HomeMy WebLinkAboutLindley Center Renovation and RepairsDecember 8, 2023 Dear City of Bozeman, Sincerely, Eric Bower, President/CEO BMY Construction Group, Inc. Thank you for the opportunity to submit our qualifications to showcase the quality services that BMY has to offer. Our Montana Team consists of Project Managers Ryan Blankenship, who lives in Anaconda, and Dylan Mederios. They are supported by Mitch Wykoff, Field Superintendent, and Shyanne Waldbillig, Project Administrator both from Butte, Montana, as well as the entire BMY Team. Working with BMY, you can expect a team that is driven by our 5 core values: Do the Right Thing, Good Work Ethic, Humble, Loyalty, and Respect. Although we have 2 locations, both offices work in unison to bring your project to completion. At BMY, we understand that every project is unique, and we approach each one with a focus on collaboration, communication, and quality workmanship. We are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service, and we are confident that our Montana Team has the skills and experience necessary to deliver outstanding results on every project. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your project further. BM Y C on structio n Group, Inc. Eric Bower, President EBower@bmyinc.com (406) 550-2005 5o E. Granite St. Suite #4 Butte, MT 59701 Plan One/Architect s Mick Duff, Vice President MDuff@planone.com (406) 219-5992 1174 Stoneridge Dr. Suite 213 Bozeman, MT 59718 R e q u e st fo r Q u a l i f ic at io n s - D e s ign -B u il d C o n tr a c to r L in d l e y C ent e r R e pa i r s a n d R e n o v a t io n T O B U I L D S T R O N G R E L A T I O N S H I P S W I T H O U R E M P L O Y E E S , C L I E N T S , A N D T R A D E P A R T N E R S , A N D T O C O N T I N U E B U I L D I N G O U R T R U S T E D R E P U T A T I O N F O R P R O V I D I N G A G R E A T E X P E R I E N C E F R O M S T A R T T O F I N I S H . O U R M I S S I O N ABOUT BMY Founded December 17th, 2004, BMY has been a trusted general contractor specializing in community, historical renovation, commercial, professional office, and educational construction for nearly two decades. BMY expanded into Montana in 2021 and has since completed many successful projects and created great relationships with Owners, Subcontractors, and Architects. Our most significant strength lies in Team BMY - a group of hand-picked individuals who embody our company's five core values: do the right thing, good work ethic, humble, loyalty, and respect. We are proud to have grown to 50 full time employees including an Estimating Department, Project Delivery, Operations Department, and Business Department. Although BMY has 2 locations, BMY Fresno and BMY Montana work in unison to successfully complete any project. We are big enough to handle it, but small enough to care, our team will diligently work with you throughout the preconstruction and construction phases while also providing a personal touch as a family-owned and operated business. BMY has demonstrated its capability to complete projects within budget and on schedule, build and maintain relationships with subcontractors and owners, and communicate between our two offices efficiently. BMY's unwavering presence in the marketplace is demonstrated by five consecutive years of annual workloads exceeding $30,000,000, consistent year-over-year revenue growth, company expansion to Montana, and a growing team. BMY Construction is a Corporation operating under Montana State Contractors Registration Number 261547. Operating out of 50 E. Granite Street, Suite #4, Butte, MT, our managing office offers a variety of services including Construction Management, Design-Build, Pre- Construction, Construction, Compliance, and Self Performed Work. O ’R O U R K E B U I L D I N G B u t t e , M T B U I L T I N 1 9 0 8 , T H E H I S T O R I C O ’R O U R K E B U I L D I N G U N D E R W E N T A C O M P L E T E R E S T O R A T I O N I N 2 0 2 2 B Y B M Y C O N S T R U C T I O N . D U R I N G T H I S P R O J E C T , O N E O F T H E B I G G E S T O B S T A C L E S W E F A C E D W A S A H O L E I N T H E E X T E R I O R B R I C K . T O M A I N T A I N T H E H I S T O R I C A L I N T E G R I T Y O F T H E B U I L D I N G , W E H A D T O C A R E F U L L Y R E M O V E T H E B R I C K A N D T H E N R E B U I L D T H E E X T E R I O R U S I N G T H E S A M E M A T E R I A L S . T H E B U I L D I N G N O W H O U S E S 8 A P A R T M E N T U N I T S . P R O J E C T M A N A G E R : R Y A N B L A N K E N S H I P F I E L D S U P E R I N T E N D E N T : M I T C H W Y K O F F R O N N I E E S T E S (4 0 6 ) 5 7 9 -8 7 7 8 B U I L T I N 1 9 0 0 , T H E H I S T O R I C M A I N S T R E E T S I S T E R S U N D E R W E N T A C O M P L E T E R E S T O R A T I O N I N 2 0 2 3 B Y B M Y . E A C H B U I L D I N G I S A D U P L E X W I T H 2 N E W L Y R E M O D E L E D U N I T S . E A C H U N I T I S 3 B E D R O O M 2 B A T H R O O M , A N D I N C L U D E S A B R A N D N E W K I T C H E N A N D O P E N C O N C E P T L I V I N G S P A C E . P R O J E C T M A N A G E R : R Y A N B L A N K E N S H I P F I E L D S U P E R I N T E N D E N T : M I T C H W Y K O F F M A I N S T R E E T S I S T E R S B u t t e , M T P R E S T O N C R O S S (5 5 9 )3 5 1 -3 2 8 2 M O N T A N A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y S U B F O O D V E N D O R R E N O V A T I O N B o z e m a n , M T U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N . R E N O V A T I O N A N D B U I L D -O U T O F A R E S T A U R A N T C O N C E P T F R A N C H I S E D F R O M C H I C K -F I L -A I N T H E S U B U N I O N M A R K E T A T M O N T A N A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , A S W E L L A S M A K E N E C E S S A R Y I N F R A S T R U C T U R E U P D A T E S T O S U P P O R T T H E N E W R E S T A U R A N T . A R C H I T E C T - P L A N O N E /A R C H I T E C T S , C O N T R A C T O R : B M Y C O N S T R U C T I O N P R O J E C T M A N A G E R : D Y L A N M E D I E R O S S U P E R I N T E N D E N T : R Y A N B L A N K E N S H I P F I E L D S U P E R I N T E N D E N T : M I T C H W Y K O F F J U L I E B R O W N J U L I E .B R O W N 1 3 @ M O N T A N A .E D U C E S A R C H A V E Z M U L T I P U R P O S E B U I L D I N G F r e s n o , C A N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A 5 ,4 0 0 S Q U A R E F O O T M U L T I P U R P O S E B U I L D I N G F O R P A R L I E R U N I F I E D S C H O O L D I S T R I C T . M U L T I P U R P O S E B U I L D I N G I N C L U D E S A F U L L K I T C H E N W I T H A W A L K I N F R E E Z E R , D I N I N G H A L L /E V E N T S P A C E , S T A G E , R E S T R O O M S , A N D T E A C H E R ’S L O U N G E A S W E L L A S A S S O C I A T E D S I T E W O R K . P R O J E C T E N G I N E E R : R Y A N B L A N K E N S H I P R E N E R O D R I G U E Z (5 5 9 ) 8 4 7 -7 8 9 3 F A W C E T T H O U S E F r e s n o , C A T HE FA WC E TT HO USE, BU ILT I N 1 95 5 , W A S DESIGN E D BY F RA NK L L O YD W RIGH T . T HE 3,8 0 0 SQ UA R E F OOT H O U SE WA S BR OU G HT BA C K T O L I F E BY B M Y CO NS T RUC T ION I N 201 2 T HR OU G H A C O M P L E T E RES TOR AT I O N . D UR IN G TH IS RESTO RA T I ON , B M Y HA D TO RE M O V E A ND R EF I NISH A L L T HE A FR I CA N G R AIN M AH OGA NY W O OD TR I M O N TH E I NS I DE A ND OUTSID E O F T HE H O U SE . W E C A REF ULLY REMOVED A ND NU M B ER E D E AC H P I E C E A ND T HEN R EIN ST ALLED THE T R I M US I NG TH E E X I S T IN G N AIL H O L E S TO MA I N T AIN T HE IN T EG R I T Y OF THE T RI M . A R T H U R D Y S O N A D Y S O N @ D Y S O N J A N Z E N .C O M BONDING CAPACITYBonding Company: Endurance Assurance Corporation Bonding Agent: M.B. McGowan & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc. Phone Number: 707-815-5867Email: jsullivan@mbmcgowan.com Bonding Capacity: $50,000,000 aggregate, $30,000,000 single job BMY Construction has an experienced team that is ready to take on any challenge. Our team includes our President Eric Bower as the Preconstruction Manager along with his team of three experienced estimators that will ensure your project is starting off on the right foot. BMY also has two Project Managers in our Montana office that will split their time between your job site and the office, one Field Superintendent that will be on the job site full time, and a Project Administrator that is in the office full time in Butte ensuring all documents for your project are completed. We currently have 5 active projects in Montana, 2 of which will be completed by the end of 2023. Therefore, our Project Managers will be freed up to dedicate time to the Lindley Center Renovation. FIRM WORKLOAD Throughout BMY Construction’s 19 years in business, we are proud tohave NEVER paid any Liquidated Damages. BMY prides ourselves oncompleting projects on time and in budget! CLAIMS 2023 current backlog: 2022 2021 ANNUAL DOLLAR WORKLOAD $39,000,000 $43,466,017 $41,335,0007 projects completed 11 projects completed P R E S I D E N TPRE-C O N S T R U C T I O N M A N A G E R R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S Conceptual E stim ating Scoping Constructability Re vie ws Ideas & Inpu t E st imates Bi dding Campa ign GMP Contract Oversigh t During Construction E X P E R I E N C E 30 Years in Con st ruct ion Licensed/Regi stered Gener al Contra ctor E st imator by Trade (Exp ert) Historical Build ing Experien ce "G " Buildi ng O'R o ur ke Annex Restorat ion, Butte Main S treet S iste rs Bu i lding s, Butt e Galena Building, Butt e Moss La nding/Pacific St eamship Buil ding CM/GC Ex peri ence CM Expe rience Des i gn Build Exp erienc e Leas e-Lea seback E x perience Heav y Pre-Construction Exp erienc e V I C E P R E S I D E N T R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S Focus and Acco unta bility E le c t r ical a nd Lighti ng P lanni ng I npu t O AC Tea m Champion E X P E R I E N C E 30 Years of Expe r ie nce as a G en eral Contractor/E le c t r ical Project Man ager Hist oric al Build ing E xp eri ence O 'Rourk e An nex Restorati on, But t e ($2,545,353) Main Stre et Si sters Build ings, B utte ($650,000 ) Gal ena Bu il din g, B utte (TBD ) CM/GC E xp eri ence CM Ex pe r ience Des ign Buil d E xp eri ence Le ase -L easeba c k E xp eri ence P R O J E C T M A N A G E RSUPERINTENDENT R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S C oordina t e and M anage A ll A spe c t s of Pr oject Duri ng C onstructio n OAC M ee t in gs and C ommu nica tion Su bco ntract or Sch edu li ng/C oordina t ion Sch edu le Sa fety Qua lit y/H istorica l Ad her ence I nspections an d Code Adh ere nce E X P E R I E N C E O'Rou r ke A nnex Restorat ion, B utte ($2,545,353) Ma in St r eet S iste r s Buil dings ($650,000) Galena B uildi ng (TBD ) C esar C havez ($5,754,9 3 4 ) Si erra Paci fic H igh Schoo l ($15,028,747) P R O J E C T M A N A G E R R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S Co ordin ate and Man age All Asp ects of Proj ect D uring Con s t ructi on OAC Me eti ngs and Comm unicati on S ubcontracto r S c hedul ing/Co ordin ation S c hedul e S afe ty Qu ality /Hist orical A dheren c e Insp ecti ons a nd Cod e Ad herence E X P E R I E N C E M SU B ozema n Foo d Ven dor Renova t ion Ani m al C on tro l Ce nte r Loftin Sta dium En trance, Co nces s ions, a nd Locke r Rooms En viro nmen tal Co mpliance Ce nter F I E L D S U P E R I N T E N D E N T R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S Ryan's Right H and M an Han ds on w ith Dir ect Work Co ord inato r of D ire c t W ork Orche strate Da ily Jo bsit e Activ iti es Ca rpe nter , Finish & Trim , Door s & H ardware E X P E R I E N C E Ma in Street Siste r s Bu il din g, B utte (C arpentry) Fa r rar Hous e, Butte (Fin ish Ca rpe ntry) MSU Bozeman F ood Vend or Renovati on Galen a Street B uildi ng H and s on Builder and Ca rpe nter P R O J E C T A D M I N I S T R A T O R R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S Coo rdi na te and Manage P ro je c t Do cumen ta ti on Pr ocor e E xp ert O AC M eetings and Minut es Close O ut and Warra nty Docum ents Assist with the Bid ding Ca mpaig n E X P E R I E N C E Main Street Sisters Bui ldi ng s , But te ($650,000) Bid ding, S ub contra ct s , P ermit ti ng , P urchase Orders, C oor dinatio n o f all Co ntr act Doc ume nts. Kingdom of Asia Ex hi bit, Chaffe e Zoo ($5,950,000 MV D Missoul a O ’Ro urke Building MS U Bozeman Food Ven do r Re nova tion REFERENCES M A D E R A A C A D E M I C V I L L A G E M a d e r a , C A G R O U N D U P 4 1 ,0 0 0 S Q U A R E F O O T B U I L D I N G H O U S I N G C L A S S R O O M S , N U R S I N G L A B , F O R E N S I C S L A B , O F F I C E S , A N D 7 ,0 0 0 S Q U A R E F O O T L I B R A R Y . A L L A S S O C I A T E D S I T E W O R K , P A R K I N G L O T S H A N N O N R O B E R T S O N S R OB E RT SO N @ SC C CD .E DU $2 7 ,6 3 4 ,4 4 1 O ’R O U R K E B U I L D I N G B U T T E , C A B U I L T I N 1 9 0 8 , T H E H I S T O R I C O ’R O U R K E B U I L D I N G U N D E R W E N T A C O M P L E T E R E S T O R A T I O N I N 2 0 2 2 B Y B M Y C O N S T R U C T I O N . T H E B U I L D I N G N O W H O U S E S 8 A P A R T M E N T U N I T S . R O N N I E E S T E S (4 0 6 ) 5 7 9 -8 7 7 8 M S U B O Z E M A N F O O D V E N D O R R E N O V A T I O N B o z e m a n , M T U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N - R E N O V A T I O N O F M S U ’S C A M P U S E A T E R Y J U L I E B R O W N J U LIE.BR OW N 13 @M ONT A N A.E D U M A I N S T R E E T S I S T E R S B u t t e , C A U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N - F U L L R E S T O R A T I O N O F T W O I D E N T I C A L H I S T O R I C B U I L D I N G S O N M A I N S T R E E T I N B U T T E P R E S T O N C R O S S (559 ) 3 51 -3 2 8 2 C E S A R C H A V E Z M U L T I P U R O S E B U I L D I N G P a r l i e r , C A C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A N E W M U L T I P U R P O S E F A C I L I T Y , W H I C H I N C L U D E S A C O M M E R C I A L K I T C H E N , D I N I N G H A L L , P E R F O R M A N C E S T A G E , T E A C H E R S L O U N G E , A N D R E S T R O O M S R E N E R O D R I G U E Z (5 5 9 ) 6 4 6 -6 1 8 1 F R E S N O C H A F F E E Z O O P L E X N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N O F A N 1 8 ,0 0 0 S Q U A R E F O O T B U I L D I N G F O R F R E S N O C H A F F E E Z O O S T A F F M E M B E R S . I N C L U D E S A D M I N I S T R A T I V E O F F I C E S , C O N F E R E N C E R O O M S , A N D C O M M E R C I A L K I T C H E N . J E S S E S A N T I A G O JSANTIAGO@FRESNOCHAFFEEZOO.ORGFRESNO, C A $1 0 ,6 4 8 ,7 6 9 We consider the Pre-Construction phase of utmost importance, and we have a dedicated team including CEO/President Eric Bower, with 36 years of pre-construction experience, and Chief Estimator Gurdeep Jhutti that will be with you every step of the way. Make sure your project’s drawings are ready for competitive bidding Complete Constructability Reviews Budgets Value Analysis Will work closely with the design team during Pre-Construction, permitting, and the construction phases of your project Early Schedule Creation Bid-Ability Review BMY uses Procore for our construction management needs. This system is available to our Owners, Architects, and Trade Partners so they have instant access to the project and its status. Tracking progress Maintaining logs Progress photos Reports Updating plans Schedules Submittals RFIs Accounting Progress updates PROJECT MANAGEMENT & APPROACH PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION During the Construction phase you can expect Weekly Project Update Reports Monthly Compliance & Coordinated Billings Monthly Updated Project Schedule Safety Inspections Project Meetings Photo Documentation A Clean and Safe Jobsite Coordination with Campus Staff Good Communication PROJECT TRACKING/REPORTING COST MANAGEMENT Starting January 1st, 2024, BMY is switching our accounting software to Foundation, America’s #1 Construction Accounting Software. With this new accounting program, we will be able to better track every dollar, hour, and quantity of material for each job. We will also be able to generate reports on project cash flows and receive alerts to avoid going over budget. Safety on any BMY's jobsites is of the utmost importance. Our goal is to prevent accidents and injuries of employees, subcontractors, and staff. BMY has a site-specific injury and illness prevention plan and a safety program that meets OSHA BMY IS PROACTIVE WITH SAFETY SAFETY NICK WICKS O P E R A T I O N S /S A F E T Y M A N A G E R ASHLEY WICKSSAFETY A D M I N I S T R T O R requirements. BMY performs weekly safety meetings, provides safety trainings, unannounced visits by an independent Safety Compliance Company, and quarterly company-wide safety meetings. E M R R A T E S 2024- 0.75 2023- 0.72 2022- 0.70 2021-0.68 2020- 0.84 ABOUT PLAN ONE Incorporated in 1985, Plan One/Architects has grown into one of the largest Montana/Wyoming based architectural firms. Plan One/Architects employs 17 individuals across four office locations with seven Registered Architects, a LEED Accredited Professional, Certified Interior Designer, and Structural Engineer on staff. While many large regional firms choose to specialize in a specific area of architecture, such as medical, correctional or educational, Plan One has chosen to specialize in providing design work that fits the needs of clients located within Montana and Wyoming. By being flexible and responsive, Plan One has been able to successfully design projects including historic preservation, correctional and educational. This ability to adapt to whatever a project requires gives clients in the state the distinct advantage of working with a Montana/Wyoming based firm whose reputation is at stake with each and every project it undertakes. We take all of our projects very seriously, as we know reputation is the key to continued work. Our offices in Bozeman, Cody, Cheyenne, and Rock Springs, combined with our willingness to travel, effectively takes us to where the projects are. We have the manpower available to step into any project no matter the size or complexity. Our dedicated teamwork allows us to take on any project with effort, energy and enthusiasm. Project Phase Completion Veterans’ Home Additions & Renovations Construction Documents Winter 2023 University of Wyoming Residence Halls Construction Administration Fall 2024 Johnson County Healthcare Phased Master Plan Construction Winter 2023 Park County Crisis Intervention Construction Documents Winter 2023 FCSD No. 25 Riverton Auditorium Design Development Summer 2024 Shining Mountain Interpretive Center Design Development Winter 2023 Cloud Peak Counseling Center Design Development Fall 2024 One Health Medical Offices Design Development Fall 2024 Renovations & Additions Laramie County Community Center Construction Administration Fall 2024 Cheyenne Public Safety Center Construction Administration Winter2023 Community House Roof Replacement Schematic Design Winter2023 MSU Food Court Renovation Construction Winter2023 Lincoln County School District 2 Freezer Schematic Design Winter 2023 Sublette County School District 1 Freezer Schematic Design Spring 2024 Memorial Hospital SWC Lab Expansion Design Development Fall 2025 WYDOT Roofs – Various Summer 2024 Little Snake River School Ag Building Schematic Design Winter 2023 Western Wyoming Community College Design Development Summer 2025 Health Science Sweetwater County School District 2 Bidding & Negotiations Fall 2024 Central Kitchen Sweetwater County Public Works Schematic Design Summer 2024 TCSD1 Security Vestibules Bidding & Negotiations Fall 2024 Memorial Hospital Chemo Mixing Construction Admin Spring 2024 Keyhole State Park Dorm Design Development Winter 2024 Douglas Locker Room Renovations Design Development Winter 2024 Casper College Master Plan Design Development Winter 2024 FCSD1 Pathfinder High School Renovation Design Development Winter 2024 WRC Rothwell Building Design Development Winter 2024 Listed below represents the current workload of the Plan One/Architects’ offices. Many of our larger projects are either bidding or under construction, and are therefore coming to an end. Our team is ready and eager for new work to carry us through and into the next year. We are available to facilitate your upcoming project. Taylor Lee is an associate principal and Vice President of Plan One/Architects. Taylor has been with the firm for over 12 years. His strengths include design, 3D imagery, client and consultant coordination, and full project implementation. His ability to follow through with a project from conceptual design, construction documents and specifications, and then construction, makes him an important addition to the Plan One Team. TAYLOR LEE, AIA VICE PRESIDENT I PLAN ONE/ARCHITECTS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 18 FIRM Plan One/Architects 225 W Yellowstone Ave., Suite 4 Cody, WY 82414 LICENSES/ACCREDITATIONS Licensed Professional Architect: Wyoming/Montana Project Experience Emerson Building Renovation - Lander, WY Riverton HS Auditorium - Riverton, WY Shoshoni K-12 School, Shoshoni, WY Laramie County School District No. 1 MCER - Cheyenne, WY Albany County School District No. 1 MCER - Laramie, WY Jeffrey City MCER - Jeffrey City, WY Fremont County School District No. 1 MCER - Lander, WY Converse County School District No. 1 Master Planning, Douglas, WY Teton County School District No. 1 Renovation & Additions, Jackson, WY Fremont County School District No. 6 Master Plan - Pavillion, WY PROJECT ARCHITECT Mr. Duff is currently a junior partner with Plan One and has opened an office in Bozeman, MT. Mick has the ability to oversee multiple projects at the same time and carries out Owner Architect Contractor (OAC) meetings weekly in the forefront of projects to ensure the project begins smoothly and the team is on the same page. His extensive knowledge of how to compile a set of Construction Documents, combined with the ability to relate ideas to all parties throughout the course of a project makes him a valuable asset to Plan One. MICK DUFF, AIA, LEED AP VICE PRESIDENT I PLAN ONE/ARCHITECTS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 25 FIRM Plan One/Architects 1174 Stoneridge Dr. - Suite 213 Bozeman, Mt 59718 225 W Yellowstone Ave., Suite 4 Cody, WY 82414 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT Idaho Project Experience Montana State University - Food Vendor Renovation - Bozeman, MT Johnson County Library Renovations and Additions – Buffalo, WY Gillette College STEM Building – Gillette, WY Gillette College Pronghorn Center – Gillette, WY Veterans’ Home of Wyoming Skilled Nursing Facility - Buffalo, WY Johnson County Healthcare Master Plan, Renovations & Implementation - Buffalo CCSD#1 Security Vestibules – Douglas, WY SBHH – Phases II & III – Basin, WY TCT West Office – Cody, WY Bank of Buffalo Remodel - Buffalo, WY PROJECT ARCHITECT Jared Hoffman brings to Plan One/Architects leadership and experience working with clients and consultants in the fields of commercial, educational, government, and healthcare projects each varying in complexity and scale. Throughout his career he has garnered experience in project planning and design, creating construction documents and project specifications. Jared has extensive experience in bidding and negotiation and construction administration. His creativity, attention to detail, and ability to work with clients and members of the design and construction teams throughout the construction process help to deliver successful projects and make him an asset to our team. JARED HOFFMAN, AIA PROJECT MANAGER I PLAN ONE/ARCHITECTS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 17 FIRM Plan One/Architects 225 W Yellowstone Ave., Suite 4 Cody, WY 82414 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming Project Experience Shoshoni Town Hall Renovation, Shoshoni, WY FCSD #25 Auditorium - Riverton, WY One Health Fitch Building Renovation - Powell, WY Rocky Mountain Sleep and CPAP - Butte, MT Elko County School District – Elko Highschool ADA Upgrades* Idaho Central Credit Union – South Side Station* Idaho Central Credit Union Remodel – Twin Falls* Bonner County Courthouse Remodel and Addition* Bonner County Administration Building Remodel* * performed with a previous firm PROJECT MANAGER BY WESTERN HANDS CODY, WY By Western Hands is a unique organization created and inspired by historical hand-crafted western art and furniture. The By Western Hands organization works to promote training of future craftsmen and women by facilitating a partnership between these and future artisans with the local Northwest College. Plan One/Architects was commissioned to create a space and atmosphere that could accomplish all the features desired by the client in the historic district of Cody Wyoming. Plan One designed an iconic façade to comply with the historic district, as well as created an interactive space for local western heritage art culminated in the location. This project encountered planning and design challenges, as well as life safety challenges that surfaced during the adaptive reuse of a historic building. Today, this building marks another location in Cody that is thoughtfully being restored, transforming the appearance of a wonderful town which holds art and history at high standards. Before photo DRIGGS COMMUNITY CENTER - GEOTOURISM CENTER DRIGGS, ID For the design of the Municipal Community Center, the Driggs Cody Council voted unanimously to proceed with LEED sustainable building design criteria, and registered the project for LEED certification with the U.S. Green Building Council. The new center occupies 26,000 SF of a former supermarket on Main St. and contains the Driggs City Hall and the Driggs Senior Center. The Teton Valley Recreation Center, and the Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Geotourism Visitor Center comprise Phase II of this project. Features include: • Geo-tourism center • Paved entry plaza • Two sided seating • Outdoor gallery space • Wall sculptures • Landscaped screening • Public art display • Information kiosk • Existing parking maintained • Permeable pavers LANDER COMMUNITY CENTER LANDER, WY REFERENCE OWNER: CITY OF LANDER, WYOMING 307.332.2870 CONTACT: GARY MICHAUD SERVICES DESIGN THRU CDS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION This nearly 20,000 sf community center is located adjacent to the Lander Golf & Country Club. The facility includes large and small meeting rooms, a commercial kitchen, bar, lobby, and associated spaces. The Great Hall is designed to accommodate up to 1,400 people for large organized events, but can be partitioned off for smaller groups as well. Building amenities include a large three sided stone fireplace which can be enjoyed by visitors in the entrance foyer, the great hall, or the bar. A large overhead door will allow for the facility to be used for car and RV shows and a retractible stage will support musical or theatrical performances. Whether visitors are stepping off the golf course or enjoying an evening event, large sliding glass walls and terraces provide a sense of connection to the outdoors. This project focuses on converting a large property previously used as an Automotive Technical Training Institute into a Municipal Operations Facility for the City of Laramie. Renovation scope includes modifying two existing pre-engineered steel buildings to serve a new purpose: one into a Streets and Fleets Department facility and the other into a Utilities and Solid Waste Division space. Both buildings required structural modification for new doors, upgrades to HVAC, and building envelope upgrades to meet energy conservation codes. A third building was demolished with the intent it be replaced by a number of new structures. New facilities include an office building for Engineering and Utilities. This building includes a large gathering space used for public meetings and presentations. The large space can be subdivided into two smaller rooms allowing great flexibility. Within the staff area of the building, offices are provided with smaller staff meeting and break areas. Also to be constructed, is a large pre-engineered steel building used for vehicle parking. Designed to house larger equipment for storage and minor maintenance, the facility also includes a large commercial wash bay. The site received all new utility distribution, including water and sanitary sewer. A new water high pressure water line improvement project performed concurrently will provide water to the site and feed fire suppression systems in all buildings. The project also includes a fueling station for city vehicles and a salt/sand storage facility.water modernized and routed to better serve all buildings. PROJECT BUDGET $15.2 Million ESTIMATED COMPLETION Spring, 2022 LARAMIE MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS CENTER LARAMIE, WY MELVIN BREWING | CONCEPT STUDY ALPINE, WYOMING In 2022, the Owners group from Melvin Brewing approached Plan One/Architects to explore design concepts for their new kitchen addition and interior entry options in an attempt to bring a more upscale appearance to their facility in Pinedale Wyoming. Upgrades included: • Main Kitchen Addition • Seating / Dining configuration • New entrance canopy • Toilet Rooms both for staff and public • New Exterior Entry Rendering • Site Development Plan Options Plan One worked with HC Design out of Bozeman to assist with exploring the new kitchen placement and several interior equipment and flow layout options. This 57,000 sf, 7 million dollar hotel in Cody, Wyoming features 70 rooms, various meeting rooms, a fitness center and swimming pool. The hotel also has a resaurant with indoor and outdoor dining, a full commercial kitchen and a lounge. The building’s design characteristics include exposed heavy timber accents, an abundance of cultured stone and other craftsman style accents, all which compliment Cody’s western vernacular. The hotel’s banquet rooms are designed to accomodate large or small groups by utilizing a room divider ‘curtain wall’. The custom made bar and dining space serves the public and special events. Owner: Sunset Properties, Inc. 1601 8th Street Cody, WY 82414 307.587.4265 Contact: Bill Garlow BEST WESTERN IVY CODY, WYOMING Attachment A NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY AFFIRMATION ____________________________________(name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and acknowledges and understands the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatments or proposer’s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, ____________________________________(name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. ______________________________________ Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter