HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300223960734300) O' FITX _ Northwest r a"a _ % Y f � x �,v 14' �' `� � t fir• FILE REVIEW SHEET T , PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 'ile Name: ���joAcyN File Number. reference Files: Date Date Done N/A Due Done By DRC initial week review ❑ DRC second week review ❑ � a DRC final week review l C ( ❑ DRB review ❑ • s, 1 DRB staff report due ( 33 ❑ WRB review- if applicable ❑ Comments from other review agencies due '❑ Notice to applicant and adjoiners (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days n �� El the City Commission hearing) `� Post notice (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days before the City ❑ Commission hearing) (p�� Newspaper notice (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days before the City ❑ Conuxiission hearing) c City Commission staff report due l� ❑ City Commission hearing date �(� ❑ Final approval letter to applicant ❑ Recommended Recommended Approval Recommended Approval with Conditions Denial Date N/A DRC action ❑ DRB action ❑ WRB action ❑ Approved Approved with Conditions Denied Date CityComrnission action Date Final Site Plan due: Improvements Agreement required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date returned: Date of Final Site Plan approval: Date Final Site Plan approval expires: Date financial guarantee received: Date financial guarantee expires: Date financial guarantee released: Date Temporary Occupancy is granted: Date Final Occupancy is granted: FILE REVIEW SHEET PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT pile Name: E�— File Number. Ca (� Zeference Files: Date Date Done N/A Due Done By DRC initial week review 0` ❑ DRC second week review ❑ DRC final week review a ❑ DRB review ❑ DRB staff report due ❑ WRB review- if applicable ❑ Comments from other review agencies due ❑ Notice to applicant and adjoiners (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days before the City Commission hearing) El�� Post notice (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days before the City Commission hearing) d� Newspaper notice (not less than 15 or more than 30 working days before the City ❑ Commission hearing) or lb� City Commission staff report due i AD ❑ City Commission hearing date ❑ Final approval letter to applicant ❑ Recommended Recommended Approval Recommended Date N/A Approval with Conditions Denial DRC action ❑ DRB action ❑ WRB action ❑ Approved Approved with Conditions Denied Date City Commission action Date Final Site Plan due: Improvements Agreement required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date returned: Date of Final Site Plan approval: Date Final Site Plan approval expires: Date financial guarantee received: Date financial guarantee expires: Date financial guarantee released: Date Temporary Occupancy is granted: Date Final Occupancy is granted: 11319 �roject Activi' os city o.�FDozeman ® ® Department of Flanning Fy Community Deve,opment Project Nam- e: �� File No: Date I Activity Staff I Staff Cumulative emb.er(s) Hours Hours 1Vl i l t - 3 G& s i I v s �s i -!5 i I I I i I I I "k __7j_ FILE REVIEW FOR COMPLETENESS B IF COMPLETE, GIVE TO CAROL F R FILE. IF INCOMPLETE, WRITE/CONTACT APPLICANT AND EXPLAIN WHY BY: To DRC: 9 � /%��D To DRB: DRB Report due: /D 7 To Planning Board Planning Board Report due: To Zoning Corrunission: Zoning Commission Report due:j- To City Commission: City Commission packet due: City Commissior Wor1--Session:: - Notice to Paper L /d publication Notice to Adjoinersners/� C 4�, 10 .. 1 deviation from Section 18.16.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code,to allow a two-household residential use on a lot that is 15 feet narrower than the required 60-foot width. The subject property is located at 613 West Babcock Street. Public hearing 1 Mayor Cetraro opened the public hearing. Historic Preservation Planner Bristor presented the staff report and noted this application is to legalize an existing basement apartment,which was unlawfully established in 1985. Staff has reviewed this application in light of the applicable criteria and recommends conditional approval. Staff's comprehensive findings can be found in the written staff report. No public comment has been received. No one was present to speak in opposition to this requested Certificate of Appropriateness. Since there were no Commissioner objections, Mayor Cetraro closed the public hearing. Decision It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Kirchhoff, that the Certificate of Appropriateness requested by Eric Matthews under Application No. Z-04233, to allow the lawful establishment of an existing basement apartment on the East one-half of Lot 27 and all of Lot 28, Block E, Story's Addition,with a deviation from Section 18.16.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code,to allow a two-household residential use on a lot that is 15 feet narrower than the required 60-foot width, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall entirely enclose the closet space in the second-floor bedroom/office (as depicted in the submitted materials). The applicant shall schedule a building inspection with Bozeman Code Enforcement Officer Hasler, to confirm the closet enclosure prior to the legal establishment of the second dwelling unit. Ms. Hasler may be reached by phone at 406-582-2260. 2. The Bozeman Water/Sewer Department requires separate sewer services for each building and connections to the main. The existing garage on site has a sewer service that was established without the knowledge of the Sewer and/or Building Departments and was not inspected. Therefore, the applicant shall be required to pull out the existing sewer service between the garage and house. The service shall be redirected to the main in West Babcock Avenue. The applicant shall pay all applicable fees affiliated with the change in sewer lines. Since the service from the garage to the house was never inspected, the applicant shall confer with the Building Department to see if the service will need to be dug up for inspection. 3. The applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all required fees prior to construction, and within one year of Certificate of Appropriateness approval, or this approval shall become null and void. 4. This project shall be constructed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness with one deviation application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved drawings shall invalidate the project's approval unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Planning prior to undertaking said modifications, as required by Section 18.64.110 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Kirchhoff, Commissioner Hietala, Commissioner Krauss, and Mayor Cetraro; those voting No, none. Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development with Certificate of Appropriateness-to allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility, consisting of a 56,610- 10-11-04 square-foot large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area office space and warehousing: a 33 220-square-foot large scale retail structure for drive-through pickup area; and 148,949-square-foot outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area with relaxations to increase the area occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135 percent of the total square footage of the retail building(s), to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208,and to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot - CTA Designworks representing Kenyon Noble for Jerry Perkins/Peter K. Nelson (northwest corner of intersection of West Oak Street and North 11th Avenue) (Z-04230) This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development with a Certificate of Appropriateness, as requested by CTA Designworks representing applicant Kenyon Noble for landowners Jerry Perkins and Peter K. Nelson under Application No. Z-04230, to allow ±17.7 acres described as Tract 3A, Certificate of Survey No. 1215F, to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility, consisting of a 56,610-square-foot large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space and warehousing; a 33,220-square-foot large scale retail structure for drive-through pickup area;and 148,949-square-foot outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area,with the following relaxations: from Section 18.40.180.B.2., Bozeman Municipal Code,to increase the area occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135 percent of the total square footage of the retail building(s);from Section 18.44.090.C.2.b.(1), to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; from Section 18.46.040.B.1., to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208; and from Section 18.52.060.A.1., and to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of West Oak Street and North 11th Avenue. Public hearing Mayor Cetraro opened the public hearing. Planning Director Epple reviewed the staff report, noting four relaxations are being requested. Staff has concerns regarding the character of the warehouse building and wants more design elements included on the north side of both buildings. The Planning Director added that staff does not support the extra warehouse and storage area unless a condition is added to increase the size of the north yard setback to 25 feet, with landscaping similar to that required for the Oak Street entryway corridor, and adding a substantial screening fence on the northern boundary . Staff has reviewed this application in light of the applicable criteria and recommends conditional approval. Staff's comprehensive findings can be found in the written staff report. The Director of Public Service has approved the requested relaxation to allow a 50- foot commercial drive access. Scott Bechtle, CTA Architects, stated it is important for the design team and the owners to create a beautiful large-scale retail facility, which doesn't appear as a big box store. The major emphasis will be in showcasing Kenyon Noble's products; and it is key to integrate the building into the landscape, with lots of open space. Kenyon Noble has been in business in Bozeman for over 100 years, and this project reinforces the Ogles' commitment to doing business in this community. Mr. Bechtle pointed out the most important and critical of the requested relaxations is the one to allow an increase in the area to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 119 percent of the total square footage of the retail buildings at full build out. Candace Mastel, CTA Architects, noted the site layout responds to the applicants' need for wholesale and contractor use and will be bounded on four sides by city-standard streets, having been designed to allow easy access for customers,while taking into considerationypossible effects on other uses. The drive-through access is critical to the Kenyon Noble operation, allowing customers to enter from North 11th Avenue and exit onto North 14th Avenue. The landscaping plan is being modified and expanded in response to Design Review Board and Planning Department suggestions to meet residential landscaping requirements in order to gain points for open space. Ms. Mastel requested Commission approval of the requested signage relaxation to allow a second monument sign per zoned lot, which was approved by the Design Review Board; but Planning staff recommends denial unless the total permitted signage is reduced to under 200 square feet. Neal Ainsworth, Gallatin Valley Real Estate, stated he was in the process of finalizing the plans for buildings D and E on the Tange property on Oak Street, until he found out a lumber yard was being proposed for the site next door. It is of grave concern to him to continue his building plans when a lumber yard doesn't blend in with the motif of this area, which is not an industrial site. While the building design 10-11-04 - 12 - � a is outstanding, an outdoor storage facility is not appropriate next to an award-winning development. If this application is approved, he will not continue his office building project. Greg Allen, representing the Tange family, said this planned unit development does not fit with the approved projects in this area, none of which include industrial development, such as a lumber yard. The Tanges welcome the Ogles' retail building, which is gorgeous, as long as the outside storage yard is omitted. This proposal is the improper use of a PUD, and it shouldn't be used to degrade this property. Mr. Allen questioned what will happen with the remainder of this land once 17 acres is developed as an industrial use. Carl Solvie, 1901 South Tracy Avenue and manager of Best Western GranTree Inn, said he supports this project, characterizing it as a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Dave Hutchinson, 3075 Reserve Street, Missoula, stated he developed the Bridger Peaks Town Center; and he has now entered into a contract with Jerry Perkins to put a planned unit development on all remaining property after this 17 acres is sold to Kenyon Noble. They feel the Ogles' team has done a masterful job, and they are fully supportive of this project. Lowell Springer, 3207 Augusta Drive, voiced his support of this project, saying this is an excellent mixed use of a commercial area and a quality building and landscaping plan. Mike Gaffke, 16 Buckhorn Trail, urged the Commission to support this project, noting Kenyon Noble has a proven reputation in this community; and the local businesses need to be supported. Chuck Lorenz,general manager of Kenyon Noble,stated this facility will allow them to better service this community,which is rapidly growing. They have been in business for 116 years because they are good neighbors, and no one is more concerned with this community than the Ogles. Don Stueck, representing Martel Construction, said the Ogles told them that they wanted to build a project that would showcase them as leaders in the community, in competition with big box stores. The Ogles were guided to this location by Planning staff, and they have met all entryway corridor guidelines. The Martels encourage Commission support of this project and the requested relaxations. Rick Ogle, 210 East Lincoln Street, thanked the Commission for its consideration, saying they believe they have tried to do this process the right way from the very beginning, including asking Planning staff's opinion of four possible locations. The outside storage yard is crucial to their business's ability to compete with the big box stores, and they have a proven formula that works at their Belgrade location. He asked the Commission to treat them fairly, like they did Home Depot. City Manager Kukulski stated that this is an organization that has been in business for over 100 years in this community that now wants to make the commitment to take on the two largest retailers in the country. For the Commission to try to move this project forward should be an honor. In response to Mayor Cetraro's request, the Planning Director reviewed the four requested relaxations, repeating that given the size and scale of the outdoor sales and storage area, staff feels there should be a 25-foot setback,which is landscaped heavily,along the north side. Mr. Bechtle noted that does not work for the applicant because that setback cannot be included in the open space calculation. Chris Ogle added that space is needed for'backstock, so they will not have to frequently restock. In answer to Commissioner Krauss's inquiry, Planning Director Epple said the Commission can entertain Oak Street setbacks of 10, 12, or 15 feet, but staff feels 25 feet is the standard commercial front- yard setback. Commissioner Kirchhoff stated this seems like an appropriate site for this project because of the way . it has been designed and the fact that it is bounded on all four sides by streets, which provides protection for the contiguous landowners. He appreciates the reduced parking because it will not create a sea of parking in front of the building. Commissioner Kirchhoff voiced his support of this application, including the granting of the four requested relaxations, because of the excellence of the final product and the accrual of points for superior design. 10-11-04 - 13 - Commissioner Krauss noted this project is different than what the other landowners expected to have on this property, but this is an ancient business that will now be allowed to compete with the retailers that local businesses aren't usually able to compete with very well. The city will be getting an outstanding building on Oak Street that is far superior to anything on the entryway corridor. He supports this application, with some modifications of staff recommendations, because of the high design and the willingness of this company to compete in this market. Commissioner Krauss suggested backing up the 8-foot fence on the north side by five or ten feet and landscaping it better. Mr. Stueck pointed out that on the revised landscaping plan, rather than a 25-foot setback on the north, the architects have proposed jogging the fence and planting big trees in the jogs to break it up and provide a buffer. Mayor Cetraro agreed with Commissioner Krauss's comments, saying he feels comfortable with granting the relaxations, as requested. Commissioner Hietala also concurred with Commissioner comments made so far, stating he is comfortable with the plan; and he is happy to accommodate local business expansion. City Manager Kukulski cautioned the Commission that there will be other requests to approve deviations for the outside storage area in the future. In addition to the beauty of this structure, the landscaping must offer an addition to the building design to create something that can be pointed to in the future when considering other projects. Planning Director Epple suggested a change to condition number two,which would indicate that the north setback should be landscaped in the manner presented by CTA Architects, on October 11 th, on the revised landscaping plan, to provide for the fence offsets and extra landscaping. He further suggested a change to condition number three to require that the sign plan does not exceed 400 square feet and must be approved by Administrative Design Review staff or the Development Review Committee. Commissioner Youngman pointed out the signs cannot be seen from across the site because they aren't tall, so to have two signs on property with four frontages is acceptable because of the topographical constraints. She then noted that condition number 15 should be deleted; the Planning Director agreed. Since there were no Commissioner objections, Mayor Cetraro closed the public hearing. Decision It was moved by Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Commissioner Hietala, that the Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development with a Certificate of Appropriateness, as requested by CTA Designworks representing applicant Kenyon Noble for landowners Jerry Perkins and Peter K. Nelson under Application No. Z-04230, to allow±17.7 acres described as Tract 3A, Certificate of Survey No. 1215F, to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility,consisting of a 56,610-square-foot large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space and warehousing; a 33,220-square-foot large scale retail structure for drive-through pickup area; and 148,949-square-foot outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area, with the following relaxations: to increase the area occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135 percent of the total square footage of the retail building(s); to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208; and to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The outdoor storage fence shall be a minimum of eight feet. 2. Four offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 3. The total permitted signage shall not exceed 400 square feet; and two low profile, freestanding signs shall be permitted,but only one may be located on the Oak Street frontage, subject to ADR review and approval. 10-11-04 - 14 - � 1 4. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDs) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 5. Water rights,or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 6. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/ rights-of-way, and open space and shall be included on the site plan. 7. The final site plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale.retail structure with additional architectural detailing including,but not limited to,additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 8. The final site plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 9. The final site plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 10. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: a. Street improvements to West Oak Street including,but not limited to, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage(unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of West Oak and North 14th Avenue. C. Signalization of the intersection of West Oak Street and North 11 th Avenue. d. Signalization of the intersection of West Oak Street and North 15th Avenue. e. Intersection improvements at West Oak Street and North 7th Avenue. 11. A traffic control plan, which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site, shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed, and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance Section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. 12. The north side of West Oak Street shall be widened from North 11 th Avenue to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width(78 feet back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing road width on the west end. 13. The southern half(30 feet)of the public street right of way for what is referred to as "OP Street" and the eastern half(30 feet)of North 14th Avenue shall be dedicated to the City prior to final site plan approval. 10-11-04 14. The applicant is advised that OP Street and North 14th Avenue shall be improved, as part of this development, to one half of a local street standard as shown in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update. Also, 12 feet of pavement for the opposing lane of travel shall be provided. City standard sidewalk, curb, and gutter will be required in the standard location on the sides of the street that are adjacent to the developing property. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Kirchhoff, Commissioner Hietala, Commissioner Krauss, Commissioner Youngman,and Mayor Cetraro;those voting No, none. Break - 9:55 to 10:10 pm Mayor Cetraro declared a break from 9:55 pm until 10:10 pm in accordance with Commission policy. Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness-to allow construction of 37.000-sguare- foot solid waste transfer station and accessory buildings - Springer Group Architects and Allied Engineering for the City of Bozeman (Red Wing Drive at the extension of Wheat Drive) (Z-04229) This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness requested by Springer Group Architects and Allied Engineering for the City of Bozeman under Application No.Z-04229,to allowthe construction of a 37,000-square-foot solid waste transfer station and accessory buildings on Tracts 4A and B, Certificate of Survey No.2153. The subject property is located between the North 7th Avenue interchange and the North 19th Avenue interchange, east of Interstate 90 and south of US Highway 10 and Red Wing Drive. Public hearing Mayor Cetraro opened the public hearing. Associate Planner Morris presented the staff report, noting access will be provided from Wheat Drive, which will be extended to this site. This application has been reviewed by the Design Review Board on two separate occasions. One letter of opposition has been received by staff and was included in the Commission packets. Scott Smith, Allied Engineering, stated communications have taken place with Montana Rail Link, and preliminary discussions indicate this site is feasible for a potential rail spur. A wastewater system will be developed so that any water that comes in contact with waste will be run through a drain system to a holding tank and sampling vault before being released to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Lowell Springer, Springer Architects, pointed out the lowest elevation of this parcel lends itself to accessing trucks to the loading area,while minimizing the height of the building. All views of this site, other than the overpass one, will be diminished because of the height of the railroad track and the berming, coupled with the contour of the land. The roundness of the roof will help this transfer station to blend into the topography, and the blue color of the roof blends with the sky and mountain hues. Mr. Springer said he has talked with the neighbors,and they seem to be more appeased than it was originally thought they might be. Carolyn Rogers, 1523 Manley Road, stated her concern is for the neighbors. She requested good landscaping blockage and increased landscaping, particularly trees, good sound blockage, and reduced building height. Dustin Johnson, project engineer, responded that noise pollution will be addressed by virtue of the fact that this facility will be totally enclosed,which will also reduce the odor. He added there will be very little impact to Frontage Road when this station is operational. Director of Public Service Arkell distributed a memo on transfer station cost comparisons, prepared by SCS Engineering, between the contemplated sites on Love Lane, Griffin Drive, the current landfill, and the Mandeville farm. 10-11-04 fi Responding to Commissioner Youngman, Mr. Springer stated that this site is one of only two M-2 zoned appropriate sites, with the Idaho Pole site being the other, but it is still "brown". The proposed sites went through rigorous evaluations, and this site came out way above the other sites. Mr. Springer acknowledged that concerns have been raised regarding the use of the rest of this site; and it will be master planned soon, but will most likely include the shop complex. Commissioner Krauss stated use of this land needs to be maximized to help defray the costs, suggesting efficiently using this resource would include a project that will justify a rail spur in the future. City Manager Kukulski agreed, saying a high-quality industrial park,which would create high-paying jobs for the community,would be a real asset. Commissioner Hietala questioned the costs of the street improvements and was told those costs include intersection upgrades and 3,000 linear feet of road, paving, curb, and gutter. Commissioner Youngman suggested the use of recyclables as much as possible, saying use of anything green would help make this a model building that the community can be proud of. Following discussion, Commissioner Hietala exercised his right to delay the decision on this item for one week. The Commissioners provided staff, architects, and engineers with questions they would like answered next week, if possible. Commission Resolution No. 3740 - creating SID No. 675, improvements to North 19th Avenue from Baxter Lane to Valley Center Road Commission Resolution No. 3737-creating SID No. 676, improvements to Valley Center Road from North 19th Avenue to just west of North 27th Avenue Commission Resolution No 3738 - creating SID No 677 improvements to traffic signal at intersection of North 19th Avenue and Valley Center Road Commission Resolution No. 3739-creating SID No. 678, installation of traffic signal at intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street Included in the Commissioners' packets were copies of Commission Resolution Nos. 3740, 3737, 3738, and 3739 entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3740 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.675;CREATING THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND AND ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3737 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.676;CREATING THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND AND ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. 10-11-04 CIAF BOZEMAN ` DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net October 13, 2004 CTA Designworks Attn: Candace Mastel 10180 Cottonwood Road Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for the Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, #Z-04230 Dear Candace, At its October 11, 2004 public hearing, the Bozeman City Commission voted unanimously, 5-0, to conditionally approve Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan. Regarding Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development, the Planning Director hereby grants approval contingent upon satisfactorily meeting the following conditions: 1. The outdoor storage fence shall be a minimum of eight(8) feet. 2. Four (4) offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 3. The total permitted signage shall not exceed 400 square feet, and two low profile freestanding signs shall be permitted but only one may be located on the Oak Street frontage, subject to ADR review and approval. 4. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDS) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 5. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 6. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/rights-of-way and open space, and shall be included on the site plan. 7. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. -planning • zoning • subdivision review . annexation • historic preservation . housing . grant administration . neighborhood coordination 8. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 9. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights; solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 10. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: a. Street improvements to Oak Street including but not limited to paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 141h Ave. C. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Ave. d. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 15th Ave. e. Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 7tn 11. A traffic control plan which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed, and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance Section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. 12. The north side of Oak Street shall be widened from 11 th Street to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing road width on the west end. 13. The southern half(30 feet) of the public street right of way for what is referred to as "OP Street" and the eastern half(30 feet) of North 14th Avenue shall be dedicated to the City prior to Final Site Plan approval. 14. The applicant is advised that OP Street and North 14th Avenue shall be improved, as part of this development, to one half of a local street standard as shown in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update. Also, 12 feet of pavement for the opposing lane of travel shall be provided. City standard sidewalk, curb and gutter will be required in the standard location on the sides of the street that are adjacent to the developing property. In addition to the specific conditions listed above, the final plan shall comply with the standards identified below and referenced in the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.1. of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • That all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of Page 2 the land, his successors Aigns, shall be consented to in writin�and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final site plan approval or commencement of the conditional use pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • The applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final PUD Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. • A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. • The applicant shall enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City to guarantee the installation of required on-site improvements at the time of Final Site Plan submittal. If occupancy of the structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on- site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. • The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. • Street vision triangles shall be delineated on the landscaping plan. • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • A scaled, detailed plan of all parking facilities, including bicycle racks, accessible parking including aisles, ramps and signage, and standard aisle and parking spaces shall be provided. • Prior to final plan approval, a common area and facility maintenance plan and guarantee shall be provided for the permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recreational areas, stormwater facilities and parking lots in accordance with Chapter 18.72 or the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The same shall be submitted to the city attorney and shall not be accepted by the city until approved as to legal form and effect. A draft of these documents must be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department at least 30 days prior to filing and recordation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. • Applicant shall provide a soils report, along with building plans, to the Building Division, recommending types of foundations. If development shall occur in phases, the soils report may address those lots within the proposed phase. • Applicant shall verify the provision of the PUD performance points in accordance with Section 18.36.090.E(7) of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Page 3 • 0 • The landscaping in the 50-foot setback shall be enhanced to meet the minimum requirements of the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19`h Avenue/Oak Street Entryway Corridor. • The Final Site Plan shall include the details of the outdoor sales area and yard office. • The applicant shall provide a color palette for the buildings, including material samples and color chips, for review and approval by the Planning Office, prior to Final Site Plan approval. • The landscaping plan appears to achieve 23 points. However, the residential adjacency screening along the south side does not meet the minimum standards. The tabulation table needs to be corrected. • The Final Site Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A complete legend of all line types used shall also be provided. • A Storm Water Drainage/Treatment Grading Plan and Maintenance Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. • A comprehensive utilities design report for water and sewer main extensions, prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana has been provided to the City Engineer. The applicant is advised that although the general utilities design concept has been reviewed, the submitted data will be subject to further review as part of the infrastructure plan and specification review process for each phase. • Easements for the water and sewer main extensions shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width, with the utility located in the center of the easement. In no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from edge of easement. • Sewer and water services shall be shown on the FSP and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. • The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properly depicted, as well as nearby fire hydrants. Proposed main extensions shall be labeled "proposed". • All existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer infrastructure within the scope of the project must be clearly depicted and labeled on the Final Site, landscaping, paving, and drainage plan sheets. • All existing utility and other easements must be shown on the FSP. • Plans and Specifications for streets and storm drainage facilities for each phase, prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer(PE) registered in the State of Montana shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for Construction Inspection, Post-Construction Certification, and preparation of mylar Record Drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. Page 4 No building permits shall issued prior to substantial complete. . and City acceptance of the required infrastructure improvements unless otherwise allowed by specific approval of the City Commission under the provisions of Chapters 18.36 and 18.74 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • City standard sidewalk shall be installed and properly depicted at the standard location (i.e., 1 foot off property line) along the street(s) frontage. Any deviation to the standard alignment or location must be approved by the City Engineer. • Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or drop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the FSP. • Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. • An Occupancy Permit must be obtained from the Montana Department of Transportation for location of water and sewer mains within the State's right-of-way. • All street names shall be reviewed and approved by the Gallatin County Road Office and City Engineering Office. • The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard approach (i.e., concrete apron, sidewalk section and drop-curb) and shown as such on the FSP. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. Engineering Staff will require additional proof of necessity to allow the non-residential driveway approach for arterial streets to be used on the accesses along North 141h Avenue and North 11`h Avenue. • Plans and Specifications for any fire service line must be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a Professional Engineer (PE), and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • If construction activities related to the project result in the disturbance of more that 1 acre of natural ground, an erosion/sediment control plan may be required. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Bureau, shall be contacted by the Applicant to determine if a Storm Water Discharge Permit is necessary. • The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. Please be advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Page 5 0 . I will send the original documents for the IA, CUP conditions and SID waivers to you when they are complete. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me, 586-5266, or the Planning Department at 582-2260. a erely, OJA-' � Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Attn: Jon Olson, P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771-1113 Page 6 I t i .} --____ I • • Ile go AR �Al low 3 �{� Yr sc 7► �,S7t,34"" -7,o F°� m'- SAC. .y�� " L '�`"";I%.. a I�'! f3 - -.<`c �7 s�;., �� � Y _ rr, .'''y--�� �'�,�� ✓�fi,k_ tr _ �t-3c� .:` .e'`'�'���a,�yR�`� _. — i �!�!"'�"�_ .Gam- (� ' �- _ I- —fie. /i 1 I, a + ~� /, 1� � � - .�:�T: r &Joe ••.\+ .��' :i:. _ - ���+- „� � �=-• �..,.+ m�pi,�-�����. f __ � �_ _ __.__ __�....-�-. 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Our concern is threefold. First, we are concerned by the severe financial impact this project has already had on our 1001 Oak project due to lost potential tenants who did not want to be located next to a LUMBER YARD. Secondly, we are concerned that this project will also affect the value of our remaining undeveloped land along 11th Avenue. Thirdly, we question the consideration that has been given to planning the development of the roughly 200 acres that is bordered by Baxter Lane to the north, 11th Avenue to the east Durston Road to the south and Bridger Peaks Center to the west. This area is critical to the future of Bozeman. The Commission's and Planning Department's recognition of this is evidenced by the two special overlay districts that have been created to implement further guidelines for development in this area. The proposed Kenyon Noble project effectively reduces the zoning in the area to M-1 or M-2. Is this really what we want to do with an area so critical to Bozeman's economic future? If the County jail and all the offices that would have come with it were not good enough for this area, are we to believe that a LUMBER YARD is? Our fear is that this project will be approved due to the role the current Kenyon Noble site plays in the future plans for the Arts at City Center project. Is the Arts at City Center project so important to Bozeman that the Commission is willing to sacrifice an area that is clearly becoming a commercial, retail and residential core of Bozeman, to bad planning? This memorandum addresses the issues brought up by the City of Bozeman Planning Department and points out the areas in which we believe this project is in violation of city ordinance. 1. Relaxations from Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) A. Limitation on Size. KNL requests that it be allowed to increase the area allowed for outdoor sales and storage. Planning staff computes the request at 135% of the total foot print of the buildings after future expansion. Whether or not the warehouse and future expansion areas should be included in this computation is somewhat irrelevant. The fact remains that even with these questionable elements included in the computation the total outdoor storage and sales area (LUMBER YARD; See Photo Exhibits 1 and 2) exceeds what the UDO allows (exclusive of provisions provided under a PUD) by 54001o. Further, according to the UDO outdoor storage is not a permitted use in a B-2 zoning district. It is a permitted and accessory use in both M-1 and M-2 districts (See Photo Exhibits 3 and 4). Even in these industrial districts outdoor storage is to be "screened from the street and surrounding properties by a solid fence or dense planting of AT LEAST 6 feet in height" (See Photo Exhibits 5 - 8). We believe this computation is incorrect to the extent that it includes in the calculation future expansion space that may or may not ever be built, therefore we believe the calculation should be as follows: Retail Building Footprint 53,700 Warehouse Building Footprint 33,220 TOTAL SF for CALCULATION 86,920 Allowed % per 18.40.180.B.2 .25000 Total UDO Allowed Outdoor Sales and Storage 21,730 Using these parameters the requested relaxation actually calculates to 685010 of the outdoor sales and storage space allowed under 18.40.180.B.2. One might also question whether or not the warehouse should be included in the calculation since it is clearly an auxiliary use to the main building. We strongly encourage the Commission NOT grant this request. The 1001 Oak Condominium Association, Tange Family LLC and L & C Lusvardi Trust emphatically object to this request. As already stated, granting this request would effectively change the zoning in this area from B-2 to either M-1 or M-2. Such a change would severely and adversely affect our existing developments and our vacant properties in the existing neighborhood. It would also negate the positive impact the 1001 Oak project has had in the Oak Street corridor. B. Increase driveway size. Clearly, the purpose of this request is to accommodate the large size and numbers of trucks which it is reasonable to assume would be generated by this LUMBER YARD. This would seem to clearly conflict with the objectives of PUDs outlined in, 18.36.010.L and 18.36.010.N. C. Decrease parking spaces. The reason behind this request illustrates the obvious; this is not going to be a large scale retail facility. Large scale retailers usually request more parking than is allowed not less. This is clearly a LUMBER YARD. The majority of the customers do not frequent the store, but rather place their orders by phone to be delivered by truck to their jobsite. They do not need as many parking spaces because this is not a large scale retail establishment. (See Photo Exhibit 9) 2. Zoning and Land Use All of the surrounding properties are zoned B-2 or R-3, within the West Oak Street and Entryway Corridor Overlay Districts. Allowing a LUMBER YARD in the entryway corridor sends the wrong message to other potential developers. It will turn this highly desirable location into an industrial zone right in the heart of a rapidly developing part of Bozeman. Allowing such a use is contrary to the intent of the overlay districts. It will not ensure quality development along the corridor and will not enhance visitor's impression of our community. 3. Growth Policy Designations The 2020 Plan designates this area as Regional Commercial. One would question whether or not this facility is a regional commercial use given that Kenyon Noble has stores in both Belgrade and Livingston in addition to its' existing store in Bozeman. This property is also in the Entryway Corridor Overlay district which the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan states is critical for the patterns of development in Bozeman. Bozeman is "a gateway to Yellowstone National Park and other significant tourist destinations, the visual presentation of Bozeman to the public has long-term economic impacts." Nowhere in the description of Regional Commercial does it provide for LUMBER YARDS, or other industrial facilities. The North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan section 5.2.2 Planned Unit Development Overlay, states that PUDs are necessary to help in "establish(ing) aesthetically-pleasing entryways containing harmonious (emphasis added) patterns of high- quality development(.)(See Photo Exhibit 10) (A) unified (emphasis added) plan must be developed to avoid the piece-meal strip commercial development experienced along other entryways." 4. PUD The Review criteria set out in the UDO for PUDs cannot be met by Kenyon Noble's proposal for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does NOT avoid inappropriate development of lands. 2. The proposal does NOT encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel or encourage trip consolidation and in fact, will increase large and heavy truck traffic in the area, probably necessitating a traffic light to be installed at the intersection of North 11th Avenue and West Oak Street. 3. The proposal does NOT improve the design, quality and character of new development by reducing the zoning designation. (See Photo Exhibits 11 -13) 4. The proposal does NOT protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments. The proposal accomplishes just the opposite. A LUMBER YARD should not be placed across the street from a residential development and an award winning office complex. 5. The proposal does NOT promote logical development patterns of residential, commercial, office, and industrial uses that will mutually benefit the developer, the neighborhood and the community as a whole. 5. Corridor Design Objectives This proposal does NOT meet the design objectives for an entryway corridor in the following ways: 1. The development does NOT meet Guideline B.5. It projects a large backside of lumber racks which will be presented either toward Kenyon Noble's future neighbors to the north or toward the existing office complex to the east as well as its' future neighbors to the east and west. 2. Guideline A.2 provides that there must be proper screening. This proposal allows for "a solid, opaque 6-foot tall wall." Clearly even an 8"'opaque" fence is not adequate to screen the adjoining properties from the LUMBER YARD. (See Photo Exhibits 5 -7) If the project is to be allowed then it must have some sort of barrier that effectively screens the greatly reduced outdoor storage area from the neighboring properties. ( See Photo Exhibit 8) 6. UDO Requirements can not be met UDO 18.36.030.D.1 and 18.36.030.D.3 can not be met. The application has not been accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the initial and final conditions that the modified standards will produce. This project proposal affects property outside its' PUD area. The Commission can not determine that the project will produce an environment and character superior to that produced by the existing standards of the UDO. 7. Variances 1. Section 18.66.060.D.3 provides that in no case can the City Commission grant a variance not already permitted pursuant to the UDO. 2. Section 18.66.070.B.1 while specific to subdivision variances, states that the Commission MUST make specific findings in each specific case that granting the variance will not be injurious to other adjoining properties. 3. The Commission CAN NOT find, with the information available, that the variances requested will not result in UNJUST TAKING from adjacent property owners. CONCLUSIONS This proposal does not meet the intent of the UDO, does not comply with the Growth Policy and is not supported by staff AS SUBMITTED. It is not supported by its' primary neighbors, the 1001 Oak Condominium Association, the Tange Family LLC and the L & C Lusvardi Trust. After considering the conditions recommended by the planning staff, this project will not meet the required ordinances and therefore granting the requested variances will be in violation of the UDO. Section 18.36.030 D.3 provides that if the Commission does not find that the proposed modified standards will create a project superior to that produced by the existing standards of the UDO, and which will be consistent with the intent and purpose of the UDO, then no deviation shall be granted. This project does not create a project superior to that produced by the existing standards and to grant the variances requested would violate the UDO. The Kenyon Noble project will be an excellent upgrade for them and help with the furtherance of the Arts at City Center for the City of Bozeman; however, it must happen at a different location. The City recently purchased property that is slated for industrial use on the north side of I-90. Perhaps it would be mutually beneficial for the City of Bozeman and Kenyon Noble to work together on that site. A location north or I-90 has not seemed to negatively impacted business generated by Murdock's Ranch and Home. It is our belief that the City of Bozeman needs to take a more proactive approach to planning the critical Oak/19th corridor. There should be a more comprehensive and integrated plan to coordinate the development of this area. Let's keep Bozeman a well planned city. 9-24-04 To Whom It May Concern: I am deeply disappointed by the apparent lack of a consistent and equitable vision for the City's development of the Oak Street corridor. More importantly, my livelihood, and my family's livelihoods are being threatened by a lack of a clear direction from the city of Bozeman. I expect the city of Bozeman to examine the facts, and come to the proper decision swiftly and without undue recourse. There can be NO LUMBER YARD RELOCATED FROM DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN TO DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM OUR BRAND NEW 1001 OAK STREET BUSINESS PARK. For over FORTY YEARS, I have kept this land, waiting for the right moment to build something that my family and 1, and the city of Bozeman could be proud of. We have currently completed construction of three first class office buildings and have concrete plans in place to enhance and expand upon this first class development. We believe our first class business park located on 1001 Oak Street enhances the over-all business environment in our beloved Bozeman. It is a shinning example of the state-of the-art resources and facilities the business community of Bozeman has to offer. It is a signal to others considering relocating their businesses to Bozeman of what is possible here. WHAT THOSE BUSINESSES DO NOT WANT; WHAT IS TOXIC TO OUR DEVELOPMENT, IS A FULL SERVICE LUMBER YARD DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET. One needs only to look at our business park on 1001 Oak Street, and then do the same at the lumberyards in Bozeman and Belgrade. They are radically mismatched neighbors. Our offices cater to business people of many walks and vocations,but all of them depend on a relatively quiet place where they can conduct thoughtful business operations. For all of the lumberyard's merits, they are unsuitable and unnecessary neighbors to accounting firms, law firms, restaurants, physical therapists, hair-salons, cafes, and Sports Medicine professionals. The lumberyard, for all of it' merits, is big, overbearing, ugly, loud, and unnecessary at this location. OUR OFFICE COMPLEX IS ONE THAT WE AND THE CITY CAN BE PROUD OF. It would be a profound miscalculation and misstep to not carefully manage the identity of future developments on Oak Street. A lumberyard, for all of its obvious benefits and merits, is something that would be detrimental and potentially crippling to our brand new, first class development at 1001 Oak Street; a development that we worked closely with the city to bring into existence. Furthermore, WE HAVE PAID FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS. Including the building of 11 cn Street, and the entire water and sewer development, as well as ALL BAXTER STREET WATER AND SEWER, with no payback from the city or adjacent land owners! WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH ALL THE CODES TO DESIGN AND BUILD A PROJECT AT 1001 OAK STREET THAT ALL OF US CAN BE PROUD OF. IT WOULD BE PROFOUNDLY UNETHICAL AND A POOR BUSINESS DECISION FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO ALLOW LENIANCY IN CODES FOR OTHERS. Again, we waited forty years to build a top-flight development that could serve as a beacon of what's to come in Bozeman's business community. We did it by working with the city, and doing everything according to the highest standards and the most strict building codes. We built a complex the city should be proud of, and we built roads and added water and sewer service. Now we need to pay for it. The only way we can do that is by renting our office space. This, as you know, is not always easy even in the best of times. It would be shameful if the city did not consider the consequences of putting a full service lumberyard directly across the street from our beautiful new offices. It could potentially cripple us financially. We believe you will address this situation swiftly and without undue recourse. We believe it is both possible and preferable to develop a forward thinking solution that is, equitable and beneficial to all those involved. Sincerely, Carl Tange BEAuriF�o�T . J ADVISORY BOARD September 27, 2004 Oak Business Condominiums Greg Allen 1001 Oak St. Ste., 210-710 Bozeman MT 59715 Dear Mr. Allen, On behalf of the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board, I would like to congratulate you for your outstanding efforts to beautify Bozeman. Our city prides itself on beautifying its local landscape to match that of the majestic mountains and natural vistas that surround us. Each year the City of Bozeman awards individuals, neighborhoods, organizations, and businesses that do an excellent job of enhancing the landscape and general appearance of their property. This year Oak Business Condominiums have been selected in the category of New Commercial Development. Your efforts are being recognized as a significant contribution to local environmental awareness. You, your family, friends, neighbors and business associates are invited to attend the awards ceremony. The awards will be presented on: Wednesday, October 6`h at 7:00 pm City Commission Room in City Hall 411 E. Main St. (use Rouse St. entrance and go downstairs.) We would very much appreciate your attendance at this presentation. The general public is also invited. Please contact Terry Quatraro at 586-2637 to confirm your attendance. Sincerely, T"Quo Terry Quatraro GALLATIN VALLEY 5 October 2004 ��~-- EAL ESTATE L & C Lusvardi Trust Attn: Carla Lusvardi 2800 Spring Meadows Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Purchase Offer Letter of Intent for remaining building pads @ 1001 Oak Dear Larry and Carla: I spoke with Greg Allen and he explained that you needed my offer for the building pads at 1001 Oak in writing. The following are the terms of my offer for the space to build Building D and a purchase option for the land for Building E: Building D Land Purchase Price: $700,000.00 Terms: $100,000.00 @ close with the balance due @ permanent financing. Additional Terms: Contingent upon the Kenyon Noble Lumber project not being.approved or not going forward. The-purchasing party will supply the L &C Lusvardi Trust with financial statements to be evaluated so that our capability to complete the project may be evaluated. Building E Land Purchase Price: $500,000.00- Terms: $70,000.00 due @ close with the balance due @ permanent financing of Building E. Additional Terms: Contingent upon the successful completion and lease up of Building D General Terms The purchasing party understands that they will be responsible for any further improvements necessary to complete the project. Such improvements are limited to Lot 5.of the Tange Minor Subdivision. • I am looking forward working h you. Hopefully we will be.able to get an agreement worked out. Sincere , B. Neal Ainswo , JD 924 Stoneridge Dr. Suite#1 Bozeman,MT 59718 Office(406)586-7355 Fax(406)586-7357 www.mtgvre.com f R it jLJI l oct 1 g i I J), r CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT #Z-04230 ' 'KENYON NOBLE CUP & COA WITH RELAXATIONS FOR A PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN Item: Zoning Application#Z-04230—An application for review of a Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for the Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to allow a Large Scale Retail Building Materials Facility. The property,located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`' Avenue, is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F. The property is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned 1113-2" (Community Business District). Applicant: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman, MT 59715. Owner: Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715. Representative: CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718. Date/Time: Bozeman City Commission: Monday, October 11, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Report By: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval PROJECT LOCATION The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11'h Avenue. The - 17.7 acre property is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F, a portion of Section 1, T1S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,MT. The property is zoned"B-2,"Community Business District,and is located within the North 19'h Avenue/West Oak Street Entryway Corridor. Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report i Q R-3 PROPOSAL Application has been made for a review of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness(COA)with relaxations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development(PUD). Said application would allow - 17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 53,700 sq. ft. (69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; - 131,660 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; - 15,750 plant nursery, and related site improvements. The applicant has requested the following relaxations: 1.) Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to- 119%of the total square footage of the retail building(s) at full build out. Planning Staff does not support this relaxation. This amount of outdoor storage and sales area is not appropriate in the Oak Street Corridor. It would be more appropriate for this use to be located in an industrial zone where outdoor storage is clearly a permitted and accessory use. However, it may be found acceptable if the screening is enhanced, particularly on the north side. Planning Staff recommends that the fence be increased to a minimum of eight (8)feet, the north setback be increased to a minimum of 25 feet, and the setback be landscaped similar to the requirements for the Oak Street Entryway Corridor. 2.) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential' to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet. Engineering Staff is unable to support the relaxation to allow the increase to a 50- foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40 foot commercial drive access width, in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. 3.) Section 18.46.040.B.1"Nonresidential Uses"to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208. Planning Staff supports the requested relaxation to 208 parking spaces. A visual inspection of the current Kenyon Noble facilities indicated that required number of parking spaces #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 2 • • might be excessive for this use. 4.) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot.ADR Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility, Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. However, Planning Staff would be able to support the relaxation if the total permitted signage did not exceed 200 square feet, and the two freestanding signs low profile. ZONING DESIGNATION & LAND USES The subject property is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned`B-2," Community Business District. The intent of the `B-2" district is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets. The intent of the Entryway Corridor Overlay district is to ensure that the quality of development along these corridors will enhance the impression and enjoyment of the community both by guiding development and change that occurs after the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title,and by stimulating and assisting, in conjunction with other provisions of this title, improvements in signage, landscaping, access and other contributing elements of entry corridor appearance and function. The following land uses and zoning are adjacent to the subject property: North: Vacant on property zoned `B-2" Community Business District South: Vacant land (across Oak Street) on property zoned "R-3" Residential Medium Density District East: Oak Street Place PUD on property zoned `B-2" Community Business District West: Bridger Peaks Village PUD with a vacant strip of land between the two developments(across North 15`" Avenue) on property zoned `B-2" Community Business District ADOPTED GROWTH POLICY DESIGNATION The property is currently designated"Regional Commercial"in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The "B-2"zoning designation is consistent with the"Regional Commercial'land use designation of the property. This classification provides areas for retail,education,health services,public administration and tourism for a multi-county region. These are often large scale facilities, which should be located in proximity to significant transportation routes. Since these are large and prominent facilities within the community and region, it is appropriate that design guidelines be established to ensure compatibility with the remainder of the community. REVIEW CRITERIA & FINDINGS The City of Bozeman Planning Office has reviewed the application for a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)and Certificate of Appropriateness(COA)with relaxations for the proposed Planned Unit Development(PUD) application against the criteria set forth in Section 18.34.090, Section 18.34.100, Chapter 18.36, Section 18.40.180 and Chapter 18.30 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance.The findings outlined in this report include comments and recommended conditions provided by the Development Review Committee (DRC), Design Review Board (DRB) and the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 3 • 0 Section 18.34.090 "Site Plan and Master Site Plan Review Criteria" In considering applications for site plan approval under this title, the Planning Director, City Commission, DRC, and when appropriate, the ADR Staff, the DRB, the BABAB or WRB shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City's adopted growth policy. The development proposal is in conformance with the"Regional Commercial"land use designation in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. Specific goals related to the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan include the following: • Goal 7.6.1 Promote and encourage the continued development of Bozeman as a vital economic center. Objective 1 states"Support business creation,retention and expansion". This proposal would allow for the retention and expansion of the Kenyon Noble business. Objective 3 states "Foster a positive economic climate through a well managed and aesthetically pleasing built environment and by maintaining a beautiful and healthy natural environment to promote and attract businesses with a desirable impact on the community". The adherence of this proposal to the North 19`h Avenue/West Oak Street Entryway Corridor design guidelines help foster a positive economic climate by promoting a pleasing built environment. • Goal 10.8.4 Pathways- Establish and maintain an integrated system of transportation and recreational pathways, including bicycle and pedestrian trails, neighborhood parks, green belts and open space. The meandering asphalt pathway through the Oak Street Greenway Corridor is a link in the integrated system of transportation pathways. Additionally the BABAB recommends that a Bike Path (shared-use path) be constructed on both sides of Oak Street in accordance with the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan. 2. Conformance to this title, including the cessation of any current violations. The final plan shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.1 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • That all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final site plan approval or commencement of the conditional use pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 4 • The applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final PUD Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions,corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. • A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. • The applicant shall enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City to guarantee the installation of required on-site improvements at the time of Final Site Plan submittal. If occupancy of the structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements,the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. • The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. • Street vision triangles shall be delineated on the landscaping plan. • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • A scaled, detailed plan of all parking facilities, including bicycle racks, accessible parking including aisles, ramps and signage, and standard aisle and parking spaces shall be provided. • Prior to final plan approval, a common area and facility maintenance plan and guarantee shall be provided for the permanent care and maintenance of open spaces,recreational areas,stormwater facilities and parking lots in accordance with Chapter 18.72 or the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The same shall be submitted to the city attorney and shall not be accepted by the city until approved as to legal form and effect. A draft of these documents must be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department at least 30 days prior to filing and recordation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. • Applicant shall provide a soils report, along with building plans, to the Building Division, recommending types of foundations. If development shall occur in phases,the soils report may address those lots within the proposed phase. • Applicant shall verify the provision of the PUD performance points in accordance with Section 18.36.090.E(7) of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • The landscaping in the 50-foot setback shall be enhanced to meet the minimum requirements of the #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 5 • 0 Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19`h Avenue/Oak Street Entryway Corridor. • The Final Site Plan shall include the details of the outdoor sales area and yard office. • The applicant shall provide a color palette for the buildings,including material samples and color chips, for review and approval by the Planning Office, prior to Final Site Plan approval. • The landscaping plan appears to achieve 23 points. However,the residential adjacency screening along the south side does not meet the minimum standards. The tabulation table needs to be corrected. • The Final Site Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A complete legend of all line types used shall also be provided. • A Storm Water Drainage/Treatment Grading Plan and Maintenance Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage(including sufficient spot elevations),storm water detention/retention basin details(including basin sizing and discharge calculations,and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. • A comprehensive utilities design report for water and sewer main extensions,prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer(PE)registered in the State of Montana has been provided to the City Engineer. The applicant is advised that although the general utilities design concept has been reviewed, the submitted data will be subject to further review as part of the infrastructure plan and specification review process for each phase. • Easements for the water and sewer main extensions shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width, with the utility located in the center of the easement. In no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from edge of easement. • Sewer and water services shall be shown on the FSP and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. • The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properly depicted, as well as nearby fire hydrants. Proposed main extensions shall be labeled "proposed". • All existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer infrastructure within the scope of the project must be clearly depicted and labeled on the Final Site, landscaping, paving, and drainage plan sheets. • All existing utility and other easements must be shown on the FSP. • Plans and Specifications for streets and storm drainage facilities for each phase,prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer(PE)registered in the State of Montana shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for Construction Inspection, Post-Construction Certification, and preparation of mylar Record Drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 6 No building permits shall be issued prior to substantial completion and City acceptance of the required infrastructure improvements unless otherwise allowed by specific approval of the City Commission under the provisions of Chapters 18.36 and 18.74 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. • City standard sidewalk shall be installed and properly depicted at the standard location (i.e., 1 foot off property line) along the street(s)frontage. Any deviation to the standard alignment or location must be approved by the City Engineer. • Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or drop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the FSP. • Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. • An Occupancy Permit must be obtained from the Montana Department of Transportation for location of water and sewer mains within the State's right-of-way. • All street names shall be reviewed and approved by the Gallatin County Road Office and City Engineering Office. • The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard approach (i.e.,concrete apron, sidewalk section and drop-curb) and shown as such on the FSP. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. Engineering Staff will require additional proof of necessity to allow the non-residential driveway approach for arterial streets to be used on the accesses along North 14`h Avenue and North 11`h Avenue. • Plans and Specifications for any fire service line must be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a Professional Engineer (PE), and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • If construction activities related to the project result in the disturbance of more that 1 acre of natural ground,an erosion/sediment control plan may be required. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Bureau, shall be contacted by the Applicant to determine if a Storm Water Discharge Permit is necessary. • The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 7 • ! The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way,create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. Staff has found the application in general compliance with all other applicable law, ordinances, and regulations, and the applicant is required to provide copies of all applicable permits prior to Final Site Plan approval. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property. Pursuant to Section 18.40.180, the Design Criteria and Development Standards for Large Scale Retail developments shall,in addition to all other applicable review procedures and design criteria,exceed design criteria and development standards contained in Chapter 18.30,BMC,Entryway Overlay District,including the general design objectives and guidelines contained in the adopted or updated Design Objectives Plan to ensure compatibility with the remainder of the community. With the conditions recommended by DRB, ADR and Planning Staff,this large scale retail facility will meet or exceed the applicable design criteria and development standards to sustain compatibility with the remainder of the community. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions. The applicant's trip generation worksheet projects 3,367 average daily trip ends with full build out of the project. With the conditions outlined by the Engineering Staff, the PUD plan mitigates the impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic by requiring adjacent street construction. The applicant has proposed a 22% relaxation in the number of required parking spaces for full build out. The initial phase of the project requires 217 parking spaces, and the applicant is proposing to provide 208 parking spaces. The majority of the relaxation is related to the future expansion of the project. Site visits to other Kenyon Noble facilities have shown that it appears to be appropriate to reduce the number of required parking spaces for this use. However, these parking calculations are based on warehouse use of the secondary building. While Planning Staff does consider this building to be a retail facility,given the type of retail sales (lumber), the parking requirement for warehouse use does appear to be a more appropriate calculation. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and circulation. Typical street and sidewalk details will need to be provided with the Final Site Plan. A bike path is required on the north side of Oak Street as an extension of the existing multi-use path system. 7. Landscaping,including the enhancement of buildings,the appearance of vehicular use,open space and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation. The landscaping plan depicts an extensive array of tree and shrub plantings, and will conform to the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance and Oak Street Greenway Corridor landscape standards. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 8 8. Open space. The project is required to earn at least 30 open space performance points. Verification of how these points have been obtained shall be provided prior to final site plan approval. 9. Building location and height. Maximum building height in the "B-2" zoning district when located within the "Regional Commercial" growth policy land use designation: • 57 feet for a roof pitch less than 3:12. • 66 feet for a roof pitch 3:12 or greater. 10. Setbacks. Minimum yard setbacks in the `B-2" zoning district: 1. Buildings: Front yard—7 feet, except along arterials where minimum is 25 feet Rear yard— 10 feet Side yards — 5 feet (except zero lot lines as allowed by Section 18.38.060, BMQ 2. Parking and loading areas: Front yard—25 feet Rear yard— 10 feet Side yards — 8 feet 11. Lighting. The PUD will need to provide lighting in accordance with the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities. The PU-D will need to provide utilities in accordance with the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 13. Site surface drainage and storm water control. Storm water detention areas have been shown of the plan. The Storm Drain Design Report will be submitted to the Engineering Department for review. 14. Loading and unloading areas. The loading and unloading areas are located within the fenced outdoor storage and sales area. 15. Grading. Plans and specifications for utilities, roads and storm water control will have to address grading and be submitted to the Engineering Department for review. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 9 16. Signage. The applicant has requested a relaxation to be allowed a second freestanding sign. As a single tenant large scale retail facility, Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. However, DRB has indicated no objections to a second freestanding sign, particularly if the total amount of allowable signage was reduced. 17. Screening. Pursuant to Section 18.42.160 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance,all outdoor storage must be within the confines of a 100 percent opaque wall or fence not less than 6 feet tall. Given the approximately 16-foot storage racks proposed to be utilized for outdoor storage, it appears that a 6-foot fence may not be adequate. Planning Staff is recommending the fence be a minimum of 8 feet tall. In addition, the screening provided along the north side of the property does not appear to be adequate. Planning Staff is recommending that the setback be increased to a minimum of 25 feet and the setback be landscaped similar to the requirements for the Oak Street Entryway Corridor. During final site plan review, the placement of all ground-mounted and rooftop mechanical equipment will be reviewed to ensure that the equipment is screened from the view of adjoining properties. 18. Overlay district provisions. Design Objectives Plan All Corridors: • Guideline A.1. suggests large expanses of asphalt be softened with clusters of vegetation by incorporating internal areas of landscaping,totaling at least 10% of the parking area,with each planting area at least 300 sq. ft. and containing at least one major tree and ground cover. Landscape islands are utilized to soften the asphalt parking areas. The parking lot landscaping has been enhanced to meet the 10-points parking lot landscaping performance standards. • Guideline A.2. suggests making pedestrian movement to be safer, more convenient, and more appealing by providing at least one clearly designated route for pedestrians between the street,the parking area, and the main entrance. The site plan depicts one sidewalk connection from the street to the parking area and on to the main entrance. One additional connection is provided from the parking area to the secondary entrance. • Guideline A.3.suggests providing usable outdoor space to allow for the enjoyment of the outdoors during periods of good weather for restaurants or retail establishments over 7,500 square feet. The landscaping plan depicts an outdoor demonstration area with picnic tables and benches on the southeast corner of the project. • Guideline A.4. requires lighting fixtures to incorporate cut-off shields to direct light downward, that luminaries are not visible from adjacent streets or properties,and that fixtures are compatible with architectural and site design. The parking lot light fixtures depicted in the cut sheets are the standard shoebox style. No wall- mounted lights have been depicted in the plans. All lighting is required to provide the necessary shielding to direct light downward and all light fixtures must be included in the final site plan. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 10 • 0 • Guideline A.S. suggests the preservation and maintenance of healthy mature trees and existing significant vegetation. There is no existing mature vegetation on site. • Guideline B.1.suggests harsh,boxy building forms should be softened with roof lines that reflect the surrounding mountains and regional climate.Buildings should incorporate pitched roof forms with the pitch between 6:12 and 12:12. The main large scale retail building has several gabled dormer roof levels with mostly 6:12 roof pitches. However, the secondary large scale retail building has a roof pitch of 3:12. The roof of the secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers to break up the monotony and mass. ADR Staff has suggested that a monitor roof design would soften the roof line and help reflect the surrounding mountains. • Guideline B.2.encourages varied building massing to break down the scale of large buildings and suggests single uninterrupted length of facade should not exceed 100 feet. The south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail structure are designed to provide varied building massing. However, the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration,repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. For the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure, ADR Staff has suggested features such as: the use of shed roofs and board and batten siding above the doors and clerestory windows. For the secondary large scale retail building, ADR Staff has suggested features such as: the use of board and batten siding, narrower horizontal siding interspersed with clerestory windows, and the use of a monitor roof with skylights. • Guideline B.3. recommends making building entrances clear and highly visible. Additional detail is necessary to make the building entrances on the north side of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building more clearly visible. • Guideline BA. encourages coordinated development within a multi-building complex. The buildings in the complex are not coordinated in both design and materials. The secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows,use of a monitor roof,repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. ADR Staff has suggested additions such as: board and batten siding, narrower horizontal siding interspersed with clerestory windows, • Guideline B.S. encourages the display of goods and services to passers by and recommends creating a visually interesting streetscape. All sides of a building should include interesting details and materials to avoid presenting a backside to neighboring properties. The south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail structure are designed to provide interesting details and materials. However, the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten,offsets,entry definition,and other features that break up the mass #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 11 • a and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet to avoid presenting a backside to neighboring properties. • Guideline B.6.states rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical equipment should be screened,and preferably incorporated into the roof form. The elevations do not depict any type of ground-mounted or rooftop mechanical equipment. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all mechanical equipment is depicted on the final site plan. All mechanical equipment must be screened from all adjacent properties. • Guideline B.7 encourages building which incorporate specific character-giving features including recessed windows with visually obvious sills,framed main entrances,natural materials conveying permanence, pitched roofs constructed of metal with standing seams or wood shingles, bright colors for trim accent. Character giving features included in the south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail building design include the clerestory windows,the dormer roofs,the board and batten siding over the doors, the natural materials like the rock wainscot, and the use of both vertical and horizontal siding. However,the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing that utilizes these features. • Guideline C.I. discourages dominating and visually distracting signs and Guideline C.2. encourages signs that exhibit qualities of style,permanence and compatibility with the natural and built environment. The applicant has requested a relaxation to be allowed two(2)freestanding signs. The plan depicts these as low-profile monument signs. Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility,Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. However,DRB has indicated no objections to a second freestanding sign, particularly if the total amount of allowable signage was reduced. The plans do not depict any additional wall mounted signage. Oak Street: • Guideline A.1.recommends creating a soft,pastoral,non-commercial entry into the city through the design of low-scale, low-key buildings interspersed with trees. The main large scale retail building is proposed to be 69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion, and the secondary large scale retail building is proposed to be 40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion. The main large scale retail building has a maximum roof height of approximately 50 feet with a 6:12 roof pitch. Although the roof of the secondary large scale retail building is not dimensioned, it appears to have a maximum roof height of approximately 44 feet with a 3:12 roof pitch. When the"B-2"zoning district is implementing a"Regional Commercial"growth policy land use designation,the ordinance allows for a building with a roof pitch of 3:12 or greater to be 66 feet tall. Additional landscaping will need to be provided to meet the minimum standards along Oak Street. The additional landscaping will help soften the large expanse of asphalt and soften the boxy building forms. • Guideline A.2. recommends, screening elements that detract from view. Landscaping has been provided to screen the parking areas from the streets and adjacent residential properties. • Guideline A.3. minimizing the impact of parking lots with earthen berms and hedge #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 12 The Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance requires all parking lots to be screened from the street and adjacent residential properties. A combination of berms and evergreen landscaping is provided for screening the parking lot. No landscaping performance points are awarded for the screening because it does not extend along the entire length of the property where the residential adjacency exists. • Guideline B.I. suggests reducing the visual impact of boxy buildings with pitched roofs. The proposed design features a gable and dormer roof with a 6:12 roof pitch that reduces the visual impact of the main large scale retail building. The secondary large scale retail building on has a roof pitch of 3:12. The roof of the secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers to reduce the visual impact. • Guideline B.2. encourages a building design that minimizes elements that distract from distant views and discourages the use of bright colors, except for trim. The site plan does not identify a proposed color palette for the structures within the development. Staff has recommended a condition of approval requiring a color palette and material sample board to be submitted with the final site plan. • Guideline B.3. suggests creating a low-key sense of entering the city and strongly discourages franchise style architecture. This application does not exhibit franchise style architecture. • Guideline C.1.recommends monument style signs that are short and low-key in color and lighting in order to minimize disruption of the view. The plan depicts a low-profile monument style sign. The applicant has requested a relaxation to be allowed two(2)freestanding signs. Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility,Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. The plans do not depict any additional wall mounted signage. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties. A memorandum and photos from Cadius Partners,Ltd and Tange Family LLC was submitted on September 29,2004. This memorandum expressed concerns about the appropriateness of lumber sales and storage yard use in this location. The intent of Section 18.36"Planned Unit Development"is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. Through the PUD process, the City Commission may through design review and the imposition of conditions, ensure that seemingly incompatible uses may be located in close proximity to one another. Additionally, through the PUD process,the City Commission may grant deviations,waivers or relaxations of regulatory requirements upon making a determination that the deviation, waiver or relaxation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced under the existing standards. Therefore, the City Commission may find that the relaxation(s)necessary to permit this lumber sales and storage yard accessory to the Kenyon Noble large scale retail facility will produce an environment,landscape quality and character superior to that produced under the existing standards 20.If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirements of this title,whether the lots are either: a.Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 13 • 0 development to become nonconforming; or b.The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. Not applicable. Section 18.34.100 "City Commission Consideration and Findings for Conditional Use Permits" In addition to the review criteria outlined above,the City Commission shall,in approving a conditional use permit, find favorably as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards,spaces,walls and fences,parking,loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity. The subject property is - 17.7 gross acres. Even though the applicant has requested a relaxation to provide only 208 of the required parking spaces, this site appears to be adequate to provide all of the necessary site improvements for the proposed use. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Within the `B-2" (Community Business District)retail, large scale is a permitted use. Pursuant to Section "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance, outdoor sales and storage areas for large scale retail use is addressed. A plant nursery is a permitted large scale retail use. 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Regulation of use. Planning Staff has not recommended any additional conditions addressing regulation of use. b. Special yards, spaces and buffers. Planning Staff has recommended that a special landscaped yard and buffer be provided along the north side of the outdoor sales and storage area. c. Special fences, solid fences and walls. Planning Staff has recommended that the 6-foot fence around the outdoor sales and storage area be increased to 8 feet. d. Surfacing of parking areas. The developer has proposed to surface all outdoor sales and storage areas in addition to the parking and circulation areas. e. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds. All public streets will be dedicated and improved. f. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress. Montana Department of Transportation regulates the access on Oak Street. All accesses maintain the required access separation distances. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 14 0 0 g. Regulation of signs. Planning Staff has recommended that the total permitted signage not exceed 200 square feet, and two low profile freestanding signs be permitted with only one located on the Oak Street frontage. h. Requiring maintenance of the grounds. Pursuant to Section 18.48.100, required landscaping must be maintained by the property owner in a healthy, growing condition at all times. i. Regulation of noise, vibrations and odors. Bozeman Municipal Code requires property owners to keep trash in an appropriate receptacle. Regulation of noise shall be consistent with Bozeman Municipal Code. j. Regulation of hours for certain activities. Planning Staff has not recommended any additional conditions addressing regulation of hours for certain activities. k. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed. The applicant must submit the PUD Final Site Plan within 1 year of City Commission approval, and must undertake and complete development of the project within 2 years of final site plan approval. I. Duration of use. Conditional use permits run with the land, subject to application and adherence to all special conditions of approval. Planning Staff has not recommended any additional conditions addressing duration of use. m. Requiring the dedication of access rights. It is a code provision that all rights of way be dedicated. n. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. Any additional conditions stated in this approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Chapter 18.36 "Planned Unit Development Design Objectives and Criteria" In addition to the review criteria outlined for site plan and conditional use permit review, the City Commission shall, in approving a planned unit development, find favorably as follows: All Development (1)Does the development comply with all City design standards,requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply,trails/walks/bike ways,sanitary supply,irrigation companies,fire protection,electricity,flood hazard areas,natural gas,telephone,storm drainage,cable television,and streets? The applicant has not requested a deviation,waiver or relaxation from any of the above listed services,and the development generally complies with city design standards. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? There is no significant natural vegetation in the project. The proposed development will mitigate the noxious weed problem on this property and replace natural vegetation. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 15 (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? The elements of the site plan are designed to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development. (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g. building construction, orientation,and placement;transportation networks;selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.)contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The selection of naturalized and drought tolerant landscape materials contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? There are no residential areas within the PUD. However, the residential areas to the south of this property will be screened from this project by landscaping generally designed to provide a level of privacy. (6)Park Land.Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by §18.50.020, BMC? The DRB has commented that the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contributed to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration. Park land is not required for a non-residential development. (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least twenty performance points. Nonresidential developments within the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn thirty points. Verification of how these points have been obtained shall be provided prior to final site plan approval.. (8) Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The design of the PUD provides integrated circulation patterns with connections to adjacent streets. The sidewalk system around and within the PUD will provide open access for all neighborhoods to enjoy the business and open space areas. Commercial Development (1) If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment,does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? Not applicable. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 16 0 0 (2) Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? The project is adjacent Oak Street- a major arterial. Montana Department of Transportation regulates the access on Oak Street. All accesses maintain the required access separation distances. (3) Is the project on at least two acres of land? The subject property is - 17.7 gross acres. (4) If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential, hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? This project provides integration of uses through pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and utilization of common open space. (5) Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? The Bozeman 2020 plan has designated this area as a"Regional Commercial" land use designation. This project promotes the large scale mixed use adjacent to significant transportation route intent of this classification. The design guidelines for large scale facilities along Oak Street enhance compatibility with the surrounding area. (6)Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? All parking areas are directly accessible to adjacent streets and sidewalks. (7) Does the project encourage infill,or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the Bozeman growth policy? This project demonstrates compliance with the land use guidelines of the Bozeman 2020 Plan by advancing the intent of "Regional Commercial" land use designation for the large scale mixed use adjacent to significant transportation route. (8)Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas(such as additional landscaped areas,open spaces, trails or picnic areas)for the use and enjoyment of those living in,working in or visiting the development? The PUD plan provides outdoor areas for seating, possible product demonstrations and walking. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Staff, the Bozeman Development Review Committee (DRC), Design Review Board (DRB) and Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board(BABAB)have reviewed the Preliminary Plan for a Conditional Use #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 17 Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with relaxations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development (PUD) against the criteria set forth in Section 18.34.090, Section 18.34.100, Chapter 18.36, Section 18.40.180 and Chapter 18.30 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Based on the evaluation of said criteria and findings by the Planning Staff, staff finds that the application, with conditions,is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The following conditions of approval are recommended: 1. The outdoor storage fence shall be a minimum of ei ht (8) feet. n2he north setback shall be a minimum of 25 feet and the setback shall be landscaped with a minimum of one-half of the requirements for the Oak treet Greenway, Corridor Landscape Standards. Q The total permitted signage shall not exceed 0 square feet,and two low profile frestandi g signs shall l./ be permitted but only one may be located on the Oak Street frontage. ��-- 4. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDs) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 5. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 6. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/rights-of-way and open space, and shall be included on the site plan. 7. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration,repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet.Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 8. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof,repetition of materials used on the main structure,offsets,and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 9. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 10. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: a. Street improvements to Oak Street including but not limited to paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 14`h Ave. C. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Ave. d. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 15`h Ave. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 18 e. Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 71h 11. A traffic control plan which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed,and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance Section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. 12. The north side of Oak Street shall be widened from 11`h Street to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing road width on the west end. 13. The southern half(30 feet)of the public street right of way for what is referred to as"OP Street"and the eastern half (30 feet) of North 14`h Avenue shall be dedicated to the City prior to Final Site Plan approval. 14. The applicant is advised that OP Street and North 14`h Avenue shall be improved, as part of this development,to one half of a local street standard as shown in-the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update. Also, 12 feet of pavement for the opposing lane of travel shall be provided. City standard sidewalk,curb and gutter will be required in the standard location on the sides of the street that are adjacent to the developing property. Engineering Staff does not support the relaxation to allow the increase to a 50-foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering and Planning Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40-foot commercial drive access width,in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION The DRC,DRB,and BABAB have reviewed the application#Z-04230 for a Conditional Use Permit(CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with relaxations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan to allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility and as a result recommends to the City Commission conditional approval of said application with conditions and code provisions outlined in this staff report. The Planning Staff has identified various code provisions that are not currently met by this application. Some or all of these items are listed in the findings and conditions of this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final PUD Plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions,or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS WITH RELAXATIONS FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. ANY #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 19 AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18.66 OF THE BOZEMAN UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE MAY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION. Attachments: Applicant's Submittal. DRB minutes of Preliminary Plan review (September 29, 2004). Memorandum/photos, Cadius Partners,Ltd and Tange Family LLC, September 29, 2004. cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715 CTA Designworks, Attn: Candace Mastel, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Attn: Jon Olson, P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771-1113 #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Staff Report 20 u MoRRISw , ENGINEERS ;. SCIENTISTS SURVEYORS NERS ► 1i 1 ?a. ELE, INC. 901 TECHNOLOGY BLVD • P.O.BOX 1113 • BOZEMAN,MT 59771 . 406-587-0721 •FAX:4 6-5587-11176 An Employee-Owned Company October 7, 2004 Debbie Arkell Director of Public Service 411 East Main Street Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Kenyon Noble PUD MMI # 3900.001.040.0310 Ms. Arkell, As part of the preliminary PUD submittal for the Kenyon Noble project the applicant had requested a relaxation from Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) to increase the allowable commercial drive width access to 50 feet. In the staff report to the. City Commission, it was stated that the Engineering Staff would not be able to support the request without additional proof of necessity and the request was subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. Please accept this correspondence as proof of necessity. The Kenyon Noble operation is based on the ability to provide easy pick up and delivery to its customers. Vital to the success of the business and what sets Kenyon Noble apart from many of its competitors is the convenience of their drive-through lumber and building material sales. Customers are able to drive directly into the warehouse, load their materials, and proceed to a checkout station without entering the main store. As an added convenience to its customers and in an effort to reduce the wait time for checking out, the proposed site plan contains two checkout stations at the access location off North 14tn Avenue, which creates the need for a wider access. We have prepared an exhibit with turning templates in support of our request for a 50 foot approach opening, which is attached hereto. The diagram on the left shows the configuration of the access with two vehicles in the egress lanes with the turn radius of a truck/trailer combination proceeding through the ingress. As evident by the drawing, the vehicle is able to negotiate the turn with very little room to spare. Please note, the template used to-'model a pickup and trailer was a car pulling a boat. Unfortunately, the turning radius software does not have a template for a pickup and trailer, and the car/boat combination provided the closest representation. The middle diagram depicts the same egress configuration as the previous, with the turning radius of an eighteen wheel delivery truck proceeding through the "Providing resources in partnership with clients to achieve their goals" ingress. The only way the delivery truck negotiates the turn without obstruction is by crossing into the opposing lane of North 14th Avenue, crossing over the lane striping separating the ingress/egress lanes, and still barely avoids collision with the check out building. The diagram on the right of the exhibit shows the same delivery truck approaching the access traveling southbound on North 14th. Again, even with the 50 foot wide access opening the truck uses the entire ingress lane to negotiate the turn without conflict. The applicant is requesting administrative approval on an additional item related to the use of radius type approaches for the site. The preliminary site plan submitted to the City identified all three site access locations as utilizing the return radius type approach with a 15-foot radius as outlined in LIDO Section 18.44.090.C.2.e, which states, "All commercial and industrial drive accesses on arterial streets shall have 15-foot return radii unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Service. All commercial and industrial drive accesses on other streets may have either return radii or depressed curbs. The minimum radius allowed is 4 feet." The Staff Report of City Commission stated that all drive approaches were to be constructed as drop curb types, which was represented as the City standard. As referenced above, the UDO allows for either return radii or depressed curbs for all streets other than arterials. The applicant is requesting the use of return radii approaches to accommodate the large percentage of the truck and-trailer use of the proposed project. An exhibit is attached providing photographs of damage caused to the apron section of depressed curbs at various commercial and industrial sites throughout the city. Please consider the two requests set forth for your administrative approval. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact me at 587-0721. Thanks for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Morrison Maierle r Jon Olsen, P.E. Bozeman Office cc: Rick Ogle, Kenyon Noble Scott Bechtle, CTA Architects ®ustin doh:riso4n` COB'.�Pfo ecVEn.- i aar • * • TURNING TEMPLATE EXHIBIT FOR KENYON NOBLE ------ j f I i i ,�'It i ! j j j '••i I ,9.00 3.OD i0.00 I ! II j ' ' � i '' f I I ! 35' 35' TBC—TBC l I I j 'I TBC—TBC i[ P-8 i.,V- &0009 i I Car N T :5.00 T.%n Tck i ' I :6.00 I I I I ! :a00 jI f ! I i I j St.eM9 Mq4 ]OAO I I f I J I I I i I I I i I I I �I i i i I � \t• I li i II j II fl I ' I J j , I II 'jil i f '' 35'R=15' R=15 }.a ]00TBC—TBC(tYP(tYP.) L,u, fig gl �( jP—B lal mj t o i I I LO' TM iau :ew - I-, i ~i e w III m 9l I e g I i II s'I � i ' I Tm;ln Truck a.00 jo e I j III I i i j MNa:bllnq Mao :70.00 ! e . � J 8' WIDE WIDE J1I1 R=15' BOOTH (tYP')BOOTH w 14' I II I ^ z LANE ! i (l /' ,/ I ( �_ -- LANE I it f i JAJ t i � g I I \ �I 19.00 s.09 20.00 j j ' sou ssso i j I m e 8' WIDE ���..' ; BOOTH I• f j j If I i i l i I I I J j I 3.00 11.00 5.o0 Ism 1 4' j I i i I P—B WB-50 lea, 7i f I i —�_,�� --LANE i TC r"w°uau e:o00o i j I j I 0.00 T i`w "we°ua :am sew N q abr. Ilo]o T i I i Car T-1, :6.00 mcla rxk :fi.00 MiMaVq M91e :7 j !6.00 j Tmiln TracN k,a :6.00 I j I Tmib Teak :650 i -` rt•I I e laa lack Time s!msaa Mafia Mb:lo,ina M 4 :70.00 I i !I I f i ii — 1 li Ili I I NOTE: i ! i i j ' i 1 i i `; \ i ► ' I I j ' ' i 7.50 aaso ' I I P—B TEMPLATE USED ( I i j j f f11 J I I ! 11 TO MODEL A PICKUP I j i t l i i AND TRAILER. 0.00 00 12.50 a I J l I i i j w6-50 lee, T aaw w au e.o0 L,Xk m Ia N T me e.00 ,FF TrocbrT'ra'ck :am M,cabuna aMa4 :70.00 Troibr Truck :am j i li ;� ,. MORRISON KENYON NOBLE SCALEMAIERLE,tNc. TURNING TEMPLATE HORIZ• 1" = 20' WENT: j I I I PLOTTED DATE: Oct/07/2004 — 05:23:00 pr _ FIELD WORK:' DATE:02/30/04 i 1 1 X 17 HORIZ: 1" 40' DRAW NG NAME: DRAWN BY: KDJ SCALE: H\}900\001\ACAD\EXNI61T5\TUPN-IEUP.tlra PROJ q: xOTTro err CHECKED BY:JJO 3900.00, SHEET OF I i i a a� S `a • � .� Y.� 11� i .l. •s 1� - 4 114 1 Y 1. Ilkr ~t. jr -74 ,pw 2004/10/06 gN + ..'� -' ,,.r•� :.r�"` "€rlr.-i �"�t,r. "y }r�kt;V.Ir USi r^'1. Xti ,��r�-�ty7�. H 1,x�5�.�,Hg"Y' � it F °• /1.`' t� c ! hf �•, 4;y�`�°r�y,•�" x�'y {{ i, �,r<���i�;,�'��t��r`��204Q4�i 0�( 6; 'h�+a"y� °a#r+�S�h�hj!»'dy��Z1s�r,� ''�!r� �„dCf ..C+ �✓�`vr! K�(li�ESyi�, r ,� tvd,,.u9•�,t..t7 �,"'tf i�Itk7i�,;'R+�LF.'n��4n�set7.x+. �te�+�-+�9�Y W'4�,7I...r Page 1 of 1 Funny you should ask, just less than an *ago Jon Olsen from MMI came in and g.he a copy of a letter he has submitted to Debbie. He said they no longer want the full 50' on 11 th ave.,just 14th. The drawing shows they need 51' back of curb to back of curb to allow a safe turning radius and two exit lanes. Our question was, why do they need two exit lanes. If they remove one exit lane, they can eliminate 14' from that drive access. Debbie will review it and let me know what she thinks. I will make a copy and put it in your box. Thanks Dustin -----Original Message----- From: Lanette Windemaker Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:36 PM To: Dustin Johnson Subject: Kenyon Noble Dustin, Have you received anyyhing from M&M on the Kenyon Noble turning radius needs? Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner 586-5266 http://mail.bozeman.net/exchange/lwindemaker/Inbox/RE:%2OKenyon%2ONoble.EML?cmd=preview 10/11/2004 w Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Andrew Epple, AICP, Planning Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Kenyon Noble CUP & COA with Relaxations for a PUD #Z-04230 MEETING DATE: October 11, 2004 BACKGROUND: This Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for a Planned Unit Development would allow a large scale retail building materials facility on — 17.7 acres northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11 a, Avenue. The proposal includes the construction of a 53,700 sq. ft. (69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; — 131,660 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; — 15,750 plant nursery, and related site improvements. The applicants request four relaxations: 1) Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to — 119% of the total square footage of the retail building(s) at full build out; 2) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; 3) Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to.208; and 4) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. Both the Development Review Committee (DRC) and the Design Review Board (DRB) recommend conditional approval of this application. RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for the Kenyon Noble PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-04230 with the 15 conditions outlined in the Staff Report. FISCAL EFFECTS: Fiscal impacts are undetermined at this time, but will include increased property tax revenues from new development, along with increased costs to deliver municipal services to the property. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Resp ctfizl y submitted, Andrew Epple, AICP, P ng Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager Attachments: Staff Report. Preliminary Plan Submittal. Report compiled on October 5, 2004. f Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Andrew Epple, AICP, Planning Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Kenyon Noble CUP & COA with Relaxations for a PUD #Z-04230 MEETING DATE: October 11, 2004 BACKGROUND: This Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for a Planned Unit Development would allow a large scale retail building materials facility on — 17.7 acres northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Avenue. The proposal includes the construction of a 53,700 sq. ft. (69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; — 131,660 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; — 15,750 plant nursery, and related site improvements. The applicants request four relaxations: 1) Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to — 119% of the total square footage of the retail building(s) at full build out; 2) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(l) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; 3) Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208; and 4) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. Both the Development Review Committee (DRC) and the Design Review Board (DRB) recommend conditional approval of this application. RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness,with relaxations for the Kenyon Noble PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-04230 with the 15 conditions outlined in the Staff Report. FISCAL EFFECTS: Fiscal impacts are undetermined at this time, but will include increased property tax revenues from new development, along with increased costs to deliver municipal services to the property.- ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Res p ctful y submitted, Andrew Epple, AICP, P ng Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager Attachments: Staff Report. Preliminary Plan Submittal. Report compiled on October 5, 2004. - ..-�:=�;tF z'°'r,�y+—�nyGS!CF-`+_,�'�' w,*,�F.F.�"rs�.-,+ ,.grc �.s5,•.=7 d _ O>i �;` LU i; f • . � ,+1�J�1 f�, f , .ai ��..rx � e. pale C' V �..-�. � � __ /y'- i^.a.._JI� J 1��t�` ,. %V� LUMBER HARDWARE Y Y i r I„ �yt► r .rra. Amon...ry►iil�.. r c Y .ar e Iv Ib :< s wt,Q w g z a -a- ,. �-a�Y ,x�a •fr �z .. �? s''e..•3 f3 i;ig d; ,�, •5 0 . ��;, .�,' �t� � � � _- — _. _ �i 1�s��l�I�n�y� _mod' (n•�k�f _ _ �� �I�_� � � � ,4 �� jV �t ir � z Latrj I i e �i II s is I� iz a ildw LohiwL y , CUMBER Ws MW �e T a. r III r i :6 a 21 r-` ,. �� �_-- _ � _ �� �: ,� �. e ,�• d ZIG.5 miEEMM == p j; ,ram . - - . 1 .lf y �i^.ff + _�.-.._.j':aL �+a+w�ij`r'.���`..�,.�s=wwr`:' � '�i���'�^-�w��T�-� .Cv,.� '- ._ __"_:'E'er,-� - \ �.�:� � ,// ��/�¢ �F f� f T'' ,� � �I'I:FI.I:'I'l'...I.I' �-�,� � _� dP.R ' `` 1 4 w:�4�-- �� a --� 1 ;�� � - � � �_' -It all '9 4 Al '�l •� ,e 'd_.J'_�. y t -„ iZk ice ° ' i"y" "'""^:m`y w'•'„' - ' 1 {"`.. � H,111. '��•� ice'-_`�J� �+^� _ �._ .� .. _ .. :�.. c?�. .. _. •-•- "- ram. �w r ?' 1; MEMORANDUM To: City of Bozeman Design Review Board FROM: Cadius Partners, Ltd; Tange Family LLC DATE: 29 September 2004 SuBJEcr: Proposed Kenyon Noble Lumber Yard @ Corner 111h and Oak 1. Relaxations from Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). A. Limitation on Size. KNL request that it be allowed to increase the area allowed for outdoor sales and storage. Staff computes the request at 135% of the total foot print of the building(s). This computation is incorrect to the extent that it includes in the calculation future expansion space that may or may not ever be built. The calculation should be as follows: Retail Building Footprint 53,700 Warehouse Building Footprint 33,220 TOTAL SF for CALCULATION 86,920 Allowed % per 18.40.180.B.2 .25000 Total UDO Allowed Outdoor Sales and Storage 21,730 The requested relaxation actually calculates to 685% of the outdoor sales and storage space allowed under 18.40.180.B.2. One might question whether or not the warehouse should be included in the calculation since it is clearly an auxiliary use to the main store. We encourage the DRB to support staff in NOT supporting this request. Cadius Partners Limited and the Tange Family LLC object to the request. As granted the request would effectively change this zoning district from a B-2 to some level of Industrial zoning. Such a change should not be allowed as it would severely and adversely affect the existing developments in the neighborhood. B. Increase driveway size. The clear purpose of such this request is to accommodate the large amount of truck traffic that will be generated by this LUMBER YARD. C. Decrease parking spaces. The reason behind this request illustrates the obvious; this is not going to be a large scale retail facility. Large scale retailers usually request more parking then is allowed not less. This is clearly a LUMBER YARD where the majority of customers will not frequent the store, but rather will place their orders by phone to be delivered by truck to their jobsite. They do not need as many parking spaces because there will be more truck traffic than customer traffic. 2. Zoning and Land Use All of the surrounding properties are zoned B-2 or R-3, within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District. Allowing a LUMBER YARD in the entryway corridor sends the wrong message to other potential developers. It will turn this highly desirable property into an industrial strip which will be easily seen from the interstate. Allowing such a use is contrary to the intent of the overlay district as it will not ensure that quality development along the corridor and will not enhance the impression of the community. 3. Growth Policy Designations The 2020 Plan designates this area as Regional Commercial. No where in the description of Regional Commercial does it provide for a LUMBER YARD, or industrial facility. 4. PUD The Review criteria set out in the UDO for Pods cannot be met by this proposal for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does NOT avoid inappropriate development of lands. 2. It does NOT encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel or encourage trip consolidation and in fact, will increase large and heavy truck traffic in the area, probably necessitating a traffic light to be installed at the intersection of North 11th and West Oak Street. 3. The proposal does NOT improve the design, quality and character of new development. (Photos in this packet show the current KNL facilities in the Gallatin Valley and clearly illustrate what should not be allowed on West Oak. c w 4. It is an industrial facility with a large warehouse and outdoor storage of more than 149,000 square feet. 5. The proposal does NOT protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments. The proposal accomplishes just the opposite. Its placement across the street from a residential development and award winning office complex severe reduction in the value of the remaining land in the area. 6. The proposal does NOT promote logical development patters of residential, commercial office, and retail uses that will mutually benefit the neighborhood and the community as a whole. 7. The proposal promotes placing an industrial use in an entryway corridor to invite the traveling public to view its stacks of lumber, metal and supplies. 5. Corridor Design Objectives This proposal does NOT meet the design objectives for an entryway corridor in the following ways: 1. The development does NOT meet Guideline B.5 in that is contains a large backside which will be presented either toward the highway and Baxter Lane, or toward the existing office complex as well as its future neighbors to the east, north and west. 2. Guideline A.2 provides there must proper screening. This proposal allows for "a solid, opaque 6-foot tall wall" (See attached photos) clearly even an 8' "opaque" fence is not adequate to screen the adjoining properties from the LUMBER YARD. If the project is allowed on any scale then it must be noted that six feet is a minimum standard that must be met. A better application would be a fence similar to the one at Home Depot. (See attached Photos) 6. UDO Requirements NOT met. UDO 18.36.030.D.1-3 has not been met. The Commission of the City of Bozeman CAN NOT approve this request because this proposal does not meet the standards outlined 7. Variances 1. Section 18.66.070 provides that'a variance to the UDO must be .based on specific variance criteria and may NOT have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this title. The variances requested by KNL, in fact do nullify the intent and purpose of the UDO. 2. The Commission MUST make specific findings and in this case, cannot make a finding that granting the variance will not be detrimental or injurious to other adjoining properties. 3. The Commission CANNOT make the required finding that the variance will not, in any manner, place the subdivision in nonconformance with any other provision of this title or with the City's growth policy, as the proposal is directly in conflict with both. CONCLUSIONS This proposal does not meet the UDO, does not comply with the Growth Policy, is not supported by staff AS SUBMITTED and is not supported by its only neighbors, the 1001 Oak Street office complex and the Tange Family LLC. Even with the recommended conditions by staff, this project will not meet the required ordinances and therefore granting it would be in violation of the UDO. Section 18.36.030 D.3 provides that if the Commission does not find that the proposed modified standards will create a project superior than that produced by the existing standards of the UDO, which will be consistent with the intent and purpose of the UDO, then no deviation shall be granted. This project does not create a project superior to that produced by the existing standards and to grant the requests or allow the deviations would be in violation of the UDO. There are several locations throughout Bozeman that are better suited for this use. (See Photos of locations of similar uses and land available) Let's keep Bozeman a well planned city. 1 C f _ MEMORANDUM To: City of Bozeman Design Review Board FROM: Cadius Partners, Ltd; Tange Family LLC DATE: 29 September 2004 SUBJECT: Proposed Kenyon Noble Lumber Yard @ Corner 11t" and Oak 1. Relaxations from Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). A. Limitation on Size. KNL request that it be allowed to increase the area allowed for outdoor sales and storage. Staff computes the request at 135% of the total foot print of the building(s). This computation is incorrect to the extent that it includes in the calculation future expansion space that may or may not ever be built. The calculation should be as follows: Retail Building Footprint 53,700 Warehouse Building Footprint 33,220 TOTAL SF for CALCULATION 86,920 Allowed % per 18.40.180.B.2 .25000 • Total UDO Allowed Outdoor Sales and Storage 21,730 The requested relaxation actually calculates to 685% of the outdoor sales and storage space allowed under 18.40.180.B.2. One might question whether or not the warehouse should be included in the calculation since it is clearly an auxiliary use to the main store. We encourage the DRB to support staff in NOT supporting this request. Cadius Partners Limited and the Tange Family LLC object to the request. As granted the request would effectively change this zoning district from a B-2 to some level of Industrial zoning. Such a change should not be allowed as it would severely and adversely affect the existing developments in the neighborhood. B. Increase driveway size. The clear purpose of such this request is to accommodate the large amount of truck traffic that will be generated by this LUMBER YARD. • C. Decrease parking spaces. The reason behind this request illustrates the obvious; this is not going to be a large scale retail facility. Large scale retailers usually request more parking. then • is allowed not less. This is clearly a LUMBER YARD where the majority of customers will not frequent the store, but rather will place their orders by phone to be delivered by truck to their jobsite. They do not need as many parking spaces because there will be more truck traffic than customer traffic. 2. Zoning and Land Use All of the surrounding properties are zoned B-2 or R-3, within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District. Allowing a LUMBER YARD in the entryway corridor sends the wrong message to other potential developers. It will turn this highly desirable property into an industrial strip which will be easily seen-from the interstate. Allowing such a use is contrary to the intent of the overlay district as it will not ensure that quality development along the corridor and will not enhance the impression of the community. 3. Growth Policy Designations The 2020 Plan designates this area as Regional Commercial. No • where in the description of Regional Commercial does it provide for a LUMBER YARD, or industrial facility. 4. PUD The Review.criteria set out in the UDO for Pods cannot be met by this. proposal for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does NOT avoid inappropriate development of lands. 2.. It does NOT encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel or encourage trip consolidation and in fact, will increase large and heavy truck traffic in the area, probably necessitating a traffic light to be installed at the intersection of North filth and West Oak Street. 3. The proposal does NOT improve the design, quality and character of new development. (Photos in this packet show the current KNL facilities in the Gallatin Valley and clearly illustrate what should not be allowed on West Oak. • 4. It is an industrial facility with a large warehouse and outdoor, storage of more than 149,000 square feet. 5. The proposal does NOT protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments. The proposal accomplishes just the opposite. Its placement across the street from a residential development and award winning office complex severe reduction in the value of the remaining land in the area. 6. The proposal does NOT promote logical development patters of residential, commercial office, and retail uses that will mutually benefit the neighborhood and the community as a whole. 7. The proposal promotes placing an industrial use in an entryway corridor to invite the traveling public to view its stacks of lumber, metal and supplies. 5. Corridor Design Objectives This proposal does NOT meet the design objectives for an • entryway corridor in the following ways: 1. The development does NOT meet Guideline B.5 in that is contains a large backside which will be presented either toward the highway and Baxter Lane, or toward the existing office complex as well as its future neighbors to the east, north and west. 2. Guideline A.2 provides there must proper screening. This proposal allows for "a solid, opaque 6-foot tall wall" (See attached photos) clearly even an 8' "opaque" fence is not adequate to screen the adjoining properties from the LUMBER YARD. If the project is allowed on any scale then it must be noted that six feet is a minimum standard that must be met. A better application would be a fence similar to the one at Home Depot. (See attached Photos) 6. UDO Requirements NOT met. UDO 18.36.030.D.1-3 has not been met. The Commission of the • City of Bozeman CAN NOT approve this request because this proposal does not meet the standards outlined 7. Variances 1. Section 18.66.070 provides that a variance to the UDO must be based on specific variance criteria and may NOT have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this title. The variances requested by KNL, in fact do nullify the intent and purpose of the UDO. 2. The Commission MUST make specific findings and in this case, cannot make a finding that granting the variance will not be detrimental or injurious to other adjoining properties. 3. The Commission CANNOT make the required finding that the variance will not, in any manner, place the subdivision in nonconformance with any other provision of this title or with the City's growth policy, as the proposal is directly in conflict with both. CONCLUSIONS • This proposal does not meet the UDO, does not comply with the Growth Policy, is not supported by staff AS SUBMITTED and is not supported by its only neighbors, the 1001 Oak Street office complex and the Tange Family LLC. Even with the recommended conditions by staff, this project will not meet the required ordinances and therefore granting it would be in violation of the UDO. Section 18.36.030 D.3 provides that if the Commission does not find that the proposed modified standards will create a project superior than that produced by the existing standards of the UDO, which will be consistent with the intent and purpose of the UDO, then no deviation shall be granted. This project does not create a project superior to that produced by the existing standards and to grant the requests or allow the deviations would be in violation of the UDO. There are several locations throughout Bozeman that are better suited for this use. (See Photos of locations of similar uses and land available) Let's keep Bozeman a well planned city. 71*'�-71, • DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Q WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 MINUTES ,TEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE Chairperson Dawn Smith called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and directed the secretary to record the attendance. Members Present Staff Present Dawn Smith Jami Morris, Associate Planner Brian Krueger Tara Hastie, Recording Secretary Carol Asleson' Carol Schott, Administrative Secretary Scott Hedglin Bill Hanson Randy Carpenter Visitors Present Scott Bechtle Kurt Ratz Rick Ogle Lowell Springer Debbie Arkell Dustin Johnson Mark Kottwitz • Don Stueck Candace Mastel Doug Morley ITEM 2. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 Chairperson Smith called for corrections or additions to the minutes of September 14, 2004. MOTION: Ms. Asleson moved, Mr. Krueger seconded, to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried 6-0. ITEM 3. PROJECT REVIEW 1. Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan#Z-04230 (Windemaker) Northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 1 1th Avenue A Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application to allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product.; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. • City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes—September 29,2004 IPA Scott Bechtle, Kurt Ratz, a*ick Ogle joined the DRB. Contract bier Lanette'*indMUG presented the Staff Report noting the locations of the buildings and outdoor sales and storage areas. She noted the relaxations and which of them Staff would and would not support. She stated the structure should not present a "rear" to adjoining properties. She stated ADR Staff • . recommended a number of improvements to the rear of the structure to improve its appearance to the adjoining properties. She stated the second building was an issue on all four sides as the structure looked like a warehouse building and had no architectural features similar to the principal building. She stated the extent of the fencing on the north side of the property was long and without breaks. She stated the parking and landscaping on Oak Street nearly met code requirements. She stated the landscaping requirements looked to have been met, but the applicant's calculation was slightly off. Mr. Krueger asked how the heights of the two buildings fit into that zoning district. Planner Windemaker responded the roof of the principal building was roughly 50 feet tall and was allowable with a 6:12 roof pitch and the smaller building was roughly 44 feet tall with a 3:12 roof pitch and that was also allowable. Mr. Hanson asked, if the 50 foot drives requested were not supportable, why Staff was supporting the 40 foot wide drives. Planner Windemaker responded Engineering Staff concluded the standard industrial 40 foot wide drive was sufficient and would be discussed with the Director of Public Works. Mr. Hedglin asked if the proposal was allowable in the Regional Commercial District of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. Planner Windemaker responded large scale retail was a conditional use in that district, but as to whether or not a lumber yard was considered large scale retail, the City Commission would have to decide. Mr. Bechtle stated the project was great for Bozeman because it pulled Kenyon Noble out of the • . P J g P Y downtown area to leave room for downtown to expand. He stated the development would widen Oak Street, provide landscaping, and green space, and it would be a an attractive structure. He stated everything depicted on the site plan was a function required for the business to operate properly, but would cost money, many of which had been added to appease various boards and committees. He stated it seemed as if the code requirements were meant to keep applicants from building. He stated the applicant had requested two monument signs at the access points to direct people. He noted, because they thought the City wanted reduced signage, they had proposed less signage on the building. He stated the outdoor sales area had been separated from outdoor storage, and it had been separated because of the last meeting of the DRC, even though the applicant had thought the original setup was acceptable to the DRC. He stated Staff was asking for windows and wood where there was racking planned on the elevations. Planner Windemaker responded that only some of the materials used on the front of the main building were recommended by ADR Staff for the upper areas of the warehouse building. Mr. Bechtle stated it was not fair to be required to have a front on every side of the building. Planner Windemaker responded the requirements were clear and they did not require a "front" on every side, but a mimic of materials and colors tying the elevations of the structures to each other and other structures-on the site. Mr. Bechtle stated he misunderstood some of Staff's comments, but the project was heading in the right direction as far as requirements went. Planner Windemaker concurred. City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes—September 29,2004 2 • K. F4. a! v` ♦ki fs i From the audience, Candace Mastel —CTA Architects, stated there had been evergreens of a large caliper worked into the landscape plan. • Mr. Ogle stated he considered the proposed structure beautiful. He stated in 1958, Kenyon Noble was one of the first drive-through lumber yards in the country. He stated the increase in outdoor storage was never an issue until the last stages of the review process and the loss of that outdoor storage area was a deal breaker as far as he was concerned as it was the crux of the business. He stated he wanted a chance to use his concept against the second and third largest corporations in America. Chairperson Smith asked about the increase in outdoor storage. Planner Windemaker responded that outdoor sales and storage was restricted to 25% of the total square.footage of a large scale retail building. Fro the audience, Don Stueck—Martel Construction, stated the 50 foot access was discussed between himself and Mr. Megard after the DRC meeting. An agreement was reached, but there had not been any final word yet. He stated the only relaxation still in question was the outdoor storage space. He stated the wall mounted sign would be reduced in size if they were allowed to use the two monument signs. Mr. Bechtle stated there would need to be an offer to reduce the overall signage by 25%. Mr. Krueger asked for the maximum number of employees. Mr. Ogle responded the number of employees would be between 60 and 80. Mr. Krueger asked if the fencing would be the same in each location proposed. Mr. Bechtle responded that it would be the same fencing. Mr. Hanson stated the Staff Report showed 30% open space and the calculation assumed • expansion would occur at a later date. Mr. Bechtle responded that the calculation included the expansion and the 30% calculation was accurate. Planner Windemaker stated she had made calculation of the 30% open space requirement a DRC condition. Mr. Hanson stated he was confused with the dynamic between the PUD and CUP applications and asked for explanation from Planner Windemaker. Planner Windemaker responded that the CUP for a PUD allows an applicant the opportunity to request relaxations. Mr. Hanson stated the use, open space, etc. could be specifically identified through the PUD. Mr. Bechtle responded the CUP and PUD were running concurrently. Mr. Hanson asked about the landscape point calculations. Planner Windemaker responded it appeared to her the applicant had met the 23 landscape points, but the positioning of the landscaping was still in question. Ms. Mastel stated a change in species and some relocation would suffice. Mr. Hedglin asked for an explanation.of the functionality between the warehouse building and the retail building and if they needed to be at the same elevation. Mr. Bechtle stated the retail building was 4 feet higher than the warehouse building due to site grade and it was not preferable to increase the height difference between the buildings as the two buildings would not function as well. Mr. Stueck stated the elevation of the retail building from Oak Street was a six foot descent and the elevation from the retail structure to the warehouse was a 4 '/2 foot descent. Ms. Asleson asked for an estimated time frame on the expansion of their facility. Mr. Ogle responded it would be 7-10 years before expansion occurred. • City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes—September 29,2004 3 Mr. Krueger stated he likes revised site plan, but the DRB wouldW4494 N*A&§,,&riot#e4i- building moved closer to Oak Street. He stated he supported Staff conditions and he would support the small monument sign at the drive access. Mr. Hanson stated he thought the revised site plan was better than the original. He stated the • development on Oak Street and North I lth Avenue would be beneficial to the community. He stated the landscaping was well done. He was critical of the exterior finish and design of the building, but the architecture for this type of use was valid for where it was proposed. He stated he thought it would be a superior development to the Bridger Peaks Town Center. He stated the number one issue with the neighbors would be the outdoor storage area, but the project would not have a significant impact on the neighbors. He stated he.supported Staff conditions and the two requested monument signs. Mr. Hedglin stated he liked the design of the screening fence and he agreed with Staff conditions and Mr. Hanson's comments. He suggested some pedestrian links be added to the parking plan. Ms. Asleson stated the landscape plan was fabulous and she agreed with staff conditions. She stated she was concerned about the future expansion with regard to empty space left waiting for 7-10 years until expansion occurred. She stated she supported the project with Staff conditions and the request for the two monument signs. Chairperson Smith stated the reduction in the parking along Oak Street, the public plaza, and the demonstration area were good modifications to the original site plan. She stated she supported the project with the requested relaxations and Staff conditions. MOTION: Mr. Hanson moved, Mr. Krueger seconded, to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 with Staff conditions and • additionally, suggesting the City Commission allow the relaxation requested for signage for a second free-standing sign as long as the square footage is at or below amount allowed by ordinance. 2. Transfer Station CUP/COA #Z-04229 (Morris) Red Wing Road * A Conditional Use Permit Application with a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the construction of a 37,000 square foot solid waste transfer station and accessory buildings. Debbie Arkell —City Director of Public Service, Doug Morley, Lowell Springer, and Dustin Johnson — City Engineer Intern joined the DRB. Associate Planner Jami Morris presented the Staff Report noting Staff conditions and that the north elevation could have opaque windows for additional venting and architectural detail. She stated the applicant could use obvious sills, awnings, etc. to provide relief. Mr. Springer added there could be openings that were not working openings to add fenestration to the building. Mr. Morley stated the applicant had looked at different roof designs and none of the possibilities fit in with the surrounding area. City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes—September 29,2004 4 • DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT #Z-04230 KENYON NOBLE CUP & COA WITH RELAXATIONS FOR A PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN Item: Zoning Application#Z-04230—An application for review of a Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness with relaxations for the Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to allow a Large Scale Retail Building Materials Facility. The property,located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 111h Avenue, is legally described as Tracts 2 and 3 of COS 1215. The property is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned "B-2" (Community Business District). Applicant: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman, MT 59715. Owner: Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715. Representative: CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718. Date/Time: Design Review Board: Wednesday, September 29, 2004,3:30 p.m., Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building, 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana Report By: Lanette Windemaker,AICP; Contract Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval PROJECT LOCATION The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Avenue. The±17.7 acre property is legally described as Tracts 2 and 3 of COS 1215,a portion of Section 1,T1 S,R5E,PMM,City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT. The property is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned"B-2,"Community Business District,and located within the North 19`h Avenue/West Oak Street Entryway Corridor. Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. CA.K R-3 . PROPOSAL Application has been made for a review of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness(COA)with relaxations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development(PUD). Said application would allow±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 53,700 sq. ft. (69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space,and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. The Design Review Board reviewed the Concept Plan at its July 27, 2004,public meeting and commented on the desire for contemporary architecture style that showcases the use,wrapping the park area around the building,significant landscaping in the rear yard to buffer the large expanse of fence,building orientation in relation to Oak Street. The applicant has requested the following relaxations: 1.) Section "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135%of the total square footage of the retail building(s). Planning Staff does not support this relaxation. This amount of outdoor storage and sales area is not appropriate in the Oak Street Corridor. It would be more appropriate for this use to be located in an industrial zone where outdoor storage is clearly a permitted and accessory use. 2.) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential' to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet. Engineering and Planning Staff are unable to support the relaxation to allow the increase to a SO foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering and Planning Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40 foot commercial drive access width, in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 2 • • 3.) Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses"to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208. Planning Staff supports the requested relaxation to 208 parking spaces. A visual inspection of the current Kenyon Noble facilities indicated that required number ofparking spaces might be excessive for this use. 4.) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs"to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot.ADR Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility, Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. ZONING DESIGNATION & LAND USES The subject property is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned`B-2," Community Business District. The intent of the "B-2" district is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets. The intent of the Entryway Corridor Overlay district is to ensure that the quality of development along these corridors will enhance the impression and enjoyment of the community both by guiding development and change that occurs after the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title,and by stimulating and assisting, in conjunction with other provisions of this title, improvements in signage, landscaping, access and other contributing elements of entry corridor appearance and function. The following land uses and zoning are adjacent to the subject property: North: Vacant on property zoned "B-2" Community Business District South: Vacant land (across Oak Street) on property zoned"R-Y Residential Medium Density District East: Oak Street Place PUD on property zoned "B-2" Community Business District West: Bridger Peaks Village PUD with a vacant strip of land between the two developments(across North 15`" Avenue) on property zoned "B-2" Community Business District ADOPTED GROWTH POLICY DESIGNATION The development proposal is in conformance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan including the "Regional Commercial"land use designation.This classification provides areas for retail,education,health services,public administration and tourism for a multi-county region. These facilities should be located in proximity to significant transportation routes. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT The intent of the PUD title is to promote the City's pursuit of the following community objectives; A. To ensure that future growth and development occurring within the City is in accord with the City's adopted growth policy, its specific elements, and its goals, objectives and policies; B. To allow opportunities for innovations in land development and redevelopment so that greater #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 3 • • opportunities for high quality housing,recreation,shopping and employment may extend to all citizens of the Bozeman area; C. To foster the safe, efficient and economic use of land and transportation and other public facilities; D. To ensure adequate provision of public services such as water,sewer,electricity,open space and public parks; E. To avoid inappropriate development of lands and to provide adequate drainage, water quality and reduction of flood damage; F. To encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation, thereby reducing traffic congestion and degradation of the existing air quality; G. To promote the use of bicycles and walking as effective modes of transportation; H. To reduce energy consumption and demand; I. To minimize adverse environmental impacts of development and to protect special features of the geography; J. To improve the design, quality and character of new development; K. To encourage development of vacant properties within developed areas; L. To protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments; M. To promote logical development patterns of residential,commercial,office and industrial uses that will mutually benefit the developer, the neighborhood and the community as a whole; N. To promote the efficient use of land resources, full use of urban services, mixed uses, transportation options, and detailed and human-scale design; and O. To meet the purposes established in 18.02.040, BMC. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CRITERIA The intent of Section 18.36"Planned Unit Development'is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. The applicant is proposing relaxations from the city's standards through the Planned Unit Development process and therefore must demonstrate a plan that will produce an environment,landscape quality and character superior to that produced under the existing standards. The following questions should be considered by the Board: • Are the elements of the site plan designed and arranged to produce an efficient,functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 4 • Does the design and arrangement of lots and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration? • Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? REVIEW CRITERIA The DRB is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger and more complex proposals which are likely to produce significant community impact and to provide recommendations regarding such proposals to the Planning Director or City Commission, subject to the provisions of this title. The Preliminary Plan should meet and exceed the minimum standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance and the Design Objectives Plan. Pursuant to Section 18.40.180,the Design Criteria and Development Standards for Large Scale Retail developments shall, in addition to all other applicable review procedures and design criteria, exceed design criteria and development standards contained in Chapter 18.30, BMC, Entryway Overlay District,including the general design objectives and guidelines contained in the adopted or updated Design Objectives Plan, regardless of location or zoning district. Said design criteria and development standards shall be exceeded through design practices such as additional architectural detailing,exceptional landscape design, improved public spaces,use of renewable energy and/or recycled construction materials, and provisions for alternative modes of transportation. Staff has reviewed the proposal against the Design Objectives Plan and the following comments are offered with regard to the applicable guidelines: Design Objectives Plan All Corridors: • Guideline A.l. suggests large expanses of asphalt be softened with clusters of vegetation by incorporating internal areas of landscaping,totaling at least 10% of the parking area,with each planting area at least 300 sq. ft. and containing at least one major tree and ground cover. Landscape islands are utilized to soften the asphalt parking areas. The parking lot landscaping has been enhanced to meet the 10-points parking lot landscaping performance standards. • Guideline A.2. suggests making pedestrian movement to be safer, more convenient, and more appealing by providing at least one clearly designated route for pedestrians between the street, the parking area, and the main entrance. The site plan depicts one sidewalk connection from the street to the parking area and on to the main entrance. One additional connection is provided from the parking area to the secondary entrance. • Guideline AA suggests providing usable outdoor space to allow for the enjoyment of the outdoors during periods of good weather for restaurants or retail establishments over 7,500 square feet. The landscaping plan depicts an outdoor demonstration area with picnic tables and benches on the southeast corner of the project. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 5 • Guideline A.4. requires lighting fixtures to incorporate cut-off shields to direct light downward, that luminaries are not visible from adjacent streets or properties, and that fixtures are compatible with architectural and site design. The parking lot light fixtures depicted in the cut sheets are the standard shoebox style. No wall- mounted lights have been depicted in the plans. All lighting is required to provide the necessary shielding to direct light downward and all light fixtures must be included in the final site plan. • Guideline A.S. suggests the preservation and maintenance of healthy mature trees and existing significant vegetation. There is no existing mature vegetation on site. • Guideline B.1.suggests harsh,boxy building forms should be softened with roof lines that reflect the surrounding mountains and regional climate. Buildings should incorporate pitched roof forms with the pitch between 6:12 and 12:12. The main large scale retail building has several gabled dormer roof levels with mostly 6:12 roof pitches. However,the secondary large scale retail building has a roof pitch of 3:12. The roof of the secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers to break up the monotony and mass. ADR staff has suggested that a monitor roof design would soften the roof line and help reflect the surrounding mountains. • Guideline B.2.encourages varied building massing to break down the scale of large buildings and suggests single uninterrupted length of facade should not exceed 100 feet. The south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail structure are designed to provide varied building massing. However, the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration,repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. For the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure, ADR staff has suggested features such as: the use of shed roofs and board and batten siding above the doors and clerestory windows. For the secondary large scale retail building, ADR staff has suggested features such as:the use of board and batten siding,narrower horizontal siding interspersed with clerestory windows, and the use of a monitor roof with skylights. • Guideline BA recommends making building entrances clear and highly visible. Additional detail is necessary to make the building entrances on the north side of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building more clearly visible. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 6 • • • Guideline B.4. encourages coordinated development within a multi-building complex. The buildings in the complex are not coordinated in both design and materials. The secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows,use of a monitor roof,repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. ADR staff has suggested additions such as: board and batten siding, narrower horizontal siding interspersed with clerestory windows, • Guideline B.S. encourages the display of goods and services to passers by and recommends creating a visually interesting streetscape. All sides of a building should include interesting details and materials to avoid presenting a backside to neighboring properties. The south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail structure are designed to provide interesting details and materials. However,the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten,offsets,entry definition,and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet to avoid presenting a backside to neighboring properties. • Guideline B.6. states rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical equipment should be screened, and preferably incorporated into the roof form. The elevations do not depict any type of ground-mounted or rooftop mechanical equipment. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all mechanical equipment is depicted on the final site plan. All mechanical equipment must be screened from all adjacent properties. • Guideline B.7 encourages building which incorporate specific character-giving features including recessed windows with visually obvious sills,framed main entrances,natural materials conveying permanence, pitched roofs constructed of metal with standing seams or wood shingles, bright colors for trim accent. Character giving features included in the south, east and west elevations of the main large scale retail building design include the clerestory windows,the dormer roofs,the board and batten siding over the doors, the natural materials like the rock wainscot, and the use of both vertical and horizontal siding. However,the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure and the secondary large scale retail building will need to be redesigned with additional architectural detailing that utilizes these features. • Guideline C.1. discourages dominating and visually distracting signs and Guideline C.2. encourages signs that exhibit qualities of style, permanence and compatibility with the natural and built environment. The applicant has requested a relaxation to be allowed two(2)freestanding signs. The plan depicts these as low-profile monument signs. Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 7 • 0 As a single tenant large scale retail facility,Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. The plans do not depict any additional wall mounted signage. Oak Street: • Guideline A.1. recommends creating a soft,pastoral,non-commercial entry into the city through the design of low-scale, low-key buildings interspersed with trees. The main large scale retail building is proposed to be 69,450 sq. ft. with future expansion, and the secondary large scale retail building is proposed to be 40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion. The main large scale retail building has a maximum roof height of approximately 50 feet with a 6:12 roof pitch. Although the roof of the secondary large scale retail building is not dimensioned, it appears to have a maximum roof height of approximately 44 feet with a 3:12 roof pitch. When the`B-2"zoning district is implementing a"Regional Commercial"growth policy land use designation,the ordinance allows for a building with a roof pitch of 3:12 or greater to be 66 feet tall. Additional landscaping will need to be provided to meet the minimum standards along Oak Street. The additional landscaping will help soften the large expanse of asphalt and soften the boxy building forms. • Guideline A.2. recommends, screening elements that detract from view. Landscaping has been provided to screen the parking areas from the streets and adjacent residential properties. • Guideline A.3. minimizing the impact of parking lots with earthen berms and hedge The U.D.O. requires all parking lots to be screened from the street and adjacent residential properties. A combination of berms and evergreen landscaping is provided for screening the parking lot. No landscaping performance points are awarded for the screening because it does not extend along the entire length of the property where the residential adjacency exists. • Guideline B.1. suggests reducing the visual impact of boxy buildings with pitched roofs. The proposed design features a gable and dormer roof with a 6:12 roof pitch that reduces the visual impact of the main large scale retail building. The secondary large scale retail building on has a roof pitch of 3:12. The roof of the secondary large scale retail structure will need to be redesigned with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers to reduce the visual impact. • Guideline B.2. encourages a building design that minimizes elements that distract from distant views and discourages the use of bright colors, except for trim. The site plan does not identify a proposed color palette for the structures within the development. Staff has recommended a condition of approval requiring a color palette and material sample board to be submitted with the final site plan. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 8 ! • • Guideline B.3. suggests creating a low-key sense of entering the city and strongly discourages franchise style architecture. This application does not exhibit franchise style architecture. • Guideline C.I. recommends monument style signs that are short and low-key in color and lighting in order to minimize disruption of the view. The plan depicts a low-profile monument style sign. The applicant has requested a relaxation to be allowed two (2) freestanding signs. Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility,Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. The plans do not depict any additional wall mounted signage. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Kenyon Noble PUD proposal must comply with the Design Criteria and Development Standards for Large Scale Retail developments pursuant to Section 18.40.180 to exceed all other applicable design and development standards, and comply with the intent of planned unit development as stated in UDO Chapter 18.36. Based on the above summary review,the Planning Office recommends the Design Review Board forward a recommendation of conditional approval of the application with the following conditions: l. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration,repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 2. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 3. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 4. Four(4)offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 5. The landscaping in the 50-foot setback shall be enhanced to meet the minimum requirements of the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19'h Avenue/Oak Street Entryway Corridor. #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 9 0 0 6. The Final Site Plan shall include the details of the outdoor sales area and yard office. 7. The applicant shall provide a color palette for the buildings,including material samples and color chips, for review and approval by the Planning Office,prior to Final Site Plan approval. 8. The landscaping plan appears to achieve 23 points. However,the residential adjacency screening along the south side does not meet the minimum standards. The tabulation table needs to be corrected to reflect parking lot landscaping, south yard, drought resistant,boulders,and special pedestrian facilities. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends conditional approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan application#Z-04230 without relaxations#1,#2 and#4. The applicant must comply with all other provisions of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance,which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final Site Plan, Final Plat or Building Permit approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way,create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. NOTE: Both the Design Review Board and Development Review Committee will forward a formal recommendation to the City Commission for consideration and final action on October 11, 2004. Attachments: Applicant's Submittal. ADR staff memo. cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715 CTA Designworks, Attn: Candace Mastel, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Attn: Jon Olson, P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771-1113 #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD DRB Staff Report 10 CI*F BOZEMAN • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net MEMORANDUM TO: Lanette Windemaker, Planner FROM: Administrative Design Review (ADR) Staff RE: Kenyon Noble PUD, #Z-04230 DATE: September 14, 2004 Administrative Design Review Staff recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration,repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 2. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess.of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 3. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 4. Four (4) offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 5. The landscaping in the 50-foot setback shall be enhanced to meet the minimum requirements of the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19Lh Avenue / Oak Street Entryway Corridor. 6. The Final Site Plan shall include the details of the outdoor sales area and yard office. 7. The applicant shall provide a color palette for the buildings,including material samples and color chips, for review and approval by the Planning Office,prior to Final Site Plan approval. 8. The landscaping plan appears to achieve 23 points. However, the residential adjacency screening along the south side does not meet the minimum standards. The tabulation table needs to be corrected to reflect parking lot landscaping, south yard, drought resistant, boulders, and special pedestrian facilities. planning • zoning • subdivision review . annexation . historic preservation • housing • grant administration . neighborhood coordination CI*bF BOZEMAN • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net MEMORANDUM TO: Lanette Windemaker,Planner FROM: Administrative Design Review(ADR) Staff RE: Kenyon Noble PUD,#Z-04230 DATE: September 14,2004 Administrative Design Review Staff recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 2. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of facade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 3. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 4. Four(4) offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 5. The landscaping in the 50-foot setback shall be enhanced to meet the minimum requirements of the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19th Avenue/ Oak Street Entryway Corridor. 6. The Final Site Plan shall include the details of the outdoor sales area and yard office. 7. The applicant shall provide a color palette for the buildings,including material samples and color chips,for review and approval by the Planning Office,prior to Final Site Plan approval. 8. The landscaping plan appears to achieve 23 points. However,the residential adjacency screening along the south side does not meet the minimum standards. The tabulation table needs to be corrected to reflect parking lot landscaping, south yard, drought resistant, boulders, and special pedestrian facilities. planning • zoning • subdivision review . annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ALFRED M. STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET CONFERENCE ROOM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 3:30 P.M. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE ITEM 2. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 ITEM 3. PROJECT REVIEW C._1. Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 (Windemaker) Northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Avenue * A Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application to allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. 2. Transfer Station CUP/COA #Z-04229 (Morris) Red Wing Road * A Conditional Use Permit Application with a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the construction of a 37,000 square foot solid waste transfer station and accessory buildings. ITEM 4. PUBLIC COMMENT— (15 20 minutes) {Limited to any public matter, within the jurisdiction of the Design Review Board, not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.) ITEM 5. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance,please contact ADA Coordinator,Ron Brey,at 582-2306(voice)or 582-2301(TDD). B02�'r� THE CITY OF BOZEMAN • 20 E. OLIVE • P.O. BOX 1230 ,t =.r•. BOZEMAN, MONTANA 5977 1-1 230 7�t 883 `S� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COOS PHONE: (406) 582-2280 FAX: (406) 582-2263 September 29,2004 To: Development Review Committee From: Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer; Lanette Windemaker, Planner Re; Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 The following should be included as conditions of approval for the above referenced Preliminary Plan: GENERAL: 1. The Final Site Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A complete legend of all "line types used shall also be provided. (� Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: a. Street improvements to Oak Street including but not limited to paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 141h Ave. C. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Ave. d. Signalization of the,intersection of Oak Street and North 151h Ave. e. Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 7tn STORMWATER: 3. A Storm Water Drainage/Treatment Grading Plan and Maintenance Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided.to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK September 29,2004 Page-2-of 4 WATER AND SEWER: 4. A comprehensive utilities design report for water and sewer main extensions, prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana has been provided to the City Engineer. The.applicant is advised that although the general utilities design concept has .been reviewed, the submitted data will be subject to further review as part of the infrastructure plan and specification review process for each phase. 5. Easements for the water and sewer main extensions shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width, with the utility located in the center of the easement. In no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from edge of easement. 6. Sewer and water services shall be shown on the FSP and.approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. 7. The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properly depicted, as well as nearby fire hydrants. Proposed main extensions shall be labeled "proposed". 8. All existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer infrastructure within the scope of the project must be clearly depicted and labeled on the Final Site, landscaping, paving, and drainage plan sheets. 9. All existing utility and other easements must be shown on the FSP. STREETS, CURB & GUTTER AND SIDEWALKS: 10. Plans and Specifications for streets and storm drainage facilities for each phase, prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana shall be provided,to and approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for Construction Inspection, Post-Construction Certification, and preparation of mylar Record Drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. No building permits shall be issued prior to substantial completion and City acceptance of the required infrastructure improvements unless otherwise allowed by specific approval of the City Commission under the provisions of Chapters 18.36 and 18.74 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. September 29,2004 Page-3 -of4 11. City standard sidewalk shall be installed and properly depicted at the standard location(i.e., 1 foot off property line) along the street(s) frontage. Any deviation to the standard alignment or location must be approved by the City Engineer. 12. Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or.drop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the FSP. 13. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 14. An Occupancy Permit must be obtained from the Montana Department of Transportation for location of water and sewer mains within the State's right-of- way. 15. A traffic control plan which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed, and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in UDO section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. (169 The north side of Oak Street shall be widened from 1 lth Street to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing road width on the west end. 17. All street names shall be reviewed and approved by the Gallatin County Road Office and City Engineering Office. 18. The southern half(30 feet) of the public street right of way for what is referred to as "OP Street" and the eastern half(30 feet) of North 14th Avenue shall be dedicated to the City on the Fin ;! t#f �thniassubdivision. W-019. The applicant is advised that OP Street and North 14th Avenue shall be improved, as part of this development, to one half of a local street standard as shown in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update. Also, 12 feet of pavement for the opposing lane of travel shall be provided. City standard sidewalk, curb and gutter will be required in the standard location on the sides of the street that are adjacent to the developing property. � September 29,2004 • • Page-4-of 4 Engineering Staff does not support the relaxation to allow the increase to a 50- ��' foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering and Planning Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40- foot commercial drive access width, in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. 21. The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard approach (i.e., concrete apron, sidewalk section and drop-curb) and shown as such on the FSP. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. Engineering Staff will require additional proof of necessity to allow the non-residential driveway approach for arterial streets to be used on the accesses along North 14'' Avenue and North 11 h Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS 22. Plans and Specifications for any fire service line must be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a Professional Engineer(PE), and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection,post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 23. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). 24. If construction activities related to the project result in the disturbance of more that 1 acre of natural ground, an erosion/sediment control plan may be required. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Bureau, shall be contacted by the Applicant to determine if a Storm Water Discharge Permit is necessary. 25. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. cc. Project File ERF �� Yv V • P 'w1S c� �V`� iiv� -�vVt l�-� &, S'CLtJ J i 0,4\ Memorandum To: Development Review Committee From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Date: September 29, 2004=Third Week Review Conditions Subject: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with Relaxations for Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan, #Z-04230 Requested Relaxations: A. Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s). Planning Staff does not support this relaxation. This amount of outdoor storage and sales area is not appropriate in the Oak Street Corridor. It would be more appropriate for this use to be located in an industrial zone where outdoor storage is clearly a permitted and accessory use. B. Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet. Engineering and Planning Staff are unable to support the relaxation to allow the increase to a 50 foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering and.Planning Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40foot commercial drive access width, in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. C. Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208. Planning Staff supports the requested relaxation to 208 parking spaces. A visual inspection of the current Kenyon Noble facilities indicated that required number of parking spaces might be excessive for this use. D. Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot.ADR Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility, Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. Planning Conditions: 1. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDS) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 2. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 3. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/rights-of-way and open space, and shall be included on the site plan. 1 0 4. Applicant shall verify the provision of the PUD performance points in accordance with Section 18.36.090.E(7) of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Planning Code Conditions: 5. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon.the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.1 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 6. That all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final site plan approval or commencement of the conditional use pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. UDO Code Provisions: The final plat shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Unified Development Ordinance. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. • The applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final PUD Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. • A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. • The applicant shall enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City to guarantee the installation of required on-site improvements at the time of Final Site Plan submittal. If occupancy of the structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on- site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. • The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. • Street vision triangles shall be delineated on the landscaping plan. 2 i • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • A scaled, detailed plan of all parking facilities, including bicycle racks, accessible parking including aisles, ramps and signage, and standard aisle and parking spaces shall be provided. • . Prior to final plan approval, a common area and facility maintenance plan and guarantee shall be provided for the permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recreational areas, stormwater facilities and parking lots in.accordance with Chapter 18.72 or the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The same shall be submitted to the city attorney and shall not be accepted by the city until approved as to legal form and effect. A draft of these documents must be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department at least 30 days prior to filing and recordation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. Building Department Provision: • Applicant shall provide a soils report, along with building plans, to the Building Division, recommending types of foundations. If development shall occur in phases, the soils report may address those lots within the proposed phase. 3 Memorandum To: Development Review Committee From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Date: September 29, 2004—Third Week Review Conditions Subject: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with Relaxations for Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan, #Z-04230 Requested Relaxations: A. Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s). Planning Staff does not support this relaxation. This amount of outdoor storage and sales area is not appropriate in the Oak Street Corridor. It would be more appropriate for this use to be located in an industrial zone where outdoor storage is clearly a permitted and accessory use. B. Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet. Engineering and Planning Staff are unable to support the relaxation to allow the increase to a SO foot commercial drive access width without additional proof of necessity, and subject to approval of the Director of Public Service. However, Engineering and Planning Staff would be able to support a relaxation to allow the increase to a 40 foot commercial drive access width, in accordance with the standard allowable industrial drive access width of 40 feet. C. Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208. Planning Staff supports the requested relaxation to 208 parking spaces. A visual inspection of the current Kenyon Noble facilities indicated that required number of parking spaces might be excessive for this use. D. Section 18.52.060.A.I "Freestanding Signs"to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot.ADR Staff does not support the relaxation to allow two freestanding signs. As a single tenant large scale retail facility, Kenyon Noble will be easily recognizable without the need for a second freestanding sign. Planning Conditions: 1. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDS) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 2. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 3. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/rights-of-way and open space, and shall be included on the site plan. 1 0 • 4. Applicant shall verify the provision of the PUD performance points in accordance with Section 18.36.090.E(7) of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Planning Code Conditions: 5. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.I of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 6. That all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final site plan approval or commencement of the conditional use pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.2 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. UDO Code Provisions: The final plat shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Unified Development Ordinance. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. • The applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final PUD Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. • A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. • The applicant shall enter into an Improvements Agreement with the City to guarantee the installation of required on-site improvements at the time of Final Site Plan submittal. If occupancy of the structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on- site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. • The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. • Street vision triangles shall be delineated on the landscaping plan. 2 • Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). • A scaled, detailed plan of all parking facilities, including bicycle racks, accessible parking including aisles, ramps and signage, and standard aisle and parking spaces shall be provided. • Prior to final plan approval, a common area and facility maintenance plan and guarantee shall be provided for the permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recreational areas, stormwater facilities and parking lots in accordance with Chapter 18.72 or the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The same shall be submitted to the city attorney and shall not be accepted by the city until approved as to legal form and effect. A draft of these documents must be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department at least 30 days prior to filing and recordation with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. Building Department Provision: • Applicant shall provide a soils report, along with building plans, to the Building Division, recommending types of foundations. If development shall occur in phases, the soils report may address those lots within the proposed phase. 3 o� BOZO THE CITY OF BOZMkN y 20 E.OLIVE—P.O.BOX TZ30 c~ � BOZEMAN,MONTANA 59771-1230 9�t 188 GIS DEPARTMENT 9TiA, co. IA- PHONE: (406)582-2250—FAX: (406)582-2263 E-MAIL: ihenderson@bozeman.net MEMORANDUM c ` SEP 2 2 2004 TO: JAMI MORRIS, PLANNER _ ... FROM: JON HENDERSON,BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD `- RE: KENYON NOBLE PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN #P-04230 DATE: SEPTEMBER 21ST,.2004 Below are comments from the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB) regarding the Kenyon Noble Preliminary Plan. The Bicycle Advisory Board recommends the following bicycle facilities. • Oak Street should include a Bike Path(shared-use path) for both sides of the road. The Bike Path (shared-use:path) will be in accordance with the Bike Route Network(Figure 6-4) in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan, which calls for a Bike Path (shared-use path) for the entire extent of Oak. ` 3 fi auit o f, Pub licati�oLn C E o V E STATE OF MONTANA; SS. S E P 3 0 2004 County of Gallatin I DEPARFMENT OF PLANNING /&"VA—IL-4—AND COhlfbein&dui'.y�rswOrn de oses and says: That_&-he is a -S Gl.(Ci(on 4j f Big Sky Publishing LLC,'DBA Lone Peak Lookout,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in Bozeman&published in Big Sky, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice here unto annexed hi 41 U- Of TIA1911 c He a vs n j y� 0 4 23t) b in U 6)n NQbL4 PU r) ) has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said paper for consecutive Oil of "r'A , the first of which publication was made on the �/ �•�' day of 20 , and the last on the V� day of SZ,? 0 20_,q c . - U' '>-�- Subscribed and sworn to before me tlQ L/ �p T A R/,q 4• All day of � - 20 a T Y= 1� LAL ' *� .e��` o y Public for the ate of Montana, /�/FOFN�R2s ding at Bozeman�bjjc for the te Of Montanaana residing at Bozeman, Montana. My Commission Expires June 27, 2008 D6 BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, Se Cheese, please' Americans eating more than 30 pounds of cheese a year, research shows FRESNO,Calif.(AP)—Americans are eating more cheese than ever—more than 30 pounds a person per year—and their appetite for more variety is growing,a na- tional survey says. In 2003;Americans ate a record 8.8 bil- lion pounds of cheese.That's two and a half pounds a month for every man,woman and child,according to a survey released Charles Kung, left, Tuesday by the California Milk Advisory cheese for Vera Am Board. Most of the demand is being fed by do- times as fast in the las mestic suppliers,and California's mega- dars and mozzarellas, dairies are growing so fast that analysts ex- One out of every 1 pect the state to overtake Wisconsin in eaten is a higher-qu cheese production within two years. such as artisan or farm California is already the nation's leading years ago,only one in 1. milk producer,and with the help of cheese consumed was specialty. makers like Hilmar Cheese Company—the "People are traveling in largest in North America—the state has some of the cheeses in Europ doubled its cheese production in the last for those cheeses in the U.S.;'s decade. board's spokeswoman,Nancy Fle In 1995,California made 70 varieties of "They are more adventuresome." cheese.Now there are 250 types of cheese It's good news for California dairies, coming out of the state—815 million Chuck Ahlem,a third-generation dairym pounds of specialty flavored,rinsed,aged or who had a bright idea back in the 1980s, fresh cheese per year. difficult years for dairy farmers. The vast majority is commodity cheese, Ahlem and 11 other farmers in the fertile but Americans are also consuming much Central Valley realized that the area had the pri more specialty cheeses.Blues,sharps,aged world's largest Jersey cow population.By and varieties and fresh ones have grown five pooling their resources,they could turn ucts. Farmers' markets want government to help WASHINGTON(AP)—Bill are more than 3,100,the about$15 million to complete com and Vickie Thomas find in Agriculture Department says. work so a public market could Do Columbus,Ohio,what they Some are more than 100 move into a renovated historic four ma never will see at their farm:a years old and in need of repair. building."We are just absolutely area since million potential customers a Federal money to do that or crying for an increase in federal requests fro year at the North Market,a construct new markets is now assistance for this,"he said. cities that w' farmers'market.It's that traffic available to cities with fewer Rep.Marry Kaptur,D-Ohio, "Our farmers level that has allowed them to than 50,000 people. wants the next major farm bill where they go,". hold on to their family farm. But many farmers,market that Congress will write in 2006 "It gives us a so-called store owners and larger cities say they Democrat to include a new pro- where there's lots of people," are too cash-strapped to do it gram that would provide up to ; said Thomas,who grows apples, on their own. $50 million a year to build new peaches,plums and blueberries Paul is leading an effort farmers'markets J$efurbish in Philo,about an hour east of in lWand,Ore.,to build a older ones. Columbus. year-round indoor market.He "The survival of family "When you sit out here at the said a seasonal farmers'market farmers in our country is go- , farm and wait for them to come, has thrived in the city for 10 ing to depend on their ability -it just doesn't happen,"he said. years.Community leaders want to market to,the,consumers, "Farmers'markets are wha_t's to., a,permanent Bazaar„ k most;of whiah.livoures'alid ' Lthub keeping small farmers alive." th d offer a variety of' urbs and cities," . In one yeaf y0U The number of such markets foodrelated items from fresh The former urbanner is 1 nationwide grew 79 percent be- produce to cooking utensils. the senior Democrat on 116 pounds of tween 1994 and 2002,and there Paul estimates it would cost House Appropriations sub- of fresl Mope options. Mope sepvices. what t More I your I You ca, Life Insurance I®® College t F A) Clip coupons until All of the morning (or) 0 Carla J.KDlling • prepay for a new 3 m Belgrade,Montana FARM BUREAU FINANCIAL SERVICES Or 12month subscript 406-388-8188 Insurance • Investments —W.�mBozeman Daily Chron Securities 8 services offered through EquRrust Marketing Services,LLC'5400 University Aver.West Des Moines,IA 50266,877/860-2904•FYm Buruu rnF Mwmce cans,F�y;wag On Mann,IA a grocery certificate to 'A1MWeE CFBLZW3115 supermarkets! Curren may convert to our E2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS and receive a grocery FOR A GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT Call 5874506,Or co NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public hearings to be held before the CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday,October 5,2004,at 7:00 p.m.,and before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 18,2004,at 7:00 p.m. and mail,it to:The BI Both meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main,Bozeman,Montana. Department,P.O.Bo The purpose of the,public hearings is to consider an amendment to the City of Bozeman's growth policy,the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan,as proposed by the property owner,Bozeman Building Traditions,P.O.Box 4480,Bozeman,Montana 59772.The proposed amendment would amend the growth policy land use designation;as shown on the Future Land Use Map,from"Parks, r Open Space,and Recreational Lands"to"Residential"on 1.84 acres. The property is located at 780 Manley Road and is legally described as a tract of land,situated in the SW 1/4 of Section 31,T1S,R6E,PMM,described as follows:beginning at a point 300 , Order feet south of the northwest corner of said SW 1/4 of Section 31,T1S,R6E,and running thence east at right angles to the west line of said quarter section 400 feet;thence south parallel to the west line of said quarter section 200 feet;thence west at right angles to the West tine of said quarter section 400 feet;thence north along the west line of said quarter section 200 feet to the I Please check One: place of beginning,according the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County , rn j Clerk&Recorder, Gallatin County,Montana(Deed Reference:Film 50,Page 549) $10 Certificate: 3 ❑ Public testimony will be taken at the public hearings. Written comments may be submitted to the I ®$39.00 for cattier n��.�I City,of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT " L'�J %-° 59771-1230. Data pertaining to the application may be reviewed in the City of Bozeman Department of I ❑ $20 Certificate:6 m -" Planning and Community Development,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who require accommo- I @$78.00 for Carrier dations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,582-2306(voice), 582-2301(TDD). #P-04044 BBTGPA I ❑ $40 Certificate: 12 t, SUBMITTED 09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 PUBLICATION.PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH I ®$156.00 for Carrie: ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND AFFIDAVIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ❑ $15 Certificate:Con PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. I to our EZ Pay prog NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING I ON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS I ❑ I am a NEW SUBSCRI I WITH DEVIATIONS FOR A PLNNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , ❑EZ PAY: I hereby authl NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 11,2004 at I my(select one) ❑Check 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main Street,Bozeman,Montana. , get the lowest montbly i The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)and Certificate of Appropriateness with , $12.50 and for Motor Rou deviations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development,requested by the applicant,Kenyon Noble:Richard Ogle , return this form.For ct and William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman,MT 59715,the owner,Jerry Perkins for Peter K.Nelson,511 North Wallace, ' EZ Pay deductions. Bozeman,MT 59715,and represented by CTA Designworks,10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman,MT 59718,pursuant to the City ' of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance.Said application would allow t17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility:consisting of a 53,700 sq.ft.(69,450 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail structure for retail dis- Name: l play and sales area,office space,and warehousing of product;a 33,220 sq.ft.(40,920 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail I Delivery Address: structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders;148,949 sq.ft.outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area;and related site , City. improvements. The following deviations are requested:1.)Section 18.40.180.B.2"Limitations on Size of Retail Stores"to increase the ' Signature: area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135%of the total square footage of the retail building(s);2.)Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(l)"Nonresidential"to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet;3.)Section 18.46.040.B.1 I SIGNATURES ARE REQU] "Nonresidential Uses"to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208;and 4.)Section 18.52.060.A.1 the date you'd prefer to h "Freestanding Signs"to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North llth Avenue.The property is legally I »Credit/Debit Card cha r described as Tracts 2 and 3 of COS 1215,a portion of Section 1,TIS,R5E,PMM,City of Bozeman, subscribers have the opd Gallatin County,MT and is zoned"B-2,"Community Business District. Written and oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed I Charge my: ❑Visa to the City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman, I (Please MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning and I Card Number: Community Development Department,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who require accommo- dations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,582-2306(voice), I Muss be a non su&scriberfor. 582-2301(TDD). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble PUD. I »rust remain on the program R_3 SUBMITTED THURSDAY,09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. I subscribers A PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND AFFI- DAVIT TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. L ———— 0 HRONICLE, Sunday, September 26, 2004 D5 tall investors -)n- coming companies met the standards of S&P's index committee,which reconsitutes the list on an nan- as-needed basis using a variety of factors,including an liquidity,price and market-cap-typically$4 bil- ual lion or higher. largest "The biggest mistake new investors make, top- besides just listening to someone who says they can pick hot stocks for you,is thinking that indexing 1 the S&P equals an S&P 500 index fund"said Tom Coyne, is of the editor of the Index Investor newsletter."I think you d micro- always start with the broadest-based index,and if recent rally. you're going to tilt your portfolio away from that, ie up-and- fine,but make sure you're doing it for a reason." l 0 penheim Quest: St FarmAssoc: 31A 17.14 16.98 16.98 -.07 Gwth n 46.02 45.11 45.11 -.85 alan13 16.97 16.81 16.81 -.07 State Sir Resrch A: Oppenheimer Finch: Aurora A 39.65 38.91 39.01 -.29 tdNYA p 3.32 3.31 3.32 +.Of Strong Funds: PBHG Funds: Opptntylnv n 42.08 41.64 41.76 -.17 :merGro n 11.35 11.04 11.04 -.14 ST Bondlnv n 8.79 8.78 8.78 SelGrowlh n 19.82 19.44 19.58 -.16 UltStlnv 9.25 9.24 9.24 -.01 PIMCO Admin PIMS: SunAmerica Funds: TotRetAd n 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 NewCenA p 14.69 14.46 14.56 +.Ot PIMCO Instl PIMS: TCW Galileo Fds:" AIIAsset 12.74 12.69 12.69 +.02 SelEgty 17.85 17.40 17.40 -.37 CommodRR 15.45 14.95 15.33 +.51 TIAA-CREF Funds: HiYld n 9.75 9.73 9.73 LowDur n 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.01 BOhdPIus 10.44 10.41 10.42 +.03 ModDur n 10.52 10.50 10.50 +.01 Grolnc 11.44 11.21 11.22 -.21 RealRetlnstl 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 Templeton Instit: ShortT 10.05 10.05 10.05 EmMS p 13.22 13.09 13.09 +.04 . TotRet n 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 EmMS 13.22 13.09 13.09 +.0 TR II n 10.56 10.53 10.53 +.02 ForEqS PIMCO Funds A: Third Avenue Fds: LowDurA 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.Ot Value 46.67 46.30 46.37 -.42 24 RenaisA 23.56 23.27 23.27 -.20 Thrivent Fds A: 7 15 RealRetA p 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 LgCapStock 23.88 23.44 23.48 -.35 d 19 17 TotRtA 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 - Transamer Premier: 7.49 -.06 PIMCO Funds B: .14 16.79 -.22 TotRtB t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 Ag ncel p p 21.04 20.82 20.88 +.11 15.40 15.42 -.10 Bquityl p 21.69 17.44 17.51 .. 16.23 16.23 -.13 PIMCO Funds C: Equiryl 17.69 17.44 17.51 -.09 RealRe1C p 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 GwthOppt 18.45 18.22 18.40 +.13 Funds B: TctRtC t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 HiYldlnst 7.74 7.72 7.74 +.03 .5 24.57 24.64 -.37 PIMCO Funds D: Indexl 16.32 16.02 16.05 -.26 .1 8.39. 8.39 +.02 TA IBEX A: J.27 6.26 6.27 +.01 TotlRln p 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.Of - 9.89 9.84 9.89 +.06 Pax World: FedTxExA p 11.91 11.85 11.91 +.07 18.02 17.83 17.88 -.10 Balanced 21.49 21.26 21.30 -.15 JanGrow p 21.39 21.05 21.05 -.18 18.56 18.30 18.38 -.16 GrCoGlob p 22.31 22.00 22.00 -.23 Phoenix-Oakhurst: TrConHYB p 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.02 Managers Funds: BalanA x 14.92 14.68 14.70 -.20 TAFlexlnco p 9.62 9.59 9.61 +.05 q 79.26 78.16 78.24 -.63 Pioneer funds A: TA IDEX B: Marsico Funds: HighYldA p 11.72 11.69 11.70 +.Ot JanGrow t 20.12 19.80 19.80 -.17 :us p 14.82 14.57 14.62 -.08 Mc1CpVaA p 25.29 24.96 25.06 -.16 Turner Funds: _ .argerFd n 15.07 15.06 15.07 -.01 PionFdA px 38.92 38.18 38.27 -.53 SmICpGrwih 21.41 21.07 21.14 -.08 Meridian Funds: ValueA p 19.09 18.75 18.81 -.20 _- _ Value 39.05 • 38.53 38.57 -.44 Pioneer Funds B: Tweed�owne__., Merrill Lynch A: HiYieldB t 11.77 11.74 11.75 +.01 GlobVal 21.86 21.71_ 21.73 :.12_ I6 BasValA p 30.32 29.85 29.93 -.35 Pioneer Funds C: US Global Investors 31 61bAIA p 15.48 15.39 15.39 -.05 HiYIdC 1 11.87 11.84 11.85 +.Of GldShr 7.23 6.71 7.23_+.53 Merrill Lynch B: Price Funds Adv: USAA Group: _ 16 GIAIB t 15.19 15.10 15.10 -.05 Egtylnc p 25.29 24.89 24.94 -.37 AgsvGth n 26.30 25.86 25.95 -.14 r - Merrill Lynch I: Price Funds: GrTaxStr n 14.73 14.64 14.67 +.02 .27 Grwlh n 12.27 12.06 12.10 -.06 25.90 all 30.44 29.98 30.06 -.35 Balance n 18.83• 18.64 18.65 -.13 IncStk n 15.90 15.61 15.64 -.24 . -.24 GIAII t 15.53 15.44 15.44 -.04 BlueChipG n 28.69 28.11 28.15 -.49 Income n 12.50 12.47 12.49 +.05 Monetta Funds: CapApr n 18.74 18.57 18.60 -.12 Intl n 20.68 20.48 20.48 -.06 5 29.76 -.26 Monetta n 9.68 9.56 9.59 02 DivGro n 21.33 20.93 20.98 -.37 PrecMM 14.55 13.99 14.55 +.59 46 17.52 -.21 MontagGr 1 21.89 21.52 21.52 -.53 Eglnc n 25.35 24.94 25.00 -.37 S&P Idx n 17.02 16.71 16.73 -.28 ,S IA: Egldx n 30.52 29.96 30.01 -.49 TxEIT n 13.45 13.39 13.45 +.08 Morgan Stanley B: Growth n 24.43 23.99 24.01 -.39 TxELT n 14.20 14.11 14.19 +.10 11.77 11.79 +.04 AmOppB 20.93 20.65 20.71 -.15 Gwthln n 22.08 21.66 21.69 •.36 46.38 46.39 -.41 DivGth13 x 37.88 37.04 37.17 -.62 HiYld n 7.03 7.03 7.03 +.01 Van Kamp Funds A: 19.13 19.19 -.23 US Gvt13 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.03 IntlDis n 28.58 28.42 28.47 +.05 CmstA p 16.99 16.76 16.87 -.09 22.25 22.25 34 MorpanSlanlev Inst: IntStk n 11.53 11.37 11.37 -.09 EmGroA p 35.38 34.72 34.81 -.37 43.23 43.23 -1.03 MidCap n 45.36 44.76 44.96"-.17 EgtylncA p 8.11 8.02 8.04 -.03 10 29.65 29.70 -.49 CrPIFlnst n 1� 11.70 11.72 +.04 MCapVal n 22.03 21.79 21. GrInA p 18.66 18.38 18.45 -.11 arlford HLS IB: IntlEq n 1 19.70 19.71 -.11 NwHrzn n 25.65 25.26 25. HYMuA p 10.61 10.56 10.61 +.06 J.90 46.15 46.16 -.41 Series: Newlnco n 9.13 9.11 9.1 Van Kam Fp unds Al___ Heartland Fds: BeaconZ 14.84 14.77 14.80 -.03 SciTch n 17.05 16.53 16.53 -.38 DiscZ 21.86 21.71 21.80 +.Of SmCapSlk n 29.65 29.19 29.28 -.10 Cmst13 t 17.00 16.77 16.88 -.09 ` 48.29 47.66 47.86 -.13 pualfdZ 18.64 18.54 18.56 -.06 SmCapVal n 32.66 32.20 32.31 -.17 EmGr13 t 30.45 29.88 29.96 -.32 ING Funds Cl A: SharesZ 21.62 21.53 21.55 -.08 SpecGr 15.34 15.11 15.12 -.18 EglncB t 7.99 7.90 7.92 •.04 16.56 16.22 16.30 -.21 Nations Funds Pri A: Specln n 11.86 11.82 11.82 -.01 Vanguard Admiral: Value n 21:08 20.76 20.83 25 102.56 102.56 16J3 15.86` 15.86, =:22 :i SOOAdml.nx 104.74 BondFdPrA•• 10:06 10 04 10.04 �,02 Pulham'Funds A: ISI Funds: v GNMdAdm n 10.48 10.46 10.46 +01 IntMPIF 10. 1031 10.33 +.03 10.47 `10.92 10.97 +.06 ' IntlVaIPrA n 2 20.35 20115 -.26 ClassicEgA p 12.00 11.74 11.7 Hlth�are n 52.19 51.55 51.58 47 ;q 7.46 7.42 7.45 +.06 Ne &Berm Inv: EgInA px 16.15 15.77 15. HiYIdCp nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 JPMoraan A Class: GeoA p 17.26 17.04 17.0 -. 6 ITAdmI n 13.72 13.66 13.71 +.07 Guar, n 14.9 14.79 14.80 .07 GlbEgty p 7.61 7.50 7.50 10 LtdTrmAdm 10.99 10.98 10.99 +.01 30.67 30.13 30.24 -.41 LtdMat n 9.43 9.42 9.42 GrInA p 18.19 17.79 17.83 -.36 PrmCap r 59.71 58.76 58.76 -.41 Janus: Neuberger&Berm Tr: HIM p 58.80 57.94 58.01 -.58 ShtTrmAdm 15.70 15.69 15.69 ... 20.40 20.18 20.18 .13 Focus 24.77 24.15 24.15 .34 HiYdA p 8.05 8.04 8.05 +.02 STIGrAdm 10.73 10.71 10.71 ... 20.40 20.18 20.18 -.19 Genesis n 24.77 24.15 24.15 -.34 IntlEq p 20.99 20.75 20.75 -.08 TtIBdAdml n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 InvA p 11.42 11.18 11.20 -.19 TotStkAdm nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 NwOpA p 37.08 36.49 36.59 -.26 WelltnAdm nx 51.43 50.60 50.60 -.68 OTC A p 6.45 6.35 6.36 -.04 WindsorAdm n 56.17 55.13 55.13 •.83 USGvA p 13.26 13.25 13.25 +.02 WdsrllAdm 50.58 49.72 49.87 -.70 COGETHER WE CAN COMPLETE umApx . . .15 -.10 8 -=va�uardFds: VstaA p .37 8.23 8.25 -.03 VoyA p 15.42 15.14 15.14 -.25 AssetA n 23.19 22.82 22.86 -.30 B O Z E M AN'S NEW LIBRARY. Putnam Funds B: Capvawe n 10.52 10.31 10.31 -.17 GrInB 4 t 17.93 17.5 17.58 -.36 CapOpp n 27.50 26.99 26.99 -.26 B t 13.93 Energy 37.24 36.37 37.24 +.94 A place where imagination comes alive. y 13. 13.58 -.22 Eglncnx 23.17 22.64 22.64 -.53 Putnam Funds M: Explorer n 65.77 64.70 64.75 •.52 Ovrinc p 10.03 9.99 10.02 +.05 GNMA n 10.48 10.46 10.46 +.01 Putnam Funds Y:' Grolnc n 28.64 28.12 28.18 •.36 Voyager 15.90 15.61 15.61 -•2g HYCorp nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 Vo Y HlfhCare n 123.63 122.12 122.20-1.12 Royce Funds: InflaPro nx 12.64 12.45 12.45 -.09 LowPrStk r 14.67 14.39 14.52 +.10 IntlGr 16.79 16.64 16.64 -.07 Premierl nr 14.46 ' 14.26 14.33 +.08 1ntlVal n 27.84 27.52 27.52 7.15 ,r TotRetl r 11.35 11.20 11.21 -.08 ITI Grade 10.17 10.14 10.14 +.02 Russell Funds S: ITTsry n 11.44 11.41 11.41 +.03 + DivEgS 39.62 38.91 38.98 -.58 LIFECon nx 14.82 18. 1 . -.15 LIFEGro n 18.67 18.41 41 18.43 43 •.19 OuantEgS 35.10 34.44 34.53 -.43 LIFEMod n 17.04 16.86 16.86 -.13 SAFECO Funds: LTInGrade n 9.55 9.47 9.51 +.10 CorEglnv 16.98 16.69 16.73 -.24 Morgan n 14.88 14.66 14.66 -.18 GwthOpp 26.90 26.48 26.52 -.23 MuHY n 10.88 10.82 10.87 +.06 LgCpVallnv 19.68 19.28 19.32 -.31 MulnsLg n 12.95 12.88 12.95 +.09 MuniBond 14.48 14.39 14.47 +.09 Mulnt n 13.72 13.66 13.71 +.07 SEI Portfolios: MuLtd n 10.99 10.98 10.99 +.01 MuShrt n 15.70 15.69 15.69 ... CoreFxlnA n 10.70 10.68 10.68 +.03 PrecMIIsM;n r 15.34 14.93 15.34 +.52 IntIEgA n 9.80 9.69 9.70 -.03 Prmcp r 57.51 56.59 56.60 -.39 LgCGroA n 17.29 17.00 17.02 -.27 REIT rx 16.75 16.42 16.45 -.48 LgCVaIA n 19.98 19.61 19.68 •-.23 SelValu r 16.37 16.18 16.21 -.20 TaxMgdLC 10.52 10.33 10.36 -.14 STAR n 17.77 17.61 17.61 -.09 SSaA Funds: STIGrade 10.73 10.71 10.71 .. SP500 n 18.64 18.30 18.32 -.30 STFed n 10.52 10.49 10.49 .02 Schwab Funds: STTsry n 10.57 10.54 10.54 -.01 .. CoreEgty n 13.88 13.60 13.61 -24 StratEq n 19.74 19.43 19.46 .10 IntllnviS n 14.35 14.19 14.21 •.02 USGro n 15.00 14.68 14.70 -.20 Wellsly nx 21.43 21.08 2 1000lnv r 32.41 31.84 31.90 -,48 1.08 -.28 r 1000Sel n 32.43 31.86 31.92 -.48 Welltn nx 29.77 29.29 29.29 -.39 S&P Inv n 17.57 17.25 17.28 -.28 Wndsr n 16.64 16.33 16.33 -.25 S&P Set n 17.64 17.31 17.34 -.29 Wndsll 28.49 28.00 28.09 _39� YIdPIsSeI 9.71 9.71 9.71 Vanguard Idx Fds.,_, Scudder Funds A: 500 nx 104.72 102.55 102.55-2.10 DrmHiRA x 39.62 38.62 38.62 -1.10 Balanced nx 18.68 18.38 18.38 -.25 D us finish the story with a H;IncAX - 5.46 5.43 5.43 -.02 EMktn , 12.67 12.51 12.51 +.01 a'. MgdMuni p 9.26 9.22 9.26 +.04 Europe n 22.99 22.68 22.78 -.01 Of stock. Bozeman Public pe USGovtAx 8.69 8.65 8.65 -.Ot Extend 21.81 27.43 27.48 -.21 Scudder Funds S: Growth nx 24.59 24.16 24.16 -.43 rary Foundation is working to y"`` ITBond n 10.82 10.78 10.78 +.04 EmMkln x 10.30 10.14 10.14 -.07 MidCap 13.76 13.58 13.62 -.07 ld a library for the twenty-Izrst EmgMkGrnr 15.49 15.28 15.32 -.02 Pacific 8.38 8.27 8.27 -.10 GlobDis 29.36 28.96 29.04 -.10 SmCap n 23.94 23.52 23.54 -.24 tury in downtown Bozeman. Gold&Prec 17.71 16.88 17.71 +87 STBond al 12.25 10.21 10.21 -.14 STBond n 10.25 10.21 10.21 -.02 zse call (406) 522-9900 for Groins x 20.45 20.03 20.05 -.36 TotBond n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 Income S x 13.06 12.99 12.99 ... Totllntl n 11.14 11.02 11.02 -.04 re information. LatAmern 26.72 26.42 26.67 +AO TotStknx 26.61 26.11 26.11 -.46 MgdMuni S 9.27 9.23 9.27 +.04 Value nx 19.97 19.53 19.53 -.41 PacOpps nr 12.18 " 11.95 11.95 -.09 ------- ShtTmBdS nx 10.40 10.35 10.35 -.04 Vanguard Insll Fds: 32.90 32.47 32.59 -.19 Nicholas Group: SmCoVaIS r 27.72 27.25 27.35 -.20 Extln n 27.86 27.48 27.53 -.20 9.77 9.75 9.75 +.03 Nichol n 55.66 55.14 55.33 .38 Scudder Instl: Instldx nx 103.85 101.67 101.67-2.12 22.74 22.29 22.29 -.37 InsPI nx 103.86 101.68 101.68-2.11 16.79 16.51 16.60 -.03 Northeast Investors: Egry5001L x 128.62 125.77 125.97-2.57 TBlst n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 9.50 9.24 9.24 -.14 Trust 7.59 7.57 7.57 Selected Funds: TSlnst nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 19.36 19.07 19.07 -.32 Nuveen Cl A: AmShsS p 34.44 33.97 34.04 -.43 Vania a oint Fds - �� 19.36 19.07 19.07 -.17 �_��___ 22.03 21.73 21.77 -.18 LrgCapV p 23.53 23.02 23.10 -.38 Seligman Group: Growth n 7.83 7.69 7.69 -.13 26.09 25.67 25.67 -.19 BalStk 24.90 24.57 24.62 -.21 ComunA t 21.75 21.37 21.37 -.26 Waddell&Reed Adv 21.06 20.67 20.67 -.31 Nuveen Cl R: Sentinel Group: Accumultiv 5.72 5.61 5.63 -.06, 11.22 11.07 11.11 -.05 IntmDurMuBd 9.28 9.24 9.28 +.05 BalancedA px 16.62 16.39 16.41 -.20 CorelnvA 5.25 5.16 5.17 -.06 3 . 8 3 .2 3 .2 -.28 37.68 37.25 37.25 -.36 Oakmark Funds I: BondA px 6.30 6.27 6.27 -.01 ScTechA 9.15 8.98 8.98 -.03 Janus Aspen Instf: Egrylnc r 23.10 22.96 23.04 .. ComStk A px 30.43 29.93 29.99 -.46 Weitz Funds: -_ Intl I r 19.04 18.78 18.78 -.13 GvSecsA px 10.56 10.50 10.50 -.02 pariVal 22.71 22.41 22.45 .27 23.46 23.22 23.22 .13 Oakmark r 39.18 38.74 38.80 -.43 MdCpGrA p 13.69 13.47 13.54 - Value n 36.53 36.09 36.13 -.41 24.51 24.24 24.24 -.23 Sequoia 148.61 148.08 148.08•.77 Select r 31.37 31.07 31.20 .13 Wells Far o A - JennisonDrvden A: Smith Barney A: 9_ One Group I: MonSmC A 1071 1057 1061�-.02_- 10.25 10.16 10.21 +.02 Bond I n 11.08 11.04 11.04 +.02 AgGrA p 88.20 86.88 87.04 -.30 P . . . • �-_- 23.27 22.82 22.84 •.57 ApprA p 14.07 13.89 13.90 -.16 Wells Fargo Instl;_-_ Eglndxl n 25.88 25.r A 25.44 -.42 FdVaIA p 14.05 13.86 13.86 -.14 Julius Baer Funds: GrthBall n 28.62 28.23 28.26 -.33 Oppenheimer A: MgMuA px 15.51 15.44 15.50 -.03 InstlEMkt 52.94 52.28 52.58 +.29 28.09 27.77 27.91 +.08 CapAppA p 38.61' 37.94 37.97 -.56 28.09 27.77 27.91 +.OB Smith Barney B&P: LgCoGrl 43.34 42.51 42.51 -.73 CapincA px 12.02 11.86 11.88 -.18 AgGrB t 79.70 78.51 78.65 -.28 MohShDGBd 10.19 10.17 10.17 -.02 Legg Mason:I'd Equity A 10.93 10.71 10.73 -.17 - -- 13.60 13.32 13.39 •.18 GlobalA p 52.78 52.07 52.07 -.33 SocAwB a 21.04 20.70 20.73 -.33 Westcore:-�_ 43.67 42.85 43.09 -.52 HighYldA p 9.55 9.54 9.54 -.01 Smith Barney C: BlueChip n 11.59 11.37 11.41 -.17 57.05 56.03 56.06 -1.18 MnStFdA 33.54 32.87 32.89 -.60 IntAIICpGrC 11.89 11.77 11.77 -.03 MIDCO . 6.54 6.42• 6.43_-.05 62.01 60.91 60.95 -1.27 StrIncA p 4.23 4.22 4.23 +.Ot LgCapC p 19.35 18.83 18.83 -.46 Western Asset: Longleaf Partners: Oppenheimer B: Smith Barney 1: CorePlus 10.61 10.60 10.60 +.03 29.89 29.65 29.84 -.09 MnStFd8 32.38 31.74 31.75 -.59 LgCapCol 16.78 16.47 16.51 -.25 Core 11.52 11.50 11.50 +.02 1 OZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 26, 2004 AGRICULTURE Mainers transform heese, �s ` = t humble potato crop please ` ` ° into premium vodka FREEPORT,Maine(AP)— Creating smaller batches of a ericans eating more ` * - - A farmer looking to add value premium product makes more to his low-priced potato crop sense,and potato farmers will 30 pounds of cheese has launched a business part- be watching the project with `y nership in hopes of turning interest,said Don Flannery,ex- a year, research shows humble Maine spuds into high- ecutive director of the Maine .' k"s priced premium vodka. Potato Board in Presque Isle. SNO,Calif.(AP)—Americans are Maine Distilleries Inc.plans There's thought to be only more cheese than ever—more than to trade on the state's image of one distillery in the United unds a person per year—and their pristine water and traditional States that currently makes to for more variety is growing,a na- - New England farms as it creates vodka from potatoes.In Rigby, survey says. a niche product to compete Idaho,Silver Creek Distillers 2003,Americans ate a record 8.8 bil- with the Grey Gooses and Inc.produces vodka carrying pounds of cheese.That's two and a half }'' Belvederes of the world. the Teton Glacier,Blue Ice and ds a month for every man,woman Ap It'll be produced in small Zodiac labels. child,according to a survey released Charles Kung, left, owner of 24th St. Cheese Company, weighs a piece of grana batches,much like microbrew- Vodka is the most popular day by the California Mille Advisory cheese for Vera Amaral at his store in San Francisco on Sept. 21. eries that produce specialized of the spirits,accounting for d. beers,said Don Thibodeau, 26.2 percent of U.S.liquor con- ost of the demand is being fed by do- times as fast in the last decade as the shed- some of the high-protein,high-fat mills who"is in now in the midst of sumption last year,according to tic suppliers,and California's mega- dars and mozzarellas,the research showed. coming from their brown cows into cheese, his fall harvest of 525 acres of the Distilled Spirits Council of ies are growing so fast that analysts ex- One out of every 10 pounds of cheese a value-added product that would bring in potatoes in Fryeburg. the United States.Rum was sec- the state to overtake Wisconsin in eaten is a hi her- uali value-added cheese a little extra cash. "This is all going to be and at 12.3 percent. ese production within two years. such as artisan or farmstead varieties.Ten When they started the Hilmar Cheese hand-crafted by the batch,"said "It's definitely a growing alifornia is already the nation's leading years ago,only one in 15 pounds of cheese Co.in 1984,the 12 families together Thibodeau. market,"said Shawn Kelley,the k producer,and with the help of cheese consumed was specialty. brought in 250,000 pounds of milk a day— Maine Distilleries already trade group's director of public kers like Hilmar Cheese Company—the "People are traveling more,experiencing a drop in a bucket for a company that now has cleared its first hurdle with relations in New York. est in North America—the state has some of the cheeses in Europe,then looking processes 10 million pounds of milk a day the town's project review board. The robust growth is due to bled its cheese production in the last for those cheeses in the U.S.,"said the from more than 270 producers—about 10 It anticipates having federal and the popularity of high-priced ade. board's spokeswoman,Nancy Fletcher. percent of all the mills produced in state regulatory approvals to super premium brands and fla- In 1995,California made 70 varieties of "They are more adventuresome." California. start production this spring. vored vodkas,along with a ese.Now there are 250 types of cheese It's good news for California dairies,said All that milk goes into 450 tons of basic It would be Maine's first resurgence in the cocktail cal- ming out of the state—815 million Chuck Ahlem,a third-generation dairyman cheeses like Monterey Jack and Cheddar, commercial distillery,officials ture that has boosted liquor unds of specialty flavored,rinsed,aged or who had a bright idea back in the 1980s, every single day. say.White Rock Distilleries in consumption in general,she esh cheese per year. difficult years for dairy farmers. "We were just glad to be in business back Lewiston makes and markets a said. The vast majority is commodity cheese, Ahlem and 11 other farmers in the fertile then,"said Ahlem,who says he was as sur- full line of spirits,but the alto- Maine Distilleries Inc.plans ut Americans are also consuming much Central Valley realized that the area had the prised as anyone by the nation's immense hol used in White Rock prod- to start small with one or two ore specialty cheeses.Blues,sharps,aged world's largest Jersey cow population.By and still-growing appetite for dairy prod- ucts is imported. batches—up to 500 bottles— arieties and fresh ones have grown five pooling their resources,they could turn ucts. The vodka concept originat- each week,said Bob Harkin,a • ed with Thibodeau,who was partner in the venture.Each frustrated by market conditions batch will use 4,000 to 5,000 that have led to low potato pounds of potatoes grown by Farmers' markets want government to help with repairs Prices. Thibodeau's Green Thumb The idea is not necessarily Farms. WASHINGTON(AP)—Bill are more than 3,100,the about$15 million to complete committee for agriculture. new. The company hopes to win and Vickie Thomas find in Agriculture Department says. work so a public market could Donita Anderson has started Maine farmers have tossed regulatory approval from the Columbus,Ohio,what they Some are more than 100 move into a renovated historic four markets in the Cleveland around the idea of distilling federal and state government never will see at their farm:a years old and in need of repair. building."We are just absolutely area since 1995 and says she has vodka to utilize Maine-grown and purchase the equipment in million potential customers a Federal money to do that or crying for an increase in federal requests from 25 other Ohio potatoes for years,but the con- time to begin production this year at the North Market,a construct new markets is now assistance for this;'he said. cities that want to open them. sensus was that it wasn't cost ef- spring.The goal is to be on the farmers'market.It's that traffic available to cities with fewer Rep.Marry Kaptur,D-Ohio, "Our farmers sell out every- fective to produce large quanti- market by summer in Maine level that has allowed them to than 50,000 people. wants the next major farm bill where they go,"she said. ties at low prices. and New Hampshire. hold on to their family farm. But many farmers,market that Congress will write in 2006 "It gives us a so-called store owners and larger cities say they Democrat to include a new pro- where there's lots of people" are too cash-strapped to do it gram that would provide up to �' !�\4p�.� ` ''� o •%Ry said Thomas,who grows apples, on their own. $50 million a year to build new peaches,plums and blueberries Ro Paul is leading an effort farmers'markets and refurbish in Philo,about an hour east of in P�rtd,Ore.,to build a older ones. ► `/ Columbus. year- ..d indoor market.He "The survival fly �j t "When you sit out here at the said a seasonal farmers'market farmers in our coun ry is go- farm and wait for them to come, has thrived in the city for 10 ing to depend on their ability it just doesn t happen, he said. years.Community leaders want to market to the consumers, - �,5 ! Farmers'markets are what's to build a permanent bazaar,A most of which dive in the sub- keeping small farmers alive." that could offer a variety of urbs and cities,"Kaptur said. In one year you (yes, just you) may nsume 117 pounds of potatoes, The number of such markets foo ted items,from fresh The former urbapAiknner is nationwide grew 79 percent be- prof to cooking utensils. the senior DemodWn 06 pounds of beef, 100 pounds O sh vegetables, and,80 pounds tween 1994 and 2002,and there Paul estimates it would cost House Appropriations sub- Of fresh fruit?! That's beaucoup $$ to spend On food! , Mope options. Mope sepvices, More of t 1 ®u ��1Il�19 It's easy as 1, 2, 3.. 0 Life Insurance Annuities IRAs College t t A)Clip coupons until the wee hours Start and prepay for a new 3 month subscription � of the morning(or)B)Start and and receive a $10 grocery certificate. 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FOR A GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT Call 587-4506,Or complete the attached order form And you'll love the Wednesday and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public hearings to be held before the CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday,October 5,2004,at 7:00 p.m.,and before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 18,2004,at 7:00 p.m. and mail it to:The Bozeman Daily Chronicle Circulation Sunday papers that fill you in on the best Both meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main,Bozeman,Montana. ' way to spend those grocery certificatesl The purpose of the public hearings is to consider an amendment to the City of Bozeman's growth policy,the Bozeman 2020 Department,P.O.Box 1190,Bozeman,MT 59771 Community Plan,as proposed by the property owner,Bozeman Building Traditions,P.O.Box 4480, eman,Montana 59772.The proposed amendment would amend the growth policy land use designation,as shown on the F0 Land Use Map,from"Parks, r—————————————————————-——————— —, Open Space,and Recreational Lands"to"Residential"on 1.84 acres. The located at 780 anley Road and is legally described as a tract of land,situated in the SW 1/4 of Section 31,T1S described as ows:beginning at a point 300 I ®��.C�I� ® � feet south of the northwest corner of said SW 1/4 of Section 31,Tl 6E,a ping thenc ast at right angles to the west I ll v Select one .Lee&Dad's IGA line of said quarter section 400 feet;thence uth par d o the west line o d quarter sec 200 feet;thence west at right angles to the West line of said quarter secti 400 feet; ce n rth alon west line of quarter section 200 feet to the I Please check one: Albertson's Safeway place o ginnin ccordin cial plat reof on file and record in the office of the County y Cler ecorde nty,Monta eed Refere Ina 50,Page 549) 1 ❑ $10 Certificate:3 month subscription lie test ony i I taken at the lie heart ri comments may be submitted to the I @$39.00 for carrier route; $42.00 for motor route []Community 0 Smith's City of man D ent tanning and evelop nt,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT I Food Coo 59771-1 ata ining t e application may a reviewed i e City of Bozeman Department of I t Plannin nity Deve ment,20 East Olive Street,582- 0. For those who require accommo- �$78.00 for cattier route; $84.00 for motor route Town&Country �j. dations disa es,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bo an A oordinator,582-2306(voice), I ❑Heeb's East Main Foods wnc are+�.�eBe a; 582-230 D). W04044 BBT GPA I ❑ $40 Certificate: 12 month subscription Grose I ry ` SUBMITTED 09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 PUBLIC ON L SE PRINT WITH NORTH ®$156.00 for carrier route;$168.00 for motor route Van County ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND A O THE DEPARTMENT OF I i , 's ElPLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. I $15 Certificate: Convert your current subscription ❑L&F Market Market to our EZ Pay program NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING I I ON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS ❑ I am a NEW SUBSCRIBER!My check is enclosed OR my credit card information is listed below. WITH DEVIATIONS FOR A PLNNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT I [_1 EZ PAY: I hereby authorize the Bozeman Daily Chronicle to initiate a monthly debit/credit transaction on NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 11,2004 at I my(select one) ❑Checking'or❑Credit/Debit Card"account for my newspaper subscription so that I may 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main Street,Bozeman,Montana. I get the lowest monthly rate available. The monthly deduction amount for Carrier Route home delivery is The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Conditional Use Permit CUP and Certificate of Appropriateness with $12.50 and for Motor Route home delivery is $13.50. Please complete the following information,sign and P rP P g• (CUP) I deviations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development,requested by the applicant,Kenyon Noble:Richard Ogle I return this form.For checking account authorization,please include one month's payment to start and William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman,MT 59715,the owner,Jerry Perkins for Peter K.Nelson,511 North Wallace, I EZ Pay deductions. Bozeman,MT 59715,and represented by CTA Designworks,10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman,MT 59718,pursuant to the City (PLEASE iTEN"]') of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance.Said application would allow x17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility:consisting of a 53,700 sq.ft.(69,450 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail structure for retail dis- I Name: Phone: Office Use Only play and sales area,office space,and warehousing of product;a 33,220 sq.ft.(40,920 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail I Delivery Address: Apt./Space: Acct# structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders;148,949 sq.ft.outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area;and related site I Processed by improvements. I City: State: Zip: Date The following deviations are requested:1.)Section 18.40.180.B.2"Limitations on Size of Retail Stores"to increase the I Signature: Date: Grocery offer area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135%of the total square footage of the retail building(s);2.)Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1)"Nonresidential"to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet;3.)Section 18.46.040.B.1 I SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL EZ PAY PLANS."For EZ Pay CHECKING withdrawal, please select 'Nonresidential Uses'to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208;and 4.)Section 18.52.060.A.1 the date you'd prefer to have the monthly payment made: ❑Sth of each month or ❑20th of each monde. "Freestanding Signs"to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Avenue.The property is legally I "Credit/Debit Card charges will occur 5 days prior to your subscription expiration date.Credit/Debit Card described as Tracts 2 and 3 of COS 1215,a portion of Section 1,TIS,R5E,PMM,City of Bozeman, I subscribers have the option of automatically renewing their subscriptions for ❑one,❑three or❑six month periods. ' Gallatin County,MT and is zoned"B-2,"Community Business District. �+ Written and oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed i Charge my: ❑Visa ❑MasterCard ❑Discover ❑Am. Express in the amount of$ to the City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman, (Please cbeck one) MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning and I Card Number: Exp. Date: Community Development Department,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who require accommo- dations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,582-2306(voice), I Must be a non-subscriberfor the last 60 days to be eligible for this offer F.Z Pay cont+ersions Bozeman 582-2301(TDD). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble PUD. I Daily roniele Hurst remain on the program for one year.Offer valid one time only.Not valid for mail ��yaur Pa cr R3 SUBMITTED THURSDAY,09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. I subscribers. A PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND AFFI- DAVIT TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. L______________________________________J ECONOMY BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 26, 2004 Index funds can be great tool fo small investor NEW YORK(AP)-If you've got better things beginners,and many people,including some very Standard&Poor's 500,which many investors con- coming companies met the standards of S&P to do than pour over the finer points of your stock astute investors,rely on them exclusively.But not sider to be the best overall snapshot of the U.S. index committee,which reconsitutes the list portfolio,and you don't care to study the perfor- all indexes are the same,and depending on which equity market.Some$1.1 trillion in passively man- as-needed basis using a'variety of factors,incl mance records and investing styles of mutual fund one you hold,your stake in the market might be aged assets are pegged to it.It's replicated by an liquidity,price and market-cap-typically$ managers,chances are you've invested in an equity more limited than you realize. ETF sold through iShares and dozens of mutual lion or higher. index fund. About a third of the$7.4 trillion invested in the funds,including the Vanguard 500,now the largest "The biggest mistake new investors make, Good for you.These passively managed baskets •nation's mutual funds is held in passively managed retail mutual fund in the nation,with assets top- besides just listening to someone who says th of stock will give you quick,easy and inexpensive index funds,and they are growing more popular ping$96 billion. pick hot stocks for you,is thinking that indexi exposure to a broad swath of the market,.and more all the time.This is reflected in the rising asset lev- If all of your stock exposure came from the S&P equals an S&P 500 index fund,"said Tom Co often than not,provide better returns than actively els of exchange-traded funds,which track indexes 500,however,you'd be ignoring huge parts of the editor of the Index Investor newsletter."I th' managed funds,which have to charge higher fees but differ from mutual funds in that they are market,including thousands of small and micro- always start with the broadest-based index,an so they can pay their stock-pickers-who aren't traded like stocks. cap stocks,which led Wall Street's most recent rally. you're going to tilt your portfolio away from always right.An index can be a great first fund for The biggest fish in the indexing world is the You'd also have to wait years before some up-and- fine,but make sure you're doing it for a reason MUTUAL FUNDS NEW YORK(AP)-The following,is a TradGvtA 9.02 9.00 9.00 -.01 LMGvSecA 10.27 10.25 10.25 -.01 Intl n 14.37 14.29 14.29 -.11 OppenheimGuest: St FarmAssoc: summary of the week's m010a1 fund trading Eaton Vance CI B: MassTFA p 11.99 11.92 11.98 +.07 SmCap 29.64 29.30 29.40 -.11 DgalA 17.14 16.96 16.98 -.07 Gwlh n, 46.02 45.11 45.11 activity. MNIns A p 12.23 12.19 12.23 +.06 Loomis Sa 1 OBalanB 16.97 16.81 16.81 -.07 TMGt.t t 20.07 19.72 19.77 -.28 �y es: High Low Last Chg. MO TFA 12.23 12.23 12.23 +.06 -- _ State Sir Resrch A: Enterprise CI A: MO TFA px 12.28 12.23 12.28 +.06 LSBondl x 13.60 13.42 13.42 -.07 Oppenheimer Roch: AARP Invtt: •CapApA p 30.00 29.53 29.63 -.15 NJTFA px 12.14 12.08 12.13 +.06 Lord Abbett A_ Aurora A 39.65 38.91 39.01 NY TFA LtdNYAp 3.32 3.31 3.32 +.01 Stion Funds GNMA x 15.25 15.17 15.17 -.03 GvSecA p 12.72 12.69 12.70 +.01 p 11.96 11.91 11.96 +.07 AffiliatdA 13.76 13.55 13.56 -.17 g-- D PBHG Funds: • Grolnc x 20.48 20.06 20.08 -.36 GwthA np 15.83 15.56 15.56 '-.40 OhioITFA p 12.61 12.56 12.61 +.06 BondDebA p 8.00 7.99 7.99 Opptnrylnv ri 42.06 41.64 41.76 AIM Investments A: Everareen A: ORTFA px 11.86 11.81 11.86 +.06 MidCapA p 20.67 20.43 20.51 -.12 EmerGro n 11.35 11.04 11.04 -.14 ST Bondlnv n 8.79 8.78 8.78 PA TFA p 10.47 10.44 10.47 +.04 SelGrowth n 19.82 19.44 19.58 -.16 UltStlnv 9.25 9.24 9.24 BaIA px 24.01 23.72 23.77 -.31 AggGroA 15.61 15.43 15.51 +.06 SMCpGrA 30.60 30.01 30.05 -.33 Lord Abbott B: PIMCO Admin PIMS: BasicValA p 29.63 29.14 29.24 -.33 Evergreen B: USGovA p 6.70 6.69 6.69 +.01 AffildB p 13.80 13.58 13.60 -.17 $unAmerica Funds: Chart p 12.21 12.02 12.03 -.17 UtilitiesA p 10.18 10.08 10.08 -.10 BdDbB p 8.00 7.99 8.00 +.01 TotRetAd n 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.Ot NewGenA p 14.69' 14.46 14.56 Constl p 20.96 20.57 20.64 -.23 BalanB t 8.08 7.99 8.00 -.06 VA TFA px 11.86 11.80 11.86 +.07 PIMCO Instl PIMS: IntlGrow 17.52 17.20 17.24 -,03 DivrBdB t 15.05 15.01 15.01 +.OS MFS Funds A: TCW Galileo Fds: - MdCpCrEq 28.45 28.15 28.15 -.27 MuniBondB t 7.49 7.45 7.49 +.05 Frank/temp Frnk 6: MITA p 15.84 15.54 15.59 .25 AIIAsset 12.74 12.69 12.69 +.02 SelEgry 17.85 17.40 17.40 - PremE 9.23 ' 9.08 9.09 -.13 Evergreen C: IncomeB t 2.42 2.41 2.41 -.01 MIGA 11.28 11.10 11.11 -.18 HiYldCom n RR 15.45 94.95 9.733 +.51 qry p HiYld n 9.75 9.73 9.73 TIAA�CREF,Funds: Summitl 9.89 9.72 9.74 -.09 AdjRateC t 9.45 9.45 9.45 FrankNmp Fink C: EmGrA p 28.22 27.80 27.87 •.29 LowDur n 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.01 BondPlus 10.44 10.41 10.42 +. WeingA p 11.95 11.72 11.72 -.18 GvLtA p 8.05 8.03 8.03 -.01 Evergreen I: IncomeC t 2.44 2.43 2.43 -.01 GvMgA p• 6.56 6.55 6.55 +.01 RealReModDur n 11.52 11.52 11.53 +.04 Grolnc 11eLm jgstI 11.22 - AIM Investments B: ShortTtlnstl 11.05 11.05 10 05 +.04 Tem I CoreBdl 10.86 10.83 10.83 +.02 Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: HilncA p 3.94 3.93 3.93 p eton Instil: BasicValB t 28.03 27.57 27.66 -.31 +. shpnT 10.96 10.94 10'94 ... AdjRatel 9.45 9.45 9.45 DiscovA 21.66 21.51 21.60 +.Ot MuBdA 10.88 10.83 10.87 +.04 TotRet n 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 EmMS p 13.22 13.09 13.09 +. PremEgry 8.56 8.42 8.44 -.11 Found) 16.35 16.18 16.21 -.10 SharesA 21.48 21.39 21.41 -.08 SectA p 7.81 7.69 7.69 -.14 TR II n 10.56 10.53 10.53 +.02 ForEgS 17.71 17.45 17.45 -.0 AIM/INVESCO Invetr: Excelsior Funds: TotRA p 15.55 15.40 15.43 -.10 Frank/temp Temp A: PIMCO Funds A: Third Avenue Fds_ CoreEqu px 11.14 10.69 10.89 -.21 VatRestr n 38.17 37.62 37.82 -.13 ValueA p 21.36 20.97 21.05 •.30 DevMktA p 16.14 15.97 15.97 +.04 LowDurA 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.Ot Value 46.67 46.30 46.37 -.4 Dynamcl p 14.57 14.38 14.42 -.07 MFS Funds B: FBP Contrarian ForeignA p 11.09 10.90 10.90 -.10 - RenaisA 23.56 23.27 23.27 -.20 Thrivent Fds A: AMF Funds: Balanced n 18.25 18.00 18.04 -.22 GIBondA p 10.17 10.09 10.15 +.08 MA ITB 15.44 15.15 15.20 :24 RealRetA p 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 AdjMtg n 9.84 9.84 9.84 GlobOpA p 14.38 14.14 14.14 -.15 CapOpB 11.23 11.06 11.07 -.15 TotRtA 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 LgCapStock 23.88 23.44 23.48 -.3 FBR Funds: GrowlhA p 21.63 21.35 21.35 -.14 MIGB 10.35 10.19 10.19 -.17 Transamer Premier: AllianceBern A: AmGas n 14.23 14.10 14.12 -.10 WoddA p 17.34 17.04 17.04 -.19 MCapB 7.58 7.46 7.49 -.06 PIMCO Funds B: - GrolncA px 3.49 a42 3.43 .06 LgCapFin r 24.20 23.57 23.69 -.57 Rs . 17.01 16.74 16.79 -.22 ToIRIB t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 AggGwthl p 14.74 14.62 14.70 +.1 PrGrthA p 16.76 16.46 16.46 -.21 SmICpFnA r 36.12 35.71 35.71 -.54 GE Ellun S&S: ToIRB t 15.55 15.40 15.42 -.10 Balncel p 21.04 20.82 20.88 .. AlllanceBem B: SmCGVA r 36.55 36.25 36.36 -.02 S&S Income n 11.81 11.78 11.78 +.03 GIGrB 16.41 16.23 16.23 .13 PIMCO Funds C: Equiryl 17.69 17.44 17.51 -.09 GrincB px 3.43 3.37 3.38 OS FPA Funds: S&S PM n 43.45 42.58 42.61 •.99 Mainstay Funds B: RealRetC p 11.56 ' 11.52 11.53 +.D4 GwthOppt 18.45 18.22 18.40 +.13 PrIncB px t 35.22 34.94 34.95 -.19 TaxEx 12.04 11.99 12.04 +.07 TotRtC t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 HiYldlnst 7.74 7.72 7.74 +.03 Newlnc 11.29 11.28 11.29 -.01 Trusts n 55.16 54.07 54.07 -1.33 CpAppB t 25.05 24.57 24.64 -.37 P-- Funds D: Index) 16.32 16.02 16.05 -.26 Amer Century Inv: Federated A: GMO Trust III: GovtB t 8.41 8.39 8.39 +.02 TotlRtn p 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 TA IBEX A: Eglnco n 8.12 7.99 8.00 -.11 HiYIdBB t 6.27 6.26 6.27 +.01 Growth)n 8.124 7.996 17.97 -•11 CapincoA x 7.08 7.00 7.00 -.07 EmgMk r 15.72 15.44 15.59 +.08 TxFrBB t 9.89 9.84 9.89 +.06 Pax World: FedTxExA p 11.91 11.85 11.91 +.07 Growl n 18.24 17.96 17.97 -.33 CapAppA 23.95. 23.49 23.50 -.39 Foreign 13.57 13.39 13.40 -.07 TotRtB t 18.02 17.83 17.88 -.10 Balanced 21.49 21.26 21.30 .15 JanGrow p 21.39 21.05 21.05 -.18 IncGrFederated Instl: GMO Trust IV: ValueB t 18.56 18.30 18.38 .16 GrCoGlob p 22.31 22.00 22.00 -.23 IntlGrol n 8.03 7.93 7.94 Ot -Phoenix-Oakhurst: TrConHYB p 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.02 Selectl n 35.29 34.69 34.77 -.56 Kaufman 5.00 4.93 4.95 -.04 EmerMkt 15.69 16.42 15.56' +.07 Managers Funds: BalanA x 14.92 14.68 14.70 -.20 TAFlexlnco p 9.62 9.59 9.61 +.OS Ultra n 27.O7 26.55 26.62 -.44 Fidelity Adv Foc B: Gabelli Funds: SpclEq 79.26 78.16 78.24 -.63 Pioneer Funds A: TA IBEX B: Util n 10.79 10.70 10.71 -.07 TechB np 13.04 12.62 12.62 -.22 Asset 37.56 31.03 37.13 -.45 Marsico Funds: Valuelnv n 7.93 7.78 7.80 -.13 Growth 24:29 23.88 23.89 -.30 HighYldA p 11.72 11.69 11.70 +.01 JanGrow t 20.12 19.80 19.80 -.17 Fidelity Advisor I: Focus 14.82 14.57 14.62 .08 MdC VaA 25.29 24.96 25.06 -.16 Amer Express A: p D P Turner Funds: DEI x 9.97 9.73 9.77 -•17 EgGrl n 45.09 44.22 44.22 -.69 Gateway.Funds: MergerFd n 15.07 15.06 15.07 -.01 PionFdA px 38.92 38.18 38.27 -.53 DivrBd 4.90 4.89 4.89 +.01 Fldefity Advisor T: Gateway 23.85 23.63 23.63 -.20 Meridian Funds: ValueA p 19.09 18.75 18.81 -.20 SmICpGrwlh 2 Tw 21.01 21.14 -.08 Growth 24.26 24.02 24.02 -.28 DivGrthT p 11.18 10.93 10.93 •.28 Goldman Sachs A: Value 39.05 38.53 38.57 -.44 Pioneer Funds B: - Tweedy_Browne: HiYldBond 2.87 2.87 2.87 EgGrT p 42.97 42.14 42.14 -.66 AsiaGrthA 11:13 10.82 10.82 -.19 Merrill Lynch A: HiYieldB 1 11.77 11.74 11.75 +.01 GlobVal 21.86 21.71 21.73 -.12 HiYield 4.49 4.47 4.48 +.02 EglnT 27.01 26.50 26.54 -.44 BalancedA 18.86 18.67 18.69 -.16 BasValA p 30.32 29.85 29.93 •.35 Pioneer Funds C: ___ US Global Investors: NewD 23.18 22.72 22.76 -.37 GrOppT 28.43 27.92 27.94 -.45 SmaCapA 41.01 40.40 40.52 -.31 GfbAIA p 15.48 15.39 15.39 -.05 HiYIdC t 11.87 11.84 11.85 +.01 GldShr 7.23 6.71 7.23 +.53 Amer Express B: MidCapT p 22.42 22.22 22.38 -.04 Goldman Sachs B: NewD t 21.88 21.45 21.48 -.35 Fidelity Freedom: Merril�nch B: Price Funds Adv: _-USAA Group: BalancedB p 18.71 18.52 18.54 -.16 GIAIB t 15.19 15.10 15.10 -.05 E AgsvGth n 26.30 25.86 25.95 -.14 Amer Express Y: FF2010 n 13.22 13.11 13.12 -.07 Harbor Funds: grylnc p 25.29 24.89 24.94 -.37 GrTaxStr n 14.73 14.64 14.67 +.02 FF2020 n 13.22 13.06 13.07 -.11 Merrill Lynch I: Price Funds: Grwth n 12.27 12.06 12.10 -.06 NewD n 23.31 Funds 22.88 .37 FF2030 n 13.17 12.98 12.99 -.14 CapAppinst n 26.34 25.90 25.90 -.27 gasVall 30.44 29.98 30.06 -.35 Balance n 18.83 18.64 18.65 -.13 IncStk n 15.90 15.61 15.64 -.24 American Funds A: IncomeFd n 11.15 11.11 11.11 -.03 Intl nr 38.89 38.25 38.25 -.24 GIAII t 15.53 15.44 15.44 -.04 BlueChipG n 28.69 •28.11 28.15 -.49 Income n 12.50 12.47 12.49 +.05 AmrapFA p 17.24 17.00 17.02 -.17 Fidelity Invest: Hartford Fds A: AmMutIA px 25.33 24.88 24.88 •.39 Ca A A Monetta Funds: DivGro n 28.33 20.93 20.98 -.12 Intl n 20.68 20.48 20.48 .O6 BaIA p 17.72 17.49 17.49 -.20 AggrGr r 15.35 15.05 15.06 -.13 CapApA p 10.23 29.75 29.76 •,26 Monetta n 9.68 9.56 9.59 -.02 EI Inc nn 25.35 24.94 25.00 -.37 PrecMM 14.55 13.99 14.55 +.59 AMgr 15.79 15.60 15.60 -.19 p Monta Gr I 21.89 21.52 21.52 -.53 q S&P Idx n 17.02 16.71 16.73 -.28 BondFdA p 49.57 49.18 49.18 +.03 9 Egldx n 30.52 29.96 30.01 -.49 Aalanc n 16.35 14.11 16.11 -.24 Hartford HLS IA: -- TxEIT n 13.45 13.39 13.45 +.08 CapinBlA p 49.57 49.18 49.18 -.30 Morgan Stanley Br Growth n 24.43 23.99 24.01 -.39 CapWIdA p 18.97 18.82 18.90 +.12 BlueC 39.41 38.68 38.69 -.09 Bond 11.81 11.77 11.79 +.04 TxELT n 14.20 14.11 14.19 +.10 CapWGrA x 31.24. 30.62 30.62 -.33 BlueChipGr 39.41 38.68 38.69 .73 CapApp 47.14 46.38 46.39 -.41 AmOppB 37.88 37.04 37.17 -.15 HiYldGwth n n 22.08 21.66 21.69 +.Of p Canada n 29.48 28.92 29.48 +.70 DivGthB x 37.88 37.04 37.17 -.62 HiYld n 7.03 7.03 7.03 +.01 Van Kamp Funds A: EupacA p 31.98 31.46 31.46 .16 Div&Grwth 19.46 19.13 19.19 -.23 US GvtB 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.03 IntlDis n 28.58 28.42 28.47 +.05 CmstA 16.99 16.76 16.87 -.09 FundInvA p 29.66 29.27 29.30 -.21 CapApp n 24.91 24.39 24.39 -.24 Advisers 22.57 22.25 22.25 -34 p GovtA p 13.79 13.76 13.76 +.03 Capinco nr 8.09 8.07 8.09 +.02 Stock 44.13 43.23 43.23 -1.03 MorpanStanley Inst: _ MidCIntStap n 11.36 11.76 41.96 -.09 EmGroA p 8.11 34.72 34.81 -.37 GwthFdA p 25.28 .24.92 24.92 -.23 CongrSt n 377.81 371.56 371.56-7.09 Index 30.20 29.65 29.70 -.49 CrPIFlnsl n 11.72 11.70 11.72 +.04 MGapVMidCap n 22.03 21.79 21.86 -.17 GrInA pEqtyInc p 8.11 18.3 18.4 -.03 Contra n 51.98 51.36 51.49 -.14 NwHrzn i n 22.65 21.26 25 -.15 HYM p 10.61 10.38 18.61 `-.11 HI TrstA p 12.57 17.42 12.43 +.01 Hartford HLS IB: IntlEq n 19.99 19.70 19.71 -.11 NwHrzn n 25.65 25.26 25 :27 HYMuA IntBdA p 13.82 13.79 13.79 -.11 CnvSec 12.05 11.84 11.84 +.Ot _ __ _.- p V-. t0.ds 10.61 +.06 Destiny) 12.05 11.84 11.84 -.18 CapApprec p 46.90 46.15 46 41 ual Series; _ Newlnco n 9.13 9.11 9 02 InvC A p 19.23 28.81 28.83 .. ScTch n 17.05 16.53 1 8 Van Kamp Funds B: InvCoAA p 29.23 28.81 28.83 •.36 Destinyll 1 9 10.96 10.98 -.O6 Heartland Fds: BeaconZ 14.77 14.80 -.03 V DisEq n 22.89 22.94 -.27 DiscZ 21.71 21.80 +.01 SmCapStk n 29.65 29.19 29. 10 CmstB t 17.00 16.77 16.88 -.09 NwEconA p 8.93 18.66 18.66 -.25 Value 48.29 47.66 4 13 SmCa Val n 32.66 32.20 32.31 -.17 EmGrB t 30.45 29.88 29.96 -.32 NewPerA p 25.01 24.62 24.62 -.17 Diverintl n 24.98 25.01 -.01 OualfdZ 18.64 18.54 18.56 -.06 p EglncB t 7.99 7.90 7.92 04 NewWorldA 29.33 28.95 28.97 •.04 DivGlh n 26.54 26.54 -.67 ING Funds CI A: SharesZ 21.62 21.53 21'55 -.OB SpecGr 15.34 15.11 15.12 -.18 -- Equtlnc n 50,59 49.63 49.74;-.89 Cor LeadA 16.56. 16.22 16.30 21 -�_-. "- - Specln n 11.86 11.82 11.82 -.01 Vanguard Admiral: _. ._SmCpWA p 27.84 27.46 27.50 -.11 p Nations Funds Fri A: "_ --- EOII 22.93 22.42 22.48 44 IntValA 16.13': 15.86 15.86 -22, -` _ Value n 21.08 2076 20.83 -.25 TaxExptA p 1T66 12:55 12.59 +.06 -_p BondFdPrA' `10.06 10.04 10.04 +.02 - ---- SOOAdmI nx 104.74•.. 102.56 102.56-2,11. vTx(aCAAp�•u16.80 -':16.72 16.80 -+.10 Europe,n 28,95 28.40 •28.62-+r14 ISVFunds: ":"`°s Putnam Funds_A:_ GNMAAdmn 10.48 �10.46 1046 .+.01;, ExchFdn 249.11 245.14 245.65-4.22 intMPAn 10.34 10.31 '10.33' +.03' TxExVA A p 16.86 16.80 `16.85 +.07 Muni n 10.97 10.92 10.97. +.06 IntIValPrA n 20.65 20.35 20.35 -.26 ClassicEgA p 12.00 11.74 11.75 -.24 HlthCare n 52.19 51.55 51.58 •.47, WshMut p 29.76 29.21 16.85 +.07 AtRa d 28.36 27.86 27.91 -.50 p E InA x 16.15 15.77 15.8 30 HiYIdC nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 FltRateHi r 9.93 9.93 NoAm p 7.46 7.42 7.45 +.06 Nei, er&Berm Inv: q p p WshMutA p 29.76 29.21 29.27 -.48 GIbE t 7.61 7.504 17 6 ITAdmILtdTrm n 13.99 13.66 13.99 +.01 GNMA n 11.12 11.12 +.01 JPMorean A Class: Guardn n 14.79 14.80 -.07 GIbE 7.61 7.50 7.. 0 LtdTrmAdm 10.99 10.9 10.99 +.01 American Funds B: Govtlnc n 10.31 10.31 +.03 qry p BalanB t 1,7.68 - 1f.45 17.45 -.19 GroCo n 49.16 49.16 -.97 Grolnc 30.67 30.13 3 41 LtdMat n 9.42 9.42 _ GrInA p 78.19 17.79 17. 36 PrmCap r 59.71 58.76 58.76 •?41 Janus: Neuberger&Berm Tr: HIthA p 58.80 57.94 58.01 -.58 ShtTrmAdm 15.70 15.69 15.69 .. GrowtlBB t 24.54 24.18 24.18 -.30 Grolnc 8.91 35.65 35.73 •.61 HiYdA p 8.05 8.04 8.05 +.02 STIGrAdm 10.73 10.71 10.71 IncomeB t 17.48 17.33 17.34 -.23 Highlnc rn 16.1 15.9 15.9 Balanced n 18.75 18.44 18.44 -.13 Focus 40.10 39.63 39.88 +.0 IntlEq p 20.99 20.75 20.75 -.08 TtIBdAdml n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 IncomeB t 29.14 28.72 28.34 -.12 IntBd ndnce n 10.61 15.92 15.96 -.18 CoreEq n 18.75 18.44 18.44 -.19 Genesis n 40.10 39.63 39.86 +.02 InvA p 11.42 11.18 11.20 -.19 TotStkAdm nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 ICAB t 29.14 28.72 28.74 -.36 IntBd n 10.61 10.59 10.59 +.Ot NwOpA p 37.08 36.49 36.59 -.26 WelltnAdm nx 51.43 50.60 50.60 -.68 WashB t 29.62 29.07 29.13 -.48 IntGov 10.33 10.31 10.31 +.01 OTC A p 6.45 6.35 6.36 -.04 WindsorAdm n 56.17 55.13 55.13 .83 AmeristckMF 39.94 39.01 39.06 .98 IntlGrl n 24.58 24.11 24.11 -.21 f USGvA p 13.26 13.25 13.25 +.02 WdsrIIAdm 50.58 49.72 49.87 -.70 Ariel Mutual Fds: InvGB n 7.61 7.60 7.60 +.02 j UIiIA px 9.26 9.15 9.15 -.10 Lower rn 35.76 35.38 35.49 -02 Vanguard Fds: Apprec 44.84 44.26 44.43 -.36 Magellan n 35.76 35.38 35.49 -i.65 T O-G E T H E R W E CAN COMPLETE I VstaA p 8.37 8.23 8.25 -.03 - Anel n 50.75 50.08 50.24 -.61 MidCap n 21.48 96.62 96.76 -1.6 VoyA p 15.42 15.14 15.14 -.25 AssetA n 23.19 22.82 22.86 -.30 B O Z E M A N'S NEW LIBRARY. ?ptnam weds B: Capvalue n 10.52 10.31 10.31 -.17 Artisan Funds: MtgeS.ec n • 11.34 11.32 11.32 +.01 - CapApp n 27.50 26.99 26.99 .26 Intl 19.47 19.22 19.22 -.08 NewMill n 28.85 28.41 28.45 -.13 GrInB t 17.93 17.54 17.58 -.36 Energy 37.50 36.99 26.99 -.26 MidCap 26.33 25.96 26.02 -.15 OTC 30.86 30.32 30.32 -.34 A place where imagination comes alive. VoyB t 13.53 13.28 13.28 -.22 Eq Inc nx 23.17 22.64 22.64 -.53 SmlCap 15.22 14.91 14.92 -.12 Ovrsea n 31.56 30.97 30.97 -.20Putnam Funds M: Explorer n 65.77 64.70 64.75 -.52 Baran Funds: PacBas n 17.68 17.32 17.32 -.21 GNMA n 10.48 10.46 10.46 +.Ot Puritan 18.35 18.12 18.15 -.19 Ovrinc p 10.03 9.99 10.02 +.05 Asset n 47.41 46.80 47.41 +.25 RealEst n 25.97 25.70 25.77 -.35 Putnam Funds Y: Grolnc n 28.64 28.12 28.18 -.36 Growth 38.34 37.80 38.34 +.37 STBF n 9.04 9.03 9.03 Voyager 15.90 15.61 15.61 _•26 HYCorp nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 SmlCap 19.10 18.95 19.08 -.08 SmallCapS nr 16.84 16.55 16.55 -.15 HlthCare n 123.63 122.12 122.20•1.12 Bernstein Fds: Stratlnc n 10.52 10.49 10.50 +.02 Royce Funds:_ InflaPro nx 12.64 12.45 12.45 -.09 IntOur 13.48 13.45 13.45 +.03 Trend n 50.18 49.30 49.40 -.73 LowPrStk r 14.67 14.39 14.52 +.10 IntiGr 16.79 16.64 16.64 -.07 DivMun 14.33 14.30 14.33 +.04 USBI n 11.23 11.20 11.20 +.02 Premierl nr 14.46 14.26 14.33 +.08 InllVal n 27.84 27.52 27.52 -.15 TxMgdlntlV1 20.35 20.05 20.08 -.02 Utility n 12.38 12.25 12.28 -.10 TotRet)r 11.35 11.20 11.21 -.08 ITI Grade 10.17 10.14 10.14 +.02 IntVaI2 18.87 18.61 18.63 -.02 ValStra t 32.67 31.91 31.91 -.67 Russell Funds S: ITTsry n 11.44 11.41 11.41 +.03 Value n 67.53 66.69 66.86 -.38 . LIFECon nx 14.82 14.64 14.64 -.15 Brandywine Fds: Wrldwde n 16.59 16.28 16.28 -.22 DivEgS 39.62 38.11 38.931 •.58 LIFEGro n 18.67 18.41 18.43 -.19 Brandywine n 23.96 23.68 23.93 +.15 OuantEgS 35.10 34.44 34.53 -.43 LIFEMod n 17.04 16.86 16.86 -.13 Fidelity Selects: SAFECO Funds: LTInGrade n 9.55 9.47 9.51 +.10 Buffalo Funds: Air n 30.82 30.10 30.20 -.50 CorEglnv 16.98 16.69 16.73 -.24 Morgan n 14.88 14.66 14.66 -.18 SmlCap 25.02 Funds: 24.57 -.04 Banking n 56.32 54.61 54.61 -.1 GwthOpp 26.90 26.48 26.52 -.23 MuHY n 10.88 10.82 10.87 +.06 CGM Funds: Biotech n 48.74 47.61 47.61 -1.12 LgCpVallnv 19.68 19.28 19.32 -.31 MulnsLg n 12.95 12.88 12.95 +.09 Mutt 24.02 23.69 23.86 +.BB Broker n 57.94 57.23 57.83 +.2 • MuniBond 14.48 14.39 14.47 +.09 Mulnt n 13.72 13.66 13.71 +.07 Chem t 30.53 29.51 29.51 +.29 MuLtd n 10.99 10.98 10.99 +.01 Calamos Funds: Comp n 30.53 29.51 29.51 -.37 SEI Portfolios: MuShrt n 15.70 15.69 15.69 .. Grth&lncA px 27.81 27.40 27.51 -.16 OfAero n 61.05 59.81 60.32 -.73 CoreFxlnA n 10.70 10.68 10.68 +.03 PrecMIISMin r 15.34 14.93 15.34 +.52 GrowthA p 47.29 46.56 46.72 .. Electr n 34.11 32.67 32.67 -.38 IntiEgA n 9.80 9.69 9.70 -.03 Prmcp r 57.51 56.59 56.60 -.39 GrowlhC t 45.68 44.97 45.12 -.01 Energy n 30.70 29.94 30.70 +.80 LgCGroA n 17.29 17.00 17.02 -.27 REIT rx 16.75 16.42 16.45 -.48 Calvert Group: Envi o n 12.91 12.70 40.61 +1.23 T CMaI 19 52 10.33 10.36 -.jq SelValu r 16.37 16.18 16.21 -.20 En n 12.91 12.70 12:70 21 Inco px 17.47 17.42 17.42 +.03 SrFinSvc n 117.62 114.87 115.30-2.20 E STAR n 17.77 17.61 17.61 -.09 Clipper 87.23 85.35 85.35 -2.09 Food n 44.85 44.19 44.19 -.99 `aA Funds: STIGrade 10.73 10.71 10.71 Cohen&Steers: Gold rn 24.87 23.93 24.87 +.88 .: g.y SP500 d 18.6 18.30. 18.32 -.30 STFed n 10.52 10.49 10.49 -.02 RltyShrs n 63.49 62.72 62.84 -1.12 Health n 122.83 120.90 121.22-1.35 Schwab Funds STTsry n 10.57 10.54 10.54 -.01 HomeFinl n 68.26 66.39 66.73 -1.73 - StratEq n 19.74 19.43 19.46 -.10 Columbia Class A: CoreEgry n 13.88 'v11 1161 -.2 IndEgp n 24.64 23.97 23.97 -.58 + j USGr 15.00 14.68 14.70 ,20 IntllnvlS n 14.35 1 1 -.0Y Well 21.43 21.08 21.08 -.28 Acorn t 23.87 23.53 -23.60 -.09 Insur n 57.99 57.05 57.20 -.71 '- 10001nv r .41 31.84 -.48> Columbia Class Z: Leisr n 70.01 69.25 69.85 -.18 .1000Se1 n .43 31.86 31. 2 Wei 29.77 29.29 29.29 -.39 MedDel n 34.26 33.85 34.26 +.27 '.2 Wn 16.64 16.33 16.33 -.25 Acorn Z 24.33 23.99 24.06 '09 Mullimed n 40.37 39.94 40.34 -.30 S&�dv;n>1 '57 17.25 17.28 -.2�, W 28.49 28.00 28.09 -.39 SmICapGrZ n 22.63 22.30 22.31 -.10 paper n 31.16 30.99 31.16 .. t S&P Sel n 17.64 17.31. 17.34 -. Davis Funds A: Retail n 47.28 46.60 46.98 -.10 YIdPIsSeI 9.71 9.71 9.71 Van uard Idx Fds: NYVen A 28.59 28.18 28.24 -.37 Softwr n 44.55 43.63 43.63 -.88 Scudder Funds A: 00 104.72 102.55 102.55-2.10 Davis Funds B: Tech n 52.46 50.84 50.84 -.80 mHiRA x 39.62 38.62 38.62 -1.10 Bala- d nx 18.68 18.38 18.38 -.25 Telecom 33.48 33.12 33.19 -.23 Help us finish the story with a IncAx 5.46 5.43 5.43 -.02 EM 12.67 12.51 12.51 +.01 NYVen 8 27.29 26.89 26.95 -.36 UtilGr n 36.50 36.25 36.40 -.11 - + Europe n 22.99 22.68 22.78 -.01 Financial t 34:85 34.33 34.41 -.47 gdMuni p 9.26 9.22 9.26 +.04 gift Of stock. Bozeman Public SGovtAx 8.69 8.65 8.65 -.01 Extend 27.51 27.43 27.48 -.21 Fidelity Spartan: ' ' Growth nx 24.59 24.16 24.16 -.43 Davis Funds C&Y: NYVen C 27.47 27.07 27.13 -.36 CA Mun n 12.62 12.57 12.62 +.07 LZhrary Foundation is working t0 ^y'' Scudder Funds S: ITBond n 10.82 10.78 10.78 +.04 CTMun nr 11.88 11.82 11.87 +.06 L EmMkln x 10.30 10.14 10.14 -.07 MidCap 13.76 13.58 13.62 -.07 Del Inv Instl: Equtlndx n 40.19 39.46 39.52 -.65 build a libra Or the twenty-first EmgMkGr nr 15.49 15.28 15.32 -.02 Pacific n 8.38 8.27 8.27 -.10 GroOppsl 20.49 20.12 20.16 -.33 5001ndx nr 78.31 76.87 76.99 -1.26 f J GlobDis 29.36 28.96 29.04 -.10 SmCap n 23.94 23.52 23.54 -.24 Delaware Invest A: IntmMuni n 10.25 10.21 10.24 +.04 century in downtown Bozeman. GlobalS 23.77 23.44 23.46 -.05 SmICapVal 12.60 12.39 12.41 -.14 Gr0 A 19.13 18.78 18.82 -.31 InvGrBd n 10.88 10.85 10.85 +.03 Gold&Prec 17.71 16.88 17.71 +.87 STBond n 10.25 10.21 10.21 •.02 pp p MA Muni n 12.31 12.25 12.30 +.06 Please call (406) 522-9900 for GrolncS x 20.45 20.03 20.05 -.36 •TotBond n 10.36 10.33 •10.33 +.02 Delaware Invest B: MI Muni n 12.27 12.21 12.26 +.06 Income S x 13.06 12.99 12.99 .. Totllntl n 11.14 11.02 11.02 -.04 GrOppBt 17.01 16.70 16.74 -.27 MN Munn 11.69 11.64 11.68 +.05 more information. LatAmern 26.72 26.42 26.67 +.10 TotStknx 26.61 26.11 26.11 -.46 Dimensional Fds: Munilnc n 13.23 13.17 13.23 +.07 MgdMuni S 9.27 9.23 9.27 +.04 Value nx 19.97 19.53 19.53 -.41 NJ Mun r 11.85 11.79 11.85 +.07 PacOpps nr 12.18 11.95 11.95 -.09 IntSmVa n 13.46 13.34 13.37 +.01 NY Mun n 13.27 13.20 13.26 +.07 ShtTmBdS nx 10.40 10.35 10.35 -.04 Vanguard Instl Fds: USL Va n 17.96 17.74 17.83 -.08 Oh Mun n 12.15 12.09 12.14 +.07 Enterpr n 32.90 32.47 32.59 -.19 Nicholas Grou :9 P SmCoVaIS r 27.72 27.25 27.35 .20 Extln n 27.86 27.48 27.53 20 US Micro 13.61 13.38 13.40 -.13 ShtlntMu n 10.46 10.45 10.46 +.Ot Flxlnc n 9.77 9.75 9.75 +.03 Nichol n 55.66 55.14 55.33 -.38 Instldx nx 103.85 101.67 101.67-2.12 US SmVal 24.99 24.58 24.61 •.18 TotMktlnd 30.73 30.19 30.24 -.44 Fund n 22.74 22.29 22.29 -.37 Scudder InsiL• GI LtfeSci nr 16.79 16.51 16.60 -.03 Northeast Investors: E 500IL x 128.62 125.77 125.97-2.57 Inbri nx 103.86 101.68 101.68-2.11 Fixd n 10.24 �10.23 10.23 -.01 qry First Amer Fds Y: TBlst n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 TM USSmV 21.10 Cox: 20.79 .14 GrthIn nr 29.0 28.5 28.5 -.14 Trust 7.59 CI7.Al7.57 Selected Funds: TSlnst nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 CoreBond x 11.34 11.29 11.29 .. Grthlnc n 29.02 28.52 28.52 -.32 Dodge&Cox: Egldxl npx 21.20 20.81 20.82 -.36 Mercury n 19.36 19.07 19.07 -.17 Nuveen CI A AmShsS p 34.44 33.97 34.04 -.43 Vantaagpoint Fds: Balanced n 75.93 75.19 75.23 -.46 first Ea MidCapVal 22.03 21.73 21.77 -.18 LrgCapV p 23.53 23.02 23.10 -.38 Seli man Grou : IncomeFd 12.98 12.97 12.97 +.03 Ba1Stk 24.90 24.57 24.62 -.21 9 P--- Growth n 7.83 7.69 7.69 •.13 Intl Stk 12.98 12.97 12.97 + Olympus n 26.09 25.67 25.67 -.19 ComunA t 21.75 21.37 21.37 -.26 _ GlobalA 35.54 35.34 35.41 +.07 Waddell&Reed Adv: Overseas nr 11.22 11.07 11.11 -.31 Nuveen ClR: Stock 120.08 118.19 118.34-1.26 OverseasA 19.70 19.57 19.59 +.04 Sdnt_inel Group: - Accumultiv 5.72 5.61 5.63 -.O6 Spenty 31.78 31.20 31.10 -.05 IntmDurMuBd 9.28 9.24 9.28 +.05 Dreyfus: Frank/Temp Frnk A: Twenty n 39.78 39.20 39.20 -.28 BatancedA px 16.62 16.39 16.41 -.20 CorelnvA •5.25 5.16 5.17 -.06 A Bond 13.83 13.79 13.80 +.05 AGE A p 2.10 2.10 2.10 WrldW nr , 37.68 37.25 37.25 -.36 Oakmark Funds I: BondA px 6.30 6.27 6.27 -.Ot ScTechA 9.15 8.98 8.98 -.03 Aprec 37.44 36.56 36.56 -.97 AdjUS p 9.08 9.06 9.d8 ... Janus Aspen Instl: Egrylnc r 23.10 22.96 23.04 ... ComStk A px 30.43 29.93 29.99 -.46 -- Wei_h Funds: Drey5001n t 33.23 32.62 32.67 -.54 AZ TFA p 11.15 11.09 11.15 +.07 Intl I r 19.04 18.78 18.78 -.13 GvSecsA px 10.56 10.50 10.50 -.02 MunBd r 11.93 11.88 11.93 +.06 Ballnv p 52.75 52.17 52.39 -.66 Balanced n 23.46 23.22 23.22 •.13 Oakmark r 39.18 38.74 38.80 -.43 MdCpGrA p 13.69 13.47 13.54 +.01 PartVal 22.71 22.41 22.45 -.27 WorldwGr n 24.51 24.24 24.24 -.23 Se uoia 148.61 148.08 148.08 .77 Value n 36.53 36.09 36.13 -.41 Dreyfus Founders: CallnsA p 12.66 12.61 12.66 +.06 Select r 31.37 31.07 31.20 -.13 q _ CaITFrA p 7.26 7.23 7.26 +.04 JennisonDryden A: Smith Borne A: ----__Neils Fargo A: _ Ball'n 7.82 7.75 7.76 -.06 One GrouQL_ _ . MonSmC A 10.71 10.57 10.61 -.02 D CO TFA 12.03 11.97 12.03 -.18 UtiliryA 10.25 10.16 10.21 +.02 AgGrA p 88.20 86.88 87.04 -.30 P _ DiswA 25.56 25.17 25.26 .W CO TFA p 12.03 11.97 12.03 +.07 Jensen 23.27 22.82 22.84 -.57 Bond I n 11.88 21.40 25.44 -.4 2 ApprA p 14.07 13.89 13.90 •.16 Wells Far o Instl DiscvB 24.52 24.12 24.22 -.06 CT TFA px 11.05 11.00 11.05 +.06 Eglndxln 25.88 25.40 25.44 -.42 -__ ___.0.-___ Julius Baer Funds: FdVaIA p 14.05 13.86 13.86 •.14 DiswR 25.92 25.50 25.60 -.06 CvlSecA p 15.30 15.14 15.19 -.02 0 enheimer A: GrthBall n 28.62 28.23 28.26 -.33 P Obi TxFr A 11.95 11.91 11.94 +.OS q MgMuA px 15.51 15.44 .15.50 -.03 DiscvF n 25.54 25.12 25.22 -.O6 IntIE A 27.65 27.33 27.47 +.OB _ InsIIEMkt 52.94 52.28 52.56 +.29 GrowthB 9.29 9.13 9.13 -.15 IntIE I r 28.09 27.77 27.91 +.08 CapAppA p 38.61 37.94 37.97 -.56 Smith Barne B&P Dyna7echA 22.28 21.80 21.80 .26 q CapincApx 12.02 11.86 11.88 -.18 y -- LgCoGrl 43.34 42.51 42.51 -.73 GrowthF np 9.67 9.50 9.51 -.15 EglncA p 19.87 19.49 19.53 -.37 Legg Mason:Fd Equiry A 10.93 10.71 10.73 .17 AgGrB t 79.70 78.51 78.65 -.28 MonShDGBd 10.19 10.17 10.17 -.02 MidCapGrF np 3.73 3.66 3.70 01 FedTxFrA p 12.13 12.07 12.13 +.07 OpportTr t .13.60 13.32 13.39 -.18 GlobalA p 52.78 52.07 52.07 -.33 SocAwB a 21.04 20.70 20.73 -.33 - __-Westcorei_�_ Dreyfus Premier: FL TFA px 12.02 11.96 12.01 '+.06 Spinv np 43.67 42.85 43.09 52 HighYldA p 9.55 9.54 9.54 -.01 Smith Barney C: BlueChip n 11.59 11.37 11.41 -.17 ThirdCenZ n 7.78 7.66 7.67 09 GoldPrM A 17.35 16.74 17.35 +.65 Va1Tr p 57.05 56.03 56.06 -1.18 MnStFdA 33.54 32.87 32.89 -.60 IntAIICpGrC 11.89 11.77 11.77 -.03 MIDCO 6.54 6.42 6.43 -.05 GrowlhA p 31.02 30.41 30.41 -.61 EagleGrth 1Eato 13.98 14.10 +.07 ValTrinst 62.01 60.91 60.95 1.27 StrincA p 4.23 4.22 4.23 +.Ot LgCapC p 19.35 18.83 18.83 •.46 HY TFA px 10.65 10.62 10.65 +.04 _ `_ _ _Wes_tern Asset: Eaton Vance Cl A: IncoSerA p 2.43 2.42 2.42 Longleaf Partners: Oppenheimer a:_ Smith B_army : CorePlus 10.61 10.60 10.60 +.03 NatlMun 10.95 10.87 10.95 +.06 InsTFA p 12.41 12.36 12.40 +.06 Partners 29.89 29.65 29.84 -.09 MnStFdB 32.38 31.74 31.75 -.59 LgCapCol 16.78 16.47 16.51 -.25 Core 11.52 11.50 11.50 +.02 �� BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 26, 2004 AGRICULTURE eese _� Mainers transform " - " humble cropotato p please L into premium vodka 1? FREEPORT,Maine(AP)— Creating smaller batches of a Americans eating more ' * " f A farmer looking to add value premium product makes more to his low-priced potato crop sense,and potato farmers will an 30 pounds of cheese ; has launched a business part- be watching the project with C nership in hopes of turning interest,said Don Flannery,ex- a year, research SNOWS Ahumble Maine spuds into high- ecutive director of the Maine priced premium vodka. Potato Board in Presque Isle. FRESNO,Calif.(AP)—Americans are Maine Distilleries Inc.plans There's thought to be only ing more cheese than ever—more than to trade on the state's image of one distillery in the United pounds a person per year—and their pristine water and traditional States that currently makes )etite for more variety is growing,a na- New England farms as it creates vodka from potatoes.In Rigby, nal survey says. r a niche product to compete Idaho,Silver Creek Distillers In 2003,Americans ate a record 8.8 bil- ' with the Grey Gooses and Inc.produces vodka carrying n pounds of cheese:That's two and a half Belvederes of the world. the Teton Glacier,Blue Ice and ands a month for every man,woman AP It'll be produced in small Zodiac labels. i child,according to a survey released Charles Kung, left, owner of 24th St. Cheese Company, weighs a piece of grana batches,much like microbrew- Vodka is the most popular esday by the California Mille Advisory cheese for Vera Amaral at his store in San Francisco on Sept. 21. eries that produce specialized of the spirits,accounting for ard. beers,said Don Thibodeau, 26.2 percent of U.S.liquor con- Most of the demand is being fed by do- times as fast in the last decade as the ched- some of the high-protein,high-fat milk who is in now in the midst of sumption last year,according to stic suppliers,and California's mega- dars and mozzarellas,the research showed. coming from their brown cows into cheese, his fall harvest of 525 acres of the Distilled Spirits Council of ries are growing so fast that analysts ex- One out of every 10 pounds of cheese a value-added product that would bring in potatoes in Fryeburg. the United States.Rum was sec- t the state to overtake Wisconsin in eaten is a higher-quality,value-added cheese a little extra cash. "This is all going to be and at 12.3 percent. !ese production within two years. such as artisan or farmstead varieties.Ten When they started the Hilmar Cheese hand-crafted by the batch, said Its definitely a growing California is already the nation's leading years ago,only one in 15 pounds of cheese Co.in 1984,the 12 families together Thibodeau. market,"said Shawn Kelley,the Ik producer,and with the help of cheese consumed was specialty. . brought in 250,000 pounds of milk a day— Maine Distilleries already trade group's director of public tkers like Hilmar Cheese Company—the "People are traveling more,experiencing a drop in a bucket for a company that now has cleared its first hurdle with relations in New York. Best in North America—the state has some of the cheeses in Europe,then looking processes 10 million pounds of milk a day the town's project review board. The robust growth is due to ubled its cheese production in the last for those cheeses in the U.S.;'said the from more than 270 producers—about 10 It anticipates having federal and the popularity of high-priced :ode. board's spokeswoman,Nancy Fletcher. percent of all the milk produced in state regulatory approvals to super premium brands and fla- In 1995,California made 70 varieties of "They are more adventuresome," California. start production this spring. vored vodkas,along with a !ese.Now there are 250 types of cheese It's good news for California dairies,said All that milk goes into 450 tons of basic It would be Maine's first resurgence in the cocktail cul- ning out of the state—815 million Chuck Ahlem,a third-generation dairyman cheeses like Monterey Jack and Cheddar, commercial distillery,officials ture that has boosted liquor unds of specialty flavored,rinsed,aged or who had a bright idea back in the 1980s, every single day. say.White Rock Distilleries in consumption in general,she sh cheese per year. I difficult years for dairy farmers. "We were just glad to be in business back Lewiston makes and markets a said. The vast majority is commodity cheese, Ahlem and 11 other farmers in the fertile then,"said Ahlem,who says he was as sur- full line of spirits,but the alto- Maine Distilleries Inc.plans t Americans are also consuming much Central Valley realized that the area had the prised as anyone by the nation's immense hol used in White Rock prod- to start small with one or two ire specialty cheeses.Blues,sharps,aged world's largest Jersey cow population.By and still-growing appetite for dairy prod- ucts is imported. batches—up to 500 bottles— ieties and fresh ones have grown five pooling their resources,they could turn ucts. The vodka concept originat- each week,said Bob Harkin,a ed with Thibodeau,who was. partner in the venture.Each frustrated by market conditions batch will use 4,000 to 5,000 that have led to low potato pounds of potatoes grown by 'armers' markets.want government to help with repairs Prices. Thibodeau's Green Thumb The idea is not necessarily Farms. WASHINGTON(AP)—Bill are more than 3,100,the about$15 million to complete committee for agriculture. new. The company hopes to win i Vickie Thomas find in Agriculture Department says. work so a public market could Donita Anderson has started Maine farmers have tossed regulatory approval from the lumbus,Ohio,what they Some are more than 100 move into a renovated historic four markets in the Cleveland around the idea of distilling federal and state government aer will see at their farm:a years old and in need of repair. building."We are just absolutely area since 1995 and says she has vodka to utilize Maine-grown and purchase the equipment in Mon potential customers a Federal money to do-that or crying for an increase in federal requests from 25 other Ohio potatoes for years,but the con- time to begin production this it at the North Market,a construct new markets is now assistance for this,"he said. cities that want to open them. sensus was that it wasn't cost ef- spring.The goal is to be on the mers'market.It's that traffic available to cities with fewer Rep.Marcy Kaptur,D-Ohio, "Our farmers sell out every- fective to produce large quanti- market by summer in Maine el that has allowed them to than 50,000 people. wants the next major farm bill where they go,"she said. ties at low prices. and New Hampshire. Id on to their family farm. But many farmers,market that Congress will write in 2006 "It gives us a so-called store owners and larger cities say they Democrat to include a new pro- 4. sere there's lots of people," are too cash-strapped to do it gram that would provide up to L20 �; ...` ` �°•' r c �? , d Thomas,who grows apples, on their own. $50 million a year to build new aches,plums and blueberries 'Ron Paul is leading an effort farmers'markets and refurbish Philo,about an hour east of in Portland,Ore.,to build a older ones. ► t _ _ d 4umbus. yeariftid indoor market.He "The survival o ily "When you sit out here at the said`Msonal farmers'market farmers in our cotWis go- in and wait for them to come, has thrived in the city for 10 ing to depend on their ability ust doesn't happen,"he said. years.Community leaders want i to marketto the consumers, irmers'markets are what's to build a permanentbazaar— most-of which live in the sub- -ping small farmers alive." that could offer a variety of urbs and cities,"Kaptur said. I one year you (yes, just you) mayAsh sume 117 pounds of potatoes, The number of such markets foo ted items,from fresh The former urban ner is tionwide griew 79 percent be- proaWto cooking utensils. the senior Demociil 66 pounds of beef, 100 pounds o vegetables, and•80 pounds een 1994 and 2002,and there Paul estimates it would cost House Appropriations sub- of fresh fruit?! That's beaucoup $$ to spend on food! Mope options. Mope se.pvices. Whzt t® do?0 More 1 your needsyou czn9 It's easy as 1, 2, 3... Life Insurance Colle®® t Funding A)Clip coupons until the wee hours Start and prepay for a new 3 month subscription of the morning (or)B)Start and and receive a $10 grocery certificate. Carla J.Kolling 0_• prepay for a new 3 month, 6 month, Start and prepay for a new 6 month subscription )Belgrade,Montana FARM BUREAU FINANCIAL SERVICES or 12 inonth subscription to the and receive a $20 grocerycertificate. 406 388 8188 Insurance • Investments Bozeman Daily Chronicle and receive w"'°°''"r Start and prepay for a new 12 month a grocery certificate to one of 9 area urities&services offered through EquiTrust Marketing Services,LLC'5400 University Ave.West Des Moines,IA 50266,877/860-2904 N.Bur..rile Imunnae C V.ny:Writ Cw Mohm,M subscription and receive a $40 grocery certificate. 4W°FOL20IX115 supermarkets! Current subscribers p ry may convert to our EZ pay program Current subscribers may convert to our EZ Pay NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS and receive a grocery certificate too. program and receive a $15 grocery certificate. FOR A GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT Call 587-4506,Or complete the attached order form And you'll love the Wednesday and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public hearings to be held before the CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday,October 5,2004,at 7:00 p.m.,and before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 18,2004,at 7:00 p.mr and mall it to:The Bozeman Daily Chronicle Circulation Sunday papers that fill you in on the best loth meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main,Bozeman,Montana. Department,P.O.BOX 1190,Bozeman,MT 59771 way to spend those grocery certificates/ The purpose of the public hearings is to consider an amendment to the City of Bozeman's growth policy,the Bozeman 2020 .ommunity Plan,as proposed by the property owner,Bozeman Building Traditions,P.O.Box 4480,Bozeman,Montana 59772.The )roposed amendment would amend the growth policy land use designation,as shown on the Future Land Use Map,from"Parks, r— )pen Space,and Recreational Lands"to"Residential"on 1.84 acres. The property is located at 780 Manley Road and is legally I v lescribed as a tract of land,situated in the SW 1/4 of Section 31,TIS,R6E,PMM,described as follows:beginning at a point 300 I ®Ip�.e�� ® �T eet south of the northwest corner of said SW 1/4 of Section 31,T1S,R6E,and running thence east at right angles to the west Order e ' Select one. Lee&Dad'S IGA i ine of said quarter section 400 feet;thence south parallel to the west line of said quarter section 200 feet;thence west at right mgles to the West line of said quarter section 400 feet;thence north along the west tine of said quarter section 200 feet to the I Please check one: i ertsons Alb ' i�Safeway place of beginning,according the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County y Clerk& ecorder, Gallatin County,Montana(Deed Reference:Film 50,Page 549) I $10 Certificate: 3 month subscription I I' � ❑blic testimony will be taken at the public hearings. Written comments may be submitted to the I ®$39.00 for carrier route;$42.00 for motor route ❑I Community []i Smith's TTI City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT cade.ef 59771-1230. Data pertaining to the application may be reviewed in the City of Bozeman Department of I ❑ $20 Certificate:6 month subscription t Food Co-op Planning and Community Development,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who require accommo- ®$78.00 for carrier route;$84.00 for motor route ❑Town cC Country �> dations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,582-2306(voice), I ! Heeb'S East Main Foods 582-2301(TDD). #P-04044 BBT GPA I ❑. $40 Certificate: 12 month subscription ac�nwos SUBMITTED 09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 PUBLICATION.PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH I ®$156.00 for carrier route;$168.00 for motor route i Grocery C)Van's County ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND AFFIDAVIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF I ❑ $15 Certificate: Convert your current subscription EJL K F Market Market PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. I to our EZ Pay prog 1. - _.-__.___.___...-_._ I ram I NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING I I ❑ I am a NEW SUBSCRIBER!My check is enclosed OR my credit card information is listed below. ON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS WITH DEVIATIONS FOR A PLNNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT I I ❑EZ PAY: I hereby authorize the Bozeman Daily Chronicle to initiate a monthly debit/credit transaction on JOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,October 11,2004 at I my(select one) [:]Checking*or❑Credit/Debit Card"account for my newspaper subscription so that I mayI I:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main Street,Bozeman,Montana. I get the lowest monthly rate available. The monthly deduction amount for Carrier Route home delivery is The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)and Certificate of Appropriateness with I $12.50 and for Motor Route home delivery is $13.50. Please complete the following information,sign and leviations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development,requested by the applicant,Kenyon Noble:Richard Ogle I return this form.For checking account authorization,please include one month's payment to start knit William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman,MT 59715,the owner,Jerry Perkins for Peter K.Nelson,511 North Wallace, I EZ Pay deductions. 3ozeman,MT 59715,and represented by CTA Designworks,10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman,MT 59718,pursuant to the City I (PLEASE PRW n )f Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance.Said application would allow±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail wilding materials facility:consisting of a 53,700 sq.ft.(69,450 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail structure for retail dis- I Name: Phone: Office Use Only )lay and sales area,office space,and warehousing of product;a 33,220 sq.ft.(40,920 sq.ft.with future expansion)large scale retail I Delivery Address: Apt./Space: Accts aructure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders;148949 sq.ft.outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area;and related site I Processed by mprovements. I City: State: Zip: Date The following deviations are requested:1.)Section 18.40.180.B.2"Limitations on Size of Retail Stores'to increase the I Signature: Date: Grocery offer area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135%of the total square footage of the retail building(s);2.)Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1)"Nonresidential"to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet;3.)Section I SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL EZ PAY PLANS."For EZ Pay CHECKING withdrawal, please select 'Nonresidential Uses"to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208;and 4.)Section 18.52.060.A.1 I the date you'd prefer to have the monthly payment made: ❑5th of each month or ❑20th of each month. "Freestanding Signs"to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North llth Avenue.The property is legally I •+Credit/Debit Card charges will occur 5 days prior to your subscription expiration date.Credit/Debit Card described as Tracts 2 and 3 of COS 1215,a portion of Section I,TI S,R5E,PMM,City of Bozeman, I subscribers have the option of automatically renewing their subscriptions for []one,❑three or❑six month periods. 1141,� Gallatin County,MT and is zoned"B-2,"Community Business District. Written and oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed I Charge my: ❑Visa ❑MasterCard ❑Discover ❑Am. Express in the amount of$ a z to the City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman, (Please check one) MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning and I Card Number: Exp. Date: Community Development Department,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who require accommo- dations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,582-2306(voice), 582-2301(TDD). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble PUD. I Must be a non-subscriberjor the last 60 days to be eligible for this offer.EZ Pay conversions Bozeman�hronicie c SUBMITTED THURSDAY,09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY,09/26/04 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. i must on tbeprogram for one year.Offer valid one time only.Not valid for mail y Ra A PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP,BOLD WHERE INDICATED,AND SEND AFFI- DAVIT TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. L--------------------------------------J ECONOMY BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 26, 2004 Index un s canbe .. toolsmall investors NEW YORK(AP)-If you've got better things beginners,and many people,including some very Standard&Poor's 500,which many investors con- coming companies met the standards of S&P's to do than pour over the finer points of your stock astute investors,rely on them exclusively.But not sider to be the best overall snapshot of the U.S. index committee,which reconsitutes the list on portfolio,and you don't care to study the perfor- all indexes are the same,and depending on which equity market.Some$1.1 trillion in passively man- as-needed basis using a variety of factors,inclu mance records and investing styles of mutual fund one you hold,your stake in the market might be aged assets are pegged to it.It's replicated by an liquidity,price and market-cap-typically$4 b managers,chances are you've invested in an equity more limited than you realize. ETF sold through iShares and dozens of mutual lion or higher. index fund. About a third of the$7.4 trillion invested in the funds,including the Vanguard 500,now the largest "The biggest mistake new investors make, Good for you.These passively managed baskets nation's mutual funds is held in.passively managed retail mutual fund in the nation,with assets top- besides just listening to someone who says they of stock will give you quick,easy and inexpensive index funds,and they are growing more popular ping$96 billion. pick hot stocks for you,is thinking that indexing exposure to a broad swath of the market,and more all the time.This is reflected in the rising asset lev- If all of your stock exposure came•from the S&P equals an S&P 500 index fund,"said Tom Coyne, often than not;provide better returns than actively els of exchange-traded funds,which track indexes 500,however,you'd be ignoring huge parts of the editor of the Index Investor newsletter."I think y managed funds,which have to charge higher fees but differ from mutual funds in that they are market,including thousands of small and micro- always start with the broadest-based index,and i so they can pay their stock-pickers-who aren't traded like stocks. cap'stocks,which led Wall Street's most recent rally. you're going to tdt your portfolio away from that always right.An index can be a great first fund for, The biggest fish in the indexing world is the You'd also have to wait years before some up-and- fine,but make sure you're doing it for a reason." MUTUAL FUNDS NEW YORK(AP)-The following is a TradGvtA 9.02 9.00 9.00 -.01 LMGvSecA 10.27 10.25 10.25 -.01 Intl n 14.37 14.29 14.29 -.11 Oppenheim Quest, St FarmAssoc: summary of the week's mutual fund trading Eaton Vance Cl B: MassTFA p 11.99 11.92 11.98 +.07 SmCap 29.64 29.30 29.40 -.11 QBaIA 17.14 16.98 16.98 .07 Gwih n 46.02 45.11 45.11 •.8 activity. MichTFA p 12.36 12.32 12.36 +.06 Loomis Savles: TMG1.1 t 20.07 19.72 19.77 -.28 OBalanB 16.97 16.81 16.81 -.07 High Low year cn. MNInsA 12.23 12.19 12.23 +.06 State Sir Resreh A: o Enterprise Cl A: MO TFA px 12.28 12.23 12.28 +.06 LSBond1 x 13.60 13.42 13.42 -.07 Oppenheimer Roch: Aurora A 39.65 38.91 39.01 -.2 HARP Imrst: Ca A A 30.00 29.53 29.63 -.15 NJTFA px 12.14 12.08 12.13 +.06 Lord Abbett A: p p P LtdNYA p 3.32 3.31 3.32 +.01 Strong Funds: GNMA x 15.25 15.17 15.17 -.03 GvSecA p 12.72 12.69 12.70 +.01 NY TFA p 11.96 11.91 11.96 +.07 AttiliatdA p 13.76 13.55 13.56 -.17 PBHG Funds: Grolnc x 20.48 20.06 20.08 -.36 Gw1hA rip 15.83 15.56 15.56 -.40 OhioITFA p 12.61 12.56 12.61 +.06 BondDebA p 8.00 7.99 7.99 Opptnrylnv n 42.08 41.64 41.76 -.17 AIM Investments A: Everareen A: ORTFA px 11.86 11.81 11.86 +.06 MidCapA p 20.67 20.43 20.51 -.12 EmerGro n 11.35 11.04 11.04 -.14 ST Bondlnv n 8.79 8.78 8.78 PA TFA p 10.47 10.44 10.47 +.04 SelGrowth n 19.82 19.44 19.58 -.16 UltStlnv 9.25 9.24 9.24 -.01 BatA px 24.01 23.72 23.77 -.31 AggGroA 15.61 15.43 15.51 +.06 SMCpGrA 30.60 30.01 30.05 -.33 Lord Abbett B: PIMCO Admin PIMS: BaslcValA p 29.63 29.14 29.24 -.33 Evergreen B: USGovA p 6.70 6.69 6.69 +.01 AffildB p 13.80 13.58 13.60 -.17 SunAmerica Funds: Chan 12.21 12.02 12.03 -.17 TotRetAd n 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 NeWCenA 14.69 14.46 14.56 +.0 P BalanB t 8.08 7.99 8.00 ..O6 UtilitiesA p 10.18 10.08 10.08 -.10 BdDbB p 8.00 7.99 8.00 +.01 P Constl p 20.96 20.57 20.64 -.23 VA TFA x 11.86 11.80 11.86 +.07 PIMCO Instl PIMS: IntlGrow 17.52 17.20 17.24 •.03 DivrBdB t 15.05 15.01 15.01 +.05 P MFS Funds A: TCW Galileo Fps: MdCpCrEq 28.45 .26.15 28.15 -.27 MuniBondB t 7.49 7.45 7.49 +.05 Franktremp Frnk B: MITA p 15.84 15.54 ,5.59 -.25 AIIAsset 12.74 12.69 12.69 +.02 SelEgty 17.85 17.40 17.40 -.37 PremEgry 9.23 3.08 9.09 -.13 Everareen C: IncomeB t 2.42 2.41 2.41 -.01 MIGA p 11.28 11.10 11.11 -.18 CommodRR 15.45 14.95 15.33 +.5, TIAA-CREF Funds: E111- HiYld n 9.75 9.73 9.73 Summitl 9.89 3.72 9.74 09 AdjRateC t 9.45 9.45 9.45 Fradk/remp Frnk C: GvL1A P 28 22 27.80 27.67 .29 LowDur n 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.Ot BondPlus 10.44 10.41 10.42 +.03 WeingA p 11.95 11.72 11.72 -.18 p 8.05 8.03 8.03 -.011 ModDur n 10.52 10.50 10.50 +.01 Grolnc 11.44 11.21 11.22 -.21 Everareen I: IncomeC t 2.44 2.43 2.43 -.01 GvMgA p 6.56 6.55 6.55 +.01 AIM Investrents B: RealRetlnstl 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 Tem I CoreBdl 10.86 10.83 10.83 +.02 Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: HilncA p 3.94 3.93 3.93 ShortT 10.05 10.05 10.05 .. p eton Instit: BasicValB t 28.03 27.57 27.66 -.31 AdlRatel 9.45 9.45 9.45 DiscovA 21.66 21.51 21.60 +.01 MuBdA 10.88 10.83 10.87 +.04 EmMS p 13.22 .13.09 13.09 +.04 PremEgry 8.56 3.42 8.44 -.11 Foundl 16.35 16.18 16.21 -.10 SectA 7.81 7.69 7,gg ..14 TR 11 n n 10.56 10.53 10.53 +.Ot ForE S 17.71 17.45 17.45 :OB SharesA 21.48 21.39 21.41 -.08 p TR II n 10.56 10.53 10.53 +.02 q AIMANVESCD Invetr: Excelsior Funds: TotRA p 15.55 15.40 15.43 •10 PIMCO Funds A: FrsnkRemp Temp A: Third Avenue Fds: CoreEqu px 11.14 10.89 10.89 -.21 ValRestr n 38.17 37.62 37.82 -.13 ValueA p 21.36 20.97 21.05 .30 DevMktA p 16.14 15.97 15.97 +.04 LowDurA 10.29 10.27 10.27 -.01 Value 46.67 46.30 46.37 -.42 Dynamcl p 14.57 14.38 14.42 -.07 MFS Funds B: FBP Contrarian ForeignA p 11.09 10.90 10.90 -.10 RenaisA 23.56 23.27 23.27 -.20 Thrlvent Fds A: AMF Funds: Balanced n 18.25 18.00 18.04 -.22 GIBondA p 10.17 10.09 10.15 +.OB MA ITB 15.44 15.15 15.20 -.24 9 alRetA p 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 AdjMtg n 9.84 3.84. 9.84 GlobOpA p 14.38 14.14 14.14 -.15 CapOpB 11.23 11.06 11.07 -.15 TotRtA 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 LgCapStock 23.88 23.44 23.48 -.35 FBR Funds: GrowthA p 21.63 21.35 21.35 -.14 MIGB 10.35 10.19 10.19 -.17 Transamer Premier: AIIlanceBern A: AmGas n- 14.23 14.10 14.12 -.10 WoddA p 17.34 17.04 17.04 -.19 MCapB 7.58 7.46 7.49 -.06 PIMCO Funds B: A GroIncA px 3.49 3.42 3.43 -.O6 LgCapFin r 24.20 23.57 23.69 -.57 RschB 17.01 16.74 16.79 -.22 TotRtB t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.Of 9gGwthl p 14.74 14.62 14.70 +.11 PrGRhA p 16.76 16.46 16.46 -.21 SmIC FnA r 36.12 35.71 35.71 -.54 GE Elfun S&S: TotRB t 15.55 15.40 15.42 -.10 Balncel p 21.04 20.82 20.88 .. P PIMCO Funds C: Equiryl 17.69 17.44, 17.51 -.09 AllianceBern B: SmCGVA r 36.55 36.25 36.36 -.02 S&S Income n 11.81 11.78 11.78 +.03 GIGrB 16.41 16.23 16.23 -.13 GrIncB x 3.43 3.37 3.38 -.05' FPA Funds: S&S PM n 43.45 42.58 42.61 -.99 Mainstay Funds B: RealRetC p 11.56 11.52 11.53 +.04 GwthOppt 18.45 18.22 18.40 +.13 P TaxEx 12.04 11.99 12.04 +.07 -y TotRtC t 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 HiYldlnst 7.74 7.72 7.74 +.03 PremGrwB t 15.22 14.94 14.95 -.19 Newlnc 11.29 11.28 11.29 -.01 Trusts n 55.16 54.07 54.07 -1.33 CpAppB t 25.05 24.57 24.64 -.37 PIMCO Funds D: Indexl 16.32 16.02 16.05 -.26 Amer Centuv Inv: Federated A: GMO Trust III: GovlB t 8.41 8.39 8.39 +.02 TotlRtn p ' 10.96 10.94 10.94 +.01 TA IBEX A: Eglnco n E.12 7.99 8.00 -.11 TxFr BB t 9.89 9.84 9.89 +.Ot CapincoA x 7.08 7.00 7.00 •.07 EmgMk r 15.72 15.44 15.59 +.08 TxFrBB t 9.89 9.84 9.89 +.06 Paz World: FedTxExA p 11.91 11.85 11.91 +.07 Growthl n 18.24 17.96 17.97 •.20 CapAppA 23.95 23.49 23.50 -.39 Foreign 13.57 13.39 13.40 -.07 TotRtB t 18.02 17.83 17.88 -.10 JanGrow p 21.39 21.05 21.05 -.18 IncGro n 28.53 28.08 28.15 -.33 Balanced 21.49 21.26 21.30 -.15 GrCoGlob p 22.31 22.00 22.00 -.23 IntiGrol n E.03 7.93 7.94 -.01 Federated Instl: GMO Trust IV: ValueB 1 18.56 18.30 18.38 -.16 TrConHYB p 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.02 Phoenix-Oakhurst Selectl n 25.29 34.69 34.77 -.56 Kaufman 5.00 4.93 4.95 -.04 EmerMkt 15.69 15.42 15.56 +.07 Managers Funds: galanAx 14.92 ,4.68 14.70 -.20 7AFlexlnco p 9.62 9.59 9.61 +.OS Ultra n 27.07 26.55 26.62 -.44 Fidelity Adv Foc B: Gabelli Funds: SpclEq 79.26 78.16 78.24 -.63 Pioneer Funds A: TA IBEX.5 Util n 10.79 10.70 10.71 -.07 TechB rip 13.04 12.62 12.62 -.22 Asset 37.56 37.03 37.13• -.45 Marsico Funds: Valuelnv n 7.93 7.78 7.80 .13 HighYldA p 11.72 11.69 11.70 +.01 JanGrow t 20.12 19.80 19.80 -.17 Fidelity,Advisor I: Growth 24.29 23.88 23.89 -.30 Focus p 14.82 14.57 .14.62 -.O8 MdC VaA 25.29 24.96 25.06 -.16 Amer Express A: P P Turner Funds: EgGrl n 45.09 44.22 44.22 .69 Gateway Funds: MergerFd n 15.07 15.06 15.07 -.01 PionFdA px 38.92 38.18 38.27 -.53 DiV x 4.90 4.89 4.89 +.01 SmICpGrwth 21.41 2,.07 21.14 •.08 DiVrBd 4.90 4.89 4.89 +.01 Fidelity Advisor T: Gateway 23.85 23.63 23.63 -.20 Meridian Funds: ValueA p 19.09 18.75 18.81 -.20 . Growth 24.26 24.02 24.02 -.28 DivGrthT p 11.18 10.93 10.93 -.28 Goldman Sachs A: Value 39.05 38.53 38.57 -.44 Pioneer Funds B: Tweedy Browne;_ _ HiYldBond 2.87 2.87 - 2.87 ... EgGrT p 42.97 42.14 42.14 -.66 AsiaGrthA 11.13 10.82 '10.82 •.19 Merrill Lynch A: HiYieldB t 11.77 11.74 11.75 +.01 GlobVal _21.86 21.71 21.73 -.12 HiYield 4.49 4.47 4.48 '+.02 EgInT 27.01 26.50 26.54 -.44 BalancedA 18.86 18.67 18.69 •.16 US Global Investors: NewD NewD 23.18 22.72 22.76 -.37 GrOppT 28.43 27.92 27.94 -.45 SmaCapA 41.01 40.40 40.52 -.31 BasValA p 30.32 29.85 29.93 .35 Pioneer Funds C: GIbAIA p 15.48 15.39 15.39 -.05 HiYIdC t 11.87 11.84 11.85 +.01 GldShr 7.23 6.71 7.23 +.53 Amer Express B: MidCapT p 22.42 22.22 22.38 -.04 Goldman Sachs B: Merrill L rich B: 11SAA Group_-* - Fldelity Freedom: -y Price Funds Adv: NewD t 2 Amer21.45 21.48 •.35 Balanced8 p 18.H Inds: 18.54 -.16 GIAIB t 15.19 15.10 15.10 -.05 Egrylnc p 25.29 24.89 24.94 -.37 AgsvGth n 26.30 25.86 25.95 -.14 Am Express 4 FF2010 n 13.22 13.16 13.07 -.07 Harbor Funds: Merrill Lynch l: Price funds: GrTaxStr n 14.73 14.64 14.67 +.02 FF2020 n 13.22 13.06 13.07 -.11 CapAppinst n 26.34 25.90 25.90 -.27 NewD n 23.31 22.84 22.88 .37 0. Grwth n 12.27 12.06 12.10 .06 American Funds A: FF2030 n 13.,7 12.98 12.99 -.14 Intl nr 38.89 38.25 38.25 -.24 BasVall 30.44 29.98 30.06 .35 Balance n 18.83 ,8.64 18.65 .13 IncStk n 15.90 15.61 15.64 -.24 IncomeFd n 11.15 11.11 11.11 -.03 GIAII t 15.53 15.44 15.44 -.04 BlueChipG n , 28.69 28.11 28.15 -.49 Income n 12.50 12.47 12.49 +.05 AmcapFA p 17.24 17.00 17.02 -.17 Fidelity Invest: Hartford Fds A: Marietta Funds: CapApr n 18.74 18.57 18.60 -.12 Intl n 20.68 20.48 20.48 -.06 AmMutiA px 25.33 24.88 24.88 •'39 AggrGr r 15.35 15.05 15.06 .13 CapAppA p 30.23 29.75 29.76 -.26 Marietta n 9.68 9.56 9.59 02 DivGro n 21.33 20.93 20.98 -.37 PrecMM 14.55 13.99 14.55 +.59 Bon p 13.55 13.52 13.52 -.20 AMgr 15.79 15.60 15.60 -.19 DivGthA p 17.77 17.46 17.52 -.21 MontagGr 1 21.89 21.52 21.52 -.53 Eglnc n 25.35 24.94 25.00 -.37 S&P Idx n 17.02 16.71 16.73 -.28 BondFdA p 49.55 49.18 49.18 +.03 AMgrGr n '14.35 14.11 14.11 -.24 Hartford HLS IA: Egldx n 30.52 29.96 30.01 -.49 TxEIT n 13.45 13.39 13.45 +.08 CapInBIA p 49.57 49.18 49.18 .30 Morgan Stanley,B: Growth n 24.43 23.99 24.01 -.39 CapWIdA p 18.97 18.82 18.90 +.12) Balanc 16.65 16.46 16.48 -.09 Bond 11.81 11.77 11.79 +.04 Am0 TxELT n 14.20 14.11 14.19 +.10 CapWGrA x 21.24 30.62 30.62 -.33 BlueChipGr 39.41 38.68 38.69 -.73 CapApp 0.14 46.38 46.39 -.41 pp8 37.88 37.04 37.71 -.15 Gwthln n 22.06 2,.66 21.69 •.01 Van Kam Funds A P Canada n 29.48 28.92 29.48 +.70 OivGihB x 37.88 37.04 37.17 -.62 HiYld n 7.03 7.03 7.03 +.Ot - Kamp 31.98 31.46 31.46 -.18 Div&Gnvth 19.46 19.13 ,9.19 -.23 P Ca A n 24.91 24.39 24.39 -.24 US GAB 9.26 9.24 9.25 +.03 IntlDis n 28.58 28.42 28.47 +.05 CmstA p ,6.99 16.76 16.87 -.09 FundInvA p 29.66 29.27 29.30 -.21 PPP Advisers 22.57 22.25 22.25 •34 IntStk n 11.53 11.37 11.37 -.09 EmGroA 35.38 34.72 34.81 -.37 GovtA 13.79 13.76 13.76 +.03 Capinco nr 8.09 8.07 8.09 +.02 Stock 44.13 43.23 43.23 -1.03 MoraanStanley Inst: P P Con rSt n 377.81 371.56 371.56-7.09 MidCap n 45.36 44.76 44.96 .17 EgrylncA p 8.11 6.02 8.04 03 GwthFdA p 25.28 24.92 24.92 .23 g Index 30.20 29.65 29.70 -.49 CrPlFlnst n 11.72 11.70 11.72 +.04 MCapVal n 22.03 21.79 21.86 -.15 GrInA p 18.66 18.38 18.45 -.11 Contra n 51.18 51.00 51.05 .14 IntlEq n 19.99 19.70 19.71 -.11 HI Trs1A p 12,28 12.26 12.26 +.01 CnvSec 20.18 20.00 20.05 +.01 Hartford HLS IB: NwHrzn n 25.65 25.26 25.28 -.27 HYMuA p 10.61 10.56 10.61 +.06 IncoFdA p 17.57 17.42 17.43 -.11 Mutual Series: Newlnco n 9.13 9.11 9.11 +.02 r- Destinyl 12.05 11.84 11.84 -.18 CapApprec p 46.90 46.15 46.16 .41 Van Kamp Fun s B: InvC A p 29.23 23.81 28.83 .. SciTch n 17.05 16.53 1 38 -d Destinyll 11.09 10.96 10.98 -.06 Heartland Fds: Beacon2 14.77 14.80 -.03 InvCoAA p 29.23 28.81 28.83 .36 SmCa Stk n 29.65 29.19 10 CmstB t 17.00 16.77 16.88 -.09 DisEq n 22.89 22.94 -.27 DiscZ 2,.71 21.80 +.Ot P NwEconA p '18.93 18.66' 18.66 -.25 Value 48.29 47.66 .13 SmCapVal n 32.66 32.20 3� 17 EmGrB t 30.45 29.88 29.96 -.32 Diverintl n 24.98 25.01 -.01 - OualfdZ0 18.54 18.56 -.06 NewWorlPerA p 25.01 28.95 24.62 -.17 DivGth n 26.54 26.54 -.67 ING Funds Cl A: SharesZ 21.62 21.53 21.55 -.08 SpecGr 15.34 15.11 15.12 -.18 EglncB t 7.99 7.90 7.92 -.04 NewWorldA 29.33 28.95 28.97 .04 Equtlnc n 509 49.63 49.74 -.89 Cor LeadA 16.56 16.22 16.30 -.21 ----- Specln n 11.86 11.82 11.82 -.Ot ,_Vanguard Admiral SmCpWA p 27.84 - 27.46 27.50 `1 f' P Nations Funds Pri A: TaxExptA p 12.60 12.55 12.59� +.06', EQII 22.93. 22.42 ,22.48 -.44 IntVa A l; - -- Value n 21.08 20.76 20.83 -.25 I p .16.13 ..• 15.86 15.86. .22.. BondFdPrA 10.06 10.04 -10.04 +.02 500Admtnx 104.74 102.56 10256,,2:.1U 14xEACAXp,• 16.801�-� 18.72 16.801 +,10^ ,Europe,n, •,._28.95- ,28.40 28.62, +.14 •, , ,;...r ISbFunds:V, - P,uinWim niiA _ _ - GNMAAdmn 10.48 10.46 10.46 t,01., ExchFd n ' 249.11 245.14 245.65-4.22 IntMPA n 10.34' ,0.31 10.33 +.03' TxExVA A p 16.86 16.80 16.85 +.07delFd Muni n 10.97 10.92 10.97 +.06 IntlValPrA n 20.65 20.35 20.35 -.26 ClassicEgA p� 12.00 11.74 11.75 -.24 HlthCare n 52.19 51.55 51.58 -.47 TxExVAA 16.86 16.80 16.85 +.07 FItRate 28.36 27.86 27.91 -.50 P , __ - _- EgInA px 16.15 15.77 15.8 •.30 HiYIdCp nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 P FlNMA ni r 11.1 11.1 NoAm p- 7.46 7CI 7.4 +.06 Nr rger&Berm Inv_ WshMutA p 29.76 29.21 29.27 -.48 •- ---- GeoA p 17.26 17.04 1 16 ITAdmI n 13.72 13.66 13.71 +.07 GNMA n 11.12 11.12 +.01 JPMoman A Class: Guardn n 14.79 14.80 -.07 GIbE 7.61 7.50 7 10 LtdTrmAdm 10.99 10.98 10.99 +.01 American Fu ds B: qry P P GroCo n 49.31 49.31 +.03 Grolnc 30.67 30:13 .41 LtdMat n 9.42 9.42 GrInA p 18.19 17.79 1 . 36 PrmCap r 59.71 58.76 58.76 r.41 Capital t 49.57 49.18 49.18 -.19 Groln n 508 35.65 49.16 -.97 Janus: Neuberger&Berm Tr: HIMA p 58.80 57.94 58.01 -.58 ShtTrmAdm 15.70 15.69 15.69 .. CapitalBB t 49.57 49.18 49.18 .30 ' Grolnc 36.34 35.65 35.73 -.61 HiYdA p 8.05 8.04 8.05 +.02 STIGrAdm 10.73 10.71 10.71 GrowthB t 24.54 24.19 24.19 -.23 Highlnc m 8.91 8.89 8.89 Balanced n 20.40 20.18 20.18 -.13 Focus 24.77 24.15 24.15 -.34 IntlEq p 20.99 20.75 20.75 -.08 TtIBdAdml n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 IncomeB t 17.48 17.33 17.34 -.12 Indepndnce n 16.16 15.92 15.96 .18 CoreEq n 18.75 18.44 18.44 -.19 Genesis n 40.10 39.63 39.88 +.02 InvA p 11.42 11.18 11.20 -.19 TotStkAdm nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 ICAB t 29.14 28.72 28.74 -.36 IntBd n 10.61 10.59 10.59 +.01 r---- NwOpA p 37.08 38.49 36.59 .26 WelltnAdm nx 51.43 50.60 50.60 •.68 WashB t 29.62 29.07 29.13 -.48 IntGov 10.33 10.31 10.31 +.01 1 OTC A p 6.45 6.35 6.36 -.04 WindsorAdm n 56.17 55.13 55.13 -.83 AmeristckMF 39.94 39.01 39.06 -.98 IntlGrl n 24.58 24.11 24.11 -.21 { USGvA p 13.26 13.25 13.25 +.02 WdsrIIAdm 50.58 49.72 49.87 -.70 Ariel Mutual Fds: InvGB n 7.61 7.60 7.60 +.02 I UtilA px 9.26 9.15 9.15 -.10 - V-anguard Fds: LowPr rn 35.76 35.38 35.49 -.02 VstaA p 8.37 8.23 8.25 -.03 Apprec 44.84 44.2s 44.43 .36 Magellan n 98.48 96.62 96.76 -1.6s TOGETHER W E CAN COMPLETE S VoyA p 15.42 ,5.14 15.14 .25 AssetA n 23.19 22.82 22.86 -.30 Ariet n 50.75 .50.08 50.24 -.61 MidCap n 21.18 20.89 20.95 -.06 B O Z E MAN'S NEW LIBRARY. C Putnam Funds B: Capvalue n 10.52 10.31 10.31 -.17 Artisan Funds: Mtgeaec n 11.34 11.32 11.32 +.01CapOpp n 27.50 26.99 26.99 -.26 Intl 19.47 19.22 19.22 -.08 NewMill n 28.85 28.41 28.45 -.13 GrInB t 17.93 17.54 17.58 -.36 Energy 37.24 36.37 37.24 +.94 MidCap 26.33 25.96 26.02 -.15 OTC 30.86 30.32 30.32 -.34 A place where imagination comes alive. VoyB 1 13.53 13.28 13.28 -.22 Eglnc nx. 23.17 22.64 22.64 -.53 SmlCap 15.22 14.91 14.92 -.12 Ovrsea n 31.56 30.97 30.97 -.20 PacBas n 17.66 17.32 17.32 .21 Putnam Funds M: Explorer n 65.77 64.70 64.75 -.52 Baron Finds: Dvrinc p 10.03 9.99 10.02 +.05 GNMA n 10.48 10.46 10.46 +.01 Puritan 18.35 18.12 16.15 .19 Grolnc n 28.64 28.12 28.18 -.36 Asset n 47.41 46.80 47.41 +.25 RealEst n 25.97 25.70 25.77 -.35 Putnam Funds Y: HYCorp nr 6.37 6.36 6.36 Growth 38.34 37.80 38.34 +.37 STBF n 9.04 9.03 9.03 Vo a er 15.90 15.61 15.61 -.26 SmlCap -19.10 18.95 19.08 -.08 SmallCapS nr 16.84 16.55 16.55 -.,5 Voyager HlthCare n 123.63 122.12 122.20-1.12 Bernstell Fds: Sm llnc n 16.84 16.55 16.55 -.15 Royce Funds: InflaPro nx 12.64 12.45 12.45 -.09 LowPrSlk r 14.67 14.39 14.52 +.10 IntlGr 16.79 16.64 16.64 -.07 IntDur 13.48 13.45 13.45 +.03 Trend n 50.18 49.30 49.40 -.73 Premier)nr 14.46 ,4.26 14.33 +.10 IntlVal n 27.84 27.52 27.52 -.15 DivMun 14.33 14.30 14.33 +.04 USBI n 11.23 11.20 11.20 +.02 TotRetl r 11.35 11.20 1,.21 -.08 ITI Grade 10.17 10.14 10.14 +.02 TxMgdlntlVl 20.35 20.05 20.08 ..02 Utility n 12.38 12.25 12.28 -.10 ITTsry n 11.44 11.41 11.41 +.03 IntVal2 18.87 18.61 18.63 ..02 ValStra t 32.67 31.91• 31.91 -.67 Russell Funds S: Value n 67.53 66.69 66.86 -.38 a LIFECon nx 14.82 14.64 14.64 -.15 Brandywine Fds: Wrldwde n 16.59 16.28 16.28 -.22 t DuaDivEntEgS 35.62 38.91 34.53 -.43 58 LIFEGro n 18.67 18.41 18.43 -.19 Brandywine n 23.96 23.68 23.93 +.15 j LIFEMod n 17.04 16.86 16.86 -.13 Fidelity Selects: SAFECO Funds: LTInGrade n 9.55 9.47 9.51 +.10 Buffalo Funds: Air n 30.82 30.10 30.20 -.50 CorEglnv 16.98 16.69 16.73 -.24 Morgan n 14.88 14.66 14.66 -.18 SmlCap 25.02 24.57 24.57 -.04 Banking n 40.46 39.70 39.94 -70 GwthOpp 26.90 26.48 26.52 -.23 MuHY n 10.88 10.82 10.87 +.06 CGM Funds: Biotech n 56.32 54.61 54'61 -1.12 LgCpVallnv 19.68 19.28 19.32 -.31 MulnsLg n 12.95 • 12.88 12.95 +.09 Mutt 24.02 23.69 23.86 +.08 Broker n 48.74 47.55 47.65 -.56 MuniBond 14.48 14.39 14.47 +.09 Mulnt n 13.72 13.66 13.71 +.07 Chem n 57.94 57.23 57.83 +.29 MuLtd n 10.99 10.98 10.99 +.01 Calamos Funds: Camp n 30.53 29.51 29.51 -.37 SEI Portfolios: MuShrt n 15.70 15.69 15.69 .. GRh&lncA px 27.81 27.40 27.51 -.16 DfAero n 61.05 59.81 60.32 •.73 CoreFxlnA n 10.70 10.68 10.68 +.03 PrecMIlsMin r 15.34 14.93 15.34 +.52 GrowthA p 47.29 46.56 46.72 .. Electr n 34.11 32.67 32.67 -.38 1ntIEgA n 9.80 9.69 9.70 .03 Prmcp r 57.51 56.59 56.60 -.39 GrowthC t 45.68 44.97 45.12 -.01 Energy n 30.70 29.94 30.70 +.80 LgCGroA n 17.29 17.00 17.02 -.27 REIT rx 16.75 16.42 16.45 -.48 Calvert Group: EngSvc n 40.61 39.23 40.61 +1.23 LgCVaIA n 19.98 19.61 19.68 -.23 SelVatu r 16.37 16.18 16.21 -.20 Inco px 17.47 17.42 17.42 +03 Enviro n 12.91 12.70 12.70 21 TaxMgdLC 10.52 10.33 10.36 .14 STAR n 17.77 17.61 17.61 -.09 FinSvc n 117.62 114.87 115.30 2.20 SSoA Funds: Clipper 87.23 85.35 85.35 •2.09 Food n 44.85 44.19 44.19 .99 STIGrade 10.73 10.71 10.71 .. SP500 n 18.64 18.30 18.32 -.30 STFed n 10.52 10.49 10.49 -.02 Cohen&Steers: Gold rn 24.87 - 23.93 24.87 +.88 STisry n 10.57 ,0.54 10.54 •.Ot RlryShrs n 63.49 62.72 62.84 -1.12 Health n 122.83 120.90 121.22-1.35 Schwab Funds: StratEq n 10.57 10.54 10.54 -.10 Columbia Class A: HomeFinl n 68.26 66.39 66.73 -1.73 + CoreEgty n 13.88 _ 13.60 13.61 -.24 USGro n 15.00 14.68 14.70 •.20 IndEgp n 24.64 23.97 23.97 -.58 °• IntllnvlS n 14.35 14.19 14.21 -.02 Acorn t 23.87 23.53 23.60 -.09 Insur n 57.99 57.05 57.20 -.71 t0001nv r 32.41 31.84 31.90 .48 Wellsty nx 21.43 21.08 21.08 ,28 Columbia Class Z: Leisr n 70.01 69.25 69.85 -.18 1000Se1 n 32.43 31.86 31.92 -.48 WelIM nx 29.77 29.29 29.29 -.39 Med Del n 34.26 33.85 34.26 +.27 Wndsr n 16.64 16.33 16.33 .25 Acorn Z 24.33 23.99 24.06 19 S&P Inv n 17.57 17.25 17.28 -.28 Wndsll 28.49 28.00 28.09 -.39 Mullimed n 40.37 39.94 40.34 -.30 SmICapGrZ n 22.63 22.30 22.31 -.10 ^'t S&P Set n 17.64 17.31 17.34 -.29 Paper n 31.16 30.99 31.16 ... YIdPIsSeI 9.71 9.71 9.71 Vanguard Idx Fds: Davis Funds A: Retail n 47.28 46.60 46.98 -.10 21-0 NYVen A '28.59 28.18 28.24 -.37 Softwr n 44.55 43.63 43.63 -.88 Scudder Funds A: 500 nx 104.72 102.55 102.55-.25 Tech n 52.46 50.84 50.84 -.80 DrmHiRA x 39.62 38.62 38.62 -1.10 Balanced nx 18.68 18.51 12.51 +.Ol . oasis Funds e: Help us finish the star with a EMkt n 1z.s7 12.s, 12.s1 +.D1 Telecomn 33.48 33.12 33.19 -.23 p J` y HilncAx 5.46 5.43 5.43 -.02 NYVen B ?7.29 26.89 26.95 .36 Europe n 22.99 22.68 22.78 •.Ot UtilGr n 36.50 36.25 36.40 -.11 MgdMuni p 9.26 9.22 9.26 +.04 Financial 34.85 34.33 34.41 -.47 2 o stock. Bozeman Public Extend 27.81 27.43 27.48 -.21 Fidelity Spartan: g US GovtA x 8.69 8.65 8.65 01 Growth nx 24.59 24.16 24.16 -.43 Davis Funds C&Y: "" NYVenC 27.47 27.07 27.13 -.36 CA Munn 12.62 12.57 ,2.62 +.07 Library Foundation is working to y`''' Scudder FundsS: ITBondn 10.82 10.78 10.78 +.04 CTMun nr. 11.88 11.82 11.87 +.06 EmMkln x 10.30 10.14 10.14 -.07 MidCap 13.76 13.58 13.62 •.07 Del Invtnsilk Equtlndxn 40.19 39.46 39.52 -65 build a library for the twenty-first EmgMkGrnr 15.49 15.28 15.32 -.02 Pacific 8.38 8.27 8.27 -10 GroOppsl 20.49 20.12- 20.16 -.33 5001ndx nr 78.31 76.87 76.99 -1.26 GlobDis 29.36 28.96 29.04 -.10 SmCap n 23.94 23.52 23.54 -.24 Delaware Invest A: IntmMuni n 10.25 10.21 10.21 +.04 century in downtown Bozeman. GlobalS 23.77 23.44 23.46 -.05 SmICapVal 12.60 12.39 12.41 -.14 Gr0 A 19.13 18.78 16.82 •.31 InvGrBd n 10.88 10.85 10.85 +.03 Gold&Prec 17.71 16.88 17.71 +.87 STBond n 10.25 10.21 10.21 -.02 PP P MA Muni n 12.31, 12.25 12.30 +.06 Please call (406) 522-9900 for GrolncS x 20,45 20.03 20.05 -.36 TotBond n 10.36 10.33 10.33 +.02 Delaware Invest B: MI Muni n 12.27 12.21 12.26 +.06 Income S x 13.06 12.99 12.99 ... Totllntl n 11.14 11.02 11.02 -.04 GrOppB1 17.01 16.70 16.74 -.27 MN Munn 11.69 11.64 11.68 +.05 more information. LatAmern 26.72 26.42 26.61 +.10 TotStknx 26.61 26.11 26.11 -.46 Dimensional Fds: Munilnc n 13.23 13.17 13.23 +.07 MgdMuni S 9.27 9.23 9.27 +.04 Value nx 19.97 19.53 19.53 -.41 NJ Mun r 11.85 11.79 11.85 +.07 PacOpps nr' 12.18 11.95 11.95 -.09 Vanguard Intl Fds: IntSmVa n 13.46 13.34 13.37 +.01 NY Mun n 13.27 ., 13.20 13.26 +.07 ShtTmBdS nx 10.40 10.35 10.35 -.04 USLgVa n 17.96 17.74 17.83 -.08 Oh Mun n 12.15 12.09 12.14 +.07 ' Enterpr n 32.90 32.47 32.59 -.19 Nicholas Group: SmCoVaIS r 27.72 27.25 27.35 -.20 Extln n 27.86 27.48 27.53 .20 Flxlnc n 9.77 9.75 9.75 +'03 Instldx nx 103.85 101.67 101.67-2.12 US Micro 24.99 24.38 23.61 -.13 Tot ktIn n 10.73 30.19 30.24 +.01 Nichol n 55.66 55.14 55.33 -.38 Scudder Insil: US SmVal 10.24 10.23 10.61 -.18 TotMktlnd 30.73 30.19 30.24 -.44 Fund n 16.79 16.51 16.60 -.37 ---- Inset nx 103.86 101.68 101.68-2.11 GI LifeSci nr 16.79 ,6.51 16.60 .03 Northeast Investors: Egry5001L x 128.62 125.77 125.97-2.57 Fixd n 10.24 10:23 10.23 -.01 First Amer Fds Y: 781st n 10.36 - 10.33 10.33 +.02 TM USSmV 21.10 20.74 20.79 -.14 GITech nr, 9.50 9.24 9.24 -.14 Trust 7.59 7.57 7.57 Selected Funds: TSlnst nx 26.62 26.11 26.11 -.47 Dodge&Cox: CoreBond x 11.34 11.29 11.29 .. Grthlnc n 29.02 28.52 28.52 -.32 Nuveen Cl A: AmShsS p 34.44 33.97 34.04 -.43 Vanta a Egldxl npx 21.20 20.81 20.82 -.36 Mercury n 19.36 19.07 1907. -.17 _point Fds Balanced n 75.93 75.19 75.23 -.46 First Eagle: MidCapVal 22.03 21.73 21.77 -.18 LrgCapV p 23.53 23.02 23.10 -.38 Seligman Group: Growth n 7.83 7.69 7.69 -.13 IncomeFd 12.98 12.97 12.97 +.03 Olympus n 26.09 25.67 25.67 -.19 BalStk 24.90 24.57 24.62 -.21 ComunA t 21.75 21.37 21.37 -.26 Waddell&Reed Adv: Intl SIR 26.62 26.31 26.38 -G4 GlobalA 35.54 35.34 35.41 +.07 Overseas nr '21.06 20.67 20.67 -.31 Nuveen Cl R: Stock 120.08 118.19 118.34-1.26 OverseasA 19.70 19.57 19.59 +.04 Sentinel Group: Accumultiv 5.72 5.61 5.63 .06 Spenty 11.78 31.20 31.10 -.OS IntmDurMuBd 9.28' 9.24 9.28 +.OS -Dreyfus: Frank/Temp Frnk A: Twenty n 39.78 39.20 39.20 -.28 BalancedA px 16.62 16.39 16.41 -.20 CorelnvA 5.25 5.16 5.17 -.06 AGE A 2.10 2.10 2.10 WrldW nr 37.68 37.25 37.25 -.36 Oakmark Funds 1: BondA px 6.30 6.27 6.27 -.01 ScTechA 9.15 8.98 8.98 -.03 A Band 13.83 13.79 13.80 +.05 P ComStk A x 30.43 29.93 29.99 -.46 Aprec 37.44 36.56 36.56 .97 Adjus p 9.08 9.06 9.08 ... Janus Aspen Intl: Egrylnc r 23.10 22.96 23.04 ... P Weitz Funds: AZ TFA 11.15 11.09 11.15 +.07 Intl I r 19.04 18.78 18.78 -.13 GvSecsA px 10.56 10.50 10.50 -.02 Drey500In t 33.23 32.62 32.67 -.54 Ballnv P 52.75 52.17 52.39 .O6 Balanced n 23.46 23.22 23.22 -.13 Oakmark r 39.18 38.74 .36.80 .43 MdCpGrA p 13.69 13.47 13.54 +.01 PartVal 22.71 22.41 22.45 -.27 MunBd r 11.93 11.88 11.93 +.06 P WorldwGr n 24.51 24.24 24.24 -.23 Sequoia 148.61 148.08 148.08 .77 Value n 36.53 36.09 36.13 .41 CaIInsA p 12.66 12.61 12.66 +.06 Select r 31.37 31.07 31.20 -.13 _ Dreyfus F3unders: JennisonDryden A: Smith Barney A: Wells Fargo ik CaITFrA p 7.26 7.23 7.26 +.04 One Group I: BalF rip 7.82 7.75 7.76 ,-.O6 CapGrA 10.28 10.09 10.09 -.18 UtilityA 10.25 10.16 10.21 +.02 good I n 11.08 11.04 11.04 +.02 AgGrA p 88.20 86.88 87.04 -.30 MonSmCp A 10.71 10.57 10.61 -.02 DiscvA 25.58 25.17 25.26 -.07 CO TFA p 12.03 11.97 12.03 +.07 Jensen 23.27 22.82 22.84 -.57 BonEqI dI n 25.88 25.40 25.44 •.42 ApprA p 14.07 13.89 13.90 .16 Wells Fargo Intl: DiscvB 24.52 24.12 24.22 -.06 CT TFA px 11.05 11.00 11.05 +.06 Julius Baer Funds: FdVaIAApprA p 14.05 13.89 13.90 .14 DiscvR 25.92 25.50 25.60 -.06 CvtSecA p 15.30 15.14 15.19 -.02 Oppenheimer A: MgMuA px 15.51 15.86 13.86 •.14 GRhBall n 28.62 28.23 28.26 -.33 DiscvF np 25.54 25.12 25.22 -.06 Dbi TxFr A 11.95 11.91 11.94 +.05 IntIEgA 27.65 27.33 27.47 +.08 InstlEMkl 52.94 52.28 52.58 +.29 Growth8 9.29 9.13 9.13 15 naTechA 22.28 21.80 I t.80 .26 IntIEgl r 28.09 27.77 _27.91 +.08 CapAppA p 38.61 37.94 37.97 -.56 _ Smith Barney B&P: LgCoGrl 43.34 42.51 42.51 -.73 DY CapincA px 12.02 11.86 11.88 -.18 GrowthF rip 9.67 9.50 9.51 -.15 EglncA p 19.87 19.49 19.53 -.37 Legg Mason:Fd Equity A 10.93 10.71 10.73 -.17 AgGrB t 79.70 78.51 78.65 -.28 MonShOGBd 10.19 10.17 10.17 -.02 MidCapGrF np 3.73 3.68 3.70 -.01 FedTxFrA p 12.13 12.07 12.13 +.07 OpportTr t 13.60 ,3.32 ,3.39 .16 GlobalA p 52.78 52.07 52.07 -.33 SocAwB Ix 21.04 20.70 20.73 -.33 _ Westcore: Dreyfus Premier: FL TFA px 12.02 11.96' 12.01 +.06 Spinv rip 43.67 42.85 43.09 -.52 HighYldA p 9.55 9.54 9.54 -.01 Smith Barney_C: BlueChip n 11.59 11.37 11.41 -.17 ThirdCenZ n 7.78 7.66 7.67 -.09 GoIdPrM A 17.35 16.74 17.35 +.65 ValTr p 57.05 56.03 56.06 -1.18 MnS1FdA 33.54 32.87 32.89 -.60 IntAIICpGrC 11.89 11.77 11.77 -.03 MIDCO 6.54 6.42 6.43 -.05 EagleGRh 14.10 13.98 14.10 +.07 GrowthA p 31.02 30.41 30.41 -.61 ValTrinst 62.01 60.91 60.95 -1.27 Slit ncA p 4.23 4.22 4.23 +.01 LgCapC p 19.35 18.83 18.83 -.46 Western Asset: HY TFA px 10.65 10.62 10.65 +.04 Eaton Vance CIA: IncoSerA p 2.43 2.42 2.42 Longleaf Partners: Oppenheimer B_.__ Smith Barney 1: Western 10.61 10.60 10.60 +.03 NatlMun 10.95 10.87 10.95 +.06 InsTFA p 12.41 12.36 12.40 +.06 Partners 29.89 29.65 29.84 -.09 MnSiFdB 32.38 31.74 31.75 -.59 LgCapCol 16.78 16.47 16.51 -.25 Core 11.52 11.50 11.50 +.02 f CITOF BOZEMAN 4,� • 1- j �,' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS WITH DEVIATIONS FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, October 11, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness with deviations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development, requested by the applicant, Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715, the owner, Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715, and represented by CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718, pursuant to the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Said application would allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. The following relaxations are requested: 1.) Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s); 2.) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; 3.) Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208; and 4.) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North II'h Avenue. The property is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F, is located in a portion of Section 1, T1S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,.MT, is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned "B-2," Community Business District. Written and oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning and Community Development Department, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2260. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582- 2306 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble PUD. SUBMITTED THURSDAY, 09/23/04 FOR SUNDAY, 09/26/04 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP, BOLD WHERE INDICATED, AND SEND AFFIDAVIT TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. planning • zoning • subdivision review . annexation . historic preservation . housing • grant administration . neighborhood coordination � r 'o c�c R-3 CIT OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS AND A PUBLIC HEARING ON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS WITH DEVIATIONS FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public meetings to be held before the CITY OF BOZEMAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE on Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. and before the CITY OF BOZEMAN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD on Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held at the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building, City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development, 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, October 11, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness with deviations for the proposed Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development, requested by the applicant, Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715, the owner, Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715, and represented by CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718, pursuant to the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. Said application would allow ±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. The following relaxations are requested: 1.) Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s); 2.) Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(1) "Nonresidential" to increase the allowable commercial drive access width to 50 feet; 3.) Section 18.46.040.B.1 "Nonresidential Uses" to decrease the minimum number of required parking spaces to 208; and 4.) Section 18.52.060.A.1 "Freestanding Signs" to allow two freestanding signs per zoned lot. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Avenue. The property is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F, is located in a portion of Section 1, TIS, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, MT, is within the West Oak Street Entryway Corridor Overlay District and is zoned "B-2," Community Business District. Written and oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning and Community Development Department, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2260. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582- 2306 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD). #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble PUD. P. - rr 4 LOW! R-3 planning zoning subdivision review . annexation historic preservation housing grant administration neighborhood coordination AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED M. STIFF BUILDING, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 10:00 A.M ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER ITEM 2. PROJECT REVIEWS ITEM 3. FINAL WEEK REVIEW 1. lgnyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan#Z-04230 (Windemaker/Johnson) Northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Avenue * A Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application to allow±17.7 acres to be developed as a large scale retail building materials facility: consisting of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; 148,949 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; and related site improvements. 2'-- - Thulin Ofi&Lot'MiSub Prel. Plat#P-04047 (Windemaker/Murray)' Between Haggerty Lane and Interstate 90, at Ellis Street extended * A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application to allow the subdivision of 8.99 acres into one lot for a condominium development with a zoning of R-4 (Residential High Density District). (Second of a two week review.) 3. The Aspens At Bridger Creek MaSub Pre-App#P-04045 (Saunders/Murray) Northeast of the intersection of Story Mill Road and Boylan Road * A Major Subdivision Pre-Application to allow the subdivision of 20.12 acres into 46 lots for•residential development. 4. The Mill ZMA #Z-04200 (Skelton/Stodola) 2150 South Story Mill Road * A Zone Map Amendment Application to amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map from B-P (Business Park District) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing District). (Second of a two week review.) (OVER) i ITEM 4. SECOND*EK REVIEW 1. Rosa MaSub Prel. Plat#P-04041 (Morns/Stodola) North of Durston Road and 660 feet west of Cottonwood Road * A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application to allow the subdivision of 39.84 acres into 99 townhouse lots and 33 multi-family lots. ITEM 5. INITIAL WEEK REVIEW 1. Ponderosa Land Variance#C-04006 (Ehreth/Stodola) 1101 Pear Street A Variance Application to continue the encroachment into the required side yard setback along Pear Street for parking, fencing, drainage structures, and landscaping. ITEM 6. INFORMAL REVIEW 1. Garcia Garage Informal#I-04024 (Bristor/Stodola) 214 South Black Avenue An Informal Application for advice and comment on the construction of a five-car garage with a one bedroom apartment above. (Second of a two week review.) ITEM 7. PUBLIC COMMENT— (15 — 20 minutes) (Limited-to any public matter, within the jurisdiction of the Development Review Committee, not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.) ITEM 8. REMINDER DRC meets on Wednesdays. ITEM 9. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance,please contact-ADA Coordinator,Ron Brey,at 582-2306(voice)or 582-2301(TDD). 2 MORSE . j S EP 22 2004 September 22, 2004, DEPARTCIENT OF PLANNING ANT COiv,[a!L"J!TY DEVELOPMENT Lanette Windemaker, AICP City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Submittal of supplementary viewshed illustrations for Kenyon Noble PUD Lanette: Please find.enclosed 20 copies of the viewshed illustrations of the proposed Kenyon Noble facility that you requested in your letter dated September 13, 2004. We are confident that these.illustrations will meet your requirements. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the illustrations or require any additional information regarding the Kenyon Noble PUD. Sincerely, Candace Mastel CTA Landworks Cc: Kurt Ratz, CTA Architects Engineers Richard and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, Montana, 59715 .Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman,.Montana, 59715 Jon Olson, Morrison Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, Montana, 59771 10180 Cottonwood Rd • Bozeman,MT 59718 877.423.SO18 40'6.S56.7100 r Fax:406.585.3031 www.ctagroup.com•boz.info@ctagroup.com Subject: Page: _of Project No.: By: Date: Project Name: Lin. I _L I. 01 i ! . I { !- 1500 Poly Drive P.O. Box 1439 Billings,Montana 59103 406.248.7455 1.800.7807455 Fax:406.248.3779 www.ctagroup.com • Email:info@ctagroup.com 0 AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED M. STIFF BUILDING, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 10:00 A.M ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE ITEM 2. PROJECT REVIEWS ITEM 3. FINAL WEEK REVIEW 1. Magic Diamond Too CUP/COA #Z-04209 (Morris/Johnson) 2625 West Main Street A Conditional Use Permit Application with a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the construction of a new gaming parlor with on- site sales and consumption of alcohol and related site improvements. 2. Transfer Station CUP/COA #Z-04229 (Morris/Johnson) Red Wing Road * A Conditional Use Permit Application with a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow.the construction of a 37,000 square foot solid waste transfer station and accessory buildings. ITEM 4. SECOND WEEK REVIEW 1. BBT GPA #P-04044 (Kozub/Johnson) 780 Manley Road * A Growth Policy Amendment Application to amend the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan land use designation from "Parks, Open Space, and Recreational Lands" to "Residential" on 1.8 acres. 2. Kirt Annexation #A-04014 (Ehreth/Johnson) South 160 feet of Tract 12, Beatty's Alder Court Subdivision * An Annexation Application to allow the annexation of 0.55 acres into the city. 3. Kirt ZMA#Z-04239 (Ehreth/Johnson) 1604 West Lincoln Street and the south 160 feet of Tract 12,Beatty's Alder Court Subdivision A Zone Map Amendment Application to establish an urban zoning designation of R-3 (Residential Medium Density District) on 1.03 acres in conjunction with annexation. 4. Flanders Creek MaSub Prel. Plat#P-04037 (Morns/Stodola) 3955 Durston Road * A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application to allow the subdivision of 39.9193 acres into 106 single-family lots and 8 residential/office lots. (OVER) 1 5. Laurel Gleloase II ZMA #Z-04236 (Skelton/Mulo 3663 Durston Road * A Zone Map Amendment Application to change the zoning designation on 10 lots in Laurel Glen Phase II from R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density District) to R-2 (Residential Two-Household, Medium Density District). ,-ITEM 5. INITIAL WEEK REVIEW 1. Kenyon-Noble-PUD--PreL-Plan#Z--04230-(Windemaker-/Johnson) Northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`h Avenue * A Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application to allow the construction of a 56,610 sq. ft. large scale retail structure for warehousing of product, office space, and retail display and sales area; a 33,200 sq. ft. drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; a 15,742 sq. ft. and a 5,685 sq. ft. outdoor sales area; a 127,343 sq. ft. outdoor storage area and related site improvements. Future expansion is planned for the retail and warehouse structures. 2. The Aspens At Bridger Creek MaSub Pre-App #P-04045 (Saunders/Murray) Northeast of the intersection of Story Mill Road and Boylan Road * A Major Subdivision Pre-Application to allow the subdivision of 20.12 acres into 46 lots for residential development. ITEM 6. PUBLIC COMMENT- (15 -20 minutes) {Limited to any public matter, within the jurisdiction of the Development Review Committee, not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker. } ITEM 7. REMINDER As of September 28, 2004,DRC meetings will be held on Wednesdays (including Wednesday, September 29, 2004). ITEM 8. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance,please contact-ADA Coordinator,Ron Brey,at 582-2306(voice)or 582-2301(TDD). 2 Do CITY QWOZEMAN DEPARVKENT OF PLANNING AND COQUNITY DEVELOPMENT V x Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2260 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2263 c8 M��� Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana NUMMANDUM Worldwide web: www.bozeman.net TO: Jon R Henderson, Bicyol Adviso y Board alph Z immer, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Ryan Stover, Forestry Department Susan Kozub, Planner I— City of Bozeman Planning David Skelton, Senior Planner— City of Bozeman Planning FROM: Tara Hastie, Planning Secretary RE: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 DATE: August 19, 2004 Attached you will find the Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application for the proposed project referenced above requesting the,construction of two, large-scale, retail buildings, a 53,700 sq. ft. building for building materials sales, and a 33,200 sq. ft. building for drive-thru pickup, a fenced storage yard, and related site improvements. The property is legally described as Tract 2 and 3 of COS 1215 in Sec. 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North I lth Avenue. Please review the attached information and provide comments to this office no later than Tuesday, October 12, 2004. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will review the application on Tuesdays, September 28, October.5, and 12, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the Conference Room of the Alfred M. Stiff Building, 20 East Olive Street. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing and make the final decision on the proposal at their 7:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, October 25, 2004. This meeting will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Please return all materials as they are needed for packets for Planning Board and City Commission. If you are unable to respond in writing by the above deadline or if you have questions or concerns regarding the application, we ask that you contact Associate Planner Jami Morris at 582-2260. Thank you for your cooperation. TH/th Attachments planning• .zoning • subdivision review • annexation'• historic preservation housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination 1301 CITY C&BOZEMAN DEPA) ENT OF PLANNING AND COtTivIUNITY DEVELOPMENT V yx OPMENT o E_ ;_ a Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2260 === == 20 East Olive Street << ,�e Fax: (406) 582-2263 8 8 moo? Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 5MVMbkANDUM World wide web: www.bozeman.net TO: Jon Henderson, Bicycle Advisory Board Ralph Zimmer, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Ryan Stover, Forestry Department Susan Kozub,-Planner L---City of-Bozzeemman Planning David Skelton, Senior Planner— City of Bozeman Planning!____ FROM: Tara Hastie, Planning Secretary ` f RE: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 DATE: August 19, 2004 Attached you will find the Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application for the proposed project referenced above requesting the construction of two, large-scale, retail buildings, a 53,700 sq. ft. building for building materials sales, and a 33,200 sq. ft.-building for drive-thru pickup, a fenced storage yard, and related site improvements. The property is legally described as Tract 2 and 3 of COS 1215 in Sec. 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North I Ith Avenue. Please review the attached information and provide comments to this office no later than Tuesday, October 12, 2004. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will review the application on Tuesdays, September 28, October 5, and 12, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the Conference Room of the Alfred M. Stiff Building, 20 East Olive Street. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing and make the final decision on the proposal at their 7:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, October 25, 2004. This meeting will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Please return all materials as they are needed for packets for Planning Board and City Commission. If you are unable to respond in writing by the above deadline or if you have questions or concerns regarding the application, we ask that you contact Associate Planner Jami Morris at 582-2260. Thank you for your cooperation. TH/th Attachments planning• .zoning • subdivision review annexation • historic preservation housing • grant administration neighborhood coordination CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 -�„ 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 " P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozemon.net September 15, 2004 Kenyon Noble Richard and William Ogle 25 E. Mendenhall St. Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: REVISED SCHEDULE Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan (#Z-04230) Dear Sirs: This letter is meant to inform you of changes in the review process. Please take special note of these recent changes and plan accordingly. The Development Review Committee(DRC) will discuss the application on Tuesdays, September-14, 21, and Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. This schedule remains the same. Per administrative decision by the Bozeman City Manager, to change the DRC meeting dates to Wednesdays, the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting day has been changed from Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. to Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. every 2"d and 4`h week. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the above referenced application on Wednesday, September 29,2004,at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the upstairs Conference Room at the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Office Building, 20 East Olive Street. It is highly recommended that you and/or your representatives attend the second and third DRC and the DRB meetings to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representatives will be sent agendas prior to the meetings. Please pay close attention to the date at the top of the DRC and DRB agendas once you have received them. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing on the proposal at 7:00 p.m. Monday,October 11, 2004, in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall,411 East Main Street. You and your representative(s) are encouraged to attend the City Commission meeting to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representative(s) will be sent information prior to each meeting. Please feel free to contact Planner Lanette Windemaker at 586-5266 if you have any questions regarding the application or the review process in general. Sincerely, f kA Tara astie Planning Secretary TH/th cc: Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace Ave., Bozeman,MT 59715 CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman, MT 59718 CIF BOZEMAN ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 " P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozemon.net September 15, 2004 Montana Partners, LLC P.O. Box 2871 Jackson, WY 83001 Re: REVISED SCHEDULE Thulin 1-Lot MiSub Preliminary Plat#P-04047 Dear Sirs: This letter is meant to inform you of changes in the review process. Please take special note of these recent changes and plan accordingly. The Development Review Committee (DRC) meetings will remain on Tuesday, September 21, and Wednesday,September 29, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. Staff recommends that you or your representative(s) attend the DRC meetings to answer any questions that may arise. All DRC meetings are held in the Conference Room, Alfred M. Stiff Professional Office Building, at 20 East Olive Street. The City Planning Board meeting remains on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. The City Manager has asked that the Monday, October 25, 2004 agenda be used as a work session; therefore, the City Commission hearing for your project has been rescheduled and will be conducted a week earlier than originally scheduled. It will be held.on Monday, October 18, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You and your representative(s) are encouraged to attend the two DRC, the Planning Board, and the City Commission meetings to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representative(s) will be sent information prior to each meeting. Please feel free to contact Planner Lanette Windemaker at 586-5266 if you have any questions regarding the application or the review process in general. Sinly, 7 /L�c��� . JGC4-101- Tara Hastie Planning Secretary TH/th cc: Allied Engineering Services, 32 Discovery Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 planning • zoning • subdivision review • anrexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration neighborhood coordination - CIAF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 wvvw.bozbman.net September 13, 2004 CTA Designworks Attn: Candace Mastel 10180 Cottonwood Road Bozeman, MT. 59718 Re: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations for Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, #Z-04230 Dear Candace, I have found the following deficiencies with your submittal for the above-mentioned project. • A deviation is required from Section "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s). Please submit your written explanation and justification no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, September 16, 2004. You will need to provide copies for all submitted notebooks and insert them in all notebooks available in the Planning Office. • Please provide viewshed drawings from all sides of the site, looking onto and across the site from adjacent properties, pursuant to Section 18.78.120.B.3.a. These drawings need to be submitted at least one week prior to the DRB meeting. You will need to provide copies for all submitted notebooks and insert them in all notebooks available in the Planning Office. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me, 586-5266, or the Planning Department at 582-2260. Sincerely, �'v l Lan tte Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Attn: Jon Olson, P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771-1113 ti planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination CIT*F BOZEMAN . �u DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozemon.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net .September 13, 2004 CTA Designworks Attn: Candace Mastel 10180 Cottonwood Road Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Conditional Use Permit(CUP) and Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations for Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, #Z-04230 Dear Candace, I have found the following deficiencies with your submittal for the above-mentioned project. • A deviation is required from Section 18.40.180.B.2 "Limitations on Size of Retail Stores" to increase the area allowed to be occupied by outdoor sales and storage to 135% of the total square footage of the retail building(s). Please submit your written explanation and justification no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, September 16, 2004. You will need to provide copies for all submitted notebooks and insert them in all notebooks available in the Planning Office. • Please provide viewshed drawings from all sides of the site, looking onto and across the site from adjacent properties, pursuant to Section 18.78.120.B.3.a. These drawings need to be submitted at least one week prior to the DRB meeting. You will need to provide copies for all submitted notebooks and insert them in all notebooks available in the Planning Office. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me, 586-5266, or the Planning Department at 582-2260. Sincerely, L tte Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, MT 59715 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Attn: Jon Olson, P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771-1113 planning • zoning • subdivision review . annexation . historic preservation . housing . grant administration • neighborhood coordination CITY 01PBOZEMAN 40 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 -�„ 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozemon.net September 13, 2004 Kenyon Noble Richard and William Ogle 25 E. Mendenhall St. Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan (#Z-04230) Dear Sirs: The application referenced above has been reassigned to Contract Planner Lanette Windemaker. The application has been reviewed in accordance with the submittal checklist and appears to meet the submittal requirements. If it is determined there is further information required,Planner Windemaker will contact you. This letter is meant to inform you of changes in the review process. Please take special note of these recent changes and plan accordingly. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will discuss the application on Tuesdays, September 14, 21, and Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. but this date may changed to Wednesday, September 29,2004, at 3:30 p.m. to allow DRC and DRB meetings to be held on the same day. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the upstairs Conference Room at the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Office Building, 20 East Olive Street. It is highly recommended that you and/or your representatives attend the second and third DRC and the DRB meetings to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representatives will be sent agendas prior to the meetings. Please pay close attention to the date at the top of the DRC and DRB agendas once you have received them. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing on the proposal at 7:00 p.m. Monday,October 11, 2004, in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You and your representative(s) are encouraged to attend the City Commission meeting to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representative(s) will be sent information prior to each meeting. Please feel free to contact Planner Windemaker at 586-5266 if you have any questions regarding the application or the review process in general. Sincerely, Tara Hastie Planning Secretary TH/th cc: Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace Ave.,Bozeman, MT 59715 CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718 NYON N BL I E Serving Montana since 1889 September 7,2004 i,. L MR Andy Epple Alfred Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive b.a SEP 7 2004 P.O.box 1230 Bozeman,MT. 59715 prp OF PLAid:":41G 6 Re: Kenyon Noble PUD Dear Andy, Would you please consider moving the application process for our PUD forward on the agenda as far as possible? We have a time line for a 1031 Exchange that hinges on approval before the current schedule is complete. We are also very interested in getting started yet this fall and the current schedule would probably not allow because of weather. Thank you for any consideration. \ r , Rick Ogle Kenyon Noble Lumber Co. 25 E. Mendenhall • P.O. Box 1109 • Bozeman, MT 59771-1109 • Ph: 406-587-9366 Fax: 406-585-2703 If j<<E E MEMOW NDUM Ur rl 272 W TO: Jami Morris, Associate Planner DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING A�!D�DI!''Jil!NITY DE1iELDPNIEN� FROM: Candace Mastel, CTA Landworks, Bozeman DATE: August 27, 2004 RE: Kenyon Noble PUD, Landscape Plan Revisions Please find attached 20 copies of a revised Landscape Plan for the Kenyon Noble PUD. Please replace the ones submitted on August 10t`'with these. You will notice several changes: (1) The replacement of several of the deciduous shrubs on the north side of the outdoor storage fence. The deciduous shrubs labeled "SP" (for.Salix purpurea 'Gracilis') have been replaced with evergreen shrubs labeled "JS" (for Juniperus scopulorum `Wichita Blue'). These shrubs will grow to a mature height of 10 to 15 feet and will help break up the fence. Larger trees and shrubs cannot be planted in this area due to the distance between the fence and the sidewalk in addition to the location of necessary drainage features (a swale) in this area. The "Plant Schedule" has been modified to reflect these changes. (2) The outdoor proposed "Demonstration Area" has been modified to show a natural ground surface, which will be more appropriate since the area will be used for product demonstration, employee recreation, and other events sponsored by the applicant. This area needs the.flexibility.that a natural surface provides. Note: this area does not intend to contribute to any "points" needed to meet the landscape requirements. (3) Three (3) benches have been added to the pathway along Oak Street. Any additional changes that may be necessary due to feedback from the DRC, DRB or City Commission will likely be made for the Final PUD application submittal. Thank you. gAkenyon\pud\prelim pud\memo to jami moms tev I.s.plan.doc Page 1 CTA Architects Engineers 10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman,Montana 59718 406.556.7100 Fax:406.585.3031 http://www.ctagroup.com E-mail:bozeman.info@ctagroup.com CITY O&POZEMAN DEPAR ENT OF PLANNING AND COASUNITY DEVELOPMENT Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2260 20 East Olive Street � e Fax: (406) 582-2263 CO.Mo?� Mailing address: P.O.Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 5NRMWMbkANDUM World wide web: www.bozeman.net TO: Jon Henderson, Bicycle Advisory Board Ralph Zimmer, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee RSyan Stover, Forestry Department usan-Kozub—Planner I—City of Bozeman Planning 61�� David Skelton, Senior Planner—City of Bozeman Planning AUG 2 4 I� FROM: Tara Hastie, Planning Secretary RE: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 q i DATE: August 19, 2004 Attached you will find the Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application for the proposed project referenced above requesting the construction of two, large-scale, retail buildings, a 53,700 sq. ft. building for building materials sales, and a 33,200 sq. ft. building for drive-thru pickup, a fenced storage yard, and related site improvements. The property is legally described as Tract 2 and 3 of COS 1215 in Sec. 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 1Ith Avenue. Please review the attached information and provide comments to this office no later than Tuesday, October 12, 2004. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will review the application on Tuesdays, September 28, October 5, and 12, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the Conference Room of the Alfred M. Stiff Building, 20 East Olive Street. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing and make the final decision on the proposal at their 7:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, October 25, 2004. This meeting will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Please return all materials as they are needed for packets for Planning Board and City Commission. If you are unable to respond in writing by the above deadline or if you have questions or concerns regarding the application, we ask that you contact Associate Planner Jami Morris at 58272260. Thank you for your cooperation. TH/th Attachments Planning• zoning • subdivision rrvie , • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration neighborhood coordination Page 1 of 2 is Jami Morris From: Gregory J. Allen [gallen@superiornorthwest.com] Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:16 AM To: Jami Morris; sabollaw@montana.net; 'Jane Mersen' Cc: Cinnie Schwa rtztrauber; Larry and Carla Lusvardi; neal@mtgvre.com; Tim Cooper; Andy Epple Subject: Kenyon Noble Site Plan and PUD Submittal for 11th and Oak Jamie - I believe I got my stuff in order Is there a limit on the amount of area used for outdoor storage? Outdoor storage is defined as that which is not meant for display or direct sales 18.42.160. This definition would seem to disqualify KNL assertion that 127,343 sf is for outdoor storage and only 21,606 is for outdoor sales. Not for direct sales would imply that the material in question must be processed prior to being sold...which clearly is not the case for KNL. My understanding is that Andy Epple and Tim Cooper have defined direct sales to mean area where customers can access the materials themselves. I would be believe that a day spent monitoring KNL's Belgrade store would show that customers do indeed access the whole site. In fact it is unreasonable to assume that a contractor would wait to be delivered lumber that the employees select given the nature of contractors and there preferences in material. Further it states that it must be behind a completely opaque wall or fence NOT less than 6 feet tall. 18.80.2710 defines screening "A method of visually shielding or obscuring an abutting or nearby structure or use from another through use of solid or nearly solid barriers (e.g. wall, fence, planting, berms)". Given the height of the racks for storing lumber it is reasonable to assume that in order to screen these from the view of our project at 1001 Oak that it would be necessary to build a fence of at least 20 feet in height. 18.40.180 section b, para 2 say that outdoor sales to 25% of building floor area 18.40.150 section A says outdoor sales 10% It would appear that there is a total failure to control outdoor storage. Further it would be easy enough to prove that the outdoor storage is indeed for sales given the definition in the LIDO. The Site plan refers to the building behind the main store as a warehouse. Yet when calculating their total area allowed for outdoor sales they include this structure for the calculation. It would seem then that this"warehouse' is for direct sales but has been separated from the main building for two purposes. 1. If it were combined with the "retail" building the resulting retail building would be 86,920 sf. The UDO only allows a single building to be 75,000 for large scale retail. This may be a loophole but it would seem that the city always uses the term"intent". Therefore I would have to believe that the intent was to limit the size of individual retail establishments regardless of how many buildings they use. If all building are being used by a single tenant then they should be counted as one building. 2. avoiding impact fees Is the warehouse building required to meet the design criteria of an entry-way corridor and the Oak/19th Master Plan? How does the proposed development meet the"Urban Streetscape" design outlined in the loth and Oak Master Plan? 8/13/2004 Page 2 of 2 0 46 Chapter 4 sec. 4.2.1 outlines the goals for commercial development. How does this development meet these goals? Again I think it is important that everyone know that we are not against KNL building a hardware store provided it complements the project we have started. However we are totally against KNL locating their lumber yard across the street from our development. By so doing they total undermine our ability to continue our development at 1001 Oak and further would greatly reduce the value of the remaining property that the Tange's own. The land that Jerry Perkins owns is unique in its size and location. It has tremendous visibility and should be the center piece of the new Bozeman. Lets not become another Billings or Missoula. We have a chance as a city to do something really great with the land between 7th and 19th from Durston to Baxter Lane. Lets' not let that opportunity slip away for a lumber yard. The city needs to be more proactive in placing these businesses in the right locations and in making those hard decisions that make an outstanding city. We will be following up this email with I am sure several formal letters concerning this matter. However we would appreciate your feed back as we move forward with our opposition to this development. - Greg Allen 8/13/2004 DO CITY OZEMAN DEPAR7AENT OF PLANNING AND CO0UNITY DEVELOPMENT Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2260 •� ==''--- == r 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2263 t�r�N CO.M�?� Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 5RP MMANDUM World wide web: www.bozeman.net TO: Jon Henderson, Bicycle Advisory Board Ralph Zimmer, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Ryan Stover,Forestry Department Susan Kozub, Planner I—City of Bozeman Planning David Skelton, Senior Planner—City of Bozeman Planning FROM: Tara Hastie, Planning Secretary RE: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan #Z-04230 DATE: August 19, 2004 Attached you will find the Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan Application for the proposed project referenced above requesting the construction of two, large-scale, retail buildings, a 53,700 sq. ft. building for building materials sales, and a 33,200 sq. ft. building for drive-thru pickup, a fenced storage yard, and related site improvements. The property is legally described as Tract 2 and 3 of COS 1215 in Sec. 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North I Itn Avenue. Please review the attached information and provide comments to this office no later than Tuesday, October 12, 2004. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will review the application on Tuesdays, September 28, October 5, and 12, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the Conference Room of the Alfred M. Stiff Building, 20 East Olive Street. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing and make the final decision on the proposal at their 7:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, October 25, 2004. This meeting will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Please return all materials as they are needed for packets for Planning Board and City Commission. If you are unable to respond in writing by the above deadline or if you have questions or concerns regarding the application, we ask that you contact Associate Planner Jami Morris at 582-2260. Thank you for your cooperation. TH/th Attachments planning• zoning • subdivision review annexation historic preservation housing • grant administration neighborhood coordination development or Project Routing List ❑ Bozeman Director of Public Safety ❑ Belgrade Rural rare Department v "Bozeman Forestry Department ❑ Rae Rural Fire Department ❑ DNRC—State Lands ❑ Sourdough Rural Fire Department ❑ MDOT—Bozeman Office ge"Bicycle Advisory Board ❑ MDOT—Helena Office [/]Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee ❑ Gallatin County Road Office ❑ Recreation and Parks Advisory Board ❑ Gallatin County. Sheriffs Department ❑ Gallatin Valley Land Trust ❑ Gallatin County Planning Office ❑ Farmers Canal Company ❑ County Environmental Health Department Other. �S(,y a,�s Daue NX CITY O OZEMAN �Z�'� DEPARINK OF PLANNING AND COIAUNITY DEVELOPMENT • E. ' Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2260 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2263 e�tr 8 0?'�` Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net co•N► Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 July 8, 2004Wrld wide web: www.bozeman.net Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson 511 North Wallace Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Kenyon Noble PUD Prel. Plan (#Z-04230) Dear Sirs: The application referenced above has been received and assigned to Associate Planner Jami Morris. The application has been reviewed in accordance with the submittal checklist and appears to meet the submittal requirements. If it is determined there is further information required, Planner Morris will contact you. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will discuss the application on three consecutive Tuesdays, September 28, October 5, and 12, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. The Design Review Board (DRB) will discuss the application on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. The DRC and DRB meetings will be held in the upstairs Conference Room at the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Office Building, 20 East Olive Street. It is highly recommended that you and/or your representatives attend the second and third DRC and the DRB meetings to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representatives will be sent agendas prior to the meetings. The City Commission will conduct a public hearing on the proposal at 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 25, 2004, in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 411 East Main Street. You and your representative(s) are encouraged to attend the City Commission meeting to answer any questions that may arise. You and your representative(s) will be sent information prior to each meeting. Please feel free to contact Planner Morris at 582-2260 if you have any questions regarding the application or the review process in general. Sincerely, Tara Hastie Planning Secretary TH/th cc: Kenyon Noble, Richard and William Ogle, 25 E. Mendenhall St., Bozeman, MT 59715 CTA Designworks, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718 planning• .zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination City of Bozeman Receipt $ r Bozeman, Montana N V 2n ,�L Received of 1 k the sum of �O�Dd—Dollars.: for - yOC 1`�P`� .c'� ' Q_ T 19 P\ 1'�✓� By �` I 1 O4 1 1 Cli�I` OF B®ZEMAN 081'1Di'04 2-578PM 00105407 PLHD UNITED DSV r $111'a12 ITEMS 10 CHECK i BOSEM�N FIANNINO ANO CITY OF B&MAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI NG AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ — Alfred M.Stiff Professional Office Building � nn Q e 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street D E C E V E t 406-582-2263 P.O.�� Box 1230 pl @bozeman.net COMMUNITY OFVII IOTMS NT Bozeman,A 59771-1230 I •boLl.man•net AUG 1 0 2004 U DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICAT 10N n COADThACAIT nC DI ANIA11Air 1.Name of Project/Development: Kenyon Noble PUD Preliminary Plan AND Covet,"' 1;Y DEVELOPMENT f 2.Property Owner Information: Name: Jerry Perkins for Peter K.Nelson E-mail Address: Mailing Address: 511 North Wallace Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59715 Phone: (406) 586-8567 FAX: 3.Applicant Information: Name: Kenyon Noble:Richard Ogle and William Ogle E-mail Address: Mailing Address: 25 East Mendenhall,Bozeman,Montana 59715 Phone: (406) 587-9366 FAX: 4.Representative Information: Name: CTA Designworks E-mail Address: candacemOctagroup.com Mailing Address: 10180 Cottonwood Road,Bozeman,Montana 59718 Phone: (406) 556-7100 FAX: (406) 585-3031 5. Legal Description: A tract of land being Tract 2 and 3 of COS 1215 Located in Section 1,T2S,R5E,P.M.M.,City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana 6. Street Address: Oak Street and North 11th Avenue 7.Project Description: The development of a building materials sales and storage facility with both wholesale contractor and retail sales and service.Includes the development of a fenced storage yard,outdoor sales area,parking,landscaping and open space. 8.Zoning Designation(s): B-2 9.Current Land Use(s): Historically Agricultural/Undeveloped Pagel . 10.Bozeman 2020 Community Plan*gnation: Regional Commercial and Servo J 11.Gross Area: Acres: 17.70 Square Feet: 770,960 12.Net Area: Acres: 14.29 Square Feet: 622,331 13.Is the Subject Site Within an Overlay District? ® Yes,answer question 13a ❑ No,go to question 14 13a.Which Overlay District? ❑ Casino ❑Neighborhood Conservation ® Entryway Corridor A.Will.this application require a deviation(s)? ® Yes ❑ No 15.Application Type (please check all that apply) ❑O.Planned Unit Development-Concept Plan ❑A.Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands ® P.Planned Unit Development-Preliminary Plan ❑B.Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site ❑Q.Planned Unit Development-Final Plan ❑C.Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 ❑R.Planned Unit Development-Master Plan ❑D.Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development,Amendment/COA ❑ S.Subdivision Pre-application ❑ E.Special Temporary Use Permit ❑T.Subdivision Preliminary Plat ❑F.Sketch Plan/COA ❑U.Subdivision Final Plat ❑ G.Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use ❑V.Subdivision Exemption ❑H.Preliminary Site Plan/COA ❑W.Annexation ❑I.Preliminary Site Plan ❑X.Zoning Map Amendment ❑J.Preliminary Master Site Plan ❑Y.Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment ❑K.Conditional Use Permit ❑ Z.Zoning Variance ®L.Conditional Use Permit/COA ❑AA.Growth Policy Map Amendment ❑M.Administrative Project Decision Appeal ❑ BB.Growth Policy Text Amendment ❑N.Administrative Interpretation Appeal ❑Other. This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s),number of plans or plats,adjoiner information and materials,and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 81/z- by 11-inches or larger than 24-by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 81h-by 14-inches. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are 5:00 pm every Tuesday. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different)before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below,the applicant(s) and/or property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development,approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. Finally,I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. I (We)hereby certify that the above info n is true and correct to the best of my(our)knowledge. —V Applicant's Signature: Date: Applicant's Signature: Date: Property Owner's Signature: - Date: �a2 Property Owner's Signature: Date: Page 2 (Development Review Application-Prepared 11/25/03) PLED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CHECK* The appropriate checklist shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked "No" or "N/A" (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. ❑ Planned Unit Development—Concept Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Concept Plan Information Yes No N/A Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and ❑ ❑ ❑ utilities and other related general information about adjacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land Conceptual (sketch) drawing showing the proposed location of the uses of land, major ❑ ❑ ❑ streets and other significant features on the site and within one-half mile of the site 'A computation table showing the site's proposed land use allocations by location and as a ❑ ❑ ❑ percent of total site area B. Planned Unit Development—Preliminary Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Preliminary Plan Information Yes No N/A The following information shall be presented in an 81/2-by 11-inch vertically bound document.The document shall be bound so that it will open and be flat for reviewing and organized in the following order: Application forms ❑ ❑ A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of ❑ ❑ the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the El El proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman growth policy Statement of the proposed ownership of open space areas ❑ ❑ Statement of the applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or ❑ ❑ portions of the planned unit development Estimate of number of employees for business,commercial and industrial uses ❑ ❑ Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the ❑ ❑ applicant Where deviations from the requirements of this title are proposed, the applicant ❑ ❑ shall submit evidence of successful completion of the applicable community design objectives and criteria of '18.36.090 (PUD Design Objectives and Criteria), BMC. The applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion. The Planning Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section. Any element of the proposal that varies from the criterion shall be described Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses of different character are ❑ ❑ being avoided or mitigated Statement of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g., ❑ ❑ home/business utilities,transportation fuel,waste recycling) A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of ❑ ❑ the planned unit development, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas One reduced version of all preliminary plan and supplemental plan maps and ❑ ❑ graphic illustrations at 8'/2-by 11-inches or 11- by 17-inches size Page 3 (PUD Checklist—Prepared 12/2/03) In addition to all of th ormation listed on the Site Plan Checklist, the Owing information shall be included on the site plan: Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where ❑ ❑ appropriate The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the planned unit development, ❑ ❑ including materials and techniques used, such as screening, fences, walls and other landscaping Attorney's or owner's certification of ownership ❑ ❑ Viewsheds: Looking onto and across the site from areas around the site, describe and map ❑ ❑ the views and vistas from adjacent properties that may be blocked or impaired by development of the site Describe and map areas of high visibility on the site as seen from adjacent off-site ❑ ❑ locations Street cross-section schematics shall be submitted for each general category of street,including: The proposed width ❑ ❑ Treatment of curbs and gutters,or other storm water control system if other than ❑ ❑ curb and gutter is proposed Sidewalk systems ❑ ❑ Bikeway systems, where alternatives to the design criteria and standards of the ❑ ❑ City are proposed Physiographic data,including the following: A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table ❑ ❑ fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping,in compliance with '18.78.120.B.3.c,BMC Locate and identify the ownership of existing wells or well sites within 400 feet of ❑ ❑ the site If the project involves or requires platting, a preliminary subdivision,plat, subject to the ❑ ❑ requirements of this title relative to subdivisions,shall be submitted Not withstanding the waiver provisions of '18.78.080.B.9, BMC, at the discretion of the ❑ ❑ City Engineer, a traffic impact analysis shall be prepared based upon the proposed development. The analysis shall include provisions of the approved development guidelines, and shall address impacts upon surrounding land uses. The Director of Public Service may require the traffic impact analysis to include the information in '18.78.050.L, BMC. If a traffic impact analysis has been submitted as part of a concurrent subdivision review,that analysis shall meet this requirement If the development's compliance with the community design objectives and criteria is ❑ ❑ under question,the City Commission may require additional impact studies or other plans as deemed necessary for providing thorough consideration of the proposed planned unit development A proposed draft of a legal instrument containing the creation of a property owner's ❑ ❑ association sufficient to meet the requirements of '18.72.020 (Property Owners Association),BMC shall be submitted with the preliminary plan application C. ❑ Planned Unit Development—Final Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Final Plan Information Yes No N/A A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the ❑ ❑ ❑ corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development A final plan site plan shall be submitted on a 24- by 36-inch sheets) at the same scale as the approved preliminary plan. If a different scale is requested or required, a copy of the approved preliminary plan shall be submitted that has been enlarged or reduced to equal the scale of the final plan. However, only the scales permitted for the preliminary plans shall be permitted for final plans. The final plan site plan shall show the following information: Page 4 Land use date ae information as required on the preliminary s*an) [] ❑ ❑ Lot lines,easements,pubLc rights-of-way as per subdivision plat ❑ ❑ ❑ Attorney's or owner's certification of ownership [] ❑ ❑ Planning Director certification of approval of the site plan and its conformance ❑ ❑ ❑ with the preliminary plan Owner's certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on ❑ ❑ ❑ the site plan A final landscape plan consistent with the conditions and restrictions of the approved ❑ ❑ ❑ preliminary plan shall be submitted. st shall also be consistent with the Chapter 18.48 (Landscaping), BMC, except that any stated conditions and restrictions of the preliminary plan approval shall supersede the provisions of Chapter 18.48 (Landscaping),BMC An official final subdivision plat of the site must accompany the final planned unit ❑ ❑ ❑ development plan when applicable. City approval of the final subdivision plat shall be required before issuance of building permits Prior to submission of the final plan to the DRC and ADR staff, engineering plans and ❑ ❑ ❑ specifications for sewer,water, street improvements and other public improvements, and an executed improvements agreement in proper form providing for the installation of such improvements,must be submitted to and approved by the City A plan for the maintenance of open space, meeting the requirements of '18.72.040 ❑ ❑ ❑ (Common Area and Facility Maintenance Plan and Guarantee),BMC, shall be submitted with an application for final plan approval. Open space shown on the approved final plan shall not be used for the construction of any structures not shown on the final plan Page 5 CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, Thomas M.Henesh , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners within 200 feet of the property located at the proposed Kenyon Noble site. West Oak Street and North 11,h Avenue_ further described as Tract 3A of COS 1215, located in Gallatin County, is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List—Prepared 11/20/03) • TRACT 1132, COS 1215E Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover Hancock Bank Custodian 991 East Beach Blvd. Pass Christian, MS 39571-4717 TRACT A, COS 391 Peter K. Nelson 1104 Mandeville Ln Bozeman, MT 59715-2530 AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCK 3, TANG SUBDIVISION Tang Family, LLC 2800 Spring Meadows Drive Bozeman, MT 59715-7138 DOCUMENT 42037444 Maxey Limited Partnership 4391 East Raven Ridge Dr. Columbia, MO 65201-3113 COS 2439 Gallatin County Rest Home 311 W. Main Street Bozeman, MT 59715-4594 BLOCK 7, WALTON HOMESTEAD SUBDIVISION, PH. 2 Durston Development Corp. 2066 Stadium Dr., Ste 202 Bozeman, MT 59715-0639 BRIDGER PEAKS VILLAGE SUBDIVISION-J368 being TRACT 4B, COS 1215D Bridger Peak Village Assoc., LP BLC Assoc., LLC 5014 Elk Hills Ct. Missoula, MT 59803-2145 TRACT 2, COS 1215 Peter K. Nelson PT Land 511 N. Wallace Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715-3757 H A3900\001\Docs\adj oiners-addresses.doc �1 Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover Hancock Bank Custodian 991 East Beach Blvd. Pass Christian, MS 39571-4717 Peter K. Nelson 1104 Mandeville Ln Bozeman, MT 59715-2530 Tang Family, LLC 2800 Spring Meadows Drive Bozeman, MT 59715-7138 Maxey Limited Partnership 4391 East Raven Ridge Dr. Columbia, MO 65201-3113 Gallatin County Rest Home 311 W. Main Street Bozeman, MT 59715-4594 Durston Development Corp. 2066 Stadium Dr., Ste 202 Bozeman, MT 59715-0639 Bridger Peak Village Assoc., LP BLC Assoc., LLC 5014 Elk Hills Ct. Missoula, MT 59803-2145 Peter K. Nelson PT Land 511 N. Wallace Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715-3757 //yTFRSTgT� 90 B-2 � r Subject F operfy OAK R-O J R-3 R-3 I N Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 56600 Philip Saccoccia, Jr. Peter K. Nelson Tang Family, LLC IRA Rollover 1104 Mandeville Ln 2800 Spring Meadows Drive Hancock Bank Custodian Bozeman, MT 59715-2.530 Bozeman, MT 59715-7138 991 East Beach Blvd. Pass Christian, MS 39571-4717 Maxey Limited Partnership Gallatin County Rest Home Durston Development Corp. 4391 East Raven Ridge Dr. 311 W. Main Street 2066 Stadium Dr., Ste 202 Columbia, MO 65201-3113 Bozeman, MT 59715-4594 Bozeman, MT 59715-0639 Bridger Peak Village Assoc., LP Peter K. Nelson BLC Assoc., LLC PT Land 5014 Elk Hills Ct. 511 N. Wallace Ave. Missoula, MT 59803-2145 Bozeman, MT 59715-3757 Philip Saccoccia, Jr. Peter K. Nelson Tang Family, LLC IRA Rollover 1104 Mandeville Ln 2800 Spring Meadows Drive Hancock Bank Custodian Bozeman, MT 59715-2530 Bozeman, MT 59715-7138, 991 East Beach Blvd. . Pass Christian, MS 39571-4717 Maxey Limited Partnership Gallatin County Rest Home Durston Development Corp. 4391 East Raven Ridge Dr. 311 W. Main Street 2066.Stadium Dr., Ste 202 Columbia, MO 65201-3113 Bozeman, MT 59715-4594 Bozeman, MT 59715-0639 Bridger Peak Village Assoc., LP Peter K. Nelson BLC Assoc., LLC PT Land 5014 Elk Hills Ct. 511 N. Wallace Ave. Missoula, MT 59803-2145 Bozeman, MT 59715-3757 Ap AVERY@ Address Labels . 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" �M11 A 4 � _. •,� r7 �,.` ,w � f.al•,, ,rtl c 'b r : t P','� �r , F P , �1 hi�' r •-. _ r mm �,����.�',� 3 kt �y�y e�,��� ,zn. r+��.���+ .ar6 '�" :�hA �bx , �, w t~ �?. `+ �¥r;� � a„ � � er •„�`z: °t �..: k f s , �°•`,j s r+ y,>, ' �:r�' Prix :,7�,� w ,, ����* ��� yti-� � ��rr.x +`�r � r � Tr ."�a�;, pis � � � tE, ,r,: �t� �� fg.,w, � fi� Ru:� kd , �'s �ka,wx'n '���,y •7,- , .'"'""'°'�..»�a�0v..� �f �" '� � u.� ,.'"� ai� ..<*+".,. ,rh,+.:'G;•k a �`tZa w m+..+rx`;,ra'�a*.e"�...",.,r.!..+r'"' i. y W F• MJ k alr�e�€ yS'.. •�lY w M: ��, J� «' r q ^-r ,Arn k { VIEW FROM NORTHWEST Ken o n Noble Vie W,�sheds LHMHEH HAHHWAHE 9.22.04 ' o - i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w . `t ip ��w.�� •��•���@;�`�� „� ` �� �'�'■► fir'� ���'��� _� �.���� �� +l� t.; './ 45t±4 S �S.aye„�i.i_t_ '1. 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ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRIM (MR PRrF!m:SHrD METAL Roorlwa E SHFD METAL SIDING RP CONCRETE 55 12 ES EXPO:BED STEEL -PAINTED ' AS 12 PRECAST STO1,1F CAP 24'-0 3 12 I 12 EII 12 15 B B e e B B B 3 av LS SIGN DETAIL 4-9------------- ------------- Ix CEDAR FEIJCE RETAIL BUILDINGS WE& 5EQUAL SPACES T ELEVATION Sv NOT USED P-c II i. ICE*WATER ASPHALT OUTLOOKS.-SEE SHIELD, SHINGLES woolD FENCE CAR STRUCT PL PENCE DETAIL BLOCKING-SEYWI SHEATHING, SCALE:%" 1'-0' 2x STRUCT STRUCT -SEE STRUCT SCALS1/4"-V-0' SUB FASCIA ----------- SEE PLAN PREF IN.METAL FLASHING 4 2xlO'S DOESN'T MATCH DRAWN SECTION/ELEVATIONS �REXIS_�SJPPOIQT DRIPECOS -DATUM MARKS 50'-0" SEE STRUCT ASPHALT SHINGLES ICE 4 WATER SHIELD PI_YWD. SHrATING 'i TREATED 2.10 SUPPORTS s 24 CONTINUE ROOFING, SEE PLAN ROOF FRAMING O.C. ICE!WATER SHIGLD,.,+, -SEE STRUCT ANC, MESH SCREEN PREFIN,METAL IN. LAP NFIL.5ARRIER FLASHING OVER FLASHING BUG SCREEN BOARD 4 BATTEN PRFritL METAL It STEP FLASHING SHINGLES HIGH TEMP ICE 4 C:H< W/STRUCT Gf WATER SHIELD ly BEAM POSITION ill BEHIND METAL il RAFTER coNm 4" PLYWD.SHEATHING -SEE STRUCT plilDaE VENT TYPE ------------ - - VENT THRU BLOCKING ---------- -SEE STRUCT BEAM _Ssr VENT SCREEN FROM STRUCT #5 MESH GALVANIZED ASPHALT SHINGLES HARDWARE CLOTH ICE 4 WATER SHIELD -SEE PLAN FOR EXTENTS PLYWID.SHIIIATAINC, I BRACE WHERE OCCURS -Irr ELEVATIONS CHK W/STRUCT BEAM POSITION INSULATION BAFFLE-MAINTAIN RAFTER r- 2 AIRSPACE SPRAY FOAM AT CORNER SEP 2 9 2W4 NG TYPES S LL AW .202 STRUCTURAL 'r,T T SUB FASCIA EXPOSED RAFTERS- IxIo CEDAR I I I SEE STRUCT FOR SIZE- FASCIA STAIN R4(;E ;=QON7, TY=lC4L RASE TYPICAL SAVE ROOF TO WALL SLOPED ROOF TO WALL 2 ' MN SCAL9:Iy�--zI--o- I ONS" T C REVISIONS: COPYRIGHT 2004 DRAYM RY. ECR CTA SHIEET ARCHITECTS CHECKED BY- REATIL BUILDING KENYON '. NOBLE CONSTRUCTION -al It ENGINEERS DAM: fH1& AND SATELLITE eiwNcs. CTA#_ KENYON M­ JACIG- CARD FME: KEONA20 BUILDING EXTERIOR A202 SOISE B BOZEMAN MT DOCUMENTS I oul RESERVE[ ELEVATIONS ALL RGHTS RES D 4 cl O O m �. �u� I 1 A 1 I II'.�L■I■ ■'■ ■■�IC II I— 1 %�I�' I I■'�:- 1 _) I',�L■� ■■. ■_■�'C II II'�L�� r�� r���'C II\ ����I I „ , o = _ o_0Ia--.fie � _ ..0".;HIRE e�a-�.I.BiL]. �L=] a c o z o_ o_ o o a o V_e.er �I — �L-]■—L]■—L]■__L]\—um'm \— _- ■ _•nl �I teams ■___ ■ ■—iL1■ �L]■-1L]■—iL1■_—.L-1■—.L]■�L]■_—.L]■—.L�■AIL-1■__L-]■�.L-]■--.L"1■� �w��.-.il �I - ■= =1■■J �■_�■= ■ j■■®■i■I-�' ®� eoh■■—L■■I=��—L\■J=■■J=I•■M—lim M■■—[m■I= ■=1■■I-1■■I=I■■—I■■J=�■■=I _s • .� ■ ■ A. a. 1 I I 1 IIII'. 1111111!11 'Illlllllllllllll!rill_11111111..._IIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInI'Illlillll'Irillllllilllll,Iiil .Ilirlu!1'IIIII'111111'1114:111r11111u1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL11111'11ru11u11Im1lnlnu,111111Illllilllllllllll1111rI1uI1IIIIlIu111uI11rIIIIIIIIL1111111111111111111111111111.IIII.11111.111.11,11111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■'a.__IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil111iJllli111111 1 I 111 _ -- --_ ®■��®I■®1�!' �.®■nett aea_; _t■�� _t.��— _aa��_ 0. � I ,I e_—_ce.�_¢ _¢--_¢ ca . _W ■: .t�_ 7S■r�_�¢ _e _e- _¢�—_¢ _e _¢ _¢ _¢ _¢ _¢ .a _¢ _¢ as _e.: _¢ O O 0 0 � v `!�JIIIIIIII�i�'® � : � �I,�I;��l���■■l'I�li■�I l��� - -- - . -. � ��+ .-.- I■ea- —■■�■■�!',■.�I■■=■■ .a. . .a se� t■,�.,.®�■■t ten Qrteo•�i ■■—■■.—■■�■■�I ��IIIIIIIIuu�l�llNl1'Illlulllll�lllllll�llnull�llllllll�lulll�nulllllllllu!ulllllolllllllllll�__:•. r •.,ulllullellllllIIII![!!!!L!L!!llllL!1,LILLLlILILL!!!lILL,!!!llL,!lleec.__ , - .11151 S.®hQG! ®�p®a ®� 13, e ■�4 ■i.®o=®_a■ =LI�— _a_ a as :¢_II !IIII! II III _ I E I I ■ im Rim WINE Al NONE 001 —ate ram I I I I a l i 1.1 1 1111,1'I1, IIII. I __a■����.!!!IL¢.LILT.L.LLL.L.LIl!!!!!lLLIL.I__ (IIII „ �imaIC0�1 7711 sal ® -now �i ... c CrA ENGINEERS DATE:— _I_ ' . CTA MZu• / . O • DOCUMENTS t .O Nrloir 5 ELEVATIONS ALL PJGHTS RESERVED• t tERENYONs • i N + ! • i D Ma I I 12 I I I I I -M8 i I - ' FUTURE EXPANSkON ' n I OPENIN@ OPENING OPENINCs OPENNG I CON ' DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH r 3 I I ---_.i WAREHOUSE BUILDING WEST ELEVATION A 12 i MR A2©3 MATERIAL LEGEND SCALE:3/32" dS -6 MODIFED LAMNATED ASPHALT SHINGLES I I - ASF ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS/DOORS ®STAINED WOOD 80ARD 4EATTEN I -_-- FA ROUW4-SAWN WOOD FASCIA I I lh5 --- BV 2— STONE VENEER i TM ROUGH-SAWN dRCHITECTIIRAL GRADE GLU-LAM TR ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING I6-0. LS ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRIM MR PREFINISHED METAL ROOFING MS PREFNISHED METAL SIDING CAN CONCRETE DRIVE THIRD GfI DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH i� I ES EXPOSED STEEL-PANTED f—� OPENING oI�ENING oPENNCs OPENING. �r ' CON ' 1 ' FUTURE EXPANSION EC PRECAST STONE CAP t�2 4 5 O "f OS 9 10 WAREHOUSE BUILDILNGF 2 EAST ELEVATION i I BH A2m3 SGALE3/32"•I'�" i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M2 I I I I I i I 28 e• I I I I I I I j j j i I j MS 1 1 1 1 1 I I I Ms I I I I I I I I I I OPEN I I I CON I I I II 1 11 " I III II I III II r l 1I II l l u I' ❑ I I O 111 I I II II I ' II I 1 ' 11 I'I II I 11 l 11 II I II I ' I l I " I 'u I I ' WAREHOUSE BUILDING NORTH ELEVATION P-0' I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 WAREHOUSE EA'VE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 MR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 'I li 'I� Ii 'I li '1 l,i 'r Ii �I li li 'I i '1 i '1 i 'I li ii I i i i i i i ' ' i I"IL IIn LS � VLS II,1 ' I I I I I IVJ f,II I � I ' UILl4SEP29 2004UUU 1 11 I 11 III II 1 � 11 1 � ill 1 11 i 11 III 1 11 I ill I 11 I II Il, I — II — 1 11 I I --1 II — —1 11 — — II --I II — I � oPEu - } I I I i t i GON DEPAR7ENT OF PLANNING ' II II I 111 II ' 1 Ill II I I II II ' I N III' 1 11 11 1 l II Ir I ,Ill 11 I II 11 I I II Ill' I II II I I Ir 11 I IIl 1 II III I I III I II III , II I I l rr III , II N I , I N I I II III I APn(;�;':a.Irllr'i OE'dfLOPIAFVT _y____Y_I _Y____Y.I _Y___-y_I _Y____--1 U� _ ___y}I _y.___�}I WAREHOUSE BUILDING' ' 4 SOUTH ELEVATION NOT ° �r �SCAL63/32"=I'�" _,p Ill!" ..'2et3a�a.+ _ .. ter.+.,: .,.*' r _j 1, . w REVISIONS: COPYR�A 2004 DRAWN EY: ECR KENYON NOBLE CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTS CRECKM BY: ER WAREHOUSE SHEET ENGINEERS BUILDING• B 0 ZEMAN, MT 9I LN: � DOCUMENTS w'=E GRFAT FALS CLAD# RRNYON NEIFNA • ' F� yam- EXTERIOR O SPOKAIVE•N�soN CARD FD.E: HEONA2U3 �CLiNI�fC•, ALL RIGH RESERVED D1� 'SON ELEVATIONS 0 C� � i SEP 2 2 2004 September 22, 2004 D P7,,71:T OF PL,A,'!':i"G Lanette Windemaker, AICP City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Submittal of supplementary viewshed illustrations for Kenyon Noble PUD Lanette: Please find.enclosed 20 copies of the viewshed illustrations of the proposed Kenyon Noble facility that you requested in your letter dated September 13, 2004. We are confident that these.illustrations will meet your requirements. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the illustrations or require any additional information regarding the Kenyon Noble PUD. Sincerely, Candace Mastel CTA Landworks Cc: Kurt Ratz, CTA Architects Engineers Richard and William Ogle,25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, Montana, 59715 Jerry Perkins for Peter K. Nelson, 511 North Wallace, Bozeman, Montana, 59715 Jon Olson, Morrison Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman,Montana, 59771 10180 Cottonwood Rd • Bozeman,MT 59718 877.423.5018 40S.556.7100• Fax:406.585.3031 www.ctagroup.com•boz.info@ctagroup.com a O d b 4 o 0 r rL x STREET EASMENT P�4NTING/SIE NOTES:. G TOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL VrLITIE5 PRIOR;TO INSTALLATION,EXCAVATION, / GRAss SWALE " w - OPERATIONS.ANY AMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES N SITE OR ADJACENT ta•ARCP TLET , • ♦ „^ ^•�sL E I' w ; -� CANTING OPERA O U CITIES O AGENT s^ � OR P \ sr cruse � - PROPERTY SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. ` MA%an I sl » �� . w ���-w 2.CONTRACTOR TO EVALUATE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND REMEDY A5 REQUIRED TO l + o � tfi'ARCP I "PROVIDE FOR HEALTHY PLANT GROWTH AND MITIGATE UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS. 3:CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER TRADES. 0 S ILLUSTRA ED AREAS .A DISTURBED ED AREA SHALL BE D BY CONSTRUCTION WHEREIVITIE5 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTIONEPAP ACTTIIEVIIT ESDINGLUDINCREPLANED, s' TRENCHING;DEMOLITION,EARTHWORK,MATERIAL 5TORA&E,5TAGING AND PARKING OR ANY e OTHER FORM OF EXCAVATION,COMPACTION,OR TRAFFIC RESULTS IN THE REMOVAL OR nv.ONRY FENCE vMIN osz SLOPE` �� ' Q DISPLACEMENT OF EXISTING GROUNDGOVER OR G E RAD a'�"°•^^ \ Mae 4-.1 SIDE SLOPES \ _� / :10'YARD j 5.LAWWSOD AREAS SHALL RECEIVE 6"OF TOPSOIL AND PLANTER AREAS SHALL RECEIVE 12" {,. 2'eoTn».t w / SETBACK ( OF TOPSOIL.COORDINATE TOPSOIL INSTALLATION WITH OTHER TRADES.CONTRACTOR SHALL •• " ! I VERIFY CHARACTERISTICS OF TOPSOIL TO E INSTALLED-AND AMEND AS REQUIRED TO GET r o, I PROPER CHARACTERISTICS AND DEPTH 6.ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AS DETAILED. -7.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANT QUANTITIES.THE ILLUSTRATED LOCATION SHALL J FIRE \ \ s' -- -DICTATE COUNT. 0 ' I SRRVICE \, \ \ 6,. AD 8.DURING INSTALLATION OF PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION,GONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL 'Y/ _ f " a ,ya ,�•„ a MasD �I IRRGATIONNMATERIALS FROM DIAME E DUE RTO LANDSCAPE OPERATIONS OR AG7IVITIE BY talil _ o FENCE— \E - � �"' :� OTHER CONTRACTORS AND TRADES.MAINTAIN PROTECTION DURING INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE PERIODS.TREAT,REPAIR,OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED PLANTINGS,MATERIALS,OR - i (FUTURE EXPANSION) \ t IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IMMEDIATELY. - 1% - ',.._..,,:I'.'"•-"._�"-""[ \\ _ - - SUBSTITUTIONS ILL ALLOWED WITHW N CONSENT F E LANDSCAPE s 9.IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES,NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 7� - - ARCHITECT.BSTI 5 W BE T WR TTE N5E FROM THE _ 9 I II:ALL BARK MULCH SHALL BE GLEAN,MEDIUM SIZED CEDAR BARK MULCH.SUBMIT SAMPLE OF - ,I 15'YA R MULCH MATERIALS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL;PRIOR TO / 1 I - INSTALLATION.ALL ROGK MULCH TO BE 2 TO 2.5"WASHED RIVER ROCK. t — ( / SE1BAc !I CdJTR04 8007115R 'Ses 2.EDGING TO BE ALUMINUM EDGING. tk RCP W _ - __ ,J' \� • \. \ ,L,T`� " ml I ! 13.ALL SHRUB EDS SHALL kAVE A WEED BARRIER INSTALLED BETWEEN THE SOIL LAYER AND THE MULCH LAYER.WEED BARRIER TO BE TYPAR 3201 AS MANUFACTURED BY LINO INDUSTRIAL FABRICS INC.GHOTEXTILE DIVISION.2550 WEST FIFTH NORTH STREET,SUMMERVILLE,5G , \WAREHOUSE ` \ YARD atT10EI 1(800)543-g466.WEB51TE:WWWLINQIND.COM.ALTERNATE PRODUCTS ACCEPTED WITH SUBMITTAL, (tyP.) I( FF 4730.00. \ - Re c^\ ! REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARGHITEGT. fI(I .. i \\ CROSSWAL�( � I '>* REFUSE AND / ^ �. RECYCLE aW5 \� W'PROP OESASSMENI \ MANHOLE w LEGEND 14th AVE. . r ° /LOADING DO CK$ FlRE W>L Al l , .. 1. - N- 'R Y Tj i n" CP T DECIDUOUS THE � EVERGREEN TREE NOTES: .." -- >a . -__ _. ,'•"'»+ _ NDE ND 1 rrt� I.ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS EXCEPT AS NOTED, SHALL BE IRRIGATED WION SYSITH AN AUTOMATIC U RGROU IRRIGAT TEM - \ - • SHRUB PLANTINGS o » YN-" USG I''E -- 1�1�NYON NOBLE \'� rr \` I + { 'r \ (SEE'PLANT SCHEDULE) `� " I R&E� ANSION) '� BUILDING BOULDERS x nry FIRE:4735.50 '�� LANDSCAPE POINTS.TABULATION, - 23 POINTS REQUIRED zi»n • ..»� .w 26 POINTS PROVIDED =ro , ALUMINUM EDGING 1 18.48.O60.B.Ib: 3 PT5 FOR VERY %PLANT MATERIAL BEING DROUGHT RESISTANT > In /. \ `;A9 .ts>. I •+w/ 1 7 I8.48.060.B.2: 5 PT5 FOR EVERY 50 FT OF WEST SIDE YARD HAS ONE PLANT GROUP 7 I�, 18.4488.060.B.2: 5 F75 FOR EVERY 50 FT OF EAST SIDE YARD HAS ONE PLANT GROUP / - "r. .O O. . FOR 5 BOULDERS OVER 3 FEET IN DIAMETER 18 6 G3 5 PTS � 18.48.O60.B.3: 8 PT5 FOR RESIDENTIAL SCREENING ON EAST AND SE FRONTAGE r I � G �n3 , w > nry " >az EASMENT PLANT SGHEDUL� 85'N.11th AVE »m I "" � � QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE GOND REMARKS MATURE MATURE I \ \ HEIGHT SPREAD ' �J � i ,. .:•ev :"� ,. ....•..` ,,, _ �> a ' _\ '.. +. -<1"._I-- -- -._- �. 3TR POPULOUS TREMULOIPES.... ': QUAKING ASPEN 2"CAL IS III B -VARIED STAND 50'HT. I5-2o' ' i N y.-nw - --'- » w» � •'m" � , .. •., '..�:'3T=:... PV`'.:.PRUNUS.VIRGINIANA'GANADA RED' GANADA RED ctrolcEcrleRRY� 15 GAL --0ONT MULTI-STEM- 50'HT 18-25' -..._ u la MR MALUS'ROYALTY' - ROYALTY CRABAPPLE GAL B C B INGLE STEM I5'HT I8-25' »>» -4- ST� FP FRAXINUS PENNSYLVAAIGA'PATMORE, PATMORE GREEN ASH 2"GAL B$ B SINGLE STEM 50,HT 30-55, I r. 26 FIN FRAXINU5 NIGRA:PALLSOLD' FALLGOLD BLACK ASH 2"GAL B c.B SINGLE STEM 5L` HT 30-35' O 20 PP PIOEA PUNGENS-:' COLORADO SPRUCE 8'TALL B a B 60'HT 30' w" >3a _ `__�:> LL. »ry w» ,..w". - _ f _ I '-.•SET 23 PN PINUS NIGRA AUSTRIAN BLACK PIPE 8'TAL B fi B 50'KT 30' > --Ex -W _ .� •.. - —_ _-. wen ._ _..— - - .. - -- -:,.; =z..As '.,�...— _ - _ T - EVERGREEN SHRUBS - "*s - 106 PM PINUS MUGO FUMILIO. DWARF MU60 PINE 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANCHED 3'HT 3' 23g I JH I JUNIPERU5 14ORIZONTAUS IGEE BLUE JUNIPER 1 5 GAL I GONT INELL BRANCHED 1 10"HT 100 4' - - INSTALL STORM I----— OL""1K STREET 1 oRatN IMNNOLE j � � IS JS .1M rEws scowLowA-1'wc«rcA eLDE' WIGHITA SLUE JUNIPER 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANCHED 10-I5'HT 4-6' / / EXIENO/CUT EXISTING I - . • / / 12•RCP AS NECESSARY \t DEC IpUoU5 SHRUBS I Cg GORNU5 BAILEYI RED-TWIGGED DOGWOOD 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANCHED 8-IO'HT 4-6' / ( - 138 SF SALIX'FLAME' ' FLAME WILLOW 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANCHED IS-20'HT 6-8' Etc • . _ / IF�� PURPUREA'GRAGILIS' COMPACT PURPLE WILLOW 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANCHED b'HT 4-6' . 1 —�'--4=�— °p --_ A—r,ss o�- _ Fx J 66 PF PoreNrlLtwr-RurlcosA tzoLVFWeers• GOLDFIN6ER POTENTILLA 5 GAL GONT WELL BRANGI aD'six"5T. — OO Q"! SB splacUn,x IsuMALon'ANriioNr wnrvxEN' ,wmoNr rureRErs srIRAEn 5 6AL GO NT WELL BRANCHED 3-4'HT 3-4' EASMENT - J l A G 2 7 2WCIA I� 5 ALE: 1 50' 011 SCt)LL.E: V=50' NORTH R' r\�ITOT <` � �... REVISIONS: cO C0PYRIG1T2004 DRAWN BY: Cnmf SHEET OS-25-04 KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY ���u � BY. RS ENGINEERS nwrE os lao4 L 1 O 1 BOZEMAN MT PLAN sors-NEsJ ON CTA#ARD REN7tON LANDSCAPE PLAN ANDwORK HECaNA•KAIISPF.II. j l I�II11 LI lC 1{seo>;Axe•1AcksoN CARD FILE: L101 ALLR(GHTSREE m N RVED DIR: LKENYON - .. e O ' ••' 80'PROPOSED �- STREET EASMENT '/ W -!• W W CRASSS S SLOPE ,e•M CP SETMIN STRUCTURE MAX.°SIDE SLOPES _ w SitfNi-Aan/Gradin ' Plan —= ,;•� 2'BOTTOM •\ - '• 1 - -W W ,e•ARCP r \' j�'• � �L�� �ETENTLDN POND ,/'' •'�••� ,^ -F ` STROCRIR --_�--� � 1 t_ � for L�e000 CFI6•WOODE SI.1 UASONRYFENCE 1UN RSSS SLOPE _ ~- - 1111 0T EL 4727501 ".- �•• 'n ��`�-��• MAR 4:1 SIDE SLOPES l: �- ``\ 1r'+ i ••i I 10 YARD SETBACK DCIEN00M POND \ WL�11 Z25 CF ` OUTDOOR \ �^ \\ is sDE SLOPES 1 \ z I STORAGE �E DEP1N:�x Xenvon Noble { i 4 ' I SERVICE I s �;' FENCE /'I \\ e•WOOD k - \\ WAREHQUSE ��-\ \� _ 1AsoMRr - \N\ (FUTUtEEXPANS10N) \\ p'OUTDOOIL 'SPA �; I I A PORTION OF ALES, x rn ( TRACT 3A OF COS 1215 LOCATED IN + xi SECTION 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. CONTROL BOOTHS �•� \�\ � SEE�FNL 55 L : ,!� I. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN.000NTY, MONTANA I itceRcp , GRAM sFT>r; 3 ZONED:B-2 Es AREHOUSE \. ' r o oFRe i' /� 2' 4n x j I CURB CUT - 1 s ",—u1E d.) LSE ER pia,- ,' r, i, �'a7zsT t SAN 9�tar i L 1 J REFUSE AKI R BINS WATER E \' — ' y \ ( f i ■ j.ee, k-111 60 PROPOSE6 UT \ s DRM wr i , I 1r 1 T 14'AVE EASMENT ; ! i •'INONC DOCI6 FIRE \ \ ••\ µe l i ``\ SmwICEf -_ / 1�� %' � .� .%�' � ,2•RCP EX SE , PR`UEC7 ' sP 0 NOEL KEG Y�ON NOBLE �� STORAGE �TTT �.4 , p AJIFA IN ' IL. ,R1 G ' O T�7� n // � I / Si RAGE �• ••• ! 1 S ANSION) B V 1LJJ .I I ' 1 Y VICNO SCA U / fff / I .1.+ I NO SCALE ...._! / I C sw FFE 4735.50 �•, �� ; 2• 4 sLaPT3 ".�-----".''"' �•..`' \\�\' l i __---- I /i�I i y i �-_____ �' AUG 1 0 2004 ;l �; t dI III O p� / ieuReaur 1.25; --1' — CE BANNING STDR-4 R81.417A2 65'EµASUENT�'A GRAPHIC SCALE � ili r f if + ioo o so 100 zao aoo OPEJQ ' PACE / J / 1 I I ' •I' / DEroRATWE CNlf STORA TN FEET 1 GE iach - 100 fL I i c. , i`" ` � ��� / �; r \ 1� �\` ` /. � ' � i e � eo.oa•RDw 7500•Tic TO 1BC 12.50 _ ._ .�,' i• VA WRff - i \ PiL , ,LID' iW �..__..._ -:=. . �-..... X —./� sSLD wuM eiw L2..'. sloexariux ��� " � • (1' ROAD 1550' 101].00s 2.Om.G e:� — _ — — - - i— - \ — =--— — ="�s.�tti �. �X I�`—'.-.� '--� _' swmlwo cuRe TYPICAL IMSTALL STORM OAK STREET ) *RCP/cur NECESSARY DwvM.MAMNDLE 14t11 AVENUE&OP STREET ROAD TEMPLATE I2•RCP As NECESSVT! I _ ss I=Xss _-- EXSs ;,:=,- - ��'-'P ---�■-• ` ——- EX S ——- r ro r,ns n 1 wa.rMw asO rwR..•:-.R.a nI••..Sas nOt.N r�.. Siteplan/Gra ding Plan P =XssOHP FXss MMAIERLE,INC.OHS ' OHP CHIP OHP for 80,OAX ST. CHP CHID OHP I-) b -N00x Kenyon Noble EASMENT CLIENT: • - - ' FIELD WORK• DATE:08/10/04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 10:15:05 am DRAWN BY: KDT SCALE:1•=50' DRAWING NAME: •',•"� N:\3900\OOI\ACAO\SREPIAN\SffEPLAN-OBOfiO4-dwg CHECKED BY: PROJ #:39D0 001 SHEET OF P�anED er:�>e�•c..,, i.♦ 6I PROPOSED - \ STREEY EASNENI , � x i '�,-• Be �• ,,.,...,•... 1.CONTRACT E NOTES, cxtisz swAI.E I.CONTRACTOR E VERIPY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION,EXCAVATION, III 16'`s.Rcv nEl OR PLANTINb OPERATIONS.ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES ON SITE OR ADJACENT w 5:-.15 tw.+ E s '- t I PROPERTY SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. "' ^••.% + Y eD x : 2.CONTRACTOR TO EVALUATE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND REMEDY AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE FOR HEALTHY PLANT&ROWTH AND MITI&ATE UN516HTLY CONDITIONS. • • _ 9 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER S._, - • - �" + - A.ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PREPARED A D PLANTED, A9 ILLUSTRATED.A DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES INGLUDINb TRENCHING,DEMOLITION,EARTHWORK,MATERIAL STORA6E,STAIN&AND PARKING OR ANY ' ��•��, "�^ E rµieDeE \ DRA56 sy '�� - --' --` •,� .� II OTHER FORM OF EXCAVATION,COMPACTION,OR TRAFFIC RESULTS IN THE REMOVAL OR .e DISPLACEMENT OF EXI5TIN&&ROUNDCOVER OR&RADE. • D.SS ROPE�, � .lrW SIDE sltwES -• - In'^VARO -i / S.LAWN/SOD AREAS SHALL RECEIVE 6'OF TOPSOIL AND PLANTER AREAS SHALL RECEIVE 12' 2 ROrtax \ '! -ETBACK .- � - OF TOPSOIL.GOORDINAre TOPSOIL INSTALLATION W A WITH OTHER TRADES.CONTRACTOR SHALL - -..+''���'-�"•-'-�\. \r t - w_' - ,1 VERIPY CHARACTERISTICS OF TOPSOIL TO BE INSTALLED AND AHED A5 REQUIRED TO GET PROPER CHARACTERISTICS AND DEPTH. 6.ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED AS DETAILED. 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANT QUANTITIES,THE ILLUSTRATED LOCATION SHALL F -c DICTATE COUNT. i r - sERrcE +i °p4\ `,� , �•� / /6,w« /D+D f I I j 6.DURING INSTALLATION OF PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION,CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL err �� rtx WORK AREAS AND WALKINS AND DRIVEWAY SURFACES CLEAN OF DEBRIS.PROTECT ALL PLANT i .......-....— — ! INfEppp'111p��R;-ExEt • AND IRRIbATION HATER ALS FROM DAM6E DUE TO LANDSCAPE OPERATIONS OR ACTIVITIES BY """"' """'" T,71] \'� ~' ~--mow`---"��� OTHER CONTRACTORS AND TRADES MAINTAIN PROTECTION INb INSTALLATION AND I... AREHOUSE \ ..,.: ..,t=- I E HI IN& T r - r'`� MAINTENANCE PERIODS.TREAT,REPAIR,OR REPLACE ANY DAMAbED PLANTINGS,MATERIALS,OR �. (FU7'UR51iY1 4NSION) IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IMMEDIATELY, t TUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSEN THE LANDSCAPE 1 9.IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES,NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. I 10.D SUB5T1 T FROM NDSG ARCHITE'T. ` f •«,..`' K \ •,� _ ZZ J F L BE CLEAN,MEDIUM SIZED CEDAR BARK MULOH.SUBMIT SAMPLE:OF MATERIALS TIt.ALL BAR.MULCH KIAI FORIE APPROVAL,PRIOR TO CDxn1p 6DN3 SEE 14g ALLTION ALL RO TO BE TO 2WA5H RIVER$eETBM 1 I -E r ,,..... ..__ ...-,.- ,..._�. �•` ....,.,.. .' ... ,. 1L LAYER AND ...^" THAEBB. MULCH ND�AYERreWEED BD SHRUB BEDS SHALL OSIONTE A/550 WESTR BARRIER F FTH�NORTH STREET SUMMERTALLED 15LTMEEN THE VILLE,INDUSTRIAL 294 , SNCEi� 2. IER BE 5201 AS MANUFACTURED ' WAREHOUSE *�D�; -• �. UBOO)545-996b.HESSITE:WNW(.LINOINDLOM.ALTERNATE PRODUCTS ACCEPTED WITH SUBMITTAL, ,••,. �\ ...8 �...... ',• - REVIEW AND APPROVAL AN E ARCHITECT. . i I 1p - FFb\4730.00 ... f OF L DSCAP .M� i Cd f -GTE o.) r o 60'PROPOSED tt I •/ `• •�•" , ,� '• -�gAMI iWNIXJ i L�G�ND N. NAVE IA!WEM i ' s+" E L•, i . _.-�".,!wsbrG OOCRS ME `` . w , DEGIDLVIY TREE EVERGReeN TREE J tl r i AT , ....'."....i - •,.•._. f /'. ERSROUND ATION SYSTEM G� i r 1 A Nores: , � I I"7 S I.ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS EXCEPT AS NOTED. � F-+ SHALL BE IRRIbATED WITH AN AUTOM IG UND IRRIb �-- SHRUB RANTIN65 I 7 IxOTTxTTTTrro>L KEN;'.ON NOBLE ANT SCHEDULE', /Lr `"Y l J • �1� (SEE'PL F3UI IIQG �T7�T�77�7r � nP r. "4 .• w I - �% (FUA)R/EE?AN'SION) BlJ1LJ.�I 1J \ -« BOULDERS 1 • / FFE:473i.50 / +.. � r ~� L.CJ ) r-{ LANDSCAPE POINTS TABULATION, i25 POINTS REQUIRED . i I' l .~ ''� ••� •« •- r �` -\ 26 POINTS PROV DE17 ALUMINUM E116INS 164b.060.5.Ib. S PTS POR• AS-T5%PLANT MATERIAL REINS DROU6W ReSISTANT L J// 18.48A6O.B3+ 5 PTS FOR EVERY 50 FT OF reST SIDE YARD HAS ONE PLANT&ROUP "`� I ,,,. I / 18.48A60.6.2t 5 PT5 FOR EVERY 50 FT OF EAST 51CIE YARD HAS ONE RANT&ROUP 16.4B.O60L9, S PTS FOR 5 BOULDERS OVER 3 FEET IN DIAMETER rn w .. a, _ 1f 18.45 O89: 8 PTS FOR RESIDENTIAL SCREENING ON EAST AND Se PRONTAGE -•\ /�« rr �. \ -. - c,,j r I'. 65'NM lithTAVE. EAS , e ` PLANT SCHEDULE BEAD i .-- .... aTY ice t• ra� Y OTAN DIGAL NAME G MI OMON NA GO SIZL ND RGMARICS ((d�icer x� / ~ '� y �� +- M`� •'''� .• ® % PT POPULOUS TREMULOIDES OUAKINb ASPEN 2-GAL IS 4 B I VARIED STAND 50'HT I —o-— t 57 PV PRUNIe VIRbIN1ANA'GANADA RED' GANADA ReD GxocEGNIRRY ONT 16-]6• _ -- I HR MALUS'ROYALTY' ROYALTY CRABAPPLE 1 SAL IS,IS —.T1-STEM 50� lo- . �r - / ,p rr ! - -" 5T FP FRAxINUS PENNSYLVANICA FATMORE' PATMORE bREEN ASH 88 B SINGLE STEM 50'HT 50-55' 2'GAL ASH 2'GAL B 4 B SINGLE STEM 50'MT 50-55' - Y - _.. _-. ... 7 ti!- w J . ...�- - -_� - � ^• �T}T, PI A OLORADO SPRUCE 8'TALL B✓i B 60'HT 50' e 29 PM PIN/5 N16RA AVSTRIAN BLACK PINE B�B ,. ......., Ie.. j.' . .r.^:.." S:JSC 'TA Y" ... ......... .. ,— [�}j, 106 PM EM PINUS MU60 P/MIL10 DWARF FUCaO PINE 5 GAL ONT WELL BRANCHED 9'HT 9' ,.+� ..-.a.. ..�..._... O 23q JH ,ONIPERUS HORIZONTALI5 IGEE BLUE JUNIPER 5bAL ONT WELL BRANCHED 10'HT 4' OAK STREET E.aes m Ev� DeolDuous s 12'RCPi,150 MEC + •••.. jRNUS BAILEYI RED TWIbbED DObWOOD 1 5 GAL AN 8-10' 4- �'• 1 FLAME WILLOW 5 GA CONT 6.8' ,...w..._........_••x;lv .......__....:,:h., tw ......,,,,..............II ae............................:.. :,,a; ,.. ? !':/ COMPACT PURPLE WILLOW 5bAL GONT ED 5- O x '/ 5P SAL X P/RPUREA'bRAGILIS' ELL BRANCHED I6'HT HT 4-6' .......,•,,,n�.. � - s.a€ "�jy _ - tr..._...-.,.--„•, 1 SF SALIX FLA WELL BRAN •° ": a..........__...[;::`.".`e,.p... 1•., - - 4..r:...__w_....w_...r., '._ .-..... ' 9 58 bn:ue.x eu+AlDw•wxrxoxr«..n!ReR• xrYxd+r nnreaa snReeA 5 GAL CON WELL BRANCHED 5-4' ....tw.,...........__..os...,..,...__- ._. gs .... • '°---"""""'""°""`"-•--•`�%---•---a �•• y�" "`" °'' -^_^-t I, bb PF Pmnmu P.PnLOR•yD�P.,xaeR• bOLDPINbER POTENTILLA 5bAL GONT WELL BRANCHED 9'HT HT eaI 60'OAK ST. •-'- _.i.i.�-...ow,-..-...-_:w'.._._.-.w,_P.,--.....�..-.Y«...____ .ru_..-......w_.M.-.,.., OO T ._..a .... ..._..a....._.............,a ax'......_...,.A a..�`,:�.. ✓ 5 p O SGALE: I" = SDI O1I SCALE: NORTH NOT F _ ._� REVISIONS: - - COPYRIGHT2004 - KENYON NOBLE P.0 D PRELIMINARY DATE---AWN- - SHEET ARCHTECfS CHECKED BY.- RS CTA ENGINEERS DATE: nR-lo-oa • L101 B O ZEMAN MT PLAN BDLNDS.MERV eO,5E.GREATF= ETA• KENYON I LANDSCAPE PLAN AND�/�/O.RK_ xq A awst'Eu. 1.10] eo2elewacsoN CADD FJ1.E: RC�LU P ,. ALLRIGH7S RESERVID DTP. i'xENvoN TO To A40 I I I T ' ' AI07 I I To 1 I I II I I I I 1 I i I 1 --_ - --- - - - - - - - - - -r - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - --_ t ----=* - �_ ------_I_ ------ =-�1- --�,—Q —�— I T — — --= = - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - — - - - - - ,I , II _I I I I- 1- - - I F,•. e..R I — Ir — 1 I � � �' I euTlou I uuxeTsrlol.,I , uoaeer.Tlou N n 03 104 II ®®® 1-1 r - - -- - -� - -- --- - - - -I-- - - - � r - -I- - -, I __JLL_i-_ 1 1 I I I I L_ _ _ - I ® ® 11 ®�� e I aT.TW I '�� I �-• ' � ' - - - i ---' - r - - - - - - - - -I - - ' IQI -- t---------- -- -- ------ - -- _- - — — — ----� I WAREHOUSEAl BEMIRAMP PICK-UP _ _ � RArm T I T I T Q Bb�-0• eB'•m' I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 , � , I , � I - -I- - - - -- 1 v' . , I , I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I e o• I I I I I � I I I I I I I 1 I I I � I I I I I- - - - - - �� Q ' 10041'- - 1 II RECEIVMc.---' 1 - - ' - - --- I - - 1 �_ 1 —_ 1 �_ i=-=— —'- -=1 =—_ —I -- !-IT �I— � I-- - - -_�___ - - - - -- - - , - ------ --- I I -I--- ---r— -� _ - - -- s- -� - - - - ' run -T - -- I I 1 I I I ( I I I I I I A40 BIMI J- - r - - - -- - -- - QI °�� I I I I I I II I I I I II I , I 1 , I , I DESGN , I I TOOLS I I I WALL T-rRE LF-Cz1=ND - -— i , ` a I I I —`,271 �EgT -WaRe�roux -- -- ------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------� ---------- ----------I- I (---------- SDING. /rsy 10a ,—- AIR MF LTRATION BAR I I V2• BHFATHING o- 2 X6 WOOD STUDSVAPORa1J . GATT MLATIOW"rPBR DARDER Q I y I - - I BEE EXTERIOR ELEVS. I I I 1 1 I I , i I rl_ _ __ ,- __ _ _ - _ I , WFOR MATERIAL TIDES e LOCATIOWB i Q— ec G,P BD Qlev i I 1 ti GT BTUDB Ll II -- J�---I------I----------r �-- D —�V - - - - C "�]/..X'•b eG rW.rPOP O BBDDD B-TUD-B—-Q—�I - -------- —7 ---- - � I IrIJi � ' , --—AB-v -- -ou j III I Q� NWALLOTES YPI-= Q�V I m6 ❑Q� �.. --- —`.'-v -------- I I o------- 1 -�--- 1 - ------ 1 1 I 1 I 1 TI --�I --- I,— -------------I I -LAI ------ Q o-- , I � ___ _ L _ I I , I I , I 1 1 , ❑ Qq� i I I I I I I I I i I Qmv - -- - - I I I- - - - - - - - - ' - - -- --- -I- -Q-- A - -- - - - - - - --I' - - --I� -- - - -- -- --1- - - - - - - - - �- - --lr"'•/ . - -o- - 4 ❑ 0 4 ❑ 0 4 I . VET o o n a o n.. ❑ ❑ C#] ❑ ❑ n ❑ L TYPE NOTE Q QADv QAp•V QAB QADV QADV QAeV A 2 Q 10 Room mummER , , QABV QABy QABV QpBv QADV Q I "D I ABV QADV QABY QADV Q Q Y I ++ Q - -- - ---- -- -- --- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- A I "` - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uINDOu T7PE I O PLAN NOTE "_ _ ___ __- RETAIL f5UILDINCz I 4 --MAL OR SECTIOW IUMM DIEW11M TO FACE of SM.0 - , MAIN FLOOR PLAN e^SHEET WHERE DRAWN OR coIJCRETE 1wLESS - 4101 9CALE:3/37•=I'-0' - I NOTED OTHERWISE) DITEWSION TO GRm LINE _ WORTH F• DOOR FWMBER-SEE SHEET A601 U FMISH FACE OF WALLNOT v OR CONSTRUCTRION REVISIONS: PT�C aswwx sx• SBEET KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY �R�IINERS D�: a ENGINEERS nwa'>:• aaow a � R.ETAII. BUILDING B OZENiAN, MT GTA. NrAnv FLOOR Alol PLAN H "• ADD, ALL walrrs EMD nmb- PLAN —FLAT BOTTOM— I I Aa01 I I I Aa01 I I I - 1 TRUSS DORMER I 7 _ P`_'�_•F= 0 _A -----_-------1_-0 I r �' _- I _ --_---_ - - I Q Q \\'// r1A. AIR I D6 MECH/ I I I I F--- -- - -- - - - - e o ELEG OANF PEN OPEN I OPEN E, �RKBTATIOI.1 I IWORCBTATION WORK.STdTIOhI I • I I OFFICE OFFICE IBTOR • I I I _ I I I I - I I Y``z01 3m1 203 OOF'EN QI I Q I Ie ---_l.i---1----IJ DM 6 L �..0 I 204 I I ® IDN I BTOR .. ®�❑© I Itim� I IEST ® IOPEW I \ I B ` I Sp E5 CORR I ` /' WoRCBTATION I 1�200 1 I { FI �./� I1 I I I- - - ---ILI, OFK�E � 121BREAKRM � ®. II �210 I I I �\ I _ I uoMEN` IyEN ----I I- - - II -- - - I -- - - - - - - --- - - - -x�— ® --- - - ---- --- ------ ---- -----, OPENoFFICE I E.uc. uDReBrarloN I TYP I I IIlm'i• - 206 I I I� /IIBi II9i I I j -I ( 1 m FILL F R I 126 I Ida, ® 091 REOEPT I ® � �I I � I I25 I I I I � I I I ®�� 30B I ®.. � 1 I I - I IIILLLJJJIII I I I ® ® _ I s 2m9 I rv. OFFICE I I I I I I I I I I I I VE6T I ® ® zm, \ ' I I I --l- -- - --- �I — — — — — —— - L..��I-� -�.. I OFFI FICE O 31cE I I , ,; R2 `i- ® ®.. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 122-2 122-I 1 I I-� �fl"IT —_—_— _—_—---14 I —� —� --� -—-—-—-—-—-— I '— D I-—_—-B-OR - - - - -- - -- -Q--------- IQ—Q-- 0 ^ I I I , I _� I ------ —T-®------- — — RETAIL HUILDINCs a I I I WALL TYPE LECzEND UPPER FLOOR PLAN —-— — —— — — — — ——— � _ — I �..Lq di02 SCALE:/'.r•m" - e� LTRATImN BAR RETAIL HUILDINCm <�^p� Y2'9WFOD ST - CONTRACTOR AREA V VA WOOD STIIDB 2 VVVV V.P R ULATM RETARD NO2 BCALE�'=I'•m" - VAPOR RETARDER %"CsYP BD WORTH SEE EXTERIOR ELEV9. REF- FOR MATERIAL TYPES - - = 4 LOCATIONS - - - BID 2X4 WOOD STUDS %"ayP BD GIs"GYP BD -S WOOD BTTIDB Cs'!P BD WALL TYPE NOTES 0—a— •• 0— PLAN LEr TEN D —L^� — L P TyfE NOT E 101f - , ROOM W1MR Qp - WII,= TYPE - OPLAN NOTE 4 r-DETAIL OR —11111 NLII'®ER DIMENSIONFACE OF TO F OF STUD ems—SWEET WHERE DRAWN OR CONCRETE(UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) DMENSION TO ORID LINE A10H�—DOOR NJI115ER•BEE SHEET AGmI FFLiI FAJ19H FACE OF WdLL I NO .. T III 1OR "ONS"RUCTION REVISIONS: CTA 2tb4 DRA7W sT• SHEET KENYON NOBLE �BY: RETAII. BUILDING P.U.D. PRELIMINARY �CIN P DATE: 4_lk:m ' UPPER FLOOR & B OZEMAN MT PLAN Cfd. EEN4DA Manv FLOOR A102 uaaor+ CARD PII"E• , �Eclns�� n�: DEENYON ENLARGED PLANS i I ..�r-.,. , _ ,.s+. ....,�,i �`a'....W''.3»^'. .,.. ,.<,.s:. ?aY5 n. ,{' .,. „ .`f... , ...... 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AMA., �R,..,_-,a: g�..�< '.�aE ' .,.,z, "rui�a�.��aa",u'««,., a;..u,a,�.s> z��,�•aa"r�iu� :<.u>:j d I 4�'>v k ;:I' a. 3 Y $ J Y � � f I f d L i s �5 L ' .�.:�� $ �, f;` �-:�.,m`�.' >,�-:d :,#-.sue;, ��zr •.� a„'�- ��u P� � � I >�. �. , r , > — ,.. r.. „: :u.:::-•s.. ,.� ,, 1:. -dEd . J_ $ �z =. ;,y. .:,, 5, •s '�' yw s § k. EF.. Y K,>! ,N{,, Y • 'P ' ,A, ,. ,a g' a„ .�j..., ,,..,.:k;,`,y &,: ,x: ,t•$�y� r'�- N��as t;:. 51�� `� k„..,,.. ➢ ,.c"z'>a>r`„ .,;y, a .z fig.y;, � if, ,,t s-:93:DPE'�... °,.x. ,:. _' +^;'�L ,'dt ;:ats ELOPE 632 '�i: 1, �:. ,., _.:, BLOP6 ,xa..,z. ,. '•'i z,� SLO...i, „ = „:<�,>. 8L0 g, ., w2. .s<_.a,. "'Eeaz •to<; �,- -'�v<^ar aaz rdz o � - SLDPE eaz y r'AUNy hj� yE a a ,y k 2D= ---» i . 1 I 1 �bLDPE 612 �x : € i ,d -- a p �, s. ,.� >,>�a">r `�!.� aEa,/ ���'�a�..., �...,"r :r� „� ,f�,.,efti'•: �;;',a � I+ � D.S. D.6. D.S. - D.S. D.S.AT COLUrK :xw>'� t "$'t ➢ -ry 4" _ IL T7P D.B.v . .,:1„E',< r.: .,, r.> E F,..>' :,.r, r 3 ,'. v D. IL D.6.AT CALIIYIN 4m'-0°HAX T7P dm'-0'HA7(TTP � T1Y i P.�TAIL SUILDINCs ROOF PLAN NOT FOR C"ONSTRUCTION EEVI8ION8: - PM Cf T 2004 DRAWN BY, RIM KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY ���: RR; BIDET ARCHITECTS BOZENiAN MT ME ..NMT HARE NAM RE ROOF BlJ1LLJl\G PLAN C`"♦ �' ;.�„ cADn� RRONAR� ROOF PLAN A103 Au wcetrs—RSMFD nRR aRm+soN ® Q Q p p o Q p p p Q o o Q o o TO - - - � - -- - -I- , Ir • I I I I I I I I � II I I I I I I I I I � Y I I I I I I I -- - -i - -- - - i----- i -- -- - i -- - - -i - --- - I - - - -- i - - - - - -- - - 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I V II I I I I DIIILDMG T'IATERI{.L STO n�_r I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I DRY THROUGH I I I I I I 4 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I - I 1 I 1 DIILDING hA I IAL STORAGE 1 I I I I � 1 I 1 I DIILDMG TERWL STORAGE _L — — — — — -L — —— I I TH�uGH I 11 I 1 3 I I f I I I I 1 IS! I I 1 MJLDe4G YIATERIAL STORAGE J— ——— —J — — ———1011LDSJG tTATERLIL1TORAGE—— — 1————— -—— — — —1 — — — — — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I II DRVE^HROIIGH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I - -----I-- - - - -I -- - - - -I - - - - - 1 - - -- - - - --- I I MLDMIG TIAMZ"STORAGE 0111LD1 @ rIA7 ERkL 6TORAGE r -—-—_-r_—_—_-r r-—_ • -—— — — -{— — — — -— -/ I —-h— —-— —— I I I • I I I I I °�"E i�°'�" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I - --- - -I ----- ----- }- --- }-----4 --- - - -F - - - -- I I I _ DIILDW.,TATERIAL STORAGE I I I I I I 1 "-- - -- - 1 1 I i I I I 220'-0" I I I I I I 1 I I 9 FLOOR WALL rraE LEGEND WAREHOUSE BUILDIWrz WAREHOUSE BUILDING y.„..� PLAN � ���R001= PLAN AR�LTRATION A104 SCaLE:w,"•I'-0" 6GALE:�"=I'-0• <]� •BHEATHNG NORTH ¢Op-- &uooD snros NORTH DATE FJSIILATION REF• IS'�• VAPOR RETARDER •SEE EXI-RIOR ELEVS. FOR ItATERI.LNL T'/FE6 Q - - 4 LOCATIONS - •GYP DD lummm D 4 4100D S11m8 '�' F m F e'c p Q 2X LIOODSTIIDB _A ti•G1P!'.D Q I - in _ "SLOPE 3J2 SLOPE}J2 PL/L��N LECsEND 30 vI�-1.14L 71'PE iIOTE 101 ROOM"U SlER Q Q ANMDON TTPE I _ O PLAN NDTG 4-4. 9 , T-4�• �'-T i d MAL OR SECTION ADI'®ER DRENSION TO FACE OF SWe�"T WERE DRAW -I- OR GONCRSfE MS. 6 P 5 CzATE BOOTH ROOD � �1YARD 0p1=ICE R001= NOTED OTHER 15. f- alrcNelON rD r.am LSE , MOBILE- CsATE B4) OOTH S q YARD OPF ICE AI04 SCALE.!/4" NORTH _ A104 6GALE:�4"•I'�" NORTH LYtm sm SHEET diq FNISH FACE OF L" CONSTRUCTION REF. AI04 SCALE:d"•I'�" AI04 SCALE;q"•I'-0" NOT FOR - NORTH WORTH BEMIONS: CCU YW4 DR&WN Iff KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY em 6HEET ARCHITECTS �ja By' 7 e N T ENGINEERS DAZE !TST.{ • WAREHOUSE BIJII.DING BOLJE]1�'ll Al \ 1 PLAN M.�` CADcrA r >�nox & SATELLITE BUILDING ',�,,,�, ��D �: PLANS A104 ALL RIGHTS � NIL ■■o■■�■■=■■_■�=■■-ads-�ai� i M=■■ ■■�I■■.=■■ ■■=1■■_■■_.■_.._■■_■'■_■._■■_■■_■._•-_'-__ • 1111111111111111111111II111111111111iuull��m,1=pia-' -0i.-"'"''--"°�-11'1'1IC11111111111111111111111111111111�11'1'llllllllllllllllll'llll1111111111111111111111'Illlfllllllllllllllllllllll'1'111111111i111111111111111111I111111111111111111..._- 1111111111111111111111'11111111111111111111111.111'llll 1 1 i,-___i■■�L■'■.�-11•I�non - „ , a I I lr__e._:�—:, i ®...._...=11�=1=���=I= --1 MMMOMMMMM I L,. ,I�:., 1 I ._.._ ___I ..•_ — aa.—I_e`ae e _ ® 0 Mo O O © © © © O _ i ROUGH-SAW&I WOOD FASCIA STOKE _ -ARCHITECTURALGRADE ROUGH SAWN HOQLZO1,rrAL LAP SDWG ©_ -- RPREFIW SHED METAL SDW, FXPOSM STEEL-PANTED PRECAST STOKE CAP NMI OOrNn v ;_e■a:— .. .■—1■.—.. .. --a�ea_ee; :.=-fie_°a__ —_..—..--..—■.— � - ��Iunlnnnln11n111111nnIn11ulu11nuu11Tllllunlnlu111� • ■■ ■■: '.�.nll...... alea!!1!!!!lt!II!II!Ill!!!I!!1!Ill!1!!!!Il!!!!Il��:>.!,_ •. mile—�_I I I1 I -1—M. 01--Zi = _ i i �■ =n PJETAIL ©MORTH ELEVATIOM N011.1 FOR CONSTRUCTION COMM 2DO4 ID ny� • • • • 1 1 • 1 ,fir • ' • BMT• • AAC+ifTETS • H CzT D T T A I I i AS I 1 11? 6 I I I AS I AS ES 6 i 3p.� 1 BB I I 1 AS I BB ,Z ' ZAP$ 12 I I 9 I 12 OL D 3 L6 AS o'$ RETAIL HIIILDWCs , WEST ELEVATION axmx ecxE�an rvm' MUD • SIGN DETAIL Axmx er.+Lcr/,.r� S EaJAL SPACE& 92'$ SG .. SV MATERIAL LEGEND AS SBS MODIFED LAMINATED ASPHALT SHINGLES p . =ALuMWUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS/DOORS BB STAKED WOOD BOARD 4BATTEN Fd ROUGH-SAWN WOOD FASCIA Ix CEDAR FENCE SV STONE VENEER TM ROUGH-SAWN ARCHITECTURAL GRADE GLu-LAM TR ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDINO . L9 ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRIM MR PREFINJISHED PETAL ROOFING FENCE DETAIL ns PREF@JISHED METAL SIDIWG axmx ecuJ:7/.'•I'w CON CONGREm ES EXPOSED STEEL-PdMTED SC PRECAST STONE GAP '"R 11 TC -0 NOr" FOR CONSr t N REVISIONS: CTA 2Wa naewJv sr: KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY R RAND SATELLITE SHEET ARCHITECTS �oMM BY �', ENGINEERS LATE x xman AND SATELLITE /�L1 � BOZEMAN, MT PLAN .-- aAALD,m.P r1 . BEIVYox BUILDING EXTERIOR 02 ELEVATIONS I'IR IITMI . 16,$ DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH - 4 CON OPENINCs OPENING I OPENNG ` OPENING S WAREHOUSE BUILDING; WEST ELEVATION (5-) 12 I rn2 A3m3 ecALtr3/32'.t•$ 1 . - + DRIVE THROUGH I DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROWN ( DRIVE THROUGH OF'ENMG I OPENING OP Ww. I OPENNG COAI FU711f�EXPANSION I I I I I I I Q 1m WAREHOUSE BUILDILNCs ELEVATION _ AZm3 scALE:�/3r.r:m• I I I I 1 I I I I I nR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CON WAREHOUSE E5UlLDlW3 NORTH ELEVATATION A20D SCALED/'-t'$ I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I MATERIAL LECsEND 4S SBS MODIFIED LAMINATED ASPHALT SHINGLES I I I I I I I I I ASF ALUMINUI.1 STOREFRONT wm)ows/DOORs BB STAINED WOOD BOARD IMATTEN I I I I I I I 1 I MS FA ROt1GH-SAWN WOOD FASCIA I6'$ 5V STONE VENEER - TM ROUCsH-SAWN ARCHITECTURAL GRADE GLU-LAM I I I I I I I TR ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING 2-B, LS ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRR1 I I I I I I nR n5 E D I'IE7AL ROOFIN G OPEN DE mr CONPREFINISH AL SDNGPREFINISHE ONGR_RE XPOSED STEEL-PA r piRECAST STOLIE CAPN TED WAREHOUSE BUILDINCz • < SOUTH ELEVATION NOT TOR CONSTRUCTION oama 'scnLs:jror.t'$ oN9: KENYON NOBLE wpm �ETZr CTA DEAwx lff SHEET P U D -PRELIMINARY ENGINEERS S DAM� � � ENGINEERS DATE: •aomr' I' BLI�G•2' BOZEMAN MT PLAN _ : CfA Y oN EXTERIOR A203 CADD ELEVATIONS ' AIL RIGHES RESERVED DDL• �7PO7'I 1 ..... 60'PROPOSED \ i • �.,..• i _....... _.... ..... STRECi EASMENT \ \ \ ! , I 8 KM OVIIIT DPA58 5.4E s `` 4Wtlt A IZSRP'SLOPES \ � t `••.•.• SIPUCttWE ♦ � LEGEND uPY•i SRX 81aY5 \ J wPll� _ ,p•y,tRp �- SOL W METAL INCISE SNOE BOY THONLE ON tO R Y'BOnpt SETS— / O� `EOL R. STRNfJIi STEEL POLE. LITNONN IfAD OR / ti 555 '/J EDWL. •./ J I� I - t i go175 W METAL HALIDE.TRAPEZOID FOfTURE.WALL OU MNTED. // m PAD MOUNTED NIT U TRMESFOR4ER. \ i SCMALE Z'+ A. 1 \� WOOD ANNCE� }' v� j` I,.......•.... .•.' WAREHOUSE � RREAm R\cE � �°/✓ .•4 \ (PL'TVREE-XPA`]MO-1) • L • '. Si COMAOI.BOOTIS ,••••"•..•\ pE1uL. Tj RCP a %,�/., .♦ .., ♦\ ,♦ : • ` ' .AIZEHUUSE " •. �/� uRe art WME AND III PECYCIE®NS /' RtATER -._•~� � iWN r � � i - t 60'MOPOSEC ' i IEOUNTED x IRIh AY \ 1. E MMINT y .., �•``. `•..., f ` !��: on '",.'"LWDPDO IJdSfS� iRlE _. �PAO TRANSF0R4ER \`` C � �" -d ...... PJS ...,r., n: .I: :5• } KE.YON.... ~KENYON NOBLE �� i to i ma 4xr• sjaN� BUII DIN_q -/ L /� FFE:4735.56 IN ~� f, //'// \ it 11/ / `\,�\\ \\\ ♦'i J, fr.3 r=-� Xm j,..,• ! 'CURB CN , 65' AVE.N.11th EASMENT , a / , ............... J -: ( ' nIlm 7E04A✓I�wI5iTNn0'iNE //I `_"4, ,..._..... sr ELEcTFncaL PLANOAK STREET 1'Kp AS 01,14 SGALE: I" = 50' O" SCAI.E: V=50 1 NORTH NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REVISIONS: DRAWNHY: SRG SHEET "r-C. NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY CTA# ARM ELsfi�PL� E102 B O ZEMAN, MT � EERS DATE R TO N PLAN T eolszu^G.REa s CADD KEONE]@ L,([]-11(\\i SeOKutE.JAaccoN CADDFIlP: ICFI.IVON 8Oz£NAN ` DIR 1;KENYON j I MR 12 M6 I am _ 1 3 I DRNE THROUGH i DRIVE THROUGH i DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUCsN m Q Q GON OPENING j OPENING _ i OPENING' .OPENING � I I i I I I I I I I i I WAREHOUSE BUILDINCz MR- WEST ELEVATION (B� 12 a20D SCALE p:3/32": .m^ - Y 3 i I I j I I i MS b DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH DRIVE THROUGH- DRIVE THROUGH OPENING - i _ _ OPENING OPENING OPENING GON _FUTURE EXPANSION 1 I I i WAREHOUSE BUILDILNC= EAST ELEVATION I i i i j i I I I i �8 0, I60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WAREHOUSE BUILDING 1m Y Y (—,1 NORTH ELEVATION ; i i i i i i i i MATERIAL LEC:Et\lD i i i i i i i i i i MR . AS S56 MODIFIED LAMINATED ASPHALT 6HINGLE6 - ASF ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS/DOORS BB STAINED WOOD BOARD 4 BATTEN FA ROUGH-SAWN WOOD FASCIA 6V - 6TONE VENEER- - TM ROUCsH-SAWN ARCHITECTURAL GRADE GLU-LAM I I I I I TR ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING LS ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRIM' MR PREFIN16HED METAL ROOFING -- MS OPEN PREFINISHED METAL SIDING CON CONCRETE _ - ------------------------------ -----`------------------ - ----' CON ES EXPOSED STEEL -PAINTED F.F - - PRECAST 6TONE CAP - WAREHOUSE BUILDINCs SOUTH ELEVATION -'R T T 0 T q -"ON rw L 19 N rr "F 0. K S -1 -t I REVISIONS: COPYRIGHT 2004 DRAWN BY: SHEET KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTS CDEC:D BY:ENGINEERS DATE: a-Iorofm on BLDG.2 /� /��T /�T PLAN a" E . T u EXTERIOR A203 B O ZE 1 V 11�1 1 V 1 1 PLA j� °°` =N GAD" �NYON c�gO�C ELEVATIONS voirnHe.Inc�ory CARD FD.E: 1 snur DILLi Ed�NYONF ALL RIG TS RESERVED !7 --- - - LEGEND ' - 250 W METAL HALIDE SHOE BOX FIXTURE ON 20 FT Y' _ ❑�� SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL POLE. LITHONIA KAD OR ' EQUAL ,- Fo 175 W METAL HALIDE, TRAPEZOID FIXTURE, WALL MOUNTED \ I 0 PAD MOUNTED UTILITY TRANSFORMER. a _T I . 1 1 _— PAD MOUNTED _ ----_— _— .'UTILITY TRANSFORMER Ci Ep i s i f SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN - NOT FO R CONSTRUCTION REVISIONS DRAWN BY: SRCI SCTA HEET KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY � �5 ELECTRICAL CHECKEDBY: AM ENGINEERS DATE: a-laoa - - E N PLAN KAW.LA GuCTA SITE PLAN E102 B O Z MA , MT BGLS9•GRBATFAiIS DM- KEONE102 MMA•%ALlSFeu. SeoeAtm•.uacsoB CADD FILE: KHNYON eOISEREv DM I:KBNYON Y rs t< ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0 0 0 0 O O 0 p b .;, b � O b b C► r.,. t Q Q Qo Q Q Q Q 46 Q j i I I i i I i i I I AS I I I I I j I 49 j BB j d I a 2 Ia I BB AS ® 3 1 I I I I I I I i LS RETAIL BUILDINGT WEST ELEVATION A202 SCpLE3/3T'•I'0" ti �f IIIMRFR I HAARWAAF SIGN DETAIL 5 EQUAL SPACES r i MATERIAL LECzEND 46 SBS MODIFIED LAMINATED ASPHALT SHINGLES ASF ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS/DOORS BH STAINED WOOD BOARD 4 BATTEN F4 ROUGH-SAWN WOOD FASCIA Ix CEDAR FENCE SV STONE VENEER TM ROUGH-SAWN ARCHITECTURAL GRADE GLU-LAM TR ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING p LS ROUGH-SAWN WOOD TRIM FENGE DETAIL MR PREFINISHED METAL ROOFING 3 MS PREFINISHED METAL SIDING nzmz acn��l/,•.r-m° "{ CON CONCRETE ES EXPOSED STEEL -PAINTED PRECAST STONE CAP NOT- F0'F%Z- lj('.`-0 NSj-,rl'-'R-U,`r-"l0N REVISIONS: ,� p COPYRIGHT 2004 Oxp� �, KENYON NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY REATIL BUILDING sI�~T ARCHITECTS oEoc�u � '^^ MT ENGINEERS unr0p }» AND SATELLITEABOZEMAN, BIWNOS.�M6501M i202 _— is¢ .I fws CAD# HENYON .PIN �` ,E; No Fes, ; BUILDING EXTERIOR ALL RIG RESERVED Off' °'" ELEVATIONS ii • I I I �I =■■_■■=■■—■■_■■_■■ I!:�-T-oe® 'ri.-�'■■N■■��e n`�_�ee el=■■=■■=■■=1\YY���■=1■�_■■_�.=■■I=-■■=I�■=■■=■■=■■=■■=I :`` w I 1!11111111111 I I ■ _ I I I 11111111111111 � I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 111 I II'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■r•,._111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111111n1 .I ■ I ' I 111'111111 I 1111111111111111'1111'111111111111111111111111�Inlln. ■■I■1u11111u1111111111111111111!1111111111111111111111111111'Illlllill�lllllllllll'11111'1111111111111Illlllilllll!111111111'1111111111111111'111 IIIIIII11111 r ap atfrs�e�n e■�■■�ai���e- o — aeI I .Ia I _I =-I_ep.__e_e.: .';_t_om_.:e,.a�+■_y, Cl� CI IS �•_■:®B:si�■_-.�•_[•ea�a I--'. 11�_.�Ia_�__'t'=_a hs__-11_'. _.:ha___ aIs ._Ia p 7 Mil =I � i.•.-.Qt. o WINDOWS/DOORSSIBS MODIFIED LAMINATED ASPHALT SHINGLES ALUMINUM STAINED: •WOOD FASCJA STONE vrNEEP ® _ ARCHITECTURAL ROUGH SAWN HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING ROUGH-SAWW WOOD TRIM PRIErIKISHED METAL SIDING CONCRETE EXPOSED STEEL -PAINTED ® � _._. 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I:EENYON �`c na l I i ! i I i amz i i I--- ------------1 s i ice-__--}--------_---- -------- ---------+--------------- - -- - +-----------------1-� --- - ------ \ ------- r' -----`-------' -- ----------------------- -r---- — ----- _ --------------REF ou I ----- ---- -----------------------------1----- ----r- - 1 i -- I arAIR ' \I ELFL.G�� _ OoPEN' 'OPEN ' OPEN I r p ® ® I .NF - \ 11T O BTATIOu f w.R.9TATION .OGKBTATDIJ I I rEN WnM, 1 I I , -------- ® ® i - i I --------------' ® vEaST BALES I P i 1 '• I i I ocFlcE w.R.ernn0 ----------------- 1 -------- � `. ---------�---- ----r-----------------I i j 1 L --------- - - - -' I /^\ i I ' - - - - L _ _ - - - - - ----.__ --- --- - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - u ---------- —_—_ _—_1 —.__—_—___—.—_ _—___—_______—_—_—_—_ J_—_—_ J_— —_ I 1 w0 EN ITEN , _l_ _ _� t. '` I T__—_—_—__ I I ' __-J 0 '® OPEN —_r - — —_— L� WAREHOUSE ....STATION I � ' R I 1 mm -I I j I r SEMI RAMP PICIUJP I. RAMP _ 'I Q I I I I ' 1 I � i I 1 ' ' OFFICE OFFICE I 177 '•.I I , I , I 17, 17a I I I I ' _ I - I I ` 1 _L_ ________ ___ _ _ Q I I - I ' _— ---_—_—_—_-------- �--1 _��—.,v��.-.��...�--v----_-- 1—_RAnP - --------mot--- ----- - - -------- ------ - I- - - -- -1 -- - - ----RAMP _-_ -�{--_—_- —FF � -_�}_____-_-_-_-___ �}r___---__r---_-�_!-_-' -� DouN Dow. -- I I ` I I I ®- - - - - , ] u REGEI I L___. 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ORFATsKm °TA# °N MAIN FLOOR A101 HFIENA . IG.SEELL G� SPOKM'E.NLIWN °ADD I+'II.E: Y1! -- ALL RI R SERVED DIR: tr�Kx� PLAN o ® I i i I I i i i i i f j i i i I I i j j A401' I —FLAT Borron--- jTRUSS DORMER \ - ------ r---------i-------ter- ---- ----s_L_____________ _____ -__L _______ __________ __-____ _ _1____� I - - - - - �` '�- 97AI I —_— ------------- I 126 I i 8 CnU WALL n-I' MECH/ I I _____ ________ T- A � � I I PEN bPEN i OPEN I -- I I F LF 17.. 1 C— I �lORKSTATION WORKSTATION WORK6TAT101.1 i I 1 0 1 I " _______________ _____ F� 1 1 : .. - OFFICE OFFICE 9TOR I I ti I - i r ®® ®® 0 I 0204lc� 1 ®-. .IAN DN 1 STOR _______ _______ ____ 0 I 115 VEST 1 I UP I I i CONT'R "0 R ry .ti 1 OFFICE J II6 i OPEN I\ 0 , 1_ SALES GORR ----_-_---- ® ® WORKSTATION'. \ 11 200 I 1 ua I T S ® ® I -- '------ -------------- ------ --- - --- 1 1 r . iBREAKRM Q� - . ------ I i ----- --- --' 2Im , I -L--- I --- --- ---- -- -- ---- r s uoRK - H I - ulaneN - - - - -ME9ji... 1- -- - - - - - - - - - Q�L - - - -'- - - - - - - �{�1 - - - .- T - - - - - - - - - ----'-__ __ _� i ... ... 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NORTH AlR INFILTRATION BAR • RAF - - - - RETAIL BUILDlWG 2x&SHEATHING - .. - z CONTRACTOR AREA <A}— 2Xb.WOOD STUDS V .GATT INSULATION I • � , ' AI02 i SCALE:�e-1•PJ VAPOR RETARDER - - - - °GrP NORTH -+SEE EXTERIOR ELEVS. - - - - REP. FOR MATERIAL TYPES - - - - i <LOCATIONS - - sa GYP BD - X4 WOOD STUDS GYP BD 1 OG — C.YP BID 2X6 WOOD STUDS - s/6"CSYP BD WALL TYPE NOTES I i I { PLAN LEGEND —<A}�-WALL TYPE I WALL TYPE NOTE _. 15 ROOM NUMBER QWINDOW TYPE - O2 PLAN NOTE q +—DETAIL-OR SECTION NUMBER DIMENSION TO FACE OF STUD A301 ,�-.SHEET WHERE DRAWN OR CONCRETE(UNLESS V? 11 NOTED OTHERWISE) IJ DIMENSION TO GRID LINE - 1, I AI0I-1'.�—DOOR NUMBER-SEE SHEET A601 FFW FINISH FAGS OF WALL i - - N01 REVISIONS: COPYRIGHT 20D4 DRAWN MENYON ' NOBLE P.U.D. PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTS DAN:x: � UPPER FLRETAIL OOR & SHEET ENGINEERS DATE. R-10-a4 PIlA1�T �w � �so�uCTA A102 ®!� 1 V 11Z1 MIT 1 1 SM ON CAD# r,xoN MAIN FLOOR NF1FN,. • WWSPEII srowwe�waaoH CARD FII.E: e " nm T:IENYON ENLARGED PLANS IGHiS RESERVED 0 X --J v� N I 60'PROPOSED STREET EASMENr w�"-w,�' w w w -- X GRA55 SWAM w p W W w ,8., YIN OSR SLOPE \\ w Siteplan/Grading Plan SmcTuNEMA7(4:1 SIDE SCOFFS z'DOT10M w w w PSTREET ,B•AROP \ "ONfor 600 POND _ y 8000 CF 8'WOOD @ ` GRASS SWAL!', � :1 SIDE SLOPES i aN E MIN—SLOPE O - I EL 4725.50 MAX 41 SIDE SLOPES `10'YARD \\\ \� 2'BOTTOM O`�� / % SETBACK / C DETENTION POND \ OUTDOOR \ \ 22S aF @J / 41 9DE ROPES 'I STORAGE ,�545Y , OPEN FIRE Kenyon Noble� \ �� �/� �� / I PACE SERVICE \ 1 v �• � / �o —= WAREHOUSE �E / - - \ 1 'r \\ RUTURE EXPANSION) \ \,\ � i PEN I I \ SPA A PORTION OF OUTDOOR ALES' /;� TRACT 3A OF COS 1215 LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. �\ i •/ yy 'SEf YARD K CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA / t CONTROL BOOTHS \ SEE_ \ ZONED:B-2 `o y j 1/RCP a - / GRASS sw r I _ MIN,.OR PF \\ Y OFFICE 2Tr .S WAREHOUSE \ J /� _— X (dm•) FF1147�00 ,� / tune cur \ ` :+1 LINE REFUSE AND 3� \ I _ ___ \• ,_1 RECYCLE BINS 60'PROPOSED 3 '/ %/ UTDOOR RIM:/n9m \ STORM INLET I - - 9 I 1f•J-y� N.14th AVE EASMENT / \ - - - •, I-T. LOADING K FIRE INV.4725:71 DOC L SERVICE / 12•RCP C EX SS: PARER- JECT � I f fz / IN a/ _ DRAIN i 0 EN / SP CE KE O NOBLE" \ sroRACE u� ING KENYON NOBLE \ % ANs)ox) BUi LDING f WCu�TY MAr �..+ NO SCALE FFB:4735.50 \ YI 1.Ox L PE I 4:1 S SLOPES _ \�\ `\\• \ /� \J J l 9Y.. ,I / I 2' ON / �� % \ I \I/\ J /curse IRTr I OfPE +� I 1.25 x 1.25 x m \.a ~TRIM: z7:sz � 65•N. 11th AVE GRAPHIC SCALE MENT 50 0 25 50 100 200 / OPEN PACE IN FEET CR SrOPAGE ) DECOR ) IB 1 \ \\ I 1 inch- 60 R % CROSSWALK_ / so.oa'Row / i _— •.� � > �� 12.50' 35.00'Mc TO TBC 12.50' B'WIDE sm, as. zoD' Ram z.ar 0.5' s.oU 1.Do' 'a 15.5 elw --- EX W— - — — — _. —. 2.00x 2.DDR yOpR 3.00x 200x 2.00R --— -----� EX W I — E:X ----_EX W ---- —•� TYPICAL EK EN0/c Ir IDOSnNG I ox Mom 14th AVENUE&OP STREET ROAD TEMPLATE / OAK STREET i 12•TN./ NECESSARY } MORRISON Siteplan/Grading Plan (ss `ss Ex ss OHP-OH Ex ss � Ex ss Ex SS12" MAIERLEJINC. ,su for Of(P_--� p OHP EX SS OHP OHP OHP I A,.. oW..a „Y � � wdc�• OHP OHP OHP OHP __ - w am Ina wI T,a,�,mR Ina�w-wn+•n�NaF)xr-0r:+ r s Iwo se+-11I6 Kenyon Noble EPSMENT CLIENT: FIELD WORK, DATE:08/10/04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 10:14:47 am DRAWING NAME: DRAWN BY: KDJ SCALE:1"=50' H:\3900\001\ACAD\SITEPLAN\SBEPLAN-080604.dwg CHECKED BY PRO(J#-3900.001 SHEET /OFF PLOTTED IJrx wlreen O O O Q T 0 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 12/15/2005 10:27 NAME CITY OF BOZEMAN FAX 4065622263 TEL 4065822280 SER. # BR0D3J368594 DATE DIME 12/15 10:26 FAX NO. /NAME 95864362 DURATION 00:01:02 PAGE(S) 05 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM CIF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozemon.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net December 12, 2005 Martel Construction Attn: Don Stueck 1203 S. Church Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-5801 Re: Improvements Agreement for Kenyon Noble Temporary Occupancy, #Z-04230 Dear Don, r Dustin Johnson, City Engineering, and I have reviewed the list of improvements and associated costs. I have found that the following items need to be included: 6 benches (2 of these 6 were included); 5 picnic tables; and The doors/gates to finish hiding the rooftop mechanical equipment, as we discussed on the site visit. When these items are added to the cost list, the financial guarantee can be completed. Until I receive the executed Improvements Agreement, the adjusted cost list, and the financial guarantee, I am unable to approve temporary occupancy. I am also concerned that the north side facade/elevation of the main building does not appear to conform to the approved site plan. This issue probably needs to be discussed with CTA, and a plan modification submitted if necessary. If you have any questions, please call me at 586-5266. Sincerely, L Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 210 East Lincoln, Bozeman,MT 59715 Beran, LLC, P.O. Box 1109, Bozeman, MT 59771 planning zoning . subdivision review . annexation . historic preservation housing grant administration neighborhood coordination ., 3 i( �� ..J , t ,ti r ��., ,; - - { 7rq', � i Ire ,.�,� � j �� 4.1, _ � ` � 'Y 4 I �� - I ��� 1 , i �! N6.� _ ;y_. r;�� �� ;� .'��;" ..=pP -!i �: r- i 11 Ri I �1 � _ '11 u� 1 �� � ) � � � :- _� `i- �J� ' i� ���• � �, ,J r , a� ; C^F BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net November 30, 2005 Martel Construction Attn: Don Stueck 1203 S. Church Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-5801 Re: Improvements Agreement for Kenyon Noble Temporary Occupancy, #Z-04230 Dear Don, Attached is the Improvements Agreement that needs to be signed, and returned to me with the financial guarantee. If there are any corrections to be made please let me know. Dustin Johnson, City Engineering, is reviewing the list of improvements and associated costs. I will let you know when he is finished, and then the financial guarantee can be completed. If you have any questions, please call me at 586-5266. Sincerely, Cep\4-� -- l� Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 210 East Lincoln, Bozeman, MT 59715 Beran, LLC, P.O. Box 1109, Bozeman, MT 59771 planning • zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation housing grant administration neighborhood coordination IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR KENYON NOBLE CUP/COA/PUD OCCUPANCY (#Z-04230) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of December, 2005,by and between Beran,L.L.C.,210 East Lincoln,Bozeman,MT 59715,hereinafter called the "Developer", and the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the 11Cityll WHEREAS,it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of approval of a CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan to allow construction of a large-scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development on property located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`" Avenue. WHEREAS,it is the intent of the Developer to obtain Temporary Occupancy approval;and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property hereinafter described;and it is the intent of this Agreement,and of the parties hereto,to satisfy the improvements and guarantee requirements for the conditional approval of said CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan Application. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Property Description This Agreement pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as zoned "B-2," (Community Business District) on the City of Bozeman Zoning Map, and is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F,and is situated in a portion of Section 1,T2S,R5E,PMM, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman,Montana,and more commonly located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 1 Vh Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. 2. Improvements This Agreement specifically includes any water,sewer,street and drainage improvements,irrigation, landscaping, and sidewalk installation and other improvements as illustrated on the plans and specifications provided in the approved CUP/COA/PUD Preliminary Site Plan Application #Z- 04230. The estimated cost of these improvements is attached as Exhibit A. Kenyon Noble CUP/COMPUD Occu anc Am rovements Agreement #2r04230 �-Pa e 1 0 3. Financial Guarantee, Time for Completion of Improvements i If the use of the structure is to occur prior to completion of all required on-site improvements, this Improvements Agreement must be secured by a financial guarantee,as may be deemed acceptable by the City,payable to the City of Bozeman,in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at that time. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months. In any event, all required improvements shall be completed within nine(9)months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security. The Developer acknowledges that the required landscaping must be maintained in a healthy, growing condition at all times. The Developer is responsible for regular weeding,mowing of grass,irrigating,fertilizing,pruning,and other maintenance of all plantings as needed. Any plant that dies must be replaced with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape plan. The Developer hereby acknowledges that failure to maintain required landscaping in a healthy growing condition at all times may result in revocation of an occupancy permit. 4. Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, and the Developer shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Developer shall default in or fail to fully perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement,and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30)days after written notice specifying the default is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the developer at Beran, L.L.C., 210 East Lincoln, Bozeman, MT 59715, or such other address as the Developer shall provide to the City from time to time,without being completely remedied,satisfied,and discharged,the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: 1) The City may,at its option,declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The Ken on.Noble CUP/COA/PUD'Occupancy Improvements Agreement #Z-04230 sP,a e:2 • • City's representative,contractors,and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection,and the Developers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. 2) The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. 6. Warranty The Developer shall warrant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. 7. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, State of Montana. 8. Attorney's Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, to include the salary and costs of in-house counsel including City Attorney. 9. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. 10. Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 11. No Assignment It is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole,or in part,without prior written consent of the City. 12. Successors Except as provided in paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Ken on:Noble CUP/COA/PUD Occupancy Improvements.A reement #Z-04230 '. » .Ya e 3 PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPER Beran, L.L.C., by Roberta B. Ogle, Managing Member STATE OF ) :ss County of ) On this day of , 2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Roberta B. Ogle, known to me to be the Managing Member, of Beran, L.L.C., the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Andrew C. Epple, AICP Planning Director STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of , 2005, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared Andrew C. Epple,AICP,known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Planning Director of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of said City. Kea on+Noble CUP/COA/PUD:.Occa anc Im rovements:A reemenf #Z-0420 Page 4 V IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) Kenvon'Noble-CUP/COA/,PUD,Occu anc �Im rovements Agreement.:#Z-04230 '_ '.°Pa ea5 MARTELCONSTRUCTION, INC. MAIN OFFICE BIGFORK OFFICE 1203 South Church Avenue 305 Highway 83 RECIPIENT OF 1990 NATIONAL BUILD AMERICA AWARD Bozeman,MT 59715-5801 Bigfork,MT 59911 1999 SBA ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS AWARD OF THE YEAR (406)586-8585 Fax(406)586-8646 (406)837-1063 Fax(406)837-1068 1999 2001 MCACONC ETEINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDWARD November 28, 2005 Lanette Windemaker �' �:___ City of Bozeman Planning Office U _ 20 East Olive j0V 2 8 �005 Post Office Box 1230 NING Bozeman, MT. 59771 APDCEFQ�,��UNP DFVFLDP MENT_ Re: Kenyon Noble-Project Bond For Remaining Work Dear Lanette, Per our phone conversation this morning, I will attempt to identify all remaining site improvements that will have to be completed in the spring of 2006 due to weather. It is our intention to obtain a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy this week once the fire protection system is operational. We completed the asphalt paving on site and off last week which is a very well timed completion. All concrete curbs, approaches and most of the on site concrete sidewalks are completed. We will have some areas that will require the removal of temporary asphalt walk ways to be replaced with concrete in the spring also. All site light poles are completed. The asphalt path along Oak is completed. The site signs and the street signs will be completed. All site storm water run off and sewer and water lines are complete. Here are the items I have identified left to be completed on site prior to final occupancy: 1. Remaining earthwork, i.e.( site grading, ponds) Value $ 20,000 2. Landscaping - Sod Work Value $ 63,468 Plantings Value $ 70,295 See subcontractor letter enclosed - 3. Site Irrigation for Landscape Value $ 38,850 See subcontractor letter enclosed 4. Concrete sidewalks along the streets 11,700 s.f Value $ 36,366 See subcontract estimate enclosed 5. Thermol Directional Street Stripping Value $ 4,000 Temporary painted stripping completed 6. Two Site Benches, by owner Value $ 2,000 TOTAL KENYON NOBLE SITE UNFINISHED ITEMS Value $ 234,979 Total bond required= $234,979 X 1.5 = $3521468 Let me know if this isn't correct and thank you for your help getting us to this point. Sincerely, COMMERCIAL ® RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONAL ® INDUSTRIAL �ataZPal�ed 1960 Nc*., 28 05 02:37p Sweet Pea Landscaping 4065227888 p.2 "Your One Stop Landscaping Contractor" Date November 28,2005 (Nate prepared for Martel Costruction Work to be done at Kenyon Noble Phone 586-8585 Sweet Pea Landscaping,Inc.hereby proposes to famish the materials and perform the labor teary for the completion of the installation ofthe remaining landscaping and,irrigatkm for the new Kenyon Noble Facility. Work to be completed in the spring of 2006.Currently approximately 25%of the work has been completed. The following munbers reflect the cost associated with the remaining work to be done in the spring. Remaining cost of shrubs and trees and the labor to install it. As well as the cost of the landscape rock,edging and weed barrier to be installed in planting beds$70,M *Remaining cost of installing the irrigation system S-W50 *Cost to perform rural grade and install sod for all lawn areas$63,468 Grand'Total$172,613 Sweet Pea Landscaping, Inc. 350 Lodgepotc Lane 8ozenran, rbtontana 59718 Telephone: 406.582.8882 Email:sweetpea@montana.net �14asmussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate 240 Buckskin#1 A Belgrade, MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name / Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O. BOX 308 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 p Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total KENYON NOBLE BLDG. -FLATWORK OAK STREET BOZEMAN,MT CURB &GUTTER,C.O.B STANDARD PROFILE, 8,718.52 6.79 591W9.75 CATCH &SPILL ON INTERIOR PARKING LOT;OP STREET(SOUTHSIDE&NORTHSIDE);N. 14TH ST. (EASTSIDE&WESTSIDE);OAK ST. (NORTHSIDE) LAYDOWN CURB,C.O.B STANDARD,CATCH&SPILL 457.58 7.03 3,�9 �°09 ON INTERIOR PARKING LOT;N. 14TH ST. (EASTSIDE);OAK ST. (NORTHSIDE) CURB &GUTTER,C.O.B STANDARD,ADDITIONAL 400 6.79 2 .00 ON OAK ST. SLAB 7" W/#4 REBAR 12" O.0 EACH WAY,WBROOM 2,738.5 1.89 5,1,7&-77 FINISH,TRUCK RAMPS @ RETAIL BUILDING 10" THICKENED SLABS,LABOR&FORMING PER 100 9.306 9 0 LINEAL FT.,TRUCK RAMPS,RETAIL BUILDING 12" THICKENED SLABS,LABOR&FORMING PER 38.67 10.907 4;1!77 LINEAL FT.;TRUCK RAMPS,RETAIL BUILDING SLAB 6" W/#5 REBAR 10" O.0 EACH WAY 13,704.14 1.91 26,�?4'91 /m W/RADIANT HEAT W/SAW CUT JOINTS &WBROOM FINISH @ OUTDOOR SALES THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY Total Page 1 a a mussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate .M Buckskin#1 A Belgrade, MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name /Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O.BOX 308 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total SLAB 6" W/#4 REBAR 12" O.0 EACH WAY,WBROOM 104 1.89 16 rOD7 FINISH @ RAMP TO WAREHOUSE BUILDING t BOLLARDS @ WAREHOUSE BUILDING,NO STEEL 20 90.00 1,8?-00 r°' FOR BOLLARDS INCLUDED. EXTERIOR SIDEWALKS 4" WBROOM FINISH, 11,019.15 1.653 . 18,214.65 ADJACENT TO CITY STREETS �— EXTERIOR SIDEWALKS 6" WBROOM FINISH, 649.58 1.755 1,140.01 ADJACENT TO CITY STREETS APRONS 6" W/FILLETS WBROOM FINISH 1,367.993 4.29 5,Mr69 /dO% HANDICAP RAMPS WBROOM FINISH&BLACK DYE 6 220.00 1,320.00 07, @ CITY STREETS,STANDARD C.O.B. SINGLES SIDEWALKS 4"X 5'WBROOM FINISH,INTERIOR OF 2,743.55 1.653 PARKING LOT SIDEWALKS &SLABS 4" W/INTEGRAL COLOR& 13,617.1 1.753 23,8,91678 (Cop. WITHOUT INTEGRAL COLOR OTHER THAN 5'WIDE WBROOM FINISH, SAW CUT PATTERNS, INTERIOR OF PARKING LOT&ADJACENT TO RETAIL BUILDING. SIDEWALKS 6" W/INTEGRAL COLOR,WBROOM 1,050 1.755 1,�75 tpo, FINISH, SAW CUT PATTERNS,INTERIOR OF PARKING LOT THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TOta1 Page 2 r ismussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate 240 Buckskin #1A Belgrade, MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name / Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O. BOX 308 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total TREE PLANTER BORDER 8" X 1'W/2#4 REBAR 80 14.16 1,132.80 0 CONTINUOUS W/LEDGER FOR STEEL PLANTING GRATE PER LINEAL FT. STORM DRAINAGE CHASE,C.O.B STANDARD, 37.5 22.00 83,�,60 r ° INTERIOR PARKING LOT,PER LINEAL FT. NOTE: NO CONCRETE INCLUDED. NO REBAR INCLUDED. NO WINTER MIX OR BLANKETING INCLUDED. BLANKETING IF NEEDED @$.28 PER SQ.FT. NO GRAVEL INCLUDED,TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. NO ROUGH GRADING INCLUDED,FINE GRADING ONLY. NO EXCAVATION INCLUDED. NO RIGID INSULATION INCLUDED. NO REBAR CHAIRS OR TIES INCLUDED. NO VAPOR BARRIER OR INSTALLATION INCLUDED. NO EXPANSION JOINT INCLUDED. NO RADIANT HEAT TUBE OR INSTALLATION INCLUDED. NO CURE/SEALER INCLUDED. NO PIPE BOLLARDS INCLUDED. NO INTEGRAL COLOR OR BLACK DYE FOR CONCRETE INCLUDED. NO ENGINEERING, STAKING, SURVEYING, LOCATING INCLUDED,TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY Total Page 3 • IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR KENYON NOBLE CUP/COA/PUD OCCUPANCY (#Z-04230) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of December, 2005,by and between Beran,L.L.C.,210 East Lincoln,Bozeman,MT 59715,hereinafter called the "Developer", and the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the "City" WHEREAS,it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of approval of a CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan to allow construction of a large-scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development on property located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 111" Avenue. WHEREAS,it is the intent of the Developer to obtain Temporary Occupancy approval;and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property hereinafter described; and it is the intent of this Agreement,and of the parties hereto,to satisfy the improvements and guarantee requirements for the conditional approval of said CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan Application. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein,it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Property Description This Agreement pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as zoned "B-2," (Community Business District) on the City of Bozeman Zoning Map, and is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F,and is situated in a portion of Section 1, T2S,R5E,PMM, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman,Montana,and more commonly located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11"' Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. 2. Improvements This Agreement specifically includes any water,sewer,street and drainage improvements,irrigation, landscaping, and sidewalk installation and other improvements as illustrated on the plans and specifications provided in the approved CUP/COA/PUD Preliminary Site Plan Application #Z- 04230. The estimated cost of these improvements is attached as Exhibit A. r Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Occupancy Improvements'A reement #Z=04230 TPa e`.1 3. Financial Guarantee, Time for Completion of Improvements If the use of the structure is to occur prior to completion of all required on-site improvements, this Improvements Agreement must be secured by a financial guarantee,as may be deemed acceptable by the City,payable to the City of Bozeman,in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at that time. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months. In any event, all required improvements shall be completed within nine(9)months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security. The Developer acknowledges that the required landscaping must be maintained in a healthy, growing condition at all times. The Developer is responsible for regular weeding,mowing of grass,irrigating,fertilizing,pruning,and other maintenance of all plantings as needed. Any plant that dies must be replaced with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape plan. The Developer hereby acknowledges that failure to maintain required landscaping in a healthy growing condition at all times may result in revocation of an occupancy permit. 4. Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, and the Developer shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Developer shall default in or fail to fully perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement,and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30) days after written notice specifying the default is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the developer at Beran, L.L.C., 210 East Lincoln, Bozeman, MT 59715, or such other address as the Developer shall provide to the City from time to time,without being completely remedied,satisfied,and discharged,the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: I) The City may,at its option,declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The Ken on.Noble CUP/COATUD Occu ang Im mvements A reement #2r04230 'P.a e.2 0 City's representative,contractors,and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection,and the Developers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. 2) The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. 6. Warranty The Developer shall warrant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. 7. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, State of Montana. 8. Attorney's Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, to include the salary and costs of in-house counsel including City Attorney. 9. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. 10. Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 11. No Assignment It is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole,or in part,without prior written consent of the City. 12. Successors Except as provided in paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Ken on-Noble CUP/COA/PUD Occu anc Im rovements Agreement #Z-04230 ` PROPERTY OWNER/DEVELOPER Beran, .L.C., by Roberta B. Ogle, Managing Member STATE OF /NUNrAWA ) :ss County of 61414*71'Af ) On this 94 day of 1jta%1A.'r'P' , 2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Roberta B. Ogle, known to me to be the Managing Member, of Beran, L.L.C., the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed my N tarial Seal the day and year first above written. • S� ��.� Q►4 • • ''��� natur above) r ?TAA/q� CS a (Printed Name above) *• Notary Public for State of Montana '. S FAL • a •�q Residing at: 0 MO Commission Expires: 2L, Flo ��<ii�►►rrii�i��������� (Use 4 digits for expi a 'on year) THE ITY OF BOZEM Andrew C. Epple, AICP Planning Director STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this I day of )P c e- (' , 2005, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared Andrew C. Epple,AICP,known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Planning Director of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of said City. Ken. on Noble:CUP/COA/PUDSOccu anc. .1m rovements A reement #Z-04230 - a e4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (Signature above) (Seal) �0QQ'. . • S' (Printed Name above) NOTAA/,q4: s Notary Public for State of Montana *: = Residing at: Jsc)ze b A • .SEAT, *` Commission Expires: 9 • , • • • . ���� (Use 4 digits for expiration year) M,0,�``���� Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD,'Occupancy improvements A'reement #Z-04230 Pa'e 5 AM E RI CAN BANK Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit Date of Issue: December 15, 2005 Letter of Credit Number: 05-019 Place of Issue: ® BOZEMAN WEST ❑ LIVINGSTON 1632 West Main Street 120 North 2nd Street P.O. Box 1970 P.O. Box 2290 Bozeman, MT 59771-1970 Livingston, MT 59047-2290 ❑ BIG TIMBER ❑ WHITEFISH 313 West 1st Street 140 Baker Avenue P.O. Box 1066 P.O. Box 460 Big Timber, MT 59011-1066 Whitefish, MT 59937-0460 ❑ BIG SKY. ❑ BOZEMAN,EAST 1700 Big Sky Road 501 East Main Street P.O. Box 161250 P.O. Box 1970 Big Sky, MT 59716-1250 Bozeman, MT 59771-1970 Beneficiary: Applicant: CITY OF BOZEMAN KENYON NOBLE LUMBER COMPANY 411 EAST MAIN ST. PO BOX 1109 BOZEMAN MT 59715 BOZEMAN MT 59771-1109 Amount: $ 352,468.00 Expiration: December 15, 2006 We hereby issue this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit which is available by your.draft or drafts drawn on us at sight bearing the clause: "Drawn under Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 05-019 dated December 15, 2005." Accompanied by the following documents or statements: A Sight Draft with the following verbiage:"Drawn under American Bank Letter of Credit No.05-019 dated December 15,2005. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is duly authorized to execute this document on , behalf of the City of Bozeman and the amount of the draft accompanying this certification is due and owing to the City of Bozeman by virtue of default by Kenyon Noble Lumber Company/Beran, L.L.C.in completing the site improvements per the Improvements Agreement for Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Occupancy(#Z-043230)." Additional Conditions: We hereby agree to honor each draft drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit if duly presented at the office above on or before the expiration date. Except so far as otherwise stated, this credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce, in effect as of the date hereof. Authorized Signature: Craig N. Hveerk, Executive Vice President MARTEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. MAIN OFFICE a BIGFORK OFFICE 1203 South Church Avenue 305 Highway 83 RECIPIENT OF 1990 NATIONAL BUILD AMERICAAWARD Bozeman,MT 59715-5801 Bigfork,MT 59911 1999 SBA ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS AWARD ird (406)586-8585 Fax(406)586-8646 (406)837-1063 Fax(406)837-1068 1999 2001 ANA MCACONLCRETEBUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDAWARD November 28, 2005 Lanette Windemaker City of Bozeman Planning Office 20 East Olive NOV 2 8 2005 Post Office Box 1230 --- Bozeman, MT. 59771 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND OOP,WUN1Tf DEVELOPMENT Re: Kenyon Noble Project Bond For Remaining Work Dear Lanette, Per our phone conversation this morning, I will attempt to identify all remaining site improvements that will have to be completed in the spring of 2006 due to weather. It is our intention to obtain a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy this week once the fire protection system is operational. We completed the asphalt paving on site and off last week which is a very well timed completion. All concrete curbs, approaches and most of the on site concrete sidewalks are completed. We will have some areas that will require the removal of temporary asphalt walk ways to be replaced with concrete in the spring also. All site light poles are completed. The asphalt path along Oak is completed. The site signs and the street signs will be completed. All site storm water run off and sewer and water lines are complete. Here are the items I have identified left to be completed on site prior to final occupancy: 1. Remaining earthwork, i.e.( site grading, ponds) Value $ 20,000 2. Landscaping - Sod Work Value $ 63,468 Plantings Value $ 70,295 See subcontractor letter enclosed 3. Site Irrigation for Landscape Value $ 38,850 See subcontractor letter enclosed 4. Concrete sidewalks along the streets 11,700 s.f. Value $ 36,366 See subcontract estimate enclosed 5. Thermol Directional Street Stripping Value $ 4,000 Temporary painted stripping completed 6. Two Site Benches, by owner Value $ 2,000 TOTAL KENYON NOBLE SITE UNFINISHED ITEMS Value $ 234,979 Total bond required=$234,9 79 X 1.5 = $352,468 Let me know if this isn't correct and thank you for your help getting us to this point. Sincerely, COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONAL INDUSTRIAL sdtl&jdred 1960 Nov 28 05 02:37p Sweet Pea Lan ping 40fW7888 p.2 f.,�NUSCAI'INC I1VC,. . "Your One Stop Landscaping Contractor" Date November 28,2005 Quote prepared for Martel Costruction Work to be done at Kenvon Noble Phone 586-8585 Sweet Pea Landscaping Inc.hereby proposes to fnmisb the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of the installation ofthe remaining landscaping and irrigation for the new Kenyon Noble Facility. Work to be completed in the spring of 2006.Currently apply 25%of the wont has been oompleted. The following numbers retiect the cost associated with the remaining work to be done in the spring. *Remaining cost of shrubs and trees and the labor to install it As well as the cost of the landscape rock,edging and weed barrier to be installed in planting beds.$70,M :Remaining cost of installing the irrigation system S38,850 :Cost to perform final grade and install sod for all lawn areas.$63,468 Grand Total$172 613 Sweet Pea Landscaping, Inc. 350 Lodgepole Lane Bozeman, Montana 59718 Telephone:406.552.8882 Email:sweetpea(d montanaxet 1 l�asmussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate 240 Buckskin#1 A Belgrade, MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name / Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O. BOX 308 Z 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 U Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total KENYON NOBLE BLDG. -FLATWORK OAK STREET BOZEMAN,MT CURB&GUTTER,C.O.B STANDARD PROFILE, 8,718.52 6.79 59/0f.75 Iv% CATCH &SPILL ON INTERIOR PARKING LOT;OP STREET(SOUTHSIDE&NORTHSIDE);N. 14TH ST. (EASTSIDE&WESTSIDE);OAK ST. (NORTHSIDE) LAYDOWN CURB,C.O.B STANDARD,CATCH&SPILL 457.58 7.03 3,�9 l0090 ON INTERIOR PARKING LOT;N. 14TH ST. (EASTSIDE);OAK ST. (NORTHSIDE) CURB&GUTTER,C.O.B STANDARD,ADDITIONAL 400 6.79 2 .00 /°°7, ON OAK ST. SLAB 7" W/#4 REBAR 12" O.0 EACH WAY,W/BROOM 2,738.5 1.89 5 Gov�v FINISH,TRUCK RAMPS @ RETAIL BUILDING 10" THICKENED SLABS,LABOR&FORMING PER 100 9.306 9 . 0 iao7o LINEAL FT.,TRUCK RAMPS,RETAIL BUILDING 12"THICKENED SLABS,LABOR&FORMING PER 38.67 10.907 LINEAL FT.,TRUCK RAMPS,RETAIL BUILDING SLAB 6" W/#5 REBAR 10" O.0 EACH WAY 13,704.14 1.91 26 .91 �w7 W/RADIANT HEAT W/SAW CUT JOINTS&W/BROOM FINISH @ OUTDOOR SALES THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY Total tiJvT6T60 � roc �� Page 1 /31 OGd // SUO 3�,. 36 c -= lemussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate /Belgrade, Buckskin#1 A MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name / Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O.BOX 308 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total SLAB 6" W/#4 REBAR 12" O.0 EACH WAY,WBROOM 104 1.89 FINISH @ RAMP TO WAREHOUSE BUILDING BOLLARDS @ WAREHOUSE BUILDING,NO STEEL 20 90.00 1,89'00 rQO'4 FOR BOLLARDS INCLUDED. EXTERIOR SIDEWALKS 4" WBROOM FINISH, Z11,019.15 1.653 18,214.65 ADJACENT TO CITY STREETS EXTERIOR SIDEWALKS 6" WBROOM FINISH, �95 1.755 1,140.01 d�O ADJACENT TO CITY STREETS APRONS 6"W/FILLETS WBROOM FINISH 1,367.993 4.29 5,W-69 /d"7o HANDICAP RAMPS WBROOM FINISH&BLACK DYE 6 220.00 1,320.00 0� @ CITY STREETS, STANDARD C.O.B. SINGLES SIDEWALKS 4"X 5'WBROOM FINISH,INTERIOR OF 2,743.55 1.653 4,5,YT-69 PARKING LOT SIDEWALKS&SLABS 4" W/INTEGRAL COLOR& 13,617.1 1.753 23,&?678 C011/ WITHOUT INTEGRAL COLOR OTHER THAN 5'WIDE WBROOM FINISH, SAW CUT PATTERNS,INTERIOR OF PARKING LOT&ADJACENT TO RETAIL BUILDING. SIDEWALKS 6"WANTEGRAL COLOR,WBROOM 1,050 1.755 1,'8 /007 FINISH, SAW CUT PATTERNS,INTERIOR OF PARKING LOT THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY Total Page 2 1'ismussen Concrete Contractors, Inc. Estimate 14O Buckskin #1 A Belgrade, MT 59714 Date Estimate # 1/10/2005 04-622 Name / Address MARTEL CONSTRUCTION,INC. P.O. BOX 308 1203 S CHURCH AVE. BOZEMAN,MT 59771-0308 Project KENYON NOBL... Description Qty Rate Total TREE PLANTER BORDER 8"X 1'W!21#4 REBAR 80 14.16 1,132.80 0`70 CONTINUOUS W/LEDGER FOR STEEL PLANTING GRATE PER LINEAL FT. STORM DRAINAGE CHASE,C.O.B STANDARD, 37.5 22.00 8P40 i ° 7- INTERIOR PARKING LOT,PER LINEAL FT. NOTE: NO CONCRETE INCLUDED. NO REBAR INCLUDED. NO WINTER MIX OR BLANKETING INCLUDED. BLANKETING IF NEEDED @$.28 PER SQ.FT. NO GRAVEL INCLUDED,TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. NO ROUGH GRADING INCLUDED,FINE GRADING ONLY. NO EXCAVATION INCLUDED. NO RIGID INSULATION INCLUDED. NO REBAR CHAIRS OR TIES INCLUDED. NO VAPOR BARRIER OR INSTALLATION INCLUDED. NO EXPANSION JOINT INCLUDED. NO RADIANT HEAT TUBE OR INSTALLATION INCLUDED. NO CURE/SEALER INCLUDED. NO PIPE BOLLARDS INCLUDED. NO INTEGRAL COLOR OR BLACK DYE FOR CONCRETE INCLUDED. NO ENGINEERING,STAKING,SURVEYING, LOCATING INCLUDED,TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY Total Page 3 _ A OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260. 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 " P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozenian.net MEMORANDUM TO: Laurae Clark, Treasurer FROM: Carol L. Schott, Administrative Assistant DATE: December 21, 2005 RE: #P-05060 Gammack MiSub, #Z-04230 Kenyon Noble Attached is the original Letter of Credit# 080500026 dated October 21, 2005, for the account of C & C Brattleboro, in favor of the City of Bozeman in the amount of$6,500.00 from First Security Bank to guarantee the improvements related to the Gammack MiSub project. Please hold the LOC until you are either directed to either issue drafts against it due to default, or to return the funds to First Security Bank when the improvements are completed. Attached is the original Letter of Credit# 05-0196 dated December 15;2005, for the account of.Kenyon' Noble Lumber Company, in favor of the City of Bozeman in the amount of$352,468.0.O:from-American Bank to guarantee the improvements related to the Kenyon Noble project. Please hold-the LQC:until you are either directed to either issue drafts against it due to default, or to return the funds to American Bank when the improvements are completed. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you! planning zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation housing grant.administration neighborhood coordination -z- 01R,3 AMERICAN BANK Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit Date of Issue: December 15, 2005 Letter of Credit Number: 05-019 Place of Issue: ® BOZEMAN WEST ❑ LIVINGSTON 1632 West Main Street '120 North 2nd Street P.O. Box 1970 P.O. Box 2290 Bozeman, MT 59771-1970 Livingston, MT 59047-2290 ❑ BIG TIMBER ❑ WHITEFISH 313 West 1st Street 140 Baker Avenue P.O. Box 1066 P.O. Box 460 Big Timber, MT 59011-1066 Whitefish, MT 59937-0460 ❑ BIG SKY ❑ BOZEMAN EAST 1700 Big Sky Road 501 East Main Street P.O. Box 161250 P.O. Box 1970 Big Sky, MT 59716-1250 Bozeman, MT 59771-1970 Beneficiary: Applicant. CITY OF BOZEMAN KENYON NOBLE LUMBER COMPANY 411 EAST MAIN ST. PO BOX 1109 BOZEMAN MT 59715 BOZEMAN MT 59771-1109 Amount: $ 352,468.00 Expiration: December 15, 2006 We hereby issue this Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit which is available by your draft or drafts drawn on us at sight bearing the clause: "Drawn under Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 05-019 dated December 15, 2005." Accompanied by the following documents or statements: A Sight Draft with the following verbiage:"Drawn under American Bank Letter of Credit No.05-019 dated December 15,2005. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is duly authorized to execute this document on behalf of the City of Bozeman and the amount of the draft accompanying this certification is due and owing to the City of Bozeman by virtue of default by.Kenyon Noble Lumber.Company/Beran,L.L.C.in completing the site improvements per the Improvements Agreement for Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Occupancy(#Z-043230)." Additional Conditions: We hereby agree to honor each draft drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit if duly presented at the office above on or before the expiration date. Except so far as otherwise stated, this credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce, in effect as of the date hereof. Authorized Signature: Craig N. Hvee , Executive Vice President 14 Kenyon Noble Nursery Addition Fr�k D (CCa V F Introduction FEB 2 4 2012 This narrative explains the plans for expansion of the Kenyon Noble Nursery at the 1243 OakSt Bn7eM 1.Ic n. Section 1: The proposed site modification to the area already approved for nursery use. ectiorD2Pl�1 69R expa ion,the structures that will be introduced to the area,materials that will be used to build the struc a handised in the structures at the area proposed. Section 3:The location of the materials that will be introduced to the court yard. Sections Section 1:The proposed site modification to the space allocated for nursery use on the original approved plan. The sketches provided in the subsequent pages of this packet contain the following modifications. The modifications for moving the green house 12 feet forward and against the south fence,a 24ft x 48ft structure matching the main buildings colors and the siding texture will be built extending to the east of the existing green house. An entrance pergola will be attached to the front of the previously mentioned structure to give the building a nursery look. A display pergola off the north side of the previously mentioned structure will be built to act as a transitional display from the indoor nursery products to the outside nursery products. Attached to the previously mentioned structure on the east side will be a 36ft x 24ft pole barn with a polycarbonate roof. The pole barn is designed to match the appearance of the previously mentioned structures and intended for shelter of perennials,other retail live goods and nursery materials. The materials list for the exterior finished structures. Treated lumber(cedar tone to match the existing fence used for the pole barn and the pergola) CertainTeed siding(colored and textured to match the main buildings appearance) Windows(for lighting and appearance) Metal roofing(metal sales grand rib matching the profile and color of the warehouse) Cast iron fencing bars(used for the screening fence 8 ft tall) Polycarbonate sheets(used for the pole barn roof) Roll up garage door(used as the main entrance facing south) The existing fence modifications on the south and east side of the originally approved plan will be upgraded by extracting the cedar pickets and adding iron bar screening but using the existing rock pillars. This is intended to allow vision to the varieties and selection of retail materials in the nursery yard,to draw in passing buyers and give a lasting impression to onlookers. Section 2: The uses of the structures that will be rebuilt on the site. The structure being added on to the existing greenhouse will be used to display retail materials that relate to gardening and landscape maintenance, accommodate a cashier's station and racks that will be used in the structure to display these retail materials. The structure will include 4 exits,such as a large roll up garage door at the south entrance and 3 barn style sliding doors one facing each direction. The west facing door connects the structure to the existing green house. The north facing door connects the structure to courtyard.The east facing door connects the structure to the pole barn. The pole barn will have no walls so it will require no doors. The north court yard will have several garden/green/hoop house structures,garden box displays,bagged goods and miscellaneous gardening/landscape maintenance materials. Section 3: The location of the materials that will be placed in the courtyard. The.nursery, landscape,gardening displays and materials that will be located in the courtyard will be placed symmetrically proportionate to the buildings and the fence. We feel this will create a garden atmosphere and orderly flow for customers to transition from the interior displays to outside gardening techniques. Our goal is to help customers get the garden and landscape options for their yard by showing them the variety of products available. We will include various garden displays such as fountains and pond less water features that will generate the ideas needed to help customers make decisions that will transform those ideas into reality through displays and merchandising. f A. i a � I � � t3 S f ■ sq ■ • momon ■ ■ ■ • s" • sy � ■ ■ ■ am" ■ ■■■■■■q ■ ■eq ■ ay � • ®q s ■ ■aq � ■ OWN" "7lEr/�F • ��' • III' k � 'I ''I'I �i' j L - --- �L1 I : 0 M - ; 1. = 1 r; r �� �, 1= - 1 I; 1,- �., � _ 1 = _� _i �� ..ri.tt :7i - - �.� ,ut" .rte ltr 'at i. ,YL'R .att ..k Kenyon Noble Nursery Addition �1 ` e Introduction ` �Y , This narrative explains the plans for expansion of the Kenyon Noble Nursery at the 1243 W. Oak St.,Bozeman,MT. location. Section 1:The proposed site modification to the area already approved for nursery use. Section 2: The purpose of the expansion, the structures that will be introduced to the area,materials that will be used to build the structures and products that will be merchandised in the structures at the area proposed. Section 3:The location of the materials that will be introduced to the court yard. Sections Section 1: The proposed site modification to the space allocated for nursery use on the original approved plan. The sketches provided in the subsequent pages of this packet contain the following modifications. The modifications for moving the green house 12 feet forward and against the south fence, a 24ft x 48ft structure matching the main buildings colors and the siding texture will be built extending to the east of the existing green house. An entrance pergola will be attached to the front of the previously mentioned structure to give the building a nursery look. A display pergola off the north side of the previously mentioned structure will be built to act as a transitional display from the indoor nursery products to the outside nursery products. Attached to the previously mentioned structure on the east side will be a 36ft x 24ft pole barn with a polycarbonate roof. The pole barn is designed to match the appearance of the previously mentioned structures and intended for shelter of perennials, other retail live goods and nursery materials. The materials list for the exterior finished structures. Treated lumber(cedar tone to match the existing fence used for the pole barn and the pergola) CertainTeed siding(colored and textured to match the main buildings appearance) Windows(for lighting and appearance) Metal roofing(metal sales grand rib matching the profile and color of the warehouse) Cast iron fencing bars(used for the screening fence 8 ft tall) Polycarbonate sheets(used for the pole barn roof) Roll up garage door(used as the main entrance facing south) The existing fence modifications on the south and east side of the originally approved plan will be upgraded by extracting the cedar pickets and adding iron bar screening but using the existing rock pillars. This is intended to allow vision to the varieties and selection of retail materials in the nursery yard,to draw in passing buyers and give a lasting impression to onlookers. Section 2: The uses of the structures that will be rebuilt on the site. The structure being added on to the existing greenhouse will be used to display retail materials that relate to gardening and landscape maintenance, accommodate a cashier's station and racks that will be used in the structure to display these retail materials. The structure will include 4 exits,such as a large roll up garage door at the south entrance and 3 barn style sliding doors one facing each direction. The west facing door connects the structure to the existing green house. The north facing door connects the structure to courtyard.The east facing door connects the structure to the pole barn. The pole barn will have no walls so it will require no doors. The north court yard will have several garden/green/hoop house structures,garden box displays,bagged goods and miscellaneous gardening/landscape maintenance materials. Section 3: The location of the materials that will be placed in the courtyard. The nursery,landscape,gardening displays and materials that will be located in the courtyard will be placed symmetrically proportionate to the buildings and the fence. We feel this will create a garden atmosphere and orderly flow for customers to transition from the interior displays to outside gardening techniques. Our goal is to help customers get the garden and landscape options for their yard by showing them the variety of products available. We will include various garden displays such as fountains and pond less water features that will generate the ideas needed to help customers make decisions that will transform those ideas into reality through displays and merchandising. I � � h I := AMF ;o INN u� r* AN s ./mil .5A r '�nmm�nnnmmmmiinnnmmnn • � I II �� � � �► � , �� �� I i �� �� it jl �; ���il ,� i�1 i�t iI �' �ial ,t ,�. it i��{ � - i � . I� - tu II II II ! � • . , E t 14 1 �I 1 A 1 r B� 1 k ,y • I i i �i �„ � { � - �;�t � - � , � � � i �'t'. ',�j , � ��� �\,\.`/�/mod\/0����•_ 1 \�� �/� O Q © O O 0 O O 5 � OVERFLOW GRASS SWALE \ \� OVERFLOW . FIAW GRADE TO DRAIN APPR9X15OLF '-1'•�� GRASS SWALE \, SHEET/IDS REIT'IN dJO CIF SEE .5%SS SHEET CIl�3 ^`_ `♦\\ `-� ` LUN1E DED SLOPE APPROX.2`AlF . Siteplan/Grading Plan ]000 CF \ SEED C10]EIOE SLOPES _ BOY EL 4722.15' ! DEP 1:5' B-2 ZONE �' - - ♦\ i IX ATE POND. Y 18-RCP ! - _ "I PRO for TLL W11H GM INS OPROEOEM v.CUL /SEE OETN$H W B-R P PROM LPERF OUTLET \ / VOL-7500 PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON C-IDS 80'PROPOSED �. \\ BUT SIDE G - ttI - 36'STORM 0 N IN STREET EASEMENT �\ - \ \ PROPERLY DEPTML. '5'.80' _ IRON IC tVERi OUTLET -- \ y BOUNDARY(lyp.) CAVATE POND BOTTOM PROT 0 PER DUN UTL CURB FLAW LINE 4]2]" _ GRAVELS AN ON S C-103 IS RCP INV.I 4722.35' /^__ �• - 19'RCP INV.0}a;4]22.35' ]e' DRAIN INLET PER CqB,02720-1 J� 18•RCP IS'SDR-35 \. CUB is FL UM 4727.04'•27f NE Kenyon Noble 3C.y:1RM 0""INLET LENGIH-33, IENGM.11. - GRASS SWALE 18• I .OUT.Q21A4' - - CURB ROW ONE EL-4727.68' MIN 0.5R stOPIE PER 2720-1 - IV RCP INV,IN=4723.80' P COB 02720-I - 18•RCP INV,OUr.4722.70' \ - 's•r„-3. A PORTION OF TRACT 3A OF COS 1215 LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. PER 008 102720-1 j E-1 iR CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA f`�` ZONED:B-2 LENGTX - `� i 4YIii •>A! 3l'OPE-i. EIENrON POND 1 $' L-54O0 CF GRASS % i 1 SIDE SLOPES NO GATE FOR a'WOOD - SEE DETAIL SHEET C103 NT � EL.4723.50' SNOW REM MASONRY y IN O.SR 9.OPE _ `'zpEWL SX C. .' (BY OWNER SEE ARC RAL PUNS SEE OE7I ILL SNEET C103 " SNDW REMW]ALILFNGTx 108' +*` �L' S- \ 1SNOW R N.� y�°TIONPOTO#2SLOPE. 06S 17 1•.OUTDOOR \\ -szzs STORAGE EELau.SD' 19' _35PVcOEN \1 '\ ../DEPTH: ts•. oP�lE-rur uAya(aE PRT. wv lrt• 721.ar SPACE \ M: 04' Mi0 fA tY ' ! 1t i a a: :G•.O L.UI%i.#, T. L�T:L Pfit tL.M .. - ,~ SEE .' 18•, 35 PVC �,.. CANTILEVER J - SEIVFN SN artM (ILYTOwNEk1YPR) ^:�_; rt•,WmIA1pRnE USE ,.n PNOVIDE CULVEgT O 1 ROfECI' `•�` f/// I INSTALL,FOOR(4)BOLLARDS \ l•"•„ EXP ON) OPR�OIECTON PFA�pDETNL `P Y+e,u'lt I-•y,�` �4^!•w•Y.+4F.... � 3 ARRA L �'•r'I `�./'/ • ,ATNTROL BO THS IW'i ANOrVOTDAVADA'/-,1 l t-�N t SPAC E N2Y µEIDER ��-_,77 IFE STR IE OR DETAILS I :: 'AS SHOWN WH IPES IK ;R•• ••f '`,% " I Tajkn I s I v k l 7S8AT 1 y f 2• III i C NTROL ROOMS - \ �` 1 S .� 1-•✓ -5 4 Cu,, 1 YNTp M ! INV I ]7 18 / t`I7.. BY OWNER) `1� \ •\ �� 1 D T S (. INV m 7 1 Z _ \ Slcv.4e�G eC/. ,'I E 1 R _ � F PR ROlECT10 llE 0 L f-- �J4/ Y f I.OR SLOPE I'`O��. �r�r``OVA ••• , E \�- _vr•)/ 03' y. a _- \� �� `\ FEE: 730. J DETAIL f03 �C .Y MAit • j F ` WHITE STRIPING(lyp.) SEE NOTE 9 Tm SHEET WAREHOUSE .. vninwE TAPER A cG= �" :�� � NO SCALE A`r FT GATE(tyP.) FFE:•730.00 xoTE 9 ++ 6' a� W OWNER) THIS SHEET 1''aC'$k V GRAPHIC SCALE FlRE SERVICE ONE CONTINUED CTF, ; r_� 'ay ON MECHN°GAL PLANS •� .♦ GATES([ 1 y 'A _. (( /' �1• 50 0 25 50 100 200 / SEE FlRE SER IOE\E 621 L1�FT �\ ♦y nt SEE NOTE 'THTSIIN' w`l` S �,\,�h 5' RD PUN AND PROFILE WATER sLT OETAIS FOB.- ♦\ �,� �LIAROs(hy F - w MCf• .♦ '�G7 7. : .• (8Y ( IN FEET) pR0004ED ♦ YF f 311 GATE .11 A. R YEAFLal0U5E NC FlRE C; FIRE SERVICE SLRVK:E. - NRr i'E110E '• 5 s. PROPOSED I-DDUSE: sD q. eo 0P0$� of MALL LAWS H�liar H e` R•1 " -RY �m `? 5gd'^ COMMERCIAL RETAIL 14tN AVE.Fl15EMENr E fJ S1RU •4 4.98 rWtHµ.447wN 0 1 ti �c .;..... ;�/ /=5':.:: •:. ;- _,.._..•• .�Tlo- .aNs� - I .. so 79°.71 j - C SITE DATA Includes future exponsion - l: ans and/or elevations AREA -GROSS = 17.70 AC OR 770,945 SIF {� J}yy�� 'DTI IECIMNICAL h'ElECiRI%A.� - R"S' w ut prior yrl ritten aY1 rova1 METER LAGTION �4 1 ,Inl i"LO AREA WITHIN ROW 624,236 SF. / sANnARr R 2 IONEfl �e [�g, _ RETAIL BUILDING COVERAGE = 69,450 SIF i w11H BO-S `, REINFORCED RADwc�cNT LSAT � .�/•�� /� /JCL „A SEED OOaC3 SEE DETAIL SHEET C104 -YTEJIT' CONTINUED SEANCE T larll IiTtl Ilic ` q SEE° 1L PNb - SAN 8-2 ZONE \ _ " SEE CTU C PLAN$ COORDINATE WITH _ ON YECxNIICN. S SAx1T / M:4732.30' \ •� MECHANICN SHEETS �YP-) ` 4 ° 4oEETAL sa yc103 WAREHOUSE BUILDING COVERAGE = 40,920 SF 47 .9' OYP) CART. - % . SEE"OTE,9 SHEET AIL 103 YELLOW s FlNc t OUTDOOR SALES COVERAGE = 21,606 SF sr 5 D TAIL ' UII nv�- -�EYON NOBLE (BY OWN f •b Res 3a/ O NOBLE 7 7� 7�7�7/+ (�owR p OUTDOOR STORAGE COVERAGE = 127,343 SF e-2 ZONE ANSION)' Bvill. I `J y, I\ 'W +'" "ow _ PARKING COVERAGE = 110,229 SF X / e'ROOF D N CLEANOUT y m pV SI / AD,,C TO COLUMN. FIFE:4733.-0 +^j 8 ORN END SL7:ARCHITE TURAL PLANS �� (lyp.) I ri j RI:4732. / AND NEEr C-10 FOR DETAILS Y OPEN SPACE = 189,984 SF 1 4730.00 . WF 8•sDR-SS 22.5' 1!'"••I SEE ETN SH tT C103 C1yP. I IucnL M snows ezoept two mNNest esl �'�\�sEE LAHDscAPE PLAN roR �+D i PROVIDED PARKING = 7 -DISABLED STALLS SIDEWALK SCORING `d8M:4733.� >, >e /. /%' 208 STANDARD STALLS S"5T CR DRAI DUEN alb N ON J AROUND BUILDING 7 GENERAL NOTES: 215 TOTAL STALLS /02529-4. NTU CLEANOa ! VAN ACCESS TE 4 To cu i HANDICAPP INSTALL e'SD RIM:47 TEE\ % 1. Construction work on this project shall be completed in accordance with Montana Public Works Standard - r A 43'AN TO m. / PARKING STNLS ;4 �� i Specifications, Fifth Edition, March 2003, and with City of Bozeman Modifications, Fifth Edition, March 2004. EN "p, f 2. The Contractor shall restore all roadway surfaces to equal or better condition than existed prior to - -1a' •aLOPE.0.53 can \ / . D � V ,r � excavation as determined by Owner and the Engineer. OLEoRNEWA P cx !d. / ° d a• Y ( ,ram 3. The location, depth and size of the existing utilities shown on these plans is approximate. The Contractor PER COB 0 s 1] ,� 1. 0 20!WIDE wE LANDSCAPE PVw a � rl O shall verify the existence, location, depth and size 0f the utilities prior to construction. The Contractor shall R.1s f 1.2,a R 1,2y'R `0w1 a' •�,•L :o CE / - be solely responsible for any damage to the existing facilities due to failure to locate or properly provide / /�' Lxs x% 135 RR 1•zs R protection when location is known. 1.25 R ro � / _ 6W N.11th AVE. 4. Asphalt; concrete curb and sidewalk shall be saw cut or neat cut by method approved by the Engineer. EASEMENT -5. Side slopes off of drive and parking areas shall be 3:1 max unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. To. L 14• � a. 1 - t 6. Top Back Curb Radii to be 4' unless otherwise noted on the plans. T PROPam//' OP E1N ° j 4' T N W SIDEWNH FO HITH 7• Contractor to install City of Bozeman standard pedestrian romps at all sidewalk/curb interfaces. Slope is BOUNDARY(typo - - - /• SEE LAND P N not to exceed 1" per 1'-0" PACE / DECORATIVE sroRACE e. Grade elevations dictated xx.zx on plans are +4700' to City of Bozeman datum. NOT (DP.) E 16 AND (sr awNER) \• \ I- a•SHM MH �p. 9. Pavement markings Within site shall be 4" white and/or.yellow painted markings as dictated on the siteplon SNOW and in accordance with Section 02581 of MPWSS, Fifth Edition, March 2003. OVAL 1 •) ( mUAL 10,Bollards shall be installed per COB Standard Drawing #02660-8. / l N// E E C GRAD 8'WIDE PA \ :473, ` 11.Fencing shall have,minimum openings (bottom) of 12"x4" every 10' for surface drainage. // PEDEIRRVN ATH s. s•' 12.Sidewalk shall be-constructed of 4" of M-4000 concrete with o minimum P of 3" of washed rock laced.on SEE SHEET C 102 (tyD•) /! 7 compacted native material or compacted.imported material meeting the requirements of Section 02230 1°C- .n' (M.P.W. Specs., 2003 ed.) - - - - ✓ f - '� 13.Rood, water, sewer and storm drainage plans associated with 14th and OP Street are to be submitted with infrastructure improvements.PA 14.Fire service and sewer plan and profiles are to be submitted with infrastructure improvements. 15.See sheet L-101 for exterior sign locations. < - 16.Decorative crosswalk shall be 6" M-4000 concrete reinforced with #4 bars on a 2' x 2' grid placed at 3" - - NON-RESDe°ME. - deep. See landscape plan for scoring and color. e uru5 2520-1K OS7l'S .PER GOB w2329_I3 gREI,'MNRw�RMIDYE W LNSTAl1 4'MANHOLE B:r.1*ROP DRAIN INLET. MORRILS ON SFE EARL 5 m c1a2 EXTEND msr.1a 18 P ro WNNOIE s 4Nw s STREET � �--� A�It • Siteplan/Grading Plan ENSW INN=0 AT 807H"EIS MAIERLE,lxc. - Ken/y�on Noble EXPOSE IXPJE 18•-RCP 8: / N 9w I'll wl rseoHs•a 11-W..=,I.was(AN)seranl..ys:EEW w-". C-l Ol DISCHARGE To RorosDE DRCIL .. - •W - ND PIPE IF NEaE55AR1').- � - CLIENT: _. 80'OAK sT. • - FIELD WORK• :10/20/04 -PLOTTED DATE: Oct/25/2004 - 10:51:58 am EASEMENT - K ' DRAWN BY: Di 1�.CTE ALE.1"=5D'� - DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\ACM\SITEPIAN\SITEPLAN-0915O4.dw9 CHECKED BY• PROJ r3900.001 SHEET _ OF PLDTTLv er.•I"wn ' 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 Doug Riley From: Troy Heusel [troyh@kenyon noble.com] Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 10:35 AM To: Doug Riley Cc: 'Mike Thompson' Attachments: sunstopper_main.jpg Doug, Attached is an:image of the sun screen we would use in place of the pull barn. This structure will be 20'X 60' and we will be pouring footings for the posts as seen in the picture. The shade will be taken down and stored when not in use and the frame would remain behind the fence with 2' of posts visible above the fence line. This structure will be used to house the perennials and annuals on tables and protect them form direct sun exposure. If you have any questions let me know. Thanks, Troy Heusel Kenyon Noble Lumber Company 1 O� II I I ' 1 1 � f1i l l 11 t'• � ,� 11 :I 1: I • -�1%1 47. rl , 1 Y!� *r, + t rl• i t r 1u �IJ - Kenyon Noble Nursery Addition Introduction ' This narrative explains the plans for expansion of the Kenyon Noble Nursery at the 1243 W.Oak St.,Bozeman,MT. location. Section 1: The proposed site modification to the area already approved for nursery use. Section 2: The purpose of the expansion,the structures that will be introduced to the area,materials that will be used to build the structures and products that will be merchandised in the structures at the area proposed. Section 3:The location of the materials that will be introduced to the court yard. Sections Section 1:The proposed site modification to the space allocated for nursery use on the original approved plan. The sketches provided in the subsequent pages of this packet contain the following modifications. The modifications for moving the green house 12 feet forward and against the south fence, a 24ft x 48ft structure matching the main buildings colors and the siding texture will be built extending to the east of the existing green house. An entrance pergola will be attached to the front of the previously mentioned structure to give the building a nursery look. A display pergola off the north side of the previously mentioned structure will be built to act as a transitional display from the indoor nursery products to the outside nursery products. Attached to the previously mentioned structure on the east side will be a 36ft x 24ft pole barn with a polycarbonate roof. The pole barn is designed to match the appearance of the previously mentioned structures and intended for shelter of perennials,other retail live goods and nursery materials. The materials list for the exterior finished structures. Treated lumber(cedar tone to match the existing fence used for the pole barn and the pergola) CertainTeed siding(colored and textured to match the main buildings appearance) Windows(for lighting and appearance) Metal roofing(metal sales grand rib matching the profile and color of the warehouse) Cast iron fencing bars(used for the screening fence 8 ft tall) Polycarbonate sheets(used for the pole barn roof) Roll up garage door(used as the main entrance facing south) The existing fence modifications on the south and east side of the originally approved plan will be upgraded by extracting the cedar pickets and adding iron bar screening but using the existing rock pillars. This is intended to allow vision to the varieties and selection of retail materials in the nursery yard,to draw in passing buyers and give a lasting impression to onlookers. Section 2:The uses of the structures that will be rebuilt on the site. The structure being added on to the existing greenhouse will be used to display retail materials that relate to gardening and landscape maintenance,accommodate a cashier's station and racks that will be used in the structure to display these retail materials. The structure will include 4 exits,such as a large roll up garage door at the south entrance and 3 barn style sliding doors one facing each direction. The west facing door connects the structure to the existing green house. The north facing door connects the structure to courtyard.The east facing door connects the structure to the pole barn. The pole bam will have no walls so it will require no doors. The north court yard will have several garden/green/hoop house structures,garden box displays,bagged goods and miscellaneous gardening/landscape maintenance materials. Section 3: The location of the materials that will be placed in the courtyard. The nursery, landscape,gardening displays and materials that will be located in the courtyard will be placed symmetrically proportionate to the buildings'and the fence. We feel this will create a garden atmosphere and orderly flow for customers to transition from the interior displays to outside gardening techniques. Our goal is to help customers get the garden and landscape options for their yard by showing them the variety of products available. We will include various garden displays such as fountains and pond less water features that will generate the ideas needed to help customers make decisions that will transform those ideas into reality through displays and merchandising. 1 y- A/F r � Wrought - - 8" Picket Fence 8' To Match Existing Pole Barn Retail Structure •0 GreenExisting - if 24 �itf i(iiitt(itf f it(i(ti(itf iiti(tif UU111111tif • �- -- � I� --- c . r r � x © @ © d O O O O OVERFLOW INI ALL I GRASS SWALE \ \\ /// OVERFLOW' - WE iiOw GRADE TO GRAIN APPRfy4-501F/ --�'-- \ \ \ `/ GRASS SWALE \�SEE,/{`,ETNL TEARRAMMINRETASLPEII / SHE N'PROX.2501ESite Ian/Grading Plan SHEET 10J ON PO Np SEE RETAIL SHEET Ctt1} \ �_- MIX 0.5%SLOPE\ \ j VOL 1011 CF I ///SEE OETNL OEEf Of0] \ / 3:1 [DE SLOPES J7 -'-"\ \ / / /�\ \ BOT EL.4722.15' �` ` \ B-2 ZONE - I/ E% ATE POND 18"RCP for I TO TIVE GM D LENGTH= ' �� `\ \`\' /'INS OVERFLOW \ BACK I•LL wnx GRA 5LE=CULVERT OUTLET /BEE OEfNL SHEET C103 R RC PER OETNL '\ -�., / VOL-7500 I8, P C-1a3 60'PROPOSED J 1 SIDE -2 STREET EASEMENT \ `\ PROPERTY Bar EL.4720.M. _ 2 _ R STORM D N IN `\ BOUNDARY(typ.) DEPTH: BOTTOM PROr C PER OETAA CURB ROW LINE 4727.68' --'--"- 18-RCP IM,IN-4722.35•- \ GRAVELS AND ON S C_IW is'RCP IM. 4722 35' "'- ;^�, GRAVEL . PER CDe/02720-1 - 38' OWJN INLET Kenyon Noble ' Is,LEH ftCP / 15•SDR-35 18� I uw 4721.V DRAIN INLET IfNGTH.. LENGM-13' GRASS SWALE 18 I .OUT-4721.04' ' CURB ROW LINE EL-4727.68' MIN 0.8X SLOPE PER 720-1 15•RCP IVY IN-4723.80' - COB 720-1 \ is.RCP NV'OUT.4722.70' - - 18" A PORTION OF TRACT 3A OF COS 1215 LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. PER COB 102720-1 f E-11% CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA 19' GTH 10 _ ZONED:B-2 ENRON POND 1 % \ -� / L-5400 CIF GRASS SEE CATTAIL SHEET C103 i' 1 SLOE SLOPES SNWING CATS i0R 8'WOOD JO .:� { ••1, EL.4725.50' -.SNOW t\IN 0.5X SLOPE + r I MASONRY CE SEE DETAIL SHE C. 1.0' (M OWNER SEE ARCH RIL PLANS SEED L SHEET C103 18' -35 �99 [[� i SWING CA FOR / SIIaW REMOIN. DgENTON OF ,2 II XE i 47Z8T r FIN OW fjCMWN. \ \ SHOW ALJ VJDL- .�� \ I 8225 SLOPES O OUTDOOR \ ..� (B own ) �oT EL 47204P50 8' -35(VC PLAN r IN STORAGE \ /oEaM: 1.51 GE'CAT 'Al MANH I E�•* I. 4 SPACE \ \ °ER 1ES. - T. M: 01' \ /� `\ IM 721.aT LEY tDEVP1r.ENT ' / J CAN CANTILEVER INTERIM 18•sOft-3s INSO WOOD lRDY R EMS NG -SENEFWMGATE(IYPJ --- _ WARE USEItB1BCT r1 MY OWNER) \ IH9 PROVIDE CUL 0U - ARBA . INSTALL OOR(4)BOLLARDS (PUTUItB EtiXPARII`•ION) \\,A./ O 7P O}DETNL j�(t1 P • AT (4)CORNERS OF \. ryA (� 1 SEE Nw SEWER CONTROL BO THS(typ.)AND \ \ %\ �Lf1,A I As sNowN INN STRIPES R / / SPAC AN T 1kP I ••E• . lE OETNLS •i1 15' \ \�'�` l GOAT, F•. f pp 12•FIC % C, . L BOOTHS IM HER) INV 0 ,�-\ \_�� �� �•�\ -. b6 Cs ra�.•t-ems e•.cVuc CGo I YNrD - ;1 �x . A a _ �- _ s.,.-,��, �/ puplFsP/�oA .•I . . - E I L PROVIDE CUL,GE T /, �_PROTELmap L b' _'-"�-� \a "`\\\\ �� RAP \ \� TEE: 7sD. xTNLsx o3 0���'W�6lr OY-�, VICINTPYMAP .. - °� WAREHOUSE \� L //y ! _ \_ _, NO SCALE 1 ' WHITE STRIPING(hP.) \\.\ - N 6 �/ W1MOPE F Ac .Z SEE NOTE 9 THIS SHEET p7E ,I TT GATE(typ.) - ' P�4730.00 THIS SHEET " GRAPHIC SCALE (M OWNER) -'FINE SERVICE uxE AIMS ED - \ GMI {� f► Ir /29 ON MECHANICAL PLANS -\ GRES ( /' 50 0 25 50 100 200 SEE FIRE SERVICE UNE - A, LIFT GATE on- w j SEE NOTE 9 NoISIyS ET w�I�`J �h1rs PLAN AND PROFILE Fqg - `\ y L�LWLOS(hP SNOW AL WATER SERv1�E-OETFLLS \\ \\,_��1 7 �/ (BY R IN FEET) Y-s �� �(-11s' pftopose9 GATE 11 1 i ch= 50 ft. !-WAREHOUSE- ING FIRE INEIG - , `' '7 j'� • n� NM FENCE ' } STORM H , �- I ,..(t,, "A,,11 ,N�',1F1'ergvP y � ��4 � PROPOSED LAND USE: FIRE SERVCE SERVICE " �` '' ( a 1' 60'PROPOSED �wA9"Di w) AND IN1Er ^ " r.°FNENTAcaucN Yf�+ !�Y1 L- /�`'�L{ L-� COMMERCIAL RETAIL RW:4729 0 LL iC t:. U, I Ian a 1d/01 ✓l�+1Ya,le 1+� • k.141h AVE EASEMENT ' PROPOSED 5n1aCTU PUN N COB 1027 1 r1 {� \ WATER SERVICE '4 4.98 INV,4 �, _ SITE DATA (includes future exaansionl; / R€FUSE aRs EE SKEET c os "M I-y)1A 5rior written apprG3V�� AREA GROSS = 17.70 AC OR 770,945 SF '- / MECHANICAL LOGTIOLLN� LI iPv i",'*SeL:I ing Office w�� � w Nil AREA WITHIN ROW = 624.236 SF REINFORCED CONCRETE NOW SANRAM R 4�-r �./ O Lonow DOCKS WITH RAO "EAT \ SERVICE T W L RETAIL BUILDING COVERAGE = 69,450 SF SEE OETNL SHEET C104 UTNTY CONTINUED B-2 ZONE .. SEE L AND M:4772.30' yq;�'� COORDINATE Wfni-- ON MECiLWICK�P4Ns ThPJ SNIR - ! ,>.,, MECHANICAL SHEETS L SERVICE U /OP SEE ` PLANS '�_, aM:a 3 DETAIL SHEEP'CIO1 Coto WAREHOUSE BUILDING COVERAGE = 40,920 SF " ' _ '`.. _ YELLOW S /(lyp.) - -- SP CE / _ \ �T1 SEE x075 S.aOUTDOOR SALES COVERAGE = 21,606 SF / SERE 0~ - NOBLE --- �ON NOBLE ` (BY OWNAGE / 3� �)�C.. OUTDOOR STORAGE COVERAGE = 127,343 SF MIN'1.z sLD TrT TT��/�_� T■T,,�`T1,/y? `�.•�.. (M OWN r i <<,!.: ' 8-2 ZONE ( VLL. 11V X/1� BUILDING `\� \\ E AN ROOF D[ •�'' PARKING COVERAGE = 110,229 SF j 6"ROOF D N CCOL M T DW sr DRN Eno ApJACE To towMN. FFB:4735.SV"- - a :4732.9 i ARD SECEr°c'io TiURAII.PLAW'NS `� N (a'P•1 OPEN SPACE = 189,984 SF SEE f:TN SH'f7.rC01N ��--� BENDrRrAu]oiZrei '•'� , PROVIDED PARKING = 7 DISABLED STALLS (hP, I Iacalbn9 Mrown exppt --___ Mo hMast nl el4awu0 - ---_SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN mR RMN733� 25 IN cR 2O8 STANDARD STALLS �> INSTALL DLE i `Z -SCORSCORINGI A2�•06 AROUND BUILDING GENERAL NOTES b �� h� 215 TOTAL STALLS sr O r : ON N ONLY A0252C 4. R MU CLEANO VAN ACCES]IBLE TE Aw r m cu i H NDICApP� IxsrN1 e•soa-s5 TEE\ / 1. Construction work on this project shall be completed in accordance with Montana Public Works Standard A 45'AR ib nT; PNtaxc srN15\ PoM.47J3.25 \ /. f Specifications, Fifth Edition, March 2003, and with City of Bozeman Modifications, Fifth Edition, March 2004. - IENGT \ INV,;Q28.07 cd �/ ' P y 2. The Contractor shall restore all roadway surfaces to equal or better condition than existed prior to R)PE-.5X `ZQP M " 6 W / excavation as determined by Owner and the Engineer. i D e P e' b a, A. OLo 3, The location, depth and size of the existing utilities shown on these plans is approximate. The Contractor .+-PER COB 0 5 13 I CURB CUT b /z.I'WIDE LANDSCAPE PUN w �� nl shall verify.the existence, location, depth and size of the utilities prior to construction. The Contractor shall R-u ' 1.25 X 1 2y'z "N 1.25 X a•I z .,�, �� m o CE / be solely responsible for any damage to the existing facilities due to failure to locate or properly provide PLAZA,S 1.25 X 125 f), 125 X i / `:p protection when location is known. 4, Asphalt,'concrete curb and sidewalk shall be saw cut or neat cut by method approved by the Engineer. 65'N.IIth AVE. EASEMENT 5. Side slopes'.off of drive and parking areas sholl be 3:1 max unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. / ,,, �`. 1.• ` t 6. Top Back'Curb Radii to be 4' unless otherwise noted on the plans. / 9 a C., w w W SIDEWALK TO HUHEAT 7. Contractor to install City of Bozeman standard pedestrian romps at all sidewalk/curb interfaces. Slope is PROPERTY/ OPEN A,.,P Ira ,,BOUNDARY DECORATIVE (lyp!} PtTCE >a �" SEE LAND E PLAN not t0 exceed 1" per 1'-0". / l (ry CROSSWALK(hp,)) CANT STORAGE - 8. Grade elevations dictated xx.xx on plans ore +4700' to City of Bozeman datum. j SEE NOTE 16 AND (M OWNER) \ 3'STORM MFI 9. Pavement markings within site shall be 4" white and/or yellow pointed markings as dictoted on the siteplan sWW a' I NELx�nT and in accordance with Section 02581 of MPWSS, Fifth Edition, March 2003. ENOVN. i ) 4i' Wl �R WED EQUAL 10.Bollards shall be installed per COB Standard Drawing #02660-8. ' W/. C GRATE) $.wIDE3P \ W.4731.12 � 11.Fencing shall have minimum-openings (bottom) of 12%4" every 10' for surface drainage. ' PEDESTRIMI AM z52 i 12.Sidewolk shall be constructed of 4" of M-4000 concrete with a minimum of 3" of washed rock laced on �/ SEE SHEET C1102 S'WIDE SI (lyp:) - - P compacted native material or compacted imported material meeting the requirements of Section 02230 - i (M.P.W. Specs., 2003 ed.)13.Rood, water, sewer and storm drainage plans associated with 14th and OP Street are to be submitted with e•WIDE - SET infrastructure improvements. 14.Fire service and sewer plan and profiles are to be submitted with infrastructure improvements. 15.See sheet L-101 for exterior sign locations. 16.Decorotive crosswalk shall be 6" M-4000 concrete reinforced with #4 bars on a 2' x 2' grid placed at 3" deep. See landscape plan for scoring and color. PER COB/02S29-I] SEE DETAIL HEDLW INSTALL 4'LIANHOIE EXIST. 1 STORM DRNN INLET. mma OAK STREETMINUS �`"°� MORRISON Siteplan/Grading Plan ( EXTEND E1OSr.18•RCP TO YANKOLE EXISnNG Ie•RCP ` MAIERLE INC. PLUGGED AT BOTH ENDS �) a•,� Kenyon Noble . -_-_.,_____-_. .�•c ____�__-__� EXPOSE EXIST.18•.RCP @ % - "-__--_ -_ DISCHARGE TO ROADSIDE DITCH. Poe,.N13.901 r«nrey B4 mm".I Yr.59ni•Rwa(WO IN m]I rm:Rae)ew-Un C- O 1 1 EXTEND FMPE E NECES-RY):- CLIENT: 1 1 80'OAK ST. FIELD WORK• DATE:10Z20ZO4 PLOTTED DATE: Ocl/25/2004 - 10:51:58 am EASEMENT _ DRAWN BY: KDJ SCALE:1"=50'- DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\AGO\SITEPUN\SREPLAN-091504.dwg CHECKED BY: PROJ :3900.001 SHEET OF PLOTTED W-i- 1 o A o 0 0 <f. z O9z-OA �t OTY OF BOZEMAN FEE AFRIES- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1.Name of Project/Development: ��xv`u�av� Q4AalC- w a4 �Cov\ lu I DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINP DEVEIDPMENT 2. Property Owner Information: Name: 4 BFIZ-ftti LLG E-mail Address: C1SkJ"0gle el. �{eytyor�.rtDbl.¢.. eo Mailing Address: PO f.30)( 110 cI UU (� F3oZ 10cj Phone: </0/a- 5-8 7-73 Co CP FAX: LID U -5 a 5- a 4 U 3 3.Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address:(_ _)6` (c Mailing Address: ` � C��� 622 aT- Sc77-7 l Phone: lb� - �gj_� CQ FAX: /n( -ei:3 Y5 5-- Z'70 4. Representative Information: Name: ., ✓z, E-mail Address: f Mailing Address: Pa tsa k 1 l b cI 511 77 Phone: lAo(, c-i- C' - 23 T FAX: rG Z?C).3 F5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: I-L -13 V1, O 7.Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): _z 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12.Net Area: Acres: Square Feet: Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted ❑ i OA XNHHl B8:£8M Mll ZT/LT/T :aPp sue,:l 8818928 pawhd Te}ol 8818928 paaapua} Te401 881892$ L£BLBT N33H3 H3 Tte}ap aapual '4 UdHOO 838Nf11 3180H HOAND 88'8Sz8 001 9HINOZ 2 9NINNHId Zd Pnowy A4puen0 U014di,:osaa TS91TT :ou Tdpaq T8 ZT/£Z/T :a3eQ T Mawe,:Q d3 :adAj HSUO30Hd :aad0 ** 1d13338 SIMOlSM *** a NUMHO830 AlI3 I r � 13. Is the subject site within an uma renewal district? ❑ Yes,answer quesdV13a No,go to question 14 13a.Which urban renewal district? ❑ Downtown ❑ Northeast(NURD) ❑ North 71h Avenue 14. Is the subject site within an overlay district? 2f Yes, answer question 14a ❑ No,go to question 15 14a.Which Overlay District? ❑ Casino ❑ Neighborhood Conservation []Entr xvay Corridor 15. Will this application require a deviation(s)? ❑ Yes,list UDC section(s): No 16.Application Type (please check all that apply): ❑ O.Planned Unit Development—Concept Plan ❑A.Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands ❑P.Planned Unit Development—Preliminary Plan ❑B. Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site ❑ Q.Planned Unit Development—Final Plan ❑ C.Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 ❑R.Planned Unit Development—Master Plan ❑D.Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development,Amendment/COA ❑ S.Subdivision Pre-application ❑E. Special Temporary Use Permit ❑T. Subdivision Preliminary Plat ❑ F.Sketch Plan/COA ❑U.Subdivision Final Plat ❑G.Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use ❑V.Subdivision Exemption ❑H.Preliminary Site Plan/COA ❑W.Annexation ❑1.Preliminary Site Plan ❑X.Zoning Map Amendment ❑J.Preliminary Master Site Plan ❑Y.Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment ❑K. Conditional Use Permit ❑ Z.Zoning Variance ❑L. Conditional Use Permit/COA ❑AA.Growth Policy Map Amendment ❑M.Administrative Project Decision Appeal ❑BB. Growth Policy Text Amendment \ ❑N.Administrative Interpretation Appeal Other: This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s),number of plans or plats,adjoiner information and materials,and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 81/2- by 11-inches or larger than 24-by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 8'/2-by 14-inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. if 3-ring binders will be used,they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different)before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below, the applicant(s) and property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. Further,I agree to grant City personnel and other review agency representatives access to the subject site during the course of the review process (Section 38.34.050,BMC). I(We)hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my(our) knowledge. Applicant's Signature: Date: Applicant's Signature: Date: G1..0 1, _ Signature: Date: -ZI-V Property Owner's Signature: Date: Page 2 (Development Review Applic 6...— pared 11/25/03;Amended 9/17/04,5/1/06;9/18/07,revised 11/14/11) CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATNESS CHECKLIST 1 If a project is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District or the Entryway Corridor Overlay District,and qualifies for review as a Sketch Plan;Reuse,Change of Use or Further Development of a Site Developed Before 9-3-91;or Amendment/Modification of a Plan Approved On or After 9-3-91, this checklist shall be used. See Section 38.19.050 (Sketch Plan Review), Section 38.19.150 (Amendments to Sketch and Site Plans) or Section 38.19.170 (Reuse,Change in Use or Further Development of Sites Developed Prior to the Adoption of the Ordinance Codified in This Title),BMC. These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked"No" or"N/A"(not applicable) must be explained in a'narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Neighborhood Conservation Overlap District. If a proposed development is located in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination.At a minimum, following items shall be included in the submission: Neig rhood Conservation Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. One rrent picture of each elevation of each structure planned to be altered and such El ❑ Eladdition ictures of the specific elements of the structure or property to be altered that will clearly expre the nature and extent of change planned. Except when otherwise recommended, n ore than eight pictures should be submitted and all pictures shall be mounted on letter-sr sheets and clearly annotated with the property address, elevation direction(N,S,E,W)an evant information 2. Sketch plan, with north at th op of the page, including site boundaries, accurate lot and ❑ ❑ ❑ building area dimensions, street an alley frontages with names, and location of all structures with distances to the nearest foot betAcQ buildings and from buildings to property lines. 3. Historical information, including available to such as pictures, plans, authenticated verbal ❑ ❑ ❑ records and similar research documentation that ay be relevant to the planned alteration 4. Materials and color schemes to be used ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and other data tha ill clearly express the applicant's ❑ ❑ ❑ proposed alterations 6. A schedule of planned actions that will lead to the completed alteratio ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Description of any applicant-requested deviation(s) and a narrative explanation as how the. ❑ ❑ ❑ requested deviation(s)will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will con ' ute to the overall historic character of the community 9. Stormwater Management Permit Application required ❑ ❑ B. Entryway Corridor Overlay District. If a proposed development is located in the Entryway Corridor Overlay District,information shall be provided to the appropriate review authority to review prior to granting or denying a certificate of appropriateness. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably necessary for the appropriate review authority to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the submission: Entryway Corridor Overlay District Information Yes No N/A 1. Sketch plan, with north at the top of the page, including site boundaries, accurate lot and ❑ ❑ o building area dimensions, street and alley frontages with names,and location of all structures with distances to the nearest foot between buildings and from buildings to property lines A air yh, ac��s 2. Plans, sketches,pictures, specifications and other data that will clearly express the applicant's ❑ ❑ nea�o�e�Q proposed alterations 3. Such other information as may be suggested by the Planning Department 21 ❑ ❑ 4. If the proposal includes an application for a deviation as outlined in Section 38.35.050 ❑ ❑ ❑ (Deviations),BMC,the application for deviation shall be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce, so as to enable the City Commission to make the determination that the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 38.17 (Entryway Page 3 tt (( (Certif(ficate of propriateness Checklist 1-Prepared 11/24/03;revised on 9/8/04,revised 11/14/111) / =V�Ck L_2 „-2[[_ S�.o1X wZII C'If�z.(P'l V� (2—V_P 1,Z)��'^ �f e�S�-rl Gl1 , C ) +� vSc S! n1Z��t"v a\S eD�d ®r - t c5rV d 1� ff CIAOF BOZEMAN • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net MCI Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net April 1, 2005 Martel Construction Attn: Don Stueck 1203 S. Church Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Modification to Kenyon Noble FSP to allow green metal roofing material on the warehouse building, #Z-04230 Dear Don, This letter is in response to your request for a modification to the Kenyon Noble FSP to allow the use of green metal roofing material on the warehouse building. Based on the revised color rendering, and the sample of the proposed green color metal roofing, the ADR staff has recommended approval of this to the Planning Director. The Planning Director has approved the modification to the Kenyon Noble FSP to allow the use of green metal roofing material on the warehouse building If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me, 586-5266. Sincerely, Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner cc: Kenyon Noble: Richard Ogle and William Ogle, 25 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715 CTA Designworks, Attn: Kurt Ratz, 10180 Cottonwood Road, Bozeman, MT 59718 �N1.� Or h Jiyt":Vi'.`e i i L`... L' ij A planning • zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation housing rat c�drninisir Lion . neig orh^o/od coor Lion of Bozeraz4 q1 ' 1 #1 #2 D 'E � V 1 #3 #4 MAY 01 2012 BUIMING INSPECTION DrArMON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING — AND cor UNITY DEVELDPM r Final Occupancy Date of Request May 3, 2012 Contact Name: Mike Project Name: Kenyon Noble Greenhouse Contact Number: 406.599.6164 Type: V-B Z-04230A PUD Permit Number: 12-16467 The following project at 1243 W Oak has requested a final inspection of the premises for final occupancy. The Building Division will not issue a certificate of occupancy until receiving approval from the offices designated below. ➢ Planning ➢ Bozeman Fire ➢ Water & Sewer ➢ Engineering Food Service I approve this application for final Occupancy o I disapprove this application for Occupancy based on the following: C Authorized Signatu Date: R4 Z CIT)RF BOZEMAN 13 M DEP TMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 -.. 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 vwwv.bozemon.net January 19, 2012 Kenyon Noble Lumber and Hardware Attn: Troy Heusel, Assistant Manager P.O. Box 1109 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: Z-04230A, a Planned Unit Development/Final Site Plan with Certificate of Appropriateness (PUD/FSP/COA) application to allow modifications within the previously approved "Plant Nursery" area at the Kenyon Noble Lumber and Hardware facility at 1243 W. Oak Street. Dear Mr. Heusel: The Planning Director for the City of Bozeman has approved your application to relocate the existing greenhouse and construct an enclosed structure and open (covered) structure within the previously approved "Plant Nursery" area of the Kenyon Noble Planned Unit Development (PUD). This approval is based upon the PUD final plan modification allowances contained in section 38.20.040.A.3.d.(1) of the City's Unified Development Code. Please be aware that approval is subject to the following conditions and code provisions: Conditions of Approval: 1. Any expansion or change of use for this area of the PUD, from what you have indicated in your submitted modification materials, shall warrant additional review by the Department of Planning and Community Development to determine continued compliance with the approved PUD. Code Provisions: 1. If any new outdoor lighting will be installed as part of this project, Section 38.23.150 of the Unified Development Code requires all lighting to be full cut-off and directed down and away from adjoining properties and streets. Lighting cut-sheets shall be submitted to our office for approval prior to installation. 2. Per Article 28 of the Unified Development Code, any new signage requires a sign permit from our office prior to installation. 3. The applicant shall consult with the City of Bozeman Building Department regarding necessary building permits and pay all required fees prior to construction. A building permit must be obtained within one (1) year of this approval or this approval shall become null and void. 4. The protect shall be constructed as approved and detailed in your submitted narrative and attached illustrations. Any modifications to the submitted and approved materials shall invalidate the project's approval unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by our office prior to undertaking said modifications, (as required by Section 38.34.110 planning . zoning • subdivision review . annexation . historic preservation . housing • grant administration . neighborhood coordination of the Bozeman UnifielRevelopment Code). • The COA certificate is enclosed with this letter and must be displayed in a conspicuous location on the site while the project work is underway and after you obtain any required permits) from the Building Department. If you have any more questions, or if the Department of Planning and Community Development can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 582-2260. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, Doug Riley Associate Planner Attachments: Certificate of Appropriateness notice (pink) Approved Final Site Plan Modification sheet and attachments cc: Beran LLC, Attn: Ashley Ogle, P.O. Box 1109, Bozeman, MT 59771-1109 Bozeman Building Department Bozeman Fire Department Planning Director Approval: Date: 1 Zo ►-L Page 2 NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS i THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 1243 WEST OAK STREET, WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE OAK STREET ENTRYWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND IS THE REAL PROPERTY OF KENYON NOBLE LUMBER AND HARDWARE, . i HAVING BEEN SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW TO ALLOW: TO ALLOW MODIFICATIONS WITHIN THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED "PLANT i NURSERY"AREA AT THE KENYON NOBLE LUMBER AND HARDWARE FACILITY,AND HAVING BEEN FOUND TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER AND FABRIC OF THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD OR AREA AS SET FORTH IN.SECTION 38.17, "ENTRYWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT", OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, IS HEREBY AWARDED THIS CERTIFICATE ON THIS { �23 OF JANUARY 2012. f i SIGNED { PLANN7rlNGJ ** BUILDING PERMITS (IN TRICAL AND PLUMBING) MUST BE OBTAINED FROM T NG DIVISION. THIS NOTICE SHALL BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE (SUCH AS A ** i WINDOW, WALL, OR FENCE) EASILY VIEWED FROM THE STREET AT ALL TIMES, FROM BEGINNING THROUGH COMPLETION OF THIS ' APPROVED PROJECT#Z-04230A. f i i i E i � f ' i Municode Page 80 of 313 j commission shall issue a written record of their decision to discuss and weigh the review criteria i and standards applicable to the PUD. j3. Final plan review and approval.The final plan must be in compliance with the approved preliminary plan and/or development guidelines except as provided for in subsection 3.d of this section,and shall be I reviewed DRC and ADR staff and approved by the planning director. a. Application process. Upon approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plan by the city ' commission,and the completion of any conditions imposed in connection with that approval,an application for final plan approval may be submitted. b. Review criteria;compliance with preliminary plan.For approval to be granted,the final plan shall be in compliance with the approved preliminary plan.This shall mean that all conditions imposed by l the city commission as part of its approval of the preliminary plan have been met and: (1) The final plan does not change the general use or character of the development; (2) The final plan does not increase the amount of improved gross leasable nonresidential floor space by more that five percent,does not increase the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent and does not exceed the amount of any density bonus approved with the preliminary plan; i (3) The final plan does not decrease the open space and/or affordable housing provided; (4) The final plan does not contain changes that do not conform to the requirements of this chapter,excluding properly granted deviations,the applicable objectives and criteria of i section 38.20.100,or other objectives or criteria of this chapter.The final plan shall not j contain any changes which would allowed increased deviation/relaxation of the requirements I of this chapter;and (5) The final plat,if applicable,does not create any additional lots which were not reviewed as part of the preliminary plan submittal. C. Final plan approval.The planning director may approve the proposed planned unit development if it conforms to the approved preliminary plan in the manner described above.Prior to final plan approval,the planning director may request a recommendation from the DRC,ADR staff,DRB, WRB or city commission regarding any part of a proposed final plan. If a final plat is part of the final j plan submittal,the city commission shall have responsibility to approve the final plat. ` (1) Final plats associated with a PUD shall be subject to the requirements of sections 38.03.060 ' and 38.41.07D. I Amendments to final plan'Building-permits and other development approvals shall be issued on the basis of the approved final plan and any conditions of approval.No city administrative personnel are I t permitted.to issue permits for improvements which are not indicated on the approved final plan with i I the exception of the following: r (1) Minor changes. —(a)lMinor changes to a planned unit deG4IWrFent+rnay b'e approved administratively andJ i in writing,if at all,by the planning director,whereupon a permit may be issued`Suchy changes may be authorized without additional public hearings at the discretion of the planning director.This provision shall not prohibit the planning director from �k- o requesting a recommendation from the DRB,DRC,ADR staff,WRB or city p commission. (b)•--Minor.changes shall be defined as follows:/ GO=Those.developments that do not change the character,of the development, (ii) An increase of less than five percent in the approved number of residential Z�0 dwelling units; ��� _ , l ( ,�� gym' • �� (iii)i An increase:of less than five percent in the approved grossJeasable floor areas a �Q� � p r —of retail service,office and/or industrial buildings? v 3 5�70 o P I ; (iv) "A'change in building location or placement less than 20 percent of the building width without compromising requirements of the UDO; l v a (v) An increase in the number of lots less than two percent without increasing the i I density by more than five percent.This is applicable only to zoning PUD plans, i 3OJ not subdivision PUD plats; _N /A (v i).--The final plan shall not contain any changes wh wou hicld'allow increased IDS g 1 c�s�r n of deviation/relaxatio the requirem � ents of this'chapter;and/or (vii) The final plat,if applicable,does not create any addit'ionaf lots which were not reviewed as part of the preliminary plan submittal. N/4 (c) When a planned unit development has been prepared in sufficient detail to address f r,oeo the concerns of article 19 of this chapter including but not limited to general building Q envelopes,design character of buildings,and landscaping for some or all of the I parcels within its boundaries the final site development plans may be reviewed as an amendment to the PUD final plan.The intention to use this provision must be part of j the initial submittal and review of the PUD. (2) Major changes. 1 I (a) Major changes to a planned unit development shall be approved,if at all,only by the i 1 city commission,and must follow the same planned unit development review and I I vr�`��,,,, 12-- y"pv��\y�V�lc�.� Pj �f�.Z • http://IiBrary.municodd.corn/print.aspx?clientID=14755&HTMRequest=http%3a%2f%o2fl... 12/13/2O11 16 December 23,2005 Big Sky Publishing k ' D b D _ CUM DID ALPINE MASONRY MASONRY ��: 4 Ifrti �� AIR CONTROLS HEAT/VENTING/COOLING .BIG SKY ASPHALT SITE WORK .,. � . . ....,,r CLASS ACT ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS a DEPENDABLE, PAINT. PAINT TAPE/DRYWALL LABOR DOOR TECH .1A.,. . OVERHEAD DOORS , HAGGERTY DRILLING SITE WORK HOLLAND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION FLOOR SLAB MATZINGER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL MIDWEST INDUSTRIES STEEL REBAR SUPPLY QUALITY ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC. METAL. ROOF ING/SIDI NG/SHI NGLE ROOFING, RASMUSSEN CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, INC. SITE WORK RICH'S FLOORING,FLOORING/CERAMIC TILE SECURITY._LIRE_ PROTECTION., INC FIRE. PROTECTION SINE CONSTRUCTION SITE WORK SMITH PRECISION MASONRY, INC: MASONRY SWEET. PEA LANDSCAPIOG SITE WORK VALLEY" GLASS 9 WINDOWS STORE FRONT/GLASS When you're looking at being around fora long time, bigger can.b_ e better. A vision that Rick Ogle WESTERN URETHANE INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER had for a long time and a collaboration of many Kenyon Noble employees is now a realization WILLIAMS PLUMBING & HEATIRG PLUMBING happening here in Bozeman as we work hard to open our Oak Street doors. Kenyon Noble on 1243 West Oak Street will continue to serve Bozeman just how it has for the last 12U J years, always giving our customers service and quality goods. LUI,RED IIAR� ABE A SPECIAL ADVERTISING PUBLICATION OF THE BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE y 2 December,.23�2005; Sig SkyiPubiishing•: Big Sky°Publishing December 23J-2005, 15 ' - �r< 7"T COO WON�O� El YOU' '' r • -�• --° H100 W TO B Ulf IDD /A 200 lr 0 0 7 WvA LL f' C Y • f • , F _. BCC WFE— CCA�o \ �\ Y� • • I a �: _• '..•ty ': .�:- mow.' '. .. r r P y 1 J T xL _ I j�, sJ' , `t �,�.f"t v��.. 4Y• xR .:-> �4.H„"','. f V'': 4 � ."7�.�... G, <.:iiy^.� ... . ..� ', j/ % 4 r I 4� ��/�-L � ���� �(,��( � �� �jfi��v��)�(� �� If I�I� Il �� �(�p �� I� �j(L��o O �rg�V/� rx , p /ZCI�I IU' jutx Jl/AI V\/ALL tu/1S',J,�ICiJK �V L ID�JE L��lCCf�\•": J \r/� �5iIll }aU j��� 00 ® v+ o . ., 1 pJ�C2S5�JdC � � i)A �����o hucc kc mroFo MC 1'' Lt�4,(pa.�C�t7flf^3 wy`il)tL,T?Tra,u5�Co)s5L �J�� EF o"1_Cul�s c JC m�1�C p • o� �. cx `S 'o � o• [ o dil jlic o 2 :6t o ��0 57��'`ow0 f , f( ] > 2R r �c ��000cr�. o�� c7ii �,_�� oo°�� �o ��s��t�cQx��__cJ iha���fl��cc.�l _ �� ����� ,L,, h U-NwCing up Gc»30 GcvCt,11C%nm(�ft Mad ks,Cz lk3 0@01%anedi-eutsS dco)w n co)aa (ccdlH o" r Ls�o f A o_ Sc a t' It 5�1� �c5 SC E ( ���� r�x co)U�sWCi)Lcj� ��� ?�,SCc C�J'ncC74�� sx Lt cn» c� ��� � SC uir k wq to ffil i b M -Lro ltio%o° comI o ffdL )mu" A T;,-Cou, onco)o Cho, P d %o uQ CO�OO 00�0�� � � o r� ���5� o»�s caeC � q �(il)(uo �3 � K as c� sa� � y, _ y p., ..��.``,+� vnit' w H 11'7 VM.•'MA�.,•`,'. _ Sfr l`' 1 k s � ^ � tl, #� � _ ... .... ...,.. ., _-_—_- _- 1 I t �� I t - I- :I I F: I r r 1 il, � .• !',I I II 'i•' I IISr_-- tl[,' - .. t I[ :' ', V� S {► J .Y-.• y I [_ t 3 I S[. ;[4 r'3 I I: I- F' r i �a w. _ It Y I: r s , FOR BEST RESULTS . CONSULT THE PANEL OE EXPERTS. t f �r.' ® F l • r y •< �-i� .� � � Works No, - a s <t S 17 L"-- "}°�' r>d n _ '. � # *�• �£� sh .,fir ��t ..r.� rt:.�� 'x': '�7 �!' ... 00 -,f 14,,December,23,2005 ,Big Sky Publishing, Big Sky.Publishing December 231 2005, 3 11 V`ntit. Ln t to Iq'S Kenyon Noble >� Ien ®n NoMe *Thanks 'SEE FTI t EEL�+ PI`�IEl h s for choosing for buIll��ng a better o ��f��pl��� � FuN �- • ti o ET T N ' BLEI /all Bozeman BY CRYSTAL H E N N E S S Y I ADVERTISING ;MAR KETINC, NYON NOBLE LUMBER, AND HARL) VVARE *Thank you for choosing* Trusted By Builders For Years Urethane Foam Insulation RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAUAGRICULTURAL ��� Kenyon Noble originated about 120 II11VV hi U Sprayed In Place Polyurethane Insulation years ego in 1884 as Pray Lumber Fiberglass Batts&Attic Loose Fill when it was located across from the Baxter Hotel.The x r -- - 1266 W. Cameron Bridge Rd. g �971$ Urethane Foam Insulated Roofing Pray interests had bought out the yard established ly �] � s in 1882 by George Flanders about a year after he -- As the excitement continues Featuring...Resin Technology Foam&OAS F Elastospray started it. Tom Noble was employed by Mr. Flanders a I to build at our new oak street BRICK, BLOCK, STONE, TILE and continued under the company working in the 1 location so will our Junior Commercial Residential Ce3W El lumberyard. Coming here from Anaconda, where he onvas,x ua�• rY g �__ - Carpenter days giving these had been in the lumber business,S.C. Ken on bou ht M LocallyOwned & Operated Serving Montana for 26 years Y g J i - \ children a chance at building r Located at 116 ra W Main-Manhattan '� ' 1 �' out Pray Lumber Company and took possession of the LICENSED,13QNDED &INSURE>D Y P Y P for the future. We will continue business on July 1st, 1892 under the name of S.C. to support programs such as Ben C V�a;trner, Owner Operator a � o � Kenyon Lumber. I 1 y W ❑ P O y� f 1' the Childrens Museum,Music on Main and hold our annual qW I- W 0bmwo ❑.10V4 D 2H Q0 M MWIM It continued under this name for 12 years,until 1904, pumpkin carving contest,along when it was incorporated under the title with S.C. with those building projects for Kenyon, president;Thomas E. Noble, vice-president, Mother's Day and Father's Day. f and Carlisle S.Kenyon,secretary-treasurer.Tom Noble These future builders can soon continued to be more involved in the overall business be heard pounding out their , na rat and then in 1904 the business was incorporated as projects at 1243 West Oak street. , Kenyon Noble Lumber Company. w �:_.•— Photo courtesy of Kenyon Noble K�nyon No lta � _ 6i1Ls U 1JtJ®�.lUF7� VV LL Gz11:JL.�4i]L.1.7it1r�lkl/t1115.�IL�L'J 11 ll���®9 E� � aunury ceannunon From All of Us At: � � WeA6s®War: • •�. � v_ �,, ,.� L.1 BOZEMAN, MT ��►e� l �� S �ea �"�r�uca��® - � � a�r�i �ts ' 1• �, � r _. � � �, � a. � � :.C.�r,•;,,:�'r,.: ., � � ._ l�� ��I�� �CIDt��S$�'�a'v���:�'C��`Ja1P� � ,,�,'0 4165 N.Park Tra ii � Great Falls. MT 59405 --� 1 5 87-6212 _ y - -- - 4 -ate e - �_ - MR— 4 December 23,2005 Big Sky Publishing Big Sky Publishing December 23,2005 13 1 . } In the early 1920'.s Squire � ) , _ - Kenyon s son, Carlisle, took over the management of the store and ran the OP NING • _ _. _ company until the 50's. Carlisle Kenyon's only child, Katherine, had married Rick's dad, Bill Ogle, Sr., and they begin working for the company in 1938. Bill continued to SOON work for the company for the next two years until his young wife Katherine passed away from heart complications. Photos courtesy of Kenyon Noble continued on page 7 1243 West Oak Street _ } I! 1d tons tltotm ; � 4 c enyon IN R, SfNIME CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATION AND ROAD BUILDING ' Q Q M=Colo S4155 N.Park Trail I 4o6''5V2"9V�I irk t�rai;>+tr; an«ua.,�rp��, Great Falls,MT5sa05 l 190 RARNSHORN DRIVE o BOZEMAN, MT 59718 � _ Ken on Noble's new store opening this January will satisfy the needs of the � `: -' �►► .. community as it continues to grow. You'll find us at our new 80,000 square foot montana & Wyoming facility on 1243 West Oak Street that will carry the retail store, design center, r, 4. '= ,. and an out-of-the-weather, drive-through warehouse facility. Most importantly Since 7972 ASPHALT PAVING STREETS �- we will have an expanded inventory, giving our customers a wide selection of • PARKING LOTS • DRIVEWAYS materials and ideas to use in their construction project. This added space will SEALCOATING • TENNIS COURTS give us the ability to stock and display a broader range of products including more upscale items that we currently do not have the space for. Adding this 587-4164 space will allow us to better serve our customers and continue to grow with www.bigskyasphalt.com Bozeman and stay competitive within the market. 1220 N. Rouse Ave. Bozeman I 1111 1 1 VL 1 Y^L 1-I41 11rU1 V. 12 December 23, 2005 Big Sky Publishing Big Sky Publishing December 23,2005 5 Congratulations • - � F r Constr_uctioly ,rrtel -� Kenvon Noble. _ 1V _ • j S s to thanF�J, LA tic _r< 471N LLF-CT�ZIC INC. .on- NoblM �F_Z Lumber"e- ,la` b;, - - I .�electin I Photo Courtesy of Kenyon Noble O ! 907 Bridger .Dr. • 587-7290 y _ your Gem� rContr In 1958-59 the East Mendenhall location • � - �� ��_� 1- YYi was decided on for the new store,which - 01) I®NS gave them 6,600 square feet and plenty -•--- -!! ,--'' ,�� ;.�� of room for the new hardware store. In 1977 brothers Bill Jr. and Rick Ogle purchased the company and today r� V there are three generations of the Ogles I Y - ning the husiness.Today,the Kenyon f on _ ons o•n- .,our Noble family operation consists of Rick, R f with daughter Ashley,son Chris and wife • '�- � Bobbi,and Bill Jr.,with son Blake. lit il _ 1• new r` R FI oring - • _ aci_ Carpet•Vinyl•Ha •Area Rugs emSt 0 Int Mart ' e] C nstrutdiOn Co . . . __. �.... :.. 1 o 1 ® o , ;_V--41im AAIM .� � ^ �r � �nk Y, I —......_.._....._ . n� � 1.T..„i1r r Ma `..i: i in+�Y ii1' � v rtt Ti ui . i •`in' a i� a �n�5i f NJ.,...n Mrvn hr• %., e � 0 00 0 0 �eQO oM7-WQO. CO- N­ G U L IONS x x y < Y WE . O. , KENYON 'No"' BLE ON YOUR' TORE Fancy Front Doors 1 WHICH WE WANT TO SELL FROMBOISECASCADE.1 1 ! : : Co. 320 West Main Street,Bozeman, Mont. �X' Bolt & Anchor Supply, Inc. Fasteners for Industry& Goi�strucria� Bozeman • MT•556-9246 •1Vlissoula , / ••` y \\ ._ . ti ,� �IN ill , � i.\ - T I 7 • r &C, NGRAT"ltlLA ■ ON5 a ... •. .. ._ NFD NLAR1''EL ONST"RUCTION Eaty, �.. t .. �y�a lr��• .'�+,a" I� ....�.>�•--q - ® _ a — '��ttot e- ... " � t l,, S 177 i� �� V \���'. a • fIj �l*:{f^�^f��y-.•� f; if a� 0 ,1 � � l..„` _ �+Yd'�"r- - � ,`..epJf-1�!�ei�3 .�. .,; �"r •r�� �r-.t _ .rt��-���a • - � .. #4 )`�Ir .C�L �,:A71. \, �.� f ^_' t%^' Cy.+. �� ~ •` C' •..i /` •.7 1\ KryRtiYOUR ENGINEERED LUMBER SUPPW- , 40�1.+ .. _ • • : ,a. rt �Q., il i" �.'•., AA���."-y� .� y r . ... ,:/ ;brs \. ' .....i/1"J-fit r.:r:�w� -k., 4 �a O • Brian?rhlaurh Mark I la„n, , .7 >_ •��' �•� � �� 4.1 ,' 1 ;�, ,, 'll•chnlral K�•Ilrl�,l•nlatn.�-C'Innnx•rt i.,l 'li•cllni:�al Kclln.cntati�o-R:•.ul:•nlial .:. �+..•.�•'f , 3 l `�j\` t 1 -.. i... `` �-•• ~.. �, f i\\'o>t F+th.\,1••4tll IInnr _II66 tita<litnn I)ri,i•,tiuili _fl_ \ 1,.w :� , ♦ - '; j� ij/ ♦? �' `� �� C\`` �� ��.: ; i; . -�. G 1 • • 111•II•na,AIT iy(,UI BoZ:•lnan,.\S'I'iN%l i �.�t p,1c a�• ' S It # \ 3'1 7• :� tr• ``\r �' • {y ,ti. r� .ra rt 1 7 t� i.t ���• t ,1` � `►`,• L. "G. _ •tiy,.w � v ` _ T •• [ ( ) eili l. lilt•:(4(Ib)iSl-s3U_ '3 rR ` ,t .�. <>I7ici•: d116 4ii-' .\ 7 e llaa• •`' , -:,r !� `i.; •�t +)` x It y} •�- +�• k,•- ► „�.,' _ _ ,�S• ` _ti 'R♦+T��'r'' .•;v i� f l ZZ a j'.t Alt. t^. !•• ,c 7 � _ '�}. '� rTM"- '1�'„ I�a�: JUE� lii-ail(, I'a�. •lll(a �1%-7)Jf+ ti• �'� . .�i -.i ! ), - "�7\ �� . w �' g ': � ♦.=art ,S c!, k�-t'.�i .,at f� , r � ( ) '( ) ar+ },�^ `1I 1�t17�,•,� �;' j`.•. y.. -, .. ti briali-dilawivaIrusoi.Lt'onf Ila�on..\lYlIru>�ui>L<nm ;Ct -��u -�.•.\F;5\;`L::�ra .tl� :r�?:,� �'�>;:.� ,.r�•` r I`;,••�ar� �. �.Z, +•� 1 ' 11, t! ==t.. 3. • • •j. Visit uxlmth.•,lohat.,,,...Iru.j, ia.,um ) r �at� Y ��i•t ? . .� f,. ),..k , a ':y+Y i(' .�`�FI. . `;;r.�: +. }f., , .,L �Ct' ♦ \,!�}, rn'��:4 ..J.:.,t, k.V.^ Z7'1�\. `�j.•,1a''f ay��1 Ca`7\,,ili �/.TML ..f'a.4G -� \, ��v\'`t�11..; t =� r �'%_ Y r j , •i•' .��. . _•_r:•5 1 � 1 t� ,rt .1- F,+�s, yr {, i ).: �t S +. •' ��..�s, r,a'•t t �t:'�`,i' '4.R � ''�'�YL .� •,�,�,.�i y. t,_ ,:y✓ ,� .0 F > '��- r f tcz::"�.� -v i •_, .-. • y •t ! c'•�`1 •G,1'^, r."� .2�_.+• ,/; ;y �: •7• '-0la: �f{+. .t� ♦ _ �.-+. �'7 '1' tri..>AI 1t <��^w�f1. t 7+ r.r_ r '4E.` +. �• •y,.`•r j"<.!•,+4�w 1) 7 4\-<�•_ ',�•y{r-1��:4�.r :'f.�r.,. .`,w i^:::.*V,�,+j`..vr` l-{S yi/ �L .,,.. ,.+Z�, h �„ ;1�' �Y., CC`; fly .r���•��, 0 2 � �r ._ ,. 3 r�l.iV .M,l •�+ h,,� t „�t.3,C Z �+ ir. ., ice', +r_A�T 5+ ? `: 'y+� .��.J i. �`• 't n;�!•,.J, 1� ��5�1. �t,'� If)}.,.:�ii'15.,�;gr:.':S, ,; +� )r 4: ':i ".�i�a;, •;.; ! >i.v' 5:.�(,7i �*• `C.�j•,••7 .�r.,`I 7 '.i�' -��4 �..�i. t ..•�.• ` r _.1. , ? -'t :.� `a [ .�.•�' .� = r 't:;.r.:'�.•..'xc��S`•1�n� '•} :i_�,�. -•'t, a': `a •i�ao ~•~ ,<..•c� rw , 5-"f KENY® -NOBLE r�ri i r x•,,c• Cs:a } a.y �R. -�•f•if<}�7�i •.trey' t= ,�:• :l r' .s;l... S r.•. t •t' � ��ti �. ^ ;••rt � •a ,'� v - 41 �'iti •tT-u_\�G�. y'S'i.<hQt D=•.a � � �,5. 1• j i .•,• .�. :.7i<l�r +t �e� �.�.... i�'c':ITS .� +. ly ''a"G :SL.. .. .y Z':•,. i t , .r `Y-i.',f t 7;1��; .. s' `- 1�• .<'�.,t a)S.• «may ;xt ...:.4' •gr \� '< :y'�'.1 ,..:• `.t, ` ;. :L.� tz^, ,� �,•':t • .�`. ' r.� \ .�;. : .., .,`s `ri`t� , <# L,i_: s 1E Boise congratulates you �:• i.1i'• ...? _ ;3 f: •N� j`r''' •1.' :I�1 ` r }a `� lr 1 ✓f:i` -r 1 r { ;. .L, �, ►. '+,"_.till�atc.. �' .� sing BOISE U AM o - '� y T�har�k you for choo r, .,•:w � ;.; as the structural backbone-of your new'home on our RAT GRAND OPENING! . ., ., The Outdoor Projocti-People 144� ell W. I NO E: V'— '� '� � r t: � i �� I• .,Ill t� � t• -"�"", � •lieni ty �y I r. ._1c'�. w k t'. +SFr i+r• - � r' �•w 1 ■ . 'ti„ _.,.per' 10 December 23,2005 Big Sky Publishing Big Sky Publishing December 23, 2005 7 Bill Ogle Sr. had moved on to become a ROTC instructor for MSU and went into active duty during f✓ • _ ---— WWII. He then continued on to Seattle where he had '�"�•..,. found employment easily with a lumber mill. Returning .T. _ >�'` ti to Bozeman in 1942, he married Lou Hageman and r started a family with two sons, Bill Jr. and Rick, and a -. daughter,Penny. Having no heirs Carlisle Kenyon had & ; approached Bill Ogle Sr. to see if he was interested in taking over Kenyon Noble Lumber Company. Yes, he would, and in 1950 Bill Ogle Sr. started purchasing 9 p- Kenyon Noble and buying out all of the shares previously held K i -- y Kenyon Noble family members. ' b ..x . T ' v • _ Ot � 346 i 1 1 IQ 1 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '144 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kenyon-Noble Lumber Company Promotional Calendar from 1932. tl�)¢lg' Photos courtesy of Kenyon Noble p� +,ra3t ptar 3 a . )tV NOil U Starting in 1958 Kenyon Noble had made at the stable. This building was equipped with a rope a° it t, ��, j 1 � their move to what was then the Livery driven elevator for horse driven buggies, making Stable. People would come from Bozeman for their daily �. Kenyon Noble the first drive thru lumber yard in the business and leave their horses and buggies country. As a kid Rick remembers playing in these continued on page 10 structures. Eventually the Livery Stable building had to be torn down and the decision for a new location had to be made. continued on page 12 ' ' --- Photo courtesy of Kenyon Noble r F7V •- xt �,�t`'pk!3�r� ��..� .;—. �� ` .n.. ,�� �y�r"i"Y' s"4`'"� j"� �T`+:.` .s�� .,,,rrrX fin. 1 ;= IF ` —•' � _,� ,.,..f' � _ ,Y A .�.- -�r°y. .,� t ��� +N s �;••.� �•i.'.�� ,gip=.,°.` �N �A �Va`� i J. G A rr:3(�)M 0, LAURA ASHLEY Q . 3 HOME _ } Cp. Q Colour Collecrion - 4 WAMM O • L . PkMlbft Heaft &Uffift mac. f s r Le l p 2131 InduWal ofWe . eonm n Mena s9716 �a m ._. e , r ; - (406)s87-OM • Foe(406)685 94s8 8 December 23,2005 Big Sky Publishing r _ Big Sky Publishing December 23,2005 9 THE NOBLE BY CRYSTAL HENNESSY ADVERTISING/MARKETING TRAILS OF KENYON • KENYON NOBLE LUMBER AND HARDWARE KENYON NOBLE READY-MIX CO. 1104 N. Rouse Av&889 Valley Center Road S.C. KENYON 586-2397 • 388-2397 4 , BELGRADE STORE BOZEMAN STORE *. ® 4949 Jackrabbit Lane • 388-6400 1243 West Oak Street 586-2384 J _ AAG"AlE � w BEAD b t x LoaoEs tl..c' � �� ,,:j Y.�s,�f.. "++L - �.q:ivt : , !1 ti\ 7 •5 ''0' r � `• ,A q r,' •.'� �,. { F � ``rh -. Vili., —ml 11957111111111111,11,11111Illjlllll JANUARY � • SUMMER ���� ' �� II DECEMBER 1000 • A . c - 7. 4ts Y iN,1 • n ? .v'. "iE^b +w..,^Y.a --:: i MM Ole r >,. r ... , - ».... 'Z ';' • u - 1<Y�i+kW.tWC1_ik♦r_1 i_ _m.*9.lJ.�fyi. KENYON NOBLE LUMBER&HARDWARE 25 E. Mendenhall • 586-2384 BLOCK TILE BOZEMAN BRICK BLOCK&TILE KENYON NOBLE TRUSS - 1104 N. Rouse Av • 587-4283 4850 Jackrabbit Lane • 586-0538 LIVINGSTON STORE 122 North F • 222-0761 Kenyon Noble is your full-service lumber and hardware company located in Bozeman, Belgrade and Livingston. Open 7 days a week. You can furnish your complete construction package, commercial or retail, in a timely manner with any of these Kenyon Noble locations. I (L, IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR KENYON NOBLE CUP/COA/PUD FINAL SITE PLAN,#Z-04XXX (PRELIMINARY PLAN, #Z-04230) LOCATED NORTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OAK STREET AND NORTH 11TH AVENUE, BOZEMAN, MONTANA THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of ,2004, by and between name I address ,Bozeman,MT 59715,hereinafter called the"Developer",and the City of Bozeman,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the "City". WHEREAS,it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of approval of a CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan to allow construction of a large scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development on property located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`" Avenue. WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Developer to obtain CUP/COA/PUD Final Site Plan approval; and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property hereinafter described;and it is the intent of this Agreement,and of the parties hereto,to satisfy the improvements and guarantee requirements for the conditional approval of said CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan Application. . NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Property Description This Agreement pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as zoned `B-2," (Community Business District) on the City of Bozeman Zoning Map, and is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F,and is situated in a portion of Section 1,T1 S,R5E,PMM,Gallatin County, City of Bozeman,Montana,and more commonly located northwest of the intersection of Oak Street and.North I V" Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. 2. Improvements This Agreement specifically includes any water, sewer,street and drainage improvements,cash-in- lieu of parkland dedication, and sidewalk installation and other improvements as illustrated on the Ken-on Noble CUP/COATUD Site Plan.lam rovements A reement'#Z-04xxx #Z-04230 `'�_ Ta a E' plans and specifications provided in the approved CUP/COA/PUD Preliminary Site Plan Application #Z-04230. The estimated cost of these improvements is attached as Exhibit A. 3. Financial Guarantee, Time for Completion of Improvements If construction associated, with a required building permit, is to occur prior to completion of all required on-site improvements, this Improvements Agreement must be secured by a financial guarantee, as may be deemed acceptable by the City,payable to the City of Bozeman, in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at the time building permit(s)is requested. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months. In any event, all required improvements shall be completed within nine(9)months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security. 4. Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, and the Developer shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Developer shall default in or fail to fully perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement,and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30)days after written notice specifying the default is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the developer at name address ,Bozeman,MT 59715,or such other address as the Developer shall provide to the City from time to time, without being completely remedied, satisfied, and discharged, the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: 1) The City may,at its option,declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The City's representative,contractors,and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection,and the Developers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. 2) The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. 6. Warranty The Developer shall warrant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan Improvements Agreement#Z-04xxx #Z-04230 Page 2 rP� r, ?.F '�5� � � ray Y'•a�:: �,� � .. :A'l low 7. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, State of Montana. 8. Attorney's Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, to include the salary and costs of in-house counsel including City Attorney. 9. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. 10. Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 11. No Assignment It is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole,or in part,without prior written consent of the City. 12. Successors Except as provided in paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. PROPERTY OWNER STATE OF ) :ss County of ) Kenyon Noble CUP/COAMUD Site Plan improvements Agreement#Z-04xxx,. #Z-04230 Page 3 ` � i� •:� � `, RM Kx low On this day of , 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared , known to me to be the , of , the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Andrew C. Epple, AICP Planning Director STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of ,2004,before me,a Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared Andrew C. Epple,AICP,known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Planning Director of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) Ken on.Noble CUP/COA/PUD Site Plan improvements Agreement#Z-04xxx #Z-04230 Page 4 i�AXY EXHIBIT A WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS KENYON NOBLE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN,#Z-04230 The undersigned owners of the real property situated in the City of Bozeman,County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Tract 3A of COS 1215F, and is situated in a portion of Section 1, T1S, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION of receiving approval for subdivision for the subject property from the City of Bozeman, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other and valuable consideration,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,and in recognition of the impacts which will be caused by the development of the above-described property,has waived and do hereby waive for itself, its successors and assigns, the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement districts for: a)Street improvements to Oak Street including but not limited to paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property); b) Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 14th Avenue; c) Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Avenue; d)Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 15th Avenue; e)Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 7th; or to make any written protest against the size or area or creation of the district to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above-described property. In the event Special Improvement Districts are not utilized for the completion of these projects, we agree to participate in an alternate financing method for completion of said lu improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or a combination thereof. This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. The terms,covenants and provisions of the Waiver shall extend to,be binding upon the successors-in-interest and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this day of ) 2004. PROPERTY OWNER STATE OF MONTANA ss. County of Gallatin On this day of 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared known to me to be the , of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) 1'. Y EXHIBIT B WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF PARK MAINTENANCE DISTRICT KENYON NOBLE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN,#Z-04230 The undersigned owners of the real property situated in the City of Bozeman,County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Tract 3A of COS 1215F, and is situated in a portion of Section 1, Tl S, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION of receiving approval for subdivision of the subject property from the City of Bozeman, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other and valuable consideration,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,and in recognition of the impacts which will be caused by the development of the above-described property,has waived and do hereby waive for itself,its successors and assigns,the right to protest the creation of a city-wide park maintenance district which will provide a mechanism for the fair and equitable assessment of maintenance costs for city parks; or to make any written protest against the size or area or creation of the district to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above- described property. In the event Special Improvement Districts are not utilized for the completion of these projects, we agree to participate in an alternate financing method for completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or a combination thereof This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. The terms,covenants and provisions of the Waiver shall extend to,be binding upon the successors-in-interest and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this day of ).2004. PROPERTY OWNER STATE OF MONTANA ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of , 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared , known to me to be the , of , the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN KENYON NOBLE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT,#Z-04230 WHEREAS, the undersigned property owner acknowledges the receipt of a Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness from the City of Bozeman to allow a large scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the subject property is legally described as Tract 3A of COS 1215F, and is situated in a portion of Section 1, TIS, R5E, PMM, Gallatin County, City of Bozeman, Montana; and WHEREAS, the large scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development consists of a 56,610 sq. ft. (72,210 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for retail display and sales area, office space, and warehousing of product; a 33,220 sq. ft. (40,920 sq. ft. with future expansion) large scale retail structure for drive-thru pickup area for filling orders; — 131,660 sq. ft. outdoor sales areas and outdoor storage area; — 15,750 plant nursery, and related site improvements; and WHEREAS, the Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness is subject to the following 14 conditions and code provisions: 1. The outdoor storage fence shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet. 2. Four (4) offsets of at least 15 feet by 20 feet shall be created in the fence on the north side of the property and shall be landscaped with large evergreen trees and planter beds. 3. The total permitted signage shall not exceed 400 square feet, and two low profile freestanding signs shall be permitted but only one may be located on the Oak Street frontage, subject to ADR review and approval. 4. Executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SIDs) for a park maintenance district shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to final plan approval. A copy of the filed documents shall be submitted with the final plan. 5. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, shall be provided and paid for prior to final plan approval. The amount of water rights required will be determined by the Director of Public Service based on the proposed final plan. 6. Applicant's Table 1 shall be expanded to list gross square footage, easements/rights-of-way and open space, and shall be included on the site plan. 7. The Final Site Plan shall depict the north elevation of the main large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to additional fenestration, repetition of materials used on other elevations such as board and batten, offsets, entry definition, and other features that break up the mass and ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD,#Z-04230 PAGE 1 OF 3 CONDITIONS &APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONM USE PERMIT RE r + 4 , d v4.s 8. The Final Site Plan shall include a redesign of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional architectural detailing including but not limited to fenestration such as clerestory windows, use of a monitor roof, repetition of materials used on the main structure, offsets, and other features that ensure no single uninterrupted length of fagade in excess of 100 feet. Said revisions are subject to review and approval by Administrative Design Review Staff. 9. The Final Site Plan shall depict the roof of the secondary large scale retail structure with additional features such as skylights, solar panels, cupolas, or dormers that break up the monotony and mass. 10. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: a. Street improvements to Oak Street including but not limited to paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 14`n Ave. C. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11`n Ave. d. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 151n Ave. e. Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 71" 11. A traffic control plan which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed, and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance Section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. 12. The north side of Oak Street shall be widened from 11 to Street to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing road width on the west end. 13. The southern half(30 feet) of the public street right of way for what is referred to as "OP Street" and the eastern half(30 feet) of North 14`n Avenue shall be dedicated to the City prior to Final Site Plan approval. 14. The applicant is advised that OP Street and North 141n Avenue shall be improved, as part of this development, to one half of a local street standard as shown in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update. Also, 12 feet of pavement for the opposing lane of travel shall be provided. City standard sidewalk, curb and gutter will be required in the standard location on the sides of the street that are adjacent to the developing property. WHEREAS, the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. WHEREAS, all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, and shall be recorded as such with the Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD,#Z-04230 PAGE 2 OF 3 CONDITIONS AkAPPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONdhUSE PERMIT tiff'� A�;. ��_ " -,,, Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. WHEREAS, all of the conditions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. WHEREAS, all of the special conditions attached to this Conditional Use Permit shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY KNOWN, that the above-noted 14 conditions and code provisions of Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness approval shall be binding upon me, the undersigned owner of the subject property, my successors or assigns, as long as the subject property is being used as a large scale retail building materials facility Planned Unit Development. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2004. PROPERTY OWNER STATE OF ) :ss County of ) On this day of , 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared , known to me to be the , of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) Kenyon Noble CUP/COA/PUD,#Z-04230 PAGE 3 OF 3 rtf•. s. 1. '�t yf+14. i • s z �cr Cam= M J Lti w ((i�nnnn 00� N W '_`'� co a� oc� 0 , f r i 1 J P to O y •+4 �`� 4 � ,I w c l� 7 l= G N I, 4 I • I i, L,l 1 ,r ` �� f °� '�rsj z dy�J%Kh yk�i A.• r ♦�'� � t I '� M• a ♦ t. 1'�� � ', 'yFr .�. 111 d r,rl";V,..�t i bi ,.: I A,, i • �� � --__ :D n ; ,o ., �.�� � ;; ;fj +..; �.J �r�-n � o �,,'� i .�� �',' � i� I• D LC� EO �I � August 10,2004 AUG 1 0 2004 PRELIMINARY PUD PLA 'TARRIENTUPLANINING Kenyon Noble Oak Street Facility Bozeman, Montana Prepared By: CTA Designworks 10180 Cottonwood Road Bozeman, Montana 59718 (406) 556-7100 Morrison Maierle, Inc. 901 Technology Boulevard Bozeman, Montana 59718 (406) 587-0721 O LUMBER HARDSHE oC:) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR KENYON NOBLE BOZEMAN, MONTANA AUGUST 10, 2004 PREPARED FOR CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT KENYON NOBLE RICHARD OGLE AND WILLIAM OGLE 25 EAST MENDENHALL BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 PREPARED BY CTA DESIGNWORKS 10180 COTTONWOOD ROAD BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59718 (406) 556-7100 MORRISON MAIERLE, INC 901 TECHNOLOGY BOULEVARD BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59718 (406) 587-0721 Kenyon Noble PUD Table of Contents I. Background and Introduction 3 H. Responses to Concept Plan Comments 9 III. PUD Preliminary Plan Submittal Requirements 17 (Request for Relaxations included) IV. Design Objectives Plan and PUD Review Criteria 23 V. Appendices 28 A. Appendix A: Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan B. Appendix B: Traffic Impact Study C. Appendix C: NRCS Soil Information D. Appendix D: Groundwater Data E. Appendix E: Geotechnical Investigation Report F. Appendix F: Light Fixture Cut Sheets G. Appendix G: Rdquired Plans Envelope 1: Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan Envelope 2: L101 - Landscape Plan Envelope 3: A101 —Retail Building Main Floor Plan Envelope 4: A102—Retail Building Upper Floor Plan and Enlarged Contractor's Area Envelope 5: A103 —Retail Building Roof Plan Envelope 6: Al04—Warehouse Building and Satellite Building Plans Envelope 7: A201 —Retail Building Exterior Elevations Envelope 8: A202—Retail Building and Satellite Building Exterior Elevations Envelope 9: A203 —Warehouse Building Exterior Elevations Envelope 10: E101 —Electrical Plan PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 2 z � • o0 C C Cz _ d Oy zz 0 • • I. BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION • This application fora PUD Preliminary Plan review has been submitted for the review and approval of the proposed development of a Kenyon Noble building materials sales facility on Oak Street. This application was preceded by application for a Concept Plan review, which yielded comments and suggestions as to how to proceed with the development proposal. These comments and suggestions have been addressed in a narrative that follows, in Section II of this document. The following Planned Unit Development (PUD) application for your review and consideration consists of 17.7 acres and is located adjacent to Oak Street. The project site will be fronted by the proposed extensions of North 11t' Avenue and North 14t' Avenue, as well as the development of a street to the north, to be named "OP Street." The property is being proposed as a PUD consisting of one distinct use,retail building materials sales and storage. The property is owned by Peter K. Nelson and was historically used for the production of agricultural crops. There are no existing structures on site. The property is bordered to the north by agricultural land, to the south by Oak Street, to the east by North 11'h Avenue, and to the west by vacant property. The view-sheds originating from the project site are characterized by wide-open panoramas towards the surrounding mountain ranges as well as towards existing development along Oak Street. The illustration provided below describes these views. The views originating on adjoining properties into the project site are currently of undeveloped post-agricultural land • with perennial grasses. VIEW TOWARDS vmws TO MMM MMWAOIS B&D]M PEAKS VULAM s OPEN VIEWS VEST . KENYON NOBLE PROJECT SITE VIEW TWARD OAK SKEET PLATE g VIEW SOO'IH TO VIEW SOIIiN TO VACANT PROPERTY RESIDDICES 0 aw smMr Nam • PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 3 This application for PUD Preliminary Plan Review contains the required information, as requested in the"Planned Unit Development Checklist," on the City of Bozeman application. • A. Development Proposal The proposal calls for the development of two buildings on site. The first of which is a 56,610 square foot building on the southwest corner of the site. This building would be partitioned to provide interior spaces for warehousing of product, office space for employees and business operations, and a retail space for the display and direct sale of product. A second, 33,200 square foot building is proposed to the north of the main retail building. This building will function as a drive-through pickup for filling orders placed in the retail and office building or in the contractor sales area of that building. The proposal, as submitted, indicates areas for future building expansion of the larger, retail building by 15,750 square feet. The warehouse may be expanded by 7,700 square feet to provide more space for warm storage of building products. A 225 square foot yard office has been provided for the operations of the storage yard and warehouse. This building will be a permanent structure and will be positioned behind a mechanical gate for securing it after business hours. Two movable control booths or checkout buildings, each 48 square feet in size will be positioned on the west side of the storage yard near the gate. These movable control booths will be used to house cashiers for the drive-through pickup service and to regulate deliveries. "Table 1: Kenyon Noble PUD Preliminary Plan Land Uses,"is provided below. It provides the . areas of parking lots, open space,building areas, outdoor storage, outdoor sales, and other site elements in the Kenyon Noble project. Table 1: Kenyon Noble PUD Preliminary Plan Land Uses Phase One Area (SF)* Expansion (SF)* Site 770,945 N/A Retail Building Footprint' 53,700 15,750 Warehouse Building Footprint 33,220 7700 Open Space 189,984 N/A Outdoor Sales 21,606 N/A Outdoor Storage 127,343 N/A Setbacks 71,481 N/A Tarking 110,229 N/A *Gross Area in Square Feet A maximum of 22,458 square feet of outdoor sales is permitted with the initial phase of construction and an additional 5,862 square feet would be permitted with the expansion phase • of construction. The primary outdoor sales area has been proposed on the northeast side of the outdoor storage area. This 15,742 square foot area can be accessed by shoppers for either pickup of product or for browsing on foot. A second outdoor sales area is provide for between PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 4 • • the retail and warehouse buildings. This area measures a total of 5,685 square feet. As indicated in Table 1, the outdoor storage area occupies 127,343 square feet of area on the north side of • the retail building. The daily operations of the Kenyon Noble facility require the access and accommodation of larger vehicles and trailers. A large number of Kenyon Noble's customers are from the contracting trades and require service to fill large orders of building and materials supplies. Because of this, a pull out has been provided to the east of the Yard Office. For large vehicle delivery to the facility, an entrance into the outdoor storage yard has been provided on North 14'' Avenue. A loading dock for large vehicles has been provided on the northwest side of the retail building, directly adjacent to interior warehouse space. A trash container will be placed within the storage yard, screened from the adjoining streets. The different types of commercial uses on the site require specific numbers of parking spaces. Please reference tables 2 and 3 below for information regarding parking spaces required. In addition to the required number of parking spaces, there are seven handicap accessible parking spaces, one of which is van accessible. Table 2: Parking Calculations for Initial Construction Use ParkingCalculation Area (SF) Net (x .85) Divider Parking Required Retail Building • Retail 48350 41097.5 300 137 Office 30901 2626.51 2501 11 Warehouse 51701 4394.51 10001 4 Warehouse Building 332201 28237 1000 28 Outdoor Sales 21427 18212.95 500 36 Total Parking Spaces Required 217 As illustrated in Table 2, 217 parking spaces are required for the initial construction of the retail and warehouse buildings. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 5 0 • Table 3: Parking Calculations for Expansion Construction • Use ParkingCalculation Area SF Net x .85 Divider Parking Required Future Expansion Retail 15750 13387.5 300 45 Warehouse 7700 65451 1000 7 Outdoor Sales 0 01 500 0 Total Parking Spaces Required 51 As illustrated in Table 3, 51 parking spaces are required for the expansion construction of the retail and warehouse buildings. The applicant is proposing to build none of these spaces, given the requested reduction for the overall site. As described in the later part of this document, by constructing 208 spaces, the applicant is requesting a relaxation from Section 18.46.040.B.1 to allow 60 fewer spaces for the entire build out of the project. The applicant is proposing to construct all the parking for both the initial and expansion construction phases at the same time due to convenience of paving operations. This is justifiable because the total number of parking spaces proposed for the entire build out of the project does not exceed the total spaces required for the initial phase of building construction represented in Table 2,thus it should be amenable to the City of Bozeman. • PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 6 B. Relationship to the North 191h Avenue/Oak Street Entryway Corridor . The Kenyon Noble Oak Street facility is located in the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan area and in the North 19 Avenue/Oak Street entryway corridor. As such, in addition to being evaluated according to the PUD requirements of Chapter 18.36 of the UDO, this development proposal will be evaluated against the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan and the Design Objectives Plan. The objectives for the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street entryway corridor are outlined in the addendum to the Design Objectives Plan, which suggest the following: 1. The southerly_portion of North 19th Avenue corridor should continue to be residential or residentially compatible in character. The project site is not located in the southerly portion of the North 19th Avenue corridor. 2. Planned unit developments that mix uses together and assure compatible designs are required. The Kenyon Noble PUD does not intend to mix together different types of land uses on the property. 3. Signage should not be the dominant visual feature of the corridor and should be • integrated with the developments with which it is associated. Signage for the Kenyon Noble facility will consist of one monument style sign, placed near the entrance along Oak Street, as illustrated on Sheet L101 in the Appendices. There will also be wall mounted building signs, as illustrated on the architectural elevations that would be equal or less than 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. The total allowable signage for the entire lot will not exceed 400 square feet of signage. The final location and layout of signage on the lot may be modified for the PUD Final Plan submittal. 4. ' Large expanses of visually intrusive and interrupted parking should be strongly discouraged. The practical and functional layout of the Kenyon Noble site is based on the day to day use patterns and business operations of a building materials warehousing and sales establishment. This necessitates convenient drive-thru access for contractors and retail customers for the pick-up of materials and supplies from locations other than inside the retail store. As such, the layout of the site situates the drive-thru to the rear of the property,where the warehousing and storage takes place. The main retail building is situated to the south of the warehouse building in order to place it along the streetscape. This also separates the retail and warehouse functions and provides a retail opportunity to the front of the site. The parking has thus been placed to the side and front of the retail building, to facilitate convenient access by both the general public and contractors. The applicant entertained placing the parking to the rear PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 7 • • of the retail building,however it then interfered with the essential warehousing, loading, and drive-thru functions of the site. • A comment originating from Planning Staff and the DRB suggested removing parking from the south side of the retail building. By proposing a relaxation to allow a reduction in parking, the Site Plan now illustrates less parking near the entryway corridor and the incorporation of more open space where parking was originally located on the Concept Site Plan. 5. Provide pedestrian and bicycle circulation within and between projects. Street frontage paths should be integrated with landscaping design, including�berming, stonework. And other diverse features and provide viewing opportunities of the mountains. The Kenyon Noble development proposal includes the construction of an eight-foot bike path along Oak Street as well as the installation of sidewalks along the three other frontages. These will be accessible to the public and will be integrated into the site and community to provide access to adjacent properties or key community facilities. The interior of the parking lot contains pedestrian areas that serve as transition areas between parking bays and also provides areas for gathering and seating for customers and visitors. The parking lot will be landscaped to mitigate the intrusive nature of paved areas. As illustrated on the Landscape Plan, berming and rockwork has been planned in areas • where it is most appropriate. C. Intent of Applicant The applicant intends to submit application for the PUD Final Plan following preliminary approval by the City Commission. The Kenyon Noble facility has been carefully planned with the guidance and feedback from the Development Review Committee, the Design Review Board, and Planning Staff during the last few months. This current application reflects the comments received during the PUD Concept Plan review period. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 8 • m C� 0 a ° zC/) nm o � � o mn zo (doC) cn • • II. RESPONSES TO CONCEPT PLAN COMMENTS • The following narrative is provided in response to the comments and suggestions summarized by Planner Morris in the PUD Concept Plan review, completed on July 30, 2004. The following responses are based on comments and suggestions presented during the Development Review Committee (DRC) and Design Review Board .(DRB) meetings. These comments and suggestions have been partially addressed for this Preliminary PUD Plan submittal, however some of the comments will not be realized until the Final PUD Plan is developed and submitted. A. Planning Staff Comments 1. The setbacks for this development are: 50 feet on Oak Street; 10 feet on north property line; 15 feet on North 1 lth Avenue; and 15 feet on North 14a' Avenue. The site plan has been modified in this submittal to provide 15-foot setbacks on North 11t' Avenue and North 14t` Avenue and a ten-foot setback on the north property line, along the proposed street. The Oak Street frontage maintains a 50- foot setback. Reference the Site Plan. 2. A solid, opaque 6-foot tall perimeter fence is required around the entire area defined as outdoor storage. The fence must maintain the structure setbacks outlined above. If the fence is going to be left open during store hours then signs must be installed on the gates indicating that the area is for "Employees Only." • Details for the fence must be included in the Preliminary Plan submittal. A solid, opaque, six-foot tall wall is proposed around the outdoor storage area, maintaining the required ten-foot setback from the public access easement. The interior area used for outdoor storage is physically separated from the drive- through warehouse by a chain link fence that has a movable gate and is signed "Employees Only."Reference the Site Plan. 3. The garden supply area does not require an opaque fence. A second fence detail for the outdoor sales area would be preferable to reduce the length of the solid fence. A semi-transparent fence encloses the outdoor sales area. A detail has been provided on the plans. 4. Pedestrian crossings should be included within the parking lot to connect the store entrances with the sidewalks along North I Ith Avenue and Oak Street. The crossing must be constructed with stamped and pigmented concrete or asphalt. Pedestrian crossings have been provided near the.main Oak Street pedestrian entrance and also at other important locations on site. The main crossing at the Oak Street entrance is accented by stamped, colored concrete. • 5. Landscaping should be used to define the pedestrian corridors within the parking lot. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 9 A pedestrian connection from the eight-foot asphalt trail has been provided to connect the Oak Street streetscape with the main entrance to the building. This • pedestrian connection will compliment the pedestrian plaza. These areas will be accented by landscaping. In addition to this area, the other secondary pedestrian accesses to the building and within the parking lot are defined by landscaping. Reference the Landscaping Plan. 6. A minimum of 10% parking lot landscaping must be provided and include an area within the parking lot or usable outdoor space. Staff suggests that 10 parking stalls in front of the main entrance be replaced with a landscape area that includes an outdoor seating area (gazebo or covered plaza with outdoor seating). At least 10% of the parking lot has been provided as landscaped area. The parking spaces directly in front of the main entrance to the building have been removed and redesigned to incorporate a landscaped pedestrian plaza. 7. The landscape plan should provide at least 23 performance points. The landscape plan achieves at least 23 performance points, .as required in Section 18.48 of the UDO. 8. Long rows of parking should not exceed 100 feet in length. • The row of parking that was indicated as being more than 100 feet in length has been reduced to conform to Section 18.48 of the UDO, as illustrated on the Site Plan. 9. Landscaping and some.berming should be used to screen the parking from the adjacent streets. Landscaping and berming have been incorporated on the perimeter of the property in order to screen the parking from adjacent streets. Reference the Landscape Plan. 10. A renewal plan, a landscape plan, lighting plan, and sign plan should be submitted with the Preliminary Plan as well as colored renderings and a material sample board. A renewal plan for the architecture and site has been drafted and provided, per Section 18.40.180 of the UDO, and is provided in Appendix A. The Landscape Plan would compliment alternative or multi-tenant uses. A signage plan has been submitted in the form of architectural elevations and a monument sign detail, as illustrated on the plans. 11. All relaxations, if any,must be identified in the Preliminary Plan submittal. • All relaxations requested by the applicant have been provided on Page 17 of this document. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 10 0 B. Engineering Staff • 1. The Final Site Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A complete legend of all line types used shall also be provided. The final site will be dimensioned as appropriate to provide the reviewer the necessary information to ensure compliance with all applicable codes and standards. A legend will be provided. 2. A Storm Water Drainage/Treatment grading Plan and Maintenance Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. A Storm Water DrainageiTreatment Plan will be designed in compliance with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specification Policy, March 2004. The design report will include a maintenance plan. 3. Plans and specifications for any water, sewer and/or storm sewer main extensions, and Public or Private Streets (including curb, gutter and sidewalks Prepared by a Professional Engineer eer (PE) shall be provided to and approved by • the City Engineer. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality shall also approve water and sewer plans. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering eering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of molar record drawings_Specific comments regarding the existing and proposed infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and pre-construction conference has been conducted. No building_permits will be issued prior to City acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Main extension will be required if on site hydrants are to be installed. This will require a looped main on site, and will either be looped from North 1la' Avenue to Oak Street, or North 1 la' back to itself. The main on the Tschache alignment is in a different pressure zone, and could not be used from looping without the installation of a PRV. An engineering design report, along with plans and specifications will be prepared in compliance with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specification Policy, March 2004, and will follow the certified checklist procedure. All information will also be provided to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for review and approval, also under the certified • checklist policy. The applicant will provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. _ PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 11 As per comments from Mr. Greg Megaard, City of Bozeman Fire Department, at the July 27t' DRC meeting, on-site fire hydrants will not be required on this site • due to the installation of fire sprinkler systems in both the retail building and the warehouse. A water main extension will be provided in the local streets north and east of the site, and will provide a looped network from North 11t' Avenue to Oak Street. 4. Plans and specifications for any fire service line must be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a Professional Engineer(PE), and be provided to and approved by the CityEngineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Plans and specifications for fire service lines to both the retail and warehouse. buildings will be prepared by a professional engineer in compliance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy. Professional Engineering services will be provided for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings 5. Easements for the water and sewer main extensions shall be. a minimum of 30 feet in width, with the utility located in the center of the easement. In no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from edge of easement. • All necessary utility extension easements will be provided in compliance with the City of Bozeman's Design Standards and Specifications Policy and the Unified Development Ordinance. 6. Sewer and water services shall be shown on the FSP and approved by the Water and Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. Sewer and water services shall be shown on the Final PUD Site Plan for review and approval by the City Water and Sewer Superintendent. The applicant shall complete applications for water and sewer service. 7. The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properlydepicted, as well as nearby fire hydrants. Proposed main extensions shall .be labeled "Proposed." All existing sewer and water mains and fire hydrants are illustrated on the Site Plan and clearly identified as existing. All proposed main extensions have been clearly identified as proposed. 8. All existing and proposed water and sanitM sewer infrastructure within the scope of the project must be clearly depicted and labeled on the Final Site Plan, • landscaping, paving, and drainage plan sheets. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 12 All existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer infrastructure within the scope of the project have been be clearly depicted and labeled on the Final Site • Plan as appropriate. 9. The drive approach shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard approach (i.e., concrete apron, sidewalk section and drop-curb) and shown as such on the FSP. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. All drive approaches to the site will be in compliance with UDO Section 18.44.090.C.2.e, with a 15' return radii, and will be installed as per the City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 02529-13. 10. City standard sidewalk shall be installed and properly depicted at the standard location (i.e.. one-foot off grope line) along the streets frontage. AU deviation to the standard alignment or location must be approved by the City Engineer. A City of Bozeman standard sidewalk will be shown on the Final Site Plan set and installed at the standard location, one-foot off the property line along North 11t' Avenue, North 14t' Avenue, and OP Street. There will be an 8-foot sidewalk/trail adjacent to Oak Street that meanders through the 50-foot Oak Street Entryway Corridor setback. • 11. Typical curb details (i.e., raised and/or droop curbs) and typical asphalt paving section detail shall be provided to and approved by the City_Engineer. Concrete curbing shall be provided around the entire new parking lot perimeter and adequately identified on the FSP. Typical curb and asphalt paving section details will be provided on the Final PUD Site Plan. Concrete curbing will be provided around the parking lot perimeter. 12. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. All appropriate regulatory agencies will be contacted regarding the project, and any necessary permit will be obtained prior to Final PUD Site Plan approval. 13. Ditch relocation: a. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks shall be contacted by the Applicant regarding any proposed ditch/stream relocation and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to FSP approval. • b. The Applicant shall obtain written permission from the Ditch owner for any proposed relocation or creation of any pond. There are no known stream/ditches located on the proposed site. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 13 14. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following: • a. Street improvements to Oak Street including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). b. Signalization of the intersection of Oak and North 14t' Ave. C. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Ave. d. Signalization of the intersection of Oak Street and North 15th Ave. e. Intersection improvements at Oak Street and North 7t'. A Waiver of Right to Protest the Creation of SID's for the items above will be provided and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office, prior to Final PUD Plan approval. 15. All existing utility and other easements must be shown on the•FSP. All necessary easements will be shown on the Final PUD Site Plan. 16. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). Adequate snow storage areas shall be provided and identified on the final site plan and grading and drainage plan. All storage areas will be located outside of the sight triangle areas and within the Kenyon Noble property. . 17. Drive approach and public street intersection sigjIt triangles shall be free of plantings, which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles will be free of any obstructions,which would obscure clear vision. 18. An Occupancy Permit must be obtained from the Montana Department of Transportation for location of water and sewer mains within the State's right-of- Hay. If required by the Montana Department of Transportation, an occupancy permit will be obtained for utility work in Oak Street. 19. If construction activities related to the project result in the disturbance of more that 1-acre of natural ground, an erosion/sediment control plan may be required. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality,.Water Quality Bureau, shall be contacted b the he Applicant to determine if a Storm Water Discharge Permit is necessary. If required by the WQB, an erosion/sediment control plan shall be prepared for disturbed areas of 1 acre or less if the point of discharge is less than 100' from State Waters. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality will be contacted regarding • necessary permitting related to the work on the site. The applicant will obtain any required permit. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 14 • • 20. A traffic impact analysis for the project must be submitted and approved by City Engineering and Montana Department of Transportation. All improvements • needed to provide adequate level of service for the analyzed intersections must be installed with the project. A Traffic Impact Study has been completed for this site, and is included as Appendix B. A copy will be forwarded to the Montana Department of Transportation for their review. 21. A traffic control plan which addresses ingress and egress of construction related traffic to the site shall be submitted for review and approval to the City and Montana Department of Transportation. This should stipulate access points to be used, any traffic control signing needed, and address mitigation for drag on of material (i.e. mud, rocks, etc.) onto existing streets. In addition, all standards outlined in UDO section 18.74.020.A shall be followed. A traffic control plan will be submitted to the City of Bozeman and the Montana Department of Transportation showing construction related traffic ingress and egress and necessary signage. The plan will also address mud and dust control from the site, and all other issues outlined in Section 18.74.020 of the UDO. 22. The north side of Oak Street will need to be widened from 11t' Street to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). This will also include tapers meeting • AASHTO requirements to transition back to existing width on the west end. The north side of Oak Street will be widened from North 11th Avenue to the west boundary of this subdivision to one half of the ultimate width (78' back of curb to back of curb). Tapers meeting AASHTO requirements to transition back -to existing width on the west end will also be provided. C. Design Review Board 1. Consideration should be given to the architectural style of the building. The developing_architectural style of the neighborhood is more contemporary than the style of the proposed building. The architectural style of the building represents the style of the family owned Kenyon Noble business and the Montana vernacular,using pitched roofs,natural building materials and a blending of modern stone and metal with wood. The architectural elevations illustrate that this building in fact is contemporary in its structural design and use of materials that .are currently being utilized in construction throughout the Gallatin Valley. The architectural style has been designed to showcase the products and materials that Kenyon Noble has been offering to its customers as well as present new • building techniques such as those that are accessible to the owners through their direct experience with new products and techniques. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 15 2. The parking should wrap around the building, including the rear of the property, and the open space should be aggregated along Oak Street and along the north • property line. Additional open mace and significant landscaping will be necessary in the rear yard buffer and large expanse of fence. The parking lot has been redesigned to remove parking spaces from the Oak Street frontage, thus providing more space for landscaping and pedestrian connections to the eight-foot path along Oak Street. Additional landscaping has been provided on the northern property line, against the fence. The fence is designed with a combination of wood with stone construction with stone columns. A detail of the fence has been provided in the architectural plans. 3. The disabled accessible maces must be distributed to both entrances. 1The disable accessible parking spaces have been more evenly distributed among the two entrances to the retail building. The warehouse building to the north of the retail building is handicap accessible. 4. The building needs to be oriented closer to Oak Street. The buildings to the east are all built right up to the 50-foot greenwaypark setback. The building has not been moved closer to Oak Street due to grading and • drainage concerns. The topographical characteristics of the site necessitated the distance between the building and the property line remain as it was illustrated on the PUD Concept Plan submittal materials. 5. A showcase area should be provided between the parking lot and the yard setbacks. A pedestrian plaza and demonstration area has been provided on the southeast corner of the site. This area will be developed further taking into consideration the potential uses dictated by the applicant and overall relationship to the site design. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 16 r • i 0 c � z • III. PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The following narrative is provided in response to the Planned Unit Development Checklist, as provided in response to the "Planned Unit Development-Preliminary Plan" submittal requirements as outlined on the application. The following responses are based on the proposal represented in the text,plans, and tables presented with the attached application materials. A. General Data 1. A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the PUD The property ownership of record is technically Peter K. Nelson. The applicant and developer of the project, Kenyon Noble, will occupy the PUD. However, a limited liability company will eventually own the property. The general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the Kenyon Noble corporation are as follows: William Ogle and Richard Ogle. 2. Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved bathe proposed plan and how it fiirthers the implementation of the Bozeman og�wth op lice • The City land use policies and objectives achieved by this development proposal include both land use policies in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and the"Bozeman 2020 Community Plan." This development proposal adheres to the UDO in that building materials sales are a conditional use in a B-2 zoning district. The objectives of the B-2 zoning district is to "provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets," as described in the UDO. This development proposal also clearly adheres to the intent of the "Bozeman 2020 Community Plan" in that it proposes a land use that provides for a "Regional Commercial and Services" use at this location. As recommended in that document, those regional commercial and services should be located near major connections to significant transportation routes, which the Kenyon Noble Oak Street facility will be. The new store will be located within short driving distance from an access to Interstate 90 in addition to other arterials, such as North 19t'Avenue, Oak Street, and North 7 h Avenue. In addition to supporting the "Regional Commercial and Services" designation, the Kenyon Noble development proposal also furthers the economic development potential of the City of Bozeman. At its current location on East • Mendenhall, the Kenyon Noble facility experiences retail and related use that exceeds the space required to maintain such an operation. With the development of a store on Oak Street, the Kenyon Noble operation will be gaining additional, necessary room to grow and in turn room to improve operations and access for PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 17 • . customers. The new location will be more accessible for truck and trailer traffic, which constitutes a large percentage of daily sales and services for the store. • Even though the store is moving from a perceived convenient location on East Mendenhall, the new location will provide essential services to a larger base of customers and be centrally located in the heart of regional commercial development within the City of Bozeman. 3. Statement of the proposed ownership of open space areas The Kenyon Noble Oak Street Facility will develop open space for the direct use .of the customers of the store and the community, however will not dedicate or declare the open space as "public space." A limited liability company, to be formed,will own the open space. 4. Statement of the applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD A future limited liability company will be formed by partners of Kenyon Noble and will exclusively own the Kenyon Noble PUD. No lease or tenant space will be provided on site or in any buildings on site. 5. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial and industrial uses The new Kenyon Noble facility will likely employ 50 to 55 employees during • one shift. These employees will run the retail and warehouse buildings, associated administrative offices, contractor sales offices, and yard offices. 6. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant The applicant has made the assumptions and choices behind the PUD application based on interpretations of the zoning regulations (UDO) and the "Bozeman 2020 Community Plan." The applicant has made the assumptions that the application for development of this project requires a PUD due to the location of the property within the North 19t'/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan area. In addition to the regular zoning regulations and requirements, the site development shall exhibit qualities of design as suggested and required in the Design Objectives Plan as well as other applicable documents. The applicant intends to provide a substantial investment in the community and intends to create a project that reflects the quality and integrity of a locally owned and operated business as well as enduring and high quality construction. Efficient design, implementation, and operation of the Kenyon Noble store will facilitate good service for customers and a positive establishment for the City of . Bozeman. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 18 7. Relaxations/Deviations • The applicant is requesting the following relaxations and exemptions from the UDO: a. The applicant is requesting a relaxation from Section 18.44.090.C.2.b (1) to allow the commercial drive access width on North 11`h Avenue and North 14t' Avenue to exceed the 35-foot maximum width by 15 feet. Due to truck and trailer traffic generated by the daily operations of a lumberyard and building supply business, a wider approach provides for safer and more efficient access to the site. The applicant is requesting a width of 50 feet at the two access locations primarily used by truck and trailer traffic. The applicant is aware that this is an administrative relaxation, as defined in Section 18.44.090.H of the UDO and is subject to the review and approval by the City Engineer. The applicant is also aware that the decision is based on the submittal of a Traffic Impact Study that contains information regarding traffic volumes, turning movements, traffic controls; site design, sight distances, and the location and alignment of other access points. The "Traffic Impact Study," prepared by a professional engineer,has been provided in Appendix B. • b. The applicant is requesting a relaxation from Section 18.46.040.B.1 to . allow 22% less regular parking spaces than required. The site plan illustrates that 208 spaces are proposed, rather than the 268 required for full build out. The applicant feels that this is an adequate number of spaces to fulfill the needs of customers and employees. Please reference the parking calculation table, "Table 2: Parking Calculations for Initial. Construction" and "Table 3: Parking Calculations for Expansion Construction," for information .regarding the division of parking throughout the different uses on site, including retail, office; warehouse and outdoor sales. The applicant intends to pave the entire lot, as illustrated on the Site Plan in order to more efficiently schedule paving operations. C. The applicant is requesting a relaxation from Section 18.52.060.A.1 to allow one additional freestanding sign on the lot. The applicant intends to erect an additional monument style sign on the North 11t' Avenue entrance, which is the other main access point for vehicular traffic to the site. The Landscape Plan illustrates that this area will be landscaped according to the Zoning Regulations as well as additionally enhanced around the actual sign base. d. The applicant is requesting concurrent construction of infrastructure • improvements and issuance of building permits via the Bozeman Uniform Development Code. The applicant desires to enter into an . Improvements Agreement with the City of Bozeman to permit the filing PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 19 of the Final PUD Plan to be able to begin concurrent construction of the buildings and the infrastructure improvements. • 8. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses of different character are being avoided or mitigated Providing plentiful landscaped buffers between the buildings on site and adjacent properties will mitigate conflicts between different land uses. In addition, a six-foot high opaque fence will totally enclose the outdoor storage area. With the exception of the residential property directly to the south and the R-O property to the southwest, the entire site is surrounded by commercial properties with similar zoning (B-2) and a potential mixture of uses, including traditional office, small and large scale retail, residential apartments, restaurant, service operations, and lodging establishments. The potential conflict between the residential uses to the south will be mitigated naturally by the expansive width of the Oak Street setback as well as the design and installation of landscaping along the entryway corridor. 9. Statement of design methods to reduce energy consumption Related to the architectural design of the building, methods to reduce energy consumption will include using one inch insulated glazed windows with a low-e coating and insulating walls to R-19 rating and the roof to a R-40 rating. • The mechanical and electrical elements of the building have been designed to also reduce energy consumption. A large majority of the interior spaces will be illuminated with fluorescent fixtures that utilize energy efficiently with T8 lamps that have electronic ballasts. The exit signs will be illuminated with low energy LED lamps. The buildings and yards will be equipped with manual lighting controls that will allow the day lit areas to be switched separately from the other lighting of the project. Finally, the high ceilings in the retail areas will be illuminated with fluorescent fixtures that utilize high efficiency T5HO lamps and electronic ballasts. These fixtures will be configured for multilevel switching so that the lighting levels can be reduced by 50% during the day when there is sufficient daylight to illuminate the interior spaces. Landscaping has been designed to maximize the use of indigenous or naturalized plant species and reduce water consumption by providing well water for irrigation of plants and lawn. Drip irrigation will be provided, where applicable, to soak trees and shrubs appropriately during establishment and for the long term. Spray irrigation will be applied at rates appropriate for establishment of sod and then adjusted for water conservation post- establishment. 10. A development schedule indicatingthe approximate date when construction of • the PUD, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational common space areas. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 20 Aforementioned, the applicant is seeking concurrent infrastructure development, which if approved, would allow the installation of infrastructure. Provided all . necessary engineering approvals for the infrastructure are met and obtained, installation of the infrastructure improvements, beginning with excavation and underground utilities, would begin in mid to late November 2004. Initial site grading may begin in mid October. Installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks, pavement, landscaping and other site improvements would begin as weather permits in spring 2005, or as negotiated with the City of Bozeman in the Improvements Agreement. 11. One reduced version of all preliminary plan maps and graphic illustrations at 8.5 xl I inches or 11 x 17 inches. A reduced version of all preliminary plan maps and graphic illustrations have been provided at a size of 11 x 17 inches. These reduced versions plan maps have been provided as an attachment to the submittal. B. Phigraphic Data 1. A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping, in compliance with 18.7.120.B.3.c, BMC. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) soil descriptions indicate • the project area is characterized by the Blackdog formation (50B). This soil type covers the site with the exception of a small section in the northeast corner, which is characterized by the Saypo formation (506A). The Blackdog formation has an estimated seasonal high groundwater depth greater than.six feet. Reports generated from NRCS are included in Appendix C, which provide physical and engineering properties of the soil, along with suitability of the soil for building site development. Additional sources were utilized in determining groundwater levels for the project area. The sources include Geotechnical Investigation Report,for Kenyon Noble Lumber Building(prepared by Rimrock Engineering, Inc. July 2004) and Semi Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, December 2003, Bozeman Solvent Site (prepared by Maxim Technologies, Inc.). Both reports were generated for soils tested in close proximity of the present project and provide relevant and representative groundwater data. The first report utilized a series of drill holes on the Kenyon Noble site. The test- holes revealed ground water at a depth of 6.5 to 10.0 feet throughout the development. Due to the nature of the hydrology sources, irrigation and storm runoff may affect groundwater levels. A copy of the report is included in Appendix E. The second report utilized monitoring well data on several wells (M-5, 6, and • 38). Monitoring wells 5 and 6 are located south of Oak Street, and east of North 19`h Avenue. Monitor well 38 is located north of the Kenyon Noble site, immediately north of Baxter Lane. The data indicate minimum depths to water PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 21 table occurred in July 1997 at a depth of 5.73 feet along North 19th Avenue (well M-6) and 3.67 feet in June 2001 along Baxter Lane(well M-38). Copies of the • Well Distribution Map and Groundwater Elevation and Analytical Data— Monitoring Wells, from the Maxim report are included in Appendix D. The groundwater data also provided maximum depths to the water table. This occurred in December 2001 along North 19th Avenue (M-6)with a depth of 8.8 feet and in September 1996 along Baxter Lane (M-38)with a depth of 5.6 feet. Also included in Appendix D is a copy of Figure 5—Approximate Groundwater Contours, from the Maxim report, which indicates a water table slope to be northerly across the site. 2. Locate and identify the ownership of existing wells or well sites within 400 feet of the site. There are only two wells, which have been identified within 400 feet of the Kenyon Noble site. Both wells were installed as monitoring wells for the Bozeman Solvent Site, identified as M-17 and M-18, and have since been abandoned. Please refer to Appendix D, which contains an exhibit from the Maxim report, labeled FIGURE 2, DNRC Groundwater Control Area and Well Distribution Map, showing the location of all existing wells in the vicinity of the site. • • PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 22 DOPAND PUD REVIEW CRITERIA • IV. DESIGN OBJECTIVES PLAN AND PUD REVIEW CRIThRIA • According to the City of Bozeman's Unified Development Ordinance, all PUD development proposals within the North 19a' Avenue/Oak Street entryway corridor are to be reviewed against the criteria listed in Section 18.36.090.E. The following responses are provided to the eight review criteria of that chapter. The following responses are based on the proposal represented in the text, maps, and tables presented with the attached submittal materials. A. All Development 1. Does the development comply with all City design standards, requirements and slecifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? The Kenyon Noble development proposal does intend to comply with all the City design standards and specifications for services, including those listed above. The development proposal has supplied adequate infrastructure and services to the site, including water and sewer, power and natural gas. In addition, the project has incorporated trails, walks and bikeways into the site and landscape design in order to provide access and circulation throughout the site and to adjacent properties and • amenities. The project also incorporates in-ground, permanent irrigation and adequate well capacity to irrigate the proposed landscape. Also provided are stormwater retention and sewer connections,as illustrated on the Site Plan. Fire protection is provided in the form of sprinkled buildings, on-site fire hydrants and the installation of adequate emergency vehicular access to all buildings and facilities on site. 2. Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The Kenyon Noble development proposal intends to replace existing natural vegetation where applicable and appropriate. The current vegetation on site is post-agricultural in nature and may contain noxious Weeds. 3. Are the elements of the Site Plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? As illustrated on the Site Plan, the PUD has been designed in an • organized fashion in order to allow the functions of the Kenyon Noble operation to be as efficient and aesthetic as possible. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 23 0 4. Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g_ building construction, orientation, and _placement; transportation • networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and /or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The design and arrangement of the Kenyon Noble development proposal presents a conceptual layout that promotes efficient and pleasant use of the site and the site's amenities. For instance, there is convenient access for contractors to the offices, which service their needs, on the east side of the building. This area also provides extra wide drive lanes in the parking lots and pull through access from North 11Ih Avenue. In addition, retail customers may access the retail building for purchases of smaller items or to place orders for lumber or larger items, which they may pick up in the drive-thru area to the rear. The site layout has been designed according to the operational needs of the Kenyon Noble stores already in service and encourages efficient use of space and circulation for customers and employees. The landscape plan, which will be developed for the PUD Preliminary Plan submittal, will feature extensive plantings in the open space areas, including the 50-foot setback along Oak Street, the stormwater retention areas, and the parking lot. • The landscape has been designed to utilize the retention and detention ponds as amenities on site. In addition, landscape materials that are naturalized or tolerant and also drought tolerant have been used throughout much of the site. This will aid in the reduction of watering needs after plant material is established as well as perpetuating species or varieties of plant material that is more tolerant of the harsh winters experienced in Bozeman. 5. Are the elements of the Site Plan (e.g. buildings, circulation,men space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the proj ect? Since this development proposal does not call for residential uses, privacy was not a priority for the Kenyon Noble operation. However, due to the nature of the operations at this type of facility, certain commercial privacy and security measures were implemented. For instance, a six-foot opaque fence has been proposed surrounding the perimeter of the outdoor storage area. In addition, security gates and manned control booths are situated at openings to the outdoor storage areas. • The Kenyon Noble development proposal does not call for a residential component. However, as a commercial development, the site plan will incorporate buildings, circulation, open space, parking, landscaping, and other elements into a cohesive site design. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 24 • • The buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping has been • designed to maintain and enhance privacy of both the Kenyon Noble operations and also the adjacent commercial and residential properties. 6. Park Land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by 18.50.020 of the BMC? As mentioned before, there is no residential component to the Kenyon Noble development proposal. However, as required by Section 18.36.090.E.7 (b) of the UDO, open space has been provided. Open space has been located in areas of the site where it is easily accessible from adjoining properties. Open space, as illustrated on the Site Plan and the Landscape Plan(Sheet L101, Appendix C) of this submittal, has been landscaped according to the requirements of the zoning regulations. 7. Performance. All PUD's shall earn at least twenly performance points. Non-residential developments with the North 19'h Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn thirty points. The Kenyon Noble development proposal is commercial in nature and thus must earn 30 performance points. This proposal attempts to earn 30 • performance points by providing 30% of its lot area as open space that is accessible and usable by the customers and employees of the Kenyon Noble store as well as by the general public. With this formula, the project shall provide 30% of the 770,945 square foot site as open space, not including easements and rights-of-way. The easements and rights-of-way total 146,709 square feet. Of the remaining 624,236 square feet of land, at least 30%must be set aside as open space. This would equate to 187,271 square feet of open space required. The development proposal provides 189,984 square feet of open space. The open space has been calculated assuming that in the future, Kenyon Noble may want to expand its retail and warehousing operations, as indicated on the Site Plan. 8. Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? Even though the development proposal occupies a "pad" like lot within the area, it is linked to neighboring developments, both residential and • commercial, by sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian trail networks, and existing or proposed roads or extensions of roads. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 25 B. Commercial • 1. If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? The Kenyon Noble development proposal does not intend to provide amusement or entertainment. 2. Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? The project is contiguous with Oak Street, which is classified as a principal arterial in the "Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update." The access onto Oak Street, from the site, is proposed as partial access (i.e. right in, right out, left in). The applicant is aware that this access is onto a state jurisdictional road and will need to coordinate design and implementation according to the Montana Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the City of Bozeman in order to provide safe and efficient access along this corridor. 3. Is the project on at least two acres of land? Yes. The project area includes 17.70 acres of land. • 4. If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential. hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? The project contains one basic use, building materials sales. The retail end of the project is slightly less intense than the contractor service end and requires more attention to pedestrian circulation, architectural scale and design, and access to open space and facilities. The layout and design of the retail areas is responsive to the needs of shoppers and their desire for efficient and safe access to the storefront as well as shopping carts, outdoor sales, and adjacent shopping areas. 5. Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? The Kenyon Noble development proposal is compatible with and does reflect the unique character of the surrounding area. The North 19`h. Avenue/Oak Street entryway corridor is a unique area in that it is transition between the North 7th Avenue entryway corridor and the North 19a' Avenue regional commercial area, which is home to many • businesses of similar scale. PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 26 • This proposal calls for the development of buildings and site that compliment the regional character and promotes the use of natural and • indigenous materials for building and construction. 6. Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? There is direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing and future off-site parking areas. For instance, the parking lot has been designed to have two main points of entry for the retail building and one main point of entry for the warehouse and drive-thru areas. Thus, a total of three access points have been provided for vehicular uses. Pedestrians may access the site via a network of City of Bozeman standard sidewalks along the north, east, and west boundaries of the site. In addition, an eight-foot bicycle and pedestrian path has been provided. along Oak Street, which connects to the existing development to the east and to future development to the west. 7. Does the project encourage infill, or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the Bozeman growth policy? iThe project demonstrates compliance with the land use guidelines of the Bozeman growth policy in that it proposes a commercial use in a B-2 regional commercial area that is similar in scale to the development surrounding it. It also provides a new location for an existing Bozeman based business that desires to expand its operations in the community. 8. Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas (such as additional landscaped areas, open space, trails or picnic areas) for the use and enjoyment of those living in, working in or visiting the development? The project will provide for outdoor recreational areas, such as landscaped areas, open space, trails, outdoor picnic areas and similar features, for the use and enjoyment for employees, customers, and passers-by. • PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 27 APPENDICES • • • V. APPENDICES • A. Appendix A: Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan B. Appendix B: Traffic Impact Study C. Appendix C: NRCS Soil Information D. Appendix D: Groundwater Data E. Appendix E: Geotechnical Investigation Report F. Appendix F: Light Fixture Cut Sheets G. Appendix G: Required Plans H. Envelope 1: Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan I. Envelope 2: L101 -Landscaping Plan J. Envelope 3: A 10 1 —Retail Building Main Floor Plan K. Envelope 4: Al02—Retail Building Upper Floor Plan and Enlarged Contractor's Area • L. Envelope 5: Al03 —Retail Building Roof Plan M. Envelope 6: A104—Warehouse Building and Satellite Building Plans. N. Envelope 7: A201 —Retail Building Exterior Elevations N. Envelope 8: A202—Retail Building and Satellite Building Exterior Elevations O. Envelope 9: A203 —Warehouse Building Exterior Elevations P. Envelope 10: E102 -Electrical Plan • PUD Preliminary Plan for Kenyon Noble 28 • Appendix A: Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan • LARGE SCALE RETAIL RENEWAL PLAN KENYON NOBLE OAK STREET FACILITY PRELIMINARY PUD PLAN August 10, 2004 Per Section "Adaptability for Reuse/Compartmentalization," of the Unified Development Code, a "Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan" is required for all new development classified as large-scale retail. According to the requirements for renewal, building design shall include specific elements for adaptation for multi-tenant reuse. Such elements may include but are not limited to compartmentalized construction, including plumbing, electrical service, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The design of the retail building provides for this adaptation for multi-tenant reuse in multiple ways. The structural system is designed with columns, beams, and trusses, therefore eliminating the need for load-bearing walls. This will allow for greater flexibility in reuse of the building. Future walls may be placed in the interior in a variety of arrangements and the exterior walls may be modified to install windows and doors where needed. The warehouse building's structure is similar. The columns are spaced • over twenty feet that would allow for multiple functions in the future. In addition to the above, the building design shall also allow for: a. The interior subdivision for the structure into separate tenancies Since the column spacing is between 25 and 30 feet, the interior subdivision of the structure into separate tenancies may be achieved with relative ease. Thus, interior walls may be constructed in whatever configuration tenants would choose. Minimal work would be needed to install private restrooms or enlarge the restroom group proposed. There will be two large HVAC units to service the large retail space and two smaller units to service the offices and contractor areas. These can be modified to allow for multiple tenants by installing more branch lines of ductwork. .The electrical service has been sized based on the needs of the retail use. Within the retail sales area there will be electrical and lighting product displays and power tool product displays. The offices will contain computers and phones throughout, necessitating adequate power and cable routing. The power requirements for a multi-tenant reuse will be within the electrical loads of the current building design. • Kenyon Noble Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan 1 b. Facades that readily adapt to multiple entrances and adapt to entrances on all but • one side of the building The facades of the building can be readily adaptable to multiple entrances given that the exterior walls are not load-bearing walls. The wall may be penetrated at multiple locations on the facade,between the columns. C. Parking lot schemes that are shared by establishments or are linked by safe and functional pedestrian connections Parking lots may be shared by establishments and are linked by safe and functional pedestrian connections, including stamped and colored crosswalks. Proximate parking lots and cart storage areas within the parking lots service both main entrances to the building, in the submitted design. In addition, each parking . lot is accessible from more than one access point on the site as well as more than one access point from off-site. d. Landscaping schemes that compliment the multiple entrance design Landscaping schemes proposed for the PUD compliment the multiple entrance design in that they provide for accented entrance points at all major vehicular customer entrances. • e. Other elements of design which facilitate the multi-tenant reuse of the building and site The parking lot has been designed to equally service both main entrances to the retail building. The pedestrian crossings and plazas may be used for multi-tenancy situations just as effectively as for the Kenyon Noble project. The landscaping has been designed to allow most efficient use of open space and to compliment the grading and drainage required for the site. The landscape design may be altered to allow for increased parking, cart storage, or pedestrian spaces. Kenyon Noble Large Scale Retail Renewal Plan 2 • Appendix B: Traffic Impact Study Y • • KENYON NOBLE PUD/SITE PLAN OAK STREET/NORTH 11TH AVENUE TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY AUGUST 2004 PREPARED FOR: KENYON NOBLE WILLIAM OGLE & RICK OGLE 25 E. MENDENHALL PO BOX 1387 BOZEMAN, MT 59771 • PREPARED BY: ■ MORRISON ■ ■ INC. 901 Technology Boulevard Bozeman, MT 59715 .� ONTA EN 9 . No. 1 o 13 • °C NAL • MMI Project#3900.001.010.0310 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. EXISTING CONDITIONS III. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IV. TRAFFIC GENERATION AND TRIP DISTRIBUTION V. TWO WAY STOP CONTROL INTERSECTION ANALYSIS VI. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS VII. EVALUATION & CONCLUSIONS VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS • TABLE 1 Trip Generation Worksheet TABLE 2 LOS,.Oak Street and North 11th Avenue Intersection TABLE 3 Signal Warrant Analysis, Warrants. 1 & 2 APPENDIX A Preliminary Site Plan APPENDIX B Trip Generation Worksheet APPENDIX C Trip Distribution Exhibits APPENDIX D Two Way Stop Control Intersection Analysis Worksheets APPENDIX E Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Worksheets and Figures • INTRODUCTION The Kenyon Noble Retail Lumber and Hardware Store will be generally proposed Y located north and west of the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Avenue in Bozeman, Montana. The business is a relocation of the existing Kenyon Noble building located on 25 E. Mendenhall, which has been in operation since 1958. The site consists of 17.70 acres. This Traffic Impact Analysis is limited in scope to focus on the anticipated impacts to the intersection of Oak Street and North 11 th Avenue. This Traffic Impact Study serves as a supporting document to the PUD Preliminary Plan document for the Kenyon Noble Retail Lumber and Hardware Store. It assesses potential transportation impacts of the development, provides a signal warrant analysis for the intersection of Oak Street and North 11 th Avenue, and recommends mitigation measures for the adjacent traffic system. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is currently an open field being used for agricultural purposes. Access to the site is provided by Oak Street to the south and North 11 th Avenue to the east. Oak Street is fed primarily by traffic from North 7th Avenue to the east and North 19th Avenue to the west. North 11th Avenue runs in a north south direction, and connects to a "T" intersection with Baxter Lane, which ultimately intersects to the east and west with North 7th Avenue and North 19th Avenue, respectively. Adjoining streets and intersections are more fully described below: Oak Street Oak Street is a three lane principal arterial facility adjacent to the south boundary of the site, with two driving lanes, one each east and .west bound, and a center turn lane. Immediately to the east of North 11th Avenue, Oak Street changes to a completely improved five lane facility, with shoulder/bike lanes and curb and gutter on both sides of the street. Further west of the site, adjacent to the Bridger Peaks Town Center, Oak Street changes from one to two west bound traffic lanes, with curb and gutter and a shoulder/bicycle lane along the north side of the street. Oak Street joins North 7th Avenue and North 19th Avenue with a left turn bay, one through lane, and a right turn lane. North 11th Avenue North 11th Avenue is a two lane collector facility, with a total paved width of 38 feet, and a right-of-way width of 65 feet from Oak Street to Baxter Lane. South of Page 1 of 9 H:\3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc • Oak Street, the street is not constructed to its ultimate width, with curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the east half only. Oak Street and North 7th Avenue Intersection North 7th Avenue is a five lane principal arterial facility to the north and south of the intersection with Oak Street. There are four through lanes with left and right turn lanes on both the north and southbound legs. The intersection is currently controlled by a four-phase signal. The consultant that prepared the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update evaluated this intersection and found that this signalized intersection was operating at a level-of-service (LOS) of "C" in both the morning and evening peak hour. Oak Street and North 19th Avenue Intersection North 19th Avenue is a five lane principal arterial facility to the north and south of the intersection with Oak Street. There are four through lanes with left turn on both the north and southbound legs, and 8 foot wide shoulder/bicycle lanes. The intersection is currently controlled by a four-phase signal. The consultant that prepared the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update evaluated this intersection and found that this signalized intersection was operating at a level-of-service (LOS) of "B" in the morning peak hour and "C" in the evening peak hour. North 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane Intersection North 19th Avenue is a five lane principal arterial facility to the north and south of the intersection with Baxter Lane. There are four through lanes with a left turn on both the north and southbound legs, and 8 foot wide shoulder/bicycle lanes. Baxter Lane has two through lanes, with a left turn .lane on both east and westbound legs. The intersection is currently signal controlled. Oak Street and North 11th Avenue Intersection Oak Street and North 11 th Avenue is currently a two-way stop controlled intersection with stop signs on the North 11th Avenue legs. The intersection was not rated as a "High Accident Intersection" in the 2001 Transportation Plan. Page 2 of 9 HA3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The development of the Kenyon Noble Retail' Lumber and Hardware proposed p Y Store consists of 17.7 gross acres, with two separate buildings proposed for the site. The main building will function primarily for retail sales and office support, with 48,350 square feet of retail space, 3,090 square feet of office, and 5,170 of warehouse storage. The second building, which is a drive through warehouse for customer purchasing and pick up of lumber and building supplies, contains 33,220 square feet. Also provided on the site is a 21,730 square foot outdoor sales area. In addition, the site will accommodate future expansion of 15,750 square feet of retail space and 7,700 square feet of warehouse. A copy of the preliminary site plan is included in Appendix A, and a location map of the site is included on the following page. Primary access to the project will be provided from North 11th Avenue and from North 14th Avenue, which will be recorded as a 60 foot street easement and constructed to City.of Bozeman standards for a local street. Additional access to the project is to be provided from a restricted right-in right-out access from Oak Street. TRAFFIC GENERATION & TRIP DISTRIBUTION Trip generation calculations for the development 'Were completed to evaluate average daily trips to and from the site, as well as morning and evening peak hour trips. Trip Generation, 6th Edition, an Informational Report of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), was reviewed for a land use comparable to that proposed by the Kenyon Noble site. Several alternatives were reviewed, and summarized below: The description provided for the Building Materials and Lumber Store, ITE Land Use 812, includes "...The buildings contained in this land use are less than 25,000 gross square feet in size." Whereas the retail, warehouse, outdoor sales, and office components of the proposed development, including future expansion, is comprised of nearly 135,000 square feet, this land use category is not compatible with the proposed use. The Home Improvement Superstore, ITE Land Use 862, does not include a detailed description of a land use. Based on the title of the category, it was assumed this would include the items in ITE Code 812, in addition to such items as lawn and garden, nursery, and other items typically carried by the larger home improvement stores. Because of the size of the proposed facility, it was assumed the Kenyon Noble complex would fall into this category. Page 3 of 9 HA3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc 35 80Z. S o 47a0 r ■ r - 06tr • -� Tra Pa 4 728 T Z, 1 I `r`�` \`• � j Icef, r ' •• �� ROJ CT 1 i ,/ U N D RY r- --- r . • '17 ST I { I Tea,lle r � all Pa fA ( + 768ATVF •r A file-};, �r I . .• E- j r ' '' •cad a lot • r f , °�q 5 •'ts �* • . 1 yu` � J4a !`��'� tits ., ,J % ' ��k �� �f*�9 f� -� W`e �'"'�.. � + _�4 �'� i • • • ! Par N • /111•���\\ ''FF�°�++��'A' �'y'1 f'E m �t� A�"� � �.'\'"I Y'� �' �4 .i`.�' :L ;4' :'• a tsr-�evc _ _ MORRISON KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY El MAIERLE,INC. sm,m PO ft 11142011drrbp•A ft—Vt.W"I-R—,w115V-Mi f.1401X7•111e SITE LOCATION MAP CLIENT: FIELD WORK: DATE:7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 03:28:11 pm DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE:NTS DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\ACAD\EXHIBITS\troffic.dwg CHECKED 8Y:JJ0 PROJ #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 In addition, the development will include an office component for Kenyon Noble corporate staff. ITE Land Use 715 code, Single Tenant Office Building, is described as "A single tenant office building generally contains the offices, meeting rooms, and space for file storage and data processing of a single business or company..." This is the most compatible use for the office space at the Kenyon Noble site. The land use for this project is somewhat unique, and does not precisely match any of the land use categories presented in the ITE reference. In order to establish a reasonable volume of site trip generation for this study, several assumptions were made. First, the outdoor retail area was assumed to have the same generation rate as the commercial retail. Second, it was assumed the warehouse would generate trips at a rate of 20% of the commercial and outdoor retail. In the description of ITE Land Use 812, Building Materials and Lumber Store, it implies that the warehouse and storage areas should not be included in total gross floor areas. However, the proposed development will provide outdoor cashiers in the warehouse area, allowing for direct purchasing without entering the main retail building. Most of the sales associated with the warehouse and storage area will be generated through the retail building. Detailed calculations of the trip generation forecast and predicted directional distribution (entering / exiting) and morning and evening peak hour volumes are included as Table 1, Trip Generation Worksheet, located in Appendix B. Site generated trips were disturbed for two scenarios; one with a signal at the intersection of Oak Street and North 11th Avenue, and one without. The trips generated are distributed and assigned to the area roadways as indicated on the exhibits provided in Appendix C. TWO WAY STOP CONTROLLED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS Based on the Trip Generation Worksheet, the peak hour traffic is expected to be the greatest in the evening for the project, and all analyses of the affected intersection will be based on the worst-case evening peak hour traffic. A level of service 4LOS) analysis was performed on the intersection of Oak Street and North 11 h Avenue for the pm peak hour using software for the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000). The analysis was based on traffic counts performed by Morrison-Maierle over the time period of June 30, 2004 to July 7, 2004, and July 14, 2004 to July 21, 2004. It should be noted that the second week of counts was performed due to inconsistencies in the data obtained in the initial Oak Street traffic counts. For this intersection LOS analysis, data from Thursday, July 1st was used for North 11 th Avenue and data from Thursday, July 15th.was used for Oak Street. The analysis includes trips generated by the proposed Kenyon Noble site. Page 5 of 9 H:\3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc Table 2, on the following page, summarizes these results. The LOS calculations and summary sheets are provided in Appendix D. TABLE 2 - Level of Service (LOS) Summary Oak Street/North 11th Avenue Intersection With Proposed Development Existing LOS (by movement) Analysis Condition East West North South (P.M. Peak) Bound Bound Bound Bound Oak Street/North 11 th Ave. Two-Way Stop Control Year2004 A A B C TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS The eight (8) traffic signal warrants from the 2003 Edition of the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD) were used to analyze the intersection of Oak Street and North 11 th Avenue. Each analysis accounted for the additional traffic generated by the Kenyon Noble project, and is discussed below. The 85th- percentile speed on Oak Street was measured in excess 40 mph over the period coverage counts were collected by Morrison Maierle. (The 85th % speed for east bound Oak Street on Thursday, July 15, 2004, was measured at 45.9 mph). Therefore, the 70% factor was utilized .for the evaluation of the applicable warrants for this study. However, there is some question as to whether the 85th percentile speed will remain above the 40 mph threshold as future growth occurs in the area, and this should be a point of consideration when future analysis is performed at this intersection. Data used for the analysis is from traffic counts performed by Morrison Maierle and site trip generation and distribution as described in this study. Because this study is analyzing potential impacts the development of the Kenyon Noble project will. have on the intersection of Oak and 11 th Avenue, it is not possible to obtain a traffic count that would represent future traffic conditions. The hourly volumes used in the warrant analysis were therefore estimated for this purpose using data collected from the existing Kenyon Noble store located in Belgrade. Similar to the Belgrade store, the weekday hours of operation for this site will be from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume The Minimum Vehicular Volume (Condition A), the Interruption of Continuous Traffic (Condition B), and the Combination of Condition A & B were evaluated Page 6 of 9 H:\3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc and summarized in Table 3, located in Appendix E. The criteria for Warrant 1 are not satisfied. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume The vehicular volumes for the four highest hours were plotted on MUTCD figure 4C-2, which is included in Appendix E. Because the plotted points representing the. vehicles per hour did not all fall above the applicable curve, the signal warrant is not satisfied. Warrant 3, Peak Hour The MUTCD standard for the Peak Hour signal warrant states, "This signal warrant shall be applied only in unusual cases, such as office complexes, manufacturing plants, industrial complexes, or high-occupancy vehicle facilities that attract large numbers of vehicles over a short period of time." The Kenyon Noble project does not appear to fall within this standard, however, the criteria for the warrant was checked to be conservative, with a determination that the criteria was not satisfied. Item 2 of criteria A was not satisfied, as the minor street approach equals only 89 vehicles per hour. Criteria B was also not satisfied, as evident by the plotted point on Figure 4C-3, contained in Appendix E. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume A qualitative analysis of the current pedestrian volumes, pedestrian facilities, and lack of development on the south side of the major street (Oak Street) conclude that Criteria A of the Pedestrian Volume signal warrant will not be met. Not Satisfied. Warrant 5, School Crossing This warrant is not applicable to the intersection in question. Not Satisfied. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System Based on visual observations of traffic patterns during peak hour operations on Oak Street, an adequate degree of platooning exists to prevent excess delays for minor street movements. A qualitative analysis of the intersection concludes the signal warrant criteria are not satisfied. Warrant 7, Crash Experience According to accident data provided by the Montana Department of Transportation, there have been fewer than five reported crashes within any 12- Page 7 of 9 H:\3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc month period over the past 3-years. Only one crash was report over that time period. Not satisfied. Warrant 8, Roadway Network Based on the amount of additional vacant property adjacent to North 11th Avenue and anticipated generation of traffic, a qualitative analysis of the projected 5-year traffic volumes will likely satisfy this signal warrant at the intersection. In addition, the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan, 2001 Update, identifies North 11 t" Avenue as a collector facility that will eventually connect from Baxter Lane to Durston Road. Satisfied. Summary of Warrants Satisfied Warrant 1 - No Warrant 2 - No Warrant 3 - No Warrant 4 - No Warrant 5 - No Warrant 6 - No Warrant 7 - No Warrant 8 - Yes Total Warrants Satisfied = 1 EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION The existing background traffic on North 11th Avenue is very low due to the amount of property still in agricultural production that lies adjacent to the street. As a result, the majority of the signal warrants are not satisfied, most notably Warrants 1, 2 and 3, which are based largely on vehicles per hour on the minor- street approach, in this case, North 11t. Avenue. With Warrant 8, Roadway Networking, the only warrant condition being satisfied; it is not justifiable to install a signal at this intersection. In support of this conclusion, the MUTCD states that: `The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. A traffic control signal should not be installed unless an engineering study indicates that installing a traffic control signal will improve the overall safety and/or operation of the intersection." Page 8 of 9 HA3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc The two way stop control intersection analysis indicates that the intersection will handle the existing traffic in addition to that resulting from the initial development of the Kenyon Noble project .while still performing at an acceptable level of service. The approach for both east and west bound Oak will perform at LOS A, while north and south bound 11 to Avenue will perform at LOS B and LOS C, respectively. However, as the vacant property adjacent and to the north of the site develops, the background traffic on North 11tn will increase and the intersection will likely meet additional signal warrants. As development occurs, this intersection should be further analyzed to determine if and/or when a traffic signal'is warranted and justified. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made in an effort to assure adequate mitigation of impacts on surrounding.roadways as a result of the development of the Kenyon Noble store: 1. Install a porkchop island on the Oak Street access to prohibit left-turn movements. 2. Continue the eight foot asphalt trail along the north side of Oak Street from North 14tn Avenue to North 11 to Avenue. 3. Install street improvements, including street pavement, curb and gutter, and pavement markings on the north side of Oak Street along the project frontage, from North 14tn Avenue to North 11 to Avenue. 4. Install full width street pavement on the north side of Oak Street from North 14tn Avenue to North 15tn Avenue. With the associated widening of Oak Street adjacent to the Bridger Peaks Village PUD, this will complete the widening on the north side of Oak Street from North 7tn to North 19tn 5. Construct North 14tn Avenue to a local street standard from Oak Street to the north property boundary. At the time of the writing of this report, there was discussion of an agreement between the developer and the adjacent property owner to construct full pavement width, including curb and gutter, on North 14tn Avenue. If a final agreement is not reached, the east one half of the street should be installed with this project, with sufficient pavement width for north and south bound lanes. 6. Provide necessary pavement striping and markings to install a dedicated left turn bay on south bound 11tn Avenue at Oak Street. This will require the removal of on-street parking for the length of the turn lane and transition. 7. Provide and sign waivers of right-to-protest creation of a Special Improvement District, or otherwise put pro-rata funds into escrow, for the future construction of a signal at Oak Street and North 11tn Avenue. 8. The proposed site plan and PUD submittal indicates future expansion for the retail building and the warehouse. When this occurs, this traffic study should be updated to account for the additional traffic generated from the site. Page 9 of 9 H:\3900\001\Docs\TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY\TIS Report.doc APPENDICIES APPENDIX A Preliminary Site Plan APPENDIX B Trip Generation Worksheet APPENDIX C Trip Distribution Exhibits APPENDIX D Two Way Stop Control Intersection Analysis Worksheets APPENDIX E Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Worksheets and Figures APPENDIX A Preliminary Site Plan 60'STREET E PROPOSED ASWENT ----------• r CURET w x w w w w 18-imcp um O.SX SLOPE SLOPES R F 18'ARCP Site 1an/Grading Plan OP STREE DETENTIONL-�C' kASONRYFENCE GRAM SWALE for POND' .000TA :1 SILDE.SLOPESt MIN 0.5.SLOPE E uNt 4:1 WE 10'YARD] 2- SETBACK 11OL 1225 OF OUTDOOR "WE SLOPES Is I AIDT EL 4724-W II PEN STORAGE 4 i i FIRE Kenyon Noble I,i PACE I SERVICE , \"Cc y" \ \ / I, I Y �— ° - i \ UASOKRY E WAREHOUSE PEN A PORTION OF 10 SPA OUTDOOR (FUTURE EXPAN�1014) TRACT 3A OF COS 1215 LOCATED IN SECTION 1, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. ALE iv, IS.YARD SETBACK CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA SEESMEETDLTAIL ZONED:B-2 — X'. CRASS Y D OFFIC[ 2' sm 14A)i 4.1 is F A�REHOUSE 0,P.) MRS FFe!A\Z30.00 ( A ty NIT—sEWEit A, I SERV_ 47eB7 A" 3" REFUSE AND 7, V.l � 1:\` II I i i 1 i \\�` I ;P ■ '1 'Gen ' S'�• RECYCLE SINS 'SERVICE 60*PROPa 14ffi AVE.EKS-1 EX SE 62: go"t SERVICE 12* nil -4) 7­j,.�' I ............ SID 0 STOW I NOBLE CARTE UI IN'G BUILDING 12'PVC VICINITY MA f (F REANSION) NO SCALE FFE:4735.50 SLOPES z 2 is-6 r1i CUT . . . Opp, J CE H 1.25 1.25 X L I is — 1.25 X L25-5\ 1.25 X", 65'RAI: 1.12 !j N.SIAE I tinNT AVE. T T_ EA GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 400 ) 1, � I / I Ii ,--I�. J I I i I I J)?�) �1 I t s 1..��j i) J i IN FEET OPE$ DECORATNE• CART STORACE h I inch 100 M ----------- r IL 6000'ROW U ssoD TBC TO Toe zsD S'WIDE Iw- ;LOO. ROAD w- .W 15" 5.0wo, x BLVD ""0* 2M S 2.DOX SC_ IDEWALK F 1.00. --::. Ex • ,AN CAR D WRB TYPICAL 28� INSTALL STORM Einm EXISTING D�-—HOLE 14th AVENUE&OP STREET ROAD TEMPLATE OAK STREET 12,ROP AS WE :SS EX SS EXSS EX SS _:CMORRISON Site plan/Grading Plan _x SS MAIERLE,INC. _p EXSS for ■ �4p Kenyon Noble "'P oH- 011P OHp CaD P 0.4 p 7L. 80'OAK ST.. CLIENT: EASMENT FIELD WO JOCATE:08/10/04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 10:15:05 am WORK: T DRAWING NAME: E,1"-50' H:\39W\001\ArAD\SITEP�\SITEP�-080604.d.g DRAWN GY.*l�DJ �CAL CHECKED • APPENDIX B Trip Generation Worksheet • • H:1390010010MWRAFFIC IMPACODY1Trip generabon.xls TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION WORKSHEET KENYON NOBLE-BOZEMAN SITE M M I It 3900.001.010.0310 DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL WEEKDAY AM PM DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION NUMBER OF RATE PEAK PEAK WEEKDAY AM PEAK AM PEAK PM PEAK PM PEAK ITE BUILDING SITE USE AREA UNITS UNITS (per unit) RATE RATE VOLUME VOLUME%ENTER % EXIT ENTER EXIT VOLUME %ENTER% EXIT ENTER EXIT CODE SITE SITE SITE SITE 2005 BUILDING 862 Retail Commercial,Retail 48,350 1000 SF 48.35 35.05 1.48 2.87 1695 72 54% 46% 39 33 139 47% 53% 65 74 715 Retail Office 3090 1000 SF 3.09 11.57 1.78 1.72 36 6 89% 11% 5 1 5 15% 85% 1 5 862 Retail Warehouse,Retail 5170 1000 SF 5.17 35.05 1.48 2.87 36 2 54% 46% 1 1 4 47% 53% 2 2 862 Warehouse Warehouse,Retail 33220 1000 SF 33.22 35.05 1.48 2.87 233 12 54% 46% 7 6 25 47% 53% 12 13 862 Outdoor Outdoor Retail 21730 1000 SF 21.73 35.05 1.48 2.87 762 32 54% 46% 17 15 62 47% 53% 29 33 TOTALS 2761 123 69 55 235 109 126 EXPANSION 862 Retail Commercial,Retail 15.750 1000 SF 15.75 35.05 1.48 2.87 552 23 54% 46% 13 11 45 47% 53% 21 24 862 Warehouse Warehouse,Retail 7700 100D SF 7.70 35.05 1.48 2.87 54 3 54% 46% 2 1 6 47% 53% 3 3 EXPANSION TOTALS 606 26 14 12 51 24 27 TOTALS: 3367 150 83 67 286 132 153 NOTE: Code 862 is for Home Improvement Superstore-which has been interpreted to include the retail,warehouse and outdoor sales components of the Kenyon Noble operations. They have been presented as separate items in the worksheet for compatibility with the PUD Submittal document NOTE: These numbers have been adjusted based on actual counts at the Kenyon Noble Belgrade store,and projections for the new store in Bozeman. Warehouse generated traffic was reduced to 20%of the ITE value,as the vast majority of vehicle trips associated with the Retail component are also associated with the Warehouse. APPENDIX C Trip Distribution Exhibits KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY 1 TRIP DISTRIBUTION ' J I 107 0 i i i i i ti 0% \ ------ -----------------\ \ BAXTER LANE \ \ I \ \ \ f\ \ O 157.1 5% \ I I J 207. JNORTH I 119TH AVE. I NORTH ti 07. ' I i UNYON NOBLE SITE ( 11TH AVE. J NORTH J i 7TH AVE. it5% 40% ( A iJ ?�R 40% 1 10% JOAK ST. �� - i fm257 3 0% 00% i Y ACCESS TO SITE i i A-R RSTRICTED, RIGHT IN - RIGHT OUT J � ( I MORRISONSur&,"= KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY MAIERLE,tNC. ""-9° mr�� TRIP DISTRIBUTION w m.nu,mi kemka era m.em i9.sm•qs Wet yam tic(�a�-nm CLIENT: FIELD WORK DATE:7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 — 02:42:58 pm DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE: DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\ACAD\D(HiBn\wrao.a.9 CHECKED BY•JJO PROJ #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY TRIP DISTRIBUTION 10% ---------------- BAXTER LANE 10% 5% 415% !NORTH 119TH AVE. NORTH ti 0% It KENYON NOBLE SITE 11TH AVE. NORTH i7TH AVE. lt5% 40% i 4� 45% 10% t ------------------------- ------ --------- i OAK ST.10% 14725% 30% 41 10% Z ACCESS TO SITE RSTRICTED, RICHT IN RICHT OUT VMORRISON KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY PL-M MWA I E R L E,INC. Im TRIP DISTRIBUTION 1113.901 Todim RA B-Iff.WM a F�.(406)W-Mig F.(05)5P-1175 CLIENT: WITH SIGNAL @ OAK & 11TH FIELD WORK DATE:7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 02:42:50 pm DRAWING NAME: DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE:NTS DH:\3900\00 I\ACAD\D(Hl8lTS\t,.ffic.dwg CHECKED BY:JJO PROJ #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY SITE ENTRY 20% x x $% a 0% a � 2sx 25%9 Q s% OAK ST. t zoo i ox 20% MORRISON KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY 1�.7 111MAIERLE,INC. Ad RAB.Bmmv�"�°�°�"*' SITE INGRESS w B. a aot 1.tl.cNO W11.ft.foal sn•ant F.Nast N7-n>s CLIENT: PLOTTED DATE: Au9/09/2004 — 02:55:33 pm FIELD WO=KDATE:7�14�04DRAWING NAME: DRAWN 8CALE:NTS H:\3900\001\ACAD\EXHIBITS\t,Wfic.dw9 CHECKEDROD #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY SITE ENTRY 20% 1 x x 5% I a o% O o � a � 25% 257 5% 20% 10% �' 20% OAK ST. ,, MORRISON w MAIERLE,tNC. KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY m'Id.''��`�' PO rb,nix wI rmmeV UKr®��.xm.ftm(4M)sn-am r=poel en-,,, SITE INGRESS -WITH SIGNAL CLIENT: FIELD WORK DATE:7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 — 02:55:37 pm DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE:NTS DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\ACAD\EXHIBITS\traffic.dwg CHECKED BY:JJO PROD #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 KENYON NOBLE PROPIRTY SITE EXIT 4 20% 10% -------------- 4 x x w 10% ep Q 30% I � 10% O 35% O O 15 E� l 10% 10%25% 20%15 b OAK ST. o M( IERLE N KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY MAIERLE,INC. t-MT.x"��nY w ea nra mi r.a�era.rm.m nr.new.Noe)xram F.(we)sn-rne SITE EGRESS CLIENT: 7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 - 02:55:19 pm FIELD WORK DATE: DRAWING NAME: DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE:NTS H:\39DO\007\ACAD\EXHIBITS\tro(lic.dwq CHECKED BY:JJO PROJ #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 KEN?ON NOBLE PROPIRTY SITE EXIT 4 15% 10% 4 x x W 10% 30� I � 5% O f� 45% � a 10. Lw 0% 10%35% 20% 10 C� b b OAK ST. A MORRISON MAIERLE,INC. KENYON NOBLE PROPERTY "K flo&` " SITE EGRESS - WITH SIGNAL PO 8-1fnz f01Tdmb�UKwmi�Ur.YI.'.8711.Rns Iws1 ld!-0RI r�Iwo xr-n>e CLIENT: FIELD WORK:---- DATE:7-14-04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/09/2004 — 02:55:26 pm DRAWN BY: MRH SCALE:NTS DRAWING NAME: H:\3900\001\ACAD\EXHIBITS\troffic.dwg CHECKED BY:JJO pROJ #:3900.001 SHEET 1 OF 1 APPENDIX D Two Way Stop Control Intersection Analysis Worksheets Two-Way Stop Control rage 1 of i TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMAR GqWral Information Site Information AAWt Jon Olsen, P.E. Intersection Oak&N. 11th Agency/Co. Morrison Maierle Jurisdiction Date Performed 712912004 Analysis Year 2004-with Site Traffic Analysis Time Period PM Peak Project Description Kenyon Noble East/West Street: Oak Street North/South Street: North 11th Ave. Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 14 544 2 1 636 32 Peak-hour factor, PHF 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 14 578 1 2 1 67 1 32 Proportion of heavy vehicles, PHv 5 — -- 5 -- -- Median type Undivided RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal 1 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound ment 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 6 1 34 0 19 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 0 1 34 0 19 Proportion of heavy v 1 1 1 4 0 5 vehicles, PH Percent grade (%) 0 0 Flared approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 1 Configuration LT R LT R Control Delay, Queue Len th, Level of Service Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L LT R LT R Volume, v (vph) 14 1 0 1 34 19 Capacity, cm (vph) 867 970 710 188 634 /c ratio 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.03 Queue length (95%) 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.09 trol Delay (s/veh) 9.2 8.7 10.1 28.3 10.9 A A B D B pproach delay (s/veh) -- -- 22.1 pproach LOS -- -- C HCS2000TM Copyright m 2003 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved Version 4.1d file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\jolsen\Local%20Settings\Temp\u2k365.tmp 8/9/2004 APPENDIX E Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Worksheets and Figures • • TABLE 3 SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS Oak Street/North 11th WARRANT 1,EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME WARRANT 2,FOUR-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Location: 0=below threshold value 1=equal to or above threshold value 85th%speed: 45+mph Ad ustment Factor= 70% - Average Weekday Volumes Projected Kenyon Noble Site Volumes Warrant#1-A Warrant#1-8 Warrant#1 A&B Major Street Minor Street Major Street Minor Street Hour E leg W leg N le S le Total Highest Major Minor Major Minor Major Minor Major Minor Ending NB SB NB SB E leg W leg N leg S leg Major Minor 420 105 630 53 336 64 504 42 1:00 AM 31 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2:00 AM 17 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:00 AM 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:00 AM 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:00 AM 10 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00 AM 23 177 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 200 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 78 397 1 4 0 1 13 6 13 0 494 17 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8:00 AM 193 381 2 6 0 2 49 22 49 0 644 55 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 9:00 AM 271 356 3 4 1 2 69 31 69 0 727 73 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 10:OO AM 325 396 5 7 1 2 36 16 36 0 773 43 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 11:00 AM 405 484 7 8 1 3 41 18 41 0 948 49 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 12:00 PM 456 492 9 12 1 4 72 32 72 0 -.1052 84 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:00 PM 612 451 9 7 1 3 69 31 69 0 1163- 76 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2:00 PM 583 429 3 4 1 2 85 38 85 0 1434 89 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3:00 PM 651 364 7 4 1 4 51 23 51 0,,,,_gM ' 55.` 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 4:00 PM 565 408 4 5 1 4 51 23 51 0 1047 56 1 U 1 'I 1 0 1 1 5:00 PM 605 392 4 7 1 5 46 21 46 0 1064 53 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 6:00 PM 677 338 4 4 1 5 21 9 21 0 1045 25 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 7:00 PM 454 273 2 3 1 4 13 6 13 0 746 16 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 8:00 PM 338 212 1 1 1 3 5 2 5 0 557 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 9:00 PM 261 160 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 421 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10:00 PM 194 96 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 290 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:00 PM 131 47 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 178 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12:00 AM 76 21 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS: 6879 - 5973 66 79 13 54 621 276 621 0 13749 704 15 0 12 8 15 2 13 10 not satisfied not satisfied not satisfied =values used for warrant#2 �ENyDN NdacE 1Rt�FF►.c �r�PH�T 5;�� r Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) = 400 U <2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES Q 300 � w O 0 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE n < c 0 Q 200 1 LANE & 1 LANE cc: w 02 z ? :E O> 100 C e4 80 w '7 b = ss ® *60 C 989 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 (!)ARRANT Z MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES Na-r 6AT,5F7gc-Z� -VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) w U 400 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES � 0 '` w � 2ORMORELANES & 1 LANE CL 300 < 1 LANE & 1 LANE � w 0 200 2O CC 100 *100 w '76 _.__ .._.. _.._.. ---------_--___ __ ------ ____ *75 C� 1143 , 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES IVOT VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Sect. 4C.0 Appendix C: MRCS Soil Information • • k�1Y +r4 ,r . LLJ ��{ f+ �' 1. �• f 4t �' W ,p r r,a( r A i •Ih ,Fry •A yG*l , 'Lz.. l-p, rf . .� ` y r1,t fir= s„- l.� i :r - • 0:it s yt L� .� �, 'S •� �' tYIR . I AK STR Y01 "t: 1� [i �rt� v' , f ,. . b '� VWAs ��o ..5;.Si vra-� ,�. i„f -. . r .•�Ai�� .1 '„� r 4V lit �MORRISON — NRCS SOIL DATA MAIERLLIx APPENDIX C fim ngIX' OniLnx/0]/a. P OR III nuy/O]/Ml ORnNN Bv:xa 5�n{ERrs ORAMINO RnuG cVmm+4u�m�YucRM OEIXFD RYA RRW ` 91FET y0f y Table ENG-3. - Building Site Development Gallatin County Area,Montana The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition,but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation. The numbers in the value column range from 0.01 to 1.00. The larger the value,the greater the potential limitation. Limiting features in this report are limited to the top 5 limitations. Additional limitations may exist. Dwellings without Dwellings with Small Commercial Map Symbol Pct Basements Basements Buildings of and Soil Name Map Rating Class and Rating Class and Rating Class and Unit Value Value Value Limiting Features Limiting Features Limiting Features , 506: • Blackdog 90 Not limited Not limited Not limited 506A: Saypo 85 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Shrink-swell 0.50 Depth to saturated 0.99 Shrink-swell 0.50 zone Shrink-swell 0.50 • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Distribution Generation Date:1/22/2002 Page 1 of 1 • Table EN -4. - Building iDevelopment'. •ab G u g S to Gallatin County Area,Montana The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition,but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation. The numbers in the value column range from 0.01 to 1.00. The larger the value,the greater the potential limitation. Limiting features in this report are limited to the top 5 limitations. Additional limitations may exist. Local Roads Shallow Lawns and Pct "and Streets Excavations Landscaping Map Symbol of and Soil Name Map Unit Rating Class and Value Rating Class and Value Rating Class and Value Limiting Features Limiting Features Limiting Features 506: Blackdog 90 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Not limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 0.10 506A: Saypo 85 Very limited Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Frost action 1.00 Depth to saturated 0.99 Salinity 0.13 Shrink-swell 0.50 zone Cutbanks cave 0.10 • USDA Natural Resources 4 Conservation Service Distribution GenerationDate:1/22/2002 Page 1 of 1 Table H. - Engineering Index Properties Gallatin County Area,Montana Absence of an entry indicates that the data were not estimated. Classification Fragments Percent Passing Sieve Number Map Symbol Liquid Plasticity and Soil Name Depth USDA Texture >10 3-10 Limit Index Unified AASHTO Inches Inches 4 10 40 200 In Pet Pet Pet 5013: Blackdog 0-10 Silt Loam CL-ML A-4 0 0 100 100 95-100 80-90 25-30 5-10 10-19 Silty Clay Loam CL A-6 0 0 100 100 95-100 85-95 30-40 10-20 19-60 Silt Loam CL-ML A-4 0 0 '100 100 95-100 80-90 25-30 5-10 506A: Saypo 0-10 Silt Loam CL-ML A-4 0 0 100 90-100 85-100 70-90 20-25 5-10 10-21 Silty Clay Loam CL A-4 0 0 90-100 85-100 75-9.0 65-80 25-35 5-15 Silt Loam CL-ML A-6 Clay Loam 21-60 Silt Loam CL A-4 0 0 65-95 60-95 55-90 45-80 25-35 5-15 Silty Clay Loam CL-ML A-6 Gravelly Clay Loam GC GC-GM USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Distribution Generation Date: 1/22/2002 Page 1 of 1 Table A a. - Physical Properties of the Soils Gallatin County Area,Montana Entries under"Erosion Factors—T"apply to the entire profile. Entries under"Wind Erodibility Group"and"Wind Erodibility Index"apply only to the surface layer. Absence of an entry indicates that data were not estimated. Ma Symbol Moist Saturated Available Linear Erosion Factors Wind Wind p � Depth Sand Silt Clay Bulk Hydraulic Water Extensi- Organic Erodi- Erodi- and Soil Name Matter Kw Kf T bility bility Density Conductivity Capacity bility Group Index In Pct Pct Pct g/cc micro m/sec In/In Pct Pct 5013: Blackdog 0-10 --- --- 20-27 1.10-1.30 4.00-14.00 0.18-0.20 0.0-2.9 2.0-4.0 .32 .32 5 6 48 10-19 -- --- 27-35 1.20-1.40 1.40-4.00 0.16-0.20 3.0-5.9 1.0-3.0 .32 .32 19-60 --- --- 15-25 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.16-0.20 0.0-2.9 0.5-1.0 .37 .37 . 506A: Saypo 0-10 — -- 20-27 1.10-1.30 4.00-14.00 0.11-0.14 0.0-2.9 3.0-5.0 .28 .28 2 4L 86 10-21 -- -- 20-35 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.10-0.13 3.0-5.9 1.0-2.0 .37 .37 21-60 --- --- 20-35 1.30-1.50 1.40-4.00 0.11-0.14 3.0-5.9 0.5-1.0 .37 .37 • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Distribution Generation Date: 1/22/2002 Page.1 of 1 Table K1. -Water Features Gallatin County Area,Montana Depths of layers are in feet. Estimates of the frequency of ponding and flooding apply to the whole year rather than to individual months. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern of that data were not estimated. Water Table Ponding Flooding Map Symbol Hydrologic Month and Soil Name Group Mon upper Lower Surface Duration Frequency Duration Frequency Limit Limit Depth Ft Ft Ft 50B: • Blackdog B Jan-Dec — None --- None 506A: Saypo C March 2.0-3.5 >6.0 --- --- None --- None April 2.0-3.5 >6.0 — --- None --- None May 2.0-3.5 >6.0 --- --- None --- None June 2.0-3.5 >6.0 --- --- None --- None July 2.0-3.5 >6.0 --- None --- None • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Distribution Generation Date: 1/22/2002 Page 1 of 1 Appendix D: Groundwater Data a K TABLE CA Page 1 of 4 WELL INVENTORY BOZEMAN SOLVENT SITE DECEMBER2003 Current Monl oring Grid Total Depth City Water 5th Amendmen _ Schedule Well r Type/Owner = StatuslCommenls Connection' Exhlbit Semi- . Location lril Annual Annual M-01 D-13 Monitoring 32 Well in good condition NA NA Monrtanrt ....................................................................... .......NA........ Ab n .M-03 0-13 Monitoring 35 Well i condition NA NA X n ood ..........�.:.. ........:::::>:n>: ::s:::a::::;�:;:a::::.>:.:::::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::.::�::::.�::::::.:�::::::::::::::::::.:�::. ::::.M-na:::.:::::::D,S.:::::.P onrtorrn •::::.�::::::::.:...::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•.�:..�::::::::::::.:�2-0�.$;•;»>:�.elldn. aod.:condition:::::::::::::::::::.::.:::.:: M-05 D-10 Monitoring 90 D Well in good condition NA IJA X .......:::::::::::::::::.-.::.::::.::-:::::::::::::.::::. :::.::::::::::::::.:::::::::.:.:::::::::::..:::::::: ..... x:::MoliltGrfn :. :::::::::.::.:...:•:.25:&:«>::dNellnt: ood::ohdrUil........................................................................ M-07 D-12 Monitorin 77 D Well in good condition NA NA X :::::::::�:'.`:.'::%::::::::•:: ';..`^'.:•';:'•:->:;:-;:;:::i::::<;::'::#:::::'3 ::5::::is:Yi:::?:i<i:;:;<:::::>; >::::>:.......:.:::: ::::::::::>:>:,:.�:::::::: ::r:::::::::::::-:::;:•::. ..:.. .... .. .. .:•:..:...::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::>::-:::::::.�:: ::>;. ood.co.ddron. ..............f.A....................NA:�ii:�r:�:�ii:�?i:�:... ..... :::::McUB.::::.::::.f�.-.12::.�.�Monnartn ::::•::::....................................................................30.5.5.....Well.tn n ..................:.....:..::........:...........:::.:•..............:::.::....:::.. M-09 NA Monitoring NA Abandoned - NA NA - a;•:::-::::M>10.:.:..::. :id::::.M�b:;;r:u;>W;; :::;:'::is . ?:$;:<; :c '`:::f.::;:?..::.f.:.:..'.:.i.:.:"..:.?.::.;�•<.:.:-.;.:.;.:.:. . s w . i .i:a::t: :::::::::.:: «i:::r:;:: ::::: ?% ?''•>::;;:::.;;.;;:.;:<.; M-11 D-13 Monitorin 20 Well in qood condition NA NA ::;>BI:f'' Oi)d:CORCItidR:`:is2:i: C:::<:f;-:::::`:: ::<+: i %2YY:#;: :G:'+.:i;5:tiiS:::::iii::::: :c..:. :::::.:::• :::::::::::::::::::::.:.:..::..................... :W 1n. M-13 NA Monitorin NA Abandoned NA NA 2#!'"'':;'%':_5.;::%`:::.;::q:: ;:'>'::•:;;>;:>:;x::::t+`:::2?:4: ::?;: G::..... ::::::. -•:•.:.:.:::::::::::.::::..;.;:.:y;:;;:•: ::<;;:.;>:;::;:;-:y>n;:;::: w. oir d2ri bs............ .......:::::::• ::.::::::. ::.::::::::::.:.::::::.::::::::::..225 9 frdtt.¢tiur:tA.er.dfihla db.Snbw.o.....Rartiavrd.andwl .. A.. N ......... M-15 NA Monitorin NA Abandoned NA I4A ::.......::.::.:;;:. ;::....:.:........::::::::::::::•::::::::::::::::: :: •: .:::::::.::::::::::::....:::: I:(A Monnatin NA.......Abandoned:::::• < . :. :::::::::::::::.:...... M-17 NA Monitorin NA Abandoned ::::::::.:::.:::::::::::::::::NA NA NA::::::::::::::::.::..... :.... ... ' ;:•:•;:•M>413;.:;;-;:;:;:N>k-;:�:-:::Mondattn :;;:-;:-;:-;:;::•:;:>:;:;:;:;:�;;:;;:;:•;:;:;•>:;•:.;:;:.;.:.::::::.::::.:::•;::;•;:;::;•;;:-;:;:NA;:-:;:;::Abandb.ea.............................................. M-19 1 NA torinq NA Abandoned NA NA M-21 E-8 Monitorin 10.8 Presumed Destroyed NA NA z .... >:»S:;%;t:iti: >:>:;:>:::i:::::::5;?:;::;::>:>.::g:$';:;5;:S rks.111 >fi >:%: : :: :::: :: M-23 D-13 Monitorin 35 Well in ood condition NA NA X X ..... .::::::.::._;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::•::::.::::::::-:::::::.:�:;:.;:::::::. Wiali:iii"oo': anilitioii>: ::: :'•:$:i;:': :::: : :::i::::::;: :�:3:. •::::.:::::.fl.13::...�Mo da 3ff 5...... ....... .... .. .. .:............................................................................. M-25 D-13 ing 35 Well in good condition NA NA ":::;:. :: i•"'";: .:'>:;-:i�:;:;::;:: ':i:'3: :%:i:%:: ii:::ti::i::::`:: a' :f: :::> :4: :.,;•.::::ii :::'."':'•:;:::i:>:;:;;.;-::;:;:.;;;:-;:•:;; ii:i::':............. : ii: ' ':i:i: i::::Y:::;i ::::::: ::? : :::-;M:26-:-;:�;:::::;;D<9�•;:.;::h96.rtnatrn :::::::::.:�::::::::::..::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.:.:�::.:::::::35..9::::::Yvo7f.)rt. god.dbedlabn........................................................................... M-27 D-13 Monflortn 59 D Well in ood condition NA NA X :•;;:.::;:::•.:::•:i:<•:.;;•::>: ::%::::•::;•>:;:>:::>:-:::•>`> :;>:;::<:4:•::f•::Y•i::•:::•;:>-:.;::->:::::::;;:;.;;•>";:;r:.;:;.;;-:::::>::%.:.'•`::>:: :::; :•>:•>;::>!::k::;:;:;:i:::;:: ::':: <:; : :•:::•:::::::.:::::::•:: .....:::::::::::.; .n ood.conQdron-;:::: :::::::::::::::::<•.;•:::::::::.:::: ::::::;:•::::::::::::::::::: .... :�:::::::. Ilf . M-29 D•13 Monitoring 32 S Well in good condition NA NA X X :::i.`'%'.;<:.::i:: <;:-:.:;:;;:'<`:%':i<:r.f:.<<:::: G;::;:is is i:: ;:;:: Y:::i:::: ::;::;:::;::;:::;::;::;: ;::;::;:; r; %';::::':;%;:•:-:;:>::;:;>::;'->::;:;;::;::::::;::i;::%i:;:;;::: ;: ::i:: :: :: ::::x x................:::: :.... ..... .A .....PAb cPo ;:-;;::c:c::•>:•:;:>;:;;;:-;:;;:>:•;:•;:o>:�>:�>:-;>:-:•;:-;;:;;;:;•;:•:::;•;:�:-:-::->:; ::0::32:&.:::.d1+YY.el4lrt: bCd.EGhd.raa..................................................... ... M-31 D-13 Monitorin 30 S Well in flood condition NA NA X X X. ::::M<3 :::: ::::.#J-.13:::::Monnacrn ::..:::::::::•..:..............................:......:................ ......30.5......Well.t ood.candr on:.....................::•.:..:.•.:•.:...........:..........::..................:..... M•33 D-13 Monitoring 35 Well in good condition NA NA X ::... .:::: :.:..........::.::.:::•. :..:::::::::::•:•...:::... n. :-::::.:•:..:::;:•;:::•::•::::..::._::::;: :•:::::::::::::: ::: . .. lR.....?:<` s»:..N................... ......................... M:34.:•.:.:.:::.:ES:::::.Manrband ::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::..::.:.:::..........................3(Y 5::::::SIJ 1f.1r�• aod.qb.dltod....-........................................................:........................ ... M-35 E-1 Monitorin 35 S Well in good condition NA NA X X co ddro 57 :..........:...::.::.::::..::::.:::::::::::::•:;:<:•:.: :::::.: 30:S Well rn. ood. n M-37 C-4 Monitorin 30 S' Well in ood condition NA NA X X- . ................................................................................-5--................-.......................:........::.::::: :::::..:::::::.::::::.:::...::::::::::::::.::::.:::::.:..................................................................... : .:::.::: :::':::fi::3:::;:r:::: :.'•::�:•":>' ,:;:.: ........ .:.:: : ::d>::::;::::> :iJ.1..:...............1'.!�.................x........................ :.Mfart... ::::::::: :: ••::::•::•:::.::::::::::::::::.:: M 38...........8�::::.: ..Chrtbrrn ........................................ M-39 C-11 Monitorin 35 S Well in ood condition NA IJA Mondoctn :::::::::::.::...............................................................#30.f�.....UVell.tn ao.condilton.........:..::.:.:::..:.:•:. M-41 0-6 IMonitaring I 30 S Well in good condition NA NA X X E:1BSS\MonitoringlDec 200312003-12-GMR Comp Data Tables.xis(Well Inventory) February 10,2004 TABLE C•2 - GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND ANALYTICAL DATA MONITORING WELLS BOZEMAN SOLVENT SITE Page 1 of 9 • Depth to Groundwater Difference PCE TCE cis-1,2-OCE Well Date Groundwater Elevation from Previous (uglL) (uglL) (uglL) I Comments ' (H) (H amsl) (H) M-1 Mar-92 849 81.1 219 1 4806.05 Mar-92 >:vxrs 'vt r r-i`tk' `n-ra t +' '�' ..i•�. 670 I 31 I 130 Jun-93 %A"...c.r...::^a �lw s'i:v+a 4-+k`,:n rtY�:"x- -S' 560 36 78 Ma-94 30 J 21 3 Mav-94 ;a+s�i-:;*"^_o.�::a,:;:;;9r r,,r•;,-raz+`= ;r:•%rr.iein;i 26 J <2 J 3 J-Estimateo Value Jun•94 kfin2"'>~'i:i et,- „ixr-i?'a{" Y.-a!A .r^ 160 2 I 2 Jul 94 300 <10 <10 I Jul 96 u� +'•, '•ux-srxi>-7 s.•,7 ,,^'+v- 507 4.7 I 0.5 Au 9a ?�. ri az`s c..[.;, ;,3�,;;M..'n1�z'x�k_roi ,J-.8,"'3!., 470 4.1 <2 Seo-94 -^.izrictr:e=;:-1 320 3.1 <0.5 Dec-94 130 <5 1 NR Not Reoorted Mar-95 W5,40X1!'::r5;4 r':Cdda.'rsi�it^a:`r":•'&'i;h'BS':,tt7ts 180 3.1 5.3 18 Mar 95 TaF• h + cM�"z •a .o"t••'C-xx'+� 0 3.2 5.3 A r 95 510 I 9.1 23 I Mav 95 180 4.7 J BD 1 12 Below Derecdon Jun-95 67 <5 4.1 Au -95 16.38 4789.67 ~' 50 <5 2 J I Nov-95 17.18 4788.87 -0.80 17 <5 <5 Mar•96 24.02 4782.03 -6.84 5 J BD <5 I <5 Jun-96 18.11 4787*94 5.91 33 <5 <5 Seo-96 17.66 4788.39 0.45 23 <5 <5 I Nov-96 .:;;�;�• �crKSP,y't1g: 18.1 <5 <5 I I M.3 Jun•93 ,a..;rr.:tJi:•itr.;:?i '�::,,:: 'S;i -r:;< .Mac'0iv'ay <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 4809.60 Nov-95 „19.45 4790.15 v.*C.S-s:Bi?,: <0.5 <5 <5 Mar-96 24.95 1 4784.65 -5.50 <5 c5 <5 I Jun-96 19.79 4789.81 5.16 <0.5 <0.5 70.5 Seo-96 19.97 4789.83 -0.18 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Nov-96 _:-.: 3io'::;::.:{;:+t::�tai=u';::iv':<:""::;e .'ik.:�.c <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 it Jun-97 14.71 4794.89 5.26 0.80 <0.5 <0.5 I Mav-98 20.37 4789.23 .5.66 <0.5 <0.5 c0.5 Mav-98 20.37 4789.23 0.00 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Ma-99 20.27 4789.33 0.10 1.7 <0.5 <0.5 06120100. 20.04 4789.56 0.23 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1 06/0/02 21.54 4789.06 -103 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1 O6IO2/02 20.56 4789.08 1.03 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 O6/24/03 19.37 1 4790.23 1.17 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 M-4 I Jun-93 - spas ->7*r'J t•, ^"..�+.:, -w,'+x'"-,;. 29 <0.5 <0.5 I 4693.34 Jun-93 -ss.J*' r';wsi+<s:W .::eylrti;rn;;:51"V 30 <0.5 <0.5 I May.94 .. v ..A ... _Y r 31 J I <2 <2 Dec-94 1;� 29 <5 NR Dec-9a ti- n 28 <5 NR I n Mer-95 :.u,:x:s..,+.:.. ..d.�.::4:.x ' ".oy?:§"ri x7siY•;,-:,. 32 <5 <5 Au -95 1 13.33 4680401 'LSi'"-sa`r'.1 28 55 <5 .y� Mar•96 1 12.99 4680.35 0.34 I 26 <5 <5 I Jun-96 12.15 4681.19 0.84 23 <5 <5 Seo-96 13.57 4679.77 .1.42 23 <5 <5 Nov-96 ='?`r•r:y4�r°•:�,;=f.§.e:�Nk'"�'i(R;w;cf'e SiA +'sfalid'Y' 28 J <5 J 1 <5 J I Ju1.97 21 <5 <5 I Mav98 10.35 4682.98 3.21 <11 J <0.5 J <0.5 J I Mav-99 I 11.84 4681.50 .1.48 12J <0.5 <0.5 1 I i I I M-5 Jun-93 u ;ikii^tivA 3•t�.x;k.e^ti»;z;Jt;'�3:: :!i1r:wr,'a.:• 49 <0.5 <0.5 1 4751.93 Mav94 s�>:?i,-:.t:i� a+44. ;,e ^: .a`:'v'f.',;'�!"i`"••i5tisr,Rx�-:�'. 11 J <2 J <2 Au -94 :'it;.^:Y'«is*:i'2;rY:'rz`.3F .:'4x;^;s?a':•'5:5'e1@Y 3:" 24 <2 <2 I Dec-94 <2 NR I Mav-95 ?0 h ``"< '^"r.'rA`cv7, anrr+,r #,�'" a'3' 23 <5 <5 I Jun.95- Qr+ 4 .w.:�L ?:; r;r�s . ,r,w x 17 c5 c5 Au -95 aiYC:3T+1v:, q...-„s°iF.ta »'.5::?.R; ''�aiY_si`�.F:! < 15 <5 <5 Nov-95 .,.igrs....r.-.".::�?'?,�z�fd`°..�`'4.«`1:...��a :.+Xz-isifi:#':".5;+3 to <5 <5 Mar-95 7.38 4744.55 `a rkt:frta:wiy 16 <5 <5 Jun-96 7.20 4744.73 0.18 07 J <5 <5 Auq-96 8.33 4743.60 -1.13 14 <5 <5 Se -96 7.52 4744.41 0.81 12.8 NO NO Nov-98 7.16 4744.77 0.36 12 <0.5 <0.5 Jul-97 6.14 4745.79 1.02 10 <5 <5 Ma-98 8.51 4745.42 .0.37 <10 <0.5 1 <0.5 1 Mav99 7.39 4744.54 -0.88 7.2 <0.5 <0.5 06120/00 7.32 a744.61 0.07 2 <0.5 <0.5 06I01/01 6.46 47a5.47 0.88 2.7 <0.5 <0.5 O6/02/02 7.52 4744.41 -1.05 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 O6/26/03 8.14 4743.79 -0.62 1.3 <0.5 <0.5 _ I t E:IBSS\MonitadngkOee 2003t2003.12-GMR Comp Data Tables.xis(Monitoring Wells) February 10,2004 TABLE C-2 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND ANALYTICAL DATA • MONITORING WELLS BOZEMAN SOLVENT SITE Page 2 of 9 Depth to Groundwater Difference CE TCE cls-I 2-OCE Well Date Groundwater Elevation from Previous p u$ (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug1L) Comments I (ft) (ft amst) (ft) M-6 Jun-93 4 S.1 82 2 1 �2!2 4751.74 Jun-93 IR 71 2.8 Jun-95 t11.<4,, i.,%+�t!",il �,.,,,,v:..i�ex."e.�Al%,,wi <5 Auo.95 6.19 1 4745.55 5 I <5 Nova95 8.78 4744.96 -0.59 56 <5 <5 Mar-96 6.94 47".80 1 -0.16 1 57 Is june96 6.78 4744.96 0.16 38 <5 75 33 .5 Sep-96 7.84 474390 106 40 <0.5 <0.5 N0,96 7,40:.,14f­,��F,,�� w�- Jul.97 5.73 4746&01 2.11 1 27 1 <5 79�_5 _ May_ a 6*15 4745.59 -0.42 1 <8 A I .2;V.9 '2 11 23 J 5 <0.5 1 Z 1 471 May-99 7!53 414.71 0.00 -0.5 1 <0.5 1 06/20/00 6.98 4744.76_T 0.05 10 <0.5 1 <0.5 1 12/0i/00 8.04 474370 --ios 10 <0.5 1 <0.5 I 08101/01 6.00 474534 2q04 8.9 <0.5 1 -0.5 1 12101iol 8.83 4742.91 -2.83 7 <0.5 ")l 1 06/02/02 7.19 4744.55 1.64 0.5 <0.5 <0 12/09/02 8.34 4743.40 -1.15 5.3 !01 06/24/03 7.17 4744.57 1.17 1 3.6 6, 30! 12/16/03 9.77 4741.97 -2.60 1 2.2 M-7 Jun-93 32 0.5 49 .98 May-94 zMj i 12 792 25 J Aug-94 25 <2 <2 Dec-94 31 <2 NR Mar=95 35 <5 <5 Jun-95 28 I <5 15 Aug-95 15.65 4777.33 -j:';.W.,A�-h_,te.1 24 <5 No,95 16.93 4776*15 -1.18 29 I <5 <5 Mar-96 21.50 4771.48 .4.67 35 <5 <5 fii� 6.93 4776.05 4.57 0 J <5 <5 L.-.9 26. 117.41 <1 4775.57 .0.48 14 <5 <5 Nov96 18.27 4774.71 7-5 70.5 May-97 15�O ! 13 -0.5 Jun-97 12.55 1 4780.43 5.72 11 <5 195 15.29 1 4777.69 -2.74 <0.5 1 <0.5 1 M�241 17.57 4775.41 -52 .5.1 .5 J io 3.2 5 1 .6 J May-99 8.29 4774.69 171 "6/22/22 18.08 1 4774.90 0.21 06 ,01'0 , 18.28 4 -0 0 1.L Z11 1 -06102/02 18.45 774!523 .5417 �0.5 06126101 17.31 4775.67 1.14 2.2 -0.5 <0.5 M.8 Jun-93 210 3.9 I 8.5 4793.07 Ma,94 316-1 11.1 21 Auow94 290 13 7.4 Aug-94 270 1 7.8 14 1 Dec-94 230 1 1 7.2 9.4 Mar-95 400 6.7 9.3 Jun-95 1101 3 1 -ii Au -95 14.89 4778 110 <5 !�E,-g935 14 "!1,1 .00 89 ;5 Nov. 179 .1.91 120 2 J 16% N7 .27 Mar-96 2087 1 4772.20 -4.07 190 1 4 J BD 5.3 Jun-go 16.93 1 4776.14 3.94 �6O J 3 J 1 5.9 1 1 .30 J 6 Seo-9 1 17.41 1 4775.66 -0.48 1 1 3 J J_ Se -96 17 7.41 4775.66 0.00 117 2.99 3.T3 I No,96 i!ii� *wcl 41<V�'110 �Doi!10t,0. --7w4--k.NKT-190 i 1 3.2 3.8 1 May-97 ISO_g�JJE2:97 12.55 4780.52 4.86 40 <5 <5 I u uo.g 0_. "u g7 14.62 4778.45 .2.07 1 44 <5 lSeD-97 15.29 4777.78 -0.67 ii <0.5 <0.5 Dec.97 98 4775.09 -2.69 U <0F5 0.6 Dec-97 17.98 4775.09 0.00 1 32 <0.5 0.7- May.98 16.86 4776.21 1.12 1 <43 <0.5 <0.5 Nov-98 17.69 4775.38 -0.83 I 33 <0.5 <0.5 May-99 17.57 4775.50 0.12 2_8J '21 <0.5Mavw99 17.57 4775.50 2:0�0 28 J <0.5 � .1 1 06/20/00 17.44 4775.63 0.13 17 <0!2 <0.5 Natural Samole 06120/00 17.44 4775.63 0.00 1 18 <0.5 1 -0.5 Duolicate Sample 12/01/00 171!773 4773.11 1 •2.28 1 23 -0.5 <0.5 05/01/01 17.78 4775.29 1 1.94 1 27 <0.5 <0.5 I 12101/01 22.00 I 4771.07 -4.22 35 <0.5 <0,5 I OBlOy02 17.79 4775.28 4.21 26 -0.5 1 -0.5 4773 23 '0 <0.5 12/09102 19.50 .5 L 06/26/03 1 16.64 4776!73 2 19 <0.5 1 <0.5 12/17103 1 23.10 1 4769.97 1 -6.46 1 30 1 <0.5 1 <0.5 I • EABSSWlonitonng\Dec 200312003-12-GMR Camp Data Tables.)ds(Monitoring Wells) February 10.2004 TABLE C•2 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION AND ANALYTICAL DATA MONITORING WELLS BOZEMAN SOLVENT SITE Page 9 of 9 Depth to Groundwater Difference pCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1-W ell Date Groundwater Elevation from Previous) Comments (k) (k amsl) (k) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) M-38 Seo-96 5.65 4723.30 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1 4728.96 N2v-96 4.77 4724.19 0.89 1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Ma•98 4.31 4724.65 0.46 <0.5 J <0.5 J <0.5 J I May-99 4.07 4724.89 0.24 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 06/21/00 7.82 4725.14 0.25 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 5.29 O.tS 40.500/01/01 44772 0.5 <0.506/02/02 3.67 25.28 -0 006126/03 3.71 4725.25 03 I .<0.5 I <0.5 1 M-39 Seo•96 1 17.06 4751.41 2 ?2tt2 A <0.5 . <<0055 1 1 0.5 4778.47 Nov-96 1 4762.34 I <0.5 Sea-97 4.05 I 4764 <0.52 <0.5 1 Mav98 14.50 478 4 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Mav99 15.45 4763.01 -0.96 I <0.5 <0.5 e0.5 M-40 I Oct-96 1 14.18 1 4692.67 g ^FI 4.4- 10.5 <N0D.5 I 4706.85 Oct-96 14 2.73 ND Nov-96 14.19 69266 •0.01 4 <0.5 <0.5 Jul-97 13.10 4693.75 1.09 3 <0.5 <0.5 Ma•98 12.61 4§94.24 0.49 <0.5 J <0.5 J <0.5 J Ma-99 10.62 4696.23 1.99 2 <0.5 <0.5 06/01100 12.09 4894.76 -1.44 1 <0.5 <0.5 O6101/Ot 12.09 4894.76 1.4a I 1.5 <0.5 <0.5 06/02/02 13.07 4893.78 -0.98 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 O6/26/03 13.43 4693.42 -0.36 0.7 <0.5 <0.5 I M-41 Oct-96 13.61 4693.53 .axC"+x''. 1i 58 0.8 <0.5 4707.14 Oct-96 13.61 4693.53 ,•0.00 I 57 0.8 I <0.5 Nov96 13.55 4693.59 1 0.06 49 J <0.55 J <0.5 J Jul•97 13.10 4694.04 0.45 1 25 c <5 Ma-98 9,48 4697,66. 3.62 <3J <0.5 J <0.5 J I Mav-99 13.45 4693.69 117 1 19J <0.5 <0.5 OZ101/00 1219 4694.55 2..3 12 <0.5 <0.5 ' 12I01/00 12.59 4694.55 -1.37 I 14 <0.5 <0.5 I O6lO1I01 8.86 4898.26 3.71 17 <0.5 1 <0.5 1 121O t/01 13.07 4594.07 -4.19 11 <0.5 <0.5 O6/02102 1 9.79 1 4697.35 3.28 7.5 c0.5 <0.5 12/09/02 13.28 4693.86 -3.49 10 <0.5 <0.5 /6/03 11.1 469 . 6 1 <0.5 <0.5 12/18107 13.18 4893.96 •2.08 I 6A <0.5 <0.5 i I SW-09 Jul-97 In=SS".";t,xt;AAA-94' J"14"! 3 <0.5 <0.5 1 Oct-97 'a:_aa fr?.sMo w5i"vo?;4 10 <0.5 <0.5 A r-98 w"r+a'4 +.` L neckt L r M 1iis. ,� d1N is 10 <0.5 <0.5 Mav98 a..St^rr a%'3 x�3C'.+k.rl�•``' 1 i ..,a<x t"i< s '". 12 <0.5 <0.5 1 06/04/99 'r-,h9}.xta+nW,t4i 77W 'vt' ncwe 12 10.5 <0.5 06/20/00 M VAIF 2l+flx`R#ra'8�'.,•ir raa"Zkix��::� `ka's4t!<�." 7 <0.5 <0.5 06/01/01 ':E;?='xi"`g;:rz'ei::"tit:`s 2=?gi3ft^,:yi�.r:";o rj .^1,iTa. :-:< 7.9 <Os <0.5 06102IO2 +:tF,>x'?f.`%±:x: '�i" °l;`.X'ri'3•a.S:.:d`..3t,?;> '€r?.,-.iz 6.3 <0.5 <0.5 - O6/25/03 lolls ?::t)t T ..C.!i$:`z=.:� ti F::'=:b;,'>.'.�;T�i75-:c.: 4.9 <0.5 1 <0.5 1 Shading indicates measurement not made or data not available J: Estimated value. NR: Not reported. R: Rejected resutL amyl: Above mean sea level BD: Below detection. ug/L Micrograms per liter EABSS1MonitoringQec 200312003-12-GMR Comp Data Tables.xls(Monitoring Wells) February 10,2004 tetra\b s�4. - ;��:� I( 0'��J ~r m •t. , `�i J _ . / Manley Rd - I Unno ed Srt , GoceW teponl 5t"h rq c 3 ` N cn R-72 -Z7 N 7th•Ave ■ Li � Cherry Spring / B 23 B-22 B-2 (Rive,! et�;�• /`:/' I " 'i ' /1/� aB-19 ast"Strc-am.. i 0 R 57 / R-31 N 11th R 56® 0 / -38 I 1 c i R-21 pLnA),3L4 ► 12..R 54 �•nnarne S pTE," (� o z M 37 i x O �,t�� M-39OR-3 - R-18 �_ M 36 O�R-68; R 9 Ditch . R-2 R 3 R-53� //� •' ' -C�riEr$' r } c R- p �! 15[h Ave [ M" _ etr t, o a w O i R-46 / / I is j -- wrt�, - ' 1 R-10 R_ £� - 4 1.B-2 S� R-52 0 / / .�;i I /:= c r ,. -29 R 2 N 16th Av 4 { 0 m R-44 R-51. ;��;� I = y R 38 _3 hIF r 5%4 ( O O2�µu§ . D R-69 OR'2M M 5 s 1 Zvi-4(� I R-14 - i v R�71 B 11�/ a -��I 4 I .. "€� Unnam prig ,�� N 1_cl. inter.. crag M-41 y y �`; R 2 R 0 r< , � E d Dirt Roa ` = w .Black ore PI *_ m B-�3\� n i Jliilm-^.rli� `•.�b'aV B 9 -Ini:'^y21i: `... .ISL SW-09 / / 1i1 j�� oil :0 O\—�i in O�—� is — _ _ _O R 70 / �' p B 1 B-7 B-5 B-3 1 4 B-8 -6 I R- N 20th Ave �� � ��t� N"''19 . Ave E '/��� I I i fS 0 g c i< _ 9th A O/B 17 /1-vA DT-131���f 0 I � r �y z R=4 l.16 M-35 �� /�� ` / B-20 I I t1d +7 ; rc r,. B- 'Lt Ave '1VIDT-10 -49 3pringhiil Rd R 58 I IA r t er N ��T- AveO o R_7 ; 1.I Q1 m z=F ae k; ,5;4t MB;18 �- �/ A-- /, 1� M;34 `^ 1ggn -42 i r i �� ti r rrr ni a1 3rd Ave r „W m Strea ; fk� NRC GROIJ WATE ONTROLAR Urincrred S`Urir:i--.�' i��fa ti r Chcnnci •- I i _ ��x Y ,.syyr�:a't� µ'^ r:�' a ;-a..='. �f\�� Thomas Dr % is `5 Western Dr` t �y �} .f;•' F , a3,tYLa � R-22 O /ILJ r I i tats y r <�i Or Reference ' /i Base topographic information adapted From USGS digital quad,drawing 45111 F1. Dated:.6-94.. . �,. Base map adapted /( 'i� :• a~ �{ p otography,roli 530e negative,r MDOT aerial 265/19/99 " • "Y Jn �F��.. f December 2003 M-40 Monitoring Well 3 DNRC Groundwater Control Area Z R-22 Residential Well c r z �< and Well Distribution Map B-1 Business Well ¢ Vic::.• Bozeman Solvent Site o... Spring 0 Feet 1200 O Well (shallow) t•< -" a Y �3 Bozeman Montana ■ Well (deep) 9911889.452 .' FIGURE 2 p We (depth unknown) ' °` ' 2001611.452 Well ( P Lil cecro\b05vre -.. 7 x^ 7 4 M f a C�E ;NE rneL Monley Rd ` ,�}` d Ave } '� jam— 1<aei c.: Cn m �m c m L(I ✓ Oxp s. r m m o� I i %I - s G W tr CgotLn eL. N Sth Ave e � .. 01 , �. ■ Z- /Z Unna edS e N A6th v R_72 ❑>' ❑ A N 76h-A4. 31 r�- �� ■ I� C,�/ �B-23 r,l❑ N - Cherr✓Spring I !T I O' %:� ❑❑ i (I I "r (River) c -i i ;, ; �Z�/icier L4 ' II / N9thAv ❑❑ ❑❑E I❑❑ r� N 10thAv El El El B � / l ost"Sfreom ❑ R-E r? - � I mi I I -- --� --J O �� Unncme Spring co o �. (4658.84 ... / ° o° o / �o �o ;� o o m7 ^ IEl -M 37 1 / / a /p�/ a a O v 1,6 i R Waitcf Ditch /�... _. / Y ❑ _ 4� I At ■ i 1 / / f/ s "..l 15th Ake —� U '❑ — — U N 16th/4ve M- ■ M-29 m - t 9-6 / / / / -6 / / (4 � (477 3 3 !D JJ C� 16 / I b / / 741.97) M 8 t (47 8.7 )-31 ,- — R 71 N 1 o i o .(4693.96� / / / / / / ( 29.94) Unnam . ri g h .nterc ian: I / M-41 / / I \ ' Sirnmerial'slay / ntravejed Dirt Roa / - - - - Black Ore PI - - - - - - - '� ✓ / / / I / i / / ! / / / N 19T Ave / t�20th Ave S 9th A / / / / / it E �12M 135 J / l l l i Yl / %i - /- _ _ "- i 21 st Ave + rin hil / i Brentwood A op p g IRd / / 1 N '9TH Ave 1 i a Z; L" a' �c p t °rd Ave r... "west"stream NRC GROUNDWATER F _ - CONTROL AREA - - - Unncme 5urfcc U✓afar Channel -- Western Dr \ 77- I Thomas Dr�V/ `fib GZ l �~ Reference v Base topographic information adapted From USGS digital quad,drawing 45111F1. Dated:6-94. Base map adapted per MDOT aerial / photography,roll 530,negative,26,5/19/99 December 2003 Z - - - M-40 Monitoring Well Approximate Groundwater Contours - Approximate Groundwater Contour R-22 Residential Well December 2003 Monitoring Event (Dashed where inferred) B-1 Business Well Contour Interval = 1Oft o... Spring Bozeman Solvent Site 0 Feet 1200 • Well(shallow) Bozeman, Montana 9911889.452 ■ Well(deep) FIGURE 5 />/11�i/0l/VI 2001611.452 p Well(depth unknown) Appendix E: Geotechnical Investigation Report GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED KENYON NOBLE LUMBER BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA I AA I� i . I i I I i RIMROCK ENGINEERING, INC. • GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED KENYON NOBLE LUMBER BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA I j July 12, 2004 _. Project No. 04-126-.01 a Prepared for: Morrison-Maierle, Inc.. P.O. Box 1113 Bozeman, Montana 59771 _ 1 i Prepared by: Rimrock Engineering, Inc. 350 S. Billings Boulevard, Suite 4A Billings, Montana 59101 � N��mmmmN�N ��� ROCK ' ������0��������N���� N���~ . ��m`���mm`����~m:^wm���� mm=m��° Phone 406294.8400 . .............. ... ........_-____.__--`----_`-____'---_-_-_-_---___--_-_-_-_._-_---_____'-__-_-_ 35DS. BU|ingoBou|ovond^ Suihe4A^8iUingu. Niontono5S1U1 Fax 406.294.8405 ` ) J July 12. 2OD4 | K4onieon-yWa\ade. |nC PO Box 1438 � Billings, MT5S1O3 Attention: Mr. Jon Olsen ^ SUBJECT: Geotechnloal Investigation Report ` Proposed Kenyon Noble Lumber ' Bozeman, Montana | Dear Mc [)|aen' i � ` The attached report presents the results of our gaotaohn\ca| investigation for the proposed Kenyon. Noble Lumber Project to be located at the corner of 11m Avenue and Oak Street in � - Bozeman. Montana. Our work consisted of subsurface exploration, laboratory testing. � engineering analyses, and preparation Cf this report. ' � Based OO our work completed 0J date, vve have drawn the following general conclusions: � * The Kenyon Noble building site is currently covered hv topsoil and vegetation. The underlying soils consist of lean clay down to depths ranging from 5 to 0.5 feet. The | subsurface soils be|Ovv the lean C|3y consist of dense sand and gravel with cobbles. -J The lean clay soils have o high connpna.asibi|dv and o |ovv potential to ovveU. ' Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 8.5 to 10 feet ba|oxv the 1 existing surface and may impact construction depending on the invert elevations Of on-site utilities. Temporary devv8te[ing may be required for utilities installed at or | below the groundwater level. . = Conventional spread and continuous footings may be utilized to support structural � loads if founded on dense native gravels. Foundations designed and constructed in -! accordance with the recommendations of this geoUadhnioa| report will require over- excavation and re-compaction with structural fill. ! - ` 04-126-01 Page of July 12. 2OO4 mmmoxEngmeonng.Inc. i • • These and other conclusions and recommendations, along with restrictions and limitations on these conclusions, are discussed in the attached report. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you, and look forward to future endeavors. If you have any questions regarding this report or need additional information or services, please feel free to call the undersigned. 1 Sincerely, RIMROCK ENGINE OBERT WAYNE KES 3i Robert W. Kukes, ,, "CE,,S-5o Principal OtV Enclosures: Report (3 bound copies) T i . J i I ' l ._i _.r J I _J 04-126-01 Page 2 of 2 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. • TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ..............................................................................................1 1.1 Project Description......................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Work ......................................................................................1 1.3 Authorization................................................................................................................2 i1.4 References.........................................................................................................:........2 2.0 METHODS OF STUDY...........................................................................................................2 2.1 Field Exploration.......................................... .........................2 2.2 Laboratory Testing......................................................................................................3 ( 3.0 DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................................4 3.1 Site Conditions.............................................................................................................4 3.2 Subsurface Conditions ...............................................................................................4 3.3 Laboratory Test Results .............................................................................................4 3.4 Analytical Methods............................................:.........................................................5 i4.0 CONCLUSIONS......................................, ................................................................................5 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................................................6 i 5.1 Site Clearing and Preparation ....................................................................................6 5.2 Earthwork....................................................................................................................6 5.2.1 General Site Grading....................................................................................6 5.2.2 Temporary Unconfined Excavations ............................................................7 5.2.3 Temporary Trench Excavation and Backfill .................................................7 5.3 Foundations •••7 ............................................................................................................. 5.4 Concrete Slab-on-Grade Construction.......................................................................8 5.5 Pavement Sections.................................................................................................8 5.6 Site Drainage 5.7 Concrete Reactivity...............................7.... 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES...............................:.....................................................................10 6.1 Project Bid Documents ................................... .......................10 6.2 Construction Observation/Testing and Plan Review ...............................................10 i 7.0 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................11 APPENDICES A Plates B Suggested Specifications for Earthwork C Application for Authorization to Use 04-126-01 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. i ' i GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED KENYON NOBLE LUMBER BOZEMAN, MONTANA i 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE i i, 1.1 Project Description i This report presents the results of our geotechnical'investigation for the proposed Kenyon Noble Lumber to be located 111h Avenue and Oak Street in Bozeman, Montana. The site location is shown on the attached Vicinity Map (Plate 1). We understand that the project will include construction of a 40,500 square foot office/retail building, including a mezzanine, a 43,000 square foot warehouse with adjacent parking and lumber storage areas. It is not anticipated that earthwork to level the site will require cuts or fills of more than 3 feet, except in landscape areas. i Structural loads were provided by CTA Architects and will have vertical structural column loads of 130 kips and continuous wall loads of 4 to 6 kips per lineal foot for long-term loading • conditions. Cuts and fills for building pad construction may be on the order of 1 to 2 feet with over excavation requirements in the footing locations. The site is currently undeveloped agricultural land. I 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed development with respect to the observed subsurface conditions, and to provide our geotechnical recommendations and I opinions as outlined in our proposal dated May 19, 2004, and summarized below. • General soil and groundwater conditions at the project site, with emphasis on how the conditions are expected to affect the proposed construction; i • Suggested specifications for earthwork construction, including site preparation ' recommendations, a discussion of reuse of existing near surface soils as structural or non-structural fill, and a discussion of remedial earthwork recommendations, if I warranted; • Recommendations for temporary excavations and trench backfill; • • Conventional shallow spread foundation design including soil bearing values, minimum footing depth, resistance to lateral loads and estimated settlements; 04-126-01 Page 1 of 12 July 12,_2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. i • . Concrete reactivity potential of site soils; . • Subgrade preparation for slab-on-grade concrete; and ; • Recommendations for asphalt pavement section for parking lots. i Our scope of services consisted of background review, site reconnaissance, field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. This study did not include evaluations of site seismicity, liquefaction, faulting, or other potential geologic or environmental hazards. i 1.3 Authorization Authorization to proceed with our work on this project was provided on June 2, 2004. 1.4 References The following information was provided to Rimrock Engineering in the course of this study and serves as the basis of our understanding of the project type and scope. • A preliminary site plan showing the proposed location of the building on the site. This drawing was the basis for the Site Map shown on Plate 2 of this report. • U. S. Geological Survey, Bozeman Quadrangle, Montana (1974) — Gallatin Co., 7.5- Minute Series (Topographic). These maps were the basis for the Vicinity Map shown on Plate 1 of this report. _i 2.0 METHODS OF STUDY l i 2.1 Field Exploration L Our selection of field exploration locations was based on the anticipated project layout and site access. The subsurface exploration consisted of drilling eight (8) test borings in the proposed construction area using a drill rig equipped with hollow stem augers. Boring depths ranged from 5 to 16 feet below the existing ground surface. Locations of the borings shown on the Site Map (Plate 2, Appendix A)were provided by Morrison-Maierle. These locations should be considered • accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 04-126-01 Page 2 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. i Soil conditions encountered are presented on the boring logs which are included as Plates 3 through 10. A description of the Unified Soil Classification System used to identify the site soils and a boring log legend are presented on Plates 11 and 12 (Appendix A). A field engineer logged the soil conditions exposed in the borings and collected relatively i undisturbed Shelby tube samples, and driven penetration samples for laboratory testing. Soil samples were obtained by driving a 2-inch ID, Standard Penetration Sampler, into the bottom of the boring. The number of blows required to drive the last 12 inches of an 18-inch drive with a 140-pound hammer dropping 30 inches is recorded as the blows per foot (Blow Count) on the boring logs. When the sampler was withdrawn from the boring, samples were removed, j examined by the field engineer, labeled and sealed to preserve the natural moisture content for laboratory testing. After borings were completed, they were checked for groundwater and backfilled with excavated soil using the equipment at hand. i 2.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing is useful for evaluating both index and engineering properties of soils. Typical index tests evaluate soil moisture content, soil particle gradation and plasticity characteristics. We performed laboratory testing on selected soil samples to assess the following: • Soil Classification (ASTM D422, D1140, and D4318) • Unit Weight and Moisture Content (ASTM D2937 and D2216) • Consolidation (ASTM D2435) I In addition, the following analytical tests were performed by Northern Analytical Laboratories. • Soluble Sulfate Content _.� Individual laboratory test results can. be found on the boring logs and on Plates 13 through 17, Appendix A, at the end of this report. I i i 04-126-01 Page 3 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. . 3.0 DISCUSSION i i 3.1 Site Conditions Access to the project site is provided by Oak Street. The project is bordered by 11'h Avenue on the east, Oak Street on the south, and undeveloped agricultural land on the remaining sides. iThe site is presently undeveloped agricultural land. The ground surface in the area of the proposed building appears to slope gradually to the northeast. A total relief of less than five feet is currently present at the entire project site. Drainage on the site consisted of natural infiltration and sheet flow to the northeast. i 3.2 Subsurface Conditions The following paragraphs summarize the results of our field exploration. The boring logs should be reviewed for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions at the locations ' explored. j� The Kenyon Noble building site is currently covered by topsoil and vegetation. The underlying soils consist of lean clay down to depths ranging from 5 to 6.5 feet. The subsurface soils below the lean clay consist of dense sand and gravel with cobbles. + The lean clay soils have a high compressibility and a low potential to swell. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 6.5 to 10 feet below the existing surface and may impact construction depending' on the invert elevations of on-site utilities. Temporary dewatering may be required for utilities installed at or below the groundwater level. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 6.5 to 10 feet during our exploration (June 2004). Fluctuations in the level of the groundwater and soil moisture conditions as noted J in this report may occur due to variations in precipitation, land use, irrigation, and other factors. 3.3 Laboratory Test Results Laboratory testing was performed as previously discussed in Section 2.2. The test data were i evaluated in combination with our field exploration information to assess the engineering properties of the predominant soil types. Atterberg limits tests indicated the clay.has a low to moderate plasticity, while the consolidation tests indicated a high compressibility and low swell potential. The sulfate content test results indicated that the soils have a negligible potential for concrete reactivity. 04-126-01 Page 4 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. • 3.4 Analytical Methods Field and laboratory data are useful when combined with engineering fundamentals to assess specific behavior such as bearing capacity, settlement, and other design parameters. The following approaches were used in developing the conclusions and recommendations presented in subsequent sections of this report. Allowable bearing pressures were computed using Terzaghi's general bearing capacity formula. i • Settlements were computed using classical consolidation theory where fine-grained soils were present. -� 4.0 CONCLUSIONS t The following .conclusions are based on the data collected during this assessment and are • subiect to the limitations stated in this report. These conclusions may change if additional information becomes available. Based on the results of our study, no severe soil or groundwater constraints were observed which would preclude development. The following is a summary of our conclusions. • The Kenyon Noble building site is currently covered by topsoil and vegetation. The underlying soils consist of lean clay down to depths ranging from 5 to 6.5 feet. The subsurface soils below the lean clay consist of dense sand and gravel with cobbles. j The lean clay soils have a high compressibility and a low potential to swell. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 6.5 to 10 feet below the existing surface and may impact construction depending on the invert elevations of on-site utilities. Temporary dewatering may be required for utilities installed at or below the groundwater level. Conventional spread and continuous footings may be utilized to support structural • loads if founded on dense native gravels. Foundations designed and constructed in J accordance with the recommendations of this geotechnical report will require over- excavation and re-compaction with structural fill. Specific recommendations for project design and construction including mitigation of potential problems described above are presented in Section 5.0. 04-126-01 Page 5 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. • 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS I 5.1 Site Clearing and Preparation Prior to construction, surface soils and organic soils should be stripped and removed from the site or stockpiled for use in non-structural areas. It appears about 6 inches can be used as a j reasonable estimate for average depth of stripping. Deeper stripping/grubbing of organic soils, tree roots, etc., may be required in localized areas. Tree root balls should be removed and the resulting voids backfilled with adequately compacted backfill soil. All man-made debris including dumped fills or trash should be removed from the site. The geotechnical engineer should be present during stripping and site preparation operations to observe stripping and grubbing depths, and to evaluate whether buried obstacles such as underground utilities, wells, and foundations are present. Excavations resulting from removal operations should be cleaned of all loose material and widened as necessary to permit access to compaction equipment. I 5.2 Earthwork I• 5.2.1 General Site Grading Site preparation and grading should conform to the requirements contained in this report and in the suggested specifications which are provided as Appendix B of this report. We anticipate that site grading can be performed with conventional earthmoving equipment. Prior to fill j placement, the exposed native soils should be scarified to a 'minimum depth of six inches, l moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to a.minimum of 95% relative compaction in accordance with the ASTM D698 compaction test method. E Where fill is necessary, materials should meet the gradation and plasticity requirements listed i for "structural fill' in Appendix B. It appears that the-existing near surface clay materials are not generally be capable of meeting recommended requirements for structural fill. Fill placement and compaction requirements presented in Appendix B should be followed. The near surface clay soils appear to be soft and have a sufficient moisture content that pumping of subgrade soils under equipment loading could be a problem. If the subgrade should become wet, or excavations extend to the underlying wet clay soils, soft and pumping subgrade conditions could be experienced. This might require the use of a geotextile for stabilization, the I use of small equipment, or other methods to prevent pumping. 04-126-01 Page 6 of 12 July 12, 2004 1 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. i • 5.2.2 Temporary Unconfined Excavations I " The contractor is ultimately responsible for the safety of workers and should strictly observe j federal and local OSHA requirements for excavation shoring and safety. All temporary slopes should comply with OSHA requirements for Type A soils. During wet weather, runoff water should be prevented from entering excavations. l I' 5.2.3 Temporary Trench Excavation and Backfill i I It appears that excavation for footings and utility trenches can be readily made with either a conventional backhoe or excavator in the native soil. We expect the walls of the footing trenches in the near surface lean clay to stand near vertically without significant sloughing. If trenches are extended deeper than five feet or are allowed to dry out, the excavations may i become unstable and should be evaluated to verify their stability prior to occupation by construction personnel. Shoring or sloping of any deep trench walls may be necessary to protect personnel and provide temporary stability. All excavations should comply with current OSHA safety requirements for Type A soils. (Federal Register 29 CFR, Part 1926). I ' Backfills for trenches or other excavations within pavement areas, beneath slabs, and adjacent • to foundations should be compacted in six to eight inch layers with mechanical tampers. Jetting and flooding should not be permitted. We recommend all backfill be compacted to a minimum compaction of 97% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. The moisture content of compacted backfill soils should be within 2% of the optimum. Poor compaction in utility trench backfill may cause excessive settlements resulting in damage to the pavement structural section or other overlying improvements. Compaction of trench backfill outside of improvement areas should be a minimum of 90% relative compaction 5.3 Foundations Alternative deep foundation systems were not considered, since spread footing foundations bearing on native gravels can be used. In order to bear on native gravels, foundations will have to be over-excavated to native gravel and recompacted with structural fill up to the bottom of footing elevation. Over-excavation limits will vary across the site depending on the depth to i gravel. Over-excavation limits should extend laterally 1 foot beyond the foundation for exterior continuous footings and two feet for interior spread footings. Utilizing the structural loads provided in Section 1.1, and an allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 pounds per square foot for _i compacted structural fill, a settlement of 1/2 to 3/4 inch was estimated. Exterior foundations should be embedded a minimum of 3.5 feet below lowest adjacent exterior -� finish grade for frost protection and confinement. Interior footings should be bottomed at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade for confinement. Wall foundation dimensions 04-126-01 Page 7 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. • should satisfy the requirements listed in the latest edition of the International Building Code. Reinforcing steel requirements for foundations should be provided by the design engineer. i The allowable bearing pressures, indicated above, are net values, therefore, the weight of the foundation and backfill may be neglected when computing dead loads. Allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for short-term loading such as wind or seismic. Resistance to lateral loads in the upper lean clay soils may be calculated using an allowable passive equivalent fluid unit weight of 160 pounds per cubic foot and an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.31 applied to vertical dead loads. Both passive and frictional resistances may be assumed to act concurrently. An allowable active equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pounds per cubic may be used. According to the 2000 International Building Code, Table 1615.1.1, the soil profile for this project has a seismic site class D. 5.4 Concrete Slab-on-Grade Construction Prior to constructing concrete slabs, the upper six inches of slab subgrade should be scarified, i moisture conditioned to within 2% of optimum, and uniformly compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. Scarification and compaction will not be required if floor slabs are to be placed directly on undisturbed compacted structural fill. i .! All concrete floor slabs should have a minimum thickness of four inches. Slab thickness and structural reinforcing requirements within the slab should be determined by the design engineer. At least four inches of crushed base aggregate should be placed beneath slab-on-grade floors to provide uniform support. The aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. We recommend that the base course be placed within three to five days (depending on the time of year) after moisture conditioning and compaction of the subgrade soil. The subgrade should . J be protected against drying until the concrete slab is placed. In floor slab areas where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, an impermeable membrane (e.g. 10-mil thick polyethylene) should be placed over the base course to reduce the migration of moisture vapor through the concrete slabs. The impermeable membrane should be protected by two inches of fine, moist sand placed both above and below the membrane. The sand cover will provide protection for the membrane and will promote uniform curing of the concrete slab. The sand cover should be moistened and tamped prior to slab placement. I 5.5 Pavement Sections i _:• The recommended pavement structural sections for the project presented in Table 1 were calculated using the AASHTO pavement design procedure. Traffic loading information was not available at the issue of this report. If traffic loading information becomes available or if loading 04-126-01 Page 8 of 12 July 12, 2004 I Rimrock Engineering,Inc. i • is anticipated to exceed assumed loading conditions, alternative pavement structural sections should be determined based on the provided loading information. In our analysis, we have assumed light duty traffic loading conditions of 65,700 18-kip ESAL for the lifetime of the pavement. For heavy duty traffic loading conditions, we assumed 365,000 18-kip ESAL for the lifetime of the pavement. A CBR value of 4.3 was used for design of the pavement sections. TABLE 1 PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS Traffic Condition Recommended Minimum Structural Section 3 inches Asphaltic Concrete Light Duty 8 inches Base Course 12 inches Pit run Subgrade 4 inches Asphaltic Concrete Heavy Duty (Truck Areas) 10 inches Base Course 12 inches Pit Run Subgrade Aggregate base course thickness may be reduced in each alternate pavement structural section by approximately 20%with the use of a recommended geotextile fabric. Placement and compaction procedures for materials and construction should conform to the suggested specifications contained in Appendix B of this report. The sections presented in Table 1 are based on CBR tests performed on selected samples obtained during our i investigation and should be considered preliminary in nature. We recommend verification of soil conditions as construction progresses so that appropriate revisions can be made if necessary. Aggregate base course thickness may be reduced in the pavement structural section by approximately 20% with the use of Amoco 4553 or 2006 geotextile fabric or comparable i geotextile fabric meeting AASHTO M 288-2000 class 1 requirements. If this alternative is selected, we can provide addition pavement structural sections. The pavement structural section presented in Table 1 are designed for the assumed traffic loadings. However, based on our experience in .the area, environmental aspects such as freeze-thaw cycles and thermal cracking will probably govern the life of AC pavements in light { traffic areas. Thermal cracking of the asphalt pavements allows more water to enter the pavement section which promotes deterioration and increases maintenance costs. It should be noted that the subgrade soils are likely to be prone to frost action during the winter and saturation during the wet spring months. The primary impact of frost action and subgrade saturation is the loss of subgrade and aggregate base strength. Pavement life will be increased if efforts are made to reduce the accumulation of excess moisture in the subgrade soils. Consideration should be given to installing sub-drainage in the form of trench drains in low areas, which are daylighted or tied to the storm drain system. 04-126-01 Page 9 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. I • 5.6 Site Drainage Final elevations at the site should be planned so that drainage is directed away from all foundations. Parking areas should be sloped and drainage gradients maintained to carry all surface water off the site. In parking lot areas, curbs adjacent to landscaping should be deepened to act as a cutoff, or a sub-drain system should be constructed to collect excessive water from landscaping irrigation. I 5.7 Concrete Reactivity Analytical testing of selected soil samples was performed to assess the potential for adverse reactivity with concrete. Soluble sulfate tests were performed to evaluate potential sulfate j attack against Portland Cement Concrete. Soluble sulfate contents were observed to be less 1 than 0.01%. Therefore, the potential for sulfate attack appears to be negligible and conventional Type II cement may be used according to Table 1904.3 of the 2000 International Building Code. i 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES _I J6.1 Project Bid Documents It has been our experience during the bidding process, that contractors often contact us to I discuss the geotechnical aspects of the project. Informal contacts between Rimrock Engineering and an individual contractor could result in incorrect or incomplete information being provided to the contractor. Therefore, we recommend a pre-bid meeting be held to answer any questions about the report prior .to submittal of bids. If this is not possible, questions or clarifications regarding this report should be directed to the project Owner or his J designated representative. After consultation with Rimrock Engineering, the project Owner (or his representative) should provide clarifications or additional information to all contractors bidding the job. 6.2 'Construction Observation/Testing and Plan Review I ' -� The recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that an adequate i program of tests and observations will be made during construction to verify compliance with I these recommendations. These tests and observations should include, but not necessarily be �• limited to, the following: 04-126-01 Page 10 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. Observations and testing during site preparation and earthwork. • Observation of footing trench excavations. • Observation and testing of construction materials. • Consultation as may be required during construction. We also recommend that project plans and specifications be reviewed by us to verify compatibility with our conclusions and recommendations. Additional information concerning the scope and cost of these services can be obtained from our office. The review of plans and specifications and the field observation and testing by Rimrock Engineering are an integral part of the conclusions and recommendations made in this report. If we are not retained for these services, the Client agrees to assume Rimrock Engineering's responsibility for any potential claims that may arise during construction. 7.0 LIMITATIONS Recommendations contained in this report are based on our field explorations, laboratory tests, ;• and our understanding of the proposed construction. The study was performed using a mutually agreed upon scope of work. It is our opinion that this study was a cost-effective method to j evaluate the subject site and evaluate some of the potential geotechnical concerns. More detailed, focused, and/or thorough investigations can be conducted. Further studies will tend to increase the level of assurance, however, such efforts will result in increased costs. If the Client wishes to reduce the uncertainties beyond the level associated with this study, Rimrock Engineering should be contacted for additional consultation. The soils data used. in the preparation of this report were obtained from borings made for this investigation. It is possible that variations in soils exist between the points explored. The nature and extent of soil variations may not be evident until construction occurs. If any soil conditions are encountered at this site which are different from those described in this report, our firm should be immediately notified so that we may make any necessary revisions to our recommendations. In addition, if the scope of the proposed project, locations of structures, or building loads change from the description given in this report, our firm should be notified. This report has been prepared for design purposes for specific application to the Kenyon Noble . Lumber project in accordance with the generally accepted standards of practice at the time the report was written. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Other standards or documents referenced in any given standard cited in this report, or otherwise relied upon by the authors of this report, are only mentioned in the given standard; they are not 04-126-01 Page 11 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. I I • incorporated into it or "included by reference," as that latter term is used relative to contracts or other matters of law. I This report may be used only by the Client and for the purposes stated, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on- and off-site), or other factors including advances in man's understanding of applied science may change over time and could materially affect our findings. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after 36 months from its issue. Rimrock Engineering should be notified if the project is delayed by more than 24 months I from the date. of this report so that a review of site conditions can be made, and recommendations revised if appropriate. It is the Client's responsibility to see that all parties to the project including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, etc., are made aware of this report in its entirety. The use of I information contained in this report for bidding purposes should be done at the Contractor's option and risk. Any party other than the. Client who wishes to use this report shall notify Rimrock Engineering of such intended use by executing the "Application for Authorization to i Use" which follows this document as an appendix. Based on the intended use of the report, Rimrock Engineering may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the Client or anyone-else will release Rimrock Engineering from any liability resulting from the. use of this report by any _. unauthorized party. I . I I J 1 04-126-01 Page 12 of 12 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. APPENDIX A � Plates J -1 J J J• J 4 • North Not to Scale Interstate 90 ' ' 4. • I r .. n. L -t. is r ( 1 � •4 _ �1 .-1i _ =-�.T•_ _gam__ _ Proiect Site , .................... - _---— 11d'Avenue _ ! Oak Street i�S J - 1I .• 71 II -77 40 ilk Bozeman; M. MT;Scale.1 0.206Mr 332Mt 1,089Ft,1 Mi-4.848",1 cm 131Mt ., , tTt ` -" F 2rr: a1 _ VICINITY MAP PLATE Rimrock Engineering, Inc. KENYON NOBLE LUMBER Page 1 of 1 350 South Billings Boulevard,Suite 4A Bozeman,Montana Billings,MT 59102 Tel. (406)294-8400 Morrison-Maierle,Inc. PROJECT NO. 04-126-01 1 NORTH (Not to Scale) • FKENYON NOBLE LUMBER SITE I 1 �tT�r':�.4�•,x.•.Y'.=�s;�v.i+r•.v+'.- -t�v�+•:4�•:�:—.-�^.—+ �,+c�'.'s+x�•r:�-+:'.rt�'•r-r-;.�,;.� i ll I . • rTu,t-nn• r. 4:T� t•1•.1ItNY 1 er,,'O:.ur., B-4 A. 1 . 11''Avenue 1 ., Q ,• B-3 M1. .... ., au:,.:aa `c.( ?� •[. ray Sri .n..,.n..as, . ... ... 1.. �.. �.. I. �.•' i .1:' I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Oi :;..._ . . .. . . . . . . .. :: . . . . . . . . . . B-8 , . . . . . .. . . LLN Oak Street SITE MAP PLATE Rimrock Engineering,Inc. KENYON NOBLE LUMBER Page 1 of 1 350 South Billings Boulevard,Suite 4A Bozeman,Montana Billings,MT 59102 Tel. (4W)29"400 2 Morrison-Maierle,Inc. PROJECT NO. 04-126-01 MW Date Completed: 6/2/04 Logged By: R Kukas i Boring Location: Parking_ Lot 100 Feet West of Warehouse • Driller: J. Frank Drilling Method/Size: Hollowstem Auger .I Elev.Top of Hole: 100 Total Depth: 5 Groundwater Depth:I None F 1 None a- x } 0 w w w o_ Q. w 0 DESCRIPTION NOTES Q = J J W (n > U w a 2 22 00 OV 0 n tC i W 0 U1 fn Z Co� U` l To soil Black moist soft vegetation Lean Clav Brown,wet, soft, medium to high plasticity MC=25.7% Plastic Index=20 Minus 200=93% Ji i t i 95 5 End of Boring i. 9D 10 i II I i i J 85 15 0 a i 4 N O 0 LOG OF BORING B-1 PLATE Rimrock En ineerin Kenyon Noble Lumber 1 of 1 s g g 11th Avenue & Oak Street y Bozeman, Montana to Drafted By: R. Kukes Project No.: 04-126-01 3 FX Date: 7/12/04 File Number: Morrison-Maierle Rimrock Engineering i • Date Completed: 612104 Logged By: R KukPc Boring Location: Northeast Corner of Warehouse-100 Feet North&100 Feet West of B-3 Driller: J. Frank Drilling MethodlSize: Hollowstem Auger Elev.Top of Hole: 100 Total Depth: 12.5 Groundwater Depth:19.5 ! FZ 9.5 Q. X z O w > Q, O w w o w DESCRIPTION NOTES Q = a a m rn > w g 22 0 O a 0 L) O a w 0 U) r¢/>z m 0 w O `0 o' Topsoil Black moist soft medium plasticity, vegetation Lean Clav Brown,moist,soft, medium plasticity l i 1 2 MC=30.9% 95 s Plastic Index=13 Minus 200=93% Lean�Clvay with some Sand Brown,wet, soft,medium 4 1.5 ° Gravel with Sand Brown,wet,dense,granular non-plastic, cobbles roun to subround o D� O Q o °& OOo 0Qo 00 90 10 o p0 OQo i o Qo 00 o DO OQo J 0& .0 o p JAuger Refusal at 12.5 Feet _J 85 15 0 N .1 0 N O L7 •Y LOG OF BORING B-2 PLATE Rimrock Engineering Kenyon Noble Lumber 1 of 1 g g 11th Avenue &Oak Street Bozeman, Montana 00 Drafted By: R. Kukes Project No.: 04-126-01 `t Date: 7/12/04 File Number: Morrison-Maierle t Rimrxk Engineering i Amok MW Date Completed: 612104 Logged By: R K ikP- i Boring Location: Center of Warehouse-300 Feet North of B-6 • Driller: J. Frank Drilling Method/Size: HollDwstem Auger Elev.Top of Hole: 100 Total Depth: 15 Groundwater Depth:I .SZ 10.0 FT 10.0 za xx x W r m O m LL 0 DESCRIPTION NOTES Q = J J >W V) U w a 2 22 00 Ov 0 @ I W 0 U) rn Z CoLLLL of of 0 . iZ1111111A Topsoil Black moist soft medium plasticity Lean Clay Brown,moist,soft to medium stiff,medium to 7 1.5 ig pas icity 1 l 95 5 3 1.5 la °° pr of fine.sand qnft wet ravel with Sand Brown,wet,very dense,large cobbles o DO O0a Ji• 030 DO O° J. D Oo °& °° iJr, DO OOo °Qo .0 90 10 oO O 0 i o& °o 00 o DO &� Opo °p° °° o DO �i O O o °QO .1 o D� i DOo J � 85 15 ° ° °O a End of Boring i 4 N 1 I .0 LOG OF BORING B-3 PLATE i .:::: .. Rimrock Engineering Kenyon Noble Lumber 1 of 1 0 9 9 11th Avenue & Oak Street Bozeman, Montana Drafted By: R. Kukes Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 7/12/04 File Number: Morrison-Maierle Rimrock Engineering RIMROCK SOIUROCK LOG 04-126-01.GPJ 7112/04 • • p 3 0 0 N o N a d ELEVATION, ft. m p 0J p C ry 5 O N DEPTH,ft. m �' -1 nn 0 r- 0 0 0 SAMPLE TYPE -a w c SAMPLE/BOX o m 0 m m NUMBER P cn rn O O N 3 BLOWS PER T a FOOT s a O co o :3 3 3 RECOVERY,ft. 0 z u' P m ROD p (Q a _ Oo Oo o Oo 0 00 o O� o 0 N O vp v� v� v� v� Gra hicLo D N O � oQ 0 Q Q P 9 fD 0 0 00 0 Do 0 00 0 -D 0 � � O ::3 D Cl m o 0 n T (fl d d d m (D O A O fn O ' (D O C 7 W N O O (D S� O y Q O r 7 � Z W p 3 m 3 M a- (D QD N CD D � ? N Fv O (D N Z m CD o m � O 3 G� 3 'D 0 W n) 0- Cu CD o '. w U1(D E -0 (Dm 3 p (D in 0 z D s G) n 0' S 0 c v � Q � a CD m En N_ O n � C � � CL (D O � oD o0 in Ln z / m f. o m i FBoring ompleted: 612104 Logged By: R KukPs i Location: Westside of Retail Building-200 Feet West of B-6 J. Frank Drilling Method/Size: Hollowstem Auger Elev.Top of Hole: 100 Total Depth: 10.5 Groundwater Depth:I S— 9.0 F 1. 9.0 z a XXof Y 0)m w I _ W J w ui DESCRIPTION NOTES o_ o-m wa 2 22 00 v0 o CL m w 0 U) v¢iz mU of 0 j Topsoil Black moist soft vegetation Lean Clay Brown,wet,soft,medium to high plasticity �I _l -� 1.4 i 95 5 ( o Gravel with Sand Brown,wet,dense,large cobbles o c o D ) � • 000 U QO .1 o D� Opo e po e e i 6` . pO 030 1. 90 10 o D� I C o ..J Augar Refusal at 10.5 Feet .J BS 15 0 N � 4 N V 0 0 • o LOG OF BORING B-5 PLATE Rimrock Engineering Kenyon Noble Lumber 1 of 1 s 9 9 11th Avenue & Oak Street N Y Bozeman, Montana ro Drafted By: R. Kukes Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 7/12104 File Number: I Morrison-Maierle Rimrock Engineering I RIMROCK SOIL/ROCK LOG 04-126-01.GPJ 7112/04 • 31 o o o N ELEVATION,ft. m p 0 (D C CD J �, DEPTH,ft. < m 0 l Or O N SAMPLE TYPE a SAMPLE/BOX o mR a CD NUMBER m _ _ c m O (D N BLOWS PER o a n —I N FOOT o CDo 0 CD v CCD a 7�- o Lr, RECOVERY,ft. d or RQD _� c (C)_ a tv 0v ov 0v G)0o Graphic Log rn rn o ��� �o0 �oo boo CCD w � oCD D 0 m o 0 n �s C N ` f0 In m N fccp C7 n O• 0 N cD p O (D O c S s U1 -, N 3 : G) N C1 (A o 0 o r m oED < �' a o o j :3 o CD w o T S o n o go co CDo (D N O C CD (D (n C) N 7C a W cD N y A 7 Cn(D o1 = v ( - n 3 o (D CD m z in n o B o (� c 2s) o n O n 7 - x o � Q � v m CD v in -n — 'IH 'Ib rn rn L" Ln 5•d C) N VCi n•N 07. N_O 00_N z IIX0 O C) m D o C CO m I low Date Completed: 6/2/04 Logged By: R Kiikac Boring Location: East Side of Retail Building-100 Feet East of B-6 • Driller: J. Frank Drilling Method/Size: Hollowstem Auger Elev.Top of Hole: 100 Total Depth: 16.5 Groundwater Depth:l — 9.0 FZ 9.0 x w(L X of i Z 0uJ > 0)j w w W ° W � DESCRIPTION NOTES Q W (n= J J U w (- 222 p0 O() o_J LLJm W 0 rn toZ mUO W Cr I C I Topsoil Black moist soft vegetation Lean Clay Brown,wet,soft, medium to high plasticity Ii i .I 1! i 95 • 5 17 1.2 Sand Brown,wet,soft,granular non-plastic 6 U o Gravel with Sand Brown,wet,very dense with some— cobbles,round to subround 0 0� DO o • ' po J o0 p 00 o 3o .1 0 00 o 0 0 °3' 1. OHO 90 10 0 0 °bo .0 o DO O O 0 l o Qo o° 1 Op� 0o & 0 0 o DO 000 °Qo e° _J o �Q5 opo ��- BS 15 o DO v O O U a ,Qo 0 0� Opo J 4 End of Boring 0 I O 0- 0 LOG OF BORING B-7 PLATE o° Kenyon Noble Lumber Rik Engineering 11th Avenue & Oak Street 1 of 1 Y Bozeman, Montana o Drafted By: R. Kukes Protect No.: 04-126-01 9 Date: 7/12/04 File Number: Morrison-Malerle Rimrock Engineering RIMROCK S IUR�L 04- 1 •0 OG 126-0 .GPJ 7112/04 i z ELEVATION,ft. m (D mCL O s 07 o DEPTH,ft. m 5' 0 rn r 0 0 o SAMPLE TYPE o ` n 3 m C SAMPLE/BOX o 0 a CD NUMBER �? .0 N N 3 BLOWS PER p D O FOOT co o n 0 Z (D 3 RECOVERY,ft.Z o RQD rnN Graphic Log o (D 00 -, CD S mtx-o 4 o m o (0 CL mN TP 0o ` W �_ oZ 0 (DN' Ln 0 0 O N �O O ? 3 N o m i > j Z W 3N 3 3 0- 0) (D Q' N,o > 0 07 ° o ° _ �� � < m z (D n� O c G) c� � �� W NE x90 Cn(D ' 0 - w x o. O (D 3 ' O (D z cn C (p 3 0 C O Q U3 w (D (D J -n ZZ 0 0 > > Z o S m i Mw UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM I MAJOR DIVISIONS USCS TYPICAL SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND CLEAN GRAVELS :I MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES I GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES ° POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND (More than half of o GP MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES coarse fraction O is larger than I the#4 sieve) o GM SILTY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SILT-SAND GRAVELS MIXTURES COARSE WITH OVER GRAINED 12% FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY SOILS MIXTURES (More than half ; SW WELL-GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL of material CLEAN SANDS MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES is larger than SANDS WITH LITTLE the#200 sieve) More than half of OR NO FINES ( Sp POORLY-GRADED SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL coarse fraction MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES ' is smaller than the#4 sieve) I SM SILTY SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL-SILT MIXTURES SANDS WITH OVER 12% FINES SC CLAYEY SANDS,SAND-GRAVEL-CLAY MIXTURES 10 INORGANIC SILTS&VERY FINE SANDS, ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY SILTS AND CL4YS INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY,GRAVELLY CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS, FINE (Liquid limit less than 50) — CL SILTY CLAYS,LEAN CLAYS GRAINED — SOILS — ORGANIC SILTS&ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OL — OF LOW PLASTICITY (More than half MH INORGANIC SILTS,MICACEOUS OR of material DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILT is smaller than the#200 sieve) SILTS AND CLAYS CH FAT CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, (Liquid limit greater than 50) FAT CLAYS i OHTOF RGANIC CLAYS&ORGANIC SILTS MEDIUM-TO-HIGH PLASTICITY LOAMS UNDER USDA SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, m SOIL OF APPROXIMATELY EQUAL SAND/SILT/CLAY a c� 4 " UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE Kenyon Noble Lumber Rimrock En ineerin g g 11th Avenue& Oak Street Bozeman, Montana 11 O Drafted By: Project No.: 04-126-01 s 91 Date: 6/9/04 File Number: I Morrison-Maierle i Copyright Rimrock Engineering,Inc.2003 LOG SYMBOLS PERCENT FINER NA BULK/BAG SAMPLE (ASTM Test Meth dIEV C 136) I PERCENT FINER MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER -200 THAN THE NO. 200 SIEVE l (2-1/2 inch outside diameter) (ASTM Test Method C 117) LIQUID LIMIT CALIFORNIA SAMPLER LL (ASTM Test Method D 4318) (3 inch outside diameter) STANDARD PENETRATION PLASTICITY INDEX SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER PI (ASTM Test Method D 4318) 11 .(2 inch outside diameter) El EXPANSION INDEX GEOPROBE UBC STANDARD 29-2) J . l ROCK CORE COL COLLAPSE POTENTIAL WATER LEVEL UC ASTMNTeIstEMet hood D 2E COMPRESSION (level where first encountered) T WATER LEVEL (level after completion) MOISTURE CONTENT J SEEPAGE MC (ASTM Test Method D 2216) . I I I1 GENERAL NOTES 1 1. Lines separating strata on the logs represent approximate boundaries only. Actual transitions may be gradual. !_ 2. No warranty is provided as to the continuity of soil conditions between individual sample locations. 3. Logs represent general soil conditions observed at the point of exploration on the date indicated. 4. In general, Unified Soil Classification System designations presented on the logs were evaluated by visual methods only. `e Therefore,actual designations(based on laboratory tests)may vary. i m 0.0. c� 4 N LOG KEY PLATE �� .,+,., f, Kenyon Noble Lumber Rimrock Engineering 11th Avenue & Oak Street Y Bozeman, Montana. 2 o Drafted By: Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 6/9/04 File Number: Morrison-Malerle Copyright Rimrock Engineering,Inc.2003 i Amok i SIEVE-SIZE i 3" 1-1t/2" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #8 #10 #16 #30 #40 #50 #100 #200 i 100 90 I 80 I 70 O N 60 i U l a o_ z 50 w U a 40 ! 30 20 I 10 0— ' 10 1 0.1 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS coarse fine coarse medium fine i GRAVEL SAND LEGEND: SOURCE DEPTH COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES DESCRIPTION (ft) (°�°> N -i 0 B-1 0.3 0 0 7 93 LEAN CLAY(CL) M B-2 4.5 0 0 7 93 LEAN CLAY(CL) B-6 4.5 C. 1 9 90 LEAN CLAY(CL) I i • i 1 0 n i a SIEVE ANALYSIS PLATE ' Rimrock En ineerin Kenyon Noble Lumber 1 of 1 N 9 9 11 th Avenue & Oak Street Y Bozeman, Montana 13 0 Drafted By: Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 7/12/04 File Number: Copyright Rimrock Engineering.Inc.2003 - AM 60 70 80 90 100 0 GROUP UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOL FINE GRAINED SOIL GROUPS Organic silts and organic silty - clays of low plasticity Z . i / U LINE j i /ALIN Inorganic clayey silts to very iML fine sands of slight plasticity 5 50 Z Inorganic clays of low CL � Q � to moderate plasticity Organic clays of moderate to high X QN plasticity,organic silts Inorganic slits and MH clayey silts l i / l I 40 ` Inorganic clays of GH high plasticity X W / • �. 1 i I Z Z 3 //I , i ' .' 30 >- AfIH c r QH i fA Q J 2 20 a i { t i I I 10 10/ j i I i MLI LF ` II ! a.iii. _ �r • I i I 0 J10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT(LL) _t! _J LEGEND: SOURCE DEPTH LL PL. PI DESCRIPTION • B-1 0.3 37 17 20. LEAN CLAY(CL) M B-2 4.5 32 19 13 LEAN CLAY(CL) ♦ B-6 4.5 29 18 11 LEAN CLAY(CL) J 0 a 4 ro I N I Q of PLASTICITY CHART PLATE w ;;::,::... Kenyon Noble Lumber Rimrock Engineering 11th Avenue & Oak Street 1 of 1 0 Y Bozeman, Montana 14 Drafted By: Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 7/12/04 File Number: I Morrison-Malerle i Copyright Rimrock Engineering,Inc.2003 i i -1 i 0 � 1 2 3 I 4 z 5 I N 6 .� 7 8 . J 9 i 10 11 12 100 1,000 4,000 JSTRESS(psq Before After BORING: B-2 Wet Unit Weight(pcf) = 105.7 At a depth of approximately 3.5 feet Moisture Content(%)= 27.5 'a 4 Dry Unit Weight(pcf)= 82.9 N Z 0 o CONSOLIDATION TEST PLATE Kenyon Noble Lumber o Rimrock Engineering 11th Avenue& Oak Street Y Bozeman, Montana 15 o Drafted By: Project No.: 04-126-01 Date: 7/12/04 File Number: I Morrison-Malerle Rimrock Engineering.Inc. PHYSICAL:P:R.OPERTIES'OF`SOIL/AGGREGATE Client Name: Morrison-Maierle,Inc. Project No: 04-126-01 Address: PO Box 1113 Date of Report: 07/12/04 Bozeman,MT 59771 Project Name: Kenyon Noble Lumber Sample No: Project Location: Bozeman,Montana Date Received: 06/09/04 l Sampled By: R.Kukes Type of Soil/Aggregate: Lean Clay Submitted By: R. Kukes Source of Sample: B-1,0 to 3 feet CALIFORNIA-BEARING. . 1 Y I LABORATORY BEARING RATIO(CBR) 120 i 1 100 60 � I a — d 60 ry 1 J .J 40 20 0.4 1 1 1 1 - 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 Penetration,Inches l %CBR @ 0.1" 4.3 I J I 1 California Bearing Ratio-CBR Plate Rimrock Engineering, Inc. Kenyon Noble Lumber page 1 of 1 350 South Billings Boulevard,Suite 4A Bozeman, Montana Billings,Montana 59101 1 C Tel. (406)294-e400 Project No.04-126-01 Morrison-Maierle, Inc. (� RIMROCK &GINEERING, INC. it �OF ( t uiai i J' I � ryT "t rf �F, � PHYSICAL= P.ROuP,EtRr ;I;ES,ifSO.IL=/ACGRESGJrT;E ,� �� sr ,�I•�lof YI .Y aS.w. .J• a.k 1. .'!. nt Name: Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Project No: 04-126-01 Address: P. 0. Box 1113 Date of Report: 07/12/04 Bozeman, MT 59771 Project Name: Kenyon Noble Lumber Sample No: Project Location: Bozeman, Montana Date Sampled: 06/09/04 Sampled By: Rimrock Engineering, Inc. Type of Soil/Aggregate: GT Sample Submitted By: Rimrock Engineering, Inc. Isource of Sample: B-1, 0 to 3 feet •ay t y' u.T{3. A r m �� r y 1,. a �� ae, 11 .41t, ,:Fr,aSY:yy,Wr��r `tr �'.,,a;ftt� MOISTUSRE DENSITY�gRE:LATnIOaNSHIPnti �� � r IN.. - .r,;1Y J.. ...r.1a..�r i�r•..r-.:.a ,:IrK. ,-t:_.F 1 xax', r+.,, r.^. 't.x,...f:'r..r.nr.r+'r:i,...,�n:.M,.ro7.'>�..:r. .J^, 11H, .4. f� tr��•;'� to t � '+MAXIMUM!DENSnY&"OPTIMUMAMOISTURE ata 105 �t *ski+A "ZERO,�AIR"VOID$Hri twl .ftczr7 T�a3� ?err 104 103 102 101 100 I I a 98 Z 97 LU 0 96 95 --I---- — — 0 94 93 92 91 I 90 89 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WATER CONTENT,% Maximum Density, PCF: 103.3 Optimum Moisture, %: 17.8 Test Method: ASTM D698 Visual Classification: Lean Clay Plate No. 17 RIMROCK ENGINEERING,INC. 350 S.Billings Boulevard.Suite 4A. Billings,MT 59101. Phone:406.294.8400 Fax:406.294.8405 l :I APPENDIX B . ] � Suggested Specifications -� For Earthwork Construction J J J J� i i l APPENDIX B SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS FOR EARTHWORK KENYON NOBLE LUMBER (( BOZEMAN, MONTANA .i 1.0 GENERAL I 1.1 Scope - The work done under these specifications shall include clearing, stripping, removal of unsuitable material, excavation, preparation of natural soils, placement and compaction of on-site and imported structural fill material, and placement and compaction of pavement materials. I 1.2 Contractor's Responsibility - A geotechnical investigation was performed for .. the project by Rimrock Engineering dated July 12, 2004: The Contractor shall attentively examine the site in such a manner that he can confirm existing surface conditions with those presented in the geotechnical report. He shall satisfy himself that the quality and quantity of exposed materials and subsurface soil or rock deposits have been satisfactory represented by the Geotechnical Engineer's report and Civil Engineer's drawings. Any discrepancy that may be of i• prior knowledge to the Contractor or that is revealed through his investigations _J shall be made available to the Owner. It is the Contractor's responsibility to review the attached report prior to construction. .The selection of equipment for use on the project and the order of work will similarly be his responsibility such -- that the requirements included in following sections have been met. 1.3 Geotechnical Engineer - The work covered by these specifications shall be observed and tested by the Geotechnical Engineer, Rimrock Engineering, who shall be hired by the Owner. The Geotechnical Engineer will be present during the site preparation and grading to observe the work and to perform the tests necessary to evaluate material quality and compaction. The Geotechnical Engineer shall submit a report to the Owner, including a tabulation of all tests -' performed.. The costs of retesting of unsuitable work performed by the Contractor shall be deducted from the payments to the Contractor. - 1.4 Standard Specifications - Where referred to in these specifications, "Standard Specifications" shall mean the current Montana Public Works Standard Specifications dated March 2003. 1.5 Compaction Test Method - Where referred to herein, relative compaction shall mean the in-place dry density of soil expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density of the same material, as determined by ASTM D698 Compaction Test 04-126-01 Page 1 of 5 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc i Procedure. Optimum moisture content shall mean the moisture content at maximum dry density as determined above. 2.0 SITE PREPARATION 2.1 Clearing - Areas to be graded shall be cleared and grubbed of all vegetation and debris. These materials shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. 2.2 Stripping - Surface soils containing roots and organic matter shall be stripped from areas to be graded and stockpiled or discarded as directed by the Owner. In general, the depth of stripping of the topsoil will be approximately six inches. Deeper stripping, where required to remove weak soils or accumulations or organic matter, shall be performed when determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. Strippings shall be removed from the site or stockpiled at a location designated by the Owner. 2.3 Removal of Existing Fill - Existing fill .soils, asphalt, landscape materials, trash, and debris in the areas to be graded shall be removed prior to the placing of any compacted fill. Portions of any existing fills that are suitable for use in compacted _1 fill may be stockpiled for future use. All organic material, topsoil, expansive soils, oversize material or other unsuitable material shall be removed from the site by -• the Contractor or disposed of at a location on site, if so designated by the Owner. j 2.4 Ground Surface - The ground surface exposed by stripping shall be scarified to a depth of six inches, moisture conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction, and compacted as required for compacted fill. Recompaction shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior.to placing fill. i 3.0 EXCAVATION l 3.1 General - Excavations shall be performed to the lines and grades indicated on the plans. The data presented in the geotechnical investigation report is for ' information and only the Contractor shall make his own interpretation with regard -i to the methods and equipment necessary to perform the excavation and to obtain material suitable for fill. i - 3.2 Materials - Soils which are removed and are unsuitable for fill should be placed in non-structural areas of the project. When necessary, these soils may be j placed in deeper fills if approved by the Geotechnical Engineer.. i 3.3 Treatment of Exposed Surface - The ground surface exposed by excavation shall be scarified to a depth of six inches, moisture conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction, and compacted as required for compacted fill. 04-126-01 Page 2 of 5 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc 0 • Recompaction shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing fill. 4.0 STRUCTURAL FILL it 4.1 Limits - Structural fill will be used for fill beneath foundations for exterior continuous footings and interior column footings. In this area, the existing clay or fill soils will be over excavated down to the native gravels and will extend laterally 1 foot beyond the edge of footings for continuous exterior footings, and replaced with structural fill. Interior column footings will be excavated down to native gravels and extend laterally 2 feet beyond the edge of footings, and replaced with ). structural fill. _.1. 4.2 Material - Structural fill material shall consist of medium.dense to dense gravels. We recommend the gradation for structural fill be 100% passing the 3-inch sieve, 25 to 60%. passing the No. 4 sieve, and no more than 20% minus No. 200 sized material. 4.3 Placement - All structural fill shall be placed in eight-inch loose lifts and uniformly moisture conditioned. The lift should be compacted to 98% of ASTM D698 relative compaction. No fill shall be placed, spread, or compacted while it . is frozen or during unfavorable weather conditions. { 4.4 Benching - Fill placed on slopes steeper than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical shall be keyed into firm,. native soils or.rock by a series of benches. Benching can be - conducted simultaneously with placement of fill. However, the method and . extent of benching shall be checked by the Geotechnical Engineer. 4.5 Compaction Equipment - The Contractor shall provide and use sufficient I equipment of a type and weight suitable for the conditions encountered in the i field. The equipment shall be capable of obtaining the required compaction in all _I areas, including those that are inaccessible to ordinary rolling equipment. -�. 4.6 Re-compaction -When, in the judgment of the Geotechnical Engineer, sufficient ., compaction effort has not been used, or where the field density tests indicate that Jthe required compaction or moisture content has not been obtained, or if "pumping" or other indications of instability are noted, the fill shall be reworked and recompacted as needed to obtain a stable fill at the required density and --a moisture content prior to placing additional fill materials. 4.7 Responsibility - The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all embankments and fills made during-the contract period and shall i 04-126-01 Page 3 of 5 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc j • bear the expense of replacing any portion which has become displaced due to carelessness, negligent work, or failure to take proper precautions. 5.0 UTILITY TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL 5.1 Material - Pipe bedding shall be defined as all material within six inches of the perimeter of the pipe. Backfill shall be classified as all material within the remainder of the trench. Material for use as bedding shall consist of clean, granular materials, and shall conform to requirements for bedding material listed in Section 02221 of the Standard Specifications. 5.2 Placement and Compaction - Pipe bedding shall be placed in thin layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction. All other trench backfill shall be placed in thin layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, conditioned to the proper moisture content, and compacted as required for adjacent fill. If not specified, backfill should be compacted to at least 97% relative compaction in areas under structures; utilities, roadways, parking areas, concrete flatwork, and to 90% relative compaction in undeveloped areas. ;. 6.0 AGGREGATE BASE FOR CONCRETE SLABS 6.1 Material - Aggregate base for concrete slabs shall consist of crushed base rock j conforming to requirements in Section 02235 of the Standard Specifications. i 6.2 Placement - Aggregate base shall be compacted and kept moist until placement j of concrete. Compaction shall be by suitable vibrating compactors. Aggregate base shall be placed in layers not exceeding eight inches .in thickness. Each _I layer shall be compacted by at least four passes of the vibratory compaction equipment or until 95% relative compaction has been obtained. _J .,.i 7.0 SUBGRADE AND AGGREGATE BASE FOR PAVED AREAS i 7.1 Subgrade Preparation - After completion of the utility trench backfill and prior to placement of aggregate base, the upper six inches of subgrade soil shall be - uniformly compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. This may require scarifying, moisture conditioning, and compacting in both cut and fill areas. I 7.2 Aggregate Base - Aggregate materials shall meet the requirements of the i appropriate sections of the "Standard Specifications" for 1 % Minus Crushed Base Rock. The aggregate base materials must be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to use. 04-126-01 Page 4 of 5 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc . After the subgrade is properly prepared, the aggregate base shall be placed in layers, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted by rolling to at least 95% relative compaction. The compaction thickness of aggregate base shall be as shown on the approved plans. 8.0 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 8.1 Thickness - The compacted thickness of asphalt concrete shall be shown on the approved plans. 8.2 Materials - Aggregate materials for asphalt concrete in light and heavy duty traffic areas shall conform to the requirements listed for Type B or Type S-3 bituminous aggregates in'Section 02503-2.2.3 of the "Standard Specifications." i Asphalt concrete mixes shall utilize asphalt cement meeting the requirements of i Section 02501 of "Standard Specifications". The Contractor shall submit a i proposed asphalt concrete mix design to the Owner for review and approval prior to paving. The mix design shall be based on the Marshall Method. 8.3 Placement and Compaction - The asphalt concrete material and placement procedures shall conform to appropriate sections of the "Standard Specifications." The asphalt concrete material shall be compacted to a minimum of 92% of the Theoretical Maximum Rice Specific Gravity. i. J i i 04-126-01 Page 5 of 5 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering, Inc I l 1 APPENDIX C � Application for Authorization to Use _l J J J i 1 . APPENDIX C APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO USE KENYON NOBLE LUMBER BOZEMAN, MONTANA I I Rimrock Engineering, Inc. 350 South Billings Boulevard, Suite 4A Billings, MT 59101 To whom it may concern: Applicant understands and agrees that.the "Geotechnical Investigation Report, Kenyon Noble Lumber," dated July 12, 2004, Job -No. 04-126-01, for the subject site is a copyrighted document, that Rimrock Engineering, Inc. is the copyright owner and that unauthorized use or copying of said document for the subject site is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Rimrock Engineering, Inc. Applicant understands that Rimrock Engineering, Inc. may.withhold such permission at its sole discretion, or grant permission upon such terms and conditions as it deems acceptable. Applicant agrees to accept the contractual terms and conditions between Rimrock Engineering, Inc. and Morrison-Maierle originally negotiated for preparation of this document.. Use of this A document without permission releases Rimrock Engineering, Inc. from any liability that may arise from use of this report. i•. To be Completed by Applicant j (company name) J (address) (city, state, zip) (telephone) (FAX) I .J By. Title: _r Date: For Rimrock Engineering,Inc.'s use only approved for re-use with additional fee of $ i disapproved,report needs to be updated By: (Rimrock Engineering, Inc. project manager) Date: 04-126-01 July 12, 2004 Rimrock Engineering,Inc � • �1 .l .� __1 1 � • .� -� �� �� • . , J Appendix F: Light Fixture Cut Sheets Architectural Arm-MountiliLCutoff KSF ;Intended:Use. Optics — Anodized segmented reflector: - provide superior uniformity and control For car lots,street lighting or parking areas. KSFI/KSF2 reflectors are rotatable and in • O terchangeable. KSF3 Type IV are only ro Spec-Form' Features tatable but not interchangable. Five cutof Housing—Rugged,heavy-gauge,aluminum distributions available: R2 (Roadway), R; rectilinear housing.All seams continuously (Asymmetric),R4SC(Forward Throw,Shari welded for weathertight integrity. Dark Cutoff), R4W (Wide, Forward Throw), R5; `f4z bronze corrosion-resistant polyester pow- (Square). der finish (DDB) standard. Other architec- Electrical — High reactance, high pow ei tural colors available factor for 150W and below.Constant watt' is Door-Frame—Natural, anodized, extruded age autotransformer for 175W and above Copper wound and 100% factory tested. aluminum frame with mitered corners, re- Removable tained with two hinge power door and positive-lock' 9 pins and secured with one quarter urn, quick-release fas ing disconnect plugs. tener. Integrally designed, extruded sili Socket— Porcelain,horizontal( oriented; 1�� 9 Y 9 V cone gasket provides weatherproof seal mogul-base socket(100M&150M are medi. yr r '�F rk ?w between housing and frame. um base) with copper alloy, nickel-plated '( °yks"' „n" screw shell and center contact. UL listed r � r a Lens — .125" thick, impact resistant tem- 3 1500W, 600V. r, T � pered glass with thermally applied, silk- t f zz screened power door shield. Listings—UL Listed (standard). CSA Ce6.: }+ Y b�,� �a'� °�" �o-�'4 i � 'y�s�'.ry'�Ca;-f>; f Y`N`+y�T _ fied or NOM Certified(see Options).ULlist gar Mile. � 441 Mounting Extruded 4"(KSF1,KSF2)or 12" it g ed for wet locations. ti � (KSF3►aluminumarmforsquare pole mount ing shipped in fixture carton as standards Optional Mountings available. k < *1'..n.rvd,...>_ is„"-.r:.`�L,4.„u'.�.'�.r."..." »•.;'>� .__..r._.-.... — _ Ordering Information Example; KSF1 15OS R2120 SP09 PERT. ` Deslgria'o s D,istnbutlgn k,:1; �y4ypltage� ';, "c 2 • I �• _ EMO,tlTlingxsFittS�.Optlon;s,.ccess,orles r •C�":ri� ..ti'.yIL...n.;..,, •�;, r..2 ...,�•.. :si.,•c?.�YW..na:.,w:,..:�.:.n3. .4�....; ..._�f �ii H_iyh Pressure R2 Type II roadway 120 Included. KSFI/KSF2 Installed Sodium (sizes 1 &2 only) 2084 SP04 4" square pole arm 6(std.) SF Single fuse,120V,277V1 347V 1 KSF1 70S R3 Type III asymmetric 2404 SP09 9" square pole arm We TB) KSF1 100S R4 Type IV foward 277 6 '�`= VP RP04 4" round pole arm DF Double fuse,20BV,240V,480V 'sts KSF1 150S throw(size 3 only) 347 RP09 9" round pole arm Wa TB) KSF2 250S R4SC Type IV forward 4801 WW04 4"wood pole or wall6 PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only throw, sharp TB5 s: ?? KSF2 100S P WW09 9"wood pole or wall (no photocontroq ,. KSF3 10005 cutoff(sizes 1 &2 WB04 4"wall bracket (IRS Quartz restrike system( 75W nibi-in= only) KSF1, not to exceed HID wattit' Metal Halide R4W Type IV wide, W6 B 9" u t ng bra on size 2;250W max.on KSF3,120V� KSF1 100M forward throw MB Mounting bracket lamp not included)9 s °°" I(SF1 150M (size 2 onl ► UARM When ordering KMA or ,T Y CR Enhanced corrosion resistance- ! KSF1 175M DA12 _sxf 1 R5S Type V square 7 EC Emergency circuit „, • KSFI 200M Included. KSF3 (sizes 2&3 only) SCWA Super CWA pulse start ballas?00 KSF1 250M SP12 12" square pole arm(std.) � .• i with HPS,t00M,175M) KSF2 320M1.2 RP12 12" round pole arm ;' KSF2 350M1,2 WW12 12"wood pole or wall CSA CSA Certified ;,- � NOM NOM Certified (consult facto4ry) I KSF2 400M2 WB12 12"wall bracket For optional architectural colors,see page 485. ` KSF3 1000M3 Shipped seoaratelve Shipped Separately KMA Mast arm adapter PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE (120V 240VI10k• KTMB'Twin mounting bar PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE(347V►10 DA12P Degree arm (pole) PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE(480V1°_"' " Dimensions areshowninincheslcentimeterslunlessother- DA12WB Degree arm (wall) PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE(277V►10;Y: >t` wise noted. SC Shorting cap for PER options: KSF1 KSF2 KSF3 KSF_HS House-side shield (KSFI/K021 . EPA" 1.5 ft2(.14 mz) 2.0 ftz 1.19 mz) 3.0 ftz(.28 mz) NOTES: and R3 only.KSF3-R3 and fi4 anrlr.", Length 22(55.9) 255/26(64.3) 305/16(77.0) 1 Must be ordered with SCWA. y' •z:�',,-c"�-'- width 163/16(41.1) 18t/z(47.0) 245/16(61.8) 2 Must use ED28 lamp. KSF_VG Vandal guard (KSF1/KSF2°only, Height 71/408.4) 85/t6121.11 10Vz126.7) 3 Must use BT37 lamp. • For tenon slipfitters,see page 486. Max.weight 39 lbs(17.7 kg) 55 lbs(24.9 kg) 85 1 bs(38.6 kg) 4 Consultfactory for availability inCanada. 5 Optional multi-tap ballast (120V, 208V, 240V, 277V). • In Canada 120V,277V,347V;ships as 120V/347V. 6 Use 9"arm when mounting two luminaires at 90". . a* 7 Use 12"arm when mounting two luminaires at 90". i U ' 8 Maybe ordered as accessory. "-- `/ 9 QRSTD available in select wattages.Consult factory. •„, s. t 10 PER option must be ordered with fixture. - 11 Includes mounting arm. t._-' � r , 3 �t16. i iX yj,:� •y''�x �. � e'�'v -',e z. T� .. F"'� t.' x.l lJry .M J r swww lithonta C.O RI?'r a ,� �� k1.r ry [�# ff 430 Outdoor/PSGB �r at 1 ; g + f y s f keyword 4 a ya s s Architectural Building Mou ( ¢len 'Mounts ; t Intended Use LIP),WTU(wide throw,10%up)and MDU5 (up/down, medium throw, 50% up, 50% WSR/W ST Forbuilding-andwall-mounted applications. down►.Compactfluorescent MD(medium throw) only. t;I Features Electrical—H.I.D.:50W-150W utilizes a high Housing — Rugged, die-cast, single-piece reactance, high power factor ballast.35S housing. Die-cast door frame has'/8'thick utilizes a reactance high power factor tempered glass lens. Door frame is fully ballast. 175W utilizes a constant-wattage n; gasketed with one-piece solid silicone.Stan- auto transformer ballast. Quick-discon �``;'r e lard finish is textured dark bronze (DDBT) nectplug easily disconnects reflector from corrosion-resistant polyester powder with ballast. Ballasts are copper wound and3r other architectural colors available. 100% factory tested. Porcelain, medium- Installation—Universal mounting mecha- base copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 660W, nism with integral mounting support al- lows fixture to hinge down. Bubble level 600V 4KV pulse rated. CFL: compact fluor r <> rescent ballast is Class P,electronic,high 19 i_'x provides correct alignment with each in ° i stallation. powerfactor,<10%THDwith startingtemp. T }kpi� of 0 F(-18 C►.Fluorescent socket is high- — ,:- x,� Optics — Interchangeable, segmented temperature thermoplastic with integral , ti reflectorsfor superior uniformity and con- lamp retention clip. trol.Three full cutoff distributions avail- x ` able: FT (forward throw), MD (medium Listings—UL Listed suitable for wet loca -- r bons(damp location listed in lens-up orien- "—'—�— Y throw), and WT (wide throw). Four ups li htdistributionsavailable:FTU(Forward tation).CSA Certified(see Options).IP rated. f 7 � r i 9 throw 10%up),MDU(medium throw,10% z _._................. Ordering Information Example: WST 175M FT 120 SF LPI I (K, Series Distribution Voltage Options q i1)WST Trapezoid Downllght Distributions 120 Shopped installed in fixture Architectural Colors16 ''K".. FT Forward throw 2084 SF Single fuse(120V,277V, Standard Textured Colors WSR Half round MD Medium throw 2404 347V,n/a TV. DDBT Dark bronze Wattage/Source' " (coated lamp 277 DF Double fuse (208V,240V, (standard) standard) 347 n/aTBorTBV)9 DSST Sandstone metal I Co c WT Wide throw TB5 GMF Internal slow-blow DNAT Natural aluminum old Pressure Fluorescent Uolight Distributions' TBVa fusing910 DWHG White ' 50M Sodium 26DTT FTU Forward throw MVDLT7 EC Emergency circuit (25W DBLB Black 10M 35S' 2/26DTT witll 10°/a upli ht max, lamp included) Shinned se arately `•: g DC12 Emergency circuit 12 volt" loom 50S 32TRT MDU Medium throw WSBBW Surface-mounted y u 150M 70S 2/32TRT with 10% uplight (35W lamp included back box17 . rr liht standard) 17 115M loos 42TRT (coated lamp ELDW Emergency battery pack UT5 Uptilt 5 degrees 14 standard) WSTWG Wire guard (WST) 150S 2/42TRT s 12 g 1120V or 277V only) le WTU Wide throw with WSTVG Vandal guard 10% uplight QRS Quartz restrike system (WST)14 *` MDU5 U idown medium (100W max, lamp not 14 p included)9 WSRWG Wire guard (WSR) I ,,xs throw with 50% ° CH Enhanced corrosion uplight& 50/a WSRUG Vandal guard f (WSR)14 NOTES: resistance downlight (coated ' 120vonly CRT Non-stick protective Z Only available with MD,MDU,and MDU5 distributions. lamp standard) 73 coating 7yu n�*S 3 Available on WSR fixture only. 1:3jj. 4 ConsultfactoryforavailabilityinCanada. PE Photoelectric cell-button ary !-- —_� 9 Optional multi-tap ballast(120V,208V,240V,277V).In type(n/a TB)14 j i• canadal20V,277V,347V;ships as120V/347V. WLU Wet location door for u I,A a Optional yenta-tap ballast(120V,208V,240V,277V, orientation p ) j 1. 480V;notavailableinCanada).175Monly. �•� 'j 7 Optional multi-volt electronic ballast(for compact fluo- IBS Internal backlight shield15 rascent lamps only)capable of operating on any line DFL Diffusing lens voltage from120V-277V. #I'=S-. 9 Not available with compact fluorescent. TP Tamperproof t'-9 Available for com act fluorescentunitsonl 10 Musts p y LPI Lamp included as standard D� i 1-;..11 available voltage..NotavailablewithMVOLTorT6. L/LP Less lamp i• Not available with SF,DF,orORS. I 12 Not8vailablewith2/32TRTor2/42TRT. I `' Blackfinish only. 74 Must be ordered with fixture;no field installations. Dimensions are shown in inches(centimeters)unless H I •"'`' '� 19$not available with MD,MDU and MDU5 otherwise noted. -distributions. WSR WST Width •Addiwvvtional architectural colors available; see Depth 98(228)) 94a(23.2)) must.lithonia.com for more information. Height 71/4(18.4) 7V4(18.4) W " T 'Must specify finish. Maxweight 30 lbs(13.6 kg) 30 lbs(13.6 kg) r} www IRhonla corn �Ty�N�A i�hHT//YG ke, orris.. SR a nd WS Outdoor/PSG8 A71 — -�" V1— Tz � ��1F� F'�{ Square Straight Stee� is� �� ; �spncho'r#BaseKP les SSS Features Anchor Bolts - Top 12" galvanized per Top Cap - Weatherproof, high-strength ASTMA-153.Made of3/4"or1"diameter steel plastic cap is provided for drill-mount Shaft-Weldable grade, hot-rolled, com- rod having a minimum-yield strength of poles. (nercial-quality carbon steel tubing with a 55,000 psi. minimum yield of 55,000 psi (11-gauge), Finish-Darkbronze polyester powder paint Grounding - Nut holder located immedi- (DDB) standard; optional polyester pow- 50,000 psi (7-gauge). Uniform wall thick ately inside hand-hole rim is tapped fora der paint finishes available. a ss longitudinal, electric, is one resistance piece weld. 1/2"-13 UNC ground bolt and nut(provided Base Cover - Full-base cover finished to a'longitudinal, electric, resistance weld. by others). .Uniformly square in cross-section with flat match pole. sides,small corner radii and excellent tor Hand hole-Rectangular,reinforced hand- s sional qualities.Available shaft widths are hole rim having nominal dimensions of3"x5" 4.5 and 6 inches. for all shafts. Included is steel cover with ,'=Anchor Base - Fabricated from hot-rolled attachment screws. { :carbon steel.plate that meets or exceeds a Hardware - Fasteners are high-strength, Y minimum-yield strength of 36,000 psi. The galvanized zinc-plated or stainless steel. anchor base is provided with slotted holes. • fir, . Technical Information Ordering Information: See page 494 .j EPA(ft')with 1.3 gust (Note:Poles are available only in U.S.) t Nom Pole Wall Bblt Bolt Approx t i INSTALLATION NOTES: %catalog„ mount s6ft;Size Thick 80 Max: 98 Max 1w;:Max C(rcle Size, ship wt:: Number • hi,(ft.)(i xinsxfL) ('ln'-:) Gauge rmpfi, ..w[:a.mph,iwt., mph `1.wt, qw).bn x.mrz=iri.) hbsak Installation requires grout to be packed under base to ensure full contact with foundation.Factory-suppliedtemplates must SSS 10 4C 10 4.0 x 10.0 0.125 11 30.6 765 23.8 595 18.9 473 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 75 be used when setting anchor bolts.Lithonia Lighting will not x ,'• 3 SSS 124C 12 4.0x12.0 0.125 11 24.4 610 18.8 470 14.8 370 8-9 3/4x18x3 90 accept claim for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use Lithonia Lighting factory templates. y.. ., SSS 14 4C 14 4.0 x 14.0 0.125 11 19.9 498 15.1 378 11.7 293 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 100 ,xr 7y Do not erect poles without having fixtures installed. y SSS 16 4C 16 4.0 x 16.0 0.125 11 15.9 398 11.8 295 8.9 223 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 115 If poles are stored outside,all protective wrapping must be SSS 18 4C 18 4.0 x 18.0 0.125 11 12.6 315 9.2 230 6.7 168 B-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 125 removed immediatelyto preventfinish damage. SSS 20 4C 20 4.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 9.6 240 6.7 167 4.5 150 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 140 9xr>t..•`SSS 20 4G 20 4.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 16.5 415 12.25 310 9.3 240 8-9 3/4 x 30 x 3 198 :SSS 20 5C 20 5.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 17.7 443 12.7 343 9.4 235 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 185 :+:G - i•`."�':SSS 20 513 20 5.0 x 20.0 0.180 7 28.1 703 21.4 535 16.2 405 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 265 ;';tom: .` ?SSS 25 4C 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.125 11 4.8 150 2.6 100 1.0 50 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 170 ;r,- ?P�.•G�•MSS 25 4G 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 10.8 270 7.7 188 5.4 135 8-9 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 w' .. .,• ;;�.SSS 25 SC 25 5.0 x 25.0 0.725 11 9.8 245 6.3 157 3.7 150 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 225 " .%SSS 25 5G 25 5.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 18.0 350 12.6 350 9.0 250 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 320 ;. rYka'.taSSS 30 4G 30 4. . . . . . C 0 x 300 0188 7 64 160 40 100 23 58 8-9 3/4 x 30 x 3 295 = o,. \\ 18" � � rf 1 SSS 30 5C 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.125 11 4.7 150 2.0 50 - - 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 30 SG 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 10.7 267 6.7 167 3.9 100 10-12 1 x 36 x 4 360 ; S :SSS 30 6G 30 6.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 15.7 392 10.2 257 6.4 160 11-13 1 x 36 x 4 520 c ;SSS 35 5G 35 5.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 5.9 150 2.5 100 - - 10-12 1 x 36'x 4 440 z� ;SSS 35 6G 35 6.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 9.5 237 5.0 150 1.8 50 11-13 1 x 36 x 4 540 _ ' .SSS 39 613 39 6.0 x 39.0 0.188 7 5.1 128 1.3 33 - - 11-13 1 x 36 x 4 605 - � Pale Data.. . .... r >s: Shaft Bolt Bolt Anchor Warehouse tY� S1' base circle projection Base bolt anchor bolt Template dry.} size A B square description description number -- ;,, -•�,,. 4"C 8'/2" 23/4"-4" 8° ABSSS-4C AB18-0 PJ50004 * '=•:•"::' 4"G 872" 23/4"-4" 8" ABSSS-413 AB30-0 PJ50004 5" 10"-12" 33/e"-4" 11 'ABSSS-5 AB36-0 PJ50010 6" 11"-13" 33/a"-4" 12'/i" ABSSS-6 AB36-0 PJ50011 ' � ' L1 NOTES- r ' >,r%%•::.;' 1 Mounting Arrangement:iPT)Open Top;(T20)23/e"OD f2'NPS1 _ 2 Drill Mounting:(DM19)1 fixture at 901;(DM28)2 fixtures i. ;•' at180° .�,,.• • 3 Options:See page 509. " •I 4 Brackets:See page 512. yr..w•'t�-'r�...ra ..r rl x F..xx.�>, - J f'. .s 'ter 7*,� 4 f. h' om .x ., ; .& *° i Yw 5'k• + r� f � it , � ;. Appendix G: Required Plans r