscape area is 91,477-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 236,557-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #3 will be installed in Phase 2. Storm Sewer #3 Capacity Storm Sewer #3 handles the runoff from most of Drainage Area #3. Two swales convey the remainder of stormwater runoff from sub-areas 3H and 3I into Retention Pond #3. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #3. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 20 Storm Sewer #3 Summary Storm Sewer 3: 3A 3B 3C-1 3D 3C-2 3E 3F 3G Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 0.96 0.70 1.34 0.68 2.06 1.41 2.18 0.46 Diameter, D, (in): 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 57.40 57.40 283.38 57.38 105.30 109.59 45.95 34.05 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0070 0.0070 0.0174 0.0070 0.0304 0.0044 0.0033 0.0661 Travel Time, (min): 0.29 0.31 0.93 0.32 0.25 0.58 0.25 0.10 Flow Depth, (in): 4.27 3.64 4.02 3.59 4.34 5.91 8.50 1.71 Velocity, (fps): 3.33 3.04 5.07 3.02 7.00 3.14 3.04 5.92 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 5.40 5.40 8.52 5.40 11.26 4.28 3.71 16.61 Retention Pond #3 Summary The minimum storage required is 15,668-ft3. To provide this storage, Retention Pond #3 is proposed with a surface area of 11,681-ft2 with a depth of 1.50-ft making the total storage volume 17,522-ft3. Retention Pond #3 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Pond #3 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 9,633-ft3 which is less than the 17,522-ft3 proposed for Retention Pond #3. Phase 1 Swale A temporary swale is required to transport water from the west end of the roundabout at Valley Commons Drive and Brookfield Avenue to the temporary Phase 1 Retention Pond. This swale is trapezoidal with 4H:1V side slopes, a base width of 0.5-ft, and a slope of 1.0%. It can transport 0.18-cfs of stormwater with a freeboard of 0.15-ft. The 25-year peak curb flow for this small area west of the roundabout is 0.14-cfs. All curb flow calculations and swale design reports are located in Appendix C. Drainage Sub-Area #3H Swale The drainage sub-area #3H swale transports stormwater from the end of drainage sub- area #3H to Retention Pond #3. This swale is trapezoidal with 4H:1V side slopes, a base width of 1.0-ft, and a slope of 28%. It can transport 5.72-cfs of stormwater with a freeboard of 0.15-ft. The 25-year peak curb flow for drainage sub-area #3H is 1.26-cfs. All curb flow calculations and swale design reports are located in Appendix C. Drainage Sub-Area #3I Swale The drainage sub-area #3I swale transports stormwater from the end of drainage sub- area #3I to Retention Pond #3. This swale is trapezoidal with 4H:1V side slopes, a base width of 1.0-ft, and a slope of 15%. It can transport 4.18-cfs of stormwater with a freeboard of 0.15-ft. The 25-year peak curb flow for drainage sub-area #3I is 1.51-cfs. All curb flow calculations and swale design reports are located in Appendix C. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 21 Phase 1 Retention Pond Summary For the small portion of Drainage Area #3 to the west of the roundabout at Brookfield Avenue and Valley Commons Drive, which is part of Phase 1, the minimum storage required is 135-ft3. To provide this storage, Phase 1 Retention Pond is proposed with a surface area of 135-ft2 with a depth of 1.00-ft making the total storage volume 135-ft3. Phase 1 Retention Pond sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. DRAINAGE AREA #5 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #5 contains a total area of 7.41-acres. The 7.41-acres of Drainage Area #5 have been divided into 6 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter and/or the valley gutters within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #5 under the open space of Block 3 near the center of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #5 the total landscape area is 63,831-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 258,914-ft2. Retention Chamber #5 including inlets 5C-1 and 5C-2 and Storm Sewer 5D, 5E, and 5F will be installed in Phase 1. Storm Sewer 5A and 5B will be installed and connect to inlet 5C-1 within Chamber 5 in Phase 2. Storm Sewer #5 Capacity Storm Sewer #5 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #5. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #5. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Storm Sewer #5 Summary Storm Sewer 5: 5A 5B-1 5B-2 5B-3 5D 5E Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 1.21 1.49 1.73 1.99 1.71 2.46 Diameter, D, (in): 15.00 15.00 15.00 15 15 15 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 102.60 90.00 78.60 84.46 40 67.82 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0173 0.0174 0.0176 0.0102 0.0035 0.0438 Travel Time, (min): 0.35 0.29 0.24 0.3 0.22 0.13 Flow Depth, (in): 3.82 4.24 4.56 5.68 7.02 4.33 Velocity, (fps): 4.92 5.23 5.48 4.68 3.03 8.39 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 8.50 8.52 8.57 6.52 3.82 13.52 Retention Chamber #5 Summary The minimum storage required is 16,657-ft3. 96 Stormtech MC-3500 chambers will provide 16,800-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #5. Retention Chamber #5 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Chamber #5 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 10,241-ft3 which is less than the 16,800-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #5. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 22 DRAINAGE AREA #6 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #6 contains a total area of 2.50-acres. The 2.50-acres of Drainage Area #6 have been divided into 5 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter and/or the valley gutters within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #6 under the landscaping northwest of the parking lot of Block 8 on the north-central end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #6 the total landscape area is 24,091-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 84,998-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #6 will be installed in Phase 1. Storm Sewer #6 Capacity Storm Sewer #6 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #6. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #6. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Storm Sewer #6 Summary Storm Sewer 6: 6A 6B 6D 6E Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 0.35 1.05 0.65 0.71 Diameter, D, (in): 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 59.98 98.21 51.77 51.89 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0122 0.0286 0.0203 0.0071 Travel Time, (min): 0.33 0.29 0.20 0.28 Flow Depth, (in): 2.26 3.14 2.70 3.65 Velocity, (fps): 3.02 5.64 4.34 3.07 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 7.14 10.92 9.20 5.44 Retention Chamber #6 Summary The minimum storage required is 5,511-ft3. 32 Stormtech MC-3500 chambers will provide 5,600-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #6. Retention Chamber #6 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Chamber #6 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 3,388-ft3 which is less than the 5,600-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #6. DRAINAGE AREA #7 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #7 contains a total area of 2.84-acres. The 2.84-acres of Drainage Area #7 have been divided into 4 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #7 under the open space in the southwest corner of Block 5 on the west end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 23 Area #7 the total landscape area is 37,820-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 86,041-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #7 will be installed in Phase 2. Storm Sewer #7 Capacity Storm Sewer #7 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #7. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #7. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Storm Sewer #7 Summary Storm Sewer 7: 7A 7B 7C 7D Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 1.27 1.81 1.96 0.52 Diameter, D, (in): 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 70.47 68.21 32.18 16.00 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.0257 0.0038 0.0031 0.0219 Travel Time, (min): 0.20 0.36 0.18 0.06 Flow Depth, (in): 3.54 7.08 7.88 2.37 Velocity, (fps): 5.74 3.17 3.00 4.17 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 10.36 3.98 3.60 9.56 Retention Chamber #7 Summary The minimum storage required is 5,760-ft3. 77 Stormtech SC-740 chambers will provide 5,767-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #7. Retention Chamber #7 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Chamber #7 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 3,542-ft3 which is less than the 5,767-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #7. DRAINAGE AREA #8 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #8 contains a total area of 2.61-acres. The 2.61-acres of Drainage Area #8 has been divided into 3 sub-areas. Runoff from each sub-area will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter and/or valley gutters within the roadways. Stormwater will be intercepted by inlets which convey the stormwater to storm sewer piping. The storm sewer piping will transport the stormwater to Retention Chamber #8 under the parking lot in the southwest corner of Block 6 on the west end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #8 the total landscape area is 32,589-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 81,245-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #8 will be installed in Phase 2. Storm Sewer #8 Capacity Storm Sewer #8 handles the runoff from the entirety of Drainage Area #8. The table shown below summarizes the pipe flows in Storm Sewer #8. Calculations for the 25-year peak flows are attached in Appendix C. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 24 Storm Sewer #8 Summary Storm Sewer 8: 8A 8B 8C Flow Rate, Q, (cfs): 1.76 2.00 1.52 Diameter, D, (in): 15 15 15 Manning's n: 0.013 0.013 0.013 Length, L, (ft): 44.38 36.19 28.88 Slope, S, (ft/ft): 0.041 0.0285 0.0052 Travel Time, (min): 0.1 0.09 0.14 Flow Depth, (in): 3.71 4.34 5.89 Velocity, (fps): 7.44 6.78 3.40 Capacity, Qmax, (cfs): 13.08 10.91 4.66 Retention Chamber #8 Summary The minimum storage required is 5,397-ft3. 73 Stormtech SC-740 chambers will provide 5,468-ft3 of underground storage for Retention Chamber #8. Retention Chamber #8 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Chamber #8 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. This initial storm volume is 3,318-ft3 which is less than the 5,468-ft3 proposed for Retention Chamber #8. DRAINAGE AREA #9 STORMWATER SUMMARY Drainage Area #9 contains a total area of 1.92-acres. Runoff will be overland sheet flow until it is collected in curb and gutter and/or valley gutters within the roadways. A swale on Alley 1 will transport the stormwater to Retention Pond #9 in the open space of Block 6 on the northwest end of Ferguson Farm II. For Drainage Area #9 the total landscape area is 28,688-ft2 and the total hardscape area is 55,119-ft2. All the infrastructure in Drainage Area #9 will be installed in Phase 2. Drainage Sub-Area #9A Swale The drainage sub-area #9A swale transports stormwater from the end of drainage sub- area #9A to Retention Pond #9. This swale is trapezoidal with 4H:1V side slopes, a base width of 3-ft, and a slope of 3.70%. It can transport 1.62-cfs of stormwater with a freeboard of 0.15-ft. The 25-year peak curb flow for drainage sub-area #9A is 1.54-cfs. All curb flow calculations and swale design reports are located in Appendix C. Retention Pond #9 Summary The minimum storage required is 3,751-ft3. To provide this storage, Retention Pond #9 is proposed with a surface area of 4,984-ft2 with a depth of 1.50-ft making the total storage volume 7,476-ft3. Retention Pond #9 sizing calculations are enclosed in Appendix C. Initial Storm Retention Pond #9 will also serve as the initial stormwater facility to capture the post development runoff generated from impervious areas during the first 0.5-inches of rainfall. Sewer, Water & Stormwater, Design Report 25 This initial storm volume is 2,306-ft3 which is less than the 7,476-ft3 proposed for Retention Pond #9. Appendix A 2022 IMEG Design Report Building Use Exhibit Modifications to Building Use Area Spreadsheet Sanitary Sewer Service Sizing Spreadsheet DESIGN REPORT WATER & SANITARY SEWER FERGUSON FARM II PUD SUBDIVISION Prepared for: Boardwalk Properties, Inc. 101 East Main Street, Suite D; Bozeman, MT 59715 Prepared by: C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 1091 Stoneridge Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 (406) 587-1115 Project Number: 170827 March 2022 INTRODUCTION The proposed Ferguson Farm II PUD Subdivision is a 72-lot commercial subdivision located on Lot 5, Minor Subdivision No. 295, Spring Creek Village Resort (31.026-acres). This project will require connection to existing City of Bozeman water and sanitary sewer systems. WATER SYSTEM LAYOUT The Ferguson Farm II PUD Subdivision will connect to the existing 8” water main running along Resort Drive (two locations), Ferguson Avenue, and Fallon Street (three locations). All new water mains are to be installed in the City standard location and will be located 10’ away from any proposed sewer mains. All water mains will be looped and internal hydrants will be installed no more than 400 feet apart. A WaterCAD analysis is enclosed at the end of the report analyzing the 8-inch water main extension installed with this project. The connection to the existing system was modeled as a pump using data obtained from the City of Bozeman Water Department: static, residual and pitot pressures were read at the hydrant located at the intersection of Resort Drive/Fallon Street. This test was performed on October 20, 2020. This data was used to develop the pump curve used at the connection point to model the existing system. The following equation based off of the Hazen Williams method is used to generate the pump curve: Q = Qf x ((Ps - P) / (Ps - Pr))0.54 Where: Q = flow predicted at desired residual pressure, Qf = total flow measured during test, Pr= residual pressure during test, Ps = static pressure and P = residual pressure at the desired flow rate. In the model, the pump is connected to a reservoir which acts as a source of water. The elevation of the reservoir is fixed at the elevation of the pump, which is also equivalent to the elevation of the tie-in point. The reservoir does not create any head on the system; the head is generated entirely by the pump(s). The input data and the pump curves are included at the end of the report. The pump curve table includes all calculations and equations used in determining flow characteristics at the connection point. A C-factor of 130 was chosen for ductile iron class 51 pipe. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SIZING The average daily usage for Lot 5, Spring Creek Village Resort Subdivision was found by adding 5% to the daily wastewater generation (See Table 3 in Appendix C for a breakdown of wastewater flow allocated to each lot and also see Sanitary Sewer section of this report for a discussion of wastewater generation): Average Daily Usage = (62,055 gallons per day) + 5% = 65,158 gpd Water Demands (Demand Junction 1) Average Day Demand = (4,734 gal/day) +5% = 4,971 gpd = 3.5 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 3.5 gpm x 2.3 = 7.9 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 3.5 gpm x 3.0 = 10.4 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 2) Average Day Demand = (3,449 gal/day) +5% = 3,621 gpd = 2.5 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 2.5 gpm x 2.3 = 5.8 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 2.5 gpm x 3.0 = 7.5 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 3) Average Day Demand = (6,866 gal/day) +5% = 7,209 gpd = 5.0 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 5.0 gpm x 2.3 = 11.5 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 5.0 gpm x 3.0 = 15.0 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 4) Average Day Demand = (14,487 gal/day) +5% = 15,211 gpd = 10.6 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 10.6 gpm x 2.3 = 24.3 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 10.6 gpm x 3.0 = 31.7 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 5) Average Day Demand = (11,972 gal/day) +5% = 12,571 gpd = 8.7 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 8.7 gpm x 2.3 = 20.1 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 8.7 gpm x 3.0 = 26.2 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 6) Average Day Demand = (11,406 gal/day) +5% = 11,976 gpd = 8.3 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 8.3 gpm x 2.3 = 19.1 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 8.3 gpm x 3.0 = 25.0 gpm Water Demands (Demand Junction 7) Average Day Demand = (9,141 gal/day) +5% = 9,598 gpd = 6.7 gpm Maximum Day Demand = 6.7 gpm x 2.3 = 15.3 gpm Peak Hour Demand = 6.7 gpm x 3.0 = 20.0 gpm Available Pressure: 8-inch class 51 ductile iron main Resort Drive/Fallon Street Static = 128 psi Residual = 94 psi Pitot (2.5” nozzle) = 124 Flowing = 1,625 gpm Per Section 5.5.2 of the City of Bozeman’s Water Facility Plan Update (2017) buildings with a sprinkler system can have up to a 75% reduction in required fire flow for the proposed system. All buildings within the Ferguson Farm II Subdivision will be required to have IFC compliant systems installed. Section 5.5.3 of the Water Facility Plan Update presents fire flow for commercial use range from 3,000 – 4,000 gpm. Applying the reduction allowed the required fire flow for the subdivision is 1,000 gpm. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS A water distribution model was created using WaterCAD Version for demand forecasting and describing domestic and fire protection requirements. In order to model the system, each junction node of the water distribution system was assessed a demand based on its service area. The table shown below quantifies the demands placed at the junction nodes and calculates the demands for Average Day, Maximum Day and Peak Hour within the subdivision. The peaking factor for each case is 1, 2.3 and 3.0 respectively. Table 1. Ferguson Farm II PUD Subdivision water demand summary. DEMAND JUNCTION NODE WASTEWATER GENERATION (GAL/DAY) WATER GENERATION** (GAL/DAY) AVERAGE DAY GPM MAX. DAY GPM PEAK HOUR GPM DJ 1 4734 4971 3.45 7.9 10.4 DJ 2 3449 3621 2.51 5.8 7.5 DJ 3 6866 7209 5.01 11.5 15.0 DJ 4 14487 15211 10.56 24.3 31.7 DJ 5 11972 12571 8.73 20.1 26.2 DJ 6 11406 11976 8.32 19.1 25.0 DJ 7 9141 9598 6.67 15.3 20.0 Total 62055 65158 45.25 104.1 135.7 *See Demand Junction Map for more information on which lots contribute to each Demand Junction. **Water demand was calculated by adding 5% to the daily wastewater generation to account for consumption. DISCUSSION OF WATER MODEL LIMITATIONS AND CITY OF BOZEMAN PROVIDED HYDRANT CURVES The previously discussed hydraulic model was submitted to the City of Bozeman in October of 2021. The City indicated that, per Section 27.220.060.A.10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the applicant must demonstrate that the development meets the fire flow guidelines defined in the City Water Facilities Master Plan Section 5.5.2 for the closest applicable zoning. The existing zoning is Urban Mixed-Use. This zoning, and its associated uses, are most closely related to the B-2, Community Business, B-3, Central Business, zoning districts as presented in Table 5.7 of the Water Facility Plan Update for the City of Bozeman– 2017. The required fire flow availability guidelines put the required flows for the proposed development at 3,000-4,000 gallons per minute. The aforementioned WaterCAD analysis models the connection to the existing system was modeled as a pump using data obtained from the City of Bozeman Water Department: static, residual and pitot pressures were read at the hydrant located at the intersection of Resort Drive/Fallon Street. This method for modeling connections to the City’s water system is limited in that only one connection point can be model at any time. In reality, the proposed development will have 6 connection points to the existing system. During discussions with the City of Bozeman Engineering Department in December of 2021 it was indicated that the City’s master water model provided by AE2S showed adequate pressure and flow at the hydrants and nodes surrounding the project. The hydrant curve information was provided to C&H Engineering and has been included in Appendix H. These hydrant curves indicate available flows much greater than the required 3,000-4,000 gallons per minute with residual pressures well above the required 20 psi minimum. CONCLUSION The proposed 8-inch DIP water mains provide adequate capacity to serve the subdivision under the Peak Hour Demand condition. The flows and pressures within the system for the Peak Hour Demands were generated with the WaterCAD program and can be found in Appendix A. The capacity of the system to meet fire flow requirements was tested by running a steady state fire flow analysis for all junctions at fire hydrant locations. The model shows that all junctions satisfy water demand constraints (residual pressure > 20 psi, assumed fire flow rate > 1000 gpm). The results of the analysis at peak hourly flow are given in Appendix A. It is understood that the WaterCAD model is insufficient to show required fire flows consistent with the Water Facility Plan Update. The City’s master water model shows adequate flow rates and residual pressures at all the hydrant surrounding the property such that the proposed project will have adequate fire flows in accordance with Table 5.7 of the Water Facility Plan Update while providing adequate service to each lot. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM An 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer line will be installed in the right-of-way within Valley Commons Drive, Ravalli Street, Field Street, and the alley. The proposed mains and will flow northwest to connect with the existing 8-inch mains located within Fallon Street and Resort Drive. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The flow rates used herein are according to the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy (DSSP) dated March, 2004. The peaking factor for the design area is typically determined by calculating the equivalent population and inserting the population into the Harmon Formula. A discussion of equivalent population and peaking factor is presented in a subsequent section of this report. An 8-inch main is used because that is the minimum diameter allowed within the City of Bozeman. Average Daily Flow Table V-1 in the City of Bozeman DSSP does not specify the average daily flow for UMU zoning. An analysis of water meter data for typical businesses in Bozeman is presented in this section that shows that the use of the average daily wastewater generation for B-2 zoning (2,000 gallons/acre/day) is an accurate assumption for this project. Water meter data from November 2018 through March 2019 was obtained for different businesses in Bozeman including restaurants, hotels, retail shops, offices and medical clinics. These dates were chosen to avoid complicating the analysis with the COVID-19 impact on businesses which started in March 2020 and to ensure that summer irrigation did not skew the data. See Appendix C for a map that summarizes the proposed uses of each proposed lot including restaurant/bar/retail, bank, hotel, and office and their respective gross areas and a summary of the analysis calculations. Appendix D contains the raw data for water consumption obtained from the City of Bozeman Utility Billing Department for each of the businesses used in the study. The category of “commercial bar/restaurant/retail” as shown in red on the map in Appendix C includes 135,464 sq. ft. of gross building area. It was assumed that a split of 35% restaurant/bar and 65% retail would be used for the analysis. For the restaurant/bar category, Sidewinders and Montana Ale Works were used and their data were averaged. This yielded an average daily flow rate of 0.509 gallons per gross square foot. This average flow rate per unit gross area was applied to the gross area of the restaurant/bar/retail category multiplied by 0.35. The average daily flow rate of the restaurant/bar category was determined to be 24,147 gallons per day. For the retail category, The Roundhouse Ski and Bike Shop and REI were used and their data were averaged. This yielded an average daily flow rate of 0.013 gallons per gross square foot. This average flow rate per unit gross area was applied to the gross area of the restaurant/bar/retail category multiplied by 0.65. The average daily flow rate of the retail category was determined to be 1,175 gallons per day. The category of “office, hotel units, hotel, medical” as shown in blue on the map in Appendix C is a broad category including 709,353 sq. ft. of gross building area. For this analysis several assumptions about the future use of the buildings were made in order to estimate sanitary sewer flows. An explanation of each sub-category within the general blue category as shown on the map in Appendix C is given in the bullet points below: • A total of 368,072 sq. ft. of the total 709,353 sq. ft. was assumed to fall in the “hotel units, hotel” category including approximately 440 units. For this analysis, the RSVP Motel and The Lark Hotel were used and their data were averaged. Site specific room occupancy rates were obtained from the respective hotels for the study period. The RSVP Motel reported an average occupancy rate of 22% during the November 2018 to March 2019 study period. The Lark Hotel reported an average occupancy rate of 64% during the same study period. Using the water meter data and the occupancy rates of the hotels, an average flow rate per room per day was calculated for each hotel and then averaged between the two hotels. The average daily flow rate per room was calculated to be 77.4 gallons per day. Next, in order to account for the annual average occupancy rate of hotels in Montana, the total number of rooms (440) was multiplied by 50% to obtain 220 total rooms. The average flow rate per room was multiplied by 220 rooms to obtain an estimated daily flow from the hotel category of 17,037 gallons per day. (The annual average room occupancy rate in the Montana in the year 2018 was 47.4% according to the Smith Travel Report of the Montana Lodging and Hospitality Association’s (MLHA) Winter 2019 News Journal. See Appendix G for full MLHA report). • A total of 246,081 sq. ft. of the total 709,353 sq. ft. was assumed to fall in the “office” category. For this analysis, C&H Engineering and The Daines Building were used and their data were averaged. This yielded an average daily flow rate of 0.029 gallons per gross square foot. This average flow rate per unit gross area was applied to the gross area of the office category. The average daily flow rate of the office category was determined to be 7,136 gallons per day. • A total of 95,200 sq. ft. of the total 709,353 sq. ft. was assumed to fall in the “medical” category. For this analysis, b2 UrgentCare and Nova Urgent Care were used and their data were averaged. This yielded an average daily flow rate of 0.029 gallons per gross square foot. This average flow rate per unit gross area was applied to the gross area of the medical category. The average daily flow rate of the medical category was determined to be 2,720 gallons per day. A summation of the average daily flow rates for each building category was calculated to be 52,215 gallons per day for the entire proposed Ferguson Farm II Subdivision. See summary Table 2 below. Supporting calculations can be found in Appendix C. This wastewater generation study justifies the use of the B-2 zoning flow rate per Bozeman DSSP Table V-1. Total Acreage = 31.026 acres Flow Rate (B-2 Zoning) = 2,000 gallons/acre/day Average Daily Flow (Qave) = 2,000 (31.0275 acres) = 62,055 gal/day Table 2. Ferguson Farm II PUD Subdivision wastewater generation study summary. Building Use category Generation Rate (gallons/day) Medical 2,720 Restaurant/Bar 24,147 Retail 1,175 Hotel 17,037 Office 7,136 TOTAL 52,215 It is understood that numerous assumptions have been presented here in order to justify the use of the City Standard flow rate for B-2 zoning (2,000 gallons/acre/day) for the proposed Ferguson Farm II Subdivision P.U.D. At this time, it is extremely difficult to predict sewer flows from the subdivision based on the flexibility inherent to the P.U.D. and the myriad ways in which the subdivision could be built out. Table 3 (found in Appendix C) presents a prescribed Total Allocated Avg. Flow Rate (gpd) for each developable lot in the subdivision. It is assumed that with the development of each lot, the City Engineering Department will require a sewer flow calculation certified by a Professional Engineer. That value will be compared to the Total Allocated Avg. Flow Rate for that particular lot. As the subdivision is built out, the actual sewer flow predicted from each building will be tracked and compared to the assumptions presented in this report. If at anytime during the development of the subdivision it is determined that the subdivision is producing more sewer flow than anticipated, sewer flow metering of downstream manholes will be conducted in order to obtain actual flow data to determine if improvements to the Valley West Trunk main are required. Peaking Factor The peaking factor is calculated by using the equivalent population in the Harmon Formula. In previous versions of this report, the equivalent population was calculated by multiplying 1.5 people per parking space plus a safety factor to account for people arriving by Uber, Lyft or Streamline bus. The City of Bozeman Engineering Department requested that justification for this method of population equivalency be provided. Given no City of Bozeman standard method for determining equivalent population in non-residential areas and no citable means to justify our original estimation, we have chosen to maintain consistency with the original Valley West Trunk Line design report and use 13.3 persons/acre (see page 5 of original Valley West Trunk Main design report in Appendix E). Peaking Factor: Equivalent Population = 13.3 persons/acre x 31.0275 acres = 412 persons Harmon Formula: Peaking Factor = (18 + P0.5)/(4 + P0.5) where: P = Population in thousands Peaking Factor = (18 + 0.4120.5)/(4 + 0.4120.5) Peaking Factor = 4.02 Assumed infiltration rate = 150 gallons/acre/day = 150 x 31.0275 acres = 4,654 gal/day The peak flow rate is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Flow (Qave) by the Peaking Factor and adding the assumed infiltration rate: Peak Flow Rate = 62,055 gpd (4.02) + 4,654 gpd = 254,115.1 gpd = 176.5 gpm = 0.3932 cfs The capacity of an 8-inch main is checked using Manning’s Equation: Qfull = (1.486/0.013)AR2/3S1/2 For an 8-inch PVC main: Manning's n = 0.013 for PVC Pipe Minimum Slope = 0.004 ft/ft A = area = (3.14/4)d 2 = (3.14/4)(8/12)2 = 0.34907 ft2 P = perimeter = 2(3.14)r = 2(3.14)(4/12) = 2.0944 ft R = hydraulic radius = A/P = 0.34907/2.0944 = 0.16667 ft R2/3 = 0.30285 ft S = 0.004 ft/ft S1/2 = 0.0632 ft/ft Qfull = (1.486/0.013)(0.34907)(0.30285)(0.0632) = 0.7643 cfs Subdivision Connection: Q/Qfull = 0.3932 /0.7643 = 0.5145 or 51.4% Based on these calculations, an 8-inch sewer line has adequate capacity to carry the design flows for the subdivision. According to the City of Bozeman 2007 Wastewater Facilities Plan, existing flows in the sewer mains from the proposed property to the wastewater treatment plant are less than 50% of pipe capacity. Discussion of existing Valley West Trunk Main Wastewater from the property will connect to the Valley West Sewer Trunk Line. The original design report by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. (1998) for the said trunk line is included in Appendix E of this report. The report includes a service area called “Bozeman Athletic Club West Annexation” with an area of 135 acres. There are no maps in the Morrison-Maierle report that clearly identify the area of said 135-acre area. The original annexation map is included in Appendix F with a breakdown of existing parcels and rights-of-way within said 135-acre annexation and their respective waste water generation. The 135-acre Bozeman Athletic Club West Annexation area was originally allocated a wastewater generation rate of 210,074 gpd (see Table 9.1 of Valley West Trunk Main design report) contributing to the Valley West Trunk Main. Our calculation of wastewater generation of an area totaling 135.64 acres using Bozeman DSSP Table V-1 for non- residential zoning type and resident counts (using the new code standard of 2.17 people per dwelling unit and 65 gallons per person per day) for residential areas result in an average daily flow rate of 195,266 gpd for the Bozeman Athletic Club West Annexation. This estimation provides a buffer of almost 15,000 gpd from the original Morrison-Maierle calculations. This confirms that our usage of 2,000 gallons/acre/day for B-2 zoning from Table V-1 in calculating the average daily wastewater generation rate from the proposed Ferguson Farm II subdivision is justified and accounted for in the original design of the Valley West Trunk Main. APPENDIX A WATERCAD MODEL 1 Andrew Carter From:Erin Shane <Eshane@BOZEMAN.NET> Sent:Friday, January 22, 2021 3:31 PM To:Andrew Carter Subject:RE: Ferguson Farm II Hydrant Data Attachments:Ferguson Farms II.JPG Andrew, The results of the fire flow test you requested are as follows: Static – 128, Residual – 124, Pitot – 94 flowing 1625 GPM on a 2.5” nozzle. The test was performed on 10/20/2020 using hydrants 1751 (test) and 1750 (flow) at the intersection of Resort and Fallon. Have a great weekend! From: Andrew Carter <acarter@chengineers.com> Sent: Friday, January 22, 2021 8:35 AM To: Erin Shane <Eshane@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Ferguson Farm II Hydrant Data Good Morning Erin, I’m working on updating the Ferguson Farm II water design report. Do you have any recent flow data for Hydrants #1746-#1753 on Fallon Street and Resort Drive, I’ve attached an aerial for reference? We have flow test information from 2 years ago, I just want to ensure nothing with the city’s system has changed since then. Thanks! Drew -- Drew Carter, E.I. Civil Engineer www.chengineers.com 2 "This message and/or attachment contains confidential information. Distribution of this information must be only to those of C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc employees or individuals contractually approved to receive this information. If you are not the addressee and/or are not authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose,forward, print or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message." City of Bozeman emails are subject to the Right to Know provisions of Montana’s Constitution (Art. II, Sect. 9) and may be considered a “public record” pursuant to Title 2, Chpt. 6, Montana Code Annotated. As such, this email, its sender and receiver, and the contents may be available for public disclosure and will be retained pursuant to the City’s record retention policies. Emails that contain confidential information such as information related to individual privacy may be protected from disclosure under law. Scenario: BaseP-79P-77P-75P-74P-73P-72P-71P-70P-69P-67P-63P-62P-61P-59P-56P-55P-54P-53P-52P-51P-115P-114P-111P-110P-109P-58(2)P-58(1)P-76(2)P-76(1)P-93P-92P-87P-83P-46P-45J-29J-26J-27DJ-3DJ-2J-24DJ-1J-23J-22J-21DJ-5J-18J-15J-14J-13J-12J-11J-10J-9DJ-4J-6J-5DJ-6J-1J-41J-40J-39J-20DJ-7J-36J-33J-32J-30J-3HYD 1751R-1H-2H-1H-6H-5H-4H-3H-11H-10H-12H-8H-7H-9Color Coding LegendPipe: Diameter (in)<= 6.0<= 8.0<= 1,000.0OtherPage 1 of 176 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Scenario Summary Report Scenario: Base Scenario Summary 1ID BaseLabel Notes Base Active TopologyActive Topology Base PhysicalPhysical Base DemandDemand Base Initial SettingsInitial Settings Base OperationalOperational Base AgeAge Base ConstituentConstituent Base TraceTrace Base Fire FlowFire Flow Base Energy CostEnergy Cost Base TransientTransient Base Pressure Dependent DemandPressure Dependent Demand Base Failure HistoryFailure History Base SCADASCADA Base User Data ExtensionsUser Data Extensions Base Calculation OptionsSteady State/EPS Solver Calculation Options Base Calculation OptionsTransient Solver Calculation Options Hydraulic Summary Steady StateTime Analysis Type TrueUse simple controls during steady state? Hazen- WilliamsFriction Method FalseIs EPS Snapshot? 0.001Accuracy 12:00:00 AMStart Time 40Trials Fire FlowCalculation Type Page 1 of 176 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-1666 9/16/2021 WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Base Fire Flow ReportBase Fire Flowgpm1,000Fire Flow (Needed)ft/s(N/A)Velocity (Upper Limit)gpm4,000Fire Flow (Upper Limit)psi(N/A)Pressure (System Lower Limit)psi20Pressure (Residual Lower Limit)ft/s0.00Pipe Velocity Greater Thanpsi20Pressure (Zone Lower Limit)psi0Node Pressure Less ThanFalseUse Minimum System Pressure Constraint?<All Pipes>Pipe SetFalseUse Velocity Constraint?<None>Nodes To ExcludeFalseUse Pipe Velocity Greater Than?HYD & DJFire Flow NodesFalseUse Node Pressure Less Than?NoneFire Flow Auxiliary Results TypeAdding to Baseline DemandApply Fire Flows By<No Elements>Auxiliary Output Selection SetNoneFire Flow Auxiliary Results Type13: Base Fire Flow, Junction and Hydrant Alternative ReportPressure (System Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Zone Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Residual Lower Limit)(psi)Fire Flow (Upper Limit)(gpm)Fire Flow (Needed)(gpm)Velocity (Upper Limit)(ft/s)Specify Local Fire Flow Constraints?LabelID*(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-132True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-233True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseJ-135True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-637True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-345True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-446True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-547True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-648True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-749True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-850TruePage 1 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Base Fire Flow Report13: Base Fire Flow, Junction and Hydrant Alternative ReportPressure (System Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Zone Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Residual Lower Limit)(psi)Fire Flow (Upper Limit)(gpm)Fire Flow (Needed)(gpm)Velocity (Upper Limit)(ft/s)Specify Local Fire Flow Constraints?LabelID*(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-951True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-1052True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-1153True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseH-1254True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-458True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-586True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-296True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-7130True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-3197True(N/A)20204,0001,000(N/A)FalseDJ-1200TruePage 2 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Pump Definition Detailed Report: HYD 1751 Element Details 203ID Notes HYD 1751Label Pump Curve Head (ft) Flow (gpm) 295.380 288.46438 276.92744 265.38967 253.851,153 242.311,316 230.771,463 219.231,599 207.691,726 196.151,845 184.621,958 173.082,065 161.542,168 150.002,267 138.462,363 126.922,455 115.382,544 103.852,631 92.312,716 80.772,798 69.232,878 57.692,957 46.153,033 34.623,108 23.083,182 11.543,254 0.003,325 Pump Efficiency Type Multiple Efficiency Points Pump Efficiency Type FalseIs Variable Speed Drive? %100.0Motor Efficiency Flow-Efficiency Curve Efficiency (%) Flow (gpm) Transient (Physical) lb·ft²0.000Inertia (Pump and Motor)SI=25, US=1280Specific Speed Page 1 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-1666 9/16/2021 WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Pump Definition Detailed Report: HYD 1751 Transient (Physical) rpm0Speed (Full)TrueReverse Spin Allowed? Graph Head (ft)300.00 275.00 250.00 225.00 200.00 175.00 150.00 125.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 Flow (gpm) 3,0002,5002,0001,5001,0005000 Page 2 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-1666 9/16/2021 WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg Fire Flow Node FlexTable: Fire Flow ReportIs Fire Flow Run Balanced?Pressure (Calculated System Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit)(psi)Pressure (Calculated Residual)(psi)Pressure (Residual Lower Limit)(psi)Flow (Total Available)(gpm)Flow (Total Needed)(gpm)Fire Flow (Available)(gpm)Fire Flow (Needed)(gpm)Satisfies Fire Flow Constraints?LabelTrue252520202,7011,0002,7011,000TrueH-1True232320202,6701,0002,6701,000TrueH-2True202020202,7451,0002,7451,000TrueJ-1True212120202,6841,0252,6591,000TrueDJ-6True232320202,6771,0002,6771,000TrueH-3True212120202,6481,0002,6481,000TrueH-4True222220202,6501,0002,6501,000TrueH-5True242420202,6371,0002,6371,000TrueH-6True262620202,6271,0002,6271,000TrueH-7True242420202,6341,0002,6341,000TrueH-8True222220202,6511,0002,6511,000TrueH-9True222220202,6451,0002,6451,000TrueH-10True222220202,6731,0002,6731,000TrueH-11True252520202,6311,0002,6311,000TrueH-12True212120202,7431,0322,7121,000TrueDJ-4True202020202,7161,0262,6901,000TrueDJ-5True202020202,6901,0072,6821,000TrueDJ-2True212120202,7461,0202,7261,000TrueDJ-7True222220202,7041,0152,6891,000TrueDJ-3True222220202,7001,0102,6891,000TrueDJ-1Page 1 of 176 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg FlexTable: Junction TablePressure(psi)Hydraulic Grade(ft)Demand(gpm)Elevation(ft)Label127294.50250.00DJ-6127294.51320.00DJ-4127294.50260.00DJ-5127294.5170.00DJ-2127294.51200.00DJ-7127294.51150.00DJ-3127294.51100.00DJ-1Page 1 of 176 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg FlexTable: Pipe TableLength (User Defined)(ft)Has User Defined Length?Headloss Gradient(ft/ft)Velocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Minor Loss Coefficient (Local)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Length (Scaled)(ft)Label0False0.0000.871360.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0142P-450False0.0000.871360.000130.0Ductile Iron8.032P-460False0.0000.12190.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0233P-470False0.0000.0350.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0368P-480False0.0000.13200.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0254P-490False0.0000.13200.000130.0Ductile Iron8.090P-500False0.0000.03-50.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0289P-510False0.0000.10-150.000130.0Ductile Iron8.041P-520False0.0000.10-150.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0294P-530False0.0000.04-60.000130.0Ductile Iron8.060P-540False0.0000.04-60.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0242P-550False0.0000.04-60.000130.0Ductile Iron8.027P-560False0.0000.09-140.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0143P-570False0.0000.11-170.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0128P-590False0.0000.11170.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0139P-610False0.0000.20170.000130.0Ductile Iron6.036P-620False0.0000.07120.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0289P-630False0.0000.0120.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0368P-640False0.0000.10160.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0344P-650False0.0000.14-220.000130.0Ductile Iron8.073P-660False0.0000.14-220.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0194P-670False0.0000.16240.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0138P-690False0.0000.16240.000130.0Ductile Iron8.036P-700False0.0000.06100.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0289P-710False0.0000.03-40.000130.0Ductile Iron8.069P-720False0.0000.03-40.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0196P-730False0.0000.03-40.000130.0Ductile Iron8.075P-740False0.0000.0340.000130.0Ductile Iron8.075P-750False0.0000.07-110.000130.0Ductile Iron8.055P-770False0.0000.11-180.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0149P-780False0.0000.11-180.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0183P-790False0.0000.05-90.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0315P-81Page 1 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg FlexTable: Pipe TableLength (User Defined)(ft)Has User Defined Length?Headloss Gradient(ft/ft)Velocity(ft/s)Flow(gpm)Minor Loss Coefficient (Local)Hazen-Williams CMaterialDiameter(in)Length (Scaled)(ft)Label0False0.0000.11-170.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0294P-820False0.0000.11-170.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0125P-830False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.023P-840False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.015P-850False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron8.023P-870False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.012P-880False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.011P-890False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.013P-900False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.010P-910False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.023P-920False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.029P-930False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.015P-940False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.024P-950False0.0000.0000.000130.0Ductile Iron6.026P-960False0.0000.001360.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0157P-970False0.0000.0340.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0121P-76(1)0False0.0000.07-110.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0122P-76(2)0False0.0000.05-70.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0186P-58(1)0False0.0000.11-170.000130.0Ductile Iron8.0177P-58(2)1True0.0000.00520.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0344P-1091True0.0000.00350.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0431P-1101True0.0000.00170.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0508P-1111True0.0000.00240.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0368P-1121True0.0000.00740.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0432P-1141True0.0000.00420.000130.0Ductile Iron999.0291P-115Page 2 of 276 Watertown Road, Suite 2D Thomaston, CT 06787 USA +1-203-755-16669/16/2021WaterCAD[]Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center170827 WaterCAD.wtg APPENDIX B DEMAND JUNCTION MAP APPENDIX C FFII MAP AND SEWER FLOW ANALYSIS OFFICES HOTEL UNITS HOTEL MEDICAL GARAGE CONDO UNITS *INCLUDING “STRUCTURED PARKING” BUILDING HEIGHTS: 3 STORY BUILDINGS: 55’ - 0” 4 STORY BUILDINGS: 64’ - 0” 5 STORY BUILDINGS: 87’ - 0” * COMMERCIAL BAR RESTAURANT RETAIL STRUCTURED PARKING GROSS SQ. FT. 162,699 709,353 Building Use Type Gross Area (sf)No. rooms # of Units Unit *Generation Rate Generated Wastewater Medical (Lot 1, Block 1)95,200 95,200 sf 0.029 gpd/unit 2,720 gpd **Restaurant/Bar/Retail 135,464 -47,412 sf 0.509 gpd/unit 24,147 gpd **Restaurant/Bar/Retail 135,464 -88,052 sf 0.013 gpd/unit 1,175 gpd ***Hotel 368,072 440 220 room 77.4 gpd/unit 17,037 gpd Office 246,081 -246,081 sf 0.029 gpd/unit 7,136 gpd TOTAL =52,215 gpd *Generation rate is determined from water usage data of similar use buildings in Bozeman. **Restaurant/Bar/Retail is assumed to be split 35% restaurant/bar and 65% retail. ***Hotel is assumed to have an annual average occupancy rate of 50% . This is based on 2018 data provided by the Smith Travel Report for the state of Montana. ****RSVP motel average occupancy rate was 22% during November 2018 - March 2019 based on data provided by the RSVP motel. ****The Lark average occupancy rate was 64% during November 2018 - March 2019 based on data provided by The Lark. Water usage data summary Use type Building Address Total rooms rent ****Unit (sf or room)Avg. gal/month gal/day gal/day/unit Avg. gpd/unit Hotel RSVP motel 510 N. 7th Ave.37 8 26,361 867 106.5 Hotel The Lark 122 & 136 Main St.67 43 63,031 2073 48.4 Restaurant Sidewinders 780 Boardwalk Ave.8,200 117,324 3859 0.471 Restaurant Montana Aleworks 611 E Main St.10,000 166,576 5479 0.548 Office C&H Engineering 1091 Stoneridge Dr.5,500 6,343 209 0.038 Office Daines Building 895 Technology Blvd.10,000 6,097 201 0.020 Retail Roundhouse 1422 W. Main St.4,500 2,407 79 0.018 Retail REI 2220 Tschache Ln.26,000 7,181 236 0.009 Medical b2 UrgentCare 1006 W. Main St.11,900 7,645 251 0.021 Medical Nova Health Urgent 862 Harmon Stream Blvd #101 2,700 2,956 97 0.036 0.029 WASTEWATER GENERATION ESTIMATION 77.4 0.509 0.013 0.029 Block Lot Use Hotel units Lot Area (sf)Lot Area (acres)Building Area (sf)Avg. Flow Rate (gpd) Proportional adjustment (gpd) Total Allocated Avg. Flow Rate (gpd) 1 1 Medical N/A 81,172 1.86 95,200 2,720 2,013 4,734 Total 0 1.86 2,720 4,734 1 Parking lot N/A 18,465 0.42 N/A 0 0 0 2 Bank N/A 24,665 0.57 22,500 652 612 1,264 3 Commercial N/A 11,760 0.27 23,187 1,893 292 2,185 Total 0 1.26 2,545 3,449 1 Parking lot N/A 75,990 1.74 N/A 0 0 0 2 Hotel 125 38,779 0.89 111,936 4,840 962 5,802 3 Office N/A 8,842 0.20 13,281 385 219 604 Total 125 2.84 5,225 6,406 1 Commercial 5 8,438 0.19 11,391 1,013 209 1,223 2 Parking lot N/A 29,816 0.68 N/A 0 0 0 3 Commercial N/A 10,487 0.24 23,256 1,899 260 2,159 4 Dumpster N/A 2,928 0.07 N/A 0 0 0 5 Commercial N/A 12,084 0.28 25,257 2,062 300 2,362 6 Commercial 5 6,698 0.15 10,626 910 166 1,076 7 Commercial 4 4,922 0.11 9,240 772 122 894 8 Commercial 4 4,922 0.11 9,240 772 122 894 9 Commercial 4 4,922 0.11 9,240 772 122 894 10 Commercial 4 4,922 0.11 9,240 772 122 894 11 Commercial 4 5,628 0.13 10,626 871 140 1,011 12 Commercial 4 4,766 0.11 10,353 852 118 970 13 Commercial 4 4,508 0.10 9,240 772 112 883 14 Commercial 4 4,508 0.10 9,240 772 112 883 15 Commercial 4 4,508 0.10 9,240 772 112 883 16 Commercial 4 4,508 0.10 9,240 772 112 883 17 Commercial 5 6,134 0.14 10,626 910 152 1,062 Total 55 2.86 14,691 16,972 1 Commercial 6 11,869 0.27 14,982 1,311 294 1,605 2 Parking Lot N/A 22,762 0.52 N/A 0 0 0 3 Commercial 5 5,475 0.13 10,324 889 136 1,024 4 Commercial 4 5,350 0.12 10,080 832 133 965 5 Commercial 4 5,350 0.12 10,080 832 133 965 6 Commercial 4 5,474 0.13 10,324 850 136 986 7 Commercial 4 4,626 0.11 10,053 830 115 945 8 Commercial 4 4,900 0.11 10,080 832 122 954 9 Commercial 4 4,900 0.11 10,080 832 122 954 10 Commercial 5 5,014 0.12 10,324 889 124 1,013 Total 40 1.74 8,096 9,410 1 Parking Lot N/A 21,150 0.49 N/A 0 0 0 2 Hotel 80 20,116 0.46 62,300 3,098 499 3,597 3 Hotel 90 18,100 0.42 73,875 3,485 449 3,934 4 Garages N/A 11,940 0.27 N/A 0 0 0 Total 170 1.64 6,583 7,530 1 Parking Lot N/A 73,451 1.69 N/A 0 0 0 2 Commercial 4 4,026 0.09 14,200 1,024 100 1,124 3 Commercial 4 3,910 0.09 13,800 1,000 97 1,097 4 Commercial 4 3,910 0.09 13,800 1,000 97 1,097 5 Commercial 4 3,910 0.09 13,800 1,000 97 1,097 6 Commercial 4 3,921 0.09 13,800 1,000 97 1,097 7 Commercial 5 4,342 0.10 14,280 1,068 108 1,176 Total 25 2.24 6,092 6,688 1 Parkling Lot N/A 3,776 0.09 N/A 0 0 0 2 Commercial 4 3,776 0.09 13,320 970 94 1,064 3 Commercial 4 4,140 0.10 14,720 1,056 103 1,159 4 Commercial 4 4,140 0.10 14,720 1,056 103 1,159 5 Commercial 4 4,140 0.10 14,720 1,056 103 1,159 6 Commercial 4 4,140 0.10 14,720 1,056 103 1,159 2 Table 3 - Sanitary Sewer Flow Analysis - By Lot 7 4 3 5 6 8 7 Commercial 5 4,011 0.09 14,276 1,068 99 1,167 Total 25 0.65 6,263 6,867 9 1 Parki ng Lot N/A 67,833 1.56 N/A 0 0 0 Total 0 1.56 0 0 Totals:440 16.64 52,215 62,055 Subdivision WW Generation Rate (gal/ac/day)2,000 Total WW Generation Rate (gal/day)62,055 Diff. btw. Flow analysis and 2000 g/ac/day 9,840 Total area of developable lots (acres)9.107 Restaurant/Bar/Retail split 35%Restaurant/Bar/Retail split 65% Table Input APPENDIX D WATER METER DATA PREPARED 12/18/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 56199 RSVP MOTEL LLC10847 US HWY 287 THREE FORKS MT 59752 LOCATION: 22370 510 N 7TH AVE CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-09 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 61025464 METER SIZE: 200 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 369.50 38.40 .00 2/06/19 REG 33 2/19 2/26/19HCF 331.10 32.70 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 298.40 34.30 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18HCF 264.10 30.80 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 233.30 40.00 .00 TOTALS: 152 176.20 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:1.15 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : N CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :1.77 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :1677.30 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 RVSP MOTEL PREPARED 12/21/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 49659 THE IMPERIAL FOUR HUNDRED, LLC122 W MAIN ST BOZEMAN MT 59715 LOCATION: 14660 122 W MAIN ST CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-05 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 60880273 METER SIZE: 150 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 29 3/19 3/26/19HCF 3027.70 55.70 .00 2/05/19 REG 32 2/19 2/26/19HCF 2972.00 47.50 .00 1/04/19 REG 31 1/19 1/25/19HCF 2924.50 44.80 .00 12/04/18 REG 32 12/18 12/28/18HCF 2879.70 47.20 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 2832.50 46.50 .00 TOTALS: 152 241.70 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:1.59 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : N CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :2.01 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :1895.80 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 THE LARK HOTEL PREPARED 1/08/21 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 49921 BANGTAIL PARTNERS LLCATTN: LIZ REEVE122 W MAIN STBOZEMAN MT 59715 LOCATION: 14680 136 W MAIN ST CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-10 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 60982213 METER SIZE: 200 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/04/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 458.50 39.10 .00 2/04/19 REG 33 2/19 2/26/19HCF 419.40 35.50 .00 1/02/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 383.90 31.60 .00 12/03/18 REG 32 12/18 12/28/18HCF 352.30 36.50 .00 11/01/18 REG 29 11/18 11/27/18HCF 315.80 36.90 .00 TOTALS: 152 179.60 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:1.18 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : N CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :1.58 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :1532.20 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :971 THE LARK HOTEL PREPARED 12/18/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 60353 MARINE FIGHTER LLC448 N COTTONWOOD RD BOZEMAN MT 59718 LOCATION: 232790 780 BOARDWALK AVE CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-32 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 60923913 METER SIZE: 150 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 3232.70 152.20 .00 2/06/19 REG 33 2/19 2/26/19HCF 3080.50 170.60 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 2909.90 146.40 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18HCF 2763.50 159.50 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 2604.00 155.50 .00 TOTALS: 152 784.20 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:5.15 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : N CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :5.06 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :4779.30 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 SIDEWINDERS PREPARED 1/08/21 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 35945 MONTANA ALE WORKS611 E MAIN ST BOZEMAN MT 59715 LOCATION: 77160 611 E MAIN ST CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-12 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 60651334 METER SIZE: 150 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 30551.20 201.20 .00 2/06/19 REG 33 2/19 2/21/19HCF 30350.00 221.10 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 30128.90 197.60 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18HCF 29931.30 243.60 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 29687.70 249.90 .00 TOTALS: 152 1113.40 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:7.32 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :8.47 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :8240.30 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :973 MT ALEWORKS PREPARED 12/18/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 28635 STONERIDGE PROPERTIES LLC1091 STONERIDGE DR BOZEMAN MT 59718 LOCATION: 111790 1091 STONERIDGE DR CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-22 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 81499383 METER SIZE: 058 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 57695.50 6.15 .00 2/06/19 REG 33 2/19 2/21/19HCF 57634.00 6.60 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 57568.00 5.00 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18HCF 57518.00 11.55 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 57402.50 13.10 .00 TOTALS: 152 42.40 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.27 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :1.25 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :1179.35 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 C&H ENGINEERING PREPARED 1/12/21 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 7507 CLAIR W & SHARON DAINESSOUTHWOOD BLDG #7895 TECHNOLOGY BLVD STE 101BOZEMAN MT 59718 LOCATION: 45080 895 TECHNOLOGY BLVD CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-15 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 84506359 METER SIZE: 058 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/05/19 REG 32 3/19 3/26/19HCF 21360.50 8.50 .00 2/01/19 REG 29 2/19 2/26/19HCF 21275.50 8.30 .00 1/03/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 21192.50 7.35 .00 12/04/18 REG 32 12/18 12/28/18HCF 21119.00 8.85 .00 11/02/18 REG 29 11/18 11/27/18HCF 21030.50 7.75 .00 TOTALS: 152 40.75 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.26 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :.25 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :247.95 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :973 THE DAINES BUILDING PREPARED 12/18/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 8373 MERKEL, RITA HC/O THE ROUND HOUSEPO BOX 1401BOZEMAN MT 59771 LOCATION: 45760 1422 W MAIN ST CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-15 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 94118056 METER SIZE: 058 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/05/19 REG 30 3/19 3/26/19HCF 3796.70 3.63 .00 2/03/19 REG 32 2/19 2/26/19HCF 3760.40 3.51 .00 1/02/19 REG 28 1/19 1/25/19HCF 3725.30 3.23 .00 12/05/18 REG 34 12/18 12/28/18HCF 3693.00 3.43 .00 11/01/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 3658.70 2.29 .00 TOTALS: 152 16.09 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.10 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :.25 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :235.92 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 ROUNDHOUSE SKI AND SPORTS PREPARED 12/18/20 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 33935 HAWKINS COMPANIES855 BROAD ST STE 300 BOISE ID 83702 LOCATION: 171630 2220 TSCHACHE LN CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-20 STATUS: A WATER METER NUMBER: 60508483 METER SIZE: 200 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE READING CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/06/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19HCF 1170.00 9.00 .00 2/06/19 REG 33 2/19 2/26/19HCF 1161.00 9.00 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19HCF 1152.00 11.00 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18HCF 1141.00 10.00 .00 11/02/18 REG 28 11/18 11/27/18HCF 1131.00 9.00 .00 TOTALS: 152 48.00 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.31 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :.30 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :286.50 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :945 REI PREPARED 8/06/21 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 3451 1006 W MAIN LLC113 E OAK STE 4A BOZEMAN MT 59715 LOCATION: 17910 1006 W MAIN ST CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-07 STATUS: F WATER METER NUMBER: 48946698 METER SIZE: 100 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/04/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19 12.05 .00 2/04/19 REG 33 2/19 2/26/19 13.95 .00 1/02/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19 10.40 .00 12/03/18 REG 32 12/18 12/28/18 8.20 .00 11/01/18 REG 29 11/18 11/27/18 6.50 .00 TOTALS: 152 51.10 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.33 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :3.30 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :2034.33 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :617 b2 Urgent Care PREPARED 8/06/21 ACCOUNT CONSUMPTION HISTORY PAGE: 1 PROGRAM UT475L CITY OF BOZEMAN CUSTOMER: 50649 MITCHELL DEVELOPEMENTPO BOX 738 GREAT FALLS MT 59403 LOCATION: 197840 862 HARMON STREAM BLVD CYCLE/ROUTE: 01-15 STATUS: F WATER METER NUMBER: 52817023 METER SIZE: 100 READING BILLING ACTUAL ACTUAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL DATE TYPE DAYS PERIOD/DATE CONSUMPTION DEMAND CONSUMPTION DEMAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/05/19 REG 28 3/19 3/26/19 3.54 .00 2/05/19 REG 32 2/19 2/26/19 4.30 .00 1/04/19 REG 30 1/19 1/25/19 3.52 .00 12/05/18 REG 33 12/18 12/28/18 4.48 .00 11/02/18 REG 29 11/18 11/27/18 3.92 .00 TOTALS: 152 19.76 .00 AVERAGE DAILY USAGE:.13 .00 CONSUMPTION PARAMETERS FOR WATER EXCEPTION REPORT FLAG . . . . : N CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . . . . :.00 DEMAND CONSUMPTION ESTIMATE . :.00 AVERAGE CONSUMPTION . . . . . :.14 AVERAGE DEMAND CONSUMPTION . :.00 TOTAL CONSUMPTION . . . . . . :75.47 TOTAL DEMAND CONSUMPTION . . :.00 TOTAL READING DAYS . . . . . :544 Nova Health Urgent Care APPENDIX E VALLEY WEST TRUNK MAIN DESIGN REPORT (MORRISON-MAEIRLE, INC – 1998) APPENDIX F C&H ENGINEERING BREAKDOWN OF “BOZEMAN ATHLETIC CLUB WEST ANNEXATION” AREA AND CONTRIBUTING SEWER FLOWS ESTIMATE Bozeman Athletic Club West Annexation (approximate contributing area) Parcel Description Zoning Area (acres)Wastewater Generation Rate Avg. Daily Flow (gpd) The Ridge Athletic Club Sub. [Plat J-465-A]8 Lot Business Park BP 12.2170 960 gal/acre/day 11,728 Lot 2B - Minor No. 365A Cottonwood Condos (156 residential units)R-O 28.7221 156du x 2.17/persons/du x65 gal/pp/day 22,004 Lot 2C - Minor No. 365A future development R-O 2.7163 980 gal/acre/day 2,662 Tract A1 - Minor No. 338 future development R-O 8.6375 980 gal/acre/day 8,465 Lot 3A - Minor No. 365 ICON Apartments R-O 19.8627 336du x 2.17/persons/du x 65 gal/pp/day 47,393 Lot 4 - Minor No. 295 Ferguson Farm B-2 19.9621 2,000 gal/acre/day 39,924 Lot 5 - Minor No. 295 Ferguson Farm II UMU 31.0275 2,000 gal/acre/day 62,055 ROW - Minor No. 338 R.O.W.-2.5241 150 gal/acre/day 379 ROW - Minor No. 365A R.O.W.-1.5796 150 gal/acre/day 237 ROW - Minor No. 295 R.O.W.-8.3937 150 gal/acre/day 420 135.6426 Total 195,266 gpd Predicted Avg. Daily Flow from Bozeman Athletic Club Annex. (from Valley West Trunk Line Design Report)=210,074 gpd 145.88 gpm APPENDIX G MONTANA LODGING AND HOSPITALITY ASSOCIATION WINTER 2019 NEWS JOURNAL NEWSWinter 2019 MLHAContents Page 2 • MLHA Board of Directors Page 3 • MLHA Awards Page 4 • Sales & Marketing Council Update Page 4 • New Members Page 5 • MLHA Member Spotlight Page 6 • ALHA New President & CEO Page 7 • Smith Travel Report Page 8 • 2019 Industry Outlook Page 9 • MLHA Fall Conference Page 10 • Upcoming Events VOICES OF MONTANA TOURISM LOOKS FORWARD TO 2019 by Dax Shieffer, Director of Voices of Montana Tourism At the new year, it’s a good time to reflect on how the past year went and look ahead to future opportunities. It’s also a time to give appreciation, particularly for our partners who make our work possible. The Montana Lodging & Hospitality Association provides the foundational support for Voices of Montana Tourism which is leveraged with 33 other sponsors. As a team, we provide education and outreach on the value of tourism across all of Montana. Thank you. In 2018 we presented to 31 different audiences reaching over 1500 people. We traveled to every corner of the state and shared the economic impact data that encourages continued sound policies on supporting promotions, awareness and encouragement to choose Montana for future travel. We were able to share the message in the spring with a state-wide op ed before the summer rush, across many newspapers, on why we Montanans should appreciate the visitor. It is the visitor and the dollars they bring that supports memorable events, additional flights and quality restaurants that we all get to enjoy. The Institute of Tourism and Recreation Research released the 2018 preliminary economic impact report counting 12.2 million nonresident visitors arriving in 2018 spending $3.7 billion. While the number of travelers slightly decreased from 2017, those who did travel spent more, with around a 10% increase in overall spending. Another metric that gives a snapshot on the lodging industry are the bed tax collections. At this time the public reporting only covers the first three quarters, but between January to September, collections are up 5% from the year before, which was a record. With a 4th year of steady growth of 5-6 percent increases in state-wide bed tax collections, there are concerning trends when viewing the results by different regions. Generally, the western part of Montana has been increasing collections faster than areas in the eastern part of the state. There will be focused efforts to address new opportunities to improve the lodging climate and visitor economy for eastern Montana in 2019, Voices will be a proud sponsor of those efforts. In closing, join me in thanking tireless volunteers who serve on the steering committee for Voices and are members of MLHA. Thank you to Matt Sease, Steve Wahrlich and Stuart Doggett for your leadership on the Voices of Montana Tourism committee. Here’s to a successful 2019 for all of Montana! Dax Schieffer is the director for Voices of Montana Tourism. Voices’ mission is to provide education and outreach on the value of tourism for Montana. Schieffer has been director since 2015 and with the help of partners has grown its programing year after year. Montana Lodging and Hospitality Association 2018 / 2019 Board of Directors Officers Matt Sease, Chair – Term expires 2019 Hampton Inn and Suites 6340 Hwy 93 South matt@lamberthotels.com Whitefish, MT 59937 406-581-8798 Karen Baker, Vice-Chair – Term expires 2019 Grouse Mountain Lodge 2 Fairway Drive kbaker@grousemountainlodge.com Whitefish, MT 59937 406-863-4716 Tim Giesler, Treasurer – Term expires 2019 Ruby’s Inn & Convention Center 4825 N Reserve St. tim.giesler@erckhotels.com Missoula, MT 59808 406-721-0990 Steve Wahrlich, Past Chair – Term expires 2019 Best Western Plus ClockTower Inn 2511 1st Avenue North sw@bwclocktowerinn.com Billings, MT 59101 406-325-1732 Directors Bryce Baker – Term expires 2020 Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites 820 S. Central Ave. goldenprairieinn@midrivers.com Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-4560 Shelli Mann – Term expires 2019 Boothill Inn & Suites 242 E Airport Rd. shellimann@boothillinn.com Billings, MT 59105 406-245-2000 Valerie Edwards – Term expires 2019 Springhill Suites by Marriott Bozeman 1601 Baxter Ln valerie.edwards@springhillsuitesbozeman.com Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-5200 David O’Connor – Term expires 2019 Buck’s T-4 Lodge PO Box 160279 doconnor@buckst4.com Big Sky, MT 59716 406-993-5325 Becky Henne – Term expires 2020 Baymont by Wyndham Helena 750 N Fee Street becky@lamberthotels.com Helena, MT 59601 406-443-1000 Jim Tucker – Term expires 2019 Comfort Suites of Helena 3180 N Washington JimT@townpump.Biz Helena, MT 59601 406-495-0505 Ryan Kunz – Term expires 2020 Lone Mountain Ranch PO Box 160069 rkunz@lonemountainranch.com Big Sky, MT 59716 406-995-4644 Joe Wilson – Term expires 2020 Magnuson Hotels Sundowner Inn PO Box 1080 jgw@rangeweb.net Forsyth, MT 59327 406-346-2115 Sales & Marketing Council Tina Wiser – Term expires 2019 Hilton Garden Inn – Billings 2465 Grant Rd. tina.wiser@hilton.com Billings, MT 59102 406-281-9625 Erica Kimble, President – Term expires 2020 Hilton Garden Inn – Billings 2465 Grant Rd. erica.kimble2@hilton.com Billings, MT 59102 406-655-8800 Allied Directors Barbara Moran – Term expires 2020 InnSpace 165 Commons Loop, Suite D barbara.moran@inn-space.com Kalispell, MT 59901 406-756-9499 Blair Hope (Alternate Allied Director) – Term expires 2020 Procter &Gamble 914 W 420 S hope.b@pg.com Toole, UT 84074 801-554-0527 Staff Stuart Doggett – Executive Director MLHA PO Box 1272 stuart@montana.com Helena, MT 59624 406-449-8408 Charlotte Lauerman – Association Coordinator MLHA PO Box 1272 clauerman@montana.com Helena, MT 59624 406-449-8408 Ad Hoc Dax Schieffer – Director Voices of Montana Tourism PO Box 1272 dax@voicesoftourism.com Helena, MT 59624 406-539-1026 2 MONTANA LODGING AND HOSPITALITY ASSOCIATION2018 / 2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS THREE DISTINGUISHED MLHA MEMBERS SELECTED FOR AWARDS 2018 MLHA FALL TOURISM CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW AT THE CLARION INN COPPER KING HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER BUTTE Matt Sease, General Manager of the Hampton Inn & Suites in Whitefish was selected to receive the prestigious “Lodging Person of the Year” award during the association’s Awards Banquet on October 23rd at our annual conference. Presenting the award to Matt was MLHA board director, Jim Tucker of the Comfort Suites Helena. He detailed Matt’s extensive record of achievements and read portions of his award nomination letter that stated, “Matt is not only the Chair of the MLHA, but he has been a dedicated and effective supporter of this organization for a long time. As a leader of the association, Matt has done a great job of representing the lodging industry both in Montana and at the national level. As well, he is someone that takes the time to share his expertise and mentor others who are new to the business. Thank you, Matt, we appreciate your dedication to your award-winning hotel and to MLHA.” Special notes: • Matt and the Whitefish Hampton Inn & Suites are part of Lambert Hotels based in Missoula, Montana; • Under Matt’s leadership, the Whitefish Hampton Inn & Suites was a winner of Hilton’s Lighthouse Award in 2017. From the MLHA Sales & Marketing Council, Erica Kimble of the Hilton Garden Inn in Billings was selected to receive the distinguished “Sales & Marketing Council Person of the Year” award at the same Awards Banquet. Presenting the award to Erica was outgoing MLHA Sales and Marketing Council Chair, Valerie Edwards of SpringHill Suites Bozeman. She had this to offer from those who nominated Erica for the award: “Erica is an enthusiastic representative of the lodging industry and shares her passion daily. She has worked on the success not only of the Hilton Garden Inn, but also the Billings market and is now sharing her talents with the Sales and Marketing Council as their incoming Chair. Erica was awarded the 40 under 40 achievers for the Billings Chamber of Commerce in recognition of her achievements at the Hilton Garden Inn. She has grown in her role as the Director of Sales for the Hilton Garden Inn of Billings and strives to bring a high level of excellence to her work each day.” We wish to congratulate Erica as the recipient of the 2018 “Sales and Marketing Person of the Year” award and for all she has done to advance the Montana lodging and tourism industry. Rounding out the esteemed awards given at MLHA’s award banquet was Dax Schieffer with Voices of Montana Tourism receiving the “Tourism Friend of the Year” award. Dax was nominated because of his effective leadership and dedication to educating Montanans about the value of tourism in our state. Steve Wahrlich, a Voices of Montana Tourism Board Member presented the award to Dax and stated, “Under Dax’s tenure he has taken Voices of Montana Tourism to new levels. Because of Dax the organization is considered an educational leader in providing objective information about tourism values in Montana.” He added, “Dax’s work ethic is commendable. Through his effort he has helped MLHA in our goal to educate Montanans about the immense value a sustainably-grown tourism industry provides for our state.” In his concluding remarks Wahrlich noted, “Dax Schieffer has been a friend to many in the tourism industry and he is someone we are fortunate to have leading us as the Director of Voices of Montana Tourism. Thank you, Dax, and congratulations on being named MLHA’s 2018 Tourism Friend of the Year.” 3 Matt Sease Erica Kimble Dax Schieffer 4 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!Lodging • Bob’s Bar, Dining and Motel – Neihart • Hotel Finlan – Butte • Residence Inn by Marriot – Billings • Residence Inn – Missoula • Roosevelt Hotel Yellowstone – Gardiner • RSVP Motel – Bozeman • Sleep Inn / Mainstay Suites – Great Falls • Staybridge Suites – Missoula • The Bonanza Inn – Virginia City • Travelodge by Wyndham – Livingston Sales & Marketing • Delta Colonial Hotel – Chantelle McDuffie • Grouse Mountain Lodge – Tyler Uhlenbrauk • Hilton Garden Inn Kalispell – Emily Schroeder • Hilton Garden Inn Missoula – Quincey Walker • Lone Mountain Ranch – Heather Ready • Northern Hotel – Katie Vaughn • Rainbow Ranch Lodge – Kelli Kunz • Red Lion Hotel Kalispell – Heidi Gilmond • Rock Creek Resort – Holly Lucera • TownePlace Suites by Marriot Billings – Becky Meidinger Allied • A&E Architechts • Aire-Master • Blueprint Managed Business Solutions by TCT • Chase Merchant Services SALES & MARKETING COUNCIL UPDATE In October, the Montana Lodging and Hospitality Association concluded the 2018 conference at the Copper King in Butte, MT. During the conference, the MLHA Sales and Marketing Council kicked off the conference with a council meeting where the 2019 June Retreat and the new Vice President were voted on and Erica Kimble from the Hilton Garden Inn Billings was introduced to the council as the new President for a two year term. The final vote for the new Vice President was Melissa Sigmundstad from the Cottonwood Suites in Glasgow, MT. Melissa will move into the role of council president in October 2020. The 2019 June Sales and Marketing Retreat will be at the Cottonwood Inn and Suites in Glasgow, MT on June 2-4. During the conference, there was an interactive Best Practice Panel by Phil Quigley. This sales break out meeting included a collaboration of teams to use creative thinking for presentations on how to wow decision makers over when going up against competitors. This was a great meeting to share marketing and presentation ideas with other MLHA members. The MLHA Sales and Marketing Council membership is sitting at 35 active members, with 8 new members. The council would like to give a warm welcome to our new members: Katie Vaughn; Northern Hotel Billings, Christine Maragos; Northern Hotel Billings, Emily Schroeder; Hilton Garden Inn Kalispell, Heather Ready; Lone Mountain Ranch, Heidi Gilmond; Red Lion Hotel Kalispell, Holly Lucara; Rock Creek Resort, Tyler Uhlenbrauck; Gouse Mountain Lodge, and Quincey Walker; Hilton Garden Inn Missoula. If your property has a sales associate that you would like to become a member of the Sales and Marketing Council, please contact Erica for information on how to register. Be sure to join the Sales and Marketing Council members for the June retreat with a trip to “the middle of nowhere” in Glasgow, MT. Please look forward to receiving emails with information on how to register for the retreat and vote on the presenters and activities that will be included. If you are not following the MLHA Sales and Marketing Council Facebook Page, please contact Erica or Melissa to receive an invite and to stay up to date with other members and MLHA. Erica Kimble, President: Erica.Kimble2@hilton.com Melissa Sigmunstad, Vice President: Melissa@cwimt.net 5 MLHA MEMBER SPOTLIGHTRED LION INN & SUITES • POLSON, MONTANA The Red Lion Inn & Suites in Polson, Montana overlooks Polson and beautiful Flathead Lake, giving our guests unlimited breathtaking views. With 80 standard rooms and suites we are well appointed to provide every guest with a room or combination of rooms to exceed their expectations. Check-in and start your relaxing night by sitting in front of the fireplace while enjoying a glass of wine or cold beer served in our lobby. Finish off the night with the on-site restaurant or one of the many local restaurants within just a few minutes’ drive. Following a restful night our Red Lion signature breakfast buffet will start your morning out right as you begin to explore the majestic West. Our central location between Kalispell and Missoula makes us an ideal spot for meetings, events and weddings. Our diverse Montana event venues are flexible and spacious for any occasion, whether you're hosting a meeting for 5 people or a conference/reception for several hundred. The ballroom can host events up to 200 people comfortably and if you're in town for business travel, our boardroom is a perfect fit for smaller groups up to 12 people. Our meeting and event staff are experienced in providing every item necessary to host an excellent event. We are also happy to facilitate catering for all groups that choose our location. Minutes from your room you can explore our charming and friendly town. Polson’s downtown has many local art studios and excellent shopping opportunities including the local Farmer’s Market which is held every Friday from 10am to 1pm, May through September. Stop off at Glacier Brewing for a craft beer before golfing a round at Polson Bay Golf Course. Whether swimming and fishing on Flathead Lake or browsing through the downtown stores, one afternoon won’t be enough in Polson. Venturing further out on a day trip is a necessity when coming to the Flathead valley. Some of the most beautiful scenery in the continental United States is directly out your window. Flathead Lake is the largest natural lake in the Western U.S. and is almost 30 miles long, fed by both the Swan and Flathead rivers. With 160 miles of shoreline this area is a photographer’s dream. Only an hour away you can experience Glacier National Park’s pristine forests, alpine meadows, rugged mountains and spectacular lakes. Boasting over 700 miles of trails, Glacier is a hiker's paradise for adventurous visitors seeking wilderness and solitude. Relive the days of old through historic chalets, lodges, transportation, and stories of Indigenous Culture. On the way back from Glacier National Park or Flathead Lake activities, make sure you inquire with our team members about the local cherry orchards. Flathead Lake is the hidden home of many quality cherry orchards. Visiting one of our many local orchards provides you the opportunity to savor tasty cherries straight off the cherry tree. Don’t forget to check out the Polson Main Street Cherry Festival, a celebration for the best-tasting cherries in the West. From our stunning views and excellent amenities to our fantastic team members helping you plan your excursions, your time with us will be exceptional throughout your stay. We look forward to being your “home” in the Flathead Lake area! 6 AHLA ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF CHIP ROGERS AS PRESIDENT & CEO AAHOA LEADER BRINGS MORE THAN TWO DECADES OF EXPERIENCE The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) announced today that William “Chip” Rogers will succeed Katherine Lugar as president and CEO, effective in the new year. Rogers comes to AHLA with more than 20 years of experience and a proven track record of success. Rogers has served as the president and CEO of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA), the largest U.S. hotel owners association, since 2014. In this role, he led a team of more than 30 staff members with an annual budget of $15 million, bringing an unprecedented amount of success to the organization. Under his leadership, the AAHOA has grown overall membership by 30 percent and revenue by 62 percent. In addition to leading the AAHOA, Rogers sits on the board of directors for the United States Travel Association, Community Leaders of America and the California Hotel & Lodging Association. Prior to joining AAHOA, Rogers served in the Georgia General Assembly for 10 years and was unanimously elected as Senate majority leader in 2008 and 2010. “I am truly grateful for my time at AAHOA and working with the great people who make up the association. I could not be more excited to work with the talented team and outstanding members of the American Hotel & Lodging Association,” said Rogers. “It is a special opportunity to join this industry leading organization. Katherine has established great momentum with a superb team. The recent victories with passage of short- term rental regulations in markets across the country are milestones. With the foundation of success established, I am confident that the AHLA will continue to grow in impact and engagement.” “We are extremely excited for Chip to join and lead this dynamic organization,” said AHLA Chair Mark Carrier, president of B.F. Saul Company Hospitality Group. “Chip has done an outstanding job at AAHOA, this success is recognized by our stakeholders; brands, owners, management companies, state associations and independents. I have confidence that he will build on that success at AHLA. Under Chip’s leadership, we are well positioned for the future.” Incoming Chairman Geoff Ballotti, president and chief executive officer of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, added, “AHLA is in a great position of stability and strength. Our members are engaged, our advocacy efforts are succeeding and –most importantly–we have a talented and dedicated team in place. With nearly two decades of experience advocating for the hotel industry, Chip will be a fantastic leader and build on our current momentum.” Rogers was selected after a thorough and comprehensive search conducted over the last several months. An AHLA Search Advisory Group, comprised of the leading CEOs and executives of the major brands, owners and management companies representing a cross-range of the association’s members, conducted numerous in-depth interviews of each candidate. Ultimately, Rogers’ appointment was unanimously approved by the Nominating Committee and Board of Directors. Coming from AAHOA, Rogers is no stranger to AHLA, as the two organizations have worked hand in glove for many years advocating on behalf of the entire hotel and lodging industry. Both organizations have held joint advocacy days each year for the past several years, and AAHOA’s incoming chairwoman currently sits on AHLA’s board. Rogers will join an existing AHLA team with a wealth of experience, including Kevin Carey, executive vice president and chief operating officer; Brian Crawford, executive vice president of government affairs; and Rosanna Maietta, president of the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation (AHELF), and executive vice president of communications and public relations. The appointment of Crawford and Maietta to EVP was announced earlier this week. Chip Rogers 7 SMITH TRAVEL REPORT You have probably noticed the Smith Travel Reports look different in recent months. We have a new agreement with STR and although the current report data we provide isn't as detailed, you can still obtain more specific area data. Through our partnership with STR, you can provide them with your property data and in return receive more detailed information - all completely free. The link to sign up is below. https://surveys.str.com/s3/Hotel-Enrollment-Form S Segment 2018 2017 % Chg Segment 2018 2017 % Chg United States 61.7 61.5 0.4 United States 67.3 67.0 0.5 Mountain 59.7 57.1 4.7 Mountain 67.5 67.3 0.3 Montana 47.4 42.9 10.6 Montana 60.3 59.9 0.6 Segment 2018 2017 % Chg Segment 2018 2017 % Chg United States 124.22 122.79 1.2 United States 130.23 127.11 2.5 Mountain 106.85 105.90 0.9 Mountain 119.44 118.47 0.8 Montana 85.82 86.70 -1.0 Montana 106.67 105.63 1.0 Segment 2018 2017 % Chg Segment 2018 2017 % Chg United States 76.69 75.48 1.6 United States 87.71 85.17 3.0 Mountain 63.83 60.42 5.6 Mountain 80.59 79.69 1.1 Montana 40.69 37.18 9.4 Montana 64.29 63.25 1.6 Rev Avail Sold Rev Avail Sold Segment % Chg % Chg % Chg Segment % Chg % Chg % ChgUnited States 3.7 2.0 2.5 United States 5.0 2.0 2.5Mountain6.7 1.0 5.8 Mountain 2.6 1.5 1.8 Montana 11.0 1.4 12.1 Montana 2.7 1.0 1.7 Segment Census Sample Census Sample United States 54633 33765 5219740 3928257 Mountain 5462 3053 607641 346202 Montana 444 226 29227 19486 Source: Smith Travel Research Occupancy PercentOccupancy Percent Average Room Rate Month to Month Year to Date Smith Travel Research Report for Montana Lodging & Hospitality Association - November 2017 vs November 2018 Properties Rooms Participation for Statistics RevPAR RevPAR Average Room Rate HOSPITALITY WILL ENJOY GROWTH IN 2019 BUT SUFFER FROM LABOR ISSUES by Bambi Majumdar (This article originally appeared on MultiBriefs.com) 2019 will be a strong year of growth for the hospitality industry. CBRE’s 2018 edition of “Hotel Horizons” projects that companies of all sizes will perform well. Occupancy, which has seen an increase to 66.2 percent in 2018, will receive a further boost from an anticipated 2.1 percent rise in demand. A combination of factors like capital spending, tax-law changes and improved wage growth have affected the industry for the better. 2019 will be the 10th consecutive year of growth. What’s not so great is the fact that, despite the robust figures, the industry will experience some major labor challenges. The tight labor market has put a lot of pressure on the owners who express alarm at the lack of labor available. While the situation is worse in the suburbs than the cities, finding the right talent or retaining has become harder in all markets. One would imagine that steady growth would result in significant employment figures. What it has done instead is increase the competition for business owners. There are now more jobs than there are people to fill them. The industry is facing challenges in areas like gender equity, insurance requirements, and controversial political considerations, all of which have affected talent attraction. The strong growth and secure jobs market have made it a challenge to fill entry-level and even mid- level positions right now. Hotel employees are taking advantage of this unemployment rate to demand changes like increased wages and benefits, job security and better healthcare. They want more job satisfaction since hotels have long been known to be underpaying employers. According to the American Hotel and Lodging Association, hotels owners are trying to change that tone and make paychecks more attractive to their employees. There is a talent shortage for all levels, but is more so for lower-paying jobs like dishwashers, line cooks and wait staff. Crackdowns on illegal immigrants, many of whom have filled these positions for decades, are also affecting business. There is now a concerted effort by the industry stalwarts to pave the way for a temporary visa program for low- skilled, essential workers who hail from the nation’s immigrant workforce. They feel that if these temporary visas are granted, it will go a long way to addressing our hiring and retention issue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are many open jobs, but only 5.3 percent of those are filled. This is the highest level since 2000 and shows how hard it is for hospitality managers to find qualified employees. There is increasing complexity in hiring and retention, which have added to the pressure. Leading hotels are adding a slew of ancillary positions that focus on improving employee commitment and retention. Balancing the flexibility that the new generation of workers wants with the traditional needs of the industry is tricky. Human resources leaders who can create and implement flexible and employee-centric scheduling protocols are in demand. Even in a relatively healthy marketplace, many hotel owners are worried about the inevitable downturn. There has been some discussion about a slowdown in demand, but it hasn’t happened yet. The CBRE report does not forecast a hospitality industry recession through 2022 but does show that the current spate of growth will slow down after 2019. Risk factors like higher interest rates, credit-market problems, equity market corrections, and shrinkage in employment will affect the industry, but experts predict that the economic slowdown will be mild and short. About the Author: Bambi Majumdar has over 18 years of industry experience in journalism, PR, and marketing communications. She is passionate about bridging the gap between the audience and brands via meaningful content. She has contributed articles to The Economic Times, the leading financial daily of India, among others. She is also active on the board for several business organizations that focus on helping small business owners and women achieve more in their respective fields. 8 APPENDIX H City of Bozeman Provided Hydrant Curves GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)9000 111.76200 111.03400 110.18600 109.21800 108.121,000.00 106.921,200.00 105.61,400.00 104.171,600.00 102.631,800.00 100.982,000.00 99.212,200.00 97.342,400.00 95.372,600.00 93.292,800.00 91.13,000.00 88.813,200.00 86.423,400.00 83.933,600.00 81.333,800.00 78.644,000.00 75.854,200.00 72.954,400.00 69.964,600.00 66.884,800.00 63.695,000.00 60.415,200.00 57.035,400.00 53.565,600.00 49.995,800.00 46.336,000.00 42.576,200.00 38.726,400.00 34.786,600.00 30.746,800.00 26.627,000.00 22.397,200.00 18.087,400.00 13.687,600.00 9.197,800.00 4.228,000.00 0.238,011.19 0Hydrant Curve 0204060801001200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 900Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17460 114.08200 113.38400 112.59600 111.73800 110.791,000.00 109.781,200.00 108.691,400.00 107.531,600.00 106.281,800.00 104.962,000.00 103.562,200.00 102.092,400.00 100.542,600.00 98.922,800.00 97.233,000.00 95.463,200.00 93.633,400.00 91.723,600.00 89.743,800.00 87.694,000.00 85.574,200.00 83.394,400.00 81.134,600.00 78.814,800.00 76.425,000.00 73.965,200.00 71.435,400.00 68.845,600.00 66.185,800.00 63.456,000.00 60.666,200.00 57.86,400.00 54.886,600.00 51.896,800.00 48.847,000.00 45.727,200.00 42.547,400.00 39.37,600.00 35.987,800.00 32.458,000.00 29.758,200.00 27.058,400.00 23.588,600.00 21.58,800.00 19.399,000.00 17.169,200.00 13.439,400.00 8.739,600.00 4.869,800.00 1.85Hydrant Curve 0204060801001200 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1746Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17470 114.47200 113.75400 112.96600 112.09800 111.141,000.00 110.111,200.00 1091,400.00 107.811,600.00 106.551,800.00 105.212,000.00 103.792,200.00 102.32,400.00 100.732,600.00 99.092,800.00 97.373,000.00 95.573,200.00 93.713,400.00 91.773,600.00 89.763,800.00 87.684,000.00 85.534,200.00 83.314,400.00 81.024,600.00 78.674,800.00 76.245,000.00 73.745,200.00 71.185,400.00 68.545,600.00 65.845,800.00 63.076,000.00 60.246,200.00 57.346,400.00 54.376,600.00 51.336,800.00 48.247,000.00 45.077,200.00 41.847,400.00 38.557,600.00 35.137,800.00 31.948,000.00 29.298,200.00 25.388,400.00 23.388,600.00 21.298,800.00 19.189,000.00 16.169,200.00 12.379,400.00 7.619,600.00 4.69,800.00 0.62Hydrant Curve 0204060801001201400 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1747Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17480 116.26200 115.5400 114.62600 113.61800 112.471,000.00 111.211,200.00 109.831,400.00 108.331,600.00 106.721,800.00 104.992,000.00 103.152,200.00 101.22,400.00 99.132,600.00 96.952,800.00 94.663,000.00 92.263,200.00 89.763,400.00 87.153,600.00 84.433,800.00 81.614,000.00 78.684,200.00 75.654,400.00 72.524,600.00 69.284,800.00 65.945,000.00 62.515,200.00 58.975,400.00 55.325,600.00 51.595,800.00 47.756,000.00 43.816,200.00 39.776,400.00 35.646,600.00 31.416,800.00 27.087,000.00 22.667,200.00 18.147,400.00 13.537,600.00 8.517,800.00 4.518,000.00 0.448,019.00 0.04Hydrant Curve ‐200204060801001201400 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1748Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17490 117.87200 117.14400 116.33600 115.43800 114.431,000.00 113.351,200.00 112.181,400.00 110.921,600.00 109.581,800.00 108.162,000.00 106.652,200.00 105.072,400.00 103.42,600.00 101.642,800.00 99.813,000.00 97.93,200.00 95.913,400.00 93.843,600.00 91.693,800.00 89.474,000.00 87.174,200.00 84.794,400.00 82.344,600.00 79.814,800.00 77.215,000.00 74.535,200.00 71.785,400.00 68.955,600.00 66.055,800.00 63.086,000.00 60.046,200.00 56.926,400.00 53.736,600.00 50.476,800.00 47.147,000.00 43.747,200.00 40.277,400.00 36.727,600.00 33.017,800.00 30.188,000.00 27.198,200.00 23.798,400.00 21.328,600.00 19.068,800.00 16.399,000.00 12.399,200.00 7.49,400.00 4.15Hydrant Curve 0204060801001201400 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1749Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17500 118.47200 117.72400 116.85600 115.85800 114.741,000.00 113.511,200.00 112.171,400.00 110.711,600.00 109.151,800.00 107.482,000.00 105.72,200.00 103.822,400.00 101.832,600.00 99.732,800.00 97.533,000.00 95.233,200.00 92.833,400.00 90.333,600.00 87.723,800.00 85.024,000.00 82.234,200.00 79.334,400.00 76.344,600.00 73.254,800.00 70.065,000.00 66.785,200.00 63.45,400.00 59.935,600.00 56.375,800.00 52.716,000.00 48.956,200.00 45.116,400.00 41.176,600.00 37.156,800.00 33.037,000.00 28.827,200.00 24.527,400.00 20.127,600.00 15.667,800.00 11.958,000.00 6.748,200.00 3.678,400.00 0.5Hydrant Curve 0204060801001201400 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1750Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #1751Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)0 119.46200 118.72400 117.86600 116.87800 115.781,000.00 114.581,200.00 113.271,400.00 111.871,600.00 110.361,800.00 108.742,000.00 107.032,200.00 105.212,400.00 103.292,600.00 101.282,800.00 99.173,000.00 96.963,200.00 94.653,400.00 92.253,600.00 89.763,800.00 87.184,000.00 84.54,200.00 81.734,400.00 78.874,600.00 75.914,800.00 72.875,000.00 69.745,200.00 66.515,400.00 63.25,600.00 59.85,800.00 56.316,000.00 52.736,200.00 49.066,400.00 45.316,600.00 41.476,800.00 37.557,000.00 33.547,200.00 29.447,400.00 25.267,600.00 21.117,800.00 17.638,000.00 12.768,200.00 9.938,400.00 7.018,600.00 48,800.00 0.19Hydrant Curve 0204060801001201400 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1751Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17520 115.97200 115.13400 114.04600 112.71800 111.151,000.00 109.381,200.00 107.391,400.00 105.21,600.00 102.811,800.00 100.222,000.00 97.432,200.00 94.442,400.00 91.252,600.00 87.882,800.00 84.313,000.00 80.563,200.00 76.633,400.00 72.513,600.00 68.213,800.00 63.724,000.00 59.064,200.00 54.224,400.00 49.214,600.00 44.024,800.00 38.655,000.00 33.115,200.00 27.395,400.00 21.515,600.00 15.455,800.00 9.226,000.00 2.836,086.68 0Hydrant Curve 0204060801001201400 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1752Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. GIS Hydrant #Available Flow (gpm) Residual Pressure (psi)17530 111.52200 110.68400 109.58600 108.23800 106.661,000.00 104.881,200.00 102.881,400.00 100.681,600.00 98.271,800.00 95.662,000.00 92.852,200.00 89.842,400.00 86.642,600.00 83.252,800.00 79.663,000.00 75.893,200.00 71.933,400.00 67.793,600.00 63.463,800.00 58.964,000.00 54.274,200.00 49.44,400.00 44.364,600.00 39.144,800.00 33.755,000.00 28.185,200.00 22.435,400.00 16.515,600.00 10.425,800.00 4.16Hydrant Curve 0204060801001200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm)Hydrant Curve 1753Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. Modifications to Building Use Area Building Use Commercial, Bar, Restaurant, Retail, & Structured Parking Area, (ft2) Office, Medical and Hotel Base Area, (ft2) *Number of floors Office, Medical and Hotel Total Area, (ft2) Garage Condo Units Total Area, (ft2) Phase 2 156,286 n/a n/a 533,868 19,125 13,446 13,446 5 67,230 2,625 17,675 17,675 5 88,375 375 3,940 3,940 2 7,880 1,125 3,388 3,388 2 6,776 3,750 3,388 3,388 2 6,776 3,750 3,940 3,940 2 7,880 3,750 5,227 5,227 2 10,454 3,750 4,730 4,730 2 9,460 Associated 4,730 4,730 2 9,460 Areas (ft2)5,500 5,500 2 11,000 960 - - 960 - - 7,130 7,130 2 14,260 3,080 3,080 2 6,160 3,080 3,080 2 6,160 3,080 3,080 2 6,160 4,050 4,050 2 8,100 5,024 5,024 2 10,048 4,028 4,028 2 8,056 4,028 4,028 2 8,056 4,028 4,028 2 8,056 4,028 4,028 2 8,056 5,297 5,297 2 10,594 10,968 10,968 2 21,936 9,661 9,661 3 28,983 - 25,298 4 101,192 3,550 3,550 3 10,650 3,450 3,450 3 10,350 3,450 3,450 3 10,350 3,450 3,450 3 10,350 3,450 3,450 3 10,350 3,570 3,570 3 10,710 Phase 1 29,347 n/a n/a 285,685 2,250 3,330 3,330 3 9,990 1,125 3,680 3,680 3 11,040 1,125 3,680 3,680 3 11,040 Associated 3,680 3,680 3 11,040 Areas (ft2)3,680 3,680 3 11,040 3,569 3,569 3 10,707 7,728 7,728 2 15,456 7,500 3 22,500 23,802 4 95,208 21,916 4 87,664 Total 185,633 n/a n/a 819,553 21,375 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE SIZINGDiameter, D, (in):4Diameter, D, (in):6Diameter, D, (in):8Manning's n:0.013Manning's n:0.013Manning's n:0.013Min. Slope, S, (ft/ft):0.02Min. Slope, S, (ft/ft):0.01Min. Slope, S, (ft/ft):0.005Wetted Area, A, (ft2):0.09Wetted Area, A, (ft2):0.20Wetted Area, A, (ft2):0.35Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):1.05Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):1.57Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):2.09Pipe Capacity, Qfull, cfs0.27Pipe Capacity, Qfull, cfs0.56Pipe Capacity, Qfull, cfs0.85Building Use % AreaFlow Rate, Q, (gal/ft2/day)Restaurant/Bar35%0.509Retail65%0.013Office35%0.029Medical13%0.029Building LocationCommercial, Bar, Restaurant, Retail, & Structured Parking Area, (ft2)Commercial, Bar, Restaurant, Retail, & Structured Parking, Flow Rate, Q, (gpd)Office, Medical and Hotel Area, (ft2)Office and Medical Flow Rate, Q, (gpd)70% of Office, Medical and Hotel Area, (ft2)# of rooms at 300-ft2/roomHotel Flow Rate, Q, (gpd) at 77.4 gal/day/roomTotal Flow Rate, Q, (gpd)Total Flow Rate, Q, (cfs)Peak Flow Rate, Qmax, (cfs) [peaking factor =4.02]4-in Service Qmax/QfullBlock 6, Lot 2 13,446 2,509 67,230 936 47,061 157 12,142 15,587 0.02410.096936%Block 6, Lot 3 17,675 3,298 88,375 1,230 61,863 206 15,961 20,489 0.03170.127447%Block 5, Lot 6 3,940 735 7,880 110 5,516 18 1,423 2,268 0.00350.01415%Block 5, Lot 5 3,388 632 6,776 94 4,743 16 1,224 1,950 0.00300.01215%Block 5, Lot 4 3,388 632 6,776 94 4,743 16 1,224 1,950 0.00300.01215%Block 5, Lot 3 3,940 735 7,880 110 5,516 18 1,423 2,268 0.00350.01415%Block 5, Lot 7 5,227 975 10,454 146 7,318 24 1,888 3,009 0.00470.01877%Block 5, Lot 8 4,730 883 9,460 132 6,622 22 1,708 2,723 0.00420.01696%Block 5, Lot 9 4,730 883 9,460 132 6,622 22 1,708 2,723 0.00420.01696%Block 5, Lot 10 5,500 1,026 11,000 153 7,700 26 1,987 3,166 0.00490.01977%Block 5, Lot 1 960 179 - - - - - 179 0.00030.00110%Block 4, Lot 12 960 179 - - - - - 179 0.00030.00110%Block 4, Lot 10 7,130 1,330 14,260 198 9,982 33 2,575 4,104 0.00640.02559%Block 4, Lot 9 3,080 575 6,160 86 4,312 14 1,112 1,773 0.00270.01104%Block 4, Lot 8 3,080 575 6,160 86 4,312 14 1,112 1,773 0.00270.01104%Block 4, Lot 7 3,080 575 6,160 86 4,312 14 1,112 1,773 0.00270.01104% Block 4, Lot 6 4,050 756 8,100 113 5,670 19 1,463 2,331 0.00360.01455%Block 4, Lot 12 5,024 937 10,048 140 7,034 23 1,815 2,892 0.00450.01807%Block 4, Lot 13 4,028 752 8,056 112 5,639 19 1,455 2,319 0.00360.01445%Block 4, Lot 14 4,028 752 8,056 112 5,639 19 1,455 2,319 0.00360.01445%Block 4, Lot 15 4,028 752 8,056 112 5,639 19 1,455 2,319 0.00360.01445%Block 4, Lot 16 4,028 752 8,056 112 5,639 19 1,455 2,319 0.00360.01445%Block 4, Lot 17 5,297 988 10,594 147 7,416 25 1,913 3,049 0.00470.01907%Block 10, Lot 1 10,968 2,047 21,936 305 15,355 51 3,962 6,314 0.00980.039315%Block 10, Lot 3- 101,192 1,409 70,834 236 18,275 19,684 0.03050.122445%Block 10, Lot 2 9,661 1,803 28,983 403 20,288 68 5,234 7,441 0.01150.046317%Block 7, Lot 2 3,550 662 10,650 148 7,455 25 1,923 2,734 0.00420.01706%Block 7, Lot 3 3,450 644 10,350 144 7,245 24 1,869 2,657 0.00410.01656%Block 7, Lot 4 3,450 644 10,350 144 7,245 24 1,869 2,657 0.00410.01656%Block 7, Lot 5 3,450 644 10,350 144 7,245 24 1,869 2,657 0.00410.01656%Block 7, Lot 6 3,450 644 10,350 144 7,245 24 1,869 2,657 0.00410.01656%Block 7, Lot 7 3,570 666 10,710 149 7,497 25 1,934 2,749 0.00430.01716%Block 8, Lot 2 3,330 621 9,990 139 6,993 23 1,804 2,565 0.00400.01606%Block 8, Lot 3 3,680 687 11,040 154 7,728 26 1,994 2,834 0.00440.01767%Block 8, Lot 4 3,680 687 11,040 154 7,728 26 1,994 2,834 0.00440.01767%Block 8, Lot 5 3,680 687 11,040 154 7,728 26 1,994 2,834 0.00440.01767%Block 8, Lot 6 3,680 687 11,040 154 7,728 26 1,994 2,834 0.00440.01767%Block 8, Lot 7 3,569 666 10,707 149 7,495 25 1,934 2,749 0.00430.01716%Block 2, Lot 3 7,728 1,442 15,456 215 10,819 36 2,791 4,449 0.00690.027710%Block 2, Lot 2- 22,500 313 15,750 53 4,064 4,377 0.00680.027210%Block 1, Lot 1- 95,208 1,325 66,646 222 17,195 18,520 0.02870.115243%Block 9, Lot 187,664 1,220 61,365 205 15,832 17,052 0.02640.106139% Appendix B Pump Curve Calculations EPANET Exhibits EPANET Tables - Average Day Demand EPANET Tables - Maximum Day Demand EPANET Tables - Peak Hour Demand EPANET Tables – Hydrant Flow Data OptiWater FireFlow 2.10 Output Data Demand Distribution Based on Building Area Calculations Water System Connection Pump Curve Calculations:Hydrant Flow Test Data:Hydrant Location: Resort Dr and Fallon St (COB Hydrant # 1751)Static Pressure: 128 psiResidual Pressure: 94 psiCalculated Flow: 1,625 gpmPressure/Flow Curve Equation:Qo = Qt ((Ps - Po)/(Ps - Pt))0.54where:Qo= Flow available at chosen pressure (gpm)Qt= Residual flow during hydrant test (gpm)Ps= Static pressure during hydrant test (psi)Po= Chosen pressure, at which Qo is to be calculated (psi)Pt= Residual pressure during hydrant test (psi)Pump #1HeadPressure (psi)(ft)FlowHead (ft)128295.68- 295.68125288.75438.03 288.75120277.2743.92 277.20115265.65966.91 265.65110254.11,152.66 254.10105242.551,315.79 242.551002311,463.26 231.0095219.451,599.01 219.4590207.91,725.59 207.9085196.351,844.71 196.3580184.81,957.60 184.8075173.252,065.21 173.2570161.72,168.23 161.7065150.152,267.25 150.1560138.62,362.71 138.6055127.052,454.99 127.0550115.52,544.40 115.5045103.952,631.22 103.954092.42,715.66 92.403580.852,797.92 80.853069.32,878.17 69.302557.752,956.56 57.752046.23,033.22 46.201534.653,108.26 34.651023.13,181.79 23.10511.553,253.89 11.55003,324.67 0.00050100150200250300350 - 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,500.00Head (feet)Flow (gpm)Connection Pump Curve Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 126.80 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 121.37 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 10.69 120.66 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 122.77 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 121.41 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 3.10 121.47 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 123.03 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 122.74 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 120.49 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 3.05 122.50 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 125.24 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 123.03 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 126.46 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 128.19 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 127.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 126.22 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 125.07 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 1.98 120.07 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 1.94 119.92 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 122.94 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 119.00 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 117.97 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 117.16 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 116.63 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 116.79 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -20.76 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 10.96 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -0.01 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.27 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 10.96 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 3.63 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -6.16 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -3.11 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 9.80 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 10.96 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 20.76 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 20.76 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 20.76 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -1.69 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -3.63 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 20.76 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 0.29 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 10.96 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 10.96 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 10.96 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 20.76 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 10.96 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.76 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p6 0.07 Pipe p8 0.00 Pipe p9 0.00 Pipe p10 0.03 Pipe p11 0.02 Pipe p15 0.04 Pipe p16 0.02 Pipe p19 0.06 Pipe p22 0.03 Pipe p24 0.06 Pipe p25 0.06 Pipe p26 0.13 Pipe p28 0.01 Pipe p29 0.02 Pipe p38 0.06 Pipe p39 0.00 Pipe p40 0.03 Pipe p41 0.03 Pipe p42 0.04 Pipe p27 0.06 Pipe p43 0.03 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 126.61 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 121.17 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 120.47 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 122.58 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 121.22 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 121.28 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 122.84 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 122.55 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 120.30 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 122.31 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 125.05 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 122.84 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 126.27 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 128.00 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 127.79 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 126.03 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 124.88 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 119.88 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 119.72 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 122.75 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 118.81 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 117.78 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 116.97 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 116.44 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 116.59 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -47.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 25.13 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -0.06 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.54 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 25.13 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 8.41 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -14.21 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -7.19 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 22.62 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 25.13 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 47.75 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 47.75 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 47.75 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -3.95 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -8.41 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 47.75 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 0.61 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 25.13 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 25.13 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 25.13 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 47.75 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 25.13 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 47.75 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p6 0.16 Pipe p8 0.00 Pipe p9 0.00 Pipe p10 0.07 Pipe p11 0.05 Pipe p15 0.09 Pipe p16 0.05 Pipe p19 0.14 Pipe p22 0.07 Pipe p24 0.14 Pipe p25 0.14 Pipe p26 0.30 Pipe p28 0.03 Pipe p29 0.05 Pipe p38 0.14 Pipe p39 0.00 Pipe p40 0.07 Pipe p41 0.07 Pipe p42 0.10 Pipe p27 0.14 Pipe p43 0.07 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 126.35 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 120.91 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 42.97 120.20 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 122.32 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 120.95 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 12.46 121.01 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 122.58 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 122.28 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 120.03 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 12.26 122.04 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 124.79 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 122.58 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 126.02 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 127.75 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 127.55 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 125.77 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 124.62 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 7.96 119.61 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 7.80 119.46 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 122.48 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 118.54 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 117.51 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 116.70 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 116.17 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 116.32 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -83.45 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 43.81 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -0.15 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.83 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 43.81 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 14.77 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -24.87 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -12.61 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 39.64 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 43.81 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 83.45 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 83.45 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 83.45 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -6.97 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -14.77 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 83.45 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 0.99 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 43.81 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 43.81 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 43.81 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 83.45 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 43.81 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 83.45 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p6 0.28 Pipe p8 0.00 Pipe p9 0.01 Pipe p10 0.12 Pipe p11 0.09 Pipe p15 0.16 Pipe p16 0.08 Pipe p19 0.25 Pipe p22 0.12 Pipe p24 0.24 Pipe p25 0.24 Pipe p26 0.53 Pipe p28 0.04 Pipe p29 0.09 Pipe p38 0.24 Pipe p39 0.01 Pipe p40 0.12 Pipe p41 0.12 Pipe p42 0.18 Pipe p27 0.24 Pipe p43 0.12 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 126.03 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 126.56 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 9.09 126.05 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 4.40 125.59 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 2.40 125.29 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 121.13 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 9.97 120.43 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 122.54 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 121.18 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 2.38 121.24 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 122.80 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 2.28 122.51 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 120.26 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 2.14 123.40 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 3.77 121.10 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 2.28 123.34 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 2.33 122.27 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 123.41 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 1.27 123.66 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 125.01 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 122.80 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 126.23 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 127.96 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 127.75 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 125.99 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 124.84 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 1.26 119.84 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 1.23 119.69 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 123.64 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 124.71 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 124.97 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 5.52 120.94 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 3.98 122.04 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 122.71 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 122.53 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 122.09 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 119.91 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 119.83 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 118.77 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 117.74 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 116.93 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 118.53 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 117.66 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 116.40 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 116.55 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -54.30 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p1 203.4 8 130 -12.36 Pipe p2 62.98 8 130 -12.36 Pipe p3 319 8 130 2.00 Pipe p4 132.8 8 130 6.40 Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 10.32 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -0.40 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.35 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 10.32 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 3.64 Pipe p12 345.5 8 130 4.47 Pipe p13 74.8 8 130 -3.94 Pipe p14 270.5 8 130 -1.66 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -5.11 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -2.78 Pipe p17 49 8 130 -5.28 Pipe p18 319.5 8 130 -5.28 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 9.36 Pipe p20 371 8 130 5.27 Pipe p21 283.1 8 130 -4.94 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 10.32 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 32.03 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 32.03 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 32.03 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -0.51 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -1.74 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p30 165.3 8 130 -8.52 Pipe p31 89.49 8 130 -8.52 Pipe p32 117.7 8 130 -8.52 Pipe p33 46.44 8 130 -3.63 Pipe p34 392 8 130 -2.93 Pipe p35 325.7 8 130 -6.91 Pipe p36 293.8 8 130 1.89 Pipe p37 404.2 8 130 -22.26 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 19.68 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 0.75 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 10.32 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 10.32 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 10.32 Pipe p5 89.77 8 130 13.74 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 19.68 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 10.32 Pipe p44 26.30 6 130 0.00 Pipe P45 10.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P46 9.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P47 26.42 6 130 0.00 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p51 11 6 130 0.00 Pipe p52 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 54.30 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p1 0.08 Pipe p2 0.08 Pipe p3 0.01 Pipe p4 0.04 Pipe p6 0.07 Pipe p8 0.00 Pipe p9 0.00 Pipe p10 0.03 Pipe p11 0.02 Pipe p12 0.03 Pipe p13 0.03 Pipe p14 0.01 Pipe p15 0.03 Pipe p16 0.02 Pipe p17 0.03 Pipe p18 0.03 Pipe p19 0.06 Pipe p20 0.03 Pipe p21 0.03 Pipe p22 0.03 Pipe p24 0.09 Pipe p25 0.09 Pipe p26 0.20 Pipe p28 0.00 Pipe p29 0.01 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p30 0.05 Pipe p31 0.05 Pipe p32 0.05 Pipe p33 0.02 Pipe p34 0.02 Pipe p35 0.04 Pipe p36 0.01 Pipe p37 0.14 Pipe p38 0.06 Pipe p39 0.00 Pipe p40 0.03 Pipe p41 0.03 Pipe p42 0.04 Pipe p5 0.09 Pipe p27 0.06 Pipe p43 0.03 Pipe p44 0.00 Pipe P45 0.00 Pipe P46 0.00 Pipe P47 0.00 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p51 0.00 Pipe p52 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 5 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Average Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 6 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 125.53 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 126.07 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 125.55 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 125.09 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 124.80 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 120.64 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 119.93 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 122.05 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 120.68 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 120.74 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 122.31 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 122.01 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 119.76 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 122.90 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 120.60 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 122.84 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 121.77 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 122.91 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 123.16 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 124.51 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 122.31 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 125.73 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 127.47 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 127.26 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 125.49 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 124.34 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 119.34 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 119.19 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 123.14 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 124.21 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 124.47 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 120.44 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 121.54 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 122.21 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 122.03 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 121.59 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 119.41 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 119.34 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 118.27 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 117.24 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 116.43 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 118.04 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 117.16 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 115.90 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 116.05 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -124.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p1 203.4 8 130 -28.30 Pipe p2 62.98 8 130 -28.30 Pipe p3 319 8 130 4.74 Pipe p4 132.8 8 130 14.86 Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 23.53 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -0.95 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.60 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 23.53 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 8.39 Pipe p12 345.5 8 130 10.29 Pipe p13 74.8 8 130 -9.18 Pipe p14 270.5 8 130 -3.93 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -11.79 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -6.43 Pipe p17 49 8 130 -12.27 Pipe p18 319.5 8 130 -12.26 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 21.49 Pipe p20 371 8 130 12.13 Pipe p21 283.1 8 130 -11.38 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 23.53 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 73.31 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 73.31 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 73.31 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -1.34 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -4.17 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p30 165.3 8 130 -19.82 Pipe p31 89.49 8 130 -19.82 Pipe p32 117.7 8 130 -19.82 Pipe p33 46.44 8 130 -8.48 Pipe p34 392 8 130 -6.85 Pipe p35 325.7 8 130 -16.01 Pipe p36 293.8 8 130 4.22 Pipe p37 404.2 8 130 -51.58 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 45.02 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 1.56 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 23.53 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 23.53 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 23.53 Pipe p5 89.77 8 130 31.76 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 45.02 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 23.53 Pipe p44 26.30 6 130 0.00 Pipe P45 10.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P46 9.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P47 26.42 6 130 0.00 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p51 11 6 130 0.00 Pipe p52 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 124.89 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p1 0.18 Pipe p2 0.18 Pipe p3 0.03 Pipe p4 0.09 Pipe p6 0.15 Pipe p8 0.01 Pipe p9 0.00 Pipe p10 0.07 Pipe p11 0.05 Pipe p12 0.07 Pipe p13 0.06 Pipe p14 0.03 Pipe p15 0.08 Pipe p16 0.04 Pipe p17 0.08 Pipe p18 0.08 Pipe p19 0.14 Pipe p20 0.08 Pipe p21 0.07 Pipe p22 0.07 Pipe p24 0.21 Pipe p25 0.21 Pipe p26 0.47 Pipe p28 0.01 Pipe p29 0.03 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p30 0.13 Pipe p31 0.13 Pipe p32 0.13 Pipe p33 0.05 Pipe p34 0.04 Pipe p35 0.10 Pipe p36 0.03 Pipe p37 0.33 Pipe p38 0.13 Pipe p39 0.01 Pipe p40 0.07 Pipe p41 0.07 Pipe p42 0.10 Pipe p5 0.20 Pipe p27 0.13 Pipe p43 0.07 Pipe p44 0.00 Pipe P45 0.00 Pipe P46 0.00 Pipe P47 0.00 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p51 0.00 Pipe p52 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 5 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Maximum Day Demand – Links EPANET 2.2 Page 6 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 124.86 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 125.40 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 36.54 124.88 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 17.69 124.42 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 9.65 124.12 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 119.96 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 40.08 119.26 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 121.37 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 120.00 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 9.57 120.07 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 121.63 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 9.17 121.34 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 119.09 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 8.60 122.22 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 15.16 119.93 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 9.17 122.16 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 9.37 121.09 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 122.24 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 5.11 122.48 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 123.84 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 121.63 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 125.07 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 126.82 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 126.62 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 124.82 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 123.67 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 5.07 118.66 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 4.94 118.51 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 122.47 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 123.54 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 123.81 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 22.19 119.77 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 16.00 120.86 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 121.54 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 121.36 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 120.92 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 118.74 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 118.66 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 117.59 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 116.56 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 115.75 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 117.36 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 116.48 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 115.23 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 115.38 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -218.29 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Links Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p1 203.4 8 130 -49.30 Pipe p2 62.98 8 130 -49.30 Pipe p3 319 8 130 8.45 Pipe p4 132.8 8 130 26.13 Pipe p6 127.9 8 130 40.89 Pipe p8 55.82 8 130 -1.72 Pipe p9 363.6 8 130 0.81 Pipe p10 309.8 12 130 40.89 Pipe p11 320.5 8 130 14.70 Pipe p12 345.5 8 130 18.00 Pipe p13 74.8 8 130 -16.18 Pipe p14 270.5 8 130 -7.02 Pipe p15 79.8 8 130 -20.66 Pipe p16 242.9 8 130 -11.29 Pipe p17 49 8 130 -21.58 Pipe p18 319.5 8 130 -21.58 Pipe p19 412.2 8 130 37.50 Pipe p20 371 8 130 21.21 Pipe p21 283.1 8 130 -19.91 Pipe p22 32.86 12 130 40.89 Pipe p24 300.3 12 130 127.69 Pipe p25 363.7 12 130 127.69 Pipe p26 46.73 8 130 127.69 Pipe p28 242.5 8 130 -2.54 Pipe p29 59.59 8 130 -7.49 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p30 165.3 8 130 -34.91 Pipe p31 89.49 8 130 -34.91 Pipe p32 117.7 8 130 -34.91 Pipe p33 46.44 8 130 -14.98 Pipe p34 392 8 130 -12.14 Pipe p35 325.7 8 130 -28.14 Pipe p36 293.8 8 130 7.21 Pipe p37 404.2 8 130 -90.60 Pipe p38 50.06 12 130 78.39 Pipe p39 170.9 8 130 2.53 Pipe p40 344.6 12 130 40.89 Pipe p41 105.66 12 130 40.89 Pipe p42 263.52 10 130 40.89 Pipe p5 89.77 8 130 55.70 Pipe p27 275.6 12 130 78.39 Pipe p43 57.33 12 130 40.89 Pipe p44 26.30 6 130 0.00 Pipe P45 10.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P46 9.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe P47 26.42 6 130 0.00 Pipe p48 23.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p49 10.01 6 130 0.00 Pipe p50 26.00 6 130 0.00 Pipe p51 11 6 130 0.00 Pipe p52 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pipe p53 11.50 6 130 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Length Diameter Roughness Flow Link ID ft in GPM Pipe p54 12.50 6 130 0.00 Pump 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 218.29 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 3 Network Table - Links Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p1 0.31 Pipe p2 0.31 Pipe p3 0.05 Pipe p4 0.17 Pipe p6 0.26 Pipe p8 0.01 Pipe p9 0.01 Pipe p10 0.12 Pipe p11 0.09 Pipe p12 0.11 Pipe p13 0.10 Pipe p14 0.04 Pipe p15 0.13 Pipe p16 0.07 Pipe p17 0.14 Pipe p18 0.14 Pipe p19 0.24 Pipe p20 0.14 Pipe p21 0.13 Pipe p22 0.12 Pipe p24 0.36 Pipe p25 0.36 Pipe p26 0.82 Pipe p28 0.02 Pipe p29 0.05 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 4 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p30 0.22 Pipe p31 0.22 Pipe p32 0.22 Pipe p33 0.10 Pipe p34 0.08 Pipe p35 0.18 Pipe p36 0.05 Pipe p37 0.58 Pipe p38 0.22 Pipe p39 0.02 Pipe p40 0.12 Pipe p41 0.12 Pipe p42 0.17 Pipe p5 0.36 Pipe p27 0.22 Pipe p43 0.12 Pipe p44 0.00 Pipe P45 0.00 Pipe P46 0.00 Pipe P47 0.00 Pipe p48 0.00 Pipe p49 0.00 Pipe p50 0.00 Pipe p51 0.00 Pipe p52 0.00 Pipe p53 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 5 Velocity Link ID fps Pipe p54 0.00 Pump 1 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Peak Hour Demand – Junctions EPANET 2.2 Page 6 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 82.68 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 81.21 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 84.78 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 80.45 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 80.08 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 85.27 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 81.76 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 79.52 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 80.27 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 85.35 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.61 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 94.66 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 96.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 89.83 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 87.64 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 79.10 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 78.94 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 84.83 Junc H5 4819.21 652.1739 1500.00 69.55 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 76.58 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 77.71 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 75.66 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 75.82 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H5 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1547.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H5 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 82.55 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 81.01 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 84.72 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 80.10 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 79.20 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 85.24 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 82.01 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 79.53 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 81.17 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 85.32 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.61 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 94.66 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 96.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 89.83 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 87.63 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 78.89 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 78.88 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 84.76 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 77.67 Junc H6 4821.58 652.1739 1500.00 69.37 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 77.50 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 75.60 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 75.60 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H6 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1547.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H6 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 81.48 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 79.31 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 84.22 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 81.46 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 81.68 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 84.92 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 83.51 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 80.97 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 83.05 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 85.06 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.61 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 94.66 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 96.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 89.83 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 87.59 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 80.28 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 80.31 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 84.16 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 79.55 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 78.18 Junc H7 4823.45 652.1739 1500.00 68.39 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 77.03 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 77.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H7 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1547.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H7 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 82.65 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 81.17 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 84.77 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 80.38 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 80.46 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 85.27 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 81.81 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 77.44 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 81.54 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 85.34 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.61 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 94.66 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 96.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 89.83 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 87.64 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 77.68 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 76.18 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 84.82 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 78.04 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 76.96 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 77.67 Junc H10 4824.67 652.1739 1500.00 66.46 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 74.40 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H10 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1547.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H10 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 82.58 Junc n8 4815.37 10.69 24.59 81.05 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 84.73 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 80.17 Junc n11 4813.50 3.1 7.13 80.33 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 85.24 Junc n13 4810.57 0 0.00 81.96 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 78.43 Junc n18 4811.13 3.05 7.01 81.58 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 85.32 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.61 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 94.66 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 96.98 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 89.83 Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 87.63 Junc n28 4816.74 1.98 4.55 76.80 Junc n29 4817.09 1.94 4.46 77.45 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 84.77 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 78.08 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 76.83 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 77.55 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 74.17 Junc H11 4824.32 652.1739 1500.00 67.01 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H11 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1547.75 0.00 Phase 1 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H11 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 89.00 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 89.55 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.57 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.58 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.37 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.65 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.79 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 85.38 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 85.44 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 87.06 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.71 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 84.46 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.53 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 85.29 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 87.49 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 86.47 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.66 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.94 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.27 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 87.06 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 90.97 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.25 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.27 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H1 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 89.10 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 84.04 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.88 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 88.03 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.21 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.57 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 85.13 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 86.27 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.96 Junc H1 4810.54 652.1739 1500.00 78.05 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.07 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 84.16 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.99 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.97 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.94 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 81.15 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.77 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.85 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 80.60 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 80.75 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H1 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.08 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 91.16 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 89.85 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 87.83 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 88.96 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.52 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.75 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.98 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 85.40 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 85.46 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 87.26 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.71 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 84.43 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.40 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 85.14 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 87.40 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 86.47 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.40 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.65 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.49 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 87.26 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.21 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.41 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.55 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H2 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 89.32 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 84.03 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.86 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.69 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 88.83 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.16 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 85.01 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 86.04 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 87.13 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.58 Junc H2 4811.55 652.1739 1500.00 77.96 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.90 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.90 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.97 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.95 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 81.25 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.54 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.72 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 80.58 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 80.75 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.88 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H2 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.24 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 91.13 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.10 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.62 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.31 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.37 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.57 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.86 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 85.16 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 85.21 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 87.15 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.45 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 84.15 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.04 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.76 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 87.07 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 86.22 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 85.86 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.10 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.40 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 87.16 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.19 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.39 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.50 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H3 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 89.22 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 83.78 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.59 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.35 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 88.68 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.20 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.65 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.57 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 87.01 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.74 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.11 Junc H3 4816.58 652.1739 1500.00 81.72 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.57 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.72 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.71 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 81.07 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.07 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.37 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 80.30 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 80.49 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.91 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H3 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.22 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.98 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.14 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.73 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.47 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.07 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.24 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.60 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 84.75 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 84.78 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.90 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 85.97 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.77 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 86.78 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.62 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 85.66 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 85.75 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.21 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.59 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.17 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.91 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.07 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.32 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.33 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H4 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.99 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 83.38 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.21 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.74 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 88.98 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.41 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.45 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.77 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.74 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.71 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.23 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.70 Junc H4 4816.75 652.1739 1500.00 74.71 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.25 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.28 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 80.74 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.27 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.17 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 79.92 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 80.10 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.88 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H4 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.25 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.87 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.24 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.86 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.62 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 84.63 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 83.69 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.26 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 83.97 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 83.65 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.60 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 85.53 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.36 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.17 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.78 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 86.88 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 83.94 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.46 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.79 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 88.93 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.62 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 90.99 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.26 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.18 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H5 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.74 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 82.75 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 82.73 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.92 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.14 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.55 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.47 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.95 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.39 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.75 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.36 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.96 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.38 Junc H5 4819.21 652.1739 1500.00 73.22 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 80.15 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 80.19 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.45 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.18 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 79.44 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 79.46 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H5 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.25 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.85 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.25 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.88 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.64 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 84.37 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 83.30 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.11 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 83.33 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 82.57 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.49 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 85.69 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.43 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.23 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.83 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 86.97 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 84.74 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.50 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.83 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 88.88 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.52 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 90.97 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.25 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.15 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H6 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.68 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 82.39 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 82.65 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.95 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.17 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.57 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.52 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 86.00 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.22 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.75 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.38 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 84.00 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.46 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 81.23 Junc H6 4821.58 652.1739 1500.00 72.74 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 79.80 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.50 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.24 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 79.36 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 79.10 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H6 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.24 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.79 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.27 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.93 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.72 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 82.94 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 81.15 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 85.34 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 83.91 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 84.16 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 85.93 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.06 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.79 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.41 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 85.04 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 87.20 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 85.58 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.64 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.95 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 88.69 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.04 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 90.92 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.22 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.05 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H7 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.44 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 82.88 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.06 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 88.06 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.26 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.65 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.78 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 86.16 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 85.34 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.74 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.43 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 84.13 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.70 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.08 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 80.66 Junc H7 4823.45 652.1739 1500.00 70.22 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.66 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.49 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 79.77 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 79.60 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H7 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.24 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 91.08 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.13 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.66 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.37 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.26 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.45 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.77 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 85.00 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 85.06 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 87.06 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.31 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.91 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.05 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.23 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 87.03 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 86.07 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.01 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.24 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.33 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 87.07 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.15 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.37 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.45 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H8 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 89.15 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 83.59 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 83.36 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.46 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 88.77 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.26 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.19 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 83.22 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.92 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.74 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.16 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.51 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.53 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.57 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.55 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 80.95 Junc H8 4819.75 652.1739 1500.00 73.32 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 80.91 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 80.08 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 80.30 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.91 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H8 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.25 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 91.01 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.17 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.72 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.44 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 85.09 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 84.24 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.62 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 84.73 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 84.79 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.93 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 86.07 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.29 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 86.97 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 83.66 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 86.91 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 85.82 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.17 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.48 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.20 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.94 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.10 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.33 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.36 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H9 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 89.02 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 83.18 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 82.82 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.66 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 88.92 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.36 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 82.67 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.28 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.77 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.75 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.22 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.67 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.41 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 82.32 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 81.29 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 80.74 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 81.78 Junc H9 4821.77 652.1739 1500.00 72.88 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 79.53 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 79.89 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.90 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H9 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.25 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.91 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.23 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.83 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.57 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 84.73 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 83.79 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.35 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 84.09 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 84.23 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.68 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 85.75 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 82.67 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.11 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.56 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 86.91 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 85.41 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.39 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.71 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 89.00 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.70 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 91.02 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.28 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.23 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H10 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.82 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 81.98 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 81.04 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.86 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.09 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.50 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.12 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.81 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.48 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.75 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.32 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.88 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.40 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 81.91 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 80.73 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 80.29 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.31 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 80.84 Junc H10 4824.67 652.1739 1500.00 71.32 Junc H11 4824.32 0 0.00 78.69 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.89 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H10 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Network Table - Nodes Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n1 4802.46 0 0.00 90.25 Junc n2 4801.22 0 0.00 90.88 Junc n3 4802.40 9.09 20.91 90.24 Junc n4 4803.47 4.4 10.12 89.86 Junc n5 4804.15 2.4 5.52 89.61 Junc n7 4813.75 0 0.00 84.50 Junc n8 4815.37 9.97 22.93 83.47 Junc n9 4810.5 0 0.00 86.20 Junc n10 4813.64 0 0.00 83.59 Junc n11 4813.50 2.38 5.47 83.84 Junc n12 4809.9 0 0.00 86.56 Junc n13 4810.57 2.28 5.24 85.75 Junc n14 4815.76 0 0.00 83.10 Junc n15 4808.53 2.14 4.92 87.19 Junc n16 4813.82 3.77 8.67 84.72 Junc n17 4808.67 2.28 5.24 86.95 Junc n18 4811.13 2.33 5.36 85.26 Junc n19 4808.50 0 0.00 87.45 Junc n20 4807.93 1.27 2.92 87.78 Junc n21 4804.81 0 0.00 88.93 Junc n22 4809.9 0 0.00 86.59 Junc n23 4802 0 0.00 90.99 Junc n24 4798 0 0.00 93.26 Junc n25 4798.50 0 0.00 94.06 Junc n26 4802.55 0 0.00 90.18 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H11 EPANET 2.2 Page 1 Elevation Base Demand Demand Pressure Node ID ft GPM GPM psi Junc n27 4805.2 0 0.00 88.73 Junc n28 4816.74 1.26 2.90 80.80 Junc n29 4817.09 1.23 2.83 81.89 Junc n30 4807.97 0 0.00 87.92 Junc n31 4805.5 0 0.00 89.14 Junc n6 4804.9 0 0.00 89.54 Junc n33 4814.19 5.52 12.70 84.35 Junc n34 4811.67 3.98 9.15 85.92 Junc n35 4810.12 0 0.00 86.32 Junc H1 4810.54 0 0.00 86.75 Junc H2 4811.55 0 0.00 86.36 Junc H3 4816.58 0 0.00 83.95 Junc H4 4816.75 0 0.00 83.45 Junc H5 4819.21 0 0.00 81.76 Junc H6 4821.58 0 0.00 80.34 Junc H7 4823.45 0 0.00 79.97 Junc H8 4819.75 0 0.00 82.42 Junc H9 4821.77 0 0.00 81.07 Junc H10 4824.67 0 0.00 78.61 Junc H11 4824.32 652.1739 1500.00 71.01 Resvr 1 4798.50 #N/A -1624.91 0.00 Ferguson Farm II – Hydrant Analysis – Junction H11 EPANET 2.2 Page 2 Ferguson Farms II Phase 1 Available Fire Flow FireFlow 2.12 (by OptiWater) Outputs: "Check_Node","Maximal_Flow","Violating_Node","Minimal_pressure" "n2",2609.5,"H10",19.98755 "n7",2464,"H7",19.97991 "n8",2432.5,"H7",19.97986 "n9",2508,"H7",19.97225 "n10",2415,"H11",19.99277 "n11",2405.5,"H6",19.99325 "n12",2525,"H7",19.98373 "n13",2429,"H10",19.99768 "n14",2359.5,"H10",19.99657 "n18",2420.5,"H5",19.9663 "n21",2553.5,"H10",19.99357 "n22",2531,"H7",19.98645 "n23",2654.5,"H10",19.99027 "n24",2711.5,"H10",19.98647 "n25",2836.5,"H10",19.98927 "n26",2591.5,"H10",19.99495 "n27",2550,"H10",19.9657 "n28",2357.5,"H11",19.9998 "n29",2341.5,"H10",19.99515 "n35",2500,"H7",19.97919 "H5",2206.5,"H5",19.96338 "H6",2215,"H6",19.9732 "H7",2201,"H7",19.9916 "H10",2161,"H10",19.96337 "H11",2172,"H11",19.98365 Ferguson Farms II Available Fire Flow FireFlow 2.12 (by OptiWater) Outputs: "Check_Node","Maximal_Flow","Violating_Node","Minimal_pressure" "n1",2709,"H10",19.99909 "n2",2711,"H10",19.97237 "n3",2716,"H10",19.99862 "n4",2709.5,"H2",19.97285 "n5",2716,"H10",19.9998 "n7",2608.5,"H7",19.9814 "n8",2578.5,"H7",19.98732 "n9",2647,"H7",19.97107 "n10",2628,"H11",19.9698 "n11",2607,"H6",19.97108 "n12",2661.5,"H7",19.99305 "n13",2668,"H10",19.97023 "n14",2625.5,"H10",19.97434 "n15",2690,"H10",19.97733 "n16",2656.5,"H9",19.98129 "n17",2679.5,"H4",19.96635 "n18",2635.5,"H5",19.99037 "n19",2682.5,"H3",19.98987 "n20",2704.5,"H10",19.9901 "n21",2691.5,"H7",19.99809 "n22",2667,"H7",19.97131 "n23",2727.5,"H10",19.9741 "n24",2748.5,"H10",19.97391 "n25",2803,"H10",19.98285 "n26",2705,"H10",19.97371 "n27",2686.5,"H7",19.97715 "n28",2573.5,"H11",19.9904 "n29",2587,"H10",19.98689 "n30",2712.5,"H10",19.99078 "n31",2717,"H10",19.98423 "n6",2724.5,"H10",19.99591 "n33",2626,"H9",19.97318 "n34",2614.5,"H8",19.99816 "n35",2640,"H7",19.97974 "H1",2445.5,"H1",19.97484 "H2",2450.5,"H2",19.99519 "H3",2655.5,"H3",19.9659 "H4",2391,"H4",19.9892 "H5",2364,"H5",19.99448 "H6",2367.5,"H6",19.96678 "H7",2307,"H7",19.99067 "H8",2371.5,"H8",19.98581 "H9",2374,"H9",19.96486 "H10",2347.5,"H10",19.9656 "H11",2335.5,"H11",19.98161 Demand Distribution Based on Building Area Average Day Demand: 78,185 gpd =54.30 gpm Phase Demand Node Adjacent Building Area (ft2) Total (ft2) Percent of Total Building Area Allocated Demand (gpd) Allocated Demand (gpm) n4 80,676 80,676 8%6,336 4.40 106,050 15,681 n3 14,190 166,611 17%13,085 9.09 14,190 16,500 11,820 n5 10,164 43,968 4%3,453 2.40 10,164 11,820 960 960 n20 21,390 23,310 2%1,831 1.27 Phase 2 9,240 n34 9,240 72,774 7%5,716 3.97 9,240 12,150 32,904 n33 101,192 101,192 10%7,947 5.52 28,983 n16 15,891 69,042 7%5,422 3.77 12,084 12,084 12,084 n15 12,084 39,240 4%3,082 2.14 15,072 14,200 n17 13,800 41,800 4%3,283 2.28 13,800 13,800 n13 13,800 41,880 4%3,289 2.28 14,280 Totals: 680,493 680,493 68%53,445 37.11 13,320 n18 14,720 42,760 4%3,358 2.33 14,720 14,720 Phase 1 n11 14,720 43,716 4%3,433 2.38 14,276 n29 22,500 22,500 2%1,767 1.23 n28 23,184 23,184 2%1,821 1.26 n8 95,208 182,852 18%14,361 9.97 87,644 Totals: 315,012 315,012 32%24,740 17.18 Grand Totals: 995,505 995,505 100% 78,185 54.30 Appendix C Drainage Area Exhibit Runoff Coefficient & Retention Calculations Curb Capacity, Inlet, Bypass, and Swale Calculations Curb Capacity Exhibit Storm Sewer Sizing Calculations Inlet Structure Specifications Storm Water Maintenance Plan Stormwater Retention Calculations DA 1 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 79,848 71,863 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 26,327 5,265 C = Weighted C Factor 0.73 Total 106,176 77,129 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 2.44 A = Area (acres) 2.4375 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.73 C = Weighted C Factor 0.73 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)5,227 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)5,250 MC-3500 30 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)3,214 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 2 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 164,251 147,826 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 75,077 15,015 C = Weighted C Factor 0.68 Total 239,328 162,841 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 5.49 A = Area (acres) 5.4942 Q = runoff (cfs) 1.53 C = Weighted C Factor 0.68 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)11,036 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)11,200 MC-3500 64 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)6,785 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 3 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 236,557 212,901 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 91,477 18,295 C = Weighted C Factor 0.70 Total 328,034 231,197 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 7.53 A = Area (acres) 7.5306 Q = runoff (cfs) 2.18 C = Weighted C Factor 0.70 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)15,668 V = PRO VOL (ft3)17,522 Retention Pond #3 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)9,633 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 5 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 258,914 233,022 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 63,831 12,766 C = Weighted C Factor 0.76 Total 322,745 245,789 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 7.41 A = Area (acres) 7.4092 Q = runoff (cfs) 2.31 C = Weighted C Factor 0.76 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)16,657 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)16,800 MC-3500 96 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)10,241 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 6 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 84,998 76,498 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 24,091 4,818 C = Weighted C Factor 0.75Total109,090 81,317 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 2.50 A = Area (acres) 2.5044 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.77 C = Weighted C Factor 0.75 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)5,511 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)5,600 MC-3500 32 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)3,388 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 7 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 86,041 77,437 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 37,820 7,564 C = Weighted C Factor 0.69Total123,861 85,001 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 2.84 A = Area (acres) 2.8435 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.80C = Weighted C Factor 0.69 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)5,760 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)5,767 SC-740 77 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)3,542 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 8 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 81,245 73,121 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 32,589 6,518 C = Weighted C Factor 0.70 Total 113,834 79,639 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 2.61 A = Area (acres) 2.6133 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.75C = Weighted C Factor 0.70 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)5,397 Min. # Chambers V = PRO VOL (ft3)5,468 SC-740 73 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)3,318 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 9 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 55,119 49,607 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 28,688 5,738 C = Weighted C Factor 0.66 Total 83,807 55,345 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 1.92 A = Area (acres) 1.9240 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.52 C = Weighted C Factor 0.66 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)3,751 V = PRO VOL (ft3)7,476 Retention Pond #9 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)2,306 1st 0.5" of rainfall from a 24hr storm DA 3 (Phase 1 Retention Pond) 1. Calculate Area and Weighted C Factor 2. Calculate Required Retention Volume Contributing Area C Area (ft2)C * Area Q = CIA Hardscape 0.90 2,029 1,826 V=7200Q Landscape 0.20 851 170 C = Weighted C Factor 0.69 Total 2,880 1,996 I = intensity (in/hr) 0.41 (10 yr, 2hr storm) A = Area (acres) 0.07 A = Area (acres) 0.0661 Q = runoff (cfs) 0.02 C = Weighted C Factor 0.69 V = REQUIRED VOL (ft3)135 V = PRO VOL (ft3)135 Phase 1 Retention Pond #3 Project Title:Curb Capacity #1A Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 1A 0.46396189164 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.463961892 0.72642694 0.337034417 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.4640 Sum 0.34 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.73 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 49 2 0.20 9.37 Sheet 8 2 0.90 0.84 Sheet 6 2 0.20 3.28 Channelized 185.61 0.5 20 1.41 2.19 Sum 248.61 Computed Tc =15.68 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.84 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.62 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #1B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 1B 0.424061295 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.424061295 0.72642694 0.308049549 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.4241 Sum 0.31 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.73 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.56 1 0.20 7.05 Sheet 8 1 0.90 1.06 Channelized 251.43 1.91 20 2.76 1.52 Sum 276.99 Computed Tc =9.63 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.52 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.78 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #2A Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2A 1.345710055 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.345710055 0.680410623 0.915635417 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.3457 Sum 0.92 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 301.16 1 0.20 29.21 Sheet 12.03 1 0.90 1.30 Sheet 29.15 1 0.20 9.09 Channelized 93.7 0.5 20 1.41 1.10 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 55.67 2.06 20 2.87 0.32 Sum 519.21 Computed Tc = 42.38 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.97 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.89 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #2C Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2C 1.7296118 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.7296118 0.680410623 1.176846242 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.7296 Sum 1.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 13.4 1 0.20 6.16 Sheet 30 1 0.90 2.05 Sheet 239.47 2.84 0.20 18.46 Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.5 2 0.20 3.14 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 329.55 0.5 20 1.41 3.88 Sum 641.42 Computed Tc = 35.66 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.09 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.28 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #2E Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2E 0.300811065 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.300811065 0.680410623 0.204675044 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.3008 Sum 0.20 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 19.21 1 0.20 7.38 Channelized 120.7 3 20 3.46 0.58 Sum 139.91 Computed Tc =7.96 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.84 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.58 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3A Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3A 0.614379706 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.614379706 0.704795262 0.433011906 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.6144 Sum 0.43 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.51 1 0.20 7.04 Sheet 8.01 1 0.90 1.06 Sheet 15.08 1 0.90 1.45 Channelized 259.72 0.95 20 1.95 2.22 Sum 300.32 Computed Tc =11.77 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.21 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.96 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3B 0.259910009 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.259910009 0.704795262 0.183183343 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2599 Sum 0.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 154.33 0.72 20 1.70 1.52 Sum 184.33 Computed Tc =3.15 too low, use 5.00 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.83 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.70 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3C-1 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3C-1 0.046672406 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.046672406 0.704795262 0.032894491 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.0467 Sum 0.03 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.5 1 0.20 7.04 Sheet 24.5 1 0.90 1.85 Sum 42 Computed Tc =8.89 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.65 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.09 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3C-2 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3C 1.725637282 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.725637282 0.704795262 1.21622098 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.7256 Sum 1.22 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 53.91 1 0.20 12.36 Sheet 12 1 0.20 5.83 Sheet 113.71 1 0.20 17.95 Sheet 25.5 2 0.90 1.50 Channelized 271.52 1.83 20 2.71 1.67 Sum 476.64 Computed Tc =39.31 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.02 in/hr plus inlet 3C-1 bypass flow:0.009 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.24 cfs 1.25 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3D Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3D 0.252265152 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.252265152 0.704795262 0.177795284 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2523 Sum 0.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 31.02 2 0.90 1.66 Channelized 148.88 1.32 20 2.30 1.08 Sum 179.9 Computed Tc =2.74 too low, use 5.00 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.83 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.68 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3E Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3E 1.455718779 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.455718779 0.704795262 1.025983698 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.4557 Sum 1.03 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 178 1.68 0.20 18.92 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 15 3 0.90 1.01 Channelized 124.94 0.55 20 1.48 1.40 Sheet 42.1 1 0.90 2.43 Sum 370.04 Computed Tc =24.70 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.38 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.41 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3F Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3F 0.832969008 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.832969008 0.704795262 0.58707261 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.8330 Sum 0.59 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 214.74 1.33 0.20 22.45 Sheet 15 2 0.90 1.15 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 41.2 0.5 20 1.41 0.49 Sum 288.44 Computed Tc =25.33 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.35 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.80 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3G Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3G 0.21640427 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.21640427 0.704795262 0.152520704 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2164 Sum 0.15 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 6 2 0.20 3.28 Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Channelized 285.46 0.5 20 1.41 3.36 Sum 297.46 Computed Tc =7.37 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.98 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.46 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3H Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3H 1.006818411 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.006818411 0.704795262 0.709600846 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.0068 Sum 0.71 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 70.28 0.5 0.90 3.94 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 21.49 2 0.20 6.21 Sheet 287.36 1.5 0.90 5.55 Sum 287.36 Computed Tc =16.63 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.77 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.26 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Curb Capacity Calculation: Parking Lot Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 22.4 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0158 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)2.92 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:4.75 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #3I Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3I 1.166522268 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.166522268 0.704795262 0.822159367 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.1665 Sum 0.82 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 75 0.5 0.90 4.07 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 17.5 2 0.20 5.60 Sheet 293.53 1.98 0.90 5.11 Sum 396.03 Computed Tc =15.73 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.84 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.51 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Curb Capacity Calculation: Parking Lot Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 22.4 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0158 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)2.92 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:4.75 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5A Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5A 2.352141644 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 2.352141644 0.761557724 1.791291637 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.3521 Sum 1.79 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 435.62 0.3 0.20 52.26 Sheet 11.95 1 0.90 1.29 Sheet 94.66 1 0.20 16.37 Sheet 31.09 2 0.90 1.66 Sheet 26 3 0.90 1.33 Channelized 142.09 0.5 20 1.41 1.67 Channelized 10.5 1.71 20 2.62 0.07 Sum 751.91 Computed Tc = 74.66 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.68 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.21 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5B-1 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5B-1 0.546369835 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.54636983 0.761557724 0.416092168 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.5464 Sum 0.42 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 165.89 1 0.90 4.82 Sheet 92.73 1.5 0.20 14.18 Sheet 28.18 2 0.90 1.58 Sum 286.8 Computed Tc =20.57 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.55 in/hr plus inlet 5A bypass flow:0.754 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.64 cfs 1.40 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5B-2 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5B-2 0.476289715 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.47628972 0.761557724 0.362722112 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.4763 Sum 0.36 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 171.02 1 0.90 4.89 Sheet 92.73 1.5 0.20 14.18 Sheet 28.18 2 0.90 1.58 Sum 291.93 Computed Tc =20.65 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.54 in/hr plus inlet 5B-1 bypass flow:0.899 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.56 cfs 1.46 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5B-3 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5B-3 0.505866162 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.50586616 0.761557724 0.385246283 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.5059 Sum 0.39 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 169.65 1 0.90 4.87 Sheet 68.47 1.5 0.20 12.18 Sheet 28.32 2 0.90 1.58 Sum 266.44 Computed Tc =18.64 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.65 in/hr plus inlet 5B-2 bypass flow:0.945 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.64 cfs 1.58 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5D Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5D 0.956068182 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.956068182 0.761557724 0.728101109 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.9561 Sum 0.73 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.35 1 0.20 7.01 Sheet 8.03 1 0.90 1.06 Channelized 307.6 0.97 20 1.97 2.60 Sum 332.98 Computed Tc =10.67 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.36 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.71 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #5E Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5E 1.02194146 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.02194146 0.761557724 0.778267413 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.0219 Sum 0.78 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 58.89 3 0.20 8.99 Sheet 10 3 0.90 0.82 Sheet 35.36 3 0.20 6.96 Channelized 99.78 3 20 3.46 0.48 Channelized 267.01 1.84 20 2.71 1.64 Sum 471.04 Computed Tc = 18.90 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.63 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.27 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #6A Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6A 0.280990817 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.280990817 0.745411333 0.20945374 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2810 Sum 0.21 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 39.8 1 0.20 10.62 Sheet 15.42 2 0.90 1.17 Sheet 18.77 2 0.20 5.80 Channelized 145.77 2.28 20 3.02 0.80 Sum 219.76 Computed Tc =18.39 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.66 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.35 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini 3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #6D Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6D 0.27755303 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.27755303 0.745411333 0.206891174 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2776 Sum 0.21 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.7 2 0.20 3.20 Channelized 374.33 1.23 20 2.22 2.81 Sum 386.03 Computed Tc =6.74 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.16 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.65 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #6E Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6E 0.309347107 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.309347107 0.745411333 0.23059084 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.3093 Sum 0.23 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12.48 2 0.20 4.73 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 178.9 2.28 20 3.02 0.99 Sum 208.88 Computed Tc =6.96 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.10 in/hr plus inlet 6A bypass flow:0.142 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.71 cfs 0.86 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #7B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7B 0.369014463 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.369014463 0.686258303 0.253239239 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.3690 Sum 0.25 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 111.53 1 0.20 17.77 Sheet 56.78 2 0.90 2.24 Channelized 43.68 1.133 20 2.13 0.34 Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 35.5 0.772 20 1.76 0.34 Sum 277.49 Computed Tc =22.32 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.47 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.37 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #7C Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7C 0.60750551 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.60750551 0.686258303 0.4169057 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.6075 Sum 0.42 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 289.19 1.133 0.20 27.47 Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 90.11 0.772 20 1.76 0.85 Sum 409.3 Computed Tc =29.95 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.22 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.51 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #7D Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7D 0.044079201 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.044079201 0.686258303 0.030249718 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.0441 Sum 0.03 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12.5 2 0.90 1.05 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 18 0.772 20 1.76 0.17 Sum 48 Computed Tc =2.47 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 6.01 in/hr plus inlet 7B & 7C bypass flow:0.93 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.18 cfs 0.34 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #8B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 8B 0.810383609 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.810383609 0.699601227 0.566945367 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.8104 Sum 0.57 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 95.16 1.329 0.20 14.95 Sheet 12 1.329 0.90 1.18 Sheet 95.16 1.329 0.90 3.32 Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 162 1.684 20 2.60 1.04 Sum 394.32 Computed Tc =22.12 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.48 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.84 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-2533 (Type C) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):1.00 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):144.00 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):2.28 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:2.34 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #8C Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Basins Subarea Area Runoff 8C 0.678313361 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.678313361 0.699601227 0.47454886 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.6783 Sum 0.47 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12 1 0.20 5.83 Channelized 927.7 1.59 20 2.52 6.13 Sum 939.7 Computed Tc =11.96 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.19 in/hr plus inlet 8B bypass flow:0.48 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.04 cfs 1.52 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #9A Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Basins Subarea Area Runoff 9A 1.627066116 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.627066116 0.660382449 1.074485905 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.6271 Sum 1.07 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.66 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 178 1.61 0.20 19.19 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 29.5 3 0.90 1.41 Channelized 163.64 0.7 20 1.67 1.63 Sum 381.14 Computed Tc =23.17 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.43 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.54 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity #9B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Basins Subarea Area Runoff 9B 0.296885675 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.296885675 0.660382449 0.196058089 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2969 Sum 0.20 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.66 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.5 2 0.20 3.14 Channelized 394.49 0.626 20 1.58 4.15 Sum 405.99 Computed Tc =8.02 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.83 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.55 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Curb Capacity Calculation: Alley/Road Curb Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 7.47 1.76 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0155 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.25 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.24 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 5. Inlet Capacity Calculation: Product #:Neenah R-3067-L Assumed (Existing) Open Grate Area, A, (ft2):2.10 Open Grate Area, A, (in2):302.40 Depth of water over grate, d, (in):3.60 Inlet Flow Capacity, Q:6.18 cfs Equations: h. Inlet Flow Capacity - Q = 0.67A(2gd)1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Curb Capacity PHASE 1 SWALE Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 0.06610629 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.06610629 0.693191045 0.045824288 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 0.0661 Sum 0.05 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.51 4.11 0.20 4.42 Sheet 8.01 2 0.90 0.84 Sheet 15.08 0.948 0.90 1.48 Channelized 25.02 0.948 20 1.95 0.21 Channelized 17.65 1 20 2.00 0.15 Sum 83.27 Computed Tc = 7.10 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.06 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.14 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Curb Capacity Calculation: Valley Gutter Conveyance Surface Asphalt Concrete Streams Material clean & straight Manning's n 0.016 0.013 0.030 Wetted Perimeter, P (ft) 15.00 4 0 Composite Roughness (nc):0.0154 Wetted Area, A, (ft2)1.81 Slope, S, (ft/ft)0.005 Curb/Roadway Capacity, Q:2.58 cfs Equations: f. Composite Roughness - nc = (ΣPini3/2/ΣPi)2/3 g. Curb Capacity - Q = (1.486/nc)A(A/ΣP)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 8:30 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 8:26 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:01 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:05 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 8:34 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/6/2024 11:47 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:13 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:08 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:15 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:21 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:26 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:28 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:31 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Screen clipping taken: 2/2/2024 9:29 AM New Section 1 Page 1 Channel Design: 3H SWALE Thu Feb 8 16:12:52 2024 Channel Type: Trapezoidal, Equal Side Slopes Dimensions: Left Side Slope 4.00:1 Right Side Slope 4.00:1 Base Dimension: 1.00 Wetted Perimeter: 3.47 Area of Wetted Cross Section: 0.66 Channel Slope: 28.0000 Manning's n of Channel: 0.0300 Discharge: 5.72 cfs Depth of Flow: 0.30 feet Velocity: 8.66 fps Channel Lining: Earth,F. Uniform,Weeds/Grass Freeboard: 0.15 feet Channel Design: 3I SWALE Thu Feb 8 16:13:51 2024 Channel Type: Trapezoidal, Equal Side Slopes Dimensions: Left Side Slope 4.00:1 Right Side Slope 4.00:1 Base Dimension: 1.00 Wetted Perimeter: 3.47 Area of Wetted Cross Section: 0.66 Channel Slope: 15.0000 Manning's n of Channel: 0.0300 Discharge: 4.18 cfs Depth of Flow: 0.30 feet Velocity: 6.34 fps Channel Lining: Earth,F. Uniform,Weeds/Grass Freeboard: 0.15 feet Channel Design: 9A SWALE Thu Feb 8 16:10:32 2024 Channel Type: Trapezoidal, Equal Side Slopes Dimensions: Left Side Slope 4.00:1 Right Side Slope 4.00:1 Base Dimension: 3.00 Wetted Perimeter: 4.40 Area of Wetted Cross Section: 0.63 Channel Slope: 3.7000 Manning's n of Channel: 0.0300 Discharge: 1.62 cfs Depth of Flow: 0.17 feet Velocity: 2.59 fps Channel Lining: Earth,F. Uniform,Weeds/Grass Freeboard: 0.15 feet Channel Design: PHASE 1 SWALE Thu Feb 8 16:16:54 2024 Channel Type: Trapezoidal, Equal Side Slopes Dimensions: Left Side Slope 4.00:1 Right Side Slope 4.00:1 Base Dimension: 0.50 Wetted Perimeter: 1.49 Area of Wetted Cross Section: 0.12 Channel Slope: 1.0000 Manning's n of Channel: 0.0180 Discharge: 0.18 cfs Depth of Flow: 0.12 feet Velocity: 1.52 fps Channel Lining: Earth,Uniform,Clean Freeboard: 0.15 feet Project Title:Storm Sewer #1A Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 1A 0.463961892 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.463961892 0.72642694 0.337034417 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 0.4640 Sum 0.34 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.73 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 49 2 0.20 9.37 Sheet 8 2 0.90 0.84 Sheet 6 2 0.20 3.28 Channelized 185.61 0.5 20 1.41 2.19 Sum 248.61 Computed Tc = 15.68 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.84 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.62 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.62 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 41.05 ft Slope: 0.0251 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.15 min Flow Depth: 2.50 in Velocity: 4.61 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:10.23 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #1B Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 1B 0.424061295 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.424061295 0.72642694 0.308049549 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.4241 Sum 0.31 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.73 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.56 1 0.20 7.05 Sheet 8 1 0.90 1.06 Channelized 251.43 1.91 20 2.76 1.52 Sum 276.99 Computed Tc =9.63 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.52 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.78 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.78 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 44.49 ft Slope: 0.0126 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.19 min Flow Depth: 3.32 in Velocity: 3.87 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:7.25 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #1C Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 1C 1.549494949 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.549494949 0.72642694 1.125594875 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.5495 Sum 1.13 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.73 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 113.85 1 0.20 17.96 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 234.25 1.5 0.90 5.01 Sum 358.1 Computed Tc =23.91 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.41 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.58 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.58 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 8.17 ft Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.02 min Flow Depth: 4.22 in Velocity: 5.59 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:9.14 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #2A Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2A 1.345710055 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.345710055 0.680410623 0.915635417 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.3457 Sum 0.92 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 301.16 1 0.20 29.21 Sheet 12.03 1 0.90 1.30 Sheet 29.15 1 0.20 9.09 Channelized 93.7 0.5 20 1.41 1.10 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 55.67 2.06 20 2.87 0.32 Sum 519.21 Computed Tc = 42.38 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.97 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.89 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.89 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 74.32 ft Slope: 0.0162 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.28 min Flow Depth: 3.33 in Velocity: 4.39 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:8.22 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #2B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2A 1.345710055 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 2B 0.874977502 acres A C CA Composite 2.220687557 0.680410623 1.510979405 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.2207 Sum 1.51 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 301.16 1 0.20 29.21 Sheet 12.03 1 0.90 1.30 Sheet 29.15 1 0.20 9.09 Channelized 93.7 0.5 20 1.41 1.10 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 55.67 2.06 20 2.87 0.32 Pipe Flow 74.32 1.62 4.39 0.28 Sum 593.53 Computed Tc = 42.66 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.97 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.47 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.47 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 9.26 ft Slope: 0.0205 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.03 min Flow Depth: 4.04 in Velocity: 5.52 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:9.25 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #2C Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2C 1.7296118 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.7296118 0.680410623 1.176846242 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.7296 Sum 1.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 13.4 1 0.20 6.16 Sheet 30 1 0.90 2.05 Sheet 239.47 2.84 0.20 18.46 Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.5 2 0.20 3.14 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 329.55 0.5 20 1.41 3.88 Sum 641.42 Computed Tc = 35.66 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.09 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.28 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.28 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 57.4 ft Slope: 0.0045 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.31 min Flow Depth: 5.58 in Velocity: 3.08 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:4.33 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #2D Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2D 1.242727502 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.242727502 0.680410623 0.845564994 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.2427 Sum 0.85 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12 2 0.90 1.03 Sheet 39.76 2 0.20 8.44 Sheet 227.43 1.2 0.90 5.31 Sum 279.19 Computed Tc =14.78 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.91 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.62 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.62 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 61.66 ft Slope: 0.0216 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.18 min Flow Depth: 4.19 in Velocity: 5.78 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:9.49 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #2E Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 2C 1.7296118 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 2D 1.242727502 acres A C CA 2E 0.300811065 acres Composite 2.972339302 0.680410623 2.022411237 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 3.2732 Sum 2.02 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.68 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 13.4 1 0.20 6.16 Sheet 30 1 0.90 2.05 Sheet 239.47 2.84 0.20 18.46 Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.5 2 0.20 3.14 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 329.55 0.5 20 1.41 3.88 Pipe Flow 57.4 0.45 3.08 0.31 Sum 698.82 Computed Tc = 35.97 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.08 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:2.41 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 2.41 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 94.68 ft Slope: 0.0029 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.51 min Flow Depth: 9.17 in Velocity: 3.07 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3.48 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3A Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3A 0.614379706 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.614379706 0.704795262 0.433011906 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 0.6144 Sum 0.43 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.51 1 0.20 7.04 Sheet 8.01 1 0.90 1.06 Sheet 15.08 1 0.90 1.45 Channelized 259.72 0.95 20 1.95 2.22 Sum 300.32 Computed Tc = 11.77 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.21 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.96 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.96 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 57.4 ft Slope: 0.007 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.29 min Flow Depth: 4.27 in Velocity: 3.33 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:5.40 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3B Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3B 0.259910009 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.259910009 0.704795262 0.183183343 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2599 Sum 0.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 154.33 0.72 20 1.70 1.52 Sum 184.33 Computed Tc =3.15 too low, use 5.00 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.83 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.70 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.70 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 57.4 ft Slope: 0.007 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.31 min Flow Depth: 3.64 in Velocity: 3.04 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:5.40 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3C-1 Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3A 0.614379706 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 3B 0.259910009 acres A C CA Composite 0.874289715 0.704795262 0.616195249 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 0.8743 Sum 0.62 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.51 1 0.20 7.04 Sheet 8.01 1 0.90 1.06 Sheet 15.08 1 0.90 1.45 Channelized 259.72 0.95 20 1.95 2.22 Pipe Flow 57.4 0.61 3.33 0.29 Sum 357.72 Computed Tc = 12.06 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.18 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.34 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.34 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 283.38 ft Slope: 0.0174 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.93 min Flow Depth: 4.02 in Velocity: 5.07 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:8.52 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3C-2 Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3A 0.614379706 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 3B 0.259910009 acres A C CA 3C 1.725637282 acres Composite 2.852192149 0.704795262 2.010211512 3D 0.252265152 acres Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.8522 Sum 2.01 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 53.91 1 0.20 12.36 Sheet 12 1 0.20 5.83 Sheet 113.71 1 0.20 17.95 Sheet 25.5 2 0.90 1.50 Channelized 271.52 1.83 20 2.71 1.67 Sum 476.64 Computed Tc = 39.31 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.02 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:2.06 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 2.06 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 105.30 ft Slope: 0.0304 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.25 min Flow Depth: 4.34 in Velocity: 7.00 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:11.26 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3D Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3D 0.252265152 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.252265152 0.704795262 0.177795284 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2523 Sum 0.18 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 31.02 2 0.90 1.66 Channelized 148.88 1.32 20 2.30 1.08 Sum 179.9 Computed Tc =2.74 too low, use 5.00 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.83 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.68 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.68 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 57.38 ft Slope: 0.007 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.32 min Flow Depth: 3.59 in Velocity: 3.02 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:5.40 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3E Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3E 1.455718779 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.455718779 0.704795262 1.025983698 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.4557 Sum 1.03 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 178 1.68 0.20 18.92 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 15 3 0.90 1.01 Channelized 124.94 0.55 20 1.48 1.40 Sheet 42.1 1 0.90 2.43 Sum 370.04 Computed Tc = 24.70 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.38 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.41 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.41 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 109.59 ft Slope: 0.0044 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.58 min Flow Depth: 5.91 in Velocity: 3.14 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3E cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3F Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3E 1.455718779 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 3F 0.832969008 acres A C CA Composite 2.288687787 0.704795262 1.613056308 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.2887 Sum 1.61 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 178 1.68 0.20 18.92 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 15 3 0.90 1.01 Channelized 124.94 0.5 20 1.41 1.47 Sheet 42.1 1 0.90 2.43 Pipe Flow 109.59 0.44 3.14 0.58 Sum 479.63 Computed Tc = 25.35 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.35 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:2.18 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 2.18 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 45.95 ft Slope: 0.0033 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.25 min Flow Depth: 8.50 in Velocity: 3.04 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3.71 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #3G Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 3G 0.21640427 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.21640427 0.704795262 0.152520704 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2164 Sum 0.15 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 6 2 0.20 3.28 Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Channelized 285.46 0.5 20 1.41 3.36 Sum 297.46 Computed Tc =7.37 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.98 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.46 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.46 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 34.05 ft Slope: 0.0661 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.10 min Flow Depth: 1.71 in Velocity: 5.92 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:16.61 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5A Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5A 2.352141644 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 2.352141644 0.761557724 1.791291637 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.3521 Sum 1.79 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 435.62 0.3 0.20 52.26 Sheet 11.95 1 0.90 1.29 Sheet 94.66 1 0.20 16.37 Sheet 31.09 2 0.90 1.66 Sheet 26 3 0.90 1.33 Channelized 142.09 0.5 20 1.41 1.67 Channelized 10.5 1.71 20 2.62 0.07 Sum 751.91 Computed Tc = 74.66 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.68 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.21 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.21 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 102.6 ft Slope: 0.0173 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.35 min Flow Depth: 3.82 in Velocity: 4.92 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:8.50 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5B-1 Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5A 2.352141644 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 5B-1 0.546369835 acres A C CA Composite 2.898511478 0.761557724 2.207383805 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.8985 Sum 2.21 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 435.62 0.3 0.20 52.26 Sheet 11.95 1 0.90 1.29 Sheet 94.66 1 0.20 16.37 Sheet 31.09 2 0.90 1.66 Sheet 26 3 0.90 1.33 Channelized 142.09 0.5 20 1.41 1.67 Channelized 10.5 1.71 20 2.62 0.07 Pipe Flow 102.6 1.73 4.92 0.35 Sum 854.51 Computed Tc = 75.00 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.68 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.49 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.49 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length:90 ft Slope: 0.0174 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.29 min Flow Depth: 4.24 in Velocity: 5.23 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:8.52 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5B-2 Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5A 2.352141644 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 5B-1 0.546369835 acres A C CA 5B-2 0.476289715 acres Composite 3.374801194 0.761557724 2.570105917 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 3.3748 Sum 2.57 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 435.62 0.3 0.20 52.26 Sheet 11.95 1 0.90 1.29 Sheet 94.66 1 0.20 16.37 Sheet 31.09 2 0.90 1.66 Sheet 26 3 0.90 1.33 Channelized 142.09 0.5 20 1.41 1.67 Channelized 10.5 1.71 20 2.62 0.07 Pipe Flow 102.6 1.73 4.92 0.35 Pipe Flow 90 1.74 5.23 0.29 Sum 944.51 Computed Tc = 75.29 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.67 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.73 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.73 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 78.60 ft Slope: 0.0176 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.24 min Flow Depth: 4.56 in Velocity: 5.48 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:8.57 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5B-3 Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5A 2.352141644 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 5B-1 0.546369835 acres A C CA 5B-2 0.476289715 acres Composite 3.880667355 0.761557724 2.9553522 5B-3 0.505866162 acres Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 3.8807 Sum 2.96 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 435.62 0.3 0.20 52.26 Sheet 11.95 1 0.90 1.29 Sheet 94.66 1 0.20 16.37 Sheet 31.09 2 0.90 1.66 Sheet 26 3 0.90 1.33 Channelized 142.09 0.5 20 1.41 1.67 Channelized 10.5 1.71 20 2.62 0.07 Pipe Flow 102.6 1.73 4.92 0.35 Pipe Flow 90 1.74 5.23 0.29 Pipe Flow 78.6 1.76 5.48 0.24 Sum 1023.11 Computed Tc = 75.53 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.67 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.99 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.99 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 84.46 ft Slope: 0.0102 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.3 min Flow Depth: 5.68 in Velocity: 4.68 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:6.52 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5D Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5D 0.956068182 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.956068182 0.761557724 0.728101109 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.9561 Sum 0.73 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 17.35 1 0.20 7.01 Sheet 8.03 1 0.90 1.06 Channelized 307.6 0.97 20 1.97 2.60 Sum 332.98 Computed Tc =10.67 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.36 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.71 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.71 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 40 ft Slope: 0.0035 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.22 min Flow Depth: 7.02 in Velocity: 3.03 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3.82 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #5E Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 5D 0.956068182 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 5E 1.02194146 acres A C CA Composite 1.978009642 0.761557724 1.506368521 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.9780 Sum 1.51 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.76 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 58.89 3 0.20 8.99 Sheet 10 3 0.90 0.82 Sheet 35.36 3 0.20 6.96 Channelized 99.78 3 20 3.46 0.48 Channelized 267.01 1.84 20 2.71 1.64 Sum 471.04 Computed Tc = 18.90 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.63 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:2.46 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 2.46 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 67.82 ft Slope: 0.0438 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.13 min Flow Depth: 4.33 in Velocity: 8.39 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:13.52 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #6A Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6A 0.280990817 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.280990817 0.745411333 0.20945374 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 0.2810 Sum 0.21 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 39.8 1 0.20 10.62 Sheet 15.42 2 0.90 1.17 Sheet 18.77 2 0.20 5.80 Channelized 145.77 2.28 20 3.02 0.80 Sum 219.76 Computed Tc = 18.39 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.66 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.35 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.35 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 59.98 ft Slope: 0.0122 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.33 min Flow Depth: 2.26 in Velocity: 3.02 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:7.14 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #6B Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6A 0.280990817 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 6B 1.15887787 acres A C CA Composite 1.439868687 0.745411333 1.073294438 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.4399 Sum 1.07 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 111.22 1.45 0.20 15.70 Sheet 10.14 2 0.90 0.95 Sheet 316.74 1.64 0.20 25.44 Sum 438.1 Computed Tc =42.09 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 0.98 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.05 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.05 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 98.21 ft Slope: 0.0286 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.29 min Flow Depth: 3.14 in Velocity: 5.64 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:10.92 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #6D Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6D 0.27755303 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.27755303 0.745411333 0.206891174 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.2776 Sum 0.21 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 6 2 0.90 0.73 Sheet 5.7 2 0.20 3.20 Channelized 374.33 1.23 20 2.22 2.81 Sum 386.03 Computed Tc =6.74 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.16 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.65 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.65 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 51.77 ft Slope: 0.0203 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.2 min Flow Depth: 2.70 in Velocity: 4.34 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:9.20 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #6E Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 6E 0.309347107 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.309347107 0.745411333 0.23059084 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.3093 Sum 0.23 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.75 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12.48 2 0.20 4.73 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 178.9 2.28 20 3.02 0.99 Sum 208.88 Computed Tc =6.96 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 3.10 in/hr plus inlet 6A bypass flow:0.142 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.71 cfs 0.86 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.86 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 51.89 ft Slope: 0.0071 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.27 min Flow Depth: 4.03 in Velocity: 3.24 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:5.44 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #7A Condition: Post Development: x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7A 1.822862718 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.822862718 0.686258303 1.250954675 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.8229 Sum 1.25 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 54.1 1 0.20 12.38 Sheet 12.59 2 0.90 1.06 Sheet 94.8 1 0.20 16.39 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 21.09 1 0.90 1.72 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 90.11 1.22 20 2.21 0.68 Sheet 33.61 1 0.90 2.17 Channelized 313.22 0.7 20 1.67 3.12 Sum 657.02 Computed Tc = 39.81 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.01 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.27 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.27 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 70.47 ft Slope: 0.0257 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.2 min Flow Depth: 3.54 in Velocity: 5.74 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:10.36 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #7B Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7A 1.822862718 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 7B 0.369014463 acres A C CA 7D 0.044079201 acres Composite 2.235956382 0.686258303 1.534443631 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.2360 Sum 1.53 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 54.1 1 0.20 12.38 Sheet 12.59 2 0.90 1.06 Sheet 94.8 1 0.20 16.39 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 21.09 1 0.90 1.72 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 90.11 1.22 20 2.21 0.68 Sheet 33.61 1 0.90 2.17 Channelized 313.22 0.7 20 1.67 3.12 Pipe Flow 70.47 2.57 5.74 0.20 Sum 657.02 Computed Tc = 40.02 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.01 in/hr plus inlet 7C bypass flow: 0.257 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.55 cfs 1.81 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.81 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 68.21 ft Slope: 0.0038 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.36 min Flow Depth: 7.08 in Velocity: 3.17 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3.98 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #7C Condition: Post Development:x 1. Basin Data 2. Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7A 1.822862718 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 7B 0.369014463 acres A C CA 7C 0.60750551 acres Composite 2.843461892 0.686258303 1.951349331 7D 0.044079201 acres Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 2.8435 Sum 1.95 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3. Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 54.1 1 0.20 12.38 Sheet 12.59 2 0.90 1.06 Sheet 94.8 1 0.20 16.39 Sheet 10 2 0.90 0.94 Sheet 21.09 1 0.90 1.72 Sheet 27.5 3 0.90 1.36 Channelized 90.11 1.22 20 2.21 0.68 Sheet 33.61 1 0.90 2.17 Channelized 313.22 0.7 20 1.67 3.12 Pipe Flow 70.47 2.57 5.74 0.20 Pipe Flow 68.21 0.38 3.05 0.37 Sum 657.02 Computed Tc = 40.39 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3. Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.00 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.96 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4. Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.96 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 32.18 ft Slope: 0.0031 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.18 min Flow Depth: 7.88 in Velocity: 3.00 fps 5. Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:3.60 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #7D Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 7D 0.044079201 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.044079201 0.686258303 0.030249718 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.0441 Sum 0.03 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.69 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12.5 2 0.90 1.05 Sheet 17.5 2 0.90 1.24 Channelized 18 0.772 20 1.76 0.17 Sum 48 Computed Tc =2.47 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 6.01 in/hr plus inlet 7B & 7C bypass flow:0.337 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:0.18 cfs 0.52 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 0.52 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 16 ft Slope: 0.0219 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.06 min Flow Depth: 2.37 in Velocity: 4.17 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:9.56 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #8A Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 8A 1.124441001 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 1.124441001 0.699601227 0.786660304 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:1.1244 Sum 0.79 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 19.36 1.35 0.20 6.71 Sheet 25.53 1 0.90 1.89 Channelized 380.76 1.13 20 2.13 2.98 Sum 425.65 Computed Tc =11.58 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.24 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.76 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.76 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 44.38 ft Slope: 0.041 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.1 min Flow Depth: 3.71 in Velocity: 7.44 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:13.08 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #8B Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 8A 1.124441001 acres ID acres Coefficient Product 8B 0.810383609 acres A C CA Composite 1.93482461 0.699601227 1.353605672 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area: 1.9348 Sum 1.35 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet % Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 95.16 1.329 0.20 14.95 Sheet 12 1.329 0.90 1.18 Sheet 95.16 1.329 0.90 3.32 Sheet 30 2 0.90 1.63 Channelized 162 1.684 20 2.60 1.04 Sum 394.32 Computed Tc = 22.12 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 1.48 in/hr 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:2.00 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 2.00 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 36.19 ft Slope: 0.0285 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.09 min Flow Depth: 4.34 in Velocity: 6.78 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft): 3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:10.91 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 Project Title:Storm Sewer #8C Condition: Post Development:x 1.Basin Data 2.Runoff Coefficient Calculation Contributing Sub-Basins Subarea Area Runoff 8C 0.678313361 acres ID acres Coefficient Product A C CA Composite 0.678313361 0.699601227 0.47454886 Undeveloped 0.30 Gravel 0.80 Pavement 0.90 Landscape 0.10 Roofs 0.85 Total Area:0.6783 Sum 0.47 Area - Weighted Runoff Coefficient (Sum CA / Sum A)0.70 3.Time of Concentration Flow Flow Flow Type Length Slope Runoff Conveyance Velocity Time L S C Cv V Tf feet %Coefficient Coefficient fps minutes Sheet 12 1 0.20 5.83 Channelized 927.7 1.59 20 2.52 6.13 Sum 939.7 Computed Tc =11.96 Conveyance Coefficient (Cv) Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways 2.5 5 7 10 15 Equations: a. Sheet Flow = 1.87(1.1 - C) L0.5 / S0.33 (300 feet maximum) b. Channelized Flow = V = Cv S 0.5 Tf = L / V * 60 c. Computed Tc = Sum Tf 3.Peak Flow Computation: 25 Year Intensity, I: 2.19 in/hr plus inlet 8B bypass flow:0.48 25 Yr Peak Flow, Q:1.04 cfs 1.52 cfs Equations: d. Intensity (I) = 0.78(Tc)-0.64 (Tc=HR, I=in/hr) e. Peak Flow (Q) = CIA 4.Pipe Sizing (from Carlson's pipe sizing calculator): Flow Rate: 1.52 cfs Diameter: 15 in Manning's n: 0.013 Length: 28.88 ft Slope: 0.0052 ft/ft Travel Time: 0.14 min Flow Depth: 5.89 in Velocity: 3.40 fps 5.Maximum Pipe Capacity: Wetted Area, A, (ft2):1.23 Wetted Perimeter, P, (ft):3.93 Max. Pipe Capacity, Qmax:4.66 cfs Equations: f. Pipe Capacity - Q = (1.486/n)A(A/P)2/3S1/2 Paved Areas & Shallow Paved Swales (Sheet Flow) 20 113 2INLETFRAAMES & GRATES2g Note: When specifying/ordering grates, refer to “Choosing the Proper Inlet Grate” on pages 125-126. For a complete listing of FREE OPEN AREAS and WEIR PERIMETERS of all NEENAH grates, refer to pages 327-332. R-2533Inlet Frame, Grate Heavy Duty Non-Rocking feature available, see p. 12. Standard Grate (shown): Type A Alternate Grate(s): Available Lid: R-1710 WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-2533 A 1.1 5.8 R-2533 C 1.0 5.8 R-2533 B 1.2 5.8 R-2540Inlet Frame, Grate Heavy Duty Available with 38” diameter frame, order as R-2540-A. Available Lid: R-1580 R-2535Inlet Frame, Grate Heavy Duty Available with 4” high frame, order as R-2535-A. Also available with 38” diameter frame flange. Available Lid: R-1510-A R-2534Inlet Frame, Grate Heavy Duty Available Lid: R-1570-A WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-2534 C 0.9 6.0 WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-2535 C 1.1 5.8 R-2535-A C 1.1 5.8 WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-2540 D 1.1 5.9 R-2540-A D 1.1 5.9 1 1/2" 9" 20" 35" 22" 1"1 1/4" CLICK HERE to return to the Table of Contents 1352COMBINATIONINLETS3R-3067Combination Inlet Frame, Grate, Curb Box Heavy Duty Standard Grate (shown): Type R-diagonal Alternate Grate(s): Available Curb Boxes: 2”Radius Open, 3”Radius Open, 6”Radius Open, 10”Radius Open, Mountable/Barred Enviro-Curb Boxes available, see p. 129. For Double and Triple units, refer to R-3295-2 and R-3295-3. R-3067-CCombination Inlet Frame, Grate Heavy Duty Standard Grate (shown): Type C Alternate Grate(s): Furnished without curb box for use at driveway locations. R-3067-LCombination Inlet Frame, Grate, Curb Box Heavy Duty Available Curb Boxes: 2”Radius Open, 3”Radius Open. Enviro-Curb Boxes available, see p. 129. WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-3067 R 2.0 5.8 R-3067 C 1.6 5.8 R-3067 L 2.1 5.8 WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-3067-C C 2.1 8.8 R-3067-C L 2.1 8.8 WEIRSQ. PERIMETERCATALOG GRATE FT. LINEALNUMBER TYPE OPEN FEET R-3067-L L 2.1 5.8 CLICK HERE to return to the Table of Contents STORM WATER MAINTENANCE PLAN Ferguson Farms II P.U.D. Subdivision Gallatin County Bozeman, Montana All storm water infrastructure located within the subdivision Ferguson Farm II including storm water infrastructure located within the public right-of-way will be routinely inspected and maintained by the property owners’ association Ferguson Farm II Property Owners Association 1. Routine Maintenance Activities (1-3 month interval) • Designate no cut zones in the bottom of basins • Remove trash, leaves, grass clippings and debris from inlets, culverts, swales & ponds • Remove any obstruction to flow • Establish a chemical free zone in and around the basins • Inspect for uniform ponding, and that water disappears within three days of rain events • Inspect inlets, piping, swales & outlet structures for sediment buildup and/or evidence of erosion • Check for eroded or channelized areas. Repair immediately, find the cause and take action to prevent further erosion. • Inspect structures and pond area for oil sheens and chemical odors • Inspect ponds and swales for undesirable vegetation or noxious weeds 2. Annual Maintenance Activities (Annually) • Cut vegetation to 6” and remove clippings • Re-establish vegetation on eroded and barren areas • Remove excess sediment build-up in inlets, piping, swales, ponds and outlet structures. • Update maintenance plan and inspection log • Repair/Replace eroded or damaged rip rap aprons • Clear and remove accumulated winter sand in parking lots and structures • Vacuum out underground chambers 3. Long Term Maintenance Activities (5-10 year interval) • Consult a qualified professional to inspect and return storm water basin back to initial design found on the subdivision and/or site plan engineering plans. • Dredge basin if sediment buildup is greater than 6” • Re-establish vegetation • Repair or replace damaged storm water structures and/or piping • Repair/Replace eroded or damaged rip rap aprons • Re-grade swales to ensure proper drainage Snow Storage: Snow is to be stored in a manner such that snow banks do not cover or block curb cuts, curb chases, stormwater inlets, manholes, chambers, or swales. Sediment Accumulation: In most cases, sediment from a retention pond does not contain toxins at levels posing a hazardous concern. However, sediments should be tested for toxicants in compliance with current disposal requirements and if land uses in the drainage area include commercial or industrial zones, or if visual or olfactory indications of pollution are noticed. Sediments containing high levels of pollutants should be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations and the potential sources of contamination should be investigated and contamination practices terminated. Isolator®Row O&M Manual StormTech®Chamber System for Stormwater Management Save Valuable Land and Protect Water Resources Detention • Retention • Water Quality A division of 1.1 INTRODUCTION An important component of any Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is inspection and maintenance. The StormTech Isolator Row is a patented technique to inexpensively enhance Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal and provide easy access for inspection and maintenance. 1.2 THE ISOLATOR ROW The Isolator Row is a row of StormTech chambers, either SC-310, SC-310-3, SC-740, DC-780, MC-3500 or MC- 4500 models, that is surrounded with filter fabric and con- nected to a closely located manhole for easy access.The fabric-wrapped chambers pro vide for settling and filtra- tion of sediment as storm water rises in the Isolator Row and ultimately passes through the filter fabric. The open bottom chambers and perforated sidewalls (SC-310, SC- 310-3 and SC-740 models) allow storm water to flow both vertically and horizon tally out of the chambers. Sediments are cap tured in the Isolator Row protecting the storage areas of the adjacent stone and chambers from sediment accumulation. Two different fabrics are used for the Isolator Row. A woven geotextile fabric is placed between the stone and the Isolator Row chambers. The tough geo textile provides a media for storm water filtration and provides a durable surface for maintenance operations. It is also designed to prevent scour of the underlying stone and remain intact during high pressure jetting. A non-woven fabric is placed over the chambers to provide a filter media for flows passing through the perforations in the sidewall of the chamber. The non-woven fabric is not required over the DC-780, MC-3500 or MC-4500 models as these chambers do not have perforated side walls. 2 Call StormTech at 888.892.2694 or visit our website at www.stormtech.com for technical and product information. 1.0 The Isolator®Row The Isolator Row is typically designed to capture the “first flush” and offers the versatility to be sized on a vol- ume basis or flow rate basis. An upstream manhole not only provides access to the Isolator Row but typically includes a high flow weir such that storm water flowrates or volumes that exceed the capacity of the Isolator Row overtop the over flow weir and discharge through a manifold to the other chambers. The Isolator Row may also be part of a treatment train. By treating storm water prior to entry into the chamber system, the service life can be extended and pollutants such as hydrocarbons can be captured. Pre-treatment best management practices can be as simple as deep sump catch basins, oil-water separators or can be inno- vative storm water treatment devices. The design of the treatment train and selection of pretreatment devices by the design engineer is often driven by regulatory requirements. Whether pretreatment is used or not, the Isolator Row is recommended by StormTech as an effective means to minimize maintenance requirements and maintenance costs. Note: See the StormTech Design Manual for detailed information on designing inlets for a StormTech system, including the Isolator Row. ECCENTRIC HEADER MANHOLE WITH OVERFLOW WEIR STORMTECH ISOLATOR ROW OPTIONAL PRE-TREATMENT OPTIONAL ACCESS STORMTECH CHAMBERS StormTech Isolator Row with Overflow Spillway (not to scale) Looking down the Isolator Row from the manhole opening, woven geotextile is shown between the chamber and stone base. 2.0 Isolator Row Inspection/Maintenance Call StormTech at 888.892.2694 or visit our website at www.stormtech.com for technical and product information. 3 Maintenance is accomplished with the JetVac process. The JetVac process utilizes a high pressure water noz- zle to propel itself down the Isolator Row while scouring and suspending sediments. As the nozzle is retrieved, the captured pollutants are flushed back into the man- hole for vacuuming. Most sewer and pipe maintenance companies have vacuum/JetVac combination vehicles. Selection of an appropriate JetVac nozzle will improve maintenance efficiency. Fixed nozzles designed for cul- verts or large diameter pipe cleaning are preferable. Rear facing jets with an effective spread of at least 45” are best. Most JetVac reels have 400 feet of hose allow- ing maintenance of an Isolator Row up to 50 chambers long. The JetVac process shall only be performed on StormTech Isolator Rows that have AASHTO class 1 woven geotextile (as specified by StormTech) over their angular base stone. 2.1 INSPECTION The frequency of Inspection and Maintenance varies by location. A routine inspection schedule needs to be established for each individual location based upon site specific variables. The type of land use (i.e. industrial, commercial, residential), anticipated pollutant load, per- cent imperviousness, climate, etc. all play a critical role in determining the actual frequency of inspection and maintenance practices. At a minimum, StormTech recommends annual inspec- tions. Initially, the Isolator Row should be inspected every 6 months for the first year of operation. For sub sequent years, the inspection should be adjusted based upon previous observation of sediment deposition. The Isolator Row incorporates a combination of standard manhole(s) and strategically located inspection ports (as needed). The inspection ports allow for easy access to the system from the surface, eliminating the need to perform a confined space entry for inspection purposes. If upon visual inspection it is found that sediment has accumulated, a stadia rod should be inserted to deter- mine the depth of sediment. When the average depth of sediment exceeds 3 inches throughout the length of the Isolator Row, clean-out should be performed. 2.2 MAINTENANCE The Isolator Row was designed to reduce the cost of periodic maintenance. By “isolating” sediments to just one row, costs are dramatically reduced by eliminating the need to clean out each row of the entire storage bed. If inspection indicates the potential need for main- tenance, access is provided via a manhole(s) located on the end(s) of the row for cleanout. If entry into the manhole is required, please follow local and OSHA rules for a confined space entries. StormTech Isolator Row (not to scale) Examples of culvert cleaning nozzles appropriate for Isolator Row maintenance. (These are not StormTech products.) NOTE:NON-WOVEN FABRIC IS ONLY REQUIRED OVER THE INLET PIPE CONNECTION INTO THE END CAP FOR DC-780, MC-3500 AND MC-4500 CHAMBER MODELS AND IS NOT REQUIRED OVER THE ENTIRE ISOLATOR ROW. Step 1)Inspect Isolator Row for sediment A) Inspection ports (if present) i.Remove lid from floor box frame ii.Remove cap from inspection riser iii.Using a flashlight and stadia rod, measure depth of sediment and record results on maintenance log. iv.If sediment is at, or above, 3 inch depth proceed to Step 2. If not proceed to step 3. B) All Isolator Rows i.Remove cover from manhole at upstream end of Isolator Row ii.Using a flashlight, inspect down Isolator Row through outlet pipe 1.Mirrors on poles or cameras may be used to avoid a confined space entry 2.Follow OSHA regulations for confined space entry if entering manhole iii.If sediment is at or above the lower row of sidewall holes (approximately 3 inches) proceed to Step 2. If not proceed to Step 3. Step 2)Clean out Isolator Row using the JetVac process A) A fixed culvert cleaning nozzle with rear facing nozzle spread of 45 inches or more is preferable B) Apply multiple passes of JetVac until backflush water is clean C) Vacuum manhole sump as required Step 3) Replace all caps, lids and covers, record observations and actions Step 4)Inspect & clean catch basins and manholes upstream of the StormTech system ADS “Terms and Conditions of Sale” are available on the ADS website, www.ads-pipe.com Advanced Drainage Systems, the ADS logo, and the green stripe are registered trademarks of Advanced Drainage Systems. Stormtech®and the Isolator®Row are registered trademarks of StormTech, Inc. Green Building Council Member logo is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council. © 2013 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. SO90809 02/13 3.0 Isolator Row Step By Step Maintenance Procedures 4 21) B)1) A) StormTech Isolator Row (not to scale) Stadia Rod Readings Fixed point Fixed point Sediment Date to chamber to top of Depth Observations/Actions Inspector bottom (1)sediment (2)(1) - (2) 3/15/01 6.3 ft.none New installation. Fixed point is Cl frame at grade djm 9/24/01 6.2 0.1 ft.Some grit felt sm 6/20/03 5.8 0.5 ft.Mucky feel, debris visible in manhole and in rv Isolator row, maintenance due 7/7/03 6.3 ft.0 System jetted and vacuumed djm Sample Maintenance Log 70 Inwood Road, Suite 3 Rocky Hill Connecticut 06067 860.529.8188 888.892.2694 fax 866.328.8401 www.stormtech.com Detention • Retention • Water Quality A division of