HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300222644070531) i {P i I I f Z-06260 The Ridge Final PUD 4181 Fallon Street Ridge, LLC April 2007 Montana Department of ENVIRONMENTALQUAIATY Brian Schweitzer,Governor P.O. Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901 (406) 444-2544 www.deq.mt.gov k April 25, 200Z, 'i The Ridge;�LLC Steve Roderick 151 McGee Drive,B Bozeman, MT`f 597?5 _�`• !J RE: ,Confirmation Letter for Receipt of Notice of Intent(NOI)Number MTR102533 for the Ridge Athletic Club.Subdivision"Project in Gallatin County(ies) Dear Permittee:`; :S This serves as confirmation that the Department received a complete Notice of Intent(NOI)Package on March 26, 2007,,which listed you as an operator on the NOI Form for the storm water discharge associated with construction activity. A complete NOI package includes an NOI Form, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and the appropriate fees(application and first year annual). Operators with a storm water discharge associated with construction activity are permitted under the 2002-2006 "General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity" (General Permit)upon receipt by the Department of this complete NOI Package. Additionally, receipt by the Department of the complete NOI Package constitutes a full agreement by operators to meet and comply with all requirements stated in the General Permit. Please be sure to become familiar with the requirements stated in the attached General Permit. In particular, be sure to implement your SWPPP/ECP, develop and maintain Best Management Practices, perform required inspections, submit subsequent annual fees if necessary, and submit the required Notice of Termination (NOT)when the site achieves final stabilization. Failure to submit a completed NOT Form will result in assessment of annual permit fees, which must be paid by operators. A violation of, or non-compliance with, any provision of the General Permit is subject to enforcement action pursuant to the Montana Water Quality Act. General Permit coverage obtained through the submittal of this NOI does not waive obligations to obtain other permits or approvals that may be required. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the Storm Water Program at(406)444-3080. Sin cerel 4, R �- ai M. Faber Water Quality Specialist Water Quality Discharge Permit Section Water Protection Bureau Attachments: General Permit Enforcement Division Permitting&Compliance Division Planning,Prevention&Assistance Division Remediation Division h W MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMETAL QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORM WATJER DISCJIARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Permit No.: MTR100000 AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE MONTANA POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with Montana Water Quality Act, Title 75, Chapter 5, Montana Code Annotated (MCA) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act(the"Clean Water Act"), 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.,persons who submit a complete Notice of Intent(NOI)package as defined in Part 1, except those excluded from coverage in Part I of this permit, are authorized to discharge storm water from a construction facility or activity in accordance with the limitations,monitoring requirements, and other provisions set forth herein. A copy of this General Permit must be kept on site at all times. I This Permit shall become effective: April 16,2007. This Permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, December 31,2011. FOR THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Bonnie Lovelace, Chief Water Protection Bureau Permitting and Compliance Division Issuance,date: WaVJ&,2 6-> k D . s_ �RTi sx A APR 3 }, , ,. .. DEPARTMENT OF Bf.- AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT E RIDGE Athletic Club ` 1 1 : X � - = '• 1 77 c�- 1� 77 Ub ent IL y i t The Ridge Athletic Club Final PUD Application 4.30.07 CONTENTS City of Bozeman Final PUD Application:. .............I Narrative Responses.to Conditions of Approval.... ............ ............ ..7. EXHIBITS Exhibit A- Cash in Lieu of Water Rights Estimates ExhibitB- Traffic Study Exhibit C- Signed Stormwater Master Plan & Letter to DEQ Exhibit D-Signed Waiver of Right to Protest Exhibit E- Development Guidelines Exhibit F- Covenants Exhibit G=Textured Paving Detail Exhibit H- Signed Conditions of Approval of a Conditional Use Permit Exhibit l Lighting Cut Sheets Exhibit J- Open Space Maintenance Plan Exhibit K- Memorandum of Understanding- Noxious Weed Plan Exhibit L- Construction Routing Map Exhibit M- Improvements Agreement Cost Estimate i - i ICITY OF BOZENAN i * CUSTOMER RECEIPT *+�* Oper: PROFCASH Type: EP Drawer: i Date: 4/27/07 01 Receipt no: 135830 Description Quantity Amoun_t;s ZE DPCD: PUD-FINAL PLAN 1.00 $500.00' RIDGE, LLC _ Tender detail � CK CHECK 1109 $500.00 Total tendered $500.00 Total payment $500.00 Trans date: 4/30/07 Time: 16.51:02 THANK YOU! CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 plonrdng@bozemon.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozemon.net FINAL SITE PLAN APPLICATION 1.Name of Project/Development: The Ridge Planned Unit Development 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Steve@ridgeathletic.corn Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness,4181 Fallon Street,Bozeman,MT 59718 and Bozeman Deaconess Health Services,915 Highland Boulevard,Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone: 586-1737 FAX: 586-1795 3.Applicant Information: Name: Ridge LLC E-mail Address:steve@ridgeathletic.com Mailing Address: 151 McGee Drive,Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone: 570-3636 FAX: 586-1795 • 4. Legal Description: Lot 1,Minor Sub No.295 Spring Creek Village Resort and Lot 2-D,Minor Sub No.365A 5. Street Address: 4181 Fallon Street 6. Project Type: ❑ Site Plan ❑ Site Plan/COA ❑ CUP ❑ CUP/COA ✓❑PUD ❑ Other: 7. Project Description: Final PUD Plan for the Ridge Athletic Club. Phased plan for 7 new buildings and associated open spaces. 8. For condominiums: Is a digital copy of the layout attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 9.A written narrative addressing how all of the conditions of approval ✓❑ Yes ❑ No and code provisions have been addressed is attached? Certification of Completion and Compliance —I understand the conditions of approval and the submitted final site plan or master site plan have complied with any conditions of approval or corrections to comply with code provisions. Statement of Intent to Construct According to the Final Site Plan — I acknowledge that construction not in compliance with the approved final site plan may result in delays of occupancy or costs to correct noncompliance. Applicant's Signature:_,,�4,L4� Steve Roderick Date: L,) — b$-6 r Applicant's Signature: Date: Property Owner's Signature: Steve Roderick Date: - Property Owner's Signatur John Nordwick Date: (Final Site Plan Application—Prepared 12/10/03;revised 01/05/05;revised 01/19/07) General Information,continued Yes No N/A • 13. The information required by Section, BMC (Streets, Roads and Alleys), unless ✓❑ ❑ ❑ such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process, or the provision of such information was waived in writing by the Ciry during subdivision review of the land to be developed,or the provision of such information is waived in writing by the Cite prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application 14. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the Q ❑ ❑ suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping 15. Building design information(on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s)or structure(s) Q ❑ ❑ b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot Q ❑ ❑ outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area i C. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 1G. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices ❑✓ ❑ ❑ and/or construction facilities,including temporary signs and parking facilities 17. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan Q ❑ ❑ complying with Section 18.78.050.H, BMC (Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan) 18. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 18.72, BMC Q ❑ ❑ (Supplementary Documents) C. Site Plan Information. The location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside the site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: • Site Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Director 2. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet,except for sites adjacent to ✓❑ ❑ ❑ major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet 3. On-site streets and rights-of-way Q ❑ ❑ 4. ingress and egress points 0 ❑ ❑ 5. Traffic flow on-site 0 ❑ ❑ G. Traffic flow off-site Q ❑ ❑ 7. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: a. Lslcctric Q ❑ ❑ b. Natural gas Q ❑ ❑ C. Telephone,cable television and similar utilities Q ❑ ❑ d. Water Q ❑ ❑ C. Sewer(sanitary,treated cfflucnt and storm) Q ❑ ❑ 8. Surface water,including: a. Holding ponds,streams and irrilattion ditches ❑ ❑ Q b. Watercourses,water bodies and wetlands ❑ ❑ Q C. Floodplains as designated on the federal Insurance Rate flap or that may otherwise be ❑ ❑ Q identified as lying within a 100-scar floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis • Cl. A floc dplein analysis report in compliance with Chapter 18.58, l3,MC (Bozeman Q Q ❑ floodplain Regulations) if not prcviuusly pruyided with subdivision review Page 4 Site Plan Information,continued Yes No N/A 9. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water ❑ 0 ❑ quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance • with any adopted storm drainage ordinance or best management practices manual adopted by the City 10. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, ctc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway(where appropriate) ❑ ❑� ❑ b. The downstream conditions(developed,available drainageways,ctc.) ❑ ❑� ❑ C. Any downstream restrictions ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 11. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant ❑ ❑ Q topographic features 12. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details ❑ ❑ ✓❑ and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict 13. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, ❑ ❑ ❑ parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant's certification of ADA compliance 14. Fences and walls,including typical details Q ❑ Q 15. Exterior signs. Note—The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review ❑ ❑ Q for compliance with Chapter 18.52, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to erection of any and all signs. 16. Exterior refuse collection areas,including typical details ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. A site plan,complete with all structures,parking spaces,building entrances,traffic areas (both ✓❑ ❑ ❑ vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, • containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in Section 18.78.060.R,BMC(Lighting Plan),if not previously provided 18. Curb,asphalt section and drive approach construction details ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 19. Landscaping-detailed plan showing plantings,equipment,and other appropriate information ✓❑ ❑ ❑ as required in Section 18.78.100, BMC (Submittal Requirements for Landscaping Plans). if required,complete section C below 20. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees ❑ ❑ ✓❑ and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches,by species 21. Snow storage areas 0 ❑ ❑ 22. Location of City limit boundaries,and boundaries of Gallatin County's 13oreman Area Zoning ❑ ❑ Q Jurisdiction,within or near the development 23. Existing•zoning within 200 feet of the site Q ❑ ❑ 24. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic ❑ ❑ Q structures or districts,and archcological or cultural sites 25. Major public facilities,including schools,parks,trails,etc. ❑ ❑ 0 D. Landscape Plans. If a landscape plan is required, the following information shall he provided on the landscape plan: Landscape Plan Information Yes No N/A I. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the Q ❑ ❑ property owner and the person preparing the plan 2. Location of cxisring boundary lines and dimensions of the lot Q ❑ ❑ • Page 5 iLandscape Plan Information,continued Yes No N/A 3. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the Q ❑ ❑ location of any 100-pear floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility casements, utility lines,driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot 4. Project name,street address,and lot and block description ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 5. IA)Cation,height and material of proposed screening and fencing(with berms to be delineated ❑ ❑ ❑ by one foot contours) 6. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer ❑ ❑ ❑ strips 7. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, Q ❑ ❑ including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing.The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated 8. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking � ❑ ❑ and loading areas, including information as to the amount(in square feet)of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from ❑ ❑ ❑✓ damage during construction 10. Size,height,location and material of proposed seating,lighting,planters,sculptures,and water ❑ ❑ ❑ features 11. A description of proposed watering methods ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Location of street vision triangles on the lot(if applicable) 0 ❑ ❑ 13. Tabulation of points earned by the plan — see Section 18.48.060, BMC (Landscape ❑ ❑ ❑ Performance Standards) 14. Designated snow removal storage areas ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Location of pavement,curbs,sidewalks and gutters ✓❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for ❑ ❑ ❑ drainage control 17. Existing and proposed grade Q ❑ ❑ 18. Sire of plantings at the time of installation and at maturity Q ❑ ❑ 19. Areas to be irrigated Q ❑ ❑ 20. Planting plan for watercourse buffers, per Section 18.42.100, BiMC Mlatercoursc Setbacks),if ❑ ❑ Q not previously provided through subdivision review 21. Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions if not ❑ ❑ ❑ otherwise provided by the application. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building walls • Page 6 C. Q Planned Unit Development— Final Plan. The following information and data shall be submitted: PUD Final Plan Information Yes No N/A I. A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of. ✓❑ ❑ ❑ the corporation Involved as either applicants or owners of the planned unit development 2. A final plan site plan shall be submitted on a 24- by 36-inch sheet(s) at the same scale as the approved preliminary plan. if a different scale is requested or required,a cope of the approved preliminary plan shall be submitted that has been enlarged or reduced to equal the scale of the final plan. However, only the scales permitted for the preliminary plans shall be permitted for final plans. The final plan site plan shall show the following information: a. Land use data(same information as required on the preliminary site plan) 0 ❑ ❑ b. Lot lines,easements,public rights-of-way as per subdivision plat ✓a ❑ ❑ C. Attorney's or owner's certification of ownership El ❑ ❑ d. Planning Director certification of approval of the site plan and its ❑ ❑ ❑ conformance with the preliminary plan e. Owner's certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth ❑✓ ❑ ❑ on the site plan 3. A final landscape plan consistent with the conditions and restrictions of the ✓❑ ❑ ❑ approved preliminary plan shall be submitted. It shall also be consistent with the Chapter 18.48 (Landscaping), BMC, except that any stated conditions and restrictions of the preliminary plan approval shall supersede the provisions of Chapter 18.48(Landscaping),BMC 4. An official final subdivision plat of the site must accompany the final planned unit ❑ ❑✓ ❑ development plan when applicable. City approval of the final subdivision plat shall be required before issuance of building permits 5. Prior to submission of the final plan to the DRC and ADR staff, engineering plans ❑✓ ❑ ❑ and specifications for sewer, water, street improvements and other public improvements,and an executed improvements agreement in proper form providing for the installation of such improvements,must be submitted to and approved by the City 6. A plan for the maintenance of open space, meeting the requirements of Section 0 ❑ ❑ 18.72.040(Common Area and Facility iaintenance Plan and Guarantee),BMC,shall be submitted with an application for final plan approval. Open space shown on the approved final plan shall not be used for the construction of any structures not shown on the final plan • Page 5 Narrative Response to Conditions of Approval 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of The Ridge Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat #P-06063. The Planned Unit Development will comply with all of the conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat. The .Engineer is in the process of finalizing the final plat. The property owner plans to submit the final plat application within 2 weeks of the submittal of the Final PUD Plan. Two conditions of approval from the subdivision preliminary plat application required review prior to Final PUD approval. The items associated with those conditions are as follows: . Cash in lieu of water rights (Condition #3) assessmen, totaling $2,549.75. . Traffic impact study (Condition #7) . Signed Stormwater Master Plan • . Waiver of Right to Protest 2. The footprint of the car wash shall not .exceed that proposed. A maximum of 2 bays will be permitted. To aid in screening, additional landscaping features will be required along the Fallon Street.frontage of the car wash. Further restrictions as to hours of operation; lighting, noise, etc. will be considered through the Sketch Plan review j application for this lot. i A car wash was originally requested on Lot 7. The site plan now depicts an office instead of a carwash. The car wash was proposed at 2,100 square feet. The plan now depicts a site plan arrangement with a 5,500 square foot mixed use office and commercial building with 3 additional parking to meet the minimum requirements. The City Commission has approved the relaxation to allow the car wash use. In the event the area is not viable for office use then the owner would like to option to build the originally proposed car wash. In the event a car wash does become a desirable amenity for the Ridge then the owner will supply a compliant sketch plan application for the City's review. Page 6 of the Development Guidelines outlines • 1 provisions and restrictions associated with a car wash if requested. in the future. 3. Lot coverage calculations for lot 7 shall be included with the Final PUD submittal. The owner has decided not utilize the relaxation for lot coverage as requested. In the event Lot 7 is developed with a car wash then the building and paved surfaces will have to meet the 60% maximum lot coverage as defined in the UDO. Page 8 from the Development Guidelines outlines the maximum lot coverage for each lot. Max. Lot Lot Lot Area Coverage @ Max. Building Open # SF 60% SF Area Gross SF Space* 1 1 1 1,645 66,987 59,000 19,850 2 16,901 10,141 8,000 1,295 3 9,015 5,409 5,900 0 4 11,841 7,105 10,000 3,522 5 11,958 7,175 10,000 3,556 6 14,967 8,980 12,000 2,994 • 7 9,221 5,533 2,100 1,560 8 11,127 6,676 12,000 0 4. The required 150 square feet of open space must be provided if residential units are proposed. Any proposed residences must be clearly depicted on the Final PUD submittal. No residential units are currently proposed within the Ridge campus. The Development Guidelines allow the flexibility to provide apartments on the second or subsequent floors of Lots 5 and 6. Page 22 of the Development Guidelines addresses the future parkland and on-site open space requirements should a lot owner propose residential dwelling units. 2 /j • 5. Bicycle racks shall be located nearest as possible to the principal entrance of each building. The location of bike racks shall be clearly depicted on the Final PUD submittal materials. i ZONED B-P - 04HA ORA i in i i i RHI-H-40 P 0 \\ I J .n I I I I I I I I I n 1 j Q � I I I I UNINI I I I I j U � t 1 - - - I- - - All I • 3 j 6. All subsequent development on the site shall require, at a minimum, Sketch Plan review. Any substantial changes, as determined by the • Planning Department, from the approved Final PUD may require additional site plan review and/or PUD modifications. The Final PUD application includes the sketch plan for the coffee shop on Lot 3. Any modifications to the Ridge and development plans for Lots 2 and 4-8 will be submitted separately for sketch plan review. Page 4 of the Development Guidelines outlines requirements for future building development and review process. 7. The Declaration of Covenants and Design Guidelines must be included and recorded with the Final PUD. The document must include language that the City of Bozeman shall be party to any changes or modifications made to the restrictive covenants and Architectural Guidelines as they relate to any code provisions or conditions of approval. Prior to recording the document, a draft copy shall be submitted with the Final PUD application for approval by the Planning Office. The Covenants (page 22) and the Development Guidelines (page 4) both incorporate language requiring City of Bozeman approval to modify or change the recorded- documents. A draft copy of the • Covenants. and Development Guidelines has been submitted for review. A final draft of the documents will be recorded prior to Final PUD approval 8. Through sketch plan review for future building phases, Planning Staff will reevaluate the on-site parking situation. If Staff determines that that is a parking problem, the applicants shall enter into a shared parking agreement with an adjoining property and/or implement another parking solution subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. All parking will be held in common by the property owners association. A total of 478 standard parking spaces and 21 accessible spaces are depicted on the site plan. The City Commission granted a relaxation to the minimum parking requirement which would allow a 10 parking space reduction. Based on the projected parking needs the current plan meets the minimum parking. However, some uses may require more or less parking than what has been identified for each building on the site plan dependent on the actual use. The owner acknowledges that the City will monitor the parking needs with each • 4 sketch plan and or further development/reuse application. Should • additional parking be required in excess of the 478 stalls then the lot owner will be responsible for meeting the additional parking requirements. PARKTNG CALCULATIONS 1. RIDOE ATHLETIC CLUB 59.000 SF X S5%@u 1 PER 200 SF- 251 SPACES 2_ BOZEMAN DEACONESS HOSPITAL 5,000 SF X 85%@ 1 PFR 250 SF- 67 SPAC'ES 3. COFFEE S140P 1.200 SF INDOOR PUBLIC S1ERVLV'C ARFA G'I PER,50 SF- 24 SPAUS 2,000 SF PAM AREA&1 PER.100 SF- 20 SPACES TOTAL- 44 SPACES 4_CO2 NTFK.CIA(.AND OFFFICI 13CJ`T.T.)ING 3.000 SF XSS%(j] PER 2SUSf'= liSPACES 5,000 Si;X 85%�i 1 PER 300 S1'= 14 SPACES hMft11F- 31 SPAC,h`,$' 5. OFFIC.E BUIL.DLNG 10,000 Sr X 95%(T I PFR 250 Sr- 34 SPACES 6. OFFICE-BUILDING 12,000 SF X R59S Q't I PF..R 250 SF- 41 SPAUS 7.OFFICE.BUILDINCe 2,100 SF X 85%U 1 PER 250 SF- 7 SPACES A. OFFICE BUTLDNG, 12,000 SF X 85%(Q 1 PER 250 SF= 41 SPACFS TOTAL E2 F;Q(A R ED 476 SPACES AND 9 ACCESSIBLE SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED 476 SPACES AND'21 ACCESSIBLE SPACES 9. The sign plan must allocate a specific amount of square footage, based on the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance for each tenant space or building and clarify that no internally illuminated signs will be permitted. Location, square footage, and material of the subdivision identification sign shall be included with the Final PUD submittal. All lots within the PUD are permitted up to 250 square feet of signage. Only wall signage is proposed and the actual amount will be • dependent on the length of the building and the frontage of each 5 building. In general, each building will be permitted up to 1 .5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. Lots 1 (The Ridge), 5 and 6 qualify for the 35% additional wall sign area since they have more than one street frontage. Each tenant will be allowed a proportionate amount of sign area based on floor area inhabited by each tenant. The sign plan is described fully on pages 15-17 of the Development Guidelines No signs will be internally illuminated (page 16 of DG). Signs can be,, illuminated from an external source'from behind, above or below. No subdivision identification sign is proposed at this time. In the event the owner decides to install a subdivision identification sign then an amended sign plan will be submitted to the City Planning Office. 10.The comprehensive signage plan shall include the following: (a) Any proposals for shared complex signs must be included in the sign plan. (b) The sign plan must clearly indicate that city sign permits (including both permanent and temporary sign permits) are required prior to sign installation. (c) The address signage section shall specify that building addresses shall be a minimum of six inches in size and shall be displayed on a consistent location. (d) The sign plan shall state that the tenant is responsible for sign removal upon vacating the unit. (e) The location of the subdivision identification sign must be identified. See pages 15-17 of the Development Guidelines, No subdivision identification or complex signs are proposed at this time. Language requiring sign permits (page 16), addressing (page 17) and sign removal (page 16) has been included in the comprehensive sign plan. 11.The Final Landscape Plan shall include the following: (a) Benches, picnic tables, and/or other types of pedestrian features into each of the designated open space areas. (b) The number of and location of boulders shall be included. Boulders must be a minimum of 3' in diameter. The landscape plan, final site plan and the Development Guidelines identify the type and location of the benches (page 21) and bollard lights. (page 24). The landscape plan does identify the size and • 6 location of each boulder used to meet the minimum performance • standards. I \ 9. ACTIVE R-ECREATIONAL USES BENCH •oul3ers I 10. PLAZA 2 BENCHES — BOLLARD LIGHT S I 'TREE GRATE O BIKE RACK — SEE S-0A SITE DETAILS 10 ' t Q \ I I , ouA'ecs ' Tuff 12.All mechanical equipment shall be screened in accordance with UDO Section 18.38.050. This shall include, but not limited too, air • conditioners and electric panels. All mechanical equipment and screening shall be depicted on the landscaping and site plan for Final Site Plan submittal. All mechanical equipment including wall mounted, roof mounted and ground mounted shall be screened from view. The existing Ridge development was conditioned to provide the current style of screening (i.e., vegetation around ground mounted and louvered parapet around roof mounted). Alternative methods will be utilized for new buildings within the campus. The screening options have been identified in the Development Guidelines. Page 11 of the Development Guidelines discusses the methods of mechanical equipment screening. I I • 7 i C%IERIUN YA1I,FIAE ll:tl:VD ' Q/Q1 xer,s/e•c .nn.cru!mnr.'Mu.IIaE wA, 11 W I°A 116 s1EC o-a�a•�VMM V-M"v STAY K"t s7 M I-I/r M 17•M.FOUL 00SV Q0s n1\LM1Q N061:s6V abM ll%aw.°A Q° cr-u S?i T FS /^� //''�� ^^ 1/^�.l /^� /1^1�1 CA)Ellln=iYfV-.U MIMM MOM AIMIE W E0.9-tl TE ©EsmEu snn stRIcIM,M, fI,I emaao YOOf mml,wre Ly]•Ui4MEE a + Q r cuwm, W0411C.Y.WAC EaJA04 � NORTH ELCVAT[ON 13.The Final PUD Plan shall depict benches, picnic tables, and/or other types of pedestrian furniture in each of the designated plaza areas between buildings. I Two benches have been depicted in each plaza. The detail is included in the Development Guidelines page 21 . BUILDING/I'' TREE GRATE IN SIDEWALK l PLACONCRETESIDEWALK BIKE RACK J CONCRETE I . BENCHES V• 14.The final PUD Plan shall depict the areas in the northeast and southwest corners as site amenities. Appropriate pedestrian furniture shall be depicted in said areas. Similar to the interior plazas the corner plazas will contain two benches. The detail is included in the Development Guidelines. Additional 8 landscaping will be provided in the corner plazas to buffer the areas • from the adjacent streets. 15.The Final PUD Plan shall depict an appropriate landscape buffer around the proposed meditation park, to appropriately separate pedestrian and automobile access. Additional landscaping has been proposed around the perimeter of the park feature in order to provide visual separation. ,. . � - - Turf it r I - • h • •--------------- ------------- -NOW SSTOf.A(� " 13� �J Cl' ro 16.The Final PUD Plan shall depict decorative or textured paving to identify pedestrian crossing points in drive aisles and parking areas. Textured paving will be installed at the major points of pedestrian crossing'within the parking lot from the building areas to the park and open space areas. The detail has been provided as Exhibit G. • 9 i I - - UHU 4 9 H � ; 1 1f I I • ZONED B-P 17.Regarding the Development Guidelines: (a) The role and structure of the "Architectural Review Committee" must be clearly identified in the beginning of the Development Guidelines along with the statement that: "All subsequent development review applications must receive approval from the Committee prior to submitting the application to the City." page 4 (b) A revised site plan that correlates with the Final PUD Plan materials shall substitute the plan on page 3. page 5 (c) On page 4, the building entrances oriented toward the plaza areas shall also be noted as secondary entrances. page 7 (d) Under "Bollard Lights" on page 6, it should state that lights will be "installed by the developer within the plaza areas and at pedestrian crossing intersections to provide security after hours. • page 24 (e) On page 8, the street section shall be replaced with a legible image. page 9 (f) Under "Human Scale" on page 8, it should state that "Buildings shall have mass and scale that is visually appealing to pedestrians at street level." page 9 (g) Under "Pedestrian Entrance" on page 8, it should state that "Secondary entry from the street and plazas is also recommended as a means to address human scale from the streetscape. page 9 (h) Under "Mechanical Equipment" on page 10, additional language that specifically states that "all mechanical, electrical, HVAC, utility services, and landscape irrigation systems (i.e., irrigation wells, pumps, etc.) will be properly screened with an architectural or landscape opaque screening device" shall be added. Language shall require all mechanical equipment to be accurately depicted on all site plan submittals. page 11 (i) Under "Materials & Color" on page 10, it should state that bonderized metal material is preferred. page 11 ®) Under "Windows & Doors" on page 12, it should state that large expanse of reflective windows shall be avoided. page 12 • 10 (k) Under "Style & Placement" on page 13, it should be added that • "additional covers may be required to appropriately direct light downward." page 14 (1) On page 20, it should clarify that no internally illuminated signs will be permitted. page 16 All of the comments above have been incorporated into the Development Guidelines as conditioned. 18.All future buildings and phases shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) prior to Final Site Plan/Sketch Plan approval. Lots 3 and 8 were reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The Final PUD Plan includes the floor plans and elevations for Lot 3. The building on Lot 8 is not yet under contract so the final plans have not been completed. The owner accepts and acknowledges that each future building exclusive of Lot 3 and 8 will require additional review by the Design Review Board. Language to this effect has been included in the Development Guidelines page 4 and page 11 of the Covenants. a. Section states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. The owner accepts and understands the conditions of approval, The Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit has been signed by the landowner and notarized and recorded as evidenced in Exhibit H. • 11 • b. Section 18.36.060 requires that within one (1) year following the approval of a preliminary plan, the applicant shall file with the Planning Department a final plan. The applicant must undertake and complete the development of an approved final plan within two years from the time of final plan approval. For the purposes of this section, a development is substantially complete once all engineering improvements (water, sewer, streets, curbs, gutter, street lights, fire hydrants and storm drainage) are installed and completed in accordance with City rules and regulations. Extensions may be granted as stated in the UDO. The timing of all extensions of final plan approval shall be coordinated with the approval period established for any. subdivision plat approval that is part of the PUD so that any • expiration dates are consistent. The Final PUD Plan must be submitted and approved prior to additional site work. The PUD received approval from the City Commission on January 8, 2007. The final plan has been submitted well within the 1 year period. c. Section 18.38.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment should be incorporated into the roof form and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. The Development Guidelines require all mechanical equipment to be screened from view, See page 11 . d. Sections 18.42.150 requires a lighting plan for all on-site lighting including wall-mounted lights on the building must be included in the final site plan submittal. Lighting cut-sheets shall be provided with the Final PUD Plan. • 12 The attached cut sheets in Exhibit I illustrate the lights to be installed • within the campus parking lot, along the street and the preferred wall mounted style. The street lights depicted will be installed with the subdivision improvements. All lights located adjacent to the street, within the parking lot and within the open space will be maintained by the property owners association. The photometric plan has also been included with the site plan for review. e. Section 18.42.170 requires the trash receptacles to be appropriately sized and located for the specific as approved by the City Sanitation Department. Accommodations for recyclables must also be considered. All receptacles shall be located inside of an approved trash enclosure. A copy of.the site plan, indicating the location of the trash enclosures, dimensions of the receptacles and enclosures and details of the materials used, shall be sent to and approved by the City Sanitation Division (phone: 586-3258) prior to final site plan approval. The trash receptacle size and location was reviewed and approved by the City Sanitation Division. The Sanitation Foreman indicated that email correspondence was already forwarded to the Planning Department. The trash enclosures have been shifted slightly to allow • for better sanitation vehicle access. 13 j U111111IIIIIJ U11111ulillu I i j ; 111111111 I ui-n i I I i i 4 I' � I • :-DJ UIIIIIIIIII UM III iLL rnli 0;I j ; 0G00 0:001 - I 000'0 i H+1 4 -0 0-H+11+1+ I ZONED B-P I �o 2OWN ot W1 UNHA 1 I DTFM]Tff � I �G .I A ate f. Section 18.46.020 requires compact parking stalls. to be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation "Compacts Only." No compact parking stalls are proposed within the Ridge PUD. g. Section states that disabled accessible spaces shall be located as near as practical to a primary entrance. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions. Raised signs shall be located at a distance no greater than five feet from the front of each accessible space and shall state "Permit Required $100 Fine." At least one (1) of the disabled accessible spaces shall also be signed "Van Accessible" and must be eight (8) feet wide with an eight (8) foot wide striped unloading aisle/ramp. There are 21 accessible spaces planned within the Ridge campus. There are two accessible spaces in front of Lots 2-6 and 8, one space adjacent to Lot 7 and eight spaces on the west side of the Ridge. A majority of the spaces are located in front of the Ridge to provide better access for physical therapy patients. Van accessible spaces • 14 I have been depicted in front of the Ridge, building 2 and building 8. • The sign detail is depicted on the Sign & Striping Plan from C&H, h. Section 18.46.040.E states that all developments shall provide adequate bicycle parking facilities to accommodate employees and customers. The location and details for the bike rack shall be provided in the final*site plan. Bike racks will be installed within the plazas to make them centrally located between all of the buildings. The site plan identifies the actual placement, _r G, 1 I I ' I : . I II • � � as -_.._._.. I T-R;ZBCN RACK, 11 BICYCLES 7, 2-3/8" STEEL PIP--E. P�?AT UTACK �-INGRCUNC ANCHOR *20 MOUNT i. Section 18.48.050.C.2.a.(2) requires all parking lots located between a principal structure and a public street to be screened from the public street. A majority of the parking lot is screened by buildings with exception of the northwest corner and the south end. of the campus. Additional landscaping will be installed within these areas to screen the parking from view. 15 i r F •RETENTION POND 2 ��- 8• U'USE POND AS SHOWN X 1.5' DEEP 2,726 SO. FT. m MID DEPTH SIDE SLOPES 4:1 SOT ELEv= 4802.8_2 a14.967 LOT s6Ft 4 POND i W 9 8"SS 'r - 'i 0.54 Acres OHN X 1.5'OEEP INS e-?K `��9�,C"'E w STORAG_— E'°`"' A MID DEPTH J FFE=4807.09 / -.Z 9 i^ = 4802.82 8 CUT'-,L I S ZONED p e si fj / - - - - - �� 1 I I r.r \ _ •EN: a � HLIG \ vALvE 3relun� \\ — 359 � S-^me-ot- I I I 16 4 f • >. __ i � . i I i f f i I ;i • f I } �: • r I .� ... .,..r" 0 0 BO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Vti 9� 20 E. OLIVE - P.O. BOX 1230 * BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771.1230 • =_ = $e 9Cr pp � ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 88 �0�� PHONE: (406) 582.2280 - FAX: (406) 582-2263 . Date: March 15, 2007 CASH IN LIEU OF WATER RIGHTS For a Commercial Property Project Name: The Ridge Subdivision Applicant Name: Steve Roderick, Ridge LLC Applicant Address: 151 McGee Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 Area: 1.35 acres Zoning: B-P • Water diversion requirements based on zoning (some rounding in the following figures is indicated,but not used in the calculation of the final dollar amount) 58,806 sq. ft. X 22.57 gal/sq.ft. = 1,327,251 gallons per year use 4.073 acre-feet per year Cash-in-lieu amount 4.073 ac-ft X $30.55 per ac-ft X 11.7668 = TOTAL CASH-IN-LIEU AMOUNT: $1,464.14 NOTE: The value calculated for the cash-in-lieu amount is equal to the City's expenses for an equivalent amount of water, on an annual basis, drawn from Hyalite Reservoir. This expense is calculated on the City's annual payments to the Middle Creek Water Users' Association of$30.55 per acre-foot, at present-worth, based on the 40-year rehabilitation loan @ 8.125%. • HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK 0 • �oF 1302�' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 20 E. OLIVE - P.O. BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 5977 1-1 230 7�t9 88 a�� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AO !ti0 PHONE: (406) 582-2280 - FAX: (406) 582-2263 L Date: March 15, 2007 CASH IN LIEU OF WATER RIGHTS For a Residential Property Project Name: The Ridge Subdivision - Lots 5&6 Applicant Name: Steve Roderick, Ridge LLC Applicant Address: 151 McGee Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 Area: 0.614 acres Zoning: R-O Water diversion requirements based on zoning • (some rounding in the following figures is indicated,but not used in the calculation of the final dollar amount) 0.614 acres X 13 units per acre = 7.98 dwelling units 7.98 units X 2.5 per/unit = 19.95 persons 19.95 persons X 135 gpcd X 365 day/year = 983,036 gallons per year 3.02 acre feet per year Cash-in-lieu amount 3.02 ac-ft X $30.55/ac-ft X 11.7668 = TOTAL CASH-IN-LIEU AMOUNT: $1,085.61 NOTE: The value calculated for the cash-in-lieu amount is equal to the City's expenses for an equivalent amount of water, on an annual basis, drawn from Hyalite Reservoir. This expense is calculated on the City's annual payments to the Middle Creek Water Users' Association of$30.55 per acre-foot, at present-worth, based on the 40-year rehabilitation loan @ 8.125%. • HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK l � � , � � � F r r i i I ,� I � � �� i � i I � i . , ., � . r �� i S Iv v Traffic Impact Study F,or The Ridge Athletic Club Planned Unit Development Prepared 1,61,: Glallatin Valley Health/Fitness Group, Lt,(.' 4181 Fallon Avenue Bozeman, Nj'r .59718 1-.:bn.mr\. 07 110/. 07005 705 Oslo new Dti%tl, )tjih, 1: Phone 406.522.98/6 Fax 406.922.2768 tJ Traffic Impact Study 0 For Q The Ridge Athletic 0 Club Planned Unit Development Prepared for: IGallatin Valley Health/Fitness Group, LLC 4181 Fallon Avenue Bozeman, MT 597.18 f j February 2007 ()NTA�� BOZ 07005 TH A5 E. ® fVo.14763 PE • S/CENSI� ONAL Table of Contents • Page INTRODUCTION 1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1 Figure 1: Site Location 2 Figure 2: Proposed Site Layout 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 Street Characteristics & Volumes 4 Intersection Characteristics & Volumes 5 Figure 3: Existing Traffic Volumes 7 Traffic Operations 8 TRIP GENERATION 9 Table 1 Trip Generation— The Ridge Athletic Club PUD 10 { TRIP DISTRIBUTION 10 Figure 4: Primary Trip Distribution 11 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 12 Figure 5: Site Net New Trip Assignment at Full Build-Out 13 TRAFFIC IMPACTS 12 Volumes 12 Figure 6: 2008 Background Traffic Volumes 14 Figure 7: 2008Background+ Site Traffic At Full Build-Out 15 Traffic Operations 12 Table 2 Summary of Capacity Calculation Results 16 Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses 18 Mitigation Measures 18 Table 3 Summary of Mitigation Measure Capacity Calculation Results 18 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 19 APPENDIX A: Traffic Volume Data APPENDIX B: Capacity Calculations—Existing I APPENDIX C: Capacity Calculations—2008 Background Traffic APPENDIX D: Capacity Calculations—2008 Background + Site Traffic APPENDIX E: Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses IAPPENDIX F: Capacity Calculations— Mitigation Measures • B � f � Traffic Impact Study The Ridge Athletic Club PUD I The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS INTRODUCTION This traffic impact study summarizes the potential impacts of The Ridge Athletic Club Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposed expansion that would be located in Bozeman, Montana on the southwest corner of the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Ravalli Street. The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts that this development may have on the surrounding transportation system, and to provide recommendations to mitigate any impacts identified. The methodology and analysis procedures used in this study employ the latest technology and nationally accepted standards in the area of site development and transportation impact assessment. Recommendations made in this report are based on professional judgment and these principals. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The proposed site is located within the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 10, T. 2 S., R. 5 E., P.M.M. on Lot 1 of Minor Subdivision No. 295. The site is bordered by ® Ferguson Avenue on the east, Ravalli Street to the north and west, and Fallon Street to I� the south and southwest. The site location is illustrated in Figure 1. The proposed expansion is estimated to include at full-build out an additional 9,000 square feet (SF) to The Ridge Athletic Club, an 8,000 SF medical clinic, a 2,700 SF coffee shop (includes 1,500 SF of patio space that would be for seasonal use), a car wash, 37,000 SF of office space, and approximately 5,000 SF of commercial (retail or service business) space. Access to the subdivision would be provided from the existing site accesses to Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street to the east and south, respectively. Additionally, an access has been proposed onto Ravalli Street to the north. The proposed site layout is shown in Figure 2. • Engineering, Inc. 1 f"I E� V LJ -7--TT DURST- ROAD-R-OA p :ram Lu Dr ^ Ili 1 y t� L Lt I ( ` i » L 1A c, IT-r , 'T ®R] -AF F:=-R i < 0 PTTj ,.'pj—j7-F L Of �..�. .___-_.A�WESL�l ..'Bc ET 0; oll IJ z 0 V-- ISTREEI-- U>J� ILU im : — 0 !-EA PF AS < 0 DI Lu 0 ETI 11 ILI Ll Lp Mo s �E�_ ----I :y HUFFINETANEJUS-49f)— ,THE RIDGE L ATHLET19 CLUB FIGURE 1 : SITE LOCATION FIGLRE-01.DWG BOZ07005 02/08/07 CLS i I � 0 o� Q. 60' Ravalli I / bo d • � °oo � IFm O I Ell bo moo • \ / I I d / � O ;1p � fad • ¢lo rf�gT FIGURE 2: SITE LAYOUT FIGUPE_02.0WG BOZ_07005 02/08/07 cis I � 1 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS @; EXISTING CONDITIONS • Street Characteristics & Volumes The development of The Ridge Athletic Club PUD could directly impact the roadways listed below, which include their roadway classification from the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update (GBATP): • Ferguson Avenue (Collector) • Fallon Street (Local) • Ravalli Street (Local) Ferguson Avenue is a collector roadway that currently provides a continuous route from g Y Y Huffine Lane to just north of Durston Road. Adjacent to the proposed site, Ferguson Avenue has single vehicle travel lanes in each direction and bicycle lanes on both sides of the roadway. A right turn lane is provided at the signalized intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Huffine Lane, which provides approximately 150-feet of vehicle storage space. Automatic traffic counts gathered from February 5-7, 2007 found the traffic volumes to be approximately 6,900 and 5,600 average daily traffic (ADT) on Ferguson Avenue south and north of its intersection with Fallon Street, respectively. No MDT seasonal adjustment factors were applied to the road tube counts as MDT has not released its adjustment factor tables for 2006 counts (2006 factors are applied to counts conducted in 2007). Fallon Street currently provides Y rovides connectivity between Cottonwood Road and Fowler Avenue. It is approximately 32-feet in width, accommodating a single vehicle travel lane in each direction with width available for on-street parking. Automatic traffic counts gathered from February 5-7, 2007 found the traffic volumes on Fallon Street to be approximately 600 and 1,950 ADT east and west of its intersection with Ferguson Avenue, respectively. No MDT seasonal adjustment factors were applied to the road tube counts as Fallon Street is a local street and is not subject to significant seasonal variations in traffic volumes. ' I Engineering, Inc. 4 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Ravalli Street is also a local street, having a similar roadway section to Fallon Street. Beginning at Fallon Street, it proceeds easterly to Fowler Avenue. No traffic counts were g g p Y conducted on Ravalli Street as the segment west of Ferguson Avenue has negligible traffic volumes as found from intersection turning movement counts. Intersection Characteristics & Volumes In addition to area roadways, the proposed development could affect the operations of the following intersections: • Huffine Lane (US 191) and Ferguson Avenue • Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive • Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street • Ferguson Avenue and Granite Avenue • Ferguson Avenue and Ravalli Street • Ferguson Avenue and West Babcock Street • Ferguson Avenue and Durston Road • Fallon Street and Ravalli Street r • Fallon Street and Resort Drive The intersection of Huffine Lane (US 191) and Ferguson Avenue is currently a signalized T-intersection. At the intersection, Huffine Lane has a two through lanes and a left turn lane in the eastbound direction and two through lanes and a right turn lane in the westbound direction. Ferguson Avenue has right and left turn lanes southbound. Traffic counts conducted on February 22, 2007 found a total entering volume of 2,170 vehicles during the AM peak hour. Counts performed by Abelin Traffic Services in December 2006 found a total entering volume of 2,495 vehicles during the PM peak hour. The intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive is currently a T- intersection with stop control on the Valley Commons Drive (westbound) approach. There are single lanes on each approach for all available vehicular movements. Traffic counts were conducted on February 7, 2007 during the AM and PM peak hours yielding total entering volumes of 664 and 841 vehicles during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Engineering, Inc. 5 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Ferguson Avenue and its intersections with Fallon Street, Granite Avenue (also the access to The Ridge Athletic Club from Ferguson Avenue Ravalli Street and West r b g ), , Babcock Street are all currently two-way stop controlled intersections with stop control on the eastbound and westbound approaches. Single lanes are provided for all available vehicular movements on all approaches with the exception of West Babcock Street, which includes a westbound left turn lane. The intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Durston Road is currently a two-way stop controlled intersection with stop control on the Ferguson Avenue (northbound- southbound) approaches. A single lane is provided for all available vehicular movements on the Ferguson Avenue and westbound Durston Road approaches. Eastbound, Durston Road has available pavement width to allow for a right turn and a through-left turn lane. Traffic counts conducted on February 22, 2007 found total-entering volumes at the intersection of 768 and 797 vehicles during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Fallon Street and its intersections with Ravalli Street and Resort Drive are located in a lie newly developing area. Consequently, the existing traffic volumes at these intersections are very minor. Traffic counts conducted on February 6, 2007 only found total entering volumes of 41 (AM peak hour) and 57 (PM peak hour) vehicles at the intersection of Fallon Street and Ravalli Street. Likewise, total entering volumes of 41 (AM peak hour) and 64 (PM peak hour) vehicles were determined at the intersection of Fallon Street and Resort Drive. Similarly to the road tube counts, no MDT seasonal adjustment factors have been applied to the turning movement counts. A summary of all traffic count data can be found in Appendix A. Figure 3 summarizes the existing AM and PM peak hour turning volumes and previously discussed ADT's for the street system. 1 I Engineering, Inc. 6 DURSTON ROAD 6 11 4 (J3) (5) (3) 183 �� �� 155 (167) (172) (57) �� t r��(135) W 1 1 Q (86) (14) (142) Z .0 13 (6) (178) (18) 3 324 5 1% (1) (2552) (9) W i W 20 (2) 1 (34) 41 6 c35) ---*1 (57) p) (3) 32) �\ f� (53) 47 (2) .� ..._ (0) ( i r (1 19 ) ---� r ( ) 8 122 26 1 1 (40)(221)(72) 0 152 6 0) (332)(31) WEST BABCOCK STREET 2 1 0 r(J2) (1) (4l) ,0) � 0( 1 (0) 16 F� 17 (25) (1 8) (0) r (0) �,'161 STREET p 4, 312 7 (1) (6) (4) a (76)(199) (2) FA 1 o E A (0 ._. ._... (0 Lij> �O� (31) —+► r (10) cS'J. o GRANITEPJ� ,IB F�// ��►® ��` 49 (14)(274) (9) H G o ADT■600 WC f--�► o m u VALLEY COMMON DRIVE 0 5 352 10 293 44 HUFFINE LANE(US 191) (8) (222) (5) 137 212 (245)(24) rr I 1 (153) (201) (6) (8) I13 J, �� 152 127 + (41) (6) (6) (171)1 ~�(249) 31 19 1013��. �� 526 33 (48) —1 r (11) (821) (900) r (83) � tr it 58 149 4 213 67 (118)(316) (19) (373)(75) *PM PEAK VOLUMES FROM ABELIN • TRAFFIC SERVICES COUNTS, 12/2006 X=AM PEAK (X) = PM PEAK FIGURE 3: EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES FiCURF 03.DWC BOZ_07005 02/08/07 CLS • • The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Traffic Operations • Unsignalized intersection capacity calculations were performed for the intersections above using Highway Capacity Software Plus (HCS+), Version 5.2, which is based on the procedures contained in Chapter 17 of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000). The HCM2000 defines level-of-service (LOS) as "a quality measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of such service measures as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions and comfort and convenience." LOS is described using letter designations from A to F, with A being the most favorable operating conditions and F being the worst. Valle Commons Drive currently operates at LOS C during the AM 16.8 seconds Y Y P g ( average delay per vehicle) and LOS D in the PM (25.8 seconds average delay per vehicle) peak hours at its intersection with Ferguson Avenue. Ferguson Avenue operates at LOS A during both peak periods. All other study area intersections currently operate within acceptable levels of service on all approaches during both peak hours. The • GBATP defines LOS C as the minimum acceptable LOS for design. Signalized capacity calculations were performed for the intersection of Huffine Lane (US 191) and Ferguson Avenue using SIG/Cinema Version 3.08 developed by KLD Associates, Inc. and Polytechnic University, which is based on the procedures contained in Chapter 16 of the HCM2000. Because the signal currently operates under actuated control, the cycle length, green times, phasing, etc. are determined by the detected traffic volumes. For calculation purposes, a signal timing and phasing plan was derived based e on observed operating characteristics. The signal currently operates under two-phase operation. Phase 1 includes the eastbound and westbound movements. Phase 2 includes the southbound movements. Phase 2 can be omitted when no vehicles are detected on the approach. The green times for each phase were estimated to be as follows: Phase 1 — 57.5 seconds and Phase 2 — 28.5 seconds. When combined with observed yellow and all-red times of approximately 5.0 seconds iand 2.0 seconds, respectively, an approximate cycle length of 100.0 seconds was established. Engineering, Inc. 8 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS With the above signal timing and phasing plan, the overall intersection of Huffine Lane US 191 and Ferguson Avenue currently operates at LOS B during both the AM 15.1 • a ( ) g Y p g ( seconds average delay per vehicle) and PM (15.4 seconds average delay per vehicle) peak hours. Notably, the Ferguson Avenue approach operates at LOS C during both the AM (31.3 seconds average delay per vehicle) and PM (29.2 seconds average delay per vehicle) peak hours. Additionally, the eastbound left turns operate at LOS C during the PM peak hour (22.0 seconds average delay per vehicle). The results of the capacity calculations for existing conditions are included in Table 2 later in this report. Detailed capacity calculation results for existing conditions are included in Appendix B. TRIP GENERATION An accurate estimate of site-generated traffic must be made in order to analyze the II Y impacts of a new development. This study utilized Trip Generation, 7th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), the most widely accepted source for determining trip generation rates. • One-way vehicular trips generated by The Ridge Athletic Club PUD proposed development were estimated using ITE Land Use No. 750 Office Park. Office parks are usually suburban subdivisions or planned unit developments containing general office buildings and support services, such as banks, savings and loan institutions, restaurants and service stations, arranged in a park or campus-like atmosphere (ITE Trip Generation, 7th Edition, Volume 3 of 3, Pg. 1248). This land use accounts for the expected trip- making characteristic interaction amongst the various land uses. Table 1 on the following 1 page summarizes the trip generation rates and calculations for the proposed development. i Typically, it is important to estimate the volume of trips that would be made by alternate modes of travel. These trips would not involve vehicles accessing the site. However, to add a measure of conservatism to the study, it was assumed that all trips to and from the proposed development would be vehicular trips. • Engineering, Inc. 9 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Vehicular trips should also be further broken down into four classifications: primary purpose, diverted link, internal, and pass-by trips. Primary purpose trips are those for which the development is a primary destination from any origin. Diverted link trips are those made to the development as a secondary destination and are diverted from a path between an origin and a primary destination. Internal trips are trips that begin and end D within the site. They do not affect the abutting roadways. Pass-by trips are those made to a development as a secondary destination, but the primary trip path is on the adjacent street system. It was assumed that any potential internal trips are accounted for in the trip generation estimates for the Office Park land use. Therefore, no additional analysis of internal trip capture has been included. Pass-by trips are not expected to comprise a significant portion of site related traffic; therefore, these trips have also been excluded from the analyses. Table 1 Trip Generation—The Ridge Athletic Club PUD • Average Weekday.. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Units Enter' Exit Total Enter ' Exit . Total Enter'' Exit° Total Office Park (1) 64.9 543 542 1,085 134 17 151 F26 159 185 .� Totals _ 543 '542 1,085 134 17 151 26 159 185 1-ITE 750'-Office Park,Units=1000 Sq.Feet Gross Floor Area,T=Trips Average Weekday Trips T=10.42(x)+409.04 R'-=0.88 (50%Entering,50%Exiting) Weekday,AN Peak Hour Ln(T)=0.84 Ln(X)+1.51 R'=0.87 (89%Entering,1 I%Exiting) Weekday,P.M Peak Hour T=1.21(X)+106.22 R'"=0.91 (14%Entering,86%Exiting) *Trip Generation, 7th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers,2003 TRIP DISTRIBUTION Trip distribution is an estimate of site-generated trip origin and destination locations, which can be determined by several methods from computerized travel demand models to simple inspection of existing traffic volumes. For this study, the trip distribution was based on the distribution of existing traffic volumes along with the locations of existing and anticipated trip origins and destinations. The primary trip distribution for the site is shown in Figure 4. Engineering, Inc. 10 i I 1 % DURSTON ROAD 10% 14% 2% • w �z 0 c� - oc W LL ® WEST BADCOCbC STREET 6 /0 10% O 2% 1 /o STREET 4 /o° W JP 0 2% Fa O . Ito '1 /O lop cd T��F� �� AVENUE 5% % VALLEY COMMONS DR 3% 17% HUFFINE LANE �1 O/O (US 191) • 0 FIGURE 4: PRIMARY TRIP DISTRIBUTION FICURE_04.DWG BOZ_07005 wow/v TEE The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS r, TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT e Assignment of site traffic to the street system and site access points is dependent upon a number of factors. In this case, directional distribution of primary purpose trips and the operating characteristics of the surrounding street system were considered to arrive at the total site traffic assignment. Figure 5 shows the AM and PM peak hour primary purpose trip assignment for the proposed development. TRAFFIC IMPACTS Volumes In order to determine the level of impact at access points and intersections, it is necessary to combine background traffic with site-generated traffic. It is assumed that construction of the proposed development would be completed in 2008. Therefore, the impact analyses are based on the completion year. The Cottonwood Condominiums and • proposed Spring Creek Village Resort are nearby developments in the area. However, this study only evaluates the impacts directly attributable to The Ridge Athletic Club PUD as requested by the City of Bozeman per C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Future traffic projections for the year 2008 were based on an assumed 4.50% annual growth rate, which is based on average population and traffic growth in the area. Additionally, areas east of Ferguson Avenue are predominantly developed and should incur very minor if any traffic growth within the evaluated timeframe. Using this information, the resulting background traffic volumes for 2008 are shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows background and site traffic combined. Traffic Operations Capacity calculations were again performed for the intersections discussed above for 2008 background traffic and background traffic plus site traffic conditions. Results of all the capacity calculations are summarized in Table 2 and are included in Appendices B, C, and D. Engineering, Inc. 12 DURSTON ROAD 0 1 0 (0) (1) (0) ) I � (o) 1 (o) (o) � ~ (o) O -1111* T O LLJ 212 Q (16) (2) (22) Z H 36 (0) (9) (0) 30 27 0 ag (6) (8) (0) W j (0) 1 (0) 5 JI t� 0 (0) _� ~ (0) (26) (0) 8 t 13 (0) _~ r (1) 1 4 2 1 r (10) (43) (16) 0 2 1 (0) (43) (4) WEST BABCOCK STREET �JJ (0) (0) (0) �0) 1 l \ (,J l� /rOJ (0) J L (0) i (1) (3) 0 0 O (0) �► T (2) o°J STREET 0 0 1 P 30 0 0 (0) (0) (0) J (9) (0) (0) (37) 1 L (0 FA t t EA (2) _. ._. (o) > O� (41) '� T (0) o ci'�,•p GRANITE PJ� 21 2 r (6) 00) (0) O W • VALLEY COMMONS DRIVE HUFFINE LANE(US 191) (0) (37) (4) 3 4 (60) (5) (27) (33) I �(10) 1 � (0) 23 `�JI \ 28 �- (1) (4) (1) (4) (5) 0 0 (28)�► T (0) (0) �� �� (0) T (00) sir tr 38 17 0 51 0 (4) (6) (0) (9) (0) i X=AM PEAK (X) = PM PEAK 0 FIGURE 5: SITE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT AT I FULL BUILD OUT FIGURE 05.0wC BOZ_07005 02/08/07 CLS DURSTON ROAD { 6 11 4 (3) (55) (3) 4� 191 �� 162 (175) (180) 117 132 (60)—� f—(141) w � tr Q (90) (15) (148) Z O 7 242 30 ,w (6) (186) (18) 3 339 5 19 (1) (263) (9) W - r j (2) �1 L� 20 (34) 41 2 _ V �— 6 (37) —► ~_ (57) (1) (6) 36 47 (0 �� f� (3) ; (33) �\ (53) ( ) /// (19) t r (2)(231)(72) 0 159 6 (1) (347)(31) WEST BABCOCK STREET 2 1 0 (2) (1) (4) �3lj�J ,4 J (26) —► �— (1 9) (0) r (0) r,'�sJ STREET t r 9J 0 1 2 P 41 312 7 (1) (6) (4) J (76)(199) (2) 28 1 \` 5 (67) (3) FA,t E A (0) ..— (0) < 31) —ti T (10 0 ( ) o cS'j• GRANITE PJ� 9 128 r (14)(274) (9) rOC � O W VALLEY COMMON DRIVE 5 368 10 306 44 MUFFINE LANE(US 191) (8) (232) (5) 143 222 (256)(24) I (160) (210) I + + e (6) J; .�_ (8) 159 127 �` (41) (6) �� �� (6) (179)1 �(249) (50) r (19) (855) •-.(941) T- (83) ) tr tr 61 156 4 223 67 (123)(330)(19) (390)(75) PM PEAK VOLUMES ADJUSTED FROM ABELIN *TRAFFIC SERVICES COUNTS, 12/2006 X-AM PEAK o (X) = PM PEAK FIGURE 6: 2008 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE-06.DWG BOZ-07005 02/06/07 GLS DURSTON ROAD 6 12 4 (J3) (6) (33) 1 1 191 ...r .4— 162 (175) (180) (63)�� r�(,45) w � tr Q 51 (17) (1700) z O 7 278 30 (6) (195) (18) 33 366 5 19 1 (7) (271) (9) W l (2) _,V 20 (34) 7 �f L 6 (37) (57) (27) (6) 44 60 0 5 (35) t r- (56) (4) (7 1 r (1) r- (20) 9 131 28 ir (52)(274)(88) 0 161 7 (1) (390)(35) WEST BABCOCK STREET 2 1 1 9 r9J (2) (11) (44) p0) • \ r�JJ l y rJ (2) 1 L (2) (27) —• •— (22) (0) �• r (2) ?2�sj STREET V� (1) (6). (4) J (85)(208) (2) 29 1� 5 FA` (104) (1 EA (2) (0) LL, �O to (71) T (,o) sir ST�Fcc GRANITE P (20)(296) (9) OC O w do VALLEY COMMONS DRIVE l 5 373 11 313 45 HUFFINE LANE(US 191) (8) (269) (9) 146 226 (316)(29) 1 t I (187) (243) 161 (10) �� ~� (7) (183)_1 ,`(265) 35 19 1059�� f� 550 33 (78)� r_ (11) (858) (941) T (83) sir tr 99 173 4 274 67 (127)(336)(19) (399)(75) i *PM PEAK VOLUMES INCLUDE ADJUSTED FROM ABELIN TRAFFIC SERVICES COUNTS, 12/2006 X=AM PEAK o (X) = PM PEAK FIGURE 7: 2008 BACKGROUND + SITE TRAFFIC AT FULL BUILD OUT � ricuar_07.owc BOZ_07005 02/0e/07 as 1 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Table 2 Summary of Capacity Calculation Results • AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 2008 2008 2008 Background 2008 Background Existing Background +Site Existing Background +Site Intersection Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 12.1 B 12.4 B 13.1 B 22.0 C 28.7 C 30.1 C Huffine EB T 12.8 B 13.8 B 13.8 B 12.3 B 12.5 B 12.5 B ("I Lane W B T 10.9 B 11.1 B 11.1 B 13.0 B 13.3 B 13.3 B t[JI & Ferguson W B R 0.3 A 0.3 A 0.3 A 10.9 B 10.4 B 10.5 B Avenue SB L 32.7 C 30.3 C 30.5 C 29.7 C 29.9 C 31.1 C SB R 27.6 C 27.0 C 27.1 C 28.6 C 28.7 C 29.2 C Ferguson Ave WB 16.8 C 16.1 C 17.5 C 25.8 D 28.6 D Valley NB - A - A - A - A - A - A Commons Dr SB 8.1 A 8.1 A 8.3 A 8.7 A 8.8 A 8.9 A Ferguson EB 11.7 B 11.7 B 12.7 B 13.8 B 14.1 B 20.2 C Avenue W B 15.8 C 17.3 C 19.9 C 25.0 C 26.0 D 32.2 D & r Fallon NB 8.3 A 8.4 A 8.6 A 8.2 A 8.2 A 8.4 A Street SB 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.6 A 8.1 A 8.2 A 8.3 A Ferguson EB 14.9 B 14.2 B 15.7 C 16.1 C 14.6 B 17.8 C Avenue W B 12.8 B 12.4 B 14.0 B 11.7 B 13.6 B 15.2 C & Granite Avenue/ NB 8.2 A 8.2 A 8.5 A 7.9 A 7.9 A 7.9 A Ridge Approach SB 7.6 A 7.5 A 7.6 A 7.9 A 7.9 A 7.9 A • Ferguson EB 12.4 B 12.8 B 14.5 B 13.5 B 13.6 B 16.8 C Avenue W B 14.3 B 13.7 B 14.7 B 15.1 C 14.5 B 15.5 C Ravalli NB 8.1 A 8.1 A 8.3 A 7.7 A 7.8 A 7.8 A Street SB 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.7 A 8.2 A 8.3 A 8.4 A EB 12.9 B 12.7 B 13.2 B 13.2 B 13.7 B 14.8 B Ferguson Avenue W B L 16.4 C 16.7 C 19.3 C 18.3 C 18.5 C 21.8 C & WBTR 13.0 B 13.2 B 13.8 B 15.4 C 14.6 B 16.1 C West Babcock Street NB 7.9 A 7.9 A 8.0 A 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.8 A SB 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.9 A 7.9 A 8.1 A Durston EB LT 8.0 A 8.0 A 8.0 A 8.1 A 8.0 A 8.0 A Road W B 7.9 A 8.0 A 8.1 A 7.8 A 7.9 A 7.9 A Ferguson NB 15.9 C 15.8 C 17.1 C 17.2 C 18.9 C 22.2 C Avenue SB 17.2 C 16.4 C 17.5 C 16.1 C 15.8 C 16.3 C ®® Fallon Street EB 7.2 A 7.2 A 7.2 A 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.3 A & WB - A - A A - A - A - A Ravalli Street SB 8.5 A 8.5 A 8.5 A 8.7 A 8.7 A 8.6 A EB 7.2 A 7.2 A 7.2 A 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.3 A Fallon Street W B 7.2 A 7.2 A 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.3 A 7.3 A & Resort Drive NB 8.7 A 8.7 A 8.6 A 9.1 A 9.1 A 9.2 A SB 8.7 A 8.7 A 8.7 A 989 A 8.9 A 1 9.0 A I • Engineering, Inc. 16 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS As shown in Table 2, development of The Ridge Athletic Club PUD could have potential • } impacts to traffic operations to Ferguson Avenue at its intersections with Valley Commons Drive and Fallon Street. At both of these intersections, the westbound approach is estimated to decrease in level of service. The westbound approach at the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive currently operates at LOS D during the PM peak hour. The addition of site traffic will cause the movement to degrade to LOS E during the PM peak hour. Traffic growth as well as the addition of site related traffic will cause the westbound approach at the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street to degrade from LOS C to D during the PM peak hour. Existing conditions were analyzed using the service flow volumes, which were calculated by first determining the peak fifteen minute period for the intersection and then multiplying the traffic volumes during that period by four to arrive at an hourly volume. Analysis of service flow volumes is more representative of the true intersection operations, accounting for peaking characteristics on individual approaches. • With the proposed development, it is uncertain how the estimated site-generated traffic would be distributed across the peak hour. Therefore, the observed peak hour volumes (not the service flow volumes) at each intersection were added to the site-generated traffic volumes. The combined volumes were then analyzed using the peak hour factor (PHF) for the intersection. The PHF is a measure of how uniform traffic flow is over the entire peak hour. The higher the PHF, the more uniform the traffic flow. The difference in analyzing service flow versus peak hour volume accounts for the instances where calculated delays for combined traffic volumes may be slightly less than those for existing conditions. I • i Engineering, Inc. 17 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses Preliminary traffic signal warrant analyses for the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street was performed for existing, 2008 background, and 2008 background plus site traffic conditions. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2003 Edition (MUTCD) defines eight warrants establishing the minimum criteria for the installation of a traffic control signal. It was determined that none of the eight warrants are currently met at this intersection, nor would they be met with estimated traffic growth or with the addition of site related traffic. Signal warrants were not evaluated for the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive as the intersection is approximately 375 feet north of the intersection of Huffine Lane (US 191) and Ferguson Avenue. Installing a Q traffic signal at this location could disrupt operations at the intersection of Huffine Lane and Ferguson Avenue. Signal warrant calculations are provided in Appendix E. Mitigation Measures • As discussed in the previous section, the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive is too close to the intersection of Huffine Lane (US 191) and Ferguson Avenue to provide for effective signalized intersection control. Therefore, alternative mitigation measures would need to be considered at this location. A three-quarter access (left-in, right-in, and right-out) may be an effective method of mitigating the average vehicle delay on the westbound approach. Under this scenario, vehicles desiring to go south would be directed to either the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street or easterly along Fallon Street potentially to Fowler Avenue. Restricting the westbound approach could be accomplished through the construction of a P g raised median in Ferguson Avenue that would include a turn bay for southbound left turns, or a channelizing island could be constructed on Valley Commons Drive. The analyses summarized in Table 3 are based on the raised median alternative. i � i Engineering.. Inc. 18 The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS The intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street was evaluated under all-way stop control as a potential mitigation measure. This means of traffic control was selected as an interim measure prior to signalization. Acceptable levels of service can be achieved on all a approaches with installation of all-way stop control and striping left turn lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches. It does, however, increase delays on Ferguson Avenue. The analyses for the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street included all of the left turns relocated from the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Valley Commons Drive. Summaries of the capacity analyses are provided in Table 3 below and are included in Appendix F. Table 3 Summary of Mitigation Measure Capacity Calculation Results AM Peak Hour711 PM .Peak Hour. 2008 2008 Background + Site Background.+ Site Intersection Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS n Ferguson Ave W B R 10.6 B 12.8 B lm�� & NB A A Valley SB L 8.3 A 8.9 A Commons Dr SB T - A - A DFerguson EB 8.7 A 10.5 B • Avenue W B 9.6 A 11.4 B Fallon NB 11.2 B 23.8 C Street SB 13.3 B 13.5 B CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Analysis of trip generation estimates, traffic assignments, and capacity calculations show that The Ridge Athletic Club PUD will have some impact on traffic operations on Ferguson Avenue at its intersections with Valley Commons Drive and Fallon Street. Recommendations for mitigation of the traffic impacts include the following: i ■ A three-quarter access should be constructed at the intersection of Ferguson IAvenue and Valley Commons Drive. This can be achieved by either a raised median constructed on Ferguson Avenue, or by a channelizing island constructed on Valley Commons Drive. • I Engineering, Inc. 19 I The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS The costs for the improvements to this intersection should be shared with future development to the west of the intersection. Therefore, it is suggested that this development be limited to participation only in any proposed mitigation measures at this intersection. The level of participation should be commensurate with the level of impact from the proposed development. ■ All-way stop control and dedicated left turn lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches should be installed at the intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Fallon Street. This would serve as in interim improvement, mitigating the impacts from the proposed development, prior to signalization of the intersection if warranted in the future. ■ All traffic control improvements should be designed and constructed in accordance with City of Bozeman and MDT standards and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). • If the above improvements are implemented as recommended, any impacts resulting from the proposed developments should be mitigated and traffic should continue operate safely and efficiently. I Engineering, Inc. 20 a I I 1 l I i u Appendix A Traffic Volume .Data VEHICULAR VOLUME COUNT SUMMARY (.hunted By: Cheslhn Sheen Count Iocation: +/-1IM?North of Fallon Street on Ferguson Avcnue Agency/Company: 13noneering,Inc. Dates Performed: 2/05/2(M)7-2/07/2007 1urisdictiun: City of Bozeman Protect Number. B0"/._117(1r)5 Street Classification: Collector Project Description: the Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Scasnnal Count Factor. I IN) y!1•Y �'' !:, 7JS/2007 :.:�/ 200Ti .•�..zlT z007 ,.--ty, �,._{,�-'s f012007 2{ii12Q07 WukdgS ;Afeekend '"v �" z tkad �Radnead `9�CThuntla , ::Banda AvR►a .'`Ave ' of:. ., 411Ma NB" ;..,SB >�, rr:, s::SB•a -.NB SO o I+,a,NB K• SB . NB, $B NB- Sl NO SH NO SO < NO I SO Ti3TAL to ToW _ 4 II 1 14 23 1 7 17 26 11.47% 1:00 . 13 - 8 ' 5 5 . 9 7 16 0.289 2-.()() 0 3 2 3 1 3 4 (1.07 3:00: " 1 2 3 2' 2 2 4 0.07:. 4:4)0 3 4 6 Il 5 2 7 u.12"/. ,5:00. - " 30 18- 34 21) ,32 19 - - 51 0.91% 601 105 M 101 29 1113 33 136 2.43"/. 7:(MI•o 285 109 , 218 - -71 - 2.52 90 342 6.12°e H:(M) 212 172 271) 165 251 169 420 7.52"•6 9:00 214 132 183 117, 199 125 323 5.7'1'/. 100) 159 125 169 1117 164 116 2H0 5.02%i, 11:00 199 159 :.-186 135 - 193 147 3411 (M)WO 12:0r1 2-16 179 232 173 22'_J 176 4115 7.255, 93:(1t1:- 240 189:" 206' 167 223 178 401 . 7.19°5, 14iN1 I)fl 171 16(1 177 175 174 349 6.265. 15:00., :.. - .:',205< "201 . : - ,..: 205 _ 201 ..406 7.28 1601 246 27 226 2-14 216 226 462 8.271. 17:00. 206 ' 238•- 215 281 211 2(A 47151 8.431 180) 198 176 197 199 198 I88 .385 691r. r 19.00- 434 122- 150 137 142 130 272 4.87°'. 20:0) 96 94 109 106 102 3.6_IIMI 211� 2% 21:00- 69 84- 63 91 66 88 154 2 75 0 21-01 50 47 30 51 4n 49 89 Ulm'.23 tiM1 16 23 15" 25 1 fi 24 40 0.71% TOTAL 1 015 1 011 3 IIO 632 1 789 1 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3,060 1 2,519 0 0 5 579 2,026 5,742 2,983 0 0 0 0 5,579 0 5,579 Percentage of Daily Traffic Volume Per Hour 9 M. - a.tw c7.MI. — ,--- -- — 6.mi u - — _ 41r,. ' __.,. Q. 1.0°.; ------ —r----- "- - — — r - a.mr 0.00 1100 2:00 3:00 4:00 V10 6:00 700 8:00 9.00 10:()0 11:00 120) 130) 14:00 15:M 16:00 170) 18:00 19:00 200) 21.(4) 22:00 2301 Time of Day ENGINEERING, INC. (onsulling Engineers and land Surveyors !7 uwto�.aoar.r Z T = • -it, EK O %It 04 1 .6 i d julollo a2uluaojad 61 44, 4 : ic -N 0 0 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ' Counted By: Tom Eastwood Intersection: I Iuffine Lane(US 191)&Ferguson Avenue .\gency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Date Performed: 2/22/2007 Jurisdiction: Montana Department of Transportation/ Count Time Period: AM Peak Hour Cia•of Bozeman Project Number. 130Z_07005 Project Description: The Ridgc Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Huffine Lane(US 191) North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Avenue Huffine Lane(US 191) Huffine Lane(US 171) From the North From the South From the West From the East In ' Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor L00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7:30 ALM 43 0 32" 0 80 . U 0 0 0 0 33 285 0 1 319 0 123 21 t7,59 - 544 7:45 AM 76 0 55 0 131 0 0 0 1 1 45 253 0 0 ?98 0 144 33 0 607 ' 8:00 Ai1I 46 0 23 0 l9 0 - 0 0 0 0 42 271) 0 0 312 0 139 34 0 554 n 8:15 AIM 42 0 27 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 32 205 0 0 237 0 120 39 0 4G5 GntnSTotal 212 0' 137' 0 ' 34*9 0 0,: , 0 :1 :�1 '152' lots ';0. 1> t16G 0 s. '526 127.` t : b5d ' .217Q ' 1 ranch°o 60.7 0.0 39.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 13.0 86.9 0.0 0.1 100.0 0.0 80.4 19.4 0.2 100.0 r 'Total%a 9.3 0.0" '",63 " 0.4: ^46'.1 '0.0 -.0.0 .0.0, .0.0• -0:D` -7.0 46:7 ,.0,0" 00'. 53,7 .0.0 24.2 5.9 0.0 30.1 PHF 0.70 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,251 0.25 0.34 0.89 0.00 0.25 0.91 0.00 om 0.81 0.25 0.92 0.89 ' Ferguson Avenue In Out 349 279 RT TH I LT Ped 137 0 1 212 0 Uns'hifted Bank 1 C, Bank 2 =; _ Total Entering r 2170 02/22/07 „ c C n 7:30 AM F r,' 3:15 A�1 r � C_ ' � C 1 0 0 0 Ped LT '111 RT 0 1 Out In I ENGINEERING, INC. A (onsulting Engineers and Land Surveyors • e7 BILLINGS ■ BOZEMAN Huffuu-lmx_Ferguson-Avenue_.4.\( 022_07 Page 1 of I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY a General;Iiiforma'"Sianw .. t � d?I 4 " "'., `�^+ tr Counted Bc: Cheslon Sheen Intersection: Ferguson Avenue&Valley Commons Drive • Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Date Performed: 2/7/2007Jurisdiction: Ciro of Bozeman Count Time Period: PNI Peak Hour Project dumber: BOZ 07005 Project Description: The Ridge:Athletic Club PUD TIS L-aat/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Vefucie;Vulumes-and,1d usirorient"s �,"�u1! a'"'•f�'+���3.:rr:��'�:�t �fi� � F. '� ;..++.s . . ..�I ��e�2�u� Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Avenue Valley Commons Drive From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R 0 Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 10.00 N 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 t,4:45 PNI ..10. „ .:0`t <.'0 .'97,.- •0 4 .121' .221 ' 0 . .;.143 :0- . 0, 0 0 J," 0 , 25. 0` n:15- .0.1:r'40:^.• c280. 5:00 PNI 6 50 0 0 56 0 85 26 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 1 8 0 29 196 c 5:15 PN4 5 ;58 0': 0 `63 + 10 .87: 15 ':0 's 102 °0 0 '' 0 0 0 17 '0 14 ?0 •31 196 5:30 PNI 3 50 0 0 53 0 80 12 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 4 0 24 169 GraiidTotal .24; 245 .,0 ', ..0+ 269.' 4'0.r 373' 75 '`0 `418 0"+ : 0.: ,a z 0-` ^.0, '83 0 a41:` 50 'i1 4 `.84i Approach 1, 8.9 91.1 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 83.3 16.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.9 0.0 33.1 0.0 100.0 :: ,,Total% 29'. •29.1 ',0.0 :0.0: ,'32.0:, -0.0 '44.4 8.9: 0.0, ;:53.3? 0.0. 0.0• •0.0 0.0: f40-0 , a9.9;, 0.0 14.9.-, •0.0. :..14.7-- �100.0•' PHF 0.60 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00 0.77 0.72 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.78 0.75 Ferguson Avenue In Out 269 414 TH LT Ped 0 • 0 245 24 0 Unshifted a Bank 1 = o = r O A Bank 2 W Total Entering c 841 02/07/07 ° 8 4:45 PtvI c n YN 5:30 PNf E c c c � aB F c c 0 1 0 1 373 1 75 Pcd I LT TII RT 328 448 Out In I p� Feer►gu99so�ngg Avenue I n -ENL87D;EzRJ7' GJ INC. A Consulting Engineers and land Surieyois • BILLING! ■ eozIMAN es I-erguwn-Avemce_Volley-Commons.Drive_PNI 020.07 Pag{ I of 1 • INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY �,. _ Grnesal'InfotnnatranN � > -Wool* Counted By: Cheslon Sheen Intersection: Ferguson Avenue&Fallon Street . Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Dare Performed: 2/7/2007jurisdiction: City of Bozeman Count Time Period: P\I Peak Hour > Project Number•. BO7._07005 Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue VZEEIE.�V6him�andrAd'ustments'- " �. '4 Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Avenue Fallon Street Fallon Street From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Start Time L T R Ped Total 1, T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11111111 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 4:45 PM 1 75 4 0 80 35 101 3 0 139 .0 3 15 0 18 5 3 4 0 1 12 249 5:00 MM 1 45 3 0 49 31 63 6 0 100 3 2 13 0 18 3 2 0 0 1 5 172 5:15 P91 0 52 0 0 52 29 8^_ 4 0 115 2 0 12 0 14 3 0 2 0 5 186 5:30 P\I 3 50 1 0 54 23 70 6 0 99 1 1 8 0 10 0 1 2 0 3 166 Grand Total .5 222 8 0 235 118 316 �19 0 453 :6 6 48 0 60 11 6 8 0 25 Ti3 A roach"'o 2.1 94.5 3.4 0.0 100.0 26.0 69.8 4.2 0.0 100.0 10.0 10.0 80.0 0.0 100.0 44.0 24.0 32.0 0.0 100.0 Total.% 0.6 28.7 1.0 0.0 30.4 15.3 40.9 2.5 0.0 58.6 0.8 0.8 6.2 0.0 7.8 1.4 0.8 1.0 0.0 3.2 100.0 PHF 0.42 0.74 0.50 0.00 0.73 0.84 0.78 0.79 0.00 0.81 0.50 0.50 0.80 0.00 0.83 0.35 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.52 0.78 Ferguson Avenue In Out 235 330 �• 8 TH LT Ped 8 222 1 5 0 c� Cnshifted °0 Bank 1 = C, O ' Bank 2 Total Entering _ y Y v 773 02/07/07 R I 4:45 P,,f c 1:30 Pi\I a o C � rt cc i 0 118 1 316 1 19 Ped LT I T 4 I RT 281 453 Out In Ferguson Avenue �g n ENGINEERING, INC. • Consulling Engineers and Land Surveyors e7BILLINGS • BOZEMAN Ferguson-Acenue_FallonStrent_PDf_020707 Page I of I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY I I , -- . 1,p � +* v�Yt4 Counted By: Frank Ceane Intersection: Ferguson avenue&The Ridge Athletic Club • Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Approach/Granite avenue Date Performed: 2/22,2007 Jurisdiction: City Of BOZeman Count Time Period: P"l Peak Hour Project Number. BOZ_0;005 Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club TTS East/West Street: The Rtdgc Athletic Club A roach'Granitc Ave North/boudt Street: Ferguson Avenue M �, J > Ferguson.avenue Ferguson Avenue The Ridge Athlenc Club Approach Granite Avenue From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total I. T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0U 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45 P\f 0 55 15 0 70 2 70 2 0 74 13 0 3 0 16 2 0 1 0 3 163 5:00 P\I 1 49 26 0 76 10 ?7 3 0 90 16 0 3 0 19 1 0 2 0 3 188 5:15 P\T 1 48 24 0 73 1 G4 2 0 67 14 0 1t 0 ^S 5 0 0 0 5 170 5:30 P�[ 0 4'. 11 0 58 1 G3 2 0 66 24 0 14 0 38 2 0 0 0 2 164 Grand Total 2 199 76 0 277 14 274 9 0 297 67 0 31 0 98 IO 0 3 0 13 685 A roach°° 0.7 71.8 27.4 0.0 100.0 4.7 9^_.3 3.0 0.0 100.0 68.4 0.0 31.6 0.0 100.0 76.9 0.0 23.1 0.0 100.0 Total°o 0.3 29.1 11.1 0.0 40.4 2.0 40.0 1.3 0.0 43.4 9.8 0.0 4.5 0.0 14.3 1.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.9 100.0 PHF1 0.50 0.90 0.73 0.00 1 0.91 1 0.35 0.89 0.75 0.00 0.83 1 0.70 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.64 0.50 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.65 0.91 Ferguson Avenue In Out 277 344 RT TH LT Ped • 76 199 2 0 Unshifted Bank 1 c Bank 2 C- -r c a Total Entering 685 L 02/22/0? L 4:45 PX[ 7 7 C- o 5:30 PJIcc C C, - to ^ 0 0 1 14 274 9 Ped IT 'III RT 240 297 Out In Ferguson avenue n ENGINEERING, INC. A fenselling Engineers and Lend Surveyors • �7, BILLINGS • BOMIMAN I-erguvx-A%-enue_Gnrote-Arenue_P\I O'_220- Pare 1 Of 1 0 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY Gtn7q-AtIi>tfom-i­0 n _ • Counted By. Sean Dolan Intersection: Ferguson Avenue&Ravalh Street -\gene}•/Company. Engineering,Inc. Date Performed: 2/22/2007 urisdiction: City of Bozeman Count Time Period: PM Peak Hour Project Number: BOZ 07005 Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/��'est Srrcer. Ravalli Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue ViWEIEW&6Mes'7andWd d-StmentS Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Avenue Ravalli Street Ravalli Street From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor too 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.00 110 1.00 1.00N 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 Loo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45P\l :.0 69 0 0 69 i.l 82 G 0•; ...S9: .A I-- -0 : 7Or: :;:2.- . i :0 .1 0:. - 2, 162 5:00 P.M 2 58 0 0 60 0 89 8 0 97 0 1 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 12 170 ' 5:15 P\1 3" ,72 0 0 75 0 .. 72 14 0 86' '-0 D 0 0` 0 ;« 3 0` 4> 0 I _'7 :168 5 30 PM 4 53 1 0 58 0 89 3 0 92 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 155 Giand•'Toiil 0> 252 ..1'' ,'0 s262:1 1` 332 :-31: =0. '•3G 1°, l =2.+ f"" .0:` 4: 19, .0 ' 6'? *0:-' `'-G55 ' A roach°•0 3.4 96.2 0.4 0.0 100.0 0.3 91.2 8.5 0.0 100.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 0.0 100.0 76.0 0.0 24.0 0.0 100.0 ;Tota19'° ti4< 38.5. 40.L 0.0: .;40.0 0:2 50.7 4.7. 0.0 55.6' 0.2 :0.3 0:2 '0.0 0.6 2.9- 0.0' .A.9: 'i0.0 3.8': :100.0't PHF 0.56 0.88 0.25 0.00 0.87 0.25 0.93 0.55 0.00 0.94 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.50 0.43 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.52 0.96 ' Ferguson Avenue In Out 262 339 �• RT TH LT Ped- 1� 1 25_' 9 0 Unshifted c Bank 1 n o r J rt N Bank 2 0 [- E6"Entering C 55 02/22/07 A n^ C 4:45 P\4 � o 5:30 PM -e _ -♦ N c c' 0 1 1 1 332 1 31 ' 1 Ped I LT 1 1-1-I RT 272 364 Out In I Ferguson Avenue ENGINEERING, INC. • Consulting Engineers and land Surveyors C� BILLINGS • BOZEMAN c� Ferguson-Avenue Ravalli&met_1't�I_0^"07 Page 1 of I 0 0 0 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY rats .� ts• t-t •r+r- .., G+en�t�nformai�on :,s, ..�� �� '�` " '��''�� t '+ r'��t . ...t=•� :��t��.x�.. �+�.��'�' t `.���r. Counted By: Rock Wankel Intersection: Ferguson Avenue&West Babcock Street .Agency/Company- Engineering,Inc. Date Pet formed; 2/22,12007Jurisdiction: City of Bozeman Count Time Period: PJI Peak Hour Project Number. BOZ_07005 Project Description: The Ridge,\dtletic Club PUD TiS East/West Street: West Babcock Street North/Soudt Street Ferguson Avenue VehicleaYolnmes and Ad 0stliiens ; 1rf9FtIt „+. Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Avenue West Babcock Street West Babcock Street From the North From die South From the West From the East Int. Start Time I. T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Pcd Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45PM 0:`a •41'• ''1: :0•' 42 11 1 •51 .16 '0: :.78 1 11 11 -0 23 11` ''10. 96, '.0t •!:27 ='•170: 5:00 P\[ 8 38 1 0 47 5 72 12 0 89 0 9 7 0 1G 14 G 10 0 30 182 KTo �:7 48 0-' 0 =57_' l3 4G oG 0 85 L 8 10 0 19 :1G l9 6 "W 41 . "202: 3 51 0 56 11 52 IS 0 81 0 7 4 0 11 12 22 12 0 46 194 1.78 G:' 0 s202 z. '40 221: '.72` 0 -.333 2_' '35 '32 0 '` 69. ;53 �57 x 34 1;0 -:144748 8.9 88.1 3.0 0.0 100.0 12.0 66.4 21.6 0.0 100.0 2.9 50.7 46.4 0 0 100 0 3G 8 39.6 23.6 0.0 100.0'2.4- .23.8 --0.8, 0.0 •s27.0,.• ..5.3. 29.5 9.6- •0.0 __44.5� -,0.3- •4.7 `4.3. 0.0; r;92- _.7.1; :7.G: -4.5; 50.0 -19.3 v '•t;100.0 0.56 0.87 0.75 0.00 0.89 0.77 0.77 0.69 0.00 0.94 0.50 0.80 0.73 0.00 0.75 0.83 0.65 0.71 0.00 0.78 0.93 Ferguson AvLnuc In Out 202 257 FRT7TH LT Eed 19 Unshifted a Bank 1 J Bank 2 O Total Entering CrC- 48 R ,Ec 02/22/07 x x ■ -4:45 PN[ 5:30 PSI C C, r`t rn 41 M 0 1 40 1 221 1 72 Ped I ur I T I I RT 263 333 Out In I Ferguson Avenue i ENGI EERING, INC. A Consulting Engineers and land Surieyors • e7suuNcs ■ sozu+nN lFerptson Arxnuc \C'est.Babcock-Street_Pbl 02??07 Page 1 of I 0 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY GCllel'�vI�OLIIl'dt1Q��T<�ia�i�`-�%��i� '��`��s•r'.:t'�i.'i»<,.t.n"��:t�is. �� .. '.. „tr. Counted By. Cheslon Sheen Intersection: Durston Road&Ferguson Avenue Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Date Performed: 2/22/200 ijurisdiction: City of Bozeman Count Time Period: Pill Peak flour Project Number: B07_07005 Project Description: The Ivdge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/Wesr Street Durston Road North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Veh><c,' Volu es aq•�Ad'ustmenis;" • Ferguson avenue Ferguson Avenue Durston Road Durston Road From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Stan Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45 PNI 1-' 0` 3 0 4 22 .:5 45 ..0 72:; 0 37 15 0 52 36 28 .2 0 - 66 194 5:00 P.NIJ 0 3 0 0 3 19 1 4 34 0 57 2 36 14 0 52 35 58 3 0 96 208 `5:15 PNIJ 1% 1 0 0 2:' S 1 24' 1. 51' 0 50 ' 15r 0 65 34 48 2 0 .89 207 5:30 PL\IJ 1 1 0 0 2 20 4 39 1 G4 1 44 13 0 58 25 38 1 0 64 183 p gPH :3 -5... : 3' 0 11 86 .14 •142- 2 244 '3 167' '-57 . Q..'::-.M ' 135 172- g.; ;.p 315,"27.3 45.5 27.3 0.0 100.0 35.2 5.7 58.2 0.8 100.0 1.3 73.6 25.1 0.0 100.0 42.9 54.6 2.5 0.0 100.0 0.4 `0.6, -0.4. 0.0' 1.4 10.8 4.8 17.8 0.3 .30.6.: 0.4' 21.0 7•.2 0.0 28.5 16.9 21.6 '1.0 0.0 39:5 100.0 0.75 0.42 0.25 0.00 0.69 0.86 0.70 0.79 0.50 0.85 0.38 0.84 0.95 0.00 0.87 0.87 0.74 0.67 0.00 0.82 0.96 Ferguson Avenue In Out 11 25 • RT TH LT Ped 3 5 3 0 Unshifted 00 Bank 1 V fI kn Bank 2 Total Entering c 797 02/22/07 4:45 Pill " G 5:30 Pilo y O ^ r N 2 1 86 14 142 Ped I I..T 11-1 RT 197 244 Out In I Ferguson Avenue INC. A (ollsulling Engineers and Land Surveyors es wuuws N eozesaN Durstmi-RoaJ Fer6necon-.Acenuc Ppf_0"'_W Page 1 of INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY general'Infijemaonr✓ '� i � � .'cFt Counted By. Cheslon Sheen Intersection: Fallon Street&Ravalli Street • Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. {{++ Date Performed: 2/6/2007Jurisdiction: City of Bozeman Count Time Period: PNI Peak Hour Project Number. BOZ37005 Project Description: The Ridve.Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Resort Drive Ravalli Street Fallon Street Fallon Street Y From the North From the South From the West From the East Int. Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R 0 Total L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 1.a0 1.0U 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45P%1 •0 : 0'. :.0 ) '0.. ':0 0 -.a a -+0; 0 :0 _9. 0, p. ,0 _ ._p_; 2 . .o r .0 4:r ef13 ' 5:00 PNI 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 7 3 0 10 21 5:15MI 1 :0 0 0 "'1 , Or 0' 0 .-o D or, -.10 :0 0 10 ,a '1- ] e0e'' :u2 13' 5:30 P\7 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 8 10 Gra'nldTutal x1Ir 'r OM 1 .0 .r2 -0 . 0 U ='0 . s 0" ,J6 3 ,r3] U+ ..0 ° 31; -'O�s` t18 6 Ox �?t24^f i57:ra Approach% 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 75.0 25.0 0.0 100.0 t"r�Tbtsl4�o 7.8 U.U� ':1:8 UA' t3.5t' 0.0; '0.0' '0.0: '0.0_ v:-0.0;? 'OA '54.4 '0.0'; *0.01 D54.`4,a 0.0@ 37:6 `]0.5 i.00; "«4Z1s :100.0^ PHE 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.36 0.50 0.00 0.60 0.68 Ravalli Street In Out 2 6 170 LT Ped 1T , 0 1 0 Unshifted Bank 1 = 00 N Q A Bank 2 0 Total Entering 2 e v 57 c Cn 02/06/07 4:45 PNI O 5:30 Pill 0 c � �i N O M .. ' Lri O a a o a Ped LT TH RT I 0 0 Out In ENGINEERINGf INC. A Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors BILLINGS ■ eortMAN Fallon-Street_R2,9lli-Street_PAI_020607 Page t of I INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY G,eneial;Iafotmahon _ Counted By: Cheslon Sheen Intersection: Fallon Street&Resort Drive .1gency/Company. Fnginecrng,Inc. Date Performed: 2/6/2007 Jurisdiction: Cin•of Bozeman Count Time Period: PM Peak Hour Project dumber: B07_07005 Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Fast/West Street:- Fallon Street North/South Street-. Resort Drive elbicleolumes.dnd►Ad'u'stmenis10 Resort Drive Resort Drive Fallon Street Fallon Street From the North From the South From the West From the East Int, Start Time L T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total r. T R Ped Total L T R Ped Total Total Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 4:45P\1 _1 1 t 0 3 0 3 . 0 : 0 `. 3 0 8 0 0 ^8.'- :p:: . 1 .0 d 1 .._ ....15: 1:00 PilI 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 2 11 0 0 13 0 8 0 8 25 kGr- .2.: p p p 2 1 1 ' 0' ?:4. 0,, 6 p 0 : '6 i-: p.. -;1'.. :.0 . ... 1.. 13 ` 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 9 I t 4 -`1p 7 ; ..l,:t <6''. 4: _Ot >ti7 2' ;42� 4tO,t9 57 t 14.3 28.G 0.0 100.0 9.1 54.5 3G.4 0.0 100.0 7.4 92.G 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 94.7 5.3 0.0 100.0:6.3., 51:65 3.1 0.0 _.10.9 y, a.6 96.3`. 0.0 s97.2; 3:1 39.1 :0.0. A.0' o�r42.2': :0.0.; 28.1 ;.:1.6: 0.0. t-29.7,. "100.0 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.58 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.69 0.25 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.56 0.25 0.00 0.53 0.64 Resort Drive In Out 7 9 1 2 TH LT Ped 2 1 4 0 Unshifted Bank 1 m Bank 2 Total Entering _. v 64 c 02/06/07 73 cd R 4:45 PilI oU o 5:30 Pill r N o 0 1 6 4 Ped LT 1"i-I RT t 1t Out In I Resort Drive i I A ENGINEERING, maGINEERI , INC. Consulting Engineers and larld Surieyors e7BILLINGS ■ BOUMAN F211nn-Street_Reson-Drirc PM 03000? Page I of 1 r • • i i • 1 Appendix B Capacity Calculations - Existing i, • HCM Analysis Summary � Y Y .Existing(2007) Huffine Lane/ Area Type: Non CBD Tom EastNvood 02/22/2007 Analysis Duration: 15 mires. AM Peak _ _ Case: HUFFINE-LANE_FERGUSON-AVENUE_AM_EXISTTNC Lanes Geometry:Movements Serviced by Lane and Lane Widths (feet) Approach I Outboundl Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 EB 3 2 L 16.0 T 13.0 T 1 14.0 WB 3 I 2 T 12.0 I T I 12.0 I R 12.0 NB- I 0 i 1 --- --� SB 2 0 L 12.0 I R 12.0 East I West North South Data L T R L T R L T R L T R Movement Volume(v h) 180 1012 0 0 576 132 0 0 0 304 0 220 PIIF 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 %Heavv Vehicles 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 Lane Groups L T I T R L R Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 RTOR Vol v h 0 32 0 110 Peds/Hour 0 0 0 0 %Grade 0 0 0 0 Buses/Hour --- 0 -- 0 0 0 Parkers/Hour(LeftIRight) I --- -- -- --- -- f - Signal Settings:Actuated Operational Analysis Cycle Length: 100.0 Sec Lost Time Per Cycle:14.0 See '• Phase: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ped Only EB LT WB TP R NB SB L P Green 57.5 28.5 I 0 Yellowl All Red 1 5.0 1 2.01 5.01 2.0 1 1 1 Capacity Analysis Results _ Approach: Lane Ca v/s g/C Lane v/c Delay T Delay s I LOS Groun v Seg v ILOS I PE B4 L 519 0.200 0.575 L 0.347 12.1 B 12.7 B * T 2137 0.272 0.575 T 0.474 12.8 B i WB = T 2035 0.163 0.575 T 0.283 10.9 B 9.4 A R 1502 0.062 0.930 R 0.067 0.3 A R 456 0.0692 -�4 2 � --- I 1 Intersection:Delay= 15.1 see/veh Int.LOS=B Xc 0.52 *Critical Lane Group 2(v/s)Crit=0.44 SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 1 NETSIM Summary Results Existing(2007) Fluffirle Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/22/2007 AM Peak CAse: HUFFINE-LANL E FERGUSON-AVENUE E Queues Spillback in Per Lane Average Worst Lane Lane Avg/Max Speed (% of Peak 220 304 App Group I (veh) (mph) Period) EB L I 4/ 7 12.3 I 0.0 `-132 576 I T I 6/ 9 19.2 0.0 � ; 4 • ._..`------------------ --_ ------------------ All --t— 17.7 0.0 t WB. T 4/ 5 20.6 0.0 --•-------------- --------------- --------- R I 0/ 1 25.1 0.0 180 J All 20.8 0.0 1012----► All 11.9 0.0 SBII L 6/ 9 11.9 1 0.'0 I• 2 ,; Lt— 57 5 2 29 5 2 R 2/ 3 12.1 0.0 fntersect. 17.3 i • SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 3 HCM Summary Results Existing(December 2006) Huffine Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/22/2007 PM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LAME FERGUSON-A VENUE P E Lane Group Approach DTe Delay Lane X (s (sec/ ' Ap , Grp v/s v/c v veh) LOS 153 201 Ell I I I «i 4 249 ,�' ; _ L 1 0.381 0.66 22.0 C 13.9 B I I •---900 T 0.25 0.43' 12.3 B I. --L------ -__ _ :�:`t:: •i I ~- WB T 0.281 0.49 1 13.0 B 12.6 B R 1 0.151 0.26 1 10.9 B I _; :--- -------------- 171 — 821 SBI I 1 2 * L 1 0.131 0.44 1 29.7 C 29.2 C _ L R 1 0.101 0.34 1 28.6 C 57 5 2 29 5 2 Int. 0.51 1 0.59 15.4 B * Critical Lane Group I SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 2 ! VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP' 7Y General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson/Valley Commons Agency/Co. En ineerin , Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212212007 Analysis Year Existin 2007) Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Valley Commons Drive 1North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue { ! Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : _ 0.25 lLJJ Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments ( � Major Street Northbound Southbound GMovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 u L T R L T R Volume veh/h 276 92 52 376 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 U Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 52 0 8 (veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 1 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Li Movement 7 8 19 10 11 12 L T R L T R nVolume (veh/h) 52 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 52 376 0 0 276 92 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N LStorage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Confi uration I I I LR Dela , Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound 6 Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR D (veh/h) 52 60 C (m) (veh/h) 1202 366 lc 0.04 0.16 95% queue length 0.14 0.58 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.1 16.8 LOS A C Approach Delay (s/veh) =_ == 16.8 pproach LOS C Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+rM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/22/2007 6:03 PM i O-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMA' ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson Ave/Fallon St . Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 2/22/2007 nal sis Year —Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD T1S East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 56 160 12 16 424 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 1 32 20 4 8 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- — 0 -- - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ,Configuration LTR LTR U stream Signal 0 1 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 4 1 32 20 4 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 16 424 8 56 160 12 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration 1 LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 56 16 32 37 C (m) (veh/h) 1133 1417 364 576 v/c 0.05 0.01 0.09 0.06 95% queue length 0.16 0.03 0.29 0.21 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.3 7.6 15.8 11.7 LOS A A C B IApproach Delay (s/veh) _ 15.8 11.7 pproach LOS C B • Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/22/2007 5:49 PM C VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP IY General Information Site Information �IIAnalyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/Granite Ave Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman C Date Performed 2/22/2007 Analysis Year Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD T/S East/West Street: Granite Avenue North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound j Movement 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 U L T R L T R Volume veh/h 4 168 4 16 424 20 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 44 0 16 12 0 8 (veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound J Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 44 0 16 12 0 8 ;1 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 J Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 16 424 20 4 168 4 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR v(veh/h) 4 16 20 60 C(m) (veh/h) 1127 1417 481 422 lc 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.14 95%queue length 0.01 0.03 0.13 0.49 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.2 7.6 12.8 14.9 LOS A A B B Approach Delay (s/veh) _ == 12.8 14.9 pproach LOS B B Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 2/22/2007 5:39 PM • AWL Fj VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMII" ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson Ave/Raval/i St Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman D Date Performed 212212007 Analysis Year Existin 2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS o East/West Street: Ravalli Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound DMovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume veh/h 0 192 4 4 400 4 D Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 0 4 44 4 12 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 T — — 12 Median.Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 n Minor Street Eastbound Westbound fU� Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R DoVolume veh/h 4 0 4 44 4 12 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1 4 400 4 0 192 4 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 25 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 0 4 60 8 C (m) (veh/h) 1166 1319 449 495 v/c 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 95% queue length 0.00 0.01 0.46 0.05 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.1 7.7 14.3 12.4 LOS A A B B IApproach Delay (s/veh) _ — 14.3 12.4 pproach LOS B B • Copyright C 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/22/2007 5:27 PM I FJ W --NNW `NO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP RY C General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/W Babcock Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. St t of Bozeman Jurisdiction St Date Performed 2/22/2007 Analysis Year Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period M Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS D East/West Street: West Babcock Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound J Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 12 152 20 20 316 8 _1 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 36 40 52 40 16 veh/h - _ _ Y Percent HeavyVehicles 1 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Li Configuration 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration LTR LTR Upstream Si nal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R n Volume (veh/h) 4 36 40 52 40 16 J Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 316 8 12 152 20 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 5 1 0 1 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 TT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Confi uration LTR L TR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service D pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR L TR LTR (veh/h) 12 20 52 56 80 C (m) (veh/h) 1241 141 T 368 508 535 lc 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.11 0.15 95% queue length 0.03 0.04 0.49 0.37 0.52 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.9 7.6 16.4 13.0 12.9 I LOS A A- C B B pproach Delay (s/veh) 14.6 12.9 pproach LOS -- -- B B • 1 Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/23/2007 10:50 AM AML 'VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP IY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Durston Rd/Ferguson Ave Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212212007 Analysis Year Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD T/S East/West Street: Durston Road North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue 1 Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 2 212 144 116 196 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 212 144 116 196 0 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 33 — — 3 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 1 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 0 Configuration LT R LTR U stream Signal 0 0 [� Minor Street Northbound Southbound U Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 76 5 116 12 12 4 . Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 UU Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 76 5 116 12 12 4 veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 0 3 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration I LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 2 116 197 28 C (m) (veh/h) 1211 1352 524 323 v/c 0.00 0.09 0.38 0.09 95% queue length 0.00 0.28 1.73 0.28 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.0 7.9 15.9 17.2 LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s/veh) = = 15.9 17.2 pproach LOS C C Copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/23/2007 10:49 AM VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMR tY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fagon Street/Ravalli Street Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. IJurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 2/22/2007 nal sis Year Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005. The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ravalli Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound i Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 • ' L T R L T R Volume veh/h 1 16 11 1 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1 18 0 0 12 1 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — -- 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound a Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 4 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 . 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 4 0 9 veh/h MPercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N ' Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 configuration LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v(veh/h) 1 13 C (m) (veh/h) 1619 1045 lc 0.00 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 0.04 I Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 8.5 LOS A A IApproach Delay (s/veh) _ _ 8.5 pproach LOS A Copyright 0 2005 University of Florlda,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/22/2007 5:17 PM 0 VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMA' IT General Information Site Information Analyst 12/22/2001 om Eastwood Intersection Fallon Street/Resort Drive Agency/Co. n ineerin , Inc. Jurisdiction Cityof Bozeman Date Performed Analysis Year —Existing 2007 Analysis Time Period M Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Resort Drive Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments [Peak-Hour ajor Street Eastbound Westbound ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume veh/h 0 16 0 2 17 0 Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 20 0 2 21 0 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Up stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound U Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R All Volume veh/h 0 1 2 0 1 2 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 1 2 0 1 2 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length,and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound QMovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 0 2 3 3 C(m) (veh/h) 1608 1609 982 980 v/c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 { 95% queue length 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 7.2 8.7 8.7 LOS A A A A Approach Delay (s/veh) — — 8.7 8.7 pproach LOS — — A A •Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+rM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/22/2007 5:10 PM 0 j Appendix C Capacity Calculations — 2008 Background Traffic • NETSIM Summary Results 2008 Background Huffine Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 PM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE_FERGUSON-AVEWE_P 2, "Sry;7 !.4 Queues Spillback in Per Lane Average Worst Lane Lane Avg/Max Speed (%of Peak 160 210 ' App;Group (veh) (mph) Period) EB L 9/ 11 5.3 0.0 ~ 249 II .--94l T 7/ 9 19.4 0.0 1 4 All 13.4 0.0 WBT 8/ 13 18.1 0.0 ---------------------- ------------------------ R 1 / 2- I 22.1 0.0 179 -� All � 18.3 0.0 858 —� All 11.7 _ 0.0 SB L 5/ 6 12.6 0.0 i 2 L 57 5 2 29 5 2 R 2/ 3 8.1 0.0 Intersect. 15.2 f I • SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 3 HCM Analysis. Summar . .ylip 2008 Background Huffine Lane/ Area Type:Non CBD Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 Analysis Duration: 15 mins. PM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE_FERGUSON-AVENUE_PM_2008 Lanes Geometry:Movements Serviced by Lane and Lane Widths (feet) Approach Outboundl Lane 1 I Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 j Lane 6 EB I 3 2 L 16.0 T 13.0 T I 14.0 WB 3 2 T 12.0 T 12.0 R 12.0 NB 0 1 SB 2 0 L 12.0 R 12.0 Last West North South Data L T R L T R L T R L T R Movement Volume(v h) 179 858 0 0 941 249 0 0 0 210 0 160 PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 %Heavy Vehicles 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 i 1 Lane Groups L T T R L R ' Arrival Type 3 3 3 j 3 3 3 RTOR Vol v h 0 4- 83 0 20 Peds/Hour 0 0 0 0 %Grade 0 0 0 0 ' Buses/Hour 0 0 I 0 0 Parkers/Hour(LeftlRight) 1 - I -- -- I --- --- I -- -- Signal Settings:Actuated Operational Analysis Cycle Length: 100.0 Sec Lost Time Per Cycle:14.0 Sec Phase: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 j 8 Ped Only • EB LT WB TP NB SB LP Green 57.5 j 28.5 0 Yellowl All Red 5.01 2.0 i 5.01 2.0 i Capacity Analysis Results Approach: Lane Ca v/s g/C Lane v/c Delay Delay fiB v Ratio* L1 267 0.428 0.575 L 0.745 28.7 C 15.3 B T 2137 0.256 0.575 T 0.446 12.5 B WB T 2035 0.296 0.575 T 0.514 13.3 B 12.8 B R 929 0.114 0.575 R 0.198 10.4 B I , j R 456 I 0,098 0,285 R 0,342 i Intersection:Delay= 16.2sec/veh Int.LOS=B X�=0.65 'Critical Lane Group 2:(v/s)Crit=0.56 SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 1 HCM Summary Results. � 2008 Background Huffine Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 AM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE_FERGUSON-AVENUE 2 Lane Group Approach ;R Delay Delay Lane X (sec/ (sec/ App Grp v/s v/c veh) LOS veh) LOS 143 222 A} EB127 L 0211 0.36 12.4 B 13.6 B * I � t 550 T 1 0.32 0.56 13.8 B «� i� --------------------- `------_ .-rN1k't.�yii$= WB T 0.17 0.30 11.1 B 9.5 A R 6.07 0.07 0.3 A - .— - -------------- - ----- ------------------- 159 _ 1059--► SB 1 2 * L 0.14 0.49 30.3 C 29.5 C �t— R 0.05 0.18 27.0 C 57 5 2 29 5 2 Int. 10.46 0.54 I 14.6 B I -- � * Critical Lane Group I • SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 2 VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMR ,Y General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson/Valley Commons Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Year 2008 Background i ' Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Valley Commons Drive North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 223 67 44 306 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 42 0 16 veh/h ' Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 ' Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 1 ' Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 1.0 11 1 12 L T R L T R ' Volume veh/h 33 13 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 56 392 0 0 285 85 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N ' Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' Configuration LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR (veh/h) 56 58 C (m) (veh/h) 1200 381 v/c 0.05 0.15 95%queue length 0.15 0.53 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.1 16.1 LOS A C Approach Delay (s/veh) = 16.1 pproach LOS C Copyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+rM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 11:25 AM . I VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMf lY Q General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/Fallon St • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction c;t—y of Bozeman Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Year 2008 Background Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume veh/h 61 156 4 10 368 5 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 3 2 37 22 2 6 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 t Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 1 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 3 2 32 19 2 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 11 427 5 70 181 4 (veh/h) I -r Percent HeavyVehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length,and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR 1 v(veh/h) 70 11 30 42 C (m) (veh/h) 1133 1402 322 576 v/c 0.06 0.01 0.09 0.07 95%queue length 0.20 0.02 0.31 0.24 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.4 7.6 17.3 11.7 LOS A A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) — 17.3 11.7 pproach LOS C B • Copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 11:21 AM WO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUM' RY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/Granite Ave Agency/Co. En ineerin , Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman D Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS D East/West Street: Granite Avenue North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 9 128 5 7 312 41 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 35 0 17 8 0 6 (veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 -- - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Fill Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 28 0 14 7 0 5 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 400 52 11 164 6 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 [configuration LTR LTR [Delay, Queue Len th, and Level of Service pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR I (veh/h) 11 8 14 52 C (m) (veh/h) 1119 1420 499 443 v/c 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.12 I 95%queue length 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.40 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.2 7.5 12.4 14.2 LOS A A B 8 Approach Delay (s/veh) — = 12.4 14.2 pproach LOS B B Copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+rM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 11:15 AM • I VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMI 2Y General Information Site Information 1 Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/Ravalli St • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction Cit of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background Analysis Time Period M Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD T1S C East/West Street: Ravalli Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments D Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 159 6 5 339 3 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 0 1 28 3 7 veh/h n Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 12 — — IU! Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 r7 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R n Volume veh/h 2 0 1 24 3 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.65 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 398 3 0 187 7 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 t 0 0 2 0 25 Percent Grade(%) . 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 TT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service D ,,roach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR D v(veh/h) 0 5 38 3 C(m) (veh/h) 1169 1321 452 464 v/c 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 D 95%queue length 0.00 0.01 0.27 0.02 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.1 7.7 13.7 12.8 LOS A A 8 8 Approach Delay (s/veh) _ — 13.7 12.8 pproach LOS 8 B • Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 11:10 AM 10-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMIV `.Y General Information Site Information nal st Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/W Babcock St enc /Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background nal sis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: West Babcock Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 n Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound �- Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 8 127 26 30 242 7 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 3 32 43 56 49 24 veh/h - - Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 0 Median Tye Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR U stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 3 27 36 47 41 20 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 36 291 8 9 153 31 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 5 1 0 1 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 D Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LTR L TR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR L TR LTR D (veh/h) 9 36 56 73 78 C (m) (veh/h) 1268 1403 363 512 546 lc 0.01 0.03 0.15 0.14 0.14 95% queue length 0.02 0.08 0.54 0.49 0.50 Control Delay(s/veh) 7.9 7.6 16.7 13.2 12.7 LOS A A- C B B pproach Delay (s/veh) 14.7 12.7 pproach LOS -- -- B B 1 Copyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 11:02 AM VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMII ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Durston Rd/Fer uson Ave • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. IJurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 nal sis Year 2008 Back round Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Durston Road North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 2 191 117 132 162 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 222 136 153 188 0 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 33 — -- 3 — — ' Median Type Undivided TT Channelized 1 0 Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 0 Configuration LT R LTR Upstream Signal 0 1 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 49 5 122 4 11 6 I. Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 JJJ Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 56 5 141 4 12 6 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 0 3 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 2 153 202 22 C (m) (veh/h) 1220 1341 533 337 v/c 0.00 0.11 0.38 0.07 95%queue length 0.00 0.39 1.76 0.21 Control Delay(s/veh) 8.0 8.0 15.8 16.4 LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s/veh) = Y 15.8 16.4 pp—roach LOS C C • Copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 10:59 AM I VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP ZY General Information Site Information nal st Tom Eastwood Intersection Fallon Street/Ravalli Street enc /Co. En ineerin , Inc. Jurisdiction Ci of Bozeman r, Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Year 2008 Background V Analysis Time Period M Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ravalli Street JIntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 1 17 11 1 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 1 19 0 0 12 1 veh/h D Percent Heavy Vehicles. 0 — — 0 — -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal 1 0 0 r� Minor Street Northbound Southbound U Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R DVolume veh/h 4 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 4 0 9 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Confi uration I LR Delay, Queue Length,and Level of Service pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR D (veh/h) 1 13 C (m) (veh/h) 1619 1045 lc 0.00 0.01 p 95%queue length 0.00 0.04 U Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 8.5 LOS A A Approach Delay (s/veh) -- -- 8.5 pproach LOS -- -- A Copyright m 2005 University of Florida.All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 10:54 AM I VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP 2Y General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fallon Street/Resort Drive • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Resort Drive Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 17 0 2 18 0 ' Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 21 0 2 22 0 veh/h ' Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- — 0 — — Median Tye Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 ' Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 1 2 0 1 2 lip Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 1 2 0 1 2 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 Confi uration LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 0 2 3 3 C(m) (veh/h) 1607 1608 980 979 /c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95%queue length 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 ` Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 7.2 8.7 8.7 LOS A A A A Approach Delay (s/veh) — — 8.7 8.7 pproach LOS -- -- A A Copyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 10:51 AM i I • i r_. f� T' 1 J J Appendix D Capacity Calculations - 2008 Background + ,Site Traffic s � • HCM Analysis Summary 2008 Background+ Site Hutfine Lane/ Area Type:Non CBD Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 Analysis Duration: 15 mins. AM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE_FERGUSON-AVENUE_AM_2008+SIT Lanes Geometry:Movements Serviced by Lane and Lane Widths (feet) Approach Outbound Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 I Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 EB ! 3 I 2 ! L 16.0 T 13.0 ! T 14.0 i WB 3 2 T 12.0 T 12.0 R 12.0 NB I o 1 SB 2 0 L I 12.0 R 12.0 East West North South Data L T R L T R L T R L T R Movement Volume v h 182 1059 0 0 550 I 161 0 0 0 226 0 146 PHF 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.89 j 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.90 0.89 %Heavy Vehicles 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 Lane Groups L T T R L R ArrivalType 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 _ RTOR Vol h 0 54 0 72 Peds/Hour 0 0 0 0 %Grade 0 0 0 0 Buses/Hour 0 -- -^ 0 --- _- 0 0 Parkers/Hour(LefrIRight) -- --- - Signal Settings:Actuated Operational Analysis Cycle Length:100.0 Sec Lost Time Per Cycle:14.0 Sec ®• Phase: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ped Only 8 EB LT WB TP R NB SB L P Green 57.5 28.5 0 Yellowl All Red 1 5-.01 2.01 5.01 2.0 Capacity Analysis Results Approach: Lane Cap I v/s g/C Lane v/c Delay Delay A,p Group v ve I EB I L 491 0.239 0.575 L 0.415 13.1 B 13.7 B * T 2137 0.320 0.575 T 0.557 13.8 B I WB � T 2035 0.175 0.575 T 0.304 11.1 B 9.4 A _ R 1502 0.074 0.930 R 0.080 0.3 A Sa I I * L 504 0,144I R 45 0.182 1 C _ I _ Intersection:Delay= 14.6sec/veh Int.LOS=B Xc=0.54 *Critical Lane Group (v/s)Crit=0.46 SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page I NETSIM Summary Results * 2008 Background +Site Huffine Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 AIM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE FERGUSON-AVENUE A 2 Queues Spillback in Per Lane Average Worst Lane `; Lane Avg/l/fax Speed (%of Peak 146 226 App Group (veh) (mph) Period) ,a EB L 7/ 10 7.2 0.0 `-161 I —550 T 8/ 9 19.6 0.0 4 kh± ----------- .'�illm:.t.F'fs :i;u<:.:ti All 15.6 0.0 ---------------------- `---------------------- ------------ - - ---------------� ---------------------- -- WB T 5/ 6 I 19.3 0.0 R 1 / 2 22.9 I 0.0 182 —1 All I 19.4 0.0 1059 All 12.9 0.0 SB- L 5/ 6 13.0 0.0 I 2 57—• 5 2 29 5 2 R 1 / 2 12.0 0.0 Intersect. 16.3 I SIG/Cuiema v3.08 Page 3 • HCM Summary Results 2008 Background+Site Huffine Lane/ Tom Eastwood 02/26/2007 PM Peak Case: HUFFINE-LANE FERGUSON-AVENUE Pi 2, Lane Group Approach Delay Delay Lane X (sec/ (sec/ ;r Apo Grp v/s v/c veh) LOS veh) LOS 187 243 8BI I I II �265 * L ' 0.441 0.76 1 30.1 C 1 15.6 B I —941 T 0.26 0.45 1 12.5 B •J L `w WB T 0.30 0.51 13.3 B 12.8 B bu R 0.12 0.21 10.5 B ----------------'- -------------------- ------------------------ 183 858 SB 1 2 I * L 0.15 0.54 L 31.1 C 30.3 C -� " R 0.11 0.40 29.2 C 57 5 2 29 5 2 IInt. 1 0.591 0.69 1 16.7 B *Critical Lane Group I 1 • SIG/Cinema v3.08 Page 2 VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMII ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson/Valley Commons Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site nal sis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Valey Commons Dnve North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 274 67 45 313 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 0 0 42 0 21 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration TR LT U stream Signal 0 1 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 33 17 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 57 401 0 0 351 85 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N kRT Storage 0 0 Channelized 0 0 nes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration I LR FppDelay, QueueLen th, and Level of Service roach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound ement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR (veh/h) 57 63 C (m)(veh/h) 1134 350 v/c 0.05 0.18 95% queue length 0.16 0.65 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.3 17.5 LOS A C Approach Delay (s/veh) _ _ 17.5 pproach LOS C Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 2:13 PM VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMII :Y General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection 'Ferguson Ave/Fallon St • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 99 173 4 1.1 373. 5 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 2 40 22 5 11 (veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 11 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 5 2 35 19 5 10 • Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 12 433 5 115 201 4 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration I LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 115 12 38 47 C(m) (veh/h) 1126 1378 280 514 VIC 0.10 0.01 0.14 0.09 95%queue length 0.34 0.03 0.46 0.30 Control Delay(s/veh) 8.6 7.6 19.9 12.7 LOS A A C B Approach Delay (s/veh) - = 19.9 12.7 pproach LOS C B 0 Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida.All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 2:09 PM VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson Ave/Granite Ave Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Granite Avenue North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 30 136 5 7 326 71 ' Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 37 0 25 8 1 6 veh/h ' Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 -- - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Confi uration LTR LTR U stream Signal 1 0 0 ' Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ' Volume veh/h 29 0 20 7 1 5 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR. 8 417 91 38 174 6 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 11 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 38 8 15 62 C (m) (veh/h) 1067 1408 416 398 v/c 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.16 95%queue length 0.11 0.02 0.11 0.55 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.5 7.6 14.0 15.7 LOS A A B C Approach Delay(s/veh) — — 14.0 15.7 pproach LOS B C Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 2:03 PM • VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMN tY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson Ave/Ravalli St • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction Cit-y of Bozeman Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS EastlWest Street: Ravalli Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 161 7 5 366 33 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 0 1 31 5 7 veh/h !� Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 12 — — IL1� Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 D Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 1 0 1 0 O Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 7 0 1 27 5 6 • Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 430 38 0 189 8 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 25 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR D (veh/h) 0 5 43 9 C(m) (veh/h) 1104 1 1318 1 413 388 lc 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 95%queue length 0.00 0.01 0.35 0.07 Control Delay (s/veh) 6.3 7.7 14.7 14.5 LOS A A B B IApproach Delay (s/veh) 14.7 14.5 pproach LOS B B •Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 1:52 PM i a VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMP ZY General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Ferguson Ave/W BabcockSt Agency/Co. En ineerin : Inc. Jurisdiction Cityof Bozeman Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: West Babcock Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 9 131 28 30 278 7 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 3 32 53 72 49 24 veh/h - Percent Heavy -Vehicles 1 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ' Volume veh/h 3 27 44 60 41 20 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 36 334 8 10 157 33 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 5 1 0 1 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 ' Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Confi uration LTR L TR Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR L TR LTR (veh/h) 10 36 72 73 88 ` 195% (m) (veh/h) 1223 1396 324 483 529 /c 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.15 0.17 queue length 0.02 0.08 0.84 0.53 0.59 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.0 7.6 19.3 13.8 13.2 I LOS A A C B B pproach Delay (s/veh) 16.5 13.2 pproach LOS - -- C B Copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 1:45 PM I G� VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMA tY General Information Site Information EI Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Durston Rd/Ferguson Ave • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman a Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background+ Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Durston Road North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments D Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 2 191 130 151 162 0 D Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 222 151 175 186 0 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 33 — — 3 — — Median Type Undivided TT Channelized 1 0 D Lanes 0 1 1 0 1 0 Configuration LT R LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 D Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 51 5 124 4 12 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 59 5 144 4 13 6 (veh/h ® Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 0 3 0 0 0 �1 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration L LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length,and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 2 175 208 23 C(m)(veh/h) 1220 1341 504 1 310 /c 0.00 0.13 0.41 0.07 n 95% queue length 0.00 0.45 2.00 0.24 ,u} Control Delay (s/veh) 8.0 8.1 17.1 17.5 LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s/veh) N == 17.1 17.5 pproach LOS C C •Copyright©2005 University of Florida.All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 1:35 PM i VO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMN :Y General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fallon Street/Ravalli Street Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Back round+ Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ravalli Street Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound r Movement 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R olume veh/h 4 20 11 1 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 4 23 0 0 12 1 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 -- - Median Tye Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 4 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 4 0 9 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N 1 Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration I I LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR (veh/h) 4 13 C (m) (veh/h) 1619 1040 lc 0.00 0.01 I 95%queue length 0.01 0.04 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 8.5 LOS A A Approach Delay (s/veh) _ = 8.5 pproach LOS A • Copyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 1:32 PM I ;Y/O-WAY STOP CONTROL SUM General Information Site Information J IAnalyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fallon Street/Resort Drive • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction City of Bozeman Date Performed 212612007 Analysis Year 2008 Background+Site Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS a East/West Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Resort Drive Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Ma or Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 21 0 2 18 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 26 0 2 22 0 veh/h D Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 r — — 0 — — Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 n Minor Street Northbound Southbound ILJ+ Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 0 1 3 1 1 2 Q• Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 6.79 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate; HFR 0 1 3 1 1 2 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N B Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Dela ,Queue Len th, and Level of Service pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR (veh/h) 0 2 4 4 C (m) (veh/h) 1607 1601 993 968 V/c 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 95%queue length 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.2 7.3 8.6 8.7 LOS A A A A IApproach Delay (s/veh) _ — 8.6 8.7 pproach LOS A A • Copyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+7M Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 1:23 PM I d Appendix E Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT EVALUATION SUMMARY General"• _ormano�u�; .,i` � ,�.� x �t � `� '� rk.,,�'� Of 1I�� �.. • analyst. ' Tom Eastwood Intersection: Ferguson Avenue& Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Fallon Street J Date Performed: 2/26/2007jurisdiction: City of Bozeman lnalvsis Case: Existing Conditions(2007) Project ;umber: BOZ_07005 Major Street: Ferguson Avenue Direction(i`i-S or E-W): N-S u Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Minor Street 1: Fallon Street Direction(N-S or E-W): E-W Total#of Approaches: 4 Major Street Speed Limit: 35 mph IN-fax Major Street 85th%Speed: 35 mph VParran ;Sum ary fdfA_t a1 Traffic Volumes`" H r -; Description Warrant Met? rww arrant 1: Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume No. arrant 2: Four-Hour Vehicular Volume No arrant3: PeakHour �' Noarrant 4: Pedestrian Volume No Warrant 5: School Cros sing No Warrant 6: Coordinated Signal System No Warrant 7:: Crash Experience' ' No Warrant 8: Roadway Network No Total Number of Warrants Met : '; '0 Nli't"` SEommei'1, WWI J d B I IMPA Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors BILLINGS 2 BOZEMAN Cambination'of Can ons t B,k �'' � � >���'FY ��� b>� `� "„ -� ��� �4 =•r - 4 S �.'..a Y ..i� ..+ .k }± •i a � i.: �A�.,, !t,x... _-r�+y-,�i;y 6 ���4� :¢�j'�T•P'� < 1�y�'}A� t.::k6 `�'��. 5 J f ^ _ A,f••' - K- L Z. on, ition. Minimum Vehicular Volume ,�s °'st5 y+'E—r,t`^E t �^,�f t s,• n'` `�` '�t six EI [l ill HI hest 'rb ' ''' ;, -t ,.x 4aq.i t s'x �'�=v�' z ca •�"aC"l] ,, ,y r � ,g � �, g j ,.,fir Wafl3nC 1�'rlr71r7ittm VOlL1IIifS( h) .�; a .:;. �` f<,w^ir -f l� 4u rv-_t "'"3":l' T a L-r,,t r a 1 a ,r • Vehicular �tliilbI of,Qll3hf31llgl x n31 is �la OI Street . a ro�/ �4 395 "i+ OS '�*` •t., d4 or.A roach " F4� x: aOS ,� L -" V A> £F 55 � 1.. Condiuon'A;Nltntmum:Critena Met. M ry �/ ' ~ 'L d'Y4 Fry Jfif �`�4 A�`T-No^P -.•5�..n' ' c� �,n<,�a 'v±,y�yy.a' � °< .�ikroro •� �w. �� ff� - Y � a � U� to � Interruption of Continuous Traffic.S4 • V� ��Z��^��5'" t�R�Js��$'�S.-�'�S( 4hS� .1� { hY y.< ? .. ''�� �rf�,�.:ti �lfly .Y-e� b a .t t•N�+ Y 47 4iF a 'rx E hth..H hest� a,:a�1 r. ., / .. >r �A .^•,.y-, *�'•�� Y,�¢' icy A +;, i+ `"'': j �'w.•es-i ty ;n C Y�� � 7• .r ✓ a v , �^*>v`i.er �4ya }j••.$ �^' .p,a° l �,� '�,cif r2<v yebtculai Voliurie�(VPH) cta.ti 'r ber of Quah�,,�" Nioii-- .. I . G 1 l�iax j4ltnor A roach �; `1x Xis Warrant l Condition BMuumum C-iii6 Mete ,p Warrant 1; ,Combination of Conatnons A&B Warrant 1 - Minimum Criteria Met? No w' # onr Hours'tFeic_u1ar`volum ` :�a. . , �. v p . Approach Lanes.n Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or Minor 1 Seeds Above 40 mph on Major Street?(Y or N) N Fourth-Highest Warrant Minimum Volumes( h) Vehicular Volume(VPH) 100% L Number of Qualifying Major Street I #N/A _ Hours: 0 MaxlVfinorA roach I #N/A #N/A N/A Warrant 2 Minimum Criteria Met? No Approach Lanes Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or • 1 T� Minor 1 Seeds Above 40 mph on Major Street?(Y or N) N +; Conition A�1 StoppeWIT, Dela won NLnor�StreettA roach2� �ri'i& .�ry .,xai , Yr. at .+� `Tyxrl. •�t,2tv1w,K,f,�rF .. e }� pp.. _. rtEj �'+t� ."f�y�t}�r�n ,� � ��,�`�' c,� �To'ral'PeakHoulTSto ed�Dela ..r L}�k*y'r'zt s;,e Ptas r � ,4...>rersrf „y!,i,.r �<`s, Y `� `s lYarrant , m£�cx K �xF z t N #�"yo ti1xeR Tt�?t.'d`3 9. .:aa� S & '^Val k .PM^7�tp} j rU Mll71mi211I3 �#AC ac. h' v�I - BG: L 'fK: at "r � ca� � a Fon 11?lnor StreecA roachs�i+ w ?�tSto ed Dela �", :���, ;��,��i.��`�,4's �u}��� ��i '�'r.�Ve ant 3�: Condition A 1 Mmuni m Cnteiia Mete z"i t �cw r vn� h v. ' u _ 4�'r. ��txR:'�s'�t^�>3.<�sasa�='�x't :t• }'Sz}t n, ric4c? 1 f 3y �3jrya y� s r ry s s•u. ,r � ,�� rL �, { Condition,A 2tVetiicular�Volume onMinorStreet Approach „ B 'k8 r{k '^tw.ad j brr..7.a`F�isrxryrva.4: �j -., �. _ Y. 3 Vehicular Voltirrie dw > s<,� a j•WarraBt 1►1Lllmflrl] t}hFy.px s� iWarr nt 3Coniliuon A Z Minimum Criteria Mein N x` ; Noy J ,4 G� ..mot Y ty �a1V'3f * T .ati U'+hs r :ta- { „a"c' k vs"Kv -S 'E 'fir 11 p ; �a, Condition A 3Tota1 EntenngVolume ,foTotal Nuinber�ofApproaches � �'r`3'ota"7 Peak�HoiEnreriri i-at �" "Y'� *�fi ns < tat,Intersecuo ; rY,olume at,lntersecuon,(,VPH ;j, ;Y 'ti xls = Sio D � , �s' s '4 r sWatrant3 3Condinon A 3;Minimum Cntena"1Met pvt '� �`, ;Warrant 3,m;Condition A Miiunum Cntena Met? r Condition B -Vehicular Volumes on Both Approaches lbiaximum Simultaneous Warrant Minimum Volumes( h) Volumes(VPH) 100% Z41s Number of Qualifying Major Street p Hours: 8 Max\'linor Approach L.. 0 746 N/A • Warrant 3 - Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No Warrant-Analysis_Ferguson-Avenue_Fallon-Street_GxisdnK Page 3 of 5 AwhL Pedestrian Volume Number of Qualifying Maximum Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warrant Minimums Hrs.More Than 80 Peds: 0 Crossing Volume 4-Hour 1-Hour Number of Qualih-ing 0 PED/HR 80 152 • Hrs. More Than 152 Peds: 0 a Warrant 7 - Condition C Minimum Criteria Met? No Warrant 7; 'Minimum'Criteria Met? '�.t° +�`` ,* r� No t#8:Ekaad. Nei o k x,.; tw o QDefinition of a Major Route , Do two or more intersecting routes have at least one or more of the following characteristics? No 1k. Part of the street or highway system that serves as the principal roadway network for through N traffic flow;(Y or N) It includes rural or suburban highways outside,entering,or traversing a City;(Y or N) N , C. It appears as a major route on an official plan,such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic N and transportation study.(Y or N) Condition A'"?Average:Weekday Existing;'and Projected 5.Year;Total Entenng Volumes ���?" �.�� t; Toal Peat Hgoyui Enteiln '� `Warrant Mtnunum "s�." Does the intersection have 5 yeaie aa" ,�ri P ! sy+'�' "�•-7 .a E}: . �& i. tx y{ y.. . Y aye s6aa *. a ,.'£`._n i ee v-u.J'�C < s,.,. a u e 3.,:t.t f It i. r projected traffic volumes that meet Y i:."Volumeatlntersection e, �� i� ` 'aVolumeaclntersecuon-, ' ww -^ram s,4_Tr1 , o No 43 pax rAi 4 :we°b �µ t�+ wr s,;+h .. �cq< i 43�x :• On;a�S1 ore of�Waa�nts 1;2,OI ; 'er:713 '..ir. : :;.A'PH{ss� 7?ds a � '1000 3t;` „ i��PI I y duruig an aver3ge;�veekday? C, - '4ti's, Warrant8.-;Condition A in Mu u nm Cn te n a'Met ��c Condition B-Nonnormal Business Day (Saturday or Sunday) Existing,or Immediately Projected, Five-Hour Total Entering Volumes Does the intersection have a total existing,or immediately projected,entering volume of at least 1,000 �• vehicles per hour for each of any 5 hours of a nonnormal business day?(Y or N) N Warrant 8 - Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No ��' •fi'f .,ej" �'2!� H 'rt7 sL,Fa. 1;,�4 :'Lv :.2rN ✓3 . '$4 . .it'`�2+.� T.w"^y- �"�^i'C'�.�,�'!„r� NIN Warrant;8 ,�MirumumiCntena Met,;7&&s� ; � ..ti .,. . LCConsulting Engineers and land Surveyors �a g urve� I BILLINGS ■ BOZEMAN • Warrant-Analysis_Fer}vson-Avenue_Fallon-Strect_Existing Page 5 of 5 a TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT EVALUATION SUMMARY enert�Fnforinagon ".,T: , . . ; "r '- d �a' ^;r�` _<:'� -.�. .'S t P .,;�, • _analyst: Tom Eastwood Intersection: Ferguson Avenue& Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Fallon Street Date Performed: 2/26/2007jurisdiction: City of Bozeman Analysis Case: 2008 Background Project Number: BOZ_07005 Major Street: Ferguson Avenue a Direction(N-S or E-%V): N-S Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS Minor Street 1: Fallon Street Direction(N-S or E-%Vv): E-W Total#of Approaches: 4 Major Street Speed Limit: 35 mph Max Street85th%Speed: 35 mph WaffihfS,ti rim for AcMal Traffic Volume s7rt ' 7-7,77 D Description Warrant Met? Warrant 1:'Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume No Warrant 2: Four-Hour Vehicular Volume No Warrant 3: Peak Hour No , Warrant 4: Pedestrian Volume No Warrant 5: -School Crossing 'No Warrant 6: Coordinated Signal System No Warrant 7: CrashExperience " No Warrant 8: Roadway Network No Total Number of Warrants Met - 0 • B I M %ICI HIM ® IBC® �I► Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors t BILLINGS 0 BOZEMAN • Combination of Conditions• �B S��{ �t �-�,� � ;��_ .> rr v� ,�. ,� „ ��,�,ti E .� _ 3'• � > �i 35°�ca rk.�n xb I F t..; '� w-�*, s. "'"4' Y n $ i�-> _tY �5 S�f" tY ,0...,Y'S.. Ta x:_ rf� fi'f{ FQ'r?y y. �,�` Condrtion�Aa,`Minimum Vehicular Voluirie r ``�. ."� CtM{ � `af v > 4�"^t.� h,K)4" •V� t•-i. ,...e t 5-a. s r .•. tear r �� wy 3 tom; Eighth HighesE l�r s Warrant''AR6imum;Volumes,( h) t • �' Yl V4. ...'^$, t ..C. k \ `Y L. .y L.S,y .S. .rC•L¢ ,�Y'.�..y%'�N! t .. -_ - Y i•'. 7> r 2lumber of Quahfyitig -� a s1lalor'Street �� 413�� f r 4 ,c > tr s a{ • �.400.+ ,t�.r,,� r. ' N HOurS t K a : ' mx0 a 1\la'K i\fuior:A ioach CCs44� zr; t-20F V M i!k s4 c - T ;Sd°Warrant'l .:Condition A•Nliniuu'm'Cntena:Met?t�f1?.: ',4.._.`� 1 �` /a ` 'be r- Syr� r,�rt 3.ula� -Vt'`-.'U R -,� t -'�.t.•rf 1 F ..' �• x _. r : 7. k YNO � T L ��_ Condition B Interruption of Continuous Traffic;�' a ' hth FL hest '�Warrat:rMirvmum Volumes;' h�,.,;s'.a�tcr '�"yt>•c �{����y7�'3 �.� 9,�{'1t ..+' r� ,,.2aY_4c+, �4�.{ t'1 yag .u.,v ?��'` tG�S^ t�7 ( )4 e � ' "j°f vtx r ��br _ SwVe121CUIar Ol�umf'/sjJpH tk S— t q c l_�.a. ) �:x e` t���`�:��•S i�g�� ,E�t�,.�� ��7j,5`tg�.y jC6 ri�f�s�1�', y 3 Nurriber of Quahfymg a r sa � 1NIa or:Street T"f s 4P413 ;5� 6w �W. x*lmorl,4 roachfi ,�44t; GO �� , yx Nx� �: c,s r" ca t�,t ° , s,<r r , i Warrant 1=,Condition B;Mimirium Cntena Met?FF,"; e.e'... rcl .l�t r `t3 � N s y���'`� = 4x�P T Is f, 7,. .:Y,A th1 •:$' r� ;/"• _ nten)... r � iu , "..e��r 5-.`•' +.tJ7 t4s + }Warrant 1 tCombination of,Conditions A&B Mmum Ca°Mete Warrant 1 - Minimum Criteria Met? No ,eha "�, 1� � .c•-h v.•a:mx-u wx swmrnws'x Approach Lanes Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or Moor 1 Seeds.Above 40 mph on Major Street?(Y or N) Iv Fourth-Highest Warrant A•linimum Volumes( h) Vehicular Volume(VPH) 100% Z Number of Qualifying Major Street 441 _ _ Hours: 0 Mas Minor A roach ' 68 284 N/A ; Warrant 2 Minimum Criteria Met? No Wananfi#3 Peakl~Tour • A roach Lanes >< � .�29 • Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or Minot 1 Seeds Above 40 mph on Major Street?(Y or N) N �•^> 'p{�i{try,�Y -t'-0e6. A"� �� 3� ,et ^¢�tr a � K�z � �: P�.� „ �'��„�Fir �' �- ;�4 ,�..�Condition A.li eztStop ed�Tune�Delay�on Mrnor Street¢Approach�� a `�° � �%?'�'e� 'r .� r k• �Tiotal Peak'`rHour Stop ed Dela `�� . �' '-�'^���: ���•'�< . N��a ' � :.tee z ,�..,Y .+c4.�' ,x�';.. l tzr�„d�� g. t�5�st t `�'I"y � t`�: d ` n'�"r,.�r•�S�3;at xE��`� �xi" X'��i,;?, S�t�" ':+?' y x ''.�.�j ���. �' ate; �s"�'��'' ,n 0 3. r � 3 ueh Hrsx ,�"''�•",� j ,��a�� F�-4r� V � �.os: „ a :i .�4� . '�..�al.•1,���! � eh His fix=�;r �zfw_t 1nzjxWarcantR3 iCondinonA.1'1�Itnimum CntenaMet�'�c. t r.�Ly Cv�w�3A K- ,t �t +''�'�it it ��t 1 •a,�sa'�'��'Noin,k�`sD4t .'�`+'�` ��a,�5,,+i.-e�'''�s >ayE 't�,•r{'��.•'�oF--� ".}, ` ''�t��Condit><on�A�'�•f� H �s.t 'f c"'h�vSrua T ,c,r1� ,ar :,e*t+ Ah a a, _ ,. �t�£�R,�� '� •�,.,���, �� � �. •� K�<.�._ k Vehicular Volume on Minor Street A roach` ' � � r r <"i � 'j t A roach ua � ,Vehlct%Lar�Volumex� �'K"3u..: � r a s 2 w •tV *°bi�I?PHt s 'r k 1 O l R,- 0 �7 ' <1s .#)0.- t t�a t ,, ,- ti -.».;iwr , a•z..r,y ttF...i,, 4 r. �;x si' €t xWaz;aat 3 Condition A 2:Muiimum Gntenaxlbfet? .' 3 ��� � `°' �y y 3h .. .. Y'$b:..5�a{hc ..P tA7k "2 s 'Z>'t t ` r a'` �'�iW � a� ur.i ¢ r cti u + Qatar yr tst I a"� � fr '�, r ��7PFf NEr�"fCondinon A3^ Total'Enteruigvolume �` r4`'"' Tonal Numb`e.r,,//�o€Approaches }r `Toial Peak*Hour$Enrenrip '-� g. st ^�va3t y ".� c "{ ttt Mirllti7ua7 s-°...tTw2"Xi'^ t.0 ��. ,"I s* f cAs•'K�'"' r a� p ?... �s,�,;�,�at;7ntersecuon ' ; 4� , � V,olumeatlntersecuom> Sto ed Dela ax.,5� t St a 4 L n a a"n by r t•�' j � ��.s�r' ,c� 'g X�`�'v:�v^s,�::r p �"'.n ,a., r-mx+ r •w a rR�aa4�t 'tn `��ast �743 � VPH a '� ,� ^ ;a{r 5s ' z Warrant 3Conditioti+A 3Minimum" ;" + �M •' r t �� _ -Cntena• " vC��ciYsr s r3.•`�'aY iu- ft> Is..vS P n.� A;gat 'r c:�c t � .r+p �`,s...y�•y�: rx-� P Y t ,E ;,.r. n ° a?� Warrant"3 aCondition A Minun ..._,. ...._.._ .t.. ..._. ..._..__ � .• um�CntenaPMet x.��.•. r�,����� > �:���� �N �� Condition B -Vehicular Volumes on Both Approaches Maximum Simultaneous Warrant JW nimum Volumes( h) I Volumes H) 100% Number of Qualifying Major Street 0 Hours: 8 Dfae Minor Approach 0 746 N/A Warrant 3 - Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No %Warrant.Analysis_Ferguson:Avenue_Fallon-Street_2008 Page 3 of 5 Pedestrian Volume Number of Qualifying Maximum Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warrant Minimums r7l Hrs.Dlore Than 80 Peds: 0 Crossing Volume 4-Hour 1-Hour dumber of Qualifying 0 PED/HR 80 152 H • Hrs. More Than 152 Peds: 0 a Warrant 7 - Condition C Minimum Criteria Met? No �Warran6; Miriiti M'Criteria Met? No,;,. art #.SMRoad Definition of a Major Route Do two or more in ters ec qpg routes have at least one or more of the follo wing characteristics? No �. Part of the street or highway system that serves as the principal roadway network for through N traffic flow;(Y or N) B. It includes rural or suburban highways outside,entering,or traversing a City;(Y or N� N C. It appears as a major route on an official plan,such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic N and transportation study. (Y or N� Condition"A",-:Kf&age:AWeekday Existing;and Projected 5 Year;Total Ente ;volumes Does the mtersectxon have 5 ear ` `S.:iTotal Peak HourEniennY'�sc � ' � Warrant Minimum y` yam.t1 gtraffic voliun s thatme 4 '�M :tVolume atlnt rsection �r+=:�„ � j�,Volumeatltiierseon,s �� aY,^v c.s= n, N4& one or more of Warrants vTT i",fit c Y K } F s y l� c .y �g. .cr 1000:�' ,VPH _ dunng an'aveiage weekday�, t `;vlt}' : .3,t is Conditioii�A`MinunumCriteiia'Met?'F"" t_ .'<N.iY'ttl•.itn.r At-:..f.J. _Y.x. Condition B.-Nonnormal Business Day (Saturday or Sunday) Existing,or Immediately Projected, Five-Hour Total Entering Volumes Does the intersection have a total existing,or immediately projected,entering volume of at least 1,000 N • vehicles per hour for each of any 5 hours of a nonnormal business day?(Y or N) Warrant 8 - Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No f ar raiser rnt.w, ..,. ys ,f: ' �€ r �t' Warrant!8 1VI<nimum�Criterla Metrg ' �� + �No ^ IEW1511,11 IE E W W Off 1 C 0 Consulting Engineers and land Surveyors , eBILLINGS ■ BOZEMAN I I • Warrant-Analysis_Fergu5on-Avcnue_Fallon-Strect_20i)8 Page 5 of 5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT EVALUATION SUMMARY I Genera `� lIInfarmano , � , 'j Y • nalyst: Tom Eastwood Intersection: Ferguson Avenue& Agency/Company: Engineering,Inc. Fallon Street Date Performed: 2/26/2007jurisdiction: City of Bozeman _Analysis Case: 2008 Background T Site Project Number: BOZ_07005 Major Street: Ferguson Avenue Direction(N-S or E-\XC : N-S Project Description: The Ridge Athletic Club PC'D TIS Minor Street 1: Fallon Street Direction(N-S or E-1X): E-W Total#of Approaches: 4 Major Street Speed Lunt 35 mph Max Major Street 85th%Speed: 35 m h ��--�^.���ra��-cntr, .�3ura�rr x s� -�, s��a�ur�^nsr•- •r � ��.�.�,R � �'ananS�umm .for ActualTraffiolames �, ��,, E. ;- 4. Description Warrant Met? ,i.c .w { 3'`�yxx� k't1�: 'nc � �t�+ n. �, s•t S ;�y,' Warrant 1 ��Ei ht Hour velucularVolurne �. �_. Warrant 2: Four-Hour Vehicular Volume No S �,,. 4���1 a v�`ry��'k ;n ' Tarrant 3 zsPeak Hour.M4r = g t mo .. r �. £-No Warrant 4: Pedestrian Volume f �y{ No "xM.r4 �it��sA#42` M' ASS 4s ,d?3'c'1'' 7 � L u#+.v<�•-r' aF�,.N',,�t'`3��Y�e:+T'J3'isy'+''°t-"� t fa -fAf�, u3 � �dk Warrant 5School„Crossin Warrant 6: Coordinated Signal System No t `� xt �+-tR$' a $ r yF�'+r r,.,s �`ry rqg A WarrantY7 Crash E enenee t ; N�t�a .'!"�. Warrant 8: Roadway Network No y�'t s'i`^.• {"m•';ti 4ii�i4 y�' �o- ;YaE",J -•.�'�' ,�,+ 1y,�yt:y.P '� vYytl�l%`•a ' .'«'""r ii`,.+ � t �r t�rwT" a+°f+Pn 'a4 �' '�'N�'r"� • ,...,�,,..�.��,-+$ ccsaut�wp r d otes`&Comments ���;;�� �'�, a,� ;� r I I IConsulting Engineers and land Surveyors • t BILLINGS • BOZEMAN t Combination of Condition A Niinipium Vehicular Volume 14� s� is z'�"Ss�c,� S`ir n {•a"' h�� �. i � �a,t 7 v, 'w7� 1� 7 �' i �,+ o-a F.51 ph�_1 Hl !lest°Y •t - t F^51.�A q -?'�c+ t `� �'• ,�.a r- , b g nt c+ �. arrant�'llrllll]Llrll"-VolumeS N • t7 Veh�culai Vollume dumber of Quahfj g s in x F r i\fa or Street. F� 437 n 400 Hours r u10 ,;�'faY"LtiioiA roach t"118`r �120 Warrant 1 Condiuon A IVfinimum Cntena Mete 'IK � Y=,.rS..T Con B N �t NFw $� t+ a , ti 3tt °�;i{ �� A 2 ciiuon Interruption of`Contiriiious Traffic;,`; 74{ r ,trYi .� r .ca .r�%v Y A>tr{ t r{ ( _ Highest ` 3 d z.l Warrdr]tMlrllll7um Volumes-.(Yy.i) i r`y;= v^ryrCk .ra K,.t,+F j3•w_ I tlf i b 3,?�F "e a'?r fri' r - 'n{y,r �`� a - >t x..s, 3. �'i`�r.�r�t �.. Vehicular Yolume�(VPA)� _";� vvvi�is+.-e,. �%'''f dL�-C� �,�• a�„�"i 9p,,c•,�-��(% et A,- ' Number of Quahfytiig Street LvN; 437�"E'•' V }^Y qgi �L�� } :°'S; �' l,r7 a��• �. or ' Hours �{` S i zfr1t�418 K s tz� s �� a Hx # tie!fax�IinOi roachA. G y w , N111a ss� ,L V S ar Warrant!. Condition B Minimum Cntena Met? t J ;� ,�' rx Nor " ^=Wariani l; ;Co`mbination'of Conditions A&B'Ill'iinu n Crntei7a Met � f, Warrant 1 - Minimum Criteria Met? No Approach Lanes �4 Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or Minor 1 S eeds above 40 m h on Major Street?(Y o N Fourth-Highest Warrant Minimum Volumes( h) Vehicular Volume(VPH) 100% 7 �tumber of Qualifying Afaior Street 467 Hours: 0 Max Minor Approach 80 271 N/A Warrant 2 Minimum Criteria Met? No !` antlT3? _1u5.7o_U� OEM ,�`"a"' Approach LanesA rlow. } Major 1 Community Less Than 10,000 Population or • Minor 1 Speeds Above 40 mph on Major Street? N < (YorI�) +,5, WTI; .,w b�, ^j.. ,a*1' 9. x (�r u�+ s5 �" a•tn'o- f a„vE a..s auf tT °u'l at h t 32r� ped�Time Delay on Minor Street Approach{�,y n 'ya `t;�' ` s� w i 4 Tctial Peak?Hour Sto ed Dela at T b �, ti r, 7:z �Q: ,J.Warrant:lb q�ra!p rlri' m ,4-.'hit* j�}'�, .`$n. s .i+.L,AJ •'1:4.rS't�'f'?c`"t4 L` rs§>~''�O az a ltnimnm ,�.. x.=r E >s estl ttnSp x �' t'k.,i' I � °S' �. •-cr�"� �a' aF � Y r� #'' �q �' rvt• f t t r ry et on�NLnor StreetrA l Eno:-.:�.: ��-Sto _ed De1a � �,�x°•�. • �. a ,n�av,a���r�4�, -'�.�; �r y t ��a,Veh�SH'rS�;- -- -�s• O zt s a'w.'.`i- ,a?' 3'fif i�.Y rt� a✓tr, l .Y£+..,�9 r t w v9tr eta - ..tab r. ..g 4 �.r awe•'?k ,..Ys.:-tM;va •u.0.�.x 'o� ������ �,. � ������ „�4�,��c u'� ConclittonA Z,,�V,ehicular�V�olu>ne on Minor StreettA roach-•��, � r `c� *,rt,i,a. 1.�Y s";7"x"i .ffK< .r .k _r .. � h� '1"• .x r .:.. i .. PP..... Ei.4 r•.m L ` t 5 a .+ xC m.4 t�ws,� �Ma r e3 h Warrant Mrnlrrl t2rli {�7# ''S. � h, �x y2 4 �Tij;k �a�UnMllioiStreet lAu< att ti3�� :'+''`o-...:u'*sTi .kl �3 s t+ i ;, 5 ✓AtE �.. .. � .VehiculartYolume ,;.6a, „'!i!#�; ��'r'1ts.7.�{rdt hAy2���"w� � 't��,y�6i 4 ,�'2�5�,-,.I t K k M �`1". _ ��, a7' PX..aa t;�i ,ylF frs• = x , n•-n•^hw.L�rw wr �t4'ur� >- .-i:.ci �`-' �*�at.�"i"�'� k�,. i`�,��a>2 �Iw?��'"C'�:"'�'���'�-�a��TPI-� r� � a-."+�•``'�i' r"I" t� �--?�ti ., >d�` 4,�' �,.� iz�i�� � 100�,n��, `�t° u ,� ,.���.VPI3:r�•�'N •+, ;_ ,'y 2 "fir'^ rE 5 +P°i ondiuon bG A.2 Minimum Cntena Meth�&�'p�,�r �a`1�f`�� �s�`'� � ; rt��•�No;�xrtik z FoYi`.,�,{ '�,{ ' ,1Yf1f`'`m �'+''s�`'s�a�y + Cf�-dv5' 4s �.s iik\ '1r�:Fi. '• ,-^47 R �.v 2'•n�'`: .� .•Tl ip,LrA. '.kTWYMndition An3a Total Entering Vol�umet rr•Yah.` �""+ ' `. aTgtallYuiiib� ofAppioaches;tt3TorPeakl3Qur°Enteg D � :g`1Y!acianrMinun'uin = kxb��� }' nS 91 ` "-^'.S'.4F;JI T`1f, �' 'yr> .�•�'_ t.cf"F,•g`•°at�lntersecuona,, olumeaiTn ersecuon`aQi '�`"czt..e 43 rxf Lt�4 °"as"'"`>'�"``a'tywi-�3'�tk4Y iT•ril pj. }, . �' .� abr,� ,,• ,,, ' � �. i�a,ss. .-Sto ed Dela . ,.,, '�i'.< �• (17E_` .c`fY "'�p' 5 r4 .GsM> a$al *,1 +4. ,�2'� *t� ':a J ..i"i S}bL1^�„i y.�,��� �a �Jkg�,i'��>���' r„�..Wa;rant�3�Condinon A 3 Minimum,Cntena Met � '•�' � x� '�� t t *, ;` l airant.'3, Condition A Miiiunum Cnter`ia�lVlet�` `�` � �" ? ` Condition B -Vehicular Volumes on Both Approaches Alaeimum Simultaneous Warrant 11•linimum Volumes( h) Volumes(VPH) 100% 700/6 Number of Qualifying Ala'or Street 1 658 Hours: 8 D'fax i\linor r1 roach 91 343 N/A • Warrant 3- Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No Warrant-Analysis_Ferguson-Avenue_Fallon-Street_2008+Site Page 3 of 5 Pedestrian Volume Number of Qualifying Maximum Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warrant Minimums Hrs.More Than 80 Peds: 0 Crossing Volume 4-Hour 1-Hour r Number of Qualifying 0 PED/HR 80 152 Hrs.Afore Than 152 Peds: 0 Warrant 7 - Condition C Minimum Criteria Met? a No Warrant�7 '`Minimum°.Criteria°Met., a � �i''..,. No - RUd'Taa Definition of a Major Route Do two or more intersecting routes have at least one or more of the foLlwAdgg characteristics? No 1�. Part of the street or highway system that serves as the principal roadway network for through N traffic flow,(Y or N) B. It includes rural or suburban highways outside,entering,or traversing a City;(Y or N) N C. It appears as a major route on an official plan,such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic N and transportation study.(Y or N) Corid><tion'WTAvera a'W&kd if Existing,and:Piolectecl 5 Year,Total Enteruig Volumes � �'" t;-. Does the tntersecrion have 5 ear�' 'x "' TotalPeakHoprEnrering ,.+thfWarrdntMintrnumMk,r 4 ' r d tr -`.v _+" ^I.,,e .�. �r q�<� •�-u?�' � �.��� �,� � projected traffic volumes that meet =� volume at Intersection r t#Voltune at Iritetse`ctton�ii t s� :��x { �-e: ,ems w�y`� iLgs A.z -s^'� one or more of,Warrantstl,2,or.3 4t,1' -+ry,^'4E • :i'`c ;4"�' t �t ^rS sue' { 3CS,:-iivi,.',+w�,,:.H.. .,', Ly. VPH .5. z:�_ry 1000�' .,r VPH �v during an average weekday?a =' X . Condition"AiMini murri`Cr`itefi:.. [Does ondition B -Nonnormal Business Day (Saturday or Sunday) xisting, or Immediately Projected,Five-Hour Total Entering Volumes the intersection have a total existing,or immediately projected,entering volume of at least 1,000 ;• ' N ` vehicles per hour for each of any 5 hours of a nonnormal business day?(Y or N) go $�. Warrant 8 - Condition B Minimum Criteria Met? No pt'z.l�.. +:.T.'lYV:yp.-7 § ✓'a t5.:.'llk ry-■- 'M'S "4;• 4 •�"' �Warrant:8Mirumum Criteria°'Met? $� = Yd: �' No �;"�14, LIMEMO R lr5 I � 0 Co Consulting Engineers and land SurveyorsBILLINGS BOUNIAN ` i • I \Clarrant-Analysis_Ferguson-Avenue_Fallon-Street_2008+Site Page S of 5 t • • i .1 1 J �I A pendix F Capacity Calculations -- Mitigation Measures /O-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMIV IT General Information Site Information Analyst Tom Eastwood Intersection Fer uson/Valley Commons • Agency/Co. Engineering, Inc. Jurisdiction Cit,y of Bozeman Date Performed 2/26/2007 Analysis Year 2008 Miti ation Analysis Time Period AM Peak Project Description BOZ 07005: The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS East/West Street: Valley Commons Drive North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments D Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 274 67 45 313 Peak-Hour Factor PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Lf Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 0 0 21 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized .0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration TR L T U stream Signal 0 1 n Minor Street Eastbound Westbound U Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R �• Volume veh/h 17 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 57 401 0 0 351 85 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N D Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 1 Configuration R Delay,Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L R I (veh/h) 57 21 C (m) (veh/h) 1134 659 /c 0.05 0.03 95%queue length 0.16 0.10 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.3 10.6 LOS A B iApproach Delay (s/veh) — 10.6 pproach LOS B • copyright m 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 5:22 PM I LL-WAY STOP CONTROL ANAL' 'S General Information Site Information L Tom Eastwood Intersection Fe uson Ave/Fallon St En ineerin ,Inc. urisdiction Ci of Bozeman med 2/26/2007 nalysis Year 2008 Miti ation me Period M Peak OZ 07005:The Ridge Athletic Club PUD TIS EasUWest Street: Fallon Street North/South Street: Ferguson Avenue C olume Adjustments and Site Characteristics roach Eastbound Westbound Movement L T R L T R of (veh/h) 5 2 35 52 5 10 %Thrus Left Lane roach Northbound Southbound Movement L T I R L T R oiume(veh/h) 99 173 4 11 373 5 %Thrus Left Lane Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound n L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 1 onflguration LTR LTR L TR L TR i PHF 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Flow Rate(veh/h) 47 76 115 205 12 438 Heavy Vehicles 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 JNo.Lanes 1 1 2 2 Geometry Group 2 2 5 5 Duration,T 0.25 Saturation Headway Adjustment Worksheet Prop.Left-Turns 0.1 1 0.8 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 n Prop.Right-Tums 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lj Prop.Heavy Vehicle 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LT-adj 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 hRT-adj -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 1 -0.6 1 -0.7 1 -0.7 1 -0.7 -0.7 hHVadj 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 adj,computed -0.5 0.1 0.5 -0.0 0.5 -0.0 n Departure Headway and Service Time IUI hd,initial value(s) 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 ,initial 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.18 0.01 0.39 n hd,final value(s) 5.39 5.87 5.82 5.29 5.73 5.20 ilJl ,final value 0.07 0.12 0.19 0.30 0.02 0.63 Move-up time,m(s) 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.3 service Time,t9(s) 3.4 3.9 3.5 3.0 3.4 2.9 jCapacity and Level of Service Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Li L2 Lt L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 `i Capacity(veh/h) 297 326 365 455 262 683 Delay(s/veh) 8.80 9.70 9.85 10.25 8.54 16.45 LOS A A A 8 1 A C k i1Approach:Delay(s/veh) 8.80 9.70 10.11 16.23 LOS A A B C 1 Intersection Delay(s/veh) 13.09 Intersection LOS B Copyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 2/26/2007 5:24 PM • \ i STORM WATER MAINTENANCE PLAN The Ridge Athletic Club Subdivision City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ROUTINE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE: 1. Retention ponds shall be kept free of trash, and the berms/slopes shall be mowed or otherwise maintained to provide for a pleasant appearance. 2. The owner shall inspect retention ponds monthly from May to October to insure that the original design capacity is in order. Records shall be kept in a separate log book of the inspections of said ponds, indicating the bottom elevation and condition of the ponds. 3. A cleanout stake (2"x 4" treated wood) shall be installed near the center of the pond. The cleanout elevation shall be clearly marked on the stake. 4. Sediment shall be removed and the pond restored to its original dimensions when the sediment reaches the elevation marked on the cleanout stake. • 5. Swales conveying runoff to the ponds shall be maintained regularly. Swales shall consist of dense grass. Bare spots or eroded spots should be reseeded immediately. Grass should be mowed regularly, and clippings should be removed in order to prevent clogging of the ponds. 6. Culverts and swales shall be inspected routinely to ensure that there are no obstacles or sediment buildup that will prevent flow to the ponds. 7. Maintenance of the ponds shall be the responsibility of the property owner or the property owner's association if one has been formed. Dated this 'oLs day of P�� , 200 -1-. i Signed: 6AwAk— U • 1C IV Gngnee- and jr /en ,1PC.ga • i "Ac rIw-8 59-;6 - plhf',,H(4061527 1' �E, • Pak F-M&I March 23. 2006 M.D.E.Q.Wa(cr Protection Bureau Storm Water Program P.O. Box 200901 1 lelena, MT 59620-(N0 I RI;: SWPP/N0I for the Ridge Athletic Club Subdivision,1111A). Bozeman- MT(06386) Dear Sir or Madam. Enclosed please find die following items for review ofThe Ridge Athletic Club Subdivision 1 P1'D located in Bozeman, NIT: I. One Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Form 2. One Notice of Intent Fonn 3. Two copies of the vicinity map 4. One copy ol'SWPP Site Plan 5. Check in the amount of$900.00 for the review fees. If you need any further information. please feel free to call nic. Thank you. Sincerely. I),TriL\Ier • DA/15,7vaural Engneering and SUrti-Q,,qng � � � �` . � f � L � � r 1 1 1 � / • � I Y � i i i I 3 � r f I f � F 1 l i F � ! � t i i Inter-office Original to: • City of Bozeman Planning Department 20 East Olive Street WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS THE RIDGE MAJOR SUBDIVISION The undersigned owners of the real property situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Lots 1-8 of Ridge Major Subdivision, SW1/4, Section 10, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION of receiving approval for a major subdivision of the subject property from the City of Bozeman, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other • and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in recognition of the impacts to Ferguson Avenue which will be caused by the development of the above-described property, the owner has waived and do hereby waive for itself, its successors and assigns, the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement districts including but not limited to the following improvements: Ferguson Avenue; signalization improvements for the intersection of West Babcock Street and Ferguson Avenue; and signalization improvements for the intersection of Durston Road and Ferguson Avenue, or to make any written protest against the size or area or creation of the district be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above-described property. In the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a • • • fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the • property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. This waiver shall be .a covenant running with the land and shall not expire with the dissolution of any partnership or company, provided however this waiver shall apply to the lands herein described. The terms, covenants and provisions of the Waiver shall extend to, and be binding upon the successors-in-interest and assigns of the parties hereto. M DATED this 08 day of `rR ) 2007. LANDOWNERS Steve Roderick Owner, Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness STATE OF MONTANA) • ss. County of GALLATIN ) c� On this 1 day of 2007, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally app ared Steve Roderick, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation of Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Seal) t �f v�G:sv'Z•I�d&f Print Name Here) 'Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at r T—f . �..c. My Commission Expires:.-j�—fi�:�/_v: ✓'~ 1 (Use 4 digits for expiration year) / • LANDOWNERS Jo n Nordwick President, Bozeman Deaconess Health Services STATE OF MONTANA) ss. County of GALLATIN ) h On this day of l i r, 2007, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally app- eare'd John Nordwick, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation of Bozeman Deaconess Health Services. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written�\`\��jjiiliii�iriTi�� \N§\' ''��.. (SA No rq •� � Chen u I Vie) OU') (Print Name Here) R�'9�:Z a Notary Public for the State of Montana S'1�,� _ Residing at PJ0 ze rr1a,�, CY1 n n V U.f1� 92-y1, • My Commission Expires: • I (Use 4 digits for expiration year) OFMON�P�J • • • • �__ I I I • za Planned Unit Development The Ridge Athletic Club is a mixed-use I _ development which reflects the practical lifestyle of the residents of the City of Bozeman. The development will create an --= = innovative and attractive complex that embodies fundamental smart growth principles such as mixed-use, ,. coordinated building design with a strong sense of place, collective spaces, enhanced health ® opportunities, and a reduction in energy consumption. Development Guidelines THE RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB SITE DESIGN SIGNS Neighborhood Character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3 Sign Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 15 Architectural Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Sign Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Site Plan. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Sign Area & Placement. . . ........ . . . . . ....17 Approved Uses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6 Building Setbacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 LANDSCAPING Building Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8 Landscape Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Foundation Planting Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 BUILDING DESIGN Street Perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 OPEN SPACE Building Mass & Composition. . . . . . . . . 10 Open Space Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20 Roof Form & Materials. . . . . . . . . . . 11 Open Space Improvements. . . . . . . . . ...21 Architectural Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12 Park & Outdoor Amenities. . . . . . . . . . . . ..22 Building Materials & Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Outdoor Fixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Wall Mounted Lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 14 Exterior Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .24 Table of Contents DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 2 r q�6 i' NCO _y Existing Elements Developed Neighborhood --Pitched Roof The surrounding neighborhood has a residential -Buildings 11/2-2 character including the commercial and office Story uses. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure innovative design that sets this development apart u q �� �s_ 'rya' ::Horizontal Siding & from other locations. � 1 HE �v,Elt, �. Dryvit The building designs for The Ridge Athletic Club - 4`' -.;Neutral Colors �4 � ,�-i. campus will not match the existing architecture of the neighborhood but the color and mass will r 4 z> compliment the existing neighborhood architecture. Neighborhood Character � SITE DESIGN 3 • i t Architectural Review Committee City of Bozeman Review All building plans and modifications to all lots shall All building plans except for Lot 3 will require be reviewed and approved by the Ridge additional review by the City of Bozeman, A lot Architectural Review Committee. All plans will be purchaser or potential buyer will need to submit a reviewed for appropriateness of use, availability of sketch plan to the City Planning Office for review of parking, adequacy of landscaping, amount and the building, signage and landscape plans by the style of signage and complimentary building Design Review Board and potentially the design. Development Review Committee. The Committee will review the lot development The City will review the application for compliance • plans for consistency with the Development with the City ordinance, the PUD approval and life Guidelines. Upon acceptance the Architectural and safety matters. , Review Committee will be responsible for issuing a Based on the PUD approval and relaxations the letter of approval to the City of Bozeman as - City of Bozeman shall be party to any changes or evidence that thelplans have been reviewed and modifications made to the Development approved. All development review applications Guidelines as they relate'to a6y code provisions or must receive approval from the Architectural conditions of approval. Review Committee prior to submitting an application to,the'City of Bozeman. ' Architectural Review SITE DESIGN 4 I I i I CLO I F-- — — — — — — - ._. .---- LEGEND LO J I I.RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB I „5 50.00080 FT EXISTING .-9,MI SO FT FUTURE DEVELOPMENT L G I i I 2.BO"/_EMAN DEACONESS I OSPITAL /' V jl I j o ( I I N.o00 s0 rT ,� oy / '// • 3.COFFEE SHOP-2 STORY " n / -------- ---•--••-'-J - - - I 230D SOFT yG ��` 'I �••-.. I I,500 SO FT_PA170 ®P ; i i I 4.COMMERCIAL&OFFICE-z s7oaZONED R-OO M 5 r I l i I I 5.OF'FICEBUIWING-2sioxv 6.OFFICE 000so ILDING-zsmlty lrD I U Iz.na0 so F1• \/\/ � �/\)�._._._. .__._ ___�___ _ __ ' ___ _.� •.�= o `—'� ' I 7.OFFICE 1UILDING 2.IMSOFT I I I 8.OFFICE BUILDING-2 STORY 12.nnn sp Fr I 9.ACTIVIi RECREATIONAL USES I BE.NCH 1 4 I i I I 10.PLAZA 2BEVCHFS -- BOLLARDLIGHT• l'REF GRAT G p BIKE Ii O BACK — SEHS4 SITBUMIIS i TOTAL BUILDING SQ FT yl I E 115,WSOFT 0001 i i n� VO 9 0 ro rAL OPEN sracE sQF r I' I IIM1,14.l SO IT A 1 — uoouu o — b �-'D — — — — — —East Cr��aP� j o ZONED B-P I �I O I R-0 BUILDING COVERAGE @ 60% 2 I DRI-I-I-I� %+1_1-I i I 100 I xuu.DiN(-r76Js5 sO F'r2 To'rA Al7.dlO SO rT-I6.6% \\ B-P O BUILDING COVERAGE a 60 \ \ b sv FT i i BUILOING-101,851 FrJT0TAL=$34,7SOSQ =23.4% FML 9 1 1 � ! I M_11111Li I \'•\ I ;1 I PARKING CALCULATIONS I.RIDDGE ATHLETIC CLUB 231 SPACES \ i I 2.BO/.EMAN DEACONESS HOSPITAL 8.00(1 SFX 834:QiPER 2505F- 275PACtS 3.COFFEE SHOP 1.2wsF1..'000R PUBLIC SF.RVI%GARFA CIPFR 23 SPACES 2. ARi A( IPER I(N SI'- 20SPACES TOTAL- PATIO - 44 SPACES c- i I I 4.COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE BUILDING 5.DOO SF X R5%Qa 250 SF 17 SPACES \ "rf ` ` •\ fI I I I N 3.000SFX8545(�I PER300%r- 14 PPS SPACES Z C3 I TOTAL 31 SPACES<o w 5.OFFICE BUILDING \♦ \\ !„ j U I I �ZI 10.0011 SF%559:@ I PER 250 SF- 34 SPACES 11-L-{1-1-1-}--�'IR(II������I� (�— Ii I NoI 6.OFFICEBUILDING \`\ / (\V I 'll II R ' I V 12.0M SF'%R596i�� 7P1:N 230 SF'- 315YACtS m w1 7.OFFICE BUILDING aa 2.1011SFX85%QQ IPER250SF- 7SPACES F w ZI 8.OFFICE BUILDING iwI 12,ao0sr•XKs4.@tYlaB2sF 0s - alsrncrS Z 0 i NI TOTAL REQUIRED O w 47e SPACES AND ACCESSIBLE SPACES I V TOTAL PROVIDED W \ 1 376 SPACES AND 21 ACCESSIBLE SPACES I I L _ w • —— — —— — — — — —— —-- — SITE PLAT, � t:= O I O SCALE:N.T.S. V) t Fallon Street t v. . B-P Business Park District (Lots 1-4 and 7-8) Principal Permitted Uses: ::Restaurant, sandwich shop and coffee shop ::Health and exercise establishment ::Personal and convenience services ::Hospital ::Retail (Not to exceed 5,000 square feet gross footprint -;Laboratories, research and diagnostic per tenant) ::Medical Clinic ::Bunks and other financial institutions ::Offices ::Day care center ::Veterinary clinic ::Other uses as identified in the Bozeman Municipal Code =Automobile washing establishment (Lot 7 only)- max 2 bays, screened from the street with landscaping and limited hours of operation R-O Residential Office District (Lots 5 and 6) Principal Permitted Uses :. ::Apartments on the second or subsequent floor :Day care center -Offices -Medical offices, clinics and centers -!Other uses as identified by the Bozeman Municipal Code Approved Uses SITE DESIGN 6 B-P Business Park District (Lots 174 and 7-8) Principal Permitted Uses: ::Restaurant, restaurants serving alcoholic beverages ::Health and exercise establishment (per City Commission approval June 2, 2008) , :.Hospital sandwich shop and coffee shop :.Laboratories, research and diagnostic ::Personal and convenience services . ::Retail (Not to exceed 5,000 square feet gross footprint ::Medical Clinic per tenant) ::Offices ::Banks and other financial institutions ::Veterinary clinic ::Day care center • ::Other uses as identified in the Bozeman Municipal Code Approved by: R-O Residential Office District (Lots 5 and 6) Principal Permitted Uses : ::Apartments on the second or subsequent floor ::Day care center Andrew C. Epple, Planni Director ::Offices City of Bozeman :Medical offices, clinics and centers • ::Other uses as identified by the Bozeman Municipal Code Approved Uses (Amended 6.2.08) SITE DESIGN 6 • 0 Lot # Ferguson Fallon Ravalli Parking Side Rear Avenue` Street Street Lot" PROPERTYYFI$]Z S ' Ar5r �.. LINE- , e 1, 1 42 Feet 25 feet - 5 Feet 5 Feet - 1 I _ 2 42 Feet - 5 Feet 5 Feet 3 42 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet N ' I _(�, FRONT YARD 4 42 Feet - 5 Feet 5 Feet U I ;i�t SETBACK 5'-0' I Iy BUILDING ( PRIMARY 5 42 Feet - 5 Feet 5 Feet 8 ENTRANCE 6 •• 15 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet �¢• U._ ___; 7 - 25 Feet - 5 Feet 5 Feet 8 - - - 5 Feet 5 Feet 20 Feet SIDE TY ARD SETBACK 5'- "I 1 v -PR❑PERT i I ----- — SIDE YARD SETBACK -0 LINE FRONT YARD ` I SEC❑NDAR * The Ferguson Avenue building setback IS SETBACK 5'-0' � j! ENTRANCE PRIMARY ; w Limeasured from the edge of the Ferguson ENTRANCE BUILDINGS' Avenue right of way and includes the 42 foot TRAIL EA E ,ENTq� 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 wide public access easement granted for the trail, t a z 'I ** �' �� LANDSCAPING � The building setback taken from the parking lot TO BE�BNE is measured from the lot line. ' BY ❑WNER SIDE YARD SETBACK Building Setbacks - ' r SITE DESIGN 7 Max. Lot Maximum Building Area Lot Lot Area Coverage Max. Building Open # SF 60% SF Area Gross SF Space* The maximum building area is an estimate based on 1 1 1 1,645 66,987 59,000 19,850 the total number of parking spaces available within 2 16,901 10,141 8,000 1,295 the subdivision. The approved site plan outlines the 3 9,015 5,409 5,900 0 assumed number of parking spaces needed to support each lot, The permitted uses and area of 4 11 ,841 7,105 10,000 3,522 each use will be dependent on the overall number of 5 1 11 ,958 7,175 10,000 3,556 parking spaces available. 6 14,967 8,980 12,000 2,994 Additional parking may also be provided within lot 7 9,221 5,533 2,100 1,560 lines with the approval of the Property Owner's 8 11 ,127 6,676 12,000 0 Association and the City of Bozeman as long as each lot still maintains required setbacks, lot coverage and Required open space to be maintained within each open space. lot in addition to the minimum yard setbacks. Maximum Lot Coverage - \ N The maximum lot coverage for all buildings is 60%. Lot I w coverage includes building area, patios and paved a l surfaces. w ,► In addition to meeting minimum yard setbacks Lots 1-2 2 0 U i and 4-7 have on site open space. The open space I has been calculated towards the minimum open I ! space required for the Planned Unit Development, This I area must be maintained and will regulate the overall i size of the building footprint. I Building Area i SITE DESIGN 8 i o r PARKING SIDEWALK BUILDING ASPHALT WALKING PATH FERGUSON AVE, SIDEWALK HOUSING Essential Elements Human Scale - ::Average building Buildings shall have mass and scale that is visually L. height should be appealing to pedestrians at street level. The between 27 and 34 buildings in the Ridge campus shall include design feet except Lot 7). elements that address the Ravalli Street, Fallon ( p z ''! ::Buildings will vary Street and Ferguson Avenue streetscapes. Y between 1 to 21/2 Buildings shall have mass and scale that is visually stories. appealing to pedestrians. ::Architectural elements are Primary Entrance r= "" required on all four Buildings shall be oriented to provide primary - j sides of a building. entrance to the building from the parking lot. Secondary entry from the street and plazas is also recommended as a means to address human scale from the streetscape. street Perspective BUILDING DESIGN 9 ! � r ❑PTI❑NAL BUILDING RECESS Essential Elements Building Mass .Building entrances g t should be recessed at least 5 feet. The buildings will be designed ILDIN - —cL with simple but dramatic forms. ;.Horizontal bands Architectural details and 1511 30' i should be used to fenestration will be used to express changes in reduce the perception of mass �15, floor. and bulk. BUILDTmVG RECESS REQUIRED CL AT PRIMARY ENTRANCE ::At least two primary Recesses and offsets will also aid materials shall be perception by identifying key used. points of entry or identifying key PARAPET 1'-6• *FETAL CAP architectural details. 3'-0' —METAL HORIZONTAL BANDING ?'-0'_` STEEL -0' WINDOW WIDTH Composition 10'-0' Lj The fapade composition shall be METAL characterized by traditional H❑RIZ❑NTA.L BANDTNG 1'-0•'� materials with contemporary RICK IIneS. 9'-0• F. TH IND❑W/D❑❑R EIGHT VARIES BRICK DETAIL Building Mass & Composition BUILDING DESIGN 10 r n-r-( I Tl�`r-i- , , Style Flat, gable, hip and round roof forms are appropriate. A -41 combination of multiple roof forms and shapes is preferred. bi n6 V The overhang for any roof shall not exceed 6 feet from the e I building wall. -i Pitch Buildings shall have a roof pitch equal to or less than 4:12. Materials & Color Metal standing seam is preferred to asphalt shingle. Alternatives will be evaluated by the Architectural Review C Committee. Appropriate colors include gray, silver, oxidized silver, green and copper as long as the materials non reflective. ROOF SLOPE 4 : 12 - FLAT , _ � Mechanical Equipment . ?nd RnOF OPTION -T 1'-6' PARAPET All mechanical equipment (ground, roof and wall) electrical, if 6' MAX OVERHANG HVAC, utility services, and landscape irrigation systems (i.e., 2nd ROOF OPTION irrigation wells, pumps, etc.) shall be properly screened with BUILDING an architectural or landscape opaque screening device. SECTION Roof top mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the roof form or constructed to a height that is screened by a parapet wall. Wall mounted and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with permanent durable Roof Form & Materials materials matching the building fapade. BUILDING DESIGN 11 F -� . Essential Elements i ::Symmetrical and m�'- Pri Entrance t balanced door and window placement is The primary entrances will be emphasized required. to make entry easily identifiable. The entrance shall be recessed 5 feet to SIGNAGE ::Windows should be provide protections from the elements. The laced in pairs or doors should also be framed by windows to multiples and doors provide natural light. Larger tenants or --� f -' should be centered tenant spaces with shared entrances on the building. should provide atriums. ENTRY RECESS 5 Windows & Doors ;.Timber knee Commercial store front doors and windows ` braces and n: are expected. Metal framed and --; � - accents are anodized windows, clerestory windows, desirable. -- � _ skylights, window pairs and glass paned Metal doors will provide a natural lighting f Large awnings are element. expanses of reflective g C �;y preferred. windows shall be avoided. Horizontal Additional Details expression with siding or Metal and natural timber accents should banding is be incorporated to provide additional required. character. Architectural Details BUILDING DESIGN 12 Materials Building materials shall coordinate with existing buildings and shall be utilized in a manner that reduces the perceived building mass. j The Ridge Athletic Club was constructed primarily of stucco. Although dryvit and stucco may be suitable building materials they shall be used as a secondary and or accent material. A combination of brick and nonreflective corrugated bonderized metal are the preferred building materials with natural wood elements used for accent. The Architectural Review Committee will consider alternative building materials as long as they convey a sense of permanence and style and coordinate with the overall F , _ design of the complex. Color Acceptable primary material colors include: red (brick only), green, silver, oxidized silver, gray and earth tones. Acceptable accent colors include: green, silver, oxidized silver, gray, white and natural wood. Building Materials & Color BUILDING DESIGN 13 V i I _ s- r Galaxy Series WALL MOUN INVOORYOaM00-PSCO CI Style & Placement AGA Silver, Galaxy Series, Eclipse Lighting Inc. wall mounted lights may be aoa incorporated into the building design for additional architectural detail and to light the sidewalk and the wall plane. The light is not required but it is the " FXCenC+V preferred light for exterior wall lighting. a 1:a41110 IC13ALiz�5�•+ Light can only be directed u if the fixture is located under an awning or .�t ra�:�nir i�f,i i.t� g Y p g ir�rn'K g recess feature. In the event no awning or additional roof structure . overhangs the light then additional covers may be required to appropriately _ E C L[I PS E direct light downward and to meet the City's light ordinance, Wall Mounted Lights BUILDING DESIGN 14 11 A Existing The Ridge Athletic Club has an existing n }w low profile cabinet style monument sign as well as wall mounted signs. New standards have been established for the remainder of the complex. Types All signs (except temporary and banner Essential Elements signs) will be wall mounted. The only freestanding signs permitted will be a: iG :Signs shall be constructed of incidental signs and a low profile { aluminum cast letters or other subdivision identification sign. complimentary metal. Illumination may only be Review provided by diffused backlighting All signs must be reviewed and or externally mounted lighting approved for design, lighting and size fixtures. by the City of Bozeman Planning Office No cabinet style signs will be and the Ridge Architectural Review permitted. Committee, No signs shall be constructed or placed on site without No internally illuminated signs the proper permitting. will be permitted. No exposed neon permitted Removal ,;Sign colors shall be It is the responsibility of the sign owner to complimentary to the building remove all signs upon vacating the Sim RequkementS design building. SIGNS 16 Essential Elements UMTMM Temporary signs are permitted within common areas with Property Owners Association approval . Only subdivision identification signs may be permanently installed within the common areas. Signs should not be the dominant Size &. Location feature on the building. The Ridge PUD was granted a sign area relaxation to allow all _: Signs should be located on the lots within the subdivision up to 250 square feet of signage building to provide the highest each (B-P and R-O zoned lots). Wall sign area is calculated as visibility without detracting from 1 .5 square feet for every 1 foot of linear building frontage. the building design. Lots 1 (The Ridge), 5 and 6 qualify for a 35% additional wall sign area due to the additional street frontage. The additional Address Signs area can only be utilized on the public street facing side of the building. All buildings shall display the street number In the case of multi-tenant buildings the area of signage per address on the parking lot and public tenant shall be the tenant's percentage of the total floor area street sides of the buildings. The numbers as outlined in Section 18.52.080 of the City of Bozeman Unified on the street side shall be at least 6 inches Development Ordinance. tall and constructed of aluminum cast. Sign Area & Placement SIGNS 17 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -1==1MMM=1=m�==1��10C1====1=�1-�1�=1_ MO Jill.SOMMESININESSESSOM ■. ■H■.�,■ � g nunnunmmmunuunmm�numm I`I,11 ■■f' ■■ �II�I ■ ■; �� ■ bl�lll I !�!���!�!f�llllll�■�� ����p IIIIIIII 11111111111111 IIIIII Illllllllllillll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OWEAS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' '- ' -' '�' ' ' ' '� 'Mimi *02MINTS -' '�° .. . I.I. 1 ---- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- LEGEND �d isy �•' I.RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB � '—LOT 6: I I SR.M10 SO�'EXL577YG MAX.FOOTPRINT= 10,015 SQ F I' 1 I I 0 � +9A"0 SO FT FU'rliRE UEVELOPUIE\T 285 8,980 SQ FT y Fr MIN.OPFN SPACE o ( I 2.BOZEM.AN DEACONESS HOSPITAL s.mo SO FT 92 �`l �•�•�' 2,944 SQ FT I I rc^ Qo.{, J i I 3.COFFEE SHOP-z sroev ` 9 �. '� �'� 1 1 I Ism sor-r-Fnno c�yGc^ ��ti o�J` �• I I I LOTS: .. I I I 4.COMMERCIAL&OFFICE-2STORY ZONED R-Op I i " ' 'T I 7,175 SI FT �TPE IN , I S.OFFICE BUILDING-zsToer MIN.OPENSRIAC i t I I 10,m"SQFT 3,556 SQ FT I I i i I 6.OFFICE BUILDING-2 STORY 12.0o SO FT j .—._.— _—•— I I I 7.OFFICE BUILDING ILDING -r-H+ 1 8.OFFICE BUILDING -2STORY I LOT a: 12.mSQIT I b b j MAX.FOOTPIE I I 9.ACTIVE RECREATIONAL USES 1 7,105 SQ F'1' I I I I RF\CH MIN.OPEN SOAC 2 BE\LUES m= BOUIRo LKAIT• 1 O + D O 3,522 SQ FTi i j I I 10.PLALA TREEGRATE o a a I BIKE RACK— SEE s4m SITE oErA1Ls b b o I — j — I I TO"1'AL mfopi. NG SQ FT U I I I I IIMII ! j LO'f�3: I � us.1mSQFr 00 MAX.FOOTPRINT I, I Q lIQ °i j I I fU'I'AL OPEN SPACE SQFI' � �'• � a 5.409 SQ FT. I 116.143 SO Fr R� MIN.OPENiSQACE I P85 SQ F 11,215 SQ FT I I � East _— �I+� i LOT 2:ZONED B—I MFOOT j� +! AX.FOOTPINT ioC � II IR-0 BUILDING COVERAGE @ 60 HUILOI,'10=16,155 SQF' A97A305Q F r=1G.6o MIN.OPEN SAC 13-P BUILDING COVERAGE QGO/1.295S( FT �\ I BUanW-C>=I OI,Rs 1 Sp FT/To'faL=434,780 sp rT=27.4Y. Lu ° °¢� a � ! I I I U ` • v'iS b ♦�' ! I I I Q \ b• l/ V) LOT 1: i OPEN SPACE w P Or� D I O MAX.FOOTPRINT= I Q cv O 66,987 SQ FT I I o a I SQUARE FOOTAGECL `'I/, J A •� MIN.OPEN SPACE I N 116,143 SO.FT. \� \ S 2.67 ACRIS \�\ f�� <s� AP,r�Tp 19,850SoFT I Fo� 0 `'� w z o � Q wzi z .I CL oal 28,115 SQ Fr j I Q .-.-._.... I —......•11e1,11•---------•-- ! I I Z --- -- — -------------- +— �\ _ N L — —— — — —— — — —— T SITEPLAI` Q o o SCALE:N:f.S. Fallon Street r\� +` I go +�'Ie ® 4aT © F. _ ?a = egg ��-=•$ 3 = 7 q £ ^ g = >ex n ° p ��•�J a -•'rt .� C3 R'� � s 3 � 6 � grg 6k a pp 6E y 8 k > p n b., �� 7 � �`.' S� ?r� E 3 S� A �€ � - 0.?• € C K � � � - � � it c SS.`r•Te � E _ a '2X° a H+ .! F V �+ �" • � � a��� aG sue. � > > m �� # �i > � a H. � � �• S E , c 6 R e8 a G e F f A® �/ / � // -•.�'b SEE f Iri 00 m - - Ll MM 111111 r WWI y� 0 C �y _ I � — M M�M IA � �i�•_I WEE f T s u poC[11�.rT n '.�f : ---T iA Bp00 S:R E r rear m nmo-.•,.w' _r ' o, y A 2 I Lam O ' -�JI" •�L _v im. f'-..vL -j� .�.r..—_��, s3 rz- - - �' Q 4 ci • I Landscape Plan LANDSCAPING AND OPEN SPACE 18 / k �.+r,�E �� �s�yS�'��gy /I•y�" �,,.�In� s./,�t�� ��°�(`�,R�T�' v R • •� • 'f T �, r+T"Ls�..t"., _�Ak rv—+,``s' �!'It("eG7— JCy ((• "I��', ��➢1.1+,�'� �'"�- is k' a� i�a��✓ �,•{ ♦ r t T,�' .�! ,O r i�•1 Tay' • • • • • • — ••• • —• --• • ••— — i /Ram. Open Space & Plazas �� I I /Dul DING/ The mixed use campus includes 2.67 acres of -TREE GRATE IN ------=="�" "=- ,==� �• open space for the use and benefit of the lot SIDEWALK � L owners, members, employees, clientele and CONCRETE PLA a Y guests. Landscaped plazas and green spaces will SIDEWALK support a variety o uses. p tyf BIKE RACK- -Park and Plazas (1 .92 Acres) for outdoor CONCRETE '- " • . BENCHES enjoyment. Ridge LLC will install the plazas and �� BUIL..D. 'VG' plaza elements which include benches, bike racks and landscaping. Essential Elements -General- private open space exclusive ofa required building setbacks within Lots 1-2 and 4-7 :: .Plazas will include a 0.75 Acres). Areas set aside for additional open ( ) p paved surface. " space. The areas will be landscaped and maintained by the individual lot owner. :: Sidewalk connections will be provided to the building, parking lot law. - -"� and adjacent street from the plaza area. Open spaces will „E,AL ,,,L contain benches, bike j • racks and ` " � � -� �CI,�� h, N FCI3 TI:E.E - landscaping. A Bike racks will be sized to accommodate TREE GRATE PLAN • Open Space Im rovementstwo buildings.p OPEN SPACE 21 Outdoor Amenities The park in the middle of the campus will make an ideal location for outdoor fitness classes, game field and provide outdoor seating for outdoor enjoyment. The park has been landscaped to create a buffer from the parking lot If residential units are proposed on Lots 5 and 6 then additional open space and parkland shall be provided by the lot owner. Aggregated open space, exclusive of the PUD open space, must be provided on site at a rate of 150 square feet per dwelling unit. Also, the City's parkland must be addressed. Off site parkland or parkland in the form of cash in lieu will • adequately address the requirement if area within the lot is not available. I ,----- I { I 1j4 � ;V Future improvements not currently proposed that may be installed.on the west side of the _ campus in the future by the Property Owner's ---------------------- 'r Association : m x�•Track Turf •Platform Tennis --------------------------------- �. r � ��, ��� yy� �f�C�N S T V:. • Park & Outdoor Amenities OPEN SPACE 22 I i i i Trash Receptacles The complex will have a total of 3 receptacles which will be constructed with a metal frame and hardiplank siding. The receptacles shall be constructed to City specifications. The construction of the trash receptacles will be the ------� responsibility of Ridge, LLC with the Property Owners Association responsible for ongoing maintenance. No trash shall be permitted outside of the bins. Aside from dropping off and picking up the bins shall remain enclosed and the doors shut at all times. Y ARDIPLANK SIDING �f POWDER COATED METAL Bike Racks -� Bike racks will be installed by Ridge, LLC within the plaza areas. The bike racks II will provide a shared facility for the buildings on either side of the plaza. The bike racks and the area around the bike racks will be maintained by the Property Owners Association. - The bike rack supporting the addition to the health and fitness facility and Lot 2 will be located adjacent to both buildings but completely within the lot lines B y of Lot 1 due to the lack of a plaza. Outdoor Fixtures OPEN SPACE 23 Bollard Lights Pole Light Lumec BD8T bollard McGraw Edison lights in white will be CAL Concourse III installed by the 250 W High I Ridge LLC within the Pressure Sodium, plaza areas and at Bronze in color pedestrian crossing lights will be intersections to installed by Ridge -� provide security LLC throughout after hours. the parking lot. _ The pole height The cost of power shall not exceed and maintenance 20 feet. of the lights is the u , responsibility of the _ �� `� The cost of power t Property Owner's _ and maintenance E --- _ Association. '' � . �... -` � � of the lights will be _ 4P $ the responsibility t r of the Property ' Owner's y Association Exterior Lighting OPEN SPACE 24 i � i ` . � .; � � i i � l !� t �} i � • i � � � , i d � i � � 1 I � p{ i i � I _. � . • E i • PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS & BYLAWS FOR OWNERS' ASSOCIATION FOR THE RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BOZEMAN, MONTANA WHEREAS, GALLATIN VALLEY HEALTH/FITNESS GROUP, L.L.C., (the "Owner"), a Limited Liability Company, is the owner in fee simple of those certain lands more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as if set forth below in its entirety, and hereinafter referred to as the "Premises" or the "Property", or the "subdivision" or the"Development" and WHEREAS, the Owner, by and through the within Protective Covenants hereby place certain restrictions, limitations and regulations as to the use of the said Premises, which Premises have been subdivided and which plats have been duly filed or recorded in Document Number with the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, and the same are hereinafter referred to as the "plat". Individual lots or tracts on the plat shall be referred to herein as "Lot" or by lot number if specific. Future owner of Lots within the Development shall hereinafter be referred to as "Property Owners". NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby establish, dedicate, declare, publish and impose upon the Premises the following protective covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and be for the benefit and value of the Owner, and all persons claiming -I- Ridge Covenants under it, its grantees, successors and assigns and shall be for the purpose of maintaining a uniform and stable value, character, architectural design, use and development of the Premises and to all improvements placed or erected thereon, unless otherwise specifically excepted and shall be in existence and in full force perpetually, unless otherwise terminated by law or continued by amendment as herein provided. Furthermore, it is the specific intent of this declaration to prevent, on the Property, overcrowding, waste, and nuisances of any type or nature. Further, it is the expressed intention of this declaration to ensure that the Property will provide an adequate, wholesome atmosphere within which businesses may flourish. 1. USE 1A. Commercial Lots Lots shall be used for commercial use only, except for Lots 5 and 6 which may be used for mixed commercial and residential use, with the main floor limited to commercial use only and second and subsequent floors available for either residential or commercial purposes, provided that in all circumstances, each use shall first be approved by Owner. The specific commercial uses allowed on the Premises generally are those uses set forth in the applicable Zoning Ordinances, but specifically include the following: 1. Health and exercise establishments; 2. Medical offices/clinics; • 3. Professional offices; 4. Daycare/Preschool; 5. Personal and convenience care uses, including but not limited to dry cleaning, salons, dry cleaners and car washes; 6. Small accessory retail including but not limited to a deli, coffee shop and health food store; 7. Residential apartments are allowed on second and subsequent floors of buildings located on Lots 5 and 6 only; and 8. Any other uses allowed by applicable zoning and approved by Owner or Association. However, regardless of applicable zoning ordinances, the following uses shall not be permitted upon any part of the Property: 1. "Adult'businesses; and 2. Specific Restrictions: At no time shall there be more than one athletic/fitness club or similar business allowed on the Property. At no time shall there be more than one rehabilitation/physical therapy provider allowed on the Property. In regards to rehabilitation/physical therapy, chiropractic services are allowed on the Property, but shall not be allowed within the current"Ridge Athletic Club" facility. In addition, the following are specifically allowed on the Property: optometry services and dental services. 1B. Park and Open Space The Association is responsible for the maintenance of the common open space, wetlands, watercourse setback and trails. The park and open space dedicated by Owner/developer shall be used for park, open space and greenbelt purposes. The Owner may transfer ownership to the -3- Ridge Covenants • • Property Owners' Association of any or all of the open space and the Association must accept the same, together with maintenance. The Property Owners Association shall be responsible for P P providing insurance for the parks and open space. 1C. Wildlife No hunting of, shooting at or harassing of birds, animals or any wildlife will be permitted. 1D. R.V. Trailers No R.V. trailers, campers or similar vehicles may be parked on the lots or in the Parking Lot overnight without expressed consent of the Association. lE. Domestic Pets Cats, dogs and other domestic animals must be kept on leashes and under the control and supervision of their owners at all times when they are on the premises and shall be limited to the common areas designated for pet use. Pet owners must properly pick up and dispose of all pet waste. I.F. Subdivision No further subdivision of any lot as shown on Exhibit A shall be allowed. 2. EASEMENTS 2A. Grant and Reservation Easements for roads, drainage, electricity, telephone, lighting, water, sewer, cable television and all other utilities, pedestrian traffic, or any other service or utility shall be, and hereby are, granted and reserved as shown on the plat. Such easements shall not interfere with and shall be subject and servient to any and all buildings subsequently erected in such areas, the easements herein provided for shall by-pass such buildings. 2B. Underground Utilities • All utilities, pipes, wires and service lines shall be buried. Satellite television discs may be allowed but the location, size and color shall be approved by the Architectural Committee and the Architectural Committee may require shrubbery around the same. 2C. Road Easement Use All road easements as shown on the plat shall include a corresponding easement for drainage, electricity, telephone, lighting, and all other utilities along or under such roads. 2D. Easement Landscaping Easement areas may be landscaped so as to enhance their appearance so long as the landscaping does not interfere with the use of the Property as an easement. 2E. Easement Rework No utility service line or facility shall be installed or replaced without the prior approval of the Owners or the Architectural Committee. All easement areas must be restored, at the expense of the utility or service entity doing such work, to as near the condition as existed previous to such work as possible. In the discretion of the Architectural Committee or Owner, a bond may be required of the utility, installer or service entity to insure compliance with this provision. 3. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE 3A. Creation - Membership There is hereby created an Architectural Committee which is herein referred to as the "Committee" or the "Architectural Committee", which shall consist of four(4)persons, appointed by the Owner for the first term. Three members shall be Property Owners in the Development, and one member shall be a licensed professional architect, who is not a Property Owner in the Development. Until such time as 75% of the lots have been sold or at such time as • Owner determines otherwise, whichever occurs first, Owner shall be the sole member. After the -5- Ridge Covenants first three year term expires, one or all of the members may be chosen by a majority of the Property Owners. Architectural Committee members shall serve staggered three year terms. 3B. Selection If no successor is appointed by a majority of the Property Owners on or before the expiration of an individual member's term, the Architectural Member shall be deemed to have been re-appointed for another term. On the death or resignation of an individual member, a replacement shall be selected by the remaining members of the Architectural Committee to fill out the unexpired term. 3C. Purpose The Architectural Committee may make such reasonable rules and by-laws, and adopt such procedures, as it deems necessary to carry out its functions, which rules, by-laws and procedures may not be inconsistent with the provisions of these covenants. 3D. Committee Review No parking, construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, landscaping, fence, wall or other improvement shall be placed, constructed, erected, repaired, restored,reconstructed, altered, remodeled, added to or maintained on any lot until building drawings, plans and specifications (which must have been prepared by a licensed architect for all construction, reconstruction, alteration or remodeling), and such other information as the Architectural Committee may reasonably require, including without being limited to, colors, building materials and models, have been submitted to, and approved by, a majority of the Architectural Committee in writing; nor may the same be commenced until the Architectural Committee shall have issued a permit allowing for such improvements. • 3E. Conformity to Codes The Architectural Committee shall require but not be responsible for ensuring that all construction comply with the provisions of the following standard codes or their amendments: "Uniform Building Codes" "International Conference of Building Officials" "National Plumbing Code" "National Electrical Code" "National Fire Protective Association" 3F. Setbacks Unless otherwise specified in these covenants, the Architectural Committee shall designate setback requirements for any structures as, in its discretion,best suits the requirements of the site except those imposed by the City of Bozeman or other regulations. 3G. Exterior Wall Materials The character of the building exterior should be kept simple in order to harmonize and compliment the surrounding environment of the site. Natural materials and subdued colors should predominate the main body of the building. The Architectural Committee may consider materials other than wood, stone, brick, log, or synthetic materials that maintain the aesthetic continuity of the Subdivision, including pre-finished composite wood products and synthetic siding materials. 3H. Exterior Lighting The intent of lighting restrictions is to reduce the amount of light pollution and to be unobtrusive to neighboring properties. Exterior lighting shall be subdued, understated and indirect. Lighting shall be "down" type and shall not radiate out from the Property unless • approved by Architectural Committee. Excessive glare to neighboring properties or circulation -7- Ridge Covenants shall be avoided. However, interior sidewalk lighting shall be required of all Lot owners as required by city ordinances or regulations, if any. Said lighting plans shall first be submitted to the Architectural Committee for review and approval. M. Authori y to Approve The Architectural Committee shall have the authority to reject the materials, designs and colors submitted with plans, or the plans themselves, if they are not compatible, or are inappropriate, with the rest of the subdivision. M. Variances The Architectural Committee shall have the authority to grant variances to the building locations,minimum square footage, and where,in its discretion, it believes the same to be appropriate and necessary and where the same will not be injurious to the rest of the subdivision. 3K. Substantial Compliance All improvements, construction, reconstruction, alterations, remodeling or any activity requiring the approval of the Architectural Committee must be completed in substantial i compliance with the plans and specifications initially approved by the Architectural Committee and for which permits have been issued. M. Enforcement The Architectural Committee shall have the power, authority, standing and right to enforce these covenants in any court of law or equity when it reasonably believes the same have been violated and as more particularly set forth in Section 9 and shall have the authority to revoke or suspend building approval and/or order the suspension or cessation of any construction or work in the violation of these covenants or of any approval issued by the Architectural Committee. • 3M. Fees The Architectural Committee may require reasonable fees to be paid with the filing of plans and specifications and the issuance of building permits to defray its expenses and the expenses of inspections and enforcement of the provisions of these covenants. Prior to the first review of plans by the Committee, the Property Owner submitting the Plans shall submit a fee in the amount of$150.00 to the Committee. Any additional review thereafter shall be a fee of $75.00. 3N. Landscape Plan Simultaneously with the filing of any initial building plans for any lot, the owner thereof must also submit to the Architectural Committee a landscape plan. Trees and shrubs shall not touch any buildings. Trees shall not overhang roofs or interfere with lighting or sidewalk use. The landscape plan must set forth in detail the landscaping to be installed, placed or planted on such lot, including paths, walks, shrubs, trees, rocks, walls or any feature to be incorporated into a landscape design or plan, and such landscape plan must be approved before any building permit is issued. The landscaping provided for in the landscaping plan must be completed within six months of the completion of the construction authorized by the building permit, weather permitting. If said landscaping plan is not capable of being completed within the time frame set forth above, the Architectural Committee may require the lot owner to put forth a bond in an amount to be determined by the Architectural Committee to cover the cost of the same. 30. Committee Guidelines The Architectural Committee shall be governed by the following guidelines in its consideration of plans and specification submitted for its approval: -9- Ridge Covenants a. It must recognize that this subdivision is designated primarily for commercial owners and all improvements in the subdivision must harmoniously combine, and not be inconsistent • i with, the development of the project which will serve said purpose. b. In considering any plans and specifications, the Architectural Committee shall examine the suitability of the same to the site, including the materials of which it is to be i constructed, as well as the relationship of the same to the neighborhood and the adjacent properties. C. No plans or specifications shall be approved which will be similar or dissimilar to other improvements or structure that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. d. All plans or specifications shall be in full compliance with all of the terms and provisions of these covenants, except for any variances, which have been granted by the Architectural Committee for such plans and specifications. e. All plans or specifications shall be in full compliance with the PUD Design Guidelines, attached hereto as Exhibit B. 3P. Liabifily The Architectural Committee, or the individual members thereof, may not be held liable by any person for any damages which may result from Architectural Committee action taken pursuant to these covenants, including,but not by way of limitation, damages which may result from correction, amendment, change or rejection of plans, the issuance, suspension or enforcement of building permit or any delays associated with such action on the part of the Architectural Committee. 3Q. Architectural Style of Buildings The architectural style of each new structure shall conform as nearly as possible to the developed architectural style and theme of the existing buildings on the Premises. 0 0 • 4. CONSTRUCTION 4A. Generally All building on lots within the Development shall be required to complete the City of Bozeman Design Review Board prior to beginning construction, except for Lots 3 and 8 which are excluded from this requirement only. Any and all buildings erected shall be of a permanent nature and shall be constructed in strict compliance with the PUD Design Guidelines (see Exhibit B), Zoning, Ordinances and Building Codes applicable to the Property. 4B. Building Size Each building shall be constructed so as to include not less than 50% of the total available building area available. 4C. Building Height No building, structure, alteration or improvement shall exceed the maximum height set • by the applicable city ordinances or regulations. The said Architectural Committee may,in its discretion, deny building approval if the height of the building(both minimum and maximum heights), in the Committee's opinion unreasonably interferes with the view, building sites, elevations and general aesthetic considerations and factors of nearby lots and the subdivision as a whole, including minium building heights. 4D. Building Sites The general area for building sites have been pre-determined. The Architectural Committee has the express authority by these covenants to determine the building site location and size. 4E. Colors of Structures The exterior colors of the structures shall be local earth tones, pastels, white or natural wood colors. No bright or shiny colors on exterior siding shall be allowed. For example, bright -11- Ridge Covenants oranges, royal blues, pinks, purples and like bright colors are not allowed. Colors are to be • compatible with the balance of the neighborhood. 4F. Commencement of Work The Owner or Occupant shall begin work within one (1) year of receipt of written approval and diligently proceed toward completion of all approved excavation, construction, refinishing and alterations. If work is not so commenced approval shall be deemed revoked unless the Architectural Committee, pursuant to written request made and received prior to the expiration of said one year period, extends the period of time within which work must be commenced. 4G. Completion Time All construction on or in the Premises shall be diligently prosecuted to completion and shall, in any event,be completed within twelve (12)months of commencement unless specific written extension is granted by the Architectural Committee. No construction material shall, at • any time, be placed or stored so as to impede, obstruct or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic and no construction materials shall be placed or stored on lots for a period of more than thirty(30) days following substantial completion of construction as shall be determined by the Architectural Committee. 4H. Temporary Structures No trailers,mobile homes, campers or job office trailers shall be used at any time within the subdivision as a building or a place for habitation or any other purpose, temporarily or permanently, including overnight parking, except as associated with temporary construction activities, without Owner consent. a M 4I. Cuts, Fills & Disturbed Soils • All cuts, fills and disturbed soils shall be re-vegetated as soon as possible after the completion of construction with native vegetation. 4J. Sidewalks Each lot owner shall be responsible for the installation and general maintenance of sidewalks on their lot that is adjacent to the parking lot as well as the entryways to their individual buildings. Sidewalks and entryways shall be constructed in compliance with applicable local, state and federal regulations. Sidewalks, if any, that border Ferguson, Fallon and Ravalli Avenue shall be constructed by Owner. The Property Owners' Association shall be responsible for the snow removal on all sidewalks pursuant to Bozeman City Code requirements. If additional snow removal is desired, it shall be the responsibility of each individual lot owner. Maintenance and snow removal for individual entryways to buildings shall be the responsibility of each lot owner. 4K. Business Signs and Advertising No business signs or advertising signs, of any kind or nature, will be permitted to be located on the Property or on any structure constructed on it, unless all signs so erected or placed meet the City of Bozeman Sign Codes, and meet with the approval of the Architectural Committee. The Ridge Athletic Club currently has a monument sign which shall be allowed, however, no additional monument signs shall be allowed. Maintenance of signs shall be responsibility of owner businesses. No sign shall be approved other than informational and vehicular control signs, signs identifying the building or business of the Occupant of a lot, and signs offering the lot for sale or lease, and temporary development signs. Temporary signage for short term sales events may be permitted by the Architectural Committee. -13- Ridge Covenants • i 5. ROADS 5A. Maintenance- Snow Removal • The_maintenance and snow removal from Premises' roads and parking lots shall be the responsibility of the Property Owners' Association. The cost of the same will be assessed on a percentage basis by the Property Owners' Association, as set forth herein. 5B. Noxious Weeds Noxious weeds shall be controlled as directed by the County Weed Control District and in accordance with the Montana County Noxious Weed Control Act. The Association shall be responsible for the continued control of the weeds and fulfillment of the revegetation plan, attached hereto as Exhibit C. Noxious weeds along roadways and lots will be controlled in accordance with the County Weed Supervisor's recommendations and enforced by the Property Owners' Association. Lot owners may be assessed for the costs of noxious weed control as provided herein. In order to comply with the Noxious Weed Management Plan of the District and the Montana County Noxious Weed Control Act, the District requires that the following items be addressed in the covenants of each subdivision within Gallatin County. (a)Landowners are responsible for noxious weed control on their own individual lots as stated in the Montana County Noxious Weed Control Act (7-22-2116) and according to the District's Noxious Weed Management Plan. (b)The Owners Association is responsible for noxious weed control in all parks, open spaces, community areas, trails and roadways within the subdivision. If there is no Owners Association then the landowners as a whole are responsible for noxious weed control in the parks, open spaces, community areas and trails. Each landowner is then responsible for the subdivision roadway adjoining their property. The Owners Association will also act as the contact point for any noxious weed complaints within the subdivision. The control of noxious weeds by the Owners Association on those areas for which the Owners Association is responsible and the control of noxious weeds by individual owners on i 0 • their respective lots shall be as set forth and specified under the Montana Noxious Weed Control Act (MCA 7-22-2101 through 7-22-2153) and the rules and regulations of the Gallatin County Weed Control District. The landowner shall be responsible for the control of the state and county declared noxious weeds on his or her own lot. Both unimproved and improved lots shall be managed for noxious weeds. In the event a landowner does not control the noxious weeds, after 10 days notice from the Owners Association, the Owners Association may cause the noxious weeds to be controlled. The cost and expense associated with such weed management shall be assessed to the lot and such assessment may become a lien if not paid within thirty (30) days of the mailing of such assessment. The Owners Association is responsible for control of state and county declared noxious weeds in the subdivision's parks, open spaces, community areas, trails and roadways. 6. GARBAGE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS No trash, waste, garbage, litter,junk or refuse shall be thrown, dumped or left on any portion of the Premises and no burning of the same shall be permitted. No incinerator or other device for burning of trash or garbage shall be installed or used. All businesses and buildings located on the Property shall dispose of their garbage in designated garbage disposal areas only. Any generation, handling, storage or disposal of hazardous materials or waste shall comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. 7. NUISANCE 7A. Nuisance Prohibited No noxious or offensive use of activity shall be carried on within the Premises or anything done or permitted on or in the Premises which shall constitute a public nuisance. In this regard, nuisance shall be considered to be, but is not limited to, any disturbance of any type or nature including vibration, sound, electro mechanical disturbance, radiation, air or water -15- Ridge Covenants pollution, dust, emission of noxious odors, and emission of toxic or nontoxic matter which is or may be considered detrimental in any manner or fashion to the Property in general, the neighboring Property Owners, or the public at large. Exceptions shall be made for Grand Openings, Business Anniversary Parties or similar activities upon approval of the same by the Association. 7B. General Appearance All buildings on Premises shall be maintained with the expressed intent of minimizing the visual impact of the structure on the surrounding area and shall not be permitted to fall into disrepair and each building or structure shall at all times be kept in good condition and adequately painted or otherwise finished. 8. PARKING Each business shall be limited to the number of parking spaces allocated by the city ordinances or regulations. Employees of businesses shall park in areas designated on Exhibit D, or as otherwise approved by the Architectural Committee as Employee Parking areas. Each Lot shall have one space directly in front of its building which the lot owner may designated to be used for special reserved parking(such as employee-of-the-month or owner parking). Any additional reserved parking areas shall be designated by the Association. The remainder of the parking areas shall be for customer parking only. No overnight parking shall be allowed, without Owner consent, except that overnight parking shall be allowed for those using the residential portions of Lots 5 and 6. No items shall be stored on the parking lot area without Owner consent. 9. ENFORCEMENT 9A. General Provisions In the event of any violation or threatened violation of these covenants, any owner of a lot in the Premises, Architectural Committee, or the Property Owners' Association Board of Directors, may enforce these covenants by legal proceedings in a court of law or equity, including the seeking of injunctive relief and damages. In association with such legal proceedings or as a separate remedy, the Association Board of Directors or Architectural Committee may enter upon the Property in question and remove, remedy or abate the violation or threatened violation after first having given proper notice and a reasonable opportunity for the violator to take action himself to comply with these covenants as set forth below. 9B. Notice of Violation Notice, as required in paragraph 9A above, shall be in writing and shall be served on the person or entity concerned, and shall specify the violation or threatened violation, identify the Property, demand compliance with the terms and conditions of these covenants and shall state the action which will be taken under paragraph 9A above if the violation or threatened violation is not abated, remedied or satisfied. If such notice cannot be personally served after a reasonable effort to locate the person or entity to be served, service may be had by posting notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address or address of record of the violator. Such notice must further provide for a period of fifteen(15) days from the date of personal service of such notice, or thirty(30) days from the date of posting and mailing of the same, within which abatement, entry or commencement of litigation, as provided in paragraph 9A above, can be commenced. -17- Ridge Covenants 9C. Board Liability No member of the Association Board of Directors shall be liable to any person or entity for the entry, self-help or abatement of a violation or threatened violation of these covenants and all owners or lessees of real Property shall be deemed to have waived any and all rights or claims to or for damages for any loss or injury resulting from action taken to these covenants. Exception to the above shall exist for loss, injury or damage for intentionally wrongful acts. 9D. Costs of Enforcement Actual costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees connected with enforcing, correcting, remedying, abating, preventing or removing any violation or threatened violation of these covenants incurred either through litigation, entry or self-help shall constitute a claim by the owner, Architectural Committee or the Association Board of Directors initiating such action against the owner of the Property which is the subject of such violation or threatened violation. The owner, Architectural Committee or the Board making such claim may bring suit for enforcement of these covenants and file a lien against the subject Property in the amount of and for the collection of the claim by filing a verified statement of the lien with the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. Such lien statement must set forth the names of the claimant, and the owner of record of the Property against which the lien is claimed, a description of the Property, the amount of the claim, the date of the claim and a brief statement of the manner in which the costs and expenses constituting the claim were incurred. Once filed, the lien shall remain on record as a claim against the Property until the validity of the claim is determined by a court of law. Once a claim has been determined valid by a court of law, any such judgement may be foreclosed upon in the manner provided for the law for foreclosures with a right of redemption. 10. ENVIRONMENT 10A. Environment to Be Protected All areas not utilized as sites for improvements where disturbed by construction or any human activity shall be returned as quickly as possible to their natural condition and replaced with native plant life except where otherwise utilized for lawns. 11.BYLAWS OF AND FOR OWNER'S ASSOCIATION 11A. Formation -Assessments The Owner hereby establishes a Property Owner's Association, which shall be a Montana non-profit corporation, for the purpose of promoting, developing and operating the subdivision. The Association shall adopt these Bylaws for the administration of the Association. These Bylaws, as adopted and as properly amended, shall be binding upon all owners Lots in the subdivision. The Association shall have the authority to make such charges and assessments to the members as are reasonably necessary to carry out its functions and duties. The Association shall have the power to levy assessments, which assessments shall be in two (2) classes: a) Capital assessments b) Operating assessments Such assessments may be levied by the Board of Directors of the Association against any parcel of real Property in the Property. Assessments shall be billed on a quarterly basis and notice of the same shall be mailed to each Property owner. All assessments become due thirty (30) days after the date of mailing. The Association has the authority to impose reasonable charges for interests and penalties for overdue payments. -19- Ricge Covenants i The basis of the calculation for assessments shall be a comparison of the total allowable building area for each lot as set forth on Exhibit "E" as that area relates to the total allowable building area for all lots covered by this Declaration. That is to say that if the total allowable building area for all the lots is 100 square feet and the total allowable building area for lot "X" is ten square feet, then lot "X" is responsible for a pro-rata share of ten percent (10%) of the total assessments billed. Unpaid assessments, upon notice thereof being duly filed of record, shall be a lien against the parcel of real Property against which such unpaid assessment was made. Such lien may be foreclosed upon in like manner as a mortgage on real Property with a right of redemption, which foreclosure proceeding may include the addition of court costs and attorney's fees. If there is more than one owner of an interest in a lot, each such owner shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all unpaid assessments for that lot. The Association Board of Directors must first obtain the approval of a majority of the membership interests before: a) making any assessment for a capital improvement costing in excess of$5,000.00; b) mortgaging, encumbering or otherwise disposing of any Property of the Association in excess of$2,000.000. I 11B. Membership Membership in the Association shall consist of the owners of the lots in the subdivision and shall be automatic and mandatory for every lot owner. Membership shall transfer with the sale of a lot to the new owner. Each lot owner shall be responsible for advising the Association of his or her acquisition of ownership, of his or her mailing address, and of any change in the same. Each member/lot owner shall have one vote, and the weight of each vote shall be determined based upon the same calculation and percentage as the lot owner's assessment calculation and percentage (i.e. total allowable building area for each lot as compared to the total allowable building area for the all lot owners). For example, if owner of lot X had an assessment percentage of 10%, the weight of his vote would also be 10% of the total votes. If there is more than one owner per lot, the owners must decide who shall cast the vote for that lot. If one owner owns more than one lot, the owner shall have as many votes as he or she has lots. 11C. Common Areas The common areas, shall include those areas more specifically designated on the final recorded subdivision Plat for The Ridge Athletic Club Planned Unit Development as common open space, said Plat being recorded as Document No. , at the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Gallatin County, Montana. The common areas, as designated on the plat, shall be reserved in perpetuity as common space. Every lot owner in the subdivision shall have the right to use and enjoy the common areas. At such time as Owner may elect to convey any part or all of the park, green belt or common areas to the Owners' Association referred to generally as the "common area(s)", the Property Owners' Association when 50 % percentage of the lots are sold. At such time as ownership is transferred, the Association is obligated to accept the same and shall thereafter be responsible for the same, including taxes, assessments, maintenance and insurance. The Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of common open space. The Property Owners' Association shall assess each lot owner their proportionate share of these expenses, based upon the formula set forth herein for all other assessments. 11D. Board of Directors - Architectural Committee For the purpose of these covenants, the Owners' Association Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) members and shall be the same three (3) Property Owners as are on the Architectural Committee. All Board of Directors must be Property Owners. The first Board of -21- Ridge Covenants • • Directors shall be nominated and selected by the Owner. Once the first three year term expires, one or all of the members of the Board may be chosen by a majority of the lot owners. The Association Board members shall serve staggered three (3) year terms until 75% of the lots are sold, or until such time as Owner determines otherwise, whichever is earlier. Owner shall be the sole member of the Board until 75% of lots are sold. 11E. Meetings The manner and time for holding meetings of the Board and the Owners' Association, and the general operation of the Owners' Association, shall be at the time, place and manner as published by the Board. 12. AMENDMENTS These covenants, or any portion thereof except as provided in 12A, may be amended, abandoned, terminated, modified or supplemented at any time by the written consent, duly recorded with the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana of seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the Association, based upon voting as set forth hereinabove. 12A. Certain Covenants May Not Be Amended Any covenant which is included herein as a condition of the preliminary plat approval and required by the City Commission may not be amended or revoked without the mutual consent of the owners in accordance with the amendment procedures in these covenants and the governing body of the City of Bozeman. The covenants contained in Sections 1 H, 2A, 2C, 3A and 5B may not be amended. 13. MISCELLANEOUS 13A. Agricultural Practices Lot owners are informed that nearby uses maybe agricultural. Lot owners accept and are aware that standard agricultural and farming practices can result in smoke, dust, animal odors, flies, and machinery noises. Standard agricultural practice feature the use of heavy equipment, burning, chemical sprays, and the use of machinery early in the morning and late into the evening. All fences bordering agricultural lands shall be maintained by the Association in accordance with state law. 13B. City Enforcement Please note that if the Association fails to maintain common areas or facilities, the City Commission may serve the organization or owners and demand the failure be cured. If the I failure to maintain the common area is not cured, the City may enter such common areas or facilities to provide such maintenance for a period of one year. After one year expires a public hearing will be set to determine whether City will continue to maintain common area and facilities. The cost of the City's maintenance shall become a lien upon the common areas and facilities and private property within the development. If City permanently maintains common area and facilities, the City may bring the same up to City standards at the expense of the Association. 13C. Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve disputes among property owners in the Association, all such disputes shall first be submitted to mediation in Gallatin County, Montana. The parties to the dispute shall mutually agree upon a mediator. If the parties can not agree upon a mediator, one shall be chosen for them by the Association. 13D. Compliance All applicable Zoning provisions, Ordinances and Uniform Building Codes, and other applicable codes or regulation, including any review or approval of site plans by local Fire District if applicable, must be met with respect to each lot. -23- Ridge Covenants i 13E. Severability Determination of invalidity of any one or more of the covenants or conditions hereof by judgement, order or decree of court shall not effect in any manner the other provisions hereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. 13F. Anti-waiver No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right,power or privilege under this Declaration shall be a waiver thereof. No waiver of a breach of any provision will be deemed a waiver of any preceding breach of the same or any other provision. No extension of time of performance of any obligations or other acts will be deemed to be n extension of time of performance of any other obligations or any other acts. 13G. Attorney's Fees/costs Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, if any suit or other proceeding for the interpretation or enforcement of this Declaration occurs, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and expenses incurred including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. 13H. Headings The headings used herein are inserted for convenience only and are in no way intended to describe, interpret,define or limit the scope, extend to intent of this document or any provision hereto. 13I. Binding Effect Except as provided herein, each of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, regulations and reservations set forth herein shall continue to be binding upon the Owner, and each of its assigns and successors in interest, and upon each of them and on all parties or persons claiming under it on them, perpetually, from the day and year that this declaration is accepted and filed among the • records of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County. 13J. Road Maintenance All subdivision roads and parking lots shall be maintained by the Association. A plan for the long-term road maintenance and parking maintenance while construction of the subdivision occurs shall be adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association. GALLATIN VALLEY HEALTH/FITNESS GROUP, L.L.C. Steve Roderick, Member STATE OF MONTANA ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this_day of , 2007, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared , known to me to be the of Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness Group, L.L.C. and subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at , Montana My Commission expires (SEAL) -25- Ricge Covenants y J' 1 ' f { j . 4 ' 1d I ii I } a 1 , Patterns and Colors Solutions Product into News Contact Specification$upport Corporate Con-Iroctors Medio Room home -> Product Info -> StreetPrint-> Patterns and Colors search k Product Info m Patterns and Colors fb - g . 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The o Patterns and Colors picture representation o Get More Info may not match the real • Imprint world impression. o What is Imprint o Features and Benefits • LogoTherm Click here for residential version. o What is LogoTherm o Project Gallery o Sample Specifications • StoneGrip o What is StoneGrip o Features and Benefits • Ride-A-Way colored bike lanes http://www.streetpiint.coin/pavementtextuting/patte-nscolors.htm4/30/2007 2:18:41 PM i • • f 1 •�[ i t � [ 1 1 I f Ij 7 �F r 1 • I f { s j +1 I I i �, r � i ' I 1 � + ' f • � i i c Inter-office Original to: City of Bozeman • Planning Department 20 East Olive Street CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4181 FALLON STREET BOZEMAN, MONTANA WHEREAS,the undersigned property owner acknowledges the receipt of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development from the City of Bozeman to allow an expansion to the existing athletic club,the construction of seven new mixed-use buildings,open space enhancements,and related site improvements on property located at 4181 Fallon Street.; and WHEREAS, the subject property is legally described as Lot 1 of Minor Subdivision No. 295, • Spring Creek Village Resort and Lot 2-D of Minor Subdivision No. 365A, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana; and WHEREAS, the Conditional Use Permit is subject to the following eighteen (18) conditions and eleven (11) code provisions: #Z-06260 Conditions of Approval: 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of The Ridge Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat #P-06063. 2. The footprint of the car wash shall not exceed that proposed. A maximum of 2 bays will be permitted.To aid in screening,additional landscaping features will be required along the Fallon Street frontage of the car wash. Further restrictions as to hours of operation,lighting,noise,etc. will be considered through the Sketch Plan review application for this lot. 3. Lot coverage calculations for lot 7 shall be included with the Final PUD submittal. 4. The required 150 square feet of open space must be provided if residential units are proposed. Any proposed residences must be clearly depicted on the Final PUD submittal. 5. Bicycle racks shall be located nearest as possible to the principal entrance of each building.The location of bike racks shall be clearly depicted on the Final PUD submittal materials. • RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 1 OF 7 i • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT • 6. All subsequent development on the site shall require, at a minimum, Sketch Plan review. Any substantial changes,as determined by the Planning Department,from the approved Final PUD may require additional site plan review and/or PUD modifications. 7. The Declaration of Covenants and Design Guidelines must be included and recorded with the Final PUD.The document must include language that the City of Bozeman shall be party to any changes or modifications made to the restrictive covenants and Architectural Guidelines as they relate to any code provisions or conditions of approval.Prior to recording the document,a draft copy shall be submitted with the Final PUD application for approval by the Planning Office. 8. Through sketch plan review for future building phases,Planning Staff will reevaluate the on-site parking situation. If Staff determine�haf tom. at is a parking problem, the applicants shall enter into a shared parking agreement with an adjoining property and/or implement another parking solution subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. 9. The sign plan must allocate a specific amount of square footage,based on the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance for each tenant space or building and clarify that no internally illuminated signs will be permitted. Location, square footage, and material of the subdivision identification sign shall be included with the Final PUD submittal. 10. The comprehensive signage plan shall include the following: • (a) Any proposals for shared complex signs must be included in the sign plan. (b) The sign plan must clearly indicate that city sign permits (including both permanent and temporary sign permits) are required prior to sign installation. (c) The address signage section shall specify that building addresses shall be a minimum of six inches in size and shall be displayed on a consistent location. (d) The sign plan shall state that the tenant is responsible for sign removal upon vacating the unit. (e) The location of the subdivision identification sign must be identified. 11. The Final Landscape Plan shall include the following: a) Benches, picnic tables, and/or other types of pedestrian features into each of the designated open space areas. b) The number of and location of boulders shall be included. Boulders must be a minimum of 3' in diameter. 12. All mechanical equipment shall be screened in accordance with UDO Section 18.38.050. This shall include, but not limited too, air conditioners-and electric panels. All mechanical equipment and screening shall be depicted on the landscaping and site plan for Final Site Plan submittal. RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 2 OF 7 • 0 • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 13. The Final PUD Plan shall depict benches, picnic tables, and/or other types of pedestrian furniture in each of the designated plaza areas between buildings. 14. The Final PUD Plan shall depict the areas in the northeast and southwest corners as site amenities. Appropriate pedestrian furniture shall be depicted in said areas. 15. The Final PUD Plan shall depict an appropriate landscape buffer around the proposed meditation park, to appropriately separate pedestrian and automobile access. 16. The Final PUD Plan shall depict decorative or textured paving to identify pedestrian crossing points in drive aisles and parking areas. 17. Regarding the Development Guidelines: a) The role and structure of the "Architectural Review Committee" must be clearly identified in the beginning of the Development Guidelines along with the statement that: "All subsequent development review applications must receive approval from the Committee prior to submitting the application to the City." b) A revised site plan that correlates with the Final PUD Plan materials shall substitute the plan on page 3. c) On page 4, the building entrances oriented toward the plaza areas shall also be noted as secondary entrances. . d) Under`Bollard Lights" on page 6,it should state that lights will be "installed by the developer within the plaza areas and at pedestrian crossing intersections to provide security after hours. e) On page 8, the street section shall be replaced with a legible image. Under "Human Scale" on page 8,it should state that"Buildings shall have mass and scale that is visually appealing to pedestrians at street level." g) Under"Pedestrian Entrance" on page 8,it should state that "Secondary entry from the street and plazas is also recommended as a means to address human scale from the streetscape. h) Under"Mechanical Equipment"on page 10,additional language that specifically states that"all mechanical,electrical,HVAC,utility services,and landscape irrigation systems (i.e., irrigation wells, pumps, etc.) will be properly screened with an architectural or landscape opaque screening device" shall be added. Language shall require all mechanical equipment to be accurately depicted on all site plan submittals. i) Under"Materials & Color" on page 10,it should state that bonderized metal material is preferred. j) Under "Windows & Doors" on page 12,it should state that large expanse of reflective windows shall be avoided. k) Under"Style & Placement" on page 13, it should be added that "additional covers may be required to appropriately direct light downward." 1) On page 20,it should clarify that no internally illuminated signs will be permitted. RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 3 OF 7 0 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT • 18. All future buildings and phases shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) prior to Final Site Plan/Sketch Plan approval. #Z-06260 Code Provisions: a. Section states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. b. Section 18.36.060 requires that within one (1) year following the approval of a preliminary plan,the applicant shall file with the Planning Department a final plan.The applicant must undertake and complete the development of an approved final plan within two years from the time of final plan approval.For the purposes of this section,a development is substantially complete once all engineering improvements(water,sewer, • streets, curbs, gutter, street lights, fire hydrants and storm drainage) are installed and completed in accordance with City rules and regulations.Extensions may be granted as stated in the UDO. The timing of all extensions of final plan approval shall be coordinated with the approval period established for any subdivision plat approval that is part of the PUD so that any expiration dates are consistent. The Final PUD Plan must be submitted and approved prior to additional site work. C. Section 18.38.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment should be incorporated into the roof form and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. d. Sections 18.42.150 requires a lighting plan for all on-site lighting including wall-mounted lights on the building must be included in the final site plan submittal. Lighting cut- sheets shall be provided with the Final PUD Plan. e. Section 18.42.170 requires the trash receptacles to be appropriately sized and located for the specific as approved by the City Sanitation Department. Accommodations for recyclables must also be considered. All receptacles shall be located inside of an approved trash enclosure. A copy of the site plan,indicating the location of the trash enclosures, dimensions of the receptacles and enclosures and details of the materials used, shall be sent to and approved by the City Sanitation Division (phone: 586-3258) prior to final site plan approval. RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 4 OF 7 • • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT f. Section 18.46.020 requires compact parking stalls to be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation "Compacts Only." g. Section 18.46.040.D states that disabled accessible spaces shall be located as near as practical to a primary entrance. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions. Raised signs shall be located at a distance no greater than five feet from the front of each accessible space and shall state "Permit Required $100 Fine." At least one (1) of the disabled accessible spaces shall also be signed "Van Accessible" and must be eight (8) feet wide with an eight (8) foot wide striped unloading aisle/ramp. h. Section 18.46.040.E states that all developments shall provide adequate bicycle parking facilities to accommodate employees and customers. The location and details for the bike rack shall be provided in the final site plan. i. Section 18.48.050.C.2.a.(2)requires all parkinglots located between a principal structure and a public street to be screened from the public street. j. Chapter 18.52 requires the review and approval of a Sign Permit Application prior to the • construction and installation of any on-site signage. k. The final landscape plan shall be signed and certified by a landscape professional as outlined in Section 18.78.100. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY KNOWN, that the above-noted eighteen (18) conditions and eleven (11) code provisions of Conditional Use Permit approval shall be binding upon me, the undersigned owner of the subject property, my successors or assigns, as long as the subject property is being used as the Ridge Planned Unit Development. DATED THIS DAY OF , 2007. • RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 5 OF 7 i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT • LANDOWNERS 1��b�—'4 L Steve Roderick, Owner Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness STATE OF MONTANA ) s s. County of Gallatin ) On this day of .�C-;:Si�f G=.y ,2007 before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared Steve Roderick, ,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation of Gallatin Valley Health/Fitness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. ..�9 �/ i •/// / ,.z-©v�' e; ••,� = r � r G= '�' (P-rinted Name Here) <<Notar ublic or the State of Montana Residing at cn�tp-(i,b My Comeph Expires:..4 tatl-IV '14%� �. .., ` (Use 4 digits for expiration year) I RIDGE PUD, 4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 6 OF 7 • �I • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LANDOWNERS Jo n Nordwick President, Bozeman Deaconess Health Services STATE OF MONTANA) ss. County of IGALLATIN ) On this a`1"'day of &1"I� ,2007,before me,a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared John ordwick,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation of Bozeman Deaconess Health Services. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. rr''`����111111171I�1)Tj���. 1.�� I •l> 1 I'Y�'�. Y ' ; (Print Name Here) V.•NO TA R/q� ' 2 Residing abli2 for the sate Iof Mo�tans alA My Commission Expires: 001 %Nj�'•JFAL ,'� (Use 4 digits for expiration year) O • RIDGE PUD,4181 FALLON STREET, #Z-06260 PAGE 7 OF 7 i I • MCGRAW-EDISON' DESCRIPTION The McGraw-Edison Concourse III is the most versatile,functionally designed,universally adaptable outdoor lighting luminaire available. C%� L �S c S NP 6► �S li�wlk Through a variety of mounting styles,it offers a family of low profile sharp-cutoff luminaires that make optimum use of today's high output HID ` Q n•a • e sources. Enhancing natural landscapes as well as cityscapes,the Concourse III brings outstanding performance and style to walkways,parking lots,roadways, loading docks,building areas,and any security lighting application. U.L. listed and CSA certified for wet locations. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A...Latches D...Gasketing G...Mounting Two spring-steel quick release Closed cell gas-filled high Universal mounting clamp latches on housing for toolless temperature silicone gasketing concealed in housing fits 1 1/2"to 2 entry. completely seals optical system 3/8"O.D.horizontal tenons without from dirt,bugs or other foreign adapters.Provides a+5a vertical B...Socket material. leveling adjustment.Al mounting Porcelain mogul-base screw shell option includes arm and round type lamp socket with E...Lens pole adapter with the fixture for spring-loaded center contact. Thermal shock-and impact single carton shipment. resistant clear tempered glass. C...Housing H...Ballast One-piece,die-cast aluminum F...Optics Easily removable high power housingfeatures aesthetically Optional high efficiency Y factor HID multi-tap ballast is pleasing soft-corner design. segmented or hydroformed standard. reflectors available in a range of CAL distributions.Reflector modules J,,,Hinges CONCOURSE III attach to the housing.All reflectors Integral hinges prevent door are field rotatable in 90e rocking and optimize sealing increments.(5) capabilities. 7 0-4 0 O W High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide ARCHITECTURAL A---- — AREA LUMINAIRE _ 1 C DIRECT ARM MOUNTINGS FCO COMPLIANT rail�tad D O CA41 CA42 E•--------- ._..._.._....___ . F---'---' — CA40 0 Q WALL MOUNT ADAPTER ENERGY DATA G--- — •9-- 6 Hi-Reactance Ballast Input Watts e CA14 70W HPS HPF(95 Watts) H"� — — —-- — — — —-- s t/2' 70W MH HPF(94 Watts) 1203mm1 100W HPS HPF(130 Watts) e e 100W MH HPF(129 Watts) CWA Ballast Input Watts 150W MH HPF(210 Watts) DIMENSIONS 175W MH HPF(210 Watts) 25OW HPS HPF(300 Watts) 250W MH HPF(295 Watts) 40W HPS HPF(485 OOOW MH HPF(455 Watts) 19 3/4' 19 3/4' 1502 ml 1502 ml 147/8' EPA r 1378mm1 17431nm1 t Effective Projected Area:0.9 5 5/B' 83/8' 61/4' SHIPPING DATA r. 1159I 1162�nml n m I Approximate Net Weight: 39lbs.(16 kgs.) Round Pole Square Pole COOPM Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADHO60022 www.ctwpedig hting.com Conauh your representative for additional option.and fini.he.. 07/25/2006 3:04:59 PM CAL CONCOURSE III PHOTOMETRICS 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 A 8 C DE 1 B C DE 0 ABC DE 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 4 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 d 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CAL-400-MH-MT-3S CAL-400-MH-MT-4S CAL-400-MH-MT-SL 400-Watt MH Type III Segmented 400-Watt MH Type IV Segmented 400•Watt MH Forward Throw Spill Light Eliminator 40,000-Lumen Clear Lamp 40,000-Lumen Clear Lamp 40,000-Lumen Clear Lamp Footcandle Table Top Mounting for Square and Round Poles (order separately) Select mounting height and read across for Accommodates 2 3/8'-3'O.D.vertical tenons(arm included).Catalog number includes slipfitter and mounting arm(s).Square unit footcandle values of each isofootcandIs height is 6 1/4".Round unit height is 6 3/4". line.Distance in units of mounting height. Catalog Number E.P.A. Wt. (Ibs.) Mounting Footcandle Values for CA43S 1.2 39 Height Isofooteandle Lines CA44S 2.3 75 A B C D E CA45S 2.3 75 20' 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.30 0.15 CA43S CA44S CA45S CA46S CA46S 2.3 146 25' 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.20 0.10 CA43R 1.2 39 30' 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.06 CA44R 2.3 75 CA45R 2.3 75 CA46R 2.3 145 CA47R 2.4 111 CA43R CA44R CA45R 4A46R CA47R ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number:CAL-400-MH-MT-SL-BZ rCAL-:'Concourse ct Family Lamp Type Distribution Color Accessories tt Ills MH:Metal Halide 2F:Design 20 Formed Ap:Grey MA108o:House Side Shleldla Hips:High Pressure Sodium 2s:Type II Segmented BZ:Bronze CA18-House Side Shield,Design 40 Lamp Wattage 3F:Design 30 Formed BK:Black OA/RA101e=NEMATwlsflmk Pholoconeol-MulO-Tap 70:70W Voltages 3S:Type III Segmented WH:White OAIRA1027-NEMATwistockPhotoconbol-480V too-100W 120:120V 4F:Design 40 Formed DP:Dark Platinum OA1048:120V Button Photocunool for Field Installation 130:15OW 208:208V 43:Type IV Segmented" OM-Graphite Metallic OA1047:20EV24Installa0VV Button Photocontrol for Field 175:175W 240-240V tion SF:Design 50 Formed OA 104e:277V Button PMtrxbnuol for Field installation 260:25OW 277:277V yS:Type V Segmented Options° YP 9 CA14XX:Well Mount Adapter 400:40OW2 480:480V SL:Forward Throw Spill Light Al:Arm Included] CA40XX:Direct Arm Mount for Square Pole(EPA 0.2) MT:Mulls-Tap4 Eliminator F:Single Fuse(120,277 or 347V) CA41XX:Direct Arm Mount for 3.O.D.Round Pole(EPA TT:Triple-Tap4 FF:Double Fuse(208,240 or 48OV) 0.2) P:Button Type Photornntrol(Specify CA42XX:Direct Arm Mount for 3 lrY-0'O.D.Round Pole Notes: 1 Bracket arm not included with standard unit..One bracket arm must be ordered for each standard (EPA 0.2) unit(see Accessories). 2 Must use reduced envelope ED-28 lamp when using 40OW Metal Halide. 3 Voltage) CA47SXX:Single Arm Teron Adapter for 2 318'•3'O.D. Product also available in non-US voltages and 60Hr for international markets.Consult factory for O:Quartz Restrike(Hot restrikes.• Teron Square Pole availability and ordering information. 4 Multi-Tap ballast is 120/208/240/277V wired 277V.Triple-Tap only) CA44SXX:2@90'Arm Tenon Adapter for 2318'-3'O.D. ballast is 120/277/347V wired 347V. 6 Type 4S optic not rotatable with 40OW HPS systems. 8 Must be Tenon Square Pole listed in the order shown and separated by a dash. 7 CA42 included-Arm and 3 1/2'-4-round pole R:NEMA Twistlock Photoconbol adapter provided in box. 8 Not available with quern on'SL'optic. 8 Limit to 160W maximum,quart. Receptacle CA48SXX:2 180'Arm Teron Adapter for 2 3/8'-3' lamp only.Lamp not included. 10 Available for 2S,3S,as.2F,3F,and 4F distributions only. 11 Order O.D.Tenon Square Pole separately,replace XX with color suffix. 12 Available in Type 2F and 3F only. V:Vandal Shield CA4e5XX:4 @ 901 Arm Tenon Adaptor for 2 318'•3'O.D. HS:House Side Shieldt0 Tenon Square Pole L:Lamp Included CA476XX:3 @ 90'Arm Teron Adapter for 2 3/8'•3'O.D. Tenon Square Pole STOCK SAMPLE NUMBER(Lam included) CA43RXX:Single Arm Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8'•3'O.D. P : Tenon Round Pole CA44RXX:2 @ 90•Arm Tenon Adopter for 2 318"-3"O.D. SAMPLE NUMBER: CAL-400-MH-5T-2/3F-AI-BZ Town Round Pole CA,ulpl 2®180•Arm Toren Adapter for 2 Y8'.3' p O.D.Teron Round Pole CAL MH Al BZ CA4ORXX:4 @ 90'Arm Teron Adapter for 2 3/8'-3'O.D. Tenon Round Pole CA47RXX:3®120'Arm Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8'-3' O.D.Tenon Round Pole Product Family' Lamp Lamp Voltage' Distribution Mounting Color CA9008XX:Adjustable Flitm,FA55 Required(fiits23/8" CAL=Concourse III Wattage Type MT=Multi-Tap 2/3F=Type ll/111 Method BZ=Bran:. O.D.Vertical7enon) 250=25OW MH=Metal Wired Formed AI-Arm 400=400W Halide 277V 4F=Type IV Included Formed Via✓) 5T=5-Tap Formed Wired 277V NOTES Istockl:1 Stock product comes standard with lamp.Other options not available with stock products.Refer to standard ordering information.2 MT only available with 250W,5T only available with 400W.3 CA42 included-Arm and 3 1/2'.4'round pole adapter. COOT Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADHO60022 www.cooperlighting.com McGraw-Edison a Customer First Center a 1121 Highway 74 South a Peachtree City,GA 30269 a TEL 770.486.48W a FAX 770.486.4801 07/26/2006 3:04:59 PM TYPE: CATO#: CAPER LIGHTING® DETAILS SSASQUARE STRAIGHT o a ALUMINUM 8 ' - 3 5 ' Mounting Height SQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM MH 3 (mounting height) ACCESSORIES Base with hand hole and door OBolt cover at all four anchor bolt locations /®(force fit) Bolt cover(shown in place) - flush with casting surface SPECIFICATION 2 the 1­356 T6 cast aluminum alloy shoe base with aluminum alloy knock-in bolt 1 covers. LB] 2•••2"x 4"flush hand hole assembly with internal reinforcing frame (4"Shaft).2 1/2"x 4"flush hand hole assembly 15',6",and 6 3/4'shaft). Ground lug located opposite hand hole opening drilled&tapped for 0 0 3/8"16NC-2 grounding screw. 3"'Straight square shaft 6005-T6 aluminum alloy polished finish. 0 o Base Yew 4*��Drilled or Tenon(specify). L—S—� 5•••Anchor bolt per ASTM A576 with(1)nut,(1)flat washer,and(2)shims. Nuts,washers and threaded portion of bolt are hot dip galvanized. BC FOUR BOLT ANCHORAGE (see ordering information) BC=Bolt Circle BP=Bolt Projection rD AB=Bolt Dimensions D=Bolt Diameter H=Bolt Dimensions rAB 6 FINISH COLORS 1 B=Clear Anodized LH1 C=Dark Bronze Anodized D=Black Anodized E=Medium Bronze Anodized . F=Dark Bronze Powder Coat V=Grey Powder Coat W=White Powder Coat X=None(natural aluminum) Y=Black Powder Coat —4aL COOPER LIGHTING NOTE'Other finish colors available.Consult your Cooper Lighting Representative. ADHO20024 ' C • SSASQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM ORDERING • • The following information illustrates the correct way to enter an order for SSA4TOSWXMIXG.The ordering designation is detailed as follows. Shaft Mounting Fixture No.& Accessories Die. Wall Height Base Mounting Location Arm (Ground Square Straight Aluminum (at base) Thickness (Ft.) Type Finish &Type of Arms Lengths Lug) S S A 4 T 08 W X M 1 X G Bolt Mfg. Shaft Wall Bolt Circle Anchor Bolt Net. Max.Fixture Height Catalog Size Thickness Proj. Dia. D x AB x H Wt. EPA(Sq.Ft.)'-' EPA(Sq.Ft.);' Load-Include (Ft.) Number' (In.) (In.) (In.) (In.) (In.) (Lbs.) At Pole Top 18"Above Pole Top Bracket ILbs.) MH B BP BC AB 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100 8 SSA4TO8WX 4 .125 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 23 25.0 18.6 14.0 10.7 21.0 15.5 11.6 8.9 350 10 SSA4T10WX 4 .125 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 28 19.0 13.7 10.0 7.3 16.5 11.8 8.6 6.3 260 12 SSA4T12WX 4 .125 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 32 24.0 17.5 13.2 10.0 20.8 15.2 11.3 8.6 260 15 SSA4T15WX 4 .125 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 39 12.9 8.9 6.1 4.2 11.3 7.8 5.4 3.7 200 15 SSA4M15WX 4 .188 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 55 20.7 15.0 11.0 8.1 18.5 13.0 9.7 7.2 200 15 SSA5T15WX 5 .125 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 52 23.0 16.4 11.7 8.5 20.3 14.5 10.5 7.6 260 18 SSA4T18WX 4 .125 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 46 8.3 5.1 2.9 1.3 7.6 4.6 2.6 1.2 100 18 SSA4M18WX 4 .188 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 66 14.3 9.7 6.5 4.2 13.0 8.8 5.9 3.8 150 18 SSA5T18WX 5 .125 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 61 15.9 10.5 6.9 4.3 14.4 9.5 6.2 3.9 150 18 SSA5M18WX 5 .188 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 85 25.6 18.2 13.0 9.2 23.5 16.4 11.6 8.3 260 20 SSA4M20WX 4 .188 1 3/4 9 3/4 x 17 x 3 72 11.0 6.9 4.1 2.1 10.0 6.3 3.7 1.9 150 20 SSA5T20WX 5 .125 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 66 12.3 7.5 4.2 1.9 11.1 6.8 3.9 1.7 100 20 SSA5M20WX 5 .188 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 94 21.0 14.3 9.7 6.3 19.5 13.2 8.8 5.8 150 25 SSA5M25WX 5 .188 2 11 3/4 x 17 x 3 115 11.6 6.5 2.8 -- 10.8 6.0 2.6 -- 100 25 SSA6M25WX 6 .188 2 12 1/2 1 x 36 x 4 140 21.5 13.4 7.6 3.4 20.0 12.4 7.1 3.4 260 30 SSA6X30WX 6 .250 2 12 1/2 1 x 36 x 4 215 18.7 10.8 5.4 1.5 17.6 10.0 5.0 1.4 260 30 SSA9X30WX 6 3/4 .250 2 3/4 14 1/4 1 x 36 x 4 237 30.0 19.0 11.6 6.2 28.0 18.0 11.0 6.0 260 35 SSA6X35WX' 6 .250 2 12 1/2 1 x 36 x 4 249 11.9 4.9 -- -- 11.0 4.5 -- -- 100 35 SSA9X35WX' 6 3/4 .250 2 3/4 14 114 1 x 36 x 4 274 17.5 8.6 2.5 -- 16.7 8.3 2.3 -- 150 NOTES: 'Factory installed vibration dampeners.'The above E.P.A.capacities are based on loading from(1994)and pole drag coefficients from(2001)American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Specification.'Catalog item includes one set of anchor bolts,single nuts and(2)leveling shims.'EPAs based on shaft properties with wind normal to flat.EPAs calculated using base wind velocity as Indicated plus 301/6 gust factor. MOUNTING OPTIONS (add as suffix) ACCESSORIES (order separately) Fixed Tenon(square pole) Designation O.D. Length A-1/2•tapped hub' Number (in.) (In.) B-3/4"tapped hub' O.D. 2 2 3/8 4 G=Grounding lug(max.wire#8 AWG) II 5 3 4 H=Additional hand hole and cover- 4 4 6 12'below pole top-90"from hand hole. V=Vibration Damper LENGTH NOTES:1 Location is 3'above base-90"from hand hole. MACHINING FOR RECTANGULAR ARMS DRILLING PATTERN (add as suffix) Type"M" TVpe"E" Type"Z' Designation Designation Quantity Letter&Number Letter&Number &Location -� M1 E1 Single 2 5/16- t 3/4• 4'[102mm► M2 E2 2 @ 180' dig. dla. M3 E3 3 @ 90" dale hole 2 7/16"i62mml M4 E4 4 @ 90' 2 7/t6' holes M5 E5 2 @ 90' 4 7/8'f124mml 4 7/8' 3 7 6' 11/32'dla. 9/16•[14mml dia.hole(3) holes (2 Required) Type"M"Drill Pattern=Hammer,Landau,Galleria,and Vision Area • Type"E"Drill Pattern=Concourse III Type"Z"Drill Pattern=Credenza and Cirrus NOTE:Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Visit our web site at www.cooperlighting.com Cwgit Lighting Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City,GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770.486.4801 ADHO20024 r t r r4� NEMW- Bollards : 1 Lamp Guide' The B08 bollard head consists of Wattage BD cast-aluminum louvers and cover 50 MH,medium — mechanically assembled around a _ 83/8" 70 MH,medium D O D o D O D Do clear-tempered-glass enclosure. 1213 mm) D �' The head is mechanically assembled too MH,medium — '+ on an 8"(203 mm)extruded-aluminum 35 HPS,medium — pole with a wall thickness of 1/8"(3 mm). 50 HPS,medium — E , E The BUT bollard is similar to the BOB 70 HPS,medium — "M except for its flat 8 3/8"(219 mm)cover. 100 HIPS,medium — The 608111 bollard comes with a round The 009rm,1308Trl'BD8RTm,OPCBTm 8-3/8"(219 mm)cover.The B08R bollard and BO8G7m bollard series accommo- can accommodate an optional colored dates H.I.D.or incandescent lamps luminous lens. up-to-100 W. The BOBG bollard comes with a lumi- HPS ballasts feature a-40F(-40C°)lamp nous opalin glow top protected by a starting capacity with a high power cast-aluminum guard. factor of 90%and operate within ANSI E The Opticone OPCB bollard,with its trapezoidal limits.MH ballasts feature a e conical 81/4"(210 mm)wide cover,is -20F(-30C')lamp starting capacitywith designed to complement Opticone OPC a-high power factor of 90%.All ballasts and OPCS luminaires. are UL recognized and CSA certified. Silicone gaskets are used at the base The ballast is integrated in the bol- of the glass enclosure to ensure wea- lard's-base. therproofing. + The bollard is anchored to acast- : 1 Bas e Details aluminum base plate by screws. f BOB,BDBT,BDBR,BDBG and E Opticone-OPCB bollards are UL E �� \ E and-CSA approved. E ¢OC Glass enclosure(excluding D88G): GL-C Clear glass enclosure I 8" I S , GL 0 Opalin glass enclosure Anchor bolts:3/8-12" (203 mm) B.C.from:4 3/8 to 6"(111 to 152 mm) t BOR Bollards BOR Lamp Guide . The BOR6 bollard head consists of cast- Wattage BOR aluminum louvers and cover mecha 50 MH,medium — nically assembled around a borosilicate 70 MH,medium _ 11 3/8" refractor optical system. (289 mm) The head is mechanically assembled 100 MH,medium — on a 6 5/8"(168 mm)extruded aluminum 35 HPS,medium — At.tM.entranee fls d ke btl8dings, pole with a wall thickness of 1/8"(3 mm►. 5o HPS,medium — E parks,racrodofmi areas:wherewr The BOR10 bollard head is similar to 70 HPS,medium — E �+ alttrdy,ralieble fighting is r iillred, the-BORE except for the head which 100 HPS,medium — 8f 88Mt,8M,andOpOcerte OM is-mechanically assembled on an extru- bollords shirAl The BOR6rm,BOR10TM'and BOR10Trm dad-aluminum pole of 10 3/4"(273 mm). bollard series accommodates H.I.D.or And gke then to 11 80M0 and The BOR10T bollard is similar to the bollsincandescentseries accommodates lamps u d tes W. 8@MIT models incorporate afffcient BOR10 except that the cover is a flat p optical systems and ease atmairte- 113/8"(289 mm)surface. HPS ballasts feature a-40F(-40C°)lamp nance in•asthetic units dietkWishad by starting capacity with a high power a strong day arAnightti ne presence. Silicone gaskets are used at each factor of 90%and operate within ANSI end-of the optical system to ensure trapezoidal limits.MH ballasts feature a E weatherproofing. 20F(-30C°)lamp starting capacirywith ;, E The BORE bollard assembly is welded a-high power factor of 90%.All ballasts onto a cast-aluminum base cover. are UL recognized and CSA certified. This-base cover is anchored to a The ballast is integrated in the bollard's cast-aluminum base plate by screws. base. The BOR10 and BOR10T bollard are 1 • , Base Details anchored to a cast-aluminum base plate by screws. BORE,BOR10 and BOR10T bollards are-UL and CSA approved. r' �� E E E O E 7 1/2" I Anchor bolts:3/8-12" (191 mm) BOR/BO Ordering Sample B.C.from:43/8to 53/4"(111 to 146 mm) Glass EnclosuW Bollard Lamp Optical Voltage Finish Options BOR10T 70 HPS RRr 110 BE2-TX FS Glass enclosure material required with BO bollards. **Optical System required with BOR bollards. Lumec reserves the right to substitute materials or change the manufacturing process of its products without prior notification. 131 Opticone OPCB 8 3/8" 8 5/8" 8 5/8" 8 1/4" (21� 3� (21�9 mmj� (21� 9 m� (2l�mm� E m E qt N E , E \uEEi i� E m Fj N � N M m E m E E e E M Q, ,,.• � m E � E LAA 8" I 1 8" I (203 mm) (203 mm) (203 mm) (203 mm) : 1 ' Optical 16 Standard Colors Available RR OptiCS IBOR only) t 13/8" t 1 3/8" The specially-formulated textured(TX) Round borosilicate refractor (289 mm) (289 mm) Lumital powder coat is available in a RR5: Symmetrical(V) range of 16 standard colors.This unique RR3: Asymmetrical(III) coating of thermosetting polyester resins RR3MD: Asymmetrical(III) E E provides ahighly-durable UV-resistant with-medium-deflector E e exterior finish as perASTM-G7. ifisRRUD: Asymmetrical(111)with-lar- � � Lumital coatings are specially formulated ge-deflector for outstanding sah-spray resistance oe according to ASTM B117 standards. All surfaces are chemically treated using 1 1 Options a four-step(aluminum)or six-step(steel) FS Fusing(consult factory) process prior to painting.Consult Lumec for complete specifications. Variable height from 15"(380 mm)to 48"0220 mm►, SC Special Color in 1"(15 mm)increments. E E Provide a 4"(102 mm)square color chip. Ballast is remote up to 24"(610 mm). o; E E H15 15"(380 mm)min.height R It is possible to order smaller minimal H48 48"0220 mm)max height quantities of powder paint at a BCL• Bollard head on concrete basal premium.Your representative will be able to tell you if a powder coating can DE* Pole buried in the ground be developed for your project. CL Optional colored lens: Lumiseal,a biofriendly reactive organic conversion coating,is applied ®� on all aluminum parts that are subject to salt-spray corrosion.Consult Lumec CLA CLB CLC CLR for complete specifications. (For BDBR bollard only) Please note that where quantities DR Duplex receptacle(120 volts only) do not warrant it,Lumec reserves GFI Duplex receptacle with ground the right to use an oven-cured liquid fault interrupter 1120 volts only) 1 103/4" I 1 103/4" I polyurethane finish. (273 mm) 1273 mm) PH7 Button type photoelectric cell LS Provision for loudspeaker outlet 1 • 4� IP Interior painting of base i�0�% E VPA Vandalproof screws(Allen type) of 4 �E = "Consult factory for details ^ N �\-�� Anchor bolts:3/8-12 Galaxy Series WALL MOUNT INDOOR/OUTDOOR SCONCE 0 dA AOA 0 • O00_ PX OPTION DIMENSIONS-8-1/4"X 16"X 5-1/2" Aoo FLUORESCENT DD1'(2)26W j 1 1.13C1RONIC BALLAS'1' PX 0P'1'10N COLOR SILVER _� ECLIPSE NCHTINGTm Galileo Basic R Catalogue Number a �- Round or Rectangular Diffuser, no Perfex, no Shield Prolect/Location Type (' Incandescent, Fluorescent, HID and Induction lamp Approved By • Galileo Basic Round/Rectangular Models: o -� standard mounting Apollo(AP) Aztec(AZ) Cancer(CA) Classic(CL) Galaxy(GA) Gemini(GE) Juno(JN) side&front view V -�' top views w/&W/o BB Jupiter(JU) Leo(LE) Ubre(U) Undo(LD) Mariner(MR) Mercury(ME) Neptune(NE) D i 00 i I i shown with BB Orbit(OR) Orion(ON) Saturn(ST) Scorpio(SP) Taurus(TA) Uranus(UR) Virgo(VG) Catalog Number Ordering Guide Example: AP XL3 A TTT 4 57 EBU EBH 9002 OOT PNA SERIES �— COLOR TEMP(IND ONLY) OPTIONS Refer to Chen Above 3K - 3000K(OL)or 3500K 5002 Tamperproof Screwdriver (ICE)color temperature AL = Aluminum Construction—Standard SIZE 4K = 4000K(OL)or 4100K BB = Backbox Far EL or Surface Conduit:2"depth M = Mediumll-1/8" QCE)color temperature —required where(')shown L Large 13-1/4" CA = Custom Requirements �-cx to- VOLTAGE CTB = Ckter Top&Bottom—(Standard w/w MHU/D) XL1 = 21 120 = 120 Volts DIM Dimming Ballast %L2 = 28" 277 = 277 Vohs EL-CFL = Emergency Battery:350-700 Lumens(req.BB)—Damp Location XL3 41" EBU = Universal Volt(I20-277v) EL-CW = Cold Weather Emergency Battery:700-1300 Lumens(req.BS) Electronic Ballast EL-LED = Emergency Battery for LED STYLE Programmable Stan ELM-CFL = CFL High lumen Emergency Battery:1100-3500 Lumens "go dlnolly to Shpurtum Ismping(P.101 far I to F" (mq.'BB')—Damp Location A = no Perfex POWER FACTOR ELH-T8 = T8 High Lumen:1100-3500 Lumens Emergency Battery 8 = AND:Bottom 1/2 PX NPF = Normal power Factor (req.'8B')—Damp Location RCT.Sernl-Full PX(no PX cemor Vert) HPF = High Power Factor FUS = Single Fusing C AND:Top 12 PX EB Electronic Ballast DFUS = Double Fusing ACT.Center Vert,Top/Bottom 1/4 PX EBHT = Extreme Temp-30"to OV = Gravure Custom Engraving(Consult Factory) D = RND:Alt Bare PX +90o Electronic Ballast COTS = Opaque Top&Bottom ACT.Top 114 PX Programmable Start ONTO = Open Top 8 Bottom lindaor any) E = Full PX IND = Induction HF Generator ORS = Quartz Restrike Relay(120v any)lamps by others F = Custom:Design Your Own PS = Pulse Start(standard an MH 50w thm 150w) PX = Alum.Perforated Insert with 1/1W dia.holes(Must Include LAMP TYPE "PX"in ordering information when creasing styles 8-F) INC = Incandescent REL = Remote Emergency Battery(req'd 68 incl'd) TT = Thin TLbe Compact Fluorescent REL-CW = Remote Cold Weather Emergency Battery:700-1300 Lumens ('13w not available with EB) (req'd BB incl'd) Double 7Win Tube Compact Fluorescent Thple Thin Tube Compact Fluoroscem FINISH Of ohooslnq PX,list PX•nlsh second) PL-H = Philips Compact Fluorescent(Included STANDARD PAINTED FINISH with Fixture) BK = Black T8 = TS M.N.Fluorescent BZ Bronze HP8 = High Pressum Sodium PHA Painted Natural Aluminum MH = Metal Halide SGR Silver Cray 8T5MH = 8TS Metal Halide WH - White _MHU Metal Halide Uplight(wm Lamp) SPECIAL ORDER PAINTED FINISH w1MHD = Metal Halide Downlight 0M11 Lamp) CHIP = Carvell Painted Chrome LEI = Supor-Bright LED ED = Evergreen OL = Induction OL(Included with Fixture) OR Gray(navy) ICE = OsramO Icetran(Included with Fixture) HO = Hanford Green(light) RED = Red LAMP QUANTITY/WATTAGE SN Sun Cold Refer to Chart on Following Page CUSTOM ORDER PAINTED FINISH CC Custom Color(Provide Space) i See Reverse for • r LAMPING i E C L I P S E TM g243 W. ,.,L.IL OJ I Sef.11lsr Porlr,IL 60176 P:(647)26O-O333 f:(847)2SO-O344 _ LIGHTING r.r.<,.«IIPw<Ilglrf,rrglr.<.<Pr arrofewC�sc lipwslig4firsglwc.tow ©2006 Eclipse Lighting Inc.All Rights Reserved-Designs Protected by Copyright Rev.07/06 1 GA-3 Galileo Basic R Catalog Number Round or Rectangular Diffuser, no Perfex, no Shield ProlecULocatlon Type Incandescent, Fluorescent, HID and Induction lamp Approved Ely SPECIFICATIONS •BALLAST—For TT,DTT,TTT,T5,T8 Fluorescent Electronic(EB)cold weather 0°is Standard.For HID HPF Is Standard. •BACKPLATE-16 Ga.aluminum(AL) •BACKBOX—16 Ga.aluminum(AL)with wire access on four sides and back through 7/8"diameter knockouts flattened watertight(Optional for surface conduit entry or standard with emergency battery,H.I.D.and some fluorescent models) •CAGE—Modular design using 3/8"or 1/2"Square extruded aluminum bars(SOB)permanently secured by hidden means to the frame.Standard configurations shown. Custom spacing is available. •DIFFUSER—White translucent,fully enclosed non-yellowing 100%virgin acrylic,.125 Thick(1/8").Optional Clear or Opaque top and/or bottom. •FINISH—Corrosion and Weather resistant pre-treated extremely durable oven baked polyester powder •GASKETING—High temperature,non-aging black EPDM and/or neoprene rubber around the entire lens perimeter and rear wire entrance hole to protect against dust, moisture and outside contaminants •FASTENERS—Stainless steel tamperproof screws—(2)To secure lens in place •LAMP—Incandescent,Compact Fluorescent(TT,DTT,TTT),T8 Bi-Pin Fluorescent,HID,BTS Mini MH,PAR lamp MH—BY OTHERS;PL-H Compact Fluorescent,LED, Induction OL&ICE—INCLUDED. •MOUNTING—Use(4)or(6)5/16"diameter holes for 1/4"diameter bolts for outdoor or indoor.7/8"KO in Center for Wire Access.Must derate lamping for horizontal. •UL/ULC—UL/ULC Listed to U.S.and Canadian safety standards-Suitable for wet locations fEklthaMdght 12n/4•.2e-,a- '�— --— — - — =._1• a,a•.2r XL3 .14 I - 9 ,depth d.tn•death 7-1/41 dwth 5-112'depth = ka � = X = X � aW n M u xu xu xL2 xu Dimensions-W x H x D 8-1/4•x 11-1/6•x 4• 8-1/4•x 13-1/4•x 4• 6-1/4•x 1e•x 4• 9.1/4•x 21•x 5-1/t• 12-1/4•x 2e-1/4•x 7-1/4• 14•x 41•x 8.12• Incandescent (1)60w (1)75w (2)40w (2)75w (2)IDOw (2 or 3)100w Fluorescent TT (1 or 2)13w (1 or 2)13/16w R l3/1 w (3)13w; (2)36/39w (1.2 or 3p6/39/40/50/55w (2,3 or 4)39/40/55/57/60w Fluorescent DTT (1 or 2)13w (2)13w;(1 or 2)26w (2)26w (3)13w;(2)26w (4)28w (3 or 4)26/42w Fluorescent TTT Na (t a 2)2ew;It or 2p2w: (1142w (2)28/3 R1: (1)57nOw (3)26/32/42/57w;(2)70w (3 or 4)28/32/42/57/70w Fluorescent PL-H Na Ne (1)Mssw (1)60/85/120w (1 or 2)60/85/120w (3)12Ow Fluorescent TS No Na No Na (1,2 or 3)17w it.2 or 3)25w High Pressure Sodium Na 1 1 ow (-Meow (1 or 2)5N70w (2)50nOw Metal Halide:ED17 Na ('50w (*Wow (')50n0w (1 or 2)50n0/100w (2)50/701100w BTS Mini Metal Halide (')20w ('20w tow (1 or•2)20w Conwlt Factory Canwlt Factory PAR Metal Halide Na Na Na No ww20.35w;vnn30-35/70w PAR30-351'/Ow;ww36-70w PAR Metal Halide w/BB Na Na Na t 20-35w ww20.35w;PAR3g-35n0w R 30-35/70w;PAR36-70w LED Conwlt Factory conwtt Factory Conwh Factory Conwb Factory Conwlt Factory Conwlt Factory QL Induction" Na Na (-).w (155w *0 or 2)65w;(1)125/165w (1 or 2)a5/125w;(1)185w ICE Induction'• Na No Na Ne ()70/t0ow ()70/100/150w «tamping System is WARRANTED by Osmm and Philips for 40.000 HOURS. •means eackbox Required. Reminders Galileo Basic R Models: • half-round or M-XL fully comply with requirements of Apollo(AP) Jupiter(JU) Orbit(OR) rectangle diffuser ©Americans with Disabilities Act Aztec(AZ) Leo(LE) Orion(ON) • no perfex U.S.PUBLIC LAW No.101-33—SECTION Cancer(CA) Libra(LI) Saturn(ST) • no shield 4.4-PARAGRAPH 4.4.1 Classic(CL) Lindo(LD) Scorpio(SP) BB is required when(•)is shown Galaxy(GA) Mariner(MR) Taurus(TA) TT-13W must be NPF Gemini(GE) Mercury(ME) Uranus(UR) when mounting horizontally,tamping must be Juno(JN) Neptune(NE) Virgo(VG) derated(consult factory for exact limitations) Induction OIL fits sizes XL-XL3 Induction ICE fits sizes XL2&XL3 4!3 see Signature lamping for styles B-F ECLIPSE92's., . . IL 01use PAR lamps for up and/or down wall wash TM 9243 . 8—tel rL St.p:(847)260-0333 f:(647)260-0344 LIGHTING www.scite. r.HrglMe.cow a)rorswC�<eliplipws17g4Nrgiwe.eow ©2006 Eclipse Lighting Inc.All Rights Reserved-Designs Protected by Copyright Rev.07/061 GA-4 PHOTOMETRIC DATA: MARINER SERIES • LSI test#16702 MR-L-DTT-(7J26-EB-120 LSI teat#16617 MR-XL2-TT-(1M0-EB-120 aluminum Interior and white plastic lens aluminum Interior and white plastic lens with clear plastic top and bottom Zonal Lumen Summary Candela Summary:CP Curve and Table Zonal Lumen Summery Candela Summary:CP Curve and Table znr 1a,ru r rluNnYr4 1 0 xwl n tar lumw rl. ♦wn`w. 0-4 sl —1 q 3 W oao 170 4 W aoI 7so 0 a4o 121 33e eat o-40 zss e.n 9.0 aeo 327 900 zi90 o-w a1 pse 23.16 Too m z1u —sloe l 040 14ez 4au uze P53 Ie:10 Qn +201 ]lu ale 1 u1 1244 1st 1 n4 Zee »u 1 o-1W 140 41.0 loom ,.� o-1W TNTU e4W 1 la000. Coefficients of Utilization `w°'�� '11zation Pcc. box lox Sox 1 Pcc. 60% 70% 50% 11 Pw> M s^ 3 L M SOW S t M M, 0 45 46 45 41 41 41 35 35 1 0 96 96 96 88 98 88 75 75 1 39 39 34 35 33 31 28 26 1 83 77 72 76 71 67 60 56 2 34 30 27 31 26 25 23 21 1 2 74 65 58 68 60 S3 50 45 3 31 26 22 28 24 20 19 17 3 66 58 48 60 51 44 42 37 4 28 22 18 25 21 17 17 14 4 60 49 40 55 45 37 37 31 5 25 19 16 23 IS 14 15 13 5 55 42 34 50 39 31 32 26 6 23 17 13 21 16 12 13 10 310 6 50 37 29 45 34 27 28 22 u 7 21 15 12 19 14 1t 12 09 7 4e 33 25 42 30 23 25 19 ♦Lo14a--- e 19 14 10 18 13 09 10 Go 0 42 30 22 38 27 20 23 17 9 19 12 09 16 11 OB 09 07 9 39 27 19 35 25 t6 20 IS 10 17 11 08 15 10 07 09 06 10 36 24 17 33 22 16 19 13 Efficiency.*41.7% Efficiency.,69.1% LSI test#16616 MR-XL2-Tr-040-ES-120 LSI test#16615 MR-XL2-Tf-(3)40-EB-120 aluminum Interior and white plastic tens with clear plastic top and bottom aluminum Interior and white plastic lens with clear plastic top and bottom Zonal Lumen Summery Candela Summary:CP Curve and Table Zonal Lumen Summary SLIDt118gG CP Curve and Table ion wmn. r rwM,w,. tar L.— r1. rta+,e+.r. IF it oao ,es zw 4W 0ao 14z 1e1 46e 0+ m c1 ozs 040 zee 3a 9. o-w 9)4 14 21.1 (I'm nBtO 4 7 s23 im �• 0-03 7114 33 se 5250 I 0-00 i +715 53.15 .3t 1 40-W t 41 715e 4J 25 1 4PW 1D3 4 1 43 1 64 11n en 1YW 1 eaW W .0 P. e z 4.w go-W o-1W 4on wez iWoo 0-181) 3233 u.1e 1aoao '� �"r..o CoeNicienls o/Utilization Y "°`°'� Coe/fic/ants o/Utilization PCO 80% 1 70% 50% Pcc. 80% 70% Sox I PM- i• 7 I I Pw. 1 ® 0 69 89 89 54 54 64 54 54 0 35 35 35 32 32 32 27 27 1 60 56 52 55 51 48 43 40 1 30 28 28 28 26 24 22 20 3 58 47 42 49 43 38 38 32 2 27 24 21 25 22 19 18 16 7 40 4 0 31 43 37 31 30 28 3 24 20 17 22 19 16 15 13 4 43 35 29 39 32 27 27 22 4 22 18 15 20 16 13 13 11 5 39 30 25 36 28 23 23 19 a 20 15 12 19 14 11 12 10 B 38 27 21 33 25 19 20 16 a 18 14 11 18 12 10 f0 OB 45 - 4LOa0--- 7 33 24 t- 30 22 17 18 14 7 17 12 09 15 11 08 09 07 e 30 21 16 28 20 15 18 12 a 15 11 08 14 10 07 08 06 9 28 19 14 25 18 13 15 11 9 14 10 07 13 09 06 07 05 10 26 17 12 24 16 11 13 10 10 13 09 06 12 08 06 07 05 Efficiency 64.1% Efficiency.,32.3% LSI test#16611 MR-L-TT-(2)13-NPF-120 with aluminum interior and white plastic lens Zonal Lumen Summary Candela Summary:CP Curve and Table 110 tar lumen r rLwdnYr _ oao a 170 3.0 0-4o s• 3ro ez1 o-W 1W a zo z4 0- zz 1e so l4 I 1 _ _._.. ; 1 e 140 390 2110 4c4e o-W >m see laoao r- ,,, Coe/ficlentso/Utilizedon _ -'Y ■ Pcc. 80% 70% 50% Pw> 0 47 47 .47 43 .43 43 37 37 1 Y 1 41 38 35 37 35 32 29 27 2 36 32 28 33 29 26 24 21 3 32 27 23 29 25 21 20 17 " 4 29 24 19 27 21 1e 18 IS S 27 20 16 24 19 15 15 12 0 24 :6 14 22 16 13 13 10 1 SLOG••-•-I � ,, 7 22 I6 12 20 15 11 12 09 e zo 14 10 19 13 f0 11 08 9 19 13 09 17 12 OB 10 07 _ 10 17 12 08 16 11 07 09 06 Efficiency,44.3% -� 1 we reserve the right to revise the design or components of any product due to pans availability or charge in UL standards,without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice.This literature depicts a product DESIGN that is the SOLE and EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY of ECLIPSE LIGHTING,INC.—An Illinois Corporation.In corrolance with U.S.COPYRIGHT and PATENT ® requirements,notification is hereby presented In dlia form that this literature,or the product it depicts,Is NOT to be copled,altered or used in any manner Wtheut the express written toms 1 of,or contrary to the best Interests of,ECLIPSE LIGHTING,INC:--05AW1994 — 9245 W.8-14..St. M • 31:( ECLIPSETM P:SI(847e17)2so-o355 f617)260-0544 _ LIGHTING ---•�up4.uo�.tr■,,..�... awo/.w@.oriP+.npelHwplr..ao� ©2006 Eclipse Lighting Inc.All Rights Reserved-Designs Protected by Copyright Rev.07/06-GA-5 PHOTOMETRIC DATA: MERCURY SERIES to I 'I LSI test#20447 ME-XL2-OL85-120-BA-BB white Interior and white plastic tens Zonal Lumen Summary Candela Summery:CP Curve and Table Zen. 1237 ♦www. 4 — � ao •csosa—I aao 4 z,.yo4 . -- o-eo 64-40 9 <g— so-aeo 559— 40.JL a+m 2n1 loom 100.00 ,`��""`""' Coe//IcientsolUtilizaflon PCQ Sox 70% sox , Pws 70% 60%30% 70% 50%30% 50%30% •i r 0 116 116 110 99 99 99 84 54 1 102 95 e6 80 el 76 67 64 2 91 80 72 77 68 11 57 61 3 82 89 59 69 59 61 40 43 75 61 50 68 52 43 43 28 5 N 57 4J /7 ds ]7 b 11 e 63 47 38 52 40 32 34 27 7 57 42 23 41 31 26 20 24 6 sa 11 ze es >, 25 27 21 9 49 35 2e 41 so 22 2s 19 10 46 3 2 23 39 27 20 23 17 Efficiency,100.1% 3" — - 26-1/4" 26-1/4" G We reserve the right to revise the design or components of any product due to parts availability or change In UL standards,without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice.This literature depicts a product DESIGN that Is the SOLE and EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY of ECLIPSE LIGHTING,INC.—An Illinois Corporation.In compliance with U.S.COPYRIGHT and PATENT requirements,notification is hereby presented in this torn that this literature,or the product It depicts,Is NOT to be copied,altered or used In any manner without the express written consent of,or contrary to the best interests of,ECLIPSE LIGHTING,INC.---05/0411994 _ ECLIPSE TM 9246., %,&.rc. OJ f245 W. 1-1. St. y:(647)260-0533 1:(647)260-0344 _ LIGHTING ---••eNp .1101r41.r01.e.cur a.olrwP•allp.•11yh41wplwo.00.. ©2006 Eclipse Lighting Inc.All Rights Reserved-Designs Protected by Copyright Rev.07/06-GA-6 MlO°lighting 6" VERTICAL CFL DOWNLIGHT Project: OPEN APERTURE Fixture Type: One 26W or 32W Triple Tube Location: : C V&1 26/32T-600C Contact/Phone: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS Lamp One 26W or 32W triple tube compact fluorescent lamp r CFTR26W/GX24q-3 or CFTR32W/GX24q-3 •4 pin electronic. I (@/_�\ U 11 3/4' Socket Housing Vented,extruded aluminum housing with heat dissipating fins•Single-position,keyed reflector attachment. L Ballast 120V thru 277V HPF Electronic with end-of-life lamp protection•347V HPF Electronic available in Canada ho— Trim•Optional Dimming ballast available• U.L. listed/CSA certified. Reflector .050"aluminum reflector with low iridescent clear Alzak®finish•Other finishes including wheat,straw,haze and 9 3/8" pewter available on special order basis. Ring White Polycarbonate•Optional self-flanged trim with some finish as reflector. Labels U.L.listed for through branch wiring and damp locations •Union made AFL-CIO•CSA certified. Testing All reports are based on published industry I — 6" procedures;field field performance may differ from laboratory performance. Product specifications subject to change without notice. 6 7/8"CEILING CUTOUT I INSTALLATION ENGINEERING DATA Mounting Bracket Rough-in section equipped with vertically 120V-HPF/32W 277V-HPF/32W 347V-HPF/32W Canada adjustable mounting brackets(up to 3")that accept%"conduit or Total input power 36W 36W 37W "C"channels(HB-26 or HB-50)or linear flat bars(LB-27). Operating AMPS .30A .13A .11A Junction Box Pre-wired junction box provided with(5)!6"and Power Factor >.98 >.98 >.98 (1)'/."knockouts,U.L. listed/CSA certified for through branch T.H.D. <10% <10% <10% wiring,maximum 8 No. 12 AWG 90a C branch circuit Min.starting OaF/ O°F/ OaF/ conductors(4 in,4 out) •Junction box provided with removable temperature •18a( -18a( •18o( access plates o Knockouts equipped with pryout slots. (rest Factor <1.65 <1.65 <1.65 Ballast Factor .98 .98 1.00 Mounting Frame 16-gauge galvanized steel mounting ring with factory installed reflector mounting clips•Rough-in section (junction box, mounting frame and socket assembly)Fully ACCESSORIES assembled for ease of installation Accommodates'A"ceiling Catalog No. Description thickness maximum. HB-26 Two 26'(-channel bar hangers HB-SO Two 50-(•channel bar hangers LB-27 Two 27'linear bar hnngers PLK-E N2W emeg.paws kg(Bed.&k) To order,..pacify catalog number. PRODUCT CODES OPTIONS Catalog Number Reflector Finish Ballast Wattage and Lamp Catalog No. Description o CV6 126/32T 600C WN Low Iridescent(Isar Al2ak HPF 120V 271V,Elect. 26W or 32W Triple Tube(FL 347 341V,HPF flectlorrc Ballast • D8120 120V Dirming Ballast DB277 277V Di ON Ballast JU SF SegflangedRellem �� REV-10/99 For 347 or 08120 or 08277,specify—".a.. Ordering E. ple:CV6126/32b3&ZL00C•11 a PHOTOMETRIC REPORT 6" VERTICAL CFL DOWNLIGHT - Test Report#:PT05981202 Catalog No:CV6-126/32T-600C-WH OPEN APERTURE Total Luminnre Effidency:69.0% Luminaire Spacing Criterion:1.0 One 26W or 3 2 W Triple Tube Luminanre:Recessed Clear Alzok Reflector Downlight C V6-126/3ZT-6OOC Lamp:One 32W Triple Tube CFL lornp rated @ 2400 lumens CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION(Candelas) LUMINANCE ZONAL LUMEN Degrees (Average cd/mj SUMMARY Vertical Average Average 0 1386 Degrees Luminance Zone Lumens %Lamp %fixture 90° 5 1411 10 1329 45 26,006 0.30° 917 38.2 55.5 400 75° 20 1082 55 3,399 0.40° 1336 55.7 80.9 25 973 0.60° 1648 68.7 99.4 800 60° 30 851 65 0 35 667 0.90° 1658 69.0 100.0 40 502 75 0 1200 45° 45 349 90.180' 0 0 0 50 175 85 0 30° 55 31 0180° 1658 69.0 100.0 16000° 15° 60 11 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 `Multiplier.26W•0.75 l� COEFFICIENTS OF UTILIZATION-% (Zonal Cavity Method) Effective Floor Cavity Reflectance 20% (Pfc) Pcc 80 70 50 30 10 0 RCR Pw 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 0 0 82 82 81 80 80 80 77 77 77 73 73 73 70 70 70 69 1 76 74 72 74 73 71 72 70 69 69 68 67 67 66 65 64 2 70 67 64 69 66 63 66 64 62 64 62 61 62 61 59 58 3 64 60 57 63 60 57 61 58 56 60 57 55 58 56 54 53 4 59 55 52 59 55 51 57 54 51 56 53 50 54 52 50 49 5 55 50 47 54 50 47 53 49 46 52 48 46 51 48 46 44 6 51 46 43 50 46 43 49 45 42 48 45 42 47 44 42 41 7 47 43 39 47 42 39 46 42 39 45 41 39 44 41 39 37 8 44 39 36 44 39 36 43 39 36 42 38 36 41 38 36 35 9 41 37 34 41 36 33 40 36 33 39 36 33 39 35 33 32 10 39 34 31 38 34 31 38 34 31 37 33 31 36 33 31 30 Pcc-Ceiling Cavity Reflectance(%) Pw-Wall Reflectance(%) INITIAL FOOTCANDLES AVERAGE INITIAL FOOTCANDLES One Unit,32 Watt,79°Beam Multiple Units(Square Army) Footmndles Footcandles Beam Distance to Illuminated Plane Ceiling 80%Wall 50%Floor 20% Beam Edge Bean Center Diameter (Feet) Spacing RCRI RCR4 RCR8 11.1 38.5 8.1' 6 5.0' 72 57 42 6.2 21.7 10.8' 8 6.0' 50 39 29 3.9 13.9 13.5' 10 2.7 9.6 16.2' 12 7.0' 37 19 21 2.0 7.1 18.9' 14 8.0' 28 22 17 1.5 5.4 21.6' 16 9.0' 22 17 13 1.1 4.3 24.3' 18 10.0' 18 14 11 1.0 3.5 27.0' 1 20 12.0' 13 10 7 )Beam Edge defined as 50%of Maximum Nadir Candlepower) 'Note:Mulitipliers are provided for estimating purposes only. Use IES photomet- JUAnOlighting ric files for precise photometric information. AA1300 S. Wolf Road, P.O. Box 5065, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5065 Phone 847.827.9880 FAX 847.827.2925 o 220 Chrysler Dr., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6S 6B6 Phone 905.792.7335 FAX 905.792.0064 Visit us of wvvw.junolighting.com Printed in U.S.A.01999 Juno Lighting,Inc. The Archetype rr` • t !I'flilil,i 33 tiY.�'�t` ai The Entablature'" *Legend For light distributions that are Initial Horizontal This is the footcandle level on a symmetrical in halves,only Footcandles horizontal surface when a new one half of the light pattern fixture is first energized using a is shown in this catalog, pro- new lamp operating at rated _ viding maximum chart size lumens. and accuracy. Maintained Horizontal The footcandle level on a hori- Footcandles zontal surface, with a factor applied to account for estimated depreciation in lamp and lumi- naire output. Maintained Initial Total Horizontal = Horizontal x Light Loss For light distributions that are Footcandles Footcandles Factor symmetrical in quadrants, only one quadrant of the light Total Mean pattern is shown in this cata- Light Loss = Lamp Lumens x Luminaire Maintenance Factor log, providing maximum Factor Initial chart size and accuracy. Lamp Lumens The Luminaire Maintenance Factor for AR/SAR and ET/SET Series fixtures with sealed optics is estimated to be 0.9, and accounts for temperature and voltage variations,average dirt accumulation and atmospheric conditions. lf�ootcandle Correction Factors at find footcandles at new mounting height, multiply footcandles at old mounting height by the appropriate correction factor. New Mounting Height in Feet 12 14 16 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 39 42 45 48 50 53 12 1.00 .73 .56 .44 .36 .27 .23 .18 .16 .13 .12 .10 .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 14 1.36 1.00 .77 .60 .49 .37 .31 .25 .22 .18 .16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09 .08 .07 16 1.78 1.31 1.00 .79 .64 .48 .41 .33 .28 .24 .21 .18 .17 .15 .13 .11 .10 .09 18 2.25 1.65 1.27 1.00 .81 .61 .52 .41 .36 .30 .26 .22 .21 .18 .16 .14 .13 .12 LL 20 2.78 2.04 1.56 1.23 1.00 .76 .64 .51 .44 .37 .33 .28 .26 .23 .20 .17 .16 .14 23 3.67 2.70 2.07 1.63 1.32 1.00 .85 .67 .59 .49 .43 .37 .35 .30 .26 .23 .21 .19 s 25 4.34 3.19 2.44 1.93 1.56 1.18 1.00 .80 .69 .57 .51 .43 .41 .35 .31 .27 .25 .22 28 5.44 4.00 3.06 2.42 1.96 1.48 1.25 1.00 .87 .72 .64 .54 .52 .44 .39 .34 .31 .28 2 30 6.25 4.59 3.52 2.78 2.25 1.70 1.44 1.15 1.00 .83 .73 .62 .59 .51 .44 .39 .36 .32 m 33 7.56 5.56 4.25 3.36 2.72 2.06 1.74 1.39 1.21 1.00 .89 .75 .72 .62 .54 .47 .44 .39 35 8.51 6.25 4.79 3.78 3.06 2.32 1.96 1.56 1.36 1.12 1.00 .85 .81 .69 .60 .53 .49 .44 :3 38 10.03 7.37 5.64 4.46 3.61 2.73 2.31 1.84 1.60 1.33 1.18 1.00 .95 .82 .71 .63 .58 .51 20 39 10.56 7.76 5.94 4.69 3.80 2.88 2.43 1.94 1.69 1.40 1.24 1.05 1.00 .86 .75 .66 .61 .54 42 12.25 9.00 6.89 5.44 4.41 3.33 2.82 2.25 1.96 1.62 1.44 1.22 1.16 1.00 .87 .77 .71 .63 0 45 14.06 10.33 7.91 6.25 5.06 3.83 3.24 2.58 2.25 1.86 1.65 1.40 1.33 1.15 1.00 .88 .81 .72 48 16.00 11.76 9.00 7.11 5.76 4.36 3.69 2.94 2.56 2.12 1.88 1.60 1.51 1.31 1.14 1.00 .92 .82 50 17.36 12.76 9.77 7.72 6.25 4.73 4.00 3.19 2.78 2.30 2.04 1.73 1.64 1.42 1.23 1.09 1.00 .89 53 19.51 14.33 10.97 8.67 7.02 5.31 4.49 3.58 3.12 2.58 2.29 1.95 1.85 1.59 1.39 1.22 1.12 1.00 WM LIGHTING Note:All footcandle charts in this catalog are generated from I.T.L. SITE/AREA test data.Normal lamp output tolerances plus actual jobsite electri- PARKINO STRUCTURE cal,maintenance and environmental conditions can affect accuracy. ROADWAY ARCHITECTURAL FLOOD/ACCENT Archetype and Entablature'"luminaires have identical optical systems. LANDSCAPE Therefore,any photometric chart that references AR/SAR fixtures is MAILING ADDRESS: valid for ET/SET fixtures. P.O.BOX 600110 CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 16555 EAST GALE AVENUE CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91745 U.S.A. PHONE 626/968.5666 FAX 626/369-2695 ®COPYRIGHT 1995 KIM LIGHTING INC U.S.Patent D323,697 Others Pending Index The Archetype® series Lamp Distribution and Page Fixture Mode II III IV V Sq. AR and SAR luminaires SAR 70HPS 3 9 15 18 100HPS 4 10 15 19 The EntablatureTM series SET 150HPS 5 11 16 20 ET and SET luminaires Medium Base 150HPS w/HS - 45 45 — 70MH 6 12 16 21 10OMH 7 13 17 22 175MH 8 14 17 23 175MH w/HS - 46 46 — 150HPS 24 30 36 39 AR 250HPS 25 31 36 40 ET 250HPS w/HS 47 47 48 — 150-40OW 400HPS 26 32 37 41 Mogul Base 400HPS w/HS — — 48 — 400HPS Parallel — — 50 — 175MH 27 33 37 42 250MH 28 34 38 43 250MH w/HS — — 49 — 400SMH 29 35 38 44 400SMH w/HS — — 49 — 400SMH Parallel — — 50 — Computer Layout and Diskette Service 2 Legend and Footcandle Correction Factors Inside Front Covi, a 0 Kim Lighting 1 Catalog Distribution: Type 13,Cutoff . . - . .W■■■■■■\.14■■6�WINES SEMEN �� Single ■■■■■■■■■■ai\■m\\\\■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■main■■m►\■00111210■■■■Maintained Initial Horizontal Horizontal ■■■■■■■m►qq■■.im■N■►I■■1111■■■■ Footcandles at Footcandles at Listed Mounting Listed Mounting SEMEN ai\■■■Heights Heights ►`■■\\■►\■\\■\`■■� ■.�■■►Tw■Z11111■■►1111■0■�■Lim.Nos ■■&N■Nohow boomai1111111KIail►i■■ - ■■■■■■■■■■■Ni■■iN■■■■■o.■i1■11 WWA ■�=_=_:�■■��■rim■r�■►�r,■r,i� ■■N■■■■■11111111! WImr,II■■■ ■■■►/■p�rid■m■Pi■■mI■m%PI■■■■I , ■m■hi\/Mi■O■■PFd■oIra■■■■■■ • ��!■■■■■■■did■■■N■'I■■MEN ■■ ■�=���=....it■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1W ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■s■■■■!�■■■tea■■msa■■■© ®� ft� Horizontal 2B/ET2/175MH ■ . Initial Catalog Nos:2B/AR2/175MH Footcandles at . i ,Cutoff -EV&j�1fV3rRMJ I.T.L. Test No: 00 Dual LongitudinalHeights MountingI in Heights 3.2 ■■III i■I■�11� %■■IIIAffANA i.32 i%�%%I/.%/�■ • ����%%%/I■■ .06 . WNam-1.2-��%%II■■© ■■■■■■■■■■ O/Qr. AR The Archetype® IaM LIGHTING revision 3/17/03 • ar. df Type: Approvals: Job: Catalog number: K / �Rz f i-7 hH -2�D/ p6 y If Mtg. Fixture Electrical Module Finish Options Optional See pages 3-4 Vertical See page 2 Slipfitter Mount See page 5 Date: Select pole from Kim Pole Catalog. If pole is provided by others indicate O.D.for arm fitting. Page: 1 of 5 Specifications Housing: One piece low copper (less than .6%) die-cast aluminum alloy with integral cooling ribs over the optical chamber and electrical compartment. Solid barrier wall separates optical and electrical compartments. Double-thick wall with gussets on the support-arm 150 to 400 watt mounting end. Housing forms a half cylinder with 551 front face plane Mogul Base Lamps providing a recess to allow a flush single-latch detail. All hardware is Maximum Fixture weight(400HPS)=45 lb stainless steel or electro-zinc plated steel. Lens Frame: One piece low copper (less than .6%) die-cast aluminum alloy lens frame with 1"minimum depth around the gasket r 8" flange. Integral hinges with stainless steel pins provide no-tool mounting and removal from housing. Single die-cast aluminum cam-latch provides positive locking and sealing of the optical chamber by a one piece extruded and vulcanized silicone gasket.Clear 3/16"thick tempered glass lens retained by eight steel clips with full silicone 22w gasketing around the perimeter. 0_T Reflector Module: Specular Alzak® optical segments are rigidly 6" mounted within a die-cast aluminum enclosure that attaches to the I housing as a one-piece module. Reflector module is field rotatable in F2" 16" 90° increments. HPS and PMH sockets are porcelain 4KV pulse rated Arm I mogul base, MH sockets are porcelain mogul base, pin-oriented, with L molded silicone lamp stabilizer. All reflector modules are factory cross-section prewired with quick-disconnect plug and include silicone seal at the penetration of the internal barrier wall in the luminaire housing. Electrical Module: All electrical components are UL and CSA recognized, mounted on a single plate and factory prewired with quick-disconnect plugs. Electrical module attaches to housing with no-tool hinges and latches, accessible by opening the lens frame only. All ballasts are high power factor rated-20°F.starting. Support Arts: One piece extruded aluminum with internal bolt guides and fully radiussed top and bottom. Luminaire-to-pole attachment is by internal draw bolts,and includes a pole reinforcing plate with wire strain relief.Arm is circular cut for specified round pole. Optional Wall Mounting: Fixture mounted to poured concrete walls only.A modified support arm is provided with side access to allow field splices within the arm.A wall embedment bracket is provided to accept draw bolts, and a trim plate covers the wall-embedded junction Box. All wall mount components are finished to match the fixture. NOTE: Junction Box in wall must provide adequate fixture support. See NEC sections 370-13, 17 and 410-14, 16. Finish: Super TGIC thermoset polyester powder coat paint, 2.5 mil nominal thickness, applied over a chromate conversion coating; 2500 hour salt spray test endurance rating. Standard colors are Black, Dark Bronze, Light Gray, Platinum Silver, or White. Custom colors are available and subject to additional charges, minimum quantities and longer lead times.Consult representative. Certification: UL Listed to U.S.and Canadian safety standards for wet locations. Fixture manufacturer shall employ a quality program that is AVIIIL ®MUBBHLL certified to meet the ISO 9001:2000 standard.CAUTION:Fixtures must be grounded in accordance with local codes Hubbell or the National Electrical Code. Failure to do so may result:in serious • Lighting,Inc. personal injury. ©2003 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5600403076 44k AR IdM LIGHTING The Archetype® revision 3/17/03 • ar.pdf Type: Job: Page: 2 of 5 Standard Features Mounting Plan View: all Mount 3Y configuration is available �.. EF -M !lm for round poles only. EPA: 12 2.4 2.0 3.2 3.2 3.9 n/a Cat. No.: 1A ❑26 ❑2L ❑3T ❑3Y ❑4C ❑1 W Fixture Cat. No. designates fixture — e�) and light distribution. Flat Lens See the Kim Site/Roadway Light Distribution: Type II Type III Type IV Type V Optical Systems Catalog for g yp YP ar yp detailed information on Forward Throw Square reflector design and Full utoff Full Cutoff Full Cutoff Full Cutoff application. Cat. No.: AR2 ❑AR3 ❑AR4 ❑AR5 Electrical Module Cat. Nos.for Electrical Modules available: HPS = High Pressure ❑150HPS120 ❑250HPS120 ❑400HPS120 ❑175MH120 Sodium ❑150HPS208 ❑250HPS208 ❑400HPS208 0 J,75MH2O8 MH = Metal Halide ❑150HPS240 ❑250HPS240 ❑400HPS240 L675MH240 PMH = Pulse Start ❑150HPS277 ❑250HPS277 ❑400HPS277 ❑175MH277 Metal Halide ❑150HPS347 ❑250HPS347 ❑400HPS347 ❑175MH347 150HPS480 ❑250HPS480 0 400HPS480 0 175MH480 Lamp E-231/2,Clear E-18,Clear E-18, Clear BT-28 or ED-28,Clear Socket Mogul Base Mogul Base Mogul Base Mogul Base Pin-Oriented ANSI Ballast S-55 S-50 S-51 M-57 Lamp Lamp Line Type Watts Type Volts ❑250MH120 ❑400MH120 ❑250PMH120 ❑40OPMH120 400 HIPS 277 ❑250MH2O8 ❑40OMH2O8 ❑25OPMH2O8 ❑40OPMH2O8 ❑250MH240 ❑40OMH240 ❑250PMH240 ❑40OPMH240 CI 25OMH277 n 40OMH277 n 250PMH277 n 40OPMH277 F 1250MH347 n 40OMH347 F]25OPMH347 n 40OPMH347 ❑25OMH480 ❑40OMH480 ❑250PMH480 ❑40OPMH480 Lamp BT-28 or ED-28,Clear ED-28,Clear ED-28,Clear ED-28,Clear Socket Mogul Base Mogul Base Mogul Base Mogul Base Pin-Oriented Pin-Oriented ANSI Ballast M-58 M-59 M-138 M-135 Type Finish Color: Black D rk Bronze Light Gray Platinum Silver White Custom Color' C46 Super TGIC powder coat Cat. No.: U.BL-P M DB-P U LG-P U PS-P UWH-P U CC-P paint over a chromate conversion coating. Custom colors subject to additional charges, minimum quantities and extended lead times. Consult representative. Custom color description: 0 2003 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666-FAX:626/369-2695 5600403076 AR The Archet eO ISM LIGHTING YP le revision 3/17/03 • ar.pdf Type: Job: Page: 3 of 5 ,e Optional Features Wall Mounting Fixture mounted to poured concrete walls only. A 4'1 Cat. No. 1W modified support arm is provided with side access to Select from Mounting on allow field splices within the arm. A wall embedment page 2. bracket (WEB) is provided to accept draw bolts, and a o°, 10'/4' trim plate covers the wall-embedded )unction Box. All 53/16' J wall mount components are finished to match the fixture. Wall mount using wall embedment bracket-J-box in wall(by others) Photocell Receptacle Fixture supplied with a fully gasketed receptacle above Cat. No. ❑A-25 the electrical compartment for NEMA base photocell O No Option (by others). For all multiple-fixture pole mountings with Receptacle two or three fixtures, one fixture has a receptacle to operate the others. Four fixtures (250 watt or less) also require one fixture with a receptacle. Four fixtures (400 watt)require two fixtures with receptacles. •f- .H s $ Mounting(see page 2) 1 A, 1 W 2B s 8 S S+8 *—Fixture with Photocell Receptacle *1 $ *� S—slave unit(s) s 2L 3T, 3Y 4C 4C Allowable wattage per fixture: 150-40OW 150-25OW 40OW Convex Glass Lens The 3/16"thick clear convex tempered glass lens replaces Cat. No. Cl CGL the standard flat glass lens. Provides increased lens 2'/2"� O No Option presence and provides a subtle improvement in uniformity where pole spacing is extreme. Increases effectiveness of houseside shielding. Convex Glass Lens Polycarbonate Lens Fixture supplied with a one piece vacuum formed,clear, Cat. No. I-1 LS UV stabilized convex polycarbonate, fully gasketed, O No Option replacing the standard tempered glass lens. 250 watt maximum. May be used with 400HPS in outdoor locations where ambient air temperature during fixture 4" F.operation will not exceed 85° — 4 CAUTION: Use only when vandalism is anticipated to 7 Polycarbonate Lens be high. Useful life is limited by UV discoloration from sunlight and metal halide lamps. ©2003 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5600403076 j� AR The Archetype® (� IaM LIGHTING revision 3/17/03 • ar.pdf Type: Job: Page: 4 of 5 Optional Features Houseside Shield (Types II, III,and IV only). Fixtures with the standard Cat. No. (See right) flat glass lens are available with stamped aluminum ❑No Option louvers that pass streetside light and block houseside light, and a blackened panel added to the reflector to reduce houseside reflections. Fixtures with the optional convex glass lens are available with a formed aluminum shield that passes streetside light and blocks houseside light, and a black anodized panel added to HS HSC the reflector to reduce houseside reflections. Use with for flat lens for convex lens or clear lamps only, as coated lamps reduce effectiveness. polycarbonate lens Cat. No. ❑HS Recommended for use with clear lamps only. Effectiveness is reduced for coated lamps. Not for use with Type V light distributions. HSC For use with all fixtures with convex glass lens. Not for use with Type V light distributions. • Tamper-Resistant Latch Standard die-cast latch is provided with a captive 10-32 Cat. No. ❑TL stainless steel flat socket-head screw to prevent ❑No Option unauthorized opening. NOTE: Required only for vandal protection in locations where fixtures can be reached by unauthorized persons. Tamper-Resistant Latch Horizontal Slipfitter Mount Replaces standard mounting arm with a slipfitter which Davit-arm with 2" pipe-size Cat.No. ❑HSF allows fixture to be mounted to a horizontal pole fixture mount(by others) ❑No Option davit-arm with 2" pipe-size mounting end (23/8"O.D.). Cast aluminum clamp-type slipfitter with set screw anti-rotation lock. Bolts to housing from inside the electrical compartment using mounting holes for the standard support arm. Davit-arm must be field drilled at a set screw location to insure against fixture rotation. Horizontal Slipfitter Finished to match fixture. Mount by Kim Special Options for Terminal Block:(For field wire connections.) Street Lighting 85AMP, 600V box clamp terminal block mounted to Terminal Block Cat. No. (See right) the housing inside the electrical compartment.Accepts #144 wire. Factory prewired to electrical module quick-disconnect plug. ❑TB ❑No Option Air Filter: Allows for ventilation through the optical - chamber, filtering all air particles above 500 microns. Multi-layer disc assembly mounted on solid wall Air Filter between optical compartment and latch cavity. ❑AF U No Option ©2003 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5600403078 AR The Archetype® a,. ISM LIGHTING revision 3/17/03 • ar.pdf x• Type: Job: Page: 5 of 5 11��7 Optional Features Vertical Slipfitter Mounts Allows fixture with standard support arm to be Cat. No. includes Mounting mounted to poles having a 2" pipe-size tenon ��,�\���� �� Cat. No. (See right) (23/8" O.D. x 41/2" min. length). All mounting El No Option configurations can be used (1 A, 2B, 2L, 3T, 3Y, 4C). 4" square or round die-cast aluminum with flush cap, Vertical secured by four 3/8"stainless steel set point allen screws, �— Slipfitter finished to match fixture and arm. Pole with 2"pipe-size Mount NOTE: 3Y only available on round slipfitter. tenon(by others) by Kim Cat. No. cliip 0411pp Cat. No. Mounting Configuration VSF-1A ❑SVSF-1A 1A-single arm mount ED VSF-26 a Stainless ❑SVSF-26 213-2 at 1800 ❑VSF-2L steel set— ❑SVSF-2L 2L-2 at 900 ElVSF-3T screws CI SVSF-3T 3T-3 at 901 El •VSF-3Y 3Y-3 at 1200 ❑VSF-4C Round Square ❑SVSF-4C 4C-4 at 900 ©2003 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5600403076 PTRS Side Arm Mounted Applications:AR,CCA,CCSA,EKG,ET, MX21A,VLA,5X ICIM LIGHTING Post Top Mounted Applications: CCP,CCSP,VLP,5AT,5SQ Round Steel Tapered Pole revision 8/1/99 • ptrs.pdf Type: Approvals: Job: Catalog number: FIT'00__'kl126 / /� / X-P Pole Cal.No. Mounting Pole Finish See page 2 L See page 3 J Date: Page: 1 of 4 Specifications Post Top Pole Construction:One piece tapered round Mounting shaft of high tensile carbon steel (55,000 PSI min. yield) with one vertical welded seam, -'=-- ground flush to the shaft. Poles above 39' Conduit ___ include an overlapping tapered slip-fit field Opening joint(at 251/2'for PTRS45-10120 and PTRS50- =r-- 10120, and at 39' for PTRS50-11188), with -��----� both sections taper spun. Shaft is welded to a Presswood Side Arm flat steel anchor base. template Mounting Bolt Covers:Cast aluminum anchor bolt covers with stainless steel hold down screws included. Pole Cap:A flush-sided cast aluminum pole cap NOTE: is provided for side arm mounted luminaires. Poles above Handhole: 4"x 61/2'reinforced oval handhole Plan View 0 0 450 39'are with a gasketed cover and grounding nut 2-piece. provided, 18"up from base. E— O See specs. Anchor Bolts: Four galvanized anchor bolts Longitudinal o o provided, complete with eight nuts, eight flat reference line. Bolt Circle See chart X washers, and a presswood template. Orient parallel Diameter on page 2. Strength: Poles will withstand wind loads as to curb or walkway. listed in chart(see page 2)when luminaires are mounted per fixture installation instructions. Finish: Super TGIC thermoset polyester Handhole powder coat paint, 2.5 mil nominal thickness. Leveling nut Anchor Bolt 5 stage steel pretreatment to include and washer Cover, Typ.4 phosphoric acid etch, followed by iron Bolt Covers phosphate bath and chromate sealer for Anchor Bolt corrosion resistance. Standard colors are Black Projection 6_7 (BL-P), Dark Bronze (DB-P), Light Gray XL I Base Detail (LG-P), Platinum Silver (PS-P), and White 18" (WH-P). Custom colors are available. Grout must be packed EHy CAUTION: Do not install poles without °. under pole base to insure luminaires or strength guarantee is voided.Any full contact with footing unauthorized accessories secured to pole shall Concrete and prevent loosening of void strength guarantee. footing to be leveling nuts. Maintenance: A regularly scheduled designed by Provide a channel through maintenance program must be established to insure the protective paint coating is intact, others. the grout for drainage • from the pole interior. corrosion or structural damage has not occurred, and anchor bolt nuts are tight. Failure to do so could lead to eventual pole collapse and serious personal injury. ©1999 KIM LIGHTING INC.•PO.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5605499213 PTRS Side Arm Mounted Applications:AR,CCA,CCSA,EKG,ET,MX21A,VLA,5X IaM LIGHTING Post Top Mounted Applications: CCP,CCSP,VLP,5AT,5SQ Round Steel Tapered Pole revision 8/1/99 • ptrs.pdf Type: Date: Job: Page: 2 of 4 NOTE:All allowable pole and fixture EPAs(Effective Projected Area,which is Fixture Area x Drag Factor) are derived from the AASHTO standard (American Association of State Standard Features Highway and Transportation Officials). Responsibility lies with the specifier for correct pole selection based on local codes and standards for thejob location(See page 4). Pole Catalog No. Allowable Pole EPA Wind Map �Equivalent Gusting Pole Bolt Anchor Base Conduit Steady Wind Catalog X y Z Circle Bolt Anchor Cover Opening Wind Number Dia. Projection Bolts Size Dia. 80/104 90/117 100/130 ❑PTRS20-61120 20' 6.1 x 11 ga. 3.31-' 9W 33W 3/4"x 30'+4" 9W sq. 5"dia. 16.7 12.8 10.1 ❑PTRS20-65120 20' 6.5 x 11 ga. 3.7' 9'W 3%8" 1"x 36"+4" 10'sq. 5"d ia. 19.5 15.1 12.1 ❑PTRS25MI20 25' 6.8 x 11 ga. 3.3'-' 10' 33/8" 3/4'x 30'+4" 10"sq. 6'dia. 14.6 11.2 8.8 ❑PTRS25-7120 25' 6.8 x 11 ga. 3.3'-' 10" 3%e" 1"x 36'+4" 101/F sq. 5"dia. 15.8 12.2 9.6 ❑MS30-75120 30' 7.5 x 11 ga. 3.31•2 10W 3W 1"x 36"+4" 11"sq. 6"dia. 13.2 10.1 7.9 W1 PTRS30-81120 30' 8.1 x 11 ga. 3.91 11' 3%8" 1"x 36"+4" 11 W sq. 7"dia. 16.5 12.7 10.0 0 PTRS35-85120 35' 8.5 x 11 ga. 3.6' 11 W 3%8" 1"x 36"+4" 12'sq. 7"dia. 13.9 10.6 8.3 PTRS39-9120 39' 9,0 x 11 ga. 3.5' 12'h" 3%8' 1"x 36"+4" 123/4"sq. 7"dia. 13.0 9.8 7.6 ❑PTRS45.10120** 45' 10.0 x 11 ga. 3.9' 13'h" 3W 1'x 36"+4" 14"sq. 6'dia. 13.0 9.7 7.5 ❑PTRS5040120** 50' 10.0 x 11 ga. 3.21•' 131W 3W 1"x 36'+4" 14'sq. 6"dia. 9.4 6.9 5.1 ❑PTRS5041188** 50' 11.0 x 7 ga. 4.2 15" 41/4' 1'/4"x 42'+6" 15"sq. 7"dia. 24.1 18.5 14.5 **2-piece pole. See page 1. * Mounting Arrangements Post Top I Side Arm *Allowable pole EPA for Plan Views: jobsite wind conditions % + must be equal to or greater than fixture mount EPA. Mounting: ❑FM' DM' ❑A ❑B ❑L ❑T ❑C Kim Fixture and EPA: AR - 1.2 2.4 2.0 3.2 3.9 EKG401/402' - 2.1 4.2 3.5 4.5 5.0 EKG501' - 2.8 5.6 3.8 6.1 6.6 ET - 1.8 3.6 2.6 4.1 4.7 MX21A - 2.1 4.2 3.8 5.1 6.0 5SQ/5AT/5X-100 2.0 2.7 5.4 - - 6.4 VL,CC or CCS 17' 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.6 2.5 2.8 VL,CC or CCS 21' 1.0 1.2 2.4 2.2 3.4 3.9 VL,CC or CCS 25' 1.2 1.5 3.0 2.7 4.3 4.9 VL,CC or CCS 29' 1.5 1.8 3.6 3.3 5.2 5.9 Mounting Limitations: 'For Side Arm Mounted EKG fixtures, only A and B mounting configurations can be used with these poles. 'When using VLP, CCP, and CCSP Post Top Mounted fixtures, DM Mounting must be used with these poles. See Kim catalog . for these fixtures. ®1999 KIM LIGHTING INC.•P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080•TEL:626/968-5666•FAX:626/369-2695 5605499213 t PTRS Side Arm Mounted Applications:AR,CCA,CCSA,EKG,ET,MX21A,VLA,5X I9M LIGHTING Post Top Mounted Applications: CCP,CCSP,VLP,5AT,5SQ Round Steel Tapered Pole revision 8/1/99 - ptrs.pdf Type: Date: Job: Page: 3 of 4 Standard Features Finish Color: Black D Bronze Light Gray Platinum Silver White Thermoset polyester powder Cat. No.: ❑BL-P DB-P L LG-P U PS-P CJ WH-P coat paint. Color: *Custom Color Cat. No.: ❑CC-P * Custom colors subject to additional charges, minimum quantities and extended lead times. Consult representative. Custom color description: i ©1999 KIM LIGHTING INC.-P.O.BOX 60080,CITY OF INDUSTRY,CA 91716-0080-TEL:626/968-5666-FAX:626/369-2695 5605499213 i ' � i f r 1 . t ' I� f +" 1 1 + � _ 1 i 1 1 I� I � I � I t� I •. 1 r 1 _ f ' + � • 1 ` �! , I . I f 1 r t I e i � . I 1 �t { 0 • OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE PLAN • Maintenance plan shall include the following: Form property owners association or other responsible party to maintain all common open areas in good condition and repair. Grant this association rights to hire companies to perform the maintenance and operation of common area improvements at competitive rates Establish minimum standards of maintenance for common area improvements that comply with all applicable governmental laws, regulations, ordinances, etc. Including city and county noxious weed management plans. Maintenance and repair obligations include: Landscaped areas: Maintain and repair automatic sprinkler systems and water lines; irrigating, weeding, pruning, fertilizing, and replacing trees and shrubs; noxious weed control; irrigating, mowing, and fertilizing grass areas (both native and turf-type lawns) Maintenance will be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Maintenance duties performed by the homeowners association, once established, may include; spring care, mowing, fertilizing, watering, and maintaining any equipment. Until the homeowners association is officially formed, park maintenance will be the responsibility of the developer. The homeowners association is set to become effective upon 50% of lots sold or as the covenants specify. Specific Guidelines Spring: Spring care will be as follows: as soon as the snow is gone and the grass is dry enough to walk on without compaction, remove leaves and winter debris with a broom-type rake. Power raking at 3-5 year intervals will be beneficial for heavily thatched lawns. Aerating will also alleviate compacted soil conditions and should be performed when necessary. Pruning of trees and shrubs shall occur in early spring before leaves emerge, except on maples and birch, which shall be pruned late July. Pruning shall be performed according to ISA standards to encourage good plant health, proper shape and branch angles, and to eliminate unwanted suckers. No topping of trees will be allowed. Mowing: Mowing will start in the spring as soon as new growth starts. Most lawns should be mowed at a 2" height in the spring, early summer and fall. During the heat of summer raise the mower to 2-2.5". Frequent mowing at 4-5 day intervals is essential to discourage weeds. Fertilizer: Fertilizer will be applied at regular intervals a minimum of three times per year. One pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq.ft. will be used at each application. The first application will be applied in the spring when mowing for the first time, then six weeks later in early June and once in the late summer. Fertilizer will be applied to a dry lawn and then watered in after applying. A high nitrogen lawn food with approximately twice as much nitrogen as phosphorus and potassium should be used. Added iron is recommended for our s area. Watering: Enough water will be applied at each watering to soak the soil down to the depth of • the root system. To conserve water, the amount of water applied will vary with the amount of natural rainfall. Recommended is 1" of water per week. The turf will be allowed to dry out between watering. Weeds: Weed control will be the responsibility of the homeowners association once ' established. Weed control will consist of regular herbicide applications after final grade work has been completed and before seeding or sodding is to occur. Once turf areas are established, broadleaf weeds will be managed with a liquid application of 2,4-D. This broadleaf herbicide will be applied on a still day to a wet lawn when temperatures are above 70 degrees and the area will then not be watered for 2 days to follow. Walks&Trails: Cleaning, snow removal, maintenance, repair and replacement of all walks and trails in common areas. I i I � I a ', 1 • • `. i • 0 I MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SUBDIVISION PLANNING (FINAL PLAT APPROVAL) / Projected date for Final Plat approval Date MOU received APR 1 3 �f1R1 This Memoranda of Understanding exists between the Gallatin County Weed Control District, hereafter referred to as "District" and Mike Delaney (Please Print Full Name) of 101 East Main.Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 586-3132 (Address) (City) (State) (zip) (Telephone) hereinafter referred to as "Cooperator", for the purpose of addressing the issues of noxious weeds and the revegetation of disturbed areas on land(s) within Spring Creek Village Minor Subdiv. (Name of Subdivision) Legal Description SW'/ Section 10 T 2S R 5E Under this Memoranda, the Cooperator has been informed of, and has agreed to comply with, the Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Requirements of the Gallatin County Weed Control District, the Montana County Weed Control Act, and the Gallatin County Weed Control District's Noxious Weed Management Plan as it relates to the above named property. While as a landowner, the Cooperatorwill comply with the Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Requirements on a yearly basis as needed. The Cooperator has also submitted to the Gallatin County Weed Control Office a copy of the Subdivision Covenants that complies with the Noxious Weed Management Plan of the District and the Montana County Noxious Weed Control Act. - Weed Board Chair n/ u e i Cooperator Date Date . i � � • i r i i 4 4 i R � ! ' F � � i i I R � , i j � , • j1 I ' � � I i r +� i {' t i • { I � i CONSTRIJbTION ROUTP MAP THE RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB PUD AND SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN LOT 10 M/NOR SUB NO. 295 SPRING CREEK VILLAGE RESORT AND LOT 2-D, MINOR SUB NO. 365A CARBON SI {� DL`RSTO�I�RD B w T w w VI Ld TOOLE ST T x A BUNDEN ST / C 4 d .i T '` i BE`'EPE 5T � � z ¢ y_ FC:aSC:4DE ST y 5 7. = ✓� 7. F- 1 C'Ati(:•ANUI: SI v CASCADE SI I � e L[4�1�K�:-�ACN ST h101\�tOEST z 11ROADWATER tiT • '` z , 9� I I t L� IYRVC E n.RUADRrdLliD+�R'S �< f L.:CT DR i • Qr a j P.1i LSADE DR > ' ( :> .t w u r tir ItAVihLLI ST r ���_ 3 S F �j h T! A VV f } r Y I?ALl n\SST = FALL.( ST 7F VALL C'Ohfh' (O�tR� 3® L.4Rra`.IIE D 9 r LN SCALE: NTS CONSTRUCTION ROUTE ineering and Surveying Inc. 1091 Stoneridge Drive•Bozeman. MT 59718 Phone(406)587.1115•Fax(406)587.9768 www.chengineers.com•info@chengineers.cam Sheet 1 Of 1 #06386 s • • �� _• THE RIDGE ATHLETIC CLUB SUBDIVISION • Apr-07 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT IMPROVEMENTS WATER SYSTEM 1-1 8"CLASS 51 DIP W/POLYWRAP 1,288 LF $25.00 $32,200.00 1-2 6"CLASS 51 DIP HYDRANT LEAD PIPE 6 LF $23.00 $138.00 1-4 1"WATER SERVICE 6 EA $600.00 $3,600.00 1-5 1.5"WATER SERVICE 1 EA $650.00 $650.00 1-6 8"GATE VALVE W/ RESTRAINT 3 EA $1,100.00 $3,300.00 1-7 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 1 EA $2,400.00 $2,400.00 1-10 8" X 6"TEE W MEGA LUGS 1 EA $500.00 $500.00 1-13 8"90 DEGREE BENDS W MEGA LUGS 6 EA $400.00 $2,400.00 1-14 8"45 DEGREE BENDS W MEGA LUGS 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 1-15 8" 22.5 DEGREE BENDS W MEGA LUGS 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 1-19 WATER TESTING 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1-20 CONNECT TO EXISTING MAIN 2 EA $2,500.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL $53,488.00 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 2-1 8" PVC SDR-35 SEWER MAIN 572 LF $26.00 $14,872.00 2-2 8"X 8"X 4" PVC WYE 8 EA $50.00 $400.00 2-3 4"SEWER SERVICE 8 EA $650.00 $5,200.00 2-4 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 3 EA $2,000.00 $6,000.00 2-5 SEWER TESTING 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2-6 ADJUST MANHOLES TO GRADE 3 EA $200.00 $600.00 TOTAL $29,572.00 ON-SITE STORM SEWER 3-1 CONSTRUCT RETENTION POND 3 EA $3,500.00 $10,500.00 3-2 8" PVC STORM DRAIN PIPING 63 LF $24.00 $1,512.00 3-3 CONSTRUCT SWALE 431 LF $2.00 $862.00 3-4 INSTALL DRAINAGE TROUGHS 4 EA $750.00 $3,000.00 3-5 INSTALL 15"CULVERT 45 LF $32.00 $1,440.00 TOTAL $17,314.00 • ON-SITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4-f- STRIP TOPSOIL 6,000 CY $2.00 $12,000.00 4-2 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND ASPHALT 1 LS $7,500.00 $7,500.00 4-3 1 1/2" MINUS CRUSHED BASE COURSE(COMPACTED) 1,746 CY $16.00 $27,936.00 4-4 6" MINUS PIT RUN MATERIAL(COMPACTED) 6,280 CY $12.00 $75,360.00 4-5 HOT PLANT MIX ASPHALT CONCRETE-3"THICK 16061 SY $7.00 $112,427.00 4-6 CURB&GUTTER 6279 LF $10.00 $62,790.00 4-7 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 14 EA $400.00 $5,600.00 4-8 GENERAL SITE GRADING 1 LS $5,000:00 $5,000.00 4-9 CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS 15855 SF $4.00 $63,420.00 4-10 CONSTRUCT ALLEY SIDEWALKS 1563 SF $4.00 $6,252.00 4-11 STOP SIGNS 1 EA $300.00 $300.00 4-12 Handicap Signs 7 EA $300.00 $2,100.00 4-13 NO PARKING SIGNS 2 EA $300.00 $600.00 4-14 ONE WAY SIGNS 2 EA $300.00 $600.00 4-15 COMPACT PARKING SIGNS 9 EA $300.00 $2,700.00 4-16 STRIPING/HANDICAP MARKINGS/TRAFFIC MARKINGS 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 TOTAL $389,585.00 MISC.SITE IMPROVEMENTS 5-1 Landscaping 1 LS $210,512.00 $210,512.00 5-2 Parking Lot&Street Light Removal/Installation 1 LS $113,368.00 $113,368.00 TOTAL $323,880.00 OFF-SITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6-1 STRIP TOPSOIL(FOR SIDEWALKS) 94 CY $2.00 $188.00 6-2 1 1/2" MINUS CRUSHED BASE COURSE(COMPACTED) 100 CY $16.00 $1,592.00 HOT PLANT MIX ASPHALT CONCRETE-3"THICK 6-3 (TRAIL ON FERGUSON) 65 SY $7.00 $455.00 6-4 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 6,5 CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS 2824 SF $4.00 $11,296.00 6-6 INSTALLING CROSSWALK MARKINGS 2 EA $500.00 $1,000.00 6-7 INSTALLING CROSSWALK SIGNS 4 EA $300.00 $1,200.00 TOTAL $14,931.00 TOTAL: $828,770.00 10%CONTINGENCY: $82,877.00 PH. 1 TOTAL+ CONT. $911,647.00