HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposal - City of Bozeman Orthoimagery and LiDAR - GIS Surveyors Inc PROPOSAL City of Bozeman, MT Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 1 Table of Contents a) Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 2 b) Firm/Individual Profile .......................................................................................................................... 3 c) Description of Proposed Solution ......................................................................................................... 3 d) Scope of Project .................................................................................................................................. 23 e) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services .................................................... 24 f) Statement of Qualifications ................................................................................................................ 27 g) References .......................................................................................................................................... 30 h) Present and Projected Workloads ...................................................................................................... 31 i) Key Personnel...................................................................................................................................... 33 j) Additional Information ........................................................................................................................ 43 k) Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay (Attachment A) ......................................................... 46 City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 2 a) Executive Summary We are delighted to present this proposal in response to the RFP for Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition. GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) is a highly proficient company, classified as a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Specializing in geospatial services, our expertise encompasses LiDAR services, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), land surveying, and utility locating. Within our LiDAR operations, GSi has extensive experience in producing orthoimagery and classifying LiDAR data. Our extensive track record includes successful project executions for cities, counties, commercial clients, and investor-owned utilities. GSi operates as an employee-owned enterprise. GSi is headquartered in Poway, California but our LiDAR Department serves clients throughout the United States, Europe, Australia and beyond. Our LiDAR team is comprised of 16 professionals including subject matter experts, project managers, analysts, and technicians. If successful, GSi will assume full responsibility for project management, LiDAR data processing, orthoimagery production and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) for this project. Our experience includes LiDAR processing and orthoimagery creation for Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD), Pala Band of Mission Indians, Manitoba Wide Area project, as well as various investor- owned utilities including San Diego Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Entergy Louisiana, Tennessee Valley Authority and more. Our diverse experience is particularly relevant due to the similarity of the required deliverables. In a concerted effort to bolster our project team's capabilities, we have teamed with Eagle Mapping who will be responsible for all aerial acquisition tasks within the project's scope and with SurvWest who will be providing survey ground truthing services. Eagle Mapping has been in business since 1985 and provides international data acquisition throughout North, Central and South America. They combine industry- leading practices with qualified partners to provide mapping products using Aerial Photography, LiDAR and Satellite Imagery. SurvWest is a diversified engineering firm specializing in surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), and utility coordination. SurvWest was established in 2009 and their talented, agile crews provide expert level service for clients across the U.S. GSi has an excellent working relationship with both Eagle Mapping and SurvWest, and we have collaborated as a team on various LiDAR acquisition, processing, and orthoimagery projects including a recent award to provide Transmission Line Imaging and LiDAR Surveying for Platte River Power Authority. Our comprehensive proposal details how the GSi Team plans to assist the City of Bozeman in meeting their project objectives, the methodologies we intend to employ, and what stakeholders can anticipate throughout the process. We are grateful for your consideration and remain at your disposal for any inquiries related to our approach. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 3 b) Firm/Individual Profile Legal Name: GIS Surveyors, Inc. Headquarters Address: 12120 Tech Center Drive, Suite D, Poway, CA, 92064 Phone Number: (858) 679-1732 Website: gissurveyors.com Contact Person: Justin Byrd, Director of Strategic Business Development Contact E-Mail Address: jbyrd@gissurveyors.com Contact Cell: (513) 518-4571 c) Description of Proposed Solution Project Methodology This section describes our approach to the project and describes how we will collect, process, and deliver the data to meet all project objectives. Survey Ground Control • Ground Control Points: SurvWest will collect these using a Fast-Static technique in the field. • Data Reduction: They will process the survey data and compile this into the standard deliverable format utilizing GPS least squares adjustments via Trimble Business Center. Coordinates will be provided in a standard deliverable format. This includes coordinates in Montana State Plane Coordinate System SPC 2500 (US Survey Feet) with orthometric heights at a survey accuracy of 3cm horizontal and 5cm vertical. • Deliverables: o Coordinate Table - CSV o Field Notes and Station Diagram (Field Sketch of the GCP Area with North Arrow) o Site Photos (5) N,S,E,W, Point photo (tip of rod) - .jpg o Accuracy Reports - .pdf o KMZ • Conditions - Items not included in Survey Ground Truthing scope of services: o No Right of Entry (ROE) will be secured by SurvWest. We assume all GCP locations are in areas which are not restricted or blocked, and no surveying work will be required on private property or private roadways. o No Engineering Design Survey Features. SurvWest will not be providing ground terrain, planimetric features, drainage features, nor any utility survey work. o No Boundary Research. This scope does not include any boundary survey services or research. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 4 Assumed Preliminary Ground Control Layout Aerial Data Acquisition Each morning the LiDAR operator will assess the weather and satellite forecasts. If both are favorable, the pilot and LiDAR operator will prepare the aircraft for the day’s mission. Collection will only take place when there is no precipitation, smoke, or fog in the air and there is no haze or clouds between the aircraft and the ground. Eagle Mapping’s primary GPS solution will be Trimble’s RTX advanced satellite precise point positioning subscription service that ensures access to a reference station regardless of access to a CORS base station. Trimble RTX provides better than 2.5cm @ 95% absolute, repeatable horizontal accuracy. If available, the LiDAR operator will check the permanent base station at the airport to ensure it is operating properly and logging data; this is done only for redundancy and is not necessarily used. The Toronto area also has many CAN-NET base stations, and we can double check our trajectory accuracies using those. Prior to take off, the onboard Applanix GPS receiver will be initialized for a static session. This static recording session usually lasts for a minimum of five minutes. The static session ensures that the receiver can resolve integer ambiguities in post-processing, ensuring maximum accuracy of the GPS trajectory. After the aircraft is airborne the LiDAR operator will activate the laser scanner and initiate a test scan. This ensures all systems are operating normally. The operator will then inform the pilot to proceed to the designated location of the first flight line. The pilot has a moving map display mounted to the dash of the aircraft which shows him the boundary area and flight lines to fly. For redundancy, and if it is being used, once the aircraft is close to the remote base station location, the pilot will contact the ground surveyor via air band radio to ensure it is operational. The sensor that will be used for this project is the Riegl VQ-780iiS sensor. It carries a PhaseOne iXM-RS150F (RGB/NIR) camera that will enable Eagle Mapping to acquire 4 band imagery and LiDAR simultaneously. Upon navigating to the first line, a course deviation indicator will aid the pilot to maintain course and altitude. The LiDAR Operator will initiate the laser scanner and logging of data will commence. The City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 5 operator’s monitor will display a real-time swath of collected data; this ensures complete coverage. At the end of the line the operator will select the next line and the procedure will be repeated. To achieve >8 pulses/m2 we will aggregate the laser swaths by flying 60% sidelap with each swath producing >4 pulses/m2. We usually prefer this method over flying single coverage with 30% sidelap, as different look angles are usually required to ensure a void free dataset. With the daily mission complete the aircraft will return to the airport. After the pilot has landed the aircraft and parked it, the operator will again log a five-minute static GPS session. The daily data, stored on SSD hard drives, will be removed from the logging device, and taken back to their accommodations for post processing. All data will be immediately backed up for data security. The data is then screened to ensure that the spatial data distribution of geometrically usable points will be uniform and free from clustering and holes. The Trimble RTX data, GPS base station data from the airport (if available), and remote base stations will also be downloaded to disk for post processing. If any issues are discovered, in the initial post processing while at the area of interest, that would require a re-flight the issues are immediately addressed. A new flight plan is developed to address the issues to rectify any collection issues if necessary. This is an extremely important aspect of the data collection process especially when data collection is being performed in remote locations or areas with poor weather windows. Assumed Flight Plan showing Swaths City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 6 System Calibration Eagle Mapping will perform a bore-sight calibration at the project site. Bore-sight calibration flights will occur: 1. Before any project work is performed 2. Before equipment is uninstalled from one aircraft to the next 3. After installation of equipment into new aircraft 4. Before demobilization from the area 5. At other times during the project at the discretion of the LiDAR operator (usually once every two to three weeks) Because the IMU is housed inside the RIEGL head unit and the RIEGL scanner uses a one directional rotating mirror we find that this RIEGL scanner maintains bore-sight alignment for extremely long periods of time. Bore-sighting is used to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data and to ensure the laser scanner is operating normally. Calibration Procedure REIGL factory recommended calibration procedure: A Calibration report will be generated for each boresight specifying the XYZ offset from IMU to laser, roll, pitch, yaw angular offsets from IMU to laser, all accuracies of each flight line and overall RMSE of the LiDAR system calibration. Processing Calibration After the individual flight line data is combined with airborne GPS/IMU info, the next step in processing is to merge the multiple flight lines of LiDAR data together to cover larger areas. Riegl Riprocess software is used to extract and register point cloud data for each lift. Using the calibrated scanner parameters calculated from the boresight missions. Laser File Format (LAS) data is then exported along with individual ‘trajectories’ for each scan line. After export, LiDAR data is calibrated using BayesStripAlign software. This software registers overlapping Lidar swaths and corrects both relative and absolute geometric errors. It uses a rigorous time–dependent approach to reduce discrepancies between strips due to IMU attitude and positional errors. Once aligned, manual cross section checks are performed to verify the automatic City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 7 results. Lines with overlapped control points are imported into TerraScan then examined in detail to identify systematic positioning errors which could be compensated for with further calibration. Data Processing Post-Processing Software used during post processing: • Terra Scan • Terra Photo • Terra Modeler • PLS-CADD Terrasolid’s TerraScan and TerraModeler is the primary software used for point manipulation and product creation. TerraScan is used for both automated and manual point classification. TerraModeler is used in sequence with TerraScan to review triangulated irregular network models (TIN models). These TIN models are crucial for quality control as they highlight erroneous point classification. Once ground classification is complete additional classification such as transmission lines and towers can begin. Manual and automatic vectorization will be completed after data classification. Profile view of classified LiDAR data LiDAR Quality Control System The quality control procedures followed by the project team begin with the flight crews during acquisition. Our experienced crews have the facilities and knowledge to make sure only quality LiDAR is acquired before the data is ever shipped for processing. The LiDAR operator reviews acquired data after each flight as an initial step in confirming the quality of a collect. Any issues that can be identified in the field can be re-flown on the next flight usually before data is received at the home office. All LiDAR deliverables must pass in-house quality assurance procedures. Highly trained LiDAR technicians visually inspect all products created. Once the derived products pass the visual inspection phase, in-house software is then used to automatically flag any files that are not fully compliant with client specifications. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 8 LiDAR Classification and Processing Our approach to the LiDAR data classification services will enable a range of further analysis and reporting activities to be undertaken. Classifications Specifications and Delivery Format Category Tasks Delivery Format Planimetry and Breaks Buildings footprints with height as attribute ESRI feature class Road, driveways, sidewalks, parking areas ESRI feature class Hydrobreaks ESRI feature class Breaklines ESRI feature class LiDAR Classification Classification (ASPRS minimum) Classified LiDAR LAS/LAZ 1.4 Classification standard Classified LiDAR LAS/LAZ 1.4 Derived Products DEM Arc Grided raster DTM ESRI Geodatabase Hillshade Raster 1ft contour ESRI Feature class Inputs To enable us to move forward with the classification, the following will need to be provided to facilitate the production of the Classified Point Clouds: • Calibrated and matched LAS files (LAS1.4) which meet client RMSE accuracy requirements • Feature code list • Tile index prepared according to client requirements • Ground control and external verification data (if required) • File naming convention provided by client • Imagery and EO file for orthophoto production • Project AOI LiDAR Classification After collecting and calibrating/matching the point cloud data, the next step is LiDAR classification and planimetry mapping for specified features. We process the point cloud in two stages, first is classification of ground, followed by classification of non-ground or manmade features. Ground Classification There are several different types of algorithms for classifying ground automatically. These algorithms may not provide the accuracy required for isolating points representing ground and non-ground features. The result of automatic routines depends upon characteristics of the terrain, for example, for undulating terrain, it may misclassify the original ground points, on vertical slopes it may classify non-ground points as ground. As a result of errors inherent to automated tools, there will always be a need for manual intervention to correct these issues. Therefore, after running the automatic ground classification routine appropriate for the type of terrain, the results are manually checked for errors and corrected. The processes below describe our approach to ground classification: City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 9 Checking Surface Model(s) Once we create a colored TIN model or shaded surface model using the classified ground points, we pan through the TIN to check if there are any abnormalities, such as long triangles or abrupt changes in elevation. The nature of the abnormal triangles helps us determine erroneous areas. These areas are analyzed, and necessary action is taken to create a proper clean ground model. Below surface points classified as ground Long triangles, may be data void or missing ground points Above surface points classified as ground Missing ground at vertical slope City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 10 Where there are classified points below the surface there will be missing ground on the surface, this is often seen in hilly regions or sharp/rugged terrain. This is corrected by adding or removing ground points for those faulty areas. Low noise points classified as ground by automatic routine Ground points moved to low noise class during visual inspection Checking Contours Contours are generated to check the accuracy of ground points by highlighting problematic areas. Ground point classification is corrected and reflected in smooth contours. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 11 Sudden depression in terrain Sudden elevation change in terrain Checking Ground Points Only the ground points are displayed and checked to verify that there are no voids in the ground. If any are detected, then the appropriate reason for them is determined. Such reasons could include the presence of an object that obstructs the laser pulse from reaching the ground, or water which typically does not reflect any returns. These areas are investigated, and appropriate corrections are made. If there are any ground returns found inside buildings, or any other similar features which are determined to be noise points, they are moved to the noise class. Ground points inside buildings City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 12 Checking Hill Shade A hill shade image is generated using the corrected Digital Terrain Model (DTM). A Quality Check (QC) of the DEM is performed using the hill shade image. Using the hill shade a final quality inspection of the ground classification is completed to ensure there are no edge issues across tiles. After necessary ground classification and corrections, we begin the classification of the overhead manmade features as listed in the feature class table. Contours Hydro Breakline Collection to Perform Hydro-Flattening Once ground classification is completed and quality checked the process of hydro breakline collection can be started. Water features such as ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers which require hydro flattening are collected. Hill shade of DEM or ground model City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 13 The edges of ponds and lakes are precisely drawn using the LiDAR ground model as closed polygons. The polygon is then assigned the lowest height of the water it encloses. This is achieved by dropping the polygon to the lowest height in the ground model. It is ensured that all vertices of the water polygon have the same elevation and that the elevation assigned is not noise or incorrectly classified water. Streams and riverbanks are placed at both edges of the water using the LiDAR ground model. Both edges are dropped to the surface model. Elevation of the stream edges is checked to ensure the same elevation at both banks at a given location, and that the edges monotonically decrease in elevation in the downstream direction. Hydro breaklines and flattening of a pond/lake Hydro breaklines and flattening of a river City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 14 After all hydro breaklines are collected and assigned heights, they are topologically validated and ground and water points within .5 ft, or as specified, are flagged as ‘withheld’ so that they are not used for DTM creation. Road and Transportation Breakline Collection Using LiDAR intensity and shaded ground model views road edges are drawn with line strings. The line accuracies are verified with orthoimagery if available for the project. Bridge abutments, rail ballast tops and bottoms and other significant paved surfaces are extracted from LiDAR with reference to orthophotos. Other significant paved surfaces are also extracted that constitute part of the transportation system. The lines extracted are then densified with vertices that is appropriate for the contour interval and dropped to the ground model to assign elevation to the vertices. The lines are then checked for possible spikes. The lines are triangulated to inspect the spikes visually and all spikes noticed are fixed. Road edges drawn over ground model Road edges and driveways over LiDAR intensity image Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Creation and Filtering to Reduce the Number of Points Ground points close to breaklines are removed to a temporary breakline proximity class so that there are no coincident points close to them, to ensure the breakline looks clean and sharp after triangulation. Prior to building a DTM, ground returns are intelligently thinned using the model keypoints thinning algorithm which reduces the number of points based on terrain roughness. Remaining ground model keypoints are then triangulated with the validated 3D breaklines. The surface created is inspected again for possible spikes. If any spikes are detected, they are verified again by the QC team and all issues fixed. The fixed surface is then exported to desired grided format with required point spacing and CRS. It shall be ensured that the DTM or DEM does not include bridges but retains the road and other travel surfaces over culverts. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 15 Inspection of Spikes in TIN Spikes fixed in DTM City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 16 DTM Raster Generating and Smoothing Contours The ground model is created from ground model keypoints and breaklines. The model is checked for spikes and if any are found they will be fixed. Contours shall be created using line strings with required intervals. Smoothing is applied to maintain accuracy and smooth appearance but is limited to reduce file size to a manageable level. The contour types will include the following (or as specified in the specification): • Index contours with labels placed on them • Intermediate contours • Depression index contours • Depression intermediate contours Contours shall be checked for topology errors. Contours are checked for crossings, broken segments, gaps, vertical accuracy using a combination of automated topological checks and manual inspection. Man-made Feature Classification Non-ground LiDAR returns, excluding noise points, are classified to vegetation class based on height. An automated routine is used to classify buildings, this is followed by manual clean-up to ensure clean classification and no erroneous points exist in the building class. Other manmade features are separated from building and vegetation features using manual classification techniques. Orthophotos are referenced throughout classification to confirm proper feature identification. All identified manmade objects are classified to their own defined class as listed in feature code list. A Digital Surface Model (DSM) is prepared from the first returns of manmade classes and ground class. All errors, if any, become evident in the DSM and are corrected. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 17 Manmade features such as buildings in the vegetation class Buildings classified by automated routines which include errors Building classification manually checked and corrected City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 18 Building footprints are placed using LiDAR as the primary reference to ensure accuracy. In locations where it becomes difficult to infer the geometry of the building from LiDAR alone, orthophotos are used as a reference. Unless buildings have non-90 degree angles, all buildings are drawn with orthogonal corners at 90 degrees. It is ensured that all building footprints have been extracted and none are missing. Building vectors are topologically validated and quality checked for their accuracy using LiDAR. The polygons are then converted to an ESRI shapefile or a geodatabase using the appropriate CRS for the project. Classified Buildings in LiDAR Building vectors drawn over LiDAR as reference City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 19 Building footprints over orthophoto Powerline Feature Classification Distribution and/or transmission structures are classified into client-specified classes such as structure, subject conductor, non-subject conductor, shield wire, insulator, etc. In addition, points of attachment and structure tops and bottoms are placed using synthetic points. This method is preferred to classification since it gives a single x,y,z value for these critical locations instead of a vague point cloud. These synthetic points are used at later stages during PLS-CADD processing and other analysis such as calculation of structure height or pole lean. Powerline features as well as the rest of classified features go through a multi-step QC process. Classification QC starts at the individual analyst level, goes to a dedicated QC team, and finally through a finalization process prior to being ready for either delivery to the client or to the PLS-CADD team. QC consists of manual checks of individual classes as well as automated checks to make sure no errors remain. Classified transmission span in LiDAR City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 20 Creation of Orthophotos Software used for photogrammetry projects is determined based on the inputs for the project. For this project where LiDAR data is available Terra Photo is used, otherwise software like Inpho or Correlator 3D can be used to create orthophotos. There are specific prerequisites before setting up an orthorectification process: • Area of interest in the form of DGN/DWG/SHP • Aerial images along with trajectories and event ids or EO file • Camera calibration file and projection info for the project • Perform any geoid adjustments if needed • DTM for the AOI and a specification for output orthos indicating the desired resolution and number of channels in the images etc. Ortho Grid Generation The tile index is either provided by the client or is generated based on project requirements. Blocks of agreed/specified dimensions are created for the project area. Blocks entirely outside the project boundary are removed. Blocks are created using the 'Place Tile Array' tool in Terra Photo. The tiles are named according to the naming convention specified by the client. Mission or Project Creation A mission or project file with provided projection information is created. Camera calibration information and folders for orthophoto, thumbnails, and raw aerial images are defined. Using the event list and trajectories, an image list is created for the mission, and the image positions are adjusted to the provided geoid. The image list is saved. Refinement of the Camera Calibration File Camera calibration refinement happens when images do not align. Re-calibration is achieved by adding tie points, lines, and importing known points to the project. The provided GCP's accuracy is checked while doing this. Camera calibration refinement is generally a repetitive process. Until the desired accuracy is obtained, placing ties or triangulation continues. Once the desired accuracy is reached, the image positions are adjusted so that they align with each other and LiDAR. A control adjustment of images is performed so that they lie close to the real-world locations. Color Balancing Thumbnails or minifications of images are generated to preview the color of raw images and make necessary changes wherever applicable so that the entire AOI looks homogenous. Photos are checked to identify color differences between images (strips) and cameras if multiple cameras are used for the flight. Problem images are color balanced, so they match the next raw aerial photo. The overall radial intensity and contrast are also adjusted. Seamline Edits and Color Points Seamlines are edited wherever they cut a manmade elevated feature such as buildings, bridges, or structures. Emphasis is given to ensure that no seamline is cutting through any overhead feature disturbing and distorting their geometry. The most nadir image out of several photos is always taken into the orthomosaic. Color points along the seamline are added to remove the slight color and texture differences across the seamline. The images are then examined for the existence of hot spots and hot sports are removed by adding color points wherever possible. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 21 A smearing shape, drawn around the AOI, used with an appropriate value, will suppress the hardness of the seamlines. Smear shapes are also drawn for extensive water features to make them look homogenous. Ortho Rectification After the generation of auto seamlines, images are orthorectified to the tiles. Quality Control A thorough inspection and necessary corrections are made to complete the process of orthorectification: • Verify the entire AOI is covered • Orthophoto's accuracy to GCP is within project tolerance • Check for misaligned roads or bad road separation among tiles and within tiles • Check for clouds present in the orthophoto • Check for seam line errors • Check for relief displacement (Tilt in high-rise buildings) • Radiometry problem among tiles • Check that bridge, railway lines, roads, and buildings are not distorted • Bright/blown out glare on rooftops and window glasses • Distortions created due to DTM used are not present Final QA/QC LiDAR and derivative product check: 1. Random sample of tiles is chosen to check accuracy of classification. If quality does not meet client standards the entire delivery is rejected to processing team for QC. 2. Project area is checked for full coverage at the required point density and swath overlap in conformance with project standards. 3. Accuracy is checked once again against control to verify no shifts in data occurred during processing. 4. Tiles are checked for any erroneous classes which are not in the provided feature code list. 5. Tiles are checked for any corrupt files or missing data as a result of file transfer errors. 6. Tiles are checked for proper file format, naming convention, and any issues within fields (abnormal intensity values, time stamps, echo, etc.) 7. Metadata is prepared according to LiDAR Base Specification 8. DEM and breaklines are checked to verify hydro flattening were completed and breaklines were used. 9. Intensity images are checked to verify they meet requirements. 10. Building footprints are checked for completeness, feature type, and orthogonal angles. Ortho imagery check: 1. Random sample of images are chosen to check for the following: a. Spatial accuracy against control points and LiDAR. If quality does not meet client standards the entire delivery is rejected to processing team for QC. b. Images are checked for proper resolution (GSD). c. Images are checked for smearing. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 22 d. Seamlines are checked to verify they are not crossing above ground features whenever possible as well as any shifts. e. Images are checked for color, brightness, and contrast consistency. f. Images are checked to make sure they are free of clouds. g. Shaded areas are recovered as much as possible to allow for feature extraction. 2. Images are checked for proper file format and naming convention. 3. Project area is checked for full coverage of imagery. Project Management Approach GSi follows a standard workplan for the execution of all geospatial projects. The standardized work plan is essential in maintaining safety, quality, schedule and cost controls for each project and tasks. The work plan is easily scaled up or down to accommodate project complexities and duration. The project workflow is outlined in the flowchart below: Project Scoping Project Planning Kickoff Meeting Project Execution Project Close Out Lessons Learned Standard Project Workflow Project Scoping. During the Project Scoping phase, GSi will work with the City of Bozeman to discuss the project scope of services, safety, security, project duration, deliverables, project assumptions and exceptions. Project Planning. Once the project is awarded, the project planning phase is started. GSi will develop a tailored Project Execution Plan (PEP) that includes the following information: • Site safety and hazard assessment plan • Resource plan and roles and responsibilities • Quality assurance and control • Cost controls • Communication plan and project reporting • Request for information process • Project schedule • Risk and issue identification/management Project Kickoff Meeting. Once the project has been awarded and the PEP has been approved, GSi will schedule a project kickoff meeting to review the scope, schedule, and deliverables. The purpose of the kickoff meeting is to formally notify all team members, subconsultant, clients and other stakeholders that the project has begun and ensure everyone has a common understanding of the project and their roles. Resource Allocation. GSi has developed multi-tiered approaches to various eventualities. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are the foundation of our business contingency plan and part of our core business operations as well. Many of our staff are cross-trained, allowing them to switch between several roles, thus increasing our flexibility in meeting our client’s scheduling needs. We have the facility and equipment inventory to rapidly and efficiently increase our staffing levels to meet a constantly changing workload. This approach allows us to meet deadlines and produce timely deliverables. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 23 Project Execution. The project proceeds by working the PEP, during this phase the survey and related services tasks are undertaken, and the deliverables are sent to the City for approval. The planned processes to manage time, cost and quality objectives are put into action and any deviations are tracked and reported to the City. If change orders are required, GSi will work with the City to define and negotiate the additional services. Throughout project execution, GSi will coordinate daily, weekly and/or monthly with all stakeholders as needed to effectively manage assigned tasks and ensure the relevant parties are informed of project progress. The project reporting mechanisms will be actioned per the requirements approved in the PEP. Project Close Out. Proper project closeout is an essential final step in the project management process. GSi will conduct a project review to ensure the project was completed as scoped and aligns with the City of Bozeman’s expectations. To identify and document lessons learned, GSi has implemented close out process called a “Hot Wash”. The term is derived from the military after action process, where all project participants discuss the project at its completion. d) Scope of Project Below is a summary of the products that will be delivered to the City of Bozeman on completion of the project: Digital Orthoimagery 1”=50’ map scale (i.e., 1”=600’ photo scale), 3” pixel, 4-band (RGB & NIR), true color, orthorectified digital imagery • Survey Control and Quality Check Shots • Digital Orthoimagery ( 4-band, 3” pixels, mosaic) • Public Sidewalks centerline (within city limits only) • Seamless mosaic at 1-foot (Optional: 0.5-foot) pixel resolution LiDAR • Hydrography ( streams & water bodies) • Building Footprints (extruded with height) • Digital Terrain Model (DTM) & Digital Elevation Model (DEM) & Hillshade (grayscale) • Breaklines & Point Cloud (raw & classified) • 1 ft Contours Other • Project Reports and Metadata • External hard drive with deliverables to be imported to the city Enterprise GIS City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 24 e) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services GSi has completed many projects with a comparable scope of work to the one described in the RFP. Our experience is particularly relevant due to the similarity of the required deliverables. This section also describes relevant project experience from our teaming partners. Our most notable projects are described below: Lower Sultan River Project, Everett, Washington Provider: GIS Surveyors, Inc. Client: Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) Dates: April to Dec 2020 Value: $45,200.00 GSi was awarded a contract by Snohomish County Public Utility District for 14 miles of ground classification along the Lower Sultan River. This project will assist in the analysis of environmental hazards along the river. Our Lidar team checked the ground classification for large, noticeable errors, fixed gaps in ground, and used shading displays to analyze the surface appearance. Additionally, objects listed in the ground classification specification such as boulders along the riverbank were classified as ground using manual classification techniques. Pala Band of Mission Indians Lidar Survey, Pala, California Provider: GIS Surveyors, Inc. Client: Pala Band of Mission Indians Dates: February 2022 - April 2022 Value: $59,920.50 Project Description: GSi was hired by the Pala Band of Mission Indians to complete data acquisition and processing for a 25km² area. The GSi production team received survey points, unclassified lidar data, and raw imagery from the surveying and acquisition teams. Using this data, they generated classified lidar data, contours, a DTM, and orthophotos. 2021 Aerial Lidar Imagery Survey Services, Various Locations in Manitoba, Canada Provider: GIS Surveyors, Inc. Client: Phasor Engineering Dates: October 2021 - June 2023 Value: $295,398.00 Project Description: GSi completed data processing for the Manitoba Wide Area project encompassing several areas totaling 10,472 km². GSi received surveyed check points, unclassified lidar, raw large format imagery from the acquisition team. Using this data, the GSi production team generated classified lidar, vectorized/extracted features, breaklines, DEM, DSM, DTM with contours, intensity images, hillshade, and orthophotos as well as QC reports and metadata for all deliverables. LiDAR System Wide Mapping Project, San Diego, CA Provider: GSi Client: San Diego Gas and Electric Dates: Nov 2017 to Feb 2021 Value: $3.3 million City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 25 The objective of this project was to collect high-resolution aerial LiDAR data covering the entire San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) network of power lines and structures. This data set covers approximately 8,900 miles of a 400-foot power line corridor with a three-dimensional point cloud at a resolution of at least 50 points per square meter. The center 75-foot swath was classified to SDG&E’s TE-0135 specification for ‘Surveying, Aerial Photography and Mapping of Overhead Transmission and Distribution Line Corridors’, while the remainder of the swath was left unclassified, but available for further classification if needed. Along with the LiDAR data, imagery from three different cameras was used to produce orthoimagery, as well as oblique imagery from forward and aft looking points of view of each structure within the network. Orthoimagery was created by completing aerial triangulation, assigning tie points to images, and using ground lidar returns to adjust imagery position. In addition to providing SDG&E orthophoto deliverables, the orthos were used for feature extraction of surface features, such as roads and water bodies, as well as above surface features including buildings and fences. The data was collected using a topographic LiDAR system mounted to the underside of a helicopter flying at 500-feet above ground level at approximately 35 knots over ground. Once collected, the data was processed and classified by our LiDAR Analysts then a PLS-CADD data set was delivered. This deliverable is used by SDG&E to update the GIS data for structure and conductor locations and condition assessments, as well as informing vegetation management and change detection. Tacoma Washington Regional Mapping, Tacoma, WA Provider: Eagle Mapping Client: Sanborn Map Company Dates: April 2020 In April of 2020 Eagle Mapping acquired LiDAR data over 1010 square miles in the Tacoma region of Washington. The LiDAR data was captured at greater than 8 points per square meter, exceeding the USGS Quality Level 1 standard. For this project, Eagle Mapping utilized the Riegl VQ-1560II LiDAR sensor to collect 135 lines of LiDAR over 2400-line miles. Each line had an average point density of over 4.7 pulses per square meter for an aggregate of 9.5 pulses per square meter with 60% overlap. The prime contractor for the Tacoma Regional Mapping project used the LiDAR data to create bare earth and first-return terrain models. Contours were generated from the terrain models and the data was utilized with newly acquired orthophotography to extract planimetric data. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 26 South Fork Walla Walla River LiDAR Data Acquisition, Walla Walla, WA Provider: Eagle Mapping Client: Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council Dates: June 2021 Eagle Mapping will provided LiDAR acquisition and processed datasets to assist in hydrologic mapping of the middle and upper HUC -6 units of the South Fork Walla Walla Watershed. The area of interest (AOI) covers approximately 55 square miles of the Umatilla National Forest in Oregon. Primary deliverables for this project will included; LiDAR; .las format all-return point files, Ground (Bare-earth) Digital Terrain Model (DTM/DEM) and intensity image. CREZ Big Hill to Kendall 39 miles, Multiple Counties, TX Provider: SurvWest Client: Lower Colorado River Authority Dates: November 2014 Value: $450,000.00 SurvWest provided the geospatial services required for the design of 39 miles of 345kV, double circuit, and transmission lines. The scope included GIS mapping, GPS control survey, panel and Photo ID points for Aerial Lidar/Photogrammetry, survey construction staking and subsurface utility engineering (SUE). SUE was used to identify, locate, and map existing underground utilities at each proposed angle location to insure the validity of the alignment. Quality Level D records research was performed through the Texas Railroad Commission along with obtaining utility records from the affected utility owners for the whole route. Quality Level B SUE was performed to identify and map utilities in proximity (within 80 feet) of 739 tower locations. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 27 FM969 Aerial Survey and Control, Travis County, TX Provider: SurvWest Client: Travis County Dates: July 2017 SurvWest provided the aerial survey control for a project where new, color aerial imagery 1"=250' (1:3000) was obtained. The provided control adhered to TxDOT specifications for the preparation of topographic mapping of a 500' wide corridor approximately 4.2 miles long on FM969 in Travis County from Decker Lane, aka FM 3177 to Hunters Bend Road/Delta Post Drive. All deliverables conformed to TxDOT Standards. Aerial Survey and Control, Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, Multiple Counties, TX Provider: SurvWest Client: North Texas Council of Government Dates: July 2016 SurvWest set primary control to TxDOT standards throughout the 16 county area to assist in LiDAR and Photogrammetric Mapping for integration into a GIS system that supports the Spatial Data Cooperative program. The team also surveyed thousands of Photo ID points and LiDAR check points throughout the DFW area to further refine the product. The mapping effort produced high quality mapping for conceptual and preliminary phases of Municipal, DOT and private sector clients. f) Statement of Qualifications GSi was created out of a belief that incorporating the complimentary technologies of Land Surveying with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Utility Locating and LiDAR services would provide clients with a one-stop shop for all their geospatial needs. GSi has been in business since 2013 and since then we have grown significantly in size and capabilities. We currently have a staff of 67 geospatial professionals that stand ready to assist the City of Bozeman with this contract. The LiDAR department at GSi has extensive experience in providing geospatial services including classification, vectorization, and vegetation management. The team is well diversified across the geospatial industry with experience including utilities, transportation, autonomous driving, government, defense, and intelligence. In addition, our team has expertise in PLS-CADD modeling, aerial photogrammetry, terrain modeling and analysis. Our team has undertaken many aerial photography and LiDAR mapping contracts of a similar size and scope to the one described in the RFP and as a company we are well-equipped and experienced in carrying out the outlined duties. We have a dedicated LiDAR division and are experts in LiDAR processing and classification, providing expertise for many clients. For this project, the GSi Team will be responsible for overall project management, LiDAR classification and processing tasks, orthophoto creation and QA/QC. To increase the capabilities of our project team, we have teamed with trusted subcontractors Eagle Mapping, Inc. and SurvWest, LLC. Eagle Mapping will be responsible for providing all LiDAR acquisition services, they have many years of experience in providing data acquisition services and have the resources and equipment to produce high quality deliverables. SurvWest will be responsible for providing surveying ground control to ensure the accuracy of collected data. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 28 Eagle Mapping, Inc. Address: 114 W. Magnolia St., Suite 400-140, Bellingham, WA 98225 Responsibilities for this Contract: Aerial data collection Company Overview: Eagle Mapping is a North American based, client oriented geospatial data provider. Our focus, since incorporation in 1985, has been providing custom accurate geospatial and mapping solutions to meet our client’s needs – now and into the future. Eagle Mapping offers solutions for a diverse range of industry sectors including engineering, forestry, mining, oil and gas, alternative energy, transportation and first nations. With company headquarters near Vancouver, British Columbia in Langley and offices in Bellingham, USA, they provide international data acquisition throughout North, Central and South America. Eagle Mapping combines industry-leading practices with qualified partners to provide mapping products using Aerial Photography, LiDAR and Satellite Imagery. To achieve the highest quality products, they own and operate five LiDAR systems. Their flagship systems are based on the RIEGL VQ-1560iiS with 150 mega pixel medium format digital cameras. These systems provide high density dual channel laser scanners at high altitude for wide area mapping. The sensor that will be used for this project is their Riegl VQ-780iiS sensor. It carries a PhaseOne iXM- RS150F (RGB/NIR) camera that will enable Eagle Mapping to acquire 4 band imagery and LiDAR simultaneously. All lasers are RIEGL full waveform capable, which provides superior target measurements. Their five LiDAR systems are two Riegl VQ-1560iiS, one Riegl VQ-780iiS, and two Riegl LMS-Q1560s. This gives them the capability of acquiring over 150,000 km2 of QL1 (8 points/m2) or 500,000 km2 of QL2 (2 points/m2) each year. Eagle Mapping owns and operates a Cessna 206 and Cessna 210. They also have permanent lease of two Piper Navajos out of Abbotsford, BC airport. These Navajos and their Cessna 206 are operated under a subcontractor agreement with Peregrine Aerial Surveys Inc. out of Abbotsford, BC. Their Cessna 210 is operated by Skyline Advertising Inc. out of Pitt Meadows, BC. Eagle Mapping employs a total of 24 personnel. This includes six field specialists that conduct LiDAR acquisition and ground surveys. One pilot is employed for our Cessna 210 and all other pilots are provided by the aircraft leasing company. Seven LiDAR processing analysts are employed for LiDAR classification and deliverables. They have two orthophoto analysts for orthophoto production. All five sales and management staff have many years of geomatics experience. They have established a fleet of aircraft partners that can provide Piper Navajos, Cessna 182/206/210, Piper Aztec, Bell 206 helicopters, MD500 helicopters and Robinson R44 throughout the Americas. Using their international connections and aircraft partners they have used their mapping systems to acquire tens of thousands of square kilometers of quality LiDAR and aerial photography over North, Central and South America. Additionally, Eagle Mapping has been pre-qualified with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation for Topographic Data Development Services for the March 2023 – February 2025 period. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 29 GSi and EMi have an excellent working relationship and have collaborated on LiDAR projects in the past including: • 2021 Aerial Lidar imagery survey services for various locations in Manitoba, Canada • 2022 Comisión Federal de Electricidad Lidar project in Mexico • 2023 Platte River Power Authority Transmission Line Imaging and LiDAR Surveying in Colorado SurvWest, LLC Address: 6501 E. Belleview Ave., Suite 300, Englewood, CO 80111 Responsibilities for this Contract: Survey ground control Company Overview: SurvWest is a diversified engineering firm specializing in surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), and utility coordination. SurvWest was established in 2009 with staff located in Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, Texas, and Denver, Colorado. Their talented, agile crews provide expert level service for clients across the U.S. Their skilled surveying team provides full-service survey and mapping solutions to support architectural design, engineering, and construction services for a diverse client base. SurvWest invests in the latest equipment and software that allows them to efficiently produce the highest quality of work that meets their client’s needs and schedule. They strive to become a trusted partner involved in the entire project lifespan providing professional oversight and input in all phases. GSi and SurvWest have an excellent working relationship and have collaborated on the 2023 Platte River Power Authority Transmission Line Imaging and LiDAR Surveying project in Colorado. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 30 g) References GIS Surveyors, Inc. Name: Keith Binkley – Manager of Natural Resources Tel: 425-783-1769 E-mail: kmbinkley@snopud.com Company: Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) Project: Lower Sultan River Project Name: Matthew Deveney, GISP – GIS Specialist Tel: 760-891-3512 E-mail: mdeveney@palatribe.com Company: Pala Band of Mission Indians Project: Pala Band of Mission Indians Lidar survey Name: Steven Van Berkel, P.Eng, ALS – Director of Geomatics Tel: 780-717-5320 E-mail: svanberkel@phasorengineering.ca Company: Phasor Engineering Inc. Project: 2021 Aerial Lidar imagery survey services for various locations in Manitoba, Canada Eagle Mapping, Inc. Name: Steve Story - Chief, Water Operations Bureau Tel: 406-444-0862 Company: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Project: Topographic Data Development Services for March 2023 – February 2025 Name: Tara Patten- Monitoring Program Manager Tel: 541-938-2170 Company: Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council Project: South Fork Walla Walla River LiDAR Data Acquisition SurvWest, LLC Name: Christopher Haeckler Tel: 972-960-4491 E-mail: Christopher.haeckler@hdrinc.com Company: HDR, Inc Project: NTMWD Lower Bois DArc Reservoir, Collin County, TX Name: Tom Anzia Tel: 303-721-1440 E-mail: tom.anzia@fhueng.com Company: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig Project: S Nevada/S Tejon Design Name: Jerry Williams Tel: 817-831-2245 E-mail: jwilliams@sedalco.com Company: Sedalco Project: Tarleton State University QLB, Stephenville, TX City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 31 h) Present and Projected Workloads The table below gives a high-level overview of the key staff from GSi that have been selected to work on this assignment along with their percentage availability for this project. Name Firm Name Role Availability Dan Bellissemo GSi Director of LiDAR, Imagery and Remote Sensing 25% Igor Talpalatski GSi LiDAR Production Manager 50% Blake Fields GSi Senior LiDAR Analyst 50% Kenneth Evans GSi LiDAR Analyst 50% Bryan Attrell Eagle Mapping Field Operations Manager 10% Matt Aquin Eagle Mapping Sensor Operator 15% Jason Reynolds, RPLS SurvWest Vice President Survey 30% Gary Gable, PLS SurvWest Survey Project Manager 40% GSi has a total of 67 employees on staff. We have staffing reserves ready, whether it is for a sudden staffing increase or an unexpected departure of a key employee. Our internal resource pool of available cross-trained individuals includes technicians, analysts, specialists, and managers that can be added to the project team as needed. We have the facility and equipment inventory to rapidly and inexpensively increase our staffing levels to meet a constantly changing workload. This approach allows us to meet deadlines and produce timely required deliverables. GSi uses the following strategies to ensure the personnel assigned to this project, will perform the work required while also working on other on-going projects: Resource Allocation: GSi will assess the availability and skills of its personnel to determine the feasibility of working on multiple projects simultaneously. They will consider factors such as project timelines, workload, and personnel expertise to allocate resources effectively. Prioritization and Planning: GSi will prioritize projects based on factors such client urgency, project complexity, and strategic importance. Project managers will create detailed plans, including milestones, deliverables, and deadlines for each project, ensuring that resources are appropriately allocated. Team Collaboration: Cross-functional teams will be formed, consisting of personnel from different projects, to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. Communication channels such as project management tools, regular meetings, and virtual collaboration platforms will be utilized to keep everyone aligned and updated on project progress. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 32 Time Management: Each project will have dedicated time slots or specific days allocated to ensure focused work. The firm may implement time tracking tools or methodologies, such as time blocking, to optimize productivity and minimize distractions. Task Prioritization: Within each project, the personnel assigned will prioritize tasks based on urgency, dependencies, and critical path analysis. By effectively managing task priorities, team members can work on multiple projects concurrently without compromising quality or deadlines. Efficient Workflow: Standardized processes and templates will be established to streamline work across projects. This will help ensure consistency, reduce duplication of effort, and facilitate efficient knowledge transfer between projects. Communication and Reporting: Regular communication will take place among project teams and stakeholders to provide updates, address challenges, and resolve conflicts. Progress reports, status meetings, and shared documentation will enable transparency and accountability across projects. Risk Management: GSi will identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies for each project. By proactively addressing risks, they can minimize their impact on project timelines and deliverables. Flexibility and Adaptability: GSi will embrace an agile mindset, allowing for adjustments and reprioritization as needed. If unforeseen circumstances arise or urgent tasks emerge, resources may be reallocated, or project timelines adjusted accordingly. Quality Assurance: GSi will maintain a strong focus on quality across all projects. Regular reviews, peer feedback, and quality control processes will be implemented to ensure that the work meets or exceeds the expected standards. City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 33 i) Key Personnel The foundation of the personnel selected for this endeavor is to provide a management/leadership team with highly relevant and valuable project experience to minimize project risk and deliver immediate return on investment. To manage costs effectively and operate most efficiently, we have developed a project organization that utilizes a mix of senior, mid and junior level resources. Our team is adept at focusing resources and matching personnel with just the right skill sets to meet contract deliverables. A list of all staff assigned to this project can be found below along with their role and years’ experience: Name Firm Name Role Experience Dan Bellissemo GSi Director of LiDAR, Imagery and Remote Sensing 30+ years Igor Talpalatski GSi LiDAR Production Manager 13 years Blake Fields GSi Senior LiDAR Analyst 14 years Kenneth Evans GSi LiDAR Analyst 19 years Bryan Attrell Eagle Mapping Field Operations Manager 12 years Matt Aquin Eagle Mapping Sensor Operator 5 years Jason Reynolds, RPLS SurvWest Vice President Survey 31 years Gary Gable, PLS SurvWest Survey Project Manager 46 years Organizational Chart Dan Bellissemo Director of LiDAR and Remote Sensing Bryan Attrell Field Operations Manager Igor Talpalatski LiDAR Production Manager Kenneth Evans LiDAR Analyst Blake Fields Senior LiDAR Analyst Matt Aquin Sensor Operator Jason Reynolds, RPLS Vice President Survey Gary Gable, PLS Survey Project Manager KEY GSi Eagle Mapping SurvWest DAN BELLISSEMO Director of LiDAR and Remote Sensing Education: Master of Arts in Economics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (In Progress) Bachelor of Arts in Geography, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (1991) Professional Qualifications: • Remote View Certificate • ERDAS IMAGINE I & II Certificate • ERDAS Virtual GIS Certificate • Strategic Selling, Miller- Heiman Training • Integrity Selling, Willingham Training Professional Skills: • LiDAR Project Management • Remote Sensing Solutions • GIS/Planimetric Mapping • Geospatial Product Development • New Business Development • Enterprise Data Management • Asset Management Solutions • Hardware and Software Solution Years with Firm: 5 Total Years of Experience: 30+ Relevant Experience Director of LiDAR and Remote Sensing/Project Manager – GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Poway, CA • In charge of developing a LiDAR and Remote Sensing business division. • Managed SDG&E FiRM System Wide LiDAR project totaling over $4 million. • Managed projects for over 20 Power Utilities covering over 30,000 circuit miles. • Currently, on contract as the LiDAR Subject Matter Expert at Southern California Edison, managing a team of five Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) personnel for all their LiDAR/Remote Sensing Projects. • Managing the Feature Extraction for all of Europe for an Autonomous Driving Contract for one of the large auto manufacturers. Director of Operations/Project Manager - Azimetry Inc. & Azimetry PVT. Ltd., Bellevue, WA & Bhubaneswar, India • Program Manager for Tennessee Valley Authority LiDAR processing project for 2017 and 2018 with over 6000 miles of Transmission lines processed. • Program Manager of multiple Alabama Power Transmission projects for LiDAR processing. • Program Manager for several Duke Distribution projects for Mobile LiDAR. ERDAS Inc./LEICA Geosystems, Norcross, Georgia DSW National Manager • National Manager for Leica Geosystems Digital Scanner Workstation • Project Manager for the sale and installation of twenty Digital Film Scanners at two undisclosed Military installations to process film into digital form an undisclosed system. This new design and integration shorten the delivery of data deployed to the field operation from 21 days to 24 hours. US Eastern Operations Manager • Program/Project Manager for United Nations Peace Keeping Operations: Managed software, data, training, and deployment of ERDAS Software, imagery, hardware, and data of eleven missions in Africa and the Middle East. • Program Manager of United States Forest Service enterprise account which included unlimited licenses and training of all ERDAS/Leica software and equipment. Biography Successful, results-oriented project management professional with over 30 years of demonstrated ability in LiDAR, geospatial solutions development, team management and product development. Experience includes project management, enterprise data solutions, technology and equipment solutions, data conversion, imagery, hardware and geospatial project management to, state, local and federal government, defense and intelligence, international agencies, educational institutions, power utilities and commercial. Ability to develop a strong customer solutions across target markets. Grows business relationships through trust and product acumen. Interactive style lends credibility to consultative solutions and focuses on customer needs assessment and retention. IGOR TALPALATSKI LiDAR Production Manager Education: Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA Professional Licenses and Certifications: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Certificate, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA Total Years of Experience: 13 Years with Firm: 5 Relevant Experience San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) LiDAR System Wide Mapping Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), San Diego, CA LiDAR Production Manager. The objective of this project is to collect and process high-resolution aerial LiDAR data, ortho imagery, and oblique imagery covering the entire 8900 miles of San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E) network of power lines and structures. As the LiDAR Production Manager, Mr. Talpalatski is responsible for overseeing classification of LiDAR data, generation of orthoimagery and oblique imagery. He ensured the LiDAR team delivered quality products while meeting the client’s required timeline. Southern California Edison (SCE) Vegetation Management Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Southern California, CA LiDAR Production Manager. GSi was awarded a contract by SCE to perform PLS- CADD and Vegetation Management Quality Control (QC) work, which encompasses roughly 5,209 miles of transmission and distribution circuits. As the LiDAR Production Manager, Mr. Talpalatski worked with the client, internal team, and SCE subcontractors to develop a QC process and provide timely and accurate feedback increasing quality of deliverables. The project resulted in accurate reports of vegetation violations allowing SCE to effectively manage and mitigate vegetation risk in their right of ways. Entergy Electrical Transmission Project, Fugro, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), La Fayette, LA LiDAR Production Manager. GSi was hired by Fugro to assist with data processing for an electrical transmission project for Entergy Corporation consisting of 640 miles of transmission lines along a 300’ wide right-of-way. Mr. Talpalatski managed the team responsible for generating classified lidar data, planimetrics, and 3” GSD resolution orthophotos within the right of ways. These deliverables enabled the client’s engineering team to model the transmission lines. Biography Igor is an accomplished LiDAR expert with over 13 years’ experience. At GSi, he is the LiDAR Production Manager, manages the LiDAR production team out of the Bellevue office in Washington state and is responsible for producing timely and quality LiDAR, CAD, and GIS deliverables to customers. He has worked with a wide range of clients including mapping, engineering, and utility clients to support their LiDAR based projects. Igor attended Central Washington University where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Geography and a GIS certificate. In addition, he proudly served in the US Airforce for 4 years before beginning his geospatial career. IGOR TALPALATSKI LiDAR Production Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Transmission Project (as a subcontractor to Quantum Spatial), GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), covered areas of Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi LiDAR Production Manager. GSi was awarded a contract to perform LiDAR classification and vectorization for 6,794 transmission circuit miles within a 150 ft buffer, with a circuit buffer of 150ft. Mr. Talpalatski oversaw production work which included isolating vegetation lidar returns to allow vegetation analysis to be completed by the client resulting in lowered risk of vegetation encroachment on transmission lines. Lower Sultan River Survey, Snohomish County Public Utility District (SNOPUD), GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Snohomish, WA LiDAR Production Manager. GSi was awarded a contract by SNOPUD for 14 miles of ground classification and DEM generation along the Lower Sultan River to assist in the analysis of environmental hazards along the river. Mr. Talpalatski worked with the client to determine project requirements, with the subcontractor to ensure proper data was collected, and with the internal production team to ensure deliverables were delivered to allow SNOPUD to complete their environmental hazard analysis. 2021 Aerial Lidar Imagery Survey Services for Various Manitoba Locations, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Manitoba, Canada LiDAR Production Manager. Mr. Talpalatski completed data processing for the Manitoba Wide Area project encompassing several areas totaling 10,472 km². He received surveyed check points, unclassified lidar, raw large format imagery from the acquisition team. Using this data, Mr. Talpalatski and his production team generated classified lidar, vectorized/extracted features, breaklines, DEM, DSM, DTM with contours, intensity images, hillshade, and orthophotos as well as QC reports and metadata for all deliverables. BLAKE FIELDS LiDAR Project Manager Education: Associate of Applied Science, Lake Washington Technical College, Kirkland, WA (2017) Technical Experience: • Quality assurance and control • Data processing • Microstation • Terrasolid • PLS-CADD • QGIS Programming Languages: • C++ • C# • HTML • CSS • SQL Total Years of Experience: 14 Years with Firm: 5 Relevant Experience LiDAR Project Manager, Haskell Sylmar Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Southern California This project involved a 12 Mile classification in Southern California, just North of Los Angeles. Project included 3D planimetric, Method-1 modeling with undulating terrain throughout. Barnard contracted GSi to process this area as a pre- construction dataset. For most projects of this type, there are anywhere from 50- 150 feature codes within PLS-CADD. This project had 497 feature codes, making it very complex. Mr. Fields handled most data transfers, client communication, off- shore status tracking, and processed PLS-CADD work. End client was Los Angeles Department of Power and Water. LiDAR Project Manager, Survey and Mapping (SAM) March Point Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Washington State This project involved a 47 Mile classification and Method-1 modeling project through a very urban area in Washington State. GSi was contracted by SAM to model the transmission lines as well as distribution lines within the circuits. As the PM for this project, Mr. Fields handled data transfer, client communication, and in- house tracking. LiDAR Project Manager, Fugro AEP Columbus Ohio Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Columbus, Ohio This project involved a 275 Mile classification, planimetric, and Method-1 modeling project in Columbus, Ohio. GSi was contracted by Fugro to complete the entirety of the project which required a high attention to detail because of the modeling requirements. As the PM for this project, Mr. Fields handled data transfer, client communication, and offshore status tracking. LiDAR Project Manager, Fugro AEP Texas Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Texas This project involved a 1720 Mile classification, planimetric, oblique image processing, and simple PLS-CADD .bak file project throughout a large area of Texas. Fugro contracted GSi to process this project alongside the Columbus Ohio project. As the PM for this project, Mr. Fields handled data transfer, client communication, and offshore status tracking, as well as managing multiple projects concurrently. LiDAR Project Manager, Fugro-Marquette BLP, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Marquette, Michigan This project involved a 14 Mile classification, planimetric, and Method-1 modeling project in Marquette, Michigan. Fugro contracted GSi to handle all processing of the project. This project had 575 feature codes which had to be deciphered and Mr. Fields was responsible for creating a purpose-built specification document. This specification was approved by the client as used as a basis for future projects. Biography Mr. Fields is an experienced LiDAR Project Manager with over 14 years of geospatial and technical experience. He recently received his Associate of Applied Science from Lake Washington Technical College while balancing his studies with working full time and family duties. Mr. Fields is responsible for managing a variety of LiDAR projects and ensure they meet all cost, quality, and time objectives. KENNETH EVANS LiDAR Analyst Education: Associate of Applied Science, Information Systems, Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA (June 2017) Introductory .NET Programming Certificate, Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA Intermediate Applications Developer Certificate, Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA Technical Experience: • Quality assurance and control • Data processing • MicroStation • Terrasolid (LiDAR) • PLS-CADD • QGIS Total Years of Experience: 19 Years with Firm: 5 Relevant Experience LiDAR Analyst, Southern California Edison (SCE) Vegetation Management Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Seattle, WA GSi was awarded a contract by SCE to perform PLS-CADD and Vegetation Management Quality Control (QC) work, which encompasses roughly 5,209 miles of transmission and distribution circuits. As the Project Lead for QA/QC, Mr. Evans worked with the client, internal team, and SCE subcontractors to implement and manage a QA/QC process and provide timely and accurate feedback increasing quality of deliverables. The project resulted in accurate reports of vegetation violations allowing SCE to effectively manage and mitigate vegetation risk in their right of ways. SCE required some transmission circuits be delivered to Engineering Specification in which he managed the QA/QC of engineering classification and planimetrics. LiDAR Analyst, Tennessee Valley Authority Transmission Project (as a subcontractor to Quantum Spatial), GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Seattle, WA GSi was awarded a contract to perform LiDAR classification and vectorization for 6,794 transmission circuit miles within a 150 ft buffer, with a circuit buffer of 150ft. Mr. Evans provided production work and quality control which included isolating vegetation lidar returns to allow vegetation analysis to be completed by the client resulting in lowered risk of vegetation encroachment on transmission lines. LiDAR Analyst, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) LiDAR System Wide Mapping Project, GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi), Seattle, WA The objective of this project was to collect and process high-resolution aerial LiDAR data, ortho imagery, oblique imagery, and weather data covering the entire 8900 miles of San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E) network of power lines and structures. The data was used by SDG&E to support their FiRM (Fire Risk Mitigation) initiative. Mr. Evans was responsible for Quality Assurance/Quality Control and the delivery process. Biography Mr. Evans is an experienced Quality Control and LiDAR Analyst with over 19 years of geospatial and technical experience. He recently received his Associate of Applied Science from Bellevue College. Mr. Evans joined GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) as a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Analyst and is responsible for producing client data deliverables. Field Operations Manager – Bryan Attrell •12 years’ experience in LiDAR/Photo acquisition - Diploma in Geomatics Engineering Bryan Attrell will be the Field Manager on this project. He will be supervising crews collecting ground control or operating the LiDAR sensors, and managing all aspects of field work. Bryan will be working closely with James Hume on the overall operations and deployment of aircraft and field crews. Bryan Attrell has worked for Eagle Mapping since 2010. He holds a diploma in Geomatics Engineering from the BC Institute of Technology. His natural ability of problem solving has raised him quickly up the ranks at Eagle Mapping to Field Manager. Bryan regularly operates our RIEGL LiDAR scanners and has over 2000 hours of aerial LiDAR/Photo acquisition experience. He has experience in various aircraft including Cessna 182, Cessna 206, Cessna 402, Piper Aztec, Piper Navajo, Pilatus Porter, Bell 206 Long Ranger helicopter, Hughes MD500 helicopter, R44 Helicopter. Bryan also has over 4000 hours of field survey work to his credit. He is an expert in Trimble GPS survey equipment including Trimble R7, R8 and R10 survey grade GNSS receivers. He has also used Novatel and Applanix GNSS receivers for airborne applications for the last 10 years. He is an expert on airborne LiDAR collection, GPS survey techniques, GPS aircraft trajectory processing using Applanix PosPac and Inertial Explorer, Riegl RiProcess software for geo- referencing of LiDAR data, and Terrascan for LiDAR classification and deliverable creation. He has been involved with all large area LiDAR acquisitions at Eagle Mapping. He has been the LiDAR operator on over 50,000 km2 of LiDAR acquisition and has overseen over 100,000 km² of LiDAR acquisition. Bryan will ensure your project is acquired in a timely manner at the specifications required for the project. Matt Aquin – LiDAR/Photo Sensor Operator •5 years’ experience in LiDAR and Photo acquisition - Bachelor of Science – Geography, Diploma in Advanced GIS Matt Aquin has worked for Eagle Mapping since 2017. He holds a degree in the Geography from Simon Fraser University as well as a Diploma in Advanced GIS from BCIT . He has worked for Eagle Mapping for 4 years. Matt primarily acquires LiDAR data and imagery for us, but is also very capable with the survey instruments and processes/calibrates LiDAR data when needed. Matt has a keen interest in programming, and does provide Macros for various related processing tasks. EDUCATION: SFU - Burnaby, BC, Canada – Bachelor’s Degree - Geography WORK EXP: 2017 - present Eagle Mapping Ltd, Port Coquitlam, BC SOFTWARE: GPS survey techniques, GPS aircraft trajectory processing using Applanix PosPac and Inertial Explorer, Riegl RiProcess software, Bayes Strip Align Jason Reynolds, RPLS Vice President Survey Professional Summary Jason Reynolds has more than 31 years of experience in land surveying; more than 20 years of experience in SUE; and 12 years of experience in aerial mapping/LiDAR/mobile mapping; with overall 27 years of experience in project and program management. His market experience includes transportation, railroad, water/wastewater, aviation, reservoirs, civil infrastructure, land development, commercial real estate, and electric sectors. Jason has deep roots in Texas. His clients have included TxDOT, Oncor Electric, Pedernales Electric Coop, Texas Municipal Power Agency, Garland Power and Light, Texas Municipal Water District, North Trinity River Authority of Texas, Lower Colorado River Authority, Williamson County, Travis County, City of Austin, City of San Marcos, Texas State University, and University of Texas. Relevant Project Experience Lower Colorado River Authority-CREZ Big Hill to Kendall 39 miles, Multiple Counties, TX. Survey project manager. Design of 39 miles of 345kV, double circuit, and transmission lines. The scope included GIS mapping, GPS control survey, panel and Photo Id points for Aerial Lidar/Photogrammetry, survey construction staking and subsurface utility engineering (SUE). SUE was used to identify, locate, and map existing underground utilities at each proposed angle location to insure the validity of the alignment. Quality Level D records research was performed through the Texas Railroad Commission along with obtaining utility records from the affected utility owners for the whole route. Quality Level B SUE was performed to identify and map utilities in proximity (within 80 feet) of 739 tower locations. $450K FM969 – Travis County Aerial Survey and Control – Project Survey Manager; Obtain new, color aerial imagery 1"=250' (1:3000) with GAI provided control to TxDOT specifications for the preparation of topographic mapping of a 500' wide corridor approximately 4.2 miles long on FM969 in Travis County from Decker Lane, aka FM 3177 to Hunters Bend Road/Delta Post Drive. All deliverables conformed to TxDOT Standards. North Texas Council of Government-Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex-Multiple Counties, TX Project Survey Manager; set primary control to TxDOT standards throughout the 16 county area to assist in LiDAR and Photogrammetric Mapping for integration into a GIS system that supports the Spatial Data Cooperative program.Mr. Reynolds also surveyed in thousands of Photo ID points and LiDAR check points throughout the DFW area to further refine The mapping effort to produce High Quality mapping for conceptual and preliminary phases of Municipal, DOT and private sector clients. ONCOR Electric Delivery-West Waco to Lorena, Waco, TX. Survey project manager. Design of 33 miles of 69 kV, single circuit, transmission line re-build with distribution under build. The scope of work included survey and Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE). The survey scope of work included GPS control survey, panel and Photo Id points for Aerial Lidar/Photogrammetry, centerline/alignment staking, overhead utility survey, design survey, right-of-way survey, construction staking. SUE was utilized to identify, locate, and map existing underground utilities at each proposed tower location. Quality Level B SUE was first performed to identify and map utilities in proximity (within 50 feet) of proposed tower locations. Quality Level “A” SUE was then performed to determine the precise location of any utility within five feet of the proposed tower locations. Twenty-two test holes were excavated on water, sanitary sewer, gas, and telecommunication lines. Years of experience 31 Years with SurvWest 1 Education Kinesiology, University of Texas at Arlington, 1989–1992 Professional Licenses Registered Professional Land Surveyor, TX #5545 Certifications TxDOT 15.1.4; 15.4.1, 15.1.1; 15.1.2; 15.1.3-ESN: 14116 Areas of Expertise Land Survey SUE Utility coordination Project planning Quality control Gary Gable, PLS Survey Transportation Project Manager Professional Summary Gary has more than 46 years of survey experience–with 26 years in the transportation industry. His expertise includes work in the engineering department for the D&RGW Railroad. More recent experience includes CDOT and FHWA right-of-way (ROW) projects, railroad ROW retracement, ROW acquisition, control, boundary, ROW surveys and plan sets, preliminary design, topographic, construction surveys, utility coordination, and relational data base development, track layout and curve geometry, railroad bridge renewal surveys and construction, track construction, railroad mechanical shop design and construction He has provided numerous miles of ROW services for complex pipeline and highway projects and has used his specialized experience with railroads on many railroad projects. Relevant Project Experience Regional Transportation District (RTD) Fastracks, West Corridor Light Rail (LRT) Project, Denver, CO. Responsible charge surveyor for the preliminary ROW portion of this project. This is a 13-mile LRT ROW from the Auraria Higher Education Center through populated portions of Denver, Lakewood, and Golden to the Jefferson County Government Center. Statement of work included design surveys, records research, property surveys, utility mapping, ROW plans, and property descriptions for ROW purchases, new utility and drainage easements, and Intergovernmental agreements including coordination with BNSF Railway. Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), Glenwood Springs, CO. Project manager surveyor for the retracement and monumentation of 35 miles of former Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad ROW that was converted to a bike path under the “Rails to Trails Act”. He also was involved in the development of a GIS survey for this transportation corridor. Bridge Replacement Surveys, BNSF Railway, System Wide. Project Manager and Surveyor for situation surveys on 145 bridge replacement or renewal sites. This work included ROW determination, track geometry and profile, bridge location and the size of all structural members on existing bridges and enough survey data to conduct a hydrology and hydraulics analysis of the site. States that Mr. Gable has worked in on the project include Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, California, and South Dakota. Critical Culverts – SH 170, SH52, and SH 66; CDOT Region 4, Boulder and Weld Counties, CO. Project manager. This ongoing project consists of surveys for culvert improvements at various locations within Region 4. SurvWest will establish new CDOT control, retrace existing ROWs and conduct topographic mapping of the sites. Project Control Diagrams, ROW plan sets, and digital mapping is the deliverable product. The SurvWest SUE team is also conducting QL B and QL A for this project. Years of experience 46 Years with SurvWest 2 Education B.S., Colorado School of Mines, Geological Engineering, Golden, CO, 1974 A.A., Geological Science, San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino, CA, 1971 Professional registrations/ certifications Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) CO 24662 1986 Professional Organizations Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado Areas of Expertise Railroad ROW retracement Land and construction surveying Project management ROW CDOT and FWHA Expert witness On-track safety training: 49 CFR Part 213/Part 214 Quality control City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 43 j) Additional Information Pricing Item Cost Survey Ground Truthing $27,593.50 Aerial Data Acquisition $50,765.00 Data Processing and Delivery $168,175.00 TOTAL $246,533.50 Schedule The estimated schedule is outlined in the table below: Task Duration Survey Ground Truthing 10 business days Aerial Data Acquisition 2 business days Data Processing and Delivery 40 business days TOTAL 52 business days We will be able to begin work within 2 weeks of Notice to Proceed (NTP). HQ: 12120 Tech Center Drive, Suite D, Poway, CA 92064 | 858.679.1732 | www.gissurveyors.com | info@gissurveyors.com SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS Valued by our clients for delivering incredibly accurate LiDAR data in a timely manner. GSi recruits and retains our top technical talent due to the excellent industry reputations of our company and their respective leadership. Our staff have a combined 150 years’ experience from a variety of geospatial backgrounds crossing over multiple industries. GSi uses industry best practices to guarantee superior results and streamline operations. These practices evolve for the better as improvements are identified and applied. The team has developed an in-house QA/QC process for each project to ensure all deliveries meet and/or exceed client expectations. Our corporate culture values geospatial professionals and their personal and professional development. GSi ensures all staff are trained in new technologies and techniques with the end goal to improve customer service through enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. The LiDAR & Remote Sensing division at GIS Surveyors, Inc. (GSi) has extensive experience in providing geospatial services including classification, vectorization, and vegetation management. The LiDAR and Remote Sensing Division is well diversified across the geospatial industry with experience including, but not limited to, Utilities, Transportation, Autonomous Driving, Government, Defense and Intelligence. In addition, our team has expertise in PLS- CADD modeling, aerial photogrammetry, terrain modeling and analysis. GSi’s LiDAR & Remote Sensing division was recently awarded a contract by Southern California Edison to perform their internal LiDAR QA/QC for geospatial projects and serve as their LiDAR Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). LiDAR AND REMOTE SENSING Statement of Qualifications INTRODUCTION Highly Acclaimed Skilled Personnel Industry Best Practices Rigorous QA/QC Training and Staff LIDAR AND REMOTE SENSING TEAM STRENGTHS Acquisition: Airborne, Mobile, Terrestrial Feature Classification and Extraction Ortho Rectification and Stereo Imagery Wetland Delineation and Shoreline Mapping Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis Building Information ModelingKeyCompetencies PLS-CADD Modeling Vegetation Analysis Terrain Modeling Hydrologic Modeling Change Detection Planimetric Mapping EMPLOYEE OWNED SINCE 2020 INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Environmental Transportation Gas Electric Intelligence and Defense Autonomous Driving WHO WE ARE HQ: 12120 Tech Center Drive, Suite D, Poway, CA 92064 | 858.679.1732 | www.gissurveyors.com | info@gissurveyors.com SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS CERTIFICATIONS • Utility Conflict Mapping • S.U.E. Engineering Support • Drone Inspections • As-built QA/QC • Utility Records Research Digitizing Spatial Analysis 2D/3D GIS Modeling Geodatabase Design/Creation Data Conversion FME/ETL Process Workflows A MULTIFACETED GEOSPATIAL FIRM Our expertise in the top four services our industry requires to be successful – Land Survey, GIS, LiDAR and Utility Locating for both national and international clients - sets GIS Surveyors, Inc. (GSi) apart from other geospatial firms. This allows us to streamline projects in the most efficient way. Our employee- owned firm attracts the expertise to seamlessly deliver the most innovative geospatial services to our clients. GIS SERVICES PLS-CADD/LiDAR Conversion Data Migration Needs Assessment Program Development Web-Based GIS Mapping Programming LAND SURVEYING • Geodetic Control • UAV/UAS Mapping • Boundary Surveys • ALTA Surveys • As-Built Surveys • Legal Descriptions • Topographic Surveys • CAD Automation and Consulting • Right of Way Engineering • Utility Research & Mapping • Exhibit Maps • High Definition Scanning LiDAR • Acquisition: Airborne, Mobile, Terrestrial • Feature Classification and Extraction • Ortho Rectification and Stereo Imagery • Wetland Delineation/Shoreline Mapping • Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis • Building Information Modeling CERTIFICATIONS SELECT CLIENTS Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) and Small Business for Public Works (SB-PW) - California Department of General Services #1753051 Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) - Veteran’s Administration #079118264 Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) - City of San Diego #17GS1437 California Public Utilities Commission Supplier Clearinghouse SDG&E SoCalGas LADWP CA High Speed Rail NAVFAC PSOMAS Southern California Edison CA Dept of Water Resources CA Dept of General Services Burns & McDonnell Cordoba Corp. Barnard Inc. UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES • Subgrade Utility Locating • Ground Penetrating Radar • CCTV Inspections • 811 Mark-out QA/QC • Pothole Surveys EMPLOYEE OWNED SINCE 2020 Department of Industrial Relations #1000773122 DUNS #07-911-8264 | Cage Code #77CD4 NAICS #541370 • PLS-CADD Modeling • Vegetation Analysis • Terrain Modeling • Hydrologic Modeling • Change Detection • Planimetric Mapping City of Bozeman Digital Orthoimagery and LiDAR Acquisition 46 k) Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay (Attachment A)