HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300222975479050) .'�Z-9939-.BAXTER CREEK BUS PARK PUD ion'-Auto Plaza, N. 'of. U-:S: 191 Jack Schunke .March 30. 1999 , � N O i 'n W N lD v FEF J f rrT Oxford NO. 753 215 PE A4- h oq Q J PlazgN 6 LE REVIEW S.HE T CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT File No. ? Reference files: DATE DATE DONE DUE DONE BY DRC Initial Week Review DRC Second Week Review 3 DRC Final Week Review S Notice to Paper(not less than 15 or more than 45 days prior to Board hearing) �✓ y Notice to Adjoiners (not less than 10 days prior to final DRC meeting) �I);� ( qD�� Post Notice (not less than 10 days prior to final DRC I meeting) Staff Report Due Planning Board Meeting Date . Packet to City Commission City Commission Meeting Date (3 pm unless variances,then 7 Pm) Letter Mailed to Applicant Improvements Agreement Mailed to Applicant DRC ACTION: Approved Approved w/Conditions Denied PLANNING BOARDACTION: ppro ve on s Denied CITY COMM ACTION: Approv pro Denied FINAL SITE PLAN DUE BY: — 'a cQI IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT RETURNED: FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED ON: FINANCIAL GUARANTEE RECEIVED: FINANCIAL GUARANTEE RELEASED: d DATE OF FINAL OCCUPANCY: a:cuprev.sht-- 10/31/97 PROJECT ACTIVITY LOGS BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE roject Name u-p-ex Ep Pup File No. -9q STAFF STAFF CUMULATIV DATE ACTIVITY PERSON HOURS STAFF TIME UnV i QIP ob, .z� so CITY CITY OF BOZEMAN vw 9� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ` Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building � _ e Phone: (406) 582-2360 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2363 co moo? Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1240 World wide web: www.bozeman.net May 1, 2002 Steve Olson Landmark ERA Commercial 1811 West Dickerson#17 Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Baxter Creek PUD Final Plat and Final Plan Extensions Dear Mr. Olson: On April 29, 2002 the Bozeman City Commission approved a one-year preliminary plat approval extension for the above referenced project. Your previous final plat submittal deadline was June 21, 2002. With the extension, you have until June 21, 2003 to provide the City with a final plat submittal that satisfies all of the requirements and conditions for this subdivision as set forth in the Findings of Fact and Order. The City Commission also approved a retroactive two-year final plan approval extension for Baxter Creek PUD. Your previous final plan submittal deadline was June 21, 2001. This extension will be applied retroactively; therefore you now have until June 21, 2003 to submit the Baxter Creek Final Plan. Planning Staff would like to inform you that you may amend an aspect of the preliminary PUD plan administratively, in accordance with the proposed zone text amendments. Contingent upon final City Commission adoption of the text amendments, 30 days after the second reading of the ordinances, the amendments would allow you to reduce yard setbacks. Attached, please find a copy of the proposed amendments that relate to the Business Park District. These proposed amendments are also available online at www.bozeman.net. If you have any questions or concerns, or if our office can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me. S'ncerely, )�.isan Kozub CC: Andy Epple, Director of Planning & Community Development BOZEMAN a CITY-CONTY' PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 EAST OLIVE STREET City-Co nn�y P.O.BOX 640,BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406) 582-2360 FAX: (406) 582.2363 June 25, 1999 Stcvc Olson 1805 West Dickerson Street, No. I Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Baxter Creek Business Park Subdivision and PUD (Z-9939 and P-9907) Dear Steve: This is to officially advise you that the Bozeman City Commission, on a 5-0 vote, granted conditional approval of the Baxter Creek Business Park Subdivision and Zoning PUD at their meeting on June 21, 1999. Findings of Fact and Order will be issued by the Commission on the Subdivision, which explains the Commission's findings in granting conditional approval of the subdivision,and also lists the conditions of approval pertinent to the subdivision. Once signed by the Commission, this document will be forwarded to you. As you arc aware, the subdivision is contingent upon completion of the zoning Planned Unit Development. If the conditions of the PUD arc not met, then the subdivision cannot occur. The PUD was approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amendcd/supplemcntcd on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the following regulations. All provisions of the Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. a. Reduction of the minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. b. Reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. C. Reduction of the interior street right-of-way widths from 60-feet to 50-feet, as conditioned to require the streets to not be dedicated right-of-way, but to be a public access easement, owned and maintained by the property owners association. Steve Olson June 25, 1999 Page 2 d. Reduction of the constructed width of interior streets from 37-feet to 30 feet. e. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. f. To allow sidewalks adjacent to open space to be constructed within one year of final plat filing, and sidewalks adjacent to lots to be constructed at the time the lots are constructed on, or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and be approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and all required on-site and off-site water, sewer, street and transportation improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements applicable to that lot/use, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guaranteed as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the lot. 4. The landscape improvements within the US 191 and Baxter Creek corridor open space corridors, including the picnic area, shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final subdivision plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. Steve Olson June 25, 1999 Page 3 5. If acceptable by the City Engineer, the sidewalks installed along Competition Drive may be installed in a curvilinear fashion. 6. A crosswalk shall be installed on Competition Drive at the location where the trail crosses the street. The crosswalk design shall include a change in pavement, and the location and materials/method used shall be approved by the City Engineer during review of the Plans and Specifications for the infrastructure. 7. The Covenants/Design Guidelines shall be amended as follows(in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): A. Page 3. Section 1.5, Common Areas: Amend reference of"Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive", add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. B. Amend Section VI, oage 28. sign guidelines, to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdOision. D. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. E. Page 8. Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that "low traffic-generating retail uses (100 off-site ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. Book and stationery store Building materials sales Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Department store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Dry goods and notion store Furniture store Garden supply store Retail uses in addition to principal uses Variety store In addition,the list shall be amended to clarify that only small animal veterinary clinics are permissible uses within the PUD. Steve Olson June 25, 1999 Page 4 F. Page 11, Sub-section d, Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel purpose canopies, as that use is not permitted. G. Page 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. H. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. I. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 8. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. As noted in condition 2, the final site plan for the PUD must be submitted within two years of the Commission's approval, or by June 21, 2001, unless an extension is requested in writing, and granted. Again, the final site plan for the PUD must be approved before the final plat for the subdivision can be approved. Should you have questions regarding the final site plan process or any of the conditions of approval, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, j Debbie Arkell Assistant Planning Director cc: Jack Schunke, Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Mike Potter, PC Development y P -� Cc � cAJ�A IL l 21 . The proposed 25-foot wide right-of-way at the east side of Lot 7 shall be increased to a 50-foot wide public access easement to provide adequate access to the property to the north, unless a 25-foot wide public access easement is obtained from the property owner to the north. A copy of'the recorded easement shall be submitted with the final plat application. This street shall be named and constructed to the same standard as Norton Street and Competition Drive. I 22. During construction of the infrastructure for the subdivision, mechanical or electrical devices which create a loud, raucous or pulsating sound shall not be operated between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day if the noise emanating from the device(s) unreasonably interferes with the health, comfort, safety or welfare of any inhabited dwelling unit in the surrounding area. Vehicles and equipment utilized to clear snow are exempted from this condition. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg and Mayor.Stiff; those voting No, none. ConditionallUse- Permit- for Planned Unit Development -Vaoxwteri Cr"eek'Business Park - eight commercial lot planned unit development on 17.56-acre tract located in the NE'/4, Section 9, T2S, R5E - Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr. (north side of US 191, west of Cottonwood Road) (499391 > This was the time and place set for continued review of the Conditional Use Permit for the Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development as requested by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr., under Application No. Z-9939, for an eight-lot commercial planned unit development on a 17.56-acre tract located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian. The subject property is more commonly located along the north side of US Highway I 191, west of Cottonwood Road. Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell presented the staff report. She stated that this application is for a planned unit development on the property which was the subject of the preliminary plat in the previous agenda item. She reminded the Commission that when the zoning on the Valley West Annexation was established, the applicants sought a "13-2", Community Business, zoning designation; however, the Commission denied that request and, instead, established a "BP", Business Park, zoning designation on the subject parcel. She noted that, at the time, the Commission recognized the applicant's desire to construct an automobile dealership on this site and determined it would be most appropriate to allow it under a planned unit development. The Assistant Planning Director stated that the initial list of uses submitted by the applicant was almost identical to the "B-2" uses listed in the zone code. She indicated that several of those uses were eliminated between the time the application was submitted and now; however, several more uses are to be eliminated under the conditions recommended by the Planning Board. Assistant Planning Director Arkell stated that under this planned unit development application, the building envelope and general parking configuration for each lot are identified and, if the proposed development of a lot is to be completed in compliance with this plan and the development guidelines, the applicant may apply for a building permit, bypassing the zoning review processes. She noted that if the applicant wishes to construct a project not in compliance with the plan submitted in conjunction with this application or not in compliance with the development guidelines, then the zoning review process is triggered. The Assistant Planning Director stated that the City-County Planning Board conducted its public hearing on this application at its June 2 meeting. Following that public hearing and consideration of the criteria and the staff findings as contained in the written staff report, the Board concurred in staff's recommendations for approval, subject to eight conditions. 06-21-99 - 7 - ' Transportation, that will bring the level of service of the Cottonwood Road/Huffine Lane and the Competition Drive/Huffine Lane intersections up to a minimum level of service of "D". The level of service with the mitigating measures in place will be certified by the applicant's engineer to the City. No construction shall begin until such time as the plans for these upgrades are approved and further, no building permits will be approved until the upgrades have been implemented. 16. The applicant shall complete a warrant analysis for the intersection of Cottonwood Road and Huffine Lane. If a signal is warranted, the signal shall be in place prior final plat approval. As an alternative, the Final Plat may be approved if the signal is financially guaranteed in an amount of 150% of the estimated cost of the entire signalization, but under no circumstance will building permits be issued until the,signal is in place. If a signal is not warranted at this time, the applicant shall file with the Clerk and Recorder's Office an executed Waiver, of Right to Protest Creation of an SID for the signalization. The document filed shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for/the completion of this improvement, the developer agrees to participate/,in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. Additionally, if the signal is not warranted,/ 20% of one and a half times the estimated cost of a signal shall be/,financially guaranteed by the developer until such time as the lawsuit on impact fees is resolved. If the currently scheduled value of impact fees,/are determined to be enforceable, the financial guarantee shall be released. 17. The applicant shall obtain an access permit from the Montana Department of Transportation for Competition Drive and comply with all requirements of the permit in addition to the 'other conditions of preliminary plat approval. A copy of the access permit shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to construction of Competition Drive. 18. A note shall be added to the fin a!l' plat that references the presence of high groundwater in the area, and/that structures with basements are not recommended. 19. A 25-foot wide public trail easement shall be shown on the final plat, with the easement being located on one side of the Baxter Creek corridor open space. The developer shall construct a five-foot wide trail surfaced with natural fines within the/easement, and the trail shall align to connect with the trail originating at/Huffine Lane and continuing north along the west side of the trail to be constructed in the Billion Auto Plaza subdivision. If the trail corridor and trail cross the creek, a foot bridge shall be installed by the developer after appropriate permits are obtained (310, 404, etc.). The design of the bridge shall be approved by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board prioe to construction. The trail shall either be constructed or financially/guaranteed prior to final plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the trail shall be installed within nine (9) months of final plat approval. 20. All contractors shall be advised by the subdivider that all construction related traffic associated with the development of and within the Baxter Creek Business Park shall be routed to and from the site via Huffine Lane, and that West Babcock Street east of Ferguson Road, and none of Durston Road be shall be utilized for construction traffic, with the exception of construction traffic from the Valley West gravel pit to the site. 06-21-99 Mr. Mike Potter, representing the applicants, characterized this planned unit development as being similar to the Valley Commons Planned Unit Development and the Parkway Plaza Planned Unit Development. He noted that, as a result of their prior experiences, it seems to make sense to seek a relaxation of the front yard setbacks, with more open space then being provided along the creek. He voiced his appreciation for the City allowing additional parkland to be dedicated for Bronken Park in conjunction with this development, and asked that the requested relaxations of the planned unit development standards be approved so that the open space can provide the greatest benefit possible. He assured the Commission that gaining efficiency with the setbacks will not compromise the overall developmea and that the architectural guidelines and landscaping requirements will still be met. No one was present to speak in opposition to the requested Conditional Use Permit. It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Smiley, that the Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development as requested by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr., under Application No. Z-9939, for an eight-lot commercial planned unit development on a 11.56-acre tract located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian, subject to the following conditions: 1 . The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the following regulations. All provisions of the subdivision and zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. a. Reduction of the minimum lot size of "BP", Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three- quarters of an acre. b. Reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. C. Reduction of the interior street right-of-way widths from 60 feet to 50 feet, as conditioned to require the streets to not be dedicated right-of-way, but to be a public access easement, owned and maintained by the Property Owners' Association. d. Reduction of the constructed width of interior streets from 37 feet to 30 feet. e. Allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-fool street frontage. i f. Allow sidewalks adjacent to open space to be constructed within one year of final plat filing, and sidewalks adjacent to lots to be constructed at the time the lots are constructed on, or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and be approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for final PUD plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. 06-21-99 _ 10 - 5 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office, and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Bozeman Municipal Code. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and all required on-site and off-site water, sewer, street and transportation improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements applicable to that lot/use, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guaranteed as outlined in the zoning ordinance to secure the improvements required for the lot. 4. The landscape improvements within the US 191 and Baxter Creek corridor open space corridors, including the picnic area, shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final subdivision plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City Attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 5. If . acceptable by the City Engineer, the sidewalks installed along Competition Drive may be installed in a curvilinear fashion. 6. A crosswalk shall be installed on Competition Drive at the location where the trail crosses the street. The crosswalk design shall include a change in pavement, and the location and materials/method used shall be approved by the City 'Engineer during review . of the plans and specifications for the infrastructure. 7. The Covenants/Design Guidelines shall be amended as follows (in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): a. Page 3, Section 1.5, Common Areas: Amend reference of "Enterprise Drive"to "Competition Drive", add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. b. Amend Section VI, Page 28, Sign Guidelines, to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdivision. d. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. e. Page 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that "low traffic-generating retail uses (100 off-site ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the.Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. 06-21-99 Book and stationery store Building materials sales Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Department store Dry cleaning and laundry Dry goods and notion store Furniture store Garden supply store Retail uses in addition to principal uses Variety store In addition, the list shall be amended to clarify that only small animal veterinary clinics are permissible uses within the PUD. f. Page 11 . Sub-section d, Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel purpose canopies, as that use is not permitted. g. Page 13, Section 3, Parking Reguirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. h. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. i. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 8. The parkland that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Ordinance No. 1495 - vacating and abandoning those street and utility easements across Tracts 4A and 4B, Certificate of Survey No. 1215A, and Tract 1 B, Certificate of Survey No. 1215B (extending eastward from North 19th Avenue at approximately the mid-point between West Oak Street and Baxter Lane) Previously distributed in the Commissioners' packets was a copy of Ordinance No. 1495, as approved by the City Attorney, entitled:. ORDINANCE NO. 1495 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, VACATING AND ABANDONING THOSE STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ACROSS TRACTS 4A AND 4B, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 1215A, AND TRACT 1 B, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 1215B, EXTENDING EASTWARD FROM NORTH 19TH AVENUE AT APPROXIMATELY THE MID-POINT BETWEEN WEST OAK STREET AND BAXTER LANE, IN THE CITY OF BOZEIMAN, MONTANA. 06-21-99 City Manager Johnson noted that this vacation of street and utility easements has been requested because the street has been realigned. He then stated that the new easements are listed on the consent agenda. It was moved by Commissioner Smiley, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that Ordinance No. 1495, vacating and abandoning street and utility easements extending eastward from North 19th Avenue at approximately the mid-point between West Oak Street and Baxter Lane, be finally adopted. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Ordinance No. 1497 - amending Chapters 13.12 and 13.16 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, to establish City's responsibilities and customers' responsibilities for maintenance of service lines, meters, curb boxes, fire lines and backflow valves, and providing for rates for water consumption to be set by resolution Included in the Commissioners' packets was a copy of Ordinance No. 1497, as approved by the City Attorney, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1497 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 13.12.320, 13.12.330, 13.12.340, 13.16.010 AND ADDING SECTIONS 13.12.322, 13.12.323, 13.12.324, AND 13.12.375 PROVIDING FOR THE CITY TO MAINTAIN SERVICE LINES FROM THE MAIN WATER LINE TO THE CURB BOX, REQUIRING NEW PROPERTY OWNERS MAINTAIN THEIR SERVICE LINES FROM THE CURB BOX TO THE METER, PROVIDING FOR THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF METERS, AND PROVIDING FOR RATES FOR WATER CONSUMPTION TO BE SET BY RESOLUTION. Director of Public Service Phill Forbes noted that Bozeman is the last of the big cities in Montana to maintain lines on private properties and, under this ordinance,the responsibility will be placed on the property owner. He stressed that this ordinance does not include a blanket retroactive provision; rather, it applies to new services and new owners of existing services. He also noted that it requires connection to City services for domestic services only, if the property is within city limits and within 100 feet of a main. He characterized this ordinance as an interim provision while comprehensive rewrites of the water and sewer ordinances are being undertaken. Commissioner Rudberg voiced her concerns with this ordinance, which include the requirement to connect to City water if the property is within 100 feet of a main and concerns about future Commissions. She noted that .wholly surrounded properties benefit from City services without paying City taxes; however, she is concerned about forced annexation and subsequently forcing connection to City services. She then stressed the importance of working with the City-County Health Board. Director of Public Service Forbes noted that the Commission controls the annexation process, so he does not envision that issue becoming a problem.' He then indicated that one of the reasons staff is requesting this provision is to preclude the potential of people disconnecting from the City water system and using wells for domestic and irrigation purposes. He characterized connecting to the City water system as buying into a system that protects health and provides fire protection. It was moved by Commissioner Rudberg, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that Ordinance No. 1497, amending Chapters 13.12 and 13.16 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, to establish City's responsibilities and customers' responsibilities for maintenance of service lines, meters, curb boxes, fire lines and backflow valves, and providing for rates for water consumption to be set by resolution, be provisionally adopted and that it be brought back in two weeks for final adoption. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those 06-21-99 0 MINUTES OF THE AGENDA MEETING/WORK SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA June 14, 1999 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in agenda meeting and work session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, on Monday, June 14, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Johnson, Assistant City Manager Brey, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the roll call, Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Agenda Meeting - for regular meeting and public hearings to be held on June 21, 1999 Since this is an agenda meeting, only those issues requiring staff action are contained in the minutes. City Manager Johnson briefly reviewed the background information which was included in the Commissioners' packets. P q 60�(4) Senior Planner Dave Skelton gave an overview of the requested modification of Condition No. 12 for the first four phases of the preliminary plat for Harvest Creek Subdivision. He noted that, under the modification of this condition, as recommended by the City-County Planning Board, the applicant would be able to draw building permits and occupancy permits for up to 50 percent of the 58 single-family residential lots in Phase I prior to installation of the signalization improvements at North 19th Avenue and Durston Road. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the Senior Planner stated that the improvements to the intersection include geometrics as well as the timing of the light and addition of left turn signals. Commissioner Rudberg asked that a copy of the map be forwarded in next week's Commission packets. Commissioner Frost asked that the Commissioners also be given the traffic numbers for the first phase of the subdivision. Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell gave an overview of this preliminary plat, under which 17 acres will be subdivided into eight lots for commercial development. She noted that the subdivision is accompanied by a conditional use permit for a planned unit development, which is the subject of the next agenda item, and includes several requested relaxations to both the subdivision and zoning regulations. She then noted that one of the major issues discussed during review of this application before the Development Review Committee was the level of service for left turns between Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road. 3 (6)" Assistant Planning Director Arkell stated that the main issue under this agenda item is""the use list for the planned unit development. She noted the original list was the same as the list of "B-2" uses in the code and, as a result of working with staff, the applicant has deleted some of the uses; however, she noted that under the recommended conditions, even more uses are to be eliminated. (8) Director of Public Service Phill Forbes briefly reviewed the provisions of this ordinance, noting that Bozeman is the last large municipality to provide maintenance of an individual service line from the main to the house, including the meter. He reminded the i ��=tiff�•.. . , 06-14-99 I Preliminary plat - Baxter Creek Business Park - subdivide 17.56-acre tract located in the NE'/4, Section 9, T2S, R5E, for development of an eight commercial lot planned unit development - Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr. (north side of US 191, west of Cottonwood Road) (P-9907) This was the time and place set for review of the preliminary plat for Baxter Creek Business Park, as requested by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr., under Application No. P-9907, to subdivide a 17.56-acre tract located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 9,.Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian, into eight commercial lots. The subject property is more commonly located along the north side of US Highway 191, west of Cottonwood Road. Included in the Commissioners' packets was a memo from Assistant Planning Director. Debbie Arkell, dated May 5, asking that this review be opened and continued to June 21 , since the Planning Board will be considering it at their June 2 meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Rudberg, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that review of the preliminary plat for the Baxter Creek Business Park be continued to June 21, to give the City-County Planning Board an opportunity to conduct its public hearing and forward a recommendation. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Smiley and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Conditional Use Permit for(Planned Unit Development - Baxter Creek Business Park - eight commercial lot planned unit development on 17.56-acre tract located in the NE% Section 9 T2S, R5E - Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree L.L.C.• and Gardiner Green Jr. (north side of US 191, west of Cottonwood Road) ( 9)_; This was the time and place set for review of the Conditional Use Permit for the Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development as requested by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc.; Triple Tree, L.L.C.; and Gardiner Green, Jr., under Application No. Z-9939, for an eight-lot commercial planned unit development on a 17.56-acre tract located in the Northeast one- quarter of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian. The subject property is more commonly located along the north side of US Highway 191 , west of Cottonwood Road. Included in the Commissioners' packets was a memo from Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell, dated May 5, asking that this review be opened and continued to June 21 , since the Planning Board will be considering it at their June 2 meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that review of the Conditional Use Permit for the Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development be continued to June 21, to give the City-County Planning Board an opportunity to conduct its public hearing and forward a recommendation. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Preliminary plat - West Park Manor Townhouse Minor Subdivision - subdivide 8,190-square- foot lot described as Lot 3, Block 1, West Park Manor, into two townhouse lots - Western General Enterprises Revocable Trust (P-9910) This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the preliminary plat for West Park Manor Townhouse Minor Subdivision, as requested by Westland General Enterprises Revocable Trust under Application No. P-9910, to subdivide Lot 3, Block 1, West Park Manor Subdivision into two townhouse lots. The subject property is known as 309 and 311 North 19th Avenue. 05-17-99 1 • `YT` � r,, r l 1 �• {3� �7J � � J MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA May 17, 1999 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, on Monday, May 17, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Johnson, Assistant City Manager Brey, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. City Manager Johnson requested that Commission Resolution No. 3289, relating to the SID No. 664 bonds, be removed from the agenda, noting it will be rescheduled for a later date. Minutes - September 8, 1998, April 5, April 19, April 26 May 3 and May 10 1999 It was moved by Commissioner Smiley, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the minutes of the meetings of May 3 and May 10, 1999, be approved as submitted. The motion carried by the. following Aye and No vote: those voting 'Aye being Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Mayor Stiff deferred action on the minutes of the meetings of September 8, 1998, and April 5, April 19 and April 26, 1999, to a later date. Presentation from Bozeman Police Department; Proclamation - "Buckle Up Bozeman Week" - May 24-31, 1999 Included in the Commissioners' packets was a copy of the proclamation designating May 24 through 31, 1999, as "Buckle Up Bozeman Week". At Mayor Stiff's request, Clerk of the Commission Sullivan read the proclamation. Assistant Police Chief Bill Kayser stated that the Police Department has received a grant from the Montana Department of Transportation to .help educate citizens on the proper use of child safety seats. He noted the grant also contains a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) component that will target aggressive drivers. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg,the Assistant Police Chief stated that not wearing a seat belt remains a secondary offense; however, police can stop a driver who has an unrestrained child in the car. He then rsuggested that the combined program should help to address the aggressive driver and the unbelted adult as well as the unrestrained child, thus leading to a safer community. Commissioner Rudberg voiced her appreciation for the newspaper column being written by the Police Department, stating she feels it has been well done and is a positive step in communicating with the community. The Commissioners concurred in the Mayor's proclamation. i, Fz. 05-17-99 Z- 9 Ms. Rughei ner noted the downtown needs to be kept as healthy as possible. She asked if there is a parking shortage or it is perceived. She noted this is a chance to cluster parking, and is in support of the application to keep the downtown healthy and keep business downtown viable with adequate parking. She added she would like to have statistics on the parking needs. Mr. Vincent commented on the HRDC project and the businessmen who spoke in opposition to the removal of parking from the alley. Nfr. Waite noted the parking near HRDC was for loadina, and unloadina,. Mr. Vincent noted that there also was some Iona, tern parkin, there and if-one more lot with 20 spaces could alleviate the businesses concern for employee parkin„ perhaps the Board should support it. Mr. Musser stated he feels the parking problem is more one of perception, however, there will be a parking lot on the other two lots whether the third lot becomes one or not. He noted if there is a perception of lack of parking downtown, then customers won't come. He stated the lot can be buffered and he supports the application. Mr. White noted the Parking Commission didn't come with statistics, a plan, or a verifiable need for more parkin;. Vice-Chairperson Mitchell noted that when property is purchased, the owners don't anticipate the changes in zoning and the change in property values. MOTION: Mr. Vincent moved to recommend approval of application FZ-9962 as presented in the Staff Report, Ms. Rua,heirner, seconded the motion. Mr. Vincent noted that lot owners don't @ke people parking in their lot; if they are not patronizing their business. He asked that the Board thin'.: of what is best for dow-ntown. The motion failed on a 3-3 vote, with GIs. Rua,heimer. [ . Vincent, and N,.,Lr. Musser voting for and Vice-Presideat Mitchell. N-fs. Wolfe. and Mr. Wt cite votive against. An unfavorable recommendation will be forwarded to the City Commission for consideration at their June 21 public hearing. (A short break was taken.) D. Planned Unit Development -Z-9939 (Baxter Creek Business Park) A.Planned Unit Development requested by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc., Triple Tree, LLC, and Gardiner Green, Jr., to create eight lots for an auto dealership and auto related and compatible businesses on property zoned BP (Business Park) and located just west of and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. (Arkelo Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell presented the application, and reviewed the applicant's request to relax certain Code sections. She reviewed the recommended conditions, noting the starred conditions need further discussion by the Board, as they addressed issues raised during the DRB meeting,.and because the DRB didn't have a quorum, the issues couldn't be resolved. Bozeman Cirl County Planning Board NGnutes-June 2. t999 6 Mr. Vincent inquired about the sidewalks within the open space. Planner Arkell stated-6 foot wide concrete sidewalks will be installed in the open space along U.S. 191 and a 5 foot wide gravel trail will be constructed in the Baxter Creek Corridor. Mr. White asked if they have access on U.S. 191. Planner Arkell noted they do, and it was set by the State'whea the road was recently widened. Mr. White stated the proposed Montana Power lights are obtrusive and he doesn't want to see them at this location. He asked if some of the storm water will end up at Metcalfs. Mr. Vincent noted that Billion Auto Plaza encroaches on the setbacks with vehicles, will this dealership be allowed to do this also. Planner Arkell noted some ofthe storm water will probably end up on Nfetcalfs, however, k1r. Schuake will address that issue. She noted that the encroachment at Billion Auto Plaza is as enforcement problem and the Code Enforcement Officer visits them often. Mr. White discussed the superior water system at Billion Auto Plaza. He asked if this project will be connected to Billion's water system. Planner Arkell noted that theBillioa property is annexed and they signed a waiver to connect to City services when they become available. Mike Potter, consulting planner, noted that Jack Schuake will discuss the technical aspects and Steve Olsen will discuss the construction issues. He concurred with Planner Arkell on the items which need further discussion. and commended the dialope that has cakea place between the deve'.oper and the Plaraing Once. He noted he is a partner in the Valley Commons development, which taught him valuabie information for use in this development. He noted the PUD creates a need for more financial backing than a Major Slice Plan. Mr. Potter discussed the creek that flows through the property and how they worked around the creek corridor to incornorace a trail along cad creek. He noted the 50 foot setback and the 35 foot additional setback i--i front does work.. however. it pushes the usable space back. He noted they used the setbacks to their advaacage, but, if they must use the smadard 35' setback bevoad the right-of-wav, it is difficult to net a buildable lot. H: noted thev are in favor of the reduction as proposed in the application, as the plan does not work if using standard setbacks. He discussed the uses that had been stricken from the list or B-2 uses by them. Stab, and the ones that the DFB suggested be added back in. He noted it is important to have a list of uses for property owners as they often want to know what might be permitted next door. Regarding the Montana Power lighting. LMPC has now come up with liahtin'a that meets City code. He noted the lighting they installed in Valley Conunons is a heavy duty maintenance problem and they prefer not to use it again. Ms. Wolfe asked what happens if the reduction in yard setbacks isn't granted. NIr. Potter noted that this proposal isn't a pure Business Park use. as the PUD allows targeting specific uses for the property, and the trade-off is the additional open space. If the setback reduction is not granted, they would likely do a standard Business Park subdivision with on open space. In response to iV1s. Rugheimer, he noted fire trucks can access the parking lots. Jack Schunke, Morrison-ivlaierle, Inc., discussed the storm water issue, noting they have installed monitoring wells to establish a baseline for water quality for the Valley West Subdivision, that the plan to continue monitoring to ensure the water quality will remain constant, :hat the control of flow is done with retention/detention ponds, and that there are plenty of areas for these ponds. He noted they are realigning Barter ditch, restoring and replanting wetlands. Mr. White noted that he talked to Gary Metcalf three days ago, w ho stand they have not been contacted. Bozeman Ciry Counry Planning Board Minutes.June'_. 1999 7 Mr. White noted the biggest concern for the Metcalf s is the runoff of vehicle effluents from the streets. Mr. Schunke noted another earlier concern of the Metcalf s was an increase in sediments in the ditch, which the engineering firm has alleviated by the installation of fabric to reduce sediments and allow plants to flourish. He stated they have attempted to contact Mr. Metcalf several times and will continue to work with them. Mr. White asked for an explanation for the access onto Huffine Lane. Mr. Schunke noted there is an approved approach, explained the process for constructing approaches, and noted that MDOT is concerned with turning issues. He noted the installation of the signal light at Ferguson Avenue and Huffine Lane has solved some of the traffic problems. He explained the traffic counts that have been done and that the resulting gaps in traffic allow better turning movement. He noted one problem is with left hand turning from Competition Drive onto Huffine Lane, and they will work with MDOT and the engineers to upgrade the traffic at the intersection. He noted a signal may need to be installed at Cottonwood Road and Commercial Drive, to which the Valley West developers are receptive. He noted that Babcock Street is improved to Cottonwood Road, and they plan to start on the improvements on Durston Road after the Fourth of July, which will provide alternate routes. i\/Ir. Vincent asked if the traffic studies are accurate at ti-us time of year as there is less traffic in the area now. LNLr. Schunke noted a traffic count was done when the University was still in sessioa and they will look at both studies. .,L. Schunikc noted a concern of the applicant is that sidew-aLks are a long terra improvement. therefore, he feels that the relaxation stated in cocditioa ..=1.fis necessary. He continued that w'aZ^ side%vaLks ar installed pn'Or t0 COnStructi0^_. the construction vehicles tend to crack them, and sidewa&3 tend to settle during development. NLr. Schuake stated when they are installed after improvements are done. they will look the same in 30 to 410 years. He noted the pay off is in the long term. He also noted they are working with Billion to get their water system approved and certified by the City. Mr. White asked for it'Ar. Schuake's opinion on the securiry aspect of the trail being placed through a commercial property. Mr. Schunke noted it is an asset to the property and the owners are not concerned with security. iMs. Rugheimer asked if the sidewalk along U.S. 191 could be installed initially as no traffic would be crossing it. iv�ir. Schuake noted it would be installed up front and clarified the sidewalks in question are on the interior of the lots. it Vice-President iN itchell OPENED AND CLOSED THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION of the meeting after hearing no public who wished to speak. Ms. Ruaheimer asked Planner arkell to explain why the Planning Staff is not supporting the reduction in setbacks. Planner Arkell noted she compared the setbacks in this project to the setbacks in Billion Auto Plaza and with the intent of the BP district. She noted she also agrees with the applicant's position with regard to the trade off of useable open space. Mr. Mitchell asked who will maintain the open ace areas. Mr. Potter noted the property owners association P P P P will be responsible for maintenance of the open space areas. Ivir. Vincent asked for the Bozeman Ciry County Planning Board Minutes-June 2. 1999 8 � q composition of the landscaping in the boulevard. Mr. Potter noted it is proposed to be composed of boulevard trees and grass. Ms. Rugheimer asked why they wanted to retain vet clinics in the list of uses for the PUD. Steve Olsen explained that small animal vet clinics can't share a structure with another use and need a free standing building. He noted that there is a lot of multifamily zoned land in the Valley Nest annexation and this would be a convenient location for that use. Nlr. Vincent noted it makes sense to delay the installation of the sidewalks as the City engineers are supporting it. Mr. Mitchell concurred. Nfs. Rugheimer noted she is in favor of a 47 signal on Cottonwood Road and HuEfine Lane, acid a reduction in setbacks as propo ed by the applicant, noting the reduced setbacks will not affect safety. After further discussion, the Board agreed that the suggested deleted uses with double asterisks should be included in the list of uses. Vice-President Mitchell commended the developers for using a PUD. MOTION: Ms. Wolfe moved to recommend conditional approval of application RZ-9939 with conditions as recommeaded by Staff, utilizing the second proposed condition #rl.b, including condition:1Lf, and for condition n7.e to include the starred items as permitted uses. The motion was seconded by Ms. Rugheimer. Mr. White asked if the motion includes the right-o--ways for private streets. Planner Arkell noted the right-of-ways are included in condition=1. The motion carried 6-0. The recommendation of the Board will be forwarded to the City Commissioa for their June 21 meeting. E. Major Subdivision -P-9907 (Baxter Creek Business Park) A Major Subdivision. Preliminary Plat, requested by Ntoataaa Ranch Properties, Inc., Triple Tree, LLC, and Gardiner Grcen. Jr., to allow the subdivision of 17.56 acres into eight (8) lots for commercial development through a PUD on property zoned BP (Business Park) and located just west of-and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. (�trkell) Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell presented the application, noting the main issue is the level of service from Hufftne Lane to Competition Drive acid Cottonwood Road. She reviewed the DRC's discussion of the street width and right-of way, and the needed modifications to conditions -1 and 910 based on the previous vote on the zoning Planned Unit Development. Ntr. White asked if condition-16 can require a left turn arrow. Planner Arkell noted the warrant study will determine if the left turn arrow is needed. ivlr. White stated without a turn arrow, the traffic will be snarled and the Light useless. Mr. Potter noted that Planner Arkell has delineated the changes that are needed to bring the conditions into compliance with the PAD and he would answer questions. Vice-Chairperson Mitchell asked if the applicant'would have done a PUD if he had known he would be paying full impact fees. Mr. Potter noted that the applicant is not in opposition to impact fees and he doesn't know if they would have done a PUD. Planner Arkell noted that full impact fees will be assessed as the project will not have been-issued a building permit prior to the deadline that allows a reduced payment. '. Bozeman City County Planning Board'Aioutes-June 2. 1999 9 i Baxter Creek Business Park PUD RESOLUTION #Z-9939 RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR AN EIGHT (8) LOT COMMERCIAL BUSINESS PARK SUBDIVISION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin County Commission have adopted a Master Plan pursuant to 76-1-604, M.C.A.: and WHEREAS,the Bozeman City-County Planning Board has been created by Resolution ofthe Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission as provided for in Title 76-1-101, M.C.A., and a jurisdictional area created under 76-1-504, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City-County Planning Board has been designated by the City Commission to serve as the Bozeman Zoning Commission as provided in 76-1-108, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, Montana Ranch Properties, Inc., 8.333% interest; Triple Tree, LLC, 8.333% interest: and Gardiner Green, Jr., 83.334% interest, applicants, submitted a Conditional Use Permit application to create eight commercial lots on 17.56 acres as a Planned Unit Development on property located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Montana, described as being on the west edge of the Valley West Annexation, just west of and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. and WHEREAS, the proposed Conditional Use Permit application has been properly submitted, reviewed, and advertised in accordance with the procedures of Chapters 18.53 and 18.54 of the City of Bozeman Zoning Code: and- WHEREAS, the Bozeman City-County Planning Board reviewed the proposed Conditional Use Permit at its public meeting on Wednesday, June 2, 1999, to review all testimony on said proposal; and WHEREAS, no members of the public were present to testify on the proposed application, and no letters either in support of or in opposition to the development were received; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board reviewed the requested relaxations of the zoning and subdivision regulations being requested with the application, and found that all of the requested relaxations could be supported: and 1 r� WHEREAS,the Board reviewed the proposed allowable list of uses for the development and found that several uses requested by the applicant but suggested by the Planning Staff to be eliminated were compatible with the intent of the PLTD and should be permitted. and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City-County Planning Board found that, with conditions, the application complies with the approval criteria established in Chapter 18.53 and 18.54 of the Bozeman Zoning Code as outlined in the Staff Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bozeman City-County Planning Board on a vote of 6-0 recommends to the Bozeman City Commission that the Planned Unit Development Application to allow the development of the Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the following regulations. All provisions of the Subdixision and Zoning regulations wbich are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. a. Reduction of the minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. b. Reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. ;F C. Reduction of the interior street right-of-way widths from 60-feet to 50-feet, as conditioned to require the streets to not be dedicated right-of-way, but to be a public access easement, owned and maintained by the property owners association. d. Reduction of the constructed width of interior streets from 37-feet to 30 feet. e. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. f. To allow sidewalks adjacent to open space to be constructed within one year of final plat filing, and sidewalks adjacent to lots to be constructed at the time the lots are constructed on, or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. 2 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and be approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing,how all conditions of approval will be addressed P P � PP must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office, and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and all required on-site and off-site Hater, sewer, street and transportation improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of al' required improvements applicable to that lot/use, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guaranteed as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the'improvements required for the lot. The landscape improvements Nvifhin tthe C-S-191 and-Baxter_Creek corridor-open-space7 Gcorridors, including the picnic area, shall'bz uistalled-or�financially�g-steed pn`o_r to finalf `ubdi-visy ion plat approval'If financially'guaranteed-the improvements shall be completed ,within-nine months of plat_appro�•al:�n Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 5. If acceptable by the City Engineer, the sidewalks installed along Competition Drive may be installed in a curvilinear fashion. 6. A crosswalk shall be installed on Competition Drive at the location where the trail crosses the street. The crosswalk design shall include a change in pavement, and the location and materials/method used shall be approved by the City Engineer during review of the Plans and Specifications for the infrastructure. The Cove n s/DesignGuidelines shall be amended as follows(in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): f 3 A. Pa.Re 3, Section 1.5, Common Areas: Amend reference of"Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive",add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. B. Amend Section VI,page 28. sign guidelines, to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdivision. D. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. E. Pagel. P:missible Uses-for1ots-1--9:The-use.list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the follo�rin`�cr uses. as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that "low traffic-generating retail uses (100 off-site ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. Book and stationery store Buildins materials sales Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Department store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Dry goods and notion store Furniture store Garden supply store Retail uses in addition to principal uses Variety store In addition,the list shall be amended to clarify that only small animal veterinary clinics are permissible uses within the PUD. F. Page 11. Sub-section d. Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel purpose canopies, as that use is not permitted. G. Paize 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. H. Page 21. Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. 4 I. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 8. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. DATED THIS 2ND DAY OF JUKE, 1999. Resolution#Z-9939. J Andrew C. Epple, Director Bill Mitchell, Vice-President City-County Planning Office City-County Planning Board I 5 :r SA-CAb wok , • 0 co v t...........:.. •.� n.,,+,.»,.»,,,\,:v.v,\,»..,n..4,\4::i;\\;::t.\l�\J:<i\vi{{•'.;\..,v....vW:i:n.?........ :•::r..•...:::'. .. � ,:.n:::.........v .v•�4,:\:nv.�:::.tvt••:•.�:.,:•:::,v:..,w:.+•:::'.t,.wn,v.,',':::ntv,,•.�nw':::•:v:::::i;•::? ;:•:::v.':'::�::::v,•�...,.....:.,v.•.w::v..::::: •• y�?: ....v}..::::.....:::v::.h.v.:::::.v:\:.::::w:vv+•:::::..:v:?::::nv v::•::.:t., 1 .v. .;.\i'ti :}'K::.\+''i••i?: :...........:::::::?:?::•:}:::•:\•ivw::?:,?::::::::::?::?:::?:?i:•iii:ii:?i:::':::j::::i'r?iiii:•?::N:»:•:.:::.v.W?:,•?;•?:iij?:i??::v;.}i:j:•:??:?::?:1•:+'.JyS �/ ::::..::.:::::.,,•::.:.::..:::.,•:::::::.�:..»:•:::::::::::...?:::::.�:::::.v::?•::•.:,•::: :.•.,::. ? ':.,:..+:.:::•.�:::.�:...5.�✓.•:J..: ITEM: ZONING APPLICATION Z-9939 -- A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR AN EIGHT (8) LOT COMMERCIAL BUSINESS PARK SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: MONTANA RANCH PROPERTIES, INC., 8.333% INTEREST TRIPLE TREE, LLC, 8.333% INTEREST GARDINER GREEN, JR., 83.334 % INTEREST c/o STEVE OLSON 1805 WEST DICKERSON f BOZEMAN, MT 59715 DATE/TIME: PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COMMISSION MEETING ROOM, CITY HALL, 411 EAST MAIN STREET, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR A PUBLIC MEETING ON MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1999, 3:00 P.M. REPORT BY: BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING STAFF (D. ARKELL) RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL The recommendation of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Bozeman City Commission, who will consider the application at the 3:00 p.m. meeting on Monday,June 21, 1999. Additional public testimony on the Planned Unit Development will be taken at that meetinil. PROJECT OVERVIEW The binder submitted with the application includes supplemental information that was submitted to answer Staffquestions/concerns about the project. The supplemental information is found in the very front of the binder,along with a copy of the issues addressed. This supplementary information is now considered part of the application. Application has been made for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development in conjunction with a preliminary plat Planned Unit Development. The 17.56 acreproject is located west of and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision, and is on the very west edge of the Valley West Annexation. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page I If approved, the application will provide an approved Master Plan with Developmental Guidelines, and set the building envelopes for an eight lot commercial subdivision, and approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the project. ' The proposal will provide a 50-foot wide open space corridor along U.S. 191,with a 35-foot building and parking setback beyond that corridor, and a corridor along Baxter Creek. A 6-foot wide concrete pedestrian way and landscaping are proposed within US 191 corridor,as are a five foot wide gravel path and natural vegetation, including 18 trees, along Baxter Creek. A common picnic area will also be developed within the creek corridor. The streets within the development are proposed to be constructed within a 50-foot wide dedicated right of way to a 30-foot wide width with curb, gutter and sidewalks. Th streets will connect with Competition Drive in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision, and intersecti US 191.1 Access will be provided to the unsubdivided land to the north and west. e D' ector f Pub ' Servi andJald Engineer are - ending, throu ��5d3�'si�on review t a the treets be priv to strees 't public access e t rr td' t the not be dedic ted t pu e; as y will ne c tructed to a - e wide standard. CODE RELAXATIONS The intent of a Planned Unit Development is to provide maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land while ensuring the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. To achieve this intent, the Zoning and Subdivision regulations become guidelines. , The following relaxations of the Regulations are being proposed with this submittal. Planning Staff, Development Review Committee, and Design Review Board member support/non-support of these variances, follows. NOTE: A quorum of the Design Review Board was not present at the meeting scheduled for their review of the project. The comments of the Board included in this report reflect the comments made by the two members present. A. Reduce minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. This relaxation is supported, as all lots will share parking and drive accesses, reducing the amount of area needed for parking and landscaping. B. Increase the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%. AND C. Reduce setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 2 The Planning Staff only supports the 15-foot parking setback from interior property lines, and from the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision, as the reduction in setbacks, which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities...(to be)developed so as to recognize the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further,the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD;which are 35-feet from streets for buildings and parking,25-feet from an interior property line for buildings and 15-feet for parking. In addition,although the proposed 30-foot wide constructed street width for the Baxter Creek PUD is the same as the Billion PUD, the streets in the Billion PUD are within 60-foot rights-of-way, compared to the proposed 50-foot rights-of- way in the Baxter Creek PUD. Thus, an additional 5-foot of setback will be lost on each side of the street. P However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the application supported the request,given the fact that substantial usable open space is being set- aside in the development,,and that usable open space should be a trade off in the building and parking setback requirements. It was noted that wider setbacks, in reality,are sometimes not well maintained,and a narrower setback provides adequate! open lot area in a commercial development)It was also noted that because this is a commercial PUD! active"play area" is not needed within the lots. , D. Reduce the right-of-way widths for Competition Drive and North Street from 60-feet to 50-feet. Section 16.24.0301 of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations requires any internal street which does not meet the standards of the Regulations to be a private street. The Director of Public Service and City Engineer concluded that if the internal street rights-of-way are not going to meet city standards, then they should not be accepted as City streets. =Thus, their recommendation during subdivision review is that the streets be private streets, owned and maintained by the property owners,and that they be constructed within public access easements and not dedicated rights-of- way. E. Reduce the constructed width of Competition Drive and Norton Street from 37-feet to 30 feet. The Planning Staff deferred to the Director of Public Service and City Engineer, regarding this issue, but expressed concern with the reduced width because parking will occur on the street, regardless of signing, and if the streets are private streets, parking would be controlled by the owners association. As noted in D, above, the BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 3 • 0 streets within the development will be private, and as such, can be constructed to a 30-foot width, which will match the constructed width of Competition Drive within the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. F. Construct sidewalks adjacent to open space within one year of final plat filing, and construct sidewalks adjacent to lots at the time the lots are constructed on or within three years of final plat filing,whichever occurs first. The Planning Staff does not support this variance, and the City Engineer indicated either scenario could work. The Design Review Board members who reviewed the application supported the request. The Planning Staff does not support the request because Subdivision Regulations were recently amended to require all sidewalks to be constructed at the time the streets are constructed for two reasons. First, as soon as the second lot is developed,there is a need for an adjoining pedestrian circulation system, and second, ensuring that the sidewalks are installed after three years has become an administrative struggle. As this is a PUD, the driveway accesses are known and will be installed at the time the curb and gutter are poured for the streets. Thus, the driveways to the lots will be installed, and there should be no need for construction equipment to drive over and potentially destroy the curb. Further, there are ways to protect the curb from construction equipment if the equipment does need to drive over the curb. G. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. This request is supported, as Lots 5 and 6 will share access and parking, and the location of the Baxter Creek Corridor makes it difficult to obtain the required lnt frontage. CONCLUSIONIRECOMMENDATION: S Review by the City's Development Review Committee, Design Review Board, and Planning Staff of the proposal to develop a zoning and subdivision PUD to create eight (8) lots for commercial uses found that the proposed project, with conditions, complies with the requirements of Chapters 18.43, 18.53 and 18.54 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code.and Master Plan. Therefore,the Committee, Board and Planning Staff recommend conditional approval of the zoning PUD application subject to the conditions listed below. The subdivision PUD review has occurred under a separate report. The following are the recommended conditions for this zoning PUD. Conditions which are marked with ** should be further discussed,as not all reviewing agencies concurred with the findings: BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 4 i 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the, following regulations. All provisions of the Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. a. Reduction of the minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. **b. Reduction of the 25-foot rear and side yard setback between lots and on the rth, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision to 15 feet for par f, OR **b. Reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. C. Reduction of the interior street right-of-way widths from 60-feet to 50-feet, as conditioned to require the streets to not be dedicated right-of-way, but to be a public access easement, owned and maintained by the property owners association. d. Reduction of the constructed width of interior streets from 37-feet to 30 feet. e. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. **f. To allow sidewalks adjacent to open space to be constructed within me�tn;time of final plat filing, and sidewalks adjacent to lots to be constructe a CY the lots are constructed on, or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and be approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 5 • • 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and all required on-site and off-site water, sewer, street and transportation improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guaranteed as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the lot. 4. The landscape improvements within the US 191 and Baxter Creek__o o open space corridors, including the picnic area, shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final subdivision plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 5. If acceptable by the City Engineer, the sidewalks installed along Competition Drive may be installed in a curvilinear fashion. 6. A crosswalk shall be installed on Competition Drive at the location where the trail crosses the street. The crosswalk design shall include a change in pavement, and the location and materials/method used shall be approved by the City Engineer during review of the Plans and Specifications for the infrastructure. 7. The Covenants/Design Guidelines shall be amended as follows(in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): ���� A. Page 3, Section 1.5, Common Areas: Amend reference of"Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive", add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. B. Amend Section VI. Wage 28. sign guidelines, to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdivision. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 6 D. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. **E. Pape 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that "low traffic-generating retail uses (100 off-site ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. (Those uses marked ** were recommended to be left in by the Design Review Board members who reviewed the project): **Bakery Book and stationery store ✓ Building materials sales Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental **Delicatessen & catering estab. hy' Department store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Dry goods and notion store Furniture store �- Garden supply store **Hardware store **Hunt/Fish supply store **Mail order catalog store **Paint &wallpaper store Retail uses in addition to principal uses Variety store **Veterinary clinics (small animal) F. Page 11, Sub-section d. Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel purpose canopies, as that use is not permitted. G. Paee 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. H. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. I. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 8. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as'proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 7 INTENT OF PUD, SECTION 18.54.020, PAGE 396-21, ZONING ORDINANCE This section of the Ordinance lists 13 community objectives.for planned unit developments. The applicants' response to these objectives is found in Part III.B of their application. Staff has also reviewed the development against these objectives, and concurs with the applicant's responses, and find that this planned unit development will protect the public health, safety and welfare, with the conditions recommended in this report and the subdivision report. The property was annexed in December 1997, and was zoned for business park development. Water and sewer services were provided to the annexed parcel, and public park land has been committed. REVIEW CRITERIA, SECTION, PAGE 396-24, ZONING ORDINANCE This section of the Ordinance refers to the Design Objectives and Criteria Evaluation Forms of 18.54.100E and the Conditional Use Permit criteria of Section 18.53.030.A. Part III.0 of the applicants' submittal contains a review of the Design Objectives and Criteria. All land uses within a proposed PUD must comply with the applicable objectives and criteria of this section. Staff has also reviewed the proposal against these objectives and criteria, and concur with the applicants' findings that with conditions,which will be more fully explained under the CUP criteria below,all PUD design objectives and criteria will be adequately addressed. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA The following review provides a summary of comments received from the Development Review Committee, Design Review Board, and other reviewing agencies which are applicable to these criteria. A. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences,parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity. The Planning Staff does not find that the project,as proposed with the increase in the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60% and the reduction of setbacks, would be adequate in size to accommodate the proposed uses and/or properly relate such uses with the land and uses in the vicinity. As explained earlier in the report, staff does not support the increase in the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%, nor the reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking. We do support the relaxation of the 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet from the interior property lines and from the north,east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision. However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the project felt that it was appropriate for a Planned Unit Development such as this to be allowed to reduce the setbacks, especially given the fact that the uses are commercial and 30% of the site must be set aside for usable open space. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 8 The subject�property•is-zoned-to•provide-high:quality-settings,and-facilities-for-they development of a:wide range of compatible.employmentopportunities,:Some of the (permitted-BP uses include administrative and research office facilities and profess_onal lb ff"ices, h�pitals.and-medical•chnics,--laboratories,-manufacturing,-pilot-plants-an`d— prototype-:developmerit,:-technology_research,,banks;and-day-care-centers.The developer--'s-submitted-purpose-of-the.Business.Park.is.to-"accommodate-an-auto Dealership andauto related`bu`sinesses,=as well as compatiblEbusinesses: e \ ,original use-listsubmitted-did`not'appear-to staff to-provide uses compatible.with auto related-businesscT andystaff-has•reeommended,:in'.condition-5,-that,the-uses-be-even further-restrictedto_ensure,comp atible_employment-opportunities. During.discussion,with-the-Design-Review•Board,-it-was°suggested,thatmost,of the r� etail-type-uses-not-be_list'ed-and--that=they-instead-be-reviewed<a`s"low-traffsc- generating retailing uses 100 off-site ADT/acre maximum)offering specialized sales,--I supplies;:andTe7mi es:. The_developer,-however, requested-thatthe-re remain,-as:potential-lot•buyers like to'know what-types,of uses might.be,constructed— withimthe,:d-evelopment;and the•lisywould�provide•a•ba ee-for.those used With the conditions proposed,the lots sizes will be appropriate for the uses proposed, and the required yard setbacks will mitigate the impact on surrounding and adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community. The building envelope has been pre-determined,and the size of building and use within the building will determine the parking and loading requirements. Certain uses will require more parking spaces than others, so there is no guarantee that the maximum building envelope can be used. Landscape within the PUD was found by DRB to be adequate. There was discussion regarding the adequacy of the 15-foot setback on the west and north boundaries, as it leaves little room for curvilinear plantings. However,it was agreed that straight line plantings would be in harmony with the surrounding agricultural community, as it would reflect the tree lines commonly used around agricultural land. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Subdivision Review Committee reviewed the proposal and found that the trail along Baxter Creek to be a necessary link of the trail system to Bronken Park. They have recommended the trail easement be 25 feet wide, and that a 5 foot wide gravel trail be constructed with in the easement. The Design Review Board members who reviewed the proposal felt a crosswalk should be marked on Competition Drive where the trail crosses the street. I i BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 9 B. That the site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. The City Engineer and Director of Public Service have recommended that all streets within the subdivision will be owned and maintained by the property owners association as private streets. Sidewalks should be constructed along all private and public street frontages at the time the street improvements are completed. The traffic impact study indicates that left turn movements onto Huffine Lane frern Competition Drive and Cottonwood Road will operate at a level of service"F",with long delays occurring. It further states: `Because of the existing highway speeds on Huffine Lane and the conflicts from both east and west, access to this roadway is a concern, particularly left-turns from Competition Drive or any other new approach. In addition, because of the long delays expected (see Section VII-A), some drivers may become impatient or feel pressured and may attempt this movement when it is not safe. These concerns seem to be substantiated (though only one year of records is available) by recent accident history at existing intersections in the area (see Appendix Cy' Pursuant to Section 18.54.060.B.3.v.0 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and Section 16.18.050.D.7.d.3 of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations, under no conditions will less than level of service "D" be acceptable. The applicant must provide plans, acceptable to the Director of Public Service and the Montana Department of Transportation,that will bring the level of service of the Cottonwood Road/Huffine Lane and the Competition Drive/Huffine Lane intersections up to a minimum level of service of"D". The level of service with the mitigating measures in place will be certified by the applicants engineer to the city. No construction can begin until the plans for these upgrades are approved and further, no building permits will be approved until the upgrades have been implemented. A warrant analysis for the intersection of Cottonwood Road and Huffine Lane should also be completed by the subdivider. If a signal is warranted, the signal should be in place prior to final plat approval. As an alternative,the final plat may be approved if the signal is financially guaranteed in an amount of 150% of the estimated cost of the entire signalization,but under no circumstance will building permits be issued until the signal is in place. If a signal is not warranted at this time,the applicant should file a Waiver of Right to Protest SIDs for the signalization. Further, if the signal is not warranted, 20% of one and one half times the estimated cost of a signal shall be financially guaranteed by the developer until such time as the lawsuit on impact fees is resolved. If the currently scheduled value of impact fees are determined to be enforceable, the financial guarantee shall be released. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 10 C. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect upon the abutting property. The supplement indicates buffer plantings will be installed on the north and west edges of the property which include "naturalistic tree grouping with emphasis on Robusta Cottonwood, Aspen, Colorado spruce and Golden Willow". The building x design criteria all require all sides of the buildings to be constructed so there is no obvious "back"to a building. Thus, the proposed uses should not have an adverse effect upon abutting property, but the agricultural use of the abutting property may have an effect on the subject development. Once the yard areas are improved with trees and grass,the animals that graze on the adjoining land may attempt to access the development for grazing. A statement should be included in the Covenants that advises property owners within the Baxter Creek Business Park that adjacent uses are agricultural and the impacts agricultural uses may have on their subdivision. No public comment has been received regarding the proposal. r D. That the proposed use shall be in conformance with the Bozeman Area Master-Plan. The property is designated Business Park/Industrial which allow office uses,industrial uses,commercial uses and warehousing. Thus,the proposed uses are in conformance with the Plan. E. That the conditional use has complied with all conditions stipulated in Chapter 18.50. Chapter 18.50 is the general design section of the ordinance. These regulations are used only as guidelines in PUDs, but generally, the development complies with the conditions of that chapter. F. That anv additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: 1. Regulation of use. As noted elsewhere in this report, Staff is recommending the further regulation of use within the PUD to ensure that the uses are compatible with the intent of the Baxter Creek Business Park, as well as with the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. The Design Review Board has made recommended adjustments to that list as well. 2. Special yards, spaces, and buffers. The PUD application is requesting the reduction of yard setbacks, which Staff is not fully supporting, as the reduction in setbacks,which increases the lot coverage,is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities ... (to be)developed so as to recognize the I BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 11 impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further, the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD. However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the application found that the relaxation of the yards was appropriate in this PUD, given the amount of usable open space provided in the development. The supplemental information indicates buffer plantings will be installed along the west and north boundaries to provide a vegetative buffer of the commercial subdivision from the adjacent agricultural land. The land to the north, however, is also annexed, and is zoned for high density multi-family development. 3. 'Special fences, solid fences, and walls. No special fences or walls are proposed. 4. Surfacing of parking areas. All parking areas will be paved. 5. Requiring street, service road or allev dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds. The Director of Public Service and City Engineer have indicated, through subdivision review, that the streets should be private streets, owned and maintained by the property owners association. Thus,no street dedications are required. However, public access easements for the streets and trail corridor will be required. 6. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress. Ingress and egress from the lots will be limited"to the private street. Montana Department of Transportation has indicated Competition Drive will be permitted to intersection with Huffine Lane (US 191). The impacts of left turning movements must be mitigated at this intersection,as well as at the intersection of Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road. 7. Regulation of signs. The types, location, design, illumination, size and height of signs are required to be included in the Development Guidelines. Section VI,page 28 of the guidelines simply states all signs are"restricted by the Zoning Ordinance, which changes from time to time." While that may be adequate with regard to determining the number and sign area, it does not adequately address design and illumination. As this is a PUD, the sign guidelines should ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 12 8. Requiring Maintenance of the Grounds. All common areas as well as the streets will be maintained by the owners association. 9. Regulation of noise, vibrations, odors. The regulations of the zoning ordinance will apply. 10. Regulation of hours for certain activities. The need for the regulation of hours for certain activities has not been identified. 11. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed. The PUD final site plan time periods will apply. 12. Duration of use. The PUD, once finally approval, will be permitted indefinitely as long as all conditions continue to be adhered to. 1` 13. Requiring the dedication of access rights. Such dedications will be obtained during subdivision review. 14. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. The conditions recommended are intended to make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES-PART IV OF SUBMITTAL: The Development Guidelines, as proposed and supplemented for the project, address permitted uses, building siting and design, lighting,landscape,pedestrian circulation and open space. These Guidelines are a critical component of the PUD application, as each lot will be developed under the guidance of the Guidelines. Following are Staff and DRB's suggestions and comments on the Guidelines: a. Sign Guidelines. The types, location, design, illumination, size and height are required to be included in the guidelines. Section VI, page 28 of the guidelines simply states all signs are restricted by the Zoning Ordinance, which changes from time to time. While that may be adequate with regard to determining the number and sign area,it does not adequately address design and illumination. As this is a PUD, the sign guidelines should ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development. b. Perimeter buffering guidelines,with specific regard to adjoining land uses,was not addressed in the original submittal. Staff is concerned with the agricultural land adjacent to the west, as this is unannexed land, and it is likely to remain unannexed for many year. Parking will be permitted within 15 feet of the property line. Item 25/26 of the supplement proposes adding a requirement to the guidelines for buffer planting on the north and west edges of the property, including "naturalistic tree groupings with emphasis on Robusta Cottonwood, BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 13 Aspen, Colorado Spruce and Golden Willow". If the ag land is grazed, it is very likely these species close to the fence line will attract the animals, so they should be planted away from the fence. A section should also be added in the guidelines/covenants that notes that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature. C. Architectural guidelines. The building design guidelines begin on page 22 of the document, and don't really require consistent architecture within the development that will tie each lot together,as the materials vary greatly. Of course,the intent of the guidelines is not to make each building identical to the next, and the guidelines indicate the intent of the building requirements are to provide "continuity to the context of the built environment, while allowing the vitality of individual expression". The Development Review Board members reviewing the Guidelines felt that the Guidelines as proposed were adequate,and did not need to be modified to be more specific, as they provided designers with options for construction that will ensure the buildings are compatible, yet not identical. i' d. Lighting: The supplemental information submitted states"lighting on each lot will be installed when the lot is developed using standard fixtures." Because many of the lots will share parking, the use of a consistent light fixture is important. The guidelines should provide a standard fixture for use throughout the development. Copy of Report sent to: - Morrison Maierle - Steve Olson, 1805 West Dickerson - Mike Potter, PC Development BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 14 �� '`�G-G\G� �SL\L C-U a'r �+�vY' �\ry�JU'l .�--w�9•.._� �uT C-w����� Le Az- I"\--X. n o M�Ajuje_,\ VYA 0��4 Y" v Ro G — p�V i e • i i Y p i b'u �1 q • Iq �I 1q �i i tl tl i+, I Co Y\,Cq- vim. z- ,1.5 5 u s r)t " Cowes Pw�A M(1011 U\uutAC' "'i c:��A� C" r L, 0" �-( (,j cz/cjl ,�uv-q- Lo6 S Clod -�b � t� t I I I(, I CV) To� Q oc) o ,� q- L'i a(� no-tl\lcr,� c 7 r cry, Ql how V,\ CA--� 1 v 1VSSGc— hj�A�r\ ICIIA G.c(c ,���v O-o � � . . . . . . . \ � � ` � . . . - `/! . � ( � � ]| . � , . 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ITEM: ZONING APPLICATION Z-9939 -- A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR AN EIGHT (8) LOT COMMERCIAL BUSINESS PARK SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: MONTANA RANCH PROPERTIES, INC., 8.333% INTEREST TRIPLE TREE, LLC, 8.333%INTEREST GARDINER GREEN, JR., 83.334 % INTEREST c/o STEVE OLSON 1805 WEST DICKERSON BOZEMAN, MT 59715 DATE/TIME: PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COMMISSION MEETING ROOM, CITY HALL, 411 EAST MAIN STREET, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR A PUBLIC MEETING ON MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1999, 3:00 P.M. REPORT BY: BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING STAFF (D. ARKELL) RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL The recommendation of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Bozeman City Commission,who will consider the application at the 3:00 p.m. meeting on Monday,June 21, 1999. Additional public testimony on the Planned Unit Development will be taken at that meeting. PROJECT OVERVIEW The binder submitted with the application includes supplemental information that was submitted to answer Staffquestions/concerns about the project. The supplemental information is found in the very front of the binder,along with a copy of the issues addressed. This supplementary information is now considered part of the application. Application has been made for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development in conjunction with a preliminary plat Planned Unit Development. The 17.56 acre project is located west of and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision, and is on the very west edge of the Valley West Annexation. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 1 If approved, the application will provide an approved Master Plan with Developmental Guidelines and set the building envelopes for an eight lot commercial subdivision, and approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the project. The proposal will provide a 50-foot wide open space corridor along U.S. 191,with a 35-foot building and parking setback beyond that corridor, and a corridor along Baxter Creek. A 6-foot wide concrete pedestrian way and landscaping are proposed within US 191 corridor,as are a five foot wide gravel path and natural vegetation, including 18 trees, along Baxter Creek. A common picnic area will also be developed within the creek corridor. The streets within the development are proposed to be constructed within a 50-foot wide dedicated right of way to a 30-foot wide width with curb, gutter and sidewalks. The streets will connect with Competition Drive in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision, and intersection US 191. Access will be provided to the unsubdivided land to the north and west. The Director of Public Service and City Engineer are recommending, through subdivision review, that the streets be private streets located within public access easements, and that they not be dedicated to public, as they will not be constructed to a 37-foot wide standard. CODE RELAXATIONS The intent of a Planned Unit Development is to provide maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land while ensuring the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. To achieve this intent, the Zoning and Subdivision regulations become guidelines. The following relaxations of the Regulations are being proposed with this submittal. Planning Staff, Development Review Committee, and Design Review Board member support/non-support of these variances follows. NOTE: A quorum of the Design Review Board was not present at the meeting scheduled for their review of the project. The comments of the Board included in this report reflect the comments made by the two members present. A. Reduce minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. This relaxation is supported, as all lots will share parking and drive accesses, reducing the amount of area needed for parking and landscaping. B. Increase the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%. AND C. Reduce setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 2 The Planning Staff only supports the 15-foot parking setback from interior property lines, and from the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision, as the reduction in setbacks, which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities...(to be)developed so as to recognize the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further,the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD, which are 35-feet from streets for buildings and parking, 25-feet from an interior property line for buildings and 15-feet for parking. In addition,although the proposed 30-foot wide constructed street width for the Baxter Creek PUD is the same as the Billion PUD, the streets in the Billhon PUD are within 60-foot rights-of-way, compared to the proposed 50-foot rights-of- way in the Baxter Creek PUD. Thus, an additional 5-foot of setback will be lost on each side of the street. However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the application supported the request,given the fact that substantial usable open space is being set- aside in the development, and that usable open space should be a trade off in the building and parking setback requirements. It was noted that wider setbacks, in reality,are sometimes not well maintained,and a narrower setback provides adequate open lot area in a commercial development. It was also noted that because this is a commercial PUD, active "play area" is not needed within the lots. D. Reduce the right-of-way widths for Competition Drive and North Street from 60-feet to 50-feet. Section 16.24.0301 of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations requires any internal street which does not meet the standards of the Regulations to be a private street. The Director of Public Service and City Engineer concluded that if the internal street rights-of-way are not going to meet city standards, then they should not be accepted as City streets. Thus, their recommendation during subdivision review is that the streets be private streets,owned and maintained by the property owners, and that they be constructed within public access easements and not dedicated rights-of- way. E. Reduce the constructed width of Competition Drive and Norton Street from 37-feet to 30 feet. The Planning Staff deferred to the Director of Public Service and City Engineer regarding this issue, but expressed concern with the reduced width because parking will occur on the street, regardless of signing, and if the streets are private streets, parking would be controlled by the owners association. As noted in D, above, the BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 3 streets within the development will be private, and as such, can be constructed to a 30-foot width, which will match the constructed width of Competition Drive within the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. F. Construct sidewalks adjacent to open space within one year of final plat filing, and construct sidewalks adjacent to lots at the time the lots are constructed on or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. The Planning Staff does not support this variance, and the City Engineer indicated either scenario could work. The Design Review Board members who reviewed the application supported the request. The Planning Staff does not support the request because Subdivision Regulations were recently amended to require all sidewalks to be constructed at the time the streets are constructed for two reasons. First,as soon as the second lot is developed,there is a need for an adjoining pedestrian circulation system, and second, ensuring that the sidewalks are installed after three years has become an administrative struggle. As this is a PUD, the driveway accesses are known and will be installed at the time the curb and gutter are poured for the streets. Thus, the driveways to the lots will be installed, and there should be no need for construction equipment to drive over and potentially destroy the curb. Further, there are ways to protect the curb from construction equipment if the equipment does need to drive over the curb. G. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. This request is supported, as Lots 5 and 6 will share access and parking, and the location of the Baxter Creek Corridor makes it difficult to obtain the required lot frontage. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION: Review by the City's Development Review Committee,Design Review Board, and Planning Staff of the proposal to develop a zoning and subdivision PUD to create eight (8) lots for commercial uses found that the proposed project,with conditions,complies with the requirements of Chapters 18.43, 18.53 and 18.54 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code and Master Plan. Therefore,the Committee,Board and Planning Staff recommend conditional approval of the zoning PUD application subject to the conditions listed below. The subdivision PUD review has occurred under a separate report. The following are the recommended conditions for this zoning PUD. Conditions which are marked with ** should be further discussed,as not all reviewing agencies concurred with the findings: BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 4 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the following regulations. All provisions ofthe Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. a. Reduction of the minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. **b. Reduction of the 25-foot rear and side yard setback between lots and on the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision to 15 feet for parking. OR **b. Reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. C. Reduction of the interior street right-of-way widths from 60-feet to 50-feet, as conditioned to require the streets to not be dedicated right-of-way, but to be a public access easement, owned and maintained by the property owners association. d. Reduction of the constructed width of interior streets from 37-feet to 30 feet. e. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. **f. To allow sidewalks adjacent to open space to be constructed within nine months of final plat filing, and sidewalks adjacent to lots to be constructed at the time the lots are constructed on, or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and be approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions,conform to all regulations,and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 5 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and all required on-site and off-site water, sewer, street and transportation improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guaranteed as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the lot. 4. The landscape improvements within the US 191 and Baxter Creek corridor open space corridors, including the picnic area, shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final subdivision plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 5. If acceptable by the City Engineer, the sidewalks installed along Competition Drive may be installed in a curvilinear fashion. 6. A crosswalk shall be installed on Competition Drive at the location where the trail crosses the street. The crosswalk design shall include a change in pavement, and the location and materials/method used shall be approved by the City Engineer during review of the Plans and Specifications for the infrastructure. 7. The Covenants/Design Guidelines shall be amended as follows(in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): A. Page 3, Section 1.5, Common Areas: Amend reference of"Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive", add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. B. Amend Section VI, mpze 28, sign guidelines,to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdivision. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 6 i • D. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. **E. Page 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that "low traffic-generating retail uses (100 off-site ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales,supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. (Those uses marked ** were recommended to be left in by the Design Review Board members who reviewed the project): **Bakery Book and stationery store Building materials sales Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental **Delicatessen& catering estab. Department store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Dry goods and notion store Furniture store Garden supply store **Hardware store **Hunt/Fish supply store **Mail order catalog store **Paint&wallpaper store Retail uses in addition.to principal uses Variety store **Veterinary clinics (small animal) F. Page 11, Sub-section d, Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel purpose canopies, as that use is not permitted. G. Page 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. H. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. I. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 8. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 7 INTENT OF PUD, SECTION 18.54.020, PAGE 396-21, ZONING ORDINANCE This section of the Ordinance lists 13 community objectives for planned unit developments. The applicants' response to these objectives is found in Part III.B of their application. Staff has also reviewed the development against these objectives, and concurs with the applicant's responses, and find that this planned unit development will protect the public health, safety and welfare, with the conditions recommended in this report and the subdivision report. The property was annexed in December 1997, and was zoned for business park development. Water and sewer services were provided to the annexed parcel, and public park land has been committed. REVIEW CRITERIA, SECTION 18.54.050.C(3), PAGE 396-24, ZONING ORDINANCE This section of the Ordinance refers to the Design Objectives and Criteria Evaluation Forms of 18.54.100E and the Conditional Use Permit criteria of Section 18.53.030.A. Part III.0 of the applicants' submittal contains a review of the Design Objectives and Criteria. All land uses within a proposed PUD must comply with the applicable objectives and criteria of this section. Staff has also reviewed the proposal against these objectives and criteria, and concur with the applicants' findings that with conditions,which will be more fully explained under the CUP criteria below,all PUD design objectives and criteria will be adequately addressed. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CRITERIA The following review provides a summary of comments received from the Development Review Committee, Design Review Board, and other reviewing agencies which are applicable to these criteria. A. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences,parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity. The Planning Staff does not find that the project, as proposed with the increase in the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60% and the reduction of setbacks, would be adequate in size to accommodate the proposed uses and/or properly relate such uses with the land and uses in the vicinity. As explained earlier in the report, staff does not support the increase in the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%, nor the reduction of setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking. We do support the relaxation of the 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet from the interior property lines and from the north,east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision. However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the project felt that it was appropriate for a Planned Unit Development such as this to be allowed to reduce the setbacks, especially given the fact that the uses are commercial and 30% of the site must be set aside for usable open space. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 8 The subject property is zoned to provide high-quality settings and facilities for the development of a wide range of compatible employment opportunities. Some of the permitted BP uses include administrative and research office facilities and professional offices, hospitals and medical clinics, laboratories, manufacturing, pilot plants and prototype development, technology research, banks, and day care centers. The developer's submitted purpose of the Business Park is to "accommodate an auto dealership and auto related businesses, as well as other compatible businesses. The original use list submitted did not appear to staffto provide uses compatible with auto related businesses, and staff has recommended, in condition 5, that the uses be even further restricted to ensure compatible employment opportunities. During discussion with the Design Review Board, it was suggested that most of the retail-type uses not be listed and that they instead be reviewed as "low traffic- generating retailing uses 100 off-site ADT/acre maximum)offering specialized sales, supplies, and services". The developer, however, requested that the specific uses remain, as potential lot buyers like to know what types of uses might be constructed within the development, and the list would provide a base for those uses. With the conditions proposed,the lots sizes will be appropriate for the uses proposed, and the required yard setbacks will mitigate the impact on surrounding and adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community. The building envelope has been pre-determined,and the size of building and use within the building. will determine the parking and loading requirements. Certain uses will require more parking spaces than others, so there is no guarantee that the maximum building envelope can be used. Landscape within the PUD was found by DRB to be adequate. There was discussion regarding the adequacy of the 15-foot setback on the west and north boundaries, as it leaves little room for curvilinear plantings. However,it was agreed that straight line plantings would be in harmony with the surrounding agricultural community, as it would reflect the tree lines commonly used around agricultural land. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Subdivision Review Committee reviewed the proposal and found that the trail along Baxter Creek to be a necessary link of the trail system to Bronken Park. They have recommended the trail easement be 25 feet wide, and that a 5 foot wide gravel trail be constructed with in the easement. The Design Review Board members who reviewed the proposal felt a crosswalk should be marked on Competition Drive where the trail crosses the street. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 9 B. That the site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. The City Engineer and Director of Public Service have recommended that all streets within the subdivision will be owned and maintained by the property owners association as private streets. Sidewalks should be constructed along all private and public street frontages at the time the street improvements are completed. The traffic impact study indicates that left turn movements onto Huffine Lane from Competition Drive and Cottonwood Road will operate at a level of service"F", with long delays occurring. It further states: `Because of the existing highway speeds on Huffine Lane and the conflicts from both east and west, access to this roadway is a concern, particularly left-turns from Competition Drive or any'other new approach. In addition, because of the long delays expected (see Section VII-A), some drivers may become impatient or feel pressured and may attempt this movement when it is not safe. These concerns seem to be substantiated(though only one year of records is available) by recent accident history at existing intersections in the area (see Appendix Q." Pursuant to Section 18.54.060.B.3.v.0 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and Section 16.18.050.D.7.d.3 of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations, under no conditions will less than level of service "D" be acceptable. The applicant must provide plans, acceptable to the Director of Public Service and the Montana Department of Transportation,that will bring the level of service of the Cottonwood Road/Huffine Lane and the Competition Drive/Huffine Lane intersections up to a minimum level of service of"D". The level of service with the mitigating measures in place will be certified by the applicants engineer to the city. No construction can begin until the plans for these upgrades are approved and further, no building permits will be approved until the upgrades have been implemented. A warrant analysis for the intersection of Cottonwood Road and Huffine Lane should also be completed by the subdivider. If a signal is warranted, the signal should be in place prior to final plat approval. As an alternative,the final plat may be approved if the signal is financially guaranteed in an amount of 150% of the estimated cost of the entire signalization,but under no circumstance will building permits be issued until the signal is in place. If a signal is not warranted at this time,the applicant should file a Waiver of Right to Protest SIDS for the signalization. Further, if the signal is not warranted, 20% of one and one half times the estimated cost of a signal shall be financially guaranteed by the developer until such time as the lawsuit on impact fees is resolved. If the currently scheduled value of impact fees are determined to be enforceable, the financial guarantee shall be released. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 10 C. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect upon the abutting property. The supplement indicates buffer plantings will'be installed on the north and west edges of the property which include "naturalistic tree grouping with emphasis on Robusta Cottonwood, Aspen, Colorado spruce and Golden Willow". The building design criteria all require all sides of the buildings to be constructed so there is no obvious "back"to a building. Thus, the proposed uses should not have an adverse effect upon abutting property, but the agricultural use of the abutting property may have an effect on the subject development. Once the yard areas are improved with trees and grass,the animals that graze on the adjoining land may attempt to access the development for grazing. A statement should be included in the Covenants that advises property owners within the Baxter Creek Business Park that adjacent uses are agricultural and the impacts agricultural uses may have on their subdivision. No public comment has been received regarding the proposal. D. That the proposed use shall be in conformance with the Bozeman Area Master Plan. The property is designated Business Park/Industrial which allow office uses,industrial uses,commercial uses and warehousing. Thus,the proposed uses are in conformance with the Plan. E. That the conditional use has complied with all conditions stipulated in Chapter 18.50. Chapter 18.50 is the general design section of the ordinance. These regulations are used only as guidelines in PUDs, but generally, the development complies with the conditions of that chapter. F. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: 1. Regulation of use. As noted elsewhere in this report, Staff is recommending the further regulation of use within the PUD to ensure that the uses are compatible with the intent of the Baxter Creek Business Park, as well as with the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. The Design Review Board has made recommended adjustments to that list as well. 2. Special yards, spaces, and buffers. The PUD application is requesting the reduction of yard setbacks, which Staff is not fully supporting, as the reduction in setbacks,which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities ... (to be)developed so as to recognize the BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 11 impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further, the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD. However, the Design Review Board members who reviewed the application found that the relaxation of the yards was appropriate in this PUD, given the amount of usable open space provided in the development. The supplemental information indicates buffer plantings will be installed along the west and north boundaries to provide a vegetative buffer of the commercial subdivision from the adjacent agricultural land. The land to the north, however, is also annexed, and is zoned for high density multi-family development. 3. Special fences, solid fencer, and walls. No special fences or walls are proposed. 4. Surfacing of parking areas. All parking areas will be paved. 5. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds. The Director of Public Service and City Engineer have indicated, through subdivision review, that the streets should be private streets, owned and maintained by the property owners association. Thus,no street dedications are required. However, public access easements for the streets and trail corridor will be required. 6. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress. Ingress and egress from the lots will be limited to the private street. Montana Department of Transportation has indicated Competition Drive will be permitted to intersection with Huffine Lane (US 191). The impacts of left turning movements must be mitigated at this intersection,as well as at the intersection of Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road. 7. Regulation of signs. The types, location, design, illumination, size and height of signs are required to be included in the Development Guidelines. Section VI, page 28 of the guidelines simply states all signs are"restricted by the Zoning Ordinance, which changes from time to time." While that may be adequate with regard to determining the number and sign area, it does not adequately address design and illumination. As this is a PUD, the sign guidelines should ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development. BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 12 8. Requiring Maintenance o the Grounds. All common areas as well as the 9 g .� streets will be maintained by the owners association. 9. Regulation of noise, vibrations, odors. The regulations of the zoning ordinance will apply. 10. Regulation of hours for certain activities. The need for the regulation of hours for certain activities has not been identified. 11. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed. The PUD final site plan time periods will apply. 12. Duration of use. The PUD, once finally approval, will be permitted indefinitely as long as all conditions continue to be adhered to. 13. Requiring the dedication of access rights. Such dedications will be obtained during subdivision review. 14. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. The conditions recommended are intended to make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES-PART IV OF SUBMITTAL: The Development Guidelines, as proposed and supplemented for the project, address permitted uses, building siting and design, lighting,landscape,pedestrian circulation and open space. These Guidelines are a critical component of the PUD application, as each lot will be developed under the guidance of the Guidelines. Following are Staff and DRB's suggestions and comments on the Guidelines: a. Sign Guidelines. The types, location, design, illumination, size and height are required to be included in the guidelines. Section VI, page 28 of the guidelines simply states all signs are restricted by the Zoning Ordinance, which changes from time to time. While that may be adequate with regard to determining the number and sign area,it does not adequately address design and illumination. As this is a PUD, the sign guidelines should ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development. b. Perimeter buffering guidelines,with specific regard to adjoining land uses,was not addressed in the original submittal. Staff is concerned with the agricultural land adjacent to the west, as this is unannexed land, and it is likely to remain unannexed for many year. Parking will be permitted within 15 feet of the property line. Item 25/26 of the supplement proposes adding a requirement to the guidelines for buffer planting on the north and west edges of the property, including "naturalistic tree groupings with emphasis on Robusta Cottonwood, BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 13 Aspen, Colorado Spruce and Golden Willow". If the ag land is grazed, it is very likely these species close to the fence line will attract the animals, so they should be planted away from the fence. A section should also be added in the guidelines/covenants that notes that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature. C. Architectural guidelines. The building design guidelines begin on page 22 of the document, and don't really require consistent architecture within the development that will tie each lot together, as the materials vary greatly. Of course, the intent of the guidelines is not to make each building identical to the next, and the guidelines indicate the intent of the building requirements are to provide "continuity to the context of the built environment, while allowing the vitality of individual expression". The Development Review Board members reviewing the Guidelines felt that the Guidelines as proposed were adequate,and did not need to be modified to be more specific, as they provided designers with options for construction that will ensure the buildings are compatible, yet not identical. d. Lighting: The supplemental information submitted states"lighting on each lot will be installed when the lot is developed using standard fixtures." Because many of the lots will share parking, the use of a consistent light fixture is important. The guidelines should provide a standard fixture for use throughout the development. Copy of Report sent to: - Morrison Maierle - Steve Olson, 1805 West Dickerson - Mike Potter, PC Development BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK ZONING PUD, Z-9939 Page 14 low— _ w � cr���� cfL� r .. __ � — o , p � r ,� �� � k a dH ��F I�yy``�i �M`` l �� �� Gr �� �� w � � � ��- � ��� � � � � ��� s . . F . �. , . ��� � � • �� - � ,.�w�• nc� � �� U �Q.w ASS s�� • � �� �, d� � . . 1 . . �� �� ��� � . a� � � � � u i�iN6Ni �rEd :' � p� �� Id�� i� A ° � i�i _. �1 d'� �. � �� �� +� I`!� i,. �I �� \ � V cam`� � ��-�V i p CNI spj� � C vo 7—f�n V7CS �l .� ,� �� � • . � - � o �4 I �� f� �� a, p, �� �� i �� ti I � � ��� N�� I . � 0� �I �� �� I� +� I c� ivcz � 43S- I V . 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' �.*..,�3"€)....��.... 3� ............................... i APPLICATION: Z-9939 - Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development within the West Main/US 191 Entryway Overlay Corridor. DISTRICT: B-P, Business Park DATE: May 19, 1999 for your May 25, 1999 meeting REPORT BY: Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Baxter Creek Business Park PUD is a 17.56 acre tract located on the very west edge of the Valley West Annexation, just west of and adjoining the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision. The development will create eight lots, with one 5.22 acre lot to accommodate an auto dealership, and the other lots, which range in size from 0.83 to 1.22 acre for"auto related businesses as well as other compatible businesses". 3.02 acres of open space will be provided in the development, including a 50-foot open space buffer along US 191 and a corridor along Baxter Creek. This PUD will provide enough detail within the development guidelines and on the final PUD plan that will allow each lot to be developed without further zoning review, if the lot is developed in compliance with the guidelines and the building is constructed within the building envelope. A variance was previously granted by the Bozeman City Commission to decrease the required 30% open space to approximately 27%,with the condition that approximately 1.35 acres of land be added to the Bronken Park. 2. LIST OF DEVIATIONS Seven variances to subdivision and zoning standards were requested. Planning Staff support/non- support of these variances is: A. Reduce minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as all lots will share parking and drive accesses, reducing the amount of area needed for parking and landscaping. 1 B. Increase the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%. AND C. Reduce setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. The Planning Staff only supports the 15-foot parking setback from interior property lines, and from the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision, as the reduction in setbacks, which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities... (to be)developed so as to recognize the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further, the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD, which are 35-feet from streets for buildings and parking, 25-feet from an interior property line for buildings and 15-feet for parking. In addition,although the proposed 30-foot wide constructed street width for the Baxter Creek PUD is the same as the Billion PUD, the streets in the Billion PUD are within 60-foot rights-of-way, compared to the proposed 50-foot rights-of-- way in the Baxter Creek PUD. Thus, an additional 5-foot of setback will be lost on each side of the street. D. Reduce the right-of-way widths for Competition Drive and North Street from 60-feet to 50-feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service. E. Reduce the constructed width of Competition Drive and Norton Street from 37-feet to 30 feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service, however, does have concern with the reduced width because parking will occur on the street, regardless of signing, and if the streets are private streets, parking would be controlled by the owners association. F. Construct sidewalks adjacent to open space within one year of final plat filing, and construct sidewalks adjacent to lots at the time the lots are constructed on or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. The Planning Staff does not support this variance. The Subdivision Regulations were recently amended to require all sidewalks to be constructed at the time the streets are constructed for two reasons. First,as soon as the second lot is developed, there is a need for an adjoining pedestrian circulation system, and second, ensuring that the sidewalks are installed after three years has become an administrative struggle. As this is a PUD, the driveway accesses are known and will be installed at the time the curb and gutter are poured for the streets. Thus, the driveways to the lots will be installed,and there should be no need for construction equipment to drive over and potentially destroy the curb. Further, there are ways to protect the curb from construction equipment if the equipment does need to drive over the curb. 2 .S G. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as Lots 5 and 6 will share access and parking, and the location of the Baxter Creek Corridor makes it difficult to obtain the required lot frontage. 3. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES: Section 18.54.080.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires development guidelines for PUDs that will be phased(e.g.not all buildings constructed at once). The required contents of the guidelines begin on page 396-32 of the Ordinance. Items which Staff feels need to be further covered in the guidelines include: a. Sign Guidelines. The types, location, design, illumination, size and height are required to be included in the guidelines. Section VI, page 28 of the guidelines simply states all signs are restricted by the Zoning Ordinance, which changes from time to time. While that may be adequate with regard to determining the number and sign area, it does not adequately address design and illumination. As this is a PUD, the sign guidelines should ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development. b. Perimeter buffering guidelines, with specific regard to adjoining land uses. Not addressed in the original submittal. Staff is concerned with the agricultural adjacent to the west, as this is unannexed land,and it is likely to remain unannexed for many year. Parking will be permitted within 15 feet of the property line. Item 25/26 of the supplement proposes adding a requirement to the guidelines for buffer planting on the north and west edges of the property, including "naturalistic tree groupings with emphasis on Robusta Cottonwood, Aspen, Colorado Spruce and Golden Willow". If the ag land is grazed, it is very likely these species close to the fence line will attract the animals, so they should be planted away from the fence. A section should also be added in the guidelines/covenants that notes that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature. C. Architectural guidelines. The building design guidelines begin on page 22 of the document, and don't really require consistent architecture within the development that-will tie each lot together, as the materials vary greatly. Of course, the intent of the guidelines is not to make each building identical to the next, and the guidelines indicate the intent of the building requirements are to provide "continuity to the context of the built environment, while allowing the vitality of individual expression". Staff feels the guidelines should be somewhat modified to be more specific, instead of just requiring designers to "consider" certain design features(such as gable and modified hip shapes and steep pitches of roof forms;that dormers and secondary roofs"may"be used to add interest and scale.) However, staff will defer to the Board's recommendations. 3 d. Lighting: The supplemental information submitted states"lighting on each lot will be installed when the lot is developed using standard fixtures." Because many of the lots will share parking, the use of a consistent light fixture is important. The guidelines should provide a standard.fixture for use throughout the development. 4. HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER COMMENTS -Not applicable. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT -None to date. 6. STAFF CONCLUSION Staff is supportive of the application, with the following conditions: 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the regulations as outlined above. All provisions ofthe Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. 2. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. The developer shall have two (2) years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. 3. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and substantial completion and acceptance of the required infrastructure improvements. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guarantee as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the affected phase.- 4. The landscape improvements within the US 191 and Baxter Creek corridor open space corridors, including the picnic area, shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final subdivision plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d, which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and 4 • recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 5. The Covenants/Design Guidelines shall be amended as follows(in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): a. Page 3. Section 1.5 Common Areas: Amend reference of "Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive",add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. b. Amend Section Vl, page 28. sign guidelines, to ensure the sign styles are compatible throughout the development with regard to design and illumination. C. Add a section that explains that adjoining uses may be agricultural in nature, and the effects such use may have on the subdivision. d. Add to the supplement regarding lighting to require the use of a standard parking lot light fixture throughout the development. e. Amend the building design guidelines to be more specific regarding the design�. features of the roof forms. f. Page 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that"low traffic-generating retail uses(100 ADT/acre maxim uin offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparab e to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision: Bakery -€rnaneral-instit Book and stationery store Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Delicatessen& catering estab. Department store Dry goods and notion store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Furniture store Garden supply store Hardware store Hunt/Fish supply store Mail Order Catalog Store Paint & wallpaper store Variety st re Building materials sales Retail uses addition to principal uses Veterinary clinics g. Page 11, Sub-section d. Building Envelope: Delete refe nce tQ_. `f d banking purpose canopies, as those uses are not permitted. \(f`>` t b 5 h. Paize 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. i. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. j. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 6. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. Cc: Mike Smith, Morrison Maierle, Inc. 6 • ITEM 4. REGULAR AGENDA A Batter-Cceek_B.usiness Park_Zon ng PUD-#Z-9_939 - (Arkel_l) West of Billion Auto Plaza, north of U.S. 191 A Planned Unit Development Application to allow the development of an eight lot subdivision for commercial uses. (Open and continue to 5/25 until additional information is submitted) (Henry Sorenson arrived) Chairperson Walker moved to continue application#Z-9939 to the May 25, 1999,meeting. Mr. Hanson seconded the motion, which carried 6-0 For the betterment of the DRB - Discussion followed on the future of the DRB with the change in the zoning and planning jurisdictions and the need for clear PUD guidelines from the applicant. Chairperson Walker moved that Mr. Sorenson draft a letter to the Commission on the need for the DRB. In response to Mr. Sorenson's request for ideas, Mr. Glenn suggested listing the positives moves the Board has made and what would have happened if the Board hadn't reviewed certain projects. Other ideas were the improvements to the corridors brought about by DRB review, a professional Board that gives advice that would have to be paid for if done by consultants, the education of the public, and larger projects are so big that consultants may not have a handle on the design issues. Planner Skelton noted the DRB also is a protection for the established neighborhoods. Mr. Sorenson noted that the Board is a help to architects who have been bullied by a developer into presenting a bad design. Chairperson Walker noted there are better open space and trails through projects than what were proposed. Discussion followed on the loopholes in the code and the City's PUD guidelines. ITEM 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Kim Walk r, Chairperson Design R view Board Design Review Board Minutes-May 11,1999 2 is GQfRiIOb BOZE**N RECREATION DEPARAENT 1211 W. Main St. P.O. Box 640 PHONE(406)587-4724 - = Bozeman,Montana 59771-0640 1 k'11.. Cf 't To: Debbie Arkel] City-County Planning Office From: Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Date•. May 7, 1589 Re: Baxter Creek.Major Subdivision Following the meeting of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board's Subdivision Review Committee with Mike Smith of Morrison-Materle and you on May 7, the committee presented information about the proposed Baxter Creek Major Subdivision to the entire board at its meeting on the evening of May 7. The board was in favor of the proposal to satisfy the open space requirement with a trail along the realignment of Baxter Creek. The board recommends a 25' trail easement with a 5' wide trail surfaced with natural fines, to be installed and maintained by the developer. The trail should be aligned to connect with the trail originating at Hufflne Lane and continuing north along the west side of J.C. Billion (yet to be constructed). with a future connection possible to Bronken Park across land to the north when it is subdivided. The board also recommends a public access easement along this trail as an important future connection to Bronken Park. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. cc: Mike Smith. Morrison-Malerle ey r,�a s President Walker stated the review of the Pilgrim Congregational Church will be removed from the Consent Agenda, and considered as Item 5A. ITEM 4. OPEN AND CONTINUE TO MAY 18, 1999 A. Wixter _Creek Business Park PUD and Subdivision, Z-9939 and P-9907, requested by Steve Olson to allow the subdivision of a 17.56 acre tract of land for the development of an eight lot PUD for commercial uses on property zoned BP, Business Park, and located west of Billion Auto Plaza on the north side of US 191 (Arkell) Assistant Planning Director Arkell advised the Board that this item should be opened and continued, to allow time for review of additional information. Although the Agenda noted that the project will be continued to May 18, she suggested it be continued to the June 7 meeting, as the additional information was not submitted until April 30, and that information stated the traffic information required by DRC would not be submitted until May 15. Dick McConnen moved, Lynn Rugheimer seconded, to continue this item to the June 1 meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. ITEM 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minor Subdivision P-9910(West Park Manor),requested by Western General Enterprises Revocable Trust, to allow the subdivision of 0.1885 acres into two townhouse lots on property zoned R-3, and located at 309-311 North 19`h Avenue (Killebrew) There being no members of the public present to speak on the application, and no members of the Board wishing to remove the application from the Consent agenda, a motion was made by Dick McConnen, seconded by Bill Mitchell, to recommend approval of the project as submitted and conditioned in the Staff Report. The motion carried by a voice vote. The City Commission will consider this subdivision at their 3:00 p.m.meeting on May 17. No public testimony willbe accepted at that meeting. B. Conditional Use Permit Z-9938 (High Country Care), requested by Ron and Victoriana Ireland, to allow the relocation of an existing Adult Foster Care Group Home from another location to property zoned A-S, and located at 8659 Haggerty Lane. (Killebrew) There being no members of the public present to speak on the application, and no members of the Board wishing to remove the application from the Consent agenda, a motion was made by Dick McConnen, seconded by Ed Musser, to recommend approval of the project as submitted and conditioned in the Staff Report. The motion carried by a voice vote. The City Commission will consider this application at their 3:00 p.m. meeting on May 17. Planning Board Minutes-May 4, 1999 2 BOZEMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 MINUTES ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE President Lonny Walker called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members Present Members Absent Staff Present Lonny Walker Ray White Andy Epple, Director Mary Ellen Wolfe Bill Wright Debbie Arkell, Assistant Director Dick McConnen Gordon Vance Joni Killebrew, Assistant Planner Bill Mitchell Michael Vincent Lynn Rugheimer Ed Musser Visitors Present Brian Leland Sandra Smiley Deborah Kimball-Robinson Bonnie Hash Peter Gerrard Jeff Fox Bob Hawks Nick Schnabel Randy Sullivan Per Hjalmarsson Harold Meuller Helen Mueller Linda Gerleman Caren Roberty Frank Schledom Charles Hash Greg Allen Ellen Murray Michelle Yearous Jack Armstrong Jeff Rupp Larry Minkoff ITEM 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Walker opened the public comment portion of the meeting to take public comments on issues not on the agenda. Brian Leland, 528 N. Bozeman, addressed the Board regarding the County's proposal to eliminate City-County Planning. He reviewed the background of the Sundance Springs proposal, reminding the Board that the developer attempted to amend the Master Plan to Residential Urban Infill that would allow 6-8 units per acre, but that the amendment was denied by the County Commission,after they considered testimony from County residents. He stated that when joint City-County planning is deleted, the County Commission will have no review of such projects, and as such, a situation is being created where residents just outside city limits will have nothing to say about their area. He stated he doesn't see where the proposed deletion of the Board is a better way for representation of citizens. ITEM 3. MINUTES OF APRIL 20, 1999 A motion was made by Lynn Rugheimer and seconded by Ed Musser to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Planning Board Minutes-May 4, 1999 1 =w �� - MORRISI 0 A MAIERLE, INC. memo An Employee-Owned Company TO: Debbie Arkell City/County Planning FROM: Mike Smith DATE: May 13, 1999 RE: Baxter Creek Business Park MM 3130.001.010.0310 Please review the method we have used to determine required parking spaces for each lot: We deducted 8%of the lot area from the building envelope area to determine the maximum building footprint. We then determined the maximum usable building area based on the number of parking spaces shown on the master plan,allowing four parking spaces per 1000 sf of usable building space. We noted in using this method, that usable building area on lots 1 and 7 will be limited by the number of parking spaces shown while the usable building area on the remaining lots will be limited by maximum building footprint. Calculations are shown on the attached sheets. Thank you. Lot#1 Area 227,393 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 58,922.43 sf- (227,393 sf x 0.08) =40,730.99 sf Maximum usable building area (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 161 parking spaces shown_4 parking spaces x 1000 sf=40,250 sf Lot#2 Area 52,013 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 12,911.43 sf- (52,013 sf x 0.08) = 8,750.39 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 54 parking spaces shown-4 parking spaces x 1000 sf= 13,500 sf Lot#3 Area 48,012 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 11,501.34 sf- (48,012 x 0.08) = 7,660.38 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 60 parking spaces shown-4 parking spaces x 1000 sf= 15,000 sf Lot#4 Area 37,275 sf Maximum Building Footprint - (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 11,616.40 sf- (37,275 sf x 0.08) = 8,634.40 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 38 parking spaces shown=4 parking spaces x 1000 sf= 9,500 sf Lot#5 Area 36,038.49 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 11,616.40 sf- (36,038.49 sf x 0.08) = 8,733.32 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 38 parking spaces shown_4 parking spaces x 1000 sf= 9,500 sf Lot#6 Area 53,345.40 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 13,815.10 sf- (53,345.40 sf x 0.08)= 9,547.47 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 48 parking spaces shown_4 parking spaces x 1000 sf- 12,000 sf Lot#7 Area 45,711 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 14,833.64 sf- (45,711 sf x 0.08) = 11,176.76 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 33 parking spaces shown-- 4 parking spaces x 1000 sf= 8,250 sf Lot#8 Area 51,512 sf Maximum Building Footprint- (Deduct 8% lot area from building envelope for open space) 11,981.18 sf- (51,512 sf x 0.08) = 7,860.22 sf Maximum usable building area- (Based on 4 parking spaces per 1000 sf of building area) 45 parking spaces shown_4 spaces x 1000 sf= 11,250 sf CAParking.wpd • .4 To permit commercial uses which will not create excessive burdens upon Billion Plaza or the City of Bozeman transportation and utility 1 system. j 1.7.2 GUIDELINES ! Permitted Uses Within the Plaza l _The following operations and uses are permitted within the Plaza. .1 Auto-Related Uses: -Automobile, Recreational Vehicles, or boat sales and/or rentals. -Automobile Supply Store -Automobile Repair Facilities -Automobile Washing Establishments -Automobile Detailing Establishments -Automobile Wholesale Distributors with/without retail outlets -Upholstery shops .2 Business Park Uses: Principle Uses - -Administrative and research office facilities -Essential services (type 1) -Laboratories, research and diagnostic -Manufacturing, light, and completely indoors -Pilot plants -Professional and business offices -Prototype development -Technology research establishments -Temporary buildings, for the during construction only Conditional Uses - -Day care centers (if oriented to the employees of the development) -Essential services (type II) -Health and exercise establishments KY' C-4 r � . ..45 S .3 Light Manufacturing and assembly compatible with the intent of Billion Plaza: -Manufacturing, light, and completely indoors -Warehousing, Storage .4 Commercial Uses: Low traffic-generating retail uses (100 A.D.T/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services (including but not limited to): -Business related sales and service (office equipment, etc.) -Medical Emergency Services -Medical Equipment Sales -Frozen Food Locker and Storage Rental -Equipment sales and service -Essential Services -Rental Equipment Prohibited Uses - The following operations and uses shall not be permitted on any parcel with the Plaza. .1 Junk yards or recycling facilities; .2 Drilling or removing oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances; .3 Refining of petroleum or of its products; .4 Petroleum storage yards; .5 Commercial excavation or storage of building or construction materials; provided, that this prohibition shall not be construed to prohibit any excavation necessary in the course of approved building construction pursuant to Article III of the CC&R's; .6 Dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of garbage, sewage, offal, dead animals or other refuse; .7 Fat rendering; .8 Stockyard or slaughter of animals; ; .9 Smelting of iron, tin, zinc, or any other ore, or 4` :; C-5 , a:* • II ores; .10 Cemeteries; .11 Jail or honor farms; .12 Labor or migrant worker camps; .13 Truck terminals (as primary permitted uses) 2.0 APPROVALS AND SUBMITTALS 2.1 PLAN REVIEW PROCESS In order to insure that the design standards for the Billion Plaza contained in these guidelines are achieved, a series of plan submissions will be required at different stages of the design process. The number of plan submissions will vary depending upon the complexity and timing of a proposed development. Plan submissions will also be required for significant revisions, alterations, additions, or change of use for approved or existing developments with the Park. Required plan submissions shall be submitted to the Billion Plaza Design Review Committee (BP,DRC) consisting of 1) the Declarant or his authorized representative, 2) a Civil Engineer, 3) an Architect, and 4) a Planner Landscape Architect or Designer. Each stage of plan submission will require three (3) sets of plans containing the specific information described below. The plan submission for each new development and each significant revision, alteration, addition, or change of use shall be accompanied by a Review Fee as defined in Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1 Review Fee. An Architectural and Site Plan Review Fee shall be paid to the Declarant at such times as when plans and specifications are initially submitted to the BP.DRC in an amount equal to one cent (IC) per square foot within each building to be included in the proposal development, but not less then five hundred dollars ($500.00). The review fee shall include the review of the master plan (if applicable), preliminary plans, and construction documents. Review fees for revisions, alterations, or change of use shall be at the prevailing rates charged the Declarant for time and materials required by members of the BP.DRC. Any of the fee not used for review will be returned to the applicant. The BP.DRC will be established by the Declarant to review all required plan . submissions. All submitted plans will be reviewed by the BP.DRC for C-6 3.4.2 Guidelines: .1 No building or parking shall be permitted to be constructed closer than thirty-five (35') from the street-fronting property lines unless approved by Declarant and City of Bozeman. Planters, walls, site elements exceeding three feet (3') in height may be permitted in street-side setback areas only with written approval of BP.DRC. Roof overhangs may extend a maximum of 18 inches into setback areas. If an driveways and parking areas i Y Y p g are put between the street and the building front, the minimum building setback shall be ten feet (10') from the parking lot. i .2 The areas of each lot between street property lines and the minimum setback lines shall be landscaped in accordance with City of i Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and such landscaping shall remain intact unless alterations are approved in writing by the Declarant and the City of Bozeman. .3 Any remaining setback area shall be fully landscaped in a I manner both compatible with and complimentary to the landscape easements, as well as the on-site architecture and landscape design concepts. .4 In accordance with the City of Bozeman Zoning Ordinance, corner lots at intersections may have no building, parking, sign, wall, or landscaping over 30 inches in height above top of curb grade located within a j triangular area formed by the intersecting lines at points 40 feet distant from the point of intersection as measured along the lot property lines. At private driveways this requirement is reduced to a minimum of fifteen feet (15'). 3.5 INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 3.5.1 Objectives .1 To provide a definite physical separation between buildings on adjoining lots suitable for distinguishing separation of properties and screening one property from the other. .2 To allow businesses on adjoining lots to be individually identifiable. C-20 PQCFta 7 LM WVACK • 1 1 � ( ro LnroecwHc LbM TO o.rNa.� 1 1 1 Wrt*%A H SOMIAMCH Or PQOFtWrl= VIEWS_ i VIEW O o INTERIOR PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 3.5.2 Guidelines: .1 Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Declarant, no building shall be permitted to be constructed closer to an interior property line than twenty-five feet (25) unless approved by Declarant. In no case will any two buildings have less than a fifty foot (50') separation. .2 No parking (other than automobile overhangs) shall be permitted to be constructed closer than fifteen feet (I5) from an interior property line, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Declarant. .3 All setback areas shall be fully landscaped in a manner both compatible with and complimentary to the Park and associated landscaping easement, on-site architecture and landscape design concepts. 3.6 SETBACK FROM CREEK AND DRAINAGE 3.6.1 Objectives: .1 To protect the integrity of the property during storm runoff. .2 To contribute to the P en of the o space as a natural perception P 'park-like' environment. 3.6.2 Guidelines: .1 No building, sign, or other structure, or development shall be permitted to be constructed within the 35' drainage and detention easement along the drainage ways unless approved in writing by the Declarant. .2 Any parking area that abuts the open space and the associated creek zone shall be screened on the side that faces the open space. Such. Cr21, f THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 20 E. OLIVE• P.O. BOX 640 t p * BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0640 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CO.N►O PHONE: (406) 582-2380• FAX: (406) 582-2363 May 18, 1999 To: Development Review Committee From: Bob Murray, Project Engineer k Re: Baxter Creek MaSub/PUD #P-9907 and#Z-9939 The following should be included as Final Plat conditions for this subdivision: 1. Storm water Master Plan: A Storm water Master Plan for the subdivision for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease and other pollutants from the runoff from the private and public streets and all lots must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The master plan must depict the maximum sized retention basin location,show location of and provide easements for adequate drainage ways within the subdivision to transport runoff to the Storm water receiving channel. The plan shall include sufficient site grading and elevation information (particularly for the basin site,drainage ways and finished lot grades),typical Storm water detention/retention basin and discharge structure details, basin sizing calculations and a Storm water maintenance plan. Any Storm water ponds located within a park or open space shall be designed and constructed to be conducive to the normal use and maintenance of the open space. Ponds which serve the common infrastructure in the subdivision shall not be installed on private lots. While the runoff from the individual lots will be dependent on the intensity of use on each lot, the maximum sizing of the storm retention facilities for each lot will be established based on maximum site development. Final facility sizing may be reviewed and reduced during design review of the FSP for each lot. A storm drainage easement shall be provided for the drainage swale serving lots 2 through 6 along the west property lines. This shall be shown on the final plat. 2. Plans and specifications and a detailed design report for water and sewer main extensions,storm sewer and the public street, prepared by a Professional Engineer, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The Applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post- construction certification,and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a pre-construction conference has been conducted. 3. All infrastructure improvements including 1) water and sewer main extensions, and 2) streets, curb/gutter, sidewalks, open space, rear yard frontages or other non-lot frontages, and related storm drainage infrastructure improvements shall be financially guaranteed or construc ed prior HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK to Final Plat approval. No building permits shall be issued prior to substantial completion and City acceptance of the required on site and off site infrastructure improvements. 4. The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properly depicted. Proposed main extensions shall be noted as proposed. 5. Flood plain: a) The 100 year flood plain boundary and flood elevations must be depicted on the Final Plat. b) Culvert sizing design calculations shall be provided for the stream crossing. 6. The Montana Fish,Wildlife and Parks,SCS,Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to Final Plat approval. 7. Stream relocation: a. The Montana Fish,Wildlife and Parks shall be contacted by the Applicant regarding the proposed relocation and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained prior to Final Plat approval. 8. Easements for the water and sewer main extensions shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width,with the utility located in the center of the easement. In no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from the edge of easement. 9. The applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's.office an executed Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of an SID for Fallon Street, including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage (unless currently filed with the property). The documents filled shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements,the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property,taxable valuation of the property,traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 10. Pursuant to Section 16.24.030 F. of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations "Any internal street not meeting the standards of Chapter 16.16.080 of these Regulations shall be a private street." The proposed street and Right of Way widths do not meet those standards,therefore,all streets proposed within the subdivision shall be private,and the final plat shall show Public Access Easements for the streets rather than Right of Way. 11. This subdivision shall be served by city water. If this involves connection of the J.C.Billion water system to the City of Bozeman water system, the Billion system must first be accepted by the City. If the requirements for acceptance of the system cannot be met,other means of connection to the city water system as approved by the City Engineer shall be implemented. If the Billion system is accepted by the city, the transfer of the system shall be formally completed by means of a dedication, and such dedication shall include an indemnification clause as approved by the City Attorney. 12. The traffic impact study submitted by the applicant states that the left turn movements onto Huffine lane from Competition Drive and Cottonwood Road will operate at a level of service of F,with long delays occurring. It further states"Because of the existing highway speeds on Huffine Lane and the conflicts from both east and west, access to this roadway is a concern, particularly left-turns from Competition Drive or any other new approach. In addition, because of the long delays expected(see Section VII-A),some drivers may become impatient or feel pressured and may attempt this movement when it is not safe. These concerns seem to be substantiated(though only one year of records is available)by recent accident history at existing intersections in the area(see Appendix C)." Pursuant to Section 18.54.060.B.3.v.C. of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and Section 16.18.050.D.7.d.3.of the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations,under no conditions will less than level of service "D" be acceptable. The applicant shall provide plans, acceptable to the Director of Public Service and the Montana Department of Transportation, that will b:ing the level of service of the Cottonwood Road/Huffine Lane and the Competition Drive/Huffine Lane intersections up to a minimum level of service of "D". The level of service with the mitigating measures in place will be certified by the applicants engineer to the city. No construction shall begin until such time as the plans for these upgrades are approved and further,no building permits will be approved until the upgrades have been implemented. 13. The applicant shall complete a warrant analysis for the intersection of Cottonwood Road and Huffine Lane. If a signal is warranted, the signal shall be in place prior Final Plat approval. As an alternative,the Final Plat may be approved if the signal is financially guaranteed in an amount of 150%of the estimated cost of the entire signalization,but under no circumstance will building permits be issued until the signal is in place. If a signal is not warranted at this time,the applicant shall file with the Clerk and Recorders office an executed Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of an SID for the signalization. The documents filled shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share,proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. Additionally, if the signal is not warranted, 20% of one and a half times the estimated cost of a signal shall be financially guaranteed by the developer until such time as the lawsuit on impact fees is resolved. If the currently scheduled value of impact fees are determined to be enforceable,the financial guarantee shall be released. 14. The applicant shall obtain an access permit from the Montana Department of Transportation for Competition Drive and comply with all requirements of the permit in addition to these conditions. cc: ERF Project File c:\wpdocsVorms\subdivsn.mem • MEMORANDUM TO: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: DEBBIE ARKELL, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 17, 1999 RE: BAXTER CREEK PUD/SUBDIVISION Upon finding that the subdivision is in compliance with the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, Zoning Ordinance, and Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Staff recommends conditional approval of the application. Seven variances to subdivision and zoning standards were requested. Planning Staff support/non- support of these variances is: A. Reduce minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as all lots will share parking and drive accesses, reducing the amount of area needed for parking and landscaping. B. Increase the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%. AND C. Reduce setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. The Planning Staff only supports the 15-foot parking setback from interior property lines, and from the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision, as the reduction in setbacks, which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities... (to be)developed so as to recogn ze the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further, the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD, which are 35-feet from streets for buildings and parking, 25-feet from an interior property line for buildings and 15-feet for parking. In addition,although the proposed 30-foot wide constructed street width for the Baxter Creek PUD is the same as the Billion PUD, the streets in the Billion PUD are within 60-foot rights-of-way, compared to the proposed 50-foot rights-of- way in the Baxter Creek PUD. Thus, an additional 5-foot of setback will be lost on each side of the street. D. Reduce the right-of-way widths for Competition Drive and North Street from 60-feet to 50-feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service. • E. Reduce the constructed width of Competition Drive and Norton Street from 37-feet to 30 feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service, however, does have concern with the reduced width because parking will occur on the street, regardless of signing, and if the streets are private streets, parking would be controlled by the owners association. F. Construct sidewalks adjacent to open space within one year of final plat filing, and construct sidewalks adjacent to lots at the time the lots are constructed on or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. The Planning Staff does not support this variance. The Subdivision Regulations were recently amended to require all sidewalks to be constructed at the time the streets are constructed for two reasons. First, as soon as the second lot is developed, there is a need for an adjoining pedestrian circulation system, and second, ensuring that the sidewalks are installed after three years has become an administrative struggle. As this is a PUD, the driveway accesses are known and will be installed at the time the curb and gutter are poured for the streets. Thus, the driveways to the lots will be installed,and there should be no need for construction equipment to drive over and potentially destroy the curb. Further, there are ways to protect the curb from construction equipment if the equipment does need to drive over the curb. G. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as Lots 5 and 6 will share access and parking, and the location of the Baxter Creek Corridor makes it difficult to obtain the required lot frontage. The following conditions are recommended for this subdivision. The evidence that justifies the recommended conditions to ensure that the final plat complies with all regulations, that appropriate and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation, adequate public access,utility easements, and rights of way are provided are provided. 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the regulations as outlined above. All provisions of the Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. 2. The final subdivision plat shall conform to all requirements of the applicable Subdivision Regulations and the Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats,show all existing and new easements, and be accompanied by all appropriate documents, certification by the State Department of Environmental Quality Subdivision Program, a final platting certificate which 2- is issued not less than 30 days prior to the date the final plat application is submitted, all required certificates, and utility statement. The Certificate of Treasurer must be amended to use the correct certificate,the Certificates of Planning Dirctor and Director of Administrative Services deleted . The appropriate number of mylar(or equivalent) copies of the final plat must be submitted for final plat approval, along with a digital copy of the final plat, on a double sided, high-density 3-1/2" floppy disk. 3. The developer shall have three (3) years from the date of preliminary plat approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final Plat approval for the subdivision. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant as permitted in the subdivision regulations. 4. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. 5. The property owner shall provide and file with the final subdivision plat a Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of SIDS for the following improvements. The Waiver shall specify that in the event SIDs are not utilized for the completion of these projects, the property owner(s) shall agree to participate in an alternate financing method for completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by the square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or combination thereof. Said Waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. 1. Signalization of the Cottonwood Road/U.S. 191 intersection 2. Street improvements to Fallon Street. 6. Prior to application for final plat approval, the subdivider shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Gallatin County Weed Control District, and a copy of the signed document shall be submitted to the planning office with the final plat application. A Covenants shall be placed on the final plat requiring the property owner(s) and/or Property Owner's Association to be responsible for the control of County declared noxious weeds. 7. All infrastructure improvements including a)water and sewer main extensions and b)streets, sidewalks, and related storm drainage infrastructure improvements, shall be financially guaranteed or constructed prior to final plat approval. No building permits will be issued for the subdivision until all required water and sewer and streets are installed and accepted. However, where dictated by circumstances and where acceptable improvement security is obtained, the City Engineer may approve building permit(s) once water and sewer are installed and accepted,and curb and gutter and street gravel courses are installed. 3 f 8. City standard sidewalks shall be constructed on all street frontages one foot off the property line, or otherwise as approved by the City Engineer, with the exception of the U.S. 191 walk which shall be installed in the open space as shown in the plans, at the time the street improvements are installed. City sidewalk permits must be obtained, if applicable, prior to installation of the sidewalks. 9. The Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineers shall be contacted by the applicant regarding the proposed project, and any required permits(i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained for the subdivision work as well as for the creek relocations. Copies of the permits, or letters indicating permits are not required, must be submitted to the Planning and/or Engineering Offices prior to commencement of infrastructure construction or creek relocation. A 35-foot setback from the mean high water mark of the stream must be shown on the final plat. 10. Written easements, a minimum of 30-feet wide, for the water and sewer main extensions not located within public right-of-way shall be provided to and accepted by the City Engineer prior to installation of the utility. The utility shall be located in the center of the easement, and in no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from the edge of an easement. Water rights or cash in-lieu thereof shall be provided when the application for the final plat is submitted, as agreed to in the Annexation Agreement filed in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. 12. A note shall be added to the final plat that references the presence of high groundwater in the area, and that structures with basements are not recommended. 13. As recommended by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, a 25-foot wide public trail easement shall be shown on the final plat, with the easement being located on one side of the Baxter Creek corridor open space. The developer shall construct a five-foot wide trail surfaced with natural fines within the easement, and the trail shall align to connect with the trail originating at Hufiine Lane and continuing north along the west side of the Billion Auto Plaza subdivision(that trail is yet to be constructed). If the trail corridor and trail cross the creek, a foot bridge shall be installed by the developer,after appropriate permits are obtained (310, 404, etc.). The design of the bridge shall be approved by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board prior to construction. The trail shall either be constructed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the trail shall be installed within nine (9) months of final plat approval. 14. All contractors shall be advised by the subdivider that all construction related traffic associated with the development of and within the Baxter Creek Business Park shall be routed to and from the site via Huffine Lane, and that West Babcock Street east of Ferguson Road, and none of Durston Road be shall be utilized for construction traffic. i i 15. The proposed 25-foot wide right-of-way at the east side of Lot 7 shall be increased to 50-feet to provide adequate access to the property to the north. This street shall be named and constructed to the same standard as Norton Street and Competition Drive. The following are the recommended conditions for the zoning PUD. These conditions are subject to change/addition/deletion, once reviewed and commented on by the Design Review Board, and not all recommended conditions are included in this memo. 1. The developer shall have two(2)years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5) years. 2. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior tc, final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and substantial completion and acceptance of the required infrastructum improvements. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guarantee as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the affected phase. 3. The sidewalk within the US 191 open space and the trail within the Baxter Creek open space shall be constructed as conditioned in the subdivision. The picnic area shall be improved prior to final plat approval, or shall be financially guaranteed. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d,which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 4. The Covenants shall be amended as follows (in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): a. Page 3, Section 1.5 Common Areas: Amend reference of"Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive", add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. S^ t The Design Regulations shall be amended as follows (in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): Page 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In.exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that"low traffic-generating retail uses(100 ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision: Bakery Banks and financial institutions Book and stationery store Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Delicatessen& catering estab. Department store Dry goods and notion store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Furniture store Garden supply store Hardware store Hunt/Fish supply store Mail Order Catalog Store Paint & wallpaper store Variety store i Building materials sales Retail uses in addition to principal uses Veterinary clinics b. Pap e 11, Sub-section d, Building Envelope: Delete reference to motel and banking purpose canopies, as those uses are not permitted. C. Page 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. d. Page 15, Section 6, Exterior Liahtin;. Provide a sample light fixture(s) in the guidelines. e. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. f. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 6. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. Cc: Mike Smith, Morrison Maierle, Inc. • , BOMAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman ; 20 EAST OLIVE STREET City-Coun P.O.BOX 640, BOZEMAN,MO TTANA 59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406)582-2360 FAX: (406)582-2363 FAX TRANSMITTAL PAGE OF 1 U: 0 " \ ��e - S yb\ FAX NUMBER FROM: � L14- REGARDING: C MESSAGE: �� • P. 01 k TRANSACTION REPORT MAY-19-99 WED 4: 31 PM FOR; DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE MAY-19 4: 24 PM MORRISON MAIERLE 7' 02" 7 SEND OK I IF YOU RETURNED YOUR BARTER CREEK BINDER AND WANT IT BACK TO CONTINUE THIS REVIEW, PLEASE STOP BY THE PLANNING OFFICE AND PICK ONE UP. b' f • • MEMORANDUM TO: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: DEBBIE ARKELL, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTO DATE: MAY 17, 1999 RE: BAXTER CREEK PUD/SUBDIVISION Upon finding that the subdivision is in compliance with the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update, Zoning Ordinance, and Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Staff recommends conditional approval of the application. Seven variances to subdivision and zoning standards were requested. Planning Staff support/non- support of these variances is: A. Reduce minimum lot size of BP, Business Park Zoning District from one (1) acre to approximately three-quarters of an acre. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as all lots will share parking and drive accesses, reducing the amount of area needed for parking and landscaping. B. Increase the allowable maximum lot coverage to more than 60%. AND C. Reduce setbacks from 35-foot front yards on interior streets for parking and buildings to 25 feet for buildings and 10 feet for parking, and 25-foot rear and side yards for parking to 15 feet. The Planning Staff only supports the 15-foot parking setback from interior property lines, and from the north, east and west exterior boundaries of the subdivision, as the reduction in setbacks, which increases the lot coverage, is not consistent with the intent of the BP, Business Park Zoning District, which is to "provide for high-quality settings and facilities... (to be)developed so as to recognize the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community." Further, the reduced setbacks are not consistent with the setbacks in the adjoining Billion Auto Plaza PUD, which are 35-feet from streets for buildings and parking, 25-feet from an interior property line for buildings and 15-feet for parking. In addition,although the proposed 30-foot wide constructed street width for the Baxter Creek PUD is the same as the Billion PUD, the streets in the Billion PUD are within 60-foot rights-of-way, compared to the proposed 50-foot rights-of- way in the Baxter Creek PUD. Thus, an additional 5-foot of setback will be lost on each side of the street. Ad,— D. Reduce the right-of-way widths for Competition Drive and Nor_iifStreet from 60-feet to 50-feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service. E. Reduce the constructed width of Competition Drive and Norton Street from 37-feet to 30 feet. The Planning Staff defers to the Director of Public Service, however, does have concern with the reduced width because parking will occur on the street, regardless of signing, and if the streets are private streets, parking would be controlled by the owners association. F. Construct sidewalks adjacent to open space within one year of final plat filing, and construct sidewalks adjacent to lots at the time the lots are constructed on or within three years of final plat filing, whichever occurs first. The Planning Staff does not support this variance. The Subdivision Regulations were recently amended to require all sidewalks to be constructed at the time the streets are constructed for two reasons. First,as soon as the second lot is developed, there is a need for an adjoining pedestrian circulation system, and second, ensuring that the sidewalks are installed after three years has become an administrative struggle. As this is a PUD, the driveway accesses are known and will be installed at the time the curb and gutter are poured for the streets. Thus, the driveways to the lots will be installed,and there should be no need for construction equipment to drive over and potentially destroy the curb. Further, there are ways to protect the curb from construction equipment if the equipment does need to drive over the curb. G. To allow Lots 5 and 6 to have less than the required 150-foot street frontage. The Planning Staff supports this variance, as Lots 5 and 6 will share access and parking, and the location of the Baxter Creek Corridor makes it difficult to obtain the required lot frontage. The following conditions are recommended for this subdivision. The evidence that justifies the recommended conditions to ensure that the final plat complies with all regulations,that appropriate and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation, adequate public access,utility easements, and rights of way are provided are provided. 1. The approval of this subdivision/zoning PUD is based on the proposal contained in the submittal application received by the City-County Planning Office on March 30, 1999, as amended/supplemented on April 30, 1999. This approval includes the relaxation of the regulations as outlined above. All provisions ofthe Subdivision and Zoning regulations which are not specifically waived under this condition shall be complied with. 2. The final subdivision plat shall conform to all requirements of the applicable Subdivision Regulations and the Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats,show all existing and new easements, and be accompanied by all appropriate documents, certification by the State Department of Environmental Quality Subdivision Program, a final platting certificate which 2- is issued not less than 30 days prior to the date the final plat application is submitted, all required certificates, and utility statement. The Certificate of Treasurer must be amended to use the correct certificate,the Certificates of Planning Dirctor and Director of Administrative Services deleted . The appropriate number of mylar(or equivalent) copies of the final plat must be submitted for final plat approval, along with a digital copy of the final plat, on a double sided, high-density 3-1/2" floppy disk. 3. The developer shall have three (3) years from the date of preliminary plat approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final Plat approval for the subdivision. This approval period may be extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant as permitted in the subdivision regulations. 4. The final PUD plan must be submitted to and approved by the City, and the approved Development Guidelines and Covenants filed with the final plat of the subdivision. 5. The property owner shall provide and file with the final subdivision plat a Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of SIDs for the following improvements. The Waiver shall specify that in the event SIDs are not utilized for the completion of these projects, the property owner(s) shall agree to participate in an alternate financing method for completion of said improvements on a fair share,proportionate basis as determined by the square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or combination thereof. Said Waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. 1. Signalization of the Cottonwood Road/U.S. 191 intersection 2. Street improvements to Fallon Street. 6. Prior to application for final plat approval, the subdivider shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Gallatin County Weed Control District, and a copy of the signed document shall be submitted to the planning office with the final plat application. A Covenants shall be placed on the final plat requiring the property owner(s) and/or Property Owner's Association to be responsible for the control of County declared noxious weeds. 7. All infrastructure improvements including a)water and sewer main extensions and b)streets, sidewalks, and related storm drainage infrastructure improvements, shall be financially guaranteed or constructed prior to final plat approval. No building permits will be issued for the subdivision until all required water and sewer and streets are installed and accepted. However, where dictated by circumstances and where acceptable improvement security is obtained,the City Engineer may approve building permit(s) once water and sewer are installed and accepted,and curb and gutter and street gravel courses are installed. 3 8. City standard sidewalks shall be constructed on all street frontages one foot off the property line,or otherwise as approved by the City Engineer,with the exception of the U.S. 191 walk which shall be installed in the open space as shown in the plans, at the time the street improvements are installed. City sidewalk permits must be obtained, if applicable, prior to installation of the sidewalks. 9. The Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineers shall be contacted by the applicant regarding the proposed project, and any required permits(i.e., 310,404,Turbidity exemption, etc.) shall be obtained for the subdivision work as well as for the creek relocations. Copies of the permits, or letters indicating permits are not required, must be submitted to the Planning and/or Engineering Offices prior to commencement of infrastructure construction or creek relocation. A 35-foot setback from the mean high water mark of the stream must be shown on the final plat. 10. Written easements, a minimum of 30-feet wide, for the water and sewer main extensions not located within public right-of-way shall be provided to and accepted by the City Engineer prior to installation of the utility. The utility shall be located in the center of the easement, and in no case shall the utility be less than 10 feet from the edge of an easement. l i Water rights or cash in-lieu thereof shall be provided when the application for the final plat is submitted, as agreed to in the Annexation Agreement filed in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. 12. A note shall be added to the final plat that references the presence of high groundwater in the area, and that structures with basements are not recommended. 13. As recommended by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, a 25-foot wide public trail easement shall be shown on the final plat,with the easement being located on one side of the Baxter Creek corridor open space. The developer shall construct a five-foot wide trail surfaced with natural fines within the easement, and the trail shall align to connect with the trail originating at Huffine Lane and continuing north along the west side of the Billion Auto Plaza subdivision(that trail is yet to be constructed). If the trail corridor and trail cross the creek,a foot bridge shall be installed by the developer,after appropriate permits are obtained (310, 404, etc.). The design of the bridge shall be approved by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board prior to construction. The trail shall either be constructed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. If financially guaranteed, the trail shall be installed within nine (9) months of final plat approval. 14. All contractors shall be advised by the subdivider that all construction related traffic associated with the development of and within the Baxter Creek Business Park shall be routed to and from the site via Huffine Lane, and that West Babcock Street east of Ferguson Road, and none of Durston Road be shall be utilized for construction traffic. 4 15. The proposed 25-foot wide right-of-way at the east side of Lot 7 shall be increased to 50-feet to provide adequate access to the property to the north. This street shall be named and constructed to the same standard as Norton Street and Competition Drive. The following are the recommended conditions for the zoning PUD. These conditions are subject to change/addition/deletion, once reviewed and commented on by the Design Review Board, and not all recommended conditions are included in this memo. 1. The developer shall have two.(2)years from the date of preliminary approval to complete the conditions, conform to all regulations, and submit a complete application for Final PUD Plan approval. This approval period maybe extended by the City Commission upon request of the applicant for a period to not exceed a total of five (5)years. 2. Seven copies of the final PUD plan showing how all conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted. This submittal must include final Development Guidelines and Covenants, which must be filed at the Clerk and Recorder's Office,and a final landscape/open space plan. The final plan must comply with the submittal requirements of the appropriate section of the Zoning Ordinance. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant prior to final PUD plan approval. No building permits will be issued until the Final PUD Plan is approved and substantial completion and acceptance of the required infrastructure improvements. If occupancy of any structure within the development is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement shall be financially guarantee as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance to secure the improvements required for the affected phase. 3. The sidewalk within the US 191 open space and the trail within the Baxter Creek open space shall be constructed as conditioned in the subdivision. The picnic area shall be improved prior to final plat approval, or shall be financially guaranteed. If financially guaranteed, the improvements shall be completed within nine months of plat approval. An Open Space Maintenance Plan shall be submitted with the final PUD plan, as required in Section 18.54.060.C.4d,which creates a legal instrument setting for a plan for the permanent care and maintenance of open space and recreational areas. This portion of the plan must be approved by the City attorney prior to final PUD plan approval. 4. The Covenants shall be amended as follows (in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): a. Page 3, Section 1.5 Common Areas: Amend reference of "Enterprise Drive" to "Competition Drive",add Norton Street and the new street at the east edge of Lot 7. S`� The Design Regulations shall be amended as follows (in addition to the amendments noted in the applicant's supplement): Pap-e 8, Permissible Uses for Lots 1-9: The use list included in the supplement shall be further revised to eliminate the following uses, as they are uses not necessarily compatible to auto related businesses. In exchange for these deletions, staff recommends that"low traffic-generating retail uses(100 ADT/acre maximum) offering specialized sales, supplies, and services" be added, which is comparable to what is permitted in the Billion Auto Plaza Subdivision: Bakery Banks and financial institutions Book and stationery store Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales/rental Delicatessen& catering estab. Department store Dry goods and notion store Dry Cleaning and Laundry Furniture store Garden supply store Hardware store Hunt/Fish supply store Mail Order Catalog Store Paint & wallpaper store Variety store Building materials sales Retail uses in addition to principal uses Veterinary clinics b. Page 11, Sub-section d, Buildinp,Envelope: Delete reference to motel and banking purpose canopies, as those uses are not permitted. C. Page 13, Section 3, Parking Requirements: Eliminate the reference to the Code section of the Zone Code, and just refer to the Code. d. Page 15, Section 6, Exterior Lighting. Provide a sample light fixture(s) in the guidelines. e. Page 21, Section 12, Installation of Common Improvements: Amend to reflect the time periods permitted by the City Commission for the installation of improvements. f. The Covenants shall be amended to include the City of Bozeman as a party to the covenants to ensure that the Covenants may not be revoked or substantially modified without the consent of the City. Specifically, the City shall be a party to those provisions in the Covenants relating to architectural design, signs, and landscape guidelines. 6. The park land that is to be added to the Bronken Park as proffered by the developer in exchange for the variance to reduce the on-site open space percentage, shall be dedicated to the City of Bozeman prior to final PUD site plan approval. Cc: Mike Smith, Morrison Maierle, Inc. P. 01 TRANSACTION REPORT MAY-17-99 MON 1 : 36 PM FOR: DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE MAY-17 1 : 28 PM 95871176 7' 31" 6 SEND OK May-10-99 08:08A �- P.02 --� _ BOZEMAN RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1211 W.Main St P.O. Box 640 PHONE(406)5874724 Bozeman.Montana 59771-0640 To DebbWe Arke)) City-County Planning Office From: Recreation and Parks Advisory Board DaIrv. May 7. LM Re: Baxter Creels Moor Subdty Ion Following the meeting of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board's Subdivision Review Committee with Mike Smith of Morrison-Metierk and you on May 7, the committee presented mformatios about the proposed Baxter Creek Major Subdivision to the entire board at its meeting on the evening of May 7. The board wag In favor of the proposal to satisfy the open space requirement with a trail along the realignment of Baxter Creek. The board recommends a 25' trail easement with a 5' wide ttatl surfaced with natural lines, to be installed and maintained by the developer. The trail should be aligned to connect with the trail originating at HuMne Lane and continuing north along the west side of J.C. Bflhon (yet to be constructed). with a future connection possible to Bronken Park across land to the north when it is subdivided. The board a]so recommends a public access easement along this trail as an important future connection to Broaken Park. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. cc:Mike Smtth. Morrison-Maierle i • ITEM 4. REGULAR AGENDA A. � agter=Creek Business Park Zoning PUD #Z-9939_- (Arkelo West of Billion Auto Plaza, north of U.S. 191 - A Planned Unit Development Application to allow the development of an eight lot subdivision for commercial uses. (Open and continue to 5/11 until additional information is submitted) MOTION: Chairperson Walker moved to open and continue application#Z-9939 until May 11, 1999. Mr. Hanson seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. B. Aspen Meadows Apartments MaSP/COA#Z-9921 - (Berger) 1062 Oak Street - A Major Site Plan Application with a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow the construction of twelve 4-plex apartment buildings and related site improvements. (Continued from April 13, 1999) Jeff Fox joined the DRB. In the absence of Planner Therese Berger, Planning Director Andrew Epple presented the revised elevations. Mr. Fox noted the changes made - the additions of windows, door covers, and addition of color. (Mr. Sorenson arrived.) He noted porches, which wrap around the comer, have been added on the rear elevations around the back doors. He presented the materials, color samples, and elevations that represented the color palette. Mr. Hanson asked for the slope on the porch covers, to which Mr. Fox replied 3:1. Mr. Fox noted the applicant is leaning towards vinyl clad windows. Mr. Hanson asked for the composition of the shingles. Mr. Fox presented a sample. Discussion followed on the roof pitches and the placement of the windows. Mr. Hanson commented that the window pattern has changed and the little windows will be very high. In response to Mr. Hanson, Mr. Fox noted the eaves extend 3 1/2 feet from the wall. Mr. Hanson noted the applicant may need posts to support them. He noted the porch roof additions break up the large expanses. He suggested using only two colors for the building, noting his preference is for the white and brown. He commended the new fenestration, noting it is an improvement, however, he had hoped the form of the building would have changed. Ms. Katz concurred with Mr. Hanson's comments, and noted the addition of the low roofs is an improvement. She noted the pitches or the roof extensions seem out of proportion. In response to Ms. Katz, Mr. Fox noted the roofs extend three feet over the front doors. Chairperson Walker asked if posts have to be added to support the roof extension, would the application have to come back to the DRB. Planning Director Epple noted that type of modification would be reviewed in house. Mr. Sorenson discussed the white strip that separates the two levels, noting if it is a piece of siding, it probably is not be adequate. Ms. Katz noted that the board/strip needs to be a relief of color and texture and offer visual relief. She and Mr. Sorenson suggested the addition of a belly 2 Design Review Board Minutes-April 27,1999 BOZ AN CITY- UNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 EAST OLIVE STREET City-County P.O. BOX 640, BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406)582-2360 FAX: (406)582-2363 MEMOPANDUM TO: Bozeman City-County Planning Board FROM: Debbie Arkcll, Assistant Planning Director ` DATE: April26, 1999 RE: Continuance of Baxter Creek Business Park Subdivision and Planned Unit Development (P-9907 and Z-9939) OPEN AND CONTINUE TO MAY 18, 1999 This project has been advertised for the May 4, 1999 Planning Board hearing. However, after Staff and DRC review of the Development Guidelines and Covenants, several discrepancies between the Guidelines and the rest of the submittal were discovered, and we felt that some of the information submitted did not completely address the PUD requirements. The applicant's representatives agreed to continue the review while they prepare a supplement to answer and address those issues. Meeting dates will not be set until the information is received. However,because the May 4 meeting has been noticed, the meeting should be opened and continued to a date certain. If the information is not submitted in time for the May 18 meeting, the application will again have to be opened and continued at that meeting. cc: Robin Sullivan(ROBIN: This delay will also affect the advertised City Commission meeting dates. The May 17 meeting should be opened and continued to June 7, 3 p.m.) 1 BOZESWN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 EAST OLIVE STREET City-County P.O. BOX 640, BOZEMAN, MONTANA59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406) 582-2360 FAX: (406)582-2363 M0 "DUM TO: Design Review Board FROM: Debbie Arkcll, Assistant Planning Directo DATE: April22, 1999 : Continuance of Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development Z-9939. Open and Continue Meeting to May 11, 1999 The development submittal book was given to DRB members at your April 13 meeting, to give you some extra time to review the proposal. The project is scheduled to be considered at your April 27 meeting. However, after Staff review of the Development Guidelines and Covenants, several discrepancies between the Guidelines and rest of the submittal were discovered,and we felt that some of the information did not completely address the PUD requirements. The applicant is in the process of preparing a supplement to answer and address those issues. Once the supplement is received, it will be forwarded to you,and staff will prepare a report for your review for the next available meeting. Meeting dates certain will not be set until the information is received. However, because the April 27 meeting has been noticed, the item should be opened and continued to a date certain, with the May 1 I meeting being the next available meeting. If the information is not received in time for the May 11 meeting, the application can again be opened and continued. Please feel free to call me at 582-2364 if you have any questions. cc: Jack Schunkc, Morrison Maicrlc, Inc. 1 President Walker stated the review of the Pilgrim Congregational Church will be removed from the Consent Agenda, and considered as Item 5A. ITEM 4. OPEN AND CONTINUE TO MAY 18, 1999 A. Baiter Creek Business Park iPUD and Subdivision,'Z-9939 and"P=9907, requested by Steve Olson to allow the subdivision of a 17.56 acre tract of land for the development of an eight lot PUD for commercial uses on property zoned BP, Business Park, and located west of Billion Auto Plaza on the north side of US 191 (Arkell) Assistant Planning Director Arkell advised the Board that this item should be opened and continued, to allow time for review of additional information. Although the Agenda noted that the project will be continued to May 18, she suggested it be continued to the June 7 meeting, as the additional information was not submitted until April 30, and that information stated the traffic information required by DRC would not be submitted until May 15. Dick McConnen moved, Lynn Rugheimer seconded, to continue this item to the June 1 meeting. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. ITEM 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minor Subdivision P-9910(West Park Manor),requested by Western General Enterprises Revocable Trust, to allow the subdivision of 0.1885 acres into two townhouse lots on property zoned R-3, and located at 309-311 North 19`h Avenue (Killebrew) There being no members of the public present to speak on the application, and no members of the Board wishing to remove the application from the Consent agenda, a motion was made by Dick McConnen, seconded by Bill Mitchell, to recommend approval of the project as submitted and conditioned in the Staff Report. The motion carried by a voice vote. The City Commission will consider this subdivision at their 3:00 p.m.meeting on May 17. No public testimony will be accepted at that meeting. B. Conditional Use Permit Z-9938 (High Country Care), requested by Ron and Victoriana Ireland, to allow the relocation of an existing Adult Foster Care Group Home from another location to property zoned A-S, and located at 8659 Haggerty Lane. (Killebrew) There being no members of the public present to speak on the application, and no members of the Board wishing to remove the application from the Consent agenda, a motion was made by Dick McConnen, seconded by Ed Musser, to recommend approval of the project as submitted and conditioned in the Staff Report. The motion carried by a voice vote. The City Commission will consider this application at their 3:00 p.m. meeting on May 17. Planning Board Minutes-May 4, 1999 2 BAXTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK PUD/SUBDIVISION. CONFLICTS BETWEEN EA/CIA AND COVENANTS THAT MUST BE CLARIFIED/AND OR ISSUES ANSWERED. ITEMS ** MUST BE ADDRESSED BEFORE THE PROJECT REVIEW CAN CONTINUE: 1. Covenants refer to 9 lots. There are only 8. **2. Page 1, EA states uses on lots will be limited to more traditional office/commercial uses. Covenants lists uses from B-2. Appears to be a way to circumvent Commission's denial of B-2 zoning on the property. Need to pin down the uses; intent of the development. Needs to be more defined; e.g. auto park? The pre-ap comments stated the developer should carefully consider the uses, as the use list provided with the pre-ap showed many uses conflicting with each other(e.g. veterinary clinic and day care center, both of which are still on the list). The pre-ap stated the intent/purpose of the PUD should be carefully considered and the use list developed from that intent. The best I can tell,is the intent is to allow all B-2 uses. 3. Page 3, Covenants,#1.5. Identifies"50 foot right of way on Enterprise Drive"as a common area. Should also include all other rights of way (Norton and east boundary road) 4. Page 5, Covenants, #4.2. Refers to Nuisances being "defined by the Guidelines", but they aren't. 5. Page 5, Guidelines. Top of page #c. Require submittal of CDR approval with the City of Bozeman building permit application. 6. Page 8, Guidelines. #2. The Baxter Creek Business Park is not consistent with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman, so this sentence should be eliminated. **7. Page 8, Guidelines. Allowable uses. These are simply a listing of uses allowed in a B-2 zoning district. The City Commission denied a B-2 zone on this property after finding it was not appropriate for the area, and required additional 13-1 zoning districts to be designated to provide for the needed Neighborhood Services. It was not the intent to allow this 17 acres to become a major shopping area. During the ZMA, it was noted the reason for requesting B-2 was for the auto dealership, and Staff was supportive of an auto dealership, and the expansion of the Auto Plaza Subdivision uses in the area. Staff is not supportive of any and all B-2 uses. Page 32 of the EA/CIA, Response to#M, states "The master plan and zoning designation for this area has already determined that the proposed commercial use is a logical use for this site". This is not the case. 8. Page 13, Guidelines, #3, first paragraph. The Planning Staff cannot grant parking variances/deviat ions. 9. Page 13, Guidelines, #3, second paragraph. States parking areas shall be placed adjacent to or behind buildings. Every lot has parking between the building and the street, which to me is not adjacent (that would be on the side). 1 � **10. Page 21,Guidelines,#12,versus requested variances on page 1,EA/CIA. 12a says sidewalks will be constructed prior to occupancy or upon Yd anniversary of plat recordation, and 12e says the path will be completed within one year of final plat recording. No 6 of the EA/CIA says sidewalks will be constructed adjacent to the open spaces during initial construction,and sidewalks won't be constructed on lots until they're constructed on. Page 39 of the EA/CIA further states the 6-foot sidewalk within the 50-foot open space along US 191 will be installed during initial construction,as will the trail within the Baxter Creek Corridor,although no time is given. #12f on page 21 of the Guidelines says the sidewalk and landscape improvements shown for the open space will be installed at the time the property is developed or within 3 years of final plat, which ever first occurs. Clarify. 11. The Development Guidelines are minimal. A) They don't provide any details for s°gns,other than"all signs must comply with the sign code". What about a development signs? Three are shown on the Entry signage/lighting/landscape plan detail in the EA/CIA,and having two signs on US 191 conflicts with the sign code. B) They don't discuss perimeter buffering guidelines with specific regard to adjoining land uses (D.2e, page 396-32, Code). Staff is very concerned with the agricultural adjacency to the west. The landscape plan in the EA/CIA doesn't show any west ofr north perimeter landscape C) Architectural guidelines don't really require consistent architecture within the development that would tie each lot together. D)The entry signage/lighting/landscape plan in the EA/CIA shows street light and parking lot light locations, but the Guidelines (#6 on page 15) are sketchy with regard to lighting. Who will install the street lights;will they be MPC standard street lights;must lights be installed only in the locations shown on individual lots, etc. Bozeman Police Dept specifically encouraged off-street lighting. Pagel 4 of the EA/CIA states street lighting along Competition Drive is proposed to be installed during initial construction, so it will then become a condition. 12. Fire protection, page 28 of Guidelines. Amend to indicate buildings must be fire sprinkled. 13. Burning restrictions, page 28 of Guidelines. Eliminate reference to barbeque areas. There shouldn't be any reason for an open fire in a commercial district within the city. **14. Construction Regulations,page 29 of Guidelines. The application doesn't define construction routes, as required by the Board. Provide the routes, and once approved, add to this section of the guidelines. **15. We need to discuss setbacks and maximum coverage. Staff is uncomfortable with the amount of setback relaxation requested, as well as the amount of building/asphalt coverage on the lots. Even though a PUD is being requested,the intent of the Business Park zone should still be adhered to as much as possible. **16. Pre-ap comments required the preliminary submittal to address the natural and native enhancement of the corridor, and a graphic detail of sidewalks and landscaping between the structures and parking lots. No graphic details of landscaping within this area is provided. **17. Pre-ap comments required the developer to obtain a review of the proposal from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board prior to submittal, and that their comments be incorporated into the plan. The agency letters and responses section of the EA/CIA doesn't show this occurring. Pre-ap comments also required a 15 foot wide trail access easement within the Baxter Creek corridor, and none is shown on the preliminary plat. Proposed and existing vegetation along the US 1919 and creek open space areas were required to be identified,with the landscape tying in with the Billion subdivision. No reference to this occurring is provided. Page 15 of EA/CIA states the 1/3 acre turn area with picnic tables and shelter will be maintained by owners association. Need to indicate when this will be installed. **18. The pre-ap review required the EA/CIA to include a delineation of the 100 year flood plain for Baxter Creek, per Section 16.20.020, Bozeman Subdivision Regulations. This has not been provided. 19. The pre-ap required the preliminary plat to show a minimum 35-foot watercourse setback along Baxter Creek, which is not shown. This is important with regard to the installation of the impervious surfaced trail, as the trail should not be within that 35-foot watercourse setback. 20. The pre-ap stated "Norton Drive" should be named "Norton Street". It's still "Norton Drive". Naming is subject to approval of the Director of Public Service/City Engineer. **21. The pre-ap stated a 60-foot r/w for the extension of Fallon Street should be provided. The EA/CIA (page 12) simply states Fallon will be constructed by others, and no r/w is shown. I'm not sure its feasible to bring Fallon back to this property, but it should be addressed/discussed. 22. Page 5, EA/CIA. Cuts and fills. The streets will require three feet of fill, meaning they will be three feet higher than the ground is now? If so, will all lots be filled in now, also? 23. Page 5, EA/CIA. Where are the site test pits for groundwater? Very concerned with 1.5' to groundwater. 24. Concern with traffic impacts. Traffic study ID's LOS F at intersection, but summary of probable impacts (page 23 of EA) doesn't reflect this. 25. Page 27, EA/CIA, #iv sub 4) states the rationale behind assumptions and choices made is to provide a campus-like setting for future employees. Can't see how this is happening with +60% lot coverage. 26. Page 27,EA/CIA,#vi states rear of buildings will have same architectural treatments as front or side, in effort to mitigate conflicts between land uses. With 15-foot parking and 25-foot building setbacks proposed versus a 35-foot setback required in the adjoining A-S land to the west and 25-foot minimum in BP, can't see how just building design provides all mitigation 27. The Landscape Plan in the EA/CIA conflicts with the landscape plan in the Guidelines with regard to species (Greenspire Ash as street trees on the plan; Patmore Ash per the Guidelines). 28. The figures provides in the EA/CIA don't scale,but it is pretty apparent that if you scaled the detention ponds shown on Figure 6 onto the Master Plan(figure 4,those ponds would be in some building and/or parking sites. 29. Wetlands summary isn't clear. The area of wetlands shown within the Study and after page 8 in the EA/CIS is larger than the park area; no clear summary that they are jurisdictional wetlands is given. 30. The r/w within Billion Auto Plaza Sub is 60 feet. Appears the street is constructed to a 30- foot width, w/curb and gutter. Concern with reducing the 50-foot r/w by 10-feet; narrows the street vision corridor, when combined with the setback reduction. 31. Because Billion's is already platted, the entire r/w is needed from this property for the north street on the east side of Lot 7, to Fallon. 32. Need a sunset date for installation of sidewalks; not just until each lot is constructed on. i B OZ; qAN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 UST OLIVE STnEET Clty'County P.O,BOX 640,BOZEMAN,MONTANA 50771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406) 582-2360 f AX: (40G) 582-2363 NOTICE A OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY- COUNTY PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday,May 4, 1999, at 7:00.p.m., and a public meeting before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, May 17, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. The purpose of the public hearing and meeting is to consider a Major Subdivision • Preliminary Plat and a Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Unit Development for Baxter Creek Business Park requested by Steve Olson, 1805 West Dickerson Street, No. 1, Bozeman, MT 59715, pursuant to Sections 18.53 and 18.54 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and Section 16.10, Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulaitons. Said application would allow the subdivision of a 17.56 acre tract for the development of an eight lot Planned Unit Development for commercial uses. The subject property is located west of Billion Auto Plaza, on the north side of U.S. 191, and is legally described as a 17.56 acre tract of land located in the NE'/4, Section 9, T2S, R5E, City of Bozeman,Montana, and is owned by .,Montana Ranch Properties, Inc., as to an undivided 8.333% interest; Triple Tree, LLC, as to an 8.333% undivided interest; Gardiner Green, Jr., as to an undivided 83.334% interest, as tenants in common, % Steve Olson. The property is zoned "BP" (Business Park) District. Public testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Bozeman City-County Planning Office, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT 59771-0640. The recommendation of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Bozeman City Commission, who will make the final decision on the project, for their consideration at their regular 3:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, May 17, 1999. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the City-County Planning Office, 20 East Olive Street, 582- 2360. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman-ADA Coordinator, 582-2305 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD). 1 ' SUBMITTED 04/15/99 FOR SUNDAY, 04/18/99 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP, BOLD WHERE INDICATED, AND SEND AFFIDAVIT TO CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE. i � �� �� . ��. ; oxz��aoKd. ._z.. z��rgns �, - . � . v � . � N _ � . _ •� • BOZE.�,J4N , CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 EAST OLIVE STnEET City-County P.O.BOX 640,BOZEMAN,MONTANA 59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406) 582-2360 FAX: (406) 582-2363 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS AND A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION AND A MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public meeting to be held before the CITY OF BOZEMAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE on Tuesday, April 20, 1999; at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY- COUNTY PLANNING BOARD on Tuesday, May 4, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. and of a ptiblic meeting before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, May 17, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room, City Flail, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. The purpose of the public meetings and hearings is to consider a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application and a Conditional Use Permit application for a Planned Unit Development for Baxter Creek Business Park requested by Steve Olson, 1805 West Dickerson, Bozeman, MT 59715, pursuant to Sections 18.53 and 18.54 of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and 16.10, Bozeman.Area Subdivision Regulations. Said application would allow the subdivision of a 17.56 acre tract for the development of eight commercial lot Planned Unit Development for commercial uses. The subject property is located at west of Billion Auto Plaza, on the north side of U.S. 191, and is legally described as a 17.56 acre tract of land located in the NE'/4, Section 9, T2S, R5E, City of Bozeman, Montana, and is owned by Montana Ranch Properties, Inc. as to an undivided 8.3330% interest; Triple Tree, LLC, as to an 8.333% undivided interest; Gardiner Green,Jr., as to an undivided 83.334% undivided interest, as tenants in common, % Steve Olson. The property is zoned "BP" (Business Park) District. Oral testimony will not be taken at the public meeting before the Development Review Committee. However, written comments will be considered if submitted to the Bozeman City- County Planning Office by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 1999. The recommendations of the Committee will be forwarded*to the Bozeman City-County Planning Board and City Commission for their consideration. Oral and written testimony will be taken at the public hearing and meeting before the Planning Board and City Commission, with the City Commission making the final decision on the project. Written comments may be submitted to the Bozeman City-County Planning Office, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT 59771-0640 . Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the City-County Planning Office, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2360. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582-2305 (voice), 582-2301 (T.DD). #Z-9939 &#P-9907 Baxter Creek Business Park PUD & MaSub Pre]. Plat A SUBJECT 2 O P ROPERTY v� a • � w w . US..__i_�.�......... VIP � - MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review Board members FROM: Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Direct � DATE: April 13, 1999 : Baxter Creek Business Park Planned Unit Development Attached please find the application book for the Baxter Creek Business Park PUD. This subdivision is located just west of Billion Plaza Subdivision(Billion Chrysler), and is located in the West Main Entryway Overlay District. A PUD is requested to allow uses other than those permitted in a BP zoning district,to reduce the street right-of-way and construction widths,and for various other code reductions, as outlined on page 1 of the application. This application is scheduled to be considered by the Board on April 27. A Staff Summart will be sent with your packets for that meeting, but the books are being delivered to you now so you have adequate time to review the proposal. If you cannot attend the April 27 meeting, please make sure this application book is returned to our office on or before that date. Please call me at 582-2364 if you have questions regarding the project. 1 REDIFORM® _ REDI-LETTE`?° 4S472/4P472 CARBONLESS SPEEDISET 448 3-PART TO: R t � M SUBJECT DATE- MESSAGE CA SIGNED REPLY SIGNED DATE REDIFORM SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT. CARBONLESS SPEEDISE 4S 472/4P472 POLYPAK(50 SETS)° PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP BOZE@AN CITY-COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE Bozeman 20 EAST OLIVE STREET City-County P.O.BOX 640, BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0640 Planning Office PHONE: (406)582-2360 FAX: (406)582-2363 April2, 1999 Jack Schunke Morrison-Maierle, Inc. P.O. Box 1113 Bozeman, MT 59771 Re: Baxter Creek Business Park PUD (#Z-9939) and MaSub Preliminary Plat (#P- 9907) Dear Schunke: The applications for a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat and PUD for Baxter Creek Business Park have been received and assigned to Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell. The applications have been reviewed in accordance with the submittal checklist and appear to meet the submittal requirements. However, please understand that during the course of review there may be other items identified or issues which need to be addressed. Should that occur, Planner Arkell will be in contact with you. The proposals will be discussed by the Development Review Committee on two consecutive Tuesdays, April 13" and 20''', at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 411 East Main Street in Bozeman. The City-County Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on the proposals at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4, 1999, in the Commission Meeting Room at City Hall. The recommendation of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Bozeman City Commission for its consideration and final determination at the 3:00 p.m. meeting on Monday, May 17, 1999. You and your client will be sent information prior to each meeting. A copy of the receipt is enclosed. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions regarding the applications or the review process in general. Sincerely, Carol L. Schott Enc: Planning Secretary CLS/cs cc: Steve Olson, 1805 West Dickerson, No. 1, Bozeman, MT 59718 1 Mw City of Bozeman 17539 Receipt Bozeman, Montana `�% � �f�1C � J 1999 Received of � / the sum of 74 -"lUf 1"dAd 4/l Dollars for By a )0— 9907 r BOZEMAN CITY-COURTY PLANNING OEF'ICE CARNEGIE BUILDING - 35 NORTH BOZEMAN WCEIVED BY P. O. BOX 6,10 , BOZEMAN , MONTANA 59715 ( 406 ) 586-3321. , EXT.. 227 (FAX _4587-7785 ) MAR 3 0 1999 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLI CAT IO&TY-COUNIrY PLAWN21�,G ----------------------------------------------------------------- Certain uses , whale generally not suitable in a particula-r Zoning District , may, under certain circumstances , be acceptable . When such circumstances exist , a Conditional Use Permit may be granted subject to certain conditions . The permit- is granted for a particular use and not for a particular per.•son or farm. No Conditional Use Permit shall be granted for a use which is not specifically designated as a conditional. use in the subject district regulations of. the Zone Code . ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . Name and address of property owner: Steve Olson 1805 W. Dickerson, No. 1, Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone : 406-586-1321 2 . Name and address of applicant : Morrison-MaieNe, Inc. 901 Technology Blvd. , Bozeman, MT 59718 _ Phone : 406-587-0721 3 . Name and address of Engineer/Architect/Pl.anner: _ Morri son-Mai erl e,_Inc.. , Bozeman, MT 59718 _ Phone : 406-587-0721 4 . Name of project/development : Baxter Creek Business Park SLbdivision, PUD 5 . Address of proposed development :__ 6 . Legal description :_SE , Section 9, T2S, R5E, Bozeman, .MT 7 . Current Zoning BP Land Area 764,913.60q . ft . 17.56 acres 8 . Describe the proposed development ( use additional sheets if necessary : Baxter Creek _Business Park PUD is an eight lot comrrercial subdivision located adjacent to Billion Auto Plaza on the north side of Huffine Lane. The site was annexed into the_ City of Bozeman along with other properties as part of the Valley West Annexation. The site was designated for commercial uses in the Bozeman Area Master Plan and zoned Business Park (B-P) . Land use regulations governing the proposed subdivision include Bozeman Area Master Plan, Bozeman Zoning Ordinance, including Entryway___Corri_dor._Regu.la.tio.n_s.,_._Ci_ty.._of_._Bozeman Subdivision, Regulations and the proposed Baxter Creek Business Park PUD Development Guidelines. 9 . Review Fee : $660 . 00 ( Minimum .fee after refund: $400-. 00 ) This application mast he accompanied by appropriate fee and 15 c.opi.es of: a completed site plan ( see Submittal requirements ) drawn to scale on paper not larger than 24"x36" . Application deadline varies . Please check with the Planning Office for. date . This application must be signed by both the applicant and property owner ( if different ) before the submittal will be accepted. I ( We ) hereby certify that the above information is true and corr-ect to the best: of my (.our ) knowledge . <S�IG�tC Pro Applicant ' s Signature perty 0 ner' s Signature I l : r- • • File No. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) PRELIMINARY PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Applicant �rEy 0L..`,;oQ Residential PUD Project 0,4XTM CREEK 13U5IVE55 AKJ11 Commercial PUD The following is a checklist of submittal requirements for all Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plans. The applicant must complete this checklist and submit it along with the items stated for the application to be considered complete. Any item checked "NO" or "N/A" (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Upon submittal , staff will review the checklist and determine if the application as submitted is complete. If so, it will be placed on the Development Review Committee (DRC) and Design Review Board (DRB) agendas; then subsequently reviewed by the Planning Board . Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. 1 . DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS The following information shall be presented in an 8 1/2" X 11 " vertically bound document. The document shall be bound so that it will open and lie flat for reviewing and organized in the following order : YES NO N/A A. Application forms ; B. A list of names of all general and limited , partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the Planned Unit Development; / C . Legal description of the site; r/ D. Adjacent property owners ( 1 ) a copy of the list of the names and addresses of record of real property within 400 feet of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the Planned Unit Development is proposed, exclusive of public rights-of-way; ( 2 ) the original list shall be included in the document; / ( 3 ) names and addresses shall be included V on stamped envelopes; 1 �I i YES NO N/A E . A statement of planning objectives , including : ✓ ( 1 ) statement of' applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Area Master Plan ( 2 ) statement of proposed ownership of , public and private open space areas and applicant' s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the Planned Unit Development ( 3 ) estimate of number of employees for business , commercial , and industrial uses (4 ) description of rational behind the ✓ assumptions and choices made by the applicant ( 5 ) the applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design Objectives and Criteria of Section 18 . 54 . 100 , documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use; the applicant shall submit written expla- nation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion ; the Planning Director may require , or the applicant may -choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that , section ; any variance from the criterion shall be described ( 6 ) detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated ( 7 ) statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption , (e . g . - home/business utilities , transportation fuel , waste recycling ) j F . A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the Planned Unit Development, or stages of the same , can be expected to begin and be com- pleted , including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas; / G . Reduced versions of all preliminary plan ✓ and supplemental plan maps and graphic illustrations at 8 1 /2" X 11 " or 11 " X 17" size . 2 A 2 . SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS A site plan of the proposed development drawn at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch equals one hundred ( 100 ) feet , eighty (80) feet, sixty ( 60 ) feet , fifty ( 50 ) feet or forty (40 ) feet and composed of one or more sheets with an outer dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six ( 24 X 36 ) inches , showing the following information : YES NO N/A A. Name of project/development; ✓ B. Location of project/development by street �- address ; ✓ C . Location map , including area within one mile of site ; D. Name and mailing address of developer/owner; ✓ E. Name and mailing address of engineer/ ✓ architect; ✓ F . Date of plan preparation ; G. North point indicator ; ✓ H . Location of municipal and extra-territorial ✓ boundaries within or near the development; I . Listing of specific land uses being proposed ; J . Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet; K. Total - number , type , and density per type of dwelling units ; ✓ L . Total gross residential density and density per residential parcel ; M. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size ( Floor Area Ratio, FAR) , with a breakdown by land use; N . Proposed coverage of buildings and ✓ structures for parcel (s ) and total site , including the following the following : ( 1 ) percentage and square footage of ✓ building coverage ( 2 ) percentage and square footage of driveway and parking ✓ ( 3 ) percentage and square footage of public street right-of-way (4 ) percentage and square footage of open space and/or landscaped area ( 5 ) percentage and square footage of ✓ "active recreational use" area ✓ 0. Number and location of off-street parking , including guest , handicapped , bicycle and motorcycle parking , with typical dimensions of each ; 3 ' • • YES NO N/A P. Topographic contours at two-foot intervals , unless differently permitted by the Planning Director ; Q. Watercourses , water bodies and irrigation ✓ ditches ; R . Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps; S. Unique natural features , significant wild- life areas and vegetative cover , including existing trees and shrubs , having a diameter greater than two and one-half ( 2 1/2 ) inches by species ; T . Tentative location and floor area of existing and proposed buildings; U . Boundary and square footage of each area ✓ designated as active recreational use V . Location and acreage of common open areas and all public and- semi-public land uses, including public parks, recreation areas, school sites , and similar uses; W. Location of existing and proposed pedes- trian circulation system, indicating the proposed treatment of points of conflict; X . Maximum building height of all structures; Y. The existing and proposed circulation ✓ system of arterial , collector and local streets , including off-street parking areas ; service areas ; loading zones ; and major- points of ingress and egress to the develop- ment; notations of proposed ownership, public or private , should be included where appropriate; Z . Existing zoning ; ✓ AA . The proposed treatment of the perimeter of ✓ the Planned Unit Development, including materials and techniques used , such as screening , fences , walls , and other land- scaping ; BB . Prposed signage , with locations and illustrative examples; CC . Adjacent site information Area shown on the site plan shall extend beyond the property lines of the proposal to include a survey of the area and uses within 200 feet of the proposal , exclusive of public right-of-way at the same scale as the proposal and including the following : ( 1 ) land uses and location of principle structures ( 2 ) densities of residential uses 4 .7 YES NO N/A ( 3 ) existing trees and major features of V_ landscape (4 ) topographic contours at two-foot ✓ 7 intervals , unless differently permitted by the Planning Director (5 ) traffic circulation system DD. Supplemental vicintiy map Vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one ( 1 ) mile showing : ( 1 ) zoning districts ✓ ( 2 ) location of municipal boundary lines ( 3 ) traffic circulation system (4) major public facilities including ✓ schools , parks , trails, etc. EE . Attorney ' s or owner' s certification of ownership; FF . Chairperson and Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Board certification of approval of the site plan , including a statement of any variances to the Community Design Objectives and Criteria of Section 18. 54. 100; GG. Owner certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on the site plan; 3 . SUPPLEMENTAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS A . Architectural elevations Preliminary architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements ; B . Landscape treatment A general landscaping plan indicating : ( 1 ) treatment of materials used for private and common open spaces ( 2 ) all existing vegetation with identifi- cation of trees by sizes of species ( 3 ) specific proposals to protect and preserve existing trees during and after construction (4 ) the scale shown on plant materials C . Utility plans The existing and proposed utility systems and proposed utility systems, including : ( 1 ) sanitary sewers ( 2 ) storm sewers (3 ) water (4) electric — ►7 5 YES NO N/A ( 5 ) gas ( 6 ) telephone lines ( 7 ) fire hydrants ( 8 ) trash collection areas ✓ D . Street cross sections if different from ✓ City standards ; street cross sections schematics shall be submitted for each general category of street , including the propsed width , treatment of curbs and gutters, sidewalk systems and bikeway systems where deviations from the design criteria and standards of the City are proposed ; E. Physiographic data, including the following: ( 1 ) a description of soils existing on the site , accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping ( 2 ) a map showing all permanent and temporary streams and sketch showing the 100 year floodplain for each period as designated in the design criteria as established by the City ( 3 ) a description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuations and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping F . Drainage plan Preliminary drainage report and calcula- ✓ tions and/or plan , including : ( 1 ) all watercourses on the property or which are located within 200 feet of the property , must be shown ; in addition , the floodways and/or flood fringe areas of these watercourses must be delineated / ( 2 ) all drainageways , streets , arroyos , dry gullies , diversion ditches , spillways , reservoirs , etc. , which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated ( 3 ) all irrigation ditches, laterals , and structures shall be shown ( 4 ) all required on-site detention areas, including notes indicating the approximate area and volume of the facility ( 5 ) all plans shall indicate the proposed outlet for the storm drainage from the property , including the name of the drainage- way (where appropriate) , the downstream conditions ( developed , available drainage- 6 T ways , etc . ) , and any downstream restrictions YES NO N/A ( 6 ) existing and/or proposed grading plan G. Temporary facilities plan ✓ A plan of the site showing the location of all temporary model homes , sales offices and/ or construction facilities , including temporary signs and parking facilities ; / H.. Preliminary subdivision plat V If the project involves or requires platting , a preliminary subdivision plat, subject to the requirements of the City' s Subdivision Ordinance shall be submitted; / I . Traffic impact analysis At the discretion of the Public Service Director a traffic impact analysis shall be prepared based upon the proposed development, including the provisions of the approved Master Plan , if part of such Master Plan , and upon surrounding land uses; the Public Service Director may require the traffic analysis to include the following: / ( 1 ) land use and trip generation - a table of each type of land use , the number of units or square footage, as appropriate, the trip rates used (daily and peak hour) and resulting trip generation ( 2 ) traffic graphics showing : ✓ (a) AM peak hour site traffic ✓ ( b ) PM peak hour site traffic (c) AM peak hour total traffic ( d ) PM peak hour total traffic (e ) total daily traffic (with site generated traffic shown separately ) ( 3 ) AM and PM capacity analysis ✓ An AM and PM peak hour capacity analysis .for all major drive .accesses that intersect collector or arterial streets and all site arterial-arterial collector-collector and arterial-collector intersections within one mile of the site or as directed by the Director of Public Service; (4) Report format shall be as follows : ( a) trip generation - using Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual ( b) trip distribution ✓ (c ) traffic assignment �— (d ) capacity analysis ( e ) evaluation ✓ ( f ) recommended access plan , including ✓ 7 c • access points , modifications and any mitigation techniques YES NO N/A ( 5 ) Additional Analysis Criteria Appropriate clearance intervals shall be pro- vided for each exclusive movement; pedestrian movements must be provided for each cycle and pedestrian overpasses shall not be at inter- sections ; maximum pedestrian walking speeds shall be four feet per second with a minimum "WALK" time of seven seconds ; intersection pavement widths shall not exceed that required to provide three through lanes in each direc- tion , dual left-turn lanes and right-turn- lanes . Traffic progression will be of paramount importance ; consequently , all potential inter- sections with signals will be placed on quarter mile points unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Service . Intersection Level of Service "C" shall be the design objective and under no conditions will less than Level of Service "D" be accepted for site operations ; arterial intersections and turning operations shall operate at Level of Service "C" ; if Level of Service "E" is the result of the study , then alternatives of providing Level of Service "D" shall be analyzed and included as part of the study; generally , the design year will be approxi- mately 15 years following construction . ( 6 ) Summary analysis explaining : ( a) the proposed access points for ✓ the project , their location and the rationale for their placement in terms of circulation / ( b) future off-site road improvements ✓ for access , which roads they will be , the projected time frame for their completion and who is respons- ible for their completion / (c ) ADT and level of service changes to all streets (d ) how traffic impacts to existing streets will be minimized by the Planned Unit Development ( e ) descri'be bicycle and pedestrian ✓ pathways within the development , if used 8 YES NO N/A J . Additional Studies and Plans The Planning and Zoning Board or City Commission may require additional impact studies or other plans as it is deemed necessary for providing thorough consideration of the proposed Planned Unit Development ; particularly if the development' s compliance with the Community Design Objectives and Criteria is under question ; 4. REPRODUCIBLE COPY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the above document, Site Plan and Supplemental Plan requirements the applicant shall submit the following for review purposes : A. One full size rolled ( not folded ) mylar of all plans and renderings ; B. One 8 1 /2" X 11 " clear film reduction of ✓ all plans and renderings for reproduction and overhead projector use . * Reference to 18. 54. 060 "Preliminary Plan Submittal Requirements" of the Bozeman Interim Zoning Ordinance ( 7/02/90) . Fee : $660 . 00 plus $6 . 00 per residential unit and/or $4 . 00 per 1 , 000 square feet of gross leasable industrial or commercial (includes prof-essional business offices) floor area. Minimum fee after refund: $500 . 00 9 03/30/99 17:30 12406 587 1176 MORRISON MAIERLE BOZEMAN PLANNING IZO01/001 �p,•, n/�ORMSON ENGINEERS 11/1 lv 301EN'f1STS SURVEYORS �&ERL��, T RT � ta� PLANNERS E'uvC, 901 TECHNOLOGY KVD•P.O.BOX 1113•BOZEMM,MT 59771 •406-687-0721 •FAX;406-587-1176 An Rmpk ,,-0wned Company March 30, 1999 Mr. Steve Olson 1805 West Dickerson,No. 1 Bozeman,MT 59715 Re: Baxter Crock PUD and Preliminary Plat and Plan Submittal MM#3130-001.010.0310 Dear Mr. Olson: Review fees charged by the Bozeman City/County Planning Department are as follows: (PPP $660Basic,Fee i ($4/1,000 sf of leaseable non residential floor space=$541.65 Preliminary Plat-$200 Basic Fee $3/lot=$24.00 Total=$1,425.65 Plan and Specifications Submittal- $25.00 Water System 25 Sewer System Total $50-00 Thank you. Sincerely, Morrison-Maierle,Inc. Michael Smith,P.E. Bozeman Office MS:lmn HA3 1 3 010011WPDlsub-fets.wpd Beginning Our Second Half Century • ENGINEERS MORRItN b SCIENTISTS SURVEYORS PLANNERS MERLE IT�TwC. 901 TECHNOLOGY BLVD • P.O.BOX 1113 • BOZEMAN,MT 59771 • 406-587-0721 • FAX:46-587-17 6 An Employee-Owned Company March-30, 1999 Mr. Andy Epple Bozeman City/County Planning P.O. Box 649- Bozeman,.MT 59771 Re: Baxter Creek Busine ss Park'PUD'and.Preliminary Plat MM#3031.001.010.0310 Dear Andy: We are enclosing for your review: 1.. The Preliminary Plat Application JrTl!ConditiorialTUse-Permit Application 3 17The_PUD'Preliminary_Plari Submijftifk quirerrien 4:A Certification of Adjoining Property Owners L� 5. Three sets of address labels 6. A Preliminary Subdivision Certificate of Title 7:A check in the amount of$1,425.65 8. Six copies of the Engineer's Design Report 9. Six copies-of the Wetlands Report 10. 2„ :opies-ofthe PUD and Preliminary Plat Application If you have any questions or comments,please give me a call. Sincerely, r Morrison-Maierle, Inc. i i R. Schunke, P.E. I Bozeman Office Manager Enclosures H:\3130\001\W PD\transmits.wpd Beginning Our Second Half Century