HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300221919001628) VD 284A west.-VI . CDii�3rreii� �onslnxu�tion gfiA s N: 2t ht "AiVe.j'¢ak &.t. Cascade gevelopmeAk t b N , co , n i RM Folds SP411-1/3 FILE REVIEW SHEET , ADMINI�T.RATIVS PROJSCT DECISIONwiout DEVIATIONS File Name: S Ir-He Numper: ReferencEl-08009,T-08003,Z-07284, E-08001, E-07009,Z-07141, P-07028, P-06025A, P-06025,Z03247, P03034, Z04050. P04009. Z04050A, P05015, P05048 I i { Duce i D.o.ne I Done By NIA lAccegt for Initial review letter (z-) WorKing Gays after aDDll:,auon deadiine) 1Aceouate for contlnueo review letter (20 working Gays after aDDlicatlon Ideadiine) IDRC initial week reviewioubiic comment Period beoins I I I IDP,C second week review IDRC final weer; review 1 -71oqA9I IGnri cam,(r;vi !ecJ t-m.- 9: Jr imoro +non A:, --!i:nn r: "r nornrc tnp I I I lend of the Public comment Deriod) — t IP;annina Director staff reDort due Pianning Director decision (within 10 working day_ s after close of the IDublic comment Deriod) I I v�� I 1=1na1 aDDroval ietier to applicant• and Interested Parties 1-1 7 O% 717 1 lCt i Recommended Recommended Approval Recommended I App with Conditions Denial Date NIA roval I IDRC action I l I I I rroJcctAcbvitq Los, I of Bozeman Department of Planning ]d® ® evelopment evelopment "t, Project Name: -P)ko, �k� ��0.� CC1S\C:Ar�'evl File No: C Date Activity Staff Staff Cumulative N Member(s) Hours Hours A X-t THE CITY Or BOZEMAN 20 E. OLIVE• P.O. BOX 1230 Vx BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771.1230 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CO O� PHONE: (406) 582-2280 • FAX: (406) 582-2263 March 10, 2009 Mr. Clint Litle, PE DOWL HKM 920 Technology Boulevard, Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: West Winds Subdivision—Phase 4 Concurrent Construction and Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community Dear Clint, This letter is in response to your February 26, 2009 letter to Doug Riley regarding the Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community and West Winds Subdivision Phase 4 concurrent construction. The requirements of Section 18.74.030 COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS, BMC must be met for concurrent construction not Section 18.74.060 IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENTS, BMC. Conditional approval of the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction Plan, File Number#Z-07284A, was given on July 7, 2008. See the attached letter. Once all of the required items are provided to the Planning Department and all requirements are deemed to have been met, concurrent construction will be allowed. Otherwise, all subdivision infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, must be installed and accepted by the City prior to issuance of a building permit for the Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Susan M. Stodola, P.E. Project Engineer cc: Project File Doug Riley, Associate Planner cBrian Knueger,Associate Planner Brian Heaston,Project Engineer ERF HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK DEPk__ ENT OF PLANNING AND Ct..� NITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stt Professional Building 20 East Olive Street phone 406.582.2260 " P.O. Box 1230 fax 406.582-2263 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 planning@bozeman.net www.bozemon.net July7, 2008 John Dunlap Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 West Main St., Ste 223 Bozeman, MT 58715. PLANNING DIRECTOR FINDINGS File Name: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction Plan File Number: #Z-07284A PURSUANT to Chapter 18.74, BMC, and other applicable sections of Title 18, BMC, a review of the Concurrent Construction Plan was conducted. The applicant presented to the City a proposed concurrent construction plan to allow the construction of multi household projects and related site improvements. The purposes of the concurrent construction plan review were to consider all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of Title 18, BMC; to evaluate the proposal against the criteria of Section 18.74.030.D, BMC, and the standards of Title 18, BMC; and to determine whether the plan should be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. After receiving the recommendation of the relevant advisory bodies established by Section 18.74.030.D, BMC, and considering all matters of record presented with the application, the Planning Director has found that the proposed concurrent construction plan, would comply with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code if certain conditions were imposed. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before him regarding this application, the Planning Director makes the following decision. The Concurrent Construction Plan has been found to meet the criteria of Title 18, BMC, and is therefore approved, subject to the conditions listed herein, and the correction of any elements not in conformance with the standards of the Title. The evidence contained in the submittal materials and advisory body review,justify the conditions imposed on this development to ensure that the concurrent construction plan and subsequent construction complies with all applicable regulations, and all applicable criteria of Title 18, BMC. 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. community planning zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation neighborhood planning urban design GIS 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3,First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A)needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A reference to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. On this 7 day of /1/t-/ , 2008, Andrew C. Epple, AICP; Planning Director, Approved with onditions this Concu ent Construction plan for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman as authorized by Section 18.74.030.D, BMC. The preliminary approval of this concurrent construction plan shall be effective for twelve (12) monthofrom t e date of approval. Andrew C. Epple, AICP; Planning Directo This Planning Director project decision may be appealed filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman, within 4 days after the date of approval as evidenced by the Planning Director's signature, by following the procedures of Section 18.66.030, BMC. Cc: Clint Litle, HKM Engineering, Inc., 920 Technology Blvd., Ste A, Bozeman, MT 59718 Page 2 'fL OOWL H KM* February 26, 2008 D _� Rec. No. 452810010.01 DEP AND MUNlirypLOP City of Bozeman .._-.__ PLAN Planning Department - — - MEENI Doug Riley P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community Dear Mr. Riley: As you are aware, we are wrapping up final site plan approval for the Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community. With receipt of that approval, the owner would like to submit for building permit; hence, I have been working on the concurrent construction materials. In so doing, I have reviewed the appropriate sections of the UDO and the Phase 4 Improvement Agreement. It is my finding that the existing Phase 4 concurrent construction approval may not need to be invoked. Based o 18.74 0 IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT, subsection B(1.), which states in bold: No building permits will be issued for a subdivision within the City until all required water, sewer, storm drainage and street gravel courses are installed and accepted unless otherwise provided for in development proposals occurring under the provisions of chapter 18.36, BMC,;Planned Unit development (PUD), and pursuant to the criteria established in 0.714.030-M> To review the status of Phase 4 subdivision infrastructure improvements: The subdivision has an improvements agreement in place filed with the Clerk and Recorders Office. The agreement is financially guaranteed by two letters of credit from First Security Bank of Bozeman. Sime Construction is under contract to construct the Phase 4 infrastructure and to date has installed the water system, sewer system, storm drainage system and street sub- base gravel course. The installation of these facilities was observed by a full time DOWL HKM resident project representative. The water and sewer installations have been tested, certified and accepted by the City. The work completed to date by Sime Construction has been paid in full, and the remaining work(hardscape) is guaranteed by escrow held by first Security Bank; essentially the remaining work is bonded 2.5 times (1.5 times by City LOC, 1 time by escrow). 406-586.8834 ■ 406-586-1730(fax) ■ 920 Technology Boulevard,Suite A ■ Bozeman,Montana 59718 ■ www.dowlhkm.com Alaska-Anchorage,Juneau,Palmer ■ Arizona-Tucson,Phoenix ■ Montana-Billings,Bozeman,Butte,Great Falls,Helena,Miles City Washington-Seattle • Wyoming-Lancer,Laramie,Sheridan • Page 2 of 2 H:\28\10010\01\090226_DR co ent construction.docm Based on our understanding, the requirements of 18.74.060 have been met and therefore the Spring Creek Alzheimer's Community should be allowed to proceed with building permit review and issuance. It is understood that occupancy may not be allowed until all Phase 4 improvements are completed. We believe that to require full concurrent construction at this time would over complicate the project, and could possibly cause unneeded delay and expense. Your response to our finding would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact our office at (406) 586-8834. Sincerely, DOWL HKM I C ' itle, P.E. Project Manager 0 i CITY '" BOZEMAN y DEPAMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street phone 406.582.2260 P.O. Box 1230 fax 406-582-2263 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 planning@bozemon.net www.bozemon.net July7, 2008 John Dunlap Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 West Main St., Ste 223 Bozeman, MT 58715. PLANNING DIRECTOR FINDINGS File Name: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction Plan File Number: #Z-07284A PURSUANT to Chapter 18.74, BMC, and other applicable sections of Title 18, BMC, a review of the Concurrent Construction Plan was conducted. The applicant presented to the City a proposed concurrent construction plan to allow the construction of multi household projects and related site improvements. The purposes of the concurrent construction plan review were to consider all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of Title 18, BMC; to evaluate the proposal against the criteria of Section 18.74.030.D, BMC, and the standards of Title 18, BMC; and to determine whether the plan should be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. After receiving the recommendation of the relevant advisory bodies established by Section 18.74.030.D, BMC, and considering all matters of record presented with the application, the Planning Director has found that the proposed concurrent construction plan, would comply with the r-.quirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code if certain conditions were imposed. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before him regarding this application, the Planning Director makes the following decision. The Concurrent Construction Plan has been found to meet the criteria of Title 18, BMC, and is therefore approved, subject to the conditions listed herein, and the correction of any elements not in conformance with the standards of the Title. The evidence contained in the submittal materials and advisory body review,justify the conditions imposed on this development to ensure that the concurrent construction plan and subsequent construction complies with all applicable regulations, and all applicable criteria of Title 18, BMC. 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. community planning zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation neighborhood planning urban design GIS 0 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved i September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3,First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A) needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. I 9. A reference to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. On this day of L111/`' , 2008, Andrew C. Epple, AICP; Planning Director, i Approved with 6onditions this Conc ent Construction plan for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman as authorized by Section 18.74.030.D, BMC. The preliminary approval of this concurrent construction plan shall be effective for twelve (12) month rom t e date of approval. Andrew C. Epple, AICP; Planning Director This Planning Director project decision may be appealed filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman, within 4 days after the date of approval as evidenced by the Planning Director's signature, by following the procedures of Section 18.66.030, BMC. Cc: Clint Litle, HKM Engineering, Inc., 920 Technology Blvd., Ste A, Bozeman, MT 59718 Page 2 • • , MEMORANDUM To: DRC Members From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Date: July 2, 2008 —Final Week Review Re: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction (#Z-07284A) 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3, First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A) needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots wher concurrent construction s.amplemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. ft/ ce 9. A tdagmg to Section 18.74.03 .3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Con urrent Construction. 1 MEMORANDUM To: DRC Members From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Date: July 2, 2008 —Final Week Review Re: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction (#Z-07284A) 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3, First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list(Appendix A) needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise,prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A referring to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. 1 MEMORANDUM To: DRC Members From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Date: July 2, 2008 —Final Week Review Re: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction (#Z-07284A) 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3, First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A)needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A referring to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. 1 MEMORANDUM To: DRC Members From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Date: July 2, 2008 —Final Week Review Re: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction (#Z-07284A) 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3, First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A) needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.03C,.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A referring to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. 1 MEMORANDUM To: DRC Members From: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Date: July 2, 2008 —Final Week Review Re: West Winds PUD Phase 4 Concurrent Construction (#Z-07284A) 1. Concurrent Construction shall be limited to the multi-household parcels described as .lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the concurrent construction plan for West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision. 2. All construction work under concurrent construction within West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision, including but not limited to subdivision infrastructure and site construction, shall be under the control of Cascade Development, Inc., as the subdivider, developer and general contractor. 3. All Financial Guarantees for any uncompleted or unaccepted improvements (including private sidewalks) in any phase of the West Winds PUD project shall be viable and unexpired prior to final approval. • P-05015, West Winds, First Security Bank, LOC #104, expired 10/13/06. Final Plat approved September 19, 2005; all sidewalks shall be installed by September 19, 2008. • P-06043, West Winds 2, First Security Bank, LOC #010600786, expired 07/20/07. Final Plat approved October 16, 2006; all sidewalks shall be installed by October 16, 2009. • P-06025, West Winds 3, First Security Bank, LOC #010700127, expired 02/16/08. Final Plat approved February 26, 2007; all sidewalks shall be installed by February 26, 2010. 4. An updated Concurrent Construction Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be executed prior to final approval for implementation of concurrent construction and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits under concurrent construction. 5. The cost of improvements list (Appendix A)needs to: • Differentiate between 6 foot and 5 foot sidewalks. • Include improvements to park land—trail, landscaping, irrigation, etc. • Include boulevard improvements adjacent to park land and major arterial. • Include street lighting. 6. Provide documentation that insurance policy covers fire hazard as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 7. Correct insurance policy to provide for a 45 day notice as required by 18.74.030.D.5. 8. All onsite and offsite infrastructure, including Breeze Lane, required for the West Winds PUD Phase 4 Subdivision shall be installed and accepted prior to occupancy of any buildings on lots where concurrent construction is implemented or otherwise, prior to issuance of building permits. 9. A referring to Section 18.74.030D.3 regarding approval of final engineering design, etc shall be added to the Agreement for Concurrent Construction. 1 DOELOPMENT REVIEW COMMIT�E UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING,20 EAST OLIVE STREET WEDNESDAY,JULY 2,2008 10:00 A.M. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER ITEM 2. FINAL WEEK REVIEW 1. West Winds Ph.IV PUD Concurrent Const. #Z-07284A (Windemaker/Stodola) Oak St./N. 27th Ave. * A concurrent construction request to allow the construction of private facilities concurrently with the construction of public infrastructure. ITEM 3. SECOND WEEK REVIEW 1. Bozeman Village II SP #Z-08132 (Krueger/Heaston) Northwest of the intersection of Hunters Way and Breeze Lane * A Site Plan Application to allow the construction of a senior housing development that includes 22 memory care beds, 30 assisted living units, 13 transitional living units, and three duplex cottages with related site improvements. 2. City Landfill Shops SP #Z-08131 (Krueger/Johnson) 2143 Story Mill Road * A Site Plan Application to allow the construction of a 5,403 sq. ft. addition to the existing structure with related site improvements. ITEM 4. PUBLIC COMMENT—(15 —20 minutes) {Limited to any public matter, within the jurisdiction of the Development Review Committee, not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.} ITEM 5. ADJOURNMENT "This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance,please contact— ADA Coordinator,Ron Brey,at 582-2306(voice)or 582-2301(TDD). 1 � 6 � - Ala l� RIN E E . I r, .4. 920 Technology Boulevard Suite A June 6, 2008 Bozeman, MT 59718 H:\04\SO67125\ConcLirtent:Construction\Concurrent construction Plan Transmittal 6-6-08.doc Phone: 406.586.8834 Fax: 406.586.1730 www.hkminc.com Lanette Windemaker City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 ' ILL JIUN 06 2008 j RE: West Winds PUD Subdivision Phase 4 DEPAF T iNIEN'h! AND C'ONI Vii NIT.LEJELOPivitNT Concurrent Construction Plan Dear Lanette: — -9A :. Attached for:your review..and distribution:are 12 copies of the Concurrent Construction Plan for West Winds Phase:IV' Please schedule for DRC as soon as possible. If there are any questions"or concerns please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, HKM Engineering, Inc. Clint Litle, P.E. Senior Project Manager cc: Cascade Development BILLINGS,MONTANA BUTTE,MONTANA GREAT FALLS,MONTANA HELENA,MONTANA MILES CITY,MONTANA SHERIDAN,WYOMING LANDER,WYOMING 406.656.6399 406.723.8213 406.453.4085 406.442.0370 406.234.6666 307.672.9006 307.332.3285 1 • West Winds Planned Community 1 Phase IV Concurrent Construction Plan 1 1 1 \ 1 ' Prepared for: ' Cascade Development Inc 1627 West Main 1 Street, Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 1 Prepared by: .1 ENGIN E E RING 1 1 June 2008 1 1 • • 1 ENGINE E R I N G June 6, 2008 920 Technology Boulevard H:\04\S067125\Concurrent Construction\Concurrent construction Plan 6-6-08.doc Suite A 1 Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.586.8834 Lanette Windemaker Fax: 406.586.1730 City of Bozeman www.hkminc.com P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: West Winds PUD Subdivision Phase 4 1 Concurrent Construction Plan Dear Lanette: ' As required by Section 18.74.030.D.13 of the UDO, the following Concurrent Construction Plan is for the West Winds Phase IV Subdivision. This plan is to allow for ' the-submittal, review and construction of private facilities concurrent with the construction of public infrastructure within dedicated public right-of-way, easements and park areas. ' Current construction was requested with the preliminary plat application for Phase IV Subdivision(Appendix SD-11). ' The following is an item by item response to 18.74.030.D: ' 1. Phase IV Subdivision is a part of the approved West Winds Planned Unit Development; ' 2. Attached in Appendix `B" are draft concurrent construction and hold harmless agreements provided by the City Planning Office. The agreements have been reviewed by the subdivider and found acceptable. Upon approval of this plan the 1 subdivider will execute said agreements. 3. Applicant agrees to this condition. HKM Engineering is in the process of finalizing the engineering reports and plans for City and MDEQ approval; ' 4. Applicant agrees to this condition; 5. Attached in Appendix "C"is an insurance certificate for fire hazard and liability; 6. The applicant recognizes, acknowledges, and assumes the increased risk of loss ' because certain public services do not exist at the site; 7. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement. Draft agreements provided by the City Planning Office are included in Appendix `B". 8. The applicant agrees to no occupancy within Phase IV until the required infrastructure improvements have been completed and inspected, and accepted by the City and a certificate of occupancy has been issued; 9. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement, see Appendix `B" for draft ' agreements; 10. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement, see Appendix `B" for draft agreements; BILLINGS,MONTANA": BUTTE,MONTANA GREAT FALLS,MONTANA HELENA,MONTANA MILES CITY,MONTANA SHERIDAN,WYOMING LANDER,WYOMING 406.656.6399 '`406.723.8213 406.453.4085 406.442.0370 406.234.6666 307.672.9006 307.332.3285 ' 11. Applicant agrees to this condition; and 12. Applicant agrees to this condition. The project is under the control of a single ' developer—Cascade Development. All work will be under supervision of a single general contractor—Cascade Homes. It is agreed that there will be no third party builders until the required infrastructure improvements have been ' completed, and inspected and accepted by the City. 13. This plan to meet requirement. ' Plan Objectives and Schedule As mentioned above the intent of this plan is to allow for the submittal, review and construction of private facilities concurrent with the construction of public infrastructure. Specifically, the concurrent construction will be limited to the large parcels identified as ' parcels 1 through 4 on the attached Concurrent Construction Plan (Appendix "A"). Concurrent construction is not requested for the single family parcels on Hunters Way. The engineering reports for Phase 1V Subdivision have been submitted to Engineering for review with approval anticipated the week of 6-9-08. Upon approval of the engineering ' reports the public infrastructure plans will be submitted to Engineering and MDEQ using self certification checklists. Infrastructure plan approval is estimated for the week of 6- 23-08. With public infrastructure plan approval we will move directly to pre- construction meeting and construction of the facilities. The Infrastructure required for Phase IV is limited and is scheduled for completion 9-3-08, with acceptance to follow ' shortly there after. Concurrent with the above public infrastructure process, the final plat application for ' Phase IV Subdivision will be submitted. All public infrastructure improvements will be financially guaranteed to permit the filing of the final plat. Also concurrent with the above public infrastructure and final plat processes will be the submittal of the site plans for parcels 1 through 4 for site plan review and approval as he initial step in the concurrent construction process. ' Attached in Appendix "D" is correspondence between HKM Engineering and Andy Epple memorializing the above concurrent construction processes. ' If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, HKM Engineering, Inc. I Clint Litle, P.E. ' Senior Project Manager ' cc: Cascade Development Table of Contents • Appendix "A"—Concurrent Construction Plan • Appendix `B"—Draft Agreements/Engineer's Estimates ' • Appendix "C"—Insurance Certificate ' • Appendix "D"—Correspondence 1 � r Appendix "A"—Concurrent construction Plan 1 1 r r r 50 .......r ---- — ;:�:a ;a ,ra I ". ;' ��--�(_ 'V Sun i.•J -- 45 A 34] 35 -0'- 19 IF 10IOW CaaTr �� � TRADE WIND LANE rl WIND LANE TRADE FLURRY LAW 8 TS(>%CHE LANE TUREIUI-ENCE LANE AFFORDABLE I'�+� AUTILAIN GROVE STREET WAY r P5 _ TSCKACFE I-ALANEvr • 1B WINTER PARK STREET OW • 1 4 "1 BREEZE 00, BIX.ESTONE PL v TBAIEST COM - -----------—--- ----- ---------------------- --------- - - ----------------_=-- ------- —————— -----------------------4 -A M --———— CENTER OF S. 2 LEGEND WES T WINDS COMMUNITY NW 114 SECT/ON 2, T.2.S., R.S.E., P.M.M. r aGALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA I ENGINEERING A11111111111111 HKM EngIneedng Inc. AREAS OF CONCURRENT A' Nopper Technolgy Bldg CONSTRUCTION PHASE 4 920 Technology Blvd,Suite A In CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION Bozeman,MT 59718 &WU PLAN (406)586.8834 FAX(406)586-1730 PR01JECT NO.04SD87.125 .do feetF DAM JIUKE,20M Copyright 0 2D08 KM Engineering Ina.AD Rights Revervoti. 1 � � Appendix `B"—Draft Agreements/Engineer's Estimates r r r r r r r r r r , r Inter-office Original to: ' City of Bozeman Planning Department P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 w i CONCURRENT INSTALLATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT WEST WINDS PHASE 4 PUD SUBDIVISION This agreement is made and entered in to this . 3m00�8, by and between Cascade Development, Inc., John M. Dunlap, President, 1627�West Main Street, #223 ' Bozeman, MT 59715, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider" and the City:-of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the"City ' 1. The Subdivider agrees to release, indemnify and }hold harmle s the City, its officers, directors, agents and employees:from and against any' suit, cause of action, claim, cost, �, expenses, obligation, and liability of any charact'ers,,including attorney's fees, which are brought or asserted for any injury, death, or physical damage to property received or sustained by any " '� person, persons, property;'bustness or any other entity, arising out of or resulting from, or in M � ' connection with the i nuance of4building permits pursuant to the approved Planned Unit iw fi� .aA kf�y�✓w �S., Development for West WindssPhase`4 PUD Major Subdivision, and the City of Bozeman Mumctpal`Code Secriori;l 8 74 0 b D 6 `� A. Subdivider agrees to defend the City, its officers, directors, agents and employees, should City,�its officers directors, agents or employees be named as a defendant in any actions concerning the issuance of building permits described herein. The obligations of the Subdivider to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, will apply to any suit, cause of action, t- claim, cost or obligation including, without limitation, those alleged under the common law or ' West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Hold Harmless Agreement pursuant to a federal or state statute or regulation such as those arising in tort, trespass, nuisance ' and strict liability. 3. In the event the City is found proportionately responsible, the Subdivider will be held responsible for only those damages, costs or liabilities as are attributable to the Subdivider's percent of fault as compared with 100% of the fault, giving rise to the,damages. The indemnity required herein shall not be limited by reason of the specificaton:''of any particular insurance coverage of this agreement. J g �' v 4„ 4. Should either the City or the Subdivide&be held responsible for any damages, costs or liabilities resulting from an intentional act�by. an officer, director, agent or,employee in connection with the work specified in this agreement, then inj-hat"event, that party shallrelease, indemnify and hold harmless the other as to any damages,'costs or liabilities that result from or arise out of that intentional act including reasonable attorney's fe'essl and,costs which shall include costs and salary of the city attorney or other in house counsel .i'Further, notwithstanding the obligations set forth in paragraph. 3 above, the Subdivider agrees to defend the City against all allegations of intentional acts (However, should the City be found responsible due to an intentional -act by its officer .director :agent or employee, then in that event the City agrees to reimburse Subdivider for reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred in that defense. h b. CORPORATION ' x ' Cascade Development, Inc. John M. Dunlap, President L k ' STATE OF MONTANA' ) ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of , 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared John M. Dunlap, known to me to be the President of Cascade Development, Inc., the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision (Z-07284/P-07028A)Hold Harmless Page 2 of 3 r IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set m hand and affixed m Notarial Seat the da Y Y Y and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: J. Commission Expires:,if> " (Use:4`''digits for expiration year) THE-A., I. TY OF BOZEMAN Andrew C. Epple AICP t� Planning Directort� STATE OF MONTANA ss � V$t' r. s,t�e1,i`J County of Gallatin ) x r "' On this day of � , 20" before me, a Notary Public for the State of ,7 Montana, personally appeared Andrew C. Epple, AICP; known to me to be the person described in and who executed the `foregoing;instrument asPlanning Director of the City of Bozeman, whose name is;'subscnbed to"the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the on same for and behahf of said City IN WITNESS WHEREOFIhave hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written:-;above. � a N? HHH; C 4Ra .f_t (Signature above) Yrq,4 •j1 ' (Seal) "" (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: ' Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Hold Harmless Page 3 of 3 1 • Inter-office Original City of Bozeman ' Planning Department P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771=1230 1 AGREEMENT FOR CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION IN WEST WINDS PHASE 4 PUD SUBDIVISION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day o ,2Q ffl,by and between Cascade Development, Inc., John M. Dunlap, Presiden 1627Vest Main Street #223 Bozeman, MT 59715, hereinafter called the "Subdivider:%!"nd the City of;Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation and political subdivision of the State of M6ntana,with offices at 411,East Main Street, AN P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230, herel-hafftef called the "City". y WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Subdivider to'"obtain building permits to proceed with It development of West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision prior, to installation of all required r' subdivision improvements in accordance with`Section.l 8.74.030 D of the-Bozeman Municipal Code; and , c r . WHEREAS, it is the`i'ntent and purpose of both the Subdivider and the City to hereby enter ' into an Agreement which will guarantee the fill and satisfactory completion of the required r w Y improvements,related withthe property hereinafter de"scribed,and it is the intent of this Agreement, ' and of the parties:hereto, to satisfy the improvements guarantee requirements. NOW,THEREFORE, in corisideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained ' herein;rt is hereby agreed as follows r 1. Property Description : ;V 'Py .t This Agreement'pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as R-3 (Residential Medium Density District)'on+the City of Bozeman Zoning Map,and is legally described as a_portion ' of the NW 1/4,Section-2,T2S,R5E,PMM,City of Bozeman Gallatin County,Montana,consisting of 5 single household lots and 4 multi household lots located north of the intersection of Windward West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision (Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Avenuean k Street, as proposed the Preliminary f W Win Phase 4 PUD d Oa S pop by ary Plato West Winds � Subdivision, subject to all existing easements or record or of fact. 2. Improvements and Time for Completion of Improvements ! This Agreement specifically includes a Str<e'et pr®wein'entsb)Parkl den Space�Improi eznents, )RDraae %�ernentsd)Sicl walks ande�Oaffsitei}E ®vernents. The Estimated Cost of said ! improvements has been estimated by HKM Engineering Inc., 920xTechnology Blvd., Ste A, Bozeman, MT 59718, at ou`sat ,` Huncire,,dXdol]arsanxd- cents (NO � and is attached and made a part of this Agreement, as Exhibit A. The Subdivider hereby agrees that the improvements will�66 completed witl n four(4)years of the date of initial Preliminary Plat approval by the City Commission,October 7,20�07,in order to avoid default on the method of security. w; _ ; 3. Financial Guarantee 5..y6 Zy It is the Subdivider's intent with this Agreement to obtain building,permits prior to completion of all required subdivision improvements. Therefore,this Agreement shall be secured by a financial guarantee in the form of a Letter of Credit issued byeffl. B n3k. dated. Mont' :d°a� 2008� ui :thousand J Iundreil . A -� 1 �s .MO �.;k,' cu61M,r 4 , Z.. xxa),which is more than one�hundred and'fi=fty(150)percent of the Estimated Cost of said improvements. The financial#guarantee shall`'b�e an full force`arid effective until the work is completed by the Subdivider and accepted byathe Cityof Bozeman. Said financial security shall be in the form of a surety bond,certificate of de"osit or ca, sh. b�-5? p 4. Inspection; } ! Representatives 0111, City sl%all have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it an to.determine if the Subdivider is in compliance with this Agreement,and the Subdivider shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. ! 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Subdivider shall default in or fail to fully perform ! any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement,and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30)days after written notice specifying the default is ! West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 2 of 8 deposited in the United States mail addressed to the Subdivider at Cascade Development,Inc ,Jo hn M. Dunlap,President, 1627 West Main Street,#223,Bozeman,MT 59715,or such other address as the Subdivider shall provide to the City from time to time, without being completely remedied, ' satisfied, and discharged, the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: a. The City may, at its option,declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the ' complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The City's representative, contractors, and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection, and the Subdividers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them toF,do so �In, he event that any funds remain from the financial guarantee upon completion of all i provements, such funds shall be promptly returned to the Subdivider. ` b. The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. ZV 6. Indemnification The Subdivider shall indemnify,hold harmless, and defend theCrty of Bozeman against any and all claims, at Subdivider's own expense, arising out of or resulting from the acts or omissions of Subdivider or its agents, employees, or contractors, whether negligent or otherwise, in connection with the performance of work described in this age ment. The City shall be responsible for any Af claims arising from negligence,or willful misconduct on t�e=part of the City or its agents or f . 1`a employees,except the Subdividert �:sh. all be responsible for those claims of negligence and misconduct 4. ,rTIL arising from the Subdivider;its agents,or employees not providing to the Municipality,its agents or employees,information relevant to the subject matter of this agreement.The parties shall cooperate y �ti<a in the defense of;Claims and Isliall furnish records, information, and testimony and attend proceedings, as may be reasonably necessary. 7. Attorne 's..Fees ' In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms orsconditions of this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs,including fees, salary and costs of in-house counsel including ' City Attorney. 8. Warranty The Subdivider shall warrant against defects of all improvements and that these improvements are rmade in a good and workman-like manner for a period of two(2)years from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. ' West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision (Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 3 of 8 ' 9 Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin ' County, State of Montana. 10. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless''evidenced by a writing by the parties hereto. 11. Invalid Provision L r SM The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this`-Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in,all respects as if.such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 12. No Assignment ` It is expressly agreed that the Subdivider shall not assign this Agreement in whole,or in part,without as v prior written consent of the City. 13. Successors _ �* Except as provided in paragrph`12, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by"t e parties h reto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 14. Incremental Issuance of.Building Permits The Subdivider,ui accordance with the teens of Section 18.74.030.D.4 of the Bozeman Municipal Code,recotgnizes and dcknowledges that building permits may be issued incrementally,dependent on the status�'of installation of the infrastructure improvements, for West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision u . ' 15. Supplemental:Tire Hazard and Liability Insurance The Subdivider,in accordance with the terms of Section 18.74.030.D.5 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, will provide and maintain fire hazard and liability insurance with the City named as an additional insured. 16. Acknowledgement of Increased Risk The Subdivider acknowledges in accordance with the terns of Section 18.74.030.D.6 of the rBozeman Municipal Code,recognizes,acknowledges and assumes the increased risk if loss because certain public services may not exist at the site. West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 4 of 8 17. Occupancy of Structures The Subdivider,in accordance with the terms of Section 18.74.030.D.8 of the Bozeman Municipal -Code,recognizes,acknowledges and agrees that no structures will be occupied or commencement of any use constructed or proposed within the boundary of the PUD will be allowed until all conditions of the initial Preliminary Plat approval by the City Commission,October 7,2007,have been met,and ' all required infrastructure improvements have been completed,inspected'! I'd accepted by the City of �a Bozeman and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. J �> 18. Interim Services ` ,�A The Subdivider,in accordance with the terms of Section:l 8 74.03O.D.9 of the=Bozeman Municipal Code,will execute a separate agreement addressing the provision of any servicesRleem appropriate by the City, on an interim basis during construction. '$ f ` 19. Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement ,h.;.;, The Subdivider,in accordance with the terrris of Section 18 74 030<D.10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code,will execute a separate hold harmless and indem eme nification agrent indemnifying,defending and holding harmless the City, its employees, agents,ah&. igns from and against any and all { liabilities,loss,claims,causes;of action,judgments'and damages resulting from or arising out of the issuance of a building permit. k r k 20. Extraordinary Costs ,i ;; . n..,,.. y, The Subdividef"in accordance:it w ter ith the ms of Section 18.74.030.D.11 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, wilt pay for any extraordinarykcosts associated with the project which the City may identify, including„abut not limite6t6 additional staff hours to oversee the planning, engineering and 0 Y construction Hof,-the project 'Ed infrastructure improvements, inspection of the infrastructure ' improvements and any extraordinary administrative costs. 21. Control 1 The Subdivider,in accordance with the terms of Section 18.74.030.D.12 of the Bozeman Municipal Code will cause the development to be under the control of single developer and all work shall be under the supervision of a single general contractor. 22. Orientation ' The Subdivider acknowledges and agrees that he is solely responsible for assuring compliance with all building and development codes with respect to the horizontal and vertical orientation of the West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 5 of 8 houses. Any non-compliance that is discovered shall be corrected with all costs being bourn by the subdivider. 23. Conditions of Approval WRI i ephnIN NU _. `� ag . _... ti \C -�C"`ra`t ''dc`7rcr . '� PGs4��,``�T�?^r�. zJ"...,•.. =j .-._......1-..'R.}''.'.-''i3.4.`G 4'. �.fY." 33`y.3y 3,1.ffi•4f"` W#.£ /..7� ) � -3G CA �. N. r ..:.... ........'1 b• E #Y.', Y.. !$ &�K: b� C ' ffi dm & n, df§n !s�"I�'.S R. SR 4�" d! �' �"a "'4� '48 .•.. A %1 <'s G s.'.4t ffis'ff 5P effia SP:- � faAYv1? ky.+i FAE if M.♦ 1. ...... %$."; fi 4 &i '.",R 'll'. •1.'d" 1-. S¢�pp.� xi ' ®YEfn- '.'�GX"' °aT' .'?�.�,E ifi.'f'"d5'. M bi 4 IG CORPORATION Y t Cascade Development, Inc. o John M Dunlap, President STATE OF MONTANA ) n County hof Gallatin 'a ) On this „; day of y , 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for theti.State of Montana, personally appeared John M. Dunlap, known to me to be the ,v. President of Case Development, Inc., the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me�A at he�executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Signature above) (Seal) (Printed Name above) Notary Public for State of Montana West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision (Z-07284/P-07028A) Concurrent Construction Page 6 of 8 Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) THE CITY OF BOZEMAN T.: " Andrew C. Epp1e,4AICP "'4a};'`. Planning DirectorAo STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin On this day of sr�, 2008, before me, a,Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared Andrew C Eppl ' CP,known to me,to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Planninp.Director ofafie City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged,to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of said City a�. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. ; k '(Signature above) (Seal) ' (Printed Name above) '4V Notary Public for State of Montana I' a Residing at: � Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) F i West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 7 of 8 �lppendbA £k,o_st Estimate 1 � ' 4%. ly ��..{� �i�1cp", 'y`�t s!• ice:`} 3t . . jr-I { West Winds Phase 4 PUD Subdivision(Z-07284/P-07028A)Concurrent Construction Page 8 of 8 Engineer's Estimate for Prepared By: West Winds Planned Community HKM Engineering Phase 4 Subdivision June 6, 2008 Bozeman, MT ROADWAY AND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Item A� x Estimated `llnit� Total No � _ DescriptionE �} � fi° Qua"ntifi' ' Unit I Price �y Cost `7'f�� ,. .mot�1u�._ �� .���_ r� Roadway Improvements 100 Excavation 8172 CY $6.30 $51,484 102 Embankment 326.86 CY $18.00 $5,883 103 Asphalt 965 TON $47.00 $45,355 104 Crushed Gravel 1053 CY $23.00 $24,219 105 Base Gravel 1655 CY $18.00 $29,790 106 Curb and Gutter 2570 LF $9.00 $23,130 107 Lay-down Curb and Gutter 0 LF $7.00 $0 109 Curb Standard Fillet 2 EA $873.00 $1,746 110 Sidewalk 768 LF $21.00 $16,128 111 Double Gutter 175 SF $7.00 $1,225 ' 112 Pedestrian Ramp 3 SF $7.00 $21 116 Si na e &Striping 1 LS $4,500.00 $4,500 SubtotalsL $203,481 Water Improvements 200 8" Poly-wrapped DIP Water Line 2140 LF $38.00 $81,320 201 8"Gate Valves 9 EA $913.00 $8,217 202 8"Water Crosses, Tees, & Bends 7 EA $342.00 $2,394 203 Fire Hydrant Assemblies 2 EA $3,065.00 $6,130 204 Blow-off Assembly 2 EA $939.00 $1,878 205 Type 2 Pipe Bedding 317 CY $22.00 $6,974 206 Type A Pipe Backfill 1430 CY $19.00 $27,170 207 Service Connections 7 EA $963.00 $6,741 208 Connect to Existing Mains-live tap 2 EA $6,893.00 $13,786 SubtotalsL $154,610 Sewer Improvements ' 300 8 in PVC Sewer Line 1220 LF $31.00 $37,820 301 48 in SS Manholes 7 EA $2,174.00 $15,218 303 Connect to Existing Main 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 304 Type 2 Pipe Bedding 173 CY $22.00 $3,806 305 Type A Pipe Backfill 778 CY $19.00 $14,782 306 Service Connections 8 EA $1,048.00 $8,384 ' .5Ubtotaisl $B5, r Prepared by HKM Pagel Engineer's Estimate for Prepared By: West Winds Planned Community HKM Engineering Phase 4 Subdivision June 6, 2008 Bozeman, MT ROADWAY AND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ..ts'ux`.9. i �3x' '"" -.. ,.� s«•:,>rkr» *n; - - a -ItemWO Estimated EMN 2 t Storm Water Improvements 400 15 in PVC Storm Main 670 LF $31.00 $20,770 408 15 in RCP Storm Main 0 LF $31.00 $0 401.1 21 in PVC Storm Main 870 LF $62.00 $53,940 409 24 in PVC Storm Main 130 LF $73.00 $9,490 402 36"Catch Basins 3 EA $1,628.00 $4,884 403 Type A Pipe Backfill 120 CY $19.00 $2,280 404 48"Catchbasins . 6 EA $1,891.00 $11,346 405 Temp. Detention Ponds/Control Structure 2 LS $1,902.50 $3,805 406 Tem . Detention Pond Excavations 1850 CY $6.30 $11,655 SubtotalL $127,116 Mobilization & Insurance 600 IMobilization, Bonding & Insurance 1 1 LS 1-$28,510,851 $28,511 Subtotal $28,511 Total Construction Costs $598,728 r Prepared by HKM Page 2 Appendix C —Insurance Certificate 1 ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID S DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) CASCA-1 06 03 08 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION First West, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE PO Box 1800 HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 1905 Stadium Dr ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Bozeman MT 59715 Phone: 406-587-5111 Fax:406-586-0271 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A Cincinnati Insurance Company INSURER B: Cascade Development, Inc. INSURERC: 1627 W. Main St. , #223 INSURER0: Bozeman MT 59715 INSURER E: ' COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 1Nb' LTR NSRAUU' TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY E /DDIYPIRA ) DATE MM/DD/YY DATE MM/DD/YY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CAP5882374 08/31/07 06/31/08 PREMISES Eaoccurence $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE FX]OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY S1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 GEML AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s2,000,000 X I POLICY PRO- LOC PRO- AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1 A ANY AUTO CAP5882374 08/31/07 08/31/08 (Ea accident) ,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) ' PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTOONLY-EAACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A X OCCUR [::]CLAIMSMADE CAP5882374 08/31/07 08/31/08 AGGREGATE $1,000,000 $ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $0 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND CRY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ If yes,describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ ' OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS It is understood and agreed that the certificate holder is an additional insured, but only in respects to liability rising out of the activities of the named insured. RE: General Liability for Phase IV West Winds Subdivision project ' CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION C I TYB15 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION ' DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL City of Bozeman IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER;ITS AGENTS OR PO BOX 1230 REPRESENTATIVES. Bozeman MT 59771-1230 ACORD 25(2001/08) DORATION 1988 1 i 1 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). ' If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend,extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 1 1 r ACORD 25(2001/08) 1 r � ' Appendix "D" -- Correspondence rr Sr. 1ence 1 1 1 r 1 r 1 1 1 r � r r r r r r r a rE N G I N E E R I N G May 21, 2008 920 Technology Boulevard Suite A r Rec. No. 045067.138 Bozeman,MT 59718 Phone: 406.586.8834 Fax: 406.586.1730 www.hkminc.com Andy Epple ww.hkminc.com r Planning Director City of Bozeman r P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: The Villas at West Winds Dear Andy: r Thank you for meeting with John, Lewis, and myself yesterday morning. As always we appreciate your time and input. The purpose of this letter is to verify the process that we intend to follow for permitting site plans and the proposed LDS church in the West rWinds community. Site Plans rAs you are aware we have recently received approval for the amended West Winds Final PUD, and we also have preliminary plat approval for all remaining phases of the project. r All preliminary plats were reviewed and approved with a concurrent construction requested in the application. rThe following applications/processes will be completed concurrently: ■ Engineering Reports and Approval—HKM has been working with the City Engineering Office (Sue Stodola) on the engineering reports for the improvements r within the public right-of-way and is very near final approval. The reports will be finalized and submitted to Engineering for approval. r • Civil Engineering Plans (checklist) -- HKM has also been working with Engineering on the civil plans for improvements within the public right-of-way r and will-submit the plans upon engineering report approval for approval under the checklist. r ■ Final Plat—With engineering report and civil plan approval, HKM will submit the Phase IV final plat application. The final plat application will include an improvement agreement for the bonding of all improvements. • Site Plan Review— Concurrent with the above tasks and under the concurrent construction section of the UDO, Cascade Development will submit site plan applications. The site plans will be reviewed under expedited review per your IBILUNGS.MONTANA BUTTE,MONTANA GREAT FALLS,MONTANA HELENA,MONTANA MILES CITY,MONTANA SHERIDAN,WYOMING LANDER.WYOMING 406.656.6399 406.723.8213 406.453.4085 406.442.0370 406.234.6666 307.672.9006 307.332.3285 Mr. Andy Epple ' May21, 2008 letter of April 28, 2008. As mentioned above, the site plan review will be concurrent with final plat review and it is anticipated that final plat will be approved and filed prior to final site plan approval. ■ Building Permits—Concurrent with the final plat and site plan reviews the water, sewer, storm and road improvements within the public right-of-way will be under construction based on the approved civil plans. The civil improvements for Phase ' IV are minimal so it is anticipated that the improvements will be completed and signed off near the same time as the site plan review is completed. With the final plat, site plan, and civil improvements complete, the projects should be able to go directly to the building permit review process. LDS Church Within the approved Amended West Winds PUD dated May 7, 2008, a "Community Center"parcel was added adjacent to Davis Lane. The community center parcel was specifically requested within the PUD amendment application,.addressed by the staff reports, and was added to the PUD to the graphics, land use tables and narrative. The community center parcel was fully reviewed under the amended PUD process. Therefore, ' the community center is a component of the West Winds PUD CUP and will not require a separate CUP. However, the site will require site plan review. Your written verification of the above processes would be appreciated. ' Sincerely, HKM Engineering rC h n-T Iitle, P.E. Senior Project Manager 1 rH:\04\S067138\0805201a5 Epple.doc ' 06/02/2008 11:42 40658*3 CITY OF BOMS PAGE 02/03 CITY OF BOZEMAN yx DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' C• ` Street address: Alfred M.Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406)582.2260 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2263 ♦r� Mailing address: P.O.Box 1230 E-mail:aepplc@bozeman.net CO. Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman_net June 2,2008 Clint Litle,P.E. Senior Project Manager HKM ENGINEERING 920 Technology Boulevard, Suite A Bozeman,MT 59718 RE: THE VILLAS AT WEST WINDS ' Dear Clint: I've reviewed your letter of May 21, 2008 and agree with all of the processes you describe in the five ' bulleted paragraphs" The only issue pertains to your fourth bullet point,where you state: "The site plans will be reviewed under expedited review per your letter of April 29, 2008." I need to point out that for this process to occur, the submitted site plans must be consistent with the approved prelimina,-y plat and Final PUD Plan, I raise this issu.c, as you can imagine, because I have determined that the informal site plan you have submitted for The Villas at West Winds is not consistent with the approved preliminary plat or Final PUD Plan for West Winds. I have also considered the informal remarks and suggestions made by DRC and DRB members regarding - The Villas, and have concluded that the subdivision and PUD design changes The Villas .represents are beyond what can be approved administratively. As such, I have determined that for The Villas to proceed as informally submitted, the preliminary plat and Final PUD Plan will need to be: formally reviewed and approved by the City Commission through new application processes for each. These processes will be expedited, as noted, but must be completed before we can entertain The Villas in. its current form. ' With regard to the LDS Church site, we agree that this site was reviewed and approved in the Final PUD, through a conditional use permit process, for use as a "community center" (definition of which ' includes churches). Accordingly, the LDS Church development plans will be reviewed through a simple Site Plan review process,without need for CUP review. There is one more item I should mention, Clint. That is, it appears the deal between the County and the City Fire Department / 911 Emergency Services Center is in jeopardy at this time. I just wanted. to .rcmind you that further final platting in West Winds is contingent on Fire Station 3 finding a home in the ' northwest quadrant of the City. planning • rondng • stthdivision review • annexation • h/storlc reservarion • hmv;ng • gram administration • nel hborhood corrdinorian p g 06/02/2008 11:42 4065820$3 CITY OF BOZENf PAGE 03/03 1 Mr. Clint Litle June 2,2008 Page 2 of 2 I hope this information is useful as you plan for the continued development of West Winds. If.you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. I'll hopefully be able to respond to you in a more timely manner than I have been able to do with this reposnse.. Bes Regards, dy Bpp ,Al Director Plannin and Community Development Cc: Lanette Windemaker, Contract Planner ' John Dunlap, West Winds Development Group 1 r1kRe 2 06/02/2008 11:42 406587�63 CITY OF BOZEte PAGE 01/03 CITY OF BOZEMAN ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DE\/E'OPMEN T Alfred M. Stiff ProTessionol Building Dhone 406-582-2260 20 Eost Olive Street fix d06.582-2263 2 Box 1 olonni ng@bozeman.net Bozemon,Montana 597?1.1230W-bowman.net ' FAX TRANSMITTAL (Page of ' Date: a ' Fax: From: P h 1 Re' V f 7��f tc7,'nt Massage: ' '%�[ , �.R � �//{ 1 vS - L��l 1 Pin 0�4 �� � s �Ca 0 � 1 1 oianninn zoninr•. ;L:p(iivi;inn nnnnvntior hi:Tori=oreservoiion hou-•in; nrpn-.;aminiswarion neio hborhoo: :�)nrdinwion ' 06/04/2008 08:23 406582 3 CITY OF BOZEMA6 PAGE 01 lsox CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G a Street address: Alfred M.Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406)582-2260 ' �t -'— a 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2263 Mailing address: P.O.Box 1230 E-mail: aepple(a�bozeman.net Bomman,Montana 59771-I230 World wide web: www.bozcman.net 1 June 3, 2008 1 Clint Litic,P.E. Senior Project Manager HKM ENGINEERING ' 920 Technology Boulevard, Suite A Bozeman., MT 59718 RE: WEST WINDS PUD AND CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT/911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ' Dear Clint: ' Regarding your letter dated today, thanks for the update. Chuck Winn provided me.with the same information this morning at our weekly staff meeting. I agree with your bullet points and conclude this matter is a non-issue at this time. Sony for causing you any anxiety. Let me know if you have an questions or need further information. any any ' Be Regards, 1 � . Andy Ep e,A ' Director f Planning and Community Development Cc: Lanette Windemaker, Contract Planner John Dunlap, West Winds Development Group ' planning • wninK 0 subdAlsionreview • attnemdon ■ his/o/icpresentation • hawing • grant adminlstrafio/n • neighhorhoodcoor&"afion Page 1 of 1 r;.u,Attachments can contain viruses that may harm your computer.Attachments may not display correctly. Lanette Windemaker From: Lanette Windemaker Sent: Wed 6/4/2008 3:37 PM To: Clint Litle;John Dunlap Cc: Andy Epple; Susan Stodola Subject: West Winds 4 Attachments: 1)WW4 IA concurrent construction.doc(63KB) D WW4 Hold Harmless Agree ment.doc(38KB) Clint= Your request for revised phasing is currently under review. I have recieved your letter regarding moving forward with current construction. Since West Winds is a PUD, it is are eligible to submit a Concurrent Construction Plan, as is described in 18.74.030.D.13 and was also described in Preliminary Plan Code Provision "a" below. a. Per Section 18.74.030.D, the applicant must submit twelve (12) copies of a Concurrent Construction Plan that addresses all aspects of this section to the Planning Department for DRC review and Planning Director approval before concurrent construction may be approved. I have forwarded the copy of the certificate of liablity insurance you provided to Tim Cooper for his review. I have attached the draft Hold Harmless Agreement and Improvements Agreement for Concurrent Construction. Please let me know if you see any corrections that need to be made to these documents at this time. Since the revised phasing has a significant impact on your proposed concurrent construction plan, it is not appropriate for DRC to review the concurrent construction plan until review of the revised phasing is complete, and the appropriate action taken on it. Once you have submitted the 12 required copies of the proposed concurrent construction plan, I will schedule it as soon as appropriate for DRC review. Also, your concurrent construction plan must include a copy of the proposed area under consideration since a change has been made to what is included within Phase 4. Lanette Windemaker, AICP Contract Planner 586-5266 http://mail.bozeman.net/exchange/lwindemaker/Proj ects/Westwinds/West%20 Winds%204.... 7/3/2008 ENGINEERING 920 Technology Boulevard Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.586.8834 Fax: 406.586.1730 June 2, 2008 www.hkminc.com Rec. No. 04S067.125 Lanette Windemaker P.O. Box 1230 Hand Delivered Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: West Winds Phase IV �� v Concurrent Construction 0 Dear Lanette: 1ppM�NT Z pp�NNWG pEPaRj`-3"AM PNp GOM_• �- The purpose of this letter is to move forward with the concurrent construction(18.74.030 (B )(1)(a.) UDO) for Phase IV Subdivision West Winds PUD. Current construction was requested with the preliminary plat application (Appendix SD-11). The following is an item by item response to 18.74.030 (B )(1)(a): 1. West winds is an approved Planned Unit Development; 2. The applicant agrees to enter into an improvement agreement and financially guarantee the improvements; 3. Applicant agrees to this condition. HKM is in the process of finalizing the engineering reports and plans for City and MDEQ approval; 4. Applicant agrees to this condition; 5. Attached is an insurance certificate for fire hazard and liability; 6. The applicant recognizes, acknowledges, and assumes the increased risk of loss because certain public services do not exist at the site; 7. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement; 8. The applicant agrees to no occupancy within Phase IV until the required infrastructure improvements have been completed and inspected, and accepted by the City and a certificate of occupancy has been issued; 9. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement; 10. The applicant agrees to enter into said agreement; 11. Applicant agrees to this condition; and 12. Applicant agrees to this condition. It would be greatly appreciated if you would move ahead as quickly as possible with scheduling the completion of the concurrent review process. BILLINGS,MONTANA BUTTE,MONTANA GREAT FALLS,MONTANA HELENA.MONTANA MILES CITY,MONTANA SHERIDAN.WYOMING LANDER,WYOMING 406.656.6399 406.723.8213 406.453.4085 406.442.0370 406.234.6666 307.672.9006 307.332.3285 Lanette Windemaker • June 2, 2008 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office at (406) 586-8834. Sincerely, HKM Engineering Clint itle, P.E. Senior Project Manager Cascade Development rt�, ! J hn D!nlap President H:\04\S067125\080529-LW Concurrent construction.doc ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID S DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) CASCA-1 06 03 08 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION First West, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE PO Box 1800 HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 1905 Stadium Dr ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Bozeman MT 59715 Phone: 406-587-5111 Fax:406-586-0271 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A. Cincinnati Insurance Company INSURER B: Cascade Develo men Inc. INSURERC: 1627 W. Main S� , ��23 INSURERD: Bozeman MT 59715 INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE MMIDD/YY DATE MM/DD/YY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CAP5882374 08/31/07 08/31/08 PREMISES Eaoccurence $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE X❑OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL BADVINJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s2,000,000 X I POLICY PRO- LOC JECT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A ANY AUTO CAP5882374 08/31/07 08/31/08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT(Ea accident) , ,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIREDAUTOS BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT '$ ANY AUTO EA ACC $ OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A NX OCCUR F—ICLAIMSMADE CAP5882374 08/31/07 08/31/08 AGGREGATE $1,000,000 $DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $O $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ If S EC IAL P yes,AL PROVISIONS below be under E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ SP OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS It is understood and agreed that the certificate holder is an additional insured, but only in respects to liability rising out of the activities of the named insured. RE: General Liability for Phase IV West Winds Subdivision project CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION C I TYB15 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL =0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL City of Bozeman IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR PO BOX 1230 REPRESENTATIVES. Bozeman MT 59771-1230 ACORD 25(2001/08) 'ORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies)must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25(2001/08)