HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300223580681211) y+�'d�R��', �e�r riS�,{,f1'M w�•�:ll��'4 "+ ? III '1` .A.'� �... ... ��..-�':-_-. �. �� ___�_.� n Z-05253 North Side Subdivison TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY ko �^',1 4" Montana Avenue Partners, LLC August 2005 r 41 a We 7R j 3 �~ o�s yr. y �I w i v �t F e' �t �Y r� i I i r i Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionmmercial Development Bozeman, Montana i Traffic Impact Study i For i No-rth Side Subdivision Commercial Development I PE 1 1 1 1 1 3'ti} i Todd G. Cormier, PE i HKM Engineering Inc. PO Box 31318 Billings, MT 59107-1318 1 1 1 i March 2006 Page 2 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision'Pommercial Development Bozeman, Montana 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' I. Introduction..........................................................................................................................6 II. Existing Conditions ..............................................................................................................6 AreaRoadways ...................................................................................................................6 SiteAccess..........................................................................................................................9 StudyIntersections .............................................................................................................10 ' Adjacent Transportation Projects.......................................................................................12 ' III. Traffic Projections ..........................................................................................................12 BackgroundTraffic.............................................................................................................12 ' Trip Generation..................................................................................................................14 InternalTrip Capture..........................................................................................................16 TripClassifications.............................................................................................................17 Trip Distribution and Assignments......................................................................................19 IV. 'Operational Analysis ......................................................................................................25 ' Intersection Capacity and LOS...........................................................................................25 WarrantAnalysis................................................................................................................28 V. Conclusions and Recommendations ..............................................................................28 II March 2006 i Page 3 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionfommercial Development Bozeman, Montana 1 1 LIST OF TABLES f Table 1. North Side Subdivision Expected Trip Generation.......................................................16 1 Table 2. Trip Type Classifications.............................................................................................19 Table 3. Level-of-Service Criteria................................................................. .. .. ' Table 4. Level of Service Criteria, Intersection Capacity Utilization Factor................................26 Table 5. Level of Service Summary, Oak at Rouse...................................................................27 Table 6. Level of Service Summary, Signalized Intersection.....................................................28 , 1 . 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure1. Vicinity Map .................................................................................................................7 1 Figure 2. Site Plan .... ................................................................................................................8 Figure 3. Lane Configuration and Intersection Control..............................................................11 1 Figure 4. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes...........................................................................13 Figure 5. Trip Distribution Percentages.....................................................................................21 1 Figure 6. North Side Subdivision Primary Trip Assignments .....................................................22 Figure 7. North Side Subdivision Pass-By Trip Assignments ....................................................23 1 Figure 8. Background Plus Site Traffic......................................................................................24 j APPENDIX - SECTION ONE Traffic Data 1 APPENDIX - SECTION TWO 1 Operational Analyses i 1 1 1 March 2006 Page 4 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionfommercial Development Bozeman, Montana EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed North Side Subdivision commercial development encompasses approximately 3.03 acres on the northwest corner of the North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street intersection in ' Bozeman, MT. The site is proposed to incorporate approximately 21.0 thousand square feet e. (ksf) of office space, 7.3 ksf of retail space, and 17.0 ksf for a gymnastics studio and pool. The ' site is expected to be developed in a single phase, with occupancy in early to mid 2006. Access to the site will be though two site driveways; one along North Rouse Avenue, and one along Oak Street. The Oak Street driveway is the extension of Montana Avenue from the south, and will terminate within the development. The site is projected to generate approximately 127 trips in the PM peak hour. A portion of these trips are expected to be pass-by type trips, which ' are already traveling on the adjacent street system. No diverted trips are anticipated by the development of this site. ' An on-site circulation aisle is proposed between the North Rouse Avenue driveway and the Oak Street driveway (Montana Avenue), which will separate the various uses and provide effective ' circulation. Analysis of the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street indicate that the intersection currently operates as level-of-service (LOS) F regardless of proposed site traffic, and that the ' west leg of the intersection exhibits capacity problems for the eastbound left turning movement. A warrant analysis performed on this intersection suggests that the intersection currently meets MUTCD Warrant 3A - Peak Hour Volumes. A reconstruction project currently underway by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is expected to review intersections along North Rouse Avenue and install signalization as needed. ' Analysis of the site driveways indicates that the driveways can be expected to operate at satisfactory LOS's. tThe proposed development is not expected to adversely affect the adjacent street network. Site generated trips will add to the existing capacity problems at the North Rouse Avenue / Oak Street intersection, however as noted, this intersection is expected to be improved by the current MDT reconstruction project. March 2006 ' Page 5 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision'Pommercial Development Bozeman, Montana I. Introduction This traffic stud evaluates the traffic impacts and site access needs i y p eds associated with the ' development of the 3.03 acre North Side Subdivision commercial development located on the northwest corner of the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street in Bozeman, MT. ' The North Side Subdivision is legally described as the tract of land in a portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 6, T2S, R6E, Gallatin County, Montana. A vicinity map depicting the location of the subdivision relative to the Bozeman area transportation system is depicted in Figure 1. The parcel is currently unoccupied, but contains several buildings that will be incorporated into the new development. The North Side Subdivision is proposed to incorporate approximately 21,000 square feet (SF) of ' general office and single tenant office use, approximately 7,300 SF of retail including a coffee retailer, and approximately 17,000 SF for a gymnastics center including an indoor swimming ' pool. Each of these uses is expected to be spread over 4 separate buildings within the proposed development. The site is expected to be developed during a single phase of development with ' occupancy beginning in 2006. A conceptual site map depicting the proposed subdivision layout is presented in Figure 2. The current zoningfor the parcel is "light manufacturing" M-1 . The site is generally surrounded P9 ( ) 9 Y ' by similar uses. II. Existing Conditions AREA ROADWAYS ■ Regional and direct access to the North Side Subdivision will be provided through the area's existing roadway network. Located just north of the proposed subdivision is Interstate 90 which overpasses North Rouse Avenue. No direct access to Interstate 90 is provided within the immediate vicinity of the subdivision. Located just to the east is North 7t' Avenue (U-1207), a t principal arterial within the Bozeman area transportation network. Located just to the south is 1 East Main Street (US 191, a.k.a. P-50), also a principal arterial within the Bozeman area ' transportation network. March 2006 Page 6 Northside Subdivision 1:a Commercial Development 1 =0100,011 --- � OL 111111 � r �■f� l,MJllll■: 1� I � .�rJJI(l Ir111 Il1I11111 111i U(I) rrr �t ������ �M� : , I��■■■■/ii41111 N1( IIrllrl����� ��� �Il IIiIIIIfJlllllfa l"I=f11if41 \, Illlrrllllll■--11=1IIIIli �� ��++� ��Ilriirllill■ii1111=11111ff `' ■ I_ ., �1�� t� 'lt�,� Illf"rJlllll�rlll111"■III,III��� �• i �� ,R ,Iu11J_111■Ilir. I , 1� , � �r ■ta__I1i1111 Illllllli �ilrr,illl' �� rur"Lrlr� Jill WIN �� l , �I� M Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision'Pommercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' Figure 2. Site Plan i 9 r Office L NORTH Office �.. �'- t Not to Scale Iq I •• �_ r�T � r yyy > Gym. Q Pool t 4; - 1 1 U) 1 Gymnastics 'T 4 Center ,. jtl" . ' Office / Retail � wx Vief iQ Oak Street 1 1 1 ' March 2006 Page 8 Traffic Impact Study North Side SubdivisionRommercial Development Bozeman, Montana 1 North Rouse Avenue, located adjacent to and east of the proposed development, is a north- south principal arterial within the Bozeman area transportation network and a State primary route (P-86). Adjacent to the proposed development, North Rouse Avenue is paved with unimproved shoulders, and consists.of a single lane in each direction. A left turn lane has been { installed on the south leg (northbound direction) of the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and ' Oak Street. The estimated average daily traffic (ADT) for North Rouse Avenue just north and just south of Oak Street are 7500 vehicles per day (vpd) and 11600 vpd, respectively, based on 24-hour tube counts. Oak Street, located adjacent to and south of the proposed development, is an east-west ' principal arterial within the Bozeman area transportation network. Adjacent to the proposed development, Oak Street is paved with unimproved shoulders, and consists of a single lane in each direction. A left turn lane has been installed on the west leg (eastbound direction) of the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street. Oak Street does not continue to the east of this intersection, but rather becomes a private driveway to an existing business. Both Oak Street and this private drive are stop controlled at North Rouse Avenue. The estimated ADT for Oak rStreet just west of North Rouse Avenue is 6600 vpd based on 24-hour tube counts. ' A straight line extension of North Montana Avenue from the south is expected to become the southern site access entrance to the proposed development. Further extension of North Montana Avenue to the north of this development is not considered feasible due to the location of an existing on-site building as well as the location of Interstate 90 immediately north of the proposed development. As such, North Montana Avenue is assumed to terminate within the proposed development, acting as an internal subdivision roadway. ' SITE ACCESS ' Two major site access points are proposed for the planned development. The first site access point will be located along the southern boundary of the development and will enter the site from ' Oak Street concurrently with the straight line projection of North Montana Avenue. The second site access point will be a private driveway located along the eastern boundary of the development and will enter the site from North Rouse Avenue. Both site driveways are expected to be developed at street level with curb returns, ADA approved sidewalk ramps, and with stop bars and stop control. No other access to the site is anticipated. March 2006 Page 9 +� Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision(Pommercial Development Bozeman, Montana The site access at Oak Street (intersection of North Montana Avenue and Oak Street) is proposed to restrict left turning movements from North Montana Avenue onto Oak Street as a ' condition of access as specified by the City of Bozeman. Full access from Oak Street into this access point will be permitted. The site driveway at North Rouse Avenue is expected to incorporate full movement. STUDY INTERSECTIONS A scoping discussion was conducted with the City of Bozeman to determine the extent of ' evaluation required for this development. Based on this conversation, only the existing intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street was considered necessary for study, as well as the intersection of North Montana Avenue at Oak Street and the site driveway onto North Rouse Avenue. Currently, the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street is stop controlled on the minor approaches (Oak Street). Exclusive left turn bays exist on the west and south legs of the intersection. The east leg of the intersection is a private driveway. A depiction ' of the immediate study area, lanes, and control are presented in Figure 3 herein. , ' March 2006 Page 10 ' ! Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionmmercial Development Bozeman, Montana Figure 3. Lane Configuration and Intersection Control 7 C Q ' NOiTH H Not to Scale ' WOV Roadway Z .--------- Proposed DAwM Proposed Site Driveway femme seal Proposed Street R1-1 dim Extension ' N. Montana Ave. AML Rl-1 A • • Oak Street ► R1-1 JUL Private V". Driveway C * Right-out only, as specified by the City Q d of Bozeman as a condition of access. Z i � 1 ' March 2006 Page 11 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionmmercial Development Bozeman, Montana ADJACENT TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is currently under contract to develop ' engineering documents and construction plans for the purpose of reconstructing North Rouse Avenue-between East Main Street and Story Mill Road (MOT Project STPP86-1(27)0, C.N. 4805). As part of this project, North Rouse Avenue within the stated limits will be evaluated for ' possible lane configurations and intersection control including signalization. Discussions with project representatives indicate that the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street is expected to be evaluated and reconstructed as art of this project. ' p P p 1 III. Traffic Projections BACKGROUND TRAFFIC As directed by City of Bozeman staff, HKM Engineering Inc. collected PM peak hour intersection counts for the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street on Thursday, August 11, ' 2005. No adjustments to account for daily or monthly variations were used, as the collection period (a Thursday in August) is generally considered to be above average for traffic volumes and will thus provide a more conservative estimate of traffic. Turning movement data for this ' intersection is provided in the appendix of this report. tIn addition to the peak hour turning movements, 24-hour automatic tube counters were used to collect ADT data on the west leg of Oak Street and both legs of North Rouse Avenue. These ' counters collected data for a 7 day period between Tuesday, August 9, and Wednesday, August 17, 2005. 24-hour count data for these links are provided in the appendix of this report. The peak hour of the study area was calculated based on peak consecutive 15-minute counts, and was determined to occur from 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM. Based on this data, the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street exhibited a peak hour factor of 87.6%, consistent with ' national trends for an urbanized intersection and indicative of a slight peaking during the total PM peak hour. Peak hour turning movement count data is summarized in Figure 4 as "Existing Peak Hour ' Traffic Volumes". March 2006 Page 12 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivisionmmercial Development Bozeman, Montana Figure 4. Existing Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 7 C NORTH �° Not to Scale z p t ti ao Site ........... ' Driveway 1 North ' Montana Avenue r ' [66001 • • k'-0 �59 � Cod --0 229... Oak Street Co ra Private ' Driveway 82 -) 1 r✓ 146, Co � %o B toadwray ' t •--------- Ropoeed DdvewcW 123 PM Pads ' (12341 ADT ' March 2006 Page 13 ' . Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' TRIP GENERATION ' Project trip generation is based on trip generation rates as reported in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) most recent publication of the Trip Generation, 7th Edition and ' the Trip Generation Handbook, An ITE Recommended Practice (March 2001). Trips were generated for each of the expected development types and sizes within the proposed i ' subdivision and corresponding to the PM peak hour of the adjacent street network, as available. If unavailable, the PM peak hour of the generator was used, assuming that the peak hour of the ' generator would closely correspond to the peak hour of the adjacent street. Within the subdivision, a coffee retailer (coffee shop) is expected to occupy a portion of Building 3 located in the southeast corner of the development. Currently, ITE has very little documentation regarding the generation of trips for a retail use of this type, with only a few ' observations noted under the heading Fast Food Restaurant without Drive-Thru Window (ITE Code 933). A recent traffic study submitted by The Transportation Group to the City of Billings for a coffee retailer attempted to expand upon the data provided within the ITE publication. Specifically, the report includes total hourly and weekly sales (transactions) for similar establishments in Kalispell and Whitefish, MT. Between the hours of 4 to 6 PM, these establishments report an average of 248 weekly transactions (Kalispell location) and 140 average weekly transactions ' (Whitefish location), or an average hourly transaction rate of 124 and 70 transactions per week in a single PM peak hour, respectively (the 4-6 PM peak divided by 2). Assuming that an ' average peak hour transaction rate can be extrapolated from average peak week transactions by taking the peak week and dividing it by a 5 day work week (ignoring the weekend to develop ' a more conservative mid-week estimate), the estimated average PM peak hour rate could be estimated at 25 and 14 transactions per hour, respectively. Using the greater of the two rates i only, and assuming one vehicle per transaction (again, considered conservative assuming several vehicles could contain more than one customer), the PM generation could be assumed to be 25 vehicles per hour in the PM peak. ITE trip generation estimates assume a rate of 28.79 vehicles per 1000 LSF for a Fast Food Restaurant without Drive-Thru Window - Coffee.Shop (ITE Code 933). At an anticipated 1700 SF, the proposed coffee retailer could be expected to generate 49 vehicles in the peak hour, 24 ' more vehicles per hour than was extrapolated from the transaction data discussed above. ' March 2006 Page 14 • Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' Regardless, the ITE rate appears to provide a good conservative estimate of trip generation as 9 p compared with transaction data for similar coffee shops in Montana. As such, the rates provided by ITE are used to estimate the expected trip generation for a coffee retailer. 1 Occupying all of BuildM 3 will be a gymnastics center with a private swimmib pool. Based on PY 9 9 9Y P 9 the anticipated type and use of the facility, this generator is expected to parallel ITE trip generator Recreational Community Center (ITE Code 495) as the use will include gymnastic equipment and a pool, and is expected to require a fee for participation. The facility is not ' expected to be private or require the purchase of a membership, similar to that of a Health Club (ITE Code 492). Estimated trip generations for the various uses anticipated for the proposed development are ' presented in Table 1. 1 i ' March 2006 Page 15 r • Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana r rTable 1. North Side Subdivision Expected Trip Generation r PM Peak Hour ITE Weekday Trips Trips Commerc al Center Code Quantity Trip Ends Rat Trips %In %Out In Out Building 1 rSingle Tenant Office Building 715 10.0 KSF 116 (2) 1.73 17 15% 85% 3 14 Building 2 Single Tenant Office Building 715 7.0 KSF 81 (2) 1.73 12 15% 85% 2 10 i Building 3 rCoffee Retailer 933 1.7 KSF 1217 28.79 49 52% 48% 25 24 r Specialty Retail Center 814 5.6 KSF 250 2.71 15 44% 56% 7 8 General Office(3) 710 4.0 KSF 44 (2) 1.49 6 17% 83% 1 5 Building 4 rGymnastics Studio(4) 495 11.4 KSF 261 1.64 19 29% 71% 6 13 Private Pool(4) 495 5.6 KSF 128 1.64 9 29% 71% 3 6 rTOTAL 2097 127 47 80 ' Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Handbook, 7th Edition,2003 z Weekday Trip Ends based on GLA as provided by project Architect.Represents greater trip generation than by#of employees. 3 Trip Generation based on GLA as provided by project Architect.Represents greater trip generation than by#of employees. °Trip Generation assumed based on GLA for a Recreational Community Center. r I rINTERNAL TRIP CAPTURE Within multi-use commercial developments, such as the one proposed for this site, there is a r general likelihood of internal interaction between the various uses contained within the 1 development. In other words, some trips generated by the retail or commercial uses can be r reasonably expected to originate from other retail or commercial uses within the same development, and vice versa. Specifically, it can be reasonably assumed that some internal 1 interaction between the proposed retail (coffee shop, other) and the adjacent office complexes will occur, thus reducing the amount of generated traffic occurring from outside the ' development. Although ITE provides guidance on methods of estimating this level of internal trip capture, based on the size of the development proposed and to provide a more conservative ; r ' March 2006 Page 16 ' 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana estimate of trip generation due to the limited level of trip generation data for a coffee retailer and ' gymnastics center, credit for internal trip capture has not been estimated for this development. ' TRIP CLASSIFICATIONS Trips to and from the proposed development have been classified as either pass-by or non- pass-by trips. As discussed in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, pass-by trips are those trips that are attracted from the existing traffic stream passing the site on an adjacent street with direct access to the site. Consequently, these types of trips do not add new traffic to the adjacent street system. Using ITE observed values, pass-by trips have been estimated for the coffee retail and the specialty retail for Building 3. Estimates for the coffee retailer are based on Land Use 834 Fast Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window using the average rate of 68% for similarly sized establishments between 1,000 SF and 2,000 SF, as ITE does not provide specific guidance for a Fast Food Restaurant without Drive Thru Window. This estimate of pass-by trips is consistent ' with estimates reported for a similar coffee establishment in Billings, MT based on data collected in Kalispell and Whitefish, MT. Estimates for the specialty retail are based on Land Use 820 Shopping Center using the total average rate of 34%. Non-pass-by trips are all trips that are not classified as pass-by. Non-pass-by trips can be ' broken down into two categories: primary trips and diverted trips. Diverted trips, as defined by ITE, are "trips that are attracted from the traffic volume on roadways within the vicinity of the generator, but that require a diversion from that roadway to another roadway to gain access to the site". In other words, diverted trips usually are attracted from an adjacent major roadway ' (principal arterial, highway, or freeway) within the area to the site, and then return to the major roadway after visiting the site. Diverted trips do not generate new trips to the overall system, but ' do add new trips to the street network adjacent to the proposed development. Diverted trips are different than pass-by trips in that they add trips to the adjacent system. ' Within the vicinity'of the proposed development is Interstate 90, a major interstate freeway, and North 7th Avenue, a principal arterial in the Bozeman street network system. In regards to Interstate 90, there is no direct access point to or from the freeway within the immediate vicinity of this site that would provide simple access to the development. Furthermore, North 7th ' March 2006 Page 17 ' . 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana Avenue has several retail centers along its length that would preclude diversion from North Vh ' Avenue to the proposed development. Lastly, North Rouse Avenue is itself a principal arterial and offers direct access to the site without the need for diversion to the site. As such, diverted ' trips can not be reasonably expected to and from this site, and are being consolidated into primary trips, as recommended by ITP. Commercial uses generally contribute only primary trips, as trips generated by these uses largely start at an origin, travel to the destination, and return to the origin. As such, all trips for ' the offices and gymnastics center are estimated to be primary trips. ' Assumed non-pass-by and pass-by trip proportions are presented in Table 2. Primary trip assignments are reflected in Figure 6, and Pass-by trip assignments are reflected in Figure 7. i 1 1 March 2006 Page 18 ' 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' Table 2. Trip Type Classifications ' Land Use PM Peak Hour Percent In Out ' Primary Trips Gener9t Office 100% 6 29- Coffee Retailer 32% 8 8 ' Specialty Retail 2 66% 5 5 Recreational Community Center 100% 9 19 Subtotal 28 61 Diverted Trips General Office 0% 0 0 ' Coffee Retailer' 0% 0 0 Specialty Retail 2 0% 0 0 Recreational Community Center 0% 0 0 ' Subtotal 0 0 Pass-By Trips ' General Office 0% 0 0 Coffee Retailer' 68% 17 16 Specialty Retail 2 34% 2 3 ' Recreational Community Center 0% 0 0 Subtotal 19 19 ' Total 47 80 Based on ITE values for similarly sized Fast Food Restaurant w/Drive Thru Window ' and assuming all diverted linked trips are primary trips 2 Based on ITE value for an average Shopping Center and assuming all diverted ' linked trips are primary trips I I i ' TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENTS Trip distribution percentages for the project site have been based on existing traffic patterns as ' reflected in the PM peak hour turning movement counts collected at the study intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street, as well as reviewing development patterns within and ' around the City of Bozeman. Distribution percentages are presented in Figure 6. i Based on the level of traffic currently using both North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street, pass-by and primary trip percentages are assumed to come from both streets, and will utilize the same I March 2006 ' Page 19 0 Traffic Impact Study ' North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana tripdistribution pattern. As previously noted, no diverted trips are anticipated for this site. Trips p P Y p P P will leave the area either using North Rouse Avenue or Oak Street. Trips entering or exiting the site have been estimated on a 50%/50% split between the North Rouse Avenue driveway and the North Montana Avenue at Oak'Street access point, regardless j of ingress or egress patterns to/from the site. The various non-pass-by and pass-by trip components have been summed to produce a total ' site trip demand. These site trips have been added to the background traffic to yield anticipated buildout traffic demands. Average daily traffic (ADT) estimates were calculated based on ' collected data and daily estimates, as available, or calculated from the PM peak hour turning demands assuming that the peak demand is typically equivalent to approximately 9% to 10% of ' the ADT as noted in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000. The buildout demand and ADT are presented in Figure 8. 1 ;I I 1 I 1 ' March 2006 Page 20 ' • Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana SFigure 5. Trip Distribution Percentages �'4.0O/ 35 1 NORTH ' Not to Scale Site Drive - of Z 1 ' V Ws 1 m c ' Legend: a' 12,�0 % Inbound 0 34'/0' Outbound Note: Based on distributions of existing .40% ' inbound and outbound peak hour traffic. c 1 ' March 2006 Page 21 ' w Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' Figure 6. North Side Subdivision Primary Trip Assignments > H ' 01 NORTH fx 1 � Not to Scale z ' J O Site ............ ' Driveway 21 o North 25 ' Montana Avenue J L • L6 LO • --0 �n --0 6 J Oak Street ,� j 9, /-o Private ' 0— Driveway o .� � I r 10 Ln O O, t � C Roodmy Q ' .--------- Roposed Dlfyeway/ 123 PM Peak 112341 ADT ho ' Z ' March 2006 Page 22 t 0 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' Figure 7. North Side Subdivision Pass-By Trip Assignments H 0 ' tsgerxi: BdMV Roodway Z ' 123 PM Peak [12341 ADr + NORTH ' J Not to scale Site ........... Driveway +9* 1 co co ' North Montana Avenue N • • ■ L-+2 ■ +3* -/ ~-2 Oak Street Private ' -3— - Driveway * Pass-by trips assumed to exit development on N. Rouse Ave. to proceed towards final destination. N Q d h z 1 ' March 2006 Page 23 • 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana Figure 8. Background Plus Site Traffic C Q h ' NORTH �° ^ Not to Scale 2 p r y III aD Ln JI ' Site Driveway 30 JM f North 34 r Montana Avenue ■ [6800] \-8 L 0 ' --357No� ---0 ' 9 Oak Street � �-0 Private 226-- Driveway 82 m f r 1 -- o Q 146 1 0 Legend: r ' o � o 8&"Rooft 1 - (123) PM Peak ti (1294) AM CO Z March 2006 Page 24 ' • Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana IV. Operational Analysis INTERSECTION CAPACITY AND LOS : . Intersection capacity analyses have been conducted..using the procedures outlined in_Part III, Chapters 16 "Signalized Intersections" and Chapter 17 "Unsignalized Intersections" of the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM) and through the use of SYNCHRO 6 traffic signal timing ' and analysis software and based on HCM delay, capacity, and level-of-service calculations. Calculation forms for the analyses are contained in Section Two of the Appendices. In ' accordance with the HCM procedures, Level-of-Service (LOS) has been determined by estimating the average vehicular delay of the intersections and the intersection movements. The ' range of traffic delays associated with each LOS is presented in Table 3 for both signalized and unsignalized intersections. It should be noted that delay thresholds for a given LOS for ' unsignalized intersections are lower than those given for signalized intersections. This difference, as explained in Chapter 17 of the 2000 HCM, is to account for the greater variability in delay associated with unsignalized movements in addition to different driver exceptions associated with each type of intersection control, with the expectation that signalized intersections are designed to carry higher traffic volumes and therefore will experience greater delay than an unsignalized intersection. Table 3. Level-of-Service Criteria ' Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection LOS Average Delay (sec/veh) Average Delay (sec/veh) A <_ 10 <_ 10 ' B > 10to20 > 10to15 C > 20to35 > 15to25 D > 35to55 >25to35 E > 55to80 > 35to50 ' F > 80 > 50 March 2006 Page 25 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana An additional but separate measure of effectiveness (MOE) for intersection analysis has been included in this study; the intersection capacity utilization level-of-service (ICU LOS) calculation. This measure of effectiveness is based on procedures outlined in Intersection Capacity ' Utilization: Evaluation Procedures for Intersections and Interchanges, 2003 ED developed for use with the Synchro Traffic Signal end Intersection Analysis software. The ICU factor 'it characterized as,a means to measure an intersections capacity through the review of saturation (similar to reviewing critical volumes to saturation flow rates) to determine the expected or potential reserve capacity at an intersection, independent of delay, allowing for a slightly different picture of the intersection's operations. It should be cautioned, however, that this method of analysis is not yet nationally recognized as a viable method of intersection analysis. As such, the values reported by this method are presented for information only, and are not intended to replace or supersede the LOS values as developed by the HCM. The range of ' reserve capacity associated with each ICU LOS is presented in Table 4 for both signalized and unsignalized intersections. ' Table 4. Level of Service Criteria, Intersection Capacity Utilization Factor LOS ICU (Estimate of Reserve Capacity) ' A <_55.0% B > 55%to 64.0% C >64%to 73.0% D > 73% to 82.0% E > 82%to 91.0% F > 91% to 100.0% G > 100% to 109.0% ' H > 109% The analysis of the unsi nalized intersection of North Rouse* Avenue and Oak Street is Y 9 summarized in Table 5, and indicates that the intersection currently operates at LOS F on the Oak Street leg of the intersection in its current condition and configuration regardless of development of the proposed subdivision. This leg of the intersection also experiences capacity ' March 2006 Page 26 ' ! Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' problems with or without site trips for the eastbound left turning movement. Additional trips generated by the development will add to the delay experience on the Oak Street leg under two- way stop control. The two site driveways are expected to operate at satisfactory LOS's under a standard driveway configuration. j Table 5. Level of Service Summary, Oak at Rouse ' Worse Case Approach Node Intersection Condition PM Peak Delay HCM LOS' ICU Y ICU LOS 3 ' 100 Oak Street&N.Rouse Avenue° Background(2005) 73.4 sec F 70.1% C Background Plus Site 87.7 sec F 71.7% C Background(2005) NA NA NA NA 101 Oak Street Driveway ' Background Plus Site 10.6 sec B 29.3% A 102 N.Rouse Avenue Driveway Background(2005) NA NA NA NA Background Plus Site 19.7 sec C 45.6% A ' 'Highway Capacity Manual level-of-service 2 Intersection Capacity Utilization factor,provided for Information only 3 Intersection Capacity Utilization level-of-service,provided for Information only ' 4 Intersection operation fails under current intersection control regardless of expected generation from proposed development.Further analysis of this intersection assumes signalized intersection control will be installed as part of the N.Rouse Reconstruction Project by MDT The intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street currently operates as a two-way stop ' controlled intersection. As noted earlier, a project to reconstruct North Rouse Avenue between Main Street and Story Mill Road (MDT Project Number STPP86-1(27)0 CN 4805) is currently under development by the Montana Department of Transportation. This project is expected to review several intersections, including the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street, for capacity and level-of-service, and will perform signal warrant analyses at these intersections to determine where signalization is necessary. Those intersections that met the requirement for signalization will be improved from unsignalized to signalized through this project. Based on this understanding, a review of the North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street intersection under signalized control was performed, and is summarized in Table 6. This analysis indicates that the ' intersection can be expected to operate at a satisfactory LOS A with and without site traffic. i March 2006 Page 27 ' 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana Table 6. Level of Service Summary, Signalized Intersection Intersection Node Intersection Condition PM Peak Xc Delay HCM LOS ICU Y ICU LOS 3 Background(2005) 0.46 7.9 sec� A 70.1% Ld 100 Oak Street&N:Rouse AvenueBackground Plus Site 0.48 8.0 sec A 71.7% ' t Assumes semi-actuated uncoordinated 60 second cycle length and no modification to the geometdcs of the intersection. z Intersection Capacity Utilization factor,provided for Information only 3 Intersection Capacity Utilization level-of-service,provided for Information only ' WARRANT ANALYSIS A peak hour warrant analysis for the unsignalized intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street was performed under the guidelines and procedures as outlined in the most recent Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The warrant analysis, which is contained in Section Two of the appendices, indicates that the intersection under current conditions meets the minimum signal warrant criteria based on Warrant 3A - Peak Hour Volumes as defined by the MUTCD. fV. Conclusions and Recommendations The analyses presented herein indicate that the North Side Subdivision site-generated traffic ' can generally be adequately accommodated by the proposed driveways and the existing roadway system adjacent to the site at the buildout of the development. The exception is the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street which currently operates at a poor level of service, and will continue to operate at a poor level of service regardless of site generated traffic. Each of the proposed driveways can be expected to operate at satisfactory levels of service and under the proposed configurations. Since more outbound traffic is assumed to use the North ' Rouse Avenue driveway due to the right-out only movement at the Oak Street driveway, an analysis of that driveway configured with an exclusive right-turn lane and an exclusive left-turn lane indicates no significantly improvement to capacity or reduction to approach delay. March 2006 ' Page 28 ' 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana ' The two-way stop controlled intersection of North Rouse Avenue and Oak Street currently operates at LOS F based on intersection delay calculations for the eastbound left turning movement and will continue to degrade through time regardless of site generated traffic. ' Furthermore, this movement currently experiences left turning volumes that equal the capacity 1bf the movement's ability to handle left turning vehidtes during the PM peak hour. As noted within this report, this intersection is slated for review and reconstruction though a MDT ' sponsored roadway project, and can be expected to be improved with signalization through the MDT project based on the cursory warrant analysis performed on the intersection by this traffic ' study. Signalization of this intersection can be expected to improve the expected PM peak hour level of service to LOS A with no eastbound left-turn lane capacity problems for an assumed 60- ' second cycle length. Additional improvements to North Rouse Avenue by the MDT project, including a possible southbound left turn lane or a continuous two-way left turn lane, will further ' improve the operations of this intersection. As such, no action or mitigation by the development is recommended for this intersection at this time. Recommendations based on this study are as follows: ' ❖ No mitigation to the existing roadway system beyond possible improvements due to the construction of site driveways is necessary based on the expected generation of traffic I 1 by the proposed development. ' ❖ Site driveways and approaches should be developed according to local standards, should incorporate appropriate throat depths, and provide for the safe passage of ' pedestrians across the drive access. Site visibility zones at each driveway should be maintained and kept clear of any obstacles or obstructions, including the use of low-level ' landscaping treatments. ❖ An MUTCD R3-2 regulatory sign identifying "no left turns" should be installed at the Oak Street driveway (Montana Avenue) approach along Montana Avenue to identify the ' driveway as restricting outbound left-turning movements. ' ❖ Stop signs (R1-1) should be installed at each of the site driveways. II ' March 2006 Page 29 ' 0 Traffic Impact Study North Side Subdivision Commercial Development Bozeman, Montana Egress left turn bays at site driveways are not considered necessa • rY based on the ' anticipated peak hour demands of the driveways. ' ❖ Improvements including driveways, approaches, and interior streets should be constructed to City of Bozeman aproved standards. ' ❖ Sidewalk ramps should be installed to current ADA standards and requirements. 1 1 1 ' March 2006 Page 30 1 . i 1 I 11 - 1 i Appendix Section One 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 1 McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code: 000000011372 Oak Street-West Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Oak West Leg Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406)586-1730 Date Printed: 19-Aug-05 Start 08-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 148 8 136 10 144 13 137 16 82 9 70 11 120 12:15 139 12 138 7 'ft 121 6 '144' 16 95_ 11 82 10 12r 12:30 138 6 127 5F58" 11 150 9 s4 10 70 8 123 12:45 140 7 153 5548 163 6 110 7 83 7 134 01:00 143 2 184 674 7 L_158 8 112 6 100 6 145 01:15 • 138 10 121 8 54 8 141 4 96 3 86 7 123 01:30 160 2 136 5 128 6 114 10 84 8 84 6 118 01:45 140 7 120 4 109 5 160 6 80 5 89 5 116 02:00 151 4 128 7 138 5 126 7 108 11 94 7 124 02:15 118 3 124 2 116 3 115 8 86 5 104 4 110 02:30 110 4 120 3 118 1 126 1 92 7 93 3 110 02:45 123 0 119 4 140 3 152 6 96 3 106 3 123 ' 03:00 " 134 4 134 10 122 3 138 3 98 2 160R 4 121 03:15 116 6 142 4 138 1 120 3 73 3 100 3 115 03:30 169 5 138 4 146 5 136 6 76 2 96 4 127 03:45 " 140 9 144 8 141 9 144 5 77 0 108 6 126 04:00 143 1 130 5 124 2 146 2 88 2 84 2 119 ' 04:15 130 _ 2 130 3 129 1 132 2 77 2 64 2 110 04:30 128 6 126 4 140 4 124 4 66 7 58 5 107 04:45 121 4 148 8 142 9 137 6 85 2 76 6 118 05:00 " 176` 11 172 6 176 8 134 8 90 6 82 8 138 j 05:15 ' " • 136 8 164 10 154 11 148 18 72 3 75 10 125 05:30 148 19 1" 26 140 19 139 9 69 3 64 15 117 05:45 " 148 42 131 32 122 37 100 14 79 8 87 27 111 06:00 ' 134 42 133 42 114 20 112 19 74 7 68 26 106 01:15 " ' 102 50 94 50 114 36 79 24 54 8 65 34 85 06:30 106 64 102 54 102 56 62 18 54 9 44 40 78 06:45 92 114 79 97 82 92 68 28 66 16 52 69 73 07:00 72 86 78 87 92 74 70 18 50 8 54 55 69 07:15 • 94 77 101 83 102 84 95 64 12 43 14 55 70 68 07:30 • "129 58 129 76 108 55 121 50 36 38 22 53 91 55 07:45 166 59 174 58 1731 76 144 62 53 32 26 51 123 56 08:00 137 54 139 52 143 65 130 53 44 36 29 62 104 54 08:15 • 125 54 112 57 120 60 98 56 35 25 26 58 86 52 08:30 124 40 118 58 1101 63 102 51 54 40 19 64 88 53 08:45 125 40 136 50 104 40 119 38 59 36 33 40 96 41 09:00 98 47 93 44 107 49 104 30 55 18 29 28 81 36 09:15 94 41 95 62 90 57 92 44 61 34 32 36 _ 77 46 709:30' • 112 38 106 48 98 54 96 26 67 39 30 40 85 41 09:45 114 42 117 40 118 32 123 33' 92 21 42 31 101 33 10:00 130 36 104 25 109 33 99 25 78 20 50 20 95 26 _ 10:15 106 25 101 40 88 26 98 28 72 31 54 20 86 28 10:30 103 7 102 17 112 30 101 26 74 16 62 12 92 18 10:45 108 20 119 25 123 20 116 17 93 14 68 20 _104 19 11:00 106 18 110 16 111 13 '122 11 '— 94 _26 -66 13 100 16 11:15 134 6 118 13 114 5 124 16 90 21 64 11 107 12 - 11:30 • 112 11 129 12 138 11 135 7 86 21 82 9 114 12 11:45 119 9 122 7 167 8 136 10 98 16 79 7 120 10 ' Total 0 0 2236 4525 2763 4578 2751 4613 2618 4322 1527 2910 1000 2968 2213 3987 Day 0 6761 7341 7364 6940 4437 3968 6200 Total ' 0.0% 0.0% 33.1% 66.9% 37.6% 62.4% 37.4% 62.6% 37.7% 62.3% 34.4% 65.6% 25.2% 74.8% 35.7% 64.3%Splits _ Peak 07:30 05:00 07:30 04:45 07:45 00:30 11:00 00:15 11:00 00:30 11:00 03:00 11:00 00:30 Vol. 557 608 554 628 546 640 517 615 358 412 291 404 441 525 P.H.F. 0.839 0.864 0.796 0.853 0.789 0.909 0.898 0.943 0.913 0.920 0.887 0.935 0.896 0.905 r HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 2 McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code: 000000011372 Oak Street-West Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Oak West Leg Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 ' Date Printed: 19-Aug-05 Start 15-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 14 160 7 152 12 • 11 156 12:15 8 144 10 158 10 " 9 151 12:30 6 131 10 148 10 9 140 12:45 5 154 9 154 6 7 154 01:00 4 151 7 140 10 7 146 01:15 6 156 4 138 3 • 4 147 01:30 3 146 5 132 5 4 139 01:45 5 108 4 120 7 5 114 ' 02:00 7 150 2 124 8 6 137 02:15 5 122 9 139 6 7 130 02:30 5 124 8 113 3 5 118 02:45 1 143 1 132 7 3 138 ' 03:00 3 125 1 108 1 " 2 116 03:15 0 142 1 158 2 " 1 150 . 03:30 5 120 1 132 0 " 2 126 03:45 5 162 10 128 3 " ' 6 145 04:00 2 116 6 131 4 4 124 04:15 0 146 8 150 3 " 4 148 04:30 8 138 4 to 154� 3 5 146 04:45 7 130 11 146 10 9 138 05:00 8 158 6 184 5 6 171 05:15 12 1811 13 166 14 " 13 174 05:30 21 142 22 118 24 22 130 05:45 30 1_154 42 127 43 • 38 140 06:00 29 118 31 128 29 30 123 06:15 46 104 46 88 45 " 46 96 06:30 74 100 66 93 70 70 96 06:45 118 110 124 86 128 123 98 07:00 83 81 102 88 94 93 84 07:15 97 90 92 80 91 " 93 85 07:30 134 70 122 88 132 129 79 07:45 F 1681 60 188 78 176 177 69 08:00 152 64 138 58 135 " 142 61 08:15 123 45 102 71 128 • 118 58 . 08:30 L _136J 55 96 54 112 115 54 �. 08:45 118 51 122 58 121 • 120 54 09:00 79 54 120 52 110 ' 103 53 09:15 94 40 94 39 94 94 40 09:30 142 39 94 36 75 " 104 38 09:45 117 40 109 27 118 " 115 34 10:00 118 29 118 36 119 118 32 10:15 118 26 96 32 88 101 29 10:30 102 23 110 20 98 " 103 22 10:45 124 15 141 21 102 • " 122 18 11:00 105 9 107 13 106 11 11:15 116 11 126 14 121 12 11:30 128 10 141 17 ' 134 14 11:45 140 11 140 6 140 8 Total 2831 4658 2826 4635 2264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2806 4646 Day 7489 7461 2264 0 0 0 0 7452 Total S li% 37.8% 62.2% 37.9% 62.1% 1000.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.7% 62.3% P Peak 07:45 05:00 07:30 04:30 07:30 07:30 04:30 Vol. 579 635 550 650 571 566 629 P.H.F. 0.862 0.877 0.731 0.883 0.811 0.799 0.904 ADT ADT 6,620 AADT 6,620 r HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 1 McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code:000000011371 Rouse Avenue-North Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Rouse North Leg Phone: (406)586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 Date Printed: 19-Aug-05 Start 08-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 " 234 16 240 9 258 22 236 11 66 9 66 13 183 12:15 ''m 198 12 224 8 226 17 2 6 10 52 11 170 12:30 212 5 222 6 188 10 206 8 96 8 57 7 I' 164 12:45 212 10 272 8 276 6 218 8 70 7 70 6 L�932 601:00212 3 272 8 276 4 241_ 4 85 9 64 6 01:15 01:30 ' 214 1 216 5 197 8 121 10 69 4 55 6 145 01:45 202 10 206 4 194 6 106 6 72 6 73 6 142 ' 02:00 193 11 202 3 198 10 117 7 63 8 74 8 141 02:15 194 3 196 3 196 4 94 9 68 9 60. 6 135 02:30 196 3 196 4 218 1 104 2 85 6 80 3 146 02:45 230 2 194 6 210 1 106 3 72 2 62 3 146 03:00 196 3 214 10 184 5 101 4 80 4 83 5 143 03:15 190 4 218 8 210 2 111 2 63 2 1 63 4 142 03:30 240 6 237 0 229 7 118 2 52 1 48 3 154 03:45 220 6 214 5 232 6 108 2 82 1 58 4 152 04:00 222 3 218 2 204 3 110 4 62 2 62 3 146 ' 04:15 219 4 196 6 202 3 114 1 51 3 48 3 138 04:30 220 4 222 2 202 3 102 7 50 4 64 4 143 04:45 1--222- 1 226 8 237 8 106 12 48 3 64 6 150 05:00 ' 276 7 1 306 11 300 5 138 34 60 1 40 12 187 05:15 288 5 1 260 7 278 13 110 38 55 2 52 13 174 05:30 ' [___228_ 17 222 16 L_2-31- 12 102 21 58 1 47 13 148 05:45 192 40 206 38 206 24 75 10 56 4 52 23 131 06:00 180 33 212 40 187 22 78 9 31 8 42 22 122 06:15 138 66 167 58 122 38 78 11 43 7 44 36 99 06:30 175 72 161 62 118 61 49 13 38 5 42 43 97 06:45 148 155 129 122 142 101 36 10 46 5 45 79 91 07:00 98 103 110 94 114 116 100 35 10 32 8 33 73 69 07:15 127 108 138 114 134 108 121 36 13 32 14 36 91 72 07:30 164 84 149 104 182 88 138 39 35 31 16 38 114 64 07:45 T17 83 246 98 236 102 240 48 25 20 25 40 171 65 08:00 60 258 65 236 95 242 31 34 26 21 39 174 53 08:15 86 186 76 211 86 198 33 36 27 12 34 136 57 08:30 ' ..,__189] 65 _ 176 74 200 86 177 26 41 22 27 29 135 50 08:45 202 55 192 66 184 70 190 33 50 32 20 32 140 48 09:00 180 66 205 62 204 85 175 27 45 25 27 21 139 48 09:15 174 56 186 88 164 81 166 30 58 29 32 23 130 51 . a 09:30 172 56 188 50 178 74 199 17 68 24 33 29 140 42 09:45 214 40 152 48 168 49 198 24 73 22 50 19 142 34 10:00 163 39 168 46 212 45 191 26 62 10 44 16 140 30 10:15 170 30 150 39 163 44 180 33 64 26 32 15 126 31 10:30 190 29 184 32 189 38 209 25 64 20 44 9 147 26 10:45 168 18 184 22 190 23 182 14 72 14 48 12 141 17 11:00 157 22 208 18 212 27 208 14 —80 22 -51 11 753 1 19 11:15 186 9 192 17 221 17 218 8 74 12 60 9 158 12 11:30 193 14 206 17 226I 24 226 12 73 10 70 9 166 14 11:45 200 11 227 16 248 1 12 254 12 98 15 66 6 182 12 Total 0 0 3627 6911 4214 7169 4338 7206 4220 4071 1331 2239 836 2080 3153 4944 Day 0 10538 11383 11544 8291 3570 2916 8097 Total Splits 0.0% 0.0% 34.4% 65.6% 37.0% 63.0% 37.6% 62.4% 50.9% 49.1% 37.3% 62.7% 28.7% 71.3% 38.9% 61.1% Peak 07:45 04:45 07:45 04:30 11:00 04:45 11:00 00:15 11:00 00:15 11:00 02:30 11:00 00:30 Vol. 869 1014 866 1014 907 1046 906 910 325 348 247 288 659 705 ' P.H.F. 0.849 0.880 0.839 0.828 0.914 0.872 0.892 0.944 0.829 0.906 0.882 0.867 0.905 0.918 I 1 � • HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 2 ' McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code: 000000011371 Rouse Avenue-North Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Rouse North Leg Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406)586-1730 ' Date Printed: 19-Aug-05 Start 15-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 11 91 7 107 8 ` 9 99 12:15 r 105 7 104 7 ®• • 6 104 12:30 5 118 5 112 4 5 115 12:45 5 120 6 118 4 5 119 01:00 4 132 1 122 6 4 127 01:15 3 108 2 124 1 ' 2 116 01:30 0 102 4 103 3 • 2 102 01:45 4 109 6 91 1 • 4 100 02:00 4 134 6 125 8 6 130 02:15 1 112 2 96 2 • 2 104 02:30 4 132 5 104 3 4 118 02:45 1 110 4 96 7 • " • 4 103 03:00 1 102 1 112 0 1 107 03:15 1 101 2 104 1 • 1 102 03:30 0 104 1 92 2 • 1 98 03:45 1 109 2 94 2 • ` 2 102 04:00 2 80 2 104 2 ` 2 92 ' 04:15 1 98 6 118 2 • • 3 108 04:30 4 114 1 126 6 4 120 04:45 4 118 3 129 4 4 124 05:00 3 132 2 122 4 3 127 05:15 4 164 1 148 4 • 3 156 05:30 0 120 11 140 8 • 6 130 05:45 18 122 22 _ 88 20 • 20 105 06:00 14 93 22 78 18 18 86 06:15 21 62 26 80 28 25 71 06:30 44 74 40 68 38 41 71 06:45 73 75 74 64 78 75 70 07:00 51 59 67 64 62 60 62 07:15 53 44 49 68 56 53 56 07:30 80 51 77 52 79 • 79 52 07:45 228 49 128 48 118 ` ` 125 48 08:00 122 44 112 45 106 113 44 08:15 80 45 70 32 94 " 81 38 08:30 92 42 75 46 95 87 44 36 09:00 1776 28 108 39 100 195 34 09:15 80 16 86 23 90 85 20 09:30 84 29 78 32 74 79 30 09:45 82 26 91 25 72 • 82 26 10:00 88 14 83 22 96 • " 89 18 10:15 109 25 82 15 90 • 94 20 10:30 72 13 92 17 52 72 15 10:45 107 9 91 12 99 10 11:00 104 10 98 10 101 10 11:15 102 11 95 10 • ` 98 10 11:30 91 6 ,106 11 • 98 8 11:45 94 4 78 10 86 7 1~ Total 2041 3601 2033 3586 1559 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2041 3594 Day 5642 5619 1559 0 0 0 0 5635 —Total - Slits 36.2% 63.8% 36.2% 63.8% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 36.2% 63.8% Peak 07:45 05:00 10:45. 04:45 07:45 07:45 04:45 Vol. 422 538 390 539 413 406 537 P.H.F. 0.824 0.820 0.762 0.910 0.875 0.812 0.861 ADT ADT 7,490 AADT 7,490 ' HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 1 McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code:000000012601 Rouse Avenue-South Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Rouse South Leg Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406)586-1730 ' Date Printed:27-Sep-05 Start 08-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 265 16 264 13 263 19 251 22 148 22 137 18 221 ® 12:15 _ 224 14 239 6 232 8 251 15F99 71 30 149 15 211 '® 12:30 246 4 247 9 241 18 224 1792 19 120 13 212 ' 12:45 ` ` ' 230 7 238 12 266 10 258 1084 19 150 12 221 01:00 239 4 282 10 298 8 269 12 19 136 11 237 01:15 245 10 255 5 266 11 264 11 168 10 143 9 224_ 01:30 252 6 237 6 216 7 241 11 148 10 168 8 210 01:45 226 7 239 8 238 5 233 19 173 17 164 11 212 02:00 ` 239 10 242 4 211 9 255 19 155 21 168 13 212 02:15 • 228 3 226 5 220 3 232 14 156 18 151 9 202 02:30 232 5 238 6 217 1 227 4 178 13 F-161 6 209 02:45 243 2 251 7 231 4 263 6 165 10 159 6 219 03:00 224 3 248 10 226 4 243 4 164 5 LI-65 194 5 216 03:15 228 8 249 4 249 3 242 3 150 4 4 214 03:30 259 7 258 3 260 9 278 6 122 4 147 6 221 03:45 ` 245 10 255 _ 6 255 6 257 5 141 3 170 6 ,220: 04:00 248 5 258 5 248 4 257 4 151 6 130 5 215 04:15 ' 237 3 237 5 260 4 246- 2 138 5 120 4 206- 04:30 " 252 8 ! 253 5 240 6 231 13 114 9 133 8 F204 04:45 247 5 261 6 265 11 F2" 14 130 9 139 9 214 05:00 • 271 11 330 5 319 8231 36 138 8 132 14� 252 1 21 114 4 94 18 199 05:45 239 55 `'227 50 243 40 1 805:30 L255 23 2 231 241 17 2"� 26 114 3 140 35 190 06:00 200 55 235 42 195 36 181 19 111 7 104 32 171 06:15 172 71 174 65 171 40 150 23 90 15 107 43 144 ' 06:30 200 94 179 87 159 77 105 28 81 11 98 59 137 06:45 ` 168 182 129 157 160 132 113 36 87 23 102 106 126 07:00 • 102 134 110 132 130 131 112 35 86 21 96 91 106 07:15 _ 160 125 177 122 169 119 146 91 37 69 28 99 120 104 ' 07:30 212 95 208 120 208 103 186 77 68 67 27 73 152 89 07:45 —285 108 253 103 252 118 280 95 90 53 37 86 200 94 08:00 250 84 233 75 233 104 254 61 88 77 50 89 185 82 08:15 209 98 192 63 243 107 208 65 83 48 46 85 164 78 08:30 219 63 206 85 224 108 215 75 95 52 57 82 169 78 09:00 J228 86 222 69 195 87 177 64 118 58 54 65 166 72 09:15 179 60 201 103 177 93 185 76 119 57 69 69 155 76 09:30 175 55 187 61 196 89 208 57 148 57 78 57 165 63 ' 1 1 0:115 198 41 182 46I 189 56 196 55I 156 55 93 33 I 169 48 10:30 187 30 222 29 202 44 220 49 144 34 96 19 178 34 10:45 204 20 210 35 193 38 I�214 40 �166 34 107_ 31 182 33 11:00 203 29 —212 22 I-217 32 I 236 33 167� 41 1--127 21 —194 30 11:15 I 222 11 I 211 23 I 231 17 I 224 29,I 159 38 .I 121 21 I 195 23 11:30 218 22 I 240 20 I 241 25 I 257 16'I 174 34 161 19 I 215 23 11:45' ` 233 19 228 18 267 18 _ _284_ 20 171 35 '1 115 15 :1 216 21 . Total 0 0 4026 7829 4756 8093 4785 8179 4777 7665 2917 5054 1889 5017 3959 6974 Day 0 11855 12849 12964 12442 7971 6906 10933 Total ' Splits 0.0% 0.0% 34.0% 66.0% 37.0% 63.0% 36.9% 63.1% 38.4% 61.6% 36.6% 63.4% 27.4% 72.6% 36.2% 63.8% Peak 07:45 04:45 11:00 04:30 11:00 04:45 11:00 04:45 11:00 00:15 11:00 02:30 11:00 04:30 Vol. 963 1053 891 1134 956 1125 1001 1056 671 746 524 679 820 897 ' P.H.F. 0.845 0.940 0.880 0.859 0.895 0.882 0.881 0.817 0.917 0.937 0.814 0.875 0.949 0.890 1 1 • 1 HKM Engineering, Inc. Page 2 McChesney Professional Bldg 601 Nikles Dr Suite 2 Site Code: 000000012601 Rouse Avenue-South Leg Bozeman MT 59715 Station ID: Rouse South Leg Phone:(406) 586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 1 Date Printed: 27-Sep-05 Start 15-Aug-05 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average Day 1 Time A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 12:00 24 277 14 247 15 18 262 12:15 8 247 14 266 18 "0 13 256 12:30 6 234 9 254 11 • ` • 9 244 1 12:45 10 266 11 254 6 • 9 260 01:00 9 272 7 253 12 • 9 262 01:15 4 256 5 251 6 • 5 254 01:30 3 231 8 222 9 • • 7 226 01:45 6 206 8 225 7 7 216 1 02:00 7 271 6 234 9 7 252 02:15 7 257 11 199 5 8 228 02:30 5 215 6 212 5 5 214 02:45 2 241 8 236 13 • 8 238 1 03:00 4 211 3 231 1 • 3 221 03:15 3 233 3 258 3 • 3 246 03:30 6 236 5 249 3 • 5 242 03:45 5 238 8 253 4 • • 6 246 04:00 2 225 5 223 4 4 224 1 04:15 1 225 5 272 5 4 248 04:30 8 233 2 257 9 • 6 245 04:45 14 271 13 • 276 13 • • " 13 274 05:00 4 i 317 41 335 4 4 326 1 05:15 9 332 13 310 13 12 _321 05:30 26 1_273 28 L_267 29 • 28 270 05:45 38 240 52 236 51 • 47 238 06:00 35 197 45 181 41 40 189 1 06:15 57 157 70 177 65 • 64 167 06:30 93 145 96 158 101 • 97 152 06:45 168 176 165 156 169 • 167 166 07:00 125 161 135 131 125 128 146 07:15 165 124 168 119 169 • 167 122 1 07:30 207 106 218 127 199 • 208 116 07:45 256 113 255 110 240 250 112 08:00 227 95 213 97 236 • " 225 96 08:15 230 91 208 91 228 • 222 91 08:30 L_2271 101 199 88 _207 211 94 1 09:00 185 70 217 81 I 216 ' I • I • I • 206 76 09:15 180 64 191 55 191 • I 187 60 09:30 196 48 175 68 174 ' 182 58 1 110:00 208 39 203 55 222 211 47 10:15 219 27 192 39 194 202 33 10:30 195 39 195 34 201 • I 197 36 1 00 223 23I 236 31 " ' !!II 236 30 i 11:15 231 181 222 28 • ( • I • I • 'I�226 23 11:30 228 171 237 21 I • I ' I • I • i� 232 19 11:45 249 131 2591 161 254 14 1 Total 4814 8018 4821 8039 3656 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4818 8028 Day 12832 12860 3656 0 0 0 0 12846 Total 1 S lits 37.5% 62.5% 37.5% 62.5% 100.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.5% 62.5%P Peak 07:45 04:45 11:00 04:45 07:45 11:00 04:45 Vol. 940 1193 921 1188 911 925 1191 1 P.H.F. 0.918 0.898 0.889 0.887 0.949 0.910 0.913 ADT ADT 11,581 AADT 11,581 1 1 E N G I N E E R I N G McChesney Professional Building ' 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: (406)586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 File Name : OAK-RO-1 Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 8/11/2005 Page No : 1 Groups Printed-Unshifted ROUSE OAK ROUSE OAK From North From East From South From West Start Time Left Thru Ri ht A .Total Left Thru Ri ht .Total Left Thru Right A .Total Left ThrU Ri ht App.Total Int.Tow 04:00 PM 0 76 23 99 2 0 0 2 32 81 2 115 18 3 48 69 285 ' 04:15 PM 1 67 19 87 1 0 0 1 37 92 1 130 20 1 42 63 281 04:30 PM 0 74 21 95 0 1 0 1 44 72 0 116 31 1 39 71 283 04:45 PM 0 90 33 123 0 0 0 0 41 84 1 126 25 0 37 62 311 Total 1 307 96 404 3 1 0 4 154 329 4 487 94 5 166 265 1160 05:00 PM 0 124 48 172 0 0 0 0 60 105 0 165 18 0 36 54 391 ' 05:15 PM 0 96 42 138 0 0 0 0 55 123 0 178 17 1 42 60 376 05:30 PM 0 76 39 115 0 0 0 0 41 83 0 124 22 0 31 53 292 05:45 PM 0 97 28 125 0 0 1 1 46 75 2 123 19 1 28 48 297 Total 0 393 157 550 0 0 1 1 1 202 386 2 590 76 2 137 215 1356 Grand Total 1 700 253 954 3 1 1 5 356 715 6 1077 170 7 303 480 2516 ' Apprch% 0.1 73.4 26.5 60 20 20 33.1 66.4 0.6 35.4 1.5 63.1 Total% 0 27.8 10.1 37.9 0.1 0 0 0.2 14.1 28.4 0.2 42.8 6.8 0.3 12 19.1 HO E N G t N E E R I N �G l McChesney Professional Building ' 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 ' Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 File Name : OAK-RO-1 Site Code :00000000 Start Date : 8/11/2005 Page No : 2 ' ROUSE Out In Total 886 954 F 1840 ' 253 700 1 T 1Left ► _a �0 o T �o �s � R ' � North a 8/11/2005 04:00 PM f-2 8/11/2005 05:45 PM N ' Cn o� 01 am°-1-1 Unshifted o 4� T r* Left Thru Ri ht ' 356 715 6 006 1077 2083 Out In Total McChesney Professional Building 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406)586-1730 File Name :OAK-RO-1 Site Code :00000000 Start Date : 8/11/2005 Page No : 3 1 1 1 E N G I N E E R I N G McChesney Professional Building 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 ' Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 File Name :OAK-RO--1 Site Code ;,,,00000000 Start Date : 8/11/2005 Page No :4 ROUSE OAK ROUSE OAK From North From East From South From West Start Time Left Thru I Right q,,.Total Left I Thru I Right App.Total Left Thru I Right Totai Left Thru I Right App.Total Int.Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM-Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 0 90 33 123 0 0 0 0 41 84 1 126 Y5 0 37 62 311 05:00 PM 0 124 48 172 0 0 0 0 60 105 0 165 18 0 36 54 391 05:15 PM 0 96 42 138 0 0 0 0 55 123 0 178 17 1 42 60 376 ' 05:30 PM 0 76 39 115 0 0 0 0 41 83 0 124 22 0 31 53 292 Total Volume 0 386 162 548 0 0 0 0 197 395 1 593 82 1 146 229 1370 %App.Total 0 70.4 29.6 0 0 0 33.2 66.6 0.2 35.8 0.4 63.8 PHF .000 .778 .844 .797 .000 .000 .000 .000 .821 .803 .250 .833 .820 .250 .869 .923 .876 1 ' •• � iXJ E N G I N E E R I N G McChesney Professional Building 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: (406) 586-8834 Fax: (406) 586-1730 File Name : OAK-RO-1 Site Code :00000000 Start Date : 8/11/2005 Page No : 5 ' ROUSE OAK ROUSE OAK From North From East From South From West ' Start Time Left I Thru I Right App.Total Left I Thru I Right App.Total Left I Thru IRight 14p.Tota1 Leftl ThrulRightjApp.Total int.Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM-Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 04:00 PM 04:45 PM 04:00 PM +0 mins. 0 124 48 172 2 0 0 2 41 84 1 126 18 3 48 69 +15 mins. 0 96 42 138 1 0 0 1 60 105 0 165 20 1 42 63 +30 mins. 0 76 39 115 0 1 0 1 55 123 0 178 31 1 39 71 +45 mins. 0 97 28 125 0 0 0 0 41 83 0 124 25 0 37 62 Total Volume 0 393 157 550 3 1 0 4 197 395 1 593 94 5 166 265 %App.Total 0 71.5 28.5 75 25 0 33.2 66.6 0.2 35.5 1.9 62.6 PHF .000 .792 .818 .799 .375 .250 .000 .500 .821 .803 .250 .833 .758 .417 .865 .933 . T 1 PM Peak Hour- Oak and Rouse 180 180 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 0 8p 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM Time of Day — ROUSE-From North — DRIVEWAY-From East — ROUSE-From South — OAK-From West i • I� i �i II 'I i I 1 III A i endx I Section Two 1 1 1 I . 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background 100: Oak & Rouse 2-Way Stop Control Povement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT-VVBR- NBL NBT NBR SBIL 8BT SffR Lane Configurations i n Control stop stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% �V61�me(Te 82-1-146-0 - 0-0-197 395 1-0 386 --f 6-2. Peak Hour Factor 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Hourly flow rat Tph -1 166-0 0 0 224 449 1 6 43-9 1841, Pedestrians Lane Width Walking Speed (ft/s) P&Eent-Blockage Right turn flare(veh) Median type None —None Median storage veh) ,Upstream siKal(ft) pX, platoon unblocked VC, conflicting volume—1 427—1428-531-1594-1520-449--6-23— -450 vC1, stage 1 conf vol 56fif vol vCu, unblocked vol 1427 1428 531 1594 1520 449 623 450 t , single(9) 7.-1-6-.5-6.-2-7.-1-6-.5-6:2 4-.1 —4 n 1 tC, 2 stage(s) LF (i)— 3'-54.0 33 15 4*0 3.3-2-.2— 202 PO queue free% 0 99 70 100 100 100 77 100 LM capacity h/h) 92-103 548 49 91 616 9-58 -11-10 Le Pirection, Lane# EB `I E82 W9 1 NB I Fq8 2 SB'1 Volume Total 93 167 0 224 450 623 Volume Left 93 0 0 224 0 0 jV61u-m—e Right 0-166-0-0 1-184- cSH 92 533 1700 958 1700 1110 Volume to Capacity 1.01 0.31 (KO-00.23-0.26-0-00— Queue Length 95th (ft) 149 33 0 23 0 0 ,(ZqntF5LDel9-i 178a5-14s8 0o0-9:9-0:0-0:0 :__y(i) Lane LOS F B A A Approach 2 Y-(§) 73.4 —OA3:3 0.0 Approach LOS F A Intersection Summary Average Delay 13.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization--70-.10%—1 CO'L:-e-v-el of Service —C Analysis Period (min) 15 Oak&Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Background Traffic HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background 101: Oak & Driveway 2-Way Stop Control ' Movement L B WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations a ,Y Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% IV61 _(veh(h) 0 229 359 0 0 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ' Hourly flow rate(yph) 0 249 390 0 0 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage_ Right turn flare(veh) Median type None Median storage veh) Upstream signa1-( ) pX, platoon unblocked uCT conflicting_volume 390 _ __ _ _639 390 vC1, stage 1 conf vol uC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 390 639 390 t_C, single(s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage(s) tF(s) _ _ _ _ 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free% 100 100 100 cM_capacity(veh/h) __ _1168 440 658 irection, Lane# EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 249 390 0 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1168 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.30 0.23 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay(s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A App�roach Delay(s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A ,Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 22.2% _ ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Oak&Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Background Traffic HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background 102: Driveway & Rouse 2-Way Stop Control Povement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Sigma n Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume(veh/h) 0 _ 0_ 0 _477 548 0 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate(vph) 0 0 0 518 596 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage__ Right turn flare(veh) Median type None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1114 596 596 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol _ vCu, unblocked vol 1114 596 596 tC, single(s) __ 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage(s) tF(s) _ _ _3.5 _3.3 _ 2.2 p0 queue free% 100 100 100 , M capacity(veh/h) _ __230 504 981 pirection, Lane# EB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 518 596 I Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right_ 0 _ 0 0 cSH 1700 981 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.00 0.35 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control_Delay(s)_ l).0_ 0.0 _0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay(s) 0.0 0.0_ 0_.0_ _ Approach LOS A ntersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 ;Intersection Capacity Utilization 32.2% _ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Oak&Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Background Traffic HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background Plus Site 100: Oak & Rouse 2-Way Stop Control Q- 96—yement IEBC- EBT EBR WBL WBT-WBR- NBL NBT NBR SBC—SB T—8 aq Lane Configurations T A T; 4� Sign Control. --,—Stop stop —FFee Free 6- ol umie veh/h) 8Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% 2 1 146 0-0'..-0 203-400 1 0 411 162 Peak Hour Factor 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Hourly Fflow—rat9-(Tpfi)-93-1 166 0 0 0 231 455 —1—0 Pedestrians Lane Width ft) Walking Speed (fUs) !Percent Blockage Right turn flare(veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) J-al ft)--- -- -- pX, platoon unblocked jvC, conflicting_volume1475 1476 vC1, stage 1 conf vol tagt2-E&nf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1475 1476 559 1642 1568 455 651 456 7.-1-65—6 7.-1-6--.5—6-.2-4.1 —4,1 tC, 2 stage(s) tF 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 490-3:3-2-.2— 12 pO queue free% 0 99 69 100 100 100 75 100 ccapacity(v-eH/fi)-85 95 528 44 -84 605-935 1-105 Direction, Lane# --EB I EB2 WB 1 NB 1 NB-2 813 1 LVolume Total 93 167 0 231 -456 651 Volume Left 93 0 0 231 0 0 U_olum_e_R_fight 0 166 0-0-1-184 cSH 85 513 1700 935 1700 1105 U&Um-`5­0-Capacity--j-1 0-0-33 0.0-0 0.25 0*27 0500 Queue Length 95th (ft) 162 35 0 24 0 0 ,ContFo-I Delay--S-)-217.'3-15.-4-0.6-10.-1 0:0 0.0 Lane LOS F C A B ��p�p il 8T7:-- 0.0-3-A 0.0 .LoacH-D Approach LOS F A [Intersection Summary Average Delay 15.7 Intersection Capacity [tLiiu6i-ni-71.7%—ICU'Level-of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Oak& Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Back Plus Site HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background Plus Site 101: Oak & Driveway 2-Way Stop Control Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations a Sign Control Free Free Stop- -- Grade 0% 0% 0% o Volume(veh/h) 9 226 357 8^ 0 17 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ' Hourly flow rate(vph)_ _- -10 246 388_ - 9 0 18 Pedestrians Lane Width_ Walking Speed (ft/s) -- -- - - - - - - - - Percent Blockage - Right turn flare(veh) Median type None Median storage veh) ';Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked LC, conflicting volume 397 658 392 vC1, stage 1 conf vol uC2,g 2 conf vol __ -_- _ _ _ _ _ _ vCu, unblocked vol 397 658 392 ' t_C, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage(s) 2.2_ _ _ _ _3.5_ _ -3.3_ p0 queue free% 99 100 97 cM capacity(veh/h) _1162 426 656 irection, Lane# EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 255 397 18 Volume Left 10 0 0 Volume Right 0 9 18 cSH 1162 1700 656 Volume to Capacity _ _ 0.01 0.23 0.03 - Queue Length 95th (ft) 1 0 2 Cont for De al y(s) _ - 0.4 -0.0 10.6 Lane LOS A B Approach Delay(s) 0.4 - -0.0_10.6 Approach LOS B [Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 29.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Oak&Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Back Plus Site HKM Engineering Inc. 0 M L HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background Plus Site 102: Driveway & Rouse * I 2-Way Stop Control Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations ,►Y! ' Sign Control___- - _Stop -_-_-F_ree_ Free_ Grade 0%9 0% 0% Volume_(veh/h) 30 34 13 469 541 18 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate(vph) 33 37 14 510 588 20 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare(veh) Median type None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked uCP conflicting volume 1136 598 608 vC1, stage 1 conf vol uC2,_stage_2 conf Vol_ vCu, unblocked vol 1136 598 608 tC,-single(s) 6.4 6:2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF(s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free% 85 93 99 ' cM capacity(veh/h) 220 502 971 pirection, Lane# EB 1 NB 1 SB 1 [Volume Total _ 70 _524_ _ 60.8_ Volume Left 33 14 0 Volume Right _ 37 0 20 cSH 314 971 1700 UV&ume_to Capacity 0.22 0.01 0.36 Queue Length 95th (ft) 21 1 0 Control-D-ela_(i). 19.7_ 0.4 0.0 Lane LOS C A ' Approach Delay_(s) -19.7_ - 0.4 0.0 Approach LOS C ,ntersection Summary ' Average Delay 1.3 Intersection_Capac ty UtiliUtilizatio_n- 45.6%-_ --ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 r r Oak& Rouse Comm. Sub. 2005 Back Plus Site ' HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Oak & Rouse Background-Signal Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR 8BL SBT SB Lane Configurations Ideal Flow ypp 671W )-1900 1900 1§00-1900 190 19-00 1400 1-900-1900-1900 1�b Total Lost time W 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane--0-6 F Factor___' 1.00 1.00 -7-.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1 Satd. Flow(prot) 1770 1585 1770 1862 1788 Flt P&-m-ittid 0.76 1.00 6-3-6-1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow(perm) 1410 1585 713 1862 1788 [Volume(vph) 82 1 146 0 0 0 197 395 1 0 386 162: Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 ow(vph)-03-1-166-0-0-0-22-4-449--l-0 439 184 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 Lane Group Flow(vph) 93 24 0 0-0-0-224-450 0 - -0 60-6-0, Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm Protected Phases4 -6- 2 6 1 Permitted Phases 4 8 2 6 Actuated Green, G_j§)_9*0 __900 -46-.6-46.6 -4666----1 Effective Green, g (s) 9.0 9.0 46.6 46.6 46.6 Ratio 0_14-o._14_ 0.71 0-73 0.73 Clearance Time(s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 [Vehicle Extension (s) 10 3.0 3.0 3.0 -3-0---7 Lane Grp Cap(vph) 200 224 522 1364 1310 y/s_Ratio-Prot 0-.02- - 0.24 c0.34 v/s Ratio Perm c0.07 0.31 V, /c-R-atio- 0.460-.11 0-A Uniform Delay, d1 25.1 23.8 3.3 3.0 3.4 Progression Factor_--1-.00 1*00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.7 0.2 2.6 0.6 1.2 Delay-_-)_ 26_.824-.0579�_3.6 -49677= Level of Service C_ C A A A Approach Delay s) 25.0 0.0 4.4 4.6 Approach LOS C A A A Intersection Summary HCM Average Control Delay 7.9 HCM Level of Service A HCMI -o16-me t&_Ca�paci!Z ratio_O_.46_ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 63.6 Sum of lost time(s) 8.0 ,Intersectioh-�a7p-citVUCilizati6-n-7O.1% ICU Level of Service Analysis Period (min) 15 iF-Critical'Lane Group North Side Subdivision 2005 Existing HKM Engineering Inc. HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Background Plus Site 100: Oak & Rouse Signalization IMovement EBE EBT EBR WBC--WBT WBR_NBE_MB_T NBR SBC_ SBT S_B7R Lane Configurations op Ildeal Flow -1900 1900 1900 - 1) -1900 -1900 1900 1900 1900 1900-1 900-1 900-1 90Q Total Lost time TsJ 4.0 4.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.0 ;in_e_U_til_Fa_ct6 1 17-r 1.00 1.00 .00 00 1 .00 Frt 1.00 0.85 1.001.00 0.96 !F I t'Protected_ 0.95 0*95 1.00 -ISO Satd. Flow(prot) 1770 1585 1770 1862 1792 Flt'Permitted_ -0.7-6-1 0.37 1.00 -1900--7 Satd. Flow(perm) 1410 1585 684 1862 1792 �Volume(vph) 82 1 146 0 0 0 203 400 1 0 411 162� Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Adj.�Flow(�ph) 847��93 1-166-0-0-0-2-3-146-5-1 0 _4.6.7 1- RTOR Reduction(vph) 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 jCaine Group Flow(vph)_93 2 -0-0-0-0-231-456-0 0_688-0, Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm Prot&c_t6_d'Phases 4 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 8 2 - 6 Wc-tuatdd-C. 9no 9ao 46. 46.6 -46.6 Effective Green, g (s) 9.0 9.0 46.6 46.6 46.6 Kc-tuatd-d-d/C'Ratio 0-.14 0.14 0-.73-0. 3 _0.73___j Clearance Time(s) 4.0 4.0 - - 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle Extension (i) 3:0 350 3_.0__ -3.0 10 Lane Grp Cap(vph) 200 224 501 1364 1313 R/�s]R Ratio�io Prot t 0.02 0424 C0.3 v/s Ratio Perm c0.07 0.34 - 0 - -0-.46 0*33 0-.48 y/c Ratio 0._46_0._11 Uniform Delay, dl 25.1 23.8 3.4 3.0 3.5 PEo_ess i&n-Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1000 Incremental Delay, d2 1.7 0.2 3.0 0.7 1.3 �Delay 2648 24-.0 6.5 -3.7. -4-.8 Level of Service C C A A A Approach aY__s) 25._0 oeo 4.8 Approach LOS C A A A ntersection-Summary HCM Average Control Delay 8.0 HCM Level of Service A !HCM Volume.to_Capaci 9Tati6_-0_.48 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 63.6 Sum of lost time(s) 8.0 Intersection Capacity --CLU)tilii�a-ti n 71_7_6/_._1CU Level 5-f-Ser\65- C 4pq_city Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group North Side Subdivision 2005 Back Plus Site HKIVI Engineering Inc. HKM Engineering, Inc Northside Subdivision Commercial Development North Rouse Avenue at Oak Street(2005-Background Volume) Study Name: PCwarrants Study Date :08/29/05 Signal Warrants - Summary Page No. :1 Major Street Approaches Minor Street Approaches Northbound. N ROUSE AVE 10. Eastbound: OAK ST Number of Lanes:1 Number of Lanes:1 Approach Speed:0 Total Approach Volume:1,077 Total Approach Volume:480 Souhbound. N ROUSE AVE Westbound: OAK ST Number of Lanes:1 Number of Lanes:1 Approach Speed:0 Total Approach Volume:954 Total Approach Volume:5 ' Warrant Summary (Urban values apply.) Warrant 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volumes ........................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated Warrant 1A-Minimum Vehicular Volume ........................................................................................Not Evaluated ' Warrant 1 B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic ..............................................................................Not Evaluated Warrant1 A&B-Combination of Warrants .....................................................................................Not Evaluated Warrant2-Four Hour Volumes ............................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant 3 Peak Hour Satisfied ' Warrant 3A-Peak Hour Delay ..........................................................................................................Not Satisfied Total approach volumes and delays on minor street do not exceed minimums for any hour. Warrant3B-Peak Hour Volumes .....................................................................................................Satisfied Volumes exceed minimums for at least one hour. Warrant4-Pedestrian Volumes ............................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant5-School Crossing .................................................................................................................................................. Not Evaluated Warrant6-Coordinated Signal System ............................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated ' Warrant 7-Crash Experience ................................................................................................................................................ Not Evaluated Warrant8-Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................... Not Evaluated ' HKM Engineering, Inc Northside Subdivision Commercial Development North Rouse Avenue at Oak Street(2005-Background Volume) Study Name: PCwarrants Study' Signal Warrants - Summary Page Note :28/29/OS ' 700 s Warrant Curves .© a. 600 Peak Hour Warrant t Z Four Hour Warrant 0 500 [Urban, 1 major lane and 1 minor lane curves used] a a t a 400 0 d o, 300 1 g m 1� 200 f 0 c 100 ' 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Major Street-Total of Both Directions(VPH) Analysis of 8-Hour Volume Warrants: Hour Major Higher Minor War-1A War-1B War-1A&B Begin Total Vol Dir Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? Major Crit Minor Crit Meets? 00:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No --- 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- 01:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No Y: 750-No 75-No — 600-No 120-No 02:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No 750-No 75-No 600-No 120-No ... 03:00 I 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No -- 750-No 75-No -- 600-No 120-No --- 04:00 I 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No —• 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- 05:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- 06:00I 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No —• 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- 07:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No --- 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- ' 08:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No ( 750-No 75-No 600-No 120-No 09:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No I 750-No 75-No 600-No 120-No 10:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No --- I 600-No 120-No --- 11:00 ( 0 0 EB I, 500-No 150-No ... I 750-No 75-No e_ I 600-No 120-No ::: 12:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No I 750-No 75-No I 600-No 120-No 13:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No -- I 600-No 120-No --- 14:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No --- I 600-No 120-No �- 15:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No --- I 600-No 120-No -- 16:00 I 891 265 EB 1500-Yes 150-Yes Both 1750-Yes 75-Yes Both 1600•Yes 120-Yes Both 17:00 11,140 215 EB 1500-Yes 150-Yes Both 1750-Yes 75-Yes Both 1600-Yes 120-Yes Both '• 18:00I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No --- I. 600-No 120-No .._ 19:00I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- ( 750-No 75-No -• 1600-No 120-No 20:00I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No --- I 750-No 75-No --- I 600-No 120-No --- ' 21:00 I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No e_ I 750-No 75-No I 600-No 120-No --- 22:00I 0 0 EB I 500-No 150-No I 750-No 75-No I 600-No 120-No 23:00 0 0 EB 500-No 150-No --- 750-No 75-No --- 600-No 120-No --- 1