HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300222334048535) Bean:&reRk and cait ReetC - RSE - �� , or R 'r'PFi QT b usnis 7- Fg32 r. a e'Tght, °t aCtai�- SUbdivTSigflf 1 ,; 9.67 squa-te feet. �bruary,.'2-q8'4 N 00 .p W N { 1 i II FILE REVIEW FORM Project approval date: Improvements Agreement Expiration Date: Letter of Credit Expiration Date: Project Inspection Date.: Inspected By: Improvements Not Completed: Reinspection Date: Inspected By: Comments : i Final Approval Date: By: i 1 �, � � � J - � � -r, J - � �, . 1 � _ �� �- FILE NO.. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Building Department A ° ° CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA Telephone No. 586-2360 Date 19 To The Building Official: The undersigned hereby makes application for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the require- ments of the Bozeman Area Zoning Code. Name of Applicant Elks cc (0,-A'11J DRet l'. 56,T /)phone No. � 69te6uo i Address of Applicant P0, J60X 155� ( ZZr G✓ 5% /OC��/ .................................................. ............................................................................................. Subject Property Legal Description _1 L`t C—(6,4 ) LC C4_41r2c SL43 D/Vi Si c>J (Use Additional Pages If Necessary) Address(if available) Current Zoning Land Area 16,bl 1m (O7 Sq. Ft., or Acres Are any variances being requested? If yes please explain ° Conditional use to consist of the following: Eon M1"Jut FC-/N✓N� UAltT' In addition to the above submit a Plot Plan (Drawn to Scale) on paper not larger than 24" x 24" including the following information: All existing and proposed structures, proposed locations of in- gress and egress, off-street parking arrangement, proposed landscaping and .location of all signs. (The lack of any of the above information will only delay this application) 0 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 hereby certify that the above information is true and cc ct ° Filing Fee ° and that I am the Owner, Owner's Agent Leasee Zoning Comm. Hearing - of the above described property. Action Taken City Comm. Hearing ° Action Taken- Applicant's Signature 0 FILE NO. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Building Department CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA pp��LL Telephone No. 586-2360 Date 19 — To The Building Official: The undersigned hereby makes, application for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the require- ments of the Bozeman.Area 'Zoning Code. l FI+,STCo (DEA-N ����� J —V ��� (Plecwll)Name of Applicant,' "" scarr' � K Phone No. 1 Address of Applicant PC), 13aX 1559 ................................................................................................................................................ Subject Property Legal Description Lor eiG''�T Z---- CCA1,1ec -SV43Q V151O,) (Use Additional Pages If Necessary) Address (if available) Current Zoning Land Area 19,611. 67 Sq. Ft., or Acres Are any variances being requested? If yes please explain r Conditional use to consist of the following: M c eL yti1 7— In additio,n c,_the above submit a Plot Plan (Drawn to Scale) on paper not larger than 24' x 24" including the following information: All existing and proposed structures, proposed locations of in- gress and egress, off-street parking arrangement, proposed landscaping and location of all signs. (The lack of any of the above information will only delay this application) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I hereby certify that the above 6`o information is true and correct Filing Fee � and that I am the,.Owner / Owner's Agent Leasee Zoning Comm. Hearing of the above described property. `�. Action Taken City Comm. Hearing Action Taken Applicants Signature RECEIPT Date 19 7 6389 Received From . i V,S .t Address ko Dollars $ c u For - �'�v��- /�' 14��- ACCOUNT HOW PAID AMT.OF CASH ACCOUNT PAID CHECK BALANCE BALANCE MONEY DUE ORDER Y 8K808 �" l 6339 R E C P T Date �-- • Received From Address Dollars $ 9 0 v Forf�- ACCOUNT HOW PAID AMT.OF CASH ACCOUNT AMT.PAID CHECK BALANCE MONEY J DUE ORDER BY BOZEMAN 10 CITY COUNTY PLANNING BOARD 35 NORTH BOZEMAN AVENUE P.O. BOX 640, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. 59715 . . , PHONE: (406)586.3321 May 16 , 1985 Mr . Dean Drenk and Mr . Scott Heck Firstco Bozeman P. 0. Box 1559 Bozeman , Montana 59715 Re: Minor P.U.D. - Lot 8 , LeClair , Subdivision Dear Mr. Drenk and Mr . Heck: In reviewing "our files it has come to our attention that the time frame for completion of the six (6) unit Minor Planned Unit Development on Lot 8 of the LeClair Subdivision expires on September 18., 1985 . Of more immediate concern is the expiration of Letter of Credit No. 0060 issued by First Bank Bozeman and submitted as security for site improvements which expires on June . 18 , 1985 . The Planning Staff recently reviewed the site and we have identified the following improvements which must be completed prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit and release of the Letter of Credit: 1 . Construction of the garbage enclosure; and 2 . Installation of the landscaping, including the seeding or sodding of the lawn areas . 9 These improvements must be comple-ted prior to June 1B , 1985 , or an additional Letter of Credit must be submitted . We would encourage the completion of the remaining site improvements so that we may issue the Conditional Use Permit and release the Letter of Credit. Please contact either Steve Lere or myself when' the improvements have been completed or with the additional letter of security. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Planning Staff. Sincerely, Marcia Elkins Assistant Planner ME/pag IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT MINOR P.U.D. OF LOT 8 LeCLAIR SUBDIVISION This Agreement, made and entered into this day of A&V-( f , 1984, by and between FIRSTCO, hereinafter called the Developer, and the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, acting by and through the Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman, hereinafter called the Director. WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the Director to hereby enter into an agreement which will guaran- tee the full and satisfactory completion of all improvements within the development hereinafter described and by this Agreement to satisfy the improvement guarantee condition for the Minor Planned Unit Develop- ment. THEREFORE, it is covenanted and agreed as follows: This Agreement pertains to and includes that development which is to be located on Lot 8 of LeClair Subdivision in the City of Bozeman. This Agreement specifically includes the installation of �$3 square feet of parking, drainage; paving of the shared access and sidewalks, landscaping, lighting and garbage enclosure, as illustrated on the final site plan, "Exhibit A". Costs of these improvements are listed on "Exhibit A". All improvements shall be completed and approved by the City prior to occupancy of the structure. If occupancy is to occur prior to the installation of said improvements, the Developer must provide a financial guarantee payable to the 'City of Bozeman in an amount equal to one- and one-half (.12).'•times the estimated cost of construction of any improvements not completed at that time as part of this Agreement, "Exhibit B". In any event, all improvements shall be completed within eighteen (18) months of approval of the Minor Planned Unit Development. Performance by the Developer of the covenants set out in this Agreement is the essence of this Agreement; accordingly, the Developer expressly understands and agrees that his failure to meet the time schedule described herein shall be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement. The Developer hereby waives any notice of breach by . him. s Upon any breach of this Agreement as herein defined, the Developer shall forfeit the financi.al guarantee, .and such financial guarantee shall be used by the City of Bozeman to .secure completion and inspection of the construction described herein. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon any successors in interest, heir, or assignees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have executed the same on the day and year first above written. DEAN DRENK OPER Q 5TL..o , � ��c�w/k fg�rt-,✓�esth P SCOTT HECK/DEVELOPER NOTARY PUBLI F THE STATE. A RESIDING AT MY COMMISSION EX THE CITY OF BOZEMAN BY RICHARD C. HQLM ES DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA RESIDING AT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Public hearing - Zone Map Change - Maurice J . Klabunde - B-2-T to B-2 - SW4 of Section 11 , T2S, 5 PM (WestAi&Lch Street and outh 23rd Ave This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the Zone Map Change re- quested by Maurice J. Klabunde to change the present zoning of B-2-T to B-2 on the South- . ; west One-Quarter of Section 11 , Township 2 South,L Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian. This site is more commonly known as being located at the corner of West. Koch Street and South 23rd Avenue. Mayor Weaver opened the public hearing. Planning Director Lere presented the staff report. He indicated the "T" designation on this. particular site had been originally established to act as a buffer between the com- mercial and residential zones. He pointed out since the time that the "T" designation was established, the area located between the commercial zone and the highway has been rezoned to R-0, which is considered to be a buffer zone. Mr. Lere stated the Zoning Commission recommended that the proposed Zone Map Change be approved. Commissioner Vant Hull asked why the existing residential area located to the west of the proposed change does not need protection. Planning Director Lere pointed out that the existing mobile home park is a nonconforming use and most likely will not remain as single family residences. Mr. Steve Barrett, an attorney representing the applicant, addressed the Commission. He stated -he concurred with the staff recommendation that the "T" designation be removed. He stated that the "T" designation has been removed from other properties in the immediate area. Mr. Mark Gilleland, manager of Wagon Wheel Park just west of the proposed change, addressed the Commission Land stated he was unsure as to what the "T" designation meant. He expressed concern as to what is planned for the site in question. Mr. Barrett stated at this time there is no specific planned use for the property in question. Planning Director Lere explained that a "T" designation is attached to a piece of property so that any planned use will be reviewed to ensure that the proposed use will act as a buffer zone and not negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. There being no further testimony, Mayor Weaver closed the public hearing. A deci- sion will be forthcoming in one week. 06-04-84 BOZEMAN CITY ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ITEM: Minor P.U.D. of Lot 8 , LeClair Subdivision APPLICANT: FIRSTCO DATE: February 28 , 1984 REPORT BY: Steve Lere, Senior Planner LOCATION/DESCRIPTION The proposed Minor Planned Unit Development is located on Lot 8 of the LeClair Subdivision , just east of the conditional use request of Steve. Forte on West Koch Avenue. Please refer to the location map. 0 IVE, STREET -w2�T - I = al W Q C F ` x --t- COUNTY. 41 LAW AND JUSTICE . I BUILDING 01 i -w The project site is approximately 18 , 000 square feet in size and will consist of one six-unit complex . The area is now zoned R-3 , Medium Density Residential , which allows up to four units on a lot without going through the P.U.D. process. r]CI?�;Yii;i;ni OI't61OS Y` iD IIANSSOS TirlOgLi ri ,J-A T,. rlOt2 cV Sfit ,i4 [ L6!.�--) I � R 0,, i0 -ior.[�S ri t•I3P.I Tpc V ,E;:IY�t�3'3 :'1^f�� :Yii T5, C ,i', J.).", ro hyJE 0i .�i r�)f"IC'•�) yCl:f ip ?F.E3 �PL; C � r-,oi (iiCF7C�ilr� -I f— �"� =)f�_'i ]C Cjl•.i n� �i C�7 f.�± G7 r,r,-1Ct •��L!(l G)V l�� C�.)C;.' F�.�1� no zd C'' cV9:t? I.rl C'(j^ CY0C�h' C� � nr; r.,ZR C rf! %�19 S'eEjLl�;c� � � � )� VIS:1F�fr,FnC, I'+C6 2C 9JCi~. "trT . F _n Fcario tC i3 ! c- i; qC"r iEylf„f � itl2 9fiU i:, 4c' ic^(;0 . IJf� G ()C; P-- 'U'l lLfb3 r C•.-1 cv1C.f IF• C': iif If> F'[ ? zt iE! 0C! fi 1 IF '4i•. . ? ^^OlC• .rT.it ,4 STAFF OBSERVATIONS During the staff ' s review of the proposed project, the following observations were made: 1. The access will be a shared access with the property owner to the west. 2. Fourteen (14) off-street parking spaces are required , 14 are to be provided . STAFF COMMENT As a result of the .staff ' s review, the staff has the following comments: Chapter 18 . 75. 040-14 , Night Lighting , requires that light fixtures for walks, parking areas, driveways and other facilities shall be developed in sufficient number and at proper location to assure safe and convenient night-time use. Chapter 18 . 75. 040-10 requires fire hydrants, and connections shall be installed for fire protection of the proposed development. The location of the garbage enclosure needs to be shown on the revised site plan and a detailed drawing of the garbage enclosure also needs to be shown . The U.S . Postal Service requires a clustered mail box system for all new developments . The location of these mailboxes needs to be shown . The City of Bozeman now requires sidewalks along all public rights-of-way to access development. The site plan shows no sidewalk along Koch Street. Plans for sewer and water connection will need to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Officer . Drainage plans will need to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Officer . A snow storage area needs to be shown on the final site plan . A maintenance agreement needs to be entered into between the two property owners of the common access to insure development, maintenance and upkeep. 2 i i "i fn� r . '.T-n [ iu' r ` :f � : :-,c [ 01r- .Corc,'ff� :1 �iJ i �'cis c.''', � ..> TF_,c^ fir'-.` r)n -ictrl V lhr f'cn G C>rly _vC)' r7 ';C` r ,r .j r, A r rTi pfgrI..a6ju CC{1 'j ) rCic^. ' ' 6 aA hr-)r-r r:J tf sr j Bci-f r9S , pr. t_ ri ; . 2r Yq '':'f0 -PG Z;VC-I 9V C7f ` c^f''. Lr. nrYl:{` � ? 'fnt' iU' C?-}"Ii;tY ' CIF n I G),-)C Cif-it,'- { Srf <q C A^-af F)( r ff,�: i.f1C±VtTCC) F`fSh uric -1Ci'' F C'. rSO , 0 -1 O,JC 'laN c`1Q C);1 J rfl, � F� r'6'lr'Vf Cr,C1'J• 9r'I 1 :, rSCa 1r r�Jf;,C 9; f� YO' r i j-f='h r f r Cf 11 Ef1E'. . .' r.grr cT C f r;-a r)f� r*c rr'p qc' o )=�n r:7r:acl0r, qp�c� qr'j OCf cnfrsFr C.f''1 'C) y'ftC r;;F fhr_, Zr(=j r*r r�o Vc"i C. . ownrl,-, C• rl Q?IF> I.,cf:Jr;9 fr Fy? }:CCi If �f" r 'h:?C r" r, I:^ Lfj 0-- —yr'C ff.:J?.C� , P . �1 .rli' C)C' [`ii ^<,)Clj C fl f J r:!D C, 1 �)f �'r,c:^ r'C.i�Vc z; ckrl f.�s C)' JC fC1CtCi f rP rrinIC fit' -)G' f r rFf-z;.CO r'T r)r. -wr,'p r'rrC fr• nrr'P �C1,f'^rr0 'cVr-i> cF �',�;-,fi r;'h 9(C C:f c)gr, f j ft' oo f dognf"O^ F'f L, 7-U (is ci i �( O rl ' ��� 1)C.` � �)Vf)yr'0 i Fri V 7 V VC)'Crr`i- f^ nr- f-m.f) IVci" 9C; CJ Fiq-" ri ICC'. cr1Ei(Y 0rr,r) . 3HCf �TCJ pnL'i^r" ri.pfl'" y� �� fc,r S'J ''fC !"t'..offv °ad C "i i,U,.-)rl F�iYC � E,'!i•:f i� tIC)rr� R ` . rY Li r C- qrf:{ f,`., :1 c f n -1 i rv7, 4 U rS l;G.ri79 i)c 90r•frlc)jr'`Lf- i , r ice.<-.a._ ,.-k> nQ c=% fi'fi C) ? c r�� Cf ^r J yf;t'J'' � YyC1C'7c C) r16 <-I rjC.r) 6f� t ., rG(-..:C'Cf. '. .0P) C I ' STAFF FINDINGS As a result of the staff ' s review, the staff has determined that the project is in general compliance with the goals and intentions of the Bozeman Area Master Plan and Zoning Regulations. The Planning Staff suggests that the application for a Minor P.U.D. be approved contingent on the applicant satisfying the following conditions : 1. That night lighting be installed to assure safe and convenient night-time use, and that the location of the lighting be shown on the final site plan . 2. That hydrant location be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Officer for assurance of adequate fire protection . . 3. That the garbage enclosure location is shown on the final site plan along with a detailed drawing of the garbage enclosure . 4 . That a mail pickup and delivery location is shown on the final site plan . 5. That a sidewalk to City standards is installed along Koch Street on the southern boundary of the property. 6. That sewer and water hookups are reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Officer. 7. That the applicant submit a detailed drainage plan to the City Engineering Officer for his review and approval. 8. That a snow storage area be designated on the final site plan . 9. That a maintenance agreement be entered into between the two property owners insuring development, maintenance and upkeep of the common access. 10. That the paving and access plans be reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Officer prior to final site plan approval . 11 . That the developer enter into an improvements agreement with the City of Bozeman . The structure may not be occupied until all improvements have been completed and assessed by the City of Bozeman or until the improvements are secured by a method of security equal to one- and one-half (1 1/2) times the estimated cost of their installation . 3 r-TA r):4, F,r r; r 0 V&0 V r "j r i Vr tin t!vvF ndl -n fn-w & -w "-v oc -r • • 100- pvn K Knon %fit Mr VA r W-7 W WfKart V ;Ao! ; Q Orrin wneT .0 V on ! it n-j 1) nev 0- t I-A K, : - d Er qvnm) v l ctr in I Ono P "C r 7r 0 i '. ."vr,- ,,or n- w &P, no r vi F ny k r "n tvw ,"n r c nir nol- no an'or, -vi ice? n9j, -1 �: JFQR PC r: C&r ni: now orf -r , - - r ; Bm , -4 nv, no ro tip Joni , _v_i r i P1 or nr or -e n I -C- V7MI yn- pj-&4Vnp rj 4e nn)' 7-vro-w- rn 5 -v- "ey vN 1 7 r r "rr ­i rq 7" v7 trim -r P-wi COY , Priw- E j a,, j,,, r r F1 1 WT . 1e -nit AMP q. rr Qv r in& 00A F ,I : Ian W V; . -Y ' rh %r no Q - is- T 4 r.r - v!-v-1 ,v h n n q r i pic.ry r r - -.! ROW a, no "IN 7 v vc nounn�Wur, ny"-n, npv ny pv- v Pin— nVoo, t urns two 'n -qrC7, v, oil M- �.: lef • jr apj V Nnorepw 1-0 4 - W ' OU' 11P 4 0 c\! r Q K-q-n nn -OrO oj net I r FiRS F i t -51 K 12 . That three (3) copies of the final site plan containing all the conditions, corrections and modifications required by this approval be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director within six (6) months of the date of this approval and prior to issuance of a building permit for the project. One (1) signed copy shall be retained by the Building Department, one (1) signed copy shall be retained by the Plannng Director , and one (1) signed copy shall be retained by the developer. 4 0 C)F., 116 ;)-o r,c) ei ri F; v o J a f t:V(,-j(-C I F, P. fi VC' r c i P. oiri i0Zf- t-)cl i ri rl r-,I rT A, V Cl-1 C'c, L C) P 0 Ci F)rl F, C rl f F, vcoo J o-, o rr rIC, . Ll F; C c) SJ !! '[18 r -7C) tr,g1 ^ r)rl rl rl r, q L r. F, C3Cif r4 C, ,(,Oo b-,r)r C'�r f March 5, 1984 To Whom It May Concern: Stephen Forte and Firstco .Bozeman, a Montana.partnershipi have agreeded to share a common access driveway between their adjacent properties, more particularly described as Lot 7 & 8 LeClair Sub- division. The parties further agree to execute a maintenance agreement prior to occupying either the improvements planned by )r. Forte or by Firstco. StepLorteFIRSna Partner"ship . J. S. Heck, Partner 0 l o, r W. M