HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-23 - Community Development Board - Agendas & Packet MaterialsA. Call to Order - 6:00 pm This meeting will be held both in-person and also using an online video conferencing system. You can join this meeting: Via Video Conference: Click the Register link, enter the required information, and click submit. Click Join Now to enter the meeting. Via Phone: This is for listening only if you cannot watch the stream, channel 190, or attend in- person United States Toll +1 346 248 7799 Access code: 954 6079 2484 B. Disclosures C. Changes to the Agenda D. Consent Items D.1 Staff Recommendations for Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2025-2029(Alston) E. Public Comments This is the time to comment on any matter falling within the scope of the Community Development Board. There will also be time in conjunction with each agenda item for public comment relating to that item but you may only speak once per topic. Please note, the Community Development Board cannot take action on any item which does not appear on the agenda. All persons addressing the Community Development Board shall speak in a THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA CDB AGENDA Monday, November 20, 2023 General information about the Community Development Board is available in our Laserfiche repository. If you are interested in commenting in writing on items on the agenda please send an email to agenda@bozeman.net or by visiting the Public Comment Page prior to 12:00pm on the day of the meeting. Public comments will also be accepted in-person and through video conference during the appropriate agenda items. As always, the meeting will be streamed through the Commission's video page and available in the City on cable channel 190. For more information please contact Anna Bentley, abentley@bozeman.net 1***Cancelled*** civil and courteous manner and members of the audience shall be respectful of others. Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record and limit your comments to three minutes. General public comments to the Board can be found in their Laserfiche repository folder. F. FYI/Discussions F.1 Upcoming Community Development Board Schedule for January and February 2024(Saunders) F.2 Upcoming Items for the December 4, 2023, Community Development Board Meeting.(Bentley) G. Adjournment This board generally meets the first and third Monday of the month from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Citizen Advisory Board meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Mike Gray, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). 2***Cancelled*** Memorandum REPORT TO:Community Development Board FROM:John Alston, Director of Utilities Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT:Staff Recommendations for Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2025-2029 MEETING DATE:November 20, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Staff Recommendations for Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2025-2029. STRATEGIC PLAN:2.2 Infrastructure Investments: Strategically invest in infrastructure as a mechanism to encourage economic development. BACKGROUND:City staff provided recommendations to the City Manager for Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for fiscal years 2025 through 2029. Annual Water and Wastewater Impact Fee (WIF & WWIF) revenues have been estimated across the proposed 5-year CIP. The FY25-29 CIP total five- year WIF & WWIF fund amounts are approximately $15 million and $8 million, respectively. City policy dictates that the proposed 5-yr CIP for each fund must be balanced. As presented in the attached documents, both the WIF & WWIF are balanced by using financing for the higher cost projects. Funds from the City's water and wastewater enterprise funds will be used as appropriate to provide the non-capacity expanding "local share" portion of project funding, so the impact fee funds are used solely for capacity expanding projects. Inflationary costs in utilities construction have increased local construction costs by 53% to 78% over the past 5 years for water and sewer utilities, respectively. To maintain a balanced budget and stable rates, outside funding sources and alternative financing practices may be necessary moving forward. Staff anticipates targeting both State and Federal infrastructure funding, largely through the Montana State Revolving Fund Loan Program, to supplement impact fees and rates, as the City continues to aggressively grow. The 5-yr CIP presented here will serve as a planning timeline needed by staff to know what funding sources to target and when. If additional support is not found, specific projects may be pushed further 3***Cancelled*** out or moved into the unscheduled timeframe as the 5-yr CIP progresses. Staff recommendations for the FY25-29 CIP focused on selecting projects that deliver the highest value to our residents, current and future. Projects were identified on the ability to support growth and maintain a consistent level of service across the community, which helps strengthen the City's goals of affordability and housing creation. Further, two projects were able to be delayed several years (WWIF20 - North Frontage Interceptor and WWIF44 - WRF Interceptor) after substantial additional data collection and subsequent hydraulic analysis proved there is slightly more capacity than originally estimated, resulting in a delay of the capital spending on those projects. Full descriptions of the FY25-29 WIF and WWIF CIPs are provided in the Attachments titled Wastewater Impact Fee Fund 630 and Water Impact Fee Fund 610, and graphics of the projects are included in the Attachment titled, Community Development Board FY25-FY29 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee CIPs Summary. Project highlights are described as follows: WW131 and WW131 – Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Base Hydraulic Phase 1 and Phase 2 upgrades: These projects are a capacity upgrade to the water reclamation facility to accommodate growth. These projects represent a majority of the proposed wastewater impact fee fund CIP. WWIF53 – Cottonwood Road Sewer Capacity: This project will connect an existing interceptor sewer main from the intersection of Babcock and Cottonwood south across Huffine Lane allowing significant area south of Huffine to be opened to sanitary sewer service and allowing for new development in this area. This investment will also help the community realize its recent investment in the Davis Lane Lift Station. WWIF58 – Fowler Sewer Upgrade: This project will construct sanitary sewer within the future Fowler Road corridor project constructed via the Street Impact Fee and Arterial and Collector District capital projects. This project provides the sewer to be constructed concurrent with the Fowler road project to provide sewer capacity increase and combine project timing for the most efficient construction and least disruption to the community in the future. The existing sanitary sewer main in the Fowler alignment is approaching capacity due to growth impacting the line. WWIF138 – Kagy to Olive Street Sewer Main Replacement and Upgrade: Old sanitary sewer mains serving MSU and new development south of MSU must be upgraded to provide increased capacity and reliability of existing service to accommodate growth at MSU and growth immediately south of MSU. WIF32 and WIF33 – Groundwater Well and Transmission and Municipal Well Design: These projects include water rights acquisition, well, water treatment, and transmission pipe construction to connect groundwater supply into the existing water distribution system. WIF68 – Stucky Water Improvements: Construct a water main in 4***Cancelled*** Stucky Road concurrent with the S. 19th to Fowler Ave street impact fee project. WIF59 and WIF60 – Western Transmission Main and West Sourdough Reservoir #1: These projects would create a new water pressure zone on the southwestern side of the community. Development along S. 19th Avenue has reached the limits of water pressures from the existing water distribution system to serve new growth in that part of the community. This project will also provide redundancy of transmission pipe connections from the Sourdough water treatment plant to the City distribution system. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None identified or recommended. FISCAL EFFECTS:The fiscal effects of the CIP are provided in the attached documents. There are no specific fiscal effects of the Board's action. Attachments: Water Impact Fee Fund Wastewater Impact Fee Fund CD Board FY25-FY29 Utilities IF CIPs Summary Report compiled on: October 25, 2023 5***Cancelled*** Water Impact Fee Fund – 610 Project Code Project Name FY24 Projection FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 5-Year Total Unscheduled WIF32 Groundwater Well & Transmission - - - 11,248,600 - - 11,248,600 - WIF33 Municipal Well Design - - 1,622,400 - - - 1,622,400 - WIF56 Blackwood Groves Water Main 100,000 104,000 - - - - 104,000 - WIF57 Nw Crossing Water Main Oversizing - 251,200 - - - - 251,200 - WIF59 Western Transmission Main - - - - - 5,231,600 5,231,600 24,000,000 WIF60 W Sourdough Reservoir #1 - - - - - 4,015,000 4,015,000 7,200,000 WIF62 WTP Expansion-Design - - - - - - - 3,000,000 WIF63 WTP Expansion - Constructruction - - - - - - - 25,000,000 WIF66 Davis Lane Water Improvement - - - - - - - 240,000 WIF67 Huffin/Laurel Water Improvements - - - - - - - 925,000 WIF68 Stucky/S 27th Water Improvements - - - 265,700 1,842,500 - 2,108,200 - WIF69 Turnrow Subdivsion Water Main and PRV Oversizing - 260,000 - - - - 260,000 - Total 100,000$ 615,200$ 1,622,400$ 11,514,300$ 1,842,500$ 9,246,600$ 24,841,000$ 60,365,000$ 6***Cancelled*** Groundwater Well & Transmission (WIF32) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Plant Infrastructure Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $11,248,600 Total Project Cost $11,248,600 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 6. A Sustainable Environment DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of construction of aquifer recharge or other water right mitigation infrastructure; acquisition of land for well field site; construction of wells, water treatment, power, power backup, instrumentation and controls, SCADA, control building and site improvements; and transmission main construction to tie groundwater supply into the existing system. This project will assist in meeting long-range water supply needs and enhancing overall water supply resiliency and redundancy. It enhances connectivity by providing aredundant water supply source in the event of Sourdough WTP outage. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT The City's unallocated water supply is quickly being used up by new development. This project will help provide additional capacity for growth in the 8-10 year timeframe. Given the timeframe for water rights permitting potentially being 3-5 years,this work must be advanced now to align with the timeframe for water supply needs. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Cost inflation FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,248,600 $0 $0 $0 7***Cancelled*** Municipal Well Design (WIF33) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Plant Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $1,622,400 Total Project Cost $1,622,400 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 6. A Sustainable Environment DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of design of aquifer recharge or other water right mitigation infrastructure. The project also includes design of groundwater well field treatment facility and transmission main includes necessary appurtenances, instrumentation and controls, and DEQ approvals. This is necessary for construction of groundwater supply source but will require DEQ construction approval; amendments, if needed, to other DEQ documents such as source water delineation and assessment report and source water protection plan. This project utilizes the hydrogeologic model developed for the groundwater investigation and test well data. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT The City's unallocated water supply is quickly being used up by new development. This project is essential to providing additional capacity for growth in the 8-10 year timeframe. Given the timeframe for water rights permitting potentially being 3-5 years,this work must be advanced now to align with the timeframe for water supply needs. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Cost inflation. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $1,622,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 8***Cancelled*** Blackwood Groves Water Main (WIF56) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $204,000 Total Project Cost $204,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of water main oversizing for development project consistent with pipe sizing defined in the Water Facility Plan Update. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Public, private parternship for infrastructure construction allows for development to construct local share while the City provides oversizing funding for future growth. This is a cost effective way of building infrastructure for future growth. Without oversizing funding to match private development timeframe, future pipe size increases will be much more expensive. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Amended timing for anticipated pipe oversizing reimbursements. Timing controlled by development construction pace. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $100,000 $104,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9***Cancelled*** Nw Crossing Water Main Oversizing (WIF57) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $251,200 Total Project Cost $251,200 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Water main oversizing for development project consistent with pipe sizing defined in the Water Facility Plan Update. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Public, private parternship for infrastructure construction allows for development to construct local share while the City provides oversizing funding for future growth. This is a cost effective way of building infrastructure for future growth. Without oversizing funding to match private development timeframe, future pipe size increases will be much more expensive. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Amended timing for anticipated pipe oversizing reimbursements. Timing controlled by development construction pace. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $251,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10***Cancelled*** Western Transmission Main (WIF59) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $29,231,600 $432,600 Total Project Cost $29,664,200 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is identified as the Western Transmission Main Phase 1 within the City's Water Facility Plan Update and consists of design and construction of a new transmission main from the Sourdough Water Treatment Plant to the southwestern edge of the existing distribution network (S. 19th and Graft Street) to serve future anticipated growth and provide water delivery redundancy. Initial planning work to provide water service to this area is included in the Water Fund in FY ‘26. This project is identified as the next priority in the City's Water Facility Master Plan. Total project cost between the Water Impact Fee Fund and Water Fund: $29,664,200 Planning (FY26): $432,600 Engineering (FY29): $5,231,600 Construction and Construction Administration ()(unscheduled) $24,000,000. Assumes water main remains in existing street ROW, so no ROW acquisition included. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Delay of this work will limit growth in the south and southwestern portions of the community not within the existing water pressure zones capable of serving those areas. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved design to FY 29 from unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,231,600 $24,000,000 Water $0 $0 $0 $432,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $432,600 $0 $0 $5,231,600 $24,000,000 11***Cancelled*** W Sourdough Reservoir #1 (WIF60) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Plant Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $11,215,000 Total Project Cost $11,215,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 6. A Sustainable Environment DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is identified as 5125 west Sourdough Reservoir 1 within the City's water facility plan and consists of planning, design, and construction of a new 5 million-gallon gravity fed ground storage reservior to the south/southwest of the City, which would tie into the west water transmission main - phase 1 (WIF59) and serve the existing City water distribution system. This project is identified as the next priority in the City's Water Facility Master Plan. Total project cost: $11,215,000 Engineering (FY29): $1,578,800 Easement Acquisition (FY29): $2,436,200 Construction and Construction Administration (unscheduled) $7,200,000. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Delay would result in limiting growth in the south and southwestern areas of the community. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved design and right-of-way acqusition into FY '29. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,015,000 $7,200,000 12***Cancelled*** WTP Expansion-Design (WIF62) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Plant Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $3,000,000 Total Project Cost $3,000,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 6. A Sustainable Environment DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The WTP will likely reach its 22 million-gallons-per-day (MGD) capacity in the next 5-10 years, depending on population growth. Current max flow experienced is 50% capacity. The plant was built for relatively easy expansion to 36 MGD. This will provide for an updated design for the expansion since original design in 2011. Design will allow for construction of expansion in 10 years or earlier, if needed. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Upgrade the facility when there is more certainty of water rights supporting expansion. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved design to unshceduled from FY '27 to focus on other water supply options. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 13***Cancelled*** WTP Expansion - Construction (WIF63) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Plant Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $25,000,000 Total Project Cost $25,000,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 6. A Sustainable Environment DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of the WTP expansion to 36 MGD. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Upgrade the facility when there is more certainty of water rights supporting expansion. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP None FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000,000 14***Cancelled*** Davis Lane Water Improvement (WIF66) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $240,000 $609,000 Total Project Cost $849,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of design and construction of a new 16-inch water main in Davis Lane from Baxter Lane to Cattail Street per recommendations in the Water Facility Plan Update (FP_1484) CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT This project need is driven by development along the Davis Lane corridor. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved design to unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $240,000 Water $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $609,000 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $849,000 15***Cancelled*** Huffin/Laurel Water Improvements (WIF67) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $925,000 $270,400 Total Project Cost $1,195,400 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of oversizing a pressure reducing valve and water main at Huffine Lane & Advanced Drive, a new 16" water main on Huffine Lane from Advanced Dr to Laurel Parkway and a new 12" water main on Laurel Parkway from Huffine to Mayfly Street per recommendations in the Water Facility Plan Update (FP_2241, FP_2464,V8062) supporting urban farms development. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Delays will result in a missed opportunity to partner with development. Development pays for local share of improvements with oversizing funding support from the City for regional water system development. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Oversizing funding timed to correspond to development timing with some funds remaining in unscheduled if the Urban Farms development does not advance. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $925,000 Water $0 $0 $0 $270,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $270,400 $0 $0 $0 $925,000 16***Cancelled*** Stucky/S 27th Water Improvements (WIF68) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure None FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $2,108,200 $702,800 Total Project Cost $2,811,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of design and construction of a new 16-inch water main in Stucky Road from S 19th to Fowler Ave per recommendations in the Water Facility Plan Update (FP_1386, FP_1372, FP_1371) simultaneous with Stucky Road construction project. Total cost: $2,811,000 split between Water Impact Fee Fund and Water Fund Engineering: $354,300 Construction and Construction Administration: $2,456,700 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT This project need is driven by development along with simultaneous construction of the Stucky Road project. Delaying this project will result in signficantly higher future cost to construct the water main as well as a second construction impact on traffic on Stucky Road. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Scheduled design and construction to match Stucky Road project in the street impact fee and A&C funds. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $265,700 $1,842,500 $0 $0 Water $0 $0 $0 $0 $88,600 $614,200 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $354,300 $2,456,700 $0 $0 17***Cancelled*** Turnrow Subdivsion Water Main and PRV Oversizing (WIF69) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Water Impact Fee Water Operations Infrastructure Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $260,000 Total Project Cost $260,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of water main and pressure reducing valve oversizing for development project. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Public-private parternship for infrastructure construction allows for development to construct local share while City provides oversizing funding for future growth. This is a cost effective way of building infrastructure for future growth. Without oversizing funding to match private development timeframe, future pipe size increases will be much more expensive. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Added to match anticipated timing of development construction. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Water Impact Fee $0 $0 $260,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 18***Cancelled*** Wastewater Impact Fee Fund – 630 Project Code Project Name FY24 Projection FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 5-Year Total Unscheduled WW129 WRF Base Hydraulic Phase 1 - 8,122,400 - - - - 8,122,400 - WW131 WRF Base Hydraulic Phase 2 - - 2,007,700 11,832,200 - - 13,839,900 - WW138 Kagy Blvd to Olive Street Sewer Main Replacement - - 393,300 2,318,000 - - 2,711,300 - WW139 4th Ave, Babcock St and Grand Ave Sewer Main Replacement - - - 39,200 231,100 - 270,300 - WW140 North 9th Ave, West Villard St, and South 9th Ave Sewer Main Replacement - - - - 48,000 282,700 330,700 - WWIF20 N. Frontage Interceptor - - - - 830,000 4,891,600 5,721,600 - WWIF44 WRF Interceptor - - - - 231,600 1,365,100 1,596,700 - WWIF48 Hidden Valley Lift Station - - - - - - - 7,000,000 WWIF52 Blackwood Groves Sewer 220,000 104,000 - - - - 104,000 - WWIF53 Cottonwood Rd Sewer Capacity - 312,000 1,622,400 - - - 1,934,400 - WWIF54 Northwest Crossing Sewer Oversizing - 263,100 - - - - 263,100 - WWIF57 Turnrow Subdivision Sewer Oversize - - 108,200 - - - 108,200 - WWIF58 Fowler Sewer Upgrade - 145,600 988,500 - - - 1,134,100 - WWIF59 WRF Screw Press Upgrade - - - - - - - 1,540,000 WWIF60 WRF Screw Press No. 3 Improvement - - - - - - - 2,651,000 WWIF61 WRF Additional Peps Pump - - - - - - - 869,000 WWIF62 WRF Additional Headworks Screen - - - - - - - 792,000 Total 220,000$ 8,947,100$ 5,120,100$ 14,189,400$ 1,340,700$ 6,539,400$ 36,136,700$ 12,852,000$ 19***Cancelled*** WRF Base Hydraulic Phase 1 (WW129) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Infrastructure High FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $8,122,400 Total Project Cost $8,122,400 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Hydraulic capacity improvements for the existing treatment processes employed at the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) are necessary to meet the 20-year planning horizon. A 14.6 million-gallons-per-day (mgd) average daily design flow was identified in the 2022 WRF Facility Plan Update. The existing WRF average day design capacity is 8.5 mgd. The 2022 WRF Facility Plan Update identifies existing process improvements necessary to increase the base hydraulic capacity to 14.6 mgd. A phased approach is called for, since some process elements have more current available capacity than others. Base hydraulic capacity improvements are intended to maintain the current treated effluent performance levels of the WRF and are not designed to further reduce effluent nutrient concentrations. Phase 1 base hydraulic capacity improvements identified in the 2022 WRF facility plan update include the construction of a 4th anaerobic digester, uv disinfection capacity additions, piloting a new treatment process to enhance and optimize existing bioreactor phosphorous removal, and full-scale installation of the process after piloting. This project also includes renovation of existing solids piping. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited upon reaching the capacity of the WRF until the WRF capacity is increased. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Funding was moved from Wastewater Fund to Wastewater Impact Fee Fund. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $8,122,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 20***Cancelled*** WRF Base Hydraulic Phase 2 (WW131) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Infrastructure High FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $13,839,900 Total Project Cost $13,839,900 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Hydraulic capacity improvements for the existing treatment processes employed at the WRF are necessary to meet the 20-year planning horizon, a 14.6 million-gallons-per-day (mgd) average daily design flow identified in the 2022 WRF Facility Plan Update. The existing WRF average day design capacity is 8.5 mgd. The 2022 WRF Facility Plan Update identifies existing process improvements necessary to increase the base hydraulic capacity to 14.6 mgd. A phased approach is called for, since some process elements have more current available capacity than others. Base hydraulic capacity improvements are intended to maintain the current treated effluent performance levels of the WRF and are not designed to further reduce effluent nutrient concentrations. Phase 2 base hydraulic capacity improvements identified in the 2022 WRF Facility Plan update include the construction of two new secondary clarifiers, upgrade of the existing bioreactor number. 1 by retrofitting to a 5-stage bardenpho process, and the addition of one aeration blower. Total project cost: $13,839,000 Design (FY26): $2,007,700 Construction (FY27): $11,832,200 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited until WRF capacity is increased. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Funding moved from Wastewater Fund to Wastewater Impact Fee Fund. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $2,007,700 $11,832,200 $0 $0 $0 21***Cancelled*** Kagy Blvd to Olive Street Sewer Main Replacement (WW138) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Positive FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $2,711,300 $3,057,400 Total Project Cost $5,768,700 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A critical section of existing sewer main begins on Kagy Blvd and Hoffman Drive as a 10-inch diameter asbestos concrete pipe and continues to run north through Mason, Wilson Ave, College, 4th Avenue, and finally ending on 6th Ave. Once the sewer main reaches Olive Street, the diameter increases to 18-inches in size. Portions of the existing main have been identified as high-risk given both the condition and age of the existing pipe. In addition, the City’s hydraulic model has shown that several segments of the sanitary sewer main are at or very near hydraulic capacity during wet weather modeling scenarios. This project includes both the replacement and upsizing of approximately 10,250- feet of existing sanitary sewer main. Overall, the project will provide the necessary improvements needed to increase system capacity to meet future build-out conditions while decreasing overall risk associated with critical aging infrastructure. The project was recommended to occur within the City’s 5-year short-term planning horizon and is in conformance with the City’s Wastewater Collection Facility Master Plan Update. Total project cost from Wastewater Impact Fee Fund and Wastewater Fund: $5,768,700 Engineering (FY26): $836,800 Construction and Construction Administration (FY27): $4,931,900. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Consequences of delaying the project include limitation on development immediately south of Kagy and east of 11th Ave and inability to serve new projects from MSU. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP New FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $393,300 $2,318,000 $0 $0 $0 Wastewater $0 $0 $0 $443,500 $2,613,900 $0 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $836,800 $4,931,900 $0 $0 $0 22***Cancelled*** 4th Avenue, Babcock Street and Grand Avenue Sewer Main Replacement (WW139) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Positive FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $270,300 $480,600 Total Project Cost $750,900 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A critical section of existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main located along 4th Avenue, Babcock Street, and Grand Avenue has been identified for replacement and upsizing. The 8-inch existing vitrified clay pipe has been identified as high-risk given both the condition and age of the asset. In addition, the City’s hydraulic model has shown several segments of sewer main to be near hydraulic capacity during wet weather modeling scenarios. The project includes both the replacement and upsizing of approximately 1,300-feet of existing sewer main. Overall, the project will provide the necessary improvements needed to increase system capacity to meet future build-out conditions while decreasing overall risk associated with critical aging infrastructure. The project was recommend to occur within the City’s 5-year short-term planning horizon and is in conformance with the City’s Wastewater Collection Facility Master Plan Update. Total project cost from Wastewater Impact Fee Fund and Wastewater Fund: $750,900 Engineering (FY27): $108,900 Construction and Construction Administration(FY28): $642,000 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Immediate limitation on development served by these pipes and potential sewage backups impacting sewer customers. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP New FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,200 $231,100 $0 $0 Wastewater $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,700 $410,900 $0 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $108,900 $642,000 $0 $0 23***Cancelled*** North 9th Avenue, West Villard Street, and South 9th Avenue Sewer Main Replacement (WW140) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Positive FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $330,700 $2,212,900 Total Project Cost $2,543,600 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A critical section of existing sewer main begins on South 9th Street and continues north through Midtown, ultimately ending at Durston Ave. The existing vitrified clay pipe has been identified as high-risk given both the condition and age of the asset. In addition, the City’s hydraulic model has shown that several segments of main to be at or very near hydraulic capacity during wet weather modeling scenarios. The project includes either replacement or upsizing of approximately 3,000 ft of existing sewer main. Overall, the project will provide the necessary improvements needed to increase system capacity to meet future build-out conditions while decreasing overall risk associated with critical aging infrastructure. The project is recommend to occur within the City’s 5-year short-term planning horizon and is in conformance with the City’s Wastewater Collection Facility Master Plan Update. Total project cost from Wastewater Impact Fee Fund and Wastewater Fund: $2,543,600 Engineering (FY28): $369,000 Construction and Construction Administration (FY29): $2,174,600. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Consequences of delaying project include limitation on development served by these pipes and potential sewage backups impacting sewer customers. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP New FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,000 $282,700 $0 Wastewater $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $321,000 $1,891,900 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $369,000 $2,174,600 $0 24***Cancelled*** N. Frontage Interceptor (WWIF20) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue Rate Revenue $5,721,600 $2,095,700 Total Project Cost $7,817,300 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will either replace and upsize, or parallel certain portions of the sanitary sewer along the 11,500 feet length of the existing North Frontage Road Interceptor. The North Frontage Road Interceptor supports large portions of the City’s southeast and eastern sewersheds. The extents of the project are generally located between Springhill road and Bridger drive. Portions of the interceptor have been shown to have an increased risk of failure due to the age and condition of the asset while other segments have been identified in the City’s hydraulic model to be approaching hydraulic capacity during wet weather modeling scenarios. The project consists of two main components: first, the replacement of existing parallel trunk sewer, which includes the replacement and upsizing of the worst condition parallel interceptor main; second, the installation of a new parallel interceptor main along portions of the existing interceptor that currently only have a single segment of main. Overall, the project will provide the necessary improvements needed to increase system capacity to meet future build-out conditions, while decreasing overall risk along the interceptor corridor. Lastly, the existing interceptor main that is not mitigated as part of the project will be inspected for current condition and either replaced or rehabilitated at a later date, thus using the City’s existing assets to their full expected life-cycle. The project conforms to the City’s Wastewater Collection Facility Master Plan Update. Total Project Cost: $7,817,300 | Engineering (FY28): $1,134,000 | Construction and Construction Administration (FY29): $6,683,300. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Limit growth in the central, northeast, and southeast areas of the community until the upgrade is completed if the pipe is not upgraded prior to reaching capacity of the line. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved back in the CIP due to more detailed flow data and analysis available since last CIP indicating project can be delayed several years. Broke out design and construction elements of the projects into different fiscal years. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $830,000 $4,891,600 $0 Wastewater $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $304,000 $1,791,700 $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,134,000 $6,683,300 $0 25***Cancelled*** WRF Interceptor (WWIF44) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $1,596,700 Total Project Cost $1,596,700 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Currently, the existing 30-inch Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) interceptor supports the entire city and is the primary drainage pathway for all wastewater flow into the WRF. The existing interceptor has been identified in the City’s hydraulic model to be approaching the hydraulic capacity of the pipe, specifically during wet weather modeling scenarios. Approximately 1,200 feet of 42-inch trunk main will be installed along springhill road from the WRF to North Frontage Road. In addition, a common hydraulic control structure is also included at the interface of the WRF and interceptor tie-in location. Overall, the project will provide the necessary improvements needed to increase system capacity to meet future build-out conditions while decreasing overall risk associated with a single asset. The project will conform to the City’s Wastewater Collection Facility Master Plan Update. Total Project Cost: $1,596,700 Engineering: $231,600 Construction and Construction Administration: $1,365,100 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Consequences of delaying the project include limiting growth in the entire community until the upgrade is compoleted if the pipe is not upgraded prior to reaching capacity. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Changes include moving the project back in the CIP due to more detailed flow data and analysis available since last CIP indicating project can be delayed several years. The design and construction elements of the project were broken into different fiscal years. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $231,600 $1,365,100 $0 26***Cancelled*** Hidden Valley Lift Station (WWIF48) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $7,000,000 Total Project Cost $7,000,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Design & construct Hidden Valley Lift Station & Force Main. This project will conform to the City's Wastewater Collection Facilities Plan Update. The Davis Lift Station must be upgraded to accommodate flows from the Hidden Valley Lift Station when the Hidden Valley Lift Station is constructed. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Consequences of delaying the project include limiting growth in the northwestern corner of the City’s Growth Plan area. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP None FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,000,000 27***Cancelled*** Blackwood Groves Sewer (WWIF52) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $324,000 Total Project Cost $324,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Provide oversizing funds to support future development. The Blackwood Groves developer is oversizing sanitary sewer main associated with their project to the size required in the City’s Wastewater Facility Plan Update to accommodate future growth. The oversizing cost is provided from this fund. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Lose the high level of cost efficiency of public/private partnership associated with pipe oversizing to accommodate future development. It is much more efficient to pay for pipe oversizing when the original pipeline is being constructed instead of increasing the pipe size at a later date and with significant disruption to the public. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP None FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $220,000 $104,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 28***Cancelled*** Cottonwood Rd Sewer Capacity (WWIF53) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue and Rate Revenue $1,934,400 Total Project Cost $1,934,400 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a missing link of sanitary sewer that will allow development south of Huffine. It is identified in the Wastewater Collection Facility Plan Update. Total project cost: $1,934,400 Engineering (FY25): $312,000 Construction (FY26): $1,622,400 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT The consequences of delaying the project include limiting growth south of Huffine in the far southwest part of the community and stranding a portion of the Davis-Lane Lift Station Asset. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Moved project up in the CIP to open significant lands south of Huffine for development and provide sewer service to those lands. Broke out design and construction elements of the projects into different fiscal years. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $312,000 $1,622,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 29***Cancelled*** Northwest Crossing Sewer Oversizing (WWIF54) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Negligible FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $263,100 Total Project Cost $263,100 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sewer main oversizing for development project. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT The consequences of delaying the project include losing the high level of cost efficiency of public/private partnership associated with pipe oversizing to accommodate future development. It is much more efficient to pay for pipe oversizing when the original pipeline is being constructed instead of increasing the pipe size at a later date and with significant disruption to the public. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP None FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $263,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30***Cancelled*** Turnrow Subdivision Sewer Oversize (WWIF57) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $108,200 Total Project Cost $108,200 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sewer main oversizing for development project. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT The consequences of delaying the project include losing high level of cost efficiency of public/private partnership associated with pipe oversizing to accommodate future development. It is much more efficient to pay for pipe oversizing when the original pipeline is being constructed instead of increasing the pipe size at a later date and with significant disruption to the public. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP New FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $108,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 31***Cancelled*** Fowler Sewer Upgrade (WWIF58) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Operations Infrastructure Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $1,134,100 Total Project Cost $1,134,100 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE 4. A Well-Planned City DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will construct a 24-inch sanitary sewer main in conjunction with Fowler Road construction project. Sewer main construction will occur from Oak to Durston. Total project cost: 1,134,100 Design (FY25): $145,600 Construction and Construction Administration (FY26): $988,500 CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT This project must be matched with the Fowler project defined in the street impact fee program. If constructed after the Fowler Road upgrade, it will be costly and disruptive to tear up the new street at a later date to construct the sewer main. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Match timing to Fowler Road Upgrade in the Street Impact Fee program. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $145,600 $988,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 32***Cancelled*** WRF Screw Press Upgrade (WWIF59) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Equipment Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $1,540,000 Total Project Cost $1,540,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace the existing screw press no. 1 with a new larger capacity screw press of similar capacity as the unit with 2022 solids handling expansion project. WRF facility plan improvement anticipated in 2030. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited until WRF capacity is increased. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Added to unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,540,000 33***Cancelled*** WRF Screw Press No. 3 Improvement (WWIF60) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Equipment Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $2,651,000 Total Project Cost $2,651,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Install new screw press Number 3. The improvement will require solids handling building expansion. The WRF facility plan estimates this improvement to occur in 2035. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited until WRF capacity is increased if capacity of the solids handling system is reached prior to upgrading this system. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Added to unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,651,000 34***Cancelled*** WRF Additional Peps Pump (WWIF61) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Equipment Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $869,000 Total Project Cost $869,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of additional peps pump to provide necessary pumping capacity to treat 14.6 mgd plant upgrade avg day design flow. WRF facility plan improvement anticipated in 2040. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited until WRF capacity is increased. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Added to unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $869,000 35***Cancelled*** WRF Additional Headworks Screen (WWIF62) FUND DEPARTMENT PROJECT TYPE IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET Wastewater Impact Fee Wastewater Plant Equipment Minimal FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT: Impact Fee Revenue $792,000 Total Project Cost $792,000 STRATEGIC PLAN, IF APPLICABLE N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project includes installation of an additional headworks screen as loading increases. Use adaptive planning to determine year required per facility plan. CONSEQUENCES OF DELAYING PROJECT Growth will be limited until WRF capacity is increased. CHANGES FROM PRIOR CIP Added to unscheduled. FUND FY23 ACTUAL FY24 PROJECTION FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 UNSCHEDULED Wastewater Impact Fee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $792,000 36***Cancelled*** COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOVEMBER 20, 2023 FY25-FY29 Water and Wastewater Impact Fee CIPs Summary 37***Cancelled*** MAJOR THEMES UTILITIES •Major escalation in contractor services •Local utilities construction cost escalation ranging from 53%-78% over the past 5 years. •Almost all current bids lack competition, resulting in costs increases beyond national inflation •Leverage outside funding resources •Funds must balance over 5-yr plan •FY25-29 CIP assumes use of financing options using the State Revolving Loan Fund Program •Capacity Expanding Projects •Water Reclamation Facility expansion from 8.5 million-gallons-per-day (MGD) to 14.6 MGD •Large sanitary sewer main construction to increase capacity in several areas of the community •Construction of sewer and water mains concurrent with Fowler and Stucky Road streets projects •New groundwater well supply •Expansion of water service area in southwest portion of community 38***Cancelled*** MAJOR THEMES UTILITIES •Project Prioritization •Support Infill •Support of Housing Creation •Additional Water Supply •Additional Capacity at Water Reclamation Facility •Pipes Capacity Increases 39***Cancelled*** COST TRENDS UTILITIES •8-inch water pipe replacement costs increased from $214/foot to $328/foot over 5 years •8-inch sewer pipe replacement costs increased from $177/foot to $315/foot over 5 years $150.00 $170.00 $190.00 $210.00 $230.00 $250.00 $270.00 $290.00 $310.00 $330.00 $350.00 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Water Pipe Unit Costs $150.00 $170.00 $190.00 $210.00 $230.00 $250.00 $270.00 $290.00 $310.00 $330.00 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Sewer Pipe Unit Costs 40***Cancelled*** REVENUE SOURCES UTILITIES Water Impact Fee Revenue in 2023 to date, not including financing = $2,719,100 (5-Year Revenue at current rate = $13,600,00) Wastewater Impact Fee Revenue in 2023 to date, not including financing = $1,644,400 (5-Year Revenue at current rate = $8,222,000) Notes: 1.Water and Wastewater Rates Funds also fund capital projects. 2.City in process of impact fee analysis. 41***Cancelled*** MAJOR PROJECTS UTILITIES –WATER IMPACT FEES * Financing will be needed to fund major projects (Groundwater Well and Transmission, Western Transmission Main and W. Sourdough Reservoir). 42***Cancelled*** MAJOR PROJECTS UTILITIES –WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES * Financing will be needed to fund major projects (WRF Base Hydraulic Upgrades Phases 1 and 2, and N. Frontage Road Interceptor and WRF Interceptor). 43***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WATER IMPACT FEE •Projects Highlights: •Groundwater well design and construction •Water Main Construction in conjunction with Stucky Road project in Street Impact Fee program •New water pressure zone development in the southwestern portion of the community •Pipe oversizing in conjunction with development –Public/Private Partnerships •Blackwood Groves Subdivision •Turnrow Subdivision •Northwest Crossing Subdivision 44***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WATER IMPACT FEE •Major Projects •Groundwater Well Design 45***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WATER IMPACT FEE •Major Projects •Water main construction in conjunction with Stucky Road project 46***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WATER IMPACT FEE •Major Projects •New Water Pressure Zone Development in Southwest Portion of Community 47***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WATER IMPACT FEE •Major Projects •Pipe oversizing in conjunction with development projects Northwest Crossing Blackwood Groves Turnrow Subdivision 48***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES •Project Highlights •Water Reclamation Facility Base Hydraulic Upgrade Phases 1 and 2 •Cottonwood Road Sewer •Fowler Sewer Construction in conjunction with Fowler Road project in Street Impact Fee program •N. Frontage Road and WRF Sewer Interceptors •Infill Sewer Main Upgrades •Kagy Boulevard to Olive Street Sewer Main •4th Ave, Babcock Street, and Grande Ave Sewer Main •N. 9 th, W. Villard, and S. 9 th Sewer Main •Pipe oversizing in conjunction with development –Public/Private Partnerships •Blackwood Groves Subdivision •Northwest Crossing Subdivision •Turnrow Subdivision 49***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE Water Reclamation Facility Base Hydraulic Upgrade Phases 1 and 2 50***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE Cottonwood Road Sewer 51***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE Fowler Road sewer in conjunction with Street Impact Fee projects 52***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE North Frontage Road and WRF Interceptor Sewers 53***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE Infill Sewer Main Upgrades Kagy Boulevard to Olive Street Sewer Main 4th Ave, Babcock Street, and Grande Ave Sewer Main N. 9 th, W. Villard, and S. 9 th Sewer Main 54***Cancelled*** HIGHLIGHTS WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE Pipe oversizing in conjunction with development projects Northwest Crossing Subdivision Blackwood Groves Subdivision Turnrow Subdivision 55***Cancelled*** Memorandum REPORT TO:Community Development Board FROM:Chris Saunders, Community Development Manager Erin George, Community Development Deputy Director Anna Bentley, Community Development Director SUBJECT:Upcoming Community Development Board Schedule for January and February 2024 MEETING DATE:November 20, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Receive information. STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:The Community Development Board usually meets on the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month. If one of those meeting dates is a holiday and a meeting would be cancelled, that meeting is moved to the following Monday. January 2024 and February 2024 have meetings affected by this issue. Meeting dates for these months will be: January 8, 2024 January 22, 2024 February 5, 2024 February 26, 2024 UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Report compiled on: November 6, 2023 56***Cancelled*** Memorandum REPORT TO:Community Development Board FROM:Chris Saunders, Community Development Manager Erin George, Community Development Deputy Director Anna Bentley, Community Development Director SUBJECT:Upcoming Items for the December 4, 2023, Community Development Board Meeting. MEETING DATE:November 20, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Information only, no action required. STRATEGIC PLAN:4.2 High Quality Urban Approach: Continue to support high-quality planning, ranging from building design to neighborhood layouts, while pursuing urban approaches to issues such as multimodal transportation, infill, density, connected trails and parks, and walkable neighborhoods. BACKGROUND:The following items are scheduled for the December 4, 2023, Community Development Board meeting. 1. Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan - Considered in role as Planning Commission. Document text is available at https://gallatinvalleyplan.bozeman.net/ [External Link]. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:None. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Report compiled on: November 15, 2023 57***Cancelled***