HomeMy WebLinkAboutDMI_Proposal_Bozeman MT_RFP-DigitalOrthoImageryandLidarAcquisition_1130-2023-f 1 PROPOSAL FOR CITY OF BOZEMAN, MT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) DIGITAL ORTHOIMAGERY AND LIDAR ACQUISITION Due Date: November 30, 2023, 5:00 p.m. MST. Submitted to: Submitted by: Mike Maas City Clerk City of Bozeman, MT 121 N Rouse Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 agenda@bozeman.net Liliana Aliyazicioglu, President & CEO Digital Mapping, Inc. (DMI) 21062 Brookhurst St, Suite 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 968-5459 liliana@admap.com TABLE OF CONTENTS November 30, 2023 2 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-2 A.) Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 3 A.1.) Project Understanding ........................................................................................................................... 3 A.2.) Proposed Services (Overview) ................................................................................................................ 3 B.) Firm / Individual Profile ............................................................................................................................ 5 C.) Description of Proposed Solution .............................................................................................................. 6 C.1.) Technical Approach Detail ...................................................................................................................... 6 C.1.a.) Aerial Data Acquisition ............................................................................................................ 6 C.1.b.) Proposed Imagery Sensors: Digital Mapping Camera (DMC IIe 230) ...................................... 6 C.1.c.) Proposed LiDAR Sensors: Optech ALTM Galaxy T-1000 (Optional) ......................................... 7 C.1.d.) Flight Mission Planning ............................................................................................................ 7 C.1.e.) Dataset Post-Processing .......................................................................................................... 9 C.1.f.) Aerial Triangulation (AT) .......................................................................................................... 9 C.1.g.) Digital Orthophotography ..................................................................................................... 11 C.1.h.) LIDAR Data Processing ........................................................................................................... 12 C.2.) Project Management and Schedule ..................................................................................................... 16 C.2.a.) Project Communication & Management ............................................................................... 16 C.2.b.) Project Schedule .................................................................................................................... 16 C.3.) Quality Control Plan (QCP) ................................................................................................................... 17 D.) Scope of Project ...................................................................................................................................... 20 D.1.) Product Deliverables ............................................................................................................................ 20 E.) Related Experience with Projects Similar to the Scope of Services ........................................................... 21 F.) Statement of Qualifications .................................................................................................................... 25 F.1.a.) Firm Profile ............................................................................................................................ 25 F.1.b.) Key Advantages ..................................................................................................................... 25 F.1.c.) Airborne Capabilities ............................................................................................................. 26 6.a.i.) Software and Equipment ....................................................................................................... 26 F.1.b.) DMI Team .............................................................................................................................. 26 F.1.c.) Organization Chart ................................................................................................................. 28 G.) References .............................................................................................................................................. 29 H.) Present and Projected Workloads ........................................................................................................... 30 H.1.) Team Allocation .................................................................................................................................... 30 H.2.) Resource Allocation .............................................................................................................................. 30 I.) Key Personnel ......................................................................................................................................... 31 J.) Additional Information ........................................................................................................................... 37 K.) Affirmation of Nondiscrimination & Equal Pay (see Attachment A) ......................................................... 38 L.) Costs Proposal ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Section A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY November 30, 2023 3 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-3 A.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.1.) PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Digital Mapping Incorporated (DMI) is delighted to submit our proposal in response to the City of Bozeman (City)’s RFP “Digital Orthoimagery and Lidar acquisition”. We are confident that our highly capable team can fully meet and exceed all the City's requirements. DMI understands that the main purpose of this project is to obtain aerial photography and planimetric information to support regulatory, land management, planning and engineering projects. This project will update all aerial imagery for the entire 78.7 square planning boundary in addition to collecting LiDAR data to update a variety of planimetric information. Our proposed scope of service aligns seamlessly with the City’s requirements and leverages industry-leading turnkey airborne sensors. DMI is fully committed to completing the project within the designated timeframe by allocating our fleet of aircraft and airborne sensors. Following briefly summarizes DMI’s exceptional geospatial services throughout the 36 years of being in business; our overall approach integrates three (3) important elements and strengths: • Methodology – Our methodology is straightforward, although it follows a traditional photogrammetric approach, we integrate high value digital processing techniques, which we explain further in this submittal. • Experience – We employ top-qualified professionals (photogrammetrist, pilots, land surveyors, analysts, and data technicians) to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of our production by delivering a product that is unblemished and absolute. Our professional will streamline our post-processing and compilation procedures allowing us to meet the timeframe set out by the City. • Value – We have been a trustworthy aerial mapping provider to numerous private entities, federal, state, and local government agencies such as USFS, USGS, USDA, NGA, NOAA, USACE, Counties, Cities, and local engineers. Since 1987, we have a history of providing effective GIS database development and resourceful spatial analysis to both domestic and international clients. We will be available to start work immediately. We believe that you will find the contents of our submittal not only informative but also precisely targeted to meet the City’s requirements. A.2.) PROPOSED SERVICES (OVERVIEW) Highlights of the technical approach are listed below. More technical details can be found in the following sections of this submittal. DMI has created a functional and operational project plan that is quality controlled to ensure a successful project completion. Ground Surveying  DMI will establish 38 HV control points to assist LiDAR swath calibration and aerial triangulation. A preliminary ground control plan is included in the following pages.  With the help of the ABGPS/IMU, DMI will minimize the number of controls needed to achieve desired accuracy. Aerial Acquisition  DMI will acquire the imagery using its FAA compliant aircraft Piper Chieftain Navajo equipped with our state-of-the-art Optech ALTM Galaxy LiDAR sensor. All DMI aircrafts are equipped with Applanix POS AV inertial navigation system for precise recording of aircraft roll, pitch, and yaw.  DMI will mobilize to project area from Chino, CA and stay at project area until project completion.  Experienced flight crew will communicate with FAA officials and local traffic controllers during aerial acquisition. Section A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY November 30, 2023 4 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-4 Imagery Processing  After aerial acquisition DMI will allocate its full resources for data processing.  DMI uses distributed processing across multiple workstations and/or servers enabling us to process imagery data quickly. DMI currently has 14 workstations and 4 servers dedicated to processing imagery data that would provide quick turnaround for the City. Analytical Aerotriangulation  DMI will utilize Imaging ImageStation Automatic Triangulation (ISAT) as the primary software platform to perform Fully Automated Aerial Triangulation.  ABGPS (EO) data together with GCP (ground control points) to assist aerial triangulation increasing product accuracy. Orthoimagery Processing  Collected imagery will be rectified using generated DEM from collected LiDAR dataset and breaklines.  Rectified imagery will be mosaicked together using manually edited seamlines into deliverables tiling scheme. Any abnormalities caused by rectification are corrected during mosaic process. LiDAR Dataset Processing  Collected LiDAR swath data will be calibrated for relative accuracy.  Calibrated LiDAR dataset will be tiled and classified using automated classification macros.  Classified point cloud will be reviewed and manually edited for any abnormalities. Derivative Products  Classified ground control points will be utilized to generate DEM.  DEM will be supplemented with breaklines to generate DTM.  Generated DTM will be used for contour generation at 1’ intervals. Planimetric Features and Contours  DMI will generate new planimetric features utilizing a combination of automatic feature extraction and stereo compilation.  Regardless of the method used, feature data will be checked and corrected using LiDAR intensity (or newly collected imagery of selected) as a backdrop. Quality Assurance/Quality Control  DMI has completed numerous accuracy assessment tools and software for accuracy assessment which have been successfully implemented in previous similar projects.  Our team is fully knowledgeable with USGS and ASPRS guidelines for accuracy assessment imagery datasets. Section B: FIRM / INDIVIDUAL PROFILE November 30, 2023 5 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-5 B.) FIRM / INDIVIDUAL PROFILE Firm Name: Digital Mapping Incorporated (DMI) www.admap.com info@admap.com Office Locations: 21062 Brookhurst Street, Suite 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Flight Operations Hangar Location: 7000 Merrill Avenue, Hangar 60 (PO Box 84) Chino, CA 91710 Telephone/Fax: (P) 714-968-5459 (F) 714-968-2429 Type of Ownership: Year Establish: Corporation 1987 President, CEO: VP, PLS Liliana Aliyazicioglu Dennis Dillman CFO. Sr. Project Manager: Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu gen@admap.com Number of Employees: 17 Our Services:  Photogrammetric Mapping  Digital Orthophotography  Digital Imagery Acquisition and Processing  LiDAR Acquisition and Processing  Photogrammetric Scanning and Printing  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Surveys  Data Registration  GIS Products  Oblique Imagery  Map Graphics Production  Aerial Triangulation / Digital Terrain Model / Digital Elevation Model  Airborne GPS / Remote Sensing  Land Surveying USDA Caltrans USGS & USFS Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 6 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-6 C.) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION C.1.) TECHNICAL APPROACH DETAIL C.1.a.) AERIAL DATA ACQUISITION Our acquisition crew will be mobilized to an airport within or near the project site. The defined project limit will have a minimum buffer zone and our flight crew will collect the imagery data to the full range of the buffer zone. Data and products in the buffer will be tested for any quality control requirement. Prior to any acquisition, our crew will verify that the airborne sensor settings are set to acquire the required data. Also, our flight crew will operate the sensors during optimal atmospheric condition with prime PDOP condition (less than 3) and satellite network configuration greater than 6 active satellites (viewed by both stationary and roving receivers). DMI will not proceed with any acquisition until consent is received from the City and all requirements prior to acquisition have been met. Acquisition Updates DMI will provide the City with daily updates prior and during the aerial mission. These updates will include flight lines successfully flown, Weather conditions for the day of acquisition and weather outlook for the next 2 days. C.1.b.) PROPOSED IMAGERY SENSORS: DIGITAL MAPPING CAMERA (DMC IIE 230) DMI recognizes that one of the most critical phases of this project is the timely acquisition of the aerial imagery. Timely, consistent, and quality collection of aerial imagery is the cornerstone for generating accurate and quality orthophotography. Our process is to deploy our digital camera sensors DMC IIe 230a enabling simultaneous acquisition of color imagery and near infrared imagery. Our Leica, DMC IIe 230, is a high-performance digital camera system. It has a high frame rate to maintain fast-air speed for high-forward overlap and high-resolution. The PAN or color ratio of 1:2.6 provides high-radiometric quality images for RGB and Color-Infrared (CIR). The long focal length and small pixel size delivers high-resolution image data. The nadir-looking monolithic PAN camera offers unmatched radiometric and geometric quality. Digital Mapping Camera (DMC IIe 230) Specifications  PAN pixel across track: 15552  B/H: 0.34  PAN pixel along trac: 14144  Number of camera heads: 5  PAN FoV across track: 50.7°  PAN: Color Resolution: 1:2.6  PAN FoV along track: 46.6°  Frame rate: 1.8 sec  PAN focal length: 92 mm  Color channels: R,G,B, NIR  PAN pixel size: 5.6 μm  Resolution per pixel: 14 bit  MS pixel across track: 6096  FMC: yes2  MS pixel along track: 6400  CCD dynamic range: 72 dB3  MS FoV across track: 52,0°  Onboard storage: 4.8 TB  MS FoV along track: 54.2°  Storage capacity: 6900 images4  MS focal length: 45 mm  Weight: 65 kg5  MS pixel size : 7.2 μm  Power consumption: 280 W  PAN GSD@500m: 3.0 cm  Altitude non pressurized: 8000 m Optimal Acquisition Conditions  Imagery capture will not be undertaken when the ground is obscured by snow, haze, fog or dust; when streams are not within their normal banks; or when the clouds’ shadows will appear on more than four percent (4%) of the area in any one photograph.  Images shall not contain objectionable shadows caused by relief or low solar altitude.  Crab shall not be in excess of five (3) degrees; and, tilt of the camera from verticality at the instant of exposure shall not exceed three (3) degrees.  Imagery will be captured when atmospheric conditions are such that clear and well-defined images of physical features (like buildings, trees, and other ground over) can be obtained  Data will not be collected in moderate to severe turbulence of cross winds of 20 knots or more. DMC IIe230 Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 7 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-7 C.1.c.) PROPOSED LIDAR SENSORS: OPTECH ALTM GALAXY T-1000 (OPTIONAL) ALTM Galaxy is the ultimate wide-area sensor, with best-of-class density performance and collection efficiency. Galaxy is quite simply the smallest sensor on the market with the greatest performance capability, representing a giant leap ahead of its competitors in every way. Galaxy offers incredible collection efficiency and configuration flexibility with the highest data precision and accuracy possible.  PulseTRAK technology enables a continuous operating envelope that can accommodate high- relief terrain with no data gaps or loss of density across multipulse transition zones.  SwathTRAK technology maintains constant width flightlines for consistent data density in variable terrain and fewer flight lines. It also features a 1MHz effective pulse rate, providing on-the-ground point density and efficiency formerly reserved for dual- beam sensors. Up to 8 returns per pulse are possible for increased vertical resolution of complex targets without the need for full waveform recording and processing. Industry-leading data precision and accuracy (< 0.03-0.20 m RMSE from 150-4700 m AGL) results in the highest-quality datasets possible. Optech ALTM GALAXY T1000 Technical Specifications Laser Wavelength- 1064 nm near-infrared Horizontal Accuracy- 1/10’000 x altitude (M AGL) : 1 sd Elevation Accuracy- <0.03-0.20 m RMSE from 150-4,700 m AGL Laser Repetition Rate Programmable, 50-1000 kHz Position and Orientation Rate POS AV AP60 (OEM), 220-Channel Dual Frequency GPS/GNSS/Galileo Scan Width (FOV)- 10-60° Scan Frequency- 0-120 Hz Sensor Scan Product- 2000 maximum Beam Divergence Dual Divergence: 0.25 Mrad (1/e) Toll Compensation- + 5° minimum C.1.d.) FLIGHT MISSION PLANNING DMI believes successful data acquisition starts with proper mission planning. DMI’s mission planning team has years of experience in flight planning, resource allocation, and task scheduling necessary for this mission. This includes a step-by-step plan of the required flight lines to acquire required datasets. DMI utilizes the newly designed mission planning software Leica Mission Planning to implement and manage the aerial mission. This program is a comprehensive reporting, mission planning, and post-processing tool that provides DMI innovative solutions for our aerial processes. The utilization of these flight planning software allows us to view the project coverage area and the published flight lines in their appropriate coordinate system. DMI will provide the City with a proposed flight map to be used for the project during the kick off meeting. DMI will then make any adjustments that the City’s request. DMI’s project manager will then finalize the flight plan in SHP or KMZ format during the pre-planning stages of the project. Prior to receiving our notice to proceed, DMI will provide the final flight plans to the City for a final evaluation and approval. A preliminary flight plan and control layout is included on the following page as part of this submittal. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 8 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-8 3 Inch Imagery and QL1 LiDAR Draft Flight Plan 73 flight line, 38 HV Ground Control Points Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 9 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-9 C.1.e.) DATASET POST-PROCESSING C.1.e.i.) ABGPS/IMU POST-PROCESSING Our technicians process the GPS data using our post-processing program, Applanix’s POSPac, in order to calculate the high-accuracy kinematic solution trajectory of our aircrafts. The trajectory is combined with the IMU data for a position as a whole and location solution. Using geodetic algorithms, the finished solution is then combined to the location and orientation to develop the end result X, Y, Z position for each pulse return measured by the GPS receiver. We also use Applanix’s SmartBase technology, which in turn joins a filter approach to combine the GPS receiver’s raw data with IMU data. SmartBase allows us to process the raw observables from a minimum of six to a maximum of fifty unremittingly operational GPS reference stations, contiguous to the trajectory. SmartBase’s quality control tool accomplishes a network modification on all the baselines and reference stations, we also run quality checks for single reference stations. C.1.e.ii.) IMAGE POST-PROCESSING DMI’s Z/I post-processing units designed in conjunction with the flight management system, are utilized to convert from raw sensor patterns into finished R,G,B, IR images, which have been specifically intended to extract high detail with few image artifacts and aliasing patterns. The first step is taking the raw images and downloading the data using our Z/I post-processing program to our servers. Then the imagery is tested to see if the data has any inconsistency such as misfires, clouds, or ground conditions. Our technicians will create two back-ups of all the raw imagery data and we analyze the PAN, RGB, and IR bands to assure the quality of the post processed raw images. If any errors are found, it will be flagged and either re-processed or re-flown. The completed raw processed images will be reviewed to ensure the matching quality and color balance throughout the project. C.1.f.) AERIAL TRIANGULATION (AT) Once our technicians have completed post-processing the raw images and ABGS and IMU data, DMI will apply the latest digital photogrammetric methodology using our ISAT Intergraph Image Station for a complete a FAAAT to meet or exceed ASPRS and NSSDA accuracy standards. FAAAT is an improvement of conventional aerial triangulation whereas airborne GPS and IMU data are used or the direct measurement of the position and orientation of every exposure in the photogrammetric block. DMI expects for a substantial number of points to be produced throughout the photo to increase accuracy through redundancy, this method of increased density of points, will at slightest, be equal to what can be attained with an analytical triangulation process. The data will result in highly reliable automatic tie point and pass point measurements because the directly observed exterior orientation data prevents divergence of the solution. The FAAAT process improves upon conventional or manual aerial triangulation by providing numerous automated and manual tie points and pass points. DMI will measure a minimum of 6 tie points and 15 pass points in each frame to tie single models together along a flight strip. All selected pass point locations will lie on un-obscured level ground, wherever topographic conditions permit. Particular attention will be taken in consideration with the selection of natural tie points as pass points. Additional effort will be made to avoid the placement of pass points in areas of very bright background that could render a pass point unusable (not locatable) on the orthophoto. By using the image association method, which is both automatic and manual, we will achieve final point sub-pixel measurements. By appointing each point a unique number, individual digital frames and frame locations are assigned a point. Each block will be continually joined together with the assortment of tie pass points along their individual borders with contiguous blocks. Visual examination of the density and distribution of the tie or pass points are performed and discrepancies will be reported for correction and adjustment. It is recognized that deviation from the ideal distribution AT Pass & Tie Points AT RMSE Check AT Ground Control Check Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 10 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-10 may be necessary for photographs covering bodies of water and areas of heavy ground cover. Tie points between strips will occur with a frequency of at least one per frame. For increased accuracy of the fully assisted automatic aerial triangulation, the utilization of ABGPS and IMU technologies will assist by delivering highly precise exterior orientation parameters while delivering quality and dependable exterior orientation parameter results. All aerial triangulation tests will be performed by our technicians and endorsed by our project manager. C.1.f.i.) IMAGE GROUND CONTROL POINT MEASUREMENT In order to accomplish the image ground control point measurements, this requires a succession of phases, starting with measurement of each surveyed ground control points in every image, which is beneficial for adjustment purposes. Using ISAT, our technicians assist in generating tying points amongst the frames, a manual evaluation is completed after ensuring the correct density and distribution of tie points. Any areas or images with less than the targeted total density of approximately 100 measurements per frame will be evaluated. If necessary, we will auto-generate or manually measure additional points for low-density areas besides tremendously low texture areas and water bodies. Remaining points in water bodies are manually removed, during our meticulous review methods. This project will be viewed in multiple blocks, thus allowing our technicians to measure shared points in the overlapped regions of separate blocks. For a complete and unblemished orthomosaic, each of the adjusted values for the points must be reviewed in order to have a unified transition over the block boundaries. To ensure top quality mosaics, this approach has been applied to past projects with as many as 100 contiguous aerial triangulation blocks. C.1.f.ii.) BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT Large least squares adjustment is utilized repetitively first to assess the reliability, status of image point measurements, and the overall quality of the finalized exterior orientations, consequently ensuring that the requirements of the final deliverable will be met. Ground control coordinates, image measurements, calibrated camera model parameters, and initial exterior orientation values are entered in the bundle adjustment. Our technicians will perform a modification with surveyed ground control points by assessing the association between captured imagery data and individually surveyed ground control coordinates after the initial bundle adjustment. After each bundle adjustment, we will evaluate all residuals between control points and tie points and compare the computed coordinates of any additional existing checkpoints with surveyed coordinates. Statistical breakdown of the error propagation and correctness of the subsequent imagery will be executed with meticulous quality control evaluations. C.1.f.iii.) AERIAL TRIANGULATION REPORT DMI will deliver to the City an aerial triangulation report for every completed triangulation block; this will comprise of a debriefing of applied procedures, technologies, and results. The report will also contain duplicates of triangulation input and output, displaying triangulation point allowances, remaining errors, and general block RMSE. Included in the aerial triangulation report will also be the ABGPS locations, quality control checkpoint outcomes, certification of control points, POS exterior orientation data, survey points, control layout, and documentation of additional relevant data. The following will be contained in the final triangulation report: Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 11 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-11  A rudimentary account of the project comprising of airborne GPS remarks and results, flight planning, aerial imagery, & ground control.  Geodetic commentary containing the utilization of a local rectangular system.  An executive summary of the aerial triangulation results.  Input final coordinate data to an excel spreadsheet.  A narrative explanation of all facets of the assisted automatic aerial triangulation and aerial triangulation bundle block adjustments.  Control, flight line indexes, equipment, and software information Outcomes of the preliminary check point modification, classification of the aerial triangulation regarding correctness, and the bundle block adjustment. C.1.g.) DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY C.1.g.i.) ORTHO-RECTIFICATION Orthorectification process involves utilizing automated DEM (or newly collected LiDAR), triangulated exterior orientations, aerial imagery data, calibrated camera model parameters, and controls. The utilization of ABGPS and IMU data will offer support for image orientation and positioning, minimizing the required number of ground control points and enabling the creation of an orthophoto. This process will assist in removing horizontal displacement produced by terrain height disparity, camera-based distortions, and the earth’s curvature. Imagery will be orthorectified using ImageStation’s OrthoPro, which provides a 3D photogrammetric space. The rectified imagery will be color, contrast, and tone balanced; the imagery will also be edge-matched to adjacent images using manual image processing techniques. By choosing optimal positions of the rectified images, our technicians will combine images seamlessly with no apparent edges or breaks in feature geometry. To minimize tonal differences between combined areas, localized modification of the brightness values will be achieved as needed. The referenced orthophoto shall visually have better contrast and will be used for adjustment purposes. Localized brightness values of the adjacent orthophoto will be fine-tuned to the reference orthophoto. The adjusted area will be restricted by tonal radiometric modification, which will not compromise the clarity, accuracy, and resolution of the orthophoto if possible. DMI will develop a digital orthophoto pilot area prior to commencement of the entire project. C.1.g.ii.) MOSAICING Using ImageStation, OrthoPro, and Geomedia allows us to create complete mosaic by processing image blocks using two separate tonal corresponding functions. Each image is processed to remove any hotspots in the middle of the frame. DMI’s technicians will then review each frame thoroughly and perform a histogram comparison process so that there is seamless tone throughout the mosaic images. After radiometric balancing, we will generate manual and automatic seam lines between source frames. To generate seamless orthophoto data that is fixed across the project area, seam lines need to be adjusted in order to deliver a successful transition from one image to another for the desired project tiling scheme. This can be accomplished by utilizing a combined method of manual and automated practice for high-quality imagery. This method has proven to be cost effective while delivering excellent results. DMI will utilize automatic seamline creation for rural areas, which is ideal for producing mosaics. Our technicians analyze and manually alter seam lines that have features showing continuity, usually executing manual seam line placement in urban areas to deliver precision of high-quality imagery. Tonal matching is accomplished by comparing pixel values in all the images areas, which contain the overlap. Our software reviews and modifies each image so that we can achieve an overall unison tone throughout the project. The image mosaics will be produced in such a manner so Seamline Creation Orthophoto Mosaic Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 12 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-12 that adjacent mosaics can be viewed together simultaneously, and with no overlap areas, obscuring any portion of the adjacent mosaics. C.1.g.iii.) ORTHOPHOTO QUALITY CRITERIA C.1.h.) LIDAR DATA PROCESSING Figure 1. LiDAR Process Overview Radiometry Balance: When combining two or more images for a mosaic, the color values and brightness will be fine- tuned to balance that of the main image, thus reducing radiometric dissimilarities between combined areas. The color balance of the project will be gradual and no sudden tonal differences between image files will be found. To minimize tonal variations, the seam lines between the overlapping images must be selected. Edge Matching: There will be no excessive horizontal displacement along seamlines or at image file boundaries. We will also ensure transportation features or well-defined linear features to meet the ASPRS standard for maps. Bridges and Overpasses: DMI will assess the actual ground heights neighboring to the area beneath the bridge and insert the height of the latter in order to orthorectify the bridges and overpasses. The utilization of ground control points can sometimes be used, the overpasses and bridges will not be signified as offsetting or drooping, and imagery that depicts underlying features that retain their correct ground location and geometry in the digital orthophotography. Feature Lean/Buildings: DMI’s technicians use the center area “sweet spot” of the image to create the orthophoto, in order to decrease the degree of lean in conjunction to the ground features being hidden and minimizing irregularities resulting from differences in feature lean across seamlines. This will minimize radial distortion. Also, increased overlap will help assist us to minimize building lean and shadowing. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 13 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-13 Figure 2. LiDAR Process Samples 1. LiDAR Swath 2. SBET 3. Trajectory 4. Tiling Scheme 5. Raw unclassified LiDAR Data 6. Heading Roll Pitch Mirror Scale 7. LiDAR Orthophoto 8. LiDAR Control 9. LiDAR Classified Data 10. LiDAR Intensity Image C.1.h.i.) LIDAR DATA POST-PROCESSING After the data has been acquired, our technicians process the LiDAR, ABGPS/IMU, and base station data by using our Optech and Aplanix programs. We then calculate the high-accuracy kinematic solution trajectory of the aircraft with the use of both these programs. This trajectory solution data is joined with the IMU data for a complete position and orientation solution. Using geodetic algorithms to position and derive the resulting X, Y, and Z positions for each pulse returned, the laser ranging data is consequently merged. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 14 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-14 By merging post-processed aircraft position with altitude data, this creates a smoothed and best estimate of trajectory (SBET). Each laser point is connected with the SBET location to generate the development of the point cloud, which is the 3-D assortment of all the LiDAR sensor pulses. LiDAR data is collected as flight line strips in LAS format to assist in the analysis, filtering, and classification of the data. These LAS files are created in the specified datum and final projection. This data will be reviewed before proceeding with the classifications (ground). C.1.h.ii.) LIDAR POST PROCESSING TOOLS DMI’s team will utilizes GeoCue, Optech, and Terrasolid LiDAR integration tools throughout the post-processing phase. These tools allow continuous workflow and project management during the entire project. Our technicians process the SBET-generated LiDAR flight lines, project boundary, and tile scheme. DMI’s technicians will launch Optech LMS to decode data, combine the trajectory, and range information to produce LAS point cloud. The point cloud is then examined to determine appropriate system calibration numbers on a mission-by-mission basis. The resulting calibrated flight line data are imported into a project utilizing TerraScan and our project management program GeoCue. Flight line by flight line, LAS files are tied to each other using TerraMatch. We then combine the various flight lines to create the project as whole, while breaking the dataset into manageable pieces. This process converts the dataset from geographic coordinates into the project coordinate system. Finally, LiDAR data is processed using TerraScan to remove vegetation and noise from the data. DMI’s technicians will utilize TerraModel to create the surface data and DEM. a. FLIGHT LINE VALIDATION DMI’s LiDAR technicians will review each flight line in detail for any potential errors that may have occurred during the processing phase. This process can be completed by using the LiDAR intensity image & color coded orthophoto images to assist in the QA/QC process. We will be able to separate and adjust vertical differences on different points between flight lines. DMI will be able to examine vertical overlap and color code to mark any difference between flight lines by using Geoue. The use of TerraMatch allows us to be able to determine and locate calibration points between flight lines. During this phase it allows DMI’s technicians to complete flight line calibration adjustments. The final TerraMatch adjustments are imported and the LiDAR tiles are created in GeoCue. The use of the LiDAR intensity image is used as an added QA/QC step throughout this process. b. CLASSIFICATIONS Our unique, cost effective, and time efficient stratagem for processing LiDAR will allow for streamlined productivity and on-time-scheduled deliveries. Using commercial software, our technicians will set parameters to automatically classify different categories for various terrain types. Settings allow for adjustment of parameters to customize acquisition of multiple categories of low, medium, and high vegetation, as well as flight line overlap points, ground points and noise points. DMI’s technicians also perform manual filtering to make sure important terrain data has not been filtered out. After tiles have been reviewed through our quality control process, we will complete one classification process to ensure the data is acceptable. Our LiDAR technicians use Geocue’s TerraModeler, Terrascan, and ArcGIS. The following programs assist our technicians to develop base earth creation, classification of data and manual revisions. Our technicians create point classifications and characteristics such as iteration and terrain angles. With detailed development of custom macros, our team has created standards during the processing phase. LAS Point classification will be consistent across the entire project. DMI will insure that there are no variations in the character, texture, or quality of the classification between tiles, swaths, lifts, or other non-natural division. c. LAS CLASSIFICATIONS QUALITY CONTROL DMI’s technicians utilize TerraScan and TerraModeler to manually review the LiDAR data to verify proper classification has been completed. The software assists with the final verification of the bare earth data set. DMI’s technicians also perform manual classification techniques to provide an accurate data set. This process allows DMI to deliver a precise illustration of the ground. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 15 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-15 d. DTM AND CONTOURS DMI will utilize the breaklines in conjunction with the DEM data to create the DTM for TIN, Terrain, GRID and generation. All topographic production will be accomplished using a variety of tools and operations within ESRI’s ArcGIS and carefully reviewed and edited using both manual inspection and built-in ESRI topology and geometry inspection tools. e. PLANIMETRIC FEATURE COLLECTION Digital planimetric data will be collected/updated using a combination of automatic feature extraction and manual editing. Regardless of the method used, feature data will be checked and corrected using LiDAR intensity (or newly collected imagery of selected) as a backdrop. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 16 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-16 C.2.) PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND SCHEDULE C.2.a.) PROJECT COMMUNICATION & MANAGEMENT DMI project status reporting is an important task in communicating status updates for the project. The City will have an opportunity to express the exact needs of status reports and all communication needed. This includes the type of information required, the frequency of reporting, and the format of the reports. DMI will ensure all needs are properly met accordingly. To ensure proper status updates, DMI’s project manager, Gencaga Aliyazicioglu, along with DMI’s team will send out weekly reports to the project team. As a result, DMI will provide detailed reporting and communication with the project Team.  Weekly Project Status Report and Schedule: Weekly project status reports will be delivered and will include completed/remaining tasks, any issues with corrective action expected completion of the project.  Routine Problem Communication: Throughout the project Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu with be in constant communication with the project Team. Mr. Aliyazicioglu with serve as the project manager and main point of contact with the City. Should the project team or its constituents address any problems, DMI will work on creating a correction plan. This will allow corrections to be complete as soon as possible under the designated time frame.  Weather Problems: DMI has a thorough understanding of the project and weather conditions. DMI has experience in conducting aerial missions for the throughout the United States. DMI’s abundance of aircraft and sensors will allow us to base our aircraft in project area data capture is completed without interruption. This level of commitment will allow for our pilots to be on standby to acquire the data while monitoring the weather every 30 minutes. This will ensure there are no lost opportunities for data acquisition. C.2.b.) PROJECT SCHEDULE A preliminary schedule is provided below. Final deliverables will be provided within 90 days after completion of aerial acquisition.  Aerial acquisition is dependent on weather conditions and flight restrictions.  DMI has already allocated necessary resources for this project (not in full utilization)  Any delay can be compensated for with increased additional resources. Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 17 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-17 C.3.) QUALITY CONTROL PLAN (QCP) Our quality assurance begins with a quality control plan, which delineates responsibilities, provides sample control and documentation procedures, specifies analytical methods, calibration techniques, standardization methods, and equipment maintenance routines, and prescribes data assessment, reduction, and reporting procedures. DMI integrates quality control methods into the production process to review and guarantee the desired quality for the project is met. These quality control steps are met by. Ground Survey QA/QC  The field observation schedule will be made to ensure there are complete sets of data.  Repeat station occupations will be completed if any GPS data is found to not meet the accuracy.  Data will not be deleted from the receiver until it has been verified.  Where applicable, data from selected ground control framework will be incorporated into the project.  All GPS data will be processed the following day and any inconsistencies will be re-observation.  A series of free and constrained adjustments (both horizontal and vertical) of all data will be accomplished to ensure that all project data meet project accuracies specified.  Daily back-ups of all digital data including GPS RINEX data to portable hard drive. LiDAR Flight QA/QC  Weather monitoring to conclude which time is best to collect the data  Monitoring GNSS satellite arrangement and PDOP  Confirming that all GPS, ground controls and check points (NVA, VVA and Ortho Check Points) are set up prior to Imagery/LiDAR Acquisition  Automated flight management systems, GPS-supported aircraft navigation interfaced with the camera  Sensor operator display with touch screen technology to ease configuration and operation and allow inflight control and review of the LiDAR and Imagery Acquisition  Comprehensive mission data recording enabling post-flight analysis of flight results including time, date, altimeter and reading  Analysis of the post-processing allows DMI’s technician to view actual acquisition allowing an early decision for re-flight requirements LiDAR Post Flight QA/QC  Inspection of the LiDAR swaths captured.  Review for Coverage gaps or other defects in the imagery data are noted and may be cause for re- flight if the threshold for acceptance is not achieved.  Check flight logs to ensure that correct LiDAR data capture.  Review LiDAR data to ensure correct point density is achieved.  In the event re-flights are necessary, the same equipment and process shall be used for acquisition and will be flown as soon as possible from the original flight date Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 18 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-18 DMI’s Orthophoto Criterias Geometric Accuracy:  All images will meet or exceed project standards. Ground Features:  Images will have no distortion of ground features (e.g., roads, railroads, bridges/overpasses, buildings) by inadequate rectification, including bending/warping of roads/railroads/bridges and excessive or mismatched building lean, building/structure warp.  Water will not show no ice, glare or contrast between tiles across body of waters Gaps:  Images will be 100% free of gaps and no missing imagery at area peripheries. Overall Image Quality:  No significant scratches, dust, lint, compression artifacts, stretching, smearing, blurring, blemishes, noise, building lean, warping or other image anomalies.  Rectified image quality to be equal to or better than the original aerial images.  Feature edge and tone match within specified tolerances and consistent image radiometry.  Seam line geometry & aesthetics. No seam lines or discontinuities will be visible.  Inspect all imagery of the entire project including the extended buffer  Create polygons using ESRI products for image irregularities (i.e. image warping, color balancing & image vector misalignment)  Alignment of streets and other linear ground features will be true to the real condition  Reviewed image sharpness, color, tone and contrast.  Check overall impression for color balance Aerial Triangulation QA/QC  Assign unique point to individual frames to regulate incorrect replication of control points inside blocks  Check residuals and aerial triangulation result for errors, both systematic and anomalies  Check on accuracy achieved on the final product including measures of spot heights, control points (including blind control points established for QC purposes)  The average of all points will not surpass 1 / 20,000 of the flight height.  The root mean square error of the concluding block modification will not surpass 1/10,000 of the flight height.  The maximum permissible error of any point will not surpass ± 1 / 5,000 of the flight height. Orthophotography QA/QC  Check overall impression for color balance  Histogram check for full use of contrast range  Seam lines (between tiles and mosaic lines within tiles) are well hidden-minimized tonal variations. If automated seamline-generating fails to place seam(s) in optimized location, our orthophoto lab technicians will perform a manual seamline editing and review the mosaic for enhanced output.  Check for erroneous ortho artifacts (smears, warped roads and bridges, DEM spikes)  Final RMSE check on image positional accuracy Section C: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SOLUTION November 30, 2023 19 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-19 Planimetrics Stereo Compilation  Prior to the initiation of compilation, the discipline lead reviews the project specifications and procedures in detail with the photogrammetric team.  Each analytical instrument is calibrated on a regular basis.  A stereo model setup report is generated for each stereo model for review by the technician. Each photogrammetric technician is responsible for ensuring the model setup meets or exceeds project specifications.  An independent review of the model is completed “off-line” by a compilation QC specialist. Digital orthophoto imagery is used as a backdrop to the vector data to verify content DEM QA/QC  Manually review bare-earth DEMs in ArcMap with hillshades to check for issues  Verify DEMs to be hydro-flattened (if requested)  Verify DEMs to be seamless across tile boundaries  Calculate DEM Vertical Accuracy including NVA, VVA, and other statistics  Verify all properties of the tiled DEMs, including coordinate reference system information, cell size, cell extents, and compression has been applied per project specification  All qualitative issues present in the DEMs as a result of LiDAR processing and editing issues will be marked for corrections in the LiDAR data. These DEMs will need to be recreated after the LiDAR has been corrected  Load all tiled DEMs into Global Mapper to verify complete coverage to the (buffered) project boundary and that no tiles are corrupt. Breaklines QA/QC  Perform Completeness check, breakline variance check, and all automated checks for each completed block  Perform Completeness check, breakline variance check, and all automated checks for merged dataset  Check entire dataset for missing features that were not captured, but should be to meet baseline specifications or for consistency  Verify if features are collected consistently across tile bounds.  Check horizontal placement of breaklines  Perform all Topology and Data Integrity Checks  Perform hydro-flattening checks Section D: SCOPE OF PROJECT November 30, 2023 20 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-20 D.) SCOPE OF PROJECT Being a full house aerial mapping firm with extensive aerial imagery acquisition and processing experience, DMI has all the resources for successful execution and delivery of this project. DMI meets all the minimum requirements specified in the solicitation. D.1.) PRODUCT DELIVERABLES General Specs Products 3” digital orthophotos (4 Band) Accuracy Standards: +- 2 pixels RMSE Tiling Index TBD and approved by the City Acquisition Window April 1 2024 to April 30 2024 Coordinate System Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters Deliverables Aerial Data Acquisition  Flight Plan and Logs:  Camera Calibration Report Ground Surveying  Survey Control Report Imagery  Aerial Triangulation Report:  3” pixel, 4-band (RGB and NIR), true color, orthorectified digital imagery  Seamless mosaic at 1-foot (Optional: 0.5-foot) pixel resolution.  Breaklines used to correct bridge and overpass distortion will be provided in a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software.  Public Sidewalks (centerline): Within city limits only. LiDAR Dataset  Raw LiDAR point cloud in .las format  Classified LiDAR point cloud in .las format per USGS QL1 Specs  Hydrography: Streams and water bodies throughout the planning area  Building Footprints: Extracted with maximum height above ground as an attribute.  Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM)  Hillshade: Grayscale 3D representation of the bare-earth surface  Breaklines  Tiling Scheme in shapefile format  Contours – 1 ft intervals Other  Progress Report  Project Metadata  Project Report All deliverables will meet specification set forth in the RFP Section E: RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES November 30, 2023 21 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-21 E.) RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES DMI has been a trusted provider of digital mapping, geospatial data, and photogrammetric solutions for over past 36 years and has extensive experience in providing high accuracy imagery data sets throughout the United States with projects similar in size and scope to what is described in this RFQ. Some of our successfully completed large area orthophoto projects include:  2023 - Aerial Imagery Services for Maricopa County AZ  0.25’ and 0.8’ orthophotography covering 6,600 sq miles  2023 - Digital Orthophotography Services for Mojave Water Agency 1 foot 4 Band orthophotography covering 3,700 sq miles  2022 - Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR Services for Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) 3 Inch orthophotography and QL1 LiDAR services covering 3,000 sq miles  2022 - Digital Orthophotography Services for SNWA and Las Vegas Valley Water District 3 Inch 4 Band orthophotography covering 820 sq miles  2022 - Digital Orthophotography Services for Mojave Water Agency 1 foot 4 Band orthophotography covering 3,700 sq miles  2021 - Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR Services for Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee 3 Inch and 1 Inch orthophotography and QL1 LiDAR processing covering 188 sq miles  2021 - Digital Orthophotography Services for Mojave Water Agency 1 foot 4 Band orthophotography covering 3,700 sq miles  2020 - San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition 3 inch 4 Band orthophotography and QL1 LiDAR dataset covering 1,000 sq miles More detailed information for similar projects is included below. (Contact information is included in References section of this submittal) Project # 1: Aerial Imagery Services for Maricopa County, AZ (2022-2023) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Maricopa County to perform Aerial Imagery Services covering approximately 6,600 sq miles for the County and its consortium partners. Imagery dataset includes 0.25’ GSD 3 Band orthophotos for urban areas, 0.8’ GSD 3 Band orthophotos for rural areas and 0.25’ GSD 4-Band orthophotos for some partner agencies. After ground surveying by DMI, Leica DMC IIe 230 (DMC) large format digital camera equipped with Airborne GPS/IMU was utlized to capture four band (R,G,B,NIR) imagery at 8 bits per band. Project was completed successfully within determined schedule. Section E: RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES November 30, 2023 22 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-22 Project # 2: Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and Las Vegas Valley Water District to acquire 4 band aerial imagery at three-inch resolution covering approximately 565 sq miles of Las Vegas Valley. The Leica DMC IIe 230 (DMC) large format digital camera equipped with AirborneGPS/IMU is used to capture four band (R,G,B,NIR) imagery at 8 bits per band. A total of 43 ground based photo control points including 7 ghost points were provided by SNWA to support softcopy aerotriangulation. Total of 44 flight lines with 9300 frames covering the project area was captured in 5 days. 2216 uncompressed 4 band 8 bit GeoTIFF tiles are delivered using 1/4 section tiling (with overlap) scheme. Project #3: Mojave Water Agency 2023, 2022 and 2021 CIR Imagery San Bernardino County, CA As part of a multi-year contract, In 2021 DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (12”) services for Mojave Water Agency. Project area covers 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. DMI utilized its DMC-IIe 230 Digital Mapping Camera equipped with ABGPS/IMU for aerial data acquisition. Final RGB and CIR dataset was delivered withing two months after completion of aerial acquisition. Project # 4: Regional High Resolution Aerial Imagery Collection (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to acquire imagery and LiDAR datasets for government agencies in the region covering 3,000 sq miles. The Leica DMC IIe 230 (DMC) large format digital camera and Optech ALTM Galaxy LiDAR sensor is utilized to capture 3 inch imagery for entire project area and QL1 LiDAR dataset for City of Sacramento. A total of 43 ground-based photo control points were established and utilized to support softcopy aerotriangulation and LiDAR swath calibration. Imagery was delivered in 11516 uncompressed 3 band 8 bit GeoTIFF tiles (0.5 miles x 0.5 miles). DMI also extracted and delivered building footprints covering the City of Sacramento AOI. Section E: RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES November 30, 2023 23 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-23 Project # 5: San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2020) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers approximately 1000 sq miles of San Bernardino National Forest Area. DMI utilized its own Digital Mapping Camera (DMCIIe230) and Optech Galaxy T1000 LiDAR sensor to acquire 458 LiDAR, 186 Imagery flight lines and 13115 exposures over the project area. DMI survey team identified, targeted, and surveyed 68 Ground Control Points (GCP), and 118 check points (62 for Non-Vegetated and 56 for Vegetated land cover classifications) to be used in imagery aerial triangulation, LiDAR swath calibration and LiDAR vertical accuracy assessment 44 ground control points to be utilized at aerial triangulation. Final deliverables included uncompressed 3 band imagery in GeoTIFF format, all point and bare-earth classified LiDAR point cloud, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Intensity images and building footprints. Project # 6: Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution for 122 sq miles) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). DMI also delivered 1” imagery covering 122 sq miles. DMI utilized its own Digital Mapping Camera (DMCIIe230) and Optech Galaxy T1000 LiDAR sensor to acquire 153 imagery and LiDAR flight lines and 8045 exposures over project area. DMI survey team identified, targeted, and surveyed 53 Ground Control Points (GCP) to be used in imagery aerial triangulation, LiDAR swath calibration and LiDAR vertical accuracy assessment. Final deliverables included uncompressed 3” and 1” orthophotos GeoTIFF format, all point and bare-earth classified LiDAR point cloud, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), 1’ contour data and GIS features (Water bodies, Pavement, Building footprints. Project # 7: Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2021) In 2019, For our client, Orange County Water District (OCWD), DMI provided 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area. DMI flown approximately 84 square miles utilizing Digital Mapping Camera’s (DMCIIe230) (49 flight lines and 1248 exposures). DMI provided uncompressed 4 band imagery in GeoTIFF format together with compressed MrSID file covering entire project area. In 2020, DMI was contracted again to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR dataset that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). Final deliverables included uncompressed 4 band imagery in GeoTIFF format, bare-earth classified LiDAR point cloud, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Surface Model (DSM) and intensity images. in 2022, DMI was contracted once again to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution. The project area covered approximately 54 sq miles spread throughout Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County in California. Final deliverables included uncompressed 4 band imagery in GeoTIFF format. Section E: RELATED EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECTS SIMILAR TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES November 30, 2023 24 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-24 Project # 8: LIDAR and Orthoimagery Data Collection within the Treaty area of the CTUIR (2020) DMI was contracted by Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) for collection, processing and delivery of LIDAR data and orthoimagery within the Umatilla Indian Reservation, located in Umatilla County, Oregon. DMI provided 6” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery for an area of 740 sq miles and QL1 LiDAR deliverables for an area of 106 sq miles. Prior to flight DMI survey team established 24 ground control points to be utilized at aerial triangulation and LiDAR swath calibration. DMI’s staff completed the project within schedule and within budget. Final deliverables included uncompressed 4 band imagery in GeoTIFF format, bare-earth classified LiDAR point cloud, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Surface Model (DSM) and intensity images. Section F: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS November 30, 2023 25 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-25 F.) STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS F.1.a.) FIRM PROFILE Digital Mapping, Inc. (DMI) is an Orange County based California Corporation and a woman owned business WBE, MBE, SBE certified by the State of California, Office of Small and Minority Business in the County of Los Angeles and San Bernardino, and a variety of other municipalities and districts. DMI has 36 years of experience in aerial photography, digital photogrammetry, LiDAR capture and processing, digital orthophotography, topographic and planimetric mapping, and related services. Firm Name: Digital Mapping, Inc. (DMI) www.admap.com Office Locations: 21062 Brookhurst Street, Suite 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Flight Operations Hangar Location: 7000 Merrill Avenue, Hangar 60 (PO Box 84) Chino, CA 91710 Telephone/Fax: (P) 714-968-5459 (F) 714-968-2429 Type of Ownership: Year Establish: Corporation 1987 President, CEO: VP, PLS Liliana Aliyazicioglu Dennis Dillman CFO. Sr. Project Manager: Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu Number of Employees: 17 Our Services:  Photogrammetric Mapping  Digital Orthophotography  Digital Imagery Acquisition and Processing  LiDAR Acquisition and Processing  Photogrammetric Scanning and Printing  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Surveys  Data Registration  GIS Products  Oblique Imagery  Map Graphics Production  Aerial Triangulation / Digital Terrain Model / Digital Elevation Model  Airborne GPS / Remote Sensing  Land Surveying F.1.b.) KEY ADVANTAGES 1.) Full-service photogrammetry firm DMI is a full-service Aerial Survey firm having all resources in-house to be able to complete a work order from aerial acquisition to final deliverables. 2.) Combined LiDAR and Photogrammetry Approach Having two LiDAR sensors, DMI has the expertise to combine traditional photogrammetry with LiDAR datasets to increase accuracy and detail of deliverables. 3.) Simultaneous LiDAR and Imagery acquisition DMI has the capability to capture imagery and LiDAR dataset simultaneously using its manned aircraft. Using this approach, we have completed numerous large projects in a relatively short time period. Simultaneous imagery/LiDAR acquisition enables captured datasets to be in similar ground conditions and enables quick acquisition in class bravo restricted airspaces. Section F: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS November 30, 2023 26 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-26 F.1.c.) AIRBORNE CAPABILITIES DMC IIe230 Digital Mapping Camera DMC I Digital Mapping Camera Optech ALTM Galaxy T1000 LiDAR Sensor Optech Gemini LiDAR Sensor Chieftain Navajo Beechcraft Bonanza Geranimo 6.a.i.) SOFTWARE AND EQUIPMENT DMI uses the most technically advanced orthophotography, photogrammetry and LiDAR hardware / software available. With a suite of hardware and software applications used for technical and business operations at our disposal, we can ensure the right equipment and resources are utilized for this contract. F.1.b.) DMI TEAM DMI’s team has more than 36 years of experience in all facets of the industry such as proven project management skills, expertise in many technologies, database systems, and GIS platforms. DMI employs 17 professionals who have been in the mapping industry for more than 25 years. Our team includes Pilots, Professional Land Surveyors (PLS), Certified Photogrammetrists (CP), GIS Professionals (GISP), Ortho and LiDAR technicians, computer programmers, and mechanical engineers. DMI’s staff exhibits the necessary skill set and comprehension of the requirements. Our team will ensure the successful preparation, delivery, and high-quality assurance standards for obtaining the best possible high-resolution imagery, mapping, and LiDAR data. DMI boasts additional factors that significantly improve our project management system. Soft-Copy Workstations - Digital Imaging and Photogrammetry Z/I Image Station 12 KLT Atlas 10 VR2/VR1 Cardinal Systems 10 Orthophotography Workstations Correction & Editing 17 Workstations Mosaics & Tiling 4 Servers Orthorectification 4 Servers LiDAR Workstations Post Processing 6 Workstation – 4 servers Calibration / Classification 8 Workstations Software Aerial Triangulation: ImageStation ISAT Orthophoto: ImageStation OrthoPro LiDAR: GeoCUE, Optech LMS, Terrasolid (TerraScan, TerraMatch, TerraModeler), LP360 Other: LizardTech MrSID, ERDAS, GIS: ArcGIS Pro, Global Mapper, ER Mapper, GeoMedia Professional CAD: AutoCAD Civil 3D, Bentley MicroStation, Inroads, Openroads Section F: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS November 30, 2023 27 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-27 Availability and Commitment: Key personnel lined up for the project will be available and committed to this project until the final delivery. DMI possesses sufficient resources and staff to meet the project schedules. Responsiveness: Our project team has an impressive track record of quick response, timely completion of assignments, and production of high-quality product. Experience: Each of our project team members has technical background and practical experience to complete the services successfully. Therefore, we can mobilize and execute the appropriate tasks for a streamlined and efficient approach. Reliability: DMI has adequate resources to meet the requirements surpass the specifications of this project. Communication: Continuous and transparent communication with project team from start to finish. F.1.b.i.) PROJECT MANAGER DMI’s project manager for this important project will be Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu (Certified Photogrammetrist). With 40+ years of experience in the field. Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu Certified Photogrammetrist (#R969CP) | CFO | Sr. Project Manager Phone: (714) 968 5459 Cell: (714) 448 7534 Email: gen@admap.com Address: 21062 Brookhurst Street, Suite 101, Huntington Beach, CA, 92646 Section F: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS November 30, 2023 28 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-28 F.1.c.) ORGANIZATION CHART Staff Resources Certified Photogrammetrist: 1 Orthophoto Processing: 5 Pilot / Operator : 2 Compilers: 2 LiDAR Processing: 2 Admin: 2 Land Surveyors: 1 CAD / GIS: 2 Total: 17 Liliana Aliyazicioglu President Gencaga Aliyazicioglu Cert.Photogrammetrist Sr Project Manager Duncan Crowl Orthophoto/GIS Manager Dennis Dillman, PLS Survey Manager Alperen Yorulmaz Pilot / Operator Oguzhan Celik Pilot / Operator Ahmet Aliyazicioglu Production Manager Larry Nillo Photogrammetry Manager Edwin Borja Orthophoto/GIS Supervisor Zeki Aliyazicioglu QA/QC Manager Cengiz Yagcioglu LiDAR Director, Project Coordinator Saeid Maroufi Sr LiDAR Supervisor Section G: REFERENCES November 30, 2023 29 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-29 G.) REFERENCES Agency Maricopa County, AZ Email kevin.lavallee@maricopa.gov Contact Name / Title Kevin LaVallee Phone 602-506-2954 Relevant Project Aerial Imagery Services for Maricopa County, AZ Address 301 S. 4th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85003 Agency Las Vegas Valley Water District / Southern NV Water Authority Email craig.hale@snwa.com Contact Name / Title Craig Hale IT Manager Phone 702-862-3730 Relevant Project Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Address 100 City Parkway, Suite 700 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Agency Mojave Water Agency, CA Email resourcestrategies@usa.net Contact Name / Title Richard Schulman, Project Manager Phone (858) 735-7424 Relevant Project Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery (2021, 2022 and 2023) Address 13846 Conference Center Drive, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Section H: PRESENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOADS November 30, 2023 30 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-30 H.) PRESENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOADS DMI remains committed to maintaining a balance between existing commitments and the proposed project. Our team is well-prepared to scale up efforts as needed, ensuring that the project's objectives are met within the specified timeline. Our commitment to quality and excellence extends to all facets of our work, including effective project coordination and resource management. As part of our current work activities, DMI is actively engaged in large-scale orthophoto and LiDAR projects for Maricopa County and PIMA County, Arizona. The aerial acquisition phase of these projects has been successfully completed, underscoring our commitment to timely and efficient project execution. It is noteworthy that both projects are slated for delivery well in advance of the City's intended flight date. This exemplifies our capacity to manage concurrent projects seamlessly, ensuring that our resources are strategically allocated for optimal outcomes. DMI has strategically allocated the required resources for the proposed project, ensuring that our team possesses the necessary expertise and capacity to undertake this project. Presently, these allocated resources are not in full utilization, allowing for seamless integration with the project. This allocation aligns with our ongoing commitments and signifies our commitment to delivering optimal results. H.1.) TEAM ALLOCATION Name Role Experience Workload Effort Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu Sr. Project Manager 40+ 40% 15% Dennis Dillman Survey Manager 40+ 30% 5% Cengiz Yagcioglu LiDAR Director / Project Coordinator 14 25% 20% Ahmet Aliyazicioglu Production Manager 25 30% 20% Saeid Maroufi Sr LiDAR Supervisor 20 20% 30% Duncan Crowl Orthophoto / GIS Manager 34 10% 10% Larry Nillo Photogrammetry Manager 25 10% 30% Edwin Borja Orthophoto / GIS Supervisor 14 20% 40% Zeki Aliyazicioglu QA/QC Manager 21 20% 20% Alperen Yorulmaz Pilot / Sensor Operator 6 20% 50% Oguzhan Celik Pilot / Sensor Operator 6 20% 50% H.2.) RESOURCE ALLOCATION Name Resources Allocated Aerial Acquisition % 50 Aerial Triangulation % 30 Orthophoto Production % 60 LiDAR Production % 60 Deliverable Production % 60 Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 31 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-31 I.) KEY PERSONNEL Gencaga (Gen) Aliyazicioglu | Sr. Project Manager / DMI Education: BS in Photogrammetric Engineering (1972) Ohio State University Registration: Certified Photogrammetrist (#969CP) Professional Affiliations: ASPRS, MAPSS Years with DMI: 36 Years total: 49 With over 40+ years of profound experience and technical understanding of geospatial and photogrammetric services, Mr. Aliyazicioglu has extensive experience with all aspects of digital aerial mapping starting with the project management, flight planning, ground control frameworks, data compilation, post processing, aerial triangulation, ortho-production, LiDAR data collection and processing, GIS, and quality assurance of all project deliverables. Gen’s role with DMI is supervising and overseeing the creation of Photogrammetry, LiDAR and Ortho projects. He is also in charge of staff and equipment allocation and his hands-on approach allows for the project to stay on schedule. He interacts with all project managers to ensure that all client requirements are met. Gen has completed a myriad of private, state, local and federal projects over four decades. Project Experience: Maricopa County, 2022 Digital Orthophotography, AZ (2023) 0.25’ and 0.8’ resolution 3 band and 4 Band orthophotography covering 6,700 sq miles / Project Manager Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR Services for SACOG, CA (2022) 3 Inch orthophotography and QL1 LiDAR services covering 3,000 sq miles for Sacramento Area Council of Governments / Project Manager Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery, San Bernardino County, CA (2021, 2022 and 2023) As part of a multi-year contract, DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (1 foot ) services for Mojave Water Agency coverings 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. Mr. Aliyazicioglu serves as the Project Manager. SACOG Regional High Resolution Aerial Imagery Collection (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to acquire imagery and LiDAR datasets for multiple government agencies in the region covering 3,000 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and Las Vegas Valley Water District to acquire 4 band aerial imagery at three-inch resolution covering approximately 565 sq miles of Las Vegas Valley. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2022) Orange County Water District (OCWD) contracted DMI to provide 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area covering 84 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. On-Call Aerial Imagery, LiDAR and Photogrammetry Services for the OCPW, Orange County, CA DMI has completed small to large scale mapping projects with our imagery and LiDAR sensors equipped with Airborne GPS/IMU. These projects includes a map scales ranging from 1”= 20’ with 0.5’ CI, 1”=40’ with 1’ CI, 1”= 50’ with 1’/2’ CI, and 1”= 100’ with 2’ CI. Mr. Aliyazicioglu serves as the Project Manager. Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 32 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-32 On-Call Aerial Imagery and/or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data Services, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside. On-Call Imagery and LiDAR acquisition and processing since 1987. Mr. Aliyazicioglu serves as the Project Manager. Westlands Solar Park generation interconnection transmission work (2019) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted to provide feature coded LiDAR dataset, PLS-CADD model and digital orthophotos for 15 miles long transmission line corridor. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers 188 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2020-2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers approximately 1000 sq miles of San Bernardino National Forest Area. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Project Manager. Big Dalton Dam -- Aerial Mapping Project for LADPW (2020) For LADPW, DMI provided aerial mapping services under On-Call Aerial Survey contract. DMI acquired and processed aerial imagery and LiDAR dataset to deliver topomap data with 1’ contours and 3 inch GSD orthophotos. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the project manager. Color Digital Orthophotography of Orange County CA (2019) For its client, Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), DMI provided 3” pixel resolution digital orthophoto imagery of entire Orange County. Mr Aliyazicioglu served as the project manager. Multiple Aerial Photography, LiDAR and Photogrammetry Projects throughout SoCal for SoCal & San Diego Gas (Southern CA) (2013 - 2016) DMI has been contracted by Jacobs, PSOMAS & PSEP (since 2013) to provide aerial imagery, LiDAR and Photogrammetric Surveying of natural gas transmission pipelines throughout Southern California. Mr. Aliyazicioglu is responsible for the acquisition and creation of photogrammetry mapping of more than 1500 linear miles. Also, Mr. Aliyazicioglu is in charge of overseeing the creation and delivery of mapping projects at a scale of 1”=20’, 1”=40’, 1’ Contours, 0.5’ Contours, LiDAR Data, LiDAR DEM, 2” and 3” Color Digital Orthophoto. DMI utilized (2) two aircrafts, (2) two large format digital mapping cameras (DMC I, IIe 230) and an Optech LiDAR sensor, all equipped with ABGPS/IMU. The City of Temecula - Digital Ortho Imagery and Lidar Photogrammetry Project (2018) For our client, the City of Temecula, DMI has provided digital orthophotography and Lidar processing services for entire City of Temecula. DMI has flown the entire city approximately utilizing our state of the art large format Digital Mapping Camera (DMCIIe230) and Optech Gemini LiDAR sensor. DMI prepared digital orthophotos at 1” and 3” resolution. Utilizing Lidar data and aerial imagery DMI also delivered Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Terrain Model (DTM), 1’ interval topographic contours, building footprints, edge of pavement outlines and existing sidewalks. Final products were delivered in California State Plane Coordinate, Zone 6 (NAD 83) with FGDC compliant metadata. Mr Aliyazicioglu served as the project manager for this effort. Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 33 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-33 Dennis Dillman | PLS, Project Surveyor / DMI Education: Land Surveying (1983) San Bernardino Valley College Registration: Professional Land Surveyor, CA (#5424) Professional Affiliations: ASPRS Years with DMI: 36 Years total: 60 Dennis Dillman, DMI’s lead-surveyor, is a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in California with 40+ years of professional experience in land-surveying. Mr. Dillman has completed numerous projects related to every area of his discipline. With his field experience and education at San Bernardino Valley College in land surveying, Mr. Dillman is considered an expert in boundary and retracement surveys. In the construction field area of surveying and successfully completed jobs with several million yards of earthwork. Mr. Dillman has worked on multi-million- dollar public works projects and thousands of subdivision lots throughout California, Arizona, and Nevada Relevant Projects: Maricopa County, 2022 Digital Orthophotography, AZ (2023) 0.25’ and 0.8’ resolution 3 band and 4 Band orthophotography covering 6,700 sq miles / Project Surveyor SACOG Regional High Resolution Aerial Imagery Collection (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to acquire imagery and LiDAR datasets for multiple government agencies in the region covering 3,000 sq miles. Mr. Dillman served as the Project Surveyor. Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers 188 sq miles. Mr. Dillman served as the Project Surveyor. Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2022) Orange County Water District (OCWD) contracted DMI to provide 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area covering 84 sq miles. Mr. Dillman served as the Project Surveyor. Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery, San Bernardino County, CA (2021, 2022 and 2023) As part of a multi-year contract, DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (1 foot ) services for Mojave Water Agency coverings 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. Mr. Dillman served as the Project Surveyor. San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2020-2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers approximately 1000 sq miles of San Bernardino National Forest Area. Mr. Dillman served as the Project Surveyor. Color Digital Orthophotography of Orange County CA (2019) For its client, Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), DMI provided 3” pixel resolution digital orthophoto imagery of entire Orange County. Mr Dillman served as the project surveyor. Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 34 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-34 Cengiz Yagcioglu | Project Coordinator & LiDAR Manager / DMI Education: BS in Mathematics (1999), Koc University MBA (2003), University of southern California Professional Affiliations: ASPRS, MAPPS Years with DMI: 18 Years total: 22 Mr. Yagcioglu has more than 10 years of LiDAR processing experience and currently oversees DMI’s LiDAR department. He has extensive knowledge and experience in USGS LiDAR base specifications and current industry standard to deliver high quality LiDAR dataset. He also has extensive experience with all aspects of aerial data acquisition and processing starting with the project management, flight planning, post processing, LiDAR data collection and processing, GIS, and quality assurance of all project deliverables. He interacts with all departments to ensure that all client requirements are met. Relevant Projects: Maricopa County, 2022 Digital Orthophotography, AZ (2023) 0.25’ and 0.8’ resolution 3 band and 4 Band orthophotography covering 6,700 sq miles / Project Coordinator Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR Services for SACOG, CA (2022) 3 Inch orthophotography and QL1 LiDAR services covering 3,000 sq miles for Sacramento Area Council of Governments / Project Coordinator & LiDAR Manager Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery, San Bernardino County, CA (2021, 2022 and 2023) As part of a multi-year contract, DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (1 foot ) services for Mojave Water Agency coverings 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. Mr. Yagcioglu serves as the Project Coordinator. Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and Las Vegas Valley Water District to acquire 4 band aerial imagery at three-inch resolution covering approximately 565 sq miles of Las Vegas Valley. Mr. Yagcioglu served as the Project Coordinator. Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2022) Orange County Water District (OCWD) contracted DMI to provide 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area covering 84 sq miles. Mr. Yagcioglu served as the Project Coordinator and LiDAR Director. On-Call Aerial Imagery, LiDAR and Photogrammetry Services for the OCPW, Orange County, CA DMI has completed small to large scale mapping projects with our imagery and LiDAR sensors equipped with Airborne GPS/IMU. These projects includes a map scales ranging from 1”= 20’ with 0.5’ CI, 1”=40’ with 1’ CI, 1”= 50’ with 1’/2’ CI, and 1”= 100’ with 2’ CI. Mr. Yagcioglu serves as LiDAR Manager. On-Call Aerial Imagery and/or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data Services, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside. On-Call Imagery and LiDAR acquisition and processing since 1987. Mr. Yagcioglu serves as the Project Coordinator. Rosamond Transmission Line Survey (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by David Evans and Associates to provide feature coded LiDAR dataset (acquired at 40 ppsm) to be imported into PLS-CADD. Mr. Yagcioglu served as the LiDAR Manager. Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers 188 sq miles. Mr. Yagcioglu served as the Project Coordinator and LiDAR Manager. Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 35 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-35 Duncan Crowl | Orthophotography and GIS Manager / DMI Education: BS in Geography Professional Affiliations: ASPRS Years with DMI: 19 Years total: 36 Duncan Crowl has over 32 years of professional experience (12 years with DMI) (ASPRS Member ‘86) and is knowledgeable specifically with the photogrammetry and GIS industry. Mr. Crowl received his BS in Geography and Advanced GeoTechnical Mapping and Geomatics from California State University Fullerton. He has operated with a wide array of softcopy photogrammetry software and hardware systems. Most notably ImageStation, SoCET Set, ER Mapper, and Leica Photogrammetry Suite of products and solutions. His responsibilities include overall project administration, layout of photography and control, photogrammetry, DTM collection, GIS, CAD, digital and quality control quality assurance, technical development of new technologies. Also, Mr. Crowl is responsible for ensuring all requirements are met with highest quality and timely delivery Maricopa County, 2022 Digital Orthophotography, AZ (2023) 0.25’ and 0.8’ resolution 3 band and 4 Band orthophotography covering 6,700 sq miles / GIS Manager Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and Las Vegas Valley Water District to acquire 4 band aerial imagery at three-inch resolution covering approximately 565 sq miles of Las Vegas Valley. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto Manager. SACOG Regional High Resolution Aerial Imagery Collection (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to acquire imagery and LiDAR datasets for multiple government agencies in the region covering 3,000 sq miles. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto and GIS Manager. Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers 188 sq miles. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto and GIS Manager. Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2022) Orange County Water District (OCWD) contracted DMI to provide 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area covering 84 sq miles. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto Manager. Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery, San Bernardino County, CA (2021 and 2022) As part of a multi-year contract, DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (1 foot) services for Mojave Water Agency coverings 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto Manager. San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2020-2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers approximately 1000 sq miles of San Bernardino National Forest Area. Mr. Crowl served as the Orthophoto and GIS Manager. Section I: KEY PERSONNEL November 30, 2023 36 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-36 Ahmet Aliyazicioglu | Production Manager / DMI Education: Bachelor of Science / Mechanical Engineering Professional Affiliations: ASPRS Years with DMI: 25 Years total: 32 Mr. Aliyazicioglu, DMI’s production manager, is responsible for production scheduling, quality training of personnel. He manages projects from post-calibration through delivery using LP 360, AutoCAD, Geocue, TerraScan, TerraModeler, and MicroStation software. His experience includes quality control and accuracy assessment of LiDAR data and the development of terrain products for GIS integration. Mr. Aliyazicioglu has successfully led LiDAR and GIS projects for a range of government agencies at the County, State level, and for Federal Agencies. Maricopa County, 2022 Digital Orthophotography, AZ (2023) 0.25’ and 0.8’ resolution 3 band and 4 Band orthophotography covering 6,700 sq miles / Production Manager Westlands Solar Park generation interconnection transmission work (2019) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted to provide feature coded LiDAR dataset, PLS-CADD model and digital orthophotos for 15 miles long transmission line corridor. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. Digital Aerial Imagery Services for Las Vegas Valley (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and Las Vegas Valley Water District to acquire 4 band aerial imagery at three-inch resolution covering approximately 565 sq miles of Las Vegas Valley. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. SACOG Regional High Resolution Aerial Imagery Collection (2022) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to acquire imagery and LiDAR datasets for multiple government agencies in the region covering 3,000 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. Lake Tahoe and Town of Truckee Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by the Town of Truckee to acquire aerial imagery at 3-inch resolution (and 1-inch resolution) resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers 188 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed Aerial Imagery (2019, 2020 and 2022) Orange County Water District (OCWD) contracted DMI to provide 3” pixel resolution 4 band digital orthophoto imagery of Prado Basin and Upper Santa Ana Watershed area covering 84 sq miles. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. Mojave Water Agency CIR Imagery, San Bernardino County, CA (2021 and 2022) As part of a multi-year contract, DMI performed ground surveying, aerial imagery acquisition, RGB and CIR digital orthophotography (1 foot ) services for Mojave Water Agency coverings 3,700 sq miles of rural area over western portion of San Bernardino County, California. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. San Bernardino National Forest Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Acquisition (2020-2021) Digital Mapping, Inc (DMI) was contracted by The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and Inland Empire Resource Conservation District (IERCD), in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service (Forest Service) to acquire aerial imagery at three-inch resolution and LiDAR data that meets USGS Quality Level 1 (QL1). The project area covers approximately 1000 sq miles of San Bernardino National Forest Area. Mr. Aliyazicioglu served as the Production Manager. Section J: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION November 30, 2023 37 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-37 J.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION N/A Section K: AFFIRMATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION & EQUAL PAY November 30, 2023 38 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-38 K.) AFFIRMATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION & EQUAL PAY (SEE ATTACHMENT A) The completed 'Nondiscrimination and Equal Pay Affirmation' is included on the following page as part of this submittal. Attachment A NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL PAY AFFIRMATION (name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and acknowledges and understands the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatments or proposer’s employees and to all subcontracts. In addition, (name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will abide by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and has visited the State of Montana Equal Pay for Equal Work “best practices” website, https://equalpay.mt.gov/BestPractices/Employers, or equivalent “best practices publication and has read the material. Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter Digital Mapping Incorporated Digital Mapping Incorporated Liliana Aliyazicioglu, CEO & President Section L: COST PROPOSAL November 30, 2023 40 City of Bozeman RFP: Digital Orthoimagery And Lidar Acquisition Page-40 L.) COSTS PROPOSAL No Services Area (sq miles)Total Cost 1.) Digital Orthoimagery 1.a.)Survey Control and Quality Check Shots 78.7 $7,870.00 1.b.)Digital Orthoimagery (4-band, 3” pixels, mosaic)78.7 $29,512.50 1.c.)Public Sidewalks centerline (within city limits only)22 $7,700.00 1.d.)Seamless mosaic at 1-foot (Optional: 0.5-foot) pixel resolution.78.7 $4,722.00 Item 1 Subtotal: $49,804.50 2.) LiDAR Dataset 2.a.)Hydrography (streams & water bodies)78.7 $16,527.00 2.b.)Building Footprints (extruded with height)78.7 $19,675.00 2.c.)Digital Terrain Model (DTM) & Digital Elevation Model (DEM) & Hillshade (grayscale)78.7 $4,722.00 2.d.)Breaklines & Point Cloud (raw & classified)78.7 $4,328.50 2.e.)1 ft Contours 78.7 $4,328.50 Item 2 Subtotal: $49,581.00 TOTAL $99,385.50