HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300220676417583) 2=02166' Kagg- Crossroads Apts= PUB _ 2211 Rem.ngton Way DMC Incorporated July 5, 2002 N O N N u Q1 i FILE REVIEW SHEET CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT File Name: " UnnyxiS C. File No.:L-bzjae Reference Files: DATE DATE DONE /DUE DONE BY DRC initial week review 7 C, DRC second week review C DRC final week reviewbo fcc DRB Staff Report due 'S" f<c DRB Meeting /o o C, Notice to paper (not <15 or >45 days prior to CC) 9I5— '� �1 Sfc,C Notice to Adjoiners (not <10 days prior to final DRC) Post notice (not <10 days prior to final DRC) Staff Report to City Commission City Commission work session I . City Commission hearing Approval letter mailed to Applicant Improvements Agreement mailed to Applicant to��- f`L approved approved w/ conds denied date DRC Action 0 CC Action DRB Action final Site Plan due by: J0 3A� I Z� Improvements Agreement returned: Final Site Plan approved on: Financial Guarantee received on: Financial Guarantee released on: Date of Temporary Occupancy: Date of Final Occupancy: PROJECT ACTIVITY LOG CITY OF BOZENfAN DEPARTNIE\T OF AN'D CO.-NI-NIUNITY DEVELOPNIEN'T PROJECT NA-ME: FILE NO.:Z-Ml)-4 DATE ACTIVITY STAFF ST-�FF CU.-NI-ClL. PERSON I HOURS I HOURS -1/11 /paI Ee I ,5 l�. A U D FILE REVIEW FOR COMPLETENESS BY 4AAAA IF COMPLETE, GIVE TO CAROL FOR FILE. IF INCOMPLETE, WRITE/CONTACT APPLICANT AND EXPLAIN WHY BY: To DRC: 3 To DRB: 11 a.7 DRB Report due: To Planning Board: Planning Board Report due: To Zoning Commission: Zoning Commission Report due: To City Commission: q— City Conunission packet due: City Commissional rkSession: Notice to Paper 9' Aa for 6 aspublication Notice to Adjoiners/Post: I. 1 0 _ 10 - 0 Public hearing -?C difional Use Permit for.Planned UnitZevelopment - Springer Group for Dave MacDonald -allow construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres described as Lot 1, Block 3, corrected plat of fKaS GJ o'ssroads Subdivision, with relaxation from Section 18.50.060.D.,Bozeman Municipal Code,to reduce the-50=f6ot watercourse setback for on-site parking by 15 feet;from Section 18.50.060.D.,to allow small sports court to be built within the 50-foot watercourse setback;and from Section 18.24.030,to increase residential net density bythe allowable -30.percent-.Kagy Crossroads Apartments(west of South 19th Avenue and north of Remington Way) �r Z=02.1.66 This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit fora Planned Unit Development requested by Springer Group for Dave MacDonald under Application No. Z-02166, to allow construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres described as Lot 1, Block 3, corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, with relaxations from Section 18.50.060.D.of the Bozeman Municipal Code, to reduce the 50-foot watercourse setback for on-site parking by 15 feet; from Section 18.50.060.D.,to allow a small sports court to be builtwithin the 50-foot watercourse setback;and from Section 18.24.030,to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. The subject project is located west of South 19th Avenue, along the north side of Remington Way and is to be known as the Kagy Crossroads Apartments. Mayor Kirchhoff opened the public hearing. Planning DirectorAndy Epple presented the staff report on behalf of Assistant Planner Karin Caroline. He stated the proposed apartment complex is to be constructed in the northwestern portion of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, a mixed use subdivision consisting of community commercial and high density residential development. The proposal includes two 15-unit buildings and two 12-unit buildings,with access to be via South 22nd Avenue and Remington Way. He indicated that the applicant has requested a 30-percent density bonus, which enables him to achieve a density of 16 units per acre on the site. The Planning Director stated that staff has reviewed this application in light of the applicable criteria, and staff's comprehensive findings are contained in the written staff report. He indicated that, as a result of those findings,staff has forwarded a recommendation for approval subject to several conditions. Heforwarded a revision to Condition No. 13,to change it from an advisory statement to a requirement by eliminating the first phrase. Planning Director Epple stated there is a classified stream/ditch along the eastern edge of the property. He noted that this stream/ditch previously ran through the subject property, but was relocated in conjunction with the Kagy Crossroads Subdivision to minimize its impacts on development. He indicated that this relocation has resulted in concerns from the Evangelical Free Church,located immediately to the north,since the stream/ditch relocated close to their property line renders a portion of their property ineligible for development., He noted that staff has spoken with the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks about the reclassification of streams,ditches,and stream/ditches;and with that reclassification,this stream/ditch may no longer qualify as a naturally flowing stream. In light of its current designation and the zone code,a 50-foot setback from the stream/ditch is required. The Planning Director stated that the plan submitted to the Commission depicts 54 to 56 feet between the stream and the parking lot. Early in the process, there was some discussion, based on comments from the Design Review Board, about shifting the parking area 15 feet to the west, to provide more usable open space adjacent to the building. That idea has been abandoned; thus, the deviation for the parking lot is no longer needed. The proposal does include a request to allow construction of a small recreation facility, including a basketball hoop and possibly striping for hockey,in the 50-foot setback. Since this is flatwork and provides an amenity for residents in an area with limited space, the Design Review Board and staff have recommended approval of the deviation. Mr.Lowell Springer,architect representing the applicant,stated concurrence with the staff report. He noted that, under the newest zoning ordinance, this project falls within the parameters and the requested density bonus is not needed. He then indicated that the parking lot is setback the required distance from the stream/ditch, even though no water has run in it for over a year. The only deviation being requested in conjunction with this application is for the recreation facility,and the applicant would accept the Commission not approving that if they determine it is not appropriate. 09-23-2002 • 2. That the applicant submit a zone amendment map,titled"Phillips/Manion Zone Map Amendment,"on: 1)a 24-inch by 36-inch mylar;2)an 8'/z-inch by 11-inch,or 8'/2-inch by 14-inch paper exhibit; and 3)a digital copy of the area to be zoned, acceptable to the Director of Public Service,which will be utilized in the preparation of the Ordinance to officially amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map.Said map shall contain a metes ,and bounds legal description of the perimeter of the subject property,description of the boundaries of each specific zoning designation,total acreage of the property,acreage of each specific zoning designation,and adjoining rights-of-way and/or street access easements. 3. That the ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides a metes and bounds legal description and map of the area to be rezoned, which will be utilized in the preparation of the ordinance to officially amend the zone map. The motion failed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Cetraro and Commissioner Hietala; thos6,voting No being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Brown and Mayor Kirchhoff. I, Commissioner Youngma,,stated she could support an initial "R-S"zoning designation, recognizing thatafterthe subarea plan is completed,a different designation that allows flexibility for development consistent with the plan may be needed. Commissioner Brown indicated,that he,too,could support an"R-S"zoning designation,stating he is very concerned about access. Mayor Kirchhoff stated he feels"R-S"zoning is appropriate for this"extraordinary piece of Bozeman." It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Brown,that the Zone Map Amendment requested by C&H Engineering for Bill Phillips and Bart Manion under Application No.Z-02135, be approved by establishing an initial zoning designation of"R-S", Residential—Suburban, on 7.836 acres described as Parcel B, Certificate of Survey No. 1790B, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the ordinance of,the Zone Map Amendment shall not be adopted until the Annexation Agreement is signed by the applicant and formally approved by the City Commission. If the annexation is not approved,the application shall be null and void. 2. That the applicant submit a zone amendment map,titled"Phillips/Manion Zone Map Amendment,"on: 1)a 24-inch by 36-inch mylar;2)an 8'/z-inch by 11-inch,or 8'/2-inch by 14-inch paper exhibit; and 3)a digital copy of the area to be zoned, acceptable to the Director of Public Service,which will be utilized in the preparation of the Ordinance to officially amend the City of Bozeman Zoning Map; Said map shall contain a metes and bounds legal description of the perimeter of the subject property,description of the boundaries of each specific zoning designation,total acreage of the property,acreage of each specific zoning designation,and adjoining rights-of-way and/or street access easements. 3. That the ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment shall not be'drafted until the applicant provides a metes and bounds legal description and map of the area to be rezoned, which will be utilized in the preparation of the ordinance to officially amend the zone map. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Brown, Commissioner Cetraro and Mayor Kirchhoff; those voting No being Commissioner Hietala. 09-23-2002 Mr. Dave MacDonald, applicant, noted that one of the things he looks at in terms of density and affordable housing is the need for more diversified housing. He stated that zoning has pushed a lot of development into three-bedroom units;and he is looking at one and two-bedroom units in this development. He indicated that,with current land prices,it is important to develop a higher-density complex and provide more housing mix. He indicated that this development will make it possible for a young couple earning minimum wage to afford a one-bedroom unit and allow people to live alone if they choose. He also noted that, even though this project is located close to the University, itwill promote a diversified community,which is healthy. Mr.MacDonald turned his attention to the appearance of the project,noting that the buildings will have a substantial amount of brick. Also,landscaping will be used to dress up the appearance of the overall project. He concluded by stating he is sensitive to affordable housing issues,particularly since those who rent generally require that type of housing. Mr.Jim Loessberg,Council Chair of the Evangelical Free Church,stated they have no dispute with the proposed development;in fact, he likes the idea of a family unit being located on the site. He noted that after the Church purchased its five acres from Mr.Aaker,they chose not to purchase additional property because it was located in the streambank setback. Since then,however,the developer of the subdivision relocated the stream/ditch to the border of the property,triggering setback requirements on the church property. He voiced concern that the result is a loss of usable property for the church with no opportunity for response to the relocation. He concluded by voicing his support for the proposed project. Since there were no Commissioner objections, Mayor Kirchhoff closed the public hearing. Mayor Kirchhoff stated he is pleased to see more detail in the buildings and the interior courtyard. He voiced his concern about pushing the parking to the edge of the property since that could potentially impact adjacent development, suggesting that may be a topic for future discussion with staff. Itwas moved by Commissioner Hietala,seconded by Commissioner Brown,that the Conditional Use Permit fora Planned Unit Development requested by Springer Group for Dave MacDonald under Application No.Z-02166,to allow construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres described as Lot 1,Block 3,corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,with relaxations from Section 18.50.060.D. of the Bozeman Municipal Code,to reduce the 50-foot watercourse setback for on-site parking by 15 feet;from Section 18.50.060.D.,to allow a small sports court to be built within the 50-foot watercourse setback;and from Section 18.24.030,to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent,be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Proposed snow storage areas shall not interfere with pedestrian circulation or the small sports court. 2. Applicant shall install additional landscaping near the northeast corner of the subject property to offer additional screening and more aesthetics to the proposed detention pond. 3. Applicant shall verify with the Fire Department that there are adequate turning radii within the parking lot for emergency vehicles. 4. The final site plan shall show the location of proposed bike racks. There shall be at least one bike rack per proposed building. 5. Final site plan shall show detail for proposed pole light near the sports court. 6. Applicant shall construct the proposed trash enclosure to better match the architectural character and materials of the proposed two buildings. Chain link with plastic slats is not architecturally consistent. 7. Applicant shall relocate one disabled parking space near proposed building A in the northwest corner of the subject property, ensuring all units have an accessible disabled space. 09-23-2002 - 12 - • is j 8. Details of the sports court,including any benches,shall be shown on the final site plan. 9. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes,shall be noted and shown accordingly on the final site plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical detail(s)illustrating the materials, color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted accordingly on the final site plan, for review and approval prior to final site plan approval. 10. All plans(site, landscaping and paving/drainage)shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 11. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 50-foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D.2.g(Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the final site plan. 12. Color and material palette, including brick type, cultured stone, DryVit or synthetic stucco,roofing material,etc.,shall be submitted to the Planning Departmentfor review and approval prior to any approval of final site plan or issuance of building permits. 13. The applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of an S.I.D. for a crossing facility (underpass or other appurtenance as required) across South 19th Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. The document filed shall specify that in the event an S.I.D. is not utilized for the completion of these improvements,the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property,taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 14. Remington Way,including pavement,curb,gutter,and sidewalk,shall be extended all the way to the west property line of the proposed development. 15. Landscape plans shall be prepared and certified by a registered Montana landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience;or an individual with a degree in a related field and at least five years of professional design experience. 16. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided to all landscaped areas. Details and specifications shall be noted on final landscape plans. 17. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. Twenty-three landscaping points are required for this project and need to be shown on the final landscaping plans. 18. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaires and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall show the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 09-23-2002 19. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights,including those used for security,must be shown in detail on the final site plan. Applicant shall submit manufacturer's j+ cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman zone code. 1 20. A building permit must be obtained prior to the work,and must be obtained within one year of final site plan approval. Building permits will not be issued until the final site plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the final site plan,including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. 21. That the applicant must submit seven(7)copies of a final site plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions,corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 22. If occupancy of any structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve(12)months;however,the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. 23. That the applicant upon submitting the final site plan for approval by the Planning Director and prior to issuance of a building permit,will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the above conditions of approval have been satisfied or met. 24. Plans and specifications for the water main, sewer main, and street extensions, prepared by a Professional Engineer(PE)licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer main extension plans and specifications shall also be provided to and approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans,specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre-construction conference has been conducted. 25. Plans and specifications for any fire service line shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer,licensed in the State of Montana, and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service line or fire protection system.The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post- construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 26. City of Bozeman applications for sewer and water service shall be completed by the applicant. 27. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids,silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainagewill be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows,existing and proposed contour lines,stormwaterdetention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations, discharge structure details, pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. If the grading design discloses any adverse impact to off-site properties, necessary design alterations and/or drainage conveyance devices and easements must be provided. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. The Maintenance Plan shall include the following: description of maintenance operations, 09-23-2002 0 - 14 - 0 ; . frequency of inspections and maintenance, responsible parties and record keeping methodology. 28. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the preliminary plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to preliminary plan approval. 29. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 30. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineers shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to final plan approval. 31. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles,but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Hietala, Commissioner Brown,Commissioner Cetraro,Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Kirchhoff;those voting No, none. w. Public hearing-Variance from Section 18.50.060.A.2.,Bozeman Municipal Code-to allow new carport i stallation in University Subdivision No. 2 to exceed maximum allowed adjusted side yard enMoachment by an additional 30 inches - Impact Drafting and Design, Inc.,for GreenTree Condo Association (1104 South Montana Avenue) (C-02005) hh'isiwas the time and place set for the public hearing on the variance from Section 18.50.060 of the Bozeman Mun�pal Code,requested by Impact Drafting and Design, Inc.,for GreenTree Condo Association under Application No.C-02005,to allow anew carport installation in University Subdivision No.2 to exceed the maximum allowe%djusted side yard encroachment by 30 inches. The subject property is located at 1104 South Montana AveA,ue. Mayor Kirchhofopened the public hearing. Planning DirectorAndy6Epple presented the staff report on behalf of Assistant Planner Karin Caroline. He indicated that under this appka�tion,the owner proposes to install monopole carport covers. He indicated that the carport covers are to be one-wing type roof structures with only one angle and no ridgeline. The proposed canopy will encroach into the side yard setback 30 inches beyond what is allowed under the zone code. %The Planning Director stated that staff has reviewed this application in light of the three criteria established by the Montana Supreme Court,arid'staff's comprehensive findings are contained in the written staff report. He briefly highlighted those findings,noting that paving extends to the property line and that having the ability to provide covered stalls will be beneficial`tokresidents in the winter. He concluded by forwarding staff's recommendation for approval of the requested variance. Mr. Dave Johnston, Impact Drafting and Design, voiced his concurrence with the staff report and recommendation' He indicated that this should result in an enhancement of the existing site. Mr. Leroy Casagranda, 219 Circle Drive, stated his four-plezoabuts the subject property; and he is concerned about drainage onto his property, in light of the slope to the property line. He noted that he has several trees in their third year of growth, and that excess moisture coATcreate difficulty for those trees. Planning Director Epple stated that Condition No. 2 requires the install tibn of a gutter system that takes the run-off to landscaped areas on the subject property. With that condition,he feels Mr.Casagranda's concerns are adequately addressed. 09-23-2002 � ��� � 2s �� ® Springer Group Architects, P.C. Z003 Architects Land Use Planners MAR 1 9 201 S. Wallace Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 i Phone M 406-585-2400 ":!`Y�_Eacsirnile'#:406-585-7446 E-mail M spgroup@in-tch.com LF.P, r March 19, 2003 Andy Epple, Director Department of Planning and Community Development City Commissioners City of Bozeman P.O. Boa 640 Bozeman, MT 59715-0640 . RE: Kagy Crossroads Dear Andy and Commissioners: The conditional site plan approval for the above referenced project required that the fmal conditions be met for final site plan approval by the staff on or before March 21, 2003. In discussing some of the final conditions with staff, we have discovered a few final decisions which need some further evaluation. To make the project the most responsive to the needs of that area of Bozeman and the community at large, we hereby request an extension of the date for site plan approval to September 21, 2003. Thank you for your consideration Respec rvysmitted, ell W. Springer, ' Principal Architect LWS: kr DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 MINUTES ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE The meeting was called to order at 3:38 p.m. and the secretary was directed to record the attendance. Chairperson Sorenson stated they would only be able to make recommendations due to the lack of a quorum. Members Present Staff Present Henry Sorenson, Jr. Ka�a olive ,1"ssi's anjPlannef. Carol Asleson Tara Hastie, Recording Secretary Mel Howe Visitors Present Lowell Springer Glenn and Lee Allinger Hugh Reid Ralph Hutch Dave MacDonald Charles Paden MOTION: Mr. Howe moved, Chairperson Sorenson seconded, to approve the minutes of August 13, 2002 as presented. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Sorenson moved, Mr. Howe seconded, to approve the minutes of August 27, 2002 as presented. Motion passed unanimously. ITEM 2. PROJECT REVIEW A. Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD#Z-02166 (Caroline) 2211 Remington Way * A Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development Application to allow the construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basement, for a total of 54 residential units and related site improvements. Lowell Springer and Dave MacDonald joined the DRB. Assistant Planner Karin Caroline presented the staff report. Planner Caroline stated the applicant was requesting the 35' stream setback. She addressed the increased spacing between the buildings, noting larger spaces between buildings being more pedestrian friendly. She stated screening of rooftop or ground mounted equipment is required. City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-September 10,2002 1 Mr. Springer stated the building was intended for people who attend the University. He stated the parking was calculated with the expectation that most of the patrons would travel on foot. He noted relief to the buildings would be accomplished with offsets and landscaping between the buildings. In response to Ms. Asleson's question on lighting, Planner Caroline stated there were no lights proposed for the parking lot. She asked Mr. MacDonald to explain his reasoning for proposing no lighting in the parking lot. Mr. MacDonald noted his past experiences with parking lot lighting and concerns expressed by surrounding property owners. He stated that no parking lot lighting was often preferable to surrounding property owners. In response to Chairperson Sorenson's question on the 50' setback, Planner Caroline stated the setbacks were not grandfathered during the concept PUD plan review. In response to Chairperson Sorenson's question on the number of parking spaces, Mr. Springer stated the 130 spaces were roughly equivalent to the number of bedrooms. Chairperson Sorenson asked for a color palette. In response, Mr. MacDonald discussed the possibility of using variations of green, grey, and brown. He asked the DRB for suggestions on the color of the buildings. The DRB agreed that earth tones would be best for keeping the appearance close to the natural surroundings. Chairperson Sorenson asked if the landscaping included lawn furniture and lighting in the center courtyard area. Mr. Springer stated they plan to include a lighted area with a bench or two. Ms. Asleson suggested making the entrances more inviting to the public. Mr. Springer and Mr. MacDonald agreed the landscaping could be more aesthetically pleasing to the residents. Ms. Asleson suggested changing the landscaping to include Juniper shrubs as they are lush year round. She noted the interior courtyard space could be more park-like. Chairperson Sorenson stated that encouraging people to be socially active with each other would be a good idea for the success of the apartment complex. He suggested a gazebo be installed to promote this idea. He noted the creek setback was his main concern. RECOMMENDATION: Chairperson Sorenson moved, Mr. Howe seconded, to unofficially recommend approval of application #Z-02166 with Staff conditions and Ms. Asleson's suggested landscaping changes, including the creation of a more socially inviting central courtyard, i.e., installation of a covered structure. The recommendation passed unanimously. City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-September 10,2002 `? • i ITEM 3. INFORMAL REVIEW A. Ice Pond Tech Park Informal#I-02028 (Caroline) 300 Ice Pond Road * An Informal Application for advice and comment on proposed three 15,000 square foot buildings and one 13,000 square foot building of technology/industrial type and related site improvements. Lowell Springer joined the DRB. Assistant Planner Karin Caroline presented the informal report. Chairperson Sorenson asked about the previous uses and background of the site. Mr. Springer responded, stating that some of the industrial uses had been abandoned. However, he stated businesses on the property have expanded and have exceeded the number of buildings to house them. Mr. Springer stated integrated employment centers would enhance the city of Bozeman and the neighborhood. He noted that he chose the "depot" look of the building due to the historical location and purpose. He stated Bozeman residents desire these types of light industrial, high paying jobs. Chairperson Sorenson noted the two buildings, which appear to be the main structures, leave no room for green space. He suggested the applicant add a central green space. Ms. Asleson stated that she agreed with Chairperson Sorenson with regard to the lack of landscaped areas. She asked Mr. Springer if the storage facilities in the center of the project could be moved to accommodate a landscaped area in the center of the site. Mr. Springer stated secondary access to the site would still be a problem if the storage facilities were relocated. Planner Caroline noted they would have to work on emergency access to the site and fire sprinkling the structures. Mr. Springer stated the surrounding residents have indicated they would prefer to have a putting green or park and not an apartment complex on that site. He concurred with Chairperson Sorenson the proposal contained a lot of asphalt. Ms. Asleson suggested moving the building on the west side closer to the setback to allow for more landscaping. Chairperson Sorenson noted the addition of the Gallagator Trail extension to the south would help reduce the overwhelming amount of asphalt in the proposal rather than modifying the buildings or the setbacks. Mr. Howe stated he concurred that the setbacks should not necessarily be modified. City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-September 10,2002 3 Mr. Springer asked Planner Caroline if the applicant could make adjustments to the.plans before the City Commission date, to which Planner Caroline agreed. ITEM 4. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: There being no further business to come before the board, Chairperson Sorenson moved, Mr. Howe seconded, to adjourn. The motion to adjourn carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:15p.m. �*7 Henry S renson, Jr.; Chairperson City of Bozeman Design Review Board City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-September 10,2002 4 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR KAGY CROSSROADS APARTMENTS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BOZEMAN,MONTANA THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2002,by and between Dave MacDonald,DMC Inc.,2055 North 22"d Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59718,hereinafter called the "Developer",and the City of Bozeman,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana,hereinafter called the "City'. WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of approval of a Planned Unit Development Application to allow the construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on property located on Lot 1,Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Developer to obtain Final Site Plan approval; and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property hereinafter described; and it is the intent of this Agreement, and of the parties hereto, to satisfy the improvements and guarantee requirements for the conditional approval of said Planned Unit Development Application. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein,it is hereby agreed as follows: l. Property Description This Agreement pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as "R-4", (Residential High Density District)on the City of Bozeman Zoning Map,and identified as Lot 1,Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana 2. Improvements This Agreement specifically includes landscaping,irrigation system,and other improvements as illustrated on the plans and specifications provided in the approved Planned Unit Development Application#Z-02166. The estimated cost of any improvements not installed at the time of occupancy will be made at the time an occupancy permit is requested from the Building Division. 3. Financial Guarantee, Time for Completion of Improvements If the use of the structure is to occur prior to completion of all required on-site improvements, this Improvements Agreement must be secured by a financial guarantee,as may be deemed acceptable by the City, payable to the City of Bozeman, in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at the time occupancy of structures is requested. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve(12)months. In any event, all required improvements shall be completed within nine(9)months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security. 4. Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, and the Developer shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. Improvements Agreement Pa e I Kay Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Developer shall default in or fail to frilly perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement, and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30) days after written notice specifying the default is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the developer at Dave MacDonald,DMC Inc., 2055 North 22"d Avenue,Bozeman, MT 59718, or such other address as the Developer shall provide to the City from time to time,without being completely remedied, satisfied, and discharged, the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: 1) The City may, at its option, declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The City's representative,contractors, and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection,and the Developers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. B) The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. 6. Indemnification The Developer hereby expressly agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for and against all claims, costs and liability of every kind and nature,for injury or damage received or sustained by any person or entity in connection with,or on account of the perfonnance of work at the development site and elsewhere pursuant to this Agreement. The Developer further agrees to aid and defend the City in the event that it is named as a defendant in an action concerning the performance of work pursuant to this Agreement except where such suit is brought by the Developer. The Developer is not an agent or employee of the City. 7. Warranty The Developer shall warrant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. The Developer acknowledges that the required landscaping must be maintained in'a healthy, growing condition at all times. The Developer is responsible for regular weeding, mowing of grass, irrigating, fertilizing,pruning, and other maintenance of all plantings as needed. Any plant that dies must be replaced with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape plan. The Developer hereby acknowledges that failure to maintain required landscaping in a healthy growing condition at all times may result in revocation of the conditional use permit. 8. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement,venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court,Gallatin County,State of Montana. 9. Attorney's Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement,then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, to include the salary and costs of in-house counsel including City Attorney. 10. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. Improvements Agreement Page 2 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 11. Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof,and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 12. No Assignment It is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole, or in part, without prior written consent of the City. 13. Successors Except as provided in paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and.assigns. PROPERTY OWNER Dave MacDonald DMC, Inc. STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of ,2002,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public of the State of Montana,personally appeared Dave MacDonald,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the day and year first above written. (Printed Name Here) Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at My Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year). THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Debra H. Arkell Director of Public Service Improvements Agreement Pa e 3 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of , 2002, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Debra H. Arkell, known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Director of Public Service of the City of Bozeman,whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (Printed Name Here) Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: Commission Expires: (Use 4 digits for expiration year) Improvements Agreement Pa e 4 Andy: I'm requesting a revision to condition 13 of file Z-02166—Kagy Crossroads Apartments. The condition as worded isn't a condition, and there's no explanation in the staff report of why it's proposed (I HATE THAT! —If you're going to recommend a condition, there should be something in the staff report to support it...) This 54 unit apartment will likely house up to 216 college students, all of whom should be walking to campus. Given the nearness of the site to Lincoln, it's doubtful they're going to walk to the intersection of Kagy/191h to cross 191h at the light. Because I don't go to DRC, I'm not sure what was discussed, but pedestrian crossing of 191h is more important and critical than it is (was) on Oak. At least we have people here. Further, at MSU's request to address safety, we just installed"no pedestrian crossing" signs at Lincoln and 19`h to try to deter pedestrians from crossing there. The condition proposes an SID waiver for a crossing facility at Lincoln. I'd prefer a stronger condition—ie they install one. We're looking at the feasibility of an underpass during design of 19th widening. Perhaps they should provide cash up front for a portion of it (Rob B. thought it would cost around$100,000). I'd be happy with 20% -it's a start. At a minimum, the condition should be amended to be a condition: The applicant shall provide and file with the C&R's office an executed Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of and SID for a crossing facility (underpass or other appurtenance as required) across South 19`h Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. 1 c�2 A • I CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FILE NO. Z-02166 KAGY.CROSSROADS APARTMENTS PLANNED UNIT.DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN ITEM: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION #Z-02166. AN APPLICATION TO CREATE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COMPRISED OF FOUR TWO- STORY APARTMENT BUILDINGS WITH BASEMENTS, TOTALING 54 UNITS AND SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS REPRESENTATIVE: SPRINGER GROUP ARCHITECTS, P.C., 201 SOUTH WALLAVE AVENUE,BOZEMAN,MT 59715 C&H ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC., 205 EDELWEISS DRIVE, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 OWNER: DAVE MACDONALD, DMC,INC., 2055 NORTH 22ND AVENUE, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 DATE/TIME: CITY COMMISSION: 7:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2002, IN THE COMMISSION MEETING ROOM OF CITY HALL, 411 EAST MAIN STREET,BOZEMAN. REPORT BY: KARIN CAROLINE, ASSISTANT PLANNER RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL PROJECT LOCATION: The subject property is generally located west of South 19th Avenue an north of Remington Way and is legally described as Lot 1, Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana. The property is zoned"R-4" (Residential High Density District). Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. N kAL 4,1 7 t r Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 PLI Subject Property _ Licoln Rd. i w t1 R 3 :_ _.._ _... . =R'4 _:. ._... emin on ! ........_..; k! - :.-..._..._.� R-4 A ' j r 7 ._....._.._.._.._..___.._.__.____......_.__-_.__ ! N i f RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Bozeman Development Review Committee(D.R.C.) and the Design Review Board (D.R.B.) have reviewed the Preliminary Plan for a Planned Unit Development against the criteria set forth in Section 18.52, 18.53 and Section 18.54 of the Zoning Ordinance. Based on the evaluation of said criteria and findings by the Planning Staff, staff recommends the following conditions of approval and code provisions to the City Commission: PUD Plan Specific Conditions: Planning: 1. Proposed snow storage areas shall not interfere with pedestrian circulation or the small sports court. 2. Applicant shall install additional landscaping near the northeast corner of the subject property to offer additional screening and more aesthetics to the proposed detention pond. 3. Applicant shall verify with the Fire Department that there are adequate turning radii within the parking lot for emergency vehicles. 4. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of proposed bike racks. There shall be at least one bike rack.per proposed building. 5. Final Site Plan shall show detail for proposed pole light near the sports court. City Commission Staff Report 2 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 6. Applicant shall construct the proposed trash enclosure to better match the architectural character and materials of the proposed two buildings. Chain link with plastic slats is not architecturally consistent. 7. Applicant shall relocate one disabled parking space near proposed building A in the northwest corner of the subject property, ensuring all units have an accessible disabled space. 8. Details of the sports court, including any benches, shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 9. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes, shall be noted and shown accordingly on the Final Site Plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical detail(s)illustrating the materials,color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted accordingly on the Final Site Plan, for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan approval. 10. All plans (site, landscaping and paving/drainage) shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 11. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 35-foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D.2.g(Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 12. Color and material palette,including brick type, cultured stone,DryVit or synthetic stucco, roofing material, etc., shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to any approval of Final Site Plan or issuance of building permits. Engineering Site ite Specific Conditions: 13. The applicant should be aware of the possibility that they may be required to provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of S.I.D.'s for the following: a. Crossing facility(underpass or other appurtenance as required)across South 19th Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. The document filed shall specify that in the event an S.I.D. is not utilized for the completion of these improvements,the developer agrees to participate in an alternate City Commission Staff Report 3 Kaggy Crossroads.Apartments-PUD-Prelimina Plan #Z-02166 financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property,taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 14. Remington Way, including pavement, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, shall be extended all the way to the west property line of the proposed development. Planning Code Provisions: 15. Landscape plans shall be prepared and certified by a registered Montana landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience;or an individual with a degree in a related field and at least five years of professional design experience. 16. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided to all landscaped areas..Details and specifications shall be noted on final landscape plans. 17. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. 23 landscaping points are required for this project and need to be shown on the Final landscaping plans. 18. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaries and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 19. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights, including those used for security, must be shown in detail on the Final Site Plan.Applicant shall submit manufacturer's cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 20. A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. City Commission Staff Report 4 a Kaay Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 21. That the applicant must submit seven(7)copies a Final Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions,corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 22. If occupancy of any structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12)months;however,the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine(9)months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. 23. That the applicant upon submitting the Final Site Plan for approval by the Planning Director and prior to issuance of a building permit, will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the above conditions of approval have been satisfied or met. Engineering Conditions: 24. Plans and specifications for the water main, sewer main, and street extensions, prepared by a Professional Engineer(PE) licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer main extension plans and specifications shall also be provided to approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ). The Applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post- construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans, specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre- construction conference has been conducted. 25. Plans and specifications for any fire service line shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Montana, and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 26. City of Bozeman applications for sewer and water service shall be completed by the applicant. 27. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must City Commission Staff Report 5 • • r Kay Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainage will be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows, existing and proposed contour lines, stormwater detention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations, discharge structure details,pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. If the grading design discloses any adverse impact to off-site properties, necessary design alterations and/or drainage conveyance devices and easements must be provided. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. The Maintenance Plan shall include the following: description of maintenance operations, frequency of inspections and maintenance,responsible parties and record keeping methodology. 28. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the Preliminary Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 29. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free ofplantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 30. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to Final Plan approval. 31. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles,but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. PROPOSAL/BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan approval to allow 3.2 acres to be developed into 4 two-story apartment buildings with basements comprising a total of 54 residential units and site related improvements. The property is zoned R-4 (Residential High Density District). The necessary Environmental Assessment and Community Impact Statement have been submitted with the preliminary plan application. Included in the preliminary plan application was a traffic report prepared for the Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, which addresses traffic concerns on surrounding streets and improvements to these streets. City Commission Staff Report 6 Kaggy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 The applicant is requesting the following relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance: • Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks)—To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks)—To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030(Lot and width)to increase the residential net densitybythe allowable 30 percent. Streets and Traffic Calming Measures - The proposed dwelling units would be accessed from Remington Way. The proposed parking lot loops around the perimeter of the property with the residential units clustered together. There is a signal at Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue which will facilitate safe movement onto these streets. Within the subject property leading to the small sports court, the applicant proposes to install a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing alerting drivers to this crossing. Open Space/Park Areas—Approximately 43% of the subject property is in open space of which 21% could be for active recreational use (small sports court, Frisbee, etc.). During the Concept Plan review, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (DRAB) suggested some type of recreational court within the open space along the eastern portion of the subject property. The stream/ditch along the east side of the subject property conveys little water if any during recent years. Per condition#13, the applicant shall sign and file a Waiver of Right to Protest the Creation of an SID for a possible pedestrian crossing facility across South 19th Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. Dwelling Densities—The applicant is proposing a mix of one and two bedroom units within the development. The project hopes to serve the students and faculty of MSU with a convenient, well-designed residential complex which encourages pedestrian access. The applicant is requesting the allowable 30% increase in density to accommodate the 54 residential units proposed. ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING NORTH: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) -Undeveloped, county land EAST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban)—Undeveloped, county land; further east"R-3" (Residential Medium Density District) - Evangelical Free Church SOUTH: `B-2" (Community Business District)—undeveloped lots of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision WEST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) -Undeveloped, county land City Commission Staff Report 7 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA In approving a Planned Unit Development application, the City Commission shall consider the criteria set in Section 18.53.030 of the Zoning Ordinance and find as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls, and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity. The proposed PUD has ample room to accommodate the proposed dwelling units, on-site parking, open space, and detention areas. 2. That the site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. The proposed PUD would be serviced by the following existing streets:Remington Way,South 19`h Avenue, and Kagy Boulevard. The intersection of Kagy Boulevard and South 19`h Avenue is signalized and would provide a safe access point. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect upon the abutting property. No adverse effects upon abutting property have been noted. Most of the areas surrounding the subject property to the west and north are still in some form of agricultural use. The area directly adjacent to the east is developed as a church. The original subdivider of the Kagy Crossroads subdivision relocated the stream/ditch to the east property line (of the subject property). This relocation has forced a hardship onto the adjacent landowner,the Evangelical Church since the land is now encumbered by a 50-foot stream setback.Any further expansion of the building or parking lot encroaching into the 50-foot setback would require the granting of a variance. As of the writing of this staff report, it is understood that the Church will be proceeding with a variance request. 4. The proposed use shall be in conformance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The property is designated as Residential in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The Residential land use classification designates places where the primary activity is urban density living quarters. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies. It is expected that areas of higher density would be likely to be located in proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the broadest range of feasible transportation options for the greatest number of individuals. Low density areas should have an average minimum density of six units per net acre. Medium density areas should have an average minimum density of twelve units per net acre. High density City Commission Staff Report 8 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 areas should have an average minimum density of eighteen units per net acre. A variety of housing types should be blended to achieve the desired density. The proposed PUD would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. 5. That the conditional use has complied with all conditions stipulated in 18.50. This Planned Unit Development application for a residential development includes a request for the following relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance: • Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks)—To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks)—To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) - To increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. The intent of planned unit development concept is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. The Design Review Board and Administrative Design Review staff considered the request against the merits of the proposal; and as a result,determined that a relaxation of the standards will produce an environment, landscape quality, and character superior to that produced by the existing regulatory standards. Based on the information and data provided in the application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, and recommended conditions of approval by the D.R.C. and D.R.B.,the planned unit development application will comply with the all conditions stipulated in Chapter 18.50. 6. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health,safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include,but are not limited to: a) Regulation of use; b) Special yards, spaces and buffers; c) Special fences, solid fences, and walls; d)Surfacing of parking areas;e)Requiring street,service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f) Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g)Regulation of signs; h)Requiring maintenance of the grounds;i)Regulation of noise, vibrations,odors;j)Regulation of hours for certain activities;k)Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; 1) Duration of use; m) Requiring the dedication of access rights; n) Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. The recommended conditions of approval provided by the D.R.C. and D.R.B. are provided at the beginning of this staff report. Section 18.54 "Planned Unit Development Criteria" In approving a Planned Unit Development,the City Commission is charged with finding that criteria outlined in Section 18.54.100 are adequately addressed and may consider any conditions deemed necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare. Planning staff has evaluated the City Commission Staff Report 9 Kagy Crossroads A artments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 application against the applicable Planned Unit Development review criteria and offers the following summary review comments below. All Development 1. Is the development compatible with,and sensitive to,the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods relative to architectural design,building bulk and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integrity? The Planned Unit Development is compatible with the immediate environment and surrounding neighborhoods.The Development hopes to provide needed housing for MSU students and faculty in an area that encourages pedestrian access. 2. Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, sanitary supply, fire protection,flood hazard areas, telephone, cable television, trails/walks/bike ways, irrigation companies, electricity,natural gas, storm drainage, streets? The project generally complies with all city design standards with the remaining issues with the street design and water and sewer improvements being addressed as conditions of approval. 3. Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The majority of the subject property is covered with weeds and some native grasses. When the subdivision was developed and streets constructed, the subject parcel of land was removed from agricultural practice. The proposed development will replace the existing vegetation with a nicely landscaped development. 4. Have special precautions been taken to preserve existing wildlife habitats, natural wildlife food services, or existing places, or are these areas being preserved? There are no critical or significant wildlife populations on or adjacent to the site. 5. If the proposed project is located within a locally designated historical district or includes a locally designated landmark structure,is the project in conformance with the city's Historic Preservation Ordinance? Not applicable. City Commission Staff Report 10 Kagoy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan 4Z-02166 6. Is the exterior lighting, except for warning, emergency or traffic signals, installed in such a manner that the light source is obscured to prevent excessive glare on public streets and walkways or into any residential area? The PUD proposes to install wall-mounted lights with forward-throw optics to illuminate the parking areas yet not overlight an area characterized as rural in nature.The small sports court will have a pole mounted light (condition#5) 7. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping,etc.) arranged on the site so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community and neighborhood? The PUD places the four residential structures in a cluster-like courtyard setting with perimeter parking. There is ample room between buildings for small social gatherings from residents. Generally, the proposed development will be the only residential development within the subdivision.The other lots within the Kagy Crossroads subdivision will develop with permitted uses within the B-2 zoning district. 8. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping,etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient,functionally organized,and cohesive planned unit development? The PUD is designed to produce an efficient and cohesive development. The buildings have been oriented to enhance circulation and minimize the area of pavement. 9. Is the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g.,buildings circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) in harmony with the existing natural topography; natural water bodies and watercourses; existing vegetation? The design of the planned unit development enhances the undeveloped parcel of land and creates a small well-defined residential community which will be close to facilities and nearby services as the subdivision develops. 10. Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan(e.g.building construction, orientation, and placement: transportation networks, selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources,etc.)contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The project is located within close proximity to MSU and nearby services, therefore encouraging pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. State of the art design and equipment for heating,ventilation,and air conditioning will be provided,thus keeping energy consumption to a minimum.No parking lot lights are proposed eliminating any light trespass onto the adjacent rural lands. City Commission Staff Report I 1 Kao Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 11. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Along the eastern side of the subject property is an area of open space which will separate the property from adjacent lands. The residential structures have been designed in a cluster-like setting and the buildings have been separated by landscaped areas to maximize privacy between buildings. 12. Open space. Approximately 43%of the subject property is in open space of which 21%could be used for active recreational use (i.e. small sports court, Frisbee, etc.). The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommending the installation of a small recreational court along the eastern area of the subject property, which the applicant is proposing. 13. Is the active recreational area suitably located and accessible to the residential units it is intended to serve and is adequate screening provided to ensure privacy and quiet for neighboring residential uses? The active recreational areas (small sports court and interior courtyard areas) are readily accessible by the area residents. Per condition#2, the applicant will install additional landscaping within the northeast area of the open space to provide additional screening from adjacent lands. 14. Is the pedestrian circulation system designed to assure that pedestrians can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area? There are pedestrian facilities leading from Remington Way to the proposed residential structures as well as sidewalks within the courtyard areas linking buildings to each other. There is a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing leading from the residential structures to the small sports court and open area. 15. Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The subject property was proposed to be an area developed at a higher density providing housing close to MSU. The Bozeman 2020 Community Plan specifically indicates this area to be for higher density residential living. City Commission Staff Report 12 y • Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 16. Does the pedestrian circulation system incorporate design features to enhance convenience,safety and amenity across parking lots and streets,including,but not limited to, paving patterns, grade differences, landscaping and lighting? There are sidewalks leading from the sidewalk along Remington Way to the buildings as well as sidewalks around the perimeter of the buildings,providing safe passage for area residents.There is a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing leading to the small sports court,further enhancing the safety of residents crossing the parking lot. The applicant proposes to utilize wall-mounted lights with forward throw optics to accomplish a neutral light level, allowing for adequate safety at night yet not obtrusive for area residents. 17. Does the pedestrian and bicycle trail system adequately connect to the systems in adjacent developments? The proposed development is linked to adjacent neighborhoods by way of the existing street system and the signalized intersection at Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue.In addition,the applicant will be required to participate in any future pedestrian crossing facility across South 19th Avenue in order to facilitate safer travel across South 19th Avenue(condition#13). 18. Does the landscaping plan enhance the building(s)? There are planting beds surrounding each of the buildings as well as landscaping within the open space and boulevard trees along Remington Way. 19. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area,have provisions been made in the site plan to avoid interfering with public access to that area? Not applicable. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION: The Bozeman Development Review Committee(D.R.C.)has reviewed the application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to allow 3.2 acres to be developed into 4 two-story apartment buildings with basements and site related improvements and as a result recommends to the City Commission conditional approval of said application with conditions and code provisions outlined at the beginning of the staff report. The Planning Staff has identified various code provisions that are not currently met by this application. Some or all of these items are listed in the findings of this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final PUD Plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code City Commission Staff Report 13 1-kagy Crossroads A artments`PUD�Prelimina ;Plan #Z-02166 provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval,does not,in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. ANY AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 18.58 OF THE BOZEMAN ZONING ORDINANCE MAY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION. Attachments: Exhibit A: Applicant's submittal cc: Dave MacDonald, DMC, Inc., 2055 North 22"a Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59718 Springer Group Architects, PC, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 205 Edelweiss Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 City Commission Staff Report 14 EC. E01] i �P;1 Donna Beck RDL 330 Sacajawea Peak Drive 1SEP 2 3 2002Bozeman,MT. 59718 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING City of Bozeman ANO r,0M"AI!N!Ty OEyIJ C l ENT Department of Planning and Community Development 20 East Olive Street Bozeman,MT. 59715 To The City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Department: I am a landowner in close proximity to the proposed Kagy Crossroads Apartments by Dave Mac Donald, DMC,Inc.,and am writing in regard to the Preliminary Plan application for that proposed project (#Z-02166 Kagy Crossroads Apartments). The density problem gravely concerns me in that it will greatly have an adverse impact on traffic on South 19`h Ave. There should be a"no left turn"at Remington Way corner due to the hazardous condition it will create. It would be very hard to turn right on any busy day and expect to make it into the turning lane to go East on Kagy;therefore the only way out would be to go straight South on 19`h toward Highlight Canyon. I assume from the surroundings that this complex will be mostly college students due to the location near the University and the nature of the plans which include a sports court. I am also very concerned that the sports court will only add to the density far beyond the 30%allowed as it will definitely attract more than the tenants who live there. The environmental impact on reducing the 50'required setback by 15' for the purpose of parking is also a concern due to the encroachment of the landscaping potential. The required setbacks which are being requested to be relaxed are requirements for the purpose of environmental and density problem protection and I feel that relaxing these restrictions just defeats the purpose of having these requirements. I am definitely against releasing any of these standards in the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance for Section 18.060.D Watercourse Setback)-to reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet, Section 18.50.060D (Watercourse Setbacks).-To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback and Section 18.24.040(Lot and width)-to increase the density by 30 percent. Sincerely, Donna Beck TRM,FLP Managing Partner September 9, 2002 To: City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development City of Bozeman Development Review Committee City of Bozeman Design Review Board Bozeman City commission RE: Public Hearing pertaining to Kagy Crossroads Apartments, Owner Dave MacDonald, DMC Inc., 814 North 19th Ave., Bozeman, Montana To Whom It May Concern: This comment is made by the Bozeman Evangelical Free church, 1701 South 19th Ave., Bozeman, Montana. It is not our intention or desire to dispute, or even disagree, with Dave MacDonald's request for set back variances or his goal of building four two-story apartment buildings on the subject property, which lies immediately and adjacent to the Church's most western property boundary line. It is simply our objective to inform all parties including various City of Bozeman committees and commissions of certain issues that they may or not be aware of but we view as having importance. Over one year ago Scenic Developer's, Inc. owned the subject property. It was then sold to Moose Point L.P. who subsequently sold it to Dave MacDonald. During Scenic Developers, Inc. ownership they moved a ditch/stream that was originally located approximately 40 feet West of the most westerly property line of Evangelical Free Church to a position, which allowed the ditch/stream to run in a north-south direction within approximately 9 feet of the western property line of Evangelical Free Church. The ditch/stream maintains this position along the entire length of the Church property line for a distance of approximately 276 feet. Due to the watercourse set back standards established by the City of Bozeman, Evangelical Free Church effectively lost at least 21 feet of property that could have been used for building site or parking lot development. Evangelical Free Church feels that the moving of the ditch/stream and subsequent loss of use of our property constitutes a taking by past owners of subject property. Evangelical Free Church has met with all parties including the City of Bozeman Department of Planning, Dave MacDonald and Attorney Tom Stonecipher representing Scenic Developer's, Inc., and Moose Point L.P. seeking to resolve this issue. There are several options available and being pursued at this time, but there has been no final resolution. It is our hope that this situation can be resolved without legal action, but we cannot guarantee it. To: City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development City of Bozeman Development Review Committee City of Bozeman Design Review Board Bozeman City commission RE: Public Hearing pertaining to Kagy Crossroads Apartments, Owner Dave MacDonald, DMC Inc., 814 North 19th Ave., Bozeman, Montana Page 2 September 9, 2002 One of the options being pursued is the application for a variance from the City of Bozeman, which would allow Evangelical Free Church the right to build or develop parking closer to the watercourse than is currently allowed by the City of Bozeman standards. It is our feeling that should Dave MacDonald be granted these same type of variances then the City of Bozeman would be willing to grant Evangelical Free Church similar variances with some potential modifications. In a letter dated 28 August 2001, the city of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development addressed this issue with C & H Engineering who did the site and development plans for Scenic Developers, Inc. saying that the relocation of the ditch/stream was not acceptable and that some remedy or solution must be found. There are other details and items that have been deleted from this comment in an effort to keep it short. But the current status of this issue is that it remains unresolved and future events may occur which could have a direct and potentially harmful impact on Dave MacDonald's development of the subject property. Respectfully submitted, Jim Loessberg Council Chairman Evangelical Free Church • Springer Group Arc�ectS, P.C. • Architects LanddTT�lse Planners 201 S. Wallace Ave. Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone#: 406-585-2400 Facsimile#: 406-585-7446 E-mail#: spgroup@in-tch.com August 12, 2002 Bozeman City Commissioners D E C E Andy Epple,Director of Planning Karin Caroline, Planner FAND G 00 2002 City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 RTMENT OF PLANNING MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 RE: Kagy Crossroads 4 Dear Commissioners, Andy, and Karin: Along with the application for site plan approval on the above referenced project,I am also requesting the following deviations be approved as a part of the review process: A. STREAM CORRIDOR SETBACK: The setback from the stream corridor at the time of this application was 35 feet. It is our understanding that because it started through the process under the previous ordinates that it would continue accordingly. I am requesting either confirmation of that condition, and/or I am requesting deviation to allow that condition. B. DENSITY: The maximum allowable density according to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman for Planned Unit Developments in the R-4 zoning designation is twenty(20) dwelling units per acre. The density being requested for this project is 19.1. C. SETBACK: We are requesting that the sport court be allowed in the stream corridor setback as shown in our site plan sheet A-1. This has been reviewed by the DRB and discussed by the staff, with the Trails Committee and both groups have endorsed this concept to the staff. I hope that the City Commission will agree with the Design Review Board, the Planning Staff, and the various interested entities who have found the project to have sufficient amenities and quality of design to merit their posi 've.reco endation. 0 i Respectf4lly submi Lowell S pringe;� C Principal Architect " LWS: kr • Springer Group Arc&cts, P.C. • Architects Landd�Tse Planners 201 S. Wallace Ave. Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone#:406-585-2400 Facsimile#:406-585-7446 E-mail#:spgroup@in-tch.com D (t; (l E � ❑n E August 12, 2002 AUG 16 2002 Bozeman City Commissioners DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING AND COMMUNITY,FVE! Andy Epple,Director of Planning - - Karin Caroline,Planner City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 RE: Kagy Crossroads Dear Commissioners, Andy, and Karin: Along with the application for site plan approval on the above referenced project, I am also requesting the following deviations be approved as a part of the review process: A. STREAM CORRIDOR SETBACK: The setback from the stream corridor at the time of this application was 35 feet. It is our understanding that because it started through the process under the previous ordinates that it would continue accordingly. I am requesting either confirmation of that condition, and/or I am requesting deviation to allow that condition. B. DENSITY: The maximum allowable density according to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman for Planned Unit Developments in the R-4 zoning designation is twenty(20) dwelling units per acre. The density being requested for this project is 19.1. C. SETBACK: We are requesting that the sport court be allowed in the stream corridor setback as shown in our site plan sheet A-1. This has been reviewed by the DRB and discussed by the staff, with the Trails Committee and both groups have endorsed this concept to the staff. I hope that the City Commission will agree with the Design Review Board, the Planning Staff, and the various interested entities who have found the project to have sufficient amenities and quality of design to merit their posi .ve reco endation. Respec y submi Low 11 pringe , C Pr cipal Architect LWS: kr i CITY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FILE NO. Z-02166 KAGY CROSSROADS APARTMENTS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN ITEM: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION #Z-02166. AN APPLICATION TO CREATE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COMPRISED OF FOUR TWO- STORY APARTMENT BUILDINGS WITH BASEMENTS, TOTALING 54 UNITS AND SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS REPRESENTATIVE: SPRINGER GROUP ARCHITECTS, P.C., 201 SOUTH WALLAVE AVENUE,BOZEMAN, MT 59715 C&H ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC., 205 EDELWEISS DRIVE, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 OWNER: DAVE MACDONALD, DMC, INC., 2055 NORTH 22" AVENUE, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 DATE/TIME: CITY COMMISSION: 7:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2002,IN THE COMMISSION MEETING ROOM OF CITY HALL, 411 EAST MAIN STREET, BOZEMAN. REPORT BY: KARIN CAROLINE, ASSISTANT PLANNER RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL PROJECT LOCATION: The subject property.is generally located west of South 19th Avenue and north of Remington Way and is legally described as Lot 1, Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property is zoned"R-4" (Residential High Density District). Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. ,old J u,ew .. V 1� s Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 PLI Subject Property Licoln Rd. ........... _.. R-4 R-3 ._�..........._.....-- - Reining on _........... _---+ i R-4 �i I ...........---............ ...._._ �..; j . ...................................1 .................................................... .:-:.::,;� ............ N RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Bozeman Development Review Committee (D.R.C.) and the Design Review Board (D.R.B.)have reviewed the Preliminary Plan for a Planned Unit Development against the criteria set forth in Section 18.52, 18.53 and Section 18.54 of the Zoning Ordinance. Based on the evaluation of said criteria and findings by the Planning Staff, staff recommends the following conditions of approval and code provisions to the City Commission: PUD Plan Specific Conditions: Planning: 1. Proposed snow storage areas shall not interfere with pedestrian circulation or the small sports court. 2. Applicant shall install additional landscaping near the northeast corner of the subject property to offer additional screening and more aesthetics to the proposed detention pond. 3. Applicant shall verify with the Fire Department that there are adequate turning radii within the parking lot for emergency vehicles. 4. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of proposed bike racks. There shall be at least one bike rack per proposed building. 5. Final Site Plan shall show detail for proposed pole light near the sports court. City Commission Staff Report 2 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 6. Applicant' shall construct the proposed trash enclosure to better match the architectural character and materials of the proposed two buildings. Chain link with plastic slats is not architecturally consistent. 7. Applicant shall relocate one disabled parking space near proposed building A in the northwest corner of the subject property, ensuring all units have an accessible disabled space. 8. Details of the sports court, including any benches, shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 9. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes, shall be noted and shown accordingly on the Final Site Plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical detail(s)illustrating the materials,color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted accordingly on the Final Site Plan, for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan approval. 10. All plans (site, landscaping and paving/drainage) shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 11. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 35-foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D,2.g(Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 12. Color and material palette, including brick type, cultured stone,DryVit or synthetic stucco, roofing material, etc., shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to any approval of Final Site Plan or issuance of building permits. Engineering Site Specific Conditions: 13. The applicant provide and file with the County Clerk andWer's pffic� x cuted Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of S.I.D.'s for (underpass or other appurtenance as required)across South 19t" Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. The document filed shall specify that in the event an S.I.D. is not utilized for the completion of these improvements,the developer agrees to participate in an alternate City Commission Staff Report 3 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property,taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 14. Remington Way, including pavement, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, shall be extended all the way to the west property line of the proposed development. Planning Code Provisions: 15. Landscape plans shall be prepared and certified by a registered Montana landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience;or an individual with a degree in a related field and at least five years of professional design experience. 16. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided to all landscaped areas. Details and specifications shall be noted on final landscape plans. 17. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. 23 landscaping points are required for this project and need to be shown on the Final landscaping plans. 18. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaries and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 19. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights, including those used for security, must be shown in detail on the Final Site Plan.Applicant shall submit manufacturer's cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 20. A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. City Commission Staff Report 4 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 21. That the applicant must submit seven(7)copies a Final Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions,corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 22. If occupancy of any structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve(12)months; however,the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine(9)months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. 23. That the applicant upon submitting the Final Site Plan for approval by the Planning Director and prior to issuance of a building permit, will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the above conditions of approval have been satisfied or met. Engineering Conditions: 24. Plans and specifications for the water main, sewer main, and street extensions, prepared by a Professional Engineer(PE) licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer main extension plans and specifications shall also be provided to approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ). The Applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection,post- construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans, specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre- construction conference has been conducted. 25. Plans and specifications for any fire service line shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Montana, and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection,post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 26. City of Bozeman applications for sewer and water service shall be completed by the applicant. 27. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must City Commission Staff Report 5 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainage will be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows, existing and proposed contour lines, stormwater detention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations, discharge structure details,pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. If the grading design discloses any adverse impact to off-site properties, necessary design alterations and/or drainage conveyance devices and easements must be provided. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. The Maintenance Plan shall include the following: description of maintenance operations, frequency of inspections and maintenance, responsible parties and record keeping methodology. 28. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the Preliminary Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 29. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 30. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to Final Plan approval. 31. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. PROPOSAL/BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan approval to allow 3.2 i acres to be developed into 4 two-story apartment buildings with basements comprising a total of 54 residential units'and site related improvements. The property is zoned R-4 (Residential High Density District). The necessary Environmental Assessment and Community Impact Statement have been submitted with the preliminary plan application. Included in the preliminary plan application was a traffic report prepared for the Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,which addresses traffic concerns on surrounding streets and improvements to these streets. City Commission Staff Report 6 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 The applicant is requesting the following relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance: • Section 18.50.060.DVatercourse Setbacks)—To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.5 060.D (Watercourse Setbacks)—To allow a small sports court to be built within theoot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030(Lot and width)to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. Streets and Traffic Calming Measures - The proposed dwelling units would be accessed from Remington Way. The proposed parking lot loops around the perimeter of the property with the residential units clustered together. There is a signal at Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue which will facilitate safe movement onto these streets. Within the subject property leading to the small sports court, the applicant proposes to install a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing alerting drivers to this crossing. Open Space/Park Areas—Approximately 43% of the subject property is in open space of which 21% could be for active recreational use (small sports court,Frisbee, etc.). During the Concept Plan review, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) suggested some type of recreational court within the open space along the eastern portion of the subject property. The stream/ditch along the east side of the subject property conveys little water if any during recent years. Per condition#13, the applicant shall sign and file a Waiver of Right to Protest the Creation of an SID for a possible pedestrian crossing facility across South 19th Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. Dwelling Densities—The applicant is proposing a mix of one and two bedroom units within the development. The project hopes to serve the students and faculty of MSU with a convenient, well-designed residential complex which encourages pedestrian access. The applicant is requesting the allowable 30% increase in density to accommodate the 54 residential units proposed. ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING NORTH: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) -Undeveloped, county land EAST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban)—Undeveloped, county land; further east"R-3" (Residential Medium Density District) - Evangelical Free Church SOUTH: `B-2" (Community Business District)—undeveloped lots of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision WEST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) -Undeveloped, county land City Commission Staff Report 7 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA In approving a Planned Unit Development application,the City Commission shall consider the criteria set in Section 18.53.030 of the Zoning Ordinance and find as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls, and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity. The proposed PUD has ample room to accommodate the proposed dwelling units, on-site parking, open space, and detention areas. 2. That the site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. The proposed PUD would be serviced by the following existing streets:Remington Way,South 19`h Avenue, and Kagy Boulevard. The intersection of Kagy Boulevard and South 191h Avenue is signalized and would provide a safe access point. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect upon the abutting property. No adverse effects upon abutting property have been noted. Most of the areas surrounding the subject property to the west and north are still in some form of agricultural use. The area directly adjacent to the east is developed as a church. The original subdivider of the Kagy Crossroads subdivision relocated the stream/ditch to the east property line (of the subject property). This relocation has forced a hardship onto the adjacent landowner,the Evangelical Church since the land is now encumbered by a 50-foot stream setback.Any further expansion of the building or parking lot encroaching into the 50-foot setback would require the granting of a variance. As of the writing of this staff report, it is understood that the Church will be proceeding with a variance request. 4. The proposed use shall be in conformance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The property is designated as Residential in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The Residential land use classification designates places where the primary activity is urban density living quarters. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies. It is expected that areas of higher density would be likely to be located in proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the broadest range of feasible transportation options for the greatest number of individuals. Low density areas should have an average minimum density of six units per net acre. Medium density areas should have an average minimum density of twelve units per net acre. High density City Commission Staff Report 8 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 areas should have an average minimum density of eighteen units per net acre. A variety of housing types should be blended to achieve the desired density. The proposed PUD would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. 5. That the conditional use has complied with all conditions stipulated in 18.50. This Planned Unit Development application for a residential development includes a request for the following relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance: • Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks)—To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks)—To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) - To increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. The intent of planned unit development concept is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. The Design Review Board and Administrative Design Review staff considered the request against the merits of the proposal;and as a result,determined that a relaxation of the standards will produce an environment, landscape quality, and character superior to that produced by the existing regulatory standards. Based on the information and data provided in the application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, and recommended conditions of approval by the D.R.C. and D.R.B.,the planned unit development application will comply with the all conditions stipulated in Chapter 18.50. 6. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health,safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include,but are not limited to: a) Regulation of use; b) Special yards, spaces and buffers; c) Special fences, solid fences, and walls; d)Surfacing of parking areas;e)Requiring street,service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f) Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g)Regulation of signs; h)Requiring maintenance of the grounds;i)Regulation of noise, vibrations,odors;j)Regulation of hours for certain activities;k)Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; 1) Duration of use; m) Requiring the dedication of access rights; n) Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. The recommended conditions of approval provided by the D.R.C. and D.R.B. are provided at the beginning of this staff report. Section 18.54 "Planned Unit Development Criteria" In approving a Planned Unit Development,the City Commission is charged with finding that criteria outlined in Section 18.54.100 are adequately addressed and may consider any conditions deemed necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare. Planning staff has evaluated the City Commission Staff Report 9 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 application against the applicable Planned Unit Development review criteria and offers the following summary review comments below. All Development 1. Is the development compatible with,and sensitive to,the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods relative to architectural design,building bulk and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integrity? The Planned Unit Development is compatible with the immediate environment and surrounding neighborhoods.The Development hopes to provide needed housing for MSU students and faculty in an area that encourages pedestrian access. 2. Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply,sanitary supply, fire protection, flood hazard areas, telephone, cable television, trails/walks/bike ways, irrigation companies, electricity, natural gas, storm drainage, streets? The project generally complies with all city design standards with the remaining issues with the street design and water and sewer improvements being addressed as conditions of approval. 3. Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The majority of the subject property is covered with weeds and some native grasses. When the subdivision was developed and streets constructed, the subject parcel of land was removed from agricultural practice. The proposed development will replace the existing vegetation with a nicely landscaped development. 4. Have special precautions been taken to preserve existing wildlife habitats, natural wildlife food services, or existing places, or are these areas being preserved? There are no critical or significant wildlife populations on or adjacent to the site. 5. If the proposed project is located within a locally designated historical district or includes a locally designated landmark structure,is the project in conformance with the city's Historic Preservation Ordinance? Not applicable. City Commission Staff Report 10 • • Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 6. Is the exterior lighting, except for warning, emergency or traffic signals, installed in such a manner that the light source is obscured to prevent excessive glare on public streets and walkways or into any residential area? The PUD proposes to install wall-mounted lights with forward-throw optics to illuminate the parking areas yet not overlight an area characterized as rural in nature.The small sports court will have a pole mounted light(condition#5) 7. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping,etc.)arranged on the site so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community and neighborhood? The PUD places the four residential structures in a cluster-like courtyard setting with perimeter parking. There is ample room between buildings for small social gatherings from residents. Generally, the proposed development will be the only residential development within the subdivision.The other lots within the Kagy Crossroads subdivision will develop with permitted uses within the B-2 zoning district. 8. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping,etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient,functionally organized,and cohesive planned unit development? The PUD is designed to produce an efficient and cohesive development. The buildings have been oriented to enhance circulation and minimize the area of pavement. 9. Is the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) in harmony with the existing natural topography; natural water bodies and watercourses; existing vegetation? The design of the planned unit development enhances the undeveloped parcel of land and creates a small well-defined residential community which will be close to facilities and nearby services as the subdivision develops. 10. Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan(e.g.building construction, orientation, and placement: transportation networks, selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources,etc.)contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The project is located within close proximity to MSU and nearby services, therefore encouraging pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. State of the art design and equipment for heating,ventilation,and air conditioning will be provided,thus keeping energy consumption to a minimum.No parking lot lights are proposed eliminating any light trespass onto the adjacent rural lands. City Commission Staff Report 11 • • Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 11. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g. buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Along the eastern side of the subject property is an area of open space which will separate the property from adjacent lands. The residential structures have been designed in a cluster-like setting and the buildings have been separated by landscaped areas to maximize privacy between buildings. 12. Open space. Approximately 43%of the subject property is in open space of which 21%could be used for active recreational use (i.e. small sports court, Frisbee, etc.). The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommending the installation of a small recreational court along the eastern area of the subject property, which the applicant is proposing. 13. Is the active recreational area suitably located and accessible to the residential units it is intended to serve and is adequate screening provided to ensure privacy and quiet for neighboring residential uses? The active recreational areas(small sports court and interior courtyard areas) are readily accessible by the area residents. Per condition#2, the applicant will install additional landscaping within the northeast area of the open space to provide additional screening from adjacent lands. 14. Is the pedestrian circulation system designed to assure that pedestrians can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area? There are pedestrian facilities leading from Remington Way to the proposed residential structures as well as sidewalks within the courtyard areas linking buildings to each other. There is a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing leading from the residential structures to the small sports court and open area. 15. Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The subject property was proposed to be an area developed at a higher density providing housing close to MSU. The Bozeman 2020 Community Plan specifically indicates this area to be for higher density residential living. City Commission Staff Report 12 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 16. Does the pedestrian circulation system incorporate design features to enhance convenience,safety and amenity across parking lots and streets,including,but not limited to, paving patterns, grade differences, landscaping and lighting? There are sidewalks leading from the sidewalk along Remington Way to the buildings as well as sidewalks around the perimeter of the buildings,providing safe passage for area residents.There is a stamped asphalt pedestrian crossing leading to the small sports court,further enhancing the safety of residents crossing the parking lot. The applicant proposes to utilize wall-mounted lights with for throw optics to accomplish a neutral light level, allowing for adequate safety at night yet not obtrusive for area residents. 17. Does the pedestrian and bicycle trail system adequately connect to the systems in adjacent developments? The proposed development is linked to adjacent neighborhoods byway of the existing street system and the signalized intersection at Kagy Boulevard and South 191h Avenue.In addition,the applicant will be required to participate in any future pedestrian crossing facility across South 191h Avenue in order to facilitate safer travel across South 19th Avenue (condition#13). 18. Does the landscaping plan enhance the building(s)? There are planting beds surrounding each of the buildings as well as landscaping within the open space and boulevard trees along Remington Way. 19. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area,have provisions been made in the site plan to avoid interfering with public access to that area? Not applicable. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION: The Bozeman Development Review Committee(D.R.C.)has reviewed the application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to allow 3.2 acres to be developed into 4 two-story apartment buildings with basements and site related improvements and as a result recommends to the City Commission conditional approval of said application with conditions and code provisions outlined at the beginning of the staff report. The Planning Staff has identified various code provisions that are not currently met by this application. Some or all of these items are listed in the findings of this staff report. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final PUD Plan approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code City Commission Staff Report 13 r Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Preliminary Plan #Z-02166 provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval,does not,in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. ANY AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 18.58 OF THE BOZEMAN ZONING ORDINANCE MAY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION. Attachments: Exhibit A: Applicant's submittal cc: Dave MacDonald, DMC, Inc., 2055 North 22"d Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59718 Springer Group Architects, PC, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 205 Edelweiss Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 City Commission Staff Report 14 C & H ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC. 205 Edelweiss Drive• Bozeman,Montana 59718 Phone(406)587-1115 • Fax(406)587-976E www.chengineers.com•E-Mail: info@chengineer3.com June 4, 2002 D J U L 5 2C'02 City of Bozeman Planning and Community Development Attn: Karin Caroline L____LLLj � prrncn T L'_PA,, ,"l OF rLArJNING T P.O. Box 1230 An' :r;,nry l�Nrn��A�iIF Bozeman, MT 59771 _. RE: Lot 1 Kagy Crossroads P.U.D. (02024) Dear Karin,- Enclosed is a P.U.D. Preliminary Plan Application. The following response letter is provided as supplemental-information to the application. Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan 1. Document Requirements: A. A completed application form is included with this submittal B. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. C. Legal Description: Lot 1, Correction Plat of Kagy Crossroads, located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P.M.M.. D. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. E. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. F. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. G. Reduced versions of the plans are included with this submittal. 2. Site Plan Requirements: All items listed are included on the site plan, landscape plan and The supplemental vicinity map. 3. Supplemental Plan Requirements: A. Architectural elevations are included with this submittal. B. Landscape plans are included with this submittal. Civil/Structural Engineering and Surveying C. Utility plans are included with the site plan. D. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. E. Four test holes were excavated on the site on March 6, 1996. A dark brown clay loam with few organics was found from 0 to 16 inches below existing grade. A sandy loam exhibiting a gritty texture and medium density and low plasticity was found between 16 and 36 inches below existing grade. A well graded dark coarse grained sandy gravel with cobbles, non plastic, medium to high density,with no organics was encountered from a depth of approximately 36 inches down to the end of excavation(See test hole logs attached). The building foundations will extend down into these well graded sandy gravels which will provide adequate load bearing capacity. According to the well logs examined in the Montana Bureau of Mines Ground Water Information Center Database the static water level is between five and ten feet below existing grade. Two wells located in the area shown on the USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4034 show static water level at approximately 11 feet below existing grade. Evidence of seasonal high groundwater was observed in test hole numbers 2 and 3 at four and five feet respectively. F. Drainage plans are included on the site plan. Preliminary drainage calculations for the detention structures are also included with this submittal G. No temporary facilities will be required. H. The P.U.D. is located on Lot 1 of Correction Plat of Kagy Crossroads filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. I. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. J. See attached information from Springer Group Architects. If you have any questions or comments please give me a call. Thank you. Sincerely, Brian J. Bollen, E.I. Enc. G:\c&h\02\02024\OFFICE\pudplansub.wpd Well Log Report for GWIC Id 9585 Page 1 of 1 44 Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology lot this site on a topographic map Ground-water Information Center Site Report MSU * VETERINARY RESEARCH WELL Location Information GWIC Id: 95855 Source of Data: GW4 Location (TRS): 02S 05E 14 ADDC Latitude (dd): 45.6647 County (MT): GALLATIN Longitude (dd): -111.0638 DNRC Water Right: Not Reported Geomethod: Not Reported PWS Id: Not Reported Datum: 1927 Block: Not Reported Addition: Not Reported Lot: Not Reported Type of Site: WELL Certificate of Survey: Not Reported Well Construction and Performance Data(measurements are reported below land surface) Total Depth (ft): 171.00 How Drilled: Not Reported Static Water Level (ft): 5.00 Driller's Name: Not Reported Pumping Water Level (ft): Driller License: Not Reported Yield (gpm): 500.00 Completion Date: ]an 01, 1960 Test Type: Not Reported Special Conditions: None Reported Test Duration: Is Well Flowing?: No Drill Stem Setting (ft): Shut-In Pressure: Recovery Water Level (ft): Geology/Aquifer: Not Reported Recovery Time(hrs): Well/Water Use: DOMESTIC Hole Diameter Information Casing Information No hole diameter records were found. From(ft) To (ft) Dia (in) Description 0.0 171.0 10.0 Annular Seal Information Completion Information No annular seal records were found. No completion records were found. Lithology Information From(ft) To(ft) Description 0.0 2.0 TOPSOILS 2.0 35.0 LOOSE GRAVELS SAND&BOULDERS 35.0 44.0 CEMENTED SAND GRAVELS&BOULDERS 44.0 57.0 CEMENTED SAND GRAVELS&BOULDERS W/YELLOW CLAY BINDER MIXED W/THE GRAVELS 57.0 96.0 CEMENTED GRAVELS&BOULDERS 96.0 99.0 YELLOW CLAY 99.0 101.0 COARSE GRAVELS 101.0 108.0 FINE SILTY GRAVELS WITH CLAY BINDER 108.0 115.0 YELLOW CLAY 115.0 127.0 GRAVELS WITH CLAY BINDER 127.0 148.0 SOFT SILTY CLAYS MIXED WITH FINE GRAVEL. 148.0 168.0 YELLOW GRITTY CLAY 168.0 169.5 COARSE GRAVELS(BAILED 90 GPM). 169.5 171.0 YELLOW CLAYS. NOTE: WELL BACKFILLED TO 150'. Well Notes 107FT PERFORATED CASING These data represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval.The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis.The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. Note: non-reported casing,completion,and lithologic records may exist in paper files at GWIC. http://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/cgi-bin/pbcgi70.exe/gwic/uo_gwicnet/db_onepage?gwic_id=95 855&age... 6/5/02 Well Log Report for GWIC Id 1387 9 Page 1 of 1 Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Plot this site on a topographic map Ground-water Information Center Site Report SPRINGER GROUP ARCH/IML LABS Location Information GWIC Id: 138779 Source of Data: LOG Location (TRS): 02S 05E 14 A Latitude(dd): 45.6664 County (MT): GALLATIN Longitude (dd): -111.0664 DNRC Water Right: Not Reported Geomethod: TRS-TWN PWS Id: Not Reported Datum: 1927 Block: Not Reported Addition: Not Reported Lot: Not Reported Type of Site: WELL Certificate of Survey: Not Reported Well Construction and Performance Data(measurements are reported below land surface) Total Depth (ft): 40.00 How Drilled: ROTARY Static Water Level (ft): 6.00 Driller's Name: HAGGERTY Pumping Water Level (ft): 30.00 Driller License: WWC353 Yield (gpm): 30.00 Completion Date: Oct 03, 1992 Test Type: AIR Special Conditions: None Reported Test Duration: 1.00 Is Well Flowing?: No Drill Stem Setting (ft): Shut-In Pressure: Recovery Water Level (ft): Geology/Aquifer: Not Reported Recovery Time(hrs): Well/Water Use: IRRIGATION Hole Diameter Information • Casing Information No hole diameter records were found. From (ft) To(ft) Dia (in) Description -2.0 40.0 6.0 STEEL Annular Seal Information Completion Information From(ft) To(ft) Description From(ft) To(ft) Dia (in) Description 0.0 20.0 BENTONITE 40.0 40.0 6.0 OPEN BOTTOM Lithology Information From(ft) To (ft) Description 0.0 3.0 TOPSOIL 3.0 40.0 GRAVEL Site Notes TECH PARK Well Notes HAGGERTY FILE NO: 92196 These data represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval.The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis.The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. Note: non-reported casing,completion,and lithologic records may exist in paper files at GWIC. http://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/cgl-bin/pbcgi70.exe/gwic/uo_gwicnet/db_onepage?gwic_id=13 8779&a... 6/5/02 Well Log Report for GWIC Id 19580 Page 1 of 1 Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology lot this site on a topographic map Ground-water Information Center Site Report BRIDGER ENGINEERS INC Location Information GWIC Id: 195804 Source of Data: LOG Location (TRS): 02S 05E 14 AA Latitude(dd): 45.6683 County (MT): GALLATIN Longitude (dd): -111.0637 DNRC Water Right: Geomethod: TRS-TWN PWS Id: Datum: 1927 Block: Addition: 99 Lot: 5 Type of Site: WELL Certificate of Survey: Not Reported Well Construction and Performance Data(measurements are reported below land surface) Total Depth (ft): 60.00 How Drilled: Static Water Level (ft): 10.00 Driller's Name: HAGGERTY Pumping Water Level (ft): Driller License: WWC353 Yield (gpm): 25.00 Completion Date: Apr 05, 2002 Test Type: AIR Special Conditions: Test Duration: 1.00 Is Well Flowing?: Drill Stem Setting (ft): 55.00 Shut-In Pressure: Recovery Water Level (ft): 10.00 Geology/Aquifer: Not Reported Recovery Time(hrs): 1.00 Well/Water Use: IRRIGATION Hole Diameter Information Casing Information From(ft) To(ft) Dia (in) From(ft) To(ft) Dia (in) Description 0.0 60.0 6.0 . -2.0 60.0 6.0 .250 STEEL Annular Seal Information Completion Information From(ft) To(ft) Description From(ft) To (ft) Dia (in) Description 0.0 20.0 BENTONITE 60.0 60.0 6.0 OPEN BOTTOM Lithology Information From(ft) To(ft) Description 0.0 2.0 TOPSOIL 2.0 6.0 CLAY 6.0 60.0 GRAVEL These data represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval.The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis.The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. Note: non-reported casing,completion,and lithologic records may exist in paper files at GWIC. http://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/cgi-bin/pbcgi70.exe/gwic/uo_gwicnet/db_onepage?gwic_id=195 804&a... 6/5/02 i • J: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOHYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS AND LAND USE IN THE GALLATI N VALLEY, SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA, 1992793 By Steven E. Slagle U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-RESOURCES. INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 95-4034 �ENT OF lh O p N O M4RCH 3 a) s:�,h Helena, Montana May 1995 Prepared in cooperation with the MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY P°o,o oo�­' b o.p. d ' —✓ 2711 Baldy 'aQ,.°;q:...::fl;o:�a::•:P} q`'o'a..,y:°:o. ;igya .. o'Clo qo oo \:o°.b"coo.-.,,�°- .,.o'p ' Mounr. z O.• , A:OO q�OJ U o oO .0 l ' ♦0 d, `I J. a°a.G D° Q� '' O O,.. .145�.,°. .a:. ..°. ,A..-�..q�i°� ` 229.0 — `.r>•.; ............. 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' a: Mount 2 �(( 25J9 'Ellis I q ASS ° ... tool :,,,.�,<,� x•;.;_...: ,1 • 1 8.4 ;:.o:.. �';.,':::.r•• �• °�.. ° 208 22 -2227 Gaging Geology modified from °. Sta LOB QTa 0 ::- EXPLANATIONI I Hackett and others, 196_... .. ........I PREDOMINANTLY FLUVIAL DEPOSITS(Ounwnary) � y/f 07. PREDOMINANTLY ALLUVIAL-FAN DEPOSITS(aa1•rrnry ud T•rlLry).I,dud•,.NwW4.n ' / 8, deposits and old aiwium of Nrken and othen,1980 - - - _ LACUSTRINE AND FLUVIAL DEPOSITS UNDIFFERENTIATED(r.mi y) <<; 0 I 2 3 4 SMILE S I BEDROCK(Cm.tluouph Pr rtthrlm) .i': %. .2256 .. —••--MADISON RrVER-GAUATN RIVER DRAINAGE DIVIDE O I 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS TACT —e,e00-- WATER-SURFACE CONTOUR-SMw.appax4nm elude of weUr moat.N w•Il.,Aupu.12-4. 1995.D..h.d whw..ppr W.t.p oc.led.Conrour Ill—.1 SO IL Ddum I.u.I.vd II q i L L T I N .O.E.B jo 560 WELL-Too number 1i 6ep9h to water on Auqu 24.1999(Slave,1995). E.0"n w.tw level A e.9meted Iran rro.wemenu m.0e on QV-del.:°ot a number h Ovad,of wee; largn finer Iderimas hyoro4raph location •I" �4 , ' tQP I C&H Engineering and Sung, Inc.: TEST HOLE I PROJECT: Aaker Meadows JOB#: 96044 HOLE: MW#5 STATE: MT COUNTY: Gallatin LOCATION: T 2S R 5E SEC 14 TRACT 4 SITE DESCRIPTION: _See Topo DATE: 3/6/96 RECORDED BY: SK DRILL METHOD: B-hoe DRILLER: Ge, seer TOTAL DEPTH: 8' 4" SCALE/DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION -0"....................................................Dark brown clay loam topsoil with very few organics. 1- - 16".........................................:......Brown silty clay loam with many small gravels(<3"diameter) - and few organics,medium plasticity,smooth texture,medium density. -33"...................................................Very gravelley,dark coarse grained sandy gravel with cobbles 3- (S 12"diameter). No organics,non-plastic,medium density,gritty texture. r 5- IN THE SAME MATERIAL AS DESCRIBED ABOVE 6- 8-94"...............................................Ground water encountered - 100".................................................End of excavation. No evidence of limiting layer. 9- (Monitor Well 95 installed) 10- FAC&H\96\96044\office\testlog5 C&HEngineering and Sur ng, Inc.: TEST DOLE L& PROJECT: Aaker Meadows JOB#: 96044 HOLE: MW#4 STATE: MT COUNTY: Gallatin LOCATION: T 2S R 5E SEC 14 TRACT 5 SITE DESCRIPTION: See Topo DATE: 3/6/96 RECORDED BY: SK DRILL METHOD: B-hoe DRILLER: Geyser TOTAL DEPTH: 8.0' SCALE/DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION -0"....................................................Dark brown clay loam topsoil with few organics. 1- - 16"................................................Reddish brown sandy loam with very few organics and many small - gravels(<3"diameter). Gritty texture,low plasticity,medium density. -24"...................................................End of Frostline -31"...................................................Depth to a well graded dark coarse grained sandy gravel with cobbles (<6"diameter). No organics,non-plastic,gritty texture,medium density. 5-60"..................................................Estimated depth to seasonal high ground water(moisture in soils) -90"...................................................Groundwater encountered. 8- -96"...................................................End of excavation. No evidence of limiting layer. - (Monitor Well#4 installed) 10- F AC&H\96\96044\offi ce\testl og4 C&H Engineering and Suring, Inc.: TEST HOLE 1 PROJECT: Aaker Meadows JOB#: 96044 HOLE: MW#3 STATE: MT COUNTY: Gallatin LOCATION: T 2S R 5E SEC 14 TRACT 5 SITE DESCRIPTION: See Topo DATE: 3/6/96 RECORDED BY: SK DRILL METHOD: B-hoe DRILLER: Geyser TOTAL DEPTH: 78 SCALE/DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION 0-0"....................................................Dark brown clay loam topsoil with few organics and very few gravels - (<3"diameter). 1- 12'r..................................................End of Frostline. - 14 1/2".............................................Reddish brown sandy loam with common to many gravels(<3"diameter) - and few organics. Gritty texture,low plasticity,medium density. -22"...................................................Depth to a well graded dark coarse grained sandy gravel with cobbles (<12"diameter).No organics,non-plastic,medium density,gritty texture. IN SAME MATERIAL AS DESCRIBED ABOVE 5- 6- -82"...................................................Groundwater encountered -92"...................................................End of excavation. No evidence of limiting layer. 8- (Monitor Well#3 installed) 9- 10- FAC&H\96\96044\office\testlog3 r • C&H Engineering and Sung, Inc.: TEST HOLE Lyj PROJECT: Aaker Meadows JOB#: 96044 HOLE: MW#2 STATE: MT COUNTY: Gallatin LOCATION: T 2S R 5E 'SEC 14 ' TRACT 3 SITE DESCRIPTION: See Topo DATE: 3/6/96 RECORDED BY: SK DRILL METHOD: B-hoe DRILLER: Geyser TOTAL DEPTH: 9.5' SCALE/DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION 0-0"....................................................Dark brown clay loam topsoil with common organics. - 14"...................................................Yellowish brown loam with few organics and very few gravels (<5"diameter). Low plasticity,medium density. -25"...................................................Reddish brown sandy loam with many organics and many small gravels (<3"diameter). Gritty texture,low plasticity,medium density. 3- -38"...................................................Depth to a well graded dark coarse grained sandy gravel with cobbles - (1/16"- 10"diameter). No organics,non-plastic,medium density, gritty texture. -48"...................................................Estimated depth to seasonal high ground water. (Moisture in soils) 5- 6- IN SAME MATERIAL AS DESCRIBED ABOVE 8- t i - 108".................................................Ground water encountered. - i - 114".................................................End of Excavation. No evidence of limiting layer. i 10- FAC&M96\96044\office\testlog2 AREA-UF-'"UF'tIV J)f-/AUr_ I K/A U I CS COS NO. 1245 I I w COS NO. 1245A TOTAL AR = 942,812 SQ. FT 21 .6440 ACo g7 Fm 1326 I I 87 Fm 1326 III Do I I LJ VI C I N ITY MAP [N89'59'48"E] [N89'59'48"E] Fnd 5/8" Rebar I I I 089'59'48' 089'59'48' with 2 Alum. Cap1 I o St 1742.03 marked Swart ❑❑000 I= 418.24 �NNODDEIDEIDEIR ❑❑❑❑ ❑ QUO�OEIDED L 1323.79 f - - - - - - - 374.72 Tie- - - - - - - � 43.52' 00000 � I 35835'33" '� 1'ie ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑©❑ PARCE W. Coll ge ❑ ❑][ ®( D0❑❑❑❑ -P°nd ( � oo � 60' wide L]r image Easement COS NO. .� ❑]❑��J®❑❑ Md ,a. ro„o.. 5 cl v on s a, I 20' wide Ditch Maintenance 1 I I EVANGELICAL FREE CHURL .n - QQ0�❑ o I l I EVANGELICAL CHURCH Morn 000❑❑D as I a and Utility Easement 15' I W.G..Nra St. 166 Fm y V' UIRCME-10 ®�0O❑ I 5' �74_ I 1< ^ LOT 1 I rn N d- III Existing Public Street and Utility Ea > a� I 1 n- N per Film 198, Page 3908 Lincoln Rd. C] �QS ^ 121,456 Sq Ft N (o c� I 1 p g Q; o - - - , Y D ❑ r I I i o. EAST R w°, s y j 2.7882 Acres I ��I n m 0 1 I [EAST] o I � I 090'00 00 S�Tf J G a I I Nl I 99.96 Existing 60' wide P °" Kagy Blvd. ,.• I 1 `� 1 per Film 122, Page L _ - , / I I Temporary 35' Stream Setback [ '�� [S00'04'03 "W] Cul De Sac O .*S - 3' %I I 180'04 03 Existing 12' wide Utility Easy -444.46 Tie- - - - I N �' I I 29.94 West Communications per D a 5 °o:•°°' r 270*00,00" 459.60 O [WEST] [EAST _•� (U a �'� I Remington Way ts 15.14 � 090'001+ q Tie 2.1 � 520.5 11f;Fi.13 I NOT TO SCALE _ - - -340.43= - - - - - a; N 41.3 �- 4.81- -`��- - -217.46- - ODI F15M- - ,, - o 342.27 4 I C. W.C. r 090'00'00" nip 090'00'00" 11515 I [EAST] I o o o I [EAST] a' = SD S 327.27�, I 1 I 12' Utility Easement _I o / '/ \��to W.C.E I (M1 ( I �_0 / / � � �. E I CO, I LOT 3 I so � ( / a N ( � � /, o 0 15.00 io e^p� I 81,350 Sq Ft I o ( ;? v' LOT 1 w v oIm LW.C-2701 as c� 1.8675 Acres `r /Ilk o � m = o o ( ( ___to M N 108,900 Sq Ft �°o I f C U RVE DATA r0 ;3N I o 0 02.5000 Acres = E Z:� f LENGTH RADIUS 0 010 1 U N 10 25.91 1 70.00 08'43'53" !- - - - - - ` - - - - - 1 _--- , '' OPEN SPACE ;; En z I Ml N87'19 30 W] �I r -267'19'30"- - - -359.33 - - [ - coI o 31,026 Sq Ft �N o I 20 46.35 230.00 11'32'47" �_ Q I co oI 0.7123 Acres ; i 1� 10 Utility Easement I U,+ u' ► z " I 1 3Q 8.77 230.00 02'1 1 '06" I `� I o o I I " -� C- 15.00 I ` I W.C. - P 270'C E I C ® 14.84 170.00 05'00'00" LO�- r� N I I I 270'00'00" 343.04 [WEST] 10 - - ,d? w w I _ 328.04 to W.C. a' I C. 50 20.07 230.00 05'00'00 N 81,350 Sq Ft '' I o0o I C, 0 1 20' 1.8675 Acres � I N I © 40.74 170.00 13'43'53" I o b I 1 'l0 I �1 I Tl o l _ _ 51 �I 0 70 35.05 230.00 08'45'53" L - - - _ - 1T - - - - - - 1 - - - sue 4 -- 5 I ` LOT 60 1 1 -270'20'34"- - -406.66- - - -[N89'39'26"W]--I 'Z3 �I 111,896 Sq Ft (n _ O 2.5688 Acres 1� L- -270-C N 1 U O Qa s_ I li I o n2 0 "' 1�--- 35' Stream Setback ¢ o I �5.00 ZIT ( I aCD oo o E �'' I W.C. 03 LOT 1 .el 0 5 Cn = w ( 15' w a 115151 00 82,764 Sq Ft - ` T 0 I 1 20 wide Ditch Maintenance ft- r i 1.9000 Acres I o � , --� and Utility Easement I 1 2I Watershed Area Calculations Lots 1, Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Job#02024 (DMC Inc.) Lrand IUse Watershed F#1 Category Lot 11 Grass 52370.00 Parking 42165.00 Sidewalk 5320.00 Total Paved 47485.00 Gravel 0.00 Roof 21600.00 Total Area 121455.00 [Watershed#1 Grass C = 0.30 Paved C = 0.90 Roof C = 0.85 Gravel C = 0.50 Area (Ft2) = 52370.00 Area (Ft2)= 47485.00 Area (Ft2) = 21600.00 Area (Ft2): 0.00 Area (ac) = 1.20 Area (ac) = 1.09 Area (ac) = 0.50 Area (ac) = 0.00 Weighted C = 0.632 0 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Watershed#1 Lots 1 Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Pre-Developed Conditions Flow Length = 500.00 Slope (%) = 1.49 C coeficient= 0.20 Cf = 1.00 Tc= (1.87*(1.1-C*Cf)(L)(112))/(s)(1/3) Tc(min)= 32.95 Storm Return Interval = 10 I (in/hr)for 10 year storm 1=0.64t('-") 0.945 RATIONAL METHOD FOR CALCULATING FLOW RATE Rational Method = Q =C*I*A C coeficient= 0.20 Cf = 1.00 I (in/hr) = 0.94 Area (ft)= 121455.00 =Area (AC) = 2.7882 Total Runoff For 10yr Storm (ft3/s) : 0.526912 Detention Pond#1 Lots 1 Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Grass C= 0.30 Paved C= 0.90 Roof C= 0.85 Gravel C= 0.50 Area(F?)= 52370.00 Area(Fe)= 47485.00 Area(F?)= 21600.00 Area(Fe)= 0.00 Area(ac)= 1.20 Area(ac)= 1.09 Area(ac)= 0.50 Area(ac)= 0.00 Total Area(ac)= 2.79 Weighted C= 0.632 Release Rate(cfs)= 0.527 Tc Method 10 Year Storm Total Total Runoff Release Required Storm Intensity Q Volume Volume Storage length min In/Hr (ft3/s) (ft') (ft') (ft) 10 2.05 3.617 2169.92 316.15 1853.77 13 1.73 3.050 2378.61 410.99 1967.62 15 1.58 2.779 2500.78 474.22 2026.56 22 1.23 2.166 2859.51 695.52 2163.99 26 1.10 1.943 3031.69 821.98 2209.70 28 1.05 1.852 3111.35 885.21 2226.14 30 1.00 1.771 3187.40 948.44 2238.95 35 0.91 1.602 3364.09 1106.51 2257.57 40 0.83 1.469 3525.04 1264.59 2260.46 45 0.77 1.361 3673.40 1422.66 2250.74 50 0.72 1.270 3811.39 1580.74 2230.65 55 0.68 1.194 3940.67 1738.81 2201.87 60 0.64 1.128 4062.53 1896.88 2165.65 120 0.41 0.719 5177.94 3793.76 1384.18 Retention Pond#1 Grass C= 0.30 Paved C= 0.90 Roof C= 0.85 Gravel C= 0.50 Area(F?)= 52370.00 Area(Fe)= 47485.00 Area(F?)= 21600.00 Area(Fe)= 0.00 Area(ac)= 1.20 Area(ac)= 1.09 Area(ac)= 0.50 Area(ac)= 0.00 Total Area(FT A2)= 121455.00 Weighted C= 0.632 Total Precipitation(ft)= 0.068 Total Runoff Runoff Volume(ft)= 5222.91 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE SIZING Allowable Flow Rate Q(cfs)= 0.527 Height of Weir Notch(ft)= 0.67 Number of Contractions(N)= 2.00 Height of Baffle(Y)= 1.33 C1=Rehbock Coefficient=[0.6035+0.0813'(H/Y)+(0.000295/Y)]'[1+0.0361/H](32) C,= 0.6496 Weir Equation=Q=(2/3)'(C,)'Ben'(2*9)(1')'(H)(32) Bea=(Q)/((2/3)*(C,)*(2'9)"r"*(H)(32)) Ben= 0.2785 Weir Width(B)= Beffeanre=Baaual-(0.1'N'H) Baauai=BenecWe+(0.1'(N)'(H)) Baaual(ft)= 0.4119 Baauai(in)= 4.9423 /31/02 10:11 FAX 5878038 AMERICAN LAND TITLE Q 002 Jill 2058391 i P.o.: t or 2 01!1e12007 10:24A ShelUy Venoe-Gall►tln Co AT DEED l2.co WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR: GRANTEE: Moose Point, L.P., a California limited partnership DMC Incorporated 1875 Arroyo Seco Drive 804 North 19"' Avenue, Suite 2A San Jose, CA 95125 Bozeman, MT 59715 Moose Point, L.P., a California limited partnership, 1875 Arroyo Seco Drive, San Jose, CA 95125, herein referred to as Grantor, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS, grants and conveys unto DMC Incorporated, 5 804 North 191h Avenue, Suite 2A, Bozeman, MT 59715, herein referred to as Grantee, all of the following real property in Gallatin County, Montana: Lot 1 in Block 3 of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, located in the SE1/4 of Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. [Plat J-328] TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. together with all tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto, and all right, title, and interest of the Grantor therein. SUBJECT TO: (a) reservations and exceptions in patents from the United States or the State of Montana; (b) visible easements, easements of record, and rights of way; (c) all building, u;,e, zoning, sanitary, and environmental restrictions; and (d) all liens, covenants, easements, restrictions, reservations, and encumbrances of record. GRANTOR covenants with Grantee that the former is now seized in fee simple of the property granted; that the latter shall enjoy the same without any lawful disturbance; that the same is free from all encumbrances except those described above; that Grantor and all persons acquiring any interest in the same through or for Grantor will, on demand, execute and deliver to Grantee, at the expense of the latter, any further assurance of the same that may be reasonably required; and that Grantor will warrant to Grantee all of the said property against every person lawfully claiming the same. Warranty Deed Page 1 or 2 1/31/02 10:11 FAX 5878038 AMERICAN LAND TITLE Q 003 � 205g391 I Pea&! 2 or 2 0111812002 10:24A Shelley vanc.-6all&ttn Co MT DEED 12.00 DECLARED this fit~ day of January, 2002.. MOOSE POINT, L. P., a California limited partnership By: BURGIE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC, A California limited Lability company, General Partner By: -rHE CECICH FAMILY 1986 TRUST, Dated November 18, 1986. as amended, Sole Member By.'�D� DAVID K. CECICH, Co-Trustee By: LORI R. CECICH, Co-Trustee STATE OF :ss County of ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the to day of January, Th Inst 9 2002, by David K. Cecich and Lori R. Cecich as Co-Trustees of the Cecich Family Trust. OFFICIAL SEAL @My LORNA K.ROACH NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIACOMMISSION#1294265SANTA CLARA COUNTY Cotnmission Exp.March 16. NO ubllc for tate of rinted Name: �. ( S E A L ) Residing at: My Commission Expires: .3 /G W ZC05 I Warranty Deed Page 2 of 2 ADJOINERS KAGY CROSSROADS Moose Point, LP 1875 Arroyo Seco Drive San Jose, CA 95125-5602 Evangical Free Church of Bozeman Evangical Church of Bozeman 1701 S. 19th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59718 Sparkle Limited Liability Co. 2305 Catron Road Bozeman, MT 59718-7261 Fred R. Martin P.O. Box 55 Pleasanton CA 904566-0005 ' Blackketter Family Trust 19826 N. 86th Dr. Peoria, AZ 85382-8758 Melvin R. Heckman .303 Alabama St. Huntington Beach CA 92648-5207 TRM Family Limited Partnership 330 Sacajawea Peak Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718-9393 Ralph K. Aaker 1461 Monroe Place Louisville, CO 80027-1560 Seven A. Aaker 5310 Kewanee Dr. Boulder, CO 80303-4218 Daniel Hitchcock; Barry L. Brown Jerry D. Locati 19 Lariat Loop Bozeman, MT 59715 �ss I . I I - - c -I ✓lG�a4 Gj(y)j Aetna- " '7 ��,�Q,. ..e'�eti 5c�e acre L7MG INV r, l( „ - AP& tLm Piv Po7wV, - 1 I KAGY CROSSROADS APARTMENTS PUD ZONING FILE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT #Z-02166 ITEM: ZONING APPLICATION NO. Z-02166 -- AN APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR FOUR 2-STORY WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT BUILDINGS AND RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS REPRESENTATIVE: SPRINGER GROUP ARCHITECTS, PC 201 SOUTH WALLACE AVENUE BOZEMAN, MT 59715 OWNER: DAVE MACDONALD DMC, INC. 804 NORTH 19T"AVENUE, SUITE 2A BOZEMAN, MT 59715 DATE/TIME: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2002, AT 3:30 P.M., IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED M. STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET, BOZEMAN, MONTANA REPORT BY: KARIN CAROLINE ASSISTANT PLANNER RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (BASED ON FINAL DRC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FORTHCOMING) ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Proiect Description: The subject property is generally located west of South 19`h Avenue and north of Remington Way and is legally described as Lot 1, Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property is zoned "R- 4" (Residential High Density District). Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. _' t • • PLI Subject if Property ....... Licoln Rd. R-4 R­3 it............ ........... .......... ............ e mi 1nr!TT[7YtJnJL [_J k . -4 -Jr. C11 .................. .........B 21 N .......... ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING NORTH: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) - Undeveloped, county land EAST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban)—Undeveloped, county land; further east"R-Y (Residential Medium Density District) - Evangelical Free Church SOUTH: "B-2" (Community Business District)—undeveloped lot of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision WEST: "AS" (Agricultural Suburban) -Undeveloped, county land PROPOSAL/BACKGROUND Application has been made for Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan review to allow the development of a four 2-story with basement apartment buildings and related site improvements on property located within the Kagy Crossroads subdivision and located west of South I 9th Avenue and north of Remington Way. The subject property is zoned"R-4" (Residential High Density District). The proposed plan shows landscaping coverage of approximately 42%. The buildings are proposed to be centrally located in a courtyard-like setting with parking on the sides and to the rear. The buildings have been located close to Remington Way in order to provide a better streetscape presence. There are sidewalks around each of the buildings and those that connect buildings to each other. There are 135 proposed parking spaces, which are located to the sides and rear of the buildings. The disabled parking spaces have been scattered throughout the site to offer convenience to all buildings. Per Bozeman Zoning Ordinance Sections 18.52, the Design Review Board (DRB) is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger or more complex proposals, which are likely to produce significant community impact and is empowered to recommend approval, conditional approval or denial for such applications. t • • c The intent of the planned unit development concept is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. Specifically, with regard to the improvement and protection of the public health, safety and welfare, it shall be the intent of this title to promote the city's pursuit of community objectives as outlined in Section 18.54.020 of the City of Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the Concept Plan review is for discussion of the applicant's proposal with the designated review committees in order to identify any requirements and applicable standards and policies, as well as offers the applicant the opportunity to identify major problems that may exist and identify solutions prior to making formal application. It should be noted, as of this staff report writing, this application has only received its first two weeks of review with the Development Review Committee (DRC). In the final DRC meeting, specific conditions will be drafted concerning such items including, but not limited to, water/sewer services, parking lot configuration for emergency services, stormwater retention, and landscaping requirements. List of Relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance: • Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks) — To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks) — To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA A. Section 18.54 Planned Unit Development In approving a Planned Unit Development, the City Commission is charged with finding that criteria outlined in Section 18.52.030 are adequately addressed and may consider any conditions deemed necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Planning staff has evaluated the application against the criteria and offers the following summary review comments below. 1. That the site takes into consideration the relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property. The project would be compatible with the adjacent land uses. The proposed site plan shows compatibility with and sensibility to the immediate surrounding area. 2. That the proposed project shall be in conformance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan, all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations and be consistent with respect to land use requirements. The subject property is designated as having a "Residential" land use classification under the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. This classification provides for areas where the primary activity is urban density living quarters. The residential structures would be in close proximity to the MSU campus and may provide much needed housing. The property is zoned "R-4"which provides for high density residential living. t t . • 3. That the site takes into consideration the impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions. The proposed project would be providing 135 parking spaces, including 5 disabled spaces. The project would be taking access from Remington Way. There is a signalized intersection at South 19'h Avenue and Kagy Boulevard which would provide safe ingress/egress to the subject property. 4. That the Master Plan has complied with all conditions stipulated in Chapter 18.50. Section 18.50 establishes general development standards, which are intended and designed to assure compatibility of uses; to prevent urban blight, deterioration and decay; and to enhance the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the residents living within the zoning jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman. It is anticipated that the proposal will satisfy most of the requirements of Section 18.50, "General Building and Development Standards" of the Zoning Ordinance, however code provisions will need to be addressed, or deviations requested and granted, before the Final Site Plan can be approved. PlanningSite ite Specific Conditions: 1. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. 23 landscaping points are required for this project and need to be shown on the Final landscaping plans. 2. Details of the sports court, including any benches, shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 3. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaries and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 4. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights, including those used for security, must be shown in detail on the Final Site Plan. Applicant shall submit manufacturer's cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 5. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes, shall be noted and shown accordingly on the Final Site Plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical detail(s) illustrating the materials, color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted accordingly on the Final Site Plan, for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan approval. Design Review Board Staff Report 6. All plans (site, landscaping and paving/drainage) shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 7. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 35-foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D.2.g(Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 8. Color and material palette, including brick type, cultured stone, DryVit or synthetic stucco, roofing material, etc., shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to any approval of Final Site Plan or issuance of building permits. S. That the site addresses pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress, including, but not limited to, design of pedestrian circulation, safety of both pedestrians and non- automotive circulation, and design features for grading differences, landscaping and lighting. Within the project, there will be sidewalks around the buildings near the parking lot area. There will be sidewalks from each building to the parking lot area. There will be sidewalks that link the buildings to the primary sidewalks along Remington Way. The applicant is proposing an area of enhanced paving running east/west through the parking lot to better designate where pedestrian traffic will cross the parking lot to access the sports court to the east. 6. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: 1) Regulation of use; 2) Special yards, spaces, and buffers; 3) Special fences, solid fences, and walls; 4) Surfacing of parking areas; 5)Requiring street, service road, or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; 6) Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; 7)Regulation of signs; 8) Requiring maintenance of the grounds; 9) Regulation of noise, vibration, and odors; 10)Regulation of hours for certain activities; 11) Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; 12)Duration of use; 13) Requiring the dedication of access rights; 14) Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. Specific conditions relating to additional landscaping within the stream setback are addressed as proposed condition#7. Condition#5 addresses that requirement of screening of mechanical equipment, either rooftop or ground-mounted. C. Section 18.52 Plan Review and Approval Section 18.51 states that the DRB is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger or more complex proposals within the overlay districts and to provide.recommendations subject to provisions of Section 18.52. Applicable site plan review criteria from Section 18.52.030 (F) that are not discussed elsewhere follow: t) Other related matters, including expressed public opinion- At the time of this report, there have been no letters or opinions received in opposition to or in favor of the proposed project. Design Review Board Staff Report CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above review comments, the previously referenced conditions of approval for the Planned Unit Development(further conditions to be determined) are recommended for the Board's consideration. Staff has attached the Concept PUD response letter with comments from members of the Design Review Board. The recommendations of the Design.Review Board and the Development Review Committee will be forwarded to the City Commission for its consideration and final action at a public hearing held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2002. cc: David MacDonald, 804 North 19`h Avenue, Suite 2A, Bozeman, MT 59715 Springer Group Architects, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 \7 aO5 ks�� CITY OF BOZEMAN BUZ�,`�1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT V 9x ' * Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building o _ e Phone: (406) 582-2360 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2363 co Mailing address: P.O.Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman.net May 1, 2002 Dave MacDonald 804 North 19'h Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: MacDonald Apartments Concept PUD, #Z-02054 Dear Dave, Below you will find notes and suggestions from the three-week review by the Development Review Committee (DRC) and the Design Review Board (DRB)meeting. We hope that these comments assist you with your design and review of this future project. While we attempt to identify all issues during the concept review, please keep in mind that there may be other issues that arise during the formal review of the PUD preliminary plan. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me, 582-2368. Sincerely, Karin Caroline Assistant Planner cc: C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 2415 West Main Street, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59718 Springer Group Architects, PC, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Rick Hixson, project engineer file f�� planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination Planning Conditions and/or Issues: 1. Applicant shall provide a narrative with preliminary PUD plan submittal, which outlines any and all requested deviations or relaxations from the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 2. The applicant shall be made aware that any more than a two-story with basement structure shall be sprinklered. 3. Applicant shall make sure the preliminary PUD plan submittal meets all the applicable requirements and code provisions contained with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 4. The maximum allowed density within the R-4 zoning district using the density bonus is 20 units per net acre (exclusive of rights-of-way). Water/Sewer: 5. This lot is stubbed with a 4" fire and a 1" domestic water service. To provide water service to each unit will require additional service to the 4" main installed to property line. 6. This lot is stubbed with an 8" sanitary sewer main. To provide sanitary sewer services to the 4 units will require extension of and connection to this 8" sanitary sewer main. Engineering Conditions and/or Issues: 7. The Preliminary Plan shall be adequately dimensioned. A legend-of all symbols and line types used shall be provided. 8. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainage will be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows, existing and proposed contour lines, stormwater detention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations, discharge structure details, pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. 9. Sewer and water services shall be shown on the Preliminary Plan and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. City of Bozeman applications for service shall be completed by the applicant. 10. The location of existing water and sewer mains shall be properly depicted on the Preliminary Plan, as well as all nearby fire hydrants. All existing utility and other easements must also be shown on the Preliminary Plan. 11. The applicant is advised that in order to provide domestic water service to the four units proposed, it may be necessary to extend the 8 inch water main in Remington Way from a point near it's western end toward the north, extending service lines from this main extension. Page 2 t 12. Plans and specifications for the water and sewer main extensions, prepared by a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer, as well as by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans, specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre-construction conference has been conducted. No building permits will be issued prior to City acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. 13. Plans and Specifications for any fire service lines must be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy and signed by a Professional Engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana, and shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide Professional Engineering services for Construction Inspection, Post- Construction Certification, and preparation of mylar Record Drawings. 14. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the Preliminary Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 15. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 16. The pavement in Remington Way shall be extended all the way to the west property line. 17. The applicant is advised that accurate record drawings for the Kagy Crossroads Subdivision must be received by the Engineering Department prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 18. The watercourse along the eastern edge of the lot must either be moved to the west far enough that no portion of the required setbacks are on the adjacent property, or a variance from the watercourse setback requirement for the property to the east must be obtained by this applicant prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 19. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 20. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. Page 3 �t 21. The applicant is advised that they may be required to participate in the funding of a crossing facility (underpass or other appurtenance as required) across South 19t' Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. Design Review Board (DRB) Comments and Considerations: 22. All the DRB strongly felt that there needed to be more space between the two north building and the two south buildings. 23. All members encouraged the applicant to enlarge the central courtyard area to be a more useable space for the tenants of these buildings. 24. There are good pedestrian connections through the property running east/west, but the applicant should provide a logical north/south pedestrian connection as well. Applicant is encouraged to meander the sidewalk to appear less as a formal'presentation. 25. All the Design Review Board members encouraged the applicant to reduce the front yard setback from Remington Way. This would gain more room in the central courtyard area and still have a good street presence along Remington Way. All DRB members said they would support that deviation, in the future, should it be requested. 26. One member of the DRB suggested merging or bringing together the two landscaped medians along the east side of the parking lot in order to provide a better pedestrian access through the parking lot to the open space along the east side. 27. A few members suggested that the applicant redesign the building layout and provide three buildings in a "square" horseshoe-type shape with the courtyard hidden from Remington Way. 28. Applicant is encouraged to use more detailing, especially near the entrances to each building. The members strongly urged the applicant to use different materials than exist at the Brookside Apartment complex. One member suggested using different window shapes to break up the fagade and have more detail. Page 4 CITY OF BZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * _ ` Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone: (406)582-2360 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2363 co M��� Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail:. planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman.net To: DRC Members M From: Karin Caroline Assistant PlannerI� Date: September 10, 2002 Re: Final Week Review, Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD, #Z-02166 PlanningSite ite Specific Conditions: 1. Proposed snow storage areas shall not interfere with pedestrian circulation or the small sports court. 2. Applicant shall install additional landscaping near the northeast corner of the subject property to offer additional screening and more aesthetics to the proposed detention pond. 3. Applicant shall verify with the Fire Department that there are adequate turning radii within the parking lot for emergency vehicles. 4. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of proposed bike racks. There shall be at least one bike rack per proposed building. 5. Final Site Plan shall show detail for proposed pole light near the sports court. 6. Applicant shall construct the proposed trash enclosure to better match the architectural character and materials of the proposed two buildings. Chain link with plastic slats is not architecturally consistent. 7. Applicant shall relocate one disabled parking space near proposed building A in the northwest corner of the subject property, ensuring all units have an accessible disabled space. 8. Details of the sports court, including any benches, shall be shown on the Final;Site Pl'an� 9. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes, shall be noted and shown accordingly on the Final Site Plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical" detail(s) illustrating the materials, color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination - accordingly on the Final Site Plan, for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan approval. 10. All plans (site, landscaping and paving/drainage) shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 11. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 35- foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D.2.g (Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 12. Color and material palette, including brick type, cultured stone, DryVit or synthetic stucco, roofing material, etc., shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to any approval of Final Site Plan or issuance of building permits. Planning Code Provisions: 13. Landscape plans shall be prepared and certified by a registered Montana landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience; or an individual with a degree in a related field and at least five years of professional design experience. 14. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided to all landscaped areas. Details and specifications shall be noted on final landscape plans. 15. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. 23 landscaping points are required for this-proj ect and need to be shown on the Final landscaping plans. 16. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaries and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 17. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights, including those used for security, must be shown in detail on the Final Site Plan. Applicant shall submit manufacturer's cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 18. A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. Page 2 19. That the applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 20. If occupancy of any structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. 21. That the applicant upon submitting the Final Site Plan for approval by the Planning Director and prior to issuance of a building permit, will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the above conditions of approval have been satisfied or met. Page 3 so2� CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406)582-2360 --- -== 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2363 cook Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman..net To: DRC Members From: John Alston, Assistant Superintendent Water/Sewer Department Date: September 10, 2002 Re: Final Week Review, Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD, #Z-02166 Water/Sewer Conditions: 1. Applicant shall submit a fixture count certified by a master plumber that indicates whether the proposed 1" water line could adequately serve all proposed units. It appears a 1 ''/z" line may be appropriate. planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination L Bo2�'r� • THE CITY OF BOZEMAN V9x 20 E. OLIVE• P.O. BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 5977 1-1 230 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CO 0 PHONE: (406) 582-2380• FAX: (406)582-2363 To: Development Review Committee (DRC) r6Z((Caroline/Finke) From: Karen A. Finke, Project EngineerRe: Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD#Z-021 Date: September 10, 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following should be included as conditions of approval for the above referenced project: 4G 1. The applicant should be aware of the possibility that they may be required to provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of S.I.D.'s for the following: a. Crossing facility (underpass or other appurtenance as required) across South 19`h Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. The document filed shall specify that in the event an S.I.D. is not utilized for the completion of these improvements,the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 2. Remingtion Way, including pavement, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, shall be extended all the way to the west property line of the proposed development. 3. Plans and specifications for the water main,sewer main, and street extensions, prepared by a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer main extension plans and specifications shall also be provided to approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans, specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre-construction conference has been conducted. 4. Plans and specifications for any fire service line shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Montana, and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 5. City of Bozeman applications for sewer and water service shall be completed by the applicant. HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK M 4. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainage will be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows, existing and proposed contour lines, stormwater detention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations,discharge structure details, pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. If the grading design discloses any adverse impact to off-site properties, necessary design alterations and/or drainage conveyance devices and easements must be provided. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. The Maintenance Plan shall include the following.. description of maintenance operations,frequency of inspections and maintenance, responsible parties and record keeping methodology. 6. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the Preliminary Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 7. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 8. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to Final Plat approval. 9. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside-the sight triangles, but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. cc: ERF 1 � Karin Caroline From: Chris Saunders Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 8:48 AM To: Karin Caroline Subject: RE: Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Variance to follow the annexation is my understanding. -----Original Message----- From: Karin Caroline Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 8:47 AM To: Chris Saunders Subject: RE: Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Is the Church pursuing a variance with that Annexation/ZMA? Dave's project has the parking area and drive aisle outside even a 50-foot setback. He is requesting a small sports court(favored earlier by-the DRB and PRAB)to encroach into the setback slightly. -----Original Message----- From: Chris Saunders Sent: Tuesday,September 10, 2002 8:45 AM To: Karin Caroline Cc: Andy Epple Subject: RE: Kagy Crossroads Subdivision The church is pursuing the preparation of annexation and ZMA applications to bring the property in question within the City's jurisdiction. No, I do not believe that you can condition Dave's project to the approval of a third party's variance. It would be good to keep Dave's project as low impact as possible along the creek as I am sure you are doing already. I am reasonably certain that the commission will approve the church's variance since they found a tree to be a hardship last week. -----Original Message----- From: Karin Caroline Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 8:41 AM To: Chris Saunders Cc: Andy Epple Subject: Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Importance: High Chris, Have you heard anything more about the variance request from the E Free church regarding the watercourse setback? Dave MacDonald is proceeding with his PUD to develop that R-4 lot. From my understanding, the subdivider relocated the stream/ditch to the east, encumbering the adjacent landowner with now setbacks from the watercourse. During the concept PUD, it was noted to Dave MacDonald that the subdivider would need to move the creek back onto the subject property(R-4)so that no watercourse setback affected the adjacent land or that a variance be obtained to allow the E Free church future expansion within the setback area. Dave MacDonald has been talking with the church and they have no problem with proposed development. And as far as he ascertains, no one has proceeded with a variance request through City Commission. To make matters worse, a sliver of church land was never annexed with the E Free Church land. Oops! So an annexation, ZMA and variance need to occur. My question to you, at this point, is: Since Dave MacDonald is not the original subdivider, is there a condition that I need to place on his PUD that states something like, "A variance must be requested 1 and granted by taity commission for the E Free church prilk Final Site Plan approval." Help! Any guidance would be great. Final week of DRC is today and DRB is today as well and then City Commission on Sept. 23 right around the corner. Wanted to catch you while you were here. Karin Caroline Assistant Planner City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 kcaroline@bozeman.net www.bozemon.net (406)582-2268-new business number (406)582-2263 2 so2��r CITY OF BOZEMAN 9x DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * ' Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building a Phone: (406)582-2360 s - - --== 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406)582-2363 co moo? Mailing address: P.O.Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman.net To: DRC Members From: Karin Caroline, Assistant Planner Date: September 3, 2002 Re: 2nd Week Review, Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD, #Z-02166 Applicant proposes to construct 4 apartment building, 2 stories with basement for a total of 54 units. The property is located west of South 19th Avenue and north of Remington Way. There is a stream/ditch located to the east of the subject property. The applicant is requesting three deviations within the PUD: • Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks) — To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; • Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks) — To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and • Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. yaa�d{� L.) lb,nrtI410-1 ��t.��H�c► co rec. evrm planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination (.0 (0 ` I 1 I � ✓ a< r� y`��,u-ems �1��— ,� Jy►�J � �cm,� _�ic��,.c, ,(,�<:;; 1 a� lid 11 I. it �elFr�t � �1 �� iI1II1 1� jil ' kl' ri i� �1 i I cif I' } liI! ;r i i r � 60 Ot c,— i so CITY(&BOZEMAN DEP ENT OF PLANNING AND CO*UNITY DEVELOPMENT V x Street address: Alfred M.Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2360 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2363 a��e Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net co. Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 July 12, 2002 World wide web: www.bozeman.net DMC Incorporated 804 N.',19`h Avenue Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Kagy Crossroads Apts. CUP/Preliminary PUD #Z-02166 Dear Sirs: Your application for a Conditional Use Permit for Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD has been received and assigned to Assistant Planner Karin Caroline. The application has been reviewed in accordance with the submittal checklist and appears to meet the submittal requirements. However, please understand that during the course of review there may be items identified or issues, which need to be addressed. Should that occur, Planner Caroline will contact you. The Development Review Committee (DRC) will be reviewing your application on three separate occasions and the Design Review Board (DRB) will review it once. The DRC meetings will be held on three consecutive Tuesdays; August 13`h, 20th, and 27`h, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. and the DRB meeting on Tuesday, August 27`h, at 3:30 p.m. Staff recommends that you and/or your representative attend the second and third DRC meetings and the DRB meeting to answer any questions that may arise. All DRC and DRB meetings are held in the Conference Room at the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building, 20 East Olive Street. Agendas will be sent to you and your representative(s) to remind you of the dates and times of these meetings. The final decision will be made by the City Commission on Monday, September 9`h; at 7:00 p.m. City Commission meetings are held in the Commission Meeting Room at 411 East Main Street in City Hall. If you have any further questions regarding the process or your project in general, please contact Planner Caroline at 582-2260. Sincerely, Carol L. Schott Administrative Secretary Enc. CLS/rmt Cc: Springer Group, P.C., 201 S. Wallace Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 planning• zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration neighborhood coordination YOUR ►;L:L :1�'`� CITE' OF BOZEMAN 07/055/02) 4:54PM OOiA#1 f?i SUE. REV. FEES $984.00 ITEMS CHECK $984.DO ' t7 City of Bozeman Receipt Bozeman, Montana , 20 Received of the sum of Dollars for By DodE CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DT��ALFRED M. STIFF PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING - 20 EAS P. O. BOX 1230, BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-1 1 30 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (406) 582-2360, FAX(406) 582-2363 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAN P.U.D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Certain uses, while generally not suitable in a particular Zoning District,.may, under certain circumstances, be acceptable. When such circumstances exist, a Conditional Use Permit may be granted subject to certain conditions. The permit is granted for a particular use and not for a particular person or firm. No Conditional Use Permit shall be granted for a use which is not specifically designated as a conditional use in the subject district regulations of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. This review will also include a review for Certificate of Appropriateness, if applicable. Deviations and/or variances will be processed concurrently. Additional submittal materials apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Name and mailing address of property owner: DMC Incorporated, 804 N. 19th"Ave. Bozeman, Mt,'59718 Phone: (406) 585-5550 2. Name and mailing address of applicant: Same as property owner Phone: 3. Name and mailing address of representative: Springer Grow, P.C. 201 S. Wallace Ave. Bozeman, Mt 59715 Phone: (406) 585-2400 4. Name and mailing address of Engineer/Architect/Planner: Same as representative Phone: 5. Name of project/development: Kag'y Crossroads Apartments 6. Address of proposed development:2211 Remingt6n-Way 7. Legal description:Lot 1, Block 3, corrections plat of Kav 'Crossroads subdivision 8. Current ZoningR4 Land Area:121,455sq.ft. or 2.79 acres 9. Describe the proposed development(use additional sheets if necessary): Four 2 1/2 story apartment buildings with 54 total units and related parking, utilities, landscaping and site furnishings. 10. Review Fee: $660.00 plus $6.00 per residential unit and/or$4.00 per 1,000 sf gross leasable non- residential floor area This application must be accompanied by appropriate fee and twenty (20) copies of a completed site plan (see submittal requirements)drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8Vh" x I I" or larger than 24"x 36", folded in individual sets not smaller than 8'h"x 11"or larger than 8'h"x 14"in size. Application deadlines vary. This application must be signed and dated by each applicant and property owner(if different)before the sub ittal will be accepted. I (ge) certify t at,the above information is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Date: Date: S� Z Apa �r Property Owner's Signature PUD.PREL PL APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 1 CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ALFRED M. STIFF PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING - 20 EAST OLIVE STREET P.O. BOX 1230, BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1230 (406) 582-2360 FAX (406) 582-2363 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applicant Springer Group, P.C. Date: 5 20 02 Residential PUD x Project Kagy Crossroads Apartments Commercial PUD The following is a checklist of submittal requirements for all Planned Unit Development(PUD) Preliminary Plans. The applicant must complete this checklist and submit it along with the items listed for the application to be considered complete. Any item checked "NO" or"N/A" (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Upon submittal, staff will review the checklist and determine if the application as submitted is complete. If so, it will be placed on the Development Review Committee (DRC) and Design Review Board (DRB) agendas, followed by a City Planning Board review. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. 1. Document Rgguirements YES NO N/A The following information shall be presented in an 8'h x 11"vertically bound document. The document shall be bound so that it will open and He flat for reviewing and will be organized in the following order: A. Application forms; x B. A list of names of all general and limited partners and/or officers and directors of the corporation involved as either applicants or owners of the PUD; x C. Legal description of the site; x D. Adjacent property owners: 1 A copy of the list of the names and addresses of record of real property within 400'of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the PUD is proposed, exclusive of public r/w; x 2 The original list shall be included in the document; x 3 Names and addresses shall be included on plain (no return address), #10 (4-1/8" x 9-1/2"), stamped envelopes; x E. A statement of planning objectives, including: (1) Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Area Master Plan; X (2) Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas and applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; x PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 2 YES NO N/A (3) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses; X (4) Description of rational behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant; X (5) The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design objectives and Criteria of Section 18.54.100, documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use;the applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion;the Planning Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section; any variance from the criterion shall be described; X (6) Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated; X (7) Statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g. -home/business, utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling); X F. A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the PUD, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas; x G. Reduced versions of all preliminary plan and supplemental plan maps and graphic illustrations at 81h x 11" or 11" x 17" size. x 2. Site Plan Requirements YES NO N/A The site plan of the proposed development drawn at a scale not greater than 1" = 40'or less than 1" = 100'; and composed of one(1) or more sheets not larger than 24'x 36", showing the following information: A. Name of project/development; X B. Location of project/development by street address; x C. Location map;including area within one(1) mile of site; x D. Name and mailing address of developer/owner; X E. Name and mailing address of engineer/architect; X F. Date of plan preparation; X G. North point indicator; _X H. Location of municipal and extra-territorial boundaries within or near the development; X I. Listing of specific land uses being proposed; X J. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet; X PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 3 1� YES NO N/A K. Total number, type, and density per type of dwelling units; X L. Total gross residential density and density per residential parcel; X M. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (Floor Area Ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use; X N. Proposed coverage of buildings and structures for parcel(s) and total site, including the following: (1) Percentage and square footage of building coverage; X (2) Percentage and square footage of driveway and parking; X (3) Percentage and square footage of public street r/w; X (4) Percentage and square footage of open space and/or landscaped area; X (5) Percentage and square footage of Active recreational use area; X O. Number and location of off-street parking, including guest, handicapped, bicycle and motorcycle parking, with typical dimensions of each; X P. Topographic contours at two-foot intervals, unless differently permitted by the Planning Director; X Q. Watercourses, water bodies and irrigation ditches; X R. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps; X S. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs, having a diameter greater than 21h, by species; X T. Tentative location and floor area of existing and proposed buildings; X U. Boundary and square footage of each area designated as active recreational use; X V. Location and acreage of common open areas and all public and semi-public land uses, including public parks, recreational areas, school sites, and similar uses; X W. Location of existing and proposed pedestrian circulation system, indicating the proposed treatment of points of conflict; X X. Maximum building height of all structures; X Y. The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector and local streets, including off-street parking areas; service areas; loading zones; and major points of ingress and egress to the development; notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate; X Z. Existing zoning; X AA. The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the PUD, including materials and techniques used, such as screening, fences, walls, and other landscaping; X PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 4 YES NO N/A BB. Proposed signage, with locations and illustrative examples; X CC. Adjacent site information: Area shown on the site plan shall extend beyond the property lines of the proposal to include a survey of the area and uses within 200'of the proposal, exclusive of public r/w at the same scale as the proposal and including the following: X (1) Land uses and location of principle structures; X (2) Densities of residential uses; X (3) Existing trees and major features of landscape; X (4) Topographic contours at two-foot intervals, unless differently permitted by the Planning Director; X (5) Traffic Circulation System; X DD. Supplemental vicinity map: Vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one(1) mile showing: (1) Zoning districts; x (2) Location of municipal boundary lines; X (3) Traffic circulation system; x (4) Major public facilities including schools, parks, trails, etc.; X EE. Attorney's or owner's(s') certification of ownership; FF. Chairperson and Secretary of the City Planning Board and Zoning Commission certification of approval of the site plan, including a statement of any variances to the Community Design Objectives and Criteria of Section 18.54.100; X (see attached warranty deed) GG. Owner certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on the site plan; X (will be provided when conditions are provided) 3. Supplemental Plan Requirements A. Architectural elevations: Preliminary architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements; X B. Landscape treatment: A general landscaping plan indicating: (1) Treatment of materials used for private and common open spaces; X (2) All existing vegetation with identification of trees by sizes of species; X (3) Specific proposals to protect and preserve existing trees during and after construction; X PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 5 YES NO N/A (4) The scale shown on plant materials; X C. Utility plans: The existing and proposed utility systems and proposed utility systems, including: (1) Sanitary sewers; X (2) Storm sewers; X (3) Water; X (4) Electric; (5) Gas; (6) Telephone lines; (7) Fire hydrants; X (8) Trash collection areas; X D. Street cross sections if different from City standards; street cross sections schematics shall be submitted for each general category of street, including the proposed width, treatment of curbs and gutters, sidewalk systems and bikeway systems where deviations from the design criteria and standards of the City are proposed; X E. Physiographic data, including the following: (1) A description of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping; (2) A map showing all permanent and temporary streams and sketch showing the 100'year floodplain for each period as designated in the design criteria as established by the City; (3) A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table, fluctuations, and a statement of site suitability for intended construction and proposed landscaping; F. Drainage plan: Preliminary drainage report and calculations and/or plan, including: (1) All watercourses on the property or which are located within 200' of the property, must be shown; in addition, the floodways and/or flood fringe areas of these watercourses must be delineated; (2) All drainage, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc., which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated; (3) All irrigation ditches, laterals, and structures shall be shown; (4) All required on-site detention areas, including notes indicating the approximate area and volume of the facility; PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 6 YES NO N/A (5) All plans shall indicate the proposed outlet for the storm drainage from the property, including the name of the drainage-way (where appropriate), the downstream conditions (developed, available drainage-ways, etc.), and any downstream restrictions; X (6) Existing and/or proposed grading plan; X G. Temporary facilities plan: A plan of the site showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities; x H. Preliminary subdivision plat: If the project involves or requires platting, a preliminary subdivision plat, subject to the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance shall be submitted; x I. Traffic impact analysis: At the discretion of the Public Service Director a traffic impact analysis shall be prepared based upon the proposed development, including the provisions of the approved Master Plan, if part of such Master Plan, and upon surrounding land uses; the Public Service Director may require the traffic analysis to include the following: SEE TRAFFIC STUDY FOR KAGY CROSSROADS SUBDIVISION (attached) (1) Land use and trip generation - a table of each type of land use, the number of units or square footage, as appropriate, the trip rates used (daily and peak hour) and resulting trip generation; x (2) Traffic graphics showing: (a) AM peak hour site traffic; x (b) PM peak hour site traffic; x (c) AM peak hour total traffic; x (d) PM peak hour total traffic x (e) Total daily traffic (with site generated traffic shown separately); x (3) AM and PM capacity analysis: An AM and PM peak hour capacity analysis for all major drive accesses that intersect collector or arterial streets and all site arterial-arterial, collector-collector, and arterial-collector intersections within one (1) mile of the site or as directed by the Director of Public Service; x (4) Report format shall be as follows: (a) Trip generation - using Institute of Transportation x Engineers Trip Generation Manual; (b) Trip distribution; x (c) Traffic assignment; x (d) Capacity analysis; x PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 7 YES NO N/A (e) Evaluation; x (f) Recommended access plan, including access points, modifications and any mitigation techniques; x (5) Additional Analysis Criteria: Appropriate clearance intervals shall be provided for each exclusive movement; pedestrian movements must be provided for each cycle and pedestrian overpasses shall not be at intersections; maximum pedestrian walking speeds shall be 4'per second with a minimum "WALK" time of seven seconds; intersection pavement widths shall not exceed that required to provide three (3) through lanes in each direction, dual left-turn lanes and right-turn lanes. Traffic progression will be of paramount importance; consequently, all potential intersections with signals will be placed on 3 mile points unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Service. Intersection Level of Service "C" shall be the design objective and under no conditions will less than Level of Service "D"be accepted for site operations; arterial intersections and turning operations shall operate at Level of Service "C"; if Level of Service "E" is the result of the study, then alternatives of providing Level of Service "D" shall be analyzed and included as part of the study; generally, the design year will be approximately fifteen (15) years following construction. (6) Summary analysis explaining: YES NO N/A (a) The proposed access points for the project, their location and the rationale for their placement in terms of circulation; x (b) Future off-site road improvements for access, which roads they will be,the projected time frame for their completion and who is responsible for their completion; x (c) ADT and level of service changes to all streets; x (d) How traffic impacts to existing streets will be minimized by the PUD; x (e) Describe bicycle and pedestrian pathways within the development, if used; x J. Additional studies and plans: The City Planning Board and Zoning Commission or City Commission may require additional impact studies or other plans as it is deemed necessary for providing thorough consideration of the proposed PUD; particularly if the development's compliance with the Community Design Objectives and Criteria is under question; 4. Reproducible Copy Requirements In addition to the above document, Site plan and Supplemental Plan requirements the applicant shall submit the following for review purposes: * Reference to 18.54.060 A Preliminary Plan Submittal Requirements@ of the Bozeman Interim Zoning Ordinance (7/02/90) Fee: $660.00 plus $6.00 per residential unit and/or$4.00 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross leasable industrial or commercial (includes professional business offices) floor area. Minimum fee after refund: $500.00 PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 8 CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, Lowell W. Springer , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE ATTACHED NAME AND ADDRESS LIST OF ALL ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2211 Remington Way; Bozeman, MTIS TRUE AND ACCURATE L FROM THE LAST DECLARED GALLATIN COUNTY TAX RECO SDI FURT NDERSTAND THAT AN INACCURATE LIST MAY DELAY RFC IEWOF THE PR C . SIGN T f PUD.PREL PLAN APPLICATION AND SUBMITTAL REQ March 2002 9 ��, Springer Group Arcocts, P.C. Architects Land Use Planners 201 S. Wallace Ave. Bozeman,MT 59715 Phone#:406-585-2400 Facsimile#:406-585-7446 E-mail#:spgroup@in-tch.com Jul 2002 v y 5, D Andy Epple, Planning Director �UL 5 Zd02 Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 pEPARTMENT DF PIANNIN AND COM��.UNIY DEVELOPMENT City Commissioners P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: Kagy Crossroads Dear Andy and Commissioners: In addition to the information provided in the application, the following items are required to be addressed: 1. Document Requirements B. Officers and Directors of the Corporation are: David MacDonald and Cheryl MacDonald; 4011 Blackwood Road; Bozeman, MT 59715 D. Property owners and self addressed envelopes are attached to the application. E. (1) The property, being zoned R-4 and listed in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan as Residential in the center of an area that is designated as Community Commercial, is appropriate for the proposed use. The proposal complies with the objectives of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan by providing high density residential infill integrated with mixed commercial uses. (2) This PUD does not have multiple-owners, therefore, all open spaces will be owned by the property owner. (3) Since this is a residential PUD, the only employees will be for management and maintenance and will most likely be one full-time employee and one part-time employee. (4) The rationale behind every description with regard to this project was to provide a project near Montana State University to serve students and faculty with a convenient, well-designed residential complex which provides appropriate density and encourages pedestrian access. (5) See Exhibit A, statement of Community Design objectives. (6) Presently most of the adjacent property to the west is vacant and used for agricultural purposes; however, this proposed apartment complex is in compliance with both the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan which should ensure a minimum of conflicts between uses. (7) State-of-the-art design of the mechanical system and building envelope will reduce the energy consumption within the buildings. The location and the design of the complex will encourage pedestrian access and, therefore, transportation fuel will be minimized. F. The construction will begin in the fall of 2002 with site work, foundations and parking for Building One progressing through framing, building and enclosure of Building One by December, 2002. The same process will occur with one additional building for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005 when the project will be completed. 2. Site Plan Requirements R. There are no identified floodplains within reasonable proximity of the site. CC. (2) The densities of residential uses in the area include 1 tri-plex adjacent and to the south, and a mixture of single family and 1-12 apartment unit buildings to the east across South 19th Avenue. Also in the vicinity are institutional uses and the entire site will most likely be surrounded by commercial uses as the remainder of the adjacent property on the west side of South 19th Avenue is zoned B-2. FF. We will provide a form for such certification when we can receive a prototype from the design staff. 3. Supplemental Plan Requirements C. (2) There are no existing storm sewers in the area; therefore, the site plan includes an engineered retention system with calculations included. G. Since there are no residences for sale, there will be no plan for sales office or construction facilities. H. A subdivision is not a part of this application, but the plats for Kagy Crossroads Subdivision are on file at the City Engineer's office. I. Since this subdivision was very recently created and the traffic study provided with this subdivision included estimated traffic loads of the subdivision and adjacent properties given the uses that can be projected, no further study or analysis is required. I. (6) (a)The access for the project is simply the access for a single lot off of the street which was planned in the subdivision and the traffic studies to provide access for the lot. Remington Way will provide the access to South 19th Avenue, at which point, traffic will be controlled to the south and north. (b) There will be no off-site roads, only a driveway looping through the parking and accessing Remington Way to the east and west areas of the complex. All driveways will be completed with the initial phase of construction. (c) The level of service at the streets is identified in Item 3 I, above. (d) Traffic impacts will be minimized with regard to this single lot by aligning the access on to Remington Way on the east portion of the project with South 22nd Street and separating the west access. (e)Bicycle and pedestrian access through the site is accommodated by a network of sidewalks connecting the east and west parking lots and accessing all building and bicycle racks. If you have any questions rega ding the above information, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely owell W. Springer, '�ARB Principal Architect LWS: kr COMMUNITY DESIGN OBJECTIVES AND CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT GROUP ALL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. ONE REQUIRED CRITERIA Neighborhood Compatibility 1. The project will enhance the environment of the site and the adjacent properties with state- of-the-art building design and landscaping features. The existing unoccupied weed and grass site would be fully landscaped to surround and blend with the transitional character of the project. The orientation of the buildings will be primarily east and west to serve as an extension to adjacent greenway and stream corridor open spaces. With the individualized landscaped buffer zone surrounding the project, the development should have minimal visual impact. Public Facilities and Transportation 2. A thorough Traffic Impact Analysis was conducted for Kagy Crossroads Subdivision assuming all traffic enters and exits using primarily the access of South 19th Avenue via the extension of Remington way. (See Traffic Evaluation included in this application). Due to the recently improved South Avenue, construction of the project does not significantly affect the projected level of service. The Development Review Committee, reviewed the submitted "Concept Plan", informal meetings have been held with members of the Planning Department and DRB. Every effort has been made to insure proper procedures and applications were adhered to and prepared for the submittal process. The goals and objectives of the 2020 Bozeman Community Plan and the new Avenue were taken into consideration and followed and exceeded where it has been appropriate. The proposed Kagy Apartments fronts along Remington Way which connects to South 19' Avenue. All public utilities are available for extension as required in Remington Way to the south and Then to mains in 19' Avenue ROW. See Preliminary plan and utility submittal . Interior asphalt parking/driveway areas and concrete curbs conform to the City of Bozeman Standards for thickness design. Wastewater flow from the project should be an not exceed average of.527 cu. ft/second. This will have no additional developed rate impact on the major drainage routes located near and extended through the property. A water main exists on s. 19th Avenue and on Remington Way, which will be tied in to provide a looped system and an adequate supply of water in the looped configuration in conformance with the policies of the city of Bozeman. The City of Bozeman will review and approve the plans and installation of these lines for this volume of use. Power will be provided by Montana Power Company to adequately service the project. From the Traffic Impact Analysis done for Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, it is evident that the traffic generated by this project will be a relatively small percentage of the traffic already existing or projected on the adjacent and area streets. The project will cause no unanticipated traffic problems. Adequate emergency access and egress are'well provided by the use of primary and secondary accesses from Remington Way to South 19th Avenue. (See Traffic Evaluation) Since the development must meet the PUD Standards, more than adequate security lighting will be provided. Natural Resources 3. The only stream (ditch), etc. located near the site of the proposed development will be enhanced and benefitted with the construction of this project due to the higher quality of landscaping and amenities in the immediate area to the west of the stream (ditch). No sites of natural or geological hazards or unfavorable soil conditions have been identified within the proposed development area. A majority of the existing weed and grass field will be replaced with a fully landscapedarea. 4. There is no known existing wildlife habitat area on this site 5. The proposed project is not located within any locally designated Historical District or included any locally-designated landmark structures. Environmental Standards 6. The landscape plan and the lighting fixtures will reduce light form the exterior lighting to adjacent public streets. Site Design 7 thru 20. The building area encompasses less than 19% of the total site acreage and meets all 2020 Plan Objectives for density of development. The energy efficient construction will provide a clean air establishment meeting all applicable local, state and federal quality standards. Dust will not be generated from the site since all areas will be landscaped and asphalted. All water quality standards will be met from the proposed project. Surface drainage and runoff will be retained as shown in the storm water and grading plan. For solid waste, screened areas for the containers designed to be picked up by the city of Bozeman's automated system. There will be no discharge of any hazardous wastes. Noise levels from the proposed use will have little if any impact to the surrounding area. Vehicular sounds will be inhibited by the buffered landscaped area. The proposed project will not produce any known heat or glare. An automatic sprinkler system within landscaped areas will minimize any heat reflected from the asphalt parking areas during hot summer hours. The project, with its proposed use, will not cause any known vibrations to the area. All sanitary sewage will be sent through a gravity service line to city mains where it is transported to the Bozeman Wastewater Treatment Plant. Solid waste disposal will be picked up at the designated enclosure at each lot and transported to a local landfill by the servicing agency. The proposed project is located in a previously vacant area of Bozeman, which has historically supported agricultural uses. The site is well suited for the apartment use and the project could easily be designed to have no review except major site plan and building permit. The area will be enhanced further, however, by consolidating the open space and utilizing only four buildings with 12 to 15 units per building in return for a slightly higher density. That is the sole reason for the submittal for approval of the PUD as proposed. The buildings have been oriented to enhance circulation and mi___n_ime the area of pavement. Layout of the landscaping incorporates several species of shrubs and trees to provide variety during the changing seasons. The intent of the project design is to provide alternative affordable housing near MSU while maintaining high design standards and a quality environment for families. Final contour elevations are generally within approximately four (6 to 12) inches of existing except where berms are located. There is only positive, enhancement impact to the waterways located near the site. Surface runoff will be handled on-site using landscaping techniques. Landscaping will encompass over 42% of the total site without counting required setbacks. State-of-the-art design and equipment for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the project will be provided, thus keeping energy consumption to a minimum. Vehicular traffic will be able to maneuver with ease due to the parking and access layout. The project, being residentially oriented, will be in active use mainly 12 hours of the day but will generate some traffic and activity 24 hours a day. Landscaping is designed to minimize the visual impact of the development, and to enhance the quality of the development and thereby the overall Bozeman community. The buildings have been designed to orient toward the center Drives of the project with landscaping along all exterior lot edges. Once one has entered by the main access,he will envision uniquely designed buildings with attractive features, easy maneuverability within the parking lots, and plenty of room to park or exit the project. Ample room has been provided within the site for vehicular movement and parking. Streets, drives and parking areas encompasses 39.4% of the site area. Bicycle parking areas will be provided to be available to all units. Adequate handicapped parking spaces are provided in the all parking areas. Delivery of materials-and goods can be achieved by a standard automobile, U.S. Mail, United Parcel Service delivery trucks and equivalent. Common recreational areas are provided for in the common open spaces and the pedestrian areas in this project,which connect with walkways through the residential areas to the South, East, and North. Landscaping is to incorporate a new shrub/vegetative understory to further buffer the development from residential areas to the south and west, and from South 19' Avenue to the east. The pedestrian circulation system is an extension of what exists adjacent to the site on the East. Sidewalks do not exist in portions of the neighborhood at this time. However, with the pedestrian circulation offered in Kagy Crossroads, pedestrians walking in, to, and through the project should have no restrictions or conflicts with the traffic within the Development. The development when completed will incorporate its major access and secondary access to South 19th avenue to simplify the circulation patterns. The final asphalt contours will keep the drainage runoff away from the buildings while at the same time are gentle enough(well under 10% slope) for pedestrian safety. Handicap parking stalls are adjacent to each building so that traffic crossings will not be of concern. The project will be well lighted for security purposed which will also enhance safety after hours. The designated bicycle/pedestrian access across and around the property will interconnect with the residential areas to the south. The landscaping to be provided for, at all exterior edges of the lot within the project will serve to further designate the property boundaries and thus visually direct traffic flow and pedestrian use. With the residential character and the profile of the project, the selected landscaping will provide an evergreen effect all year. Landscaping will be located along the majority of the project boundary and will be intermixed with a variety of shrubs and trees, to be placed at strategic points along the edges. All signs in the project will adhere to the Bozeman Sign Code. DEVELOPMENT GROUP 2. RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION NO. ONE REQUIRED CRITERIA 1 THROUGH 13: The answer to all of these items is "Yes", as required and incorporated into the drawings and have been responded to above. DEVELOPMENT GROUP R-3 RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Apartments 18.49.070.D.6 App. No POINTS EARNED POINTS APPLICABLE (possible) a.(1) 03 05 15 15 00 08 05 05 TOTAL 23 1. The project earned 23 out of maximum applicable points for a total to satisfy the required 234 minimum. 3fridauit of Publi E C E a W c STATE OF MONTANA, SEP 9 ?002 SS. Count of Gallatin y DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT being yg u sworn, epDep�ses and kys: ThU he is />< tCF' of Big Sky Publishing LLC, DBA Lone Peak Looko.it, a newsparFr of general ci cula=ion,printed in Bozeman&published in Big Sky, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice here unto annexed D oZ / O has been correctly published in the yegular and entire issue cf every number of said papeY for e(%&eswive ek , the first of which publication was made on the day of 20 and the last on the t day of 20 100 )scribed and sworn to before me this f�•. ' 9� % day of 20 0 a--" ••,�0TAR/q�' J;. SEAL ,•*` otar� Public for the State of Montana, •P�Q'` residing at Bozeman, Montana. OF M0� Py P*I!,for the Stat3 of Monfang �'�� t t►►�� R 00ing at Bozeman,Mcntara My Eommiss:c- f :pi.es Jane 27,2004 I SODS a 938 �J �;S►t~UP 10 10 'TPAg30 TMMIOJ3V3a rtr; -1W OVA ` 9 , r i i A10 BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 8, 2002 RECORDS ■Matthew Lloyd Strauser,21, Police reports Bozeman:assault,$300 fine/fees, Correction LOCAL DEWS 'REFS The Bozeman Police reports six months in jail(suspended);un P A story in Saturday's lawful use of identification,$120 the public at 11 a.m.New sored b the Gallatin Empire for Saturday included:, Chronicle misspelled the fine/fees,six months in jail{sus Senior Center offering P Y P ■One person was cited for memberships and renewals will Lions Club. P name of Montana State pended). weekly exercise classes careless driving on South 19th University's police chief. g be available at the door at 10 ■Megan D.Vielleux,20, Water aerobic classes- Avenue at 1:14 p.m.Friday after Roger Rippy is the police Bozeman:minor,in possession of al The Belgrade Senior Center is a.m. hitting another car from be chief. Bohol,$70 fine/fees. offering a weekly class of exer- Music teachers and high slated at Swim Center hind,sending it into a third car. ■Aaron Richard Bujko,18, cises to improve balance and school musicians will be avail- The Bozeman Swim Center There were no injuries. Correction policy Bozeman:minor in possession of al- safety as well as reduce the risk able to try out the instruments. is offering water aerobic classes cohol,first offense,$145 fine/fees, of falling.The class will be held Eckroth Music will have a re-Aman reported at 7:46 The Chronicle promptly cor- six months in'ail(suspended);bein % on Monday-Friday from 6:15- p.m.Friday that when he rects substantial factual errors. J g at 11:30 a.m.Wednesdays,be- pairman on duty to assess the 715,8-8:50,and 9:15-10 a.m.; parked in a friend's driveway on To report an error,call managing a public nuisance,$145 fine/fees, ginning Septa 11 at the Senior cost of any repairs of used in- Monday-Thursday,Thursda 5:30-6:30 P Y six months in ail(suspended); editor Bill Wilke or city editor J theft, Y- Y� East Olive Street,another man $145 fine/fees,six months in ail Center. struments. m.;and Saturday,9-10 a.m. Karin Ronnow at 587-4491. J P• Y who also shared the driveway (suspended);minor in possession of Steve Anderson;physical For information call the mu- Water aerobic classes offer a came out and yelled at him and alcohol,$245 fine/fees;six months therapist;will lead the class. sic office at 522-6017,or attend low-impact cardiovascular i gu Arlene,586-4234. in ail ) providing workout using the-resistance of 'I told him he had a loaded n j (suspended). Anderson has been rovidin the first Friends of Music meet- Bozeman City Commission, ■Eva M.Beuning,19,Bozeman: physical therapy services in in at 7 m.Wednesday,Sept.and would shoot him the next P Y PY g P• Y P • water to increase endurance, 6 p.m.,City Hall;7 P.M.public criminal possession of drug pates Belgrade for five ears. 11 in the high school orchestra time he saw him. g Y � g strength,and improve flexibility ■A 40- ear-old man was ar- hearings if scheduled,582- phernalia,$300 fine/fees,six For in formation nformation about the room. d e of motion. Y 2320. months in jail(suspended),counsel an range rested for drunken driving on ing;violating city noise ordinance, class,call Anderson at 388- The music department Web Classes are offered on a Bozeman Kiwanis Club, 4902. site has up-to-date Friends of North Seventh Avenue at 10:27 $65 fine/fees;criminal possession p' drop-in basis.Fee is$3 per noon,Holiday Inn. p.m.Friday after driving the Y of dangerous drugs,$400 Music activities and events: adult,$2 per senior,or free with wrongway on a one-way street. Bozeman Senior Center:Sit fine/fees,six months in jail(sus- www.bozeman.kl2.mt.us/mu- Y Y -Libra design a Swim Center pass. ■Residents at a house in the and Strengthen exercises,9-10 pended),counseling. Library g sic. For information call 587- ., exercises,a.m Aerobics Plus exerci ■Mark Gerard Dunville,20, 1200 block of south Fifth _ workshop.Thursday 4724. Avenue were warned and told to 10.30-11:30 a.m:;586-2421. Bozeman:minor in possession of al cohol,$195 fine/fees,six months in A presentation and work Willson Auditorium sweep lass out of the street at Bridger Mountain Harmony P g . jail(suspended). shop about the design of the hosts eclectic concert Y. p Chorus, a m.rehearsal Purdy.fire area open 12:25 a.m.Saturday after several p' ■Rachel Clara Peavy,22, new Bozeman Public Library officers checked out a loud par- Sacajawea-Middle School choral Bozeman:driving without a valid dri- p will be Thursday,Sept. 12,from Opus V,a professional vocal t0 firewood cutting room,388-0067. ver's license,$145 fine fees,six ty and found more than 200 e 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.in the library quartet and pianist,will present Bridger Mountain Rally Al- months in jail(suspended). The Purdy Fire burned area people present. ' meeting room. a concert in Bozeman on Anon Family Group,7:30 p.m., ■Emily M.Davidson,l9, along the West Fork Road No. N A 20-year-old Columbia Holy Rosary Education Center, Bozeman:violating city noise ordi- The presentation will be on Tuesday,Sept.10,at 7:30 p.m.in 3138 is now open to the public Falls man was arrested for ob- Lorne,587-7817 nance,$65 fine/fees. the initial site analysis and con- the Willson Auditorium.The to cut firewood for personal use. structing,possession of danger- .■Cynthia L.Smithhisler,40, cept design that has been com- group,consisting of five Civil Air Patrol-Big Sky Firewood permits are re- ous drugs and minor in posses- Belgrade:no liability insurance in ef- pleted on the city site adjacent Montanans,will present a ero- sion of alcohol after beingSquadron,seniors and cadets,7 feet,$300 fine/fees,six months in Y g quires,and available from the Armory,24 W. to Lindley Park on East Main ram entitled From Bach to Bozeman Ranger District,3710 stopped for an open container P.m., ry jail(suspended);traffic violation, Street.Following the presenta- Broadway;'an eclectic blend of g Mendenhall St.,522-8379. $75 fine/fees,six months in jail Fallon St.,east of the Gallatin in the 300 block of East Main J tion,the design team and li- music,comedy and scenes from Street at 12:23 a.m.Saturday. Codependents Anonymous, (suspended). Valley Mall;or from local ven- Y CODA,7:30 m.,Pilgrim ■Mark Lyle Rinehimer,20, brary staff will conduct awork- Broadway s greatest musicals, , ■Residents were warned in p' g dors,Discount Cent Gibson s Congregational Church,2118 S. Bozeman:minor in possession of al- shop that will allow the public interwoven with classical selec-_.. . Discount Center and Ace the 1400 block of Ash Drive at cohol,$95 fine/fees. . to participate in submitting tions b the world's greatest Third Ave.,Bozeman,585-5858 P P g Y g Owenhouse Hardware in 12:56 a.m.Saturday after offi- a Bradford R.Hoffman,19,mi- ideas on various aspects of the composers. or 586-7926. = Bozeman,Lee and Dad s IGA in cers shut down a party with nor in possession of alcohol,$70 project. Ticket for this performance Gallatin Chapter#75 of fine/fees. Belgrade,and the Gallatin about 50 people present,includ- The presentation/workshop can be purchased at Kagy Mended Hearts support group ■Jason T.Krick,27,Bozeman: Gateway Exxon Market. ing underage drinkers. will be conducted b Mark Korner Store,as well as Oak Will meet 9/9/02 at noon driving with asuspended/revoked Y Woodcutters are required to ■A 25-year-old man was ar driver's license,$620 fine fees,six Headley of Overland Partners Street Natural Market at 1735 in the Bozeman Deaconess / carry afire extinguisher,must rested for drunken driving, Hospital education center. months in jail(suspended). Architects,Ray Johnston of West Oak Street.Tickets are$20 have an approved working. driving with a revoked drivers ■David All Osteen Jr.,29, Johnston Architects,Bonnie for reserved seats and$15 for Gamblers Anonymous,7:30 spark arrester on their chain license a d beam Ka habitual p•m.,St.James Episcopal Belgrade: drug criminal possession fine fees, Hershberger of Design general seats.Reserved seating saws,and may not drive off des- offender / Workshop and David Smith,li- is limited The concert is spon- Church,call Deb or Jim at 388- six months injail(suspended). ignated roads. Boulevard at 1:28 a.m.Saturday 7896. ■Matthew C.Shartsis,21, brary programmer. For further information con- after he was stopped for erratic The public 1s encouraged to The Listening Circle,a free Bozeman:disorderly conduct,$145 � ��AR tact the Bozeman Ranger driving. social service for people who fine/fees. attend.For information,call g ■A 21-year-old woman was P P N Eli William Gohde,29, Overland Partners at 585- EARL NOBLE LOVE JR District at 522-2520. have personal concerns that Earl Noble Love Jr. died From Chronicle staff reports arrested for partner/family Bozeman:no liability insurance in ef- 1400. Friday,Sept.P Y need to be talked over,call 580- �' member assault in the 400 block feet,$100 fine/fees,six months in y, 6,2002,at his of West Babcock Street at 5:05' S777 for information and ap- . jail(suspended). residence in Dillon. a.m.Saturday after she hit a pointments. ■Matthew W.Dillon 24, Musical instrument Funeral services will be - man in the nose duringa fight. Narcotics Anonymous, Bozeman:no liability insurance in of held Tuesday,Sept. 10,at g open meeting,noon-1 m., feet,$200 fine/fees,six months in Swap at Bozeman High She was held without bond. P g p' 10:30 a.m. at the Dillon First The Gallatin County Sheriff MSU SUB,check bulletin jail(suspended). The Bozeman Friends of Presbyterian Church,with the ty board by Ask-Us desk for loca- ■Nikki L.Dupea,23,White Music,a support organization Rev. Freeman McCall ofFciat � reports for Saturday included: Sulphur Springs:no liability insur- lion,call Trent at 580-7060, ance in effect,$200 fine fees,six for the music department of the ing,followed by a military n O K K E N•N E L s O Jv ■Someone reported a Sue at 586-5737,or Kelly,586- / Bozeman Public Schools,will graveside service at 4 p.m. at FUNERAL SERVICE smashed mailbox on Y months'n jail(suspended);expired & Cottonwood�Road at 2:5Pea 1. 2790. vehic nse plates,$45 hold its annual' ument the Madision Valley Cemetery CREMATORY Network Against Sexual and fine/fsix months injail(sus swap on Saturdept. 14,in in Ennis. Friday.si deputy found a Domestic Abuse Support pended);traffic violation,$751 the Bdzeman High School cafe- K&L Mortuaries of Ennis Is deer beside the mailbox,and, Group,6:30-8 p.m.c all for lo- fine/fees,six months in jail(sus- teria. g in charge of arrangements. JESSER—Alvin Jesser, concluded the dee 1� a been hit pended). Check-in for those wishing 87,of Bozeman assed awes b a vehicle and careened into cation,586-4J11. $ P Y Y Overeaters Anonymous, to selkan instrument will be 8 on,j,'hursday.No services are the mailbox. Births a.m. he swa e o en to planned0 at this time., ®Deputies investigat noon,St.James Episcopal Boze Deaconess,Ho`sp�aal members of th nds of Lottery riU1l11berS remation has taken lace - 9L1 hang-up call on Woo Church library;call Anne,582- A —Son to Jenny and P. g P 1721. Music at 10 a.m.,then o en to HELENA (AP) — Here are at the Dokken-Nelson. Rich Whitaker of Belgrade. P Shoe Lane at 6:27 p.m.Friday Saturday's numbers in the Montana Bozeman-Belgrade Sexaholics Anonymous,7:30 Aug.23—Daughter to Sunni Cash lottery Line: - g and found that the residents Heikes-Kna ton and John Kna ton ry g Crematory. Cent Holy rite P.O.Education p p Dahl 07-Os-t od jack phone had been dropped in the Center;or write P. Box 6363, of Bozeman. _ � �.� _ Estimated jackpot:$60,000 ' sink. Aug.25—Daughter to Bozeman 59771. ®A woman on Bridger Trail Vanessa and Joseph Laurie of FUNERAL and DES MOINES —The winning reported at 7:31 p.m.Friday that Bozeman. CREMATION SERVICE numbers drawn Saturday night in 113 S.WILLSON•587-3184 a man choked her and dragged Aug. er Son to Dareie and Court reports Jason Vollmer Y 9 of Bozeman. Operating the Gallatin valley Crematory since 1978 "Hot Lotto"are;' JIM MTTCHELL.CHRIS AEMELY•I1AyID TONE her down the hallway in front of Aug. 7—Son to Katie and 16-19-24-29-36,Hot Ball 18 Bozeman Municipal Court re- g 300 Highland Blvd•586-5293 Estimated jackpot:$1 million their 9-year-did eliild. Mark Murphy;daughter to Tia and 8 eently issued the following mis• Caring&dignified service to our community BOZEMAN GRANITE WORKS Livingston police arrested the Clark Maseman of Bozeman;son man and held him on unrelated demeanor sentences: to Kadi and Nick Broyles of Owneaand operated locally by MONUMENTS Y HELENA — Here are ®Nicholas Gibbons,25, the Dahl Family since1939 charges.The assault is under in- Bozeman. Saturday's winning numbers in the Granite Marble " Bozeman:DUI,$395 fine/fees,six vestigation. months in ( Y jail all but seven days Aug.30—Son to Jennifer and Wild Card lottery game: Bronze — Lycurgus Johnson. 09-10-12-19-25 Wild Card Kin ■A 19-year-old man was ar- suspended),COUnS211ng. of Clubs g Over 50 Years of Continuous Service Aug.31—Daughter to Angie azs N.7tn Ave•587-4712 rested for sexual intercourse ■Matthew D.Deshner,20, - Estimated jackpot: without consent and endanger- Bozeman:driving with a suspend— ing the welfare of a child on ed/revoked driver's license,$300 ,fine/fees,six months in jail(all but Divomes DES MOINES —The winning www,B urnsAuction.com West Shore Drive at 10:19 p.m. two days suspended). Gallatin County Court recently -' ' - numbers drawn Saturday night in your first choice... Friday.The case is under inves- ®Katherine Nicole Schmidt,22, granted the following divorces: r "Powerball"are: tigation. Bozeman:DUI,$345 fine/fees,six ■Dan Nichols and Jamie 6-12-19-24-34 Real Estate,Estate,General C f t1jtII9! Powerball 18 AUCTIONEERS!. months in jail(all but one day sus Cross. Estimated jackpot:$77.3 mil- Calendar pended),counseling. ■Ronald Eugene Elliott and lion 388-2360 . 1-888-446-7667 MONDAY N John Barker Bell,32, Janet A. Elliott. r Bosom Buddies Breast Bozeman:DUI,second offense, ■Justin Hjajmar Sabol and $545 fine/fees,six months in jail Melissa Marie Sabol. pP P all but seven days suspended), ■Spiro Andrew Mack and Cancer Support Group, ( y pe ) P 0 mv., � , 1805 W.Dickerson St.,behind t counseling;traffic violation,$175 Andrea Rae Mack,restored to �® H ERA Landmark Realty,call fine/fees. Andrea Rae Aggers. ■ . UTON Finest in Family w Style Italian Cuisine. q TALK TO A REAL., Home of the LIVE PERSON WHO' $4.95 Lunch.. IN THE SAME " f®R W MEN a� BOOK A E. • 41 Ways to Eat v .Jim son Pasta and much `30 Jdim*Fftneaa Waht Loss Csntors" 2304 °`. 7th ~ more. Boze . , • !Curve 1 S O�urE.mdusive tckfit Circuft,..$ � ► Weih�!lt Less Pro itt 582-3 *!' � ;°' rW �` ' t You're In g S 0-php ✓takea only 30 ntinures This is the first weight loss Allstate Prope ty and Casualty Insurance Company,Allstate Indemnity Company and Allstate Life ins pany, 101 E.NU IN•J2�i-0814 `� Home Office:Northbrook,Illinois.®2002 Allstate Insurance Company ✓lxtrns body F.tr, not lean muadc f , program designed around ✓strenl thens muscles & Ali • .s, exercise. By protecting lean cardiovuoular system �'d 9 41 t tnuseJe you lose body fat while NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ✓begins when you arrive C� 1u�tua.11y increasing metabolism, FOR A PLANNED UNIT ✓is dcsigtted for women X�ersnanerreRriul&, thot�t DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN 117)tUfltltt DlCflll� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday,September 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.in the Commission Meeting Room,City Hall,411 East Main Street,Bozeman,Montana. .�-+ The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Preliminary Plan application for the proposed Kagy Crossroads l i 1�/Wor'�f p LCW4 (" k J tti ✓ Apartments,requested by the owner,Dave MacDonald,DMC,Inc.,814 North 19th Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59715 represented C_ we�- �r .=7 r,,yw by Springer Group Architects,P.C.,201 South Wallace Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59715.Said application would allow the con- struction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres and site related improvements.The applicant is Gtlinesl WAdd 12eroCd#2002 requesting relaxation of standards in the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance for the following:Section 18.50.060.D Watercourse Setbacks)-To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking;Section 18.50.060.D(Watercourse Setbacks)-To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback;and Section 18.24.030(Lot and t Merritt'ship is honored width)to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent.The property is described as Lot 1,Block 3 of the e corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,Bozeman,Montana.The property is zoned R-4 i at more r}�anSOO (Residential High Density District)and is generally located west of South 19th Avenue and north of Curvese locations in all First 100 Members Pu Remington Way. Subject - 50 irBy Canada, * rroverry to Rd. Written and public testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be (� directed to the City of Bozeman Planning&Community Development Department,P.O.Box 1230 10 getCi t+/(� � q R a < } Bozeman,MT 59771-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the L+ &a - R 4 a Planning&Community Development Department,20 East Olive Street,582-2260. For those who Service Fee s require accommodations for disabilities,please contact Ron Brey,City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator,95 SPANISH PEAK DR. A 582-2306(voice),582-2301 CrDD>.CAL - 920o2CurveetrM�rn#lontlL 582-9496 FOUR CORNERS #Z-02166 Kagy Crossroads Apartments P.U.D. BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE, Sunday, September 8, 2002 A9 Bones/from' page 'Al Horner and Makela started September 1999,Marion on lawyers,though she said she thinks the lawsuit was a mistake. could shake the dirt off and "Nowadays,there's an awful digging in the same spot and Brandvold wrote to Professor could live without it. "I th�k it got everybody on - stand up in the museum,but lot of paper involved,Horner they found the bones of more Jacques Gauthier,professor of Ann Brodsky,the state lawyer the defensive,"he said. they're not,"he said. said. babies,gathered in a nest.Over paleontology at Yale,demanding representing MOR and Horner, He maintains the bones are as One composite skeleton has Brandvold said that her the years,they found more nests, the fossils.That's when Yale in- said she approached Yale for set- important to paleontology as the been constructed from the friends,the Peebles family,were eggs,adult animals and evidence sisted the bones be shipped to dement talks,but they went Kitty Hawk is to aviation and bones,he said. greatly inconvenienced by the that at least 10,000 dinosaurs New Haven from Bozeman, nowhere. r that they should be on display. "It would probably take 100 dinosaur digs on their land, had died nearby.Horner applied where they had been for years, "The Museum of the Rockies "Jack(Horner)could get people 100 years to;Hake much which they eventually sold to his brilliant imagination,analyz- on loan and at times on display. would be delighted to have the them back if he really wanted to, more of it,"he said. The Nature Conservancy as the ing the evidence and greatly ex- A Yale lawyer wrote to bones;'Brodsky said in an inter- but he's dug his heels in; Brandvold said she's pes- Egg Mountain preserve. panding what the world knows Brandvold,telling her she coul� view."I approached(Yale's)at- Murphy said."It could be simistic about ever seeing the By 1985,the Peebles had told about dinosaurs. nit have the bones because she torneys as to whether there was turned into a positive thing,not bones again. Horner his crew could no longer These animals,which he had no documentation proving ;any interest in donating the a negative thing." "I can't take on Yale,she dig on their land. called Maiasaura peeblesorum, the transfer to Horner had been bones to the Museum of the , Horner said it's not that sim-. said,sweeping her arm over her Earlier this summer, had tended their babies,bring- a loan and not a gift. . Rockies and Yale was not inter- ple• small store full of curios,unusu- Brandvold asked the . ing them food.Previously,most In February 2001,Brandvold ested. "I just have no idea what I' al rocks and fossils of no scien- Conservancy for permission to people thought dinosaurs be- sued -this dispute has arisen and will n't P g . "The museum regrets that can do" he said. tific importance."We're a small visit the site,a place she had haved like turtles or crocodiles, The suit maintains the fossils' Montana didn't have a di- operation' seen in more than 20 years. which lay eggs and walk away are worth at least$400,000.It nosaur museum when However the case shakes out, Conservancy officials denied from them. seeks return of the bones and wo problem"rkw MOR Directorith others to resolve the Brandvold turned over the Horner said paleontology which her that permission and,though .This new view"turned the unspecified damages. bones,he noted,and he was a by definition includes relation- they later apologized and said it In the recent interview in her Marilyn Wessel said in a pre- Princeton employee. shi s with amateurs and was a mixu ,she said the refusal world upside down"in paleon- _ P P pared statement. tological circles,said Nate Bynum shop,Brandfold said The people clamoring for the landowners,is becoming more was painful. Murphy,a paleontologist who she's willing to settle for a lot Neither Gauthier nor the Yale return of the fossils haven't even complicated.Some dinosaurs It's part of what's taken the excavates fossils in eastern less:If Yale gives up the bones, public affairs office returned seen them,he maintained. are worth millions of dollars; pleasure out of"dino hunting" Montana and operates a di- she'll put them at MOR for dis- phone calls seeking comment They consist of thousands of and the days are disappearing for her. nosaur museum in Malta. play.She wants to be given credit for this story. tiny bone fragments from 15 ba- when dino diggers and "There's just too much poli- And it ignited a career for for the find,but wants no cash. The stakes by maiasaurs in one nest. landowners—including the tics in paleontology,she said. Horner,who called the bones She'd like to have a ceremony It would be real neat if it federal government—do busi- Scott McMillion is at "the most important dinosaur "welcoming the babies back to Nate Murphy,the paleontolo- were 15 little babies that you ness on a handshake. scottm@gomontana.com fossils I've ever found." Montana,and she wouldn't gist in Malta,said he knows the He credited the find to pure mind being reimbursed the ap Brandvolds and sympathizes luck. proximately$5,000 she's spent with them.But he also said he "Marion Brandvold was lucky 7777,777 .,. to find them,he wrote:"Bob k ' and I were lucky to find her.... F�I �1 i'is ;; • e � ., °e1 You don't argue,with luck." .te 7 o 1 0 • ` + �`a .� 1 Later Horner became atech- I`" � o o toe. 'i o67 t+elli nical advisor to the movie a ', • I Wc 1� ' '�1 � ° 11 ! • IOfr S Jurassic Park His work has >. #o earned some major grants The t I �t°�,�' iEti� "o ! 0 6 " ® � 01 + •� �� (� University of Montana awarded eel ® E + 1, ,, `� John him an honorary doctorate.(He 13 has no earned ,de ree although .- �_�� V z r1 Ili rev g g � he has a vast education.)He's t now curator of paleontology at N the MOR.His discovery, Maiasaura,the"good mother �Ay ,r lizard;'is Montana's state fossil. # While it was luck that put the first baby fossils in his hands,it was his skill and brains that fig- ,� � e� ured out what they meant. There's a symbiotic relation- x' g shi between discovering bones �' a p ov g and figuring out what they mean. a 3 "Without the discoveries; Me r there's nothing to think about," �� - continuous Horner wrote."But without thinking about them,the discov- eries don't really exist.They are defined by their interpretation." • OSilewart Memories in dispute ,! Still,the bones are some- AMY k 0�!10. CA body's property. ' � k - Brandvold saysshe never in- ? Replacement Guarantee h =r tended to give them away.She Against Breakage says Horner told her it would take ( , a longtime to stud and interpret "� y rP ►�./1�@�'1imi� ��1�`t+0� � � �r��,�� �"� the bones,maybe 20 years. Against Leaks &De". s I says,After 20 years you Gall for Details.Some limitwidons Apply. t ° will bring'ern back.?,,,Brandvold = - //�A A q said."And he says,`Yes:" SOZEMAN *1238 WEST MAIN MY/ I V I 103,5 F �1// is the Horner says that's not the way it happened. � L.Ti X - In his1988bookandina Gallatin Valle 's newest radio 2001 affidavit,he maintains she "gave"the bones to Princeton; BUT® ! S We fix gout P17IIP.S!• , his employer at the time.In 1985,Princeton gave its entire 1 1 station. Our 5,000 consecutive collection of dinosaur bones to .ti.�; , Yale,which has bigger and better facilities. ® g "I never claimed to own song marathon is Underway to them,yet she's suing me;" IN Horner said in.an interview this •week."Go figure.I guess the Introduce .you to our music, court's going to have to decide' `- czl FOrm On July 31,1998,almost ex- actly 20 years after she first • Beautiful Quality Bluegrass Tune In and discover your new showed Horner the bones, ° Palletized as rolls or slabs Brandvold wrote to him and • Prompt delivery or field pickup said she wanted the fossils back: favorite The bones were in Bozeman ° Volume and contractors discounts radio station, then,on loan from Yale to the . ®� MOR. 0 587-4858VISA In September of that year, MOR director Marilyn Wessel met with Brandvold and her husband,John Brandvold,and .;' µ ;°.� �MY Is ownI d by Gallatin Broadcasting told them Yale claimed owner- ship. A year later,in August and GIFT CERTIFICATES A VAILABLE AT r yNze di, � ^ xarmikexom z, 1611 SOUTH 11TI-!< � . NO MATINEES SHEONDAWFRIDAY See' Your PI" i bew Aned' +� � M" 'a ShowrOOM Eff1 BY THE SEA(R)..........STEREO_.._.1:00,4:00,7:00,9:30 war AUSTIN POWERS(PG-13)..STEREO 4:20,9:30 FEARDOTEOM(R)._..._..__STEREO ......:_........7:15,9:45 GREEK WEDDING(PG)......STEREO:--..-12:00,3:00,5:30,9:00 ` SERVING SARA(PG-13)-STEREO..........1:00,5:00,7:20,9:40 P, XKK IPG13)_.._.-..._.._.S1ERE0. .._.1:20,4 00,7 00,9:40 SWIM FAN(PG 13)__.STEREO....._.2:00 5:00 7:00 9:10lW A r BLUE(RUSH(PGl3)._.._....STEREO............................2:00,1:00 SKY KIDS 2(PG)..............STEREO..................._.......12:30,2:45 DOUBLE FEATURE rS ` SEEMIBII Pfr13 AT1:000R1:00 AND STAY TO SEE SPIDERMAN(PG-13)FOR FREE tv 1 7 WEST 1i/9.0►OIVdwg - NO MATINEES MONDAY-RIDAY SIGNS vm) DE 7:30,10:00 a Ent Supp1j , ROADT�OPERDw�NEESODAYF���N NO 7PM SHOW MONDAY-THURSDAY,INSTEAD: TOTOa 21 E Griffin • Bozeman, MT BfFPRESENfS: � East , Lasco * THE DANGEROUS UVESOFAUAR BOYS...MON-THURS7:00ONLY Perfection by Design hp y f 587-0713 or 1-800-821-1409 www.mountainsu 1 com Fax: 587-1242 Email: msc@marsweb.com 4 f r - .e:r' ..vu.,;✓rr,:s:1,{.:n r».. ,.r.,:�.:: rr , a..u„.. we ,,.�.,:f.� ...r.. . ,..., r .:,r„ .:: ,:�„ .:, w,6w.wJw1x„ew�x4u�Jxar.. awHwv.�.w».�v:M�.Mwazrwa�,�".wwvuW+'.^'�•xnWxwawx,,wu; wrea+�Ww.w.�ra�g+'kvwun.�r.:.w;�:...uwM..u�.e.a�a,�wu„.w,.,w.. �..,,..a.r:aa wY�.m,+",:: r:..�,.mv-v'ware aM.M:,:-,.v,,,:«::.,- :.�. „ ,,..n m:d s:+,: r: ,n�,r, .r,ry r ,a.:: ,.n ,,, . so CITY *OZEMAN ' 9x DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND CO UNITY DEVELOPMENT < ' Street address: Alfred M.Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2360 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2363 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Co. Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 Worldwide web: www.bozeman.net NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN NOTICE IS FIEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZEI\IAN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. The piupose of the public hearing is to consider a Preliminary Plan application .for the proposed Kagy Crossroads Apartments,requested by the owner, Dave MacDonald,DAIC,Inc., 814 North 19"' Avenue, Bozeman,NIT 59715 represented by Springer Group Architects,P.C., 201 South Wallace Avenue,.Bozeman, MT 5971.5. Said application would allow the construction of four 2-story apartment buildings-with basements on 2.79 acres and site related improvements. The applicant is requesting relaxation of standards in the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance for the following: Section Watercourse Setbacks) —To reduce the 50-foot setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; Section (Watercourse Setbacks)—To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. The property is described as Lot 1, Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,Bozeman, Montana.The property is zoned 11-4 (Residential High Density District) and is generally located west of South 1.9"' Avenue and north of Remington Way. Written and public testimony will he taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman.Planning&Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman. NIT 597 71-1230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning &Community Development Department, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2260. For those who require accommodations .for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582-2306 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD). #Z-021.66 Kagy Crossroads Apartments P.U.D. SUBMITTED THURSDAY, 09/05/02 FOR SUNDAY, 09/08/02 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP, BOLD .AS INDICATED, AND SEND AFFIDA1 iT TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. planning• .zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination PLI 11 Subject Property _ Licoln Rd. ........_........ i ; r.._... Reining on : _.. - _... ' N i i Ii ) PLI Subject + i Property Licoln Rd. R-4 R-3 ;._ .......... d _ -- t : — ......._....._ �_.__._.......... - .- - 4..._.__ ... : t a __:.�_---------_.. N IU 4 � i CITY BOZEMAN �Z�'It DEP MENT OF PLANNING AND C AMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 9x N Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building Phone: (406) 582-2360 j•- s 20 East Olive Street Fax: (406) 582-2363 <<tr a?fie Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net CO. Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 Worldwide web: www.bozeman.net NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN NOTICE CS THEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the BOZE111AN CITY COMMISSION on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411. .East Main Street, Bozeman,Montana. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a Preliminary Plan application .for the proposed i<agy Crossroads Apartments,requested by the owner, Dave MacDonald,DMC,Iuc., 814 Nortlr IY°' Avenue, Bozeman,NIT 5971.5 represented by Springer Group Architects,.P.C., 201 South Wallace Avenue,Bozeman, MT 5971.5. Said application would allow the construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres and site related improvements. The applicant is requesting relaxation of standards in the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance for the following: Section Watercourse Setbacks)—To reduce the 504not setback by 15 feet to allow for required on-site parking; Section 18.50.060.D (Watercourse Setbacks) —To allow a small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and Section 18.24.030 (Lot and width) to increase the residential net density by the allowable 30 percent. The property is described as Lot 1, .Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, 13ozedian, Montana. The property is zoned I1-4 (.Residential Nigh .Density District) and is generally located west Of South 19°i Avenue and north o.f Remington Way. Written and public testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman Planning& Community Development Department.P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 597714230. Maps and related data regarding this application may be reviewed in the Planning& Cormunity Development Department, 20 East Olive Street, 582-2260. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Ron Brey, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582-2306 (voice), 582-2301 (TDD). #Z-02166 Kagy Crossroads Apartments P.1J.D. SUBMITTED THURSDAY, 09/05/02 FOR SUNDAY, 09/08/02 DISPLAY AD PUBLICATION. PLEASE PRINT WITH NORTH ARROW UP, BOLD AS INDICATED, AND SEND AFFiDAN71T TO CITY PLANNING OFFICE. Planning• zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • Housing o grant administration • neighborhood coordination PLI Subject Property Licoln d. .................... R 3 Rem ............. in o C? ............. .......... ............................ ................ ............ .......................... ........... .......... ............__JH ....................................... N Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR KAGY CROSSROADS APARTMENTS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BOZEMAN,MONTANA THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this-� day o , 200 ,by and between Dave MacDonald,DMC Inc.,2055 North.22"d Avenue,Bozeman,MT 59718,hereinafter called the "Developer",and the City of Bozeman.,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana,hereinafter called.the "City" WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of approval of a Planned Unit Development Application to allow the construction of four 2-story apartment buildings with basements on property located on Lot 1,Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision,City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana. WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Developer to obtain Final Site Plan approval; and WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to hereby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property hereinafter described; and it is the intent of this Agreement, and of the parties hereto, to satisfy the improvements and guarantee requirements for the conditional approval of said Planned Unit Development Application. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein,it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Property Description This Agreement pertains to and includes those properties which are designated as"R-4", (Residential High Density District)on the City of Bozeman Zoning Map,and identified as Lot 1,Block 3 of the corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana 2. Improvements This Agreement specifically includes landscaping,irrigation system,and other improvements as illustrated on the plans and specifications provided in the approved Planned Unit Development Application#Z-02166. The estimated cost of any improvements not installed at the time of occupancy will be made at the time an occupancy permit is requested from the Building Division. 3. Financial Guarantee,Time for Completion of Improvements If the use of the structure is to occur prior to completion of all required on-site improvements, this Improvements Agreement must be secured by a financial guarantee,as may be deemed acceptable by the City, payable to the City of Bozeman, in an amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the instaiiation of any requited improvements not compieted at the time occupancy of structures is requested. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve(12)months. In any event,all required improvements shall be completed within nine(9)months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security. 4. Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, and the Developer shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspect the property at any reasonable time. improvements Agreement Page 1 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 5. Default Time is of the essence for this Agreement. If the Developer shall default in or fail to fully perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule under this Agreement, and such default or failure shall continue for a period of thirty(30) days after written notice specifying the default is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the developer at Dave MacDonald,DMC Inc.,2055 North 22"d Avenue,Bozeman, MT 59718, or such other address as the Developer shall provide to the City from time to time,without being completely remedied, satisfied, and discharged, the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies: 1) The City may, at its option, declare the financial guarantee to be forfeited and secure the complete construction and inspection of the improvements described herein. The City's representative,contractors,and engineers shall have the right to enter upon the property and perform such work and inspection,and the Developers shall permit and secure any additional permission required to enable them to do so. B) The City may enforce any other remedy provided by law. 6. Indemnification The Developer hereby expressly agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for and against all claims, costs and liability of every kind and nature,for injury or damage received or sustained by any person or entity in connection with,or on account of the performance of work at the development site and elsewhere pursuant to this Agreement. The Developer further agrees to aid and defend the City in the event that it is named as a defendant in an action concerning the performance of work pursuant to this Agreement except where such suit is brought by the Developer. The Developer is not an agent or employee of the City. 7. Warranty The Developer shall warrant against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body. The Developer acknowledges that the required landscaping must be maintained in a healthy, growing condition at all times. The Developer is responsible for regular weeding,mowing of grass, irrigating, fertilizing,pruning, and other maintenance of all plantings as needed. Any plant that dies must be replaced with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape plan. The Developer hereby acknowledges that failure to maintain required landscaping in a healthy growing condition at all times may result in revocation of the conditional use permit. 8. Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement,venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court,Gallatin County,State of Montana. 9. Attorney's Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement,then the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, to include the salary and costs of in-house counsel including City Attorney. 10. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid,unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. improvements Agreement Page 2 1. Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD #Z-02166 11. Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof,and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 12. No Assignment It is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole, or in part, without prior written consent of the City. 13. Successors Except as provided in paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and.assigns. PROPERTY OWNER Dave MacDonald DMC, Inc. STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) 3 On this, day ofA ,20A before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public of the State of Montana,personally appeared Dave MacDonald,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the day and year first above written. (Printed Name Here) Notary Public for the State of ontana Residing at My Commission xpires: I J J (Use 4 digits for expiration year). THE CITY OF BOZEMAN eb H. Arkell Direc or of Public Service improvements Agreement Page 3 kaggy Crossroads A artments PUD #Z-02166 STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of , 20 ,before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana personally a eared ebra H. Arkell kno�to me to be the person described in n p y pp p s bed and who executed th.e.foregoing instrument as Director of Public Service of the City of Bozeman,whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written above. (Printed Name Here) J Notary Public for State of Montana Residing at: 6 D 7,Q,VItib('L. " Commission Expires: - (Use 4 digits for expiration year) Improvements A reement Pa e 4 r _ Ila f Meg � ; _ ------------- n ' r a \ •. rt �� ' i 1 ..f_`,.::;',yj:�;5i�' •' ' .,..... 4I Sul . ��� $�� -•� I 6! „S\�::: lee � b'-�- �'•m' ''••� - } I W w 1 I I 2 I N. I e ,•` ''`':<��: eel__. ,.; r ,!< a +•Y. 1 � 1 ^ ■■ f7 ®❑ SPA ,h I _ e:-+ I ;� fir-' Fa ''-_°"'` IflP3 �/ � � P P� P •I'. � 1 I� + A .�,r' n,,•n� :4 1 i�V �❑❑❑❑ ' � �a,wju 1 w�:�. , it/�"-'�` A Z 7Z IBO.08'24' ®oo❑oaooLIE] o�� ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ r " { ❑❑❑❑ PARCEL A �_�❑© curie No.MWA �� I I `I xe a 7 is I I 00 :Z. ------------- 0------------- z our u c-7 v C) C root DE9oaInOrt DATE: BY: / o KAGY CROSSROADS APTS. a l l *SPRINGER GROUP, P.C.' ARCHMMS o� PLANNERS -4 DMC INCORPORATED LAND u� J py r BBOOMMAK M SOUTH ONT�MW AVENE 59M Z R F 4059852400 C 406 446 N z c 22U REMINGTON WAY BOZEMAN, MONTANA EMAL -W- 1 Kagy Crossroads Plant List , Broadleaf Declduoue .Y 891bol Coale Nerve 8elwltlfie None Connor Neer GLAMIty Planting Slm ru~Maw f18P6 Bowls pdpwlfera nultl-etael MWti-etwe Paper Bird, 2 B Gel e'Nt A& 25' PGBA Raxka nlga Fellgold' Fellgold Black Aeh b 11/f•-Cal W Gal. 40' S0' FFFFO....�rrr 81-1-I1- Gledltela trlaeanthoe'8kyeote' Skyline Flerryloast Q t 1/1•-Ca1 10 Gel 40' 25, CA h»tranule'Erects' 81eed1eh Cohenar Aep— 12 1 W.-cal 10 Gel. 30' 10' TRACTS AC F'tvsae needu Asar 4 1 1/A•-Cal 10 Gel. 25' B' CO6 NO.1245 C'onlfer E 87 Rn EM bll48V'48aG I Code Name Swaftinc None Camign Name morKl Pu tMg Sim a3a 08R S9'48• © ePJ Jlnlpe sabkw Buffalo' Ewrelo Jlnl 24 2_6e1 Q•-B• 4'-b' 418.24 0 cGl Jlnlpwue ecopuh-'Cologeen Colograen Juniper 24 5-Gal 10'-B' 6'-8' -------- • c8 Ploea pungwne Colorado 8pr T 8'BaB �. / ,,r/ ��r J/lfll"<l] _ __ __ __ _•_ `__ __ _ _ __ _ _______ _'-_ __-_ __ a,�°,�il�f/�' ,_ 1_ _: J_ s a �' t 1 sr 1 Iw 1 1 1.r:..g.:.-n•a'. .o -� ` ;� e a a u a a als a's s a s u e' la a'ts3a 3'9 e u - a a a s eialalatja _ .\ \ / Shrub 8ynbol code Name 8ctentlflc Nana com Nome Gaaantity Piantktg elm tat IWD Ccrt eiba'Belowic, Ivory Nab D 8 t<ael b' 9' I�♦ t _ r4•-� `\� ® GFP Polsltllle frullcase'Gold GoldfNnger PbtarKllle 48 I-GMI 4' A. 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I r� Ora PPRROPPSM LINEv —..-- MA SETBACK LIKE F+rl Q I F�� —-— doff VISION TRLA GLE SNOW STORAGE ., LANDSCAPE MAN LAXDSCAPW,PREPAID CWXl<D VY 1 1 EC E 5 `-' E CBVFIED LANDO APE fR7FEWMAI, 'L.✓! *Crr BLAN1 WOW Nart L ALL LANDSCAPWfa AREAS TO BE 00af ATM J U L 5 2002 5-17-02 eV ulflE rv,0tM 8pF&4Q.R aYBTM 2. ALL LAMDOCAPM EEDB TO BE LD4W W ' L.ANDSCAM PABRIC a EDGED IW LANDSC.4m ®GRIC L406CA-E BEDS TO BE RLLED IW ""`t DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ' �GDOZALCO TOR ALL Wt AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 69'•6' i I I t o � I ®, ® 0 J op LF t 1° � 1 dJILT•IF Erb i � , 1 1 < w $ u I Yl-f V4' C7 I b u J 0 aR• V �I •�: '� 1 � i 7 I � i i i i i I i i i I t O v i t i 1 1 to DEBOWTKYt DATE EM KAGY CRMROAM AM. SPNNGER GROUP,ft P.C. DMC 1NCORPORATFP ARCHREM LAM a OMS "5M 1� FX 22U REMNGPON WAY BOZEMAN, MONTANA r i• an•s• n'-v nra' a• - ...... _...__. - Q 1 I a v � g 1 , ® ® 1 • • ------ o ° Q 6'4 --- --- °° O' 10 a op o o. '? I WILT-W 6x6 1 , ?rplc.ot 1 .... - 6,-n. 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KAGY CROSSROADS AM. *SPMGER GROUP, PLANNW DMc 1NQORPORATED 20 MUM WAUAM AVDLE j $ FK 40 GO52ANA 6?II6 2400 N Q}9 YR{f FC 4.11111441 M REMINGTON WAY BOZEMAN, MONTANA •69'•b' II'-!• 0'•D' , PI` .......... it I i AOA Y i - --' I I i I i I _ I i S ® / • HHNI 4- o° O 1 01 I I au , I I CIOLT-W bxb I 1. i0 I I COL,TTPIC..L I I ■ w w 0. I p, .2,• .I I m•�• 2'•e;. ♦ 2r•2 Vv d I Fi I ( 1 • IINN 1� II Fi I "- '+ I I -- ■ --- u I i I 1a1 D m I • I O 'w I O O I j igg 0 I ow ow I .'.........._...... ..._ .......... I Full 1 1 - f V w - I I a-,I I I I I I I I i i ® P. i i I I 1 II'•9' I o•y. OE� DATE 9Y: KAGY CRMROAM AM. � � � � *SPNNGER GROUP, P.C.- DMC INCORPORATED was wm USE PLANNERS 201 SWM WALLACE AVENUE 2M REMINGTON WAY BOZEMAN, MONTANA, pl am vwmvol '-m• e•-m• T-�' ew la•-m• a•-4• T•�t' e•m 9'1• 9'-4• 3'-4• .. �F3 Orj 4 � i Y : ' ------------- ------ A S e i DRAWN BI: GAM Ct60®BY. 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II =- -; ■�p;�:i�:��i 1 II Ile_=_ - ,■■-■■-w■ ■v Iing .� C;!:■� 11■11. _ /11�.1 I:=___: I.rn1� ;■::■'i!'r ''' IIIIIIII ���=:;-:.:;=:;-:.:' ■I I- ■I i-■I :; im all I HIM r r 1 1 ':ate■.;■.;i° ;■_-;■-!. �tgtffl11111 � _1Wi111L11 uauu � :!j:�) 1\ MI Ml IIIIIIIIIIIII '��: 19�1IlI!1 -�li9�l unn■� —� III I + ��/:j.■■-■j.■■i9l+ill ' loom q :;.► .;' l I _ : I:; L i ' l IIIIIIII '' = I gagg I I I '+�'=' I 11 I I I �'■j'�+■j� I - -iMH I ' ' I III I IIIIIIII I �_ � ,�1IIIIIIIIl111 �. _ ■ ■■ SPRINGER GROUP, ' . P.C. ■ _- 1 APMUTBM Lem USE Mqams ■ ■■ / :I II I :I/' I ■■ BOZO CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT V 9� * * Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professipnal Building Phone: (406)582-2360 20 East Olive Street << - 8 ,�e Fax: (406)582-2363 CO. ? Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 World wide web: www.bozeman.net October 7, 2002 Dave MacDonald DMC 2055 North 22"d Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: #Z-02166 Kagy Crossroads Apartments PUD Dear Dave, At its September 23, 2002 public hearing, the Bozeman City Commission voted 5-0 to conditionally approve the Kagy Crossroads Apartments Planned Unit Development. The proposal was evaluated against the review criteria and requirements of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. The Commission's decision was based on the fact that, with conditions, the proposal complies with the requirements of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance and the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. The decision of the City Commission is final. Seven copies of a Final Site Plan which shows how all conditions of approval and code provisions have been addressed must be submitted to the Planning & Community Development Department, within 6 months, by March 22, 2003. The submittal must be accompanied by a written narrative explaining how all of the conditions of approval have been addressed. If the Final Site Plan cannot be submitted within the six-month period as previously referenced, a six month extension may be granted by the Planning Director. An Improvements Agreement is enclosed should the need arise to guarantee some improvements installation until a later date. An Improvements Agreement must be signed by the applicant/owner and be submitted with the Final Site Plan submittal. If occupancy of the building is to occur prior to completion of all required improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be financially guaranteed. S ,Al planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination c The conditions of approval are as follows: PUD Plan Specific Conditions: Planning: 1. Proposed snow storage areas shall not interfere with pedestrian circulation or the small sports court. 2. Applicant shall install additional landscaping near the northeast corner of the subject property to offer additional screening and more aesthetics to the proposed detention pond. 3. Applicant shall verify with the Fire Department that there are adequate turning radii within the parking lot for emergency vehicles. 4. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of proposed bike racks. There shall be at least one bike rack per proposed building. 5. Final Site Plan shall show detail for proposed pole light near the sports court. 6. Applicant shall construct the proposed trash enclosure to better match the architectural character and materials of the proposed two buildings. Chain link with plastic slats is not architecturally consistent. 7. Applicant shall relocate one disabled parking space near proposed building A in the northwest corner of the subject property, ensuring all units have an accessible disabled space. 8. Details of the sports court, including any benches, shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 9. Any roof-top and/or ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment, including ground-mounted mechanical power and telephone boxes, shall be noted and shown accordingly on the Final Site Plan, landscape plan, and exterior elevations. Typical detail(s) illustrating the materials, color, and method of screening used to screen the equipment from adjacent properties and public streets shall be provided and noted accordingly on the Final Site Plan, for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan approval. 10. All plans (site, landscaping and paving/drainage) shall show proposed and existing water and sewer lines, including services to the buildings, utility lines, etc. 11. Applicant shall provide additional landscaping along the eastern boundary within the 35- foot stream setback according to Section 18.50.060.D.2.g (Watercourse Setbacks) and shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. 12. Color and material palette, including brick type, cultured stone, DryVit or synthetic stucco, roofing material, etc., shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to any approval of Final Site Plan or issuance of building permits. Page 2 c • Engineering Site Specific Conditions: 13. Applicant shall provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office an executed Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of SID for: a. Crossing facility (underpass or other appurtenance as required) across South 19`" Avenue in the vicinity of Lincoln Road. The document filed shall specify that in the event an S.I.D. is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development or a combination thereof. 14. Remington Way, including pavement, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, shall be extended all the way to the west property line of the proposed development. Planning Code Provisions: 15. Landscape plans shall be prepared and certified by a registered Montana landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience; or an individual with a degree in a related field and at least five years of professional design experience. 16. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided to all landscaped areas. Details and specifications shall be noted on final landscape plans. 17. All landscape plans shall meet the requirements of the Landscape Performance Standards. 23 landscaping points are required for this project and need to be shown on the Final landscaping plans. 18. Any lighting, including that for security purposes, used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect light down and/or away from any adjoining properties and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. Luminaries and lenses shall not protrude below the edge of the light fixture. Final site plan shall the location for, and a detail of, any proposed wall mounted and/or signage lighting. Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall not exceed twenty feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 19. Any proposed or existing wall-mounted lights, including those used for security, must be shown in detail on the Final Site Plan. Applicant shall submit manufacturer's cutsheets for proposed lights to ensure that they comply with the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance. 20. A Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, including excavation and Page 3 footing preparation, but NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. 21. That the applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final Site Plan within 6 months of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. 22. If occupancy of any structure is to occur prior to the installation of all required on-site improvements, the Improvements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and one-half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be valid for a period of not less than twelve (12) months; however, the applicant shall complete all on-site improvements within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security. 23. That the applicant upon submitting the Final Site Plan for approval by the Planning Director and prior to issuance of a building permit, will also submit a written narrative outlining how each of the above conditions of approval have been satisfied or met. Engineering Conditions: 24. Plans and specifications for the water main, sewer main, and street extensions,prepared by a Professional Engineer(PE) licensed in the State of Montana, shall be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer main extension plans and specifications shall also be provided to approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ). The Applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans, specifications and shop drawings have been approved by the City and a pre-construction conference has been conducted. 25. Plans and specifications for any fire service line shall be prepared in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Montana, and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant shall also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection,post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. 26. City of Bozeman applications for sewer and water service shall be completed by the applicant. 27. A Stormwater Drainage and Grading Plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants from the stormwater runoff for the site must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The plan must demonstrate that adequate site drainage will be provided by means of including sufficient spot elevations and flow arrows, existing and proposed contour lines, stormwater detention/retention basin details including basin sizing and discharge calculations, discharge structure details, pond typical section and stormwater discharge destination. If the grading design discloses any adverse Page 4 impact to off-site properties, necessary design alterations and/or drainage conveyance devices and easements must be provided. A stormwater maintenance plan must also be provided for review and approval. The Maintenance Plan shall include the following: description of maintenance operations, frequency of inspections and maintenance, responsible parties and record keeping methodology. 28. All drive approaches shall be constructed in accordance with the City's standard commercial approach, i.e. concrete apron, sidewalk section, and drop-curb, and shown as such on the Preliminary Plan. A City Curb Cut and Sidewalk Permit shall be obtained prior to Preliminary Plan approval. 29. Drive approach and public street intersection sight triangles shall be free of plantings which at mature growth will obscure vision within the sight triangle. 30. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, SCS, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Army Corps of Engineer's shall be contacted regarding the proposed project and any required permits shall be obtained prior to Final Plan approval. 31. Adequate snow storage area must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder. The site plan must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project. You are advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. BECAUSE THIS APPLICATION IS FOR MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS,THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION MADE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION. THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MAY BE APPEALED BY AN AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 18.58 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the conditions, code provisions, or the Final Site Plan approval process, 582-2268. Sincerely, C?Akl Karin Caroline Assistant Planner DM/kc cc: Springer Group Architects, PC, 201 South Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 205 Edelweiss Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 Page 5 CITY (GBOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELORAENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net February 7,2014 Zoning Info.,Inc. ATTN: Tiffany Smith 3555 NW 58w St.,Ste.400 Oklahoma City,OK 73112 Subject Property: 2211-2231 Remington Way File#'s Z-02166,Z-02166A,Z-02166B Bozeman,MT 59718 Kagy Crossroads/MacDonald Apartments Ms.Smith: In response to your request for information regarding the above-referenced property,we have researched our files and present the following: 1. The current zoning classification for the subject property is: R-4(Residential High Density District)and is not located within an Overlay District. 2. According to the zoning ordinances and regulations of this district,the use of the subject property for residential, multi-household development is a: ® Permitted Use by Right ❑ Permitted Use by Special/Specific Use Permit(see comments,or attached approval documentation) ❑ Permitted Use by Conditional Use Permit(see comments,or attached approval documentation) ❑ Legal Non-Conforming Use(use was existing prior to the adoption of the zoning ordinance/code) ❑ Non-Permitted Use 3. Conformance:Per current zoning ordinances and regulations applicable to the subject property,the current structure(s)is: ® Legal Conforming(complies with,or is otherwise exempt from,applicable zoning regulations,including parking) ❑ Legal Non-Conforming(does not meet the current zoning requirements due to amendments,re-zoning,variance granted or other changes,but was legal when established.See comments) ❑ Non-Conforming(see comments) Comment: You will need to check with the Building Department(406-582-2375)and the Fire Department(406-582- 2350)to be sure the structure is in compliance with Departmental regulations. 4. Information regarding variances,special permits/exceptions,ordinances or conditions: ❑ There do not appear to be any variances,special permits/exceptions,ordinances or conditions that apply to the subject property. ® The following apply to the subject property: _Variance X Relaxations(See comment section below.) _Ordinance Conditions Comment: You will need to check with the Building Department(406-582-2375)and the Fire Department(406-582- 2350)to be sure the structure is in compliance with Departmental regulations. Development Review Division Policy and Planning Division Building Division 5. Rebuild:In the event of casualty,in whole or in part,the structure located on the subject property: ® May be rebuilt in its current form through the Planned Unit Development review process(i.e.no loss of square footage,same footprint,with drive through(s),if applicable). ❑ May not be rebuilt in its current form,except upon satisfaction of certain conditions,limitations or requirements. Please see section of the current zoning code/ordinance for details. ***** Comment: Building Department(406-582-2375)and the Fire Department(406-582-2350)to be sure the structure is in compliance with Departmental regulations. 6. Code Violations Information: ® There do NOT appear to be any outstanding/open zoning or building code violations that apply to the subject property. ❑ The following outstanding/open zoning and building code violations apply to the subject property: ***** Comment: 7. Certificate of Occupancy,status: ❑ A Certificate of Occupancy is pending based on required improvements being completed for the subject property. ® A valid Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the subject property and has been enclosed. ❑ A valid Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the subject property(approximate issuance date );however,we are unable to locate a copy in our records.The absence of a Certificate of Occupancy will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the property. ❑ Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year 1996 are no longer on file with this office.The absence of a Certificate of Occupancy will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the property.A Certificate of Occupancy will only be required for new construction. ❑ A Certificate of Occupancy is not required for the subject property. ❑ A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy has been issued,pending completion of related site improvements. Comment: You will need to check with the Building Department(406-582-2375)and the Fire Department(406-582- 2350)to be sure the structure is in compliance with their regulations. Further comments regarding the subject property: Approved Relaxations include: 20%or 34 space parking reduction-providing for a total parking allotment of 133 on-site spaces and 13 on-street spaces;to reduce the required 50'watercourse setback to 35';to allow a small sports court to be located within the 50'watercourse setback;and to increase residential net density by 30%. Currently,there are no condemnation proceedings for the abovementioned site. Large format copies(24"X 36"multi-page sets)of the approved Final Site Plan are available on request with an associated additional fee for copying costs as well as hourly charges. Minutes of the Ciy of Bozeman City Commission hearings approving the requested relaxations are enclosed. Adjacent Zoning Districts include: B-2,R-3,and Gallatin County jurisdictional zoning This information was researched on February 6,2014,by the undersigned,per request and as a public service. The undersigned certifies that the above information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is based upon,or relates to the information supplied by the requestor. The Authority assumes no liability for errors and omissions. All information was obtained from public records,which may be inspected during regular business hours. ZONING AUTHORITY: By: �� Printed Name: Wendy Thomas,AICP Title: Director Department: City of Bozeman Department of Community Development Phone: 406-582-2260 Fax: 406-582-2263 CC: City of Bozeman,Building Inspection Division Page 2 Ce rt ,fi'c ia to o :ccupancy. Die artmnt of. SuR:din Ins ectionp - 9 p .This certificate issued pursuant-to' the requirements of the International.Building Code Certifying that at the time of.issuance .this structure-.was- in compli.a.nce with the various' Y ^` ordinances .O' f the .city.regulating. building _construction or use. For the following: ' `�RPermit Number: 03:-2369 Owner. of Building: . DM'Cr Inc- ' 1y�y��•• �£ ^ P'. ! Building-Address:. .2231. Remington Way Construction Type; V-B - J �� � .1vision s ' Buildi.n.g. Official: JL I.H Date: 12/17/2004 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS.-PLACE. ate o ccu anc . y- De:pa rtme-nt- of `-Buildin*g I-n' ectio.n .. This certificate issued pursuant-.to the requirements of the :I.nternational Building. Code . _ • Certifying that at the time of issuance this.structure was in compliance. with .the various, ordinances of the city regulating-building construction or .use. For:the. following:- oz-eof B Permit.Number: 03-2371. . Owner of Bui:ldi:ng: DM Cr..Iinc 1 Building.-Address: 2211 Remington Way. Croup(s): R=2 . Construction Type: V-B Bu lllding Division Building Official: s Date: 12/.17/.2'004 . POST IN. A CONSPICUOUS. PLACE I I I I r1 OF �7-Pm,a,m ### (��[(� QpmTPT##3F C*r: murmai TY�� @ Moor• 1 Datw:. ;.ill it u At pt no: Deot i g i on �{y�yy�t��(Q mttti h I t3ncn��+ ��`{�m 1 1I tJJ� 1 t.J1J1.��I " _,W 1•:i��J M e v 7(NAlil l- iK.M— iLr. 1 VV I Tm,�6r �ta�1 F. ry 11w W75.m T�t�� �rq�t �s;75•np Try mate: 1/3D/1.4 Time'. '90210 TWE( VUI U I JAN 2 9 2014 CITY OF BOZEMAN OFTAMMENT OF PLANNING n'R ' It DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMAW&M ANT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net ' Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net ZONING COMPLIANCE APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: Kagy Village 2. Applicant Information: Name: Tiffany Smith E-mail Address: tsmith@zoning-info.com Mailing Address: 3555 NW 58th St,Ste 400,Oklahoma City,OK 73112 Phone: 405-525-2998 x 124 FAX: 405-528-4878 3. Legal Description:Kagy Crossroads Sub,S14,T02 S, Ro5 E,Block 3,Lot 1,Acres 2.788,Plat J=328-A 4. Street Address: 2211-2231 Remington Way, Bozeman,MT 59718 5. Current/Proposed Land Use:Residential Multi-Family Applicant's Signature:4�� Date: 1/27/14 COB Planning/Community Planning/Community Development Internal Use Only: Zoning Designation: City of Bozeman employee initials: Date: Attachments:Zoning Compliance Letter j nn ZONING-INFO,INC. January 27, 2014 Site 29279 Engineering RE: Kagy Village 2211-2231 Remington Way RGG6712 Engineering Please find this to be a request for record of any pending condemnation proceedings for the above- referenced property. In other words, are there any plans for construction, sidewalk improvements, or any other work that would cause this property to lose any land for improvements? We are requesting a letter if possible stating whether there are (or are not) any condemnation proceedings at the above- referenced property. If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 405-525-2998. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you can not Fax or E-mail Please return the letter to: Zoning Info, Inc. 3555 N.W. 58th Street Suite 505 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Phone: 405-525-2998 Fax: 405-528-4878 Thank you, Tiffany Smith Research Specialist Extension: 124 tsmith@zoning-info.com Our clients deadline for this information is 02/06/2014. Page 1 of 1 4 . r • ZONING-INFO,INC. January 27, 2014 Site 29279 Planning Department City of Bozeman, P. 0. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 n RE: Kagy Village 2211-2231 Remington Way RGG6712 Planning Department Please find this to be a formal request for zoning verification on the above stated property. We are researching these matters for a zoning compliance report. Please incorporate the answers to the following questions in a letter on letterhead. - What is the current zone of the property? - Are there any overlay districts? - Is this property a permitted use in this district? - Did the property receive site plan approval, and if so, can you provide a copy? - What are the abutting zoning districts? - Are there any outstanding building or zoning violations on file? - Were any variances or special permits issued? - Was a certificate of occupancy issued and if so, may we obtain a copy of it? If you can not Fax or E-mail Please return the letter to: Zoning Info, Inc. 3555 N.W. 58th Street Suite 505 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Phone: 405-525-2998 Fax: 405-528-4878 Thank you, Tiffany Smith Research Specialist Extension: 124 tsmith@zoning-info.com Our clients deadline for this information is 02/06/2014. Page 1 of 1 M ) _C(Lz t"0 TRACT 6 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Cos NO. 1245 MARK A. \/ICiNH7r' MAF' MSU t CHANDLER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE 67 Fr 1326 TICS 13— i No. 95111110 W— EXISTING WATER MAIN CO NO. 1245A 87 Fro 1326 MSU EXISTING HYDRANT L Fod 5/r Reber oaqWor 7�41.$0.rl AT MIDUITH.117 DEEP SIOC.1 with 2"Alum.(AP EXISTING WATER VALVE 418.24 marked(Swart) X X- X- EXISTING POWER POLElam Sheet ir of I A- P 9 4 2/6/02 BUILDING ME DIMENSIONur -1 `\� "01zN' PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION cb v­ WJ TRAFFIC FLOW ---- --- .3.ouRe—ar. ,on DRAINAGE DIRECTION aa71 --60'wlde Drainage F.00-M-nt "L our-an PROAX III RM At CXIJ` A PROPERTY LINEre (# coew..ouruar swcTu,,E 00 ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE II L:'_ 20'wide Ditch Maintenance SETBACK LINE NOT -LO SCALE 1�c I 'j, and Utility Easement per plat EASEMENT LINE i LUE4 ­7 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER /y i :1 Seats In Feet PROPOSED SWALE/RETENTION POND CONTOUR r 30 0 30 PROPOSED SEWER MAIN es.'s) `soo am RINIF DRAIIAPIR A I 5 j! as) D 9 APIA`-o...' 11 LOT 1 v,q j 1j, PROPOSED WATER MAIN IL -1 Hear Santa In mete?*S wAn.h MR AND�%Affl.OW� �1,456 Sq Ft 78,82 Acr4, Irl px",* k f 44 --0 1100 a (101,'NC� 1328A is? (a EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF BOZEMAN I LEGAL DESCRIPTION �:9 w luvwr 25 PARCEL A T Iwan of LOT 1, BLOCK 3, CORRECTION PLAT OF KAGY CROSSROADS SUBDIVISION aa.po iQ) 's EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF BOZEMAN 1/2 it Paz) �r 35'Stream Setback 166 Frr� 717 00) wATVR Raw! A.M SE 1/4, SEC. 14, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. OF P.M,M., QRS 7 CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA 3-7-go 9100) it1PL-4 1 - 09) It I I a- 4 GENERAL NOTES *AT%%* Aff—1_, .. I - I I11 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. zoo I (84r) Hear OWAIw Im a Ei: War W's"Am a 2 "N'r I I 2. NO CHANGE OR MODIFICATION OF THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL nnsNA —17, 4.07 _jI MADE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ce zo I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, 3. PRIOR ID THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE 7,90 ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, WORKING DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATION SHEETS, ETC,, F -1 1+ 1 .--s, OR ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS TO BE: USED ON THE PROJECF, a, if I oj INSTALLATION SHALL NOT BE MADE WTHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF ALL MT EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS By M­1E ENGINEER. (APPLE 7 'A par Film 198,Page 3908 _S,TO PUBLIC SEWER/WATER EQL Exleting Public Street and Utility Easement 4 MANS, STORM SEWER, AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ONLY.) V'7_ _j 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY'THE LOCATION OF ALL BURIED UTILITIES PRIOR TO TH1j' 12 Utility nu,­ 87 J1 1 1�1 1 BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. .7 5. MAE ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF BOZEMAN SHALL BE NOIIFIFO AT LEAST'24 HOURS T qA PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 6, TYPE 1 OR TYPE 2 TRENCH EXCAVATION MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR. saoisk E10RE HOLE FOR. )III OVE 9AIND JHRUST C-5 7. GIN MAN VALVE TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE TYPE A, FOR ALL AREAS TO BE PAVED. ....... wa—ly III B. THE INSTALLATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER MAIN AND SERVICE LINES FROM THE EASEMENT u, 4 LINE TO THE BUILDINGS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UTILITY CONTRACTOR FOR THIS PROJECT. 9. THE INSTALATION OF THE WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINES FROM THE EASEMENT LINE TO THE BUILDINGS If I­ ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UTILITY CONTRACTOR FOR THIS PROJECT. 10. ACCORDING TO CITY OF BOZEMAN REQUIREMENTS, APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION 60 DEVICE MUST BE INSTALLED BY THE OWNER FOR EACH NEW BUILDING SHOWN, M _.---L LF 1�af 7Tampomry 1 Ciii 0.Sao 12'Utility Easement SENCHMIARK. LOT 3 ARROW E30LT ON HYDRANT ELEVATION-4889.05 FEET (CITY OF BOZEMAN DATUM) LOT 1 21-ASPHALT 0 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS a BASE GRAVE 'c CRUSHED ORAW� � USE POND AS SHOWN x 1.0'DEEP VOLUME PROVIDED: Z410 OU FT BENCHMARK COMPACTED SUB-BASE SEE SEPARATE DRAINAGE CALOULAMONS SHEETS. VOLUME REQUIRED: 2,285 CU FT TYPICAL ASPHALT CROSS—SECTION ARROW BOLT ON HYDRANT AT SIN CORNER OF N TS IQH SOUTH 22ND AVE.AND RE WAY ELEVATION= 4699.05 FEET(CITY OF BOZEMAN DATUM) ADD 16.44 FEET TO ELEVATIONS SHOWN TO CONVERT TO NGVD-1929 SITE DATA SPILL CURRB"k QLW M TTER T EXISTING ZONING,R-4 P' - - &L C.O.B.STD.DWG.NO.0252.8-1 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT 20- MOM IFOD 714 OW.RFOW GRATE POND 01 SLOTWD7H 4-3/4" SIDE 6 PROVIDE 6*x10'-O'LONG CONCRETE SIDEWALK 0.26 BELOW BERM ELEVATION REAR 20' AT SNOW STORAGE AREA WITH MOUNTABLE OURS CONCRETE SDEWAILK V47H 3/4' TOP POND EI,EV--4801,ES PARKING: TOTAL RESIDENTIAL SPACES o CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 0 24-0-O.C. =7� 134 SPACES SQUARE INLET GRATE HANDICAP SPACES NOTE:LOWER SIDEWALK TO AND CONTROL JOINTS a 6--e O.C. 9.0K 1/4"110fol FABRICATED STEEL r.12' 5 SPACES TOP OF ASPHALT ELEVATION \I M W Paw, I-DUEVATIGH- --Be AREA OF LOT 1 121.4515$0 FT Drau*tg Date. 614102 AT SNOW STORAGE AREAS RLYWS ASPHALT PAVEMENT BOTTOM (AS SPECIFIED) 4.Cosell AREA OF BUILDIN 29 SLOPE OR AS SPECIFIED 7,21.160 50 FT GUILET PIPE AREA OF PAVING 485 SQ FT AREA 0 -i _-:1x`o AT PIPE EXIT. F OPEN SPACE 52,370$0 FT SLOPE r-1 1/2-ORIVS PRO VIDE RIP WRAP OR AS SPECIFIED CRUSIED GRAVEL PERCENT SRE COW.RAGE-55.5X sale FLOOR AREA RASO- 17.4%(ALL RESIDENTAL) cW514D MA� WI' 15 950 MR ColICIRETE SEFWAL AT ORINWAY CROSSHM K, I-OF -I--'GRANULAR FILL J.-I 11r wras I I (USE r MI UM CONORETE IN SIDEWAIX SEE�E�TA 0'-3'WI BASE GRAVEL AND RAMP AT WNW CROSSINGS) 16"INK j V ��-� 1% �L D 4*THICK PRECAST CONCRETE, ffll jju�___j j Il JUL 5 20 A& (--)RAMP CROSS—SECTION TYPICAL L CURB DETAIL -,-\POND NO. 1 OUTLET DETAIL SCALE:NIS CU 02 TDEVELOPMEN 02024 U � SITE INFORMATION TRACT B A' COS NO. 1245 (ZONED PI-I) MSU =1 I7E$CRIPTIOhI AREA OF TOTAL 87 Fm I326 �b CN896q'48"E7 p OS<i'59'48" 418.24 1O7AL LOT AREA 121l 5F. 100% 9 �yl ' X % 0. X X k X k X X X X TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF BUILDINGS 22JSO OF. 103% _------- �---Y---- TOTAL AREA OF LANDSCAPING 51,d15 5F. 423% _ �u ,� ✓ 'F ..,<:.:e:<.r,: - r,•.t.....t ,! r.G...1,!!.I:' : \\�a FI; n a " . •TOTAL AREA OF PAVING 4'1060 SF. 39.4 % e ,ACTIYE RECREATIONAL USE AREA 25,84'1 SF. 2L3 % i/%ry _ \ �— _ b —i ce 1 �� � QN FLOOR AREA RATIO(FAR 8'-0 TRASH ENCLOSURE r I a TYP.OF 2 SEE B/A1.2 \\' . TOTAL BLDG.FLOOR AREA=2Z,18O SF. i �". 10" \�j a`�.o-\TOTAL LOT AREA121ABS SF. � I o c-y .�• 9-0, ,� F.A.R.-BLDG.AREA/LOT AREA.1; : r3 t Pw,,. O 'frr , _ +"�\I °Q �`�\' N\ �I Gt2088 a NET RESIDENtIAL DENSITY ",•q! 25ow wAu 0 e e ;�,�� 1+ pig�a TYP. 54/219-1935 UNITS/ACRE ,I. ^- �- � _. a � .. �! yz5_. o,� p5 p EXISTING ZONING ZONING-R4 �.-.�' 18-®"- 26'-0" 18'-0 !41 DRAINAGE EBMT. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT �„ „ x CAN LIGHT, TYP. -_ � , I , an '{ -.,,,_._ t. ,` I � / r 1 [)RAWN9Y: RSS MAX HT.-3'1'-O' % - CHECKED LWS Z �; �Na - I PlNMllm PI-0DN-AG�9.00 I FiNNWED FI.LtlR-�1N.00 -.," �.•-.._ k_ ; t Q .KGB NO: 02-002 j •--- 12-UNIT SLOG 'A' 15-tM T SLDG'B' ...... /` ' A �ii PLOT SCAM F'3O'4' I m � LEGAL DESCRIPTION (COUNTY ZONINCs) � STAMPED i couRr �Nak LLI ��E LOT 1,BLOCK 3,CORRECTION PLAT OF KAGY CROSSROADS SUBDIVISION SE 1/4,SEC.14, R CITY OF;BOE MAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA POLE LIGNT,gj, _ �11 � 1 i (,4 ! 1 6 i� �" i�,� .I{ j u r /r•-.. ! s ., .,. i .._..,i.-..- .-.. fi'1r it zQ r�t PARKING CALCULATIONS BLDG REMARKS ' .�HD�IPARKING ) -J-.._5E£-D/A1.2,TYP E. 1 ' ! s;. I [ [ ( (xON1=D R3) _ 4 -- -- } 54 APARTMENTS 2 SPACES/APT. 2 x 54 - SPACES REQUIRED , --„i• nya'IL. N'1i. r �.. } f I e ____..PylINlGD sU°°R.�°Ee'°° - 12-UNIT BLDG 'A' 1 1 pp r; ?'r -18�-kJNL"E-BLDG-'S'-^--'- , ': (REQUIRED 108 r ?^'---'- �r " `''''/ � � „ I' I ) It a P i.11t PROVIDED 130 HDC SPACES 5 !� gu r ,} SNOW 5TORAGE / €. .t _ _ ...._. _- _ •. -•- i !%% Imo• SIGN - _ ,"�- - /\i ��r'•-1,-,I, fy Y l , VISION TRIANGLE �� •pp .- a GONG.SIDEWALK W/3/4' + •iNu •aes 5 .Roo .,a-+aA •ras '^.. \ ., - OCNSTRJCTION JOINTS a 24'-0"O.G. _ _ _ - AND CONTROL JOINTS s 6'-0"O.C. it1 ew--_-- ,- _®� =-_._.._.,_- _..__..-.—____ - -. .____-- --.._. __ ._._.- - I -... ^ FOR DIM SEE SITE PLAN ,F.H. - VISION TRIANGLE {� s ASPHALT PAVING-- �„ ..--_—........._ CITY OF BOZEMAN MIN.3°.1WOK TYP. ilr CITY OF BOZEMAN ; � I�tl��...W� STD.COMMERCIAL 2%SLOPE OR AS SP'ECIFED T0.COMMERCIAL DRIVE APPROACH 2%SLOPE OR AS SPECIFIED I RIVE APPROACH—, •r I Q "MINUS - �/� ; r ---- \/i\ LOT 3 (ZONED E32) ( 1 I Q A LOT 1 (ZONED 52) ELl 0 PROPERTY LINE -------- UTILITY EASEMENT - BUILDING SETBACK LINE V —ewu•--- WATER LINE Q CURB DETAIL S SI Drawl _9 sa-- 5£4ER LINE -• CONTOUR LINE —X— FENCE -- SIGHT VISION TRIANGLE r ` ACTIVE RECREATIONAL USE ❑❑❑❑Q❑�1�''I sto s+.-LJJ���-``���_ SNOW STORAGE '" RDEIF❑ ❑®pers,1EjQrJC�❑ 5 v �••1 n[JE ❑C]UL10 OC •SUB-BASE AND BASE, dor�t a � (�('''11 LIjDIO�( ❑ COURSE TO BE COMP. ❑IC!€+N�md©(�L1L-.JL...-r� q Mal Dr, ran Dr: IAttFI�5L 1��� cl€ TO 95%PER ASTM D-698 INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERQ�fr'��', D au W.cornea sr. ' IIta�I:st.JIJ L_.I❑ X/•.NELDPH * \ /�i\//\ ,c A SITE PLAN (PLI) (Pu) a sTAT IU I(`s-UI����❑ \��\ all.uns ui U-N R � ® ASPHALTIC GONG UNNERS. ry 3"AS - �/\/\\/ ' NOTE: s " R4 (R3) (R4} i� L� y, //---���^•'--'� i SEE CIVIL CITE PLAN FOR COMPLETE 611E IMPROVIEMENT •3"OF 1-I/2"MINUS COMP. •- AND UTILITY DETAILS. i y �' ROAD-MIX(BASE COURSE) I (82) (R4) ( _ •12,OF 6"MINUS COMP. FILL(SUB-BASE) CC jJ(/�3� 3"MIN.O 7'-0"F CRUSHED J r (COUNTY) i-�`=' -- • 1 t a 5""17�2 GRAVEL BASE ' - _— i a (COUNTY) q CURB DETAIL _ NOT TO SCALE _... . . ,t Kagy Crossroads Plant List Broadleaf Deciduous n•i Symbol Code Name scientific Name Common Name Quantity Planting Size Matl-eter,Mat.Widti O MSPB 8etula papyrlfera muitt-stem Multi-stem Paper Birch 2 15 Gal 8'Ht 40' 25' O FGBA Fraxinun nlgra 'Fallgold' Fall old Black Ash 6 1 1/2"-Cal 10 Gal. 40' 50, SLHL Gledltela triacanthoa'84cole' Skyline Hona locust 12 1 1/2"-Cai 10 Gal. 40' 25, SCA Populue tremula'Erects' Swedish Columnar Aspen 12 I I/2"-Cal t0 Gal. 30, 10' TRACT B w Q AC Prunue maadat Amur CFlokacherry 4 1 V2"-Cal 10 Gal. 25, 15, COS NO, 1245 I] MSU Conifer Evergreen 57 Fm IB26 CN59.89145RE7 089"59'48" uW1 Symbol Code Name 8clentlfic Name Common Name Quantity Planting Size Mat.H*IQh Matlilld 415.24 V fi 0 BFJ Juniperue Sabina 'Buffalo' Buffalo Juniper 24 2-Gal 12"-5" 4'-6 x x x x x x----- x x x• CS Motto puneenG Colorado Spruce '1 8'B<B 60' 30' =�'���(l(*/:'k.''�r$�">r,'r,-/r.+..'_-'a _a_ -i a aw -._I-a+( o..,-.-m a s _s a a s a d«G^e=s-1. .Cmti:.-c- _« e _a .u_...>w+�.�.,_.n-. u !-r'._. ...�-e.-:.a e_s. .�_a.._-✓•_ a-a:-r-�,�-,m. �-a-\\\�q!etll/� ` shrub e eCGJ Junt eras seo ulrum'Colo grew Colo reen Juniper 5-Gal '-5' 6'-5 - _ - 6 >fi - - - b- - -- - `6 -i-' '`'•i••-•� � '!h fNl Symbol Code Name 8ctentlfie Name Common Name Quantity Planting Size Mat.Neig etJU1d 1 ,' Ci \ !O'a •'\i �'``\\ \\ I �I m IHD Corpus Alba'Balihalo' Ivory Halo Dogwood 8 I-Gal YAY•A\ Rt GFP POtentilla fruticoea'Goldfinger Goldfinger Potentilla 48 I-Gal 4' 4' ' `\, s '�tm,`• '., ` PLSC Prunus cletena Pur leleaf Band chary 16 2-Gal 8' 8' ' Q ` p y .._..� JUL '°•,. 1 ,wE Ie \ `i1t1 � 1 DRAWN BY: RSS MBSR Rosa 'Modern Blush' Modern Blush shrub Rose 8 2-Gal 3' 3' '1e % t i vN i 11 ii,�'. it 1I.1 1 .fly N�: C2-2 r , WPSR Rosa 'Winnipeg Parks' Winnipeg ParkA Shrub Rose 10 2-Gal 3' 11 It CFECKED BY: LWS PS S Iraea x bumalda 'Froebelti' Frobel 8 irea 24 1-Gal 4' 3' A i 'r. I !1il I ;li 1 P p �. _ __. _.. PLOT SCALE 7430'-0' ML 8yringaxprestonlae'Minuet' Minuet Lilac 16 2-Gal 8' 6' ^, -•-- AV Viburnum trliobum'Alfredo' Alfredo Viburnum 120 I-Gal 5' 1 4' 1 LANDSCAPE DESIGN DR4LLN BY ',,�/ rlwsHEo PI.aaA-NEN>.cn riNlquea rLooN-�/eW.oO _.— , - 1 I BLANCHFORD LANDSCAPE CCNTRACTORB.MC. --- 12-UNIT BLDG'A' 15-UN T BLDG 15, DAN DRA.BY. DEVORE,CPP f / ,,.,•r�'�! ,.-..- .r I \V • _ CHECKED BY,ANDY SLANCNFORp,CLP Q m ,�' !P r gg 1 I ! r aTrc it - � 1 NILHL •s - 1 .a • 1 Wu i \ i I .ta �� .«ern t P %,• i p 1 1l a W SHRUB PLANTING srrcNP «« R Ir q wz sPnEAs wwr sO mAT TOP •M ISREN"iNE 1 •PUNT SO THAT TOP OP BOOT SRD GRACE l -•+• I r'w' I •, , BALL IS ENT!NnN R1E PLANT ALL Wi5 OrFR I'pA } 1-'""• �` `T n — p PIN•IaHCD rtNR•1lBB.sOI ..._T� i 12-UNIT BLMf 1 1 ' I e .HMEe BBAOE •PAINT ALL CI118 DYER I•CIA, �i y'�1^ti 1 T—^ 1 RlNlel®RO01E•Me7 "•« � , I •WafBlll9 SNtlIID BE AAeER RE IRE WYNB l"-++OOM • �^]p{q uN1T.,$LDG 8.•-'••••"•-••••-'.,1 1_..,^„• I YAM IN TREE WELL OF IRE£ r' wm ARAINa 7RE iRM' ~y I V 1l ^-n.� I� VMS STAYf3-- Y , I II � . �l)7y P STANEs Y RWND x e'IEHOIX � I"r 1 I l.. .. I� I � `\ ll. 7.115 � , I {i •+I g RE LOOP TO BAa{FXIINO A S1IIMMO PRIOR (Y ! -.,,. ' �..«....,... •CI 1 1 I 1rt ..,._ 'I , 1. , I %1 RBOR m Y 1 r LWRE ABgBlO iPEE ppd S AarK OW. OW AABBR RE TREE GVTWO x- OR AS NEfE9SARY FOR FpiW YTMI M ILA71 •R5y la; 1 r "'` O MILL AxcHOB- TfIP a WIRE 9-ABOVE GROIINa IIHN NNR, _ � -- --- �" SPECIFIED PUNRRi WA BAfX(FILL Sql ' WATER a TAMP m -- WATER a TAMP Te RMOVE PA POaR'IS t •F11{ -IRA •t011 ,...wtll .i8E1 •!NI O �TIBYE PRE POmNE1S � � NOTE: NOTE: STApNC AS REWRFR 2%BALL ALL STA AS REWIAEO _— _. TREE PLANTING - GUY WIRES TREE PLANTING - VERTICAL STAKES Remington Way !( I1 con sEALL: NOT To scALE scAEc NOT m sueE I e I REE PLANTING DETAILS � ------ -- --- -- ---, !fll------- ---N---------------------- _: - 1 1 -- i , I r l 1 LOT 3 I � !' I r LOT 1 r • O sO- PROPERTY LINE ......- .___.__.,. UTILITY EASEMENTS BUILDING SETBACK LINE -Q Q ---a"w­ WATER LINE vv�E -a^ss— SEWER LINE .._..•asa+Ea-- CONTOUR LINE —Te— FENCE —---- SIGHT VISION TRIANGLE rj SNOW STORAGE A L14NDSC14PE PLAN A1.1 I,.", N LANDSCAPING PREPARED CHECKED BY CERTIFIED LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONAL ANDY BLANCHFORD NOTES, 5-17-02 1. ALL LANDSCAPING AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED W/UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 2, ALL LANDSCAPING BEDS TO BE LINED W/ LANDSCAPE PABRIC t EDGED W/LANDSCAPE EDGING.LANDSCAPE BEDS TO BE FILLED W/ �•1 MULCH. 1 3, FIELD COORDINATE REMOVAL OF ALL TREES W/GENERAL CONTRACTOR/DINER- TOP \/ISUJ G4� U WALL W1 SOLID 4-4 BAR 4'-0" METAL CAP TO MATCH O.G.EA.WAY BUILDING4 V'CMU WALL TO (4)4x4 PRESSURE MATCH BLDG.COLOR r-.--4T 4 TREATED POSTS EA.SIDE 3/4"014. 12, TwRJ-BOLT 2 318"DIA HARD (TYP.) 0 4`CONC.BLABSTEEL PIPE co W 6-6 WlAxWIA • Mr.OVER b"GRAVEL Kagy 7 T- 4.6 PRESSUREJ f ---------------- TREATED P05T Crossroads CHAIN-LINK FENCE STEEL PIPE EMBED. TOP 4 BOTTOM APPROX.IV'INTO TAN AN 1 151 ATS CONC.PIER DRAWN BY: JDS Apartme s M"WEEN LINK$IN CHECKED BY: LWS 0 0 FENCE NOTE, JOB NO: 010 VERIFY COLOR Wf F --1 OWNER/ARCHITECT jj-.11, PLOT SCALE; 1/2W-C �:srgoyads nts PLAN FRONT ELEVATION (SIDE ELEVATIONS SIMILAW 8"CARVED LETTERS ON 2"WOOD PANEL TR ENCLOSUREMETAil- QI4= 0%. L El IS"DIA.x 45"HIGH PIER W/2-4 BARS V-2- (TYPICAL) SLEV4110S HI SIGN DETAIL PAINTED ALUM. ————————— 0 SCONCE Hoc 516N*EACH HDC STALL SEE E/AI2 214 CEDAR 0 2 STEEL HANDICAP Ixb CEDAR 81-AT43 111 O.r.,TYP. PARrING SIGN U d) (WHITE SYMBOLS AND FULL ZERO CUTOFF uj R* LEVEL p LETTERS ON BLUE (Oizo I �*� 'At-lp Up 2X4 CEDAR AMP UP SURFACE., BACKGROUND) LENS 12' y� FINISH GRADE BLAC mo COLORED --N CONCRETE BRODM FINISH 0 TREATED 4X4 POST SET IN 8"CONC.PIER t'I - U 4 "0 YELLOW `,, " WIDE YE AW,111 STRIPE STEEL POST SET IN CONCRETE EASE V LIGHTING METAL 0� iw � \�tl.2j w"'.V-0, mcf-hllben 102-FT-115.120.BRF �0 $1' .1 NOTE: 11, WOOD FENCE Orm"r.41L .0 PROVIDE WIDE LOADINGAREA Is 0 "VAN ACCESSIBLE 4o w", PAR<NG SPACE TOP OF CURBAIJALK OR FIN161-1 GRADE 6`7 x 12"CONC.BASE OCALE;114- HOC 10,4wING HOC. fmAR<NC% 151(3N 5-17-02 A1*2 841.3n V 4'4' 1'-1" V-4" 101_yn I'T s ZI_y" 1 � I I a f 3 � �IL a e j DRAWN BY: GAM r CHECKED BY: GAM JOB NO: 02-002 d ' \1 afar scA�.E: 3/16dra UNIT'A' UNIT AFA 0 I i 1 III 1 I ® �0 0 0 —2L 4 4 4 ....__.._._.�� J ACCESS,TT . 88 ^ ` 22' x30" A CRAM. ' I ' ACCESS ACC,L NIT'S' UNIT'A, FT*+/��1 �0 O < Vl cn n11Y � I I A I A 1 I 1 Y-4"6 2'-,�" 4'-I" l y_7111 %'-4" It'-I12" B'-4" 16'-0" e'-4" T-912" 15'.0" '.0" �I_3n 5-17-02 a FIRST FLOOR PLAN 'SUILDINC'� A' -0 5,IB0 5Q.FT. N -mI' �'-� ,'-�• 8'_40 �.p .-- 8'-4" 7'-g�" NS'_0° .m a S, > Q If] a - --- � z ° 5 � ENTRY ----- ' ®1 ,� � ® �:, DRAWN W. GAM a' m CHECKED Br. GAM i -— z JOB NO: 02-0M I, PLAT SCALE 3/164wri(Y mPili UNIT'A'Q LNIT'A' -z 00ML r f sa 0 6 Z 4 .. ❑ ° o l l I 4 A i 2 uHit A� ' r ®. FRI ? 0 = >1 o 'I� 15 d STAI ----- - -- A 3'4 5-17-02 SECOND Fl-OOR PLI4N 'BUILDING I 5,M2 SQ.Ff. N I�O.i i A Sl Q 11981i. v • � clk cc ----- DRAWN BY: GAM ® CHECKED&r GAM .KB NOC o¢-002 PLAT SCALE: 3/6-T'O- I ; r UNIT,A' $ I i UNIt'A' o A 00 I O nvaf I 0 I in I � I in I A —'----- 4'-0" 4'-4q" ---I I gB V1 O / uNIT A - -- UNIT'A' ®. STAIR 3 ---------------- I' y 0 may/ ' -------- -------- L--J L--- -------- ---- 4'-2j" 4'-2j" -0" Ig,_O B,_4n 3'-9 ' B'_B• 3'- x B'-4x 5-17-02 THIRD FLOOR PL,4N 'BUILDING .4' 4�2�FT N A►2.2 �( - 82'_3" U 15'-0" l'-9' 8'-4° 16'-0" 3r_4" 4'-l" T-1j" 3y_4" Em I I I 3 Us I 6 � ENTRY DRAWN BY' GAM CHECKM Sr. GAM ¢ — --- -- JOB NO: 02-= — ——�— r PLOT SCALE: 3116%q-U w r U I_� ® UNIT A' " i 4-0 " 4 4 Z95 qq IKJ 71, LJ 1 I I I I - �O �0 I V W ` IJ _—__ _—__ I ° o-a ----- do --- ° i 0 y Ell ---- ---- ---- UNITV 100, CO e I I "vd � 22"x30" II I I — DRAWL. r 88 I ORFM ACC.UNIT'el 0 moITV .— r � � — Y I s I � r nv I A I I ( IT I 2_9rr I 10'_w V-4" 2'-I2 4'-P 2—7° ¢3'4 w" 10,—W. @'-1 U2" W-4" ig���� g•_q" 1'-9 1R" 15'-1" r_0° 5-1/-02 �PIRST FLOOR PLAIN 'BUILDINC* E3PLOOR PLAIN '5UILDINC* B' A23 3/16"°I'-0" r,2203G2FT. N AID. Y-4" V-4" A rti 3 v _ 0 e ENTRY ® ____ DRAWN BY: GAM CHECKED BY: GAM F.T -08 ND: 02002 PLOT SCALE: 3/61-ILC n � r w UNIT'C' � � ® UNIT'A' 4 Q a n ----- " ° N+ I i Y I — 0,,jg iow UNIT D h i 2 ti 9 00 Co d ° ° ---- ---- Q -- ------ 4'-®j" 444' 00 8 r� i - -- V1 m STAIR UNIT ' ' a z 4 s " U 3'-1" 87'-3" 5-17-02 A SECOND FLOOR PLAN 'BUILDING B' A2.4 3/16"=1'-O" 5I24 8Q,FT. N . A204 i 8, a� — ------------ I — .i� cc P DRAWN BY: GAM - a CHECKED Sr. GAM m �I PLOT SCALE 3/16 UNIT V _ �'- UNIT'A' a p uw+ O ---- ---- it I I Q 'O� IDw 1 I --- p � I I � m O - � I 0 Am , ---- - 4'-0j" 4'-4ju 00 - 88 U IT 'A' .tNm a aUa V O Q a 1 STAIR UNIT Ic, , y I I I I ---J L--- - ------ --------- , -®,� �,_0n ,'-9}" 8,_,y. 3'•9" 8,_�u 3'4 5-17-02 A THIRD FLOOR FLAN 'BUILDING B' A2 5 3 6".l'-LT 4,914 SQL FT. N l .aL�I i a 0. 1 .�12 11 tt„ CL+. � Isai_f s3 € °n 11 [11� ',ll 1 , a 3 rE I rf,,L 8 L.. � t..4 i rr1 1jr JLaI�J 15TM l,k , f7 �fLy 3 it , .. v �L. :f.. la d,111I1J3€ I'. 7J fYJ�E a IL t .fi, ! 1 ?_.is, t ttl..iS.l.°..t..T T'.. J f l �.ztlr, ,. HL _. .z. - .L. r7 .t a& y>.3 t L T ' r yJ r `1 i #b is °1 F.1?_g. ryi_TJ , g y 1 f Jliz l` U I .I t.y[1i 3.PJ_iJ 7IY-TY�.= ..1 i..,._L�T:L _ 1_,.[.L .y:_t. r ,i.,3.7.. Y. 1 1 l., l .I r.�111.JJJJ 1- RtJ _J4iSL_t...P. JJ1� '1 C4` ar _J 1_. L. J ,.J,l --;'t rc I_J. 1 f:.: rr -..a.- '' .. f L Li_C a 9"".L1J FTI_`TTTJ T _ 3 rl J 1.Jfi f t �C 29'-II 3/4° _ I..,J�__. Y ' a VINYL SIDING ®a 40 e_A, 4 TRIM(COLOR _ HY OWNER) _ Om - 2WZAPPED W/BANE) 21'-10 5/8" M DRAWN W. GAM ---- 3RD.8113FLR t PRE-FIN.METAL CHECKED W. GAM 1 " PLOT SCALE: 3116-1-U em 1 _ - i t � s Vi �� -- t i f a i IST.SUL3FLR SLUMP 131-OCK i i i r i r i (COLOR 8Y OWNER) � t ®'_0" r--- -�r--------__'__---_ i !. i ir-----'-------�y---ir--I 1--------------------�T--------------------4--'� A FRONT ELEVATION 3UILDING 'A 4 I5' � CONT.RIDGE VENT,TYP. ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES(COLOR 5Y OWNER) — ------------------- —'- TAR i �.J.L T L9�AEI aJ JL 11f IL 7d. U 7 u 29'-11 3/4• --------- VINYL—' - VINYL SIDING rH <TRIM(COLOR V __ EE1 s - 3RD.SUl3FLR �,t. - IIN UTz r �A -- 1ND.6 I.Rzr, N t_ �'r' �- �' _ _ _Y' T_S.Y �- Y Cyt 3 kt ' ... T'- .LJ Y �.... yT X L -ter .. Z1 7 z L-----------! L-----------J l..___-------J GALVANIZED WINDOW SLUMP BLOCK WELL,TYPICAL i i (COLOR BY OWNED a LEr-T ELEVATION BUILDING ',4 4 B' A4 CU CONT.RIDGE VENT.TYP. a AF2 ITEGTUR4L ASPHALT Q� 3_9'-dp'4--..-.. SHINGLES(COLOR BY pLNER) IFJ� t.OR �C12 t g i 4(JEL➢+ 7C —l. 91_ aJ3 .1 4 I J i Slit ) €#,.i 14ta _Lq F. L .i.. it ti T JIi L. S. fp�E,JJA I_._'..4 _. ! l '-7 {�(fa.11..J x L,_f.. 7 J"J ..I 1. L 1 _f.t_... I ( J.i_a. ..;I t� L ',!3 Ifi c' C ti[,E 'Li Es S 7 Il s 1.$' '.7;i1 I.� k i '_. t, I.vl x, . . T q, ( t 13�La!f1 a9 T'3�:� r_ .J s i `•"7 s—s t: (� ¢ J,L•, k�.' _ .. i-9.. .T�.ii 3IR i_Ie_ v .& [ `3la7li; aa3r4r,r5( I" t. ? Lt. 1 s�'L4f'.'1 ('f1 t ,k 1 7 29'•113/4" --_ JJ-'wJ ._ :(... (IEk..(.((ll,j() .� ( (f..$.,f ._(.l 1 7 �i 1 F ).7.3. ')}T 'dL" ,,._ _(s-.) __S..-..�J 4 8... _.� _l._ Lf ... .). ?1 ... "fsi. ,I.,, S. - VINYL SIDNG ¢ iDaU. I LJ ( i � L�.. �f t TRIM(COLOR s IE 2.12 TRIM BAND ' w I t WRAPPED W/ 3RD.SUBFLR ---- i PRE-FIN.METAL i DRAWN BY: GAM - - ,� CHECKED BY' GAM � � s .aos root o¢-ooz PLOT SCALE 3/161�tb' IY-11 14" L: is ` L Q c L-----------J I SLUMP BLOCK I L_-_-_-_-_ -JI f i I I I I i i I - (COLOR BY OMER)1 1/4" 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i i iJ i i i i i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I 0L0" I 1 I I 1 I I I j ————r-- r---------- ----------- r...— -------- ...— --------------r------ -----------------`�----- --------------�'--------------- ----------------------------ti--- --------'--------------- -------------- --� A REAR ELM'44TION BUILDING 'A & BI CONT.RIDGE VENT,TYP. ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT T/� 34'-10"! SHINGLES(COLOR BY OLLNER) COO c----.__--------------------- tAJZ _ ImF ���( 4➢ `f 6 a d�-�L,T � '8�I 'I."f_:�Tt f I RT� d li �)l,.f(�Ja 1(lt4tL V t f arh t l I� € a.L!!u" rt �1 �t T ' "( n 1 L J 3 r rr j_.�� ��j�_�J ); e x f 1( ) t S_g 1.T.t ) )'f[ 1 d. [�Uft �EJ � r, � u � ).r�rJ a(��(-; a�'��,�� xa�ti,d r��_� J � r�I rat` rf t ' I,' _ft. (�; � CIO VINYL SIDING-gym — — t TRIM(COLOR 8Y OUNER) O —._._... ..3 V 3RD.SUBFLR Ap 3 5 11 I/4" - r 2ND. m -� sr � ,r' �'�rs-c � _s.,�.�T` N`.•y r r-z'- .�-r-_�.i,. .,fix' .,� :�� '`s-u,-"<. 1 �--I I 1 �_1_ _____l_. •_1__. ..__ ____l_� 1 L-----------J I i ' 114" "t -.-c GALVANIZED WINDOW s I 9LIA'iP BLOCK ' ' it i I...i..;z.�c, .5'r=� 187.SUBFLR —— — — UELL,TYPICAL i I WED-LINE INDICATES i (COLOR BY OIITIER) - LAR3ER WINDOW IN ONE I I I BEDROOM APARTI-ENT(TYPJ I 1 I V i i i i I I c I -----TL—._Lx._�L___IJ_________________________________________r.._______________ ___—_____--- __ TAFTG. _________-7________________ ____ 5-17-02 RIGHT ELEV4"NON BUILDING 'A B' A4.1 — 1 Well@ i (�Xo�sW� it i N 1 C i3�2 A NI At-( I�(t.�u APE OF l t� MAR OIAN TRACT Q-- 1 No. 9 COS NO. 1245A MSU o�9 �Fcrc CM TM POND Hat Fnd 5 f 8" Rebar ( 87 Fm 1326 l�NG�NEE USE POND AS SHOWN 10 SO. FT.:AT SLOPES x 1.0' DEEP with 2" Alum. Cap BOT. ELEV- 4880.85 marked (Swart) I x X X Sheet 0 ' *0C t4t (8 .15 ( GRADE POND BOTTOM TO DIRECTc !I c L� FLOW TO OUTLET STRUCTURE A r � c i i sro (82.50 Poi ; so E G� ° 11 , \ �� i Ili 3.00) (82.25 INSTALL (I `1 82.75 CUR 1 F.L. OUT w 80.25 O' :. B 1, . 11 yt ! ! PROVIDE RIP RAP AT EXIT GC (83.0 w (62,75) (83.25 1 + i CONCRETE OUTLET STRUCTURE ,. - , �, s2• D I C I ! , I � s � � 20' wide Ditch Maintenance `;f^ and Utility Easement per plot I . I . 15' I ca, a 26.00 Scale In Feet 0 o II 5 j II 30 0 30 o (84.25) `..(84.45 (81.25� 1 i I ! eta (sa.s 1 I l j i II 1 C', 9 0 9 I Scale In Meters I i �I� RIM . 481¢4.07 1 I ua I{ I ^CO 00 00 F.L. S = .878, 0 w I ,I ! ^Q O ' ( I {`\ { ill N00O PARCEL sF�� I I { `l `I , : a �- .4 .25)I COS N0. 1328A 5) (8 (8460) I (e5.eo) 1 I I ! II EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF B07EMANI 1%2 15.5 8 (�3.00) 85.8 �•. I c i I.' 35' Stream Setback EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF BOZEh1, •�I 1 2 0 _ I 166 Fm 717 (86.00) I '�$ x I I ( 1 ' z (a5.50 .... ....., $� Uj rl (�18.00 I l ! II ; Ili QI 1 I' —• � L� a� X 1' �• I, ' li O ! °0 a 60' wide Drainage Easement ' z i (85 f5) I ;' Uj I ' v� 1 (85,75 84.901 . �V S MH-10q " ��'1 ( + Existing Public Street and Utility Easement _ 'T;ea .3 — — — G i — —i' per Film 198, Page 3908 C L. SE - 87 •511 4r r , ................ 86.t ��/ I _ , r • ((nn 25 5.69 �j7 II ~� j •' STORM INLET II Qj IDLE IN TAL 40 r RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWq,4 R . PTD. DWG. No. 02529—n yr R!M=4885.76 F.L. E = 4877. 1 IIr r i F.L. S = 4877. t Ilcr l�Q � F.L. W = 4$77. t AIN F.L. NW = 487 .21 I lit if r r Nj , u 60 •- -_--___ _ _ ? - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — TILITY CULVER - - 'l LOT 1 U o �► DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS > 'U S DETENTION POND N0, 1. 0. USE POND AS SHOWN x 1.0' DEEP VOLUME PROVIDED: 2,410 CU FT SEE SEPARATE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS SHEETS. VOLUME REQUIRED: 2.965 III 1" 4 room. He noted he concurred with placing vines on the exterior wall. He commended the design of the site; however, he'd like to see outdoor seating included, if possible. Mr. Hanson noted Staff's condition #4 addressed most of DRB's concerns. He stated the applicant's drawing presented today represented their response to condition #4. Mr. Bryan asked if the DRB were to strongly recommend the sacrificing of parking to install outdoor seating, would the Board recommend a parking deviation. Planner Kozub noted, since the project had been noticed, it would require time to re-notice prior to the City Commission hearing. DRB members noted they have recommended approval of a deviation without re- noticing. Planner Kozub noted the deviation could not become part of the application without re-noticing. Mr. Bryan suggested moving the handicapped spaces closer to the entrance to make room for outdoor seating. Discussion followed on the addition of a doorway on the west elevation; however, it was noted indoor seating would be lost. Mr. Raznoff noted that the problem was that the drawings presented to the DRB would be different from those presented to City Commission. MOTION: Mr. Hanson moved, Mr. Pohl seconded, to recommend approval.of application #Z-02044 with conditions as outlined by Staff, and to recommend approval of a deviation to reduce the number of parking stalls by three to allow an outdoor seating area where the handicapped stalls were indicated near the front entrance, subject to noticing requirements. Ms. Smith asked if the DRB should specify the number of parking spaces or allow up to a 20% reduction if the applicant chooses. MOTION: Ms. Smith moved to amended the motion, seconded by Ms. Wills, to allow up to a 20% allowable reduction of parking spaces if the applicant chooses. The amendment carried unanimously. The motion carried unanimously. 2. MacDonald Apts Concept PUD #Z-02054 (Caroline) 2211 Remington Way * A Planned Unit Development Concept Plan Application for the development of four (4) two story 12-plexes with basements, and related site improvements. Dave MacDonald and Lowell Springer joined the DRB. Assistant Planner Karin Caroline presented the Staff Memo. Mr. Springer noted the zoning regulation amendments approved last night by the City Commission would allow the proposed density. He stated the City anticipates the rest of the subdivision to be a dense commercial use. Chairperson Sorenson asked why they are doing this project as a PUD. Mr. MacDonald noted the PUD allows an increase of density by 6-8 units per acre. Chairperson Sorenson noted the project was a straightforward design, with the buildings being copies of one another with no City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-April 23,2002 4 enhancement of design. He suggested widening the central corridors so they can be used by the residents. He noted the structures are okay; however, the scale of the entrances was rather small and under emphasized. He stated he liked the street front design along Remington Way. Mr. Raznoff noted that the central corridors were located where there would be bedroom windows and the buildings are quite close to each other. He stated he'd like to see more separation. He noted the courtyard and east/west pathway should be enhanced to promote usage. He suggested they consider the installation of bike racks. He suggested more building separation between the two northern and two southern structures. He suggested moving the front entrances out five feet into the front yard setback. Planner Caroline noted she would research the differences between the zone code and UBC on building separation. Mr. Raznoff noted he would support moving the structures closer to Remington Way. Ms. Smith concurred with Mr. Raznoff's suggestion on moving the entrances into the front yard setbacks. She asked if the number of parking spaces was more than the minimum requirement. Mr. Springer noted the number of parking spaces meets the code; however, they can't count on having on-street parking for the overflow during the daytime. Ms. Smith suggested moving the two parking nodes together and moving the disabled spaces closer to the entrances. Mr. Springer noted the disabled spaces were located as close to the grade entrances as possible. Ms. Wills suggested the applicant design three "U" shaped buildings to provide more open space/courtyard between them for the residents' use. She suggested the open end should face the Bridgers (north) rather than South 19" Avenue. She stated if the "U" shaped buildings wouldn't work, she suggested the installation of another sidewalk to the parking area to create more of a mall area. She suggested the applicant use different materials to enhance the structures. She suggested more architectural detail and green space are needed to enhance the project. Mr. Pohl concurred that the central space is too narrow. He suggested if the applicant was after more density, then one structure should be removed and add stories to the remaining structures. Mr. Springer noted the addition of more stories would require sprinklering of them and the installation of elevators. Mr. Pohl suggested if the buildings were juxtaposed for closure, they wouldn't conduct wind into the central space/tunnels. He concurred with the suggestion for more detailing on the facades andmaterial changes to make them different from the structures on College (Brookside Apartments). Mr. Hanson concurred with the need for more space in the courtyard. He suggested adding retaining walls, which would allow the structures to be moved closer to the north and west property lines, and would allow the pathway to meander through the courtyard. He suggested creating grander entryways using lighting features. ITEM 4. ADJOURNMENT City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes—April 23,2002 5 A,' There being no further business to come before the Design Review Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Ika- - Henry S enson, Jr., Chairperson Design Review Board City of Bozeman Design Review Board Minutes-April 23,2002 7WAFFICq IA4PACT STUDY V , AGr CROSSIOADS SUBDIVISION :4 /evelar� Wit. . t W.Garfield A I I "*+ Afontancr r LI-Incolt, Rd ' I Rem/ngbn Way�lf �r UJIf'if@rslfy + ' E 1 prepared for SCENIC E 'L P , NCe i prepared by I ffAkMRVI N & ASSOCIATES Troffic, Tronspar fiction & Civil Engineers NEE r C TRAFFIC ACCESSIBILITY STUDY KAGY CROSSROADS SUBDIVISION South 19TH Avenue & Kagy Boulevard l BOZEMAN, MONTANA PREPARED FOR I SCENIC DEVELOPERS, INC. f PREPARED BY i MARVIN & ASSOCIATES 1127 Alderson Ave.#204 Billings, MT 59102 October, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 SITE LOCATION & DESCRIPTION 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS Streets 3 Traffic Volumes 5 Traffic Operations 5 Traffic Control Devices 7 Speeds 7 TRIP GENERATION 9 TRIP DISTRIBUTION 12 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 14 TRAFFIC IMPACTS Traffic Volumes 20 Capacity Impacts 23 On-Street Storage 25 Pedestrians 26 IMPACT MITIGATION & RECOMMENDATIONS 26 IMPROVEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 34 APPENDIX"A"Traffic Volumes 36 APPENDIX"B" Capacity calculations 37 APPENDIX"C" Speed Study 38 APPENDIX"D"Turn Lane Warrants 39 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 1. Site Location Map 2 Figure 2. Turning Movement Counts 6 Figure 3. Trip Distribution Percentages 13 Figure 4. Average Weekday Traffic Assignment 15 Figure 5. Peak PM Hour Traffic Assignment Unconstrained Demand 17 Figure 6. Peak PM Hour Existing Plus Site Traffic Demand 18 Figure 7. Peak PM Hour Traffic Reassignment w/Capacity Restrictions 19 Figure 8. Peak PM Hour Existing Pius Site Traffic Partial Development Year 1999-2000 21 Figure 9. Peak PM Hour Year 2017 Traffic w/Full Development 22 Figure 10. Level of Service Impacts 24 Figure 11. Recommended Improvements&Alternatives- Initial Development 30 Figure 12. Year 2017 Operation On Planned Streets 33 Figure 13. Local Governments Area Of Responsibility 35 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Traffic Signal Warrants- Existing Conditions 8 Table 2. Estimate of Trip Generation For Kagy Crossroads Subdivision 9 Table 3. Trip Mode, Trip Type&Net Vehicular Trips 11 Table 4. 1999 Trip Generation 11 Table 5. Traffic Signal Warrants- 1999 With Site Traffic 29 I I I I i i Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Traffic Accessibility Study I M i r • • INTRODUCTION This report summarizes existing conditions,trip generation characteristics,trip distribution,traffic assignment, and impact analysis within the structure of a traffic accessibility study. The study was completed for a proposed development to be located in the northwest corner of Kagy Boulevard and South 19th Avenue in Bozeman, Montana (see Figure 1). The study was prepared for Scenic Developers, who intend to develop commercial and residential properties within approximately 20 acres of a proposed subdivision know as Kagy Crossroads Subdivision. This subdivision is located in the SE 114 of Sec. 14,u6s , R.5E of P.M.M., Gallatin 7'zs n Engineering n.. Cou ty C&H and Survey is handling the platting and site design for this subdivision. Because of local laws and ordinances pertaining to subdivision developments with potential for traffic impacts on the surrounding street system, a traffic accessibility study is required prior to site plan approval, and building permit approvals. Marvin &Associates was retained by Scenic Developers to provide traffic counts on the surrounding street system in May of 1997 and was subsequently retained to provide a traffic impact study for the proposed subdivision. Having reviewed the proposed subdivision plat and discussed potential development scenarios with Scenic Developers, Marvin &Associates completed an extensive analysis of existing conditions; trip generation and traffic assignment; capacity and safety impacts; and mitigation measures. All of those efforts are summarized within this report. The primary purpose of this study is to address specific impacts of the new development with regard to street system access and circulation,and to provide mitigating measures to reduce or eliminate identifiable impacts. In addition, the study provides a specific evaluation of planned street system changes and redirection of existing traffic created by those plans. Study methodology and analysis procedures within this study employ the latest technology and nationally accepted standards in the area of site development and transportation impact assessment Recommendations made within this report are based on accepted standards and the professional judgement of the author, with consideration of the traveling public's interests as a primary objective. Page 1 Adlk U Koch St. u LA A L-I M 11111111 L�J LJ L11 IIITIDT 0 F11 Fu FF�2nz Ffl T M T FTI� C �W. College St. t] u G�NN (ylRIIbRM1 9 A lCloveland S [1E Afr06� y z Was~ Montana Grant St. y uncoln Rd state k WY 3s universi Kafir Blvd. Kagy Blvd. Kagy Crossroads Subdivision Figure 1, Site Location Map Page 2 SITE LOCATION & DESCRIPTION The proposed development would be located in the northwest corner of an intersection involving two arterial streets:Kagy Boulevard and South 19'h Avenue(see Figure 1). The subdivision now contains one farm house with outbuildings. The remainder of the land is in agricultural use. The proposed subdivision would contain 10 lots, ranging in size from 47,916 to 121,455 square feet Within the subdivision,three plattzd streets would be dedicated: Kagy Boulevard, Remington Way(both east-west streets) and South?eAvenue, a north-south connector. There would also be private roadways providing internal connections between lots 1 thru 6. Access to the existing street system would be provided on South 1911 at three locations: Remington Way; Kagy Boulevard; and a rivat,��e driveway midway between Remington and Kagy. Both public street accesses would serve all ten lots while the private driveway would serve lots 1 thru 6 in varying degrees, depending on future development plans. Additional access to lots from internal subdivision public streets would be provided at locations to be determined when site development plans are submitted in the future. EXISTING CONDITIONS Streets Adjacent and potentially impacted public streets are: Kagy Boulevard; Remington Way; and South 19" a Avenue. Streets and intersections which are not adjacent to the site, but which could experience some degree of impact are: South 11"Avenue and Lincoln Road. South 19" Avenue is a 32'wide, north-south principal arterial street which has two lanes of travel and 4' shoulders. It was built to MDT secondary roadway standards and was designed for 60 mph speeds. South 19"is also a state Secondary Highway(345). At the site, it is designated as Urban Route U-1201. It begins at an Interchange with Interstate 90 on the northern fringe of Bozeman and continues past the site to the south hills of Bozeman,where there are many new subdivisions and forest access roads. Nineteenth Avenue is the only continuous north-south arterial that traverses the Bozeman urban area as a continuous street North of Kagy, 19'h Avenue has experienced tremendous traffic growth since the connection of Kagy Boulevard to Page 3 1911 was made and the construction of the 19"Avenue interchange was complete. These two facilities, in effect,created a southern and western bypass for traffic that previously had to rely on other city streets to cross town. Kagy Boulevard is an east-west arterial street with continuity from South 19`h Avenue to areas east of Highland Boulevard on the eastern fringe of Bozeman. It is approximately 26'in width, providing two travel lanes and 1'shoulders. Kagy,was recently extended from South 11"to South 19`h to open up a connection which serves large residential areas on the southern and eastern fringes of the urban area. Kagy passes just north of the MSU field house and just north of the football stadium. Thus, in addition to serving daily commuter traffic, it also serves intense traffic demand for events held at either of the two above mentioned facilities. South 11"'Avenue is a north-south arterial street which is continuous from Main Street to Kagy Boulevard. At its intersection with Kagy, it is approximately 40'wide BC-BC and carries two lanes of traffic with parking on both sides. Originally one of the main routes to and thru the MSU campus and the major sporting facilities, its future as a thru route may be in jeopardy with MSU campus plans calling for at least, partial closure. Remington Way is a local access street serving several multi-family dwellings within the campus residential area. It is approximately 30'wide and carves two lanes of traffic. Traffic growth on this street is limited since recent construction has taken almost all available land that could be accessed by this street Lincoln Road is an east-west collector street with continuity from S. 1911 to S. 11`1 Avenues. It is approximately 26'Wide at its intersection with S. 19'and carries two lanes of traffic. It serves as one access to several high rise dormitories and the MSU Field House. As streets within the MSU campus have become more restricted in terms of speed and available circulation, Lincoln Road has become more attractive as a main campus access. Traffic growth on Lincoln will be dependant upon future construction within the MSU campus area. Page 4 Traffic Volumes Detailed traffic counts were taken on all area streets in May of 1997 and hourly summaries can be found in Appendix "A" of this report Turning movement counts were taken at four intersections during the peak PM hour, between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. on May 5, 1997. Figure 2. illustrates these counts along with factored Average Daily Traffic(ADT)calculated from peak hour volumes and automatic recording counts. At the time of the counts, MSU was in session. There were no significant pedestrian movements at any of these intersections, during the counting periods. Traffic Operations Traffic operations on the surrounding street system during peak hour conditions can best be described as chaotic. Existing traffic volumes and turning movements are well beyond the design efficiency of streets and intersections. At the intersection of Kagy and 19', long queues(as high as 15 vehicles)form in the westbound lane whenever a vehicle turns left onto 19", which occurs on the average of once per minute. Since there is no room for right turning vehicles to slip-by left turning vehicles,the whole lane of traffic is held captive by the minority left turn movement The southbound left turn on 19"also suffers from delay when opposing traffic is present Thru vehicles in the southbound direction tend to pass left turn vehicles on the right side,where there is an unpaved widening for an existing approach. Because of the narrow entry lane on Kagy, northbound left turning vehicles also take longer than may otherwise be required to complete their maneuver. The observed level of service(LOS)at this intersection was: LOS °F"for eastbound; and LOS "C"for southbound. Capacity calculations, found in Appendix B of this report, confirm the observed LOS for the westbound lane, but indicate that the northbound lane is at LOS"A". This is probably due to the longer gap that is actually . required. Traffic volumes are so minor at the Remington Way approach that congestion rarely occurs at that intersection. Capacity calculations indicate that the westbound approach operates at LOS "C" and the southbound lane operates at LOS"A". The intersection of 1V and Lincoln Road is similar to 191" and Kagy, except approach volumes on Lincoln are. less than those on Kagy and 191"traffic is higher. Very few of the westbound Lincoln Road vehicles turn left (about 3%)and even though geometrics similar to Kagy exists, queue storage is about half that witnessed on Page 5 i AL IRW u Koch St. u L LJLJ L 11 l FIMMMCO mmm� DMM E��IE ID 1�PP91 Ifli � W. co/%ge St. ❑ F777] [La CW&W 9 ;a , )Nv I ,,� ICZ ve/and S -1E 7 JU& y R w Wd S` Z. Montana 6 � 150 izr 12900 ozr � Gront St. 14 —/ \— 191 6 1 y Lincoln ad. State 12 —� tr— 8 / aszr y 1 I( 4500 �xT 2 20 P-n*Vf., ways 3500 557 1 1, Universi 131 9900 6200 8300 Imr 1-- Kagy Blvd.17 Kagy Blvd. 16 6800 3xT t 29 29 151 460 5200 J N 10 118 - - 247 311 342 tsxr I326 asxr �xr �xr �— 336 ,�— 66 r Average Dolly Traffic 3xr f 3I 6 154 Figure 2. Turning Movement Counts 4:3o-5:30 pm 53s97 & Am Page 6 r the Kagy approach. Capacity calculations indicate that the westbound lane operates at LOS "F', while the eastbound lane operates at LOS"C". Left turns from S. 19'h were calculated to operate at LOS"A", however observations indicate that the southbound left operates at LOS"B"or"C The intersection of 11"Avenue and Kagy is a`T'type intersection and the major traffic movement on the stem street(11'Avenue)is a left tum. Since the westbound opposing movement is predominantly a thru movement, the 11`h Avenue approach can become quite congested. Capacity calculations indicate that this movement operates at LOS"D", which was confirmed by observation. Traffic Control Devices Table 1.,on the following page,presents a traffic signal warrant summary for the intersection of South 19'h and Kagy. This table indicates that the intersection would meet 6 out of 11 signal warrants,with existing volumes and geometry. However, if a westbound right turn lane existed at this intersection, none of the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) signal warrants would be met Since the Kagy approach to S. 19`h was constructed in the recent past, it can be assumed that the lack of appropriate intersection geometry was either a design oversight or traffic volumes were significantly greater than those predicted by the design agency. Speeds Appendix C contains a spot speed summary conducted for northbound traffic, south of Kagy on South 19`h Avenue. This study indicates that the 85'h percentile speed is 55 mph during free flow operations (off-peak hours). Observed speeds north of Kagy would indicate 85`h percentile speeds are substantially less, probably in the 40 to 45 mph range. Page 7 s. .. ...........,�.. 1 TRAFFIC. IGNAL WARRANT. ALYSi. ;.:. Ex�stir Conditions Table 4.cont.- WARRANT#1 -MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME WARRANT#8-COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 70%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS 80%OF REQUIRED EXISTS ............................................ NO MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR WARRANTS#1 &#2 MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR ............................................. 8TH HIGHEST HOUR 350 105 618 234 WARRANT#1 280 84 618 234 °,6 OF WARRANT MET 177% 223% WARRANT#2 420 42 618 234 %OF WARRANT MET 177% 2799,6 WARRANT#2-INTERRUPTION OF CONTINOUS TRAFFIC 70%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS WARRANT#9-FOUR HOUR VOLUMES NO MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR CURVE NO. WARRANT 8TH HIGHEST HOUR 525 52.5 618 234 4TH HIGHEST HOUR 666 326 FIGURE %OF WARRANT MET 118% 446% NUMBER OF LANES 1 1 4.8 NO d 00 WARRANT#3-MINIMUM PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC WARRANT#10-PEAK HOUR DELAY 50%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS PEAK HOUR: MINOR LEG TOTAL ENTERING ............................................ NO PEDS GAPS PEDS GAPS DELAY VOLUM 4 LEGS 3 LEGS ....:................ . FOUR HOURS 100 60 0 NA REQUIRED VALUES 4 100 800 650 PEAK HOUR 190 60 0 EXISTING VALUES 5.21 417 1177 °,6 OF WARRANT MET 0% ER • WARRANT#11 -PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT#4-SCHOOL CROSSING STUD YES MAJOR MINOR CURVE NO. WARRANT ......................... PEAK HOUR 760 416 FIGURE NUMBER OF LANES 1 1 1.6 NO WARRANT#5-PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT YES Nth> WARRANT#6-ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE YES >N.Q`<><'<>> <>': SUMMARY OF WARRANTS SATISFIED WARRANT 1 223% WARRANT 5 na WARRANT 9 407% WARRANT 2 118% WARRANT 6 0% WARRANT 10 130% WARRANT#7-SYSTEMS WARRANT YES ;::NCB;::;:::.;;;':.::::;;;. WARRANT 3 na WARRANT 7 0% WARRANT 11 347% WARRANT 4 na WARRANT 8 279% Number Met i , TRIP GENERATION i Table 2. presents trip generation estimates for the Kagy Crossroads Subdivision with land uses supplied by Scenic Developers, and generation rates from the ITE Trip Generation Report, Fifth Edition. Rates and total ' trips are shown for the average weekday and for peak PM hours. Table 2. Estimate of land Use 6 Trip Generation-Kagy Crossroads Subdivision i No. AWT Peak PM Average Weekday Peak PM Hour Lot No. Land Use Codes: Units Units Rate Rate Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Lots 1-3 850 Supermarket• 1000 SF 45.0 177.59 10.34 3996 3996 7992 237 228 465 Lot 4 834 Fastfood With Drive-in 1000 SF 3.0 632.12 36.53 948 948 1896 57 53 110 Lot 5 853 Convenience Market With Gas Pumps*. Pumps 6.0 304.86 3 914 915 1829 73 73 146 Lot 6 814 Speciality Retail 1000 SF 24.5 40.67 4.93 498 498 996 69 52 121 Lots 7-9 710 Office Buildings 1000 SF 54.0 4 5 440 440 880 20 98 118 Lot 10 220 Apartments Dwell U 40 1 2 121 121 242 18 9 27 5: 69 5 .:..<.:.; AWT are for Saturdays Rate Equations 1 Ln(7)=1.024Ln0Q+1.710 2 Ln(7)=0.928Ln0?Q-0.118 3 Ln(7)=0.362Ln0Q+4.335 4 Ln(7)=0.756Ln0?Q+3.765 5 LnM=0.737Ln0 Q+1.831 Lots 2 thru 5 would border South 19"and would also be the highest trip generators. At the present time, it is envisioned that Lot 1,2 and 3 would be developed as a supermarket by a single developer. Lots 4&5 would provide land for a fastfood with drive-in and a convenience store, respectively. Lot#6 would be ideal for a specialty retail operation with varied uses. Lots 7,8 and 9, being out of direct traffic exposure, would probably develop as office buildings. Lot#10 is planned for multi-family residential with 2 or 3 story apartments. r The total projected average weekday trips(AWT)of 13,835 appears to be very high compared to existing AWT volumes of 99�.South 191h Avenue. However, not all of these trips will be vehicular trips. Thus, it is important to know the type of trips to properly evaluate traffic impacts. At this point, it can be assumed that transit would not play a substantial role in modal trip exchange. Therefore, minimal trips could be attributed to that mode. Some percentage of trips could also be assigned to pedestrians and bikes. This number would k probably not be significant during winter months, but could be during summer months. For purposes of analysis,it was assumed that approximately 5%of all trips generated would be by transit, pedestrians and bike F modes. Page 9 i i i , Since total development of this subdivision will involve both diverse and complementary businesses, tip interchange between businesses will likely occur. It is a known fact that developments which are built adjacent I to complimentary facilities,such as those found in shopping centers and business parks,tend to capture trips from and to adjacent developments. These lips are part of the total trip generation number, but do not involve trips with origins or destinations external to the site. They are known as"Internal Capture Trips" (ICT). The ITE Trip Generation report contains information used to estimate ICT. The Colorado-Wyoming section of ITE has completed some studies of these factors and have developed some guidelines. A moderate degree of internal trip exchange could be projected for this subdivision with approximately 19% of all trips being Internal Capture trips during the average weekday and about 21%during the peak PM hour. There are also three classifications of trip types related to use of the street system: 1) Primary purpose trips are trips for which the development is a primary destination from any particular origin. 2) Diverted linked trips are trips made to the development as a secondary destination and are diverted from a path between an origin and a primary destination. 3) Passerby trips are also trips made to a development as a secondary destination, but the primary trip path is on the adjacent street system, ie. stop on the way home from work. The ITE Trip Generation report provides methods of estimating passerby trips for various facilities. In this case, individual ' land uses were evaluated separately and the total would have an average passerby attraction of approximately n,- a 45% of all vehicular trips during the average weekday, which would increase to about 50% during the peak PM hour. v s\ Table 3., on he following page, is a summary of the various trip types that can be expected with this development. The net number of vehicular trips at the site access points is equal total trip generation less transit/pedestrian trips and internal capture trips. The number of new vehicular trips using the existing street system would be all of the primary and diverted linked trips or net vehicular trips less the number of passerby trips. Thus, on the average weekday,there would be approximately 5859 more vehicles on the surrounding i. street system and during the peak hour there would be 369 more vehicles. Traffic at the access points would be greater,with approximately 739 vehicles entering and leaving existing streets. Page 10 Table 3. Trip Mode,Trip Type Net Vehicular Trips Average Weekday Trips: Peak PM Hour Trips: Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Gross Trip Generation 6917 6918 13835 474 513 987 Bike/Ped&Transit Trips 346 346 692 24 26 50 Internal Capture Trips 1245 1245 2490 95 103 198 Net Vehicular Trips 6326 5327 10653 355 384 739 Passerby Trips 2397 2397 4794 178 192 370 Net::NewVeh1culac>Trips:«::> 'r ;::2929:<:>:::«:::<: 2930.:::>::>;»>5859>s>;:;>17:7. ::;> a>:1.97::: ::::>`:>:369 Even with appropriate trip reductions applied to total trip generation, an increase of 5800 trips on a street that carries 9900 ADT would seem like a tremendous increase. However, it must be remembered that the I proposed development will not be built overnight and the projected number of trips will not occur until area demographics, with respect to competing facilities, can support the additional development Scenic developers believe that it will take 5 years or longer to develop this land to 100% occupancy. Initial developments are expected to occur in the following time frame: Initial- Lot#10 Apartments- End of 1998 Second- Lots 4&5 Fastfood, Convenience Store- End of 1999 Third- Lots 1,2&3 Supermarket- Year 2000 Last- Remaining Lots Retail& Office Year 2004- t . Table 4., below, provides a realistic estimate of potential trip generation thru the year 1999. Table 4. 1999 Trip Generation Peak Hour Trips Lot No. Enter Exit Total 10 18 9 27 4 73 73 156 5 57 53 110 Totals 148 135 293 Page 11 TRIP DISTRIBUTION There are various methods of determining the directional distribution of trips to and from site developments. For large and complex developments within the middle of a large urbanized area,the task is best accomplished by creating a computerized transportation model of the urban street system and including the proposed t development changes. Trip distribution for moderate sized developments may be completed by manipulation of data provided by a current transportation plan. Smaller developments or developments on the fringe of a small urban area can be easily handled by using existing traffic volumes on adjacent streets or by an area of influence method,or both. In this case,a transportation planning model was developed for the 1990 Transportation Plan and 1993 plan update. In 1995, Marvin & Associates modified the model for the Durston Road Corridor Study to reflect accelerated growth being experienced in;A Bozeman. Additional modifications and specific details within the subject subdivision area was added to the QRS II model for purposes of analyzing trip distribution and projecting future street system volumes. Translation of subdivision trips to employment data was necessary within the modified model. In addition,the model parameters and path tree building functions assigns traffic to the street system in a manner that would be difficult to illustrate sufficiently for an accessibility study. Therefore,the model results were extracted in terms of trip distribution to and from the subdivision. With this information,manual traffic assignments were completed,which provides a better level of detail for accessibility analysis. - v Figure 3.,on the following page, is a graphic summary of directional trip distribution extracted from the traffic model for primary trips. Also shown in this figure are trip distribution percentages for all passerby traffic. Since the major population centers are north and east of the proposed subdivision,the model tended to load primary lips to and from those directions, with 68% north and 23%east While the model automatically accounts for competing commercial and industrial businesses by including total employment within the system, it cannot necessarily account for special situations that may involve multi-modal trips and unfulfilled demand. Proposed developments within this subdivision will most likely fulfill a pent-up demand for commercial services not available in this area of Bozeman. The large university population and rural developments south of the site may produce new trips to this attraction that could skew the model to some degree, but there is no.reliable Page 12 i I H I Koch St, I H I !I LA Al- 1 11 L_._] U FP srorysc ODFT] 43/ M MIMFP � � t i w FP M FP Ffl Cad h �fl 6/ A _1 11% J L_ - 10 I_pq pl-R IE IE la W, Co/%ge St, G,�,� ❑ Chamber- 9 ,qw�Dr, lain Dr. Cleveland St. c Ju/la i � Mar�n h Dr. w caged S` Montana i y N 3% - - Grant St. � [48/J 8o j Lincoln Rd. State �i 68% <1% ---- it Rm; aya 3 univershy [3901 o� Kogy Blvd, 235vo Primary Trips (ryp) 0 9/0 1 [10161 �_Passerby Trips (TYP) i f. Figrure I Trip Distribution Percentages Page 13 I method of estimating what unfulfilled demand exists. Therefor, distribution of trips must be based on model i projections until specific development plans are made. Trip distribution for future years would tend to shift to the south and east as these areas gain population. Passerby traffic distribution, shown in Figure 3., is based on the percentage of total traffic entering the surrounding street system during the peak PM hour. The highest percentage would 8%entering the site jlocation from the north,while 33%of passerby trips would be westbound traffic on Kagy. ' - TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Assignment of site traffic to the street system and site access points is dependent upon several factors. Two of them are, directional distribution and operational site conditions. Directional distribution was discussed in the previous section. These proportions are used to provide traffic access demand which represent traffic movements to and from the site which would occur if street operations and internal site circulation had no effect on the direction of arrival or departure other than the access point used. Traffic distribution is further refined by calculating potential travel times within the sites and at ingress and egress points. The combined calculations of demand and least time accessibility are used to estimate the optimum traffic volumes at each access point Figure 4., on the following page, represents the assignment of new vehicular volumes (primary trips)on the existing street system. Also indicated on this figure, are percentages that this traffic is of existing ADT. As an f example,South W,north of Lincoln Road would experience an additional 3980 vehicles during the average weekday. This is approximately 30%of current ADT calculated for this section of street It is highly unlikely that 3980 vehicles would be added to this street immediately. By the time this development is complete, it is F likely that the background traffic on South 1911 would have increased by 10 to 20% and the actual impact of 3980 vehicles would be less than 30 percent Therefore, the percentage numbers shown in Figure 4. only serve to illustrate relative volume differences. Page 14 • LICoch St, u I 1-I 1'1 1111 � Lj 1250012.7%] LI MMMMI MMMMImmn st Ffl Ffl ru TI h 350[4%1 640[10%1 i W. College St. at 3340125961 Gm t Chambw- ,9 ,4nelyaia Dr. lain Cleveland St. 1 F] ✓u//e 1 Merbn Dr. � w W.Garfield st '� Montana y A I y I b I - - 3980[30%J Grant St. 470[10%J Lincoln Rd. State 4450145%J m — Rem/ngton Weya 3 University j I I 14,00114%J c3 j i � X47gy Blvd. 1340[20%J 52o[1o%J L Percent of Existing Au//Development Site AWT I Figure 4. Average Weekday rraffic Assignment Page 15 Figure 5.,on the following page,presents the results of unconstrained traffic assignment analysis for the peak PM hour traffic period. These volumes were calculated by applying primary and passerby trips distributions to full development vehicular trip generation. Proportional trip generation of each lot and least travel time for each access to and from each of the site lots were used to assign traffic to each possible turning movement The negative numbers indicated in Figure 5.,represents the result of passerby traffic redirections. Figure 6.,presents a summary of turning movement volumes that would occur at each area intersection, if the subdivision were fully developed at the present time. While it is highly unlikely that these volumes would never occur,they are important in determining capacity impacts and in evaluating what mitigating measures would be necessary. In almost all cases,traffic assignment analysis is initially completed with no consideration for capacity or turn restrictions caused by capacity constraints. Initial assignment analysis is unconstrained and usually represents assignment demand. If significant constraints are found to exist, by performing capacity analysis and impact mitigation techniques,reassignment of traffic demand is necessary to accurately represent the most probabPr vehicle assignments. In this case, it was determined that the eastbound left turn movement would never be able to accommodate 125 vehicles in the peak hour without a traffic signal. In addition, 26 left turns from the center approach would be slightly more than possible, even with gaps created by a new signal at Kagy and S. 191h. Traffic signal warrants were indicated at the intersection of Kagy and 191h and it is assumed that a signal could be installed in the near future. Given the above noted conditions, it was determined that reassignment of traffic at the site approaches was necessary to accurately reflect system limitations and site characteristics. Figure 7., indicates the reassigned traffic volumes and the "existing plus site development traffic" that would result Thus, the traffic volumes shown in Figure 7., provided a basis for impact analysis and testing of various impact mitigation measures. Page 16 f- --------- ---------' Enter = 355 Exit = 384 j Lot 10 I J 10 I 8 118 13 I ,.-- 31 125—� (1-f— 4 23!_ 8 42—� 98 11— -1 I I i I 10 i r j Ili 104 7 f r Remington Way 1 32 j i j i Lot 2 27 2 Lot 9 l j Lot 1 i j i------------— I Lot 3 -10 301 1 I I 26 i---------- --- V Ii i-- ------------ I i I 83-� Lot 4 2 I j Lot 6 ; j ;-------------- • 1 Lot 7 48 37 i j i Lot 5 64 2 1 I � 7 Kagy Blvd. 13 �_ 32 �_ 0 73 —1 -r— 33 6 _ --- 13 85—•- -•-- 45 40—� g 1 � 16 ---N 1 r 11 -5 Figure 5. Peak PM Hour rraffic Assignment Unconstrained Demand MMMISOOO N I \ J6 150 14 —� �-- 1g0 6 1 lunco/n Rd. 12 —� /r-- 25 2 575 Fi 40 Remington Way 3 h 7 118 127 7 � Kagy Blvd. 125—'� �— 14 11 4 10 16 30 566 J 7 � 31 f 487 26 --� 83 --� 4 J 64 � 336� 91 499 35 151 73 --/ �-- 352 ,! 40 +— 33 118 16 --� fir— 57 15 ----370 370--- 8 31 165 h figure 6. Peak PM Hour Existing Plus Site Traffic Demand MEMO Page 18 h h 118 13 118 57027 I -4 � � ) I �j 14 �- 31 40 —1 f- 4 40 -1 4 42 98 11 -1 11-- 15 \ �19 10 � � I 10 �\ Lot 2 20 Remington way Lot 2 2057 311 i 111 2 ---—-—-—-— l i Lot 3 3010 Lot 3 30565 20� 20— 1 ) I ------; ; Center App. CenterApp.-- i i----------83-=` 83� Lot 4 20 Lot 4 20 133 603 135 Lot 5 64 2 Lot 5 64 248 i i J 10 J 336 317 -19 L- 1 164—� 68 164 �� �--- 68 18 85-- 45 40 9 —' f— 57 16—� 16—\ I } Kagy B/vd. K& y Blvd. 31 I 31 12 -5 142 31 S/TE TRAFF/C EX/ST/HG f S/TE TRAFFIC Figure 7, Peak PM Hour Traffic Reassignment wICapacity Restrictions TRAFFIC IMPACTS Traffic Volumes Impact for initial or short term site development can be found simply by determining the change in traffic volumes expected. Site traffic assignments indicate what volume of traffic could potentially be added to the street system during the average weekday (AWT)and at the peak PM hour. The percent change in AWT only rprovides a general level of change and is used to identify locations where impacts could be significant. Determination of volume changes during peak traffic flow periods provides specific information on the type of impacts that could potentially occur. In almost all cases, it is very difficult to determine ADT on any section of street to within 10% accuracy. Because of that fact, impact analysis on street with relative percentage increases less than 10% are not normally considered critical. The percentages indicated on Figure 4., indicate that South 19"Avenue would U1endure the greatest volume impacts along with Kagy Boulevard. While percentages south of Lincoln, on 19", are greater than 10%, recent construction of a new signalized intersection at 191"and College provides more than adequate capacity to handle these increases. Thus, impact analysis was focused on 191"from Lincoln to Kagy and on Kagy from 191"to 111"Avenue. Figures 5.Thru 7.,illustrate the assignment of full development site traffic to the surrounding street system and relative volumes that would result if the developments existed today. None of these volumes or conditions could exist due to the dynamics of background traffic growth and unknown development schedules. An attempt to determine actual traffic projections at definitive time periods was required to determine realistic impact potential. Figure 8. ,presents traffic projections for 1999 and Figure 9., illustrates year 2017 traffic projections based on the Transportation Plan Model volumes with full site development. :Figure 8., volumes are based on trip generation values indicated in Table 4., and trip generation methods previously described. The assignment analysis also assumes that capacity restrictions at the intersection of Kagy and 19"would be mitigated by either a signal or other geometric improvements. Background traffic growth was assumed to be approximately 2% per year over the 2.5 year period. Page 20 a h Lot 10 - - Enter = 18 12 Exit 9 600 31 = �— 17 p 16 I I I 3 Remington Way 4 I 50329 I I --------------------- , I I I � I I ( I I � 580 52 16__"4( -- I - - - - - - - - J I ; ----- Center App. i --------------- I � � I Lot 4 2 I I I i Enter = 57 18 52 Exit = 53 -------------- Lot 5 � i 101 18 252 Enter = 73 310 I Exit = 73 �— 330 , I I �--- 57 48 —/ 31 Kagy Blvd. �- 68 21 ---� 8 160 38 Figure 8. Peak PM Hour Existing Plus Site Traffic Partia/Development- Year 1999-2000 Page 21 r h 120 74030 �— 15 40 �� -f— 5 10 15 ' I 10 ---\ Remington Way j 50 705 30 I ------------------- 1 i l I � I 735 30 I j l I I Ij -------------------- I I -------- Center App. I-------------------- � 85 ---� I I I j I I � 785 I � I ' ' ----------- I I � I I I I � � i 65 355 I i 410 370 185 70 Kagy Blvd. 40 � - 130 25—� 30 25060 Figure 9. Peak PM Hour Year 2017 rraffic r,Fu/l Development Page 22 r Figure 9., traffic volumes represent a 20 year planning horizon. The QRS II model for the year 2013 was modified to account for population growth, to date, and adjusted to year 2017 volumes. The resulting background traffic was approximately 20 to 30%higher than those reported in the Transportation Plan. While, the proposed subdivision was not directly accounted for in the Transportation Plan,its development could be considered as part of the planning growth projections. Therefore,traffic from the proposed subdivision was added at the intersection access points, but not added to plan projections on Kagy and South 19"Avenue. Figure 9., also shows no leftturn volumes to or from the center approach between Remington and Kagy. The peak hour assignment analysis assumed that South 19`h would be reconstructed to higher arterial standards before the year 2017. These standards would include a raised median in South 19`h. Since, left turn bays would be required at Kagy and Remington, there would not be room for development of left turn bays at the center approach and the raised median would prevent left turns to or from the center approach. Capacity impacts Appendix B contains capacity calculations for existing conditions along with numerous levels of site added traffic and calculations for potential mitigation measures. Figure 10., on the following page, presents a summary of the capacity calculation in terms of level of service (LOS)for four different conditions: existing, existing plus site demand; existing plus reassigned site traffic and 1999 background traffic plus site traffic. Level of service (LOS) designations (A thru F) are shown for critical movements at five intersections and access points. The following narratives explain the capacity impacts at each intersection. , • Kagy&S. 19`h Avenue-Existing capacity is congested at LOS "F"for westbound traffic. The development will create and eastbound leg at this intersection, further complicating operations. All of the other traffic conditions calculated result in LOS "F" on the Kagy Boulevard approaches. Left turn movements on 191h would remain at LOS A. • Remington Way & S. 19th- Existing capacity is at design LOS "C" on the Remington Way. approach. The extension of Remington to the west will create a 4-legged intersection. Existing plus site traffic LOS would be"F"for left turns from Remington,while northbound left Page 23 h A F O Unco/n Rd. m A © R.mingron Wey Vj AO B ® Kogy Blvd. ME ©© E CO �© [flFE O � © DCO AO ©© A _ DQ DO F F ! A � O a® Existing Exist+Site Demand � h D Exist+Reassign \1999 Exist+Site Figure 10. Level Of Service Impacts Page 24 turns would be at LOS"B". Because of capacity restrictions, site traffic was reassigned and LOS for left turns from Remington remained at LOS"F". However, remaining volumes for that movement would be minimal. For 1999 conditions, left turns from Remington would only be at LOS "E" and very small volumes would be involved with those movements.- Left turn movements from 19"Avenue would be a LOS"A"or"B"for all conditions. • Center Approach on 191h- Calculations indicate that a left turn from the approach would be subject to long delays and suffer LOS "E" and "F"for all conditions. Right turn movements would operate at LOS "B" for all conditions and left turns from 19`h would operate at a minimum of LOS A. • Lincoln Road &S. 19`h-The westbound approach operates at LOS"F"and would continue to do so with additional site traffic. The eastbound approach now operates at LOS C, but would be degraded to LOS"F"with site traffic. Left turns from 191h would be degraded from LOS"A"to LOS"B". • Kagy&S. 11`h Avenue- The 11"Avenue approach currently operates at LOS "D"and would be degraded to LOS"F"with full development site traffic. The left turn from eastbound Kagy v would remain at LOS"A". On-Street Storage Select capacity calculations in Appendix B indicate maximum vehicle queues lengths at a 95%confidence level for various conditions of analysis. Because of the need to provide mitigating measures at some locations, queue calculations are most important for recommended facilities and results of the queue analysis are indicated in that section of the report Page 25 Pedestrians Pedestrian access to the site, at this point, would not appear to be an overwhelming concern. However, at some future date, demand for pedestrian access may be high and future facility design should include sidewalks and pedestrian crossings at controlled intersections. Depending upon site plans for future development, it may be necessary to create an internal sidewalk system which would allow pedestrian movements within the site and connected to public street sidewalks. IMPACT MITIGATION G RECOMMENDATIONS Development of this subdivision would generate a significant volume of new and redirected traffic to the proposed S. 19'Avenue approaches. Its location,adjacentto two high volume major arterial streets on vacant ground, would ordinarily be/ideal in terms of traffic access. However, existing traffic volumes on these f streets are near maximum capacity saturation levels which creates an unfriendly environment for introduction of additional access. From the forgoing study analysis, it was determined that capacity would be degraded at several intersections in the area Given the fact that all of these intersections currently operate at less than desirable levels of service, it is difficult to determine what level of mitigation is necessary and at what level of service should improvements be directed. Improvements that would mitigate impacts from a predicted LOS T"to provide a LOS°C",when the existing LOS is already"F falls in the category of public service rather than impact mitigation. Therefore, local authority must understand that improvements recommended within this report would not just mitigate impacts attributable to the proposed development, but would also provide improved services to the general traveling public. In terms of capacity impacts, there are five intersections that could experience varying degrees of traffic impacts from full subdivision development. The following narratives describe mitigation measures necessary: Kagy Boulevard&South 11►h Avenue-This intersection currently operates(LOS °D") on the verge of total congestion(LOS°Fl. Total development projections indicate that full development would push it into the LOS T"mode. Currentvolumes atthis intersection make signalization marginal, in terms of MUTCD warrants. Due to the predominance of northbound left turn movements, signalization would be the only means of avoiding Page 26 further congestion. The proposed subdivision would not add vehicles to this movement, but would add vehicles to the conflicting thru movements. Because of future plans for 11`h,which are uncertain at this time and because of the relatively slow development schedule, it would be best to leave the intersection as it exists until traffic signal warrants are met Lincoln Road&South 19th Avenue-The existing westbound approach currently operates at LOS"F Since the roadway is too narrow,there is little opportunity for the predominant right turn movement to pass left turning vehicles and delay is experienced by all approach vehicles. Existing volumes would be sufficient to warrant signalization, but signalization could be avoided by constructing a separate right turn lane. The left turn lane, which would have at least 7 more vehicles during the peak hour with the proposed development,would still experience LOS"F", but total storage and delay would be greatly relieved. Remington Way&South 19th Avenue-At the present time, this intersection is a simple 7"type intersection serving as access to MSU housing units and its operates at an acceptable LOS. The proposed development will directly impact this intersection by building a fourth leg and adding more conflict movements. Depending on eventual development of the subdivision property,this intersection could become a major access. If this intersection attracts too much traffic,future signalization could become an option. Since it is only 800'from the Kagy- 19th intersection, it would be desirable, in terms of future traffic signal progression, not to signalize it Therefore, physical construction of the new intersection should accommodate expected traffic volumes with the understanding that signalization would be a last resort option. Specific design recommendations are covered in the South 19"recommendations section. Center Approach On South 19th Avenue-the center approach would provide access to the internal street circulation pattern,proving access to lots 1 thru 6. As such,it has value in diverting traffic away from the public streets system. Traffic projections indicate that this approach would be in heavy demand. Unfortunately, traffic on South 19th is too heavy to allow any significant left turn capacity, especially for egress movements. This approach would also be located approximately 350'north of the Kagy intersection. Considering the fact that development of a left tum lane on 19"would require a minimum length of 315',just for the bay, excluding . taper lengths, future street improvements on 19th would prohibit development of a left turn bay into the proposed approach. It should be understood that this approach will eventually be restricted to right-in and Page 27 improvementsn th I nght-out movements only. Initial development of the property and related o South 19 , should not pose any restrictions on left turns at this intersection. However, if subsequent operations indicate that problems with safety or efficiency are developing,the local agency should reserve the right to prohibit left turns. Kagy Boulevard&South 19th Avenue- The existing westbound approach currently operates at LOS°F". Since the roadway is too narrow,there is little opportunity for the predominant right turn movement to pass left turning vehicles and delay is experienced by all approach vehicles. Existing volumes would be sufficient to warrant signalization, but signalization could be avoided by constructing a separate right turn lane. Table 5., on the following page, presents a traffic signal warrant summary for 1999 traffic volumes plus initial site development traffic. This analysis indicates that with construction of additional traffic lanes, including separation of the westbound right turn lane, would increased capacity and reduce delay to the extent that no signal warrants would be met Discussion on extent of physical improvements are found in the South 19th Avenue recommendations. South 19`h Avenue Improvements Along with impacts conditions and improvements at the above noted intersections, operations on South 19" Avenue would Walso be impacted by the problems identified at individual intersections. In addition to efficiency, safety of travel on South 191h Avenue is very important. An analysis of turn lane justification was completed, using the AASHTO and MDT guidelines presented in Appendix D of this report From this analysis, 9 it was determined that warrants for left turn lanes are currently met for southbound traffic at the Kagy intersection. These warrants would also be met at the center approach, in terms of demand projections. Right turn lane warrants would also be met for southbound traffic at the Remington, Center approach and Kagy intersections. Due to the fact that South 19"will eventually be reconstructed to major arterial roadway standards,future turn • lanes beyond a five lane section would not be needed in the future. Based upon an assumption that this development will not be complete until the reconstruction project is either in planning or construction, not all of the turn-lanes would be necessary for initial development of the subdivision. Figure 11., presents recommendations for initial improvements to South 19"Avenue. Page 28 WA ,< `::::::;;TABLE'S:>>sT R.ArtF FITraff'c;:Wi WB'FTtsiA''hAtLLYaSnI S>< << <: << ;CG LWAA <` . : < ve AK . : •Right Tum Traffic Excluded Table 4.cont- WARRANT#1 -MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME WARRANT#8-COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 70%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS 80%OF REQUIRED EXISTS .............................................. >` '1 "• ` >' O MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR WARRANTS# MAJOR MINOR MAJOR 546% > :.: ^,::::::,::: N I R OR 1 &#2 STH HIGHEST HOUR 350 140 642 52 WARRANT#1 280 112 642 19/6 OF WARRANT MET 183% 37% WARRANT#2 420 56 642 °A OF WARRANT MET 183% WARRANT#2-INTERRUPTION OF CONTINOUS TRAFFIC 70%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS WARRANT#9-FOUR HOUR VOLUMES >' NO MAJOR INOR MAJOR MINOR MAJOR MINOR CURVE ENO. WARRANT 8TH HIGHEST HOUR 525 70 630 52 4TH HIGHEST HOUR 693 72 FIGURE YES 4fo OF WARRANT MET 120% 74% NUMBER OF LANES 1 2 4.8 v WARRANT#3-MINIMUM PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC WARRANT#10-PEAK HOUR DELAY 0 50%WARRANT REQUIRED EXISTS PEAK HOUR: MINOR LEG TOTAL ENTERING .............................................. NO PEDS GAPS PEDS GAPS DELAY VOLUME 4 LEGS 3 LEGS FOUR HOURS 100 60 0 NA REQUIRED VALUES 4 100 800 650 PEAK HOUR 190 60 0 NA EXISTING VALUES 3.2 132 1050 OF WARRANT MET 0% ERR WARRANT#11 -PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT#4-SCHOOL CROSSING[STUDY] YES '<C`jp« MAJOR MINOR CURVE NO. WARRANT PEAK HOUR 816 130 FIGURE YES NUMBER OF LANES 1 2 1.6 IJO. WARRANT#5-PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT YES WARRANT#6-ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE YES ` ►sf0<€ «<i €; SUMMARY OF WARRANTS SATISFIED WARRANT 1 37% WARRANT 5 na WARRANT 9 72% WARRANT 2 74% WARRANT 6 0% WARRANT 10 80% WARRANT#7-SYSTEMS WARRANT YES '`N « ':<`> 3' WARRANT 3 na WARRANT 7 0% WARRANT 11 81% WARRANT 4 na WARRANT 8 46% Number Met= Q' > 0 I ----- L--------- ----- ''/ I ^ e1 I — --- M I I I a0 In I I I I I I I I 10 1 I: I I v I I I I I I I I as I ----- -J ►' I I— ----------------------------------- I -----------K°gy Blvd. ------ - ' JL I a I — ----------------- --- �— \ I — -- ------------� \l� I • I I , I;� I it I I I I I a l � I I of I '-------------••- , I.. ....... lb I I I W I I I I I I I Rai I I (1 I a lit -I-I ►� Ild�.b I ,; C _— j oo Q / Ram/ngton Way 0 I d -------------fth I • I I I I \• I i i I , Q I I I I V 4 I i i l A I i i I a s Major features of the improvements detailed in Figure 11., are: ■ A continuous two way left turn lane FWTL) should be constructed from Kagy to Remington, by widening 1 V Avenue 6 feet on both sides. This will allow for initial operation of left turns at the center approach while still allowing critical left turn lane separation at both Kagy and Remington. ■ An additional right turn lane for southbound traffic at the center approach would be warranted for 9 PP expected traffic volumes during initial development ■ Two lane approaches for eastbound traffic on both Kagy and Remington are required to avoid excess delay that left turning vehicles would force on thru and right turning traffic. A minimum width of 40'is recommended for these approaches. ■ Access restrictions indicated on the approach streets should be imposed on the site plan to avoid future conflicts between thru traffic movements and driveway access. ■ Transition sections north of Remington and south of Kagy are required to develop the TWLT on South 19'h Avenue. The length of these transitions was calculated to be approximately 210', assuming that design speed for recommended improvements would be slightly less than 45 mph. ■ A right turn lane for westbound traffic on Kagy should be constructed to relieve congestion at that intersection. Two design options are indicated on Figure 11. The first would involve a sweeping right turn radius and traffic island to provide yield operation for the major westbound movement. That action would allow installation of a 4-way stop control for the remaining intersection movements. The worst LOS would then be associated with the southbound lanes, at LOS°C". The second alternate would be installation of a temporary signal, which would not be entirely warranted, but would increase the LOS to an acceptable level. Without either of these design alternates, eastbound left turn and westbound thru and left movements would still suffer LOS°F°. Page 31 ■ Other aspects of improvements required on 19"would require more detailed engineering analysis typical of preliminary engineering efforts and not typical of impact analysis efforts. Also indicated on Figure 11., are calculated LOS for individual intersection approaches. LOS conditions at Kagy and 19"are discussed in the above narratives. At the Remington and center approaches, LOS for left turns would be at°E". Given the large volume of traffic on 19"- it would be difficult to improve the left turn I operations without a signal. However, signalization or installation of a 4-way stop at the Kagy intersection should provide sufficient artificial gaps to serve the low volume of left turning vehicles expected at these approaches. Future Improvements Figure 12.,on the following page, illustrates the anticipated improvements that will eventually be required on South 191" Avenue and the calculated queue storage requirements at all intersection approaches (see f calculations in Appendix B). Major features of the anticipated streets and intersections include: ■ South 19"Avenue would be a 5 lane section with a raised median, 74 feet in width and minimum right- of-way of 100 feet f ■ A fully actuated signal would be required at the intersection of Kagy and 19". a, ■ If future analysis of a signal system on 19"Avenue indicates that a signal at Remington and 19Y'would not seriously affect progression, it is possible that a signal could be installed at that intersection. ■ Minimum storage requirements on the site approaches should be considered as four vehicles or 100 feet. As an additional note to consideration of future conditions, it is important to note that Kagy Boulevard,west of 19",is planned to be terminated in a cull de sac. Since Kagy is the only east-west arterial that is continuous across the entire urban area,some additional thought should be given to that action. Intuitively, it would appear that if Kagy were to continue west of 191"another mile or two, it could be connected to US 191 and Page 32 v l I , J-j u ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ I; ® ® ------------ --- -i -----------------�--------------------- ---i 000 - -- - -- p 3 y -- -------s------------------------------- � s o ~ --------------- O V I l i oo ov �_ I i w o I ' VI ----------------------------------------------O c; � �Q ------------ --- --------C�I 1-4 �11 ------- N--ton --------------------; L Remin ------ Way 9= WD yA`---------------- ----------------------------------------------------- I I become an alternate route to Main Street,which is total saturated with no realistic chance of expansion. The ._.. Transportation Plan indicates that Stucky Road, south of Kagy, would serve as that connector. However, Stucky has no continuity to the east. Eventually, east-west traffic demand will encounter disjointed routing. This situation is only mentioned because of the termination of Kagy noted on the proposed plat IMPROVEMENT RESPONSIBILITY Existing agricultural land on the west side of 19" is being surrounded by development and this property will break ground for what will eventually become a vital area of Bozeman's growth pattern. Even though the proposed subdivision will be located in an area with no other similar land uses, proposed commercial land uses are badly needed. They will fulfill a demand that now requires longer trips into existing commercial areas of Bozeman. In actuality,this development will eventually reduce total vehicle miles of travel on the Bozeman street system. Planning and construction of adequate street systems has lagged the explosive growth experienced within Bozeman in the past decade. Past improvements to the street system have been on an as needed basis within limited budgets. The connection of Kagy Boulevard to South 19"Avenue,without adequate geometry and traffic control devices to accommodate the resulting traffic demand has created serious capacity problems on South 19'h Avenue. This action reduced thru traffic within the MSU campus, but appropriated street capacity from land owners fronting on South 19`"Avenue. This has essentially"landlocked"these properties, in term j of access. Inmost cases,developers are assessed for all off site improvements for which impacts have been identified. N In this case,it is difficultto determine what improvements are directly associated with the impacts. Realistically, the intersection of Kagy and S. 19`"should have been constructed to handle existing traffic demand and it is felt that the local government should still be responsible for its improvement Figure 13., on the following page indicates the limits of intersection improvements that should have been constructed with the Kagy Road project Thus,it is the authors opinion that the developer should be responsible for all improvements on South 19'with the exception of the area outlined in Figure 13. In addition,the local government may want the developer to waive his right to protest a future assessment, in the future, for the eventual reconstruction of South 191" Avenue. j Page 34 1 I i I I I I I I I I I I O� I I I I •� 6 I I I I 1Q • � I I --------- ' -----------� - ------------- -----� 0 I I I I j Q ------------------- I ' I I I I I Q v I I I l i i t y I I l I I C i I I I I I I I I 0 _ I — — --------------- I ti I I� - I C I I I I I -------------------- I-;, - - - - - - - - - 9 ,PA,B I I Page 35 s APPENDIX "A" TRAFFIC VOLUMES F Page 36 I 19th Avenue North of Kagy Northbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 12 12 0.2% Month Factor= 1.1 2 8 8 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 5 5 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 . 4 13 13 0.2% --- 5 46 46 0.8% GRAPH 6 137 137 2.5% 7 489 489 8.8% 8 450 450 8.1% 9 276 276 4.9% 10 317 317 5.7% 18% -- 11 351 351 6.3% 17%......................................................................................................................................................... 12 374 374 6.7% 16%.........................................................•-•-.................................-------•---•.....................................---------- 13 351 351 6.3% 15%._,..................................................................................................................................................... 14 336 336 6.0% (-� 14%....................................................-................................................................................................ O 130°......................................................................................................................................................... 15 435 435 7.8% �, 12/o-------------------------------------------------------........-----...................---......-----•-----•-----------------------------------------. 16 457 457 8.2% 11%..........................•••••••-••••-----------....................•••---------•--...............••----....••-•-------•-•............................ 17 453 453 8.1% O 10%......................................................................................................................................................... ........... 9%.........................•...............j---------..._........................••-•-..................................-----•...............- .. 18 320 320 5.7% C 8%....................................... -... ..........................................•---• .............................................. N 7% ------------------------------------- ! ........................................ •-• ............................ 19 252 252 4.5% ............... i6%. ............................... 20 199 199 3.6% N 5%....................................... j.... -._ ... !•• j.... • 21 145 145 2.6% a. 4%....................................... I 22 76 76 1.4% 3%....................................... j.... .. i.. .............. 2% ' ... ....:.... ... . . 23 47 47 0.8% ... 1%.......................... . ... , .. :......... ..i 0 24 27 27 0.5% % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516171819 20 21 22 23 24 Total 1976 3588 5576 100.0% Hour Beginning At ADT Estimate = 4920 19th Avenue North of Kagy Southbound Hour :05105/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 14 14 0.3% Month Factor 2 11 11 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 6 6 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 5 5 0.1% 5 26 26 0.5% 6 83 83 1.5% 7 333 333 6.0% 8 323 323 5.8% GRAPH 9 246 246 4.4% 10 239 239 4.3% 15%" 11 301 301 5.4% 14% ----"................................................................................................."---"----......---•---•-................... 12 359 359 6.4% 13% ........................"--"----"--...............-"-------.............................-----.....----------..................---................ 13 367 367 6.6% — 12% ..........-".........................."----...........................................-----.....---...........--•--- ............. 14 347 347 6.2% 11%- -•..................................................................•---.................-•----.....................-.-.....------.. 15 475 475 8.5% Fes— 10% ..........................."-"------"--"----"--...--"---"-----........---...............---......::;,......................................... 16 487 487 8.7% � 9% .....--"---------------------""----.........----"-...............................--- •.-"-" -----........--"-----.................. ;i 17 573 573 10.3% 0 8%. ............................•----------..........---.......----....................!!��"!t�'"' Iijj'•---------..."......---.......... 18 461 461 8.3% 7%. ....••--------------•----........••----..........................-•-•................ - l ..................................... 19 305 o ° .................................... ......................... ..,: !,;; ; . I! 305 :.! i! "! i o 5%......................................G;: .....• ! ;,;. r , . '!- I!, 20 254 254 4.6/o 21 186 186 3.3% 40°. .......................... I` iii ."' •.. 22 99 99 1.8% 3% ! !:: ! o N:• Iii 23 49 49 0.9% 2%. .............. .......... .. 24 20 20 0.4/0 0%. .. !. y; 1 234 5678910111213141516171.8192021222324 Total 2434 3121 5569 100.0% Hour Beginning At 4963 19th Avenue North of Kagy .Northbound do Nouthbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 26 26 0.2% Month Factor= 1.1 2 19 19 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 11 11 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 18 18 0.2% 5 72 72 0.6% 6 220 220 2.0% 7 822 822 7.4% 8 773 773 u 6.9% G RAP H 9 522 522 4.7% 10 556 556 5.0% 11 652 652 5.9% 15%- 14%. ..........................................••-•--.....••...................•..............•----".....-•--...............-----..--................ 12 733 733 . 6.4% 13% ........................................................................................... 13 683 683 4 6.1% — 12%.................................................................................................................................................. 14 683 683 6.1% 11% --•--••....."..............•-----......•--•---"............................-••--•----...........•--•-...........................-•.....---•••--- 15 910 910 ,1 8.2% O 10%.................................................................................................................................................. 16 944 944 Z 8.5% ~— 9% ............................"--....................................---•••-•--.......---.....---- 1:1 ........................................... 17 1026 1026 o O 8% ....---- .......... , . '11' •................................... 9.2/o 18 781 781 �y 7.0/0 7% - C i N 19 557 557 5.0% ` i . i i !Ii!i! 20 453 453 4.1% I I i , y 21 331 331 3.0/0 3/o "' '"' �------`--�-- jlli 22 175 175 1.6% 2%. . "'""'""""' ............................ ..{, o l I, 24 47 47 0.4% 0% ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Total 4410 6709 11145 100.0% Hour Beginning At 9933 - M. - - F WIL a SAME % BERRI -- 19th Avenue South of Kagy Northbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 5 5 0.2% Month Factor= 1.1 2 4 4 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 3 3 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 5 19 19 0.7% GRAPH 6 88 88 3.1% 7 311 311 10.9% 8 439 439 15.3% 9 157 157 5.5% 10 153 153 5.3% o 11 158 158 5.5% 17% 12 155 155 5.4% 16% .............................................................................•----...._.....----•------._......_-...................................... 13 157 157 5.5% _ 15%. ............................................:.....................................................•-----•-----....----....--......................... 14 116 116 4.0% FU 14% ..............•-•-----.............._....... .--•---...........-•---....--...---•-----.._...............---...........----....---....---.........--.. 13/o --------------------------------------------i.........-----................-------••--•--.....--••--•---••--•.....-•---..................I..._-...-._ 15 191 191 6.7% O 12% --.........................................:............................•-•-----.....---•---•--------...---------•--••-------•-----•---•-•...------- 16 184 184 6.4% 1-- 11% --.------•---..-----•-•----•..... ..... .........................................................................................•---.........._ 17 187 187 6.5% O 10% ...................................... ....,...................._..........----...•--.....---••-----•--•---...._....-----.....................-•--.. t, 9/o• ..................................... .... ........................................................................................................ 18 157 157 5.5% C 8% ...................................... .....'........_........................----•-.....................................--.......................... N7%--------------------------------------- .............................--................_............._......---............---..........-...._.- 19 136 136 4.7% U o --• ............................................... ti 6/o ----.-••----------------------------- ' 20 100 100 3.5% N 5%........................................ j•. ..... .q........................................ 21 70 70 2.4% n. 4% ........................................ . ... ....! ;i............................... , 22 35 35 1.2% 3% 2% 23 21 21 0.7% .... 1% 24 11 11 0.4% 0/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 1314 1516171819 20 2122 23 24 Total 901 1960 2866 100.0% Hour Beginning At ADT Estimate = 2529 19th Avenue South of Kagy Southbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 11 11 0.4% Month Factor 2 6 6 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 0 0 0.0% Truck Factor= 0.99 • 4 2 2 0.1% 5 4 4 0.1% 6 14 14 0.5% 7 69 69 2.4% 8 128 128 4.4% GRAPH 9 137 137 4.7% 10 105 105 3.6% 15%- 11 126 126 4.3% 14%_ ..•......................................•--.........••----•........................................--••--•----••-_.........---.................. 12 173 173 5.9% 13% ........................... .._.................---...--•..........---•--.........--•••-......._..•----_.... 3 185 185 6.3% — 12%- - -•---- ' ---•....................................... i; ;; 14 153 153 5.2% +� 11%. . ..-•...........................:..:............................................ 15 234 234 8.0/o •••------•--•---••.......................................................................... 16 277 277 9.5% �F-- 9%. .................................. 'i•-:.!. o ... ..................................... _....__...._..................... 17 366 366 12.5% � i :r il:! ; 18 292 292 10.0/o 7% 1p I'm ° ............................................•...................... ............. y ;�i Ti. •......._.................. o ..;i:i `''j' it i i rl •. 11 19 218 218 7.5% N 6%. ......................................................................:..li.........�,!! - i� +;,:!- ;r_. "I'F-•--............... U Nj' �' .................... $% 20 177 177 6.1% i- '! Q) o/o .......................................... .............. 21 135 135 4.6% 4 ° 3% .......................................... 22 58 58 2 0 0 I.: 3 3 4 2 0 2 4 3 1. / i 24 19 19 0.7/0 0% t�h—i--t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324 Total 1576 1336 2923 100.0% Hour Beginning At 2605 19th Avenue South of Kagy Northbound & Nouthbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 16 16 0.3% Month Factor= 1.1 2 10 10 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 3 3 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 11 11 0.2% 5 23 23 0.4% 6 102 102 1.8% 7 380 380 6.6% 8 567 567 9.8% GRAPH 9 294 294 5.1% 10 258 258 4.5% 11 284 284 4.9% 15%- 14%•.........................................-•------•---..........-•-•--•--.....•----.........••-•-•-----...............---...........------........ 12 328 328 5.7% 13% ........................................................................................................................................•--•--•- 13 342 342 5.9% — 12%._.....................•---••--------------•-•--...........--•--..--........---................--•--................---•-----...........---....... 14 269 269 4.6% 20 11%._..........••••---••....................................................................••--•.............•-----................................. 15 425 425 7.3% O 10%•--..........................................:..................................................................................................... 17 553 553 9.6% O 8%-.............................................: ............................................ 7% i� 18 449 449 7.8% '_' ............................................:.,:.........---•------..............---.. . :,.: ......---........-•------....... c 6%• :!; O .._................... Lj: 19 35 354 6.1% -------------------- 4 Pil- 20 277 277 4.8/° I I • 21 205 205 3.5/0 3/°•-• '" '' ' 22 93 3 � 23 55 55 1.0/o I ;1,@ ;ir; ih! :i J 1�i� ra iii i; j; j; i` .: do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 21 22 23 24 Total 2477 3296 5789 100.0% Hour Beginning At 5160 Kagy East of 19th Avenue Eastbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 7 7 0.2% Month Factor 2 8 8 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 6 6 0.2% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 2 2 0.1% 5 24 24 0.6% GRAPH 6 13 13 0.3% 7 402 402 10.6% 8 269 269 7.1% 9 192 192 5.1% 10 173 173 4.6% 18%. 11 235 235 6.2% 17% ..........................................•-•--.................---•-----••---....----...•--..........---------...-----•--...... 12 245 245 6.5% 16%-............................................................................................................................ .. 13 269 269 7.1% 15% .................................................•--....----................---...----.............................. 14/o. ................................................................................................................. ....---•--......................-- 14 236 236 6.2% 0 13%.............................••--..••-•••.....•--••-.....----••......••---••..........................--•••-........-......... 15 301 301. 8.0% 12%............................................................................................................................................ ........ .. 16 315 315 8.3% 11/o .................................... 10% ..................................... ..................................................................••--..............---.....I...... 17 319 319 8.4% O ........... 9%....................................... C 8%. ..............••--....••----•...... :....••.......................................... ........ 18 269 269 7.1% -....... 19 158 158 4.2% 0) 7% ................................... ..... ....................... .... •-- .... ..•. ... U6% •...............................•-••- i .. ------.....-..... I... .. a • 20 134 134 3.5% 5%....................................... ....•• ---• •-- ... •... ••. i--•• •---........................---....----- 21 107 107 2.8% CL 4%............. 3%. ..................................... .... ... .. . .. ................. 22 60 60 1.6% ° ..... 2/o. ..................................... ....`: .. ! . ....to I 23 32 32 0.8% 24 9 9 0.2% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 2122 23 24 Total 1403 2375 3785 100.0% Hour Beginning At ADT Estimate = 3340 Kagy East of 1 9tfh Avenue Westbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 10 10 0.3% Month Factor= 1.1 2 5 5 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 2 2 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 6 6 0.2% 5 22 22 0.6% 6 . 50 50 1.3% 7 196 196 5.1% 8 209 209 5.4% GRAPH 9 183 183 4.7% 10 204 204 5.3% 15%- 11 268 268 6.9% 14%. .....................................................................................•-----------------------............_.................--.... 12 272 272 7.0% 13%. ................................................................................................................................................ 13 277 277 7.1% — 12%. ................................................................................................................................................. 14 267 267 6.9% 11% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 15 326 326 8.4% F0 10%. .. ............................................................................... ...............:..'`........................................... 16 366 366 9.4% µ_ 9% ..------. 17 417 417 10.8% O 8% 18 234 234 6.0% 7% ............................................................. i; . ,; 1. o .......................................................... .:.iiii. !:,: J;i '! i 19 173 173 4.5% N 6%� , ,;- �i--',� -�j� '!i::- j+i- :! ................................. U 50/ :n I !: •................................. 0 0 ................................... 20 170 170 4.4/o L— ', , 21 98 98 2.5% N 4%. ..... ......................... .................... 22 56 56 1.4% 3%. ................................. L i o .......... 2/O. ................................. y r 24 24 24 0.6% 0%- w ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324 Total 1579 2287 3876 100.0% Hour Beginning At 3455 Kagy East of 17th Avenue Eastbound & Westbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 17 17 0.2% Month Factor 2 13 13 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 8 8 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 8 8 0.1% 5 46 46 0.6% 6 63 63 0.8% 7 598 598 7.8% 8 478 478 6.2% GRAPH 9 375 375 4.9% 10 377 377 4.9% 11 503 503 6.6% 15%- 14% ---••......................................•.........••----•---.....••...........................................-.... ..-.-...-.............. 12 517 517 6.7% 13% ................................................_.....................................................•------•--------......... 13 546 546 7.1% _ 12%....................................................................................................... ....••-................------........... 14 503 503 6.6% 11% .............................•-----•---------•--......--•.................---...-- 15 627 627 8.2% � 10%- -•-•-•-• ..............................................................................................................................•-•--.... 16 681 681 8.9% ,«- 9%. ...................................................................................... .........--•.......-....--•----........ o . ............................................•-...................................... 17 736 736 9.6% O 8/o it 14 18 503 503 6.6% N o 19 331 331 4.3% o " "' --•---•---•-- 4 nli .i Ii, U d L 5/o• - ;fir .: �� �+ l O a� :fit:_ 'i! ! I'1 20 304 304 4.0/o N 4% .......,; . a,: - u;, i '' LJ.. O Ilia .��n ;i'1 • ei 21 205 205 2.7/0 3/o• ............................. ,:;� ;;:- .:;;�•�' �Iii 22 116 116 1.5% . 2%.-- y ;. 23 73 73 1.0% 1% ............................... �, 24 33 33 0.4% .: :� ;:: L,: � ::: ,: �: ::, ..:.,��Hill` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516171819 20 21 22 23 24 Total 2982 4662 7661 100.0% Hour Beginning At 6828 I 7 th Avenue North of Kagy Northbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 1 1 0.0% Month Factor= 1.1 2 2 2 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 2 2 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 0 0 0.0% . 5 10 10 0.5% GRAPH 6 29 29 1.3% 7 94 94 4.4% 8 96 96 4.5% 9 80 80 3.7% 10 109 109 5.1% 18%- 11 143 143 6.6% 17% ....................................................... .....----....----.......................----...---••-........ 12 137 137 6.4% 16%....................................................................................................................................... 13 115 115 5.3% 15% •....................•-----.................---........................................--............--................. 14 119 119 5.5% 14% ..........-•....................................................................................................................-- ....... 13/o. ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 231 231 10.7% 12% ---...-•---......--•..............................................................................................................•----...........----- 16 240 240 11.1% 11% -----•--------------------•-------......-•---.......----...............----...--••-•--•-.... 17 242 242 11.2% O 19% .........................•--•-.........................................---............... .... ... .................---...---•.............-. 9/o ° .. ............................................... 18 142 142 6.6% 0) %. 19 109 109 5.1% L 6 . U o ...................................• 20 104 104 4.8% N 5% ......................••--.....---........-----......-.. -- .. .. ......-............. 0. 4% -•.....................••----........ :....;......... ....s. '. 21 74 74 3.4% •--- ....................•-- • 22 45 45 2.1% o 2/o. ..................................... :.... ... .........: ... :..... 23 22 22 1.0% 1%..................... .. ... `.... ....: ... .... .... ....: ... .. .. ........ .. ° ; 24 11 11 0.5% 0% 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Total 978 1168 2157 100.0% Hour Beginning At ADT Estimate = 1903 i 1 I 7 tit Avenue North of Kagy Southbound ` Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 3 3 0.2% Month Factor 2 2 2 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 3 3 0.2% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 1 1 0.1% 5 10 10 0.6% 6 45 45 2.5% 7 207 207 11.4% 8 122 122 6.7% GRAPH 9 88 88 4.9% 10 73 73 4.0% 15%• - 11 111 111 6.1% 14%................................................................................................................................................... 12 105 105 5.8% 13% ........----•......................................................................................................•-•-----------......-•--•----- 13 91 91 5.0% — 12%................................................................................................................................................... 14 79 79 4.4% 11% --------------------------------- I' •---.............................................................-----................................. 15 140 140 7.7% 10%. ....................................:!p --..... ... ..... 16 143 143 7.9% 9%. .....................................::. ....... 17 152 152 8.4% O 8%-......................................;!....................... ....... ... ........ ... ........ �: i� ................................. y . 18 162 162 9.0% 7% ii . ............................... • o U 5% ................................ 20 71 _ 71 3.9/0 . ..................... o ................................. 21 55 55 3.0% 4% �. 3%. ................................. 22 29 29 1.6% 23 13 13 0.7% 2% _.............................. 1% ..............................:. 11111111 24 15 15 0.8% m. .. L. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Total 715 1080 1810 100.0% Hour Beginning At 1613 I 7 th Avenue North of Kagy Northbound & Southbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 4 4 0.1% Month Factor 2 4 4 0.1% Day Factor= 1.02 3 5 5 0.1% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 1 1 0.0% _ 5 20 20 0.5% 6 74 74 1.9% 7 301 301 7.6% 8 218 218 5.5% GRAPH 9 168 168 4.2% 10 182 182 4.6% 11 254 254 6.4% 15% --... 12 242 242 6.1% 13%.................................................................................................................................................. 13 206 206 5.2% _ 12% •----•....................................................•------......•--••-••---............----......•----......--•-----..................--- 14 198 198 5.0% Ca 11% ......... ........................................ 15 371 371 9.4% O 10%- --------------------•---........-•-.........•--------------•------•--•---•---.............. ... .------------------------------------------ 0 " 16 383 383 9.7% g%. ....................................•----------.................-------------.... ----......--------...----......----•-- o :I: "r 17 394 394 ------------------------------- 9.9% O 8% ......... ;! �. 7%- 18 304 304 7.7% .............c N 6%. ••-•................................ p IIli �: Is':. 19 199 199 5.0% V o ?: ''•• i'' J . 5/o ------------------------------------ -- --------- 20 175 175 o ................................... �;, .,,� ,;,- :: i �i� i ;i��• • 2%-------- ..............j 21 129 129 3.3/0 3/o .................................... 74 74 1.9/o ii 22 24 26 26 0.7% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Total 1719 2248 3967 100.0% Hour Beginning At 3536 Lincoln East of 1 9th Avenue Eastbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 11 11 0.4% Month Factor= 1.1 2 6 6 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 3 4 4 0.2% Truck Factor= 0.99 • 4 6 6 0.2% 5 17 17 0.7% GRAPH 6 66 66 2.6% 7 299 299 11.6% 8 152 152 5.9% 9 179 179 6.9% 10 126 126 4.9% 18%- 11 205 205 7.9% 17% ----.•----•--•.......................................................................................••---•----.....--.----.---.......---............-- 12 125 125 4.8% 16%......................................................................................................................................................... 13 161 161 6.2% 15%. ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 134 134 5.2% 14% ....................................................................................................................................................... O 13Q°. ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 158 158 6.1% 0 12/o ....................................................................................................................................................... ° ..................................... .............................................................................................................. 16 166 166 6.4% 0 10%... 17 162 162 6.3% o 18 166 166 6.4% C 8%. ..................................... .........................................................•-••--.-----........................................ N7%. ..................................... ....... .......... ...........................•--•-•------.------....................................... 19 145 145 5.6% U 6% ....................................... .... .... ....... 20 88 88 3.4% 5%. ..................................... . ... `.......... ...::.. .-- i..•. ..--............----.......... • 21 88 88 3.4% 0- 4%............. 3%....................................... ..... ... .. : 22 62 62 2.4% ° 2/0._............................... ... .... ... :.... ... ... '.... ...;....'........ ;....,.... ... ..... 24 15 15 0.6% 0%. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Total 932 1638 2581 100.0% Hour Beginning At ADT Estimate = 2277 l Lincoln East of 19th Avenue Westbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 14 14 0.6% Month Factor= 1.1 2 9 9 0.4% Day Factor= 1.02 • 3 7 7 0.3% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 5 5 0.2% 5 11 11 0.4% 6 25 25 1.0% 7 104 104 4.1% 8 78 78 3.1% GRAPH 9 147 147 5.8% 10 97 97 3.8% 15% 11 146 146 5.8% 14%.................................................................................................. 12 186 186 7.4% 13%.................................................................................................. ............-.... --------- 13 205 205 8.1% — 12% -•---------------------•-------......................-•---.._ 14 151 151 6.0% 11% ................................................................................................................................................. 15 178 178 7.0% 0 10% ................................................................................................ .......-----•.............................. 16 194 194 7.7% y_ 9% .... 17 244 244 9.6% 0 8%...........................................................................!!Ili ------------- ....----------..........------.......--.... 18 167 167 6.6% ;' ....................................... 19 139 ................................ N :�., :, lei 139 5.5% 6%. ......................... F;. 20 134 ;. 134 5.3/o 1' _ 21 109 109 4.3/o , 22 8 1 81 3.2/o 23 68 60 2.7 In ;i4 4"; i 'iis i ..4 30 30 1.1 r° u°!o• ,,: H ., f i i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324 Total 1166 1349 2529 100.0% Hour Beginning At 2254 Lincoln East of 19th Avenue Eastbound & Westbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 25 25 0.5% Month Factor 2 15 15 0.3% Day Factor= 1.02 3 11 11 0.2% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 11 11 0.2% 5 28 28 0.5% 6 91 91 1.8% 7 403 403 7.9% 8 230 230 4.5% GRAPH 9 326 326 6.4% 10 223 223 4.4% 11 351 351 6.9% 15%- 7.1% 14%. ................................................................................................................................................ 12 311 311 13%. ................................................................................................................................................. 13 366 366 .2% — 12% ................................................................................................................................................ 14 285 285 5.6% 6- 11%.................................................................................................................................................. 15 336 336 6.6% 0 10%. ................................................................................................................................................ o ................................................................................................................................................ 17 406 406 7.9% O 8/o. ..................................... ---................................................. ........................................... 18 333 333 6.5% c % Ij s; i ........; ,i . ....................................... 6% ;, fil 1. ..................................... 19 284 284 5.6% N 11 "` ill! ill! 1111 o � 20 222 222 4.3/o o iIIIIII � ............. o ° 21 197 197 3 9 0 -.................................. - --...-- 0 22 143 43 1 2 8 0 23 108 108 2.1% 1% ............. Cm 24 45 45 0.9% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 Total 2098 2987 5110 100.0% Hour Beginning At 4554 ; 1 i Lincoln West of 19th Avenue Eastbound & Westbound Hour 05/05/97 05/06/97 Ave % of Begin MON TUE Weekday Weekday 1 1 1 0.2% Month Factor 2 1 1 0.2% Day Factor= 1.02 • 3 0 0 0.0% Truck Factor= 0.99 4 0 0 0.0% 5 1 1 0.2% 6 6 6 1.2% 7 50 50 9.9% 8 58 58 11.5% GRAPH 9 31 31 6.2% 10 27 27 5.4% 11 45 45 8.9% 15%- 14% ---......••......................•--------...............••---•----..............---........------..........•-•-•-.............-----•--•--•••--- 12 58 58 11.5% 13%..............................:................................................................................................................... 13 39 39 7.7% _ 12% ....•...............••------------..............-•---------....................------•••................................--............------•... Ca 14 19 19 3.8% 11% ...........-•--------------•-••--••.----- ............ 10% 15 41 41 8.1% IV— ....................... 9%. ........................... u .... ; 17 39 39 7.7% O 8%................. S.............. is 18 11 11 2.2 I /o ........................................... o p 19 7 7 1.4% U 5/o o .................................................................... i i;..,r.;�;..!':ii�.i "i,. ii;` (l i. i,:l . ., . 20 2 2 0.4/o o/o.......... t 4 ; ;; 0 8°/ 0-- 3% ........................... :: . .: IiH r; lu:, ° 2% 22 4 4 0.8/o 23 2 2 0.4/0 .. .::: 24 0 0 0.0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516171819 20 21 22 23 24 Total 127 376 504 100.0% Hour Beginning At 449 APPENDIX "B" CAPACITY CALCULATIONS 9 Page 37 MARVIN &ASSOCIATES vvirvur "AU velblull 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INT#ECTION ANALYSIS September 22, 1997 05:22 Ph Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave Existing Geometry&Traffic INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S= STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y=YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH I SATURATION VOLUMES! E-- Grade= 0% F— 291 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. 422 Major Left Leg SHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 181 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE NO ACCEL. LANE 42 Is NO RIGHT TURN RADIUS <50 It 8; 4 Grade= ' 5 3 NOTE: STOP OR YIELD SIGN LANES Xi X SHARED 0% 1 5 Saturation Volumes are i SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. to calculate Probability a LARGE POPULATION ; Queue Free States when Major Street Left Turn L• is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left ! thru left right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 154 36 326 247 66 336 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 i .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 181 42 384 j 291 78 395 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 181 42 422 291 85 435 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 876 vph 202 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 264 pcph 1057 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovemenIA:62 - Movement Capacity: 163 pcph 1057 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 224 vph \ Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 1317 pcph Movement Capacity: 1317 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 67.9% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 61.8% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements i Volume I Capacity-Capacity DELAY Level Of Service i F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Left From Minor Bottom Leg j 85 ; 163 558 45.4 a.4.sec.i X Right From Minor Bottom Leg 435 ! 1057 558 45.4 i F -Severe Congestion X Left From Major Right Leg 422 : 1317 1 4.0 A- Little Delay ; 2•s c. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 17.4 seconds i MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ot 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTI&ECTION ANALYSIS September 22, 1997 05:29 PN Kagy Blvd &S 19th Ave Existing Plus Site Traffic Minimum Geometrics Unrestricted Access INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S= STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL RESTRICTED SIGHT DISTANCE X I X I X Grade= NO SHARED LANES 1 i 0% . RADIUS<50 ft S is is NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN LANE F-- Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. /' SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE �G LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN i S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= IX X X SHARED LANES 0% I SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. i —' LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right left thru right left thru right left thru rig UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 8 165 1 31 336 '249 64 57 33 352 73 40 16 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 j .85 ; .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 i .85 85 .85 .85 85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 9 1194 11 36 395 293 75 67 ! 39 '414 86 47 19 :PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 1 10 ;194 36 435 '293 75 74 43 456 94 52 i 21 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND SATURATION VOLUMES i l 2519i 1 2i4 75 120 E— 293 Egg Major Right Lei 435 10 Major Left Leg 800 194 -� 200 36 .7 4 :4 NOTE: 4 3 5 Saturation Volumes are used 6 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN&ECTION ANALYSIS September 22, 1997 05:29 PM Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave Existing Plus Site Traffic Minimum Geometrics Unrestricted Access CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 212 vph 331 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 7.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 1043 pcph 813 pcph Movement Capacity: 1043 pcph 813 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 56.3% 97.4% LEFT TURN FROM. Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 231 vph 368 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 1306 pcph 1110 pcph Movement Capacity: 1306 pcph 1110 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 66.7% 99.1 % Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 57.0% 99.0% THROUGH FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 985 vph 966 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 7.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 259 pcph 204 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movementsl.56 0.56 Movement Capacity: 146 pcph 115 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 70.6% 54.8 % LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 981 vph 1174 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 8.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 224 pcph 119 pcph Major Left,Minor Through,Impedance Factor(p"): 0.31 0.40 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'04 0.52 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEO.43 0.29 Movement Capacity: 96 pcph 35 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume i Capacity 1 Capacity I DELAY i Level Of Service X Left Tum 74 96 ; 382 259.7 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Through 43 146 1 382 259.7 F -Severe Congestion ;1259.7 sec X Right Tum 456 1043 382 259.7 ' F -Severe Congestion__] Shared Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY i Level Of Service i Left Tum 94 35 - 1005.5 ! F -Severe Congestion 1 Ave Delay Through 52 115 - 54.9 i F -Severe Congestion 1683.6 sec. Right Tum T 21 813 i - T 4.5 A - Little Delay Major Street Left Turns ! Volume I Capacity I DELAY ! Level Of Service i Ave Delay X Major Left Leg i _10 11110 3.3 ! A- Little Delay ! 0.1 sec. X Major Righf Leg 435 1306 4.1 A- Little Delay 2.2 sec.; Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 139.1 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INT ECTION ANALYSIS i October 12, 1997 02:51 PM C:\UNSIG3\KAGI9SE.INT Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave E)dsting Plus Reassigned Site Traffic INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S=STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL s- SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Grade= SHARED LANES X X X 0% RADIUS<50 ft S S S NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE J, NO RIGHT TURN LANE F— Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% -� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= X X X SHARED LANES 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg . Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 31 142 31 1336 249 1 64 57 68 1 317 164 1 40 16 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 36 167 36 395 293 75 67 80 1373 193 47 19 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 40 167 36 435 293 75 74 88 410 212 52 21 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) o AND SATURATION VOLUME 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 75 120 E— 293 180 Major Right Leg 435 40 Major Left Leg 800 167 --� 200 36 7 8 4 NOTE: 4 8 1 Saturation Volumes are used 0 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane is shared. Minor Bottom Leg MARVIN &ASSOCIATES October 12S1997 version 3 PM 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INT ECTION ANALYSIS C:\UNSIG3\KAGI9SE.INT Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave Existing Plus Reassigned Site Traffic CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 185 vph 331 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 1082 pcph 891 pcph Movement Capacity: 1082 pcph 891 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 62.1 % 97.6% LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 204 vph 368 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 1348 pcph 1110 pcph Movement Capacity: 1348 pcph 1110 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 67.7% 96.4% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 58.3% 95.9% THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 985 vph 966 vph ' Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 6.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 259 pcph 267 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementsO.56 0.56 Movement Capacity: 145 pcph 149 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 39.3% 65.1 % LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 981 vph 1174 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 224 pcph 165 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.36 0.22 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'#9 0.36 ' Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEO.48 0.22 Movement Capacity: 107 pcph 36 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 74 107 342 338.4 F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 88 145 342 338.4 F -Severe Congestion 338.4 se . Right Turn 410 1082 342 338.4 F -Severe Congestion Shared Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 212 36 46 2500.4 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 52 149 46 2500.4 F -Severe Congestion 500.4 se . Right Turn 21 891 46 2500.4 F -Severe Congestion Major Street Left Turns Volume Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay Major Left Leg 40 1110 3.4 A- Little Delay 0.6 sec. Major Right Leg 435 1348 3.9 A- Little Delay 2.1 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 477.0 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.0t 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 02:53 PN C:\UNSIG3\KAG19SE.1 N1 Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave 1999 Background Plus Site Traffic INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S=STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Grade SHARED LANES X X X 0% S S S NO RIGHT TURN STOPOR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE � NO RIGHT TURN LANE E-- Grade= 0%Major Right Le J 9 9 LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. /" SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE Ilk LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= X X X SHARED LANES 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. F� LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right left thru right left thru rigt UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 8 160 38 310 252 18 68 31 330 48 32 21 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 9 188 45 365 296 21 80 36 388 56 38 25 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 10 188 45 401 296 21 88 40 427 62 41 27 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND SATURATION VOLUME 2 4 6 7 1 2 21 120 E-- 296 180 Major Right Le 401 t 10 Major Left Leg 800 188 200 45 8 4 4 NOTE: 8 0 2 Saturation Volumes are used 7 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. MARVIN &ASSOCIATES i • WINUNSIG version 3.01 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 02:53 PA C:\UNSIG3\KAG19SE.IN Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave 1999 Background Plus Site Traffic CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 211 vph 307 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 1046 pcph 919 pcph Movement Capacity: 1046 pcph 919 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 59.2% 97.1 % LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow. 233 vph 318 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 1302 pcph 1178 pcph Movement Capacity: 1302 pcph 1178 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 69.2% 99.2% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 62.3% 99.0% THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 902 vph 914 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 6.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 293 pcph 288 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movementsi.62 0.62 Movement Capacity: 181 pcph, 178 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 77.9% 76.9% I LEFT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow. 923 vph 1104 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 246 pcph 184 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.47 0.48 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'¢9 0.59 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movementsi.57 0.35 Movement Capacity: 140 pcph 64 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity Capacityl DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 88 140 440 156.7 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 40 181 440 156.7 F- Severe Congestion 156.7 se . Right Turn 427 1046 440 156.7 F- Severe Congestion Shared Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 62 64 106 229.8 F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 41 178 106 229.8 F -Severe Congestion 229.8 se . Right Turn 27 919 106 229.8 F -Severe Congestion Major Street Left Turns Volume I Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay Major Left Leg 10 1178 3.1 A-Little Delay 0.1 sec. Major Right Leg 401 1302 4.0 A- Little Delay 2.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 71.9 seconds i i MARVIN &ASSOCIATES� WINUNSIG version 3.t l 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN ERSECTION ANALYSIS October 13, 1997 04:34 P C:IUNSIG3U(AG19SE.IN Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave 1999 Existing Plus Site Traffic Add NB Left Lanes&WB RT INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S=STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL 1tP SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Grade= SHARED LANES X X 0% RADIUS<50 ft S S S NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN LANE Grade= 0%Major Right Lec LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. EXCLUSIVE LEFT LANE i SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. (2 LANES) Major Left Leg Grade= 0% NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= X X SHARED LANES rl 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. I LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right I left thru right left thru rigl UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 8 160 38 310 252 18 68 31 330 48 32 21 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 9 188 45 365 296 21 80 36 388 56 38 25 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 10 188 45 401 296 21 88 40 427 62 41 27 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) '. AND SATURATION VOLUMES 2 4 6 7 1 2 21 120 f— 296 180 Major Right Lec 401 10 Major Left Leg 800 188 200 45 8 4 4 NOTE: 8 0 2 Saturation Volumes are used 7 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. MARVIN &ASSOCIATES � • Octobler 13, 1 997 04:34 PN 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS C:\UNSIG3\KAG19SE.IN1 Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave 1999 Existing Plus Site Traffic Add NB Left Lanes&WB RT CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 211 vph 307 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 1046 pcph 919 pcph Movement Capacity: 1046 pcph 919 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 59.2% 97.1 % LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Leff Leg Conflicting Flow: 233 vph 318 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 1302 pcph 1178 pcph Movement Capacity: 1302 pcph 1178 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 69.2% 99.2% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) NA 99.0% THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 902 vph 914 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 6.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds , Potential Capacity: 293 pcph 288 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEi.69 0.69 Movement Capacity: 200 pcph 197 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 80.0% 79.2% LEFT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 923 vph 1104 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity. 246 pcph 184 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.54 0.55 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'§4 0.65 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementE0.62 0.38 Movement Capacity: 153 pcph 70 pcph d SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 88 153 165 72.0 F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 40 200 165 72.0 F -Severe Congestion 21.1 sec Right Turn 427 1046 - 5.8 B - Short Delays Shared i Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 62 70 - 168.7 F- Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 41 197 286 16.4 C- Normal Delays 89.1 sec Right Turn 27 919 286 16.4 C- Normal Delays Major Street Left Turns Volume I Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay Major Left Leg 10 1178 3.1 A- Little Delay 1 0.1 sec. Major Right Leg 401 1302 4.0 A- Little Delay 2.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 15.1 seconds �j 7 MARVIN &ASSOCIATES • • WINUNSIG version 3.01 r' 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS October 13, 1997 04:34 Ph i� Kagy Blvd&S 19th Ave C:\UNSIG3\KAG19SE.IN' 1999 E)asting Plus Site Traffic Add NB Left Lanes&WB RT MINOR STREET QUEUE LENGTHS NOTE: i' AND LANE CONFIGURATIONS Queue Lengths are displayed by lane 95th Percentile Queue Lengths groupings-not by movement according to the 1994 HCM for a 15 minute counting period based on saturation and capacity in Minor Top Leg vehicles per hour. Right and Through Movements Share a Lane 1 31 \7` Major Right Leg Major Left Leg 3 2 Left and Through movements Share a Lane Minor Bottom Leg l 9 1! 11j r� i ALL-WAY STOP-CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS--Level of Service Analysi Instructions: Enter the turning movement volumes, the peak hour factor, and the number of lanes on each approach. The capacity, delay, and level of service are calculated below. Please note validity range checks. Check columns F through J(rows 1-50) for detailed calculations. Eastbound Westbound Northbound Sorthbound Left-Tum Volume 48 68 8 310 Through Volume 32 31 160 252 Right Tum Volume 21 330 38 18 Peak-Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Number of Lanes 2 2 1 2 capacity,vph 511 379 444 1009 Volume/CapacityRatio 0.22 1.26 0.52 0.64 Delay,sec/veh 2 119 7 11 Level of Service A F B c FOUR-WAY STOP @ KAGY& 19TH 1999 EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC 1 9, i I SIG/Cinema V1.01 ORGANIZATION: MARVIN & ASSOCIATES REASSIGNED EXISTING GEOMETRY Kagy /19th SUMMARY ANALYST: ROBERT R MARVIN ANALYSIS DATE: 10-12-97 ANALYSIS PERIOD: CASE: KAGY191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES I GEOMETRY: MOVEMENTS SERVICED BY LANE AND LANE WIDTHS (FT) App Outbndl Lane 1 1 Lane 2 1 Lane 3 1 Lane 4 1 Lane 5 1 Lane 6 EB 2 1 1 LT 12.01 R 12.01 WB 2 1 1 LT 12.01 R 12.01 I NB 2 1 1 L 12.01 TR 12.01 SB 2 1 1 L 12.01 TR 12.01 I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I EAST 1 WEST 1 NORTH 1 SOUTH Data IL IT 1R 1L iT 1R 1L 1T 1R 1L 1T 1R --------------I----I----1----1----1----1----1----1----I----I----I----1---- Mvt Vol (vph) 1 1641 401 161 571 681 3171 311 1421 311 3361 2481 64 PHF 10.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.85 %Hvy Vehicles 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 I Arrival Type 1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3 --------------I--------------I--------------I--------------I-------------- RTOR Vol (vph)l 5 1 50 1 10 1 10 Peds/Hour 1 10 1 10 I 10 1 10 % Grade i 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 Porkers/Hour 1 0 i 0 1 0 I 0 Buses/Hour I 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 _ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS: PRETIMED DESIGN ANALYSIS CYCLE LENGTH: 60.0 r PHASE: I 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 IPED ONLY EB 1 LTP 1 R 1 1 I I I I I WB1 LTP I I I RI NS 1 1 LTP 1 LTP SB I I I LTP I LTP I i GREEN 119.1 1 5.0 1 5.0 1 14.9 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0 YELLOWI 4.0 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 2.3 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 RED 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 1.7 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 LOST TIME PER PHASE: 3.0 SEC LOST TIME PER CYCLE: 6.0 SEC I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS I APPROACH: Lane Cap v/s g/C Lane v/c Delay I Delay LOS App Group (vph) Ratio Ratio Group Ratio (sec/veh) LOSI(sec/veh) --- -----. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- ---I-------- --- ES * LT 356 0.23 0.33 LT 0.67 16.5 C I 16.0 C R 780 0.01 0.43 R 0.02 7.4 B 1 WB LT 417 0.12 0.33 LT 0.35 11.7 B 1 6.7 B R 1190 0.16 0.60 R 0.26 4.4 A 1 NB Lper 125 0.00 0.15 1 14.4 B * Lpro 179 0.02 0.10 L 0.12 13.3 B 1 TR 461 0.10 0.25 TR 0.41 14.7 B 1 I SB * Lper 125 0.10 0.10 1 10.9 B * Lpro 564 0.15 0.32 L 0.57 11.7 B 1 TR 760 0.19 0.42 TR 0.47 10.0 B I INTERSECT: DELAY = 11.0 SEC/VEH Xc = 0.55 LOS = B Sum(v/s)CR = 0.50 I SIG/Cinema VI.01 ORGANIZATION: MARVIN 8 ASSOCIATES Year 2017 Traffic k/ Site Kagy /19th SUMMARY ANALYST: ROBERT R MARVIN ANALYSIS DATE: 10-12-97 ANALYSIS PERIOD: CASE: KAGY191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES I GEOMETRY: MOVEMENTS SERVICED BY LANE AND LANE WIDTHS (FT) App Outbndl Lane 1 I Lane 2 1 Lane 3 1 Lane 4 1 Lane 5 1 Lane 6 EB 2 2 1 L 12.01 TR 12.01 1 WB 3 1 1 L 12.01 T 12.01 R 12.01 NB 3 2 1 L 12.01 T 12.01 TR 12.01 1 I SB 3 2 1 L 12.01 T 12.01 TR 12.01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I EAST I WEST 1 NORTH I SOUTH Data I L I T 1 R I L I T 1 R 1 L I T 1 R I L I T I R ..............I----I----I----i----I----I----I----1----1----1----1----I---- Mvt Vol (vph) 1 1851 401 251 1301 701 3701 301 2501 601 4001 3551 65 PHF 10.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.8510.85 %Hvy Vehicles 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 Arrival Type 1 31 .31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3 --------------I--------------I--------------I--------------I-------------- RTOR Vol (vph)I 5 1 120 1 10 1 10 Peds/Hour 1 10 I 10 1 10 I 10 % Grade 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 Parkers/Hour i 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 Buses/Hour I 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS: PRETIMED DESIGN ANALYSIS CYCLE LENGTH: 60.0 PHASE: I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 1 7 1 8 IPED ONLY EB I LTP I i I I I I I I WBI LTP I I I RI I I I I NB 1 I LTP I LTA 1 I 1 I 1 SB I I I LTP I LTP I I I I I GREEN 1 14.4 I 5.0 1 5.0 119.6 I 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0 k YELLOWI 2.3 1 4.0 1 4.0 1 2.3 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 RED 1 1.7 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 1.7 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 LOST TIME PER PHASE: 3.0 SEC LOST TIME PER CYCLE: 6.0 SEC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS I APPROACH: r Lane Cap v/s g/C Lane v/c Delay I Delay LOS App Group (vph) Ratio Ratio Group Ratio (sec/veh) LOSI(sec/veh) --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- ---I-------- --- EB * L 356 0.16 0.26 L 0.61 17.2 C I 16.2 C `. TR 458 0.04 0.26 TR 0.15 13.1 B 1 i _ WB L 368 0.11 0.26 L 0.42 14.6 B 1 8.6 B T 483 0.04 0.26 T 0.17 13.2 B 1 R 1260 0.14 0.60 R 0.23 4.3 A I NB Lper 125 0.00 0.15 1 14.3 B * Lpro 179 0.02 0.10 L 0.12 13.2 B TR 916 0.10 0.25 TR 0.41 14.4 B SB * Lper 125 0.10 0.10 I 8.1 B * Lpro 703 0.19 0.39 L 0.57 9.4 B TR 1818 0.14 0.49 TR 0.28 6.8 B 1 I INTERSECT: DELAY = 10.4 SEC/VEH Xc = 0.52 LOS = 8 Sum(v/s)CR = 0.47 NETSIM Results for Case: HAGY191 Hagy /19th Year 2017 Traffic w/ Site Version 1.81 NETSIM Queue Statistics *Average *Max. *Max. Pct. Pct. Of Pct. Of Cycles Animation Max. Q Queue Of Time Cycles Where Turner Frame Per Cycle Per That Q With Can't Enter Bay Showing Ln Per Lane Lane Overflows Turn Bay Due To Queue Longest App Grp (vehs) (vehs) A Lane Overflow Of Non-Turners Queue EB L 3 4 8.0 0:01 TR 2 3 0.0 10:46 WB L 2 3 0.0 8.0 0.0 4:55 T 1 2 0.0 6:56 R 2 4 0.8 6.0 6.0 11:23 NB L 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:16 TR 2 4 0.0 5:15 r SB L 4 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 2:32 TR 2 4 0.0 3:20 *These performance measures are also shown on summary statistics screen F 1 MARVIN &ASSOCIATES wtNUNb[U version O.uL 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTETION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 12:10 PN MIDDLE SITE APPROACH ON 19 i EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC NO TURN RESTRICTIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S= STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) b Y= YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH SATURATION VOLUMES: E— Grade= 0% E-- 587 1800 r (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg SHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg 100 Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 666 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 30 NO RIGHT TURN S S RADIUS < 50 ft 2I 9 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= ! NO SHARED LANES 91 1 NOTE: 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. i Saturation Volumes are u to calculate Probability of _—:'LARGE POPULATION I I Queue Free States when i Major Street Lit Turn La i I is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru I right left thru left right ! UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 566 1 30 91 499 26 83 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 1.00 1.00 .85 1.00 1.00 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 666 30 91 587 26 I 83 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 666 l 30 100 587 29T 91 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 1359 vph 681 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 123 pcph 559 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemenfi:80 - Movement Capacity: 99 pcph 559 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 696 vph ` Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 754 pcph Movement Capacity: 754 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 86.7% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 80.3% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements Volume 1 Capacity i Capacity i DELAY Level Of Service Left From Minor Bottom Le 29 99 - 50.9 F -Severe Congestion Ave Dela 9 i 18.1.sec. l Right From Minor Bottom Leg 91 559 I _ 7.7 B- Short Delays X Left From Major Right Leg 100 1 754 - ; 5.5 B- Short Delays 0.8 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 1.8 seconds f MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ot 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IJWSECTION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 12:10 PN MIDDLE SITE APPROACH ON 19TH EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC NO TURN RESTRICTIONS MINOR STREET QUEUE LENGTHS NOTE: AND LANE CONFIGURATIONS Queue Lengths are displayed by lane 95th Percentile Queue Lengths groupings-not by movement according to the 1994 HCM for a 15 minute counting period based on saturation and capacity in w vehicles per hour. 1 1 Left and Right movements use Exclusive Lai ! I I d I ,I MARVIN&ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.( 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IWERSECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:05 P C:\UNSIG3WIIDAPP.I� MIDDLE SITE APPROACH ON 19TH EXISTING PLUS REASSIGNED SITE TRAFFIC NO TURN RESTRICTIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S=STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y=YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH SATURATION VOLUMES E— Grade= 0% E— 709 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. 100 Major Left Leg SHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 665 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 30 NO RIGHT TURN S S RADIUS<50 ft 2 9 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= NO SHARED LANES 2 1 NOTE: 0% LARGE SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. toc Saturation calculate Probability POPULATION Queue Free States wh. i Major Street Left Tum is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left thru I left right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 565 30 91 603 20 83 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 1.00 1.00 .85 1.00 1.00 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 665 30 91 709 20 83 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 665 30 100 709 22 91 i CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 1480 vph 680 vph j Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 102 pcph 559 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemenig:78 - Movement Capacity: 79 pcph 559 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 695 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 755 pcph Movement Capacity: 755 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 86.8% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 78.1 % SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements Volume I Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service F -Severe Con estion Ave Dela Left From Minor Bottom Leg 22 79 - 61.9 9 18.2 sec. Right From Minor Bottom Leg 91 559 - 7.7 B -Short Delays Left From Major Right Leg 100 755 - 5.5 1 B- Short Delays 0.7 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 1.7 seconds i MARVIN &ASSOCIATES , WINUNSIG version 3.Ot 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:08 PM C:\UNSIG3\MIDAPP.INT MIDDLE SITE APPROACH ON 19TH 1999 EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC NO TURN RESTRICTIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S=STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y=YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH SATURATION VOLUMES Grade= 0% E-- 612 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. 20 Major Left Leg rSHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 682 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 52 NO RIGHT TURN S S RADIUS<50 ft 1 2 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= NO SHARED LANES 8 NOTE: 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Saturation Volumes are t LARGE to calculate Probability of POPULATION Queue Free States wher Major Street Left Tum U is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left thru left right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 580 52 18 520 16 2 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 1.00 1.00 .85 1.00 1.00 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 682 52 18 612 16 2 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 682 52 20 612 18 2 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 1338 vph 708 vph i Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 127 pcph 538 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemenig:96 - Movement Capacity: 122 pcph 538 pcph 5 LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 734 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 720 pcph Movement Capacity: 720 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 97.2% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 95.8% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements Volume Capacity I Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left From Minor Bottom Leg 18 122 - 34.6 E-Very Long Delays Ave Dela 31.8 sec. Right From Minor Bottom Leg 2 538 - 6.7 B -Short Delays Left From Major Right Leg 20 720 - 5.1 B-Short Delays 0.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 0.6 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INT0CTION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 10:44 AM REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE • EXISTING CONMDITIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S= STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y=YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH SATURATION VOLUMES: F— Grade= 0% F-- 655 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. 40 Major Left Leg SHARED LEFT LANE _ Major Left Leg Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 541 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 34 NO RIGHT TURN i RADIUS< 50 ft 12 2 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= i X X SHARED LANES 1 2 NOTE: 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Saturation Volumes are u: LARGE to calculate Probability of POPULATION I Queue Free States when Major Street Left Turn La is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left ' thru left right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 460 i 29 31 557 16 17 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 ! 85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 541 i 34 36 655 19 20 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 1 541 34 40 655 21 i 22 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 1250 vph 558 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 146 pcph 658 pcph i Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemenfi:93 - Movement Capacity: 136 pcph 658 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 575 vph ` Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 869 pcph Movement Capacity: 869 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 95.4% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 92.8% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements Volume -Capacity Capacity° DELAY Level Of Service XI Left From Minor Bottom Leg 21 136 229 19.4 C - Normal Delays Ave Dela119.4-sec.: Right From Minor Bottom Leg 22 658 I 229 19.4 C - Normal Delays XI Left From Major Right Leg 40 869 - 4.3 A- Little Delay 0.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 0.8 seconds `I MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INWECTION ANALYSIS • October 10, 1997 11:58 AM REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S= STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL RESTRICTED SIGHT DISTANCE X I X i I Grade= y SHARED LANES X (X j 0% RADIUS <50 ft S I S is NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN LANE E— Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S j S RADIUS <50 ft Grade= X 1 X SHARED LANES 0 % SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION -� Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right left thru right left thru right 1 UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 7 487 31 27 570 118 16 4 14 125 11 1 10 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 1 .85 .85 .85 85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 8 573 36 32 671 :139 19 5 16 147 13 12 - PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 9 573 36 35 671 '139 21 5 i 18 162 14 13 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND 4� SATURATION VOLUMES i i 1 111 � 6 314 � 2 f <- 671 180 Major Right Leg � 35 9 Major Left Leg 800 573 —� 20 336 2 5 11 NOTE: 11 i 8 Saturation Volumes.are used i to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane' is shared. Minor Bottom Leg MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTECTION ANALYSIS . October 10, 1997 11:58 AM REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH A�7E EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 591 vph 740 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 7.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 630 pcph 420 pcph Movement Capacity: 630 pcph 420 pcph i Probability of Queue Free State: 97.1 % 96.9% LEFT TURN FROM. Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 609 vph 809 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 835 pcph 659 pcph i Movement Capacity: 835 pcph 659 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 95.8% 98.6% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 91.8% 97.9% THROUGH FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1441 vph 1389 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 7.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 133 pcph 98 pcph i Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementED.90 0.90 Movement Capacity: 120 pcph 88 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 95.8% 84.1 % LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg i Conflicting Flow: 1384 vph 1382 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 118 pcph 119 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.76 0.86 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'01 0.89 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEi.79 0.87 Movement Capacity: 93 pcph 103 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume ;Capacity,Capacity. DELAY Level Of Service 0 Left Tum 21 93 - 49.6 i F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Through 5 ' 120 327 11.8 C - Normal Delays 29.8 sec i X Right Turn18 i 630 327 11.8 ! C - Normal Delays Shared Minor Top Leg Volume ;Capacity Capacity! DELAY i Level Of Service Left Turn 162 103 - 366.5 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Through 14 ! 88 142 31.2 I E -Very Long Delays 318 6 sed. X Right Tum 13 ! 420 142 31.2 E -Very Long Delays Major Street Left Turns I Volume Capacity, DELAY 1 Level Of Service Ave Delay X Major Left Leg I 9 659 5.5 ; B -Short Delays 0.1 sec. X Major Right Leg 35 835 4.5 A- Little Delay j 0.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 36.4 seconds i ' MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTOCTION ANALYSIS • October 10, 1997 11:58 AM REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS MINOR STREET QUEUE LENGTHS NOTE: AND LANE CONFIGURATIONS Queue Lengths are displayed by lane r 95th Percentile Queue Lengths groupings-not by movement according to the 1994 HCM for a 15 minute counting period based on saturation and capacity in Minor Top Leg vehicles per hour. i Right and Through Movements Share a Lane 1 7 Major Right Leg 1 Major Left Leg 1 1 Right and Through Movements Share a Lane Minor Bottom Leg i 4 MARVIN &ASSOCIATES . • WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:02 PM C:\UNSIG3\REMING.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS REASSIGNED SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S=STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL RESTRICTED SIGHT DISTANCE X X Grade= SHARED LANES X X 0% RADIUS<50 ft S S S NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN LANE E— Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= X X SHARED LANES 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 20 572 31 27 570 118 15 4 14 40 11 10 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 24 673 36 32 671 139 18 5 16 47 13 12 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 26 673 36 35 671 139 19 5 18 52 14 13 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND SATURATION VOLUME 1 1 5 3 4 2 139 120 E— 671 180 Major Right Leg 35 26 Major Left Leg 800 673 200 36 1 5 1 NOTE: " 9 8 Saturation Volumes are used to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. MARVIN &ASSOCIATES • WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS • October 12, 1997 03:02 PM CAUNSIG3IREMING.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS REASSIGNED SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top leg Conflicting Flow: 691 vph 740 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 7.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 551 pcph 420 pcph Movement Capacity: 551 pcph 420 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 96.7% 96.9% LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 709 vph 809 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 742 pcph 659 pcph Movement Capacity: 742 pcph 659 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 95.3% 96.1 % Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 90.8% 93.4% THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1556 vph 1505 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 7.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 113 pcph 80 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEO.85 0.85 Movement Capacity: 96 pcph 68 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 94.8% 79.4% LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow. 1499 vph 1497 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 99 pcph 99 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.67 0.80 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(Q'p.5 0.85 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movementei.72 0.82 Movement Capacity: 71 pcph 81 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes 9 Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 19 71 - 67.8 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 5 96 271 14.5 C-Normal Delays 3 8.6 Sec Right Turn 18 551 271 14.5 C- Normal Delays Shared Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 52 81 - 102.3 F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 14 68 114 41.2 E -Very Long Delays 81.4 sec Right Turn 13 420 114 41.2 E -Very Long Delays Major Street Left Turns Volume I Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay Major Left Leg 26 659 5.7 B- Short Delays 0.2 sec. Major Right Leg 35 742 5.1 B-Short Delays 0.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 4.9 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTEOCTION ANALYSIS . October 11, 1997 01:56 PM C:\UNSIG3\REMING.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS YEAR 1999 SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=45 MPH S= STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL RESTRICTED SIGHT DISTANCE X X I Grade= SHARED LANES X X I 0% RADIUS <50 ft S S Is ! NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE � NO RIGHT TURN LANE �- Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. (2 LANES) Major Left Leg Grade= 0 % —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S ( S RADIUS< 50 ft 1 Grade= ! X X SHARED LANES 0% ! I SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 4 503 29 31 1600 ( 12 16 0 17 6 0 3 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 j .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 i .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 5 592 34 36 !706 14 19 0 20 7 0 4 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 5 •592 34 40 1706 14 21 0 22 8 0 4 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND SATURATION VOLUMES \ 410 � 8 ) 14 120 <-- 706 180 Major Right Leg IP 40 5 Major Left Leg 800 592 F2070 34 2 10 '2 NOTE: 11 I '2 Saturation Volumes`are used ! I to calculate Probability of ! Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Tum Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. _ MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN4)SECTION ANALYSIS October 11, 1997 01:56 PM C:IUNSIG3\REMING.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE EXISTING PLUS YEAR 1999 SITE TRAFFIC TWO LANE MINOR APPS CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 609 vph 713 vph Critical Gap: 6.1 seconds 7.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 615 pcph 439 pcph Movement Capacity: 615 pcph 439 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 96.4% 99.1 % LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 626 vph 720 vph Critical Gap: 5.3 seconds 5.3 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 819 pcph 733 pcph Movement Capacity: 819 pcph 733 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 95.1 % 99.3% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 91.8% 98.9% THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1370 vph 1380 vph Critical Gap: 6.9 seconds 7.9 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 148 pcph 99 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementE0.91 0.91 Movement Capacity: 134 pcph 90 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 100.0% 100.0% LEFT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1365 vph 1373 vph Critical Gap: 7.4 seconds 7.4 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 122 pcph 120 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.91 0.91 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(Q'R3 0.93 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementsO.92 0.90 Movement Capacity: 112 pcph 108 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume I Capacity Capacity I DELAY i Level Of Service Left Tum 21 112 - 39.2 E -Very Long Delays Ave Delay X Through 0 134 615 6.1 B- Short Delays 22.3 se X Right Tum 22 i 615 615 6.1 B -Short Delays Shared Minor Top Leg Volume 1 Capacity Capacity DELAY i Level Of Service Left Tum 8 108 - j 36.0 E -Very Long Delays Ave Delay X Through 0 90 439 ; 8.3 j B -Short Delays 26.8 SecJ X Right Tum 4 439 439 ' 8.3 B - Short Delays Major Street Left Tums Volume Capacity DELAY Level Of Service _ Ave Delay X Major Left Leg i 5 733 + 4.9 A- Little Delay 0.0 sec.! X Major Right Leg 40 819 ! a.s A- Little Delay 0.2 sec.; Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 1.0 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES • WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:44 PM C:\UNSIG3\REMIN2.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE YEAR 2017 FULL DEVELOPMENT INTERSECTION GEOMETRY a PREVAILING SPEED=35 MPH S=STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Grade= SHARED LANES X X 0% RADIUS<50 ft S S S �J NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE J, NO RIGHT TURN LANE F— Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. EXCLUSIVE LEFT LANE (MULTI LANES) EXCLUSIVE LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= X X SHARED LANES 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right I left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 50 705 30 30 740 120 15 5 15 40 10 10 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 56 783 33 33 822 133 17 6 17 44 11 11 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 61 783 33 37 822 133 18 6 18 49 12 12 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND SATURATION VOLUMESI 1 1 4 2 2 9 r E-- 822 180 Major Right Leg 37 61 Major Left Leg 800 783 —� 200 33 1 6 1 NOTE: 8 8 Saturation Volumes are used to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the issha meet Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg MARVIN&ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:44 PM C:\UNSIG3\REMIN2.INT REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE YEAR 2017 FULL DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 408 vph 478 vph Critical Gap: 5.7 seconds 5.7 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 841 pcph 772 pcph Movement Capacity: 841 pcph 772 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 97.9% 98.4% LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 817 vph 956 vph Critical Gap: 5.6 seconds 5.6 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 611 pcph 512 pcph Movement Capacity: 611 pcph 512 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 93.9% 88.1 % Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) NA NA THROUGH FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1844 vph 1794 vph Critical Gap: 6.8 seconds 6.8 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 78 pcph 84 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementE0.83 0.83 Movement Capacity: 65 pcph 69 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 90.7% 82.7% LEFT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1717 vph 1764 vph Critical Gap: 7.3 seconds 7.3 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds i Potential Capacity: 73 pcph 68 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.68 0.75 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'76 0.81 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEO.74 0.79 Movement Capacity: 55 pcph 54 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 18 55 - 95.7 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 6 65 210 19.4 C -Normal Delays 52.1 sec Right Turn 18 841 210 19.4 C - Normal Delays Shared Minor Top Leg Volume Capacity Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Left Turn 49 54 - 213.5 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay Through 12 69 127 34.8 E -Very Long Delays 154.7 se . Right Turn 12 772 127 34.8 E-Very Long Delays Major Street Left Turns Volume I Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay Major Left Leg 61 512 8.0 B-Short Delays 0.6 sec. Major Right Leg 37 611 6.3 B -Short Delays 0.2 sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 7.2 seconds i MARVIN &ASSOCIATES i WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS October 12, 1997 03:42 PM REMINGTON WAY&S 19TH AVE C:\UNSIG3\REMIN2.INT YEAR 2017 FULL DEVELOPMENT MINOR STREET QUEUE LENGTHS NOTE: AND LANE CONFIGURATIONS Queue Lengths are displayed by lane 95th Percentile Queue Lengths groupings-not by movement according to the 1994 HCM for a 15 minute counting period based on saturation and capacity in Minor Top Leg vehicles per hour. Right and Through Movements Share a Lane 1 3 Major Right Leg Major Left Leg 1 1 Right and Through Movements Share a Lane Minor Bottom Leg v I t , MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTIRECTION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 12:02 PM LINCOLN LANE&S 19TH AVE • EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED= 35 MPH S =STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. j ! Grade= SHARED LANES X X X 1 0% RADIUS <50 ft S :S 'S NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE INO RIGHT TURN LANE E— Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% —� NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN i S I S I S RADIUS<50 ft Grade= j X X I X SHARED LANES 0% I I SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. LARGE POPULATION Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 2 1455 1 20 150 1568 1 6 8 1 191 14 6 12 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 1 .85 j .85 .85 .85 I .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 2 1535 24 176 1668 1 7 9 1 225 16 7 14 .PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 3 !535 24 194 668 7 10 1 247 18 8 16 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) I AND SATURATION VOLUMES i 1 1 ! 6 8181 <-- 668 180 Major Right Leg 194 3 Major Left Leg 800 535 —� F2070 24 +1 11 +2 NOTE: 0 i 14 Saturation Volumes.are used 1 ! 17 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the 1 Major Street Left Turn Lane is shared. Minor Bottom Leg MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INECTION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 12:02 PM LINCOLN LANE&S 19TH AVE EXISTING CONDITIONS CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM: Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 547 vph 672 vph Critical Gap: 5.7 seconds 5.7 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 709 pcph 609 pcph Movement,Capacity: 709 pcph 609 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 65.2% 97.4% LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Leff Leg Conflicting Flow: 559 vph 675 vph Critical Gap: 5.1 seconds 5.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 914 pcph 802 pcph Movement Capacity: 914 pcph 802 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 78.8 % 99.6% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 65.9% 99.5% THROUGH FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1401 vph 1409 vph Critical Gap: 6.3 seconds 6.3 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 179 pcph 177 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEf.66 0.66 Movement Capacity: 117 pcph 116 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 99.1 % 93.1 % LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1408 vph 1511 vph Critical Gap: 6.8 seconds 6.8 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 144 pcph 125 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.61 0.65 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'7.0 0.73 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEf.68 0.47 Movement Capacity: 98 pcph 59 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume Capacity I Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service 4 X Left Turn 10 98 562 11.7 C - Normal Delays Ave Delay X Through 1 117 562 11.7 C - Normal Delays 11.7 sec? X; Right.Tum ' 247 709 562 11.7 C - Normal Delays Shared Minor Top Leg Volume :Capacity;Capacity! DELAY Level Of Service X Left Tum 18 59 105 55.4 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay X,Through 8 116 105 55.4 F -Severe Congestion 55.4 sect X Right Tum 16 609 105 ! 55.4 F - Severe Congestion Major Street Left Tums Volume ;Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay X Major Left Leg 3 802 j 4.5 A- Little Delay 0.00.0 sec X Major RightLeg 194 914 5.0 A- Little Delay 1.1 sec.; Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 3.7 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES VVINUNWU version o.uu 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IN SECTION ANALYSIS October 10, 1997 12:05 PM LINCOLN LANE &S 19TH AV EXISTING CONDITIONS PLUS SITE TRAFFIC • INTERSECTION GEOMETRY PREVAILING SPEED=35 MPH S = STOP CONTROL Minor Top Leg Y=YIELD CONTROL I SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. i Grade= SHARED LANES X ix I 0% RADIUS <50 ft S I S S1 i NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN NO ACCELERATION LANE \` NO RIGHT TURN LANE 77 Grade= 0%Major Right Leg LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. SHARED LEFT LANE (2 LANES) SHARED LEFT LANE LT SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg Grade= 0% NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCELERATION LANE NO RIGHT TURN STOP OR YIELD SIGN S S S RADIUS< 50 ft Grade= ' X X X SHARED LANES 0% SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. i I LARGE POPULATION - Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right Leg Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg left thru right left thru right left thru right left thru right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 2 575 40 150 675 6 25 1 190 14 • 6 12 i PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 i .85 i .85 .85 ' .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 ;PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 2 676 47 176 794 7 29 ! 1 224 16 7 i 14 :PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 3 676 47 194 1794 7 32 1 1 246 18 8 16 VOLUMES IN PCPH Minor Top Leg (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) AND 1 SATURATION VOLUMES li � 11 6i8l8 ? F— 794 180 Major Right Leg 194 3 Major Left Leg 800 676 --� 2 070 47 ;3 1 2 NOTE: 2 4 Saturation Volumes are used 6 to calculate Probability of Queue Free States when the Major Street Left Turn Lane Minor Bottom Leg is shared. MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED IPSECTION ANALYSIS . October 10, 1997 12:05 PM LINCOLN LANE&S 19TH A i EXISTING CONDITIONS PLUS SITE TRAFFIC CAPACITY ANALYSIS RIGHT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 700 vph 798 vph Critical Gap: 5.7 seconds 5.7 seconds Headway Gap: 2.6 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 589 pcph 522 pcph Movement Capacity: 589 pcph 522 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 58.2% 96.9% LEFT TURN FROM: Major Right Leg Major Left Leg Conflicting Flow: 724 vph 801 vph Critical Gap: 5.1 seconds 5.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 760 pcph 696 pcph Movement Capacity: 760 pcph 696 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 74.5% 99.6% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 53.8% 99.3% THROUGH FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1680 vph 1700 vph Critical Gap: 6.3 seconds 6.3 seconds Headway Gap: 3.3 seconds 3.3 seconds Potential Capacity: 125 pcph 121 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementED.53 0.53 Movement Capacity: 67 pcph 65 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: 98.5% 87.7% LEFT TURN FROM. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Top Leg Conflicting Flow: 1687 vph 1789 vph Critical Gap: 6.8 seconds 6.8 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds Potential Capacity: 97 pcph 84 pcph Major Left, Minor Through, Impedance Factor(p"): 0.47 0.53 Major Left, Minor Through,Adjusted Impedance Factor(0'08 0.63 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding MovementEO.56 0.37 Movement Capacity: 55 pcph 31 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Minor Bottom Leg Volume i Capacity;Capacity I DELAY Level Of Service X Left Tum 32 55 274 i 95.4 ! F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Through 1 1 67 274 95.4 I F -Severe Congestion ! ; 95.4 sec: X Right Tum 246 ; 589 274 95.4 F -Severe Congestion ! Shared Minor Top Leg I Volume 1 Capacity 1 Capacity I DELAY ; Level Of Service X Left Tum 18 31 57 161.7 F -Severe Congestion Ave Delay X Through a 65 57 161.7 F -Severe Congestion 161 7 sec. X. Right Tum i 16 522 57 161.7 ; F -Severe Congestion Major Street Left Turns Volume Capacity DELAY Level Of Service Ave Delay X Major Left Leg 3 696 5.2 j B - Short Delays 1 0.0 sec.! NX Major Right Leg I 194 760 6.4 1 B - Short Delays i 1.2 sec.: Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 17.0 seconds MARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INTJWCTION ANALYSIS • October 10, 1997 10:47 AM S. 11TH & KAGY EXISTING CONMDITIONS INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S = STOP CONTROL =:. (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y=YIELD CONTROL"', AND PREVAILING SPEED=35 MPH SATURATION VOLUMES, E— Grade= 0% E— 366 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. 13 Major Left Leg rSHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg Grade= 0% Major Right Leg 402 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 139 NO RIGHT TURN RADIUS<50 ft 1 13 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= X X SHARED LANES 9I 8 NOTE: 0% 5 Saturation Volumes are use LARGE SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. I to calculate Probability of POPULATION Queue Free States when th Major Street Left Turn Lane is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left thru left right , j UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 342 118 10 1 311 151 29 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 i .85 .85 .85 i PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 402 139 12 366 178 34 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 1 402 139 13 366 195 38 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 849 vph 472 vph Critical Gap. 6.8 seconds 5.7 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 318 pcph 778 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemenia:98 Movement Capacity: 312 pcph 778 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg . Conflicting Flow: 541 vph Critical Gap: 5.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 933 pcph Movement Capacity: 933 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 98.6% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 98.3% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements Volume 1 Capacity 1 Capacity DELAY ! Level Of Service D - Lon Delays Av�a Delay X Left From Minor Bottom Leg 195 312 346 j 29.4 9i29.4 sec.i X Right From Minor.Bottom Leg 38 1 778 346 i 29.4 D - Long Delays X Left From Major Right Leg 13 i 933 - 3.9 ! A- Little Delay 10.1 sec. i Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 6.0 seconds IMARVIN &ASSOCIATES WINUNSIG version 3.Ob 1994 HCM UNSIGNALIZED INT(#ECTION ANALYSIS • October 10, 1997 10:49 AM S. 11 TH & KAGY i EXISTING PLUS SITE TRAFFIC INTERSECTION GEOMETRY VOLUMES IN PCPH S=STOP CONTROL (PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES) Y= YIELD CONTROL AND PREVAILING SPEED= 35 MPH SATURATION VOLUMESI E— Grade= 0% F— 435 1800 (2 LANES) SIGHT DISTANCE O.K. Major Left Leg SHARED LEFT LANE Major Left Leg 19 Grade= 0% � Major Right Leg 435 Major Right Leg NO RIGHT TURN LANE �NO ACCEL. LANE 139 S Is NO RIGHT TURN I RADIUS <50 ft 1 4 STOP OR YIELD SIGN Grade= XI X SHARED LANES 91 5 NOTE: 0% Saturation Volumes are u, SIGHT DISTANCE O1ARGE .K. 5 i to calculate Probability of POPULATION I Queue Free States when Major Street Left Turn tar is shared. Minor Bottom Leg Minor Bottom Leg VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Major Left Leg Major Right LegMinor Bottom Leg thru right left thru left right UNADJUSTED VOLUMES 370 118 15 I 370 151 35 PEAK HOUR FACTORS .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 PHF ADJUSTED VOLUMES 435 139 18 435 178 41 PCE ADJUSTED VOLUMES 435 139 19 ' 435 195 45 CAPACITY ANALYSIS Minor Bottom Leg LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN Conflicting Flow: 958 vph 505 vph Critical Gap: 6.8 seconds 5.7 seconds Headway Gap: 3.4 seconds 2.6 seconds Potential Capacity: 273 pcph 747 pcph Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movemen13:97 - Movement Capacity: 265 pcph 747 pcph LEFT TURN FROM Major Right Leg Conflicting Flow: 574 vph Critical Gap: 5.1 seconds Headway Gap: 2.1 seconds Potential Capacity: 899 pcph Movement Capacity: 899 pcph Probability of Queue Free State: (exclusive) 97.9% Probability of Queue Free State: (shared) 97.2% SHARED LANE CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS X indicates shared lanes Shared Movements ; Volume 1 Capacity j Capacity DELAY ' Level Of Service X Left From Minor Bottom Leg 1 195 I 265 302 45.9 F - Severe Congestion Ave Delay 45.9 sec. X Right From Minor Bottom Leg 45 j 747 1 302 45.9 F -Severe Congestion X Left From Major Right Leg 19 899 - 4.1 A Little Delay 0.2—sec. Average Total Delay for the entire intersection: 8.8 seconds , 1 f APPENDIX "C" SPOT SPEED STUDY t Page 38 • 0 SPOT SPEED STUDY ANALYSIS SITE; 19TH AVENUE SOUTH OF KAGY DIRECTION: NORTHBOUND t DATE: 05/06/97 TIME: 10:30 TO 11:30 am »:SREED.......CUMEIG»::::»>RECAIVt :::?:CtlME11 ATLVE RAN GE>''s.>E �»`: SREE..;:;::::....:REQ<•`•.•.' F:RExY"�....................lad.....................�.............. 9 to 11 10 0 0 0.00% 0.000/ 12 to 14 13 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 15 to 17 16 0 0 0.00% 0.00a/ 18 to 20 19 0 0 0.00% 0.00a/ 21 to 23 22 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 24 to 26 25 0 0 0.00% 0.00'/ 27 to 29 28 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 30 to 32 31 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 33 to 35 34 1 1 1.06% 1.06 36 to 38 37 3 4 3.19% 4.26% 39 to 41 40 6 10 6.38% 10.64% 42 to 44 43 8 18 8.51% 19.15% 45 to 47 46 11 29 11.70% 30.86% 48 to 50 49 16 45 17.02% 47.87% 51 to , 63 62 20 65 21.M.' ` 69.15% 54 to 66 55 15 80 15.96%• 85.11% 57 to 59 68 7 87 7.46% 92.56% 60 to 62 61 3 90 3.19% 96.74% 63 to 66 64 2 92 2.13% 97.87% 66 to 68 67 1 93 1.06% 98.94% 69 to 71 70 1 94 1.06% 100.00'/ 72 to 74 73 0 94 0.00% 100.00% 75 to 77 76 0 94 0.00% 100.00% 78 to 80 79 0 94 0.000/ 100.00'/ TOTAL:':VEFIICGES 9 .. :.i::i ...v::::: MEANSPEED:..:::....::::::::.:::.:.:.50:40::'rn ti ::>:;::':::>«:>«:>::>:<:> <:>::< :`:::::::::::`:: > ::::>::::::<:::':::::• 4 85 TH:PERCEN:TILE.:...:; C 'SRE'.D''>:;>'; >;;' ::46?'>? '>:".ti??'z> 'zz>'a?TO's«>'>'> '« h.FA E. E. ..... .... . .; ... m ::....::::.........:::::.:....:..:::::.. ::.. ....:. Graph ma S ................................................. W W% wUO w CL&#AAnVE% .......................................... K w ..................................... IL ra K w a M v a m n 31 a a r a a a a a a al a o ro n n n SPEED WILESMDUR) ka ho I'm APPENDIX"D" TURN LANE WARRANTS Page 39 AASHTO Table IX-15. Guide For Left Turn Lane 800 700 o E 600 5 /o LT > 500 , o � 10 /o LT 400 15% LTO -v 300 —�— Q 20% LT 200 100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Opposing Volume 13.4(2) INTERSECTIONS AT-GRADE AprW•71994 V 120 100 - RIGHT-TURN LANE AWAY % � BE JUSTIFIED i 80 z it c i•. 0 o = w Cr w a 60 0 w > w Z J � = RICHT-TURN LANE MAY '7 NOT BE JUSTIFIED . c 40 i 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 TOTAL DHV,VEHICLES PER HOUR,IN ONE DIRECTION Noie: For highways with a design speed below 80 km/h with a DHV<300 and where right turns > 40, an adjustment should be used. To read the vertical axis of the chart, subtract 20 from the actual number of right turns. Example Given: Design Speed '= 60 km/h DHV = 250 vph Right Turns = 100 vph Problem: Determine if a right-turn lane is necessary.- Solution: To read the vertical axis, use 100 - 20 = 80 vph. The figure indicates that a right-turn lane is not necessary, unless other factors (e.g.. high accident rate) indicate a lane is needed. GUIDELINES FOR RIGHT-TURN LANES AT UNSIGNA IZED INTERSECTIONS S ON 2-LANE HIGHWAYS Figure 13.4A