HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300221631087464) `Z=©52t7 Bozeman $ T, tee.a PIID L .CHIP Southeast a Huf€inetPow per UD rn, .`.•, Mitchell Development ,Group ? August 22 -.20Q7 N . IV fi � j s � j� o i E 5. Ono Irl, Ono A- II�J yg� F tc� � V i 4Y OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HiAlfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 '•' 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 "' P.O. Box 1230 plann i ng@bozemon.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozemon.net August 2, 2007 Mitchell Development.Group, LLC P.O. Box 738 1315 8`.Avenue N. Great Falls, MT 59403 Jim Ullman Morrison-Maierle, Inc. 901 Technology Blvd. Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD 4Z-05217 Angled Parking Clarification The Department has reviewed your request for clarification on the eligibility of angled on street parking to satisfy requirements for site parking for commercial uses. Section 18.46.040 of the Bozeman Municipal (B.M.C.) clearly states that the number of parking spaces required shall be "off street." Harmon Stream Boulevard, Technology Boulevard, and S. 29`''Avenue are all public streets within dedicated right-of-way. Section 18.46 of the BMC does not allow on street parking to satisfy requirements for off street parking for commercial uses and as such, no on street parking, angled or otherwise shall count towards off street parking for commercial uses. Angled parking proposed through a site plan process that is included as part of a drive aisle that is not within a street right-of-way would be considered off street parking eligible to satisfy off street parking requirements for commercial uses if designed to meet the dimensional standards of 18.46.020 BMC. Respectfully, F Brian Krueger cc: Andy Epple, Planning Director Dave=Skelton1 Senior,Planner� planning zoning subdivision review annexation historic preservation housing grant administration • neighborhood coordination *1Y OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozemon.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net September 12, 2007 John Davidson Jim Ullman, Morrison-Maierle, Inc Mitchell Development Group,LLC P.O. Box 1113 1315 8`'Avenue N. 901 Technology Blvd Great Falls, MT 59403 Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. #Z-05217 Angled Parking Clarification Dear John and Jim, The City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development has considered your request for additional clarification on the eligibility of angled on street parking to satisfy requirements for site parking for commercial uses.Angled parking will be allowed to count towards off street parking within the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., subject to the following stipulations. 1. Only directly adjacent on street angled parking will be allowed to count towards a site parking calculation. The front width of the parking stall must abut the site property boundary in order to be eligible to satisfy the site's parking demand. 2. All site plan applicants within the Bozeman Gateway should submit an informal site plan application prior to submittal of a formal preliminary site plan application. The informal application shall include a calculation of the total parking spaces required and clearly delineate all parking stalls on street and on site that will be utilized to meet the parking requirements for the proposed building or buildings. Respectfully, c Brian Krueger Associate Planner cc: And),Epple, Planning Director Dave`Skelton;'Senio'r""Planner� Zoning File No. Z-05217 planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation historic preservation housing grant administration neighborhood coordination a , Memorandum CONM.JvTML Date: August 22, 2006 To: Andrew Epple—City of Bozeman Planning Director David Skelton—Senior Planner From: Mitchell Development Group, LLC—Ted Mitchell Subject: Residential Implementation Plan—Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. Southeast Comer Huffine&Fowler Avenue—Bozeman,MT. CC: Chris Kukulski, City Manager The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. encompasses a 72.2 acre parcel at the above location all of which is zoned B-2 Community Business District. The Bozeman Zoning Code states that "the intent of the B-2 district is to provide for a broad range of retail and service functions oriented to major arterial streets". Additionally, this particular zoning district allows fir the incorporation of a residential element. Accordingly, we are pleased to present the residential component herewith and excited about the possible opportunity to include residential units into the project. The conceptual residential component for the Gateway project would be comprised of two (2) separate elements within the core of the development as illustrated on the enclosed plans, aerials and elevations. They are as follows: 1.) Apartment and/or condominiums above the first floor of the "Life Style" Center A acent the southern edge of Technology Boulevard. 2.) Two (2) multi-storied residential structures situated along the northern perimeter of Garfield Street. The apartment and/or condominium units within the Life Style portion of the project would conceivably be made up of a second (2°d) story (or possibly a 3`d) above the first floor retail uses. Mitchell Development Group, LLC (MDG) estimates that there would 1 4b total 25 —30 units per floor ranging from 750 — 850 square feet. Of importance is that the apartments or condos would be contingent upon the construction and occupancy of the retail portion of the Life Style Center. The illustration enclosed is similar to a rendering we previously displayed. We have always desired to include residences above the Life Style Center. The original version has been modified by adding balconies. Regarding the two (2) multi-storied residential facilities, enclosed are conceptual drawings of a potential site configuration, building elevations and unit floor plans along with a decked parking structure. Each facility would offer 1s1 floor covered parking along with six (6) additional floors with approximately 72 residential units ranging from 1,000 to 3,380 square feet. Construction timing is obviously contingent upon market demand, among other things. We ask that you retain this information on file in confidence due to its conceptual nature. This submittal satisfies the requirement of disputed condition#39 from the December 12, 2005 Bozeman City Commission meeting concerning the Conditional Use Permit for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision Preliminary P.U.D. Plan. Said condition reads as follows: "That the applicant submit an implementation plan for a residential component of seventy (70) or more residential dwelling units with a substantial number of dwelling units located in the core of the development prior to review and approval of Phase 2." As noted above, MDG disputes the content of condition #39 as set out in our formal written response to the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. zoning conditions. The actual Bozeman City Commission motion eliminated any project phasing restriction issue and instead addressed a height relaxation request. With this submittal NMG does in no way withdraw its dispute of condition#39. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 2 • AGENDA • DESIGN REVIEW BOARD UPSTAIRS CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2006 5:30 P.M. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE ITEM 2. MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 2006 ITEM 3. PROJECT REVIEW A. N. 19TH Retail Center Informal I-06011 (Kozub) NW intersection of North 19`h Avenue and Tschache Lane. * An Informal Review of a Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness that would allow the construction of a new 7,126 square foot retail/office with a drive-through facility. The site is zoned M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) but was approved for expanded uses in with the StoneRidge Planned Unit Development. B. Haggerty Cottages Informal I-06009 (Skelton) Haggerty Lane, Southeast of Comstock Apartments * An informal review to allow the development of 25-30 single family detached homes affordably priced to working families located on tract 4A of minor subdivision 162C zoned R-0 (Residential Office) District. C. Morrison-Mairele Office Bldg. Informal I-06010 (Skelton) Technology Blvd. * An informal review to allow the construction of Bozeman Office Building on designated lots 1-8 of Block 7, Phase 5, The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD, situated in NW '/azoned B2 (Community Business) District ITEM 4. PUBLIC COMMENT—(15 —20 minutes) (Limited to any public matter, within the jurisdiction of the Design Review Board,not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.) ITEM 5. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance,please contact ADA Coordinator,Ron Brey,at 582-2306(voice)or 582-2301 (TDD). &PAOR YF BOZEMAN EJ TMENT OF PLANNING ANWOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net MCI Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net MEMORANDUM TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: DAVE SKELTON SENIOR PLANNER RE: MORRISON-MAIERLE OFFICE BUILDING—INFORMAL REVIEW BOZEMAN GATEWAY SUBDIVISION P.U.D. DATE: MAY 8,2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT LOCATION: Morrison-Maierle, Inc., has made application for informal review of a two-story 39,290 sq. ft. office building situated in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. located along the West Main Street entryway corridor and south of the Gallatin Valley mall. BACKGROUND & PROPOSAL: The developer of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C., has recently received Final PUD Plan approval for the mixed-use planned unit development that includes approval of the Development Manual. The manual contains the architectural and landscape guidelines what will implement the developer's concept of the lifestyle center. Each individual site plan review project within this development will be evaluated against the Bozeman Design Objectives Plan, as well as the Development Manual. The informal application submitted by Morrison-Maierle, is the first proposal to be evaluated against the approved Development Manual. The site proposed for the office headquarters of Morrison-Maierle, Inc., is located in phase tree of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., which is designated for development as professional offices along the east region of the development. The Development Manual overview of this category states that the aesthetics of the buildings will incorporate the architectural vocabulary as described in the manual, however, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. STAFF COMMENTS: The Planning Office has reviewed the application for an Informal Review; and as a result offer the following comments. Relationship to Lifestyle Center.- The proposal is situated to the east of the lifestyle center node but still fronts onto the "main street" of the center (i.e., Technology Boulevard). The Manual planning - zoning - subdivision review . annexation - historic preservation - housing - grant administration - neighborhood r�nnrrlinrr#inn 1�0�1"1-.'I `�rl'E ��!������-/1 �J 5� ���� �log-�?/�l_ �'4��� OY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net MEMORANDUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: DAVE SKELTON, SENIOR PLANNER RE: BOZEMAN GATEWAY SUBDIVISION P.U.D. FINAL PUD PLAN REVIEW ZONING APPLICATION 4Z-05217 DATE: APRIL 12,2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attached please find the final Development Manual for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue, immediately south of the Gallatin Valley Mall. This manual is being delivered to you, two weeks in advance of the April 26 meeting of the D.R.B. and will be listed on the agenda as a Consent Agenda item. The City Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit application for said project on December 12, 2005 with the following condition: "Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. the applicant shall obtain Final P.U.D. approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final P.U.D. Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the City Commission, Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) of the subdivision." Based on the above condition, both the Planning Office and D.R.B. must approve the Development Manual prior to Final P.U.D. Plan approval by the Planning Director. On February 8, 2006 the D.R.B. reviewed a preliminary draft of the Development Manual addressing the conditions of approval with the applicant. Since that meeting the applicant has updated the Manual to address those items identified during the meeting. Staff has included with this cover memorandum a copy of the applicant's approval letter outlining all of the conditions of approval. The applicant has provided a written narrative addressing the conditions of approval and where in the Development Manual the conditions are discussed. Keep in mind that this document is a tool to review each specific development proposal within the planned unit development. It does not exempt the D.R.B. from addressing other matters that may arise during site plan review of each planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination individual projects that wetot anticipated during the initial revie0f the project. The Development Manual is a commitment on the part of the developer to follow through with the concept of the Bozeman Gateway as discussed in the introduction of the manual. Architectural Guidelines - The applicant has addressed the remaining issues related to the architectural guidelines as outlined in the conditions of approval by the City Commission. Said revisions to the document also include those items discussed at the last meeting of the D.R.B. on this project. Staff has concluded that adequate language is provided in the document to address any related matters to the architectural guidelines, as well as drive-thru facilities, use of synthetic materials, back of structures fronting onto the streetscape,plazas and public places along the streetscape,etc.,etc. Landscape Plan - The applicant, with the assistance of staff and Elissa Van Zorva have been working diligently with the Montana Department of Transportation and NorthWestern Energy to finalize a landscape plan that will avoid any potential conflicts with the existing utilities along Huffine Lane. The exhibits provided in the back of the Development Manual generally address the issues identified by both agencies and will be finalized upon submitting the final landscape plan to proceed with installation of site related improvements during the initial phase. Common SignaPee Plan- The applicant has modified the common signage plan for the project to comply with the Unified Development Ordinance, in-lieu of requesting further relaxations to the Ordinance at this time (i.e.., twin towers on page 52). Staff has reviewed the exhibits included in the Development Manual, in particular pages 50-51, and found the proposal to comply with the U.D.O. However, this does not exclude the applicant from requesting further relaxations to the Sign Ordinance of the U.D.O. if they so choose. Staff has advised the applicant of support of the proposed monument signs illustrated on page 52; however, in order to achieve this the applicant must request a variance to the U.D.O., as it was not part of the original application. A Consent Agenda item allows the D.R.B. to consider the proposal and recommendations of staff prior to the regular scheduled meeting on said matter. If the advisory body is in concurrence with staff and finds said application acceptable, with recommendations provided by staff, the D.R.B. may automatically approve the proposal with no discussion before the body as part of the Consent Agenda. The only action required of the D.R.B. is to formally approve the Consent Agenda items as listed on the D.R.B. agenda. Based on the final draft of the Development Manual for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., the Planning Office approves the document as submitted and recommends to the D.R.B. approval as submitted. Should you have any questions on the Development Manual, or the Bozeman Gateway project in general, that staff may assist you with in advance of the April 26`h meeting in order to keep it on the Consent Agenda, don't hesitate to contact the Planning Office. Should you feel the need to pull this item from the Consent Agenda, please contact the staff in advance of the meeting, so the applicant may attend the meeting. DS/dps cc: Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C., 1315 81h Avenue N., Great Falls, MT 59401 Carter & Burgess Consultants,Inc., 1420 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 800,Dallas,TX 75247 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771 Zoning File No. Z-05217 Page 2 r �.,R- }� IL,, r � �.;yf- j4`4y'i.� '�R `„ .-I! � �Gj �S ,._ �1.�� ��q 4 ,� � s Y _ �• .��� r � , `a =t 't:`� ,•. F �- �' '+fryw- '�c -5'i,'ts.t'e ��� - •�..! 1;• 'F:r ,,,.._ p wit• -`�,,,s ,.s�.Y a .tr ,xRIP lip, f x` •t` jay ,f IT--•i;,}'v. ,,;»l •'1$,, �a>v�,.�.,;� tiw•�.;� Via•� tr..iqy y�. ,..�r..p_'�fa v 6pl r.:" s+� xs... lrJ. f' :tiji l� y !' F • 7 '-i: .t "� ► '% -0 -'^' .�E ....;. R�':+r.,, _ y .�'.a. I•- i' .{'t t f• '1�"1 .1i. ..Ir i� S,•1�. '�: ..�. •;,, i;;� y,c. ';�t2�'�• �■'� �'^• Y.r ��foJ:� ,a�°• �,c 'j. �: ..�•♦�S, .. - `:A.�-'(q.•��n,a,ri '�'_ ;�l&. t .✓.'c,j .,��� ^h'i�:;.i{ •!•.'R - • `�iP` .■.:\Y�Ms,.ri4 _ - i _� - I�.j.d..j" ,t.R l' -�,. 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WOW Ella jl-j� 5RDa09 �� 4 • A r � as r r f X ri ,. _i� i� �! �.. � � � + �__.. ��� � � . �, �� � ,� � � � 7 �"�' •r� � � �'' e� A o o � � �` �r � y �� � � � � � � � `�- � .� .. r t� pECEOVE APR 0 5 2006 • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 1tchell AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Development Group commercial real estate development P.O.Box 738,Great Fails,MT 59403 Ph.406-76-4400 Fax 406-761-4401 April 5, 2006 City of Bozeman Department of Planning& Community Development 20 East Olive Street P. 0. Box 1.230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Re: The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD—Zoning application # Z-05217 Dear Sir: The enclosed Development Manual for the captioned project contains a number of illustrations of conceptual lighting and signage designs which may not specifically comply with the published City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Please be advised that all project lighting and signage shall comply with the aforementioned UDO unless a deviation and/or variance is requested and granted by the appropriate City of Bozeman governmental authority. Sincerely, Mitchell Development Group,LLC f� Ted Mitchell Operating Manager ITY OF BOZEMAN 0 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net Apri13, 2006 Ted Mitchell Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. P.O. Box 738 Great Falls,MT 59403 Jim Ulman Morrison-Maierle, Inc. 901 Technology Boulevard P.O. Box 1113 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PXD.—Common Signage Plan Zoning Application #Z-05217 Dear Ted, The City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development has reviewed your conceptual common signage plan for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., submitted on March 29, 2006 and as a result, offer the following comments for your consideration. The purpose of a common signage plan for a multi-tenant complex is to recognize the relationship between adjoining uses and general context of the signage with respect to natural features, views, proximity of residential uses, orientation to pedestrian activity, and other important aspects that can shape the nature of sign design. Rather than compete with the multi-tenant planned unit development in itself, the common signage plan should compliment the development by setting the tone and quality of the project. It should serve as tool to welcome patrons to the project by identifying the location of the project along the entryway corridor into the community. Rather than possible distraction to passing automobiles and pedestrians, it should only identify the project and its principle entrances into the— complex. For these reasons, the placement and location of all signs is perhaps the most critical factor in maintaining the order and integrity of the commercial complex. As a result, the over use of signage along the entry way corridor is not desired. Chapter 18.52 "Signs" of the Unified Development Ordinance ( J.D.O.) outlines the amount of signage for multi-tenant complexes with more than 100,000 square feet of ground floor area (18.52.090). Said section of the ordinance discusses the type, size, area and limitations for"pole-style" and "low-profile" signs. You should review the definitions for "pole-style" signs (18.80.2306) and "low-profile" signs (18.80.1740) before finalizing the common signage plan for said development. Any reference to a pylon sign is not correct for consideration and review against the ordinance. dannina • zonina . subdivision review . annexation • historic preservation . housina • arant administration 9 nei.ahborhood ' • • Section 18.52.100 allows one pole-style sign per street frontage. One low-profile sign is permitted at each secondary entrance of the complex. The development would be allowed three(3) pole-style signs (i.e., Huffine Lane, Fowler Street, and West Garfield Street), one sign along each street frontage. Two of those signs might be located at the principle entry from Huffine Lane at the intersection of Harmon Stream Boulevard by removing a pole-style sign from Fowler Avenue as part of a relaxation to the U.D.O. A third pole-style sign would be allowed along the West Garfield Street frontage. Four (4) low-profile signs would be allowed at the intersection as follows: 1) West College Street/Chronicle Lane, 2) West Garfield Street/Chronicle Lane, 3) Fowler Avenue/Technology Boulevard, 4) Fowler Avenue/Huffine Lane. By definition, all of the signs proposed by this development would be considered"low-profile" signs and therefore will require a deviation and/or variance to the U.D.O. General Design of Common SiMge Plan: The use of an flame as part of the signage plan would not comply with the lighting ordinance or dark sky ordinance, nor is it in the best interest of the welfare and safety of the general public. It also discourages any contribution to the overall reduction of energy use by the project (i.e., Section 18.36.090.E.2(4). The design does not reflect the more common architectural features depicted throughout the Development Manual, does not mirror the elements of historic Bozeman and craftsman style, or the use of rough materials and field stone. It does not resemble the architecture and culture of the community nor does it advocate a "gateway" into Bozeman. For these reasons the Planning Office would be unable to forward a favorable recommendation on the design. Any aspect of the common signage plan (i.e.., height, area, dimensions) that exceeds a maximum of 20% of what is allowed under Chapter 18.52 requires a variance to the Unified Development Ordinance. The majority of the signs illustrated in the conceptual signage plan would require a variance, not a deviation to the U.D.O. In determining the allowable height of a sign, any part of the sign or architectural feature that is included in the proposed sign(s) must comply with the allowable height of the ordinance. The signage plan should verify the placement of all signs to make sure they are outside of the street vision triangle at all entrances into the planned unit development. Any method of illumination should also be noted in the common signage plan, as well as the actual use and type of materials that will part of the signage master plan. This may require a written narrative as part of the Development Manual. Informational and Map Display Sign: The information signs depicted on the conceptual plan would generally comply with the intent of the conditions of zoning approval. However, use similar materials to what depicted in the Development Manual (i.e., cultural stone, timbers, architectural details similar to exhibits throughout the manual). Pedestrian Directional Sign: This not a directional sign! The exhibit does not comply with Section 18.52.050.B of the U.D.O. Light Pole Banners: The lights illustrated in the this exhibit do not comply with the U.D.O., it is no different that the light fixtures required with off-street parking lots. There are number of exhibits throughout the manual that depict this fixture. All fixtures must comply with the two fixtures illustrated in the manual and approved by staff. Vehicular Directional Sign: This is not a directional sign, read Section 18.52.050.B.6. If it contains tenant identification information and exceeds a height of five (5) feet, then it is signage other that directional. No part of the sign may exceed a height of five (5) feet. Any type of gas flame proposed with the sign would not be supported by the Planning Staff. Entry Pylon: By definition this is a monument sign because it does not provide a minimum of eight (8) feet of visible, vertical clearance between the bottom of the sign and finished grade (Section 18.80.2360). It exceeds the allowable height (5 feet) and allowable area (32 square feet) for a monument sign. The project identification signage (i.e., The Bozeman Gateway) is exempt as long as the proportions, font and area occupied by the lettering are proportionate to the signage. The proposal for any type of physical flame is not supported by staff. In order to meet the deadline date of Wednesday, April 19, 2006 before the Design Review Board you will need to submit the drafts of the final Development Plan to the Planning Office by no later than Wednesday, April 5, 2006. Staff only requires seven (7) copies of the manual for final PUD Plan Review approval, however, there are eleven (11) members of the D.R.B. The extra copies may be returned to you for use in meeting with future tenants for the project. The Development Manual will need to include the revised landscape plan and modified exhibits discussed with Jim Ulman on Thursday, March 30, 2006. Because there are a number of illustrations still in the Development Manual that do not comply with the U.D.O. in terms of lighting and signage, please submit with the manual a cover letter stating that all lighting and signage will comply with the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance unless a deviation and/or variance is granted by the City Commission. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Planning Office. Respectfully, David P. Skelton Senior Planner DS/dps cc: Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C., 1315 8 h Avenue N., Great Falls, MT 59401 Carter&Burgess Consultants, Inc., 201 North Charles St., 91'Floor, Baltimore, MY 21201 Morrison-Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman,MT 59771 Andy Epple, Planning Director Vicki Hasler, Code Compliance Officer Zoning File No. Z-05217 0 • Page 1 of 3 Dave Skelton From: Dave Skelton Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:24 AM To: 'Jolene Rieck'; 'Sweet Pea' Cc: Ted Mitchell; Jim A. Ullman; Andy Epple; Eric Bell Subject: RE: Meeting Importance: High Jolene, Thank you for your comments, I think we are going down the right track here and we believe it will all work out. However, the Planning Office does not "tinker" with projects of this size and magnitude along a principle entryway corridor in our community. These are major issues that need to be resolved here because of the existing infrastructure and utilities in what was suppose to be reserved for open space. Instead of requiring the developer to provide additional open space along Huffine Lane with a wider corridor because of the power poles and underground utilities, which was a big point of discussion early in the review process with Ted,John and Greg, staff agreed to work with the Bozeman Gateway Team to resolve the issues and have an effective entryway corridor with the desired landscape features. As a result, this is a important issue that must be addressed. Staff will want Rob Bukvich, Chuck Busta, Elissa, Andy Epple and myself to look at what your putting together before it goes into the Development Manual. As far as an April 5t` deadline to the DRB, this is the first we have heard of this with exception of Jim Ulman mentioning yesterday that he was going to turn something in later this week and how many copies we wanted for DRB. I did not realize that anything was being turned in for the DRB review as the final document. The Development Manual will need to include these reduced exhibits, once they have been approved by staff. More importantly, the common signage plan has still not been resolved and as long as we continue to look at a signage proposal that does not comply with the U.D.O. and shows exhibits and drawings that do not comply with the U.D.O., we do not want them in the Development Manual. The only signage exhibit that we are `considering'to be allowed to remain in the manual is the present double towers at Harmon Stream Boulevard --- but with the understanding that they still need a relaxation to the U.D.O. If they do not receive the relaxation, it must be reduce to comply with the ordinance. They currently far exceed the allowable height for a free-standing sign. Andy and I have discussed this at length and we will follow up with a formal letter to Ted tomorrow. As far as the new signage plan --- staff reviewed the proposal at our staff meeting last week and are not supportive of the proposal, either in terms of design or exceeding the dimension 4/4/2006 Page 2 of 3 (restrictions (i.e... height ar area). I believe Elissa made the same comment last week that the common signage plan should continue to mttror the concept illustrated in the formal application, and the rest of the DRB will probably agree. Based on these comments, the Planning Office DOES NOT WANT ANY MORE COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE STAFF AND DRB AS THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT MANUAL UNTIL THE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND COMMON SIGNAGE PLAN HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED, REVIEWED,AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING OFFICE. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. OUR GOAL ALL ALONG IS TO SUBMIT THIS TO THE DRB AS A CONSENT AGENDA ITEM SO IT DOES NOT REQUIRE A LONG MEETING, ONCE STAFF HAS FOUND IT ACCEPTABLE. Respectfully, David P. Skelton Senior Planner City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. Phone: (406) 582-2260 Fax: (406) 582-2263 E-Mail: dskelton a bozeman.net The Department of Planning and Community Development is currently short staff members while making every effort to keep pace with development in the community. The Planning Office respectfully requests your patience with staff responding to a-mails in a timely manner, which may take 24-48 hours to reply. Over-the-counter, walk-in questions or informal meetings with staff will not be possible, unless proper arrangements have been made in advance. -----Original Message----- From: Jolene Rieck [mailto:jolene@peakstoplains.com] Sent:Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:40 AM To: Dave Skelton; 'Sweet Pea' Cc: Ted Mitchell; Jim A. Ullman Subject: RE: Meeting Dear Dave: I have completed the landscape plans this morning in accordance with our discussions with MDT and Northwestern Energy officials from yesterday. I cannot continue to"tinker"with the plans any more as Mitchell Development needs to run copies for the DRB meeting on Wednesday and in order for you to have them early enough as previously requested. I am flying out of town at NOON today and will not be back until Tuesday. Any requested changes to the plans at this point cannot be done. I strongly feel that we have collaborated as a cohesive group (City, Developer, MDT, DRB) in a well-done and professional manner to create an aesthetically pleasing landscape frontage along Huffine Lane taking into account the technical constraints of utilities, right-of-way and other features affecting the open space area. 4/4/2006 ❑ � • ❑ MOMSON ❑® MMERLE,INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL An Employee-Owned Company 901 Technology Blvd. Date: March 6 2006 P.O. Box1113 IECE � v Bozeman, MT 59771 D Job No.: 3638.003 EMAR 0 7 2006 Phone: (406) 587-0721 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING FAX: (406) 587-5238 Attention: Dave Skelton AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: The Bozeman Gateway— Development Manual TO: Dave Skelton City of Bozeman Planning Department P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 We are sending you the following items: ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Change Order ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Contract Documents ❑ Pay Request ❑ Addendum ® Other: Copies Date No. Description 1 3-06-06 Development Manual 1 3-03-06 Memorandum—Carter-Burgess (Eric Bell) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ No exceptions taken ❑ Submit specified item ® For your use ❑ Make corrections noted ❑ Prints returned after loan to us ❑ As requested ❑ Revise and resubmit ❑❑ For your files ® For review and comments ❑ Rejected REMARKS: Dave, here is the revised Development Manual with the changes as outlined in Eric Bell's Memorandum for your review. If you should have any questions don't hesitate to contact me or Ted Mitchell. Copy to: File Signed: tom- W44--,- If enclosures are not as noted, please advise. 1420 W. Mockingbird, #800 Car' ternBurgess Dallas, Texas 75247 214-920-8100 Pbone 214-688-0618 Fax MEMORANDUM DATE: March 3, 2006 TO: BOZEMAN TEAM FROM: Eric Bell,Carter&Burgess SUBJECT: Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Zoning Application No.Z-05217 Below is a response to all DRB and Staff comments received through Dave Skelton and where a response can be found in the development manual. Commission Report - November 28t", 2005 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary PUD Plan and final approval of the Final PUD Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the PUD. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Added to Page 6, exact verbiage 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD the applicant shall obtain Final PUD approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final PUD Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty(30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s)of the subdivision. Nothing to add to Development Manual 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase 1 of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Added to Page 11, exact verbiage 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. Existing on Pages 28 and 29, Existing on Page 44 and 50 Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 2 of 12 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50% of the lots are sold. Thereafter, the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance (Section 18.50.110 ). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type H Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type I and Type 11, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Existing on Page 71 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site design for review and approval with the Final PUD Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. Added to Page 44, Transit Stop Plan 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and US Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Added to Page 65 s., exact verbiage Added to Page 64 m., exact verbiage Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor,Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. Added to Page 85, exact verbiage 9. Commercial and retail drive-thru's and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances, plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue,a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor,preferably at the northwest corner of the building. Existing on Page 87 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the r Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 3 of 12 facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan; and if so, will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. Existing on Page 75 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor,resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s) of the major subdivision. Existing on Page 75 13. The water features along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The PUD Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25% slope. Added to Page 20 5.b.and Page 55 g 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors, two public trails within the north off-street parking lot, and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and D.R.B. for approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor,flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify"river rock"or equal in the landscape plan. Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1,or 25% slope. Added to Page 75 f.,exact verbiage Added to Page 55h., exact verbiage 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20% change in vertical height between each module; change roof form; change in articulation. Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 4 of 12 The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the fagade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said criteria. Added to Page 94.a.c 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street) and through the use of illustrations illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the "lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. Existing on Page 85 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25% of any of the building facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97, last bullet point 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. Added to Page 85, Yd paragraph,2nd sentence, exact verbiage 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering, accurate color palette, and materials sample board specific to said project Dave asked that this exact verbiage be removed from the development manual in the February f;2006 revisions. 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. Existing on Page 87 and Page 97 i 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used throughout the project shall be reviewed and approved Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 5 of 12 by the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff as part of the Final PUD Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 85 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. Existing on Page 95 f 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the D.R.B. and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. Added on Page 85, 2"d paragraph, exact verbiage 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the building(s) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette and awnings over,the doors on the rear or back elevations. Existing on Page 90 f 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized,or similarly darker frames,in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. Existing on Page 99 c 28. Sconce lights and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and L.E.D. lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e., backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. Added on Page 114 in 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage 30. Those areas of the building fagade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern,relief and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Added on Page 97,last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point • Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 6 of 12 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s) shall be provided in the final development guidelines. Existing on Page 28 and 29 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 73 a. 33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type"box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style,relief and compatibility. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this PUD This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase 4 will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18' by 18' public area with benches, pavers and landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet,exclusive of the 18' by 18' public area. Existing on Page 61,Parking Lot Seating Area 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit development that ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the PUD. The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to comply with the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas are to be held in common ownership by the property owners' association for use by the general public. Existing on Page 30 a Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 7 of 12 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. Existing on Page 49 h 38. The City of Bozeman shall be third party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning PUD Preliminary Plan. Issue was addressed in Jim Ullman's Zoning Condition Response, "The Applicant wishes to clarify that the City of Bozeman shall separately approve (rather than be a partylsignatory to) any such modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway. 39. All building mounted and pole mounted lights shall meet the cut off shield requirements outlined in the UDO, unless a relaxation is granted by the City Commission. Existing on Page 49 f Comments on the Development Manual — February 1, 2006 Chapter 1 Introduction: Section C (page 10) — Review of the main street corridor calls for a wider sidewalk between the buildings and on-street parking spaces. Subdivision review discussed the sidewalk being 12-feet wide and defined as that area between the on-street parking and the required 7-foot setback from the property line for all structures. This should be included in the Development Manual to assist with defining the main street for the lifestyle center. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section Chapter 11 Site Development Standards: Section A.5 (page20) — Site maintenance and grading, particularly in open space corridors, stream .corridors and entryway corridors, the minimum allowable grading for landscaped features is 4:1, or 25% slope. It should be made clear what areas may be 3:1, or 33% slope, please provide an example of what you're talking about here. Landscaped areas are limited to 4:1, or 25% slope. See Section 15 - Grading on page 12 of staff report. Added on Page 20 5. b Section B.Ld (page 23) — view of drive-thru facilities should also apply to Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. Added on Page 23 d Section B.Ld (page 24) — Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(2) of the U.D.O. calls for a minimum width of 16 feet for one-way drive aisles. Added on Page 24 h Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 8 of 12 Section BA.c (page 28-29) —The exhibit on page 28 does not show sidewalks, or "walkways", on both sides of Technology Boulevard as in intersects with Fowler Avenue. If this is the main street for the "lifestyle" center sidewalks must be on both sides and is required by the U.D.O. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section at Building Section B.6 - Snow Clearing (page 31) — if the plan is to have shared parking throughout the development, it is going to be impossible to oversize lots to address snow storage. Probably need language about provisions for snow removal from the site. Otherwise, this language will be an issue during site plan review for each project. Changed the text on Page 31 Section D—Green Space (page 44) —The location of the transit stop is a workable location. The issue is having adequate width for two-way traffic and the ability to provide a pull-out area for buses. May, or may not be an issue. The detail is good start, but better attention needs to be given to it in the Manual. Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Section E.l —Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) —The second light fixture does not comply with the U.D.O. and would need a variance (i.e., exposed lens and bulb). There also is no discussion about pedestrian lighting, particularly along the trail corridors within the interior of the development (i.e., bollard lighting). Added on Page 49, Parking Lot Light Fixture Examples Section E.l.a — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Lighting fixtures, both street and parking lot fixtures and poles, can not exceed a height of 20 feet. Added on 49 a., exact verbiage Section E.l.b — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Parking lot light illumination may not exceed 0.2 foot candles. Only accent lighting of building entrances may be an average of 5.0 foot candles. Added on 49 b., exact verbiage Section E— Site Signage (page 50) —For the record all pylon signs must be setback from the property line and not in the public right-of-way. The exhibit suggests that this is possible. Only one pylon sign is permitted on each street frontage, basically three. Exhibit on page 50 needs to identify the three signs. Added on 50,revised map Nine monument signs to identify the project is not feasible, three pylon signs at the main entrances and six monument signs at the street intersections is feasible. You will need to modify the exhibit accordingly. A common signage plan, depicting design, dimensions, height, materials and method of illumination for the pylon and monument signs must be provided. Are the signs in the exhibit on page 51 pylon signs, or monument signs? By the U.D.O. monument signs may not exceed a height of 5 feet. Just need to get this squared away on what you're calling monument signs. Added on Page 50,revised map Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 9 of 12 Section E.2.g and E.2.h — Site Lighting and Signage (page 52) — The common signage plan needs to define the design, materials dimensions, etc., etc. This could suggest that a tenant may have their own pylon sign, which is not correct. A project identification pylon sign may have tenant space on it, but tenants may not have their own pylon sign (i.e., supermarket). Replace the exhibits on page 52, or incorporate the design of the project identification signs for Bozeman Gateway to illustrate on the design mirrors the present quality and design. Sign design will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Section F.2.g — Utilities, Grading and Drainage (page 55) — Max slope is 4:1, or 25%, if its not hardscape. All landscape features, required yards, parking lot landscape, storm water facilities must be 25% slope. Provide an example of what you're talking about. Added on 55 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#16 Chapter III Landscape Design Standards: Section A—Overview (page 60) - The exhibit needs to illustrate staff s discussions with the landscape designer to include the formal spacing of boulevard trees along the entryway corridor. The Landscape Plan will reflect the same design, but expand on the landscape features in proximity to trails, ponds, over poles, and utilities. Master Landscape plan will be added to the Development Manual upon its completion. Section A—Overview (page 61)—Great detail of the landscape island in the parking area. N/A Section B.Lm — Vegetation (page 64) — Shade trees "shall' be a minimum of 2" caliper, not "should" be of 2"caliper. Added on 64 m., exact verbiage Section C.5 and 6 — Hardscape (page 71) — Will need to verify specifications with City parks department to comply with their trail specifications. Added on 71 Section c.8—Planters (page 73)—Good! N/A Section D—Storm Water Facilities (page 75)—Good! N/A Section E — Maintenance (page 77) — Make sure to add a section that discusses the location and placement of wells and associated mechanical equipment that are screened from the generally public and not an eyesore. Note that placement will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. Added to Page 32 g., exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 10 of 12 Chapter IV Building Design Standards: Section B —Building Exterior (page 93 and 94)—There is an approved building height of up to 65 feet for the entire project, no higher. Added on 93under Office-Professional Section B — Building Exterior (page 99) — Condition #19 of the C.U.P. approval states that not more than 25% of any building fagade shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97 last bullet point Section B.g—Building Exterior (page 103) - Strike this section it does not comply with condition#29. A translucent or transparent awning does not have to be back lit to be obtrusive. The illumination from the store front could cause enough illumination in itself to be make the awning appear to "hover" at night, be obtrusive, or become a distraction. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#29 Section D.1 — Building Lighting (page 114) — This section is acceptable as long as it states that "no neon tube or LED lighting, or similar lighting, may be used unless it is used as an architectural feature as a indirect backwash to the building fagade. Said lighting and fixture will not be visible from the adjoining street, or sidewalk by the pedestrian passerby." Also include the reference to exposed, unshielded lighting. Added on Page 114 m Section E — Building Signage — Internally Illuminated, Fully Integrated Cabinet Signs (page 121) — Include the language required in condition #33 of C.U.P. approval that discusses three-dimensional component with a sense of architectural relief. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#33 V. Review Procedures: DA—Final Review (page 142)—Just state that applicant will submit to the City of Bozeman a site plan review application in the accordance with the COB U.D.O. for review and approval by the applicable review agency. Point being that the City of Bozeman could look at it if a variance or deviation is requested,or a modification to the PUD. Added on Page 142 Comments on the Development Manual - February 11, 2006 Condition#7 -A conceptual lean of the transit stop in relation to the street, boulevard sidewalk and open space corridor should be provided in the Manual. For purposes of infrastructure and street construction the type of transit stop should be determined at this time (i.e..,pullout lane?). Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Condition#8 -The landscape plans do not illustrate the regular spacing of boulevard trees and must be revised accordingly. Staff could not find the language in the manual that talks about: "street character along the West Main Street entry corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for • • Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 11 of 12 architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center"conceit." Added to Page 85, exact verbiage Condition#9 -This condition specifically states "commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape." Include this specific language in the manual on page 23, word for word. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage Condition #10 - Please identify in the Manual were the language in this condition is specifically provided. Existing on Page 87 Condition#13 - Clearly state on page 55 where you plan to use a slope of 3:1, or 33%. Added to Page 20 5.b. and Page 55 g Condition #14 - Items addressing this condition and what is expected with the Landscape Plan is addressed in the letter to Jolene Rieck dated February 10, 2006. No one on the team has received this letter. A request for a copy of this letter was made in an email set to Dave on February 14,2006. Condition #15 - Where does the manual contain the following language: "The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of"pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel or less All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock" or equal in the landscape plan." The letter to Jolene Rieck also requested a series of typical landscape features to be included in the manual that will be installed throughout the development." Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage Condition #19 - The D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff agreed that the term "synthetic surface" applied to only the artificial types know as "Dryvit", "E.I.F.S.", or similar. Please language on page 99 accordingly. Added to Page 97, last bullet point. Condition#20- See comments already provided in the D.R.B. memo dated February 1, 2006. Added to Page 85, 3'd paragraph,2"d sentence, exact verbiage Condition #25 - Where does the manual talk about - "All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual." This language needs to be included in the manual and the exhibit on page 98 only touches on aspects of this condition. Added on Page 85, 2nd paragraph, exact verbiage Condition#28 - This has already been discussed in the previous D.R.B. memo of February 1, 2006. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage � w Bozeman Gateway March 3,2006 Page 12 of 12 Conditions#30- Please provide the specific language of this condition in section h of page 97. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point Condition#34 - The applicant's response makes the presumption that the exhibits and plans in the Development Manual are correct, which is not true, and staff refers you to your disclaimer on page 85. Thus, the lengthy condition#34 and discussion in the staff report. The exhibits on page 24, 50 and 51 have not been approved as part of the common sign plan. An approved common signage plan that shows proper location,placement, dimensions, materials, color and illumination will need to be provided. Staff will go into further detail once you have submitted the common signage plan. Please make sure to review Section 18.52 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Condition#36- Staff will review this further once it has the opportunity to review the protective covenants. N/A Condition#39 - The residential component will need to be addressed once we have an approved version of the minutes by the City Commission. N/A Should you have any questions regarding the items listed above,or if you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 214-920-8198 or e-mail me at eric.bell@c-b.com. Sincerely, aric Odell Eric Bell Carter&Burgess,Inc. cc: Ted Mitchell,Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. Jolene Rieck,Peaks to Plains Design Jim Ullman,Morrison-Maierle,Inc. 1420 W. Mockingbird, #800 Cartera Burgess Dallas, Texas 75247 214-920-8100 Pbone 214-688-0618 Fax MEMORANDUM DATE: March 2, 2006 TO: BOZEMAN TEAM FROM: Eric Bell,Carter&Burgess SUBJECT: Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Zoning Application No.Z-05217 Below is a response to all DRB and Staff comments received through Dave Skelton and where a response can be found in the development manual. Commission Report - November 28th, 2005 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary-PUD Plan and final approval of the Final PUD Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the PUD. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Added to Page 6, exact verbiage 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD the applicant shall obtain Final PUD approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final PUD Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) of the subdivision. Nothing to add to Development Manual 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase 1 of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Added to Page 11, exact verbiage 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. Existing on Pages 28 and 29,Existing on Page 44 and 50 Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 2 of 13 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50% of the lots are sold. Thereafter, the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance (Section 18.50.110 ). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type II Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type I and Type II, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Existing on Page 71 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site design for review and approval with the Final PUD Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. Added to Page 44, Transit Stop Plan 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and US Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Added to Page 65 s.,exact verbiage Added to Page 64 in., exact verbiage Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor,Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. Added to Page 85, exact verbiage 9. Commercial and retail drive-thru's and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances,plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue,a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor,preferably at the northwest corner of the building. Existing on Page 87 Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 3 of 13 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan; and if so, will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. Existing on Page 75 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor,resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s) of the major subdivision. Existing on Page 75 13. The water features along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native-grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The PUD Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25% slope. Added to Page 20 5.b.and Page 55 g 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors,two public trails within the north off-street parking lot, and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and D.R.B.for approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor, flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock"or equal in the landscape plan. Added to Page 66 e.,exact verbiage 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1,or 25% slope. Added to Page 75 f., exact verbiage Added to Page 55h., exact verbiage v Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 4 of 13 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20% change in vertical height between each.module; change roof form; change in articulation. The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the fagade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said criteria. Added to Page 94.a.c 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street) and through the use of illustrations illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the "lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. Existing on Page 85 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25% of any of the building facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97, last bullet.point 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. Added to Page 85, 3.d paragraph, 2nd sentence, exact verbiage 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering, accurate color palette, and materials sample board specific to said project Dave asked that this exact verbiage,be removed from the development manual in the February Py 2006 revisions. Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 5 of 13 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. Existing on Page 87 and Page 97 i 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used throughout the project shall be reviewed and approved by the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff as part of the Final PUD Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 85 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. Existing on Page 95 f 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the D.R.B. and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. Added on Page 85,2id paragraph, exact verbiage 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the building(s) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette and awnings over the doors on the rear or back elevations. Existing on Page 90 f 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized, or similarly darker frames,in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. Existing on Page 99 c 28. Sconce lights and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and L.E.D. lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e., backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. Added on Page 114 in f Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 6 of 13 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage 30. Those areas of the building fagade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern,relief and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s) shall be provided in the final development guidelines. Existing on Page 28 and 29 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 73 a. .33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type "box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style,relief and compatibility. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this PUD This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase 4 will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18' by 18' public area with benches, pavers and -landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet,exclusive of the 18' by 18' public area. Existing on Page 61, Parking Lot Seating Area Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 7 of 13 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit development that ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the PUD. The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to comply with the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas are to be held in common ownership by the property owners' association for use by the general public. Existing on Page 30 a 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. Existing on Page 49 h 38. The City of Bozeman shall be third party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning PUD Preliminary Plan. Issue was addressed in Jim Ullman's Zoning Condition Response, "The Applicant wishes to clarify that the City of Bozeman shall separately approve (rather than be a party/signatory to) any such modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and the Development Manual for The.Bozeman Gateway. 39. All building mounted and pole mounted lights shall meet the cut off shield requirements outlined in the UDO, unless a relaxation is granted by the City Commission. Existing on Page 49 f Comments on the Development Manual — February 1, 2006 Chapter I Introduction: Section C (page 10) — Review of the main street corridor calls for a wider sidewalk between the buildings and on-street parking spaces. Subdivision review discussed the sidewalk being 12-feet wide and defined as that area between the on-street parking and the required 7-foot setback from the property line for all structures. This should be included in the Development Manual to assist with defining the main street for the lifestyle center. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 8 of 13 Chapter II Site Development Standards: Section A.5 (page20) — Site maintenance and grading, particularly in open space corridors, stream corridors and entryway corridors, the minimum allowable grading for landscaped features is 4:1, or 25% slope. It should be made clear what areas may be 3:1, or 33% slope, please provide an example of what you're talking about here. Landscaped areas are limited to 4:1, or 25% slope. See Section 15 - Grading on page 12 of staff report. Added on Page 20 5.b Section B.Ld (page 23) view of drive-thru facilities should also apply to Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. Added on Page 23 d Section B.l.d (page 24) — Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(2) of the U.D.O. calls for a minimum width of 16 feet for one-way drive aisles. Added on Page 24 h Section BA.c (page 28-29)—The exhibit on page 28 does not show sidewalks, or "walkways", on both sides of Technology Boulevard as in intersects with Fowler Avenue. If this is the main street for the "lifestyle" center sidewalks must be on both sides and is required by the.U.D.O. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section at Building Section B.6 - Snow Clearing (page 31) — if the plan is to have shared parking throughout the development, it is going to be impossible to oversize lots to address snow storage. Probably need language about provisions for snow removal from the site. Otherwise, this language will be an issue during site plan review for each project. To be further developed Section D —Green Space (page 44) —The location of the transit stop is a workable location. The issue is having adequate width for two-way traffic and the ability to provide a pull-out area for buses. May, or may not be an issue. The detail is good start, but better attention needs to be given to it in the Manual. Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Section E.1 — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) —The second light fixture does not comply with the U.D.O. and would need a variance (i.e., exposed lens and bulb). There also is no discussion about pedestrian lighting, particularly along the trail corridors within the interior of the development (i.e., bollard lighting). Added on Page 49, Parking Lot Light Fixture Examples Section E.La — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Lighting fixtures, both street and parking lot fixtures and poles, can not exceed a height of 20 feet. Added on 49 a., exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 9 of 13 Section E.Lb — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Parking lot light illumination may not exceed 0.2 foot candles. Only accent lighting of building entrances may be an average of 5.0 foot candles. Added on 49 b., exact verbiage Section E — Site Signage (page 50) —For the record all pylon signs must be setback from the property line and not in the public right-of-way. The exhibit suggests that this is possible. Only one pylon sign is permitted on each street frontage, basically three. Exhibit on page 50 needs to identify the three signs. Added on 50,revised map Nine monument signs to identify the project is not feasible, three pylon signs at the main entrances and six monument signs at the street intersections is feasible. You will need to modify the exhibit accordingly. A common signage plan, depicting design, dimensions, height, materials and method of illumination for the pylon and monument signs must be provided. Are the signs in the exhibit on page 51 pylon signs, or monument signs? By the U.D.O. monument signs may not exceed a height of 5 feet. Just need to get this squared away on what you're calling monument signs. Added on Page 50,revised map Section E.2.g and E.2.h — Site Lighting and Signage (page 52) — The common signage plan needs to define the design, materials dimensions, etc., etc. This could suggest that a tenant may have their own pylon sign, which is not correct. A project identification pylon sign may have tenant space on it, but tenants may not have their own pylon sign (i.e., supermarket). Replace the exhibits on page 52, or incorporate the design of the project identification signs for Bozeman Gateway to illustrate on the design mirrors the present quality and design. Sign design will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Section F.2.g — Utilities, Grading and Drainage (page 55) — Max slope is 4:1, or 25%, if its not hardscape. All landscape features, required yards, parking lot landscape, storm water facilities must be 25% slope. Provide an example of what you're talking about. Added on 55 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#16 Chapter III Landscape Design Standards: Section A—Overview (page 60) - The exhibit needs to illustrate staff's discussions with the landscape designer to include the formal spacing of boulevard trees along the entryway corridor. The Landscape Plan will reflect the same design, but expand on the landscape features in proximity to trails, ponds, over poles, and utilities. Master Landscape plan will be added to the Development Manual upon its completion. Section A—Overview (page 61) —Great detail of the landscape island in the parking area. N/A Section B.l.m — Vegetation (page 64) — Shade trees "shall' be a minimum of 2" caliper, not "should" be of 2"caliper. Added on 64 m.,exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 10 of 13 Section C.5 and 6 — Hardscape (page 71) — Will need to verify specifications with City parks department to comply with their trail specifications. Added on 71 Section c.8 —Planters (page 73)—Good! N/A Section D—Storm Water Facilities (page 75)—Good! N/A Section E — Maintenance (page 77) — Make sure to add a section that discusses the location and placement of wells and associated mechanical equipment that are screened from the generally public and not an eyesore. Note that placement will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. To be further developed Chapter IV Building Design Standards: Section B —Building Exterior (page 93 and 94) —There is an approved building height of up to 65 feet for the entire project, no higher. Added on 93under Office-Professional Section B — Building Exterior (page 99) — Condition #19 of the C.U.P. approval states that not more than 25% of any building facade shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97 last bullet point Section B.g—Building Exterior(page 103) - Strike this section it does not comply with condition#29. A translucent or transparent awning does not have to be back lit to be obtrusive. The illumination from the store front could cause enough illumination in itself to be make the awning appear to "hover" at night, be obtrusive, or become a distraction. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#29 Section D.1 — Building Lighting (page 114) — This section is acceptable as long as it states that "no neon tube or LED lighting, or similar lighting, may be used unless it is used as an architectural feature as a indirect backwash to the building facade. Said lighting and fixture will not be visible from the adjoining street, or sidewalk by the pedestrian passerby." Also include the reference to exposed, unshielded lighting. Added on Page 114 m Section E — Building Signage — Internally Illuminated, Fully Integrated Cabinet Signs (page 121) — Include the language required in condition #33 of C.U.P. approval that discusses three-dimensional component with a sense of architectural relief. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#33 Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 11 of 13 V. Review Procedures: DA—Final Review (page 142)—Just state that applicant will submit to the City of Bozeman a site plan review application in the accordance with the COB U.D.O. for review and approval by the applicable review agency. Point being that the City of Bozeman could look at it if a variance or deviation is requested, or a modification to the PUD. Added on Page 142 Comments on the Development Manual - February 11, 2006 Condition#7 -A conceptual plan of the transit stop in relation to the street, boulevard sidewalk and open space corridor should be provided in the Manual. For purposes of infrastructure and street construction the type of transit stop should be determined at this time (i.e.., pullout lane?). Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Condition#8 -The landscape plans do not illustrate the regular spacing of boulevard trees and must be revised accordingly: Staff could not find the language in the manual that talks about: "street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept." Added to Page 85, exact verbiage Condition#9 -This condition specifically states "commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape." Include this specific language in the manual on page 23, word for word. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage Condition #10 - Please identify in the Manual were the language in this condition is specifically provided. Existing on Page 87 Condition#13 - Clearly state on page 55 where you plan to use a slope of 3:1, or 33%. Added to Page 20 5.b. and Page 55 g Condition #14 - Items addressing this condition and what is expected with the Landscape Plan is addressed in the letter to Jolene Rieck dated February 10, 2006. No one on the team has received this letter. A request for a copy of this letter was made in an email set to Dave on February 14, 2006. Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 12 of 13 Condition #15 - Where does the manual contain the following language: "The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock" or equal in the landscape plan." The letter to Jolene Rieck also requested a series of typical landscape features to be included in the manual that will be installed throughout the development." Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage Condition #19 - The D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff agreed that the term "synthetic surface" applied to only the artificial types know as "Dryvit", "E.I.F.S.", or similar. Please language on page 99 accordingly. Added to Page 97, last bullet point. Condition#20- See comments already provided in the D.R.B. memo dated February 1,2006. Added to Page 85, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence, exact verbiage Condition #25 - Where does the manual talk about - "All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual." This language.needs to be included in the manual and the exhibit on page 98 only-touches on aspects of this condition. Added on Page 85, 2"d paragraph, exact verbiage Condition#28 - This has already been discussed in the previous D.R.B. memo of February 1, 2006. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage Conditions#30 - Please provide the specific language of this condition in section h of page 97. Added on Page 97,last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point Condition#34 - The applicant's response makes the presumption that the exhibits and plans in the Development Manual are correct, which is not true, and staff refers you to your disclaimer on page 85. Thus, the lengthy condition#34 and discussion in the staff report. The exhibits on page 24, 50 and 51 have not been approved as part of the common sign plan. An approved common signage plan that shows proper location,placement, dimensions, materials, color and illumination will need to be provided. Staff will go into further detail once you have submitted the common signage plan. Please make sure to review Section 18.52 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Condition#36 - Staff will review this further once it has the opportunity to review the protective covenants. N/A Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 13 of 13 Condition#39 - The residential component will need to be addressed once we have an approved version of the minutes by the City Commission. N/A Should you have any questions regarding the items listed above,or if you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 214-920-8198 or e-mail me at eric.bell@c-b.com. Sincerely, aria 63ell Eric Bell Carter&Burgess,Inc. cc: Ted Mitchell,Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. Jolene Rieck,Peaks to Plains Design Jim Ullman,Morrison-Maierle, Inc. a 1420 W. Mockingbird, #800 CarternBurgess Dallas, Texas 75247 214-920-8100 Pbone 214-688-0618 Fax MEMORANDUM DATE: February 21, 2006 TO: BOZEMAN TEAM FROM: Eric Bell, Carter&Burgess SUBJECT: Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Zoning Application No. Z-05217 Below is a response to all DRB and Staff comments received through Dave Skelton and where a response can be found in the development manual. Commission Report - November 28Ih,.2005 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary PUD Plan and final approval of the Final PUD Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the PUD. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Added to Page 6, exact verbiage 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD the applicant shall obtain Final PUD approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final PUD Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s)of the subdivision. Nothing to add to Development Manual 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase 1 of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Added to Page 11, exact verbiage 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information ' • • Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 2 of 12 shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. Existing on Pages 28 and 29, Existing on Page 44 and 50 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50% of the lots are sold. Thereafter, the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance (Section 18.50.110 ). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type H Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type I and Type H, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Existing on Page 71 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the. West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site design for review and approval with the Final PUD Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. Added to Page 44, Transit Stop Plan 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and U.S Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Added to Page 65 s., exact verbiage Added to Page 64 m., exact verbiage Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. Added to Page 85, exact verbiage 9. Commercial and retail drive-thru's and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances, plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue, a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor,preferably " at the northwest corner of the building. ` Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 0 Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 3 of 12 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan; and if so, will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. Existing on Page 75 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor, resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s) of the major subdivision. Existing on Page 75 13. The water fcatures along the.West-Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The PUD Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25% slope. Added to Page 20 5.b. and Page 55 g. 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors, two public trails within the north off-street parking lot, and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and D.R.B. for approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor, flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock" or equal in the landscape plan. Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1, or 25%slope. Added to Page 75 f., exact verbiage Added to Page 55h., exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 4 of 12 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20% change in vertical height between each module; change roof form; change in articulation. The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the fagade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said.criteria. Issue trying to be resolved via e-mail to Dave Skelton, 2112106 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue. and West Garfield Street) and through the use of illustrations illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the "lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. Existing on Page 85 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25% of any of the building facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97, last bullet point. 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. Added to Page 85,2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, exact verbiage 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering, accurate color palette, and materials sample board specific to said project Dave asked that this exact verbiage be removed from the development manual in the February IS; 2006 revisions. Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 5 of 12 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. Existing on Page 87 and Page 97 i. 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used throughout the project shall be reviewed and approved by the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff as part of the Final PUD Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 97 s. 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. Existing on Page 95 f. 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include -a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the D.R.B. and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. Partially Addressed in Page 102, under Service Entrance Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the building(s) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette and awnings over the doors on the rear or back elevations. Existing on Page 90 f. 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized, or similarly darker frames,in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. Existing on Page 99 c. 28. Sconce lights and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and L.E.D. lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e., backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. Added on Page 114 m.. Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 6 of 12 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage 30. Those areas of the building fagade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern, relief and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s)shall be provided in the final development guidelines. Existing on Page 28 and 29 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 73 a. 33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type "box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style,relief and compatibility. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this PUD This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase 4 will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18' by 18' public area with benches, pavers and landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet,exclusive of the 18' by 18' public area. Existing on Page 61, Parking Lot Seating Area Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 7 of 12 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit development that ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the PUD The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to comply with the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas are to be held in common ownership by the property owners' association for use by the general public. Existing on Page 30 a. 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the.Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. Existing on Page 49 h. 38. The City of Bozeman shall be third party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning PUD Preliminary Plan. Issue was addressed in Jim Ullman's Zoning Condition Response, "The Applicant wishes to clarify that the City of Bozeman shall separately approve (rather than be a party/signatory to) any such modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway. 39. All building mounted and pole mounted lights shall meet the cut off shield requirements outlined in the UDO, unless a relaxation is granted by the City Commission. Existing on Page 49 f. Comments on the Development Manual - February 1, 2006 Chapter I Introduction: Section C (page 10) — Review of the main street corridor calls for a wider sidewalk between the buildings and on-street parking spaces. Subdivision review discussed the sidewalk being 12-feet wide and defined as that area between the on-street parking and the required 7-foot setback from the property line for all structures. This should be included in the Development Manual to assist with defining the main street for the lifestyle center. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section Chapter II Site Development Standards: Section A.5 (page20) — Site maintenance and grading, particularly in open space corridors, stream corridors and entryway corridors, the minimum allowable grading for landscaped features is 4:1, or 25% slope. It should be made clear what areas may be 3:1, or 3 3% slope, please provide an example of what you're talking about here. Landscaped areas are limited to 4:1, or 25% slope. See Section 15 - Grading on page 12 of staff report. Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 8 of 12 Added on Page 20 5. b.. Section B.l.d (page 23) — view of drive-thru facilities should also apply to Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. Added on Page 23 d. Section B.l.d (page 24) — Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(2) of the U.D.O. calls for a minimum width of 16 feet for one-way drive aisles. Added on Page 24 h. Section BA.c (page 28-29) —The exhibit on page 28 does not show sidewalks, or "walkways", on both sides of Technology .Boulevard as in intersects with Fowler Avenue. If this is the main street for the "lifestyle" center sidewalks must be on both sides and is required by the U.D.O. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section at Building Section B.6 - Snow Clearing (page 31) — if the plan is to have shared parking throughout the development, it is going to be impossible to oversize lots to address snow storage. Probably need language about provisions for snow removal from the site. Otherwise, this language will be an issue during site plan review for each project. To be further developed Section D —Green Space (page 44) —The location of the transit stop is a workable location. 'The issue is having adequate width for two-way traffic and the ability to provide a pull-out area for buses. May, or may not be an issue. The detail is good start, but better attention needs to be given to it in the Manual. Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Section E.1 — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) —The second light fixture does not comply with the U.D.O. and would need a variance (i.e., exposed lens and bulb). There also is no discussion about pedestrian lighting, particularly along the trail corridors within the interior of the development (i.e., bollard lighting). Added on Page 49, Parking Lot Light Fixture Examples Section E.l.a — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Lighting fixtures, both street and parking lot fixtures and poles, can not exceed a height of 20 feet. Added on 49 a., exact verbiage Section E.Lb — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Parking lot light illumination may not exceed 0.2 foot candles. Only accent lighting of building entrances may be an average of 5.0 foot candles. Added on 49 b., exact verbiage Section E— Site Signage (page 50) — For the record all pylon signs must be setback from the property line and not in the public right-of-way. The exhibit suggests that this is possible. Only one pylon sign is permitted on each street frontage, basically three. Exhibit on page 50 needs to identify the three signs. Added on 50, revised map Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 9 of 12 Nine monument signs to identify the project is not feasible, three pylon signs at the main entrances and six monument signs at the street intersections is feasible. You will need to modify the exhibit accordingly. A common signage plan, depicting design, dimensions, height, materials and method of illumination for the pylon and monument signs must be provided. Are the signs in the exhibit on page 51 pylon signs, or monument signs? By the U.D.O. monument signs may not exceed a height of 5 feet. Just need to get this squared away on what you're calling monument signs. Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 Section E.2.g and E.2.h — Site Lighting and Signage (page 52) — The common signage plan needs to define the design, materials dimensions, etc., etc. This could suggest that a tenant may have their own pylon sign, which is not correct. A project identification pylon sign may have tenant space on it, but tenants may not have their own pylon sign (i.e., supermarket). Replace the exhibits on page 52, or incorporate the design of the project identification signs for Bozeman Gateway to illustrate on the design mirrors the present quality and design. Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 Section'F.2.g — Utilities, Grading and Drainage (page 55) — Max slope is 4:1, or 25%, if its not hardscape. All landscape features, required yards,parking lot landscape, storm water facilities must be 25% slope. Provide an example of what you're talking about. Added on 55 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#16 Chapter III Landscape Design Standards: Section A—Overview (page 60) - The exhibit needs to illustrate staff's discussions with the landscape designer to include the formal spacing of boulevard trees along the entryway corridor. The Landscape Plan will reflect the same design, but expand on the landscape features in proximity to trails, ponds, over poles, and utilities. Master Landscape plan will be added to the Development Manual upon its completion. Section A—Overview (page 61)—Great detail of the landscape island in the parking area. N/A Section B.l.m — Vegetation (page 64) — Shade trees "shall' be a minimum of 2" caliper, not "should" be of 2" caliper. Added on 64 m., exact verbiage Section C.5 and 6 — Hardscape (page 71) — Will need to verify specifications with City parks department to comply with their trail specifications. Added on 71 Section c.8 —Planters (page 73)—Good! N/A Section D—Storm Water Facilities (page 75)—Good! N/A Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 10 of 12 Section E — Maintenance (page 77) — Make sure to add a section that discusses the location and placement of wells and associated mechanical equipment that are screened from the generally public and not an eyesore. Note that placement will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. To be further developed Chapter IV Building Design Standards: Section B —Building Exterior (page 93 and 94) —There is an approved building height of up to 65 feet for the entire project, no higher. Added on 93under Office-Professional Section B — Building Exterior (page 99) — Condition #19 of the C.U.P. approval states that not more than 25% of any building fagade shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97 last bullet point Section B.g—Building Exterior (page 103) - Strike this section it does not comply with condition#29. A translucent or transparent awning does not have to be back lit to be obtrusive. The illumination from the store front could cause enough illumination in itself to be make the awning appear to "hover" at night, be obtrusive, or become a distraction. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#29 Section D.1 — Building Lighting (page 114) — This section is acceptable as long as it states that "no neon tube or LED lighting, or similar lighting, may be used unless it is used as an architectural feature as a indirect backwash to the building fagade. Said lighting and fixture will not be visible from the adjoining street, or sidewalk by the pedestrian passerby." Also include the reference to exposed, unshielded lighting. Added on Page 121 f. Section E — Building Signage — Internally Illuminated, Fully Integrated Cabinet Signs (page 121) — Include the language required in condition #33 of C.U.P. approval that discusses three-dimensional component with a sense of architectural relief. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#33 V. Review Procedures: DA—Final Review (page 142)—Just state that applicant will submit to the City of Bozeman a site plan review application in the accordance with the COB U.D.O. for review and approval by the applicable review agency. Point being that the City of Bozeman could look at it if a variance or deviation is requested, or a modification to the PUD. Added on Page 142 Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 11 of 12 Comments on the Development Manual - February 11, 2006 Condition#7 -A conceptual plan of the transit stop in relation to the street, boulevard sidewalk and open space corridor should be provided in the Manual. For purposes of infrastructure and street construction the type of transit stop should be determined at this time (i.e..,pullout lane?). Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Condition #8 -The landscape plans do not illustrate the regular spacing of boulevard trees and must be revised accordingly. Staff could not find the language in the manual that talks about: "street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor. Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept." Added to Page 85, exact verbiage Condition #9 -This condition specifically states "commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building facade of the satellite structures along the streetscape." Include this specific language in the manual on page 23,word for word. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage Condition #10 Please identify in the Manual were the language in this condition is specifically provided. Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 Condition #13 - Clearly state on page 55 where you plan to use a slope of 3:1,or 33%. Added to Page 20 5.b. and Page 55 g. Condition #14 - Items addressing this condition and what is expected with the Landscape Plan is addressed in the letter to Jolene Rieck dated February 10,2006. No one on the team has received this letter. A request for a copy of this letter was made in an email set to Dave on February 14, 2006. Condition #15 - Where does the manual contain the following language: "The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of"pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/4" to 2" washed.rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specif T "river rock" or equal in the landscape plan." The letter to Jolene Rieck also requested a series of typical landscape features to be included in the manual that will be installed throughout the development." Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage Condition #19 - The D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff agreed that the term"synthetic surface" applied to only the artificial types know as "Dryvit", "E.I.F.S.", or similar. Please language on page 99 accordingly. Added to Page 97, last bullet point. Condition #20 - See comments already provided in the D.R.B. memo dated February 1, 2006. Added to Page 85, 2"d paragraph, 2Rd sentence, exact verbiage Condition #25 - Where does the manual talk about - "All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the Bozeman Gateway February 21,2006 Page 12 of 12 streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual." This language needs to be included in the manual and the exhibit on page 98 only touches on aspects of this condition. Partially Addressed in Page 102, under Service Entrance Issue trying to be resolved via e-mail to Dave Skelton, 2112106 Condition #28 - This has already been discussed in the previous D.R.B. memo of February 1,2006. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage Conditions #30 - Please provide the specific language of this condition in section h of page 97. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point Condition #34 - The applicant's response makes the presumption that the exhibits and plans in the Development Manual are correct,which is not true, and staff refers you to your disclaimer on page 85. Thus, the lengthy condition #34 and discussion in the staff report. The exhibits on page 24, 50 and 51 have not been approved as part of the common sign plan. An approved common signage plan that shows proper location, placement, dimensions,materials, color and illumination will need to be provided. Staff will go into further detail once you have submitted the common signage plan. Please make sure to review Section 18:52 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Discussion of topic has been requested via e-mail to Dave on 2121106 Condition #36 - Staff will review this further once it has the opportunity to review the protective covenants. N/A Condition #39 - The residential component will need to be addressed once we have an approved version of the minutes by the City Commission. N/A Should you have any questions regarding the items listed above,or if you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 214-920-8198 or e-mail me at eric.bell @c-b.com. Sincerely, aric cell Eric Bell Carter&Burgess,Inc. cc: Ted Mitchell,Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. Jolene Rieck,Peaks to Plains Design Jim Ullman,Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Laftwo GY OF BOZEMAN 0 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 ;; •', 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 , P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net December 21, 2005 Ted Mitchell Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. P.O. Box 738 Great Falls, MT 59403 Greg Stratton Morrison-Maierle, Inc. 901 Technology Boulevard P.O. Box 1113 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.UD. Zoning Application#Z-05217 Dear Ted and Greg, On Monday, December 12, 2005 the City Commission conditionally approved the application for a Conditional Use Permit for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision Preliminary P.U.D. Plan to develop a mixed- use commercial, professional office and retail planned unit development on 72.2 acres legally described as Tract 2A of the Amended Plat of West College Minor Subdivision No. 195A located in the NW '/4 of Section 15,T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The proposal was evaluated against the review criteria and requirements of the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The City Commission's decision was based on the fact that, with conditions, the proposal will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance and the adopted Growth Policy. The decision of the City Commission is final. The conditions of approval are as follows: 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan and final approval of the Final P.U.D. Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the P.U.D. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. the applicant shall obtain Final P.U.D. approval by the Planning Director. A draft planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination • i of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final P.U.D. Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the City Commission, Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) of the subdivision. 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase 1 of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50% of the lots are sold. Thereafter, the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance (Section 18.50.110 ). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type II Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type I and Type II, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final plat approval.. 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site design for review and approval with the Final PUD Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and US Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. 9. Commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances, plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be Page 2 • • . considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue, a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor,preferably at the northwest corner of the building. 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan; and if so,will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor, resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s) of the major subdivision. 13. The water features along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form, and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The P.U.D. Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final P.U.D. Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25% slope. 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors, two public trails within the north off-street parking lot, and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and D.R.B. for approval. 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor, flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 '/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify"river rock" or equal in the landscape plan. 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street Page 3 • • parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1, or 25% slope. 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20% change in vertical height between each module; change roof form; change in articulation. The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the facade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said criteria. 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be requited due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street) and through the use of illustrations illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the "lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25% of any of the building facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering, accurate color palette, and materials sample board specific to said project 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used throughout the project shall be reviewed and Page 4 approved by the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff as part of the Final P.U.D. Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the D.R.B. and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the buildings) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette and awnings over the doors on the rear or back elevations. 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for-all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized, or similarly darker frames,in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. 28. Sconce lights'and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and L.E.D. lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e.,backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. 30. Those areas of the building facade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern,relief and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s) shall be provided in the final development guidelines. 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. 33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type "box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted Page 5 i • to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style,relief and compatibility. 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this P.U.D. This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase 4 will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18' by 18' public area with benches, pavers and landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet, exclusive of the 18'by 18'public area. 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit development that ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the P.U.D. The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to comply with the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas located within the development will be held to a reciprocal shared parking easement and agreement for use by the general public. 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. 38. The City of Bozeman shall be party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning P.U.D. Preliminary Plan. 39. That the applicant submit an implementation plan for a residential component of seventy (70) or more residential dwelling units with a substantial number of dwelling units located in the core of the development, prior to review and approval of Phase 2. 40. That all site plan review applications within the subdivision will be subject to review by the Design Review Board. 41. That office buildings 3, 4, and 5 in Phase 3 be rotated to front onto Garfield Street. Page 6 42. Building heights will be permitted not to exceed a height of sixty-five (65) feet based on the merits of a residential component for the planned unit development. Said approval includes modifications by the City Commission to the Planning Board's recommended conditions #3, #36, and #38, as well as the addition of conditions #39, #40, #41, and #42 by the governing body. Staff would recommend that you schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of the conditional approval and how it will effect your construction schedule. Please feel free to contact me at 582-2260 if you have any questions regarding the above comments, status of the applications or the review process in general. Sincerely, D3*orPila elton Sener cc: Planning File No. P705049 Zoning File No. Z-05217 , t t 4 Page 7 It wasmoved by Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Commissioner.Hietala, that Commission Resolution No. 3877, stating support for public transportation services and recognizing HRDC as recipient of Section 5311 funds, be adopted as revised to include a review date of October 1, 2008; and that the public transit stakeholders board be asked to provide annual reports to the Commission regarding its activities under the interim system. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Kirchhoff, Commissioner Hietala, Commissioner Krauss, Commissioner Youngman, and Mayor Cetraro;those voting No, none. Conditional Use Permit for Bozeman Gateway Planned Unit Development- allow development of a master plan under an approved development manual and allow multiple relaxations to code requirements - Morrison-Maierle, Inc., for Mitchell Development Group, Inc. (Z-05217) This was the time and place set for the continued public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit for the Bozeman Gateway Planned Unit Development, requested by Morrison-Maierle, Inc., for Mitchell Development Group, Inc., under Application No. Z-05217, to allow development of a master plan under an approved development manual and to allow relaxations,as follows:(1)from Section 18.20.030.B., Bozeman Municipal Code, to eliminate the 60-percent restriction on impervious surfaces and development of the entire site, exclusive of required yard setbacks; (2)from Section 18.36.060.B., to allow development to be completed in ten years; (3)from Section 18.42.040.B., to allow block lengths to exceed 400 feet; (4)from Section 18.42.040.C., to allow block widths to exceed 400 feet; (5)from Section, to allow encroachment into 50-foot minimum setback along waterways; (6)from Section, to allow required watercourse setback to not include adjacent wetlands; (7) from Section 18.44.030.A.1., to allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees; (8) from Section 18.44.090.D.3., to allow average spacing of intersections on Fowler Avenue to be reduced from 660 feet to 420 feet; (9) from Section 18.42.150.D.1., to allow horizontal illuminance to be less than 0.1 foot candles; (10) from Section 18.42.150.F., to allow light fixtures and standards that do not comply; (11)from Section 18.44.010.A.1., to relax requirements to allow streets to intersect at less than 90 degrees; (12) from Section 18.44.080, to allow soft trails in place of concrete boulevard sidewalks along streets fronting open space/pedestrian corridors; (13) from Section 18.44.090, to relax the average spacing requirements for public streets; (14) from Section 18.44.090.B.2., to exclude the requirement for all lots to have 25-foot frontage on improved public or private street or alley; (15)from Section 18.46:020.D., to allow diagonal parking along Technology Boulevard and Chronicle Lane; (16) from Section 18.18.020, to increase allowable building height in"B-2"districtfrom 44 feet to 146 feet;(17)from Section 18.18.050,to allow encroachment into yard setbacks with off-street parking in the"13-2"district; (18)from Section 18.20.060, to increase the allowable building height in the "BP" district from 44 feet to 146 feet; (19) from Section 18.20.050, to allow encroachment into yard setbacks with off-street parking in "BP" district; (20)from Section, to not have access for all subdivision lots from an improved public or private street or alley; (21)from Section 18.18.040,to allow newly-created lots zoned"B-2"with minimum lot width less than 100 feet;and(22)from Section 18.20.030, to allow newly-created lots zoned "BP"with minimum lot width less than 150 feet. The subject property lies along the south side of Huffine Lane/US Highway 191/West Main Street, east of South Fowler Avenue and north of West Garfield Street. Public hearing Mayor Cetraro reopened the continued public hearing. Senior Planner Dave Skelton presented the staff report. He reminded the Commissioners that the subdivision was approved at last week's meeting;this plan provides for the built environment. He noted that under this proposal, a mixed use development including a lifestyle center and professional offices is to be constructed on 71 acres under an approved master plan with development plan and architectural guidelines. He briefly highlighted the 22 deviations being sought in conjunction with this plan, noting that three of them may be granted by the City Engineer. He indicated that the development of this project is to be done in six phases and is projected to take thirteen years to complete. The Senior Planner stated that staff has reviewed this application in light of the applicable criteria, and staffs comprehensive findings are contained in the written staff report. Based on those findings, staff has forwarded a recommendation for approval, subject to several conditions. He noted that staff has also forwarded a recommendation for approval of all but six of the requested deviations,which pertain to the 60- 12-12-05 percent restriction on BP, building heights,and encroachments for the off-street parking. He also noted that only one of the three proposed lighting fixtures meets the City's lighting specifications. Responding to Commissioner Kirchhoff, the Senior Planner stated the applicant has expressed a willingness to consider a 70-foot height limitation. He then indicated that additional relaxations or deviations may be sought with a specific application; however, at that time, none of the relaxations or deviations granted at this time may be taken away. Senior Planner Skelton highlighted the key conditions recommended for approval of this application, noting that No. 3 requires submittal of the final document to the DRB and staff for review, but does not require that it be brought back to the Commission for approval. He also reviewed a proposed revision to Condition No. 38, which provides that the City be party to any modifications to the plan. He concluded by forwarding the additional condition recommended by the Design Review Board, noting it is similar to the condition attached to other recent planned unit developments. Responding to Commissioner Kirchhoff, the Senior Planner indicated there has been some discussion with the applicant during the past week regarding a residential component in this development. Responding to Commissioner Krauss, the Senior Planner stated that the relaxation for the "BP" zoning district only and, if the applicant seeks and receives a"B-2"zoning designation for that portion of the site, the additional setback requirements will no longer apply. Planning Director Epple noted that the"BP"zoning designation does not allow residential uses while the"B-2"zoning designation does. He then stated that the parking allowance in the code encourages a mix of residential and commercial uses and, as a result does not require additional parking if three times the amount of parking for residential units is being provided on site. Mr. Ted Mitchell, applicant, introduced the remainder of his development team present at this meeting. He briefly reviewed the site plan and proposed layout, noting that they have worked to create a development application that complies with the City's growth policy. He drew attention to the core street through the development as well as the streetscape and beautification planned along the Huffine Lane entryway corridor and Fowler Avenue. He stated the mixed use development is to include financial institutions, restaurants, convenience retail, medical and professional offices, and a hotel. He noted the retail development is to be constructed in a lifestyle setting, with entertainment and trails for walking and bicycling. He stated that professional offices are to serve as a buffer to the advanced technology area,with additional professional offices scattered throughout the remainder of the site. He indicated that this development will include water features and open space with gathering places that encourage strolling, walking and bicycling. He then stated that he had not planned any residential component, but it appears that might be a topic of discussion during this hearing. Commissioner Kirchhoff noted that the Commission has approved a tremendous amount of both residential and commercial development over the past twelve months. He finds that a genuine mixed use development is needed in this location, particularly if the intent is to create an authentic downtown feel. He suggested the most logical place for residential development would be on upper levels along Technology Boulevard. He estimated that, if those buildings were to be constructed as four-story structures, a total of 300 dwelling units could be provided. He then indicated a willingness to allow those residential units to be spread throughout the development, with roughly 200 units being provided in the core. Mr. Mitchell indicated that he had not anticipated that level of residential development, although he recognizes that a residential component might be advantageous in a lifestyle development. He raised concerns about the safety and security of parking for the residential units. He suggested that the site proposed for a cinema could be changed to a motel and residential complex. He noted that would allow a majority of the first floor to be secured parking. Commissioner Krauss noted there is a large expanse of parking along West Garfield Street, and it would be nice to take advantage of that parking for residential development. He also encouraged a building that fronts on West Garfield Street, even if a double fronted building results. Mr. Mitchell stressed the center focal point of the development is a key element to the development. He then indicated a willingness to work toward a residential component, stating he feels that placing it on the south side of the development would be most appropriate. 12-12-05 - 11 - 0 Responding to Commissioner Krauss, Mr. Mitchell estimated that two miles of trails are planned on the subject site. Responding to Commissioner Kirchhoff, the applicant estimated that the first floor of the buildings along Technology Boulevard will have a ceiling height of 12 to 14 feet; and the tower in the center will be approximately 50 feet tall. He confirmed that there will be a significant amount of glazing on the buildings, and they will reflect different architecture and uniqueness. Commissioner Kirchhoff reiterated the importance of adding a condition requiring residential development, including a significant percentage along Technology Boulevard. Mr. Mitchell cautioned that the costs of residential units above the retail development will be much higher than those of the downtown units that were constructed eighty years ago; and he anticipates the residents of those units would expect secured parking. He then reiterated his interest in pursuing residential development where the cinemas are currently proposed instead. Mr. Mitchell returned to his presentation, highlighting the phasing plan for development of the site. He indicated that the phases will not necessarily be developed in order; rather, he suggested that some of the higher numbered phases may be done before others, and some of the phases may be done simultaneously. Mr. Eric Bell, architect, characterized this as a unique type of development to Bozeman and to Montana. He suggested that, as proposed, the development will have more access for pedestrians and bicyclists than for vehicles. He noted that bike paths are to be provided along many of the streets,and trails throughout the development will connect the various green spaces. He also drew attention to the landscape plan for the entryway corridor. He noted there are to be a total of seven bridges throughout the development, with an attractive entrance to the main plaza space of the development that includes a large tower with a fire pit in the bottom. He indicated that natural materials are to be used, including stone, brick, and heavy timbers, with earth tones being prominent. He stressed that, while there will be an overall architectural theme, different and unique buildings are encouraged. Mr. Bell turned his attention to the development along Fowler Avenue,acknowledging that the backs of the buildings will face that roadway. He then indicated that those elevations are to be enhanced since they will be as important as the fronts of the structures. Ms. Deb Stober, 395 Valley Drive, asked that the trail be designed so it can connect to future trails along Fowler Avenue. She also stressed the importance of a traffic signal at the intersection of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue to allow for safe pedestrian movement to and from the development. She noted that, given the frustrations of finding available parking in portions of the community, she is hesitant to see any parking relaxations granted. She also expressed concern about the intersection of Huffine Lane and West College Street and proposed a limited access point onto that roadway. She concluded by expressing concern about unlimited height restrictions within this development. Commissioner Youngman indicated support for relaxing the height restrictions for the tower. Commissioner Kirchhoff asked that Condition No. 3 be amended to provide that the development manual be sent concurrently to the Design Review Board and the City Commission, so the Commissioners have the ability to forward any comments to the DRB before it acts on the manual. Commissioner Krauss indicated he supports relaxing the height restrictions for the clock tower, but not the hotel. Mr. Mitchell amended the requested relaxation for the hotel, asking that the Commission consider a height restriction similar to the downtown buildings. Senior Planner Skelton stated the tower on the Baxter Hotel is 60 feet, noted the City Manager has suggested a 55-foot limitation, and proposed 65 feet as a possible threshold. Commissioner Krauss expressed his support for Commissioner Kirchhoff proposed revision to Condition No. 3. He also indicated his general support for the design criteria for much of the development, but is concerned about the West Garfield Street exposure, particularly with the expanse of parking adjacent 12-12-05 • - 12 - • . to the proposed cinema building. He noted support for residential development where the cinemas are currently shown as well as above the core businesses. Commissioner Youngman indicated her support for staffs recommendation that six of the relaxations not be granted and stated that she is uncomfortable with a blanket height relaxation of 65 feet, thus setting up other areas to compete with the downtown. She would, however, be willing to consider a height relaxation that is connected with residential development. She also indicated her support for the additional condition recommended by the Design Review Board. Commissioner Kirchhoff suggested that the Commission allow Phase I of this development to move forward, but require that prior to Phase 11, the applicant bring forward a residential plan for 300 units, with the height limitation being connected to the residential units. Commissioner Krauss questioned the connection to Phase 11 and the requirement for 300 residential units. Commissioner Youngman proposed that the Commission identify the targeted number of dwelling units and offer the applicant an opportunity to convince the Commission that that number will not work for this development. Mayor Cetraro indicated his support for the overall project, but indicated he also likes the idea of a residential component. Mr. Greg Stratton, consulting engineer, asked the Commissioners to consider four of the recommended conditions. He noted that Condition No. 19 calls for no more than 25 percent of the building facade to have synthetic surfaces, and he feels that is subjective; Condition No. 27 calls for darker frames in lieu of brushed stainless frames; Condition No. 36 is not necessary because of the reciprocal parking agreement. He then asked that Condition No. 38, which requires that the City be listed as a third party to the protective covenants, be revised to require that the City approve any modifications or changes to the protective covenants. Mr.Ted Mitchell identified the proposed residential component as a critical issue, stating he cannot agree to move forward with Phase I only,with the issue of the residential component remaining unresolved until Phase II or Phase III. He then indicated a willingness to turn the buildings along West Garfield Street to face that street and to possibly consider a residential complex/hotel where the cinemas are currently proposed. He questioned the viability of providing 300 residential units, and then concluded by requesting that he be given the opportunity to construct buildings the same height as those downtown. Senior Planner Skelton responding to the issues raised by Mr.Stratton. He noted that Condition No. 19 was to ensure that the buildings meet the intent voiced by the applicant. He then stated that the requirement for dark frames is to ensure that the appearance of the building remains rich. He indicated that staff has no problem with the proposal for a reciprocal parking agreement. He then concluded by acknowledging that Condition No. 38 should be amended to remove the City as a party to the protective covenants, but that the Commission approve any amendments or modifications. Responding to Commissioner Kirchhoff, Mr. Stratton suggested that a timeframe or percentage of development be attached to any requirement for residential development. He noted that there are prospective tenants ready to move forward, and not all of them are located in Phase I. Mr. Mitchell asked the Commissioners what happens if he finds that he cannot provide 300 residential units, but could possibly provide 60 or 70 units. He indicated that while he is prepared to agree to providing residential units, he is not sure to what degree he can do so. He asked for the Commission's trust and an agreement to look at the issue in three or four years. Commissioner Krauss indicated that he shares the applicant's discomfort with the requirement for 300 residential units, but feels a fair amount should be provided. Since there were no Commissioner objections, Mayor Cetraro closed the public hearing. 12-12-05 • - 13 - • Decision Commissioner Hietala expressed his support for the conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Krauss noted that staff recommended denial of six of the requested relaxations; however, he has no problem with granting a relaxation from 44 feet to 65 feet in height for this development. Commissioner Youngman stated she cannot support blanket approval for a 65-foot height limitation. Commissioner Kirchhoff characterized this as probably the nicest in-line outdoor mall in Montana, being styled on the downtown. He noted it is also identified as a mixed use development; however,without a residential component, he does not find that it is. He reiterated his desire to see housing provided, and asked that the Commission require a minimum of 70 residential units and a maximum of 200 unit be provided, with a significant portion of those units being provided in the core. He also suggested that the height limitation relaxations be contingent upon performance in providing residential units. Commissioner Youngman expressed her support for a sliding scale on housing and height relaxations, as proposed by Commissioner Kirchhoff. Commissioner Krauss questioned why the two elements should be tied together: He then indicated that, if the Commission is uncomfortable with a blanket 65-foot height limitation, he could support limiting that height to three or four buildings within the development. Mayor Cetraro stated he feels this development will directly impact the downtown, and he is concerned when people talk about this as a destination. He then voiced his support for the sliding scale that Commissioner Kirchhoff has proposed. City Manager Kukulski suggested that the Commission require the applicant to come back within three years with an updated PUD that includes the residential component Commissioner Krauss stated he cannot support the proposed requirement, stating this is "not a carrot and a stick". It was moved by Commissioner Hietala, seconded by Commissioner Krauss, that the Conditional Use Permit for the Bozeman Gateway Planned Unit Development, requested by Morrison-Maierle, Inc.,for Mitchell Development Group, Inc., under Application No. Z-05217, to allow development of a master plan under an approved development manual and to allow relaxations,as follows:(1);from Section 18.36.060.B., to allow development to be completed in ten years; (2)from Section 18.42.040.B., to allow block lengths to exceed 400 feet;(3)from Section 18.42.040.C.,to allow block widths to exceed 400 feet;(4)from Section, to allow encroachment into 50-foot minimum setback along waterways; (5)from Section, to allow required watercourse setback to not include adjacent wetlands; (6)from Section 18.44.030.A.1.,to allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees;(7)from Section 18.44.090.D.3., to allow average spacing of intersections on Fowler Avenue to be reduced from 660 feet to 420 feet; (8) from Section 18.42.150.D.1., to allow horizontal illuminance to be less than 0.1 foot candles; (9) from Section 18.44.010.A.1.,to relax requirements to allow streets to intersect at less than 90 degrees;(10)from Section 18.44.080, to allow soft trails in place of concrete boulevard sidewalks along streets fronting open space/pedestrian corridors; (11) from Section 18.44.090, to relax the average spacing requirements for public streets; (12) from Section 18.44.090.B.2., to exclude the requirement for all lots to have 25-foot frontage on improved public or private street or alley; (13) from Section 18.46.020.D., to allow diagonal parking along Technology Boulevard and Chronicle Lane;(14)from Section,to not have access for all subdivision lots from an improved public or private street or alley; (15) from Section 18.18.040, to allow newly-created lots zoned "B-2" with minimum lot width less than 100 feet; and (16) from Section 18.20.030, to allow newly-created lots zoned "BP"with minimum lot width less than 150 feet, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary PUD Plan and final approval of the Final PUD Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD bythe Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development 12-12-05 • - 14 - • . Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code,which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the PUD. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, do not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s)for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD, the applicant shall obtain Final PUD approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final PUD Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the City Commission, Planning Office and DRB a minimum of thirty(30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) of the subdivision. 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase I of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50 percent of the lots are sold. Thereafter,the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance(Section 18.50.110). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type II Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type and Type II, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final'plat approval. 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site _ design for review and approval with the Final PUD Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and US Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. 9. Commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or 12-12-05 . i - 15 - • corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances, plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue, a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor, preferably at the northwest corner of the building. 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan;and if so,will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor, resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s)of the major subdivision. 13. The water features along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form, and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The PUD Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25-percent slope. 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors,two public trails within the north off-street parking lot,and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and DRB for approval. 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor, flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 13/-inch to 2-inch washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify"river rock" or equal in the landscape plan. 12-12-05 • - 16 - 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all.open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1, or 25-percent slope. 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20-percent change in vertical height between each module; change roof form; change in articulation. The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the facade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said criteria. 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street) and, through the use of illustrations, illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle" center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the"lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25 percent of any of the building_facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering,accurate color palette,and materials sample board specific to said project 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used 12-12-05 • - 17 - • throughout the project shall be reviewed and approved by the DRB and ADR staff as part of the Final PUD Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner(a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials)and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the DRB and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the building(s) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette, and awnings over the doors on the rear or back elevations. 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized, or similarly darker frames, in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. 28. Sconce lights and goose neck lights(down lights only)shall be added to the larger retail buildings(over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous LED string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and LED lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e., backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. 30. Those areas of the building facade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., EFIS., dryvit, stucco or similar finish)shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern, relief, and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s)shall be provided in the final development guidelines. 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. 33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type "box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent, or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style, relief, and compatibility. 12-12-05 • - 18 - • . 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this PUD. This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase IV will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18- foot by 18-foot public area with benches, pavers and landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet, exclusive of the 18-foot by 18-foot public area. 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit developmentthat ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the PUD. The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to complywith the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas located within the development will be held to a reciprocal shared parking easement and agreement for use by the general public. 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. 38. The City of Bozeman shall be party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning PUD Preliminary Plan. 39. That the applicant submit an implementation plan for a residential component of seventy(70)or more residential dwelling units with a substantial number of dwelling units located in the core of the development, prior to review and approval of Phase II. 40. That all site plan review applications within the subdivision will be subject to review by the Design Review Board. 41. That office buildings 3, 4, and 5 in Phase III be rotated to front onto Garfield Street. 42. Building heights will be permitted not to exceed a height of sixty-five(65)feet based on the merits of a residential component for the planned unit development. 12-12-05 _ 19 - The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner. Hietala, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Kirchhoff, and Mayor Cetraro; those voting No being Commissioner Krauss. Review of preliminary plat pre-application for Lydens property - subdivide 13 acres lying at southeast corner of Durston Road and Fowler Avenue extended into 49 single-household residential lots (P-05061) Included in the Commissioners' packets was a memo forwarding the pre-application for the preliminary plat to subdivide 13 acres located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Durston Road and Fowler Avenue extended into 49 single-household residential lots. Planning Director Andy Epple presented the staff report on behalf of Associate Planner Jami Morris. He stated the applicant is proposing a traditional single-household development on 13 acres lying at the southeast corner of Durston Road and Fowler Avenue extended,with roads and alleys and one cross street. He noted there is a parkland dedication requirement of 1.71 acres;and the applicant is proposing to provide that through the dedication of an additional 10 feet of right-of-way for Fowler Avenue and cash-in-lieu for the balance. He indicated that the Fowler Avenue road connection has been a key component of discussion, with four potential cross sections being provided. He noted it has been determined the road cannot be constructed on the typical alignment without substantial impact to the ditch, resulting in the need to relocate the ditch and impacting the trees. Mr. Chris Budeski, representing the applicant, stated the applicant wishes to have this property included in the special improvementtdistrict for Durston Road. He then identified the design of Fowler Avenue as a critical component, noting that if a five-lane arterial is identified as the preferred alternative, the developer will be responsible for the east half, but questioned who would be responsible for the west half. He stated that the proposed street,path and green space with bike path would fit within a 100-foot- wide right-of-way,and the narrower right-of-way would have less impact on the narrower parcel to the south of this site. He noted that, since this is a long, narrow parcel, some of the lots must front on Fowler Avenue. Project Engineer Bob Murray stated the proposed FowlerAvenue would include a 37-foot-wide street back-of-curb to back-of-curb, with a 5'/2-foot-wide boulevard. He cautioned that even this width street, constructed on the section line, will protrude into the ditch, requiring it to be moved and that trees be removed. In light of these issues, he suggested that the street be located in the center of the 100-foot-wide right-of-way and that a minor arterial section be constructed,either in a 50-foot-wide back-of-curb to back-of- curb standard or as a split facility. He cautioned that a 37-foot-wide street is not wide enough to serve as a minor arterial, particularly when the plowing of snow can result in the loss of one lane width. Responding to Commissioner Hietala,the Project Engineer suggested that with the proposed street configuration, the parkland and pond can remain on the site. Mr. Budeski noted there has been a lot of interest in providing a linear park. He cautioned that if the ditch is relocated and piped, the pond will not fill with water. Responding to Commissioner Kirchhoff, Project Engineer Murray stated that the dream of a bicycle/ pedestrian facility can be realized; however, he cautioned that it will not be located near an open ditch and trees. Mr. Budeski stated that piping of the ditch is expensive, and recognized that an open stream would be a nice amenity. He then requested clear direction on the location and width of the road and whether the Commission wants a linear corridor or a park. He also asked if the ditch is to be left open or piped. Project Engineer Murray cautioned that there are water users to the north of this site, so care must be taken to ensure the ditch and water volume are not negatively impacted. Commissioner Kirchhoff voiced his support for a 50-foot-wide minor arterial standard. Mr.Steve Hoffman,3425 Broadwater Street,noted many neighbors have become involved because of concern about the width of the street and the loss of the ditch and trees. He expressed support for a roadway plan that ensures a trail fully funded and constructed. He suggested that a 37-foot-wide road be 12-12-05 1 4C ��Z 1� Page 1 of 3 Dave Skelton From: Robin Sullivan Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 2:40 PM To: Arkell, Debbie; Brey, Ron; Chris Kukulski; Clark Johnson (Clark_Johnson@burns.senate.gov); Cooper, Tim; Day-Moore, Patricia; Dove, William; Epple, Andy; Goehrung, James; Henderson, Jon; Kerr, Andy; LaMeres, Brian; Laurae Clark; Luwe, Paul; Meister, Alice; Olsen, Jody; Poulsen, Neil; Richard Hixson; Rick Fink; Saunders, Chris; Schott, Carol; Skelton, Dave; Tracy Oulman; Tymrak, Mark; Winn, Chuck; Wordal, Susan Subject: December 12 agenda THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA December 12, 2005 A. 6:00 p.m. -Call to Order -Community Room, Gallatin County Courthouse B. Signing of Notice of Special Meeting C. Work session -with Local Government Study Commission Informal discussion with Local Govemment Study Commissioners,provide feedback on draft charter and other issues on agenda D. 7:30 p.m - Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence E. Minutes - July 5, July 11, July 18, August 1, August 15, September 6, September 12, October 3, November 7, November 21, and December 5, 2005 F. Consent Items - 1. Ordinance No. 1656 - adopting Chapter 9.72, pertaining to special security service charges for loud or unruly gatherings; finally adopt 2. Commission Resolution No. 3879 - creating Special Improvement Lighting District No. 685 (Baxter Meadows Subdivision, Phases 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D) 3. Approval of final plat for Gammack Minor Subdivision - subdivide 0.458 acres located at 328 North Church Avenue into two residential lots and relocate common boundary between 324 and 328 North Church Avenue 4. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order- Gallatin Center Subdivision PUD, Phase IV -subdivide ±48.73 acres described as Lot 3, Minor Subdivision No. 210, into nine commercial lots 5. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order-Amendment to Minor Subdivision No. 340 to allow access from Lot 5 onto Cottonwood Road, across an existing one-foot no access strip 6. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order- StoneRidge Square Subdivision - subdivide 33.97 acres lying along west side of North 19th Avenue between West Oak Street and Tschache Lane into 8 commercial lots and 1 remaining lot for common open space and future residential 12/12/2005 P development age 2 of 3 7. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order-West Winds Subdivision, Phase II - subdivide 129 acres lying along west side of North 27th Avenue extended between Tschache Lane and Baxter Lane into 113 residential lots and 95-acre remainder 8. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order- Oak Springs Subdivision - subdivide 78.05 acres lying along north side of Durston Road at Meagher Avenue extended into 188 single- household lots, 115 townhouse lots and 8 two-household residential lots 9. Authorize City Manager to sign - Real Estate Sales Agreement for the purchase of the Timberline parcel and certain personal real property - .344 acres with towers and strobe lights for joint dispatch center operations 10. Authorize City Manager to sign -Acceptance of Easement from Gateway Partners Limited Partnership for emergency vehicle access across Lot 1 and Lot 8, Harvest Creek Subdivision, Phases 6 and 7 11. Authorize City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Easements on Lot 1, Block 10, Harvest Creek Subdivision, Phase 7; Lots 1 and 8, Block 31, Harvest Creek Subdivision, Phases 6 and 7; and Lot 8, Block 32, Harvest Creek Subdivision, Phase 6, for emergency turn arounds 12. Temporary Beer and Wine License - Bridger Ski Foundation - December 10 at the Emerson Cultural Center 13. Building Inspection Division report for November 2005 14. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions G. Public comment This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. H. Commission Action Items 1. Commission Resolution No. 3877 - in support of public transportation services and recognizing HRDC as recipient of Section 5311 funds Listen to staff presentation; accept public comment; motion and vote (to or not to adopt) I. Continued public hearing -Please state name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record 1. Conditional Use Permit for Bozeman Gateway Planned Unit Development - allow development of a master plan under an approved development manual and allow relaxations to eliminate 60-percent restriction on impervious surfaces and allow for development of entire site, exclusive of required yard setbacks; allow development to be completed within ten years; allow blocks to exceed 400 feet in length and width; allow encroachment into watercourse setbacks; allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees; allow soft trails in lieu of sidewalks; relax average spacing requirements for public streets; exclude requirement to have 25 feet of frontage on improved street or alley; allow diagonal parking on certain streets; allow building height of 146 feet; allow encroach parking to encroach into yard setbacks; and allow lots less than required widths - Morrison-Maierle, Inc., for Mitchell Development Group, Inc. (Z-05217) (Dave Skelton) a. Continued public hearing Reopen continued public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing 12/12/2005 P b. Decision age 3 of 3 Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) J. Commission Discussion/Non-Action Items 1. Review of preliminary plat pre-application for Lydens property - subdivide 13 acres lying at southeast corner of Durston Road and Fowler Avenue extended into 49 single-household residential lots (P-05061) (Jami Morris) Listen to staff report; listen to staff presentation; forward individual Commissioner comments 2. Informal review - proposal for annexation, zoning and subdivision of approximately 9 acres located at northeast corner of intersection of West Babcock Street and Fowler Avenue extended (French property lying immediately south of Lydens property) (1-05038) (Jami Morris) Listen to staff report; listen to staff presentation; forward individual Commissioner comments 3. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from City Manager and other staff members - Updates from Commissioners K. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306(TDD 582-2301). Robin.Sullivan,.M.MC City Clerk 12/12/2005 t 4 CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ZONING FILE NO.Z-09217 THE BOZEMAN GATEWAY SUBDIVISION CUP/PUD ITEM: Zoning Application No. Z-05217 — An Application for a Conditional Use Permit for a mixed-use commercial/professional office/retail Planned Unit Development on approximately 72.2± acres of land located south of Huffine Lane/US Highway 191 and east of Fowler Avenue zoned "B-2", Community Commercial District, and "BP", Business Park District. APPLICANT: Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. %Ted Mitchell P.O. Box 738, Great Falls, MT 59403 OWNER: Mitchell Development Group, I.L.C. %Ted Mitchell P.O. Box 738, Great Falls,MT 59403 REPRESENTATIVE: Morrison-Maielre, Inc. Carter-Burgess., Inc. Greg Stratton Randall Stone 901 Technology Blvd. 1420 Mockingbird Lane, Suite 800 Bozeman,MT 59718 Dallas,TX 75247 DATE/TIME: Before the City Commission on Monday, December 5, 2005, at 7:00 pm, in the Community Room, Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. REPORT BY: Dave Skelton, Senior Planner Department of Planning and Community Development RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT LOCATION: The subject property is legally described as being Tract 2A of the Amended Plat of West College Minor Subdivision No. 195A located in the NW 'A of Section 15, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is further identified as property situated south of Huffine Lane/US Highway 191 and Gallatin Valley Mall, and west of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle facility. The site is approximately 72.2 acres in size and fronts Huffine Lane/US Highway 191 along the north boundary, extension of Fowler Avenue on the west and extension of Garfield Street on the south boundary. Please refer to the vicinity map and exhibits provided in the applicant's submittal. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report R-3 - - R-3 h � B-2� LL B'P a HUFFINE �COLL'EGE Subject B.P Property PLI Vicinity Map PROPOSAL: The applicant, Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C., has made application for a Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary P.U.D. Plan Review of a mixed-use commercial, professional office, and retail planned unit development consisting of 61 commercial/business park lots zoned `B-2" and "BP". The proposal is also undergoing concurrent preliminary plat review of the 72+ acre site as a major subdivision. The six-phased mixed-use planned unit development is located in the West Main Street entryway corridor overlay district along its north boundary and is bound on the north by the major arterial street, Huffine Lane/US Highway 191 and Gallatin Valley Mall. The Advanced Technology Park and Bozeman Daily Chronicle are to the east and partially developed lands under Gallatin County jurisdiction are to the west. The placement of mixed land uses within the development focuses on a mix of professional offices, retail services and hotel/conference facility on the east one-third and a mix of retail service and commercial uses on the west two-thirds. The Development Manual contains architectural and landscape guidelines that illustrate the concept of a "lifestyle" center and methods by which the developer will implement the image of the planned unit development. The Bozeman Gateway consists of several different building types and three generally land use types that are discussed in the Manual: 1) Lifestyle Center along the interior main street for the development, 2) Convenience Center and Outparcels along Fowler Avenue and West Main Street, and 3) Office Professional area along the east adjacent to the Advanced Technology Center and the extreme west at the southwest corner of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue. The applicant's overview of the project states that it is the vision of Mitchell Development Group to provide a commercial development designed to emulate the spirit of a small town shopping street. Tenants ranging in size from the hundreds to the tens of thousands of square feet will come together in a pedestrian scaled main street atmosphere. All elements of design will be held to the highest of standards, The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 2 • creating a quality civic space and a memorable identify for the entire project. It is the goal of the Development Manual to further set high standards for planning, design and construction of Bozeman Gateway. Chapter 18.36—Planned Unit Development The intent of the planned unit development concept is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. As a result, the developer has requested multiple relaxations to the Unified Development Ordinance with this application for P.U.D. review. With regard to the improvement and protection of the public health, safety and welfare,it shall be the intent of the Ordinance to promote the city's pursuit of community objectives as outlined in Chapter 18.36 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Review Committee, Design Review Board, Planning Board and City Commission participated in the Concept P.U.D. Plan Review process in January and February of 2005. Attached are copies of the informal meeting of the D.R.B. in January of 2005. The purpose of these meetings was for discussion of the applicant's proposal with the designated review committees in order to identify any requirements and applicable standards and policies, as well as offering the applicant the opportunity to identify major problems that may exist and identify solutions prior to making formal application. Formal review by the D.R.B. involved three meetings of the advisory body with the applicant in October and November with a conditional approval at the last meeting with the recommendations outlined in the staff report. Attached to this report are the minutes of the D.R.B. meetings and a copy of D.R.B. staff report. Relaxations to the Unified Development Ordinance: The applicant is requesting with the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan Review applications that the City Engineer and City Commission grant relaxations to the following sections of the Unified Development Ordinance: 1. Section 18.20.030.B "Lot Coverage and Floor Area" to eliminate the 60 percent restriction on impervious surfaces and development the entire site, exclusive of the required yard setbacks. 2. Section 18.36.060.B "Duration of Final Plan Approval" to undertake and complete the development in ten years. 3. Section 18.42.040.B "Block Length" to allow the block lengths to exceed 400 feet. 4. Section "Block Width" to allow the block widths to be more than 400 feet. 5. Section 18.42.100.B.3.c — "Setbacks" to encroach into the 50-foot minimum setback required along watercourses. 6. Section 18.42.100.B.4.b — "Watercourse Setback" to allow the required watercourse setback to not include adjacent wetlands. 7. Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees. 8. Section 18.44.090.D.3 "Spacing Standards for Drive Access" to allow the average spacing of intersections on Fowler Avenue to be reduced from 660 feet to 420 feet. 9. Section 18.42.150.D.1 "Parking Lot Lighting" to allow horizontal illuminnace to be less than 0.1 foot-candles as required by the U.D.O. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 3 10. Section 18.42.1501 "Lighting Specifications" to allow light fixtures and standards that do not comply with the U.D.O. (i.e., distract light and glare down and aware from adjoining streets and properties. 11. Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to relax the streets to intersection at angles less than 90 degrees (City Engineer decision). 12. Section 18.44.080 "Sidewalks" to allow soft trials in place of concrete boulevard sidewalks along streets fronting open space/pedestrian corridors. 13. Section 18.44.090 "Access" to relax the average spacing requirements for public streets (City Engineer decision). 14. Section 18.44.090.B.2 "Drive Access from Public Streets" to exclude the requirement of all subdivision lots having 25 feet of frontage on all improved public or private street, or improved alley. 15. Section !8.46.020.D `Backing into Public Rights-of-Way" to allow diagonal parking along Technology Boulevard and Chronicle Lane. 16. Section 18.18.020 `Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the `B-2 district from 44 feet to 146 feet. 17. Section 18.18.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the B'2" District. 18. Section 18.20.060" `Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the `BP" district from 44 feet to 146 feet. 19. Section 18.20.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the `BP" District. 20. Section 18.42.030.I "Frontage" to not have access for all subdivision lots from an improved pubic street, approved private street or alley. 21. Section 18.18.040 "Lot Area and Width" to allow newly created lots zoned "B-2" with a minimum lot width less than 100 feet. 22. Section 18.20.030 "Lot Area and Width" to allow newly created lots zoned `BP" with a minimum lot width less than 150 feet. ZONING DESIGNATION & LAND USES The subject property is zoned`B-2", Community Business District and `BP," Business Park District. The "B-2", Community Business District, allows for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets. Principal permitted uses range from banks and hospitals to offices and hotels/motels. Conditional uses permitted in the district range from automobile fuel sales to technical or vocational schools to light goods repair and light manufacturing. The "BP", Business Park District, provides for high quality settings and facilities for the development of a wide range of compatible employment opportunities. These areas should be developed so as to recognize the impact on surrounding or adjacent development and contribute to the overall image of the community. Compatibility with adjacent land uses and zoning is required. Permitted uses range from hospitals and professional offices to research laboratories and public buildings. Conditional uses that may be considered in the `BP" district range from banks and day care centers to type II essential services. The following land uses and zoning are adjacent to the subject property: North: US Highway 191/Huffine Lane/West Main Street and Gallatin Valley Mall zoned `B-2", Community Business District. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 4 South: Undeveloped agricultural land under Gallatin County jurisdiction and owned by the State of Montana Endowment and Research Foundation. East: Advanced Technology Park and Bozeman Daily Chronicle zoned "BP", Business Park District. West: Partially developed agricultural lands under Gallatin County jurisdiction. ADOPTED GROWTH POLICY DESIGNATION The development proposal is in general conformance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan including the "Community Commercial" and `Business Park" land use designations with the recommendations to be considered by the Planning Board and City Commission. The "Community Commercial" classification provides areas for basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community. Establishments located within this category draw from a community as a whole for their employee and customer base and are sized accordingly. A broad range of functions include retail, education, professional and personal services, offices,residences and general service activities typify this designation. The "Business Park"classification provides for areas typified by office uses and technology-oriented light industrial uses, although retail, services, or industrial uses may also be included in an accessory or local service role. Additional uses may be approved as part of a planned unit development if they are found to be compatible with and subordinate to the uses described above, and are consistent with the intent of the underlying Business Park land use classification. REVIEW CRITERIA& FINDINGS The City of Bozeman Planning Office has reviewed the application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development against the relevant chapters of the Unified Development Ordinance (U.D.O.); and as a result, offers the following summary review comments below. The findings outlined in this report include comments and recommended conditions provided by the Development Review Committee (D.R.C.), Design Review Board (D.R.B.), and other applicable review agencies. Section 18.30.060 "Design Criteria and Development Standards in Entryway Corridors" The Design Review Board is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger and more complex proposals which are likely to produce significant community impact and to provide recommendations regarding such proposals to the City Commission. The Board is empowered to recommend approval or conditional approval of the project with support of some or all of the requested relaxations or to forward a recommendation of denial. The D.R.B. staff report discusses the design guidelines sought in the City of Bozeman Design Objectives Plan and are considered a supplement to this staff report (see attached D.R.B. staff report). The findings in the D.R.B. report are the basis for recommendations by A.D.R. staff and the D.R.B.,which are incorporated into the recommendations of this report. Section 18.34.100 "City Commission Consideration and Findings for Conditional Use Permits" This application for a Conditional Use Permit does not involve site plan review of an anchor tenant. This application is review and approval of a phased planned unit development for a master plan and development guidelines under Section 18.36.070.A.3 of the U.D.O. Site plan review of individual projects within the P.U.D. under Chapter 18.34 "Site Plan Review" will be addressed upon application of the initial development proposal. Applicable criteria listed in 18.34.090 "Site Plan and Master Site Plan Review The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 5 • Criteria" are discussed under Section 18.36.090 "Planned Unit Development Design Objectives and Criteria" below or the Bozeman Design Objectives Plan adopted on February 14, 2005 in the attached D.R.B. staff report. However, a general summary of the criteria is provided below. Section 18.34.090 "Site Plan and Master Site Plan Review Criteria" In considering applications for site plan approval under this title, the City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City's adopted growth policy The City Commission through adoption of the growth policy identified the entire 72.2 acres as "Community Commercial" as typified by the `B-2" (Community Business District) zoning designation. Finding that the proposed The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. is consistent with the "Community Commercial" land use designation and further finding the desire to ensure that all zoning designations on the City of Bozeman Zone Map are in compliance with adopted growth policy, the Planning Office is recommending that the applicant proceed with a zone map amendment to amend the City of Bozeman Zone Map from "BP" to `B-2" for the 21.8 acres in question. The Planning Office has further advised the applicant that staff will support the requested zone map amendment as effort to maintain consistency between the land use designation of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and the City of Bozeman Zone Map. 2. Conformance to this title, including the cessation of any current violations a. Section 18.36.060 requires the applicant to submit seven (7) copies a Final Site Plan within one (1) year of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. b. Section states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. c. Section 18.34.140 states that a Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. d. Section 18.38.0501 requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment should be incorporated into the roof form and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 6 e. A detailed Renewal Plan which addresses all of the criteria outlined in Section 18.40.180.D shall be submitted to the Planning Office with the Final PUD Plan for review and approval prior to final site plan approval and issuance of a building permit. f. Section 18.42.170 requires the trash receptacles to be appropriately sized and located for the specific project as approved by the City Sanitation Department. Accommodations for recyclables must also be considered. All receptacles shall be located inside of an approved trash enclosure. A copy of the site plan, indicating the location of the trash enclosures, dimensions of the receptacles and enclosures and details of the materials used, shall be sent to and approved by the City Sanitation Division (phone: 586-3258) prior to final site plan approval. g. Section 18.46.020 requires compact parking stalls to be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed immediately in front of each space containing the notation "Compacts Only." h. Section 18.48.050.C.2.a.(2) requires all parking lots located between a principal structure and a public street to be screened from the public street. i. The Final Landscape Plan will be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Staff and D.R.B. as part of the Final P.U.D. Plan. The West Main Street setbacks shall be landscaped in accordance with.the Greenway Park requirements outlined on page 77 of the Design Objectives Plan and adopted by reference in the U.D.O. In addition, the PUD on a whole shall meet a minimum of 23 landscape performance points as outlined in Section 18.48.060. The required plantings within the yard setbacks on West Main Street, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street and adjacent to the watercourses cannot be used to meet the landscape performance points. j. Chapter 18.52 requires the review and approval of a Sign Permit Application prior to the construction and installation of any on-site signage. k. The final landscape plan shall be signed and certified by a landscape professional as outlined in Section 18.78.100. 1. Incorporate drainage systems as a part of the site amenities and landscape design POP,page 21). m. In all developments, minimize the number of cars parked on site. For major site developments, parking supply shall not exceed the minimum requirements, unless provided in structured parking POP,page 30). n. Minimize the level of lighting across parking areas. Focus higher light levels at key crossing points and intersections,rather than uniformly across a lot POP, page 32). o. Orient the primary entrance of a building to face a street, plaza or pedestrian way POP,page 40). p. Develop the street level of a building to provide visual interest to pedestrians POP,page 41). q. Buildings shall employ all of the following design techniques: change material or color with each building module to reduce the perceived mass; change the height of a wall plane or building module (at least 200/6); change roof form to help express the different modules of the building mass; and change The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 7 the arrangement of windows and other fagade articulation features, such as column or strapwork, that divide large wall planes into smaller components POP,page 42). r. Use traditional building materials for primary wall surfaces POP, page 46). s. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations The applicant is required to provide copies of all applicable permits and approvals from other agencies. The DRC has recommended approval of concurrent construction for this project. Additional materials, such as a financial guarantee and proof of fire hazard liability insurance will still need to be provided in order for the City to issue building permits prior to completion of infrastructure improvements. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property The property to the north is developed with the Gallatin Valley Shopping Mall, Bozeman :Daily Chronicle and Advance Technology Park are situated to the east. Limited development under Gallatin County .jurisdiction lies to the west, and the lands to the south under ownership of the university system is undeveloped. The D.R.B. staff report and review of Section 18.36.090 "Planned Unit Development Design Objectives and Criteria" below goes into further discussion on the aspects of mass, scale, pedestrian interest and compatibility with the surrounding area. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions According to the traffic impact study a total of 29,454 (1,081 trips during AM peak hour and 2,888 trips during PM peak hour) average daily trip ends will be generated by this development. These trips will be dispersed to the four external streets as follows: • 45% to/from the east on West Main Street, • 15% to/from the west on Huffine Lane, • 5% to/form the north on Fowler Avenue, • 15% to/from the east on West College Street, and • 20% on West Garfield Street turning south at South 19`h Avenue. The applicant has obtained an access permit from the Montana Department of Transportation for the access onto US 191/Huffine Lane with Harmon Stream Boulevard, but will need to provide documentation of an access permit for Chronicle Lane onto West College Street prior to proceeding with construction. This may, or may not, require an access permit from the City Engineer's Office depending on which agency has jurisdiction. Based on the findings of the study, the consultant is recommending that the transportation needs of the system surrounding The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. fall into two categories; 1) those identified in the Bozeman Transportation Plan, and 2) those needed based on the additional traffic from the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. The widening of South 19`h Avenue from West Main Street to The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P.M.U.D. Staff Report 8 Kagy Boulevard in the Bozeman Transportation Plan is clearly needed. The recommended mitigation improvements associated with the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. are: • Provide access to the property from Huffine Lane and West College Street as shown on the submitted site plan. • Install a traffic signal at Huffine Lane/Fowler Avenue. • Build Fowler Avenue to a minor arterial standard and West Garfield Street to a collector standard (already completed). • Develop the Harmon Street Boulevard driveway as a three-quarter access, with left-turning traffic prohibited from exiting the site. • The West College Street access should be installed as soon as possible (M.D.O.T. approval) with left turning movements into and out of the drive approach not being allowed. • Build a bicycle/pedestrian path system along the Farmer's Canal ditch berm, and warp it around the subdivision to tie into the intersection of Huffine Lane/Fowler Avenue at an appropriate spot. • Complete a speed zone study for Huffine Lane after Phase I of the project is developed and also after full build-out of the development. According to the calculations provided in the applicant's submittal, the application includes a parking plan that minimizes the number of off-street parking spaces as allowed under the Unified Development Ordinance by using the reduction table in 18.46.040. This is implemented with a combination of privately owned or common parking areas throughout the development. A parking analysis by the developer calculates the required off-street parking at 2,907 spaces. With the allowable reduction the parking plan may be adjusted to 2,556 spaces. The applicant is proposing 2,557 off- street parking spaces. However, this does not take into consideration the necessary provisions for disabled parking facilities. The Design Review Board and Planning Board discussed the issue with the need to ensure adequate parking facilities based on the nature and size of the development even though the applicant is utilizing shared parking facilities between uses. The Planning Board expressed further concern with the parking calculations when it was not clear as to whether or not all parking lots would be held in common ownership. As a result, the Planning Board considered the need for an off-street parking table for each phase that guaranteed adequate parking was available; whereby the size of building area for the later development projects in each phase would be controlled by the ability to provide ample parking for each phase of the P.U.D. The advisory board further recommended that all areas of off- street parking within the development should be in common ownership for use by the general public. As a result, the applicant agreed to implement the off-street parking table for each phase of the development. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress A hierarchy of vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems is discussed in the subdivision preliminary plat review, D.R.B. staff report, and later in this staff report. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation The Conditional Use Permit application submitted by the developer provides a detailed description of the landscape features to be implemented throughout The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. The The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P.M.U.D. Staff Report 9 Development Manual describes the many aspects of preserving the amenities and how the proposed built environment will compliment those features. The West Main Street and Fowler Avenue setbacks would need to be landscaped in accordance with the Greenway Park requirements outlined on page 77 of the Design Objectives Plan and adopted by reference in the U.D.O. In addition, the PUD on a whole shall meet a minimum of 23 landscape performance points as outlined in Section 18.48.060. The Design Objectives Plan also calls for the incorporation of native species in the landscape design, a coordinated landscape palette and clusters of landscaping for visual interest. The preliminary landscape plans have attempted to address some of these aspects. However, the Final Landscape Plan will need to be modified to meet all of these functions. Based on the size of the project, it is difficult to go into great detail with the treatment of smaller areas (i.e., planters, groundcover,perennial plantings, etc.). As a result, the D.R.B. staff report has discussed the many disciplines related to the landscape features that must be addressed with the Final Landscape Plan prior to Final P.U.D. Plan approval. Those items are outlined in the recommended conditions of approval at the end of this staff report. 8. Open space The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. meets the minimum 20 points required for a P.U.D. in the West Main Street Corridor. Exclusive of the required yard setbacks and interior off-street parking lot landscape features the development provides 10.10 acres, or 16.528% of the site, as open space for a total 20.66 points. 9. Building location and height The orientation of buildings to the public streetscape, need for more public activities along the streetscape and ability to avoid the presence of the back or rear of buildings onto the entryway corridor and public streets is a concern of staff and the D.R.B. The applicant has attempted to address this during the meetings with A.D.R. staff and D.R.B. by providing additional exhibits that illustrate the treatment of said issues. If the project is approved, these illustrations should be included in the Development Manual and supported by a short written narrative discussing said treatment. The applicant is requesting that the allowable building height be increased to a height of 146 feet. Planning Staff, D.R.B. and the Planning Board do not support this request without additional information that is specific to the requested relaxation. The building height maximum allowable within the B-2 District is 44 feet with an increase by 30 percent through the approval of a conditional use permit,but only when the additional height is a specifically identified purpose of the review. 10. Setbacks There is a 25 foot setback required along West Main Street and Fowler Avenue. The applicant has provided an additional 25 feet along entryway corridor of West Main Street to provide desired landscape and water features. There is also a required 50-foot setback from the watercourse and associated wetlands that have been identified on the site. The applicant has requested that the 50-foot setback be exclusive of the associated wetlands and is also requesting to encroach into the watercourse setback at points identified within the development, primarily along the parking lots that parallel Harmon Stream Ditch and Spring Branch watercourses. The Wetlands Review Board completed an The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 10 on-site visit of the site and reviewed the wetlands study that resulted in a recommendation of supporting the applicant's request. The applicant is also request to encroach into the required yard setbacks for off-street parking and are proposing to establish similar required yard setbacks as the buildings. Based on the size and area of the impervious surfaces that result from the parking lots, and further finding that the Design Objectives Plan discourages expansive of areas of impervious surfaces, staff is not supportive of the requested relaxation. 11. Lighting The Preliminary Light Plan identifies three architectural light fixtures proposed throughout the development and off-street parking lots. Only of one the three fixtures (i.e.., Domus Series) complies with the U.D.O. and would prevent off-site glare and distraction to vehicular movement along adjoining pubic streets. It is recommended that the Domus Series fixture be allowed throughout the development and the other two fixtures be allowed with a retrofitted "louvered cover" along Technology Boulevard with a transition to the compliant fixture along private streets prior to intersecting with adjoining public streets. Street lights will be required along Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street and must comply with the U.D.O. Neon and L.E.D. lighting will not be permitted unless used as a backlight architectural feature that is not directly visible from the public streetscape, sidewalks or streets. As stated in the Design Objectives Plan the parking lot lights should be installed to convey a hierarchy of the internal street network. Between the building mounted lights, street lights and bollard lights the Planning Office feels that the parking lot lights should be kept to minimum. Lights should be concentrated along the internal walkways and along the store fronts so additional parking lot lights should be minimized. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities The preliminary subdivision review discussed the provisions necessary to provide adequate municipal infrastructure and public services to the planned unit development. The City Engineer's Office did not identify any matters that could not be addressed with the recommended conditions of approval by their office.. 13. Site surface drainage A Stormwater Master Plan for the subdivision for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease and other pollutants from the runoff from the private and public streets and all lots must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Should above ground storm water facilities be proposed the facilities will be designed with an organic shape rather than the rectilinear and should be designed as a landscape feature. 14. Loading and unloading areas Unloading berths will be addressed with site plan review of the individual projects within the planned unit development. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 11 15. Grading The property currently slopes from south to north. There does not appear to be anything in the geotechnical report that indicates any geologic hazards. However, due to the existing water features, relocation of the Farmer's Canal, the rising of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street, existing grades will, or have already been, altered and will have an influence on the watercourse corridors and entryway corridor. As a result, the applicant will provide finish surface elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to the associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions of parking lot areas that abut the watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1, or 25% slope. 16. Signage The design guidelines call for a common signage theme that generally focuses on building signage, not freestanding signs. Illustrations in the Development Manual suggest placement of monument signs at principle and secondary access points into the development, which are generally consistent with the quality and character of the project. The illustrations are intended to demonstrate the character of the signage and no so much compliance with the sign ordinance. A final signage theme for the freestanding signs must be resolved with the common signage plan prior to final approval. Two of the illustrations would not comply with the sign ordinance in terms of building height and area. In addition, the application depicts architectural features or towers that are used at the main entrances to the project and throughout the "lifestyle center" (page 24, 33, 35, 51) to identify The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. These are acceptable architectural features as long as they are project identification signs and do not include signage for individual tenants or corporate logos of businesses in the P.U.D. As a result, the common signage plan submitted with the Final PUD Plan will need to comply with the sign ordinance, unless deviations to the ordinance are requested by the applicant. As noted, the signage plan focuses on project identification signs as key entrances into the project. Only one pylon-style sign is permitted per street frontage with the remainder freestanding monument signs. However, the Final PUD Plan will need to contain a common signage plan that illustrates the actual design standards for the project identification signs. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property. This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage. 17. Screening The UDO and the Design Objectives Plan require all mechanical equipment to be screened from view. The elevations do not depict any roof top, wall mounted or ground mounted mechanical equipment. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 12 18. Overlay district provisions The Preliminary PUD Plan was reviewed against the Design Objectives Plan guidelines for "All Corridors", "Commercial Development, and for the "West Main Street Entryway Corridor." 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties No public comment has been received to date. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title,whether the lots are either: a. Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming; b. The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. If applicable, a shared access agreement will be required for all of the approaches to the development. Section 18.36.090 "Planned Unit Development Design Objectives and Criteria" For any planned unit development proposal to be approved it must first be found, by the City Commission, after recommendation from the DRC, DRB or WRB (if applicable), to be in compliance with this title including any applicable review criteria of the Chapter 18.36 "Planned Unit Development". In addition to the review criteria outlined for site plan and conditional use permit review, the City Commission shall,in approving a planned unit development, find favorably as follows: A. All Development. All land uses within a proposed planned unit development shall be reviewed against, and comply with, the applicable objectives and criteria of the mandatory "All Development" group. 1. Does the development comply with all City design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? The plan complies with all of the design standards for water, sanitary sewer, irrigation, fire, private utilities and storm drainage facilities. The applicant generally agrees with the recommendations of the Planning Office and the City Engineer's Office as it relates to the infrastructure, streets, utilities and storm drainage facilities. 2. Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The four watercourses and/or ditches, and associated wetlands, identified in the application will remain in their current location and natural state. Three of the four features will be protected by required watercourse setbacks. The fourth being the Section Line Ditch does not require setbacks or landscape improvements. With exception to the removal of some mature cottonwood trees with the The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P.M.U.D. Staff Report 13 construction of Fowler Avenue the remainder of the trees and natural vegetation are preserved along the three water courses. Additional landscaping will be required as recommended by staff and are outlined in the attached D.R.B. staff report. The applicant has requested with the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan Review application a relaxation to Section 18.42.100.B.3.c — "Setbacks" and Section 18.42.100.B.4.b — "Watercourse Setbacks" to encroach into the 50-foot minimum setback required along watercourses whereby the required watercourse setback does not include adjacent wetlands. At the request of the Planning Office, the Wetlands Review Board was asked to comment on the applicant's encroachment. After reviewing the wetlands study and partaking in an on-site visit of the subject site, the Wetlands Review Board recommended on October 12, 2205 that a relaxation of the watercourse setback requirement that calls for the inclusion of the width of wetlands in the 50 foot watercourse setback (see attached recommendation in the preliminary plat staff report dated October 17, 2005 —Attachment "A"). To clearly identify the encroachments into the required watercourse setbacks it is recommended that prior to proceeding with construction activity on the site that the applicant install a slit fence along both sides of each watercourse that follows the property boundaries of adjoining subdivision lots and/or common areas as depicted on the subdivision plat. 3. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? The elements of the site design have been arranged in a manner that visualizes a new "lifestyle center" concept while improving the area's transportation network system (i.e., Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street). The proposal also provides adequate connectivity for both vehicular and pedestrian circulation throughout the development, which is somewhat controlled by M.D.O.T. along Huffine Lane. Planning Staff, D.R.C. and D.R.B. are not opposed to the general pattern of development as proposed. In the D.R.B. report, staff focused on identifying a number of items discussed in the Development Manual that will ensure the architectural and landscape guidelines will implement the desired imagine along the West Main Street entryway corridor. Due to the magnitude and size of the project, the Development Manual focused on the principle concept of the "lifestyle center" at a larger scale and limiting the detail and specifications of smaller items (architectural detail of out buildings, smaller public areas and plazas, trail crossings, low profile landscape features). Thus, a need for greater detail at a bigger scale is necessary. Those items are outlined in the recommendation of this staff report, but are discussed in greater detail in the D.R.B. staff report. If approved based on the recommendations of the Planning Office, D.R.C. and D.R.B. the elements of the site plan should produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development. 4. Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g. building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The east/west orientation of the principal interior street, Technology Boulevard, allows for effective solar orientation and energy reduction during winter months. This is also true of the principal east/west trail along Huffine Lane and the placement of the interior trail system within the open space The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 14 corridors along the watercourses. Similar to other development proposals along entryway corridors, consideration should be given to the requirement of turning offing all parking lot and sign lights after hours to reduce energy consumption. The master trail system is designed to allow for alternative pedestrian/bike routes by either bypassing the development along Huffine Lane/US 191 and West Garfield, or accessing the planned unit development at numerous location points along the entryway corridor and West Garfield Street. 5. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Not applicable. Although residential development was discussed by the D.R.B. and Commission during P.U.D. Concept Plan review, no residential development is currently contemplated with this development. 6. Park Land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by '18.50.020, BMC? No dedicated parkland is required with the mixed-use commercial planned unit development. However, provisions for achieving the minimum open space requirements have been met with the overall master plan for the PUD. This includes the preservation of the existing watercourses and associated vegetation and wetlands. Those areas designated as open space must be identified accordingly on the final subdivision plat and final PUD plan. The preliminary plan identifies six key areas of green space for both visually and functionally open space; 1) entryway corridor along US 191/West Main Street, 2) west most watercourse along Fowler Avenue, 3) watercourse along Harmon Stream Boulevard, 4) watercourse along the eastern half of the PUD, 5) public plaza along Technology Boulevard, and 6) two watercourses in the north parking lot . All of theses areas contain existing physical features that are being preserved and should be further complimented with landscape features that will embrace the importance of urban open space. 7. Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least twenty performance points. Nonresidential developments within the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn thirty points. Points may be earned in any combination of the following. The applicant shall select the combination of methods but the City may require documentation of performance, modifications to the configuration of open space, or other assurances that the options selected shall perform adequately. (a) Provision of affordable housing: Two points for each percent of constructed dwellings in the residential development; OR— One point for each constructed dwelling or lot donated to the City; (b) Additional open space: One point for each percent of the project area that is provided as non-public open space; or one and one quarter points for each percent of the project area that is provided as publicly accessible open space. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. meets the minimum 20 points required for a P.U.D. in the West Main Street Corridor. Exclusive of the required yard setbacks and interior off-street parking lot The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 15 landscape features the development provides 10.10 acres, or 16.528% of the site, as open space for a total 20.66 points. 8. Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The proposed plan is the first commercial development of its kind along the south side of the West Main Street entryway corridor that is west of the intersection with West College Street. As a result, the context within this neighborhood that the proposal is being considered is relatively new as it continues west along the south side of the overlay district. However, improvements to Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street, in addition to implementation of a pedestrian/bicycle trail system will avoid the potential of an isolated "pad" with future development in the area. As noted during preliminary subdivision plat review, the proposal has been endorsed by G.V.L.T. and the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, and allows for the relocation of the pedestrian/bike trail corridor along Huffine Lane/US 191 that will be part of a $147,000.00 CTEP grant awarded to the City of Bozeman C. Commercial. Planned unit developments in commercial areas (B-1, B-2 and B-3 zoning districts) may include either commercial or multi-household development, however adequate but controlled access to arterial streets is essential. Activities would include a broad range of retail and service establishments designed to serve consumer demands of the Bozeman area. 1. If the project contains any use intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the requirements for adult businesses? Not applicable. 2. Is the project contiguous to an arterial street, and has adequate but controlled access been provided? The principal access points to the major subdivision occur from US 191/Huffine Lane (principal arterial), Fowler Avenue (minor arterial), West College Street (principal arterial), and West College Street (local street). The applicant has recently constructed both Fowler Avenue and West College Street as a requirement of the major subdivision, which requires signalization improvements at the intersection of US 191/Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue. West College Street is constructed to a collector standard as a recommended mitigation stemming from the traffic analysis prepared by Robert Peccia&Associates. 3. Is the project on at least two acres of land? The proposal accounts for approximately 72.2 acres of land that fronts onto the West Main Street entryway corridor. 4. If the project contains two or more significant uses (for instance, retail, office, residential, hotel/motel and recreation), do the uses relate to each other in terms of location within the PUD, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, architectural design, utilization of common open space and facilities, etc.? The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 16 The Development Manual contains architectural and landscape guidelines that illustrate the concept of a "lifestyle" center and methods by which the developer will implement the image of the planned unit development. The Bozeman Gateway consists of several different building types that are discussed in the Manual: 1) Lifestyle Center along the interior main street for the development, 2) Convenience Center and Out parcels along Fowler Avenue and West Main Street, and 3) Office Professional area along the east adjacent to the Advanced Technology Center and the extreme west at the southwest corner of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue. These land use types are designed to provide a broad mix of retail services, convenience center, highway commercial uses, professional and medical offices, restaurants, banks, and a hotel/conference center. The guidelines of the Development Manual will be the tool that implements an integrated and unified theme throughout the project. 5. Is it compatible with and does it reflect the unique character of the surrounding area? The design guidelines offer the ability to ensure development of a high quality setting through the site plan review process of individual buildings within the development. The Bozeman Gateway suggests a new age in regional shopping detailed in the locally prevalent craftsman style that focuses on architectural details, fenestration treatment, use of masonry and stone, exposed rafters, rough lumber and timber details, arcades, and decorative stone lintels and medallions. Review of the preliminary Development Manual points to the need for additional information addressing the presentation of the "back" or "rear" of buildings, orientation of buildings at intersections, presentation of buildings along the streetscape and entryway corridor, public gathering places or plazas along streetscape, screening of refuse areas, need for double frontage storefronts, etc. These discussed in detail in the D.R.B. staff report. Based on the recommended conditions by staff, the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff will evaluate the final draft of the Development Manual and guidelines prior to final P.U.D. Plan review and approval. The final document will be used to review individual projects during site plan review. Examples of corporate architecture and franchise architecture that do not represent innovative design are discouraged by staff and will be addressed with review of the final Development Manual document. 6. Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent existing or future off-site parking areas which contain more than ten spaces? The plan depicts vehicular and pedestrian access between retail buildings and throughout the development that focus on the treatment of crossings, linear open space corridors through parking lots, landscape features, public plazas, and pedestrian/bike trails within the interior that connect to the US 191/Huffine trail corridor. Additional pedestrian facilities and public plazas are recommended by staff that address the need for additional detail and information that reinforces the design disciplines discussed in the Development Manual. 7. Does the project encourage infill, or does the project otherwise demonstrate compliance with the land use guidelines of the Bozeman growth policy? The proposed uses are in compliance with the adopted growth policy and the goals and objectives outlined in Chapter 4 concerning Community Character. The recommendations of staff and D.R.B. focus on the need for additional information, illustrations and detail that clearly support the high quality setting of the "lifestyle center" concept and the image that it presents along the entryway corridor. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 17 8. Does the project provide for outdoor recreational areas (such as additional landscaped areas, open spaces, trails or picnic areas) for the use and enjoyment of those living in, working in or visiting the development? In addition to the wetlands, required open space adjacent to the watercourses and the required transportation trails along the watercourses the plan also depicts a series of public plazas and areas for social interaction. Staff is also recommending a transit stop area and information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor. Section 18.40.180.D. Additional Criteria and Site Development Guidelines for Certain Retail Developments 1. Applications for large scale retail development shall include a renewal plan that will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the structure in the event of closure or relocation by the original occupant. Such plan will be approved if the City Commission finds that: a. The plan conforms to the City's growth policy and the requirements of this title or parts thereof for the municipality as a whole; b. A sound and adequate plan exists for said redevelopment; c. The plan affords maximum opportunity for rehabilitation or redevelopment of the structure by both private enterprise and the City; and d. The renewal plan provides a maintenance plan for normal repairs and upkeep of property, including but not limited to building, parking lot and surfacing, landscaping, signage and elimination of"ghost signage." This application for a C.U.P. does not involve an initial site plan review for an anchor tenant. The preliminary plat review staff report points out that the applicant intends to develop the project over a ten-year window. As a result, the multi-phased development is under review as a commercial planned unit development using Option #3 in Section 18.36.070.A.3 - "Application for Approval of a Phased P.U.D. Based Only Upon Master Plan and Development Guidelines" of the Unified Development Ordinance. This is necessary to exceed the maximum two years from the time of final plan approval to complete the development as outlined in Section 18.36.060.B.1. Unlike, Option #2 where developers may desire to gain preliminary and final approval for the initial phase (similar to the Lowe's project in Bridget Peaks Town Center on North 191h Avenue), the applicant is requesting preliminary and final approval of a master plan and development guidelines (i.e.., Development Manual) for the multi-phased Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. A more detailed plan that addresses all of the criteria above will need to be submitted for review with site plan review of individual projects. 2. The City may enter into a development agreement with the owner of the real property and undertake activities, including the acquisition, removal or demolition of structures, improvements or personal property located on the real property, to prepare the property for redevelopment. A development agreement entered into in accordance with this section must contain provisions obligating the owner to redevelop the real property for a specified use consistent with the provisions of this title and offering recourse to the City if the redevelopment is not completed as determined by the City. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 18 Upon review of a renewal plan the City Commission may determine that a formal agreement should be drafted and recorded that obligates the owner to redevelop the property and offering recourse if the redevelopment is not completed as approved in the renewal plan. CONSIDERATIONS Recommended Relaxations The applicant is requesting with the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan Review applications that the City Engineer and City Commission grant relaxations to a number of sections of the Unified Development Ordinance listed at the beginning of this staff report. Based on the findings of this staff report, the Planning Staff recommends approval of the following relaxations: • Section 18.36.060.B "Duration of Final Plan Approval' to undertake and complete the development in ten years. • Section 18.42.040.B "Block Length" to allow the block lengths to exceed 400 feet. • Section "Block Width" to allow the block widths to be more than 400 feet. • Section 18.42.100.B.3.c — "Setbacks" to encroach into the 5040ot minimum setback required along watercourses. • Section 18.42.100.B.4.b — "Watercourse Setback" to allow the required watercourse setback to not include adjacent wetlands. • Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees. • Section 18.44.090.D.3 "Spacing Standards for Drive Access" to allow the average spacing of intersections on Fowler Avenue to be reduced from 660 feet to 420 feet. • Section 18.42.150.D.1 "Parking Lot Lighting" to allow horizontal illuminnace to be less than 0.1 foot-candles as required by the U.D.O. • Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to relax the streets to intersection at angles less than 90 degrees (City Engineer decision). • Section 18.44.080 "Sidewalks" to allow soft trials in place of concrete boulevard sidewalks along streets fronting open space/pedestrian corridors. • Section 18.44.090 "Access" to relax the average spacing requirements for public streets (City Engineer decision). • Section 18.44.090.B.2 "Drive Access from Public Streets" to exclude the requirement of all subdivision lots having 25 feet of frontage on all improved public or private street, or improved alley. • Section !8.46.020.D `Backing into Public Rights-of-Way" to allow diagonal parking along Technology Boulevard and Chronicle Lane. • Section 18.42.030.I "Frontage" to not have access for all subdivision lots from an improved pubic street, approved private street or alley. • Section 18.18.040 "Lot Area and Width" to allow newly created lots zoned `B-2" with a minimum lot width less than 100 feet. • Section 18.20.030 "Lot Area and Width" to allow newly created lots zoned `BP" with a minimum lot width less than 150 feet. The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 19 Planning Staff recommends denial of the following requested relaxations: • Section 18.20.030.B "Lot Coverage and Floor Area" to eliminate the 60 percent restriction on impervious surfaces and development the entire site, exclusive of the required yard setbacks. • Section 18.42.1501 "Lighting Specifications" to allow light fixtures and standards that do not comply with the U.D.O. (i.e., distract light and glare down and aware from adjoining streets and properties. • Section 18.18.020 `Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the `B-2 district from 44 feet to 146 feet. • Section 18.18.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the B'2" District. • Section 18.20.060" `Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the `BP" district from 44 feet to 146 feet. • Section 18.20.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the "BP" District. Protective Covenants - After reviewing the applicant's draft of the property owner's association documents, the Planning Office is recommending significant modifications, corrections and additions related to; 1) provisions for boulevard street lighting, 2) boulevard irrigation, 3) maintenance of common areas and facilities, 4) landscape of public rights-of-way, 5) distinguish between "common open space" and "common areas", 5) measures to ensure the subdivision will share in the continued maintenance of fencing of adjoining agricultural lands, 6) maintenance of all private streets and alleyways, 7) maintenance of all storm water facilities as common areas, 8) no interference with agricultural water user facility or irrigation ditches for downstream water rights, and 9) provisions for shared parking on all parking lots with reciprocal shared parking easements, 10) renewal of an annual contract with a landscape maintenance contractor for the responsibility and maintenance of all common areas, landscape features and trails, 11) snow removal, 12) protection of watercourse corridors, 13) treatment and maintenance of storm water facilities, 13) landscape plan and associated features, 14) control with nuisances and fluctuation with water features, and 15) City Commission as a party to any modifications and amendments to the protective covenants. Development Manual - The applications for subdivision preliminary plat and P.U.D. preliminary plan review for the planned unit development were deemed incomplete upon submittal to the Planning Office, finding in part that development guidelines were not provided with the P.U.D. preliminary plan application. The applicant's introduction of the project states that it is the goal of the Development Manual to set high standards for the planning, design and construction of Bozeman Gateway. All entities, from individual tenants, to the owner, to the City of Bozeman,will use the document as a set of guidelines for creating a quality development that the community can be proud of. After reviewing of the applicant's architectural and landscape guidelines that will implement the "lifestyle center" concept of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D., staff has recommended modifications, corrections and additions to the document that will implement the "lifestyle center" concept for the mixed-use commercial planned unit development that include the following, but are not limited to said items: The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 20 • Site Development Standards—Chapter II A. Site Design —Add to Section II.A.5.b specifications that grading in the required open space areas will not exceed a magnum slope of 4:1, or 25% slope. This also includes, but is not limited to, required yard setbacks,man made waterways and swales. B. Traffic Flow and Parking ■ Site Access — Add to Section II.B.1.f that drive-thru facilities shall be orientated so they face "interior" parking rather than the street, as well as "corner side" streets. This includes associated apprentices such as speaker phones,menu signage,ATM, etc. ■ Add to Section II.B.4 discussion on pedestrian/bicycle crossings with streets and walkway crossings at street intersections regarding the treatment of surfacing and the use of similar pavers as that of the public plazas and lifestyle center's Technology Boulevard. Note that painted crossings or colored stamped asphalt are not acceptable alternatives. Include a typical illustration of both in more detail as that delineated in some of the illustrations in the manual (i.e.., page 5, 35, 51). ■ Add to Section II.B.7 typical plan illustrations and discussion with regard to avoiding conflicts between utility service areas and the general public will be resolved. Provide typical detail presented to the D.R.B. but include screening methods besides just placing the dumpsters behind a wall. Also discuss the proper screening of ground mounted mechanical equipment. ■ Trails C. Parking ■ Parking Legend — Provide language on an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" that addresses adequate provisions for parking with each phase of the development and how buildings in the latter phases of each development will be controlled by the ability to meet the parking requirements of the U.D.O. Also discuss provisions for shared parking for all off-street parking lots within the development. D. Civic Spaces ■ Transit stop — Discuss the location, placement design of a transit stop and provide a typical detailed plan that will be finalized with development of said phase of the project. ■ Information center — Discuss the aspects of an information center along West Main Street entryway corridor and provide a typical detailed plan in the Manual. ■ Public areas and plazas — Include similar details for the smaller plazas and public areas along Harmon Ditch as provided in the Manual for other open space corridors. E. Screening ■ Refuse Areas ■ Mechanical Equipment Landscape Guidelines - III F. Overview G. Vegetation ■ Entryway Corridor — Discuss the specific vegetation design disciplines for the entryway corridor along US 191/Huffine Lane and provide a similar landscape plan as that of the Technology Boulevard Park Plan. ■ Discuss in Section III.B.1 a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all public streetscapes, including US 191/Huffine Lane. Also include under section "m" that 2-inch diameter minimum caliper trees are also required in off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas, and on individual subdivision lots. H. Hardscape I. Maintenance The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.P./P.U.D. Staff Report 21 J. Trail Corridors/Open Space Corridors - Call out specifications for both trail types as recommended by Recreation Superintendent. ■ Maintain existing undistributed grade of open space corridors. K. Streetscape ■ Address L. Entrances ■ Low profile landscape features M. Off-street parking lots — provide typical details of buffering the parking lots from public streets and the entryway corridors through the use of hedges, informal landscape features, mix of vegetation, landscape clusters. Particular attention should be given to sections of the parking lot that are not screened by out buildings or are situated adjacent to the water features. N. Storm Water Facilities ■ Address treatment of underground storm water facilities along Fowler Avenue • Building Design Standards - IV A. Overview B. Building Material • Exterior — Add to section IV.B language that states no corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and shall noted accordingly in the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents and Development Manual. • Exterior — Modify Section IV.B..S to state that the manual discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use fabric or metal materials only. • Exterior — Add to Section IV.5 language that states those areas of the building facade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern, relief an d architectural detail. C. Lighting—Add to Section IV.D.1 that sconce lights and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit. D. Signage Review Procedures—V • Clarify that the City of Bozeman review procedures for site plan review are not informal reviews and shall comply with the procedures set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above analysis, the Planning Staff finds that the application with said recommended conditions of approval, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance, specifically the Design Objectives Plan; and therefore, recommend conditional approval with the following conditions: 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan and final approval of the Final P.U.D. Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D. by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision C.U.PJP.U.D. Staff Report 22 OY OF BOZEMAN ` DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT A Preliminary Plat application has been submitted for a Major Subdivision and a Conditional Use Permit application has been submitted for a Planned Unit Development that would approve a unified development plan for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision P.U.D.pursuant to Chapters 18.04 and 18.36 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance on property located on property situated south of Huffine 191/West Main Street, east of South Fowler Avenue and north of West Garfield Street. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider said applications as requested by the property owner Mitchell Development Group, Inc., P.O. Box 738, Great Falls, MT 59403, represented by Morrison-Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, MT 59771. The proposed Preliminary Plat application would allow the subdivision of 72.22 acres into 60 commercial lots for development as commercial,retail services,and professional offices. The property owner has further requested a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development that would allow development of a Master Plan under an approved Development Manual for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision Planned Unit Development and to allow relaxations to the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance from Section "Lot Coverage and Floor Area", to eliminate the 60 percent restriction on impervious surfaces and allow for development of the entire site, exclusive of required yard setbacks, Section 18.36.060.B "Duration of Final Plan Approval" to undertake and complete the development in ten years, Section "Block Length" to allow the block lengths to exceed 400 feet, Section"Block Width" to allow the block widths to be more than 400 feet, Section 18.42.100.B.3.c — "Setbacks" to encroach into the 50-foot minimum setback required along watercourses, Section 18.42.100.B.4.b — "Watercourse Setback" to allow the required watercourse setback to not include adjacent wetlands, Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to allow streets to intersect at angles less than 90 degrees, Section 18.44.090.D.3 "Spacing Standards for Drive Access" to allow the average spacing of intersections on Fowler Avenue to be reduced from 660 feet to 420 feet, Section 18.42.150.D.1"Parking Lot Lighting"to allow horizontal illuminnace to be less than 0.1 foot-candles as required by the U.D.O.,Section 18.42.150.F"Lighting Specifications"to allow light fixtures and standards that do not comply the U.D.O. (i.e., direct light and glare down and away from adjoining streets and properties, Section 18.44.030.A.1 "Intersections" to relax the streets to intersection at angles less than 90 degrees (City Engineer decision), Section 18.44.080 "Sidewalks" to allow soft trails in place of concrete boulevard sidewalks along streets fronting open space/pedestrian corridors, Section 18.44.090 "Access" to relax the average spacing requirements for public streets (City Engineer decision), Section 18.44.090.B.2 "Drive Access from Public Streets" to exclude the requirement of all subdivision lots having 25 feet of frontage on all improved public or private street,or improved alley, Section !8.46.020.D "Backing into Public Rights-of-Way" to allow diagonal parking along Technology Boulevard and Chronicle Lane, Section 18.18.020 "Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the "B-2 district from 44 feet to 146 feet, Section 18.18.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the "B-2" District, Section 18.20.060" "Building Height" to increase the allowable building height in the "BP" district from 44 feet to 146 feet, Section 18.20.050 "Yards" to encroach into the yard setbacks with off-street parking in the "BP" District, Section 18.42.030.I "Frontage" to not have access for all subdivision lots from an improved pubic street, approved private street or alley,Section 18.18.040"Lot Area and Width"—to allow newly created lots zoned"B-2"with a minimum lot width less than 100 feet,and Section 18.20.030"Lot Area and Width"—to allow newly created lots zoned "BP"with a minimum lot width less than 150 feet. The subject property is legally described as Tract 2A of the Amended Plat of West College Minor Subdivision No. 195A,and situated in the NW'/o of Section 14 and the NE '/o of Section 15,T2S, R5E,P.M.M., City of Bozeman,Gallatin County, Montana. The zoning designation for said property is "BP" (Business Park District) and "B-2" (Community Business District). planning • zoning 9 subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Monday, October 17, 2005 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Commission Rom Community Room City Hall Gallatin County Courthouse 411 East Main Street 311 West Main Street Bozeman, Montana Bozeman, Montana The City invites the public to comment in writing and to attend the public hearing. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman, Department of Planning and Community Development, P. O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development, Alfred M. Stiff Professional 'Building, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2260. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582-2306 (voice), 582-2301 (IDD). Bozeman Gateway MaSub Preliminary Plat#P-05049 and Bozeman Gateway PUD Preliminary Plan#Z-05217 R l R-, % R-4 Q C 'tti(~.�r i z 0 vt :- N gip HUFFINE COLLEGE Subject BP PLI N Page 2 s� fit i ! f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — SEWER MAIN _ MAINTENANCE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ,e �, .—AG6E55_... a� _ i. EXISTING 10" - _"I BF. WATER MAIN WEST MAIN _ BF am Bro BFO Bro 9F0 9F0 tltl or P p„ Iptl dIPpx^ �P�—q px a a ox pN rnP Ox H II---II ok, Aw ..•- I^ >I- R9PAS � g" S W SERVICE r�......,._T .........�. i I i 16.5' DEEP EC319 I s _.I00 I '' I "'}' °B w~ SANITARY*EWER UNDER SEPARATE L�NTRACT I - I I. I ,' weo -'°--- BANK an l r. j is J j j j CONSTRUCTION j g LIMITS II EXISTING 4" FIRE SERVICE SEE SHEET C-2B FOR STORM I F I AND 2" DOMESTICE SERVICE-1I I: I ® SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH ® 1 TO BE ABANDONED I I f _ I �II tt ® 1 w m I I I -�_ GAS FEED LOCATION i EXISTING 21" ® ® P SEWER MAIN I I � i l a TRANSFORMER LOCATION I 0 L R 7 L �.'a 9B ATER M11,' MATCH RED FASCIA OF BUILDING Mi), MIN. 7.0'y P 6" STANDARD CONCRETE "COOL COLONIAL RED". CONC E TO BE DER SEE RA _ EXISTING 8" � I: T E T' l R D 4 F R ONTRACT 3 PROA ES TO_BE I WATER MAIN -� IRRIGATION WELL LOCATION ® ® / ,� I � STRI,CTED PER COB e DA DRAWING EXISTING 45" RCPA 1 I� , Q ® ® N . 025 9-12_ /I STORM SEWER MAIN 1 \' \ w w % 2' WIDE 6" STAN R CONCRETE / a TO BORDER DECOR IVE CONCRETE / O O Q \\ \\ g © ON NORTH, UT AND EAST \ SEE SHEET C-2C FOR STORM _ SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH i THR UGH BAN IVE : D O TIVE CONCR COR 'TRUCK DOCK STORM SEWER 4" HALT THICKNESS / CLOSELY MATCH.RED CIA \ \ TR AREA CONSTRUCTI / F BUILDING (M1), "COOL 6" STANDARD CONCRETE LIMITS ; COL�NUU. RED". CONCRETE TO BE STAMPED--WITH A BRICK PATTERN B" FIRE SERVICE AND j j i ,.r. ,�, / FIOSEN BY-OWNER. \ \ 2" DOMESTIC SERVICE , ' PROP EQ CP 1 CONNECTION POINT LOCATED �r�Kj CULV 1 \ \ \� IN WATER CLOSET AFTER VALVE 12" STORM SEWER UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT $ CONECTION POINT \ ve \ i APPROACHES TO B UKCONSTRUCTED DR PER COB STANDARD AWING DECORNO. 02529-12. ATIVE CONCRETE, COLOR TO CLgS Y MATCH RED FASCIA OF BUILDING (M1)/ "COOL COLONIAL RED". CONCRETE TQ STAMPED WITH A BRICK PATTERN CHQS 5D GRAPHIC SCALE 50 I ___— BY OWNER. // 3 o jf l (IN FEET) I / 1 inch= 50 It VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN BY: NJH PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINK MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY ❑ R '��TI 901 Technology BNd. CHICO.BY: ??? BOZEMAN GATEWAY 3638.003 REDUCED.ONE MORRISOi MEASURESONE INCH ON Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING. � saneyors APPR.BY: JAU BOZEMAN MT 4 Scientists DATE: 0620106 L 0 MAIERLE INC. lanners Phone:(406)587-0721 DRAWING NUMBER ' Fax:(406)587-1176 CIA.REVIEW ROSAUERS UTILITY PLAN MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! An Emp1oyee-0ry d Company BY: c—3 H:138381003VACADISITEPLAN1Grocery-BaWk SBe.dwg Plotted by jullman on Aug212006 COPYRIGHT®MORRIWMNNJERLE,INC,]WB DATE: _.._ D OCT 0 2 2006 O AUG 21 200� D DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DEPArM%T OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DENEIDPMENT ANO;;; �,W;n DPALOPM.NT I t 5'CONIC HC SIGN O EACH HC SIDEWALK STALL SEE SHEET D-1 DETAIL 3 CUT CIRCULAR OR RECTANGULAR ORIFICE VAULT ACCESS STEEL HANICAP IN BOTTOM OF STEEL PARKING SIGN VARIABLE WEIR STRUCTURE (WHITE SYMBOLS AND 1:X� 111C LETTERS ON BLUE SEE DETAIL 5Q "x:'`"•-r.'' 4'4,'�; j..'•j,:.4 4'x4' CONCRETE VAULT 24" 24" BACKGROUND) _ j. _ /J BLACK INTEGRAL -� "v COLORED GOING 6'CONC WALL 2'-D" BROOM FINISH CURB 771. HANDICAPPED (( 4'WIDE YELLOW _ PARKING ONLY \\\\\\ MMM"`���...... PARKING STRIPE 1B, - OUTLET PIPE �:w �� �—INLET PIPE 6" VAN ACCESSIBLE 3._O" .p: PERMITREWIRED $100FINEVAN ACC.SIGNATTACH STEEL WEIR STRUCTURE TO VAULT STEEL POST SET IN WITH 2"x2"xN(37 STEEL B" CONCRETE BASE ANGLE AND BOLTS (TYP) GROUND 5-D N HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL / 4`�OUTLET STRUCTURE PLAN SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS TOP OF SPILLWAY EMBANKMENT (BEYOND) TOP W/2' DIA. ACCESS LID 6" MIN FREEBOARD MAX 100-YR WSEL TOP OF CURB/WALK MAX 25-YR WSEL= OR FINISH GRADE SPILLWAY CREST ELEV. T '''� +`•` WEIR CREST ELEV. WEIR CREST 1 = 28' WALL r OUTLET PIPE INLET PIPE 8"%12"CONCRETE BASE Z HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL 24" SCALE: NTS Z � ORIFICE SIZE POND #1 = 5.71" DIA. (25.61 sq.in.) i tO 4'x4' CONCRETE VAULT POND #2 = 5.11" DIA. (20.51 sq.in.) ' O POND #3 = 6.11" DIA. (29.32 sq.Y� O O SURFACE 1.9" O O Y`. :.:�:�*'> FLANGE MOUN7 ORIFICE (10-YR - 2.5" GROG T R RELEASE): STRUC I UI IE SECTION O O�BICYCLE HOOP RACK DETAIL / J 1 LE: NTS i7 4 4 SCALE: NTS (MANUFACTURED BY"DERO BIKE RACK COMPANY.') 45 .. ................... _.._..._....---- ._.._ ..... ........ .� _..._._ _... --- _ ____ .----.,_.... ...._.... _. _.._...145 FOWLER LANE.. TBC ELEV=45.95 . ¢ TOP OF BERM. _ __..._.._.___. ...._....-_.... _--..._. .. ...-.._ .. ........ .... .. -_ ELEV..(MIN)=43.6 .._ ._............. .. ... ._..__. .. 1.25% _.. ....., . 45 - __.... —.. ... .._... _-_. _... ..... ... _ _ ... ...,. ..___. ...- ._. _ --.... ....,,.45 TBC'ELEV-40.43..',_,. ..._._ _ _. SLOPE .... MAX_ `4.1 ALLY -- -10-YEAR WATER STORAGE EL:-42.6 4 ... __.._SIDEWALK -SLOPE40 .:. .-._ _._ .___....-.._ _._ .... ..._.... ._ FOWLER LANE -.—_-__ 2.011 - 40 40 DETENTION POND#1 _...._. . .. --__ 3s SCALE: 1"=5' HORIZ. 1"=1' VERT. so 50 TBC.. .............. ......_..._ --- 70P OF TRML �7BC..8EV-44.41 .., ..._. ..._ __ __._._.. _.__..___...._.__..� TOP...OF BEPoA.__... ___... ....__.-___.,_-___... � _ ........____ '. _ ____ - ELEV(MIN)-44.0 -__..... --- ____ .._..-.-_._......._-..._ .._.._ ......,..._y_.~4b _. ... ..____.._..._ __ _.....__`--_.. ___... ._._. .. ... _.-.._ ....._— .--.. .. .. .... _....... .. ......_ ._ uOpE _4_1 WARMDN.STREAM _. ..... .. ... ....-... ... .... ----- .... .. ---- -- _ .. ... CHANNEL 40_ __._. ....._:40 �DEMnON POND#3POND#3 SCALE: 1"=5' HORIZ. 1"=1' VERT. VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN 8Y: NJH PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY ❑ 3638.003 REDUCED.LINE BELOW M 0 RRI S 0 N 901 Technology Blvd. CHK'D.BY: 777 BOZEMAN GATEWAY MEASURES ONE INCHON ERD/naont Bozeman,MT 59718 0 IGINALDRAWING. SONByOnt APPR.BY: JAIL, BOZEMAN MT SHEET NUMBER —� �J� MAIERLE INC. S`ao4e DATE: 0620l06 Planners Phone:(406)587-0721 DRAWING NUMBER MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY[ Fax:(406)587-1176 Q.A.REVIEW ROUSAUERS DETAIL SHEET _ An Employe Owned Company BY: H136381W3WCgp1SITEPLAMGrocery-Bank Site.dwg Plotted by jullman on Augl21l2008 COPYRIGHT 0 MORRIWN-IMIERM,INC.,200E DATF: AUG 21 7006 AMD)E CPACRTLT Of AVNNR VMSN1YB4 1 PLANT SCHEDULE MATURE POINT TABULATION � ,"•JOL E C�TY S Y M L A T I N NAME COMMON NAME ROOT PLANTING NOTES:: 5 sOA OR GREATER DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES of TREES AND SHFtUBs Hu�/1.( I. PROVIDE A 3'-0"DIA.BED AROUND ALL TREES LOCATED IN LAWNS. MULCH WITH IS 50 LF OF EACH L5 YARD,ONE OR MORE PLANT ELEMENTS FROM TALE 482 _ "dS� /�V�{ GLEAN WOOD CHIPS. No EDGING,OR HEED BARRIER REOIIRIED,SEE DETAILS. 5 BOULDER 15 INTEGRATED INTO LANDSCAPING 10 PARKING,LOT CONTAINS ONE DENSITY GROUP AND AT LEAST ONE LARGE CANOPY 6REE 0' 0.'.,� DECIDUOUS TREES wD�Lr5SETTTELEMENTOEIR o LANDSCAPE AREAS (PROP DPOSIRAIENA6E PE""••p ` 10 AR ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOOD NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE 2" B&B 40'X30' NUISANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED. � 9 CO CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS COMMON HACKBERRY 2" B&B 40'X30' 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH THE OWNER AND UTILITY COMPANIES,THE LOCATIONS IN OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR U 5 FM FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA 'MANCANA' MANCANA ASH 2" B&B 40'X30' ALL DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES,CURBS,PAVEMENTS AND 5TRUCTURE5 WHICH JJR d OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTORS ACTIVITIES. DESIGNED BY ; 21 FN FRAXINUS NIGRA 'FALLGOLD' FALLGOLD BLACK ASH 2" B&B 40'X30' 4. PLANT LOCATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED SY C7 B GT GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS 'SKYCOLE' SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST 2" B&B 40'X30' THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLANT INSTALLATION. JJR w 5. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 24"FROM PAVEMENT EDGE. DRAWN BY 0 rn 5 PT POPULUS TREMULOIDES QUAKING ASPEN 2" B&B 35'X20' b. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED IN THE GUANTITIES AND/OR SPACING AS JJR Z 13 TA TILIA AMERICANA "LINCOLN' LINCOLN LINDEN 2" 6&B 30'X30' SHOWN OR NOTED. IN CASE OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE PLANT CHECKED BY g IL SCHEDULE,THE PLAN SHALL DICTATE. 07/09(OB O 2 UM ULMUS 'MORTON' ACCOLADE ELM 2" B&B 40'X30' 1, NO SUBSTITUilON5 WILL BE ALLOI�D WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. DATE Y ORNAMENTAL TREES 8. ANY PLANT NOT MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION. ALL 8 AT ACER TATARICUM TATARIAN MAPLE 2" B&B 20'X20' REJECTED PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED,DISPOSED AND REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR. PROJECT NO. R 1 PU PYRS USSURIENSIS 'MORDAK' PRAIRIE GEM USSURIAN PEAR 2" B&B 20'X20' 9. ALL PLANTS ARE TO MEET OR EXCEED AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK, CURRENT EDITION,BY THE AMERICAN NURSERY 6 LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION. ALL 06004_LS.DWG 4 PV PRUNUS VIRGINIANA'CANADA RED' CANADA RED CHOKECHERRY 2" B&B 30'X25' PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. FILE NO_ 10. ALL PLANTING BEDS TO HAVE WEED BARRIER FABRIC AND RIVER ROCK MULCH AS U 3 SD SORBUS DECORA SHOWY MOUNTAIN ASH 2" B&B 25'X25' PER PUD REQUIREMENTS 5 SR SYRINGA RETICULATA 'IVORY SILK' IVORY SILK JAPANESE TREE LILAC 2" B&S 20'X20' II. PLANT SYMBOLS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WIDTH OF THE PLANT AT MATURITY. USE THE CENTER POINT OF THE SYMBOL TO 6AUSE THE PLANTING LOCATION. CONIFEROUS TREES 12. ALL EXISTING,LAWN AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PREPARED AND SEEDED AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. o W C�a'p 5 PN I PINUS NIGRA IAUSTRIAN PINE 5'-6' HT B&B 40'X25' IS, CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR TOPSOIL FILL AND LANDSCAPE GRADING. SEE A y N U COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 5'-8' HT B&B 50'X25' CIVIL SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL 51TE 6RADIN6. 5 PP PICEA PUNGENS 'GLAUCA' Z Q z N 14. THE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBLITY OF ONE 2 PS PINUS SYLVESTRIA 'GLAUCA NANA' DWARF SCOTCH PINE #5 CONTAINER 6'X6' GONTRAGTOR �p a OEGIDUOU5 SHRUBS � g°f�u 28 CB CORNUS BAILEYI RED TWIGGED DOGWOOD #5 CONTAINER 10'X10' E? 0=a �Z= 19 CS CORNUS SERICEA 'FLAVIRAMEA' YELLOW TWIGGED DOGWOOD #5 CONTAINER 8'X8' $�m 8 EA EUONYMUS ALATUS BURNING BUSH #5 CONTAINER 10'X10' IRRIGATION NOTES: a 17 PF POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA 'CORONATION CORONATION TRIUMPH POTENTILLA 5 CONTAINER 4'X4' I. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED 51TE 11. PROVIDE CHECK VALVES IN ALL HEADS WITHIN A ZONE WHERE MORE THAN 2'-O" # CONDITIONS,INCLUDING PLANTING,6RADIN6,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,WATER CHANGE OF ELEVATION EXISTS. TRIUMPH' DEVELOPMENT,AND SUPPLY,PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. NOTE ANY SLEEVES 12. LOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS TO MINIMIZE OBSTRUCTIONS THAT WILL LIMIT RADIUS OF 28 PO PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFODUS 'DARTS GOLD' DARTS GOLD NINEBARK #5 CONTAINER 4'X4' AND IRRIGATION STUBS FOR FUTURE WORK. COVERAGE,CAUSE DRY SPOTS,OVER SPRAY ON BUILDINGS,STRUCTURES,PAVEMENTS OR OTHER WATER DAMAGE. 17 RC ROSA 'CHAMPLAIN' CHAMPLAIN SHRUB ROSE #2 CONTAINER 3'X3' 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,CONDUITS, 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION,MOUNTING,AND 120 V. AND STRUCTURES AND SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED. POWER SUPPLY TO THE CONTROLLER AND CONNECTION TO WATER SOURCE TO MEET 12 RMS ROSA 'MORDEN SNOWBEAUTY' MORDEN SNOWBEAUTY SHRUB ROSE #5 CONTAINER 3'X3' FIELD CONDITIONS. C.00RDIHATE INSTALLATION WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND 5. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACT INCLUDES SUPPLYING AND INSTALLING ALL MATERIALS OTHER TRADES. 4 SC SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS 'AUREA' GOLDEN ELDER #5 CONTAINER 10'X70' AND EQUIPMENT FOR A COMPLETE,AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ANY ITEMS 14. NTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL BALANCING AND AD.USTI OF >.{ REQUIRED TO CONFORM WITH SUCH INTENT ARE CONSIDERE�O BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GOt ' ETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM,INCLUDING ROTORS,SPRAYS AND DRIPLINES. 9 SMC SYRINGA X PRESTON 'MISS CANAfb4' MISS CANADA LILAC #5 C AINER 9'XB' WORK. v QI 4. THE IRRIGATION PLAN 19 SCHEMATIC.FIELD MEASURE ALL DIMENSIONS,EXISTING,AND 15.NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE 33 SP SYRINGA PATULA 'MISS KIM' MISS KIM LILAC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.ATI #5 CONTAINER 5'X5' PROPOSED CONDITIONS,A9 REQUIRED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE AND OPERABLE SYSTEMS. *� �1 Ib.SEE THE SflEGIFIGATIONS AND DETAILS FOR FURTHER REQUIRrT+ENTs. GO V I EROUS SHRUBS SYSTEM HHEN OU`�'� 11. TEM WAS DESIGNED ON THE AVAILABILITY OF 40 PSI AND 55 GPM AT T5. 170 NOT H 27 JH JUNIPERUS HORIZ US 'HUGHES' HUGHES JUNIPER #5 C AINER 2'X6' CHANGES AND SITEL6EOSTALL METRY EXIST. SUCH DIFFEREWr=r MKALL BETREPORTTEDDTO THE TM TER SOU CGONTRAGTOR SHALL VERIFY AVAILABILITY AND GOMPATIBILI0WITH C� O 36 JB JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT NOTIFICATION IS NOT MADE,THE CONTRACTOR (f] #5 CONTAINER 12"X6' SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY NECESSARY REVISIONS. 18. ALL DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE DOWNSTREAM FROM ELECTRIC VALVES 19 TO R' OU LE r W nJ 3408 POLYETHYLENE PIPE INSTALLED WITH INERT TYPE FITTINGS AND'OETIKER'DOUBLE 12 JS JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WELCHI' WELCH JUNIPER 5 CONTAINER 12'X6' CLAMPS. w # H CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO LANDSCAPE AND UTILITY PLANS WHEN LAYING OUT 14. ALL DRIP LATERALS(PE 125"DIA)SHALL BE BURIED TO HAVE A MIN.COVER OF 10" HEAD PLACEMENT AND TRENCHING. DEPTH. ALL DRIP TUBE SHALL BE AT SURFACE UNDER FABRIC AND MULCH OR BURIED AT 26 JW JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WICHITA BLUE' WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER 12'X6' 1 C . ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES. 4"DEPTH OVER OVER PIPE IN LAWN AREAS. 7 MD MICROBIOTA DECUSSATA RUSSIAN ARBORVITAE #5 CONTAINER 18'X6' b. ALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PRODUCED BY THE SAME MANUFACTURER 20. USE 1"VALVE FOR ZONES WITH FLOW5 OF 25 GPM OR LESS. USE 1-1/2"VALVE FOR CJf) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ZONES WITH PLOWS BETWEEN 25 GPM AND 65 GPM. -1. PROVIDE DRIP IRRIGATION TO ALL TREES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SEE IRRIGATION 21. ALL PLANTING BEDS WILL BE IRRIGATED BY DRIP LINES WITH IN-LINE EMITTERS OR PERENNIAL5/ORNAMENTAL ORA55E5 SCHEDULE FOR EMITTER COUNTS. INDIVIDUAL EMITTERS. ALL LAWN AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED WITH POP UP SPRAY HEADS J W N (IN AREAS LESS THAN 11'IN ANY DIRECTION). ALL LAWN AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED WITH O 77 GG GAILLARDIA X GRANDIFLORA BLANKETFLOWER #1 CONTAINER 18"X7B" 10. SLOPE MAINLINES TO DRAIN. POP UP&EAR-DRIVEN ROTOR HEADS IN ALL AREAS GREATER THAN 11 FEET. O 6 HS HEUCHERA SANGUINEA'SPLENDENS' SPENDENS CORALBELLS #1 CONTAINER 24X24" 0 47 BO HEUCTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS BLUE OAT GRASS #1 CONTAINER 24X24" a 141 H HEMEROCAWS 'STELLA D ORO' STELL D ORO DAYLILY #1 CONTAINER 18"X18" 45 CA CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA FEATHER REED GRASS #1 CONTAINER 5'X3' 37 PA PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICAIFOLIA RUSSIAN SAGE #1 CONTAINER 4'X4' \ `5) �)RG 46 RF RUDBECKIA FULGIDA VAR. SULLNANTII ORANGE CONEFLOWER #1 CONTAINER 36"X24" VVV\\\ (21)(H _ID'GOLDSTRUM' �)RG 16 TC TANACETUM COCCINEUM 'ROBINSON'S PAINTED DAISY #1 CONTAINER 24"X24" (3)PA HYBRIDS' H SITE FURNITURE SCHEDULE H f2"PS H \ a w PA SYMBOL QUANTITY DESCRIPTION VENDOR FINISH -50 � A 1 CAROUSEL TABLE W/3 BACKED SEATS; GRID LANDSCAPE FORMS „ i - f 'ti'• I R-I 1�1 O SEAT PANELS, SURFACE MOUNT, W/UMBRELLA HOLE CC) Q■ r j B 3 CAROUSEL TABLE W/4 BACKED SEATS; GRID LANDSCAPE FORMS SEAT PANELS, SURFACE MOUNT, W/UMBREU.AHOLE S C 4 SOLSTICE CYGN S SUN SHADE LANDSCAPE FORMS Z J H D 1 SCARBOROUGH LRTER RECEPTACLE; LANDSCAPE FORMS E a O 30-GALLON SIDE-OPENING, 25" DIA X 40"HT; w VERTICAL STRAP, SURFACE MOUNT , ( \ \ U) E 6 VERSALLES PLANTER (44-50436). 4' DIA X INTERLOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS, STANDARD GFC FINISH; ANNUAL \\ ^- 36" HT INC. FLOWERS IN PLANTER \ / F 4 CONQUISTADOR 2 TREE GRATE, 60"SO IRONSMITH BLACK POWDER COAT SHEET (M6010) F 4 TREE GUARD (MS) 5' HEIGHT, 16" OPENING IRONSMITH BLACK POWDER COAT O,S. SEATING AREA O.S. SEATING AREA G 6 BICYCLE HOOP RACK (BH-EPX-FT) DERO BIKE RACK CO. H 7 BENCHES (5' LENGTH) BACKLESS ARM & ANVIL CO POWDER COAT FINISH SCALE:1"=10' SCALE: 1"=10' T /"� 1 CONCRTE UNIT PAVERS; 80% HOLLAND. 20% MUTUAL MATERIALS CO AUTUMN BLEND MISSION LL HALF HOLLAND > — - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ •JOLEN �J' / _� �O/ sO --em --an em em— ero—ao —so ere— --efn— —efv— —afo (\/�////►/�//,�/� �x i/�q�c E N SSG•l` - MD I OF WAY MDT RIGHT °ie���^I-� � S�q PE••pRo�•��\ aeal— m �— _—�—,_ P 48 OUP Z6BbP t44>imv oxP 48a2 OHP eHP ONP W bBy eHP WP Lq�µ\-�_� / 'Gtl6 O WAY I P JJR d )`FU Z s42N �LAWNti (I)5R DESIGNED BY 1 3 MD ae (✓)J (6 5 PD an, )JW a aea° (I)GO CO I e AMA w asaa d as vbBn DRAWN BY W JJR ? \ I=- CHECKED BY d (5)PO ie r (5)TA 1)FN )JW (6)SP (2)JW' (5)JW (5)PF (5)P s� (2)FM \ roo I (I GB I — DATE 06 U (B)G / ss ss ss I L DATE P F s (4)MD (6)PO LAM / Y m se�y r (I ( PN I Os00a W (1)TA � e � (5)JH x � PROJECT NO_ d a� (6)P 5D ANK SITE BANK PLAN TO B m (// 06004_LS.DWG $ O (5)Pt (U AT b H (I� BE p o v (� I 3 FILE NO. N I)FM G B C 't DEVELOPED S (5 05 I / " (5)G5(5)JW - * (5)H5 B G �� 4) (I) THE_ ,... ftEVwEWE�N ma + o >en (5)PO B C r v GOBBSWALELE-LI A C / (4 GA - I n I 2 0o LL H5 1 (2)G!B cn O + ` )G5 (Y)JH D I� O) R I A >Q�n oz V L LAWN )AT / + I ¢z cv"- eAR 2 I I z < + ( PT N Wpi-K lo. O`p (3 GB 6'�D�y"SR H ,i F (I)AT d p (5)FN � (6)RMS. -. om / o ! a / J O E-I o w 3 Wmm�3 ss s(2) (5)TA (I)AR I 3 S LAWN (U N ss ss (2)G I (5) N 0 \ (I)6T (6) B e (I) N 1. O $RRIOAT - 1 pp �j 00 Q / w -- _ 0 0 Q1 Z O I )SMG� E � � W PA /v (2) T RIVER ROCK OR LAWN ^ep6� LAWN / 7 I� E-y E-� \ 3) O O 1,1 LA`� (I)JH PLADAL IN ALL NTINO BED5 Q/ O)AT o / (0 OS a O (2))FN Ilnp H `�' _ a / asaa m � rr�l.JnnJ ` 1 (6)RM5 / I + (2)GB "' W NATIVE LAWN FF-D� I F-� m I )GT 5 j j"' O r L (II BO - 4 1 (B)GB a�� I �O Z (IO)RF _ i,�tf o \ 1 (Ip)PA G (I)JH PV i0 / 3 w W O tT, J )EA l (�)COLAWS °s LAWN / ` / FJ- W � H N N JB n (I)CT _ O + �1 F O F x 0 UM + Jul / W w o N n 0° cc / (2)AT 1 O x 46 11 LAWN `RWN �� GRAVEL TRAIL - (5) xx G (5)JS (46) (Iy TA 3 (6)GA / 0LAWN \ °°ssOi / (5)FN (6)SM sash sy�\ z � \ / ,.p9 8ngp \ AR ' • (I A / N A ` SEDGES,BULRUSH, \ a .� O TYPHUS,SPP.,TYP. ^1� \ 4846 \ \ l5)FN w (2)FN (ID GA (6)JH \\\ \ (1)TAS /5 ss U O ..e ' (5)EA \ (5)JB/ (5)GA LEGEND \ fep) L / 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN � F O 2LSPi (5)JS ,(�+�\ (i6)TG �) w SCALE: 1"=30' LU r� w (_ _ 1, DEGIDUOU5 SHADE OR \ (26)BO (5)5P p`,`�"a✓/S BOULEVARD TREE-2"CALIPER R el (2)5P 5 m ss \ �sa SHEET DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE- \ 4sso• =N'`' - w 2"CALIPER CONIFEROUS TREE-5'-b'HEIGHT \ 00-(0oai) L1 SPECIES APPROPRIATE 5HRUB5 IN PLANTING BEDS auc z i Zoos REPpRTMENPLANNING ANU CO!,1PA.UNIT1'pEVEIOPMENT 1,00 ppp- DESIGNED BY Z� AMA U) � - �► JJR LU ,WNV NBY �� Jlw► 00�►OfCl�l�t.• a, -. = +� �,._.�t?�,r�a_:�e_'-S4s��arwnt��C� C�_�_gri n tf�►n `r. �,+nr -. �i� 08/09/06 DATE 06004 PROJECT NO- Mlwpwo PLAN TO BE BANK �ILE NO. ♦ rf- r - THE FUTURE .� i I p, - ,,fir o� �_ " `�� j� �� I�►J�' •�: � � ,� � 8o dG oa�1 - �I 11rJ� �i� _�_ 1► � �1 Aollyj `` °taoo,e roayo��.f/ �����" �� �.wv`000000� �► -- ��'� y/�1 . . • •�'�°'',oaf QO�d�' T// " _/ y PLANT SCHEDULE ``��g1P.....,•4yq ii� QTY SYM LATIN NAYS COMMON NAME ROOT MATURE r, 50%OROION =\; JOL E PLANTING NOTES: 5 0%OR GREATER DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES OF TREES AND SHRUBS J��/I IN 1. PROVIDE A 3'-0"VIA.BED AROUND ALL TREES LOCATED IN LAWNS. MULCH WITH IS 50 LF OF EACH LS YARD,ONE OR MORE PLANT ELEMENTS FROM TABLE 482 R l7�-II/� GLEAN WOOD CHIPS. NO E061N6 OR WEED BARRIER REQURIED,SEE DETAILS. 5 BOULDER 15 INTESIRATED INTO LANDSCAPING DEG 1 DUOUS TREES 2. FINE GRADE AND SLOPE ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS 2%MINIMUM. POSITIVELY NO 10 PARKIN6 LOT CONTAINS ONE DENSITY GROUP AND AT LEAST ONE LARGE CANOPY 6REE �Q� 0.1 s�•.€.N.�. PUDDLING,SETTLEMENT,EROSION,SEDIMENTATION OR OFF PROPERTY DRAINAGE %'���PE R.. II11p "\\ 10 AR ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOOD NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE 2" B&B 40'X30' NUISANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED. 9 CO CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS COMMON HACKBERRY 2" B&B 40'X30' 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH THE OWNER AND UTILITY COMPANIES,THE LOCATIONS O OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR JJR a 5 FM FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA 'MANCANA' MANCANA ASH 2" B&B 40'X30' ALL DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES,CURB5,PAVEMENTS AND STRUCTURES WHICH OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES. DESIGNED BY 21 FIN FRAXINUS NIGRA 'FALLGOLD' FALLGOLD BLACK ASH 2" B&B 40'X30' 4. PLANT LOCATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY JJR rn w 8 CT GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS 'SKYCOLE' SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST 2" B&B 40'X30' THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO PLANT INSTALLATION. DRAWN BY C1 S. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 24"FROM PAVEMENT EDGE. 5 PT POPULUS TREMULOIDES QUAKING ASPEN 2" B&B 35'X20' 6. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED IN THE GUANTITIES AND/OR SPACING AS JJR Z 13 TA TILIA AMERICANA "IINCOLN' LINCOLN LINDEN 2" B&B 30'X30' SHOWN OR NOTED. IN CASE OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE PLANT CHECKED BY d SCHEDULE,THE PLAN SHALL DICTATE. 2 UM ULMUS 'MORTON' ACCOLADE ELM 2" B&B 40'X30' -1. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE 07/09I06 - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. DATE ORNAMENTAL TREES &. ANY PLANT NOT MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION. ALL 06004 aYa 8 AT ACER TATARICUM TATARIAN MAPLE 2" B&B 20'X20' REJECTED PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED,DISPOSED AND REPLACED BY THE W CONTRACTOR. PROJECT NO_ IL 1 PU PYRUS USSURIENSIS 'MORDAK' PRAIRIE GEM USSURIAN PEAR 2" B&B 20'X20' 4. ALL PLANTS ARE TO MEET OR EXCEED AMERIGAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK, 08004 LS.DWG p 4 PV PRUNUS ARGINIANA'CANADA RED' CANADA RED CHOKECHERRY 2" B&B 30'X25' CURRENT EDITION,BY THE AMERIGAN NURSERY R LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION. ALL P1 PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. FILE NO. U 3 SO SORBUS DECORA SHOWY MOUNTAIN ASH 2" B&B 25'X25' 10. ALL PLANTING BEDS TO HAVE WEED BARRIER FABRIC AND RIVER ROCK MULCH AS PER PUP REQUIREMENTS. 5 SR SYRINGA RETICULATA 'IVORY SILK' IVORY SILK JAPANESE TREE LILAC 2" B&B 20'X20' II. PLANT SYMBOLS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WIDTH OF THE PLANT AT MATURITY. USE THE CENTER POINT OF THE SYMBOL TO 6AU&E THE PLANTING LOCATION. GONI FEROUS TREES 12. ALL EXISTING LAWN AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE �m^ � PREPARED AND SEEDED AS PER SPE-IFIGATIONS. 5 PN PINUS NIGRA AUSTRIAN PINE 5'-6' HT B&B 40'X25' 15. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR TOPSOIL FILL AND LANDSCAPE GRADING. SEE A „�innU CIVIL SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE 6RADIN6. CfJ r¢h z 5 PP PICEA PUNGENS 'GLAUCA' COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 5'-6' HT B&B 50'X25' ¢zr- 14. THE PLANTING AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBLITY OF ONE 3¢ g 2 PS PINUS SYLVESTRIA 'GLAUCA NANA' DWARF SCOTCH PINE #5 CONTAINER 6'X6' CONTRACTOR. o� DEGIDUOU5 5HRUB5 a Pm.A 28 CB CORNUS BAILEY[ RED TWIGGED DOGWOOD #5 CONTAINER 10'X10' ? 3 w 19 CS CORNUS SERICEA 'FLAVIRAMEA' YELLOW TWIGGED DOGWOOD #5 CONTAINER 8'XB' a m 3 8 EA EUONYMUS ALATUS BURNING BUSH #5 CONTAINER 10'X70' IRRIGATION NOTES: R, 17 PF POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA'CORONATION CORONATION TRIUMPH POTENTILLA #5 CONTAINER 4'X4' 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE 11. PROVIDE CHECK VALVES IN ALL HEADS WITHIN A ZONE WHERE MORE THAN 2'-0" TRIUMPH' CONDITIONS,INCLUDIN6 PLANTING,GRADING,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,WATER CHANGE OF ELEVATION EXISTS. DEVELOPMENT,AND SUPPLY,PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. NOTE ANY SLEEVES 12. LOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS TO MINIMIZE 055TRUCTIONS THAT WILL LIMIT RADIUS OF 28 PO PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS 'DARTS GOLD' DARTS GOLD NINERARK #5 CONTAINER 4'X4' AND IRRIGATION STUBS FOR FUTURE WORK. COVERAGE,CAUSE DRY SPOTS,OVER SPRAY ON BUILDINGS,STRUCTURE-5,PAVEMENTS OR OTHER WATER DAMAGE. 17 RC ROSA 'CHAMPLAIN' CHAMPLAIN SHRUB ROSE #2 CONTAINER 3'X3' 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,CONDUITS, AND STRUCTURES AND SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED. P CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION,MOUNTING AND ME Y. 12 RMS ROSA 'MORDEN SNOWBEAUTY' MORDEN SNOWBEAUTY SHRUB ROSE POWER SUPPLY TO THE COORDINATE AND CONNECTION TO WATER SOURCE TO MEET #5 CONTAINER 3'X3' FIELD CONDITIONS. COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND 3. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACT INCLUDES SUPPLYING AND INSTALLING ALL MATERIALS OTHER TRADES. �1 4 SC SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS 'AUREA' GOLDEN ELDER #5 CONTAINER 10'X70' AND EQUIPMENT FOR A COMPLETE,AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ANY ITEMS 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL 15AL.ANGIN6 AND ADJUSTING OF �••I H 9 SMC SYRINGA X PRESTONIAE 'MISS CANADA' MISS CANADA LILAC REQUIRED TO CONFORM WITH SUCH INTENT ARE CONSIDERED TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM,INCLUDING ROTORS,SPRAYS AND DRIPLINES. #5 CONTAINER 9'X8' WORK. 15.NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE 33 SP SYRINGA PATULA 'MISS KIM' MISS KIM LILAC 4. THE IRRIGATION PLAN 15 SCHEMATIC.FIELD MEASURE ALL DIMENSIONS,EXISTING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. #5 CONTAINER 5'X5' � W PROPOSED CONDITIONS,AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE AND OPERABLE SYSTEMS. I6.SEE THE 5PECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS. CONIFEROUS 5HRUB5 W F" IT.SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED ON THE AYAILABILITY OF 40 P51 At�D 35 GPM AT THE 5. PO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SYSTEM WHEN OESVI0U5 OBSTRUCTIONS,GRADE FURTHE5T HEAD. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AVAILABILITY AND wMPATIBILITY WITH Q 27 JH JUNIPERUS HORIZONTAUS 'HUGHES' HUGHES JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER 2'X6' CHANGES AND 51TE 6EOMETRY EXIST. SUCH DIFFERENCES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE r^ OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT NOTIFICATION 15 NOT MADE,THE CONTRACTOR THE WATER P0URCE. (=jt SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY NECESSARY REVISIONS. I8. ALL DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE DOWNSTREAM FROM ELECTRIC VALVES IS TO BE I60 P51 F 1� W 36 JB JUNIPERUS SABINA 'BUFFALO' BUFFALO JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER 12"X6' 3408 POLYETHYLENE PIPE INSTALLED WITH INERT TYPE FITTIN65 AND'OETIKEW DOUBLE V 12 JS JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WELCHI' WELCH JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER 12'X6' CLAMPS 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO LANDSCAPE AND UTILITY PLANS WHEN LAYING OUT HEAD PLACEMENT AND TRENCHING. IQ ALL DRIP LATERALS(PE 125"DIA)SHALL BE BURIED TO HAVE A MIN.COVER OF 10" z 26 JW JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WICHITA BLUE' WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER #5 CONTAINER 12'X6' DEPTH. ALL DRIP TUBE SHALL BE AT SURFACE UNDER FABRIC AND MULCH OR BURIED AT T ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODES. 4"DEPTH COVER OVER PIPE IN LAWN AREAS. 7 MD MICROSIOTA DECUSSATA RUSSIAN ARBORVITAE #5 CONTAINER 18"X6' 8. ALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PRODUCED BY THE SAME MANUFACTURER 20. USE I"VALVE FOR ZONES WITH FLOWS OF 25 GPM OR LESS. USE 1-1/2"VALVE FOR O UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIE IFD. ZONES WITH FLOWS BETWEEN 25 GPM AND 65 GPM. 9. PROVIDE DRIP IRRIGATION TO ALL TREES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SEE IRRIGATION 21. ALL PLANTING BEDS WILL BE IRRIGATED BY DRIP LINES WITH IN-LINE EMITTERS OR W FERENNI AL5/ORNAMENTAL GRASSES SCHEDULE FOR EMITTER COUNTS. INDIVIDUAL EMITTERS. ALL LAWN AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED WITH POP UP SPRAY HEADS F LV I-=i A, (IN AREAS LESS THAN IT IN ANY DIRECTION). ALL LAWN AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED WITH O L V 77 GG GAILIARDIA X GRANDIFLORA BLANKETFLOWER #1 CONTAINER 18"X18" 10. SLOPE MAINLINES TO DRAIN. POP UP OFAR-DRIVEN ROTOR HEADS IN ALL AREAS GREATER THAN IT FEET. O U P++ 6 HS HEUCHERA SANGUINEA 'SPLENDENS' SPENDENS CORALBELLS #1 CONTAINER 24"X24" Lu 47 BO HEUCTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS BLUE OAT GRASS #1 CONTAINER 24"X24" a 141 H HEMEROCALLIS 'STELLA D ORO' STELL D ORO DAYULY #1 CONTAINER 18X16" !41 45 CA CAIAMAGROS7IS X ACUTIFLORA FEATHER REED GRASS #i CONTAINER 5'X3' �) 37 PA PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICAIFOUA RUSSIAN SAGE #1 CONTAINER 4'X4' 46 RE RUDBECKIA FULGIDA VAR. SULLIVANTII ORANGE CONEFLOWER #1 CONTAINER 36"X24" (21) 'GOLDSTRUM' co (3)JB RG 16 TC TANACETUM COCCINEUM 'ROBINSON'S PAINTED DAISY #1 CONTAINER 24'X24" 0)PA HYBRIDS' i H SITE FURNITURE SCHEDULE H H SYMBOL QUANTITY DESCRIPTION VENDOR FINISH -5° p 1 ,� A 1 CAROUSEL TABLE W/3 BACKED SEATS; GRID LANDSCAPE FORMS O SEAT PANELS, SURFACE MOUNT, W/UMBRELLA 00 HOLE B 3 CAROUSEL TABLE W/4 BACKED SEATS; GRID LANDSCAPE FORMS W p p SEAT PANELS, SURFACE MOUNT, W/UMBRELLA F^-I HOLE C 4 SOLSTICE CYGNUS SUN SHADE LANDSCAPE FORMS - / - - ■ Z Z 1'"� D 1 SCARBOROUGH LITTER RECEPTACLE; LANDSCAPE FORMS JSE F- O LU 30-GALLON SIDE-OPENING, 25" DIA X 40"HT; \ W I--� VERTICAL STRAP, SURFACE MOUNT 1 \ \ \ E 6 VERSALLES PLANTER (44-50436), 4' DIA X INTERLOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS, STANDARD GFC FINISH; ANNUAL J 36" HT INC. FLOWERS IN PLANTER F 4 CONQUISTADOR 2 TREE GRATE, 60" SQ IRONSMITH BLACK POWDER COAT SHEET (M6010) F 4 TREE GUARD (M8) 5' HEIGHT, 16"OPENING IRONSMITH BLACK POWDER COAT O,S, SEATING AREA O.S. SEATING AREA G 6 BICYCLE HOOP RACK (SH-EPX-FF) DERO BIKE RACK CO. H 7 BENCHES (5' LENGTH) BACKLESS ARM &ANVIL 00 POWDER COAT FINISH SCALE: 1"=10' SCALE: 1"=10' �L^ 1 CONCRTE UNIT PAVERS; 80% HOLLAND, 209 MUTUAL MATERIALS CO AUTUMN BLEND MISSION HALF HOLLAND _ �l � - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - SEWER MA N MAINTENAAME— Ell ACCESS— ATER MAIN S SERVICE 16.5' DEEP BANK CONSTRUCTION LIMITS EXISTING 4" FIRE SERVICE SEE SHEET C-2B FOR STORM 9 SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH AND 2" DOMESTICE SERVICE TO BE ABANDONED GAS FEED LOCATION nn. � I I P cc EXISTING 21' TRANSFORMER LOCATION DULL 11111, U 11-111 10 MATCH RED FASCIA OF BUILDING 6" STANDARD CONCRETE "COOL COLONIAL RED". CONC�WTE TO BE DER S WATER MAI� IRRIGATION WELL LOCATION IfEj ONSTRI.CTED PER COB STORM SEWER MAIN X TO BORDER DECOF';71VE CONCRETE ON NORTH, SOUT AND EAST CC SEE SHEET C-2C FOR STORM SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH N I TBHARI UGH ID OR TIVE TRUCK DOCK STORM SEWER 4"' HALT THICKNE S C SELY MATCH-_,�ED CIA LIMITS CC NiAL RED". CONCRETE TO BE 6" STANDARD CONCRETE PED-WITH A BRICK PATTERN 2" DOMESTIC SERVICE CONNECTION POINT LOCATED CULV IN WATER CLOSET AFTER OS&Y VALVE 12" STORM SEWER UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT CONECTION POINT aillb � APPROACHES TO B CO�STRWCT, PER COB STANDARD DRAWING NO. 02529-12. DECORATIVE CONCRETE, COLO mATdH RED FASCIA OF BUILDING (M1)j "COOL COLONIAL RED". CONCRETE Tp GRAPHIC SCALE BY OWNEIR* A IN FEET VERIFYSCALEI REVISIONS RAWN BY: NJH PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 901 Technology Blvd. CHICO.BY. 777 BOZEMAN GATEWAY 3638.003 REDUCED.ONE BE- A Engl— Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING. L-1 - LJLJJ MAIERLE,INC. 'o' Fax(406)587-1176 Q.A.REVIEW ROSAUERS UTILITY PLAN MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY] Am Employce-Owmed Company BY: C-3 Will — ' �—~~----- �----�—� -------- �------� �---------� ----- ' ® ®t A dr-11'sirm Win, JJR DESIGNED BY z AMA w ;' o-� :.. ��.. a .'_ c � 1�!t! @�ySs: �►.AA CH A4A t�f'► � A 7A� !'� •a - I �., `�� hh - IS - � CHECKED BY CL � � o � ;� lid' - •°� � ,. . ,. • Iff; f� I�ij, ��• ' (.err '':►i � �� � � 0 v wDATE 06004 PROJECT NO. IL BANK SITE © 06004 .REV EINEW IN 1FLAM TO BE BANK FILE NO- THE FUTI.*tE wit Ifflaw-vil Mid - �� �� �r��,`�',�' °� _ , © �a o Cyr '• ' �� � ���1 � �� Ili, .�1� ��1� ,�� �' •-► .r' r 9 • Lu - PM uj Ir CL MA Ni W— oil 73 1, �i�:� SRI,Ww..w!' y J „ f e;:•;—WEST MAIN-STREET/HUFFINE-LANE— \ P4OF Maoo* x`- - - _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - -- _ - J EN PASP`AlTTRA1L ORN-AMENTALBOULEVARD-TREES-AS-PER-OPEN-SPACE-PLAN • •� \ - ', R c 3s0 Z)­-­M-U)—,F WAY -W -�--.� W �`F•/ T RIGHT LA� > L.. ,. _ a adaDT,kIGH AY `� . JJR (1)-PU- _ �z _ -- � '— - - /Ti OF W �� �^ DESIGNED BY Z <<(1) sR �'1- 'ne /1)Q (i)c — � - AMA • .% ” - :Er. -(5) PO _(3)JW ! w J (3) -'�' _ ��_--- DRAWN BY O E\ UN 1LARI - I JJR ? 1� \ i ' ____ / _ .�e _i CHECKED BY S 5 PO (zz Jw � �w I 1 � z)FM 1 IL 06l26l06 o 3)TA I )ICS m ` , 1 I \ \ \ i (1) (1) r I(6)�P -- O PF (3) �/es 'i" (r` - L I DATE (3) I I` '(6)PO ;' 2)FM F (1)TA (3)L WN (� — I(1)PIN - C— you 06004 Q G� !I �, 1 (3)JW aocE' (1)JW _.... - __ (1) TA -�\ (3)JH " (6)PO f^---� - - (3)JH (6)JB / \ ' III x O I PROJECT NO a p `�! 2 cy \ F \ ! BANK SITE PLAN > (2)S = 06004_LS.DWG N . O PU (1)AT lJ// _ .� (/// / FILE NO. j-(i!FM r 1 \ \ \1 G B C (2 ) I \ I\\ (1) Cb DEVELOPED& I (3 C i U o3 CB! I (2)JW \ \ \ (3) HS B C (4 2 (1: CO RENEWED IN , ,I (3) CS 1 OI \ THE FUTURE x / (3)PO I + Z COBBLE-LINED \ (4 CA II C7 �I \ / I x I SWALE I (3)HS A C I (2) LL m 1 .1 I I I � i'a O l.� I (3) CS (7)JH D (1)SR 1\✓ , I _I. V] ia'bz ZONE" LAWN \ 2)Al 1, II (2)'PU (5)CA N WALKWAY"CLEAR L1 (1)JH azc�- m I ¢y (3)CB I I yF 6•PEDESTRIA H 11 C F (1)GT _ (3)`I FN I I I, 4 _ _.- 1 (1) GT I I h�� k2)S ' ., 0 O a°3: (7)SP G 1 - I 20 (6)RM -I;�'I'T I $ F DI Z m Ri 3 1 I,r a� � ��E_ n�• �1`du> � � \ � �+` � yl .I I I ( Il a s Rom' LAWN � \ LA 3)TA / I_ (3 PP ? - L/l 11 \ (1)GT \ (g)JB / (1) FN \g S ---/ I'�ia2 m � i i (3)rFN p ,.., �� : �P � 1 i 1)SD ` O - ( - �� �`A _LL_ __. _ J z 1 E l r (2)AT LAWN RIVER ROCK OR (5) SMC LAWNf- EQUAL IN ALL � � O (1) JH PLANTING BEDS (RGT (1) AT \. (1) ,�` �\ /� E'I (n (2 PN � (6) RfAS I� i L\\ � I�_- - _ � - +, (2)��' 1 R� a, `•� l ! 2 NATIVE LAWN � ��1 ' y ,Z i CO 1 JH W IN �j O \\ \ I (5) EA O / LAWN O ,.2 PV 1 LAWNe-* ,f' � L V c V (6)JB m^ (1)GT - \ \ + / F- O (2-UM + �r w ° 0- PP a l VA 0 (2)AT x \ I I I GRAVEL TRAIL �� (6)SM —J so i (3)JS _ 1" (46) '� �(19) H(1)TA I/ / I 1 (3) � F� (6)CA V p / ✓ LAWN - f \\ � x 7 //I LAWN \I\'\ _re_ JI 1 1 �. eqe \ \ \ AR \ \ \\\\ 1. tN `' (i TA - -�- - (3) SEDGES,/ 1 'I f TYPHUS, SPP.BULRUSH, ~ ~ 1 TA �14)'Cn' \ \ \ \ -O f , 11 CA O 6 JH (3) FN 2 PN ( ) 4_-dH---asa7 O �_ / �x(2) FN (3)EA 1 - (3)JB (5)CA I--1 LEGEND `\ \ (7) S La ° P, Z \ \ —.(2)-SD7 (3)is \\7 E j - 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN F- Q' w ° \ s \ \ ` \ \ O SCALE:1" 40' y F a DECIDUOUS SHADE OR BOULEVARD ��1 ,\ 1(3)JS, 1s \. \11 TREE- 2" CALIPER \\ ,\ } 7)SP �R / SHEET DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREE- 2�,CALIPER CONIFEROUS TREE- 5'-6'HEIGHT `t<. a -�_ + gOULEVP (2) AR oG / JUN 2 7 2006 D DEPARYMENTOF PLANNING L1 SPECIES APPROPRIATE SHRUBS IN ,+� .� "� - � AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANTING BEDS z MATCHLINE C-213 t m P C-2C p j ROSAUERS U 1 GROCERY STORE o � I O F.F. ELEV. = 47.50 � K A r I o 0.93% 1 80S o a�. ap o 6 $ LOADING DOCK o 0 I a I FLOOR DRAIN w - TOP EL. 43.13 371. m r C � 9$ ° m I N .43 L.F. — 8" PVC n 1.09 - i n � ♦G 9 it $ 5.5% et � 0, Cl ,�O y� m a5 yo $® `,�rS 33 -� u?S g 5.8% 1$C �^ � III , o .�'S RAISE 100% .` o K 5�'•o�� COMPACTOR DRAIN- TO SANITARY SEWER - K 1.60°° .IV U; `L• p,8 I • m lI n >O �' dh>2y\ o v'�. .20% 36> v // / _ I B As > c czi 'w a, N* I or: �' $ 6• G a / 0 0% ro°j 6g rr8sr o �% R 0.7 B p r 1 40 / - '.. � ) � v �� //N y� q 30" pVC �_ .-// / 1.E._44•S. _ h - 485 • p Y a g as 4846 EXISTING �, ! �; s� } �...: ti a' OOX •�u 1h ,G®�+F �/ - / 36"x58.5" ARCP 4846 / \\��EXISTING 15" RCP \"\ I i 4843 4841 .. h �.... — — —4842 4844 4842 I 3 4840 SIDEWALK EXISTING 36"x 58.5" ARCP ' _ - $ 840-_! - - mE ISTING—�- 22.5"x36. 5 ARCP - - ; --DETENTION POND #1 ' TOP OF BERM ELEV. (MIN.)=43.6 /Q II SEE'DETAIL - '--. 10-YR POND STORAGE VOLUME (MIN.)=2,000 CU.F _. •,'' U�0 - : I I$ II _ 10-YR PIPE STORAGE VOLUME=2,000 EXISTING 15" RCP SEE DETAIL 8 - " a _ — — —— I - _ - ,: % za GRAPHIC SCALE 20 - - t/ IN( ET h �2 It --------- VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN BY: DHW PROJECTNUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY 901 Technology Blvd. CHK'D.BY: MGH BOZEMAN GATEWAY 3538.003 REDUCED.ONE MORRISON MEASURES ONE INCH ON Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING- surveyors APPR.BY: MGH BOZEMAN MONTANA hl MAIERLE INC. P;a�e� PhoxMB6)587-1176wc.mos DATE:QA REVIEW MODIFYDRAWING NUMBER Cl �n2 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLYI - Fax:(406)557-1176 ROSAUERS SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Cl v E An Employee-Owned C paaY COPYRIGHT m o E, : I� H:\3638_031ACAD\DESIGNIGRADEMSTR-ROSAUERS.dwg Plotted by tlklima on JuN2620067 2006 L DEPARIMEM1'i Of PLFNNI G ANDCOMMUNIN DEVE ENT L\�V' c� o i / .A I I I �� CX� \ ��• �a� I s C3� / 'aZ a I N a ------------ bv I . TO 11 10-YR 5 00-0 y°. ��� __ 10-YR STORAG E (MI . 50 A I SEE DETAIL , m l i \ I TRAIL I NA t 1 gB'4RA m\ F \ R I k6 IS ''i I ` �, � �v Q 8 _.. — � ..s y>s •y -�9j SA�9 m �`�~� 3;;: ,0 q 42 G i 'Pw 764 ® ;—G--C—C'�r�� I1 POND #3 — ryat. ' Sbr m OUTLET RR '-.:., STRUCTURE 840 oo I I k I *Cmi ro 48g3�- 4842 0k ? � � ti� B D�I 4844 ��4844 0 kti 4845 ? f 09 vQ m A I 4B45 4842-, - R `"' x 0.8% NEm� \ � o M... ? ..\ I _ ,. ,_I -. �• ,..,.. _... 1gC 24 LFI12"PV ...�'`. 844_. WIDE CURB CUT & SIDEWALK CHASE p4S / C�ggh r <F.�a4 fAI,Fr k FL=43.91 � _ o co _. 1 I- o BANK J.... 0 F. 4 F. ELEV. = 45.50 484¢ -' .... — cj ....4844 --__— ..-� q CO Cf'00 "I I o r v AC �S 43. 1. o @, 1N kgk6 \ ! R ASS e k ISM o u a s �Q �\ MA LI C- k �a GRAPHIC A[OE 20 O I C-2 � �.00 a ry ® ® 0 4 � S� p Oo' � pry I I IN rTSTs'r) 1 S UCTURE o 112�WIDE U q C O ._.1... INLET _ ti._.._. / rnn a '.'6'O, �� h S B $ inch 20 f 0.91% 'yGhy VERIFY SCALEI REVISIONS DRAWN BY: DHW PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY 3638.003 REDUCED.LINE BELOW 901 Technology Blvd. CHK'D.BY: MGH BOZEMAN GATEWAY MEASURES ONE INCH ON MORRISON Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING. sI-eyem APPR.BY: MGH BOZEMAN MONTANA Scientists DRAWNG NUMBER D � MAIERLE INC. Planners Phone:(406)587-0721 Fax:(406)587-1176 QA.REV E6 W ROSAUERS SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE MODIFY SCALE ACCARDINGLVI An Employte-ONmed Company BY. H:1363810031ACAEADESIGNIGRADEMSTR-ROSAUERS.dwg Plotted by d1dima on Junf2612006 COPYRIGHT®MORRISON{,MIENLI;INC.2008 DATE: JUN 27 2006 DEPARTMENT DF PLANNING ANO CDMMDNIIY DEVELOPMENT 1 TRACT No j35UNION TFu,CT Nc t35 j95F g15PE�yST I MINM�USAN MINOR 60WMEEK DR TMO NSLIV NG TRD I. ROCKY tg20 I1M1 5 201 281 IFRSPRINGMTR5715 R3p2F0 SUNOMTC5�7t5 NEL oNED:B- BOZ 0OpN�:0-2 �Z�oNEp:B- PARCEL AND SITE INFORMATION - - - - - °--- PARCEL SIZE = LOT 1 57,064 S.F. 1.31 ACRES , LOT 2 48,871 S.F. 1.12 ACREA LOT 3 47,326 S.F. 1.09 ACRES LOT 42,849 S.F. 0.98ACRE5 �' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 5 13,929 S.F. 0.32 ACRES LOT 6 40,314 S.F. 0.93 ACRES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 7 45.479 S.F. 1.04 ACRES TOTAL 238,768 S.F 5.48 ACRES = ' O.S. 2 54,154 S.F. 1.24 ACRES _O.S. 3 18.17 4 S.F. 0.4 2 ACRES - y - _ _ - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - TOTAL 72,328 S.F. 1.66 ACRES {. -- _x,r -E<w- =^ ""' -_ LOTS + O.S. = 311,096 S.F. 7.14 ACRES ] R D- aro RFo �g eFa w0 WESTaFgMAIN BUILDING COVERAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ola . ROSAUERS = 60,045 S.F. - - - -I-- - .' :. "'�� -> - - - - - Eln- = - oJ OPEN SI'A�E 21w.�"I,. - o-- -- p BANK = 9,761 S.F. 54,154 SgFt - _ - _ lu=---._-__., TOTAL = 69,806 S.F. (22.4%) 18.00• 1.24 ACRES RATIO OF FLOOR AREA TO LOT SIZE = 1:4.46 DRIVEWAY AND PARKING = 177,490 S.F. (57.1%) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 237.535 S.F. (76.4%) `A 1 I \ -`- --- 40, I IOPEN SPACE AND/OR LANDSCAPING = 73,561S.F. (23.6%) 0 o.93 I I PUBLIC STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY = 0 SQ. FT. (0.0%) I t1 $ 30' g g pp. d 9 6 I I 48.66• 20.00• o / I � i I I ® I 19.00 ROSAUERS LOT 5a7 q g - GROSS AREA OF BUILDING = 60,045 S.F. I I` I I j I 57,064 SgFt INDOOR PUBLIC SERVING AREA = 1,768 S.F. I 1 I� 1 1.31 ACRES ® ® / pp• g _ �b4 1 ccADJUSTED GROSS AREA = 58,277 I g � / 1 OUTDOOR (PATIO) AREA = 1,172 S.F. 1 i 1 �{I IL� / B I b .4 _ --- - 1� ,t fit' I OR� \ I I e.aozp.00' - PARKING REQUIREMENTS ,ir,,l 1 1 -III I { 1 1. 567.- S� / 3 "FLOOR AREA" = 58,277 S.F. X 0.85 = 49,535 S.F. - 49,535 S.F. + 300 S.F./PARKING SPACE = p'66 PARKING SPACES 1J ' a 1 G``` S �I 1e 7�, 6 26.(]0 1 --- "INDOOR PUBUC SERVING AREA" -_ `I. 1 GRO Qflc 0 4 / I --- / - N 11768 S.F. + 50 S.F./PARKING SPACE = A6 PARKING SPACES s ` \ 6� / 8 - 9 1 __ - "OUTDOOR (PATIO) AREA" �,y l .. . .. 11 � - � \ .. \HERS i ,`�- - 1,172 S.F. = 100 S.F./PARKING SPACE = OPARKING SPACES 1 \ \. 'S \ OcJP. �N'( 1a.00 / _3 I It zo.00' I 19.00'/ CC/ ROSAUERS REQUIRED PARKING = 166+36+12 = x'F4.F^PARKING:iSL54C \ v O s2 \ 1 v ��e �t / / \\\ \z I \,1,,, \\ l F i.12 ACRES 13 / 1•' 27.00 BANK OF BOZEMAN \\, GROSS AREA OF BUILDING = 16,888 S.F. I \ '\ I.OT 5 "FLOOR AREA" = 16,888 S.F. X 0.85 = 14,355 S.F. ��� \ \\\ \\ / g 92g sgFt 24.00' `\ \ $ BOT 4 t 5 * .32 ACRES PARKING REQUIREMENTS I \ 1 \\ \ / o e A q s ) OPEN SPACE 317 1 0 / r 14,335 S.F. 300 S.F./PARKING SPACE = 48 PARKING SPACES I \ \ 39. 4 I2 27•0O• 8.00' 18174 SgFt ,r,�, \ \ 2 0.42 ACRES 1 BANK OF BOZEMAN REQUIRED PARKING = 48'"PARKING SPACES \ `� � E / -� / g p 1 fz 11 y%\ ISO I 19.00' C1 a' TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING (OPEN SPACE I\ 214 + 48 = 262 PARKING SPACES I 153,342 SgFt \ t\ 1 0 7\ _ 27 0: 3.52 ACRES \ 3 0• \ 1 ) MAXIMUM ALLOWED PARKING SPACES \ �' .00\ \ -- `) 262 X 1.25 s.327-.PARKING SPACES \ \ �! ` ` 2 p J \ 4 \ \ _ PROVIDED PARKING I \ \ ,;- \ > 9.00' 10 DISABLED STALLS \ \ 279 PARKING STALLS • I \ 0 \\ 0 18.00' 7 289 TOTAL STALLS \ '\ \ �� / 4, w I ,081 SqFt 1 5 \-. Fes'-' •. '/- 0.44 ACRES ES �� =.44 11 1( GRAPHIC SCALE 50 1 N835SE 110.8� ( IN FEET) 1 inch= 50 1L 4°, n n OPEN SPACE 4 / VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN BY: NJH PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY 3638.003 REDUCED.LINE BELOW MORRISON 901 Technology 59 18 CHK'D.BY: 777 BOZEMAN GATEWAY Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER MEASURES ONE INCH ON r-�y SUNe Ors APPR.BY: JAU BOZEMAN MT 2 ORIGINAL DRAWING. 1 Y C0 MAIERLE INC. ScreO65� _ DATE: 0427/06 ' Pfanners Phone: (406)5871 761 ROSAUERS SITE PLAN DRAWING NUMBER MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLYI Q.A.REVIEW An&mployee-Owned Company BY; C-1 H:\3638U1031NCAD\SITEPLAN\Grocery-Bank Site.dwg Plotted by nhagen on May22006 DATE: COPYRIGIm®MORRISON.MNERLE,INC.,2008 - - - - - - - - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y — 1 y i�.,l t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — —_c. �v� _...�— Exi. --DETENTION POND A2 —e.xn ex•, - r _ _ __ — ___ — — — (UNDERGROUND STORM TECH SYSTEM) _ — — __ _ -_ I - _- --4845— ..__ STRU&IVRE- tO SYR WSEL=42 -..... -- ._ 00 AND EMERGENCY OVERFLOW '4840- - 1-! Ba WEST MAIN 0 YR STORAGE VOLUME(MIN.) 5.1 CU.FT. e BFO Bf0 vv FO 1 _ -Bf0 BFO BFO Bx'O eF0 BFO BFO - BFO BL'0 4840 - u =j EL=38.5f OH a+ axr Or' -'._ (FLOW SPLITTER/BYPA.�. - 9 oxFos ax aln-�w'1--- y�(.O ax a ox�C.Z1 s _- 4840 ¢ __- �•---- --- 4842 4844 ; 4U n MMII11 Iu� � I 4 MPapNp1. i_. of •0 31a /— %IST. DETENTION i ' d / l j F[-- .7 _- 0 _] .. v i r • F Vi I _ 94m P 1 TOP EL N390 �24' VC _...* sa sa _ • ;s 4 T 70,K 70X `S•6 �� 0 m �s i 24`��� p ® � 6B_ BANK P I Oy 590 LF ® BLF 24`P C® .7 I �: F.F. ELEV. = 45.5 - 'rDOOR ' 1 1• (, III ��W �. Yn 14�� �� a' o ® OUTLE STRUC E AND EM RGENCY R 1 OVERFL W 7 w w w w TOP OF BERM ELEV-(MIN.)=45.7 / 10-YR WSEL-44.7 b n p 3 I 10-YR POND STORAGE VOLUME(MIN.)=2.000 CU.FT. 10-YR PIPE STORAGE VOLUME-1,250 CU.FT. I! 4 t RAISED \A 1 COMPACTOR DRAIN- TO SANITARY SEWER /h 1 ! ppOR ® ® ' r - // DETENTION POND B3 - 1 �� �• o� - = 42.2 } C RS 10-YR STORAGE VOLUME( )=1,000 CU.FT. TOP OF BERM ELEV. (MIN.) - ` 10 YR WSEL 41.2 E MIN. s 1 N RCS A T ORE1. � i�® 3.096 w \ ^ S 48 s(p> ^� GR �M/ 48 p7, n A13 p a(Gi - i ��4 s 47.rJ - 04 -� I 1 DOOR D 4j LOADING DOCK ® TO SANITARYT SEWER DRIVE-TH R - GG TRENCH DRAIN � BANK N K. V TOP EL.1 43.5 p e ^ F.F. ELEV. = 47.7 0 6`LE.(W)=42.8 � e \ Th / 3 .....� q �4845- 0 1 i as ® ol � w .. -4 r ` �,•, _ \ \ w/� 1ti Pic® LE-a4.1a.1 =v Y6IN FEET AP c sc ao 2 _ -- b Ift, - \ VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWNBY: DHW PROJECT NUMBER 3638.003 THESE PRINTS MAYBE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY 901 Technology Blvd. CHK'D.BY: NIGH BOZEMAN GATEWAY SHEET NUMBER REDUCED. ME NEIN LOW MEASURES ONE INCH ON Engineers Bozeman,MT 59716ORIGINAL DRAWING. L_jT�.-{�7K�T 7H-1 T7�7 SUNByOl3 APPR.BY: MGH BOZEMAN MONTANA ]MORRISON MAIERLE j1YC, pf rmsts DATE: 04I2006 DRAWING NUMBER J�i—II Planners Phone:(4p6)587-0721 O.A REVIEW MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! 7 Fax:(406)567-1176 ROSAU ERS SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE C-2 An Rmp[gycv;-Owned Company gy; ll H:136385003WCAD5DESIGNIGRADEMM-ROSAUERS.dwg Plotted by jullman on May1112006 GOPYRIGIR CMORRISON-M ERLE,INC.,21pB DATE: - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tt" - - - - - - - - - - -- -- /)b EXISTING 10" BFO_/�_�TER�MAIN an) A _-8,o EST.rJUIN SEWER MAIN -7 PROPOSED 8" PROPOSED 6" SEWER SERVICE 16.5' DEEP PROPOSED RCP PROPOSED 8" BANK WATER MAIN MIN 7.0' DEEP PROPOSED 8" SEWER MAIN SEE SHEET C-2 FOR STORM 11.0' DEEP EXISTING 4" FIRE SERVICE SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH AND 2" DOMESTICE SERVICE--� TO BE ABANDONED SEE SHEET C-2 FOR STORM SEWER SIZE AND DEPTH w PROPOSED 6. FIRE SERVICE AND 1" DOMESTIC SERVICE ss EXISTING 21"' SEWER MAIN V ROPOSED 8 WATER MAIN MIN. 7.0' D EP EXISTING 8" WATER MAIN indimo Q�� EXISTING 45" RCPA U ip w STORM SEWER MAIN DECORATIVE ENTRY LANDING BANK DRIVE THROUGH V PROPOSED PROPOSED 8* FIRE SERVICE —CLILVERT AND 2" DOMESTIC SERVICE x) PROPOSED 8" SEWER MAIN 9.5' DEEP A PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN "IV\C"C,_ MIN. 7.0' DEEP C 0 0(; GRAPHIC SCALE S 50 �o IN F ET I in.h 50 11. ------------ --—----------—---- ---------- Z ---------------- niummin VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN Y: NJH PROJECT NUMBER 3638.003 THESE PRINTS MAYBE NO, DESCRIPTION DATE 901 Technology Blvd. :Y ??? BOZEMAN GATEWAY REDUCED. SHEET NUMBER LINE BELOW gineem Bowman,MT 59718 MEASURES ONE INCH ON MORRISON APPR.BY: JAU BOZEMAN IVIT 4 ORIGINAL DRAWING. sCi­tnts DATE: D4127/06 DRAWING NUMBER s""y' LJLJ MAIERLE)INC. Pf.­- Phone:(406)587-0721 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY1 Fa�(406)587-1176 Q.A.REVIEW ROSAUERS UTILITY PLAN A�E­pMy­-0­d C.-p.-y BY:. C-3 H:WS=3\ACAD�-SrrEPLANIGmmry-Bank Site.dwg Plotted by nhagen on May/112006 C0PYMGff*M0RRISONA%IERU�INC.2 DATE S , L sz fLLLAsz S _ = pppp 1 = De 'S9 Ya Y.i is to S 35 b 4a hA SB W t] D.e la ® ea Yb Ai � to Do Ya L Ye n 9a Da na y 9.e 9.0 IP}p na nA 1: 9.v 9.v Plan V— lanVie i A to to t.t 91 n] YA DA to O.o 90 ea Y.f YA La L a no n.e Da Si L DA ee 9., a Ya Ys w t'i to 1t en to D.a o t. As D] O Ya n D.v 4T n ®a hs la W 9.e 9. a.. na as ® n. to v a1 9a • A Dew n.i §.T !a a 9.0 91 1 to to La t e.e Yd tb 11 9a to to Li Lf to 1 11 YA 9 e.e Ya w ° t YA LA to b A 1] le eA In t lA to Lf YA 4i DZ lA to L 0.y if na v t ea v n.. • 1 h.a to s sa D.v VA OA L e] h.0 ha Le n.i Y.f A h 4a .i Ys 4, 9s Da to Lt � Ai Da YI nA 9a � Ai ne LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE t 9a YA t Symbol LebN O., c-.Nunber IamP Lumen LLG Wells YA to t'i ® ENIBIBDM MEO EDI IAUAI- CLEAR 61 B OCi bRB E017'METALWLLIOE 12800 0.T5 tm • HORRONTALPOB. EN1B i50M MEO ED11 WATT CLEVt • Sa tT GCF BRB EOITMETAL HALIDE, 12AW O.TS DJD NORROMAL POB. • ENIBIEOMMEO 0NE1Bb TTCLEAR fe OCF SR] EDITMETALINLDE. 11Ba0 on 1. HORRONTAL POS. S-W t View VERIFY SCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN BY: URM PROJECT NUMBER THESE MAY NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY IT\(?' 3638.003 REDUCED. LN BELOW MORRISON Sol Technology Blvd. CHK'D.BY: ?77 BOZEMAN GATEWAY SHEET NUMBER REDUCED.LINE BELOW MEASURESONEINCH ON Engineers Bozeman,MT 697'IS ORIGINAL DRANNG. sn reyDrs APPR.BY: BOZEMAN MT a sciMAIERLE INC. Planners _ DATE: 05/02/06 L—i-', , Planners PFax:(406)5871 61OSAUERS LIGHTING PLAN DRAWING NUMBER MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLYI An Employee-Owned Company B Q.A.. .REVIEW C_4 H:13638W03lACAD1SITEPLANIURMOOZEMANSITE.DWG Plotted by jullman on May2/2006 COPYRIGHT 0MORRISON-MAIER1E,INC,2 6 DATE: STEEL HANICAP PARKING SIGN (WHITE SYMBOLS AND 38-3/8" "�`LETTERS ON BLUE BACKGROUND) 2'-0" 5' HC SIGN EACH HC n� SIDEWALK � � STALL SEE SHEET D-1 DETAIL 3 HANDICAPPED �rJ'— PARKING ONLY VAN FFLANGE to ma) �AM�P ) VARIABLE PERM6 � ACCESSBLE MP UP 1-0" REQUIRED D S100 FINE BLACK INTEGRAL 6"CONC VAN ACC.SIGN COLORED CONC BROOM FINISH CURB 4'VAOE YELLOW STEEL POST SET IN PARKING STRIPE CONCRETE BASE GROUND 1 B NGROUND MODEL NUMBER #OF BICYCLES RACK LENGTH ANCHOR � � 5'-0" MOUNT o RB 07 7 62.375" 1958.4- M I III RB 09 9 86.375" 219.4= RB 11 11 110.375" 280.4 on TOP OF CURB/WALK BIKE RACK DETAIL OR FINISH GRADE SCALE: NTS r HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL SCALE: NTS WXe 12"CONCRETE BASE TOP OF BERM 3 HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL EL=45.7' SCALE: NTS TOP OF BERM EMERGENCY EL-42.2' 30"DIA.DROP INLET OVERFLOW 10-YR WSEL=44.7' W/GRATE INLET EMERGENCY GRATE EL=43.2' ------------- I.E.=40.7' OVERFLOW 1 1 10-YR WSEL-41.2' GRADE=0.7X MIN. 46"OUTLET ---------- Co -- t NTROL STRUCTURE 1 IN FROM CURD INLET GRADE-0.7%MIN 24" PVC _ 12 PVC 10-YR ORIFICE OUTLET 10-YR ORIFICE CONTROL STRUCTURE DETENTION POND#1 DETENTION POND#3 SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS 249. ^ 2 5" ^ � rErf ssrnax ASPHALT Tp)L4 4� �7iLL 1�" MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL L A �, n • 1.5" a PIT-RUN GRAVEL a - PARKING LOT eed' � "• 3"ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, GRADE B, COMPACTED TO 93% RICE da'4 6" OF 1-1/2" MINUS TYPE A CRUSHED BASE COURSE COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION CRUSHED GRAVEL i 12" OF 6" MINUS PR-RUN GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE BASE-3"MIN. °"eeeed'e vo....................oo a>e8 a ee>Fe>e>a}8 COMPACTION (COMPACTION BASED UPON AASHTO T-99) ..ee oo=CRUSHES GRAVEL BASE moo�o..... SUBGRADE,TOP 6" SCARIFIED AND COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE SUB-BASE COMPACTION. (ALL COMPACTION BASED UPON AASHTO T-99) COURSE-12"MIN TRUCK AREA 4^ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, GRADE B, COMPACTED TO 93% RICE 6" OF 1-1/2" MINUS TYPE A CRUSHED BASE COURSE COMPACTED COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION 20" OF 6" MINUS PR-RUN GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE NOTES` COMPACTION (COMPACTION BASED UPON AASHTO T-99) 1. Subgmde proparatlon shall conform to Seatton 02230(M.P.W.Specs.,1996 ed.) SUBGRADE, TOP 6^SCARIFIED AND COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. (ALL COMPACTION BASED UPON AASHTO T-99) 2. Concrote shall be Class M-4000, 3. Crushed grovel base shall meet the atio, p-i of Section 02236(MPType SPECA lone ed.) PAVING CROSS SECTION 4. Asphalt conarote shall meet the gmdg0on specification of Table 2.Type 8,of Section 2503-2.2 MPW55.Fouth EEIIIen. - �CURB DETAIL SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS VERIFY SCALE] REVISIONS DRAWN BY: NJH PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY aE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY REDUCED.LINE BELOW MORRISON 901 man, T Blvd. GHK'D.BY: ??? BOZEMAN GATEWAY 363N Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER MEASURES RIGINA ONE INCH. —� ORIGINAL DRAWING. I ' sMNe}T115 APPR.BY: JAU BOZEMAN MTScient 5 �� L-❑J MAIERLE �Nc. Plann rs DATE: 04127/O6 Planners Phone:(406)587-0721 DRAWING NUMBER MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLYI Fax:(406)587-1176 O.A.REVIEW ROUSAUERS DETAIL SHEET An Emp7oy�ee-Owned CompsDY BY: D-I H:t3638\O031ACADISITEPLAN\Grocary-Bank Srm.dwg Plotted by nhagen on May/1/2006 COP RIGW C MORRISON-MAIF F,INC.,(2— DATE: ACCEPTS 4"SCH 40 PIPE FOR INSPECTION PORT BYPASS PIPE ____._...._-__.___.-._.._--.____.._.. ___--_.___._.__.... Bo' 25-YR WEIR 30.0" 2.5• y J °j 51" ISOLATOR ROW __ _-—___ __----_.-.-_____ __._ INLET STRUCTURE 9 (FLOW SPU 440�R BYPASS,' 10-YR WEIR •.�1 88 LF 24"PVC®0.70% za"IE-40.5 90.7"ACTUAL LENGTH 5• � a F M STORAGE ROW -------------------------..._-------. —�.--------- - 1N��O y R3�F 85.4"INSTALLED r � 5 i,/•/. //�/j/% STORAGE ROW ----- -------------------------- OW L cTH sa'Tw. A - —--—- ---- I SEE DETAIL 3 B THIS PAGE 5' r I STORAGE ROW ---------- --- NOMINAL CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS SIZE(W x H x INSTALLED LENGTH) - 51.0"x 30.0"x 85.4" o, N ® CHAMBER STORAGE - 46.9 CUBIC FEET ® IN INSTALLED STORAGE - 74.8 CUBIC FEET 5• WEIGHT - 75 LBS. Q STUBS AT TOP OF END CAP STUBS A7 BOTTOM OF END CAP STORAGE ROW -----------------------_----- -- -- - '-'---- FOR PARTS NUMBERS ENDING FOR PARTS NUMBERS ENDING WITH'T' WITH"B' N PARTS I CHAMBER PIPE SIZE I A 6 C D IS C740EPEOST SC 740 61n(150 mm) 10.901n(277 mm)3.851n(98 mm)18.50 In(470 mm) NIA 5' DETENTION POND#2 SC740EPED6B SC 740 e m(150 mm) 10.90In(277 mm)3.85In(98 mm) N/A 0.50 in(13 mm) SC740EPE12T SC 740 12 in(300 mm) 4.70m(373mm)7.70in(196mm)12.50in(318mm) N/A SCALE: NTS SC740EPE12B SC 740 12In0110mm) 4.70in(373mm)7.70m(196mm) WA 1.20In(30mm> STORAGE ROW -- - - - - - ------------------------'' SC740EPE15T SC 740 151n(375 mm) 18.40 in(407 mm)10.361n(20 mm)9-DO In(220 rmn) N)A SC740EPEISS SC 740 15 in(375 mm) 1 BAD in(407 mm)0.36 in(263 mm) NIA 1.301n(W SC740EPE18T SC 740 181n(460 mm)19.70 m(500 mm)0.72 in(272 mm)6.00 in(127 mm) WA GENERAL NOTES: SC740EPE18B SC 7I0 ' 18-v,(480 mm) 9.70 m(GOO mm)0.72 in(272 mm) WA 1.80 In(41 mm) S' 1.ALL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORMTECH CHAMBERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STORMTECH DESIGN MANUAL. SC740EPEzse sc 740 241n(600 mm) 18.50In(470 mm)9A6In(24D mm) wp 0.10 in(3 mm) 2.THE INSTALLATIO F STORMTECH CHAMBERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE IN STO MTECH TALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ALL STUBS,EXCEPT FOR 20 GRAPHIC SCAto 20 3STHE ONTRONS PTORObAL)vl TO NNINO REVIEW M NDUNARSTANDT CALL E-8STALLATIO RVSREST SCY40EPE248 ARE uMisOIDEONMEfERONo CAP FAT l41E LIES BELOW THE BOTTOM OFTNeR THE SC740EPE24B EEND C 24- AP STORAGE ROW ------- ---------""'-""'-" '-""""""-"'-"'-"-'-'� (IN FEET ) APPROxIMATELY1.7W.MWILLMATERO(L L inch= 20 fL WWWSTORMTECH.COM TO RECEIVEACOPY OFTHE LATESTSTORMTECH INSTALLATION STUB IS FLUSH WITH THE BOTTOM' INSTRUCTIONS. OF THE END CAP.FOR SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM BELOWTHE 5 4. CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND SAFETY FACTORS SPECIFIED IN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION W12 STUB SO THATTHE FITTING SETS LEVELCONTACTSTORM)ECHAT I SECTION 12.12 OF THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. 1sBe-B92zeeo. TECHNICAL STORAGE ROW ----- ---- --------------- ----_..... I EC�HNICAL DGL�I AILS 2.5• ADS 601 GEOTEXTILE OR EQUAL PLEASE NOTE: THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE WASHED SCALE: NITS 3/4- 2 INCH WASHED, CRUSHED CRUSHED ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE,THE STONE MUST BE SPECIFIED AS WASHED,CRUSHED,ANGULAR NO.4 STONE. CHAMBERS SHALL MEET ASTM F 2418-05"STANDARD ANGULAR STONE SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE(PP)CORRUGATED THE INSTALLED CHAMBER SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE WASHED ANGULAR STONE WITH THE FOUNDATION STONE BELOW MAJORITY OF PARTICLES BETWEEN 3,357,4,467, PLATE COMPACTOR ROLL TO ACHIEVE A THE SAFETY FACTORS SPECIFIED IN THE AASHTO LRFD WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 80• (E)CHAMBERS '/.-21NCH 5,56.57 WA 95%STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12.12 FOR EARTH AND LIVE LOADS,WITH CONSIDERATION FOR GRANULAR WELL GRADED SOILIAGGREGATE MIXTURES, �p fIUCTURE FLOW SPLI I 1 I�'��CR BYPASS/ EMBEDMENT STONE SURROUNDING WASHED ANGULAR STONE WITH THE IMPACT AND MULTIPLE VEHICLE PRESENCES. <35%FINES.COMPACT IN 61N LIFTS TO 95%PROCTOR DENSITY. INLET STRUCTURE AND TO A 6"ELEVATION ABOVE MAJORITY OF PARTICLES BETWEEN 3,357,4,467,5, ©CHAMBERS %-21NCH 56,57 NIA NO COMPACTION REQUIRED SC-740 CHAMBER SEE THE TABLE OF ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS. SCALE: NTS i FLOOR BOX FRAME AND LID W/S.S. CAP SCREW LID CLOSURE 3,357,4,467, COMPACT IN W LIFTS TO A MINIMUM 95% %-2INCH WASHED, SC-740 END CAP INSPECTION PORT WITH SCREW-IN CAP FILL MATERIAL FOR 6"TO 19' GRANULAR WELL-GRADED 5,56,57,6, A-1 STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY.ROLLER GROSS CRUSHED,ANGULAR STONE ELEVATION ABOVE CHAMBERS SOIUAGGREGATE MIXTURES, 67,66,7,78, A-2 VEHICLE WEIGHT NOT TO EXCEED 12,ODO LBS. PAVEMENT ©(24"FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS) <35%FINES. 81 89.9,10 A-3 DYNAMIC FORCE NOT TO EXCEED 20,000 LBS. ADS 601 GEOTEXTILE OR EQUAL PAVEMENT CLASS"C"CONCRETE 7N 7AASHTO M288 CLASS 2 ANY SOIUROCK MATERIALS,NATIVE NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SOILS OR PER ENGINEER'S PLANS. PREPARE PER ENGINEER'S PLANS.PAVED - .. ,Si: 't�:.e�• :fir. A FILL MATERIAL FROM 16" CHEC(PLANS FOR PAVEMENT INSTALLATIONS MAY HAVE STRINGENT MATERIAL - ti. �:�=i.• F=••,•:�:;,;_,.:.,C. r,',.•.,.: .1::+�•.:�.. LYMN:a:x� ,� 18" 96" �" `�' "-- MIN. MAX. TO GRADE ABOVE CHAMBERS SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS. WA N/A AND PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. 6"MIN. 1 g•• 96" 4"PVC RISER AASHTO M43 AASHTO M145 COMPACTIOWDENSITY _ B r MINMAX. MATERIAL LOCATION DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION DESIGNATION REQUIREMENT 30" STORMTECH ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS P B DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY DESIGN ENGINEER INSPECTION PORT TO BE SCALE: NTS III __ —I I - —I �111 SC-740 CHAMBER 6"MIN.• ATTACHED THROUGH KNOCK-0UT LOCATED AT CENTER OF CHAMBER 2.5' S' 6 12"MIN.TYP. MIN. AASHTO M288 CLASS NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE s SC-740 TYPICAL CROSS SECTION (J�STORMTECH INSPECTION PORT DETAIL SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS VERIFY SCALD REVISIONS DRAWN BY: NJ PROJECT NUMBER THESEPRINTSMAYBE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE BY REDUCED.LINE BELOW MORRISON 901 Technology Blvd. CHMD.BY: ??? BOZEMAN GATEWAY 3638.003 MEASURES ONE INCH ON Engineers Bozeman,MT 59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING. I� SuNeyerS APPR.BY: JAU BOZEMAN MT s ❑❑1 Scientists DATE: 04/27104 DRAWING NUMBER ;.0 MAIERLE INC. Planners Phone:(406)87-11721 7 Fax(406)57-1176 Q.AREVIEOv ROSAUERS DETAIL SHEET D_2 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLYI An Employee-Owned COtnpany BY: H:\3638\OOMCAD\SITEPLAN\Grocery-Bank Site.dwg Plotted by nhagen on May111200E COPTRIGHT 0 MORRISON-MAIERLE INC.,200B DATE: MECH.ROOM q »Vf ° •inry a.L'� w � P ``�� w fdryA e-ft2 _1 MECHANICAL MEZZANINE 58'-8° DSODEUVERY 0 8'-0" 6'-4" IFe= � COVERED m 40'PALLET RACKING FENCED STORAGE sua m m . AREA COMPACTOR all I =J II 1 -I� -1I 1 I I -- alDe --- -_= r Ili 8� 40'PALLET RACKING d I $a \ TRUCK DOC I $°— F s gL o �uaimR Wr,MaaaaR _ Jl'a _IL ll_J ,a R IVIN } I JY PALLET PACKING11 I' @7-I F i 80% 32' 0"x15' 9"x111" PA"n � HUIXIEBERR I _Jy, m I_-.i.-. I..-I PRODUCE COOLER FREEZER CD w } d ^ ro"I PRODUCE PREP N _ IL Jka za xo.sm-E wooa ...... I_ ti 53'06k111° H COOLERBI6RYS Q P LLEq 9mM0'� x,,,, 26'-O°xi6'z111" MEAT PREP +�*+� '-'w"ro e Q C) / _�.-.... 0'.9 0' GROCERY FREEZ R11" -1--I__J�--f._-._. McEATCOO COOLER a COOLER FI 6EREEiIF '-`"`' 'r r"°`E W N Q o 43-0"x15'-0"x111° x¢ .armEo.Wr .. - -- N �. DAIRY COOLER u F ^LL' fm,o,,. ram.-A,,,, J g Y�xP.Rxx f rMlx aiam[alel I ux _raw__.. I SERVICE MEAT % tr aflw eureturww[ MN C8, W I 24'NANRAL BULK i00DS i o e wFP. __-- r O Y �- �6r0EIX DAIRY 'I - 44'4-DECK TEAT e"r"x'o e'a'°i>' 12 -0EIX LOW - 28$VC.MEAT '$VG-FlSH Q O� 38'5-DECK RANGING MEAT PRO LE MEAT 24'NANRAL BULK FOODS � � � y OR--.DDaRr1 I } 6l ar a Z Cn O b N4 evttl.r.VL / itd M. } ♦ Ln / ® ® 2W REFRIG IISWA DUAL TEMP MEAT § q 24'W12 16 W SHELVING g o ,+xr wwAY ,-wiraui Y r Ord t § Ir 8, Ja I I� _ rd Yd I�, �IIYII - 12'ISLAND DAIRY W/ENDS -- } �i 28'G721816 GONDOU ]�J.7�1818 GONDOLA C-' HICKIFRFRRY4 12'G48 1 16 GONDOLA_sfi's-DECK FEF1n g ,g I it J J lr I JY 5-DECK ROTiIG PROD[E 24'2-DECK REFAIG.PRODUCE b N N N w � In Y.r".. x ®�' � 'I �rw� � � � �' `� I �• � I I _ 12'cab 1 18 GONDOLA 8�_I I 6'-a"z22'- o, 5 > \ `` i u !`I ,`yam 5 REFRIG ISL D PRODUCE I L=Ot: — ­�T su to \ n H i'7 w 18'-8"REFRIG.IS "'\ 5 - _ .-. _ —� __- R DUCE CANOPY CANOPY ._...L s o o ' s s s 2 1616 G _,r 14 f.!' L J '�' 1 \�� ���� o � a o � qq � � � I �_� I �x r. A> rd - - I J �� 3 B — _ ig G721618 GONDOLA \~ d, 2 I I .� I - E - .. r ��.R,. g - I v _ od $ ai�i C \ Y 2' GONDOLA - 8 72 1616 - I I 0 II ro s ` low BA ER�R• z�' -.I �- I V P o �Aa.�r _ r� � � ; — fd 6'_6"x22'_6v��Go� r� ROSAUER S REFRIG. 0 PRODUCE f YT 0�� n� I rr xaxr `'I 4 M :tl.,-� ��b .aa wW 'W ra J ,, Ae BOZEMAN, MT. rHr - \� REVISIONS t 8'M OEIX REFPoG. A•iF �• § @� 4/4 2006 I �a I i I C"pYkY w. A s l Q /.eN,\NPRrt ` 12'REFRIG.SVC.DEL - ' m I_ D su rR AREA 11 J 4 ` Ka• iau°mu mu° Z'r ti I/3� Yda - ��� 2J, e STORE SALES A A� 6 y"� �_<nv_ ��� WnY-a•m xrtR - pfj/&c>un cra1NC� � �� @� a reaer I � ! • roxac r COURTESY§ m a ao E -VTao I 4 1Y WALL SHELWNG 1 - �/ 2-6 F� DEL/BISTRO PREP AREA 4sxrx itt 1 (Y +I 66*.xLL s"a.ielE 's°a"ua2 tN lrn s _ RDa o STORAGE FLORAL DEPTAELR sx. D'as' s // } 51➢6AGE 1 �� LIL_BGfdL \rE I a s R rnal crmArr � eax 41a n d Q i I amrA«:eAaa ruNmR Wooµ r,e xsr 'Nu.x P. raxN. DN F u� OFFICE MEZZANINE l 42'4' 8' 0" 8'-0' i; IL - ' 0d S< fd Yd' f }d fd Yd fd JT fdY-r fdhC 'Pd �Yd fd __— `\ T .Ri n P POP MACHINES 2 SPEED LANE CHECKOUTS Y Ra�ar O j r-�.pogt rdwOEM.W. F t RE PLAN INDICATES LIGHT GAUGE STEEL FRAMING DRAWN: TJR SCA-INDICATES CONCRETE MASONRY 3/34"=1'-0" WEST DA4 27 O6 FILE: PROPOSED FIXTURE PLAN SOUTH NORTH PROP14 05.DWO 60,045 SO. FT. S H E E T EAST -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I i `�I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — ( ---�--a (UNDERGROUND STORM TECH SYSTEM) IO— — _._. WSEL _. 4840 —---.__. -- - _ -- STOR UM 00 4840— WEST 1..J 1 1V1 lY 1 "0—YR 4g40AG VOL484p MIN.�6.0 1 2.3 1 E CU.FT. ero ero -. aro ero ero ero ero . ero SFo" ero rrBF J .. w __..._._-_ ... EXIST. DETENTION v�- .T POND$1 0 I, Vy = TOP EL=39.0 BANK 1 �I F.F. ELEV. = 45.5 \ �� qp b a R' tt w ' TOP OF BERM ELEV.(MIN.) 10 YR WSEL 42.1 1D—YR PIPE STORAGE VOLUME=2,000 CU.FT. � ue a 5.60% —>—> 1 JIL 10—YR POND STORAGE VOLUME(MIN.)-2,000 CU FT. ® _ i. I ® ® '�� / DETENTION POND k3 TOP OF BERM ELEV.(MIN.)=44.0 10—YR WSEL=42.5 10—YR STORAGE VOLUME(MIN.)=950 CU.FT. ,! 1 ROSAUE ` RE � S�0 w--� ©P RO C`-p,� ,::. oA, ✓© \Q8 © 2� __ _ (- �4Sao 3-f5D 45A4 .. " .. _ .. N RIVE `T - 0 O n \\ BAN ? � $ F.F. ELEV '- \\ } —4845- s y `f ft4 I - - - T to GRAP IC SC 2 A _ _ - - FEET DJ40)f VERIFYSCALE! REVISIONS DRAWN BY: DHW PROJECT NUMBER THESE PRINTS MAY BE NO. DESCRIPTION I DATE BY 901 Technology Blvd. CHICO.BY: MGH BOZEMAN GATEWAY 3636Ao3 REDUCED,LINE BELOW MORRISON MEASURES ONE IBELON Engineers Bozeman,MT59718 SHEET NUMBER ORIGINAL DRAWING. surveyors APPR.BY: MGH BOZEMAN - MONTANA C107 scientists DATE: D4Y2006 - DRAWING NUMBER � 5 MAIERLE INC. planners Phone:(4D6)587-0721 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY! Fax:(406)587-1176 Q.A.REVIEW An Emp/oycc-O—d Comp—y BY: ROSAUERS SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE �N�� D Ht136361003WCADIDESIGNIGRADEMSTR-ROSAUERS.dwg Plotted by didima on Jun@612006 COPYRIGW O MORRISON—EERLE,INC.,MO DATE: Old JUN 2 7 2006 DEPARTMENT DF PLNINI ANp COMMUNItt DPhIDPM � c 10 APR-0 5 2006 1 pEPAPTMEW,4F�?,.ANN:(�G , THE, DEVELOPMENT MANLI�AL FOR__- A►�COMMUNITYDEIVELOPMENT, sr, L' 4mi i= �1 i I� (wl © 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved r� . .. .... 14 1 0. : :Developer: _ :: . ... ' Mitchell Development Group; LLC :Ted Mitchell - PO Box .738' Great Falls, MT 59403 406 7 Architecture and.Land Planning:. Carter-Burgess, Inc. Randall Stone ' 1420 Mockingbird Ln. Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75247 .(214).920-81.00 Civil Engineer: Morrison-Maierle, Inc. James Ullman ' n 901 Technology Blvd. -C, Bozeman, MT 59718 • (406) 587-0721 Q Ln Landscape Architect: Ln COPeaks to Plains Design, P.C. L Jolene Rieck 208.N. Broadway,. Suite 3.50 Billings, MT 59101 o (406) 294-9499 (V '' ' ' • r Table of Contents I . Introduction 1 A. Project Overview 3 B. Lifestyle Center Defined 7 C. Main Street Defined 9 ' D. Project Phasing 11 E. Permitted Uses and Terminology 13 II . Site Development Standards _ 15 ' - - � = ��_ - A. Site Design 17 1. Professional Competence 17 ' 2. Site Analysis 17 3. Impact on the Community 18 4. Site Layout 19 , 5. Site Maintenance 20 B. Traffic Flow and Parking 23 1. Site Access 23 2. Vehicular Bridges 25 v 3. Bicycle Traffic 27 c ' 4. Walkways 28 5. Parking Lots 30 6. Snow Clearing 31 Q �' 7. Service Facilities and Mechanical 31 Equipment Concealment C. Civic Spaces 33 'QA) ' 1. Main Street 33 E 2. Town Center Plaza 35 m 3. Paving Materials 37 4. Public Art and Fountains 38 u 5. Courtyards and Usable Open Space 39 0 o IN� iJ ':. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... D. Green Space 41 04 0. 1. Open Space : :: :41 :.... 2. Entry Corridor . : '42 3. Pedestrian and -Bike Circulation 43 :,4. View''Sheds ::_ E. Site Lighting and Sicinacie . 49 1. Site Lighting 49 2.:-S-ite Si "na a 50 F. :Utilities Grading andDrainage 53 I. Utilities . : 53 2. Grading and:.Drainage 54 lie : III. Landscape: Design Standards . 57 A. 'Overview 59 B. Vegetation- 63 :1. Tree:and Shrub Species 63". .. ...... 2. Planting Beds 66 3..:Lawns .:.-.: ..67 C.:Hardscape ::69 1. Pedestrian Load-Bridges: 69 " 2. Site Furniture 69 . ,.' N 3. Picnic Tables::, 70:: ::: _.: ... 4-1 4. Boulders 70 -5. Asphalt Trials 71' :. 6.._Gravel'�Trails 7:. Plaza Space 72 Ln 8. Planters ' " 73 01 D. Storm Water Facilities 75. :: :: ....... ... .. ...... .. ' m E. Maintenance 77..... . 1. Irrigation . 77 I—J u . : F7 2.:Vegetatio:n ::79 Ln 3:: Hardscape 82 CD .. ... 1 IV. Building Design Standards 83 A. Overview 85 B. Building Exterior 89 1. Building Planning 89 2. Building Heights 92 3. Mass and Scale 94 4. Architectural Vocabulary 96 ' 5. Materials 97 6. Retail Transparency 100 _ 7. Building Entrances, -Y =  101 8. Projecting Design Elements 103 C. Building Interior 105 ' 1. Retail Display and Entry Zone Criteria 105 2. Interior Finishes 106 3. Floor Finishes 107 ' 4. Ceilings 108 5. Interior Walls 109 6. Security 110 } D. Buildina Lighting 113 v 1. Exterior Facade Lighting 113 2. Interior Retail Lighting 115 ,n ' 3. Exit Signs and Emergency Lights 116 E. Buildina Signage 117 1. General Signage Criteria 117d ' 2. Signage Size and Quantity 118� 3. Landlord Approval 119 - ' 4. Permitted Signage Types 120 5. Signage Not Permitted 123m Ln .J 1 ...... ...... i ...... ...... V. Review Proced u re 125 =: A. Gateway--Review. .. : 127.:: :: B. Sketch Review - - 131 . ' `1. Sketch Submission 131 2..: Sketch:Submission Document App roval: .131 ... 3. Sketch Submission Document : 13:1 1 Requirements. . C. Preliminary: Revew: '• 1. Preliminary Submission 135 2. Preliminary Submission Document 135 ::Approval . "3::' Prelimiriary Sub:mission:=Document 135 Requirements D. Final Review 139.- .: :1. Final: Submission 2. Final Submission :Document:Approval 139 3...Final Submission: Document Requirements 139 iv 4. City of Bozeman Tina.l. Review A42 E. .Construction Compliance 143 Ln VI. Appendix 145 The Bozeman Gateway- Master Plan OS1 Landscape Plan Open Space 1 v OS275 Landscape Plan OPen Space 2 through 5 ELJLL L OS6.:Landscape Plan: Open:.S:pace 2:& 3 CO OS&-10 Landscape Plan Open Spac& 7 through 10 C> 0 ' o c 2005 C6rter Burgess Inc, Ail rights Reserved © 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved I. Introduction i r• 1 ,1 1 .a a '� I� `r,� 1 I lei N. IWZOV 00 Pul � ,� .��• --' ,' -1r � li �� sty - .�- + +,� � t•.." � - r�r�:.Lam. �=✓� 1 ' p a .• . Ni O 1 .... ..... ..... ....... I. Introduction o A.* Project Overview q . Bozeman: Gatewa: : si nals. a new. age.in ;re Tonal:sho .i:n Y. 9 9 9 PP 9 center design. Detailed in:the locally prevalent.craftsma:n 1 style and modeled after historic community__retail- centers, Bozeman Gateway wallbe th:e:premier shoppingdesti,nationi:n the area. The project-brings : he state of Montana its: first life- .style center,. showcasing a unique environment for shopping, nin di: � g, wo:rkin g,.:a:nd entertainment. . :: : 1 NU"WE LANE Q1 El T QI I4 q1 .. 70' o �: I Project. Site Plan :.. The Bozeman„Gateway, situated at the southwest:corner of College Street and Huffine:.Lane;:encompasses a -72-acre m parcel, which is:�planned- as a mixed-use-development and L lifestyle center. : Inmaddition the development will.:include:free- a ©_ LLJ t standing office buildings and.a hote-I/conference'com.plex onru � u .. :: the eastern quadrant:of the:project, :while along thewestern: ... 1 CD -boundary a streetscape convenience=retailjservice phase :is anticipated adjacent to Fowler Avenue.. To' further emphasize O the streetscape. concept,, :a_ mixtare of attractive restaurants, ....... ...... 1 I. Introduction A. Project Overview ' a bank, and specialty users are planned along Huffine Lane ' which will be placed amongst a series of appealing ponds and wetlands. ' As a part of the initial construction of the Bozeman Gateway, the developers have, at their expense, constructed both Gar- ' field Street from South 19th and Fowler Avenue south from �-� Huffine Lane. Simultaneously, a traffic signal will be installed at Fowler Avenue and Huffine Lane while improvements, per *' the direction of the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), will be made at the intersection of College Street and Huffine Lane. The installation of Fowler Avenue and Garfield ' Street will not only provide four-sided access to the develop- ment, but will further serve to reduce existing congestion at ' the intersections of Huffine Lane and West College Street, South 19th Avenue and West College Street and South 19th Avenue and Huffine Lane by supplying an alternative route to ' motorists. CZ It is the vision of Mitchell Development Group to provide a ' commercial development designed to emulate the spirit of a , small town shopping street. Tenants ranging in size from the hundreds to the tens of thousands of square feet will come Q ' together in a pedestrian scaled main street atmosphere. All elements of design will be held to the highest of standards, CD creating a quality civic space and a memorable identity for the Ln L ' entire project. m Each individual Tenant will be able to express themselves t I on their exterior facade or building. The building's exteriors v should be exciting and dramatic, full of life and personality, ' adding to the variety and visual interest of the streetscape. � These creative statements should blend in and enhance the 1 04-05-06 / ale t�� _ �; „ . •�� ,�v`� e i1 ',U,O..'� eat• } �'rl 1;r6 • r ., " .a '�• , r 1• .• j '4�''. *:�•,.� 'is J •C , .sue .II�I.,� °�•'+•-..-.:.1�,,,,,�t�/.i.`I�,s' Y ,a �_�� .. � '. .! �l •l' �� Y��.,.l' `��^;�.j-•.;ii c'a�.t�,�����'�tAY t�� -if.A �- �.a:�1..2..�� `' 4"r _ >- ,�:1`-. `fly e�cv! M2 -ai—Z"7 . `�-r,4 , � rl�r�}��a a - i • '�,.��:i'y� -`t�:�=''_ie!�j_ ti.��uQ-�� t ;�i.�+.t•. �:e•fe{�'•is 14 1 1 . guidelines for creating a quality development that the com- munity can be proud of. MY wummt code pimisli m, or wde w a Crete a w`ai 'er or Ct w reLaMbibn of law is of 1t .ma N di a or M f o The rend,-e_r kgs,, pplans and d Lag ramL coint�a nied thLrougrho`ut thfs Developmment IMa'n:ual tare Cased! on Gael:mMnaa`ly'�o'ha-e mat a `e-ss`i'gnn ofltthe G r�o ect. CWLhi Ie th,ey ex�h b`it� the �pr�ojectrs oveerzarll.� - 0' design intent(they by no mime s [presen't�tfiLnal site co'nd tVions" Candscap`Mug (or Chu l n�gi locartalo;n and a'rchLtec-trwne. [Photos Kro-of;ghumutt Cth Lis document tare ass ed only to v sua'FI (e�qpha_s`s ' �,_o nts,� VI n the t�extr. v V) v V ' L Q ,L1 Q , 0) L CO (10 L ' U o , 0 N 1 • I. Introduction 1 B. Lofesty a Center Defined 1 The lifestyle center format integrates retail commercial Y 9 / , of- fice, restaurant, and entertainment uses by escaping the - typical 'strip" center concept. The customary strip center configuration is reversed by utilizing a "main street" approach and facing the primary building entrances to a common inte- rior route. This interior features pedestrian-friendly open-air squares and plazas. While vehicular access and angled park- ing are provided along the main interior street, the emphasis is on pedestrian activities. In addition, this particular lifestyle presentation will be enhanced by a number of water features 1 in the form of ponds, streams, fountains and natural wet- lands. 1 HLIFTINE T TIT Q 3 . `° Lifestyle Center `� a 1 U The idea of a single main entrance facade is abandoned in the 1 0 lifestyle center. The main portion of customer parking and vehicular circulation will be provided on the periphery of the lifestyle development, integrating the extensive landscaping 1 r- -- I. Introduction B. Lifestyle Center ' and pedestrian/bike paths with the water features to the core ' of the center. Shoppers do not simply leave their cars directly in front of a retailer and walk directly into a store. Instead, ' customers will in some way experience most if not all of the site. It is for this reason that all exterior facades of the build- ings are to be architecturally improved so to provide the best ' possible curb appeal in all directions. To further enhance the concept, Mitchell Development Group has incorporated an extensive trail system for not only pe- destrians, but for bicyclists to enjoy as well. These trails are abundant with amenities such as resting/sitting areas, pic- nicking areas and bicycle parking. The project as a whole hopes to provide patrons the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor ' experience throughout all four seasons of the year. Bozeman Gateway will slow life down a bit, encouraging the social inter- action of family and friends. ' The success of a lifestyle center fundamentally depends on Of 4� it's ability to be a good pedestrian place. It is important to ' Li make pedestrians feel comfortable to shop, providing inter- , esting things for them to see, generating pedestrian activity. Z The goal is to have people enjoy themselves and return with a friends. LA (I, m Ln CD `) N v. I. Introduction 04-05-06 ' C. Main Street Defined Pedestrian activity creates a subconscious reinforcement that it's okay to be there. That it's a place where one should be. When people are visible from the street, curious passersby ' are more likely to park, get out of their cars, and find out why everyone is there. Being "where the action is" can be irresist- ible for may people. The solution for adding pedestrian activ- ity to a project is to orient buildings so that they take advan- tage of the traditional main street model. MUFFNE LANE f I.. Ln ;i o T N 3-1 • � r , L Itlzll� n t ca ' The Indicated Areas Will Be Designed ' 9 Under the Main Street Guidelines 0 m A traditional main street is generally composed of one to ' L three story buildings. Retail is always the primary function of the first level. Upper levels can include service oriented u retail, professional offices, or even residential. The diverse o retail establishments on the ground floor attract the most ' N pedestrian circulation, promoting the community atmosphere, n while the architectural style and roof lines create and urban I. Introduction C. Main Street Defined ' architectural theme. Creating a collective identity among in- ' it dividual shops will draw customers. L-1 Main street will convey vehicular traffic, but more importantly ' it will have wide sidewalks and planting strips to promote a high level of pedestrian activity as well. Primary shop en- trances will be located on main street through recessed doors. ' Street-side parking will be convenient, but minimal so as not k to interfere with the active pedestrian quality. For the purposes of this Development Manual, "main street" 3 refers to any street with building facades that are immediate- ly adjacent to primary pedestrian and vehicular access points within the lifestyle center area. ' 15' M 1 n I u ptI �//I tph Of WaIk" in Fran d'f' �Ui dldin, U) v Ln L ' L Q •1U C Ln N ' N E. D m (O U o '0 C7 I. Introduction ' D. Project Phasing :.... ..... ...... . Bozeman'Gateway:is proposed to be constructed. :in six' has- p es. Generally the development plan calls for construction:of approximately one phase per year through 2013. The phase : nLmbe:ring does:not necessarily_ present the,order ih:Which the phases will be developed. The actual order of construe- ' tion will depend on the demand.for the various types of uses offered. Phase boundaries may also be modified � to account for fluctuation in 'the demand to the different types of uses -of locations. Tft fartdscape ftaAtues mW q - rl ui - m> �I r al g West M � tar ri�i' r tah�t ar t W US 1191 'H UNDM Lame and MA Gamed Weet sha.111 b :::.. ' RM-MaUle i ah Peril 1 of T11 Bownan GaWymya i i i r Pam: HUFFWE LANE .... ._. .. .. Or' [� i� to U�hj i Fj , �1 S S ,�; Phase.1 . e o Y 91 Phasing PlanLn o I 0 fV t i sw� i� r, r� i Cc 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved I. Introduction 04-05-06 ' E. Permitted Uses and Terminology ' The Bozeman 2020 Community Plan supports uses consis- tent with those allowed by B-2 zoning for the entire Bozeman ' Gateway project. This zone is described by the Unified Devel- opment Ordinance as, "The intent of the B-2 community busi- ness district is to provide for a broad range of mutually sup- portive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access streets." Typical uses within this designation are a "broad range of functions including retail, education, professional and personal services, offices, residences, and general service activities." ' This usage will provide a natural extension of the Huffine Lane commercial corridor allowing uses that are very consistent ' with the character of the surrounding area, enhancing and preserving the nature of the district. The following uses will NOT be permitted: L Q� W a. Any public or private nuisance. b. Any noise or sound that is objectionable due to inter- mittence, beat, frequency, shrillness or loudness • c. Any smell that is offensive or objectionable due to its ' Q nature or intensity. d. Any excessive quantity of dust, dirt, or fly ash. This V) prohibition shall not preclude the sale of soils, fertil- ' 0) izers, or other garden materials or building materials m in containers if incident to the operation or a home CD improvement or other similar store ' t e. Any fire, explosion, or other damaging or danger- U ous hazard, including the storage, display, or sale of oexplosives or fireworks. N f. Any assembly , manufacture, distillation, refining, Q smelting, agriculture or mining operations. I. Introduction E. Permitted Uses and Terminology , g. Any mobile home or trailer court, junk yard, stock ' yard, or animal raising excluding pet shops. h. Any drilling for and/or removal of subsurface sub- ' stances. i. Any dumping of garbage or refuse, other than in enclosed, covered receptacles intended for that pur- pose. j. Any automobile body and fender repair work. • k. Any flea market or swap meet, "second hand" or ' "surplus" store excluding national or regional opera- tors such as "Goodwill". I. Any store in which a substantial portion of the inven- tory consists of pornography, sexual products, and �- similar "adult" goods, publications, movies, or vid- eos. The Bozeman Gateway Development Manual defines the fol- lowing as: Ce GRB - Gateway Review Board, as described under Sec- , tion V. Review Procedures , L Landlord - Mitchell Development Group, LLC a v C Tenant - Any building occupant, ground lessees, parcel purchaser, property owner. Ln ' o ' 0 rl J. 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved DevelopmentIL Site • • ' \ m \ � \ � BOZ -m-A .. ,N $ \ \ \ � \ \ ƒ . . ƒ . � ƒ { { . \ ƒ \ \ \ $ } } 9 � ƒ ) U 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved \ II. Site Development Standards A. Site Design 1. Professional Competence y ' All design and/or consulting work for any full or partial \ site development is to be done by, or under, the su- D D pervision of an licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, and/or Site Planner. CrSt s 1 '• PLAZA'W-V WrRI �-0" 81KE PATH S'-0^ LAWN STREET PARKING I. C SIDEWALK OPEN AREA 117'-0^ ROAD WAY EASEMENT SIDEWALK 1/1 !n QJ U) L_ SCALE: 0 4' 8' 16' cc Section Through Green pact Pznds -' 2. Site Analysis 1 ' Before any plot of land within the Bozeman Gateway ' Project is developed, the following site aspects will be J P 9 P analyzed as for both the site itself and as a contribution U. Site Development Standards A. Site Design , to the project as a whole. ' a. A basic understanding of the lay of the land to deter- , mine the site's uniqueness b. A philosophy on how one would either preserve, en- hance, or advantageously use existing conditions ' c. A determination whether the site itself has any re- deeming qualities that should be retained and/or reinforced ' _r d -How the community or"environment can ber useto enhance the site development and building design e. Climatic information, soils reports, geologic hazards, ' flood plain information, topographic and legal survey plan , f. Land use survey of proposed sites and adjacent sites g. Site utilities services information, location, size and capacity 0 ' h. Topography v i. Site Drainage Q) j. Orientation , k. Traffic data affecting access to the site with respect 21 to bikes, pedestrians, cars, service vehicles and fire fighting equipment Q I. Transit routes that service the site ' m. External site noise impact U) n. Visibility views from the site 0, ' o. Considerations regarding long term planning impacts m with respect to adjacent land development, roads v and public transit t ' u 3. Impact on the Community o ' N To integrate the project with the surrounding neighbor- ' II. Site Development :Standards -05-06 04 :: A. Site Design ...... hood:the following-steps should beta:ken;;::: a. If residential, the surrounding neighborhood should ' be buffered from noise created by automobiles and: :: ...... light from site-lighting and automobiles. ' b. Orient service areas away from public view. - Develop - service traffic routes as.to :minimize conflict with: au- tomobile-traffic. .. C. Without reducing the ability of the: buildings to func- ::.-tion properly,Jhe site:should.:be developed totem- : phasizet the provision of open:space-arid minimize -the intrusion of the building design. d. Orient the-areaS.of;the buildings..which have more potential•for visual interest towards public and.:main 1 streets. e. Use a. planted .earth berm or a dense evergreen 'buf- :' fer for-site edges where visual.screening is.:n:eeded;:: ...... for example, between i—icompatible facilities and land: use areas or between parking areas and a: building or street. .. f. The development should be compatible with and: sen- : sitive tothe immediate:environment of. the site vela- , Q :. tive to architectural .design;.tscale, buck, and:building :.... . ... ..... height;::identify historical character disposition and orientation of.buildings, and visual integrity::. ite Layout :: ...... . ... O 1 ' tfThe follow.i.ng basic site design standards: shou.l:d..be U implemented: .. _. .. Ln a: Design the site layout- simultaneously with that .of - Take ke Q ::::: th.e: building to insure opti:mum :co:mpatibility. � � ...... II. Site Development Standards A. Site Design ' into account all services and other areas scheduled , for future building expansion or future connections to other buildings and proposals. ' -<< b. Use hard and soft landscaping to create desirable space organization, privacy, enclosure, exposure or emphasis of certain site aspects. Coordinate the ' character and massing of grading, trees, shrubs, and site structures with that of the building and adjacent property. c. Take into account climatic factors, orientation, pre- vailing winds, snow drifting and the micro climate. d. Provide proper access and clearances to suit Fire Au- ' thority requirements. e. The site landscaping should be developed in a man- ' ner which will allow visual and active enjoyment by the building personnel. f. Locate any building loading docks and dumpsters ' —� off-street and out-of-sight of main roads and building entrances. Employ proper screening of such servic- es. ,.. ' g. Create out door open spaces between buildings that , relate buildings together and convey and appropriate scale, character and quality for their intended use. d 0' V S. Site Maintenance The following maintenance issues should be incorporat- ed into the site design process: a. Design to assure easy economical maintenance to Ln suit an equipment oriented maintenance program. ( ' b. Ar a`ngge: graad ng to insure po-Sit ve (d a� nage� A rN cD rr►mum sWpe of ME fro or % C-y i I 1 *nV be o i t d 1 II. Site Development Standards _. A. Site Design ►he'.rre l ust I r W ran�'an a r .. Um ilai to swnun'&M h SO-8 M The rri- 4o1w ar 20A. c. Where possible arrange planting and screening to ' inhibit snow drifting that may. occur across walkways, roads and parking areas.: d. Arrange: parking areas to*allow maneuvering of snow plows. e. Allow:_sufficient' room:.for tractor power mowers and snow removers to maneuver. Keep grass areas large ' and simple with no awkward inaccessible corners. f. Provide proper access for maintenance, repair, and ' delivery vehicles Sidewalk paving will extend to the Tenant's lease line. • a 06 En OTILam�-0' -.NKE VAIN/S-0' 'me MMama 16'-0 : DIDEWAII(' 6TNEUT., MNK7 ...•... ....... •.. OVEN AREA IE!'N ..-... .. .. •. •... .. ... RDAD EMENENT ..... OIDE WAIN•. UWM •. Q N Q SCALE: 0 4'_ 8' 16' Section at Harmon Stream Boulevard I i I LBO .__JI ,c 2005 Carter B,:tgess Inc, All rights Reserved II. Site Development Standards B. Traffic Flow and Parkins 1 1. Site Access a. Traffic flow.:into and on each parcel should be apparent 1 and require a minimum of directional signage. b: . Out Parcels shall be:connected: with th.e main..center,._: and each other, as to facilitate the movement of vehi- 1 cles with the development. c. It :is of particular:importance and in the best interests of 1• all concerned that traffic flow smoothly and without in terruption. All access points will allow logical distances from intersections. d. Wmemmad mW rebea 11 Cru'� 4hrwr b a o_ .. ;= ) shk I I. - � lJI9�JU�S `o,9L`�i�J" �91 o e��� ri � r o,9 c6,rr�' .. --'��--_- - -- `� WEST MAIN _ 1 r i de of Me i t i f �] md w i l l ma finpad ah o i t OW %Wde of ah 11 i ar u r I n g Me Mee=apM - • ri - h r ?a`t ] too r�tg n.a n i r Ga�rk 1 fEeJl d Stoma St F 'fir Ave Wffl be &s r q h v- a�, i I 1 ba a�"erebaw a ht i of i a n muri : Of 77 f�. o r-r V, .. �1 � co ���� , 9 TECHNOLOGY BLVD.. IV Ln ail 1 t II I I `�'� BanUk U1/ith Properly O e�n,tecl Driue-Thru - . ,-ems _ -`� z_1-�P"�r'z.- � .- �-e-'�, �v-t'.� -�r�7--.. Dri,u Thr�us Prorhrbite'd From Fro rnt�ng these Roads, 1 II. Site Development Standards B.Traffic Flow and Parkins ' e. Drive-thru facilities must allow for sufficient vehicle ' stacking distance and bail out lane. These facili- ties must be adequately removed from parcel access ' points. f. Driveway openings should minimize conflict with traf- fic on public streets. ' g. All internal two-way access shall be via maximum 30'-0" wide curbed driveways. This width is mea- sured from face of curb to face of curb. One-way access, when required, shall be via maxi- , mum 1W-V wide curbed driveways. i. Curb cuts onto public streets shall meet all require- , _ ments of local ordinance. r — ° j. Road construction shall be designed to accommodate o AASHTO WB-50 classified vehicles where applicable. , a, N v 4-1 •L w... — •' � Q II.L o4sr � ® II I I I III I III ® a N , a, U PMWMO LOT L­N fY4' R011DYW1Y C , O N SCALE: 0 4' 8' 16' r Entry Bridge Section 1 U. Site Development Standards 04 , 5-06 B. Traffic Flow and Parking 2. Vehicular Bridges The Bozeman Gateway will have a number of bridges al- - lowing vehicular and pedestrian traffic cross the streams that occur within the green spaces. More importantly, ' these bridges will become signature design elements throughout the project. The following further describes • them: a. The largest bridge will be located along Harmon Stream Boulevard just before reaching Huffine lane. It will act as a gateway identifying the main entrance to the project. �rNre uI _- �+ -- 0 CO G F tMain Entrance Bridge Location U ' o b. The 7 other bridges through out the project will be rq similar in design while smaller in scale. O 1 II. Site Development Standards B- Traffic Flow and Parkins 1 c. The bridges will slowly arch changing the elevation ' of the road approximately V-6" to 3'-0" above the road on either side of the bridge depending upon the 1 length of each bridge. These small changes in eleva- tion will help break up the site providing a sense of arrival for users. ' d. The changes in elevation at bridges will act as a traf- fic calming device slowing vehicles. : e. A paved walk will be provided on one or both sides_ of _ �1 all bridges for pedestrian access. f. While the bridges will likely be made of precast con- crete, they will incorporate stone and ornamental p metal work becoming an aesthetic element in the landscape. g. Bridges will be lit by pedestrian scale post top light 1 Other Bridge fixtures. i � L 'MffME U E - 1 -I �0 I III .�� ° 1 1- F C t7 I L, Other Bridge Locations 1 II. Site Development Standards ' B. Traffic Flow and Parking 3. Bicycle Traffic ' It is a focus of Bozeman Gateway to make transporta- tion via bicycle on, to and through the project just as accessible, convenient, and safe as by automobile. 144 a. Approximately 2 miles of extensive trail system will . "17, run throughout the designated green spaces. lie b. All major roads will have a minimum of 5'-0" wide bike lanes running in both directions. These lanes ' will be striped and indicated as such. s `�--- c. 10'-O wide asphalt and 6'-4" wide gravel bike trails will be provided throughout the green space. �_-= : - =d. Ample bike racks will be placed throughout the prof- UNA ' ect conveniently accessing all clusters of buildings. ! ,. ;;Y. . . e. Bozeman Gateway's network of bicycle paths will link with and promote the Greater Bozeman Area's Trans- portation Plan. � �•�� Bike Trail wi h Way Finding Sign age an Light Bollards 1EJ � 0 III Ln Q I r r ru L- CO U Ln 10 o i Designated Bike Access In Black ' Bike Parking in Red -'--7 II. Site Development Standards 1 B. Traffic Flow and Parkin& 1 4. Walkways 1 Requirements given here are for walkways without buildings immediately adjacent to them: 1 �•a3 NUFFNE WIE Contrasting-Pas ver I 0 III _ ® _ a d O g CA Raised Crosswalk I �i a. Walkways including pedestrian ramps shall be of �,_•, �; non-slip concrete or interlocking paving stones, and Q 1 .- a minimum of 5'-0" wide. Cross slope shall be lim- ited to 1/4 inch per foot. b. A minimum 5'-0" planting strip shall be provided be- v, 1 - — tween the back of the curb and sidewalk. J c. Ce.deest�I n e®rossInti; atr�street�s irate ri-zsect 9ni�s Ca�nd ChLgh 'O �� ' �r`n-ft- rs n �-, �,r.— t r_ r- n i_ L � tmffic Faureas w t��hi in Gp-a�rLkin49� Cots.w,lI L e, desigined� for Gmax ,mumL safety Cy c< r o�rat 91 tf hLe, �tiollow ngl .6� Cmrosswma kss 'II CJe mu a:d�C� a �contr ast�in o av o wi fr � �g. G 1 Ong CD Gm,ate- is to fie surroiusnd n ) Lrtoad Csu icerN K .r N V II. Site Development Standards ' B. Traffic Flow and Parking if � bg x _ • 4 Mltglp OIOVf IINt. MRNNO YfMTM 1!1• • MIfgMO 0IW.N7l1 MRNIW MRKMO LOT MR.MBA W0 M)(M LOT ' SCALE: 0 4' 0' — 16' Section Through Parki�g Lot Landscaping and i e-Bi�e Trail for Gma�x�mnuJm v`i's bil%tt� to drivers, tamped Ln concrete wiII be ruse_d for rawn� aesthet,icall'y" leas- - din �atterUn Qa at ties Mn C, toh lazas a— is r " �g7 fP pI --- roundin sidewalks. �' CM-major cr©sswalks�will be raised up a FOr mu-im . • Q of once hmalf curtb hegnhot to acucentuate t�h�eir ; l+af'f � p resence to dr vests. ThLs al,on�gl witJh te�xt�e Q ^va�ria itit on off Gmu�aterLals twat s it ysLtly ' ruJmble" au o,mo les wwill calm traffic speeds, 0' S de:walk�paving Jua n ng pa-ralieJ witch ruhte ' +� m Cs-tre.et Will continue Over wel Mu s to .act as � ' o o >. �v�suai re- �deTr o' pedestW a�nvs, u Curb exitens 0ns,will be used fto c 7 -fildt road I� Wldt r r o wI ohs a`t InOtersect rs to Emn n�mizinLg the di'"s ri o tea nice p dest it a nL s m uast(aro.s_s5 Curb Extensions. -- - II. Site Development Standards B. Traffic Flow and Parkins ' S. Parking Lots ' All parking lots through out the project shall adhere to ' the following standards: a. AAll adWsttjreet Garking� areas (arse(two Ibe [held Lin comvmon ' ownerslhqtp by t7he grope�rt�yr own ers a_ssociation " [n i i r i rowd par". Ear __ `nr�r,er tas Ibr use by dw •, serer I pid I i C EM Conte w i d ow rea a t e prq: b. General parking and disabled accessible parking ra- tios will be provided to meet federal standards and in ' accordance with the City of Bozeman Uniform Devel- opment Ordinance. ' b. Locate parking areas where they will not detract from the aesthetics of the building and landscaping, ., but will be easily accessible and functional. ' c. The walking distance from the furthest parking to the a building entrance shall be limited to approximately 500'-0". n ' d. Small parking lots are preferable to large lots as they , enhance the visual environment by increasing the L percentage of landscaped area to paved area. Single Q , large parking lots will be avoided using landscape islands, screen planting and trees to break parking Ln fields down. a) , e. Parking lot striping shall be yellow in color and 4" in width. Striping shall be maintained in good order. ' f. Raised pedestrian crosswalks shall be designed be- -" tween the parking aisles to the building for handicap Ln 1 access. C , g. Parking lots should be accented with landscaping r4 -�� that highlights the importance of the driveway from II. Site Development Standards o B. Traffic Flow and Parking the street, frames the major circulation aisles, and highlights pedestrian pathways. h. Parking stall areas should be planted to maximize the surface areas covered by a canopy of mature trees. i. Pedestrian and automobile conflict should be mini- mized by incorporating a common pedestrian path- way through the parking lot. 6. Snow Clearing a. The perWhh,,emJl or nvn cwtSesbad wam of"h„e rl iM Ill sha be htowrpcmVd ftsn= sir gp anw,, dl wr of Imw p a<rt,t�i.-n. aW gm*W r r Sit] nm aff. ' b. Artificial snow mounds should not aggravate snow � drifting problems particularly across walks or paved areas. 7. Service Facilities and Mechanical Equipment Conceal- f !` ment ♦ 1 l f Diu Q - Facility as Elie V Lifestyle Center 0 'II retail a_nd restaurant se-niffae�,fac If t�iess Unvcl`u�'di ra tra shih m enGlo:s re- Coad ng zones; storage ,a�eas, utility cabinets p a ' rind] utQ lii t5�meters mumstt Got be w ewable�to the public fu h�ese commpontents sJhual1 b-ecome Haan unteyrated pad, ? t�h�e bu Id ng dies_ gnj throug rh t e f©Ilewingo o a. Desigrtatedd roa difiag amea s sshoufl'd be isolated w sua 04-05-06 II. Site Development Standards B. Traffic Flow and Parkins tared p hysic�all�y as Crnu�ch to Lposs% 'Ie tfvroCm the (d rcula- ' ti`on Lpat�te'rn to ImunLm Cum4 act;, bmaYfic e7rossovers,, La Cnois�e.. b Cojnceal`men`t,cf these ar eas can hnclud✓e wo%sw C ufIld-- Ing's�,ga"tes and hwndscap'ngr alone or Lin comLb i na= do`ke Ch mow e-,ver?t"heyI Cmust be an integral. Lpart of tnhe , C_wilding design sand fs:hould nn t apppewar to C e gpply a screening wo-El or Lla_ndscape" c. [II rs-e-r-Wakoe l lements, suoh ca_s trasrh enclosures store _ __ , = ages, C tilltgy eca�b nets a nod Cme`ter�s Cm,ust be housed In a designated Croo m `wrlVhLn or as GadJ of the building so Las not to W e Mwewed C t_he Lpubl c� ' d. When �jarLage d`�urmmpsters are Chous-ed Vw t`hLn to buRldn Ling Cheated ccona�re`te `wllt Ce pro ded art the center or 7 if a r r r i hi�� I� - i� �wuhe`rle; d`um�pste`rs are C ein4g Cm�a`ne'u�e�red �firto�m their t lL,a2fine-�_k La_�g- encloser too,the: �>oint of vehicle loadirr�� e. Durable finish materials should be chosen to match v or compliment the accompanying building and shall appear as an integrated part of the architectural de- sign. f. Chain link fencing will NOT be permitted. CD g. The I o rni and V_l a _VMt of Il OW a-mc%o l L rnl tedfian i r nt sha III be soreewA ftm tim vTew of Um Seneral PAIR i so as to not mate an eye- V) 0 ' Jill I m U v Ln Rear Eeuati'on- o f the ConLvenc''ence Center along LFow�ler'�A[uenue ' II. Site Development Standards C. Civic SpacesQ a 6J, .�...._ 1 nY SCALE: 0 4' S' 18' Section Across Technology Bou--vard Through the Towa Center Plaza 1. Main Street 1 -C The heart of the Bozeman Gateway project will be the main street located along Technology Boulevard start- , Q ing at Harmon Stream Boulevard and extending to the eastern end of the project. The following defines the elements of the streetscape that will make it a success- 1 ful community destination: CO a. Buildings should be sited at or near the front prop- erty line to create an urban edge. U b. The active street front environment will provide a o variety of color, textures and variations in building LO planes. All main entrances to retailers will open to U the main street. H. Site Development Standards C. Civic Spaces c. A rhythm will be provided by pedestrian scale light ' poles with colorful banners every 50'. Occurring be- tween them at 50' intervals will be a 4' x 6' plaunt ngi , C e�d with a tree to provide texture as well as shade. d. Whenever there is a large length of street frontage with out a building, dense landscaping should be po- sitioned to continue the sense of an urban edge. • = ��T e. Street furniture and way finding signage will be abundant. - - �� f. Canopies, awnings and colonnades will provide shade and weather protection throughout the street. g. Any sidewalk fronting a building will be a minimum of , wide and the radius of curbs at corners should be - minimized shortening the street crossing distance at intersections. MUFFME W E , Mini um Sidewalk WidthU Z, � ❑ I ` III °' a e o® Of ell III 1 �1± The Indicated Areas Will Be Designed � -- T 9 , Under the Main Street Guidelines � V II. Site Development Standards C. CIVIC She h. The sidewalk paving should continue into the street at pedestrian/automobile contact zones. The change in surface material provides a visual element that is - aesthetically pleasing while creating a safety feature that defines the pedestrian space. i. Technology Boulevard will be an active street with one lane of traffic going in either direction. Desig- nated turn lanes will not be permitted and angled parking will be implemented, both effectively calming traffic. 2. Town Center Plaza Q� ,�I ! 41 I JI I 1. Ln L r„ Town Center Plaza 0 II. Site Development Standards C. Civic Spaces Located in the center of the lifestyle center and adja- cent to Technology Boulevard's main street retail will act as a living room for the community. The space will ad- here to all the elements listed defining the main street above accept those relating to vehicular traffic. HUFFNE I E 1 6 JJJTT t 7)7b 7 G Ln Town Center Plaza In addition the space will be enhanced with the follow- 21 ing elements: L a. An iconic tower marking the center of the lifestyle center to be used as a reference point for the project , with a large hearth at its base for gathering in the , , winter time b. Outdoor cafes which spill into the plaza m c. A formal, manicured pond with fountains in the , middle of the space. A seating height stone wall willLn u surround water feature. CD d. Heavy timber living room like seating though out , providing the community with a comfortable place to II. Site Development Standards o C. CIVIC Spaces _ ' T v'a . o `� gather. e. 10' tall sculptural open flame lanterns will provide C the space with movement, interest and unique light- ing at night. f. This plaza will house major events for the project such as presentations, shows and holiday activities. A proper audio, video and holiday lighting infrastruc- ture will be provided to handle the largest of commu- nity gatherings. 3. Paving Materials The use of decorative paving materials, colors, and pat- Town Cen to azaec ion( I terns will be incorporated at building entry ways, side- { �� walks, access walks, and plazas to promote the identity of the site as follows: (U a. Decorative paving treatments should reduce glare Ln and visually anchor the building to the landscape. Ln b. Paving patterns should be kept simple and relate to the architectural theme of a building. I c. Pavers that integrate story bands or dedications are ' Q encouraged. T d. Color should provide contrast while relating to the "r V) overall color scheme of the building. e. Concrete bands may be used to define the edge as a transitional toole between differing materials. CO f. Appropriate paving materials include t • Masonry Block Pavers u • Brick Ln Stone ' Granite ,,% H liday Lighting "� 0 Concrete, Stained, Stamped and/or textured 04-05-06 41' wig 4 M.w - ter_gel + mow ' �-_ � �� r<.� s �� �' y i .� ' ` \.1, ��•. .�R •� 1[+i T '� Ili f -swim..MM .61 Ao wo .,dF1iI fttd'� ��...���.�v � i—.. ;14is `"�r�.ut► �1_ ':1••{ ' ,jet, 1��' •�, ! '+, , 1����,i eey1,�J ���•a���9 '1 � �.• �, .D' ,� ��' �l _� :���M � t1��TI �� •`��=1' �r AI 'fJ'.C-�....�,4f'1��,� / �.•+Y'�� �� �v�f���.�w .T. c� EFa�' '" .'•� ,.�-. ;• �l ,�FF�..:� � i�.�``.�� r�r �»�� rt �� f1��9 tt ,, •--S..; l„ y�i - .,�_':--'�r�..- to AIR • l r �-, ..'8r�; .,,T�.��c• ��'_� � - t.. � ��,'�, �r��.,� a � :per.- � II. Site Development 'Standards C. Civic Spaces ty to speak about the unique character of,Bozeman and instill a sense of place. The. guidelines for the design and implementation of these elements are as follows: a. Civic art shall be an integral part of the plaza design. _ Any built element is an opportunity to emphasis the , artistic expression of the plaza such as manhole cov- ;, ers, paving, railings, overhead structures, signage, �- ;s 'Ile etc. b. Art will communicate a relationship to the sense of place, creating a mood of joy-and delight while simu- lating play and creativity. }; c. Fountains will be included for visual attraction, to screen traffic noise and for their calming effects. d. Art, sculpture and fountains with which people can interact by means of touch, movement and play. 1f :'�' t , e. Sculptures and fountains will be scaled appropriately e � y ,s 0 . for the size of the plaza. Locations will not impede pedestrian circulation patterns and line of sight. , a f. All art through out the entire project will be linked by a comprehensive art design. ' • Q S. Courtyards and Usable Open Spaces J Civic Space Outdoor space to be utilized by a tenant is encouraged.. These spaces can be covered or open air for dining or store circulation. The following shall govern these spac- m es: t u a. Outdoor areas should be visible from the sidewalk 0 on the main street. During hours of non-operation N these areas can stay open to the public or may be - closed off by gates. H. Site Development Standards C. cmyoc Spaces b. Paving must match the sidewalk paving unless the ' space itself is demarcated by a low wall or entrance element. , c. Light fixtures, benches and other outdoor furniture will complement the Landlord provided site elements or can be unique; but in context with the Tenant's , overall store design. d. Courtyard spaces should be well designed, incorpo- rating shade trees, strategically placed shade struc- tures, fountains and/or art work. e. In any outdoor space, seating is mandatory. A pe- destrian scale and a sense of place should be main- i tained throughout. f. Cafe seating is encouraged in front of retail along the street. The Landlord must approve any seating over the lease line. f v IZ- I � i L d •1V J) '.J U1 L CO W U U) C V. II. Site Development Standards D. Green Space 1. Open Space A total of 10.2 acres of open space will be created with- in the Bozeman Gateway site. There are three signifi- cant open space corridors running from north to south through the property and an additional corridor running from east to west along Huffine Lane. 7 r-f tT` � n � I �� PFi r • .L _f�- 4YJ1 -- -F 6-1 E AX Q Open Space Ln The open space areas will be enhanced with bike/pe- destrian trails and landscaping connecting the site to properties on the north and south. Boulevard trails will Co provide similar opportunities from east to west along p t Garfield Street and Huffine Lane. These pedestrian U corridors and Boulevard Trails will connect the various o uses, activities, and common open space areas within the site and connect the site with adjacent properties on all sides. The open space corridors will protect three II. Site Development Standards D. Green Space ' existing stream corridors that will remain for the most ' part in their natural state. - - Typical Section Through Green Space a t 2. Entry Corridor The purpose of the Entryway Corridor Overlay District is to "ensure the quality of development along these corridors will enhance the impression and enjoyment v - —� of the community". The portion of the Bozeman Gate- way fronting Huffine Lane falls within the boundary of ' the "Entryway Corridor" and calls for parking areas and buildings to be set back at least 25 feet from the road- Q -+ - }, way right-of-way. Bozeman Gateway will enhance the '— project's image to the community in this corridor by implementing the following into the design: a. The setback from the roadway right-of-way shall be m ' landscaped, including the screening or buffering of a Pond at Outparcels parking areas, through the use of berms and native landscaping materials. o b. A "green edge" will be established along the Huffine 1:1 Lane frontage for the entire length of the site. H. Site Development Standards Q. Green Space �- c. A hard surface bicycle/pedestrian trail buffered and � detached from the roadway will be located within the green setback area. d. The green area will be extensively landscaped. •_- e. Restaurants along Huffine Lane will incorporate out- = v door dining and sitting areas. u . f. Access from Huffine Lane will be provided at only three locations to be shared by the entire develop- �� Pon at Outparce/s ment. g. The architectural theme of the site will enhance the entry into the City. !raG:, - p°t�3. Pedestrian and Bike Circulation - ia� v L Q� f ' 2) -. • L Q .1_ (n STREAN 7'� 1(E FATN 1N g LA" [�IFME LANE OVIDOOR DRASNO LAVM l I OGEN ARE11 60'C ROAD EASEMENT L D 00 1 I N SCALE: 0 4' 8' 16' roBozeman Gateway will be designed to maximize the Typical Section Through the ry orr1 or Ln pedestrian experience. Getting around the site by foot o will be made safe and interesting through the following guidelines: II. Site Development Standards D. Green Space a. An approximately 2 mile extensive trail system will , be provided through out the green space. These trail, for hiking or biking, will connect to all adjacent ;�, ° properties. The trails will be lit by bollard type light- ing and contain pedestrian way finding graphics. b. Within the lifestyle center, an ample amount of shel- ters from rain and snow will be provided. These in- , clude, but are not limited to, canopies, awnings and colonnades. ' c. The pedestrian routes from drop-off points and park- ing areas should be sheltered from winter winds by planting and building shielding. ' d. LA it�runLs t stop; is GJroposed Lin tlhme Gocath n shown Ce- { 10 w� This ccove�,red she.'lter\w II C e Ntegra`ted witch tt�he r tsa I� syst'e�m and (conta n an hMfbnmWt� on and mmap n ids; l a yo ' HUFFINE LANE Ln c��� b 0 -(a Fes) G � i �"� - • --• �"` _ Pam--/ �.t ' t v � � LJ)/1 � T o '4- L N ut 00CD WranLs t,Stop-CL- cati'on� 1714 o J II. Site Development Standards o D. Green Space ' 4. View Sheds Various components of the development include a landscaped trail system, natural wetland corridors, landscape ponds, and landscaped parkways and boulevard trails to mitigate its visu- al impact. A summary of some of the visual amenities to the l project is provided below. lie a. The tributary to the Baxter-Border Ditch provides a pedestrian walkway through a natural setting whichC'' will remain primarily in its natural state. This natural setting will be visible to traffic approaching on Huff- ine Lane from the west as well as from the Fowler Avenue/Huffine Lane intersection. b. Upper Cattail Creek (Harmon Stream) provides a pedestrian pathway through the center portions of the project. This corridor will be enhanced by the project to provide a natural setting. It will be vis- ible from Huffine Lane and the entrance on Harmon Stream Blvd. - ,., Transit Stop c. Landscaped parkways, boulevard trails, and open • space areas will surround the perimeter of the proj- ect providing visually appealing pedestrian corridors connecting the many amenities of the project to the U) surrounding properties and mitigating the visual im- Q), pact of the project around the entire site. m d. The construction contract will insure revegetation of all disturbed areas and stormwater detention areas. e. All new utilities will be placed underground and with- U in dedicated utility easements. Ln N Impacts to views from off the site will depend largely on how �"� far removed the viewer is from the site. Generally, from short 1 _ 4 ` IN • , 1 O t Ln r _ O '.4 ,- 1 r y+,r ty 4 '.'• 1 41, J Is..�1.7ax�.4 �l1t t. 'Fit" lie ry fn�•+.K r .. �♦ , �1 r � + � �� ';JJ! 1 ♦l.ley,r'�cy 1 ° � 1 --H 1 �'C ATLI, ' p II. Site Development: Standards 04-05-06 �D. Green S range the.existing.:vacant.field occupying the site:will be:re- placed by the visual,l:y appealing:urban setting to be offered by the Bozeman Gateway. Viewers.farther removed from the site will see the landscaped perimeter PJ of the ro ect with the::: peaks of the surrounding mountains. rising in the background.. A summary of the viewsheds. from the-surrounding properties . is summarized below. a. Currently the trees and vegetation surrounding •the .tributary to the. Baxter.-Border Ditch dominate the view from the west. , The Montana State University !; high: rise dormitories can be seen in the background-.- The.tributary to the Baxter-Border Ditch, .includ ing the surrounding vegetation, is to remain in•its natural state to the greatest extent possible. The 9 new office building and associated landscape fea v tures .planned. in Phase: 6 of-the project will:.replace. L the MSU dorms in this::viewshed. The-existin views:: W 9 Ln from the west will not be significantly altered. b. The: current view=from the: Gallatin: Valley:Mall .is of ...... ...... the .vacant fields that currently:occupy:the site with L the: Hyalite: and Cottonwood drainages in.the back- ' Q grou.nd.: The:impact to this.view wi.11:depend:on how*-: far removed-from the site the Viewer is. The- 'exist... ing vacant fields will obviously be replaced by the visually appealing urban.setting::to be offered by the coBozeman Gateway:- The landscaped parkway along Huffine Lane will help to mitigate any changes to- t this viewshed. . The peaks of ahe mountain ranges to the south willstill be visible over the site from areas:: o north of Huffine Lane. N C. The current view from the Advanced Technology Park 0 is of the-vacant fields that: currently occupy the site r------------ II. Site Development Standards D. Green Space with the Spanish Peaks in the background. Again the , impact will depend on how far removed from the site the viewer is. At close range the view will be re- , placed with the visually appealing urban setting to be offered by the Bozeman Gateway. From a distance the existing vacant field will be replaced by the urban setting with the Spanish Peaks rising in the back- ground. d. The views from the south will be the least impacted. •, The south boundary of the project is the highest point on site being 15 feet above the Huffine Lane roadway. While the existing view of the Gallatin Val- , �— ,-- ley Mall will be replaced with the Bozeman Gateway, the Bridger Mountains will still rise above the site in the background. The Bozeman Gateway is in an area that has been master n planned and zoned for commercial development. Any visual 2 impact will be within the range expected by the master planLn Of and zoning designation. V i 1 Zn CD ro t U) CD - J II. Site Development Standards E. Site Lighting and Signs= >----::i 1. Site Lighting Building lighting is covered in Section IV. The following requirements should govern the design of lighting for 1 roadways, parking and pedestrian routes. a. Li n f bffiam, and �r� i Qtau r anin ] pWless wn not owed a W-1 ght of 20 fM T W 11 Urnsdud e aD 2V I1 wint)M to Ws e b. Girl r �] [at ggh II i ai it may, o 0.2 faft ca--riff O Y a=M i lft-g of b i I g en ar�.� may W an avmSe of S.0 fbAt w-raf p c. Parking lot pole impact bases shall be decorative round concrete bases. d. Site lighting shall be metal halide lamps, with shield- ing devices or louvers to reduce horizontal glare. e. Security lighting is to be provided as part of the site ture Examples a, lighting design such that illumination levels of ap- Ln proximately 30% remain on all night in public and LO non public parking and service areas. Approximately one fixture in three are to remain on. f. A�rny Boa=nopY7� bul ld big, no-Tr pole Cmounted Cg1htng fix: Q ttures-shhall meets ti hie o�u :o}�hiel rtequire�umeinLtS GI - lined in trrh e City of}C©zema�_rn�i Unit fled Dev,el p:mTu e Or Tna_nc. 0 g. Provide decorative pedestrian scale poles at approxi- m mately 50' intervals along all designated pedestrian routes. h. ^11 paJtrKfj g Cot li:g thth s Cshall be Wu_rnned ;oJ�ffi with n oont e u h©ur 6-2f los ng. !�c ulC security l ghtas will be pe�,rUmutitte dl o toy remai rn (on tf hro�ugh uo t�Otte night.C) N , --� - --- II. Site Development Standards E� Site Liam and Signage 2. Site Signage , i 6'-0" 30SQFT Tenant signage to be placed on or near buildings is cov- ered in Section IV. _ All free standing signage through out the site will be a - . designed under a comprehensive environmental graph- -"* 5' ics package. This will assure that all signage will add to ' the aesthetics of the project. General design criteria for this signage is as follows: a. 3 pole sign slign mW 4 =nAulmt sWs it Wmft the °_nurn P � -�� b. 3' s'helt�e'r�e� Cn�fo`u ati'-n end �mmap displays Will asp list pedes�r a`n,=s [in Cnav gating {tJhLr2ougrh the site �T�W,o w'II, be I'oca`ted o'ff the [,min tar-`a`il Lin trhe enrtry(cartrdo`r Irlhe ot �w I I be hnte;grza_`ted Mo the trza it stop,: NUFFNE LANE i III �_• �� .��� {.. C U V � H Informatrioni I I m .. .. EE 00 NEL• 1 ' ® Mb slbw C) Q In�f�orrnaton .and Map Cs�,nlays H. Site Development Standards E. Site Li h�t'ina and Signage ' c. A01 sT a r i I 1 W I�avaW t i do of Me sUeet Wi MiWn tr ia- I,e at aI nx a Uft ht pla n m nit davM 51E- apmeft as W I I as m t-de of s ar et rfO of ✓ays�, d. MRa .,ab-le Ir»ii de s ftr s2i'on`se cmsfteff an thlafll ead erm to Me standarft qw �r�nr� m i al s d In the W—i I CUM adWulman Page 97 - of Wis devel- opmentI anuad'I e. t ,ill ill nn_ir ated ihVe9 pe�iivf1 -d Gy he "son ty- op Bozeman MCI ed DeveomyMl Orftuamfwe f. All signage will be architecturally integrated with their surroundings in terms of size, shape, color, tex- ture, and lighting so that they do not visually com- ' ,. Al!. - armor ` pete with the surrounding landscaping. '' Q04� IMPORTS T g. When multiple tenants share one site, signs should .• .^ be integrated as one unit to create shared identity for the property. v h. Signs composed of individual letters are encouraged. Backlit or indirectly lit individual letters are desirable. i. Visible raceways and transformers will not be permit- Fo/e Sign Ln ted. j. A4II pole and Mo,n�uamen%C gnts shall W,D Coo',nst�ructed of L mate'r ail co-pat�ble kith Sthe coverall C u Id npg ,dasigA� Q k. All uses3wsh'irg to err�ec si nLs hall ,ofta'in a Cs':g n C pe�,rmait if-r,m the City of Cozeiman prior to construe- Ln trion rand inst�alla itit on ,aan^d Gm`uf-st� comply withh uh� s dD weltopme,,n�t rnanua� as�w:ell as, toh�e� ( is� off Cozwmaun m Unuffed U elopm�ent Ordinance. ra U 0 0 0 1 04-OS-06 0 a rl ya `.rw �-�� Tr��Ptc^!. •rev'`• ,�• 1 � '7, 1(t!' pug;_ j1�`I1, O , �!� ` ;. T iri i _ j�i;.,tip �� 1F yv�e� 13k ;t�r:�t�ry4/ L �`F9 trti SYd ;.' �:. '►. Y ti�`� fi n .4� s ./I' r 1 -may g�j, � fY\Y�'9�,\ ra�lli�r•►.T.�' �rl a - ����'�G�,�••"5 Y`5'. 1(�'�� �Z �''� ����?�'y��7__..ErxY���•'�rQ�rr•:1_iI1�I'�, •�•=` �l�!! � ANN �•�, ����.�t;a;`f,r l�, � 't_:� ����•Ve" a*.1i-:'1"'`=dIY' ..=�._x�����i..k�.!r�_ _"'9��• �.���"�l' T I# II. Site:: Development. Standards 04-05-06 F. Utilities-,-.:Gradira and Draina ...::: Me: ...... Electrical . .a. All newly installed electrical service shall be below ..:.grade. b. All.;electric* mete rsi:transformers ::etc., shall be.con- cealed from public=viewwith plant: materials or'built screening..: c. The occ:upant:shall be: responsible for obtainin an :and all=necessary consents:or:approv., for:obtaining- electrical service and .for th:e payment of any .fees.: Telephone..-::: :.... :...: a.. All telephone service_shall be.below .grade. . . v: b :,All telephone equipment shall: be concealed from public view with plant :materia-I-s or built screening. c.- The occupant shall be- responsible for-obtaining any and all necessary:consents or approvals for obtaining 41 telephone :service:and for the payment of:any fees. Sanitary:Sewer: : . . . . : a..:Installation of.sanitary:sewer-pipe shall conform to Ln local code:-and practices::: rY. e�t b. Sanita sewer shall bested for: infiltration, exfil- . . m L tration, and air :tested. v t . c.,..The occupant shall be .responsiblefor-.obtaining any. .. ° ... : :;-'and all necessary consents:or approvals for obtaining: -. . o sanitary sewer.service and :for=the payment.of any N fees. ..:. .. .. ....... ....... ...... ... . H. Site Development Standards F. Utilities, Grading and Drainage , Water Lines i a. Valves shall be placed to provide ease of shut off , during water system emergencies. b. Reduced pressure back flow preventers which are not in screened service areas, shall be located below grade in a vault or above grade enclosed in an ap- proved screen. =c. Unadorned fiberglass will not be accepted. d. The occupant shall be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary consents or approvals for obtaining water service and for the payment of any fees. Gas a. Gas service shall be provided by the local gas com- pany. v b. All gas meters, valves, etc. shall be concealed from public view with plant materials or built screening. Cu c. The occupant shall be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary consents or approvals for obtaining , gas service and for the payment of any fees. • _ a 2. Grading and Drainage a. Insure preservation of all useful topsoil. Stockpiling , of topsoil or other excessive material shall be done m so as not to interfere with drainage before, during, or after construction. ru b. All necessary erosion control methods shall be uti- u lized to prevent siltation onto adjacent properties n and into pipelines. ry c. Design finished grades to provide positive drainage II. Site Development Standards 04-05-06 F. Utilities Grading and Drainage of all lawns and paved areas. Allow no drainage of surface water towards buildings or onto neighboring property. !! d. Slope of parking lots shall be a minimum of 0.5% and a maximum of 4%. e. Slope of grass lawns should be between 1.5% and 6%. f. Slopes in excess of 6% are considered to be berms or hillsides g. A m r i ` r�u sllope of ME1., or 33 i I 1 =rl4 be used ta o i ror .rr- eftWn b i t i ng to [h�ardt i o r WX aa ir'�ihg wall—i's or Ww atearts shall be used M pfaaces Where slope (high be greater. h. MM II +��'e trrartsiftm between u��- �� pa-AM pa-AMM I t dope. i. Consider the design value of grading to enhance visual effects and to achieve economy in the use of Ln on-site materials. j. Grading in the drip line or an existing tree is prohib- • L ited. Q k. One site material may be used to create visual barri- ers or mounds acting as screens for the deflection of - wind and noise. Ln I. Round off the tops and bottoms of all slopes to avoid m sharp transitions. L m. Design for fast drainage of areas where snow will be stockpiled. Direct the drainage towards gutters to U minimize the effect of de-icing agents on lawns. o n. Avoid the use of ditches and flumes. Where depth of N swales is excessive, use a catch basin. O II. Site Development Standards F. Utilities, Grading and Drainage ' o. Design drainage to the naturally lower edge of a r parking lot rather than the center of the lot. p. Storm water treatment facilities shall be incorporated as landscape features, effectively screened by use of landscaping, or provided by use of underground detention and storm water management treatment systems. ,r aj Gi Ln ai W- Ln r. L a •1U C 0 , U) N L 7 CJ L ai 1 U ►n o 0 fV 0 1 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved u; M1 Y� !i it OZ 1I 1II �f it �i �I �I �TI R� s1� II {I r� ,vl c= 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved II i • III. Landscape Design Standards A. Overview = The landscape theme for the Bozeman Gateway reflects.the desire to integrate an upscale mixed use development into the surrounding landscape. Visual cues are reflected in the plant material, paved areas and site furnishings that are situ- . ated to assist users in way finding and locating businesses. In addition, existing natural features are preserved and en- hanced to provide exceptional aesthetics and to create leisure �• opportunities as well. 01 .41 � � , 7� M •1 w� ./. M4 -carMCA i • i figs i f,e N u �' y�.y�x,�,�.,.+� epee + y � •. 4�jj� AN m a..rr �..•�. a 4 t'S r � .lr j '�-- t l 0 ' ' n a O Ln 1 h� O N Seating Area and Bike Parking 04-05-061, III. Landscape Design Standards A. Overview i The riparian corridors are retained through generous setbacks r and retain the qualities that allow for environmentally sustain- able site development practices. Such practices include the ' filtration of storm water and snow run off, erosion control and preservation of native vegetation. In addition, these open spaces help control the microclimate through wind breaks, snow drifting and minimizing the urban heat island effect as- sociated with retail parking lots. • These corridors also serve a public leisure component by pro- viding pedestrian and bicycle friendly facilities. Such facilities include internal trail corridors that connect office buildings to ' retail and restaurant facilities as well as seating and gathering �- areas and bicycle parking. These facilities provide valuable amenities for both consumers and retailers, including their L e+a In 'oaf _ �_ Entryway Corridor Landscape Plan o III. Landscape Design Standards o , , A. Overview >___:�i employees. Furthermore, it supports the Greater Bozeman Area's Transportation Plan's promotion of healthier lifestyles and alternative modes of transportation. TM aWat�sfeatQurens C on-ateJ f n the entry way�ccorTr dorG�ill be des an ted a o p,en �s ace aamenit�ies�� ors anic in Csha e end J P P LJ 9 ,� Pti Drum a-Tntd lined with app,rcopfiiateaqua is ra-ind �we.t�la.nd featqures;� 4 '� � na-vre grasses and 'in<�ige_nous plalntGs These ponds awe nLot «� , ��.a^-art ;of tfte storum water t�,reat ent, T�1tih e,watew Ple U u�ct4ua- -°- y � (ton of tthese j,round� Wwate�r tfe� ponds`will b.e IimLted to ;enLs.ure ta" o . � a � teat th�e,y�will r�re�mafini -n ai e^rffectve lanndscap.e�featu�re. s a 12-S'RAMS SMAn" A Open spaces adjacent to buildings are flanks with decora- tive paving, ornamental shrub beds, seating areas and public art. Tree-lined streets create a visual rhythm, soften building corners and provide microclimate control. B ~'p y providing op- portunities for these outdoor plazas, a retailer can essentially extend the sales floor to the outdoors, creating a marketplaceLn atmosphere that is so popular in other communities. By shar- PaGkrn� L©t:Sean==ng,Area n ing these common amenities among retailers, it also allows - c for a collaborative merchants association to program sales • L events that attract consumers to multiple stores. Studies ' Q have shown that consumers will stay longer and spend money r in environments where they are comfortable and enjoy their experience. f_ 01 By providing these overall outdoor amenities in Bozeman m Gateway, the community of Bozeman gains an attractive p `� L mixed use development that provides its citizens with broader u choices for shopping, working and social interaction. In addi- o tion, the riparian corridors are preserved and enhanced creat- � ing an invaluable community asset of recreation and leisure opportunities for the public to enjoy. tl � 0 1 • COCO)) DAY C--Jm YAGG AM vCPLAY rnSURROLWM& 7WALL Ll n'v. Y V SEA IRE.AIMMS WALL)Ub- r �^ .21 \ 'a.J i—�1 to ti ��. .t. Retail Plaza Space L, Cn L_ D m ro U Ln o 0 N 1 1 III. Landscape Design Standards B. Vegetation 1. Tree and Shrub Species Species diversity, hardiness, adaptability and mainte- nance should be considered when selecting each tree for its actual location. a. Most of the existing grassland vegetation at the site • will be removed during construction operations. b. Vegetation that is present along creek corridors will be preserved as much as possible, as well as en- hanced with new planting. c. Street trees ,, II line the roadways and to provide shade in the parking areas. d. Considerations when selecting these trees WdUl �- lude urban tolerance and, if power lines exist in any areas, tree height. e. Shade trees w,niill hepl—an' ed along trails and in open Seating Area spaces. f. All trees planted within a right-of-way must be ap- proved by the city forester. The following tree species are suitable for right-of-way and open spaces. The • :L list does not prohibit types not mentioned: Q Black Ash • Littleleaf Linden • Patmore Green Ash V), • Thornless Honeylocust • Accolade Elm m o © � Clump/Silver Birch • Pacific Willow U • Hard Maple o • Quaking Aspen (Open space only, not suitable N for right-of-way.) r% g. Ornamental trees should be used as accents near III. Landscape Design Standards B. Vegetation - - — plaza spaces, entries, seating areas, and to enhance open spaces. h. Evergreen trees ill be used throughout to add win- __. _ ter interest and provide buffering capabilities. i. The following are suggested ornamental and ever- 2 L5 green tree species. The list does not prohibit types not mentioned: • Japanese Lilac '1 • Amur Chokecherry •� Canada Red Chokecherry European Mountain Ash Austrian Pine Scotch Pine w® Colorado (Blue) Spruce _ { Ornamental Fir Welch Juniper j. Shrubs mil be Pined within the open spaces of the s project to provide accents on a smaller scale and bring more color and texture to the landscape. k. The following are shrubs species desirable for this development. The list does not prohibit types not mentioned: . , _��.. - • Serviceberry Q - Dogwood C 4 - Juniper N Ninebark ;, a,ww=T _ • Dwarf Pine Technology Boulevard Park_ Plan Potentilla m • Native Shrub Rose • Willow • Spirea • Lilac m.Shad tomes, aI bees to be i FIR FIRed if m Ow bau- III. Landscape Design Standards ' o- o o . B. Veaetatoon PA 1ic Piano nn ivi I s u fb Ci� LI'M ' i 11 be ' I I ed at i n I� af 21 ca1 i pU. Th i s s i ze 6outevard Trees Irrigated Lam is most readily available and is less susceptible to MI eonside of trail / ttnll have one mow strip vandalism, and provides a more mature tree. ' n. Evergreen trees VQ111 be a minimum of 5' to 6' in I height. - • o. Shrubs are container grown and vary in size. The xe minimum desirable size for shrubs is 5 gallons. p Native Lawn ss hnftsUe.e. p. Wildlife protection will be needed until all plants are uplands '' s etc.)on e established. VAAW ' r�, Hydric native shru .e. Irrigated q. Trees located outside of formal beds in irrigateddogwoods.wi�s.etc.) Native Lawn placed In dusters near Latin or native lawn areas will have a 36 inch diameter moist areas ' "mulch ring" around the tree. The ring will have edg- Cluster Planting ing to provide easier maintenance. The mulch ring will contain a three inch layer of bark mulch. ' v r. Trees and shrubs that are not located in irrigated v lawns will receive drip irrigation for establishment v and growth. ' S. Trees planted in boulevards shall be spaced at 35 to 4-1 _r_, 45 feet on center to create a rhythm along the street L and to buffer as well as reduce the heat island effect ' Q from the parking lots. TtTke paMe s2weebsoM h II e%, bM b-1 is a i a ri m t , M cWtont ith Ian - ' 0, she u r and sm,e n of - ar > r'ki C so ii'�i"o ayea �'I=o W eIId a ee— n CO USH i �I W 19MMet C a—i'A Stme t. o `� ' t t. Some trees may be strategically located to allow for U views of retail signage, surrounding mountains and ' o way finding. N u. In wetland areas native woody species will be plant- ed. Existing, desirable plant species will be preserved II - 1 III. Landscape Design Standards B. Vegetation 1 as much as possible. 1 v. If an area is disturbed due to construction, the fol- lowing native tree and shrub species will be planted 1 in the wetland zones according to water regime and environmental conditions. The list does not prohibit types not mentioned: 1 • Gooseberry '�— Cottonwood • • Dogwood 1 • Aspen • Chokecherry • Alder 1 • Serviceberry Snowberry • Willow 1 2, Glan'ting M eft y 1 i a. CP-Iant�in49 Ce d`s C�I be Round' aI'o'n49 �tr�a Is�� Cnex`t;C=o C`uiI`d ftn:gs,,, and as a bac`kdropp to plazza ispac-es Land seatina9 areas':. 1 b. Sbmuls and penenanTa s located Lin p a`ntin�g [eds �w�ill 21 be Lmassed� togetthe�r and s aced1 to Lprov de a Lrnass Hof a pplant�s at, Lm:at,,,uLrLty ww th;outt(o-veync�rvw,,4:4n9. � 1 c. P1a_n1tno beds wwilI bei sevparate>> firlom CawLns with a, co`ncjrete, co;r La umi n`uJm edgings sand Ghave� a [nii num`um Q) 1 depth Of topsoil L'f� 12, inches, s d. A LyeT Of Warr' fC�a-rbLr%c`with a `we'jht grea"te:r than 31.2 ou, per square ywd uuill C e G 1acedI in a'II 1 plantJn) UeAs �mm ��t ha a`n`n.uarl] G lant2in�) beds,, � e. T i vef"Io�t Gmi,ani,' I s; i iwII �u a' at CD ur of I or gal 1 4®to2W d N 1 r q W.rrr w I� or Item Aill I i s'—l'a ndsI at � rr�i- ` 1 III. Landscape Design Standards B. Vegetation ' chda de 'Iffim ra*or S.ra, I asa gr"u cavrer shall o d " ice " or qu I M ow I � o� ' i5�,la. . Law ro is p I 1 i do 3. Lawns There are proposed irrigated and non-irrigated lawn ar- eas in this development. Ac a. Irrigated lawns typically occur adjacent to buildings, high pedestrian traffic areas and near seating ora�' — ' gathering areas in the riparian corridors. Two op- tions are available for the establishment of irrigated lawns. ' 1. Lawns may be hydroseeded or drill seeded. � ►�— �� Special care should be taken with this method p -- l�Form ! Seating Area ' Q) to protect plant growth from vandalism and weeds during the establishment period. The Q) recommended seed mix should include a blend ' of species: �, • 60% Kentucky Bluegrass • .` • 25% Perennial Ryegrass ' Q • 15% Creeping Fescue 2. Lawns may also be sodded for quicker es- tablishment and immediate effect. Most sod ' 0) farms in the Gallatin Valley area only produce m a blend of Kentucky Bluegrass sod suitable © Q ' D for this purpose. Other sod blends, such as a fescue-blend sod may be appropriate for more U water-conservation and is encouraged in this ' o development. b. The native lawn mix, located along the steam banks and around pond edges, should incorporate various 1 04-05-06 III. Landscape Design Standards B. Veaetation ' desirable species which will allow for both clump and rhizome species development: ' 1. The following is the recommended Native Up- land Lawn Mix in pounds of live seed per acre: • 6.0 - Criteria Thickspike Wheatgrass • 5.0 - Rosanna Western Wheatgrass • 5.0 - Revenue Slender Wheatgrass , • 2.0 - Canbar Canby Bluegrass --- 0 2.0 - Appar Blue Flax (forb) • 1.0 - White Dutch Clover (forb) • • 0.25 - Prairie Coneflower (forb) ' 21.25 - TOTAL Pounds of Live Seed per Acre ' 2. The following is the recommended Wetland Species Mix for wetland setback areas in , pounds of live seed per acre: • 1.0 - Tufted Hairgrass • 1.0 - Fowl Bluegrass > , • 10.0 - "Revenue" Slender Wheatgrass • 1.0 - Alkaligrass ' • 10.0 - Meadow Barley • 8.0 - Fowl Mannagrass ' • 1.0 - Creeping Spikerush a • 1.0 - Baltic Rush t ' 32.5 - TOTAL Pounds of Live Seed C Ln per Acre a) , c. The irrigated and upland native seed mixes will be drill seeded where feasible with a spacing of no more m than 3-1/2 inches and then rolled and compacted to ' establish good soil contact with the seed. L) d. Irrigated lawns will be seeded at any time that the ir- o rigation system is functional. Native lawns should be.rr , seeded between November 1 and May 15. Wetland seed mix will be hand-broadcasted, as the wetter, i tnavAn forrain is mnra Arroccih10 hxi Chic mAthnri ' III. Landscape Design Standards C. Hardsca,a .r. . � 1. Pedestrian Load Bridges ` ' There are existing stream channels on this site, along with proposed ponds for a few of the open space areas. In or- der to move safely through the site, bridges will be necessary ' in a few places, as indicated on the site plans. .� • a. Pedestrian-scale bridges will be used to traverse �y ' the given water source, being sure to completely span any wetland areas. The suggested width for the bridges is 10 feet, with lengths varying based on + location. b. Bridges will be constructed of a low-maintenance, ,,, durable material which is suited to and blends in with the surrounding landscape and architecture. ' �a>, 2. Site FurnitureLn To have a unified look throughout the entire Bozeman y ' Gateway development, it will be important to be consistent �, when choosing site furnishings. Pedestrian Bridges ' Q a. All furnishings should complement the architectural C style of the development, as well as be both durable -; and functional. y. b. Suggested length for benches should be 6; made of recycled plastic slats or powder-coated metal. CO c. The color selected for these should then be used with o ' both the trash receptacles and bike rack. Trash re- ceptacles will be needed in high-volume areas, such ' o as the plaza spaces and seating areas. N d. Bicycle racks are proposed to be located near the — -' seating areas and high pedestrian traffic areas. This Site-Furniture o �=-- _ � III. Landscape Design Standards -INC. Hardscape ' i will accommodate users accessing the open spaces ' with bicycles. e. Site furnishings will be abundant in public plazas, main street, or anywhere pedestrians are expected ' ' to gather. 3. Picnic Tables Numerous outdoor seating areas will be provided for of- • fice employees, shoppers and those using the hike-bike ' trails. a. Small round, square or rectangular tables with at- :�`, -N tached benches made of either recycled plastic, _ powder-coated metal, or wood , b. At least one of the tables in a picnic cluster should _ --,� provide access as per ADA guidelines. Finish and aj color should be consistent with all other site furnish- > , _ ings. LnCU Ln 4. Boulders C, ' a. Boulders will serve two purposes in open spaces. Q They will be used around all footbridges for added interest and as a visual cue for bridge approaches. - - _ They may also be used for retaining soils and provid- 0, ' ing erosion control around the bridge abutments. m b. Boulders will also be used in and around planting beds for added interest and to separate planting ar- eas from walkways and lawn. L) c. Boulders will be a minimum of 2 feet in diameter and o CD of locally available mineral content. , �-Site -Furniture-- III. Landscape Design Standards C. Hardscape ' S. Asphalt Trails (Type I) ,. -0" ,• 2.5"thickness asphalt paving as per MPWSS with City of ' a. The ma'i inn trails ~in The Cozemiaap Bozeman Modifications vead mGennt Located aoinrg HufffiunL LaneCwil11 bbe%Hated Tra TV y' constructed Sto a T1�i�pe B stanLdards� ,� �, b. Asphalt trails are 10 feet in widthtvh� a 1 reaut gmamli 9"d=Dth.1-1/2 minuscrushedbase�� �R�� 1 }' rye course,compact to 95%proctor density r°e %+_r.�L� (M eft es, E < ate. n ��°�i1 qr �1 19AJN�1`?n Compact subgrade to 95%proctor density, for• ® a � } � h S u b g ra d e for asphalt excavateFinish grade,slope ahoy from tra0 ' shall be compacted to 95% proctor density, with a 1- 1/2 inch minus crushed gravel base (MMIMMM 9 Web it Trail Section 1 dam). c. Asphalt surfacing should be a mhondummm Z5 in in depth and sealed M hi year of pfacemeft. ' Slope and cross-slope on all asphalt trails will be de- signed meet ��A�DA standards. �I� l��.T��7 4'10 d•depth of 718'Mints d. urL-spat Wall m`�.J�7` ��J��a li ft1�J pJ NJ o 1 , ' 9ravet N+tn 20%Nay DkiOerao+ssbp� 2X aPC rnd96. 6. Gravel Trails (Type II) �- z �teaction ndform pace 95% 1 compaction and tam9'smoou surtace seal ry Undisturbed s braade;has compacted W to 95%proctor density �, a. �ra_ils inn f©mm r--tra}ic,areas �n th s dewrelopme�rn�t will - - be a`'So-ft� trrail" constructed to ,a Typ e II standard G�,rave% Tra_'il Section: _ o S° cc o c a co c C Q n a 10 a This oo pacted ig rravel trail wo il meetADVA guide)del S as well as support bkm and pedestrian tsasffic, b. Construction of gravel trails is less obtrusive to the Ln ' 411existing surroundings, which is important when deal- ing with sensitive areas, such as the wetlands pres- ent in this site. c. As per the City of Bozeman specifications, gravel U trails in open spaces will be 6 feet wide. The pro- , o posed trails in the open spaces meet this minimum N width, allowing enough space for two pedestrians to O walk side by side. III. Landscape Design Standards C. Hardscapee i d. Gravel twill C e 3%8 inch [miLnus cru'srhed stone w4 t�h a ' 20 p`r�c�entj cky b findMer and wwth a Cdep"t`h of to 6 inches e. The trail will have a crown to provide adequate drain- ' age off the path, but slope must comply with ADA standards. It should then be rolled and compacted ' to a 95 percent density. Weed management will be necessary on gravel trails. • HIIFF-F I aHF Li 0 Of I I 1rI�rI� n o L - �► A halt�7Traiif cG a ve% Zr<aif ((2TIYPeLn CU 7. Plaza Space a. Plaza spaces will be a hardscape area, often with , seating, public art, or planting beds. For aesthetic U value, it is suggested that all hardscape plazas have o a component of a colored, textured concrete mate- o ' rial. III. Landscape Design Standards ' C. Hardscapee ' b. Colors should remain consistent with the overall tone of the development. �--� ' c. One or two textures should be chosen and then re- peated throughout the various spaces. d. The plaza spaces can provide opportunities for street € r ' sales or public gatherings. ; e. Near the retail plaza space north of Technology Bou- levard, the schematic shows a radial band of con- crete, that compliments the schematic radial archi- tecture. f. A small retaining wall can double as a seat wall to j ' accommodate more users. g. Public art is located in this area at the terminus of visual corridors to provide a focal point for this area. _= h. The two enlarged ponds will have fountains to pro- vide both a sensory interest and function as an aera- tor for the ponds themselves. !P aanters a. Thr :ughout the plazas andu�blic aJrleas� Glanter, L hall be instalIe<d a� d incorporated witch Iargeyrseat- ' Q Ung areas. b. GIaJ te_rs mLa�_Y7 be fixed pe,rtma�nen`t s_t�rrtuct�uresi Cr larjge) - LA LA -,$i n g I e c-_o�nLtoa�ne rs. c. G ante�rs l�im,La�y sonata n plant s-ocksconLsist�ing Of dwarf -f� Planter Exa_rnples� gees,, orunamentcaAI ,grrrasses,, perennials or annuals m d. (ContaJnLer'or planter size h,"ld a'llo,w apU�r©ximatel o ``-' two) ,cubic feed of}vubst�rate Sfor eweryJ square fio:ot of tQree ca,nopmy neajr Cmuta-tuu-Ntyo o e. GPlan,t_ing zsoil mi`txsshall co to a n paw topsoil, part o co�u�rse sawn a_nd� I pa„� peat �n rcom4P,os G I ant- -- i wadi sha11 be supple-m;e rated at least year,I Jw itfi panaasab slg5ia IId ':)ui ssa5in9 aa4jeD SOOZ s� I i I� i f � I u �H f �i '�k III. Landscape Design Standards o ' D,. Storms Wa er Facilities ' The fl Ilow nxg Gm,Leasures Vw I:I be t�a�k`en to ensuree t-;at storum Water fac Milli tle Ds are an ae_sthetically de Is cable aPm�e�n�ity for t�rhte pro�je.ct. ' a. Mr a e .aslns shall no elmna ��'lion al g_ `t� to the inLstallat' _� _f Landscape feaJtureS as depicted one th� purelimi�a y GP°UD Pla,n�. ' b. C ra'inag,e basin placed in openn w pace cor dots shall be deslgnLed t be C�nLteg.rate_d into the ovesafl Landsc pe, C • If a natu rah occu rrewce. c. 0,utle`t�,structpu�es shall be, sc�--reexnfved With ve,g,-e at tion and Wave cobble=lfined swwale to the discftaTpgve poiint. d. A Cawndscape ,richhite,ct GMMOSt� cer�tit �o� the PlaTa rn;Ce ' planes t{hat Cands_cap.e feat`huane_s ins is ailed a—o.uand �dralnagl basins Will un�ot be ,adwers.elyn . mpacted by drai�nag,eCowo ' e. S- rfac.e pond`s along Westt Mai,n Street are not Fa part of ti h�e�ta�reaJt��men�t of t{hie storum water S is e��mu amend sha T l be [maij to ainae.d as a Cand'scap.e if-jt'u�re, ' W f. ► ll aplan SpM OTrMaW a sn iaW1 Mm-a ereou.rr set- lb a lft wII r e r ain to I s U rb e d u n1e'e Ptah rnwblse U o rm ved bV UhM C it Sozze-mu -am Alba nnin � office. ' O Native shrubs and trees L enhance outlet area and utilize Storrnwlater pipe outlet L additional moisture for growth Ow., -(--. " � � Lined cobble Swale • `� �' -Aluminum edgirig-oontains cobble Y f f "F�' - and' fdvides a mowing edge N O Pipe (O=u,te LatdscapJSn7Lg 9 • n Ihul' Y�Y �I +I l i 1� I� �) 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved N. ...\:. ....... ...... ....... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... :: III: Landscape Design Standards: �� 0. :.E.. Maintenance ... .. . 1.:...... ation The.concept for landscape irrigation"-will promote water conservation through g professionally designed. irri:gation::: ...... :systems. --Irrigated lawn :areas will be:on separate zones - from shrub and. perennial: beds and all. zones must be. on :. an electric controller:aystem: ' Occupants of:the conve- nience center and lifestyle center "will: be responsible:for " re a installing and.:nlaintai:ning ;the:ir own..i_rrigatio_n systems for:any areas within their:lease::line (lot:i"i.ne less :set- .... :backs).`The office-professional complex:"will. be:main:- ' stained and: irrigated by the Tenant up to_the lot7Iine. 'All green space areas wia.l'be part"of"a comprehensive.irri= gation_:syste, that"is=professionally designed and .coor- :.... . dinated to. maximize water efficiency"while minimizing maintenance "of the system."'*AII components will. be:of. a:contractor grade and maintal_ned by qualified main--*: ; ...... ...... tenance personne:l.. The following are design standards:: and maintenance requirements for irrigation systems: - Un a. AllArrigatiion main:lines:shall be either :schedui-e 40 or.class 200 PVC pipe andAnsta-Iled with".a .minimum ' Q depth::of 18 inches from. thelo.p of the pipe". : The : " q amainline must�'be trenched with a sand bedding to'': prevent settling. .. .. .. U ::: �, b. Irrigation: lateral lines may_ be either schedule 40"or - :m class 200 "PVC or-class 160 PE pi:pia. Lateral lines" may be either trenched: or.pulled:. Lateral. lines "con- necting:to rotors or spray "heads shall.have .a .mini mum"cover of 12 inches. ...... o c. Spray heads may be,used inr irrigated lawn areas and 0 ­shrub b"eds.: Pop up" b"ubbler hea.ds"rh8y.be used.in " ..O shrub and: perenn:i.al beds:: _ : : : III. Landscape Design Standards E. Maintenance d. Drip irrigation is an acceptable alternative in shrub ' and perennial beds. Plant material located in non- irrigated lawn areas will receive drip irrigation for , establishment purposes. Drip lines should be buried under mulch, or if in lawn areas, should have a mini- mum of 8 inches of cover. ' e. Rotor heads may be used in irrigated lawn areas. Rotor heads will be gear driven and capable of pro- ducing the specified output and coverage area and are attached to the lateral line by swing joints. f. All heads must be placed at a grade so that it is not damaged from maintenance equipment or an attrac- tive nuisance. g. Non-keyed locking valve boxes must be installed to ' deter vandalism. h. All systems must be connected to an electric control- ler with automatic programming capabilities. Where ' feasible, scheduling for the running of irrigation sys- tems should occur between the hours of 10:00 PM v and 6:00 AM to maximize water efficiency and to avoid conflicts with use during the day. i. The incorporation of a rain sensor is recommended to L conserve water by automatically disabling an auto- Q matic irrigation system when rain is detected. j. The water source for the green space areas will be new wells with a maximum output of 35 gallons per Q ' minute. Occupants have the option of connecting to the potable water source or drilling a well. k. All installations, after completion, must have the ' contractor submit to the Gateway Review Board (GRB), copies of all "as-built" drawings. In addition, ' — _ copies of well permitting and registration information must be provided to the GRB. The contractor must III. Landscape Design Standards E. aintenance submit copies of all well pump O&M manuals to the ���' owner and GRB. �" L�_j ' I. The irrigation systems should be charged in April, after the frost has left the ground and plant material begins to grow. The systems should be winterized ' by the end of October by blowing out the system us- . v ing an air compressor. No winter watering is allowed - • from an automatic irrigation system. If winter wa- tering is necessary, it should be done manually from a water tank. ' 2. Vegetation a. Weekly maintenance will include mowing and gar- - bage collection. 110, d + b. Native grasses should be mowed 2 to 3 times per year. The first time at the end of May, the second Q, time in mid-July, and the final time occurring in mid _ October. ' ' C. The mow height for native grasses should be a mini- ' �T mum of 4 inches, with 6 inches being preferable. M ^ • L d. A noxious weed control program will be established ` a with a local contractor. Harmon St am Park Plan e. A yearly property check with spot spraying as re- quired should occur in the month of June. This should be coordinated with the County Weed Super- m visor and the NRCS agent. This program can also be used to control the weeds in gravel parking areas and walkways with spot application of a weed control ro U agent as required. o N f. Turf grass areas should have a mow height of no less than 3 inches and be allowed to grow to 4 or 4 - 1/2 inches before being mowed again. III. Landscape Design Standards E. Maintenance ' g. Bluegrass lawn areas require roughly 12 inches of ' water between June 1st and September 1st. This means roughly 1 inch of precipitation per week in ' -<< lawn areas. ° FOUNTAIN FOR AE5THETIGS Y . {AND POND CIRCULATION ,✓ r h'i E ,TYP. _ POND Y � BOARDWALK _ 6A2�0 OVER � �.. 60lA.DEi25'TYP�FOR" L y -BRIDGE API R AC+ES Yn 21 Pond and Gazebo m h. Water should be spread evenly through the week and in less frequent, deeper soakings for mature lawn Ln areas. ' - i. Fertilizing of grass and lawn areas should be done as N III. Landscape Design Standards 04-05-06 E. Maintenance necessary and should not be overdone to minimize water needs, mowing and to protect sensitive areas. A fertilization schedule will be determined by a grass spectialist. j. Lawns which have irrigation at head to head cover- age should have two applications of fertilizer: The first should be a blend of 17-17-17 in May and then should have an, application of 27-8-8 in mid summer. k. As the lawns are establishing the rate of fertilization should be 40 Ibs per 10,000 square feet. An estab- lished lawn should be fertilized at a rate of 60 lbs. per 10,000 square feet. I. Bi-annual soil test should be taken to assess soil nu- trient contents and adjust fertilizer rates accordingly. m. Any seed mix that has no irrigation or areas within 35 feet from a high water mark of a stream should not be fertilized and has no plan for regular applica- tion of fertilizer. This will minimize excess nutrient run-off that will adversely affect the water ecosys- tem. n. Trees and shrubs located within this corridor should LI L be monitored and if deemed that they need fertiliza- ' a tion, the use of capsule fertilizer should be utilized. o. Shade trees should be fertilized in April with 16-10-9 CA plus iron and zinc. Once trees and shrubs are estab- 0 lished, they should be fertilized with tree food spikes. Co Do not fertilize trees and shrubs past mid-July. ' L p. Pruning of evergreens should occur in late June. Shade trees should be pruned in April, except maples U and birch. Maple and Birch species should be pruned o in mid to late July. N q. General monitoring for pests and diseases should be done throughout the year. III. Landscape Design Standards E. Maintenance , r. Trees and shrubs should be deep watered right be- ' fore the ground freezes. 3. Hardscape , a. Sidewalks, asphalt trails, and plaza spaces will need sweeping and/or snow removal depending on use. b. .The gravel trails will not have snow removal, but will • need to be bladed and have weed maintenance. c. Maintenance of the public open spaces will be pro- - —vded ey the developer, y owner or property owner's association. , v a 'U C N L m L ' U o ' 0 N U; 0 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved DesignIV. Building • c. 2005 Carter Burress Inc, All rights Reserved IV. Building Design Standards , 5-06 A. Overview Bozeman Gateway will consist of several different building types.. While each type of building-will have it's own unique design chat lenges, the purpose of this Development Manual is to give a stan- dard of design that can be upheld through out the entire project. The buildings within the project fall into three broad categories. _. The (gguidelines ifoT design p:re e to ed in tf his devel,op�mLe_nt aJnua�I ' a�p.,plY fio all tthse.e gild g 5y,�;pes uJdless ,oth,erwise� un�o.ted. Iorre� 9paTWI ess © t5y�pe or Iocat-im 71 all buildings sh uld have c©;m um n rci tedbural sfe.ei ,and syle eve- th,ouxgh the r bFWnction) \will f©rlce wariat�i©ns� WWNithun t{h?s comm�on� �a�rch tect�uraA styles these will be s gn fica rn�t war at oins in ,deQpf f i [build ng ve bu ld_ ,g b.ut all \will amLa nt in the Cihi'g�hest quality? „f�design ml ate_,rials qh e� bu i I i n s n dh IInI n n t r h „v Im `t� i have a sew-ad sWre fie n (dmffl e fie W d des_io n) that ts r i nt w r°s3 h a str ea pe anad s h"II in. Ind a c a I a,nnadle �ir'd a 96d1 -- ',III ,n.r�, t�� Vo Me pe r_ni..m ter i ftw I I qr i I s eMm, r uAh 1 nnad or mil r amhit c�tue a rrarll atur s re o e_ir a n a ph iI i dees an am i wen d In gi humans smal"e any a asu fKi a,n I pr mlb di�'�n 02nft Me strementsaaqa, AI Men Yes or varl- - pi© ill be - n- i demd bamd tMe2n oh` mL ribs of i U r-iv duaall qr p ass. IL 10 Q N tS�u`re t harr a er aI n tph We lain -tar .e nary orri ro Cu F�,wl r Avie—natue and Sri Wl'd Street shall aII 1br ar hito atur I ea- N r s chat su a r o t r fry nts o f .zn f n sera- 9 I�JLe�` o P���o of f n treaftnent an o rchit urur I o e m 1119 chat re f1L ct th e "life t�yl m _.n r' W,naep . W it o ing will male Ea o rnesenVa ' n ontt as treat re"an e if Ei ft ahe Gmain 6tr -et for the lifestyle ant ro priv a to tr e a r a p x blic 6 treed w,i rep e c t to o f rmal entgrrz_c store U r� nts,, o Ve eed enbran es,, nd public SpaaM - o The rendeir g, pla Ind raJn�d dia r um�s� c©�ntainLed thurough,�o.ut t�h De Menlo—pmentanua�'I tare based on �rtelim, a ,ry sdhe_matic design o r - IV. Building Design Standards A. Overview ' the emejrewct WhhMIe the- Cxh2ibit the �,rtojrect-s, overall desi�� �Lt they by no means pre' ent CM—MI bite, condit�on�s�� landscaping C r i C Qid M ing lo-cat-ion and arch tec ret, CP' otos thrr�au�ghout this dock merit are used onlyn to w�i�smally em4Phas%songs within the tex�t. A brief description of each category and its unique traits are pro- vided below. Life Style Center ---- _ The heart of the project, the lifestyle center acts as an .~� outdoor mall. A building shell, tenant facades (unless oth= 4 erwise agreed upon), and all site work will be provided by a single developer. Grocery Store Examp^le HUFFNELANE -� TT C 7 _0 �. •t T CNN ` '- 1 � ' � L' ,- ,B Q 01 . v Lifestyle Center m r�r Ttihese b uild inCgs twill Chaves g�ru�C �floo�r detail that CfCocus= ess on corleatain--g an Cu Lbann G lace_: =d an Ca_c it ve G edest� it an �t eet�cape bye[mu earns of Ghurri an Coale Lnd tr�an,spame�nc�, IA, Ln CD is this area o f th,e, �p,rjtt—a that twill Cet the Ca-`rcrh, tecMugr�al aes�-- the it cs Sfor the, rest o f tNhe prkjjtzt [Amy Mud id ngs or Cf�cade IV. Building-: Design Standards.: A. Overview designs Oft at d0 dot nhan e tie rwr rail looks and Sfeeel c the . 1- pr jedt will nodt be pemmu itt__d Convenience Center and. Out arcels These single story' retaff elements might often times be :par- 1 celed out. An exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction. will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements: All requirements for a consistent and uniform design stan- dard described in this Development Manual will apply. In pawrt,Uodl ar mhe�facad`'e ;o`f anayy b�u�lldi rngs� th-a dace for ah Cntd al 1 �/ -L �11 s �- n n- 6 e enaft- G,ay� corund r�m�u�st e enuh%a_n�e C,J pede_st�rrLanl �fr end�y entrances,, p z--as a=n;d%,ors �>at s� All buildin,gs� with I nd this aJrea will adhere rto aanmy andl aII ;appl cabl e design standards; setSf Grt�h� ins t�ihi s,�deJve'I'©UpmeµrnL`t Gm_ah all irretga_,rdless, ofwatJ mght w elo h 'Lh rSG ,, v , : �VY bL arch e.ctu�r� aesthetic 5mt, ust,adhere(to and com ings� llrhe o it you - a o �r o a� o � , 1 > lsmentrhUe overall proeo d'esglnu� Franchse ,Ss�le arch tec- U (E-11 e Lis prod b ted. HUFFNEIANE - n r Qf Office Buildings s C O ♦ • �` y L ro<1 COL Ln 00 N • s. O v � w Convenience Center and Outparcels 1 r IV. Building Design Standards A. Overview r Office-Professional < Single multistory office buildings, and amenities to serve r their needs are planned for this area. The aesthetics of the buildings in this category will incorporate the architectural r vocabulary as described in this development manual, how- T`'`---^ ever, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale CB'uildi`n', de'$Ify s Cn trhe cal e�o`r�r'�s�ho'uld sty II shrive to Ccrearte an u:d an stbreert edge with; an active GedesbrLa`n �rieJndly env;i=ro`nLme'nt. An exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which r elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. AII buffl(dings 1w th,in oohs area wffl ad �e�rte to any'and LOU a`> >'lica�b a desi n ss— r h dLards ts�et�ffo'r=tLh Lin trhLs developme`n"t Lma'n`ua�ll Lrore-gardless of-' \wWt,,e�ntiVy, [m,�,ght oWn, devel r occu )Y"t-Oheese Nu Idi`n;g ;. CU MMFFME LAMELn —: I -'❑ I III tn }n A Y- L ti d wCU CO _ .f:MFFp LD � F rOffice-Professional r • • . • . 04-05-06 - • �7% ,~ . 1. � •�� f k � .rat f � gi �� .T `�.l•�,.,f.:R�fr� �-� "'. � .. �-s vim' :Y :_'�. — --;;�;;'�'• ,::1. now" rl—�---u �� '' , •.� m . ,� �_ •i = /���f—".,� '��L1`iL�1�.�,' 'I(/,Set -i w. ]`' `� - Lr-•t�`_���•.1{ii ) tiink13��1��1� !'t► i.��._`��, � �"�c� �_' `►•��� _r , • ri F i 6 :.� d�•I:il ��, j ''�'lt) �+Ilt�r �4'�s ►i' VA �Ii �•+ � �' tlr �1is, rpm L ` -- --- _,..+. .roc—i'z.— aRi`�•rs.r :�a `�. t 1�`� � ��t�^ Aa .Iwo- '?'�'`�� i �: � �� i�.h: ► �� .r �~���_� i'���.��'ti.. fir} '1 .. NO lug .Y�_ � ��i L r+��. 1/ _ _�_ S ' � � ` '.• ' � \� .3 /ice .^-�� _ IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior a. Buildings and facades should be sited on or near the lease line (lot line minus setback) to maximize pe- destrian and commercial activity. b. Store facade construction shall not project beyond the lease line, except for approved projecting ele- ments such as signage, awnings and canopies. c. Significant changes in the plane of facades, including recesses and extruded elements, must be incorpo- rated into the facade design to create interest and - provide visual variety.__Flat;-straight facades-which -- extend across the entire facade width are not per ' mitted. d. Multiple story building should be expressive of upper floors. Windows and cornices should add a human ' scale to the facade. e. Display or sales counters at the lease line or along v the exterior facade will not be allowed. Tenants Ln ,- - whose typical operation utilizes this type of display shall contact the Landlord's Tenant Coordinator to U) review all associated issues. L ' - m '- f. TThe C�ac�kssi�dse,Cf C'uikdings shall [e Cddmess d C (t�_he L ®� co�nt�nuationu Ctsimilar fteatunesj, Eight Q �fleartumresr CrnaterLalsr cc41or p'atette caJnd (awOn49s awe'r the doors Conn call; Cf,N r rs cdes Of Wu i n�;g ce eva Tr nLs V) j The following requirements are specific to each building m ► category: �, = a- Lifestyle Center 2 Story Li style C--enter Tenant o CD a. Buildings within the lifestyle center may be 1 to 3 stories. Retail will always account for the ground 1 04-05-06 IV. Building Design Standards • 1 . Exterwor floor with offices or additional retail above. Multi-sto- permitted. b. Within the lifestyle center, any exterior paving be- tween-the Tenant facade and the lease line will be installed by and paid'for by the Tenant. This paving will exactly match the 'material . pattin ern of the lease line. c. A Tenant's main entrance will always face the street. Front - East O ;,� � (/ffiil�ff/ l.•� P_t� 'r�,r,�f� i l l --, -- = -_- - _—'_����.��.�..r.��_, IAIN��1_11lWWA _�.- — -- ti ii n �i �• � r LM Rear - West �-Kr'LticL��r �!1�� LW,Q� •. I l ■ r.�1fr> �� -u. _'� _ '" f� Ili U _-�` 1/Ir_I .�- �y� ®.�"r��♦ �:�i�► �. � v� � � _ •► ��' r �w::: ii:�ii if.gi' q�'Af� �Nfl�`�111� '�11 ,i���rr�ae� irrl��i ;== :r >:�� • � = �11�� .�� 1�_ _ � ��; -- - • o ----- {- IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior , Some Tenants will have parking in the rear of their ' store. A second public entrance is encouraged when appropriate. This rear facade and entrance, while ' possibly varying from the design along the street, will adhere to all design criteria set forth in this doc- ument. ' Convenience Center a. All Tenant main entrances will open to the parking in �i front of the building. 10)therent�r tor thes'de or ueY o'f�thhe Lbu lld I`ng-s LaJrte e=um9eddi� ' b. Two story Tenants are permitted, however there will be no Tenants without ground floor access. _}. I Office-Professional a. Any retail located in the office-professional area will follow the guidelines that apply to the lifestyle cen- a) Of ter. h:f b. Buildings will not be limited to a minimum number of stories. �- • Aft c. Parking should be located in the middle of the site. Q ' 2. Building Heights Maximum variations in building heights should be used - throughout Bozeman Gateway to add diversity and L visual interest. A.9n ce=xvp�,ression, cof each floor an �t7he Ce=xte� ' ror s-ki h uhurou'gh \wund9ws Fa-Ind UorunLces sbum ld b0 cused to Gmantoa n, a ,[hLum�e�,n scale; Cn [m u l� stoyr�y C.u ldi n�gs� Ln fest-- -le Center_.. , J 1 IV. Building Design Standards 04-05-06 ' B. Building Exterior ' Lifestyle Center a. Facades should modulate in height as much as pos- sible. A tenant's facade must differ from those on either side. b. The physical mass of buildings should be graduated, stepping the upper levels of tall buildings back from the street makes the buildings less imposing to pe- destrians. Convenience Center The following are height restrictions for single story re- tail: • Over 60,000 square feet = 35 feet • 50,000 - 60,000 square feet = 32 feet ' v 10,000 - 50,000 square feet = 28 feet • under 10,000 square feet = 23 feet a. The heights given regulate the median height of the facade. �, b. Facades should modulate in height as much as pos- • L sible. 1 Q C Office-Professional U) ' a, Tl I I I M eSSWMW f�i�ht o D 16WY W,Ifto - 2Jfeet co L • 2 Mry b iI MTN - }�t ' 3 story b iI i o 4 flaa U 6bMy ildi a 65dt C 0 0 O IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior ' 3. Mass and Scale , Tenant buildings and facades shall enhance the pedes- trian experience and maintain a human scale in the design. The following elements apply to all building categories: ' a. Facades longer than 50' must have some variation in facade height. A flat facade cap element across long storefronts are not permitted. A28% Change ICI b. Design features such as towers, pediments and other i cornice treatments should be utilized to create an - interesting elevation profile. These features may , exceed building heights set forth in the development manual. AM comer WMW s III Mude a ty (of v lbatam r d1rectedt wa Owcorm comer. � ► : -=� c. Adjacent buildings should have unique roof lines v and parapets varying in styles and heights. Gables, Ln 4-1 ,4 s' sheds, mansards and hip roof configurations can be used to add variety to the facades. Act M road j.. IfiO I b n1 each bul" =We is w vlr�o a .' d. Snow stops shall be used on all sloped metal roof forms where roof edges are above pedestrian walk- V) ways. They shall be visually unobtrusive and match a ' the color of the roof. Z) { e. Gutters on sloped roofs are permitted and will be CO mandatory in some areas. Gutters must match the ' roof color or exposed soffit conditions. Exposed u Typica-l-Reta.il Scale downspouts are permitted but discouraged. Gutters o and downspouts must incorporate de-icing electri- cally heated cables. �, 1 IV. Building Design Standards o ' B. Building Exterior 1 f. III roof stop Gurn�e sh��n c� equipment will be scse.ened bye pa�rap: :walls or ram arch tectura� screen rustic 1 t,Fie rn terials3 o%r colon palette off the uIIcffng] fay c adm This sa vee_rn, Gill rmeach a keigbt ttha`t Cs equaI or greater ohalnu the top cof�all Gum,echL nica'I ceg;up;mien I� 1 A�rS�y wer�tilat�ion `for p umabt isng or rair !exchange fthcal is _ n ' not Grnechanti cal related e u '� �- ' ' � ' q�pment shall be i rnLted to ;��� mr tc-1 the �colo�r palette of the roof anLd%o;�architect � rxl� tara� screening° g. Building should have proportions of openings, cornic- • es and articulation dictated by the architectural style and vocabulary. T�rkt,e eleYmePIts shnuld bet oa_,refUT Dy desigjnted tto maintain a h roman scale (to, all buildings ' Care, a rrd less of biu l ding GhLe g ht or str h. Expression of depth of wall thicknesses should be in- Varial ion in Massing corporated as an architectural feature. By recessing ' v windows and entrances, exaggerating wall thickness, and projecting architectural articulations, the facades shall have depth and shadow adding to the timeless ry 1 In aspect of the design. 4-1 _rZ, i. Columns should relate in scale to that portion of the • building which they visually support. The dimension 1 Q of a column is often lost when its mass is not propor- C_ tional to its height. Within the Convenience and Lifestyle Center, there 0) will be no common demising piers between Tenants m on the exterior facade. A common 1" reveal will sep- arate facades. At the connection of facades of vary- 1 ing height, the higher facade Tenant shall provide U any required return finish to meet the lower facade. ' o When two Tenant facades are not in the same plane, N the facade that is closest to the street will be respon- sible for wrapping the facade material back and seal- 1 e IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior ' ing the 1" reveal between the two facades. ' 4. Architectural Vocabulary ' Each individual tenant's facade or building should be unique and vary from one another to add interest and ' authenticity to the streetscape. However, each design must complement the overall project design and feel. The design elements of the buildings shall invoke a feel- ing of warmth and community. Elements of historic Boz- eman'shall'be used throughout the project. The crafts- man style shall be the guiding architectural style. Each ' building will have it's own independence and individual ,. character. The key elements of this style are as follows and are applicable to all building types: ' a. The prominent material on all buildings shall be nat- v Arc itectural Vocabulary ural stone or a convincing substitute. Any rough or v ' random texture and pattern is encouraged through the use of field stone, random curried ashlar, split face stone or similar type stone. S:u`gg'ested' �synt�hLet Lc,stone mmanAA740 uu ire,�A04scraft;, (Cult�.u- Stone,, � • (Centu-rUon S ko ne (or ce:q`ua lI� Q ' b. Brick is an acceptable substitute. Variations on the C exact brick labor, texture, and size will naturally vary between buildings and facades. Corbelling special 0, ' brick shapes and decorative brick patterns are en- m couraged. c. The look of heavy timber work and detailing must be � I apparent on the facade. u Ln d. Decorative stone lintels and medallions should be o used to achieve proper facade proportions. o I Natur-al-Stone e. Arcades, columns, pilasters and arches should be "� IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior incorporated as needed. f. Upper story window mullions will appear to be his- torical in the Lifestyle and Convenience Centers. ' g. All entrances should be protected from the elements by either recessing the entrance into the facade or ' by providing a canopy or awning. The protected area should be a minimum of 32 square feet above each entrance. Larger canopies and/or additional canopies along the facade are encouraged. h. A diange In ad or and argau l Jti fir aver eaaM bi i t dilag m a Ie to red ei mass afa buiI OW N rewcredd`z i. N_"O :corparate o Tr SfUalise�s yl� aresh tect�u rD �shall be ' pe�r�rmsit�ted� S. Materials The use of various building materials shall vary and U create visual interest, while exhibiting an overall coor- Ln dination of color and materials. Th e{following mt to it a� rheme� a�n�d col© G;alette shall be con�tinuou thro7u�g.'h- L mall building tSSype --n phases° 1 a. The.following are approved exterior facade materi- als: • Brick CO Precast / Cultured Stone L Precast Concrete Elements GFRC U WS (Dryv i , SW) rW�ia be a in limit o rea o ri ma�'Sc_ �di'mai u' r 5 / af qa a Ao rq Mang eMqpfta iS fir the tr at u�, ,nt WI o r pal- eU �arrtiat = in j Mil d e t ail. R a ttern, r e li , IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior , � zs? cz it �. r �,o od 17 f f n? cn Fear ,Facade Conce tual Des n Hof the CConuen ence Cen��rL� ww [R , ,_, �o cep wj C� ,9_c � fthb o� c`r._ v c C ter a o:,% -,-,- ler A OHESIV ACHITECTURAL VOCABULARY SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL EXTERIOR FA- o C DES. &HERE'WILL BE�NO "BACK" OF BUILDINGS IN THAT ALL SIDES OF ALL BUILD- o ' ING4S=HA�/E-P-HAVE -MI.NENT VIEWS TO THE PUBLIC AND WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH. ��; IV. Building Design Standards , B. Building Exterior ' and and0ladMW d q must be pvwvtded. • stuaw WM 9" emphasIs an We Ueaufteaft-Itr � ' calar a an In job d -flJf p=miffC 'dg deW • Painted steel elements or decorative grillwork. ; ' Aged metal or metal with a patina finish. • Tile Work - • Canvas / Fabric or Metal Awnings s • Factory Painted Standing Seam Metal Roofing. • Slate Roofing, natural or manufactured • Flat Concrete Tile • ®LNu MJ qpd ' b. The following materials will NOT be permitted on ex- terior facades: Painted Drywall or Sheathing Painted or Exposed CMU • Slatwall or Peg Board - • Mill Finished Aluminum - ' Field Painted Metal . Plastic Laminates • Plexiglas Q Thin Gauge Metal or Metal Laminate - • Mirror Finishes • Vinyl or-Fabric Wall Coverings �- E, Aluminum, or Vinyl Siding • Storef2 is _ ' L C. Storefnronts are en, oura�ed� � ruse dar�k� ronze ra rn p `� odfzed or s rnilarly� dad r firamLes 'gin li,:e�u of Cru hed = �° U sfta nfIess eels ,finish: ' o d. All materials are encouraged to be of high quality N with a low life-cycle cost e. Exterior materials will be weather resistant and not --- -T --- IV. Budding Design Standards B. Building Exterior , fade, degrade or in any way compromise the materi- al's original aesthetic's due to weathering, exposure to sunlight, temperature change, or normal wear , over time. 6. Retail Transparency h p Tramspanen Lr�e uire�me�n�tEs shall apply kpply to acade ttjhat fLace a designated, Lmla n st e-etr. T1his app es to La I Lrtertale-r�s Ln (the Llfest�yle arrd �Co�nve�nLen�ce Lenrte'r as'`well' a-s� a'ny ccoJmumerrc�ia�`entaures in tohe Of2fice%LP�rofess`iantal a_pea, !. 1 a. At the pedestrian level, up to 10'-0" above finish floor, Tenants shall maximize the use of glass. b. Ground floor facades shall be a minimum of 70% ' transparent. ----------- —� c. Upper levels shall be a minimum of 45% transparent. v Transparency d. Opaque wall areas shall not exceed 10'-0" in width. ' e. A display zone will be provided at all storefronts and E windows. Refer to the section in the Building Interior for further information. I f. All facades will have a minimum 12" high base un- der all storefronts and windows. This base shall be Q a highly durable material such as stone or brick. A storefront sitting directly on the finish floor plane will NOT be permitted. C3, I g. Glazing shall be low-E and anti-reflective. 13 h. Mirrored, one way, or reflective glass is NOT permit- m ted. r ' i. Spandrel glass should only be used in rare occasions. It will not be a prominent feature on any facade and ' will not be considered transparent. IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior ' j. Stained, colored or patterned glass is encouraged k. Security bars on the interior or exterior are prohib- ited. 7. Building Entrances ' These entrance requirements apply to all building cat- egories. Main Entrance ' � A Tananft m i n enlrr r m w 11 open aut W the sfteeft ode w� the ffftW® cen to "In fat ln h - �- CORVOCience Centu The following shall govern these entrances; O a. Entrances must open directly onto a sales floor. Air locks are permitted as long as they meet all appli , - v cable codes. Of - �r - - b. For stores which have a facade width of 30 -0,. or _ less, the total entry opening width shall not exceed - --- • L 6'-0". etail Entrance ' Q c. Stores which have a facade width greater than 30'- 0", the total entry opening width shall not exceed 12'-0". The entry door openings must be divided so e that no single opening exceeds 8'-0" in width. m d. Doors are to be substantially glass and must be a ' L minimum of 7'-0" height. These doors must swing outward and be recessed so they do not swing be- U yond the face of the adjacent store facade construc- t o tion. N e. Use of sliding glass doors is discouraged. Where © utilized, door framing, mullions and jambs shall align 1 IV. Building Design Standards B. Building Exterior ' when the doors are opened. The storefront shall be , designed to minimize the appearance of such doors. Secondary Entrance ' A secondary entrance will open out to the parking lot in ' the rear of the store if applicable. This entrance will be held to the same criteria as the main entrance and must open directly onto a sales floor. A hallway or corridor from the entrance to the sales floor will NOT be permit- - - led. Service Entrance , .�` -wr CaUtr aI be as a d it II Dateri- esIft end fiwl ai W as Ow ma i Cent by hwwpomV I If' s I m i I [11 -a i 1 r d e s,'is n e 1 t s a M a` + quietbald et i Io T�1rl�i a ftors a I not appear to be a pla-In ba or mar ennatances that m t/t� of w"ri Ce eftmROM CCI t Ia. A�mMr,ism' m coif one texterior door et t4he gear ffzacade rlo-V�dae i n i n i �w;If be G� ,� edo Service doors will be a 3 -0 x 7 -0 glass and muntin door with a 2'-0" wide glass and Q �' { 'k muntin sidelight. r b. Tenant will provide a canopy to protect a minimum of 20 square feet at the service entrance. This canopy j should compliment the facade design and will be m governed by the Projecting Design Elements section I%Abelow. I ' Meta/ mWG/as nano c. The Tenant shall install project standard signage for u each Tenant service door. The Landlord will govern o the size and look of such signs. No additional sig- ' nage will be allowed unless approved by the Land- ' IV. Building Design Standards o ' B. Building Exterior V lord. �- oo ,� � S. Projecting Design Elements Canopies and awnings are highly encouraged. Along with protecting pedestrians from the elements they cre- ate an inviting scale for building facades. The following requirements will apply to all building types. a. Minimum height to the bottom of the projecting ele- ment is 9'-0". Canvas Awnings ' b. Minimum horizontal projection from the facade is 2'- 0". ' c. Maximum horizontal projection measured from the lease line is 8'-0". d. The projecting element should stop a minimum of 1'- ' 6" from the adjacent tenant. r e. Design and location of projecting elements shall not create a significant visual barrier to adjacent Tenant n store facades. Landlord shall have final determina- �, tions regarding clearance and sight line issues. f. Tenant name and logos may appear on canopies or Q awnings in so that they fit the character of the proj- ect. T � t -� a _ g• .�o�rti n 9tht �i nr \l �, ds' u r o a aM shaI I ��_�ad b o qqm to r��te- m ia'JI h r o ht i me of Ao or mMMI a-ba i . T�t'ihi s does Got p®rrohL'ib'it Cmetal a-n l glas_s anopes ' Ln T � O � r ate, _ Ll Glass Canopy r� fG u' �!I f -'Boz� m -AN 5 v 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved 4 ...... ...... ...... .., .. ...... .... ------- IV..- Building De.si:gn Standards ' C. Building -Interior 1.:'Retail .D s la ::and Entr Zone Criteria P Y Y ... ... All stores in the Convenience and Lifestyle Centers-are to:-have.an Entry::Zone.an:d a Display Zone 5'-0"::deep ...... .. ... :which extends :across the- entire :width of�:the store. The. appearance .and design- of. these.zones, are critical to the. store'$:overall image.:to the;pedestria:n. Design solo tions and m6terials'ilh�these zones-"are to be of the hi9 h- est ualit : The following design criteria applies to both zones: a. -A quality hard surface flooring:such 'as wood'-:stone or.ceramic the shall be provided-.througho.ut­this- zone. Carpeting-will not:be allowed. b. All walls within these zones shall be provided with high quality finishes such-as stone, tile' wood. panels, . .::::or high•;quality:wall -coverings Trim: and decorative::::: ::treatments shall be utilized. . Painted =gypsum::board ... is not-permitted Ln c. Ceilings.m,aterial's:shall.t e: painted gypsum boar-& wood or other type, of hard surface material. Sprin- L kler.heads. shall be,the.fu.l.ly recessed type, d:. No speakers. will be allowed. o:n the store facade or::. .: inside the store which'Vould allow sounds:to: be heard:on the exterior.. Ln .F e. Television:monitors to be:installed:in these zones CO require sped c :approval:by the-Landlord::: Monitors .' shall be:incorpo:rated into the overall store facade de-: 1 -. � .. gn and are.to: be encased within attractive display i , �� -�d fixtures' to conceal all: surfaces except-:for the:screeri::: Di�p ay Win ows o :•surface:and:may not-emit any. sound:- . u r - IV. Building Design Standards C. Building Interior ' Entrance Zone ' a. The vertical distance between exterior paving and interior finish floor heights must meet local ADA re- , quirements. b. At the entry, display fixtures or merchandise, either ' temporary or permanent, must be placed at least 5'- 0" behind the Tenant's entry door closure line. Mer- chandise racks and display features must not block customer traffic flow in and out of the store. Display Zone ' a. The Tenant's merchandise is required to be show- cased in an creative, appropriate, distinctive, high ' quality display. b. Display tools include, but are not limited to, manne- m v ' MINIMUM quins, display platforms, tables and theed props. Standard merchandise racks will not be allowed in In this zone. I ' 5'-0" c. The display zone will have a raised floor to bottom Display of the storefront and 5'-0" back from it. Minimum Zone height of this floor will be 12". Q �1 isplay one Section 2. Interior Finishes The following applies to all building categories: m a. The building layout, fixtures etc. must be designedra I to comply with handicapped accessible requirements � Ln which are defined by local, state, or national codes and laws. , b. Handicapped accessible toilet rooms must be provid- 1 IV. Building Design Standards 04-05-06 ' C. Building Interior ' ed in accordance with code requirements. c. Interior finishes are to be high quality, long lasting and durable. All finishes shall comply with building code and insurance underwriter requirements for ap- propriate fire resistance and flame spread ratings. ' d. All trade fixtures shall be first class new fixtures with durable finishes consistent with the anticipated public exposure. e. All finished wood shall be millwork quality, kiln dried wood with a durable protective finish where exposed to public contact. 1 3. Floor Finishes The following applies to all building categories: a. All transitions between floor finishes of unequal ' v thickness are to be accomplished by a gradual transi- tion with floor leveling compound to create a smooth Ln and level walking surface. Tripping hazards such as ' n carpet trim strips and noticeable reducer trim are not permitted. • b. If carpeting is used in the sales area, it shall be of ' Q the highest quality. Commercial grade high qual- ity cut pile or loop/cut pile combination carpeting is required. ' 0, c. The following floor finishes are NOT permitted in the co public sales area: ' o • Carpet extending into the Display or Entry tZone U • Loop carpeting ' o • Single color carpeting • Vinyl ti'le or any other sheet goods flooring O 0 Simulated materials 04-05-06 IV. Building Design Standards C. Building Interior ' 4. Ceilings , The following applies to all building categories: ' a. Ceilings shall be of the accessible type, or individual access panels shall be provided to allow access to ' Landlord's or Tenant's pull boxes, damper controls, valves, junction boxes, or other equipment. b. All ceilings and associated framing, furring and blocking shall be non-combustible material. Abso- lutely no wood of any kind shall be used above any ceiling or soffit. , c. Ceiling heights within the project depend of field con- ditions. In general a minimum clearance of 12'-0" feet above finish floor is provided. ' d. All ceiling construction is to be properly supported. Soffits are not to be supported solely by a wire sus- ' pension system and must be properly braced to the building structure. e. The following ceilings are permitted: n I � z • High quality tegular lay in ceilings, maximum size 2' x 2' within a matching color suspension grid. a ,' • 2' x 4' high quality tegular lay in ceilings will be allowed for any Tenant over 5,000 sf. • Painted gypsum board ceilings or other high C ' quality non combustible ceiling materials. m • Open sales area ceilings are only permited where all structural, mechanical and electrical t , elements above the sales area are painted, and in compliance with code and plenum return o requirements. +� ' J 1 1 . .:. .... ...... ....... ...... .....: IV'- Bui:Iding': Destgn Standards : :.. . 'C. Building-Inteembe ,` 5. Interior Walls The following applies to all building categories: a.: Demising walls which -separate adjacent tenants are required to provide a_.1-hour;.rating.incompliance with code:: Metal stud framing only, shawl be provided ... by the Landlord: b. The'Tenant'shall provide one layer of 5/;B" fire:code gypsum board,:taped spackled, sanded and-finished- ' on the:Tenantaide of•the metal studs:: Tenant must:: install full height gypsum board and all firesafing. : c At interior base building.concrete .masonry-unit.:de m'ising walls, such:as at electrical rooms, the tenant ..... shall install metal :stud framing ot.furring and gyp- sum board on the Tenant's side of the wall. ' d:: Typicak:interior: wall construction is to::be composed.:::.: ... .... of non-.combustible'metal stud. framing with 5/8" gypsum board,taped, spackled, sanded and finished of.both sid-es. Metal stud:framin:g:shall extend-:up to the structure above, as: required,:so the wall is ad- eq.uately. braced-and, supported; :.. . = Q e: -At exterior CM:U walls;-Tenants shal.Hristall ,metal stud framing. minimum 4" fiberglass.batt insulation '(minimUm R-value 11.' uir 0 re ed . v �, q. ... . ) a. a or barrier,. .. . v and: 5/8";gypsum;board :on the Tenant's side of:;the wall f. Tenant shall be :responsible for-maintaining the code . ...:required fire rating at all demising walFoenetrations. .: duct work . :This work:shalF ih �.. :�( , piping, :conduit; etc.) . ... 1 o :.clude the installation of firestops and:fire rated pen N etration seals-as required,by-code. ..::::: g. If in the .Landlord's:opinion:, sound: insulation is.:re:- IV. Building Design Standards C. Building Interior ' quired to insure sound transmission between two ' tenants is minimized, the Tenant shall provide and install such insulation at the Landlord's direction and , at the Tenant's expense. h. All slatwall used in the sales area must be provided with slot liners which are finished to be compatible , with the finish of the slats. i. The following wall construction types are NOT per- mitted • Concrete block or other masonry partitions for interior or demising walls • Wood stud construction ' 6. Security II hl The following applies to all building categories: a. Security systems must be unobtrusively incorporated into the Tenant's store facade and display zone con- structions. Freestanding tower type systems are not L ' allowed. b. Any theft detection/security system must be indicat- ed on the Tenant's working drawings and the Tenant Q shall submit shop drawings which shall indicate size, c location , design and appearance. No system shall be installed until approved by Landlord. ' c. All wiring to security systems must be concealed 3 from view. Power poles or wiring channels exposed m to view are not permitted. ' d. The following types of security systems are permit- ted: Ln • Concealed systems not visible to the customer,7Q , such as under floor antenna systems. IV.: Bui.ldin Desi:g n .Standards": :.. 04 � . C. Building Interior Suspended overhead "bar?-t;ype systems.:co:n- cealed behind a storefront.soffit above entry • Small pod.type systems on each side of the =:entry... Pods must be enclosed:in a millwork element:which coordinates with :the interior: .design: and finishes of the store.. :.. . .. tn v. ... Ln ....... CO N . ... . _ fu C�:..... ... ...... ...... ...... ... O � pJ/uasad s gBQ HV 2ulssabngla»eD SOOZ q } - ƒ ƒ . } $ \ \ .� . \ ƒ \ IT, 6- zog )� � ƒ � } ƒ f � } f � \ � ƒ . \ ƒ IV. Building Design Standards D. Building Log.heng ' 1. Exterior Facade Lighting ' The following applies to all building categories: C jJ f Lighting for the main street, parking lots, and the ad- 5 ' jacent pedestrian walks will be provided to provide a uniform project lighting scheme. Any lighting used in tenant signage is covered in the signage portion of the N Design Criteria. a. Wall mounted lighting as an architectural element such as wall sconces or spot lights focused on facade elements are encouraged. Entrances and projecting Well Jt Main ,Street ' elements should be highlighted to create a visually lively street at night. b. Light fixtures will be appropriately shielded to pre- , v vent glare. The light source shall not be seen from eye level anywhere in the Town Center. c. More wattage does not equal better lighting. In- creased brightness of a fixture does not always V provide an appropriate level of illumination. A high L quality light design must be incorporated into the rQ overall facade design. d. Light spread from fixtures illuminating elements of V) the facade my not significantly spill over onto neigh- ' 0) boring facades. CO e. Li a i ssuM aso n li�,ht or sam c as s ell up W Manes at a bL'� �ur� torilh �r I I a b itain � U f. All ballasts and conduit must be concealed within the ' o exterior wall. All penetrations through the exterior N wall must be sealed. g. Recess can fixtures in soffits. The bottom of hang- IV. Building Design Standards D. Building Liahttmng ' ing fixtures should not be any lower than 9'-0" above ' finish floor. h. Exterior facade and sign lighting should be controlled ' automatically to turn on at dusk and turned off at 11:00 pm or one-half hour after Tenant close, which- ever is later. ' i. Permanent strings of light bulbs with less than 4 watts per bulb are permitted for use in lighting out- door spaces. j. Lighting shall comply with all local lighting codes. k. The following exterior approved lighting is permitted: • Incandescent ' • Halogen • Metal Halide which has appropriate color ren- dering characteristics. • Compact Fluorescent which has appropriate color rendering characteristics. ' I. The following lighting is NOT permitted: a) • Colored Lamps v • Mercury Vapor or High Pressure Sodium Lamps L ' Any type of moving or flashing lighting , Wall packs m. Cxposed [,neon t��be or L-D strUrrwo fig-hRing wo II be a �' cg1hutly,.[,reg;olated by the GUAM fin vresponse, to Cest`hd,�-i Lies and lies`,gin Lnte L Cue Ito fthme hnitense n thuare of tnhese light so'urr es they eas lye C ecume,v sul all2Y'over- ' �whelmi ng and ob-rusliet Exwoevshv-e fuse Cc�reates ca muddled comp oston of intense bbcal ppo �nts trhat Can turn cchea pens,Ube: Limage. o'f' the ppng ect at n gh`t. And -- use of Nleon babe or LSD. strung-s as ana finrtensevsual st -mr,'l ii Cfibr Ld vertl `s ng (or o tiher(purpos-es aw l 1 [,nwot be, pe�rtim, t�tedo CN�eon table, or LJED strings can be used for s-Otle lighe elements for exa-maple, lighting! umde_r .....:. ..... IV : Building Design Standards 04-05-06 . . . :D. Building_Ught :... ... ..... so�f t�s, bead fac ss w i`hi Ls-i : n�-,ems? ��i , 's�O ..L � , itahrn sign. packag , or a t�fiv d'esig rno e h�a n;o z�) I i g l�Ptnin 91 d'etra- s ado e an u—be and LW strfts Wl1 be Ms ge-4 how- ever,they Wi1 be d d —s—+e an td i' a psi' meft 2. Interior Retail:Lighting Lighting within the Tenant's:premises: is to be designed _ to. accentuate the._merchandise::and product display *wit in t e:'display:windows, as-*ell as-the general sales:area of the store: The following applies to all- the Con- venience and Lifestyle Centers as well'as any retail... located in the Office-Professional area. - a. Storefront display window lighting-shall -be incandes '. cent, halogen:or compact fluorescent-which:has ap propriate color::rende.ri.ng characteristics. b. Lighting in the display zone.shall remain on from dusk until::dawn to.:assist=with security lighting levels . .. �, for' the project. .L .. c. Light fixtures within a store will. NOT be:permitted Q : to directly shine onto:any exterior surfaces such as: : walks­or streets. An-appropri-ate amount of'diffused light onto exterior surfaces: is acceptable. Ln d. Closed internally illuminated show:cases: at the store- .. m front or'store interior must be adequately ventilated. . :. v e. All fixtures shall be high quality commercial grade. . . .The fixtures shall be constructed and installed to be. .. u :glare free and:shall.comply with all applicable code orequirements. . N f.: Specific fixture requirements are .as follows: Recessed fluorescent tube fixtures shall be:: IV. Building Design Standards D. Building Liah� , provided with parabolic diffusers, either metal ' paralume or acrylic paracube type. Acrylic lenses will not be allowed. All fluorescent ' lighting shall utilize lamps which provide color corrected light appropriate for this high quality retail environment. ' • Exposed fluorescent tube fixtures are to be used in private storage areas only and cannot be visible from the sales area at any time. • Recessed incandescent can type fixtures must have specular or semi-specular Alzak reflec- tors, coilex baffles, or other glare free shielding i devices. • Specific Landlord approval is required for the , use of coated metal halide lighting. For consid- eration! information must be submitted which documents the quality of light. (Color render- ing index rating, etc.) , g. Exposed lamps, unless in an approved decorative or track light fixture, will NOT be permitted. 3. Exit Signs and Emergency Lights a The following applies to all building categories: a. Exit signs and exterior emergency lights shall be in- , stalled to serve their intended functions, but also be m as inconspicuous as possible. b. The back sides of exit signs which are installed at ' the storefront entry area shall not be visible from the u Ln exterior unless an edge lit type sign is used. o , c. The quantity and location of exit signs and exterior rN emergency lights shall be installed as required by code. ' :...... .... ...... IV : Building : Des.i, n Standards04-05-06 E. Buildin ...... 1..:General:Signage Criteria The following-applies.to all building categories: a. All signage must be an. integral design feature of the- Tenant's store.facade.or building design. It:shall be. de.signedJo comp.liiment th:e context of.the entire: project. .... .. b. The:Tenant'sign shall be :limited :to the:Tenant's:ap- proved,trade.:name as.-stated::in the:Lease or:other::: ' .:documents. ...._.: .... ....... c. The use of a corporate:logo ot:other established corporate .insignia-shall be:pe"rmitted"only:if'specifi tally approved in .writing by the-Landlord TagIin:es . or Identifitation of.sP ecific:P roducts or. services are permitted only as--approved by. the Landlord... . - _0... : d .All si.gnage is::to be of�quality: construction..' Shop :fabrication and:paintin:g is required. ._ v e. Attathments,: labels, .fasteners., mounting brackets, wiring, clips, transforme:M discon:nects: :l-amps, and �, other mechanisms: required must_.be concealed from L view. Light leaks.are not..permitted. Q f:. All signage must be.Watertight and :complywith all :: ..: code requirements regarding :wiring and appropriate N illumination:equipment. Surface mounted raceways C, will :not be:allowed.; All penetrations through exterior CO Walls must:be sealed. g. All permits are the responsibility of the Tenant. . All CU ... .signa.ge. must.adhere..to' the.City­of Bozema.n's 'Uni .; •. :fied Development Ordinance:::the P U D. restrictions; L, [LILL] o and these standards. h-.- Any light used for-the-illumination-of--a sign :shall. be- shielded.so:the beams o.r::rays of:l.ight will:not 8,hi:ne IV. Building Design Standards E. Building Smgnage ' directly onto surrounding areas. ' i. All sign structures shall be constructed of non-com- bustible materials. No combustible materials other ' than approved plastic shall be used in construction of electric signs. j. On office-professional buildings, a single sole user ' will be allowed to have signage on the building. In- dividual tenant signage will not be located on a mon- ument sign near the building. 2. Signage Size and Quantity a. Tenants shall be allowed one rims sign per dis- tinct exterior facade. This primary sign is encour- aged to be located so as to accent the main entry of the store when applicable. b. One secondary sign may be allowed on the rear fa- ' cade of the tenant's demised premises. c. The Tenant's storefront signage shall be proportional to the scale of the overall store facade design. To encourage design creativity, no maximum letter size has been established, however, the Landlord will L closely review all signage to confirm the proper fa- a cade design to signage relationship. C d. The design of the signage must engage the appro- priately scaled architectural facade elements which (D, ' accent the signage. Trim work, signage panels and m other creative signage designs are required. Plain letters merely placed on a blank wall will not be al- lowed. Ln J e. Decorative tertiary signage such as blade signs, sig- a ' nage on awnings, decorative icons, and small repeti- tive window signage which is designed and placed in :. ...... ....... _. ... .. .... IV. Building De.si:gn:.Standards ' 04-05-06 1 ....... a: manner which.:fu;rther.re.inforc.:esthe overall facade : :: = design image is:encouraged. q. an or PProva :.: a.. All exterior signs shall. be required to,be specifically:. ap.proved :in writing by the:Mitchell Development: Group. b. Tenant shall provide design information for all'sig= nage o.n all Preliminary and Working::Drawin;gs sub ' mitted:to the Landlord--for review. :Final approval of Tenant's signage is cohtingent upon Landlord's ap' royal of.Tenant's si na a sho s.: P 9 9 p..drawin 9 .: . . C. Signage �shop drawings submitted.:by theTenant shall-:.* :: .. provide com lete information for the Landlord:to un- . P . . derstand the signage .design and-appearance.. d ::Fabrication o:r:i_nstallation of:the Tenant's signage shall not commence before the Landlord's approval. .. of the signage shop drawings. e. Submitted,signage shop:drawings: shall "providethe - following information: go Elevation of.the store or building d.i_mensioning Q ::the size; and location of�all signage. ... • '"Section sections through the:sign:"" ,,, . • Identify the materials, color scheme- fabrica-. tion techniques, illumination: and mounting. ... . CO system. ....... :. Photographs :of similar signs should be submit- . ted whenever .... possible... : . . . . ... ... .. Ln 0 _.. ...... ...... IV. Building Design Standards E. Building Signage ' 4. Permitted Signage Types Halo Type Illuminated Signs (Reverse Channel Letters) a. The background surface for the sign is to be opaque ' and not reflect the illumination or image of the neon lamps within the letters. b. All illumination must be fully concealed within the letter to not be visible_ to the public. —C. -The rear edge`of'the-letter shall be approximately�l" from the background surface. , d. Standoff brackets and fasteners visible within the 1" dimension between the background surface. The back of the letter shall be painted to match the back- ground surface. e. PK Housing shall be provided to feed the neon to v , each letter of the sign. f. Clear Lexan backing must be used on the rear of the letters to prevent birds nesting in the lager letter L , sizes. .21 Non Internally Illuminated Individual Letter Signs a a. Included types are dimensional letters or graph- ics applied directly to the face of the storefront area 0, I with external illumination. Signage types include m metal, acrylic or painted wood letters. L b. Non dimensional letters or graphics less than 1/2" t , thick are generally discouraged. This signage may u be allowed if it compliments the overall store facade o design. Non-dimensional techniques include paint- ing, silk-screening, pressure sensitive vinyl, metal 1 IV. Building Design Standards 04-05-06 ' E. Building Soguage applique, or glass etching. c. Signs shall not be placed on a background material which distracts from the appearance of the sign. - d. Supplemental lighting must be provided for signage visibility. The supplemental lighting must be incor- porated into the facade design either as a concealed fixture or as a design element. e. Dimensional letter signs applied directly to transpar- ent storefront glass must have matching dimensional letters on each side of the glass to create a finished ' appearance from both sides of the storefront glazing. Internally Illuminated, Fully Integrated Cabinet ' Signs a. Signs shall be fully integrated into the store or build- , ing facade concept. The cabinet sign shall be re- c, cessed so the face of the cabinet sign is flush with the surrounding storefront material, or incorporated ' into the facade design. b. The size of the sign cabinet and the design of the L face materials are to be integrally designed into the Q appearance of the store or building facade. c. Letters only, shall be translucent on the sign face. Ln The background must be opaque. Plastic faced sign M panes will not be allowed. m d. Signs must be of the highest quality, design and con- L struction. te. Light leaks are not permitted. U f. Cabinet signs with the face panel routed out with ' o plexiglas laminated behind are not permitted. Pro- vide push through dimensional translucent plexiglas O letters which extend through the routed opaque sign IV. Building Design Standards E. Building Si^ate , face. g. Illumination is to be provided by neon or fluorescent lighting. ' h. The face panel is to be hinged to provide access for maintenance, or an access panel is to be located in � * an alternate concealed locations. The access panel is not desired to be located on the underside of the , store entry soffit. �No bad IQ mb!met t� s�w111 be �1 d I loznm I co`^ pownt RS hL *at ar a 1 •' Blade Signs a. Store facade blade signs are highly encouraged. They are required to have a decorative appearance v , which compliments the store facade design and en- v hances the Tenant's store image. CK b. Blades signs shall not have an area of more that 16 square feet and 5 feet in width. Maximum thickness L 7 y is 2 inches. Q r ' . c. All blade signs must be externally lit. Internally lit signs will NOT be permitted. rl. d. The criteria for Projecting Design Elements under the 0, I A Hallo Typ Illuminated Sign, a L �� Building Exterior govern the location and projection Blade Sign, and a Free StandingCo � of all blade signs. Temposry-Sign e. Decorative elements such as iron brackets or three dimensional sculptural panels are encouraged to be u Ln used. o N Show Window Graphics J IV B Alding-� De.si:gn Standards : E. Bueldong og11age ... a. Small scaled. pedestrian level adhesive_ window . graphics are desired at Tenant's show windows.- ::.:Grap ics shall:be less that 6";in height and located ::::: ....... ....... :-on the-lower quarter of the window. c.... Temporary poster type,signa.ge will. not be:a.11owed. :.. within 4'-0" of the: storefront. d. Glass doors may-display-the address and: hours'of operation. FreestandingTemporary Sign:age ....... Temporary signage to:be' placed on.the"sidewaik out- side of the lease line Burin-g"tenant hours of�operation ' are encouraged but must be approved b .the Landlord. 9 P P Y. These signs must be-located-as,to-not impede traffic flow in an.d out.of::or past:the store. Time-Temperature-Date Signage .. . .. The only movement permitted on :any signage shall: be L to display the current.time,:temperature an.d/or date. i• c Well articulated.:contextual analog clock::faces.a:re en- ... ...... ...... couraged.'" Ln 5. Si na a Not Permitted The following sign :types will 'NOT be'permitted: ..Exposed .or-surfacermounted box or'cab.inet .:. .: c�.... -:.:type signs .. o •: Exposed tube: neon signs and open face Chan o. . nel letters with:�exposed tube neon. . :_4 Indivi,dual.:metal channel letters with illuminat- IV. Building Design Standards E. BuildingSmgnage , ed plexiglas face ' • Cloth, paper, cardboard, and other similar stickers or decals on or around the storefront surfaces • Freestanding, moving, rotating, flashing, noise making or odor producing signs. • Any illuminating device utilizing open flames to attract attention. • Signs which are not professional in appearance as determined by the Landlord tenant coordi- - _ hator' i v v a� L Q •,U C Q1 i m UJ (p U Ln O ,O ry, © 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved V. Review j Procedures • yyfj U awl I� `I �I V�I f, yyy�� I�. 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved V.. Review. Procedures 04-05-06 A. Gateway Review Board This;:Devel:op.ment: M:anua.l has been developed to:irimpler e:nt ....... the design philosophy of Bozeman Gateway, namely, to blend structures and landscaping into :a:harmonious and aestheti- cally pleasing commercial co.rrrrunity ';:The De_ velopment Manual provides a set of design guidelines to owners..-lessees . i .and builders in-the planning,'.design;. and construction of their .. building and parking areas:. This Development,Manual"is established and enforced by, the Gateway Review Board:(the "GRB"), which is.made up:of design professionals appointed -by the :Mitchell :Development. :: Group, LLC (Mitchell). The GRB will be-the interpreter of the requiremen. is of the :Development: Manual, and the GRB's de vision in matters relating to same shall be:final. The GRB,:with the consent of the CitY ,of Bozeman in which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, reserves the, right.to amend any or. 0 all provisions of this Development Manual, as:appropriate at::::: any time, in its sole and. absolute discretion. N The Develo :ment Manual shall a :' I to a l.: ro eft: and/or _. pP:Y P P. Y ... . buildings owned by Mitchell- or sold to third parties. They- L .. : .. ... -. _ shall apply.to development. and improvements by..all parties a :. successors an ::assigns.. In addition the Develo:pment Manual shall apply to all Ground Lessees Parcel Purchasers -Ma or.Tenants: and buildin s -- Cawithin the boundaries of the project as defined on: the Master " Plan.:Any reference here to a "Ground Lessee" shall also ap- ply'to the "Ground'Lessee's" builder, subcontractor, or.agentS u -(aforementioned as the Tenant:)-.Ln 0 .. o As to any outparcel lot or building in the Project,.no improve- : ." me.nts may: be commenced,:erected, or maintained until-;the ... _ . V. Review Procedures A. Gateway Review Board GRB has given its written approval of Final Submissions pur- suant to the criteria listed below. This Development Manual is made a part of the P.U.D. in force on the Project and as such is enforceable by the GRB and designated public officials with the city of Bozeman, Montana. i In addition to compliance with the requirements imposed by the Development Manual, the purchaser or ground lessee of any lot or building must comply with all zoning and other ap- plicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations. Approval by the GRB pursuant to this Development Manual shall in - no event be construed as representations or warranties that the Tenant's sketch plans, preliminary plans, final plans, or improvements comply with any such governmental require- ments. Mitchell (as the aforementioned Landlord) does not assume G , responsibility for any losses or damages arising out of the construction of the improvements permitted under its plan reIn - view process, nor shall Mitchell's approval of any plans, speci- L fications or other submissions be deemed a representation or warranty by Mitchell or its agents regarding the design, materials or any other aspect of the development depicted in Q such submission. Such review is limited to a review of the compatibility of the proposed improvements which includes Ln such matters as internal traffic circulation, parking, access, QJ, landscaping, building site and dimensions, signage, grading, m lighting, architectural and engineering design, drainage, and I overall design. t v Ln Bozeman Gateway will be reviewed and monitored through o three basic stages of it's development. The following sections of the Development Manual go into further detail on each V. Review Procedures , 5-06 A. Gateway Review Board stage. • Sketch Review Preliminary Review .. • Final Review • Construction Compliance The Tenant; at its expense;-shall submit'to the GRB for review five (5) complete sets of documents at the sketch, preliminary and final stages of the. review process. Document format is detailed in the following: L a) UO - .. .. .21 .. (j .. ... ..::' ... ....... ..... ... ..... CO L .. .. .. - Ln CD .. .. .. fV . i n v� o` n, �i ,t+ U� I � BOZ -Al �I u 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved i a� V. Review Procedures , , , , B. Sketch Review ' 1. Sketch Submission The Tenant must submit information pertaining to the use, size, location, and character of its development. This could include multiple buildings, a single building, M, or a single space within a building. A schematic site plan showing building location, general landscape areas, service areas, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, site signage locations, and dumpster locations. F—aR J ,-� --,-ten� - -,-�-r, _�—, �,��� -.�-_r_-, • � �- �-,�--„� r-�-„-�-, �� f -_ _J C-1_. J '_JL. `_, �_.J IJ.t__nts -s LI'~�_J���J l.�-_ eg 1.,yL,:J, Ohre - r.i"�._ _ r��_ _.'vl-r� --•�l.-. - - --•r-f"l- --Tl- ""R�r-�-7,'�C� � --J L1J _ J _l ULJ'-�.J IJ LJ I�-Q`JL. Ae-�,_`__,J s-h- mn-a- �._l _ven",JL7 slho i,I�J qj b ROm Jonamt7 _ eJC_, and, [_,1�,JL. oe af- 5b' The GRB's review should nor- r mally take no more than 10 working days from the receipt of documents. a2. Sketch Submission Document Approval a� The GRB shall review the sketch plan submission and Ct n return it to the Tenants marked "Approved" or "Dis- 2, approved", as the case may be, with any appropriate �• L review comments. Q The GRB may disapprove of any sketch plans, location, ' and style of improvements, exterior colors or finishes, CMor other specifications for any reason including purely m aesthetic reasons, at the sole discretion of GRB. L. 3. Sketch Submission Document Requirements ru M o The minimum information required for the schematic U) design phase of the review process is as follows: O r -- - V. Review Procedures B.Sketch Review Site Plan if applicable a. Title, date, architect, Tenant, and sheet number b. North Arrow c. Scale - Minimum 1"-30' or larger d. Approximate building area e. General layout of the site showing the building loca- tion f. Location of building setbacks, property lines, ease- ments, and other restrictions on the property g. Location of sidewalks within the property and parking - areas in accordan ce with the Master Plan , �tis._� ���� �,__� LL'J ._JL _Jv �� Jop._�� ; L .Jw t���LLtJL._�,, uLr L'L\'p -J�-�'L. LJ L��_�/' L.-� ��LJL�_J L.�.�/' L�L;J �.`_Le..� gf SILL-.L,__L:7 L_... U LuZ�_ _. fearb-ares to re�uLr 4J j• L=.:'e as_'JL IJ L.J L LL-'.`..J L'�. A ._L.tte ( 1, LLnez- djffi : \__L- gJ U-.�[ A_-d5 L-�gJLs aft:_d LRJLeoe Woe K Hardscape/Planting Plan if applicable a. Site plan must indicate areas to be landscaped. (In- a formation may be shown on the "Architectural Site Plan" for this phase in lieu of a separate landscaping plan.) G ' b. Plan at a scale of 1"-30' or larger. m c. North Arrow d. Date , e. Architect and Tenant U f. Project Name 7 g• LL-iffl J ., I"771 g.JL.peft�/ LJL._s,, ease- JLl e..�Lf.L, c,-eLL�.:.' 4LnLe s�� aL mowv =,.�LL S ,.' :.... .. ..... ....... ....... ...... .. ...... . V. Review Procedures 04-05-06 B. Sketch Revmew- ... :::: h. Location:of;buiIdin s driveway . s and.:curb cut.(s) and. parking, pedestrian,.and serv:i.ce areas i. Location and types-of h'ardscape .pavement, materi- ... .. :::als, fu�rniture;jightin�g;: and other amenities;::: r .....4 �WVWr QJVy -_:�- G . l r: . ... . ...; Sff Building Plans ...... a. .Project :Name,:Architect, Ground Lessee, Date and ... . Sheet,Num bee:: .: ...... b. 'North Arrow c: Preliminary: Floor:.Plan d. Building,:Data: Type and-use, number of'seats-When applicable;building area.(by use)- .. . e. All four.building elevations in .color with :materials clearly::.designated (any available three-dim:ensionaa : drawings) Buildi-ng Si --na e 21 40 L_ a. Tenant shall be fully responsible for conforming:to all :':'a licable ord.inances:- :.. b:::'Elevati:on.showing allAimensions, mate-rials'':colors" - and -method of'illumination=is required. L . . :.. L✓,�_.�_.-...:J � IIIt�Y. .�-.r-._ _"---.fl �t--�--.fin- � r„_�I-1 . -..�JUJ .`�:-J f0 - .f`'� � .-i�7 1:1�.r,..,r----.r��� ��-�(•i--.-ter---�.r-.(1 --r`'..� r-�(lr-.r-� r'•l f�- .. p2a U LI - l V Ll,:,Vil lJ U ....... ... ....... ... =JU,J =J�J..,.. ...... .... ... .... ._nJ L1"� JULJU U'�J'LU LJ•_',J UUL_'�JLu;J r OCr)j �- �-Jl n rz� ram.. �n - 7 r. l f — �� -� �i .. _,���U "�.-JL",J J,/U JU :JU.J -_.�yJ _�J L.. -.._J U',._JU `.,'u L�J `,il U'JU L"�JJ --"'-"L� ... .. .. ... r--�-v--"�r;'�--_�:t.-v�r-. ---� ��r„-n,-vim Cl r C�:'� -_.J �1L�Jl�._._J JL_v,.�._..1 �Y.`JC:'rvt7 - , �-�:-t�� ��';�'�l --I 1r-•�1 �,� f•�-.--fin 11--..11 n.vJ � --,ram.---.r`v�fl 7�'-� f'n�." ....... �J.-i r JL_l_L�`I LJ U�.���_�._J VVL.=JU �JIJ�J ' ...... ...... ._ I 3OZ ,-.- MANJ, ( �jl: C M a I C I C E 1 Mi L I (D M r5 ,I r (- r i c 1CC5 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved s I V. Review Procedures 04-05-06 1. Preliminary Submission ' The Tenant must submit information pertaining to the use, size, location, and character of its development and incorporating the comments provided by the GRB J during the sketch plan review. This could include multiple buildings, a single building, or a single space within a building. A preliminary site plat showing building location, general landscape ar- eas, service areas, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, site signage locations, dumpster locations, and all ap- plicable setbacks and easements is required along with the above information. A color schematic elevation(s) showing building form, materials, colors, and signage shall also be provided. The GRB's review should nor- mally take no more than 15 working days from the receipt of documents. 2. Preliminary Submission Document Approval 2, The GRB shall review the preliminary site plan Submis- �. L sion and return it to the Tenants marked "Approved" or Q "Disapproved", as the case may be, with any appropri- ate review comments. The GRB may disapprove of any preliminary site plans, m location, and style of improvements, exterior colors or L finishes, or other specifications for any reason including t" purely aesthetic reasons, at the sole discretion of GRB. U 0 3. Preliminary Submission Document Requirements N Q The minimum information required for the preliminary V. Review Procedures C. Preliminary Review site plan phase of the review process is as follows: Site Plan if applicable a. Title, date, architect, Tenant, and sheet number b. North Arrow c. Scale - Minimum 1"-30' or larger d. Approximate building area e. Parking Data: Number and ratio required by code, and ratio.provided,-size of stalls and aisl_es_____ _ _�...- . f. Location of any view corridors, building setbacks _ property lines, easements, and other restrictions on the property g. Location of sidewalks within the property and parking areas in accordance with the Master Plan h. Final Grading plans sufficient to generally indicate proposed grades for entire property development, v including preliminary building floor elevations i. Property lines, easements, and other prominent ex- isting physical features to remain Off j. Location and number of ALL site signs including en- 4�, LN ter/exit signs and menu boards k. Dumpster enclosure location Q I. Utility screening Ln Hardscape/Planting Plan if applicable Q 0 i a. Site plan must indicate areas to be landscaped. (In- m formation may be shown on the "Architectural Site tf Plan" for this phase in lieu of a separate landscaping U Ln plan.) o CD b. Plan at a scale of 1"-30' or larger. Details and spe- cial plan areas may be shown at a larger scale. :.... ...... ...... :.... V.. ReView Procedures 04-05-06 :C. PreliminarX Review c. North Arrow d. Date e. Architect and Tenant .,:.:Project::Name :g.- Dimensions- property:Iines; easements, contour - :.. .lines,:and elevations... . h. Location of:buildi_rig(s), drivewa-y:(s), and,:curb cu:t:(s), and parking, pedestrian; and service areas i. Location and types;of hardscape: pavement, materi- als, furniture-Ji.ghtin.g;=and other amenities:::: j:- : Planting and�-Ground•-Cover: Materials _ Show type; :- :: ..• ..... size' and location of materials Building Plans . a... ,Project .Name.,. Architect- Ground -Lessee;-Date -and v.. :.. . .:,:::Sheet:Number:: b. ':North Arrow . Q c. Floor Plan Scale at 1/8"=1'=0" min d. Building Data: T:_ .e and use, number of:' :seats when ...:. 9 ... .. Yl?.. ....... applicable --building area (by use).. = e. Al.l..four building .elevations.in color with :materials. Q clearly.:designated (a:ny available three-dimensional.: 'drawings) I. Elevations of dumpster enclosures g. -All.:proposed signage on:b_uildin :showirn9 size : st le . . m illu:minatiort, color:: L h. Samples of actual materials to be-used reflecting -ac- '`. �. ' curate colors...... t in.compliance with. the approved .::materials list.::.: .. ... �, . 0 04-05-06 V. Review Procedures C. Preliminary Review Building Signage a. Samples of actual materials to be used reflecting ac- curate colors if not in compliance with the approved materials list b. Tenant shall be fully responsible for conforming to all applicable ordinances. c. Elevation showing all dimensions, materials, colors, and method of illumination is required. d Photographs of identical or similar signs from previ- ous projects, if available: Ow '�_-%-mon L�pJA-_-L,J b fte 6"M Le L;Loo,a L, C_JL_J L._=JUL,-.5 t:, �J U,-_' L \'a L=`.�-_JUL._1L L\'.: LJ ,J LUL._i -Am U�._;L L\_L L_,L` im -, 0f-n-ft 'Wr.-art• the i`�•-,y flft m ,- nf''-r"'` r- f-:--v• n- r p UU —J U`�..JLJ L`` �.�JL�'�wJ ��-,L•�:.�-vl?, Lam,L.v�.i.eval Le—�� r h JL1U � the '=`;f- , 1�-r-(-1 ft� ��.._� n��,r��,rl r.-,r. - rn IJ LJ`.' `�.:�'_' C_JL.—J L"�: lJ L`'.�,.=.`�.� LVL`IlJ ��J L`' C�t._ �. L Le_ \R,_ l : l' ,uUL�-' J N _�'7 r , _-r_�__ �,�.�_„ -n__ __fl_r_n n-. _ - __ J n n__ �.� L_�,-._JUL__J L,^� =...�SL. �_;�:JULJUL_JL�' LJL! L�7 \ter L'J� '..red L" \ u � � LLL= : a J Cut UL4 J 'e Q (,J C N U) 0) L m L Q� ru U U) C) , C) N V. Review Procedures 04-05-06 D. Final Review . 1.- Final Submission The..GRB will review the Final Review.Submission'for. conform'arice with: com.ments made in._the Pre.limina .. 2. :Final Submission Document::Approval ...... Documents for all improvements proposed :to be con- structed.:on any jot shall.be submitted to the GRB for approval Or disap;proval...:.: :::: ..... Iffou.nd to be.unacceptable:to the GRB;.One,ssot of-doc- umer-ts shall be returned to:the Tenant marked bisap- 4 ...... .... proved'; accompanied by a written statement of items found- not to:-be incompliance with these.Guidelines or Otherwise:unac6eotablO:: :: At such time as the documents:have been revised to' Ln meet the approval of GRB,.`6r)e completed-:set of Final ... ... Plans will, be resubmitted to .and retained :by GRB: and the other complete. set of documents.will be, marked Q "Approved" and:returned'-to the :Retailer:-: Additionally, one set will be sent to the.Bozeman' build 01 ing permitting:department.::::Building.!permit: issuance - m wi e:contingont on:the app:roval'-of the tenant's'-design ...... L by the-GRB. Any modifications requested. by the:CityAwl ! t : .. shallbe.approved.:by:fhe GRB. .:. .: ..:.. . .:. . . :. .: . ... . 0 3. Final,Submission Document Requirements . The:.J.nimurn::information.requiredjor the:construction - V. Review Procedures D. Final Review document phase of the review process is as follows: r Final Site Plan if applicable a. Title, date, Architect, Retailer, and sheet number b. North Arrow c. Scale - Minimum 1"-30' or larger d. All items described in the schematic submission are required to be clearly depicted in the final submission M e. Grading plans with sufficient detail to indicate final grades for entire property development, including building floor elevation f. Transformer location g. Utilities and utility locations including gas, electric service, water, sewer h. Site lighting plan i. Site lighting fixture cut sheets L QJ Hardscape/Planting Plan if applicable � a. Landscape plan must indicate areas to be landscaped LA b. Plan at a scale of 1"-30' or larger. Details and spe- cial plan areas may be shown at a larger scale. Q h c. North Arrow d. Date e. Architect and Tenant C, f. Project name g. Dimensions, and details for all proposed hardscape m improvements including concrete details and spe- cialty paving h. Location of driveway, curb cut(s), parking, pedestri- an, service areas, plazas, and specialty paving i. Location and types of hard construction materials, ;.' ...... ...... V. Review i Procedures 04-05-06 D. RhA evaew . . . ...... furniture'Jightin.g:::trash::receptacles and: other:a:me- nitieS �. Irrigation:- Indicate type-of system and :irrigated ar- eas . ... k. -.Plans and Ground Cover Materials =show quantity in schedule form, type, size, and-location of materials.. I. Provide en:larged-details::ard sections of uniquely : = planted :areas Building:-Plans:: N ... ... ... . . ... ... a. -Detailed design development drawings indicating all those items listed: in the.schematic'submission,.:now in :a form where dimensions and:constrution materi- als- can be clearly verified: b. Enlarged Plans and Elevations .of-dumpster enclo- v sures c. All proposed signage on buildings. v d. A full set of specifications will accompany the com- plete set:of construction documerits submitted here. ...... ...... ...... ...... Building Signage:. :.. �. a.'" Mast'0r:Plan showing size and;locatio'is of ALL pro �• � posed signs:on:the site and buildings.'' Tenants shall be fully responsible for conforming to all::applicable m ordinances:: ::: b. Elevations-showing: all dimensions- materials, colors tf and methods:of-installation and illumi.nation..is're- .. quired::= ... ... ... .... .Ln 0 V. Review Procedures D. Final Review ' 4. City of Bozeman Wit,�e, CP--lani Review � Upon approval by the GRB the Tenant shall submit to the City of Bozeman a site plan review kp; Ica- (t� oJnu as in accordance with the City of Bozeman Uniform Development Ordinance. it (off Leman a plan mu apprimftn M amr- dam Me COD U.MO lbr i'i p M by p a le muTiew ageW. An approval letter from the GRB shall be included with the submittal to the City of Bozeman. City comments shall be reviewed by the GRB prior to start of construc- tion. In the event the GRB disagrees with the City com- ments, the GRB will meet with the Tenant and the City to resolve the issues. Construction may commence upon receipt of all neces- sary permits from the City of Bozeman, approval by the GRB, and the preconstruction conference. 2 L Q l.I 1 H U) Q) 0) L m M U un o O N .J V. Review Protedures , ...... :.... :: Tenants shal;l;au mit:a Certified Record Survey showing all above and .below.grade* iMproverhents: . mprovements Very . cation. • The construction:.of.the improvements shall be : :.. h sicall verified b a Representative of the GRB:for P Y Y Y: P:. conformance'With the'subrr ission approved by the 'GRB. A: Precon.st,ruction•Conference shall be required:includi.ng th:e Tenant's Representative, the::Tena:nt's Contractor,;.... the Landlord's representative and'a representative from City of. Bozeman shall' be established'by the. Retailer. This.conference shall.occur no less-than 2:Weeks:prior to commencement: of construction, to ensure that each party,-understands, the importance-of'adherence. to the v .::. approved. docuMents. ':: : : ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... L L <17 .. U....... ... ... ... .., .. .. > Ln .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . ... ... ... Ire �f� 4 I I f� I� r U 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved I�I ill ^ill c0 2005 Carter Burgess Inc, All rights Reserved Lin VIL Appendix i` .'� � �'' r� i� a a� '�` V f �k �� J •k; .'�: �' 1 ,,;� w '—'� � � `���,• a ,� � � \,'ram �� � '` S, •yt: a. [.. r� ` - „' ..as��rvs .�T`- `L I 1 .. ../ ' �- ,� •f �� D r' a �/{ "/ � � Ci) r�l� I CC101 � e � i � �- •... am. son ZUT � \ •® � � �r � e , v �� -�• •�i 1, I r '- ~ •-��/ Tom• � 1� \ � ® -1 Ali.® � .. , '�� � ` — =� w.a asi ..� _ ��. � •.•.�: ��,fatir �/4>„ ..rya...• _ - ,�- I. /19 •�i 9F ,r'oO _ ,yy.,,e• on mp Q 's Mir tAll 6j1 r Lyn _ I _ miles, Issas �( h Is. . ';.� ;• � C. 1� ►`. Issitir "mt seems A r -.i."� .f>•v.•. ^-.c - - movwx G sr.. � ----- —'—a�•.�•---vim— _=aa_a:�_ �1�. r . ! •� .t. • �" /. MASTER PLAN _ � ;� %- = �, � :n� SCALE:t 1.=200' = X;r #. � its : .Y �, � �� ,.t1 F• e' /• I, alai. ` F -1la♦ S M• i. • j_t April 5,2006 �/ Arcnuect'Desupnen Planner % N-Topeflo'ner Carter::Burgess rMitchell Caner 6 Burp Osa ConaulUn U, Inc. 1420 west Moc•ro00u0 cane,siae ego Development Group Danes,To-as 75217 ..��...,.r...r..r.r.-:... ..r Tel:214.920-6100 Fa-:21a_686.0618 /' Mitchell Development Group 1315-e1.A,*.N 5 - 201 North CnaItfs St felt'91h Fleur � - l^ --; -, - .Ry . - - -� - Groat Faits,AT 59a01 .. 1,,. .,Y. 7 -�. 4i _ - Na06761 aa00 Fe.-a06 T61 aa01 .Ba'timore'Al�r'yla n0a2i101' - _ -� T1—ICE- .BOZEMAN GeATEWNAY - ;u _ �: _ .T _ ""Tot a1072767 3Fa, a10 2767e3 �i - - - To.410 16791 BOZEIMST MONTANA •JOLENE J.•';,n v I N c R: _—_•p_ i 1 pd�(STRU 1 1 I a .... - L. AMA . DESIGNED BY z PLANTING,BEDS LONTAININB ... I T. I AMA W . - o COLORFUL SHRUBS, - - - ° DRAWN BY I ORNAMENTAL ORASAND�SPS. IALS JJR' en Z NATIVE 1 LAWN IIZF MAJOR MIERSELTION5. .. _ I I I CHECKED BY a 03/30/06 O LEOEND I DATE I o I I PROJECT NO. \ ° `�"/ BDUIJ:VARD 050�ANDMP--w TAM 01I01CATES M1Ln-STEM OPTION AVAILABLE) LAB FILE NO. ExISnN6 87RS v.. - TREES o I. . \ I BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME -cora•+ON NAME .. ACER PLATANOIDES NORWAY MAPLE CRATAES45 X MORDEN 15 TOBA HAPT/0R1 I . . \ , AGH2 RUBRUM I RED MAPLE AMBrANGHIER X APPLE 5E5VVICE9ERR'f• y •• 1 4 1 7 • , L I LELnS occIDL31TALS coM4•+oN HACKBEJ:RY ALER OINNALA AMUR MAPIP• 'I FRAXINUS NICRA BLACK ASH : ACER BLABRIM ROCKY MOUNTAIN MAPLE' I <a • \ 1 FRAXINUS PBOSYLVANICA PAT MORE SREEN ASH P0PULU9 7RE7.1A.OIDE9 OUAKIN6 ASPEN' ~ 1 BLEDITSIA TRIALANMOS THORNLESS HO1EYL.00UST - PRUNIS HAACKII AMUR LHOKEC+d90W J I O• �3 J \ VV�Yljj1 '• \ \ MACROCARPA BUR OAK P�N5 NIGRA PRINCESS PRINf%9 KAY PLUM F p _ I ' C TILIA AMERICANA AI�LLAN LINDEN K'•'Y LTW� p \ \ p PRMU5 VIRBIMANA 1LANADA CANAADA RED z TILIA CORDATA LITTLELEAP LRDB4 Rm• CHOKECHI9aRV• LLI \ UIJ4 S AHERILANA '.ACCOLADE ELM SYRIN6 REnGRl.TA JAPAIE,E TREE LILAC• QQQ Q ! \ �y I , .\ 5ORSU5 DECORA SHOWY MOUNTAIN ASH 7p p W EVERGREEN TREE0 \ BOTANICAL NAME COMRDN NAM¢ sew 0 (9 (NON BOULEVARD) REE =5 ARE IN ACOMON To THOSELI- h JJNIPERUS SCOPUORIIM ROCKY MOUNTAIN JIN IPEi LISTED MID T SOIA•EVARD 7REEs' VAR. z PICEA ENSEL?- I Il EY45CL 4-M SPRUCE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME H I \ \ POPULUS TREMULOIDES OUAHONa APSEN \ PICPJA PIIN6EN5 COLORAOO SPRUCE- eETULA OCCIDENTALS. NATIVE NMTERN RIVER ST• V P5BA7OT5U9A M@NZIEsII D01161.•.9 FIR EAFBIRC44A O . ALW9 7EIUIFOI.IA THINLEAF ALDER PINS N6RA AUSTRIAN PINE SALIX PENTANDRA LMUREL LEAP WILLOW • PINS SYLVESTRIs scars f PINE FOPULUS NIORA NARROYdPI.F COTfoNWOOD a•k �' I \ ° DECIDUOIU5 AM EVER6 UMN SH PIUSS. •v ORNAMENTAL 6RA55E5,PERENNIALS,ANNUALS NOTES, - /.. o O W AND 6RO1.1V COVERS 5FWIM SHALL BE 1. ALL IM'ROVEMQR5 M/ST POLLOW THE RECOM MENVIATIO S I M . N FOR THEIR SITE APPROPRAAn NE56, OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE APPROVAL FOR THE RID AND ADAPTABLITY AID LONa-TERM MAINTENANCE DEVELOPMENT MANUAL. O \ ]. LANDSCAPE FEATURES INSTALLED OVER OR AROUND FF MM BOTANICAL NAP•/t COMMON NAME AREAS THAT CONTAIN A ORAUNASE BASIN IN TE OPEN W F•�• SPACE CORRIDOR PULL NOT BE IMPACTED. .. �' p \. ° AMELANGHiIlSi SPP. 5L'32vILl88tRY 5, ALL LANDSCAPE ISLANDS THAT INCLUDE DECORATIVE /f / I a . 1 \ cc ARTEMISIA ST. SA6E ROCK OR&RAVEL AS A GROVNDLOVER 04A.GU SHALL �T o a EXISTI \ LARASANA SPP. - - CARA6ANA SPECIFY RIVER ROCK'OR EGA)AL. ! TREE NAIVE \ \ CORDS Sep. 00644042 J LOLIST S MWATION OF OF PLANT�IIITO�5PPECIE5 NOT FREMA)DE THE LAWi I, LA APPROPRIATE. .. . \ � RfYSOCARAIS• NIIEBARK ° \ PRUNr3 SPP. SANDG4EiRY.. \ RHOS SPP. ^..i1M1AL .. I . \ RUBES.5PP. CURRANT \ ROSA SPP. NATIVE SHRUB ROSE I /H SALIX SPP. NATIVE WILLOW - - H-a N•\ .. \ 5Y14RIORICARP05 SPP. SNOPB62RY .. - MATCH LINE A VIFWUFU4IM 5PP. VIRBIAiNM .. - W u O .. \ SYMNaA•SPF. LILAC POTEHTILL+A SPP. POTEHTILLA ^r . \ JJNIFERU5 H.SM.. .HORIZONTAL J MIPM _ U V) PILAUS SPP. - OWAARF PRE _ I 1 MR.ICTOTRICON SPP ORNAMENTAL 61tASS 1 I MOLINA 5PP. ORNAMENTAL 64RA56 ... PANCUM 5PP. ORNAMBfTAL 6RA59 O V LALM1A6R05n5 SPP. ORNAMENTAL REM 6RA5S .. MOLINA 5PP. ORNAMENTAL 64LAW HM-- 1-••� ° I VINLA 5PP. 6ROUND COVER LU nW 11 HEM®70CALLis SPP. PEREAL DAYLILY / W NNI ,I,,rA� PERENNIAL,. PERENNIAL � 2 SOUTH OPEN SPACE #1 `c A,u ' ` SALVIA SPP. PERENNIAL 5A6E / OeJ SCALE 1••40' VERIFY SCALE p I ICDBELKIA SPP. PEFU NUAL CZHEF.Oi-M SHEET PENSTEMDN" PERENNIAL PIMTEHION THESE PRINTS MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED FROM THEIR ORIGINAL SIZE. I ANNUAL PL owl THE LINE BELOW MIL DRURES ONE I OR ON THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. I NORTH OPEN SPACE I I—� SCAM Fa.4 MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY. OS NOTE: GONOEPTUAL DRAWINGS ONLY;NOT FOR C.ONSTR JOTION 1 r �� 1 r a ,; S • 1 I i 1 �I I I� +� 1 �.—a.�s�-� -- _�.-=ate. - - � .. f i y i t � .. 9 4 ryN G 1 1 f �i I { 1 _ - - - - - - - 71 lA h N C J 1 OWLER_AVENU e / O O O O rn ° 1 z ° 16,052 7C ° N z 0 1 NSF o �\•�R.Mo•. W Q N �" Ifrn Afo,r zoF HqR •�\ � � � MpN ST ° REAM SOU N 1 LEVARD rn - " x rn o zs I�> Sxi Z veil 0. z �cI 1 y@ N a F u Co rn i75 � i �I �� � � cn 4 I � m _ _ m - x - -- --- ----- 1 0 _ X(� ---- ------- -------- -- -0 I z5022 o� m g firm 3 o o ZZNZ V I�> F > Z I I I ' Oz c�mm T fl Zz _ •� i { j ° o ® ® o I I IO yAli O 1 O 10 r F F FS tl !� O a �..HARMUN Y E U i —J �U o O I — CIO y �a I i �O z D I �, rn l O oab Q a� w ve {iV(� cno ° r O O )(� ... SZN o *Ri o D. 0 ° ° ° S7R� o 0 ' I ° HARMON STREAM BOULEVARD ° O ° o 0 1 o m SHEET TITLE PROJECT TITLE s A g$ m a LANDSCAPE PLAN THE BOZEMAN GATEWAY e 7 OPEN SPACE 2 THROUGH 5 BOZEMAN,MONTANA PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN6 0 0 " m rr N DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ORTH BROADWAY,MSUIIE�350 N v f$(��"O (406)294-9499-14061 25b�231FAX '�i�•p,7•A%•••• v, WWW.PEAKSTOPwNS.COM (C)2OD5 PEAKS TO PWNS DESIGN,P.C. 1 f I r t t k, �k ��I �t i �� �� r n I� u u t �I c �# ���i � �,_ ,f �� � �� �� �I �� �� I� 1� �i �1 i III �4 �'I !�� fi II TREES IN R.O.K MUST NOT INTERIM NTH ♦ T � TRAFFIC 516NASE 'AA ONLY MULTI-STEMPT�ORNAMENTAL TREES ALLOYED IN MOT y `:• •• ••.''• R16Hi OF WAY.PLANT A HINIMIM OF 5'FROM 5UB5URPACE 1 i J G �• '�5l _ = JOLENE J. UTILITIES(HAND DIS) R R _ AMA a i ' /\/�/�/� W� ♦ DESIGNED BY z AMA m COLLEGE SfREEf T DRAWN BY o _ EX CULVvzLEOR— U) 1 HARM/OITSTREAM DITCH 'w� who - JJR Z L — Tg1 y CHECKED BY CFI ...�—°'•-- ^• --- - - - 03/30/06 o _uw aw _ '�L./ _"�� _ __ _�Ca= �� '_•ro__ vo. i i--_ '(r DATE Y ,_ ._u: _ w if �✓ '�' '•'' -- - '\O.U. 6 \ w PROJECT NO. _-- '. �'762(*Ft �' 05022_LANDMP.dwg �_. \ ... -' PITCH„ -. ✓� .: .. .- �• �FOIMTA ♦. Fl NO. �� o•. - i ..�no��- 9p o I o ( iv ° o o O 0 Zgr1 • o 0 0 0 rZ� a PQMD ' ° I FOMD 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ° ° o O ° ° ° O O j ° O ° ° ° ° ° ° O— ° ° ° O O ° 0 cccz: oCao ° ° W oo °1:==D- ca ° C N I ° 8 - IE00O L o cc o ° BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME I OPEN SPACE 3 (WEST MAIN STREET) AMSANGHIER SM. SERVIC�tRY SG r•�, M ARTEMI5IA SFr. SAGE Ey LEGEND s LIIV CARA6ANA SPP. GARA&ANA GORW5 SPP. DDGHNOODS cn /�/''�\ //-/,� F/TSOCARPVS SPP. NINEBARK 1� 0 1 BOU.EVARD TTiEE 1 / I ORNA)- t AL TREE EVERBR�N Tim O /�� I— TREE .PRUNl9 9A1lDGIB1RY /� � /T ��,•/) \�/41-// (•INDICATE5 1AM-5TEMD�ED 1 �Q (NON BOIA-EVARO) RH/9 SPP. SUMAC F'�1 M•~ \\JJ.�j// SFwle5 ARE IN ADDITION TO 77105E O OPTION AVAILABLE) L15TED UIbER'BOULEVARD TRFJ_'S' / RIBES.SPP. CURRANT W l ROSA" NATIVE sHIT°IB ROSE � [~T] BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAM @ BOTANICAL NAME GDMPNDN NAME BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAM M!¢ i BOTANICAL NA coMroNDMN NAME 5 ACER FLATANOIDES NORWAY MAPLE CRATAE6U5 X MORDQNEIL415 TOGA HAWTHORH JJNIPERUS'SCOP LORIIM ROCKY MOUNTAIN JJNIFER POPIILUS TREMILOIDES QUAKING AMEN SALIX 5PP. NATIVE WILLOW VAR SYMPHORICARP05 SPP. SNOPOERRY U [j] ACER RUBRIJM RED MAPLE AM ELANEWER X APPLE 5ERVICE5ERRY• PICGA.CN61M_14ANIII E1468h1AA'N SPRUCE BETU.A OC IDENTALIS NAIVE YESTflW RIVER vIRBURNRN SET A CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS COMMON NACKBC[RY SRADIFLORA BIRCN . VIRBURMM ^ z ACER 6INNALA AMIUR MAPLE- FICEA FJNSENS COLORADO SPRUCE ALN/5 TEwiPOLIA THINLEAP ALDER SYRINSA.SPP. LILAC FBI rTl �J FRAXINF NISRA BLACK ASH ACER SLABRM ROCKY MOIIMTAIN MA MD WI MAPLE'' SALIX PENTARA LAUREL LEAF LLOW FOTEMTTILLA w r. FOTIXTILLA PWAXINS PENNSYLVANIGA PATMORE 6AMEN ASH P51500075IISA MENZIENI DOLIFl.A5 FIR ppF NI6RA NARROW.EAF GOTTONOOD JMIPERUS H.5PP. HORIZONTAL JMIPM W 1�1 O MH 6L®1T51A TRIACANTIIOr THORNLESS HOr@YLpI,UST PORRLS TREMILOIDES GIIAKIN6 ASPEN- FNJS HISRA- N/`TRIAN FNE rIN/5 Sep. DWARF PINE U) FRU415 MAACKII AMIR CHIOKEGBiRRY• PINUS SYLVMTRiS • TCH FNe HELICTOTRICON 5PP. ORNAMENTAL GRASS GIIIERCIJS?- C ARPA BUR OAK MOLINA•T. ORIAMENTAL 6RA�95 = 1•••d PRIA M'NISRA P W eSS PR NCES5 KAY PIJM PANIGIM SPP. ORNAMENTAL 6R/�95 N TILIA AMERGANA AMERICAN LINDEN KAY PRUNUS VIR&INIANA 1GANADA CANADA RED / GALAII 6 TIS• r. ORNAMENTAL REED 6RAS5 TILIA CORDATA LITTLELEAF LINDEN gyp. Y' �' VERIFY SCALE 1. ALL IMPROVEMENTS MUST FOLLOW THE REGOMB•EMOAnoNS DEGIDUOIMS AND EVERGREEN SIW1B9, MIOLINA SFr. ORNAMETNTAL GRASS SHEET OF THE CONDITIONS OF'THE APPROVAL FOR THE PUD AND ORXAPO AI-BRASSES,PERENNIALS,ANLALS VIMJCA SPP. GROUND co•/ve THESE PRINTS MAY HAVE BEEN ULMM'AMEWCANA ACCOLADE ELM SYRINS RETIGULATA JAPANESE TREE LILAC' DEVELOPM 94r MANJAL. (� AND 6ROIIMD COJOM SPECIES SHALL BE s LAlD3GApE p'EATtmEs 1N57A1yEp OVER OR AROJMD l SELECTED FOR THEIR 517E APPROPRIATENE"A• HE?, t ALLI5.DPP. PERMOUAL DAYLILY REDUCED FROM THEIR ORIGINAL SIZE. SORBUS DECGRA SHOWY I- U AJN ASH AREAS THAT CONTAIN A DRAINAGE BASIN IN THE OFDN V ADAPTABLITY AMP LoNS TERM MAINTENANCE. ACHILLFA SPP PERENNIAL YARROW THE LINE BELOW MEASURES ONE SPACE cORIx1DOR WILL NOT Be IMPACTED. INCH ON THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. S. ALL LANDSCAPE ISLANDS THAT INCIJDE DFLOKATNE SALVIA 5PP. P1 REMIAL SASE �S6 ROOK OR 6RAVEL AS A SROUDGOVER(MJLGH7 SHALL R1D'BECKIA SPP. PERENNIAL COM�LOYEi �� SPECIFY RIVER ROCK' OR EQUAL 4. LI5T OF PLANT SPECIES DOES NOT PRFLL M TIE rENSTQNON w F. I'BlENNIAL FEMBTEIdON MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY- NOTE: CONCEPTUAL DRA41IN65 ONLY;NOT FOR C-ON5TRUCTION CON5IPMATIoN Or ADDITIONAL SPECIES W� APPROPRIATE. ANUAL n4NERS s i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii li i u r.' ,t �y �i 7 n 1� II f� I I. I 1 1� ih rn18'40jT4F i• � 6.w znAn-Lum t > — • i; 6w c ,o I m I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I II IL I I I I I I I I II v II o m z (n CHRMICLE LANE a n> o N s �a p 1 00 II U) Wo u Q� mrn � 10 A O g C m < AAF1 «(I 9 W Rtp rn N 1 o—,m n y Z b �V. st _ y �Otnm - cZim(Nn F S 0 y SHEETTrrLE PROJECT TITLE °m ©1HHup.. El LANDSCAPE PLAN THE BOZEMAN GATEWAY a _ ,;o+' OPEN SPACE 7 THROUGH 10 BOZEMAN,MONTANA PEAKS TO MAINS DESIGM o _ ' V DESIGN DEVELOPMENT M8 NORTH R B"° AY,T,5D N BILLINGS,MONTANA 59101 -'s• ' (406)2949t99-(4061256.7123 FAX --�� .....••• WWW.PEAKSTOPWNS.COM (C)2005 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN,P.C. i 1420 W1. Mockingbird, #800 Cartern Burgess Dallas, Texas 75247 214-920-8100 Pbone 214-688-0618 Fax MEMORANDUM DATE: March 2,2006 TO: BOZEMAN TEAM FROM: Eric Bell,Carter&Burgess SUBJECT: Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Zoning Application No. Z-05217 Below is a response to all DRB and Staff comments received through Dave Skelton and where a response can be found in the development manual. Commission Report - November 28th, 2005 1. The PUD shall comply with all approved conditions of the subdivision preliminary plat approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary-PUD Plan and final approval of the Final PUD Plan for Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD by the Planning Director is limited to the approval of the master plan and development guidelines of the Development Manual only. Approval does not exempt the applicant from compliance with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project and site plan review of individual projects within the PUD. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Added to Page 6,exact verbiage 3. Prior to submitting for Final Plat review and approval of the initial phase(s) for the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD the applicant shall obtain Final PUD approval by the Planning Director. A draft of the revised protective covenants and restrictions for the property owner's association, preliminary draft of the Final PUD Plan and Development Manual addressing all of the conditions of approval and outlined in the staff report shall be submitted for review by the Planning Office and D.R.B. a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to submitting for final plat review and approval of the initial phase(s)of the subdivision. Nothing to add to Development Manual 4. The landscape features and trail improvements along the West Main Street entryway corridor that front onto US 191/Huffine Lane and West Garfield Street shall be installed with Phase 1 of The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD Added to Page 11, exact verbiage 5. That all pedestrian/bicycle crossings and walkways with streets be given greater emphasis by using similar pavers that reflect the surface treatment of public plazas and areas of outdoor social activities. Connections between streets, off-street parking lots, and public areas should also be given attention in terms of raised walkways, pavers, pedestrian lighting and landscape features. The Final PUD Plan will contain a written narrative and detailed plan in the Development Manual whereby the project provides a public information shelter and map display area along the West Main Street entryway corridor. This area will serve as a regional trail connection point for pedestrians and bicycles along the corridor. Existing on Pages 28 and 29, Existing on Page 44 and 50 f Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 2 of 13 6. Pathways must be maintained by the developer in conformance with the approved maintenance plan until 50% of the lots are sold. Thereafter, the homeowner's association is responsible for pathway maintenance (Section 18.50.110 ). Plans and specifications for the trail will need to be reviewed by the Parks Department prior to construction. A Type 11 Class trail is recommended along the watercourse corridor with the placement of appropriate pedestrian crossings at all intersections with interior subdivision streets. A typical cross section of the public trails, Both Type I and Type II, shall be included in the landscape guidelines and will include trail specifications, typical landscape guidelines, and site grading plans for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Existing on Page 71 7. Provisions for a transit stop within the interior of the PUD and an information center along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be incorporated into the site design for review and approval with the Final PUD.Plan. A written explanation, illustrations and details shall be included in the Development Manual for review and approval. Added to Page 44, Transit Stop Plan 8. The public streetscape shall contain a regular spacing of boulevard trees along all streets, both public and private, in concert with landscape features and screening of off-street parking lots; primarily, areas along West Garfield Street and US Highway 191/West Main Street. All trees to be installed in the boulevards, off-street parking lots, common open space areas, public plazas and individual subdivision lots will be installed at 2-inch caliper in diameter. Added to Page 65 s.,exact verbiage Added to Page 64 in., exact verbiage Street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor,Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" concept. The Development Manual shall contain said language to insure implementation of said streetscape features. Added to Page 85, exact verbiage 9. Commercial and retail drive-thru's and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape. The Development Manual will provide a typical illustration that speaks to this provision prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage 10. The Final PUD Plan and Development Manual shall discuss the treatment of street intersections that are enhanced by pedestrian-friendly entrances,plazas or design features such as benches and landscape planters. Building entrances near the sidewalk edge that contain an entry plaza should also be considered at the intersections of local streets with Technology Boulevard and not only in the commercial area, but also along the business park/professional office corridors. This would also apply at the corner of Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. If it is the decision to locate the grocery store at the southeast corner of West Main Street and Fowler Avenue,a building entrance and plaza must occur along the entryway corridor,preferably at the northwest corner of the building. Existing on Page 87 Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 3 of 13 11. The Development Manual and Landscape Plan shall address the treatment of drainage basins in the open space corridors with regard to placement of said facilities and outlet structures. These facilities must be properly landscaped and prevent any impact on the landscape features along these corridors. Specific landscape details will be required with the final landscape plan to demonstrate proper landscape of the facilities. The landscape guidelines shall state that drainage basins will not eliminate the installation of landscape and landscape features as depicted on the Preliminary PUD Plan; and if so, will be replaced outside of the open space corridors. A landscape architect shall certify on the Landscape Plan that landscape features installed over or around areas that contain a drainage basin in the open space corridor will not be impacted. Existing on Page 75 12. That the landscape guidelines of the Development Manual state that the surface ponds along West Main Street are not part of the storm water facilities and will be maintained as landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Provisions will be discussed in the protective covenants and Development Manual that will limit the fluctuation of said ponds to ensure that they remain an effective landscape feature along the entryway corridor. Should the design and installation of the surface ponds result in problems with fluctuation and are not considered an effective landscape element of the entryway corridor,resolution of the problem shall be resolved prior to the filing of the final plat for the second phase(s) of the major subdivision. Existing on Page 75 13. The water features along the West Main Street entryway corridor shall be designed as open space amenities as organic in shape and form and lined with appropriate aquatic and wetland features, native.grasses and indigenous plants. Provisions will outlined in the Development Manual and/or protective covenants that The PUD Landscape Plan shall include landscape plan of the water features for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Side slopes for the water features shall not exceed 25%slope. Added to Page 20 5.b.and Page 55 g 14. The final Landscape Plan shall specifically address landscape details for the three open corridors,two public trails within the north off-street parking lot, and West Main Street entryway corridor. Detailed landscape plans shall also be included for the two public plazas within the interior of the lifestyle center and the small public spaces along the north/south water courses. Prior to Final PUD Plan approval the Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Office and D.R.B.for approval. Nothing to add to Development Manual 15. The final Landscape Plan shall expand on the types of vegetation sought within the design standards and should a stronger emphasis on clustered landscape features, low-profile vegetation, native type species, vegetation along the watercourse corridors and West Main Street entryway corridor, flowering and perennial species, and ground cover. The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock"or equal in the landscape plan. Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage 16. That the applicant will provide surface finish elevations for all parking lots and building finished floor elevations with respect to associated watercourse features. The Development Manual and protective covenants shall state that all open space areas and associated watercourse setbacks will remain undisturbed unless otherwise approved by the Planning Office. All grade transitions between off-street parking lot areas and abutting watercourse open space areas shall not exceed a maximum slope of 4:1, or 25%o slope. Added to Page 75 f., exact verbiage Added to Page 55h., exact verbiage • • Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 4 of 13 17. The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan states that the following elements must be achieved in order to reduce the perceived mass of a building: a change in color or change in material shall be used in each building module; a 20% change in vertical height between each.module; change roof form; change in articulation. The architectural guidelines should discuss components that help to establish a human scale along the fagade, store fronts, primary entrances (i.e., one-story elements). Expression of each floor in the external skin and use of materials should also be noted. The Development Manual will need to provide illustrations for each of these guidelines as discussed and revise any illustrations proposed in the Development Manual that do not reflect said criteria. Added to Page 94.a.c 18. The architectural guidelines for the development suggest that the Convenience Center, Outparcels and Office-Professional areas will incorporate the architectural vocabulary of the lifestyle center. However, modifications will be required due to the significant variation in building type and scale. The Development Manual goes on to state that an exact determination of which entities will be responsible for which elements of design and construction will be determined by individual lease or sales agreements. In-lieu of this, the Development Manual shall give specific attention to each of these areas of the mixed-use development and identify what must be achieved in each of these areas to maintain the architectural integrity of the overall development theme. The Development Manual shall graphically address the presentation of building facades that face onto the public streets (i.e., West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street) and through the use of illustrations illustrate the architectural theme sought with the "lifestyle center of the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision. This also applies as well to the professional office, business park and convenience components of the development, as well as the rear facades of both sides of the "lifestyle" center situated along Technology Boulevard. Existing on Page 85 19. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual will be modified to state that not more than 25% of any of the building facades shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97, last bullet.point 20. The Development Manual will discuss presentation onto a street regardless if it's the main street for the lifestyle center, private street or a public street with respect to a formal entrance, store fronts, covered entrances, and public spaces. Added to Page 85, 3rd paragraph, 2"d sentence, exact verbiage 21. Section V of the Development Manual - "Review Procedures of the Development Manual" shall be revised to clarify that the site plan review process for individual projects within the planned unit development are not an informal review by the City of Bozeman and shall instead follow the prescribed site plan review process outlined in the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The Manual shall further note that with site plan review applications for each building project shall include in the submittal detailed elevations, floor plans, landscape plan, site plan, colored rendering, accurate color palette, and materials sample board specific to said project Dave asked that this exact verbiage be removed from the development manual in the February 1"12006 revisions. Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 5 of 13 22. No corporate or franchise style architecture shall be permitted in the Bozeman Gateway Subdivision and noted accordingly in the Development Manual and the protective covenants and restrictions of the property owner's association documents. Existing on Page 87 and Page 97 i 23. The general building materials theme and color palette shall be continued throughout all phases of the development. The types of cultural stone to be used throughout the project shall be reviewed and approved by the D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff as part of the Final PUD Plan and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 85 24. The Development Manual shall be modified to specifically state that all roof top mechanical equipment will be properly screened through the use of proper architectural screening techniques or with parapet walls that will reach a height that is equal or greater than the top of all mechanical equipment. Any ventilation for plumbing or air exchange that is not mechanical related equipment shall be painted to match the color palette of the roof and/or architectural screening. Existing on Page 95 f 25. All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Any additional exhibits presented to the D.R.B. and City Commission that are found acceptable shall be included in the Development Manual. Added on Page 85,2nd paragraph, exact verbiage 26. The backside of the buildings shall be addressed by the continuation of similar materials on all sides of the building(s) with similar architectural features, light fixtures, materials, color palette and awnings over the doors on the rear or back elevations. Existing on Page 90 f 27. The development guidelines shall contain language for all store fronts that encourages the use of dark bronze anodized, or similarly darker frames, in-lieu of the brushed stainless steel finish. Existing on Page 99 c 28. Sconce lights and goose neck lights (down lights only) shall be added to the larger retail buildings (over 15,000 square feet). Exposed, unshielded neon tube lighting and continuous L.E.D. string lighting are not permitted in the planned unit development and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual and protective covenants of the property owner's association. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage The lighting guidelines may indicate that neon lighting and L.E.D. lighting may be used as a subtle lighting element under the soffits, behind the fascia or in the sign package (i.e., backlit feature) as an indirect, obscure lighting detail. Added on Page 114 m t Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 6 of 13 29. The architectural guidelines of the Development Manual shall contain language that discourages the use of translucent or transparent awnings and shall instead be opaque in material through the use of fabric or metal materials only. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage 30. Those areas of the building fagade to be finished in a synthetic material (i.e., E.F.I.S., dryvit, stucco or similar finish) shall place a strong emphasis on the treatment, color palette and variation in joint detail and pattern,relief and architectural detail, and noted accordingly in the Development Manual. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point 31. All crossings within the Planned Unit Development shall be constructed with scored concrete or pavers similar to the surface materials installed throughout the public outdoor public areas. The crossings shall be noted as such on the Final PUD Plan and details for the pattern(s) shall be provided in the final development guidelines. Existing on Page 28 and 29 32. Larger seating areas with planters shall be installed throughout the plazas and public areas and a typical detail of the planters included in the Development Manual. Existing on Page 73 a. .33. The development guidelines shall indicate that no backlit cabinet type "box" signs will be permitted in each phase of the development unless a three-dimensional component is included that creates a sense of architectural relief and where no plastic, translucent or transparent face are permitted. This shall be addressed in the comprehensive signage plan for the planned unit development and shall be submitted to the Planning Office prior to Final PUD approval that depicts a sign package that exhibits qualities of style,relief and compatibility. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage 34. A common master signage plan depicting the actual location, dimensions, height, illumination and use of materials for all freestanding signs shall be submitted for review and approval prior to Final PUD Plan approval. Both the pylon signs and monument signs shall be constructed of materials compatible with the overall building design theme for the development and illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual. All signs shall obtain a sign permit prior to construction and installation, and shall comply with the required regulatory standards set forth in the Unified Development Ordinance. The Development Manual will need to include a graphic component of the master sign plan for the entire property that reflects the theme desired with this PUD This includes discussion on the position of signs as part of the overall building composition; avoid obscuring architectural details, materials, and use of color and relief, three-dimensional signage, placement of freestanding signs along street frontages, entrances into the development, and addressing required setbacks and street vision triangles. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. 35. The north off-street parking lot in Phase 4 will replace two off-street parking spaces along each of the two watercourse open space corridors for the placement of an 18' by 18' public area with benches, pavers and landscape features. A typical detail of this area shall be illustrated accordingly in the Development Manual as part of the landscape guidelines and the final Landscape Plan for the development. The watercourse corridors shall have a minimum width of not less than thirty feet,exclusive of the 18' by 18' public area. Existing on Page 61,Parking Lot Seating Area Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 7 of 13 36. The applicant shall implement an "Off-Street Parking Lot Implementation Plan" for each phase of the planned unit development that ensures adequate parking facilities are available for the general public in each phase of the PUD. The gross floor area of buildings in each phase will be determined based on the ability to comply with the required minimum off-street parking standards outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance. This will be further addressed during site plan review of each individual project. The applicant shall further provide a notation on the subdivision plats and in the protective covenants and Development Manual that all off-street parking areas are to be held in common ownership by the property owners' association for use by the general public. Existing on Page 30 a 37. All parking lot lights and internally illuminated signs shall be turned off within one hour of closing, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director of City Commission during site plan review of each individual project within The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD. Only security lights will be permitted to remain on throughout the night. Existing on Page 49 h 38. The City of Bozeman shall be third party to any modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and to the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway Subdivision PUD as it relates to the conditions of approval for the subdivision Preliminary Plat and zoning PUD Preliminary Plan. Issue was addressed in Jim Ullman's Zoning Condition Response, "The Applicant wishes to clarify that the City of Bozeman shall separately approve (rather than be a party/signatory to) any such modifications, changes or amendments to the protective covenants and restrictions and the Development Manual for The Bozeman Gateway. 39. All building mounted and pole mounted.lights shall meet the cut off shield requirements outlined in the UDO, unless a relaxation is granted by the City Commission. Existing on Page 49 f Comments on the Development Manual — February 1, 2006 Chapter 1 Introduction: Section C (page 10) — Review of the main street corridor calls for a wider sidewalk between the buildings and on-street parking spaces. Subdivision review discussed the sidewalk being 12-feet wide and defined as that area between the on-street parking and the required 7-foot setback from the property line for all structures. This should be included in the Development Manual to assist with defining the main street for the lifestyle center. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 8 of 13 Chapter H Site Development Standards: Section A.5 (page20) — Site maintenance and grading, particularly in open space corridors, stream corridors and entryway corridors, the minimum allowable grading for landscaped features is 4:1, or 25% slope. It should be made clear what areas may be 3:1, or 33% slope, please provide an example of what you're talking about here. Landscaped areas are limited to 4:1, or 25% slope. See Section 15 - Grading on page 12 of staff report. Added on Page 20 5.b Section B.Ld (page 23) view of drive-thru facilities should also apply to Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street. Added on Page 23 d Section B.Ld (page 24) — Section 18.44.090.C.2.b(2) of the U.D.O. calls for a minimum width of 16 feet for one-way drive aisles. Added on Page 24 h Section BA.c (page 28-29)—The exhibit on page 28 does not show sidewalks, or "walkways", on both . sides of Technology Boulevard as in intersects with Fowler Avenue. If this is the main street for the "lifestyle" center sidewalks must be on both sides and is required by the.U.D.O. Added on Page 10, Sidewalk Section at Building Section B.6 - Snow Clearing (page 31) — if the plan is to have shared parking throughout the development, it is going to be impossible to oversize lots to address snow storage. Probably need language about provisions for snow removal from the site. Otherwise, this language will be an issue during site plan review for each project. To be further developed Section D—Green Space (page 44) —The location of the transit stop is a workable location. The issue is having adequate width for two-way traffic and the ability to provide a pull-out area for buses. May, or may not be an issue. The detail is good start, but better attention needs to be given to it in the Manual. Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Section E.1 — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) —The second light fixture does not comply with the U.D.O. and would need a variance (i.e., exposed lens and bulb). There also is no discussion about pedestrian lighting, particularly along the trail corridors within the interior of the development (i.e., bollard lighting). Added on Page 49, Parking Lot Light Fixture Examples Section E.La — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Lighting fixtures, both street and parking lot fixtures and poles, can not exceed a height of 20 feet. Added on 49 a., exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 9 of 13 Section E.Lb — Site Lighting and Signage (page 49) — Parking lot light illumination may not exceed 0.2 foot candles. Only accent lighting of building entrances may be an average of 5.0 foot candles. Added on 49 b., exact verbiage Section E — Site Signage (page 50) —For the record all pylon signs must be setback from the property line and not in the public right-of-way. The exhibit suggests that this is possible. Only one pylon sign is permitted on each street frontage, basically three. Exhibit on page 50 needs to identify the three signs. Added on 50,revised map Nine monument signs to identify the project is not feasible, three pylon signs at the main entrances and six monument signs at the street intersections is feasible. You will need to modify the exhibit accordingly. A common signage plan, depicting design, dimensions, height, materials and method of illumination for the pylon and monument signs must be provided. Are the signs in the exhibit on page 51 pylon signs, or monument signs? By the U.D.O. monument signs may not exceed a height of 5 feet. Just need to get this squared away on what you're calling monument signs. Added on Page 50,revised map Section E.2.g and E.2.h — Site Lighting and Signage (page 52) — The common signage plan needs to define the design, materials dimensions, etc., etc. This could suggest that a tenant may have their own pylon sign, which is not correct. A project identification pylon sign may have tenant space on it, but tenants may not have their own pylon sign (i.e., supermarket). Replace the exhibits on page 52, or incorporate the design of the project identification signs for Bozeman Gateway to illustrate on the design mirrors the present quality and design. Sign design will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Section F.2.g — Utilities, Grading and Drainage (page 55) — Max slope is 4:1, or 25%, if its not hardscape. All landscape features, required yards, parking lot landscape, storm water facilities must be 25% slope. Provide an example of what you're talking about. Added on 55 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#16 Chapter III Landscape Design Standards: Section A—Overview (page 60) - The exhibit needs to illustrate staff's discussions with the landscape designer to include the formal spacing of boulevard trees along the entryway corridor. The Landscape Plan will reflect the same design, but expand on the landscape features in proximity to trails, ponds, over poles, and utilities. Master Landscape plan will be added to the Development Manual upon its completion. Section A—Overview (page 61)—Great detail of the landscape island in the parking area. N/A Section B.Lin — Vegetation (page 64) — Shade trees "shall' be a minimum of 2" caliper, not "should" be of 2"caliper. Added on 64 m., exact verbiage Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 10 of 13 Section C.5 and 6 — Hardscape (page 71) — Will need to verify specifications with City parks department to comply with their trail specifications. Added on 71 Section c.8 —Planters (page 73)—Good! N/A Section D—Storm Water Facilities (page 75)—Good! N/A Section E — Maintenance (page 77) — Make sure to add a section that discusses the location and placement of wells and associated mechanical equipment that are screened from the generally public and not an eyesore. Note that placement will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. To be further developed Chapter IV Building Design Standards: Section B —Building Exterior (page 93 and 94)—There is an approved building height of up to 65 feet for the entire project, no higher. Added on 93under Office-Professional Section B — Building Exterior (page 99) — Condition #19 of the C.U.P. approval states that not more than 25% of any building fagade shall be covered with a synthetic surface. Added to Page 97 last bullet point Section B.g—Building Exterior(page 103) - Strike this section it does not comply with condition#29. A translucent or transparent awning does not have to be back lit to be obtrusive. The illumination from the store front could cause enough illumination in itself to be make the awning appear to "hover" at night, be obtrusive, or become a distraction. Added on Page 103 g., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#29 Section D.1 — Building Lighting (page 114) — This section is acceptable as long as it states that "no neon tube or LED lighting, or similar lighting, may be used unless it is used as an architectural feature as a indirect backwash to the building fagade. Said lighting and fixture will not be visible from the adjoining street, or sidewalk by the pedestrian passerby." Also include the reference to exposed, unshielded lighting. Added on Page 114 m Section E — Building Signage — Internally Illuminated, Fully Integrated Cabinet Signs (page 121) — Include the language required in condition #33 of C.U.P. approval that discusses three-dimensional component with a sense of architectural relief. Added on Page 122 i., exact verbiage as written in Commission Report Condition#33 Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 11 of 13 V. Review Procedures: DA—Final Review (page 142)—Just state that applicant will submit to the City of Bozeman a site plan review application in the accordance with the COB U.D.O. for review and approval by the applicable review agency. Point being that the City of Bozeman could look at it if a variance or deviation is requested, or a modification to the PUD. Added on Page 142 Comments on the Development Manual - February 11, 2006 Condition#7 -A conceptual plan of the transit stop in relation to the street, boulevard sidewalk and open space corridor should be provided in the Manual. For purposes of infrastructure and street construction the type of transit stop should be determined at this time (i.e.., pullout lane?). Added on Page 44, Transit Stop Plan Condition#8 -The landscape plans do not illustrate the regular spacing of boulevard trees and must be revised accordingly: Staff could not find the language in the manual that talks about: "street character along the West Main Street entryway corridor, Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street shall call for architectural features that suggest a presence of store fronts, plazas, fenestration treatment and architectural details that reflect the "lifestyle center" conceit." Added to Page 85, exact verbiage Condition#9 -This condition specifically states "commercial and retail drive-thrus and associated apprentices (speaker phones, signage, ATM, canopies, etc.) shall not front onto the entryway corridor or corner-side of the building and will not impact the building fagade of the satellite structures along the streetscape." Include this specific language in the manual on page 23, word for word. Added to Page 23 d., exact verbiage Condition #10 - Please identify in the Manual were the language in this condition is specifically provided. Existing on Page 87 Condition#13 - Clearly state on page 55 where you plan to use a slope of 3:1, or 33%. Added to Page 20 5.b. and Page 55 g Condition #14 - Items addressing this condition and what is expected with the Landscape Plan is addressed in the letter to Jolene Rieck dated February 10, 2006. No one on the team has received this letter. A request for a copy of this letter was made in an email set to Dave on February 14, 2006. Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 12 of 13 Condition #15 - Where does the manual contain the following language: "The design standards shall specifically discourage the use of "pea" gravel or decorative 1 3/a" to 2" washed rock gravel, or less. All landscape islands that include decorative rock or gravel as a groundcover shall specify "river rock" or equal in the landscape plan." The letter to Jolene Rieck also requested a series of typical landscape features to be included in the manual that will be installed throughout the development." . Added to Page 66 e., exact verbiage Condition #19 - The D.R.B. and A.D.R. staff agreed that the term "synthetic surface" applied to only the artificial types know as "Dryvit", "E.I.F.S.", or similar. Please language on page 99 accordingly. Added to Page 97, last bullet point. Condition #20 - See comments already provided in the D.R.B. memo dated February 1, 2006. Added to Page 85, 3`d paragraph, 2nd sentence, exact verbiage Condition #25 - Where does the manual talk about - "All of the buildings on the perimeter of the development shall have a second store front (double fronted design) that is oriented towards the streetscape and shall include a colonnade and a sidewalk connection to the perimeter sidewalk/trail system. All corner buildings shall include a type of design feature directed towards the corner (a concave area or a bump-out constructed of transparent materials) and shall be noted accordingly in the Development Manual." This language:needs to be included in the manual and the exhibit on page 98 only-touches on aspects of this condition. Added on Page 85,2nd paragraph, exact verbiage Condition#28 - This has already been discussed in the previous D.R.B. memo of February 1, 2006. Added on Page 113 e., exact verbiage Conditions#30 - Please provide the specific language of this condition in section h of page 97. Added on Page 97, last bullet point Added on Page 99,first bullet point Condition#34 - The applicant's response makes the presumption that the exhibits and plans in the Development Manual are correct, which is not true, and staff refers you to your disclaimer on page 85. Thus, the lengthy condition#34 and discussion in the staff report. The exhibits on page 24, 50 and 51 have not been approved as part of the common sign plan. An approved common signage plan that shows proper location, placement, dimensions, materials, color and illumination will need to be provided. Staff will go into further detail once you have submitted the common signage plan. Please make sure to review Section 18.52 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Sign designs will be added to the development manual upon its completion. Condition#36 - Staff will review this further once it has the opportunity to review the protective covenants. N/A Bozeman Gateway March 2,2006 Page 13 of 13 Condition#39 - The residential component will need to be addressed once we have an approved version of the minutes by the City Commission. N/A Should you have any questions regarding the items listed above,or if you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 214-920-8198 or e-mail me at eric.bell@c-b.com. Sincerely, Curie O`�3 ell Eric Bell Carter&Burgess,Inc. cc: Ted Mitchell,Mitchell Development Group,L.L.C. Jolene Rieck,Peaks to Plains Design Jim Ullman,Morrison-Maierle, Inc.