HomeMy WebLinkAbout638300220382875040) { IRE #2 . ADO6 SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION r_ -rr..�..► -...... ..ra. i 70 co i p . i ' i Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. A ' ENVRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ' COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT AND TRAFFIC ASSESSIBILITY ' & IMPACT EVALUATION ' for ' SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION Bozeman, Montana Prepared for: t Spring Meadow Partnership P 9 P Bozeman, Montana Prepared by: �} Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. ,t ' Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors 0 Suite 200 Creekside Q P.O. Box 861 ' 1001 South 24th Street West Bozeman, Montana 59715 Billings, Montana 59102-3091 406-586-0588 406-656-5255 F �h 4 4�. c �u d pp� 1 f } a Ir i 1� ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY IMPACT SPRING MEADOW SUBDIVISION for SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP t Prepared by: ' SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. February 4 , 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' E ' ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PAGE 1 Surface Water 1 2 Groundwater 2 3 Geology-Soils-Slope 2 ' 4 Vegetation 3 5 Wildlife 3 6 Visual Impact 3 COMMUNITY IMPACT 1 Water 4 2 Sewage 5 3 Solid Waste 5 4 Roads 5 5 Utilities 6 6 Emergency Services 6 ' 7 Schools 7 LIST OF FIGURES ' Area Map - Figure 1 2 ' Preliminary Plat Separate ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROPOSED SPRING MEADOW SUBDIVISION Introduction The proposed Spring Meadow Subdivision is located in the NW o ' Section 19, & C.O.S. No. 819A, in NW a of Section 19 ,.. T. 2S. , R. 6E, P.M.M. , City of Bozeman, Montana. The proposed subdivision is , located immediately east of the present end of Graf Street and be- tween Graf Park and Highland Golf Course. A location map is included on the following page of this report. A copy of the Preliminary Plat is included in the map pocket. 1. Surface Water Two creeks traverse the area of the preliminary plat. One is Flat ' Creek at the .northeast corner ::-of the proposed subdivision. The second is Mathew Bird Creek at the west edge. Both- creeks have ' designated flood plains. Thirty-five foot easements on each side of Mathew Bird Creek are proposed. Flat Creek is proposed to be t relocated towards the Golf Course. The streets that cross these ' drainages will require a 310 Permit. These permits will be obtained prior to construction of the streets. ' Graf Street will cross Mathew Bird Creek. The drainage structure ' will be designed to pass the 100 year flow without increasing the flood elevation more than the flood ordinanace allows. A 310 , Permit and flood plain permit will be obtained prior to construc- tion. 1 -1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 flCl ❑ Storm water will be handled at two separate -locations. Graf Street ' and all the area in the preliminary plat to the south will be drained . to inlets on Graf 'S.treet. ' This water will' be routed to an ' oil separator/sediment tank with a flow surcharge basin. Reduced flow from this system will be routed to Mathew Bird Creek. A similar system will be constructed to drain Spring Meadows Drive. ' The reduced flow from this system will be directed to Flat Creek. 2. Ground Water The ground water levels varied from 4 to 7 feet across the site on ' March 31 , 1987. The development of the proposed subdivision will ' not adversely affect- the ground water.—Caution should be taken. in basement construction due to groundwater depth. , 3 . Geology _ Soils _ Slopes , The Gallatin Valley is a high seismic risk area. This factor shall be taken into account in the design of structures. There are no ' known faults across the subdivision. Soils in the area consist of silty loams over dense sandy and silty gravel. The silty loam soil , varies in depth from 7. 5 to 8. 5 feet deep. The soils will not pre- ' sent any unusual conditions for construction. They are typical to most of the Bozeman area. The water table will require dewatering for the installation of utilities, but not to a degree that will require an intensive design-construction scheme. ' The cuts and fills on this site will be less than 3 feet in depth. The street grades are proposed to match closely to the existing topography. -2 ' 4. Vegetation The land in the proposed subdivision is .pr.esently used for hay crop. The existing vegetation along the drainages i.s pasture ' grass, except for very limited brushy areas. 5. Wildlife The historic farming of this property, lack of trees and proximity of Bozeman limits the wildlife on the site. There are no critical wildlife areas associated with this site. 6. Visual Impact The proposed subdivision is lower than the surrounding developed ' area. This will limit the visual impact upon the surrounding area. The Development Gui,de:liries list.:: the additional factors for site development that will insure harmonious growth in the . ' Development. -3- 1 COMMUNITY IMPACT 1. WATER A. Source ' Water for the subdivision will be provided by means of the' City of. ' Bozeman water system. The proposed line sizes are shown on the preliminary plat. The following table lists the water requirements ' for the amount of water that flows through the "meter" into the buildings. , Doipestic Demand (minimum demand expected) , Population ' Equivalents Number of Per GPM** Type Dwelling- Units Unit Total GPD* Peak ' Residential Units 60 2. 50 150 30 ,750 --- Retirement ' Units 60 1. 75 105 21, 525 --- TOTALS 120 255 52, 275 145 B. Capacity ' The proposed connection to the existing City water system has capa- city to meet and exceed the domestic and fire demands of the pro- ' posed subdivision. The water mains will be connected to the existing 24" water main shown on the preliminary plat and to the ma�doas existing main in Westridge"to the north. *Gallons per day ** Gallons per minute ' -4- ' The plans, specifications and construction ,of the water , sewer and streets will be to the requirements of the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (DHES) and the City of Bozeman standards. 2. SEWAGE , A. Connection to Existing System The sewage collection system will be connected to the existing sewer main in Westridge, about 1100 feet north of the proposed sub- , division. The projected water use shown on the previous page is the same as the projected sewer flows. ' 3. SOLID WASTE , The solid waste collection will be by the 'City of Bozeman or pri- vate hauler with disposal in the City or Logan landfill. The ' collection and disposal *of solid waste will comply with the DHES requirements. , 4. ROADS ' A. On-Site - Off-Site Streets The proposed Spring Meadows Subdivision will build approximately 1200 lineal feet on Graf Street as a public street and 1100 lineal , feet on Spring Meadow Drive as private streets. The primary access will be on Graf Street to South Third. An emergency access , will be built to Fairway Drive. A full traffic accessibility and impact study . is attached. B. Access All of the lots as proposed on the preliminary plat would have , -5 access to interior residential streets. No direct access- to arterial streets would be required. , C. Pollution and Erosion The storm drainage system and the erosion control measure will be ' reviewed and apporved by the DHES and City of Bozeman...pri:or to construction. D. Cost , The cost of installation will be paid by the developer or lot owners. Graf Street will become part of the City of Bozeman street , system and will be maintained by the City. Spring Meadow Drive and Billion Place will be rivate .str.eets . and be aintained b the P .m. . . Y . homeowners association. 5. UTILITIES The power , natural gas and telephone will be constructed under- ground for distribution within the proposed preliminary plat. , 6 . EMERGENCY SERVICES The following is a list of the emergency services available: Ambulance Halls Emergency Service ' g Y Police Bozeman Police Department - Fire Bozeman Fire Department Emergency Room Bozeman Deaconess Hospital , -6- 7. SCHOOLS The proposed subdivision will provide 60 family units which will entail' 30 children in the school system. The 60 retirement units ' will not impact the schools. r r r . r i i 1 1 r 1 r r, TRAFFIC ACCESSIBILITY AND IMPACT EVALUATION for SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION Bozeman, Montana Prepared for : Spring Meadow Partnership Bozeman, Montana Prepared by: r Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. ' P. 0. Box 861 Bozeman, Montana February, 1987 , 86-512 . r I. INTRODUCTION Spring Meadows Partnership proposes to develop a subdivision on the south end of Bozeman called Spring Meadows Subdivision. P 9 Figure 1 shows the location of the proposed subdivision. The proposed development will include both single family and multi-family residential housing and a retirement village. It is estimated that there will be 60 single family/multi family units, and 60 . retirement units. Spring Meadows Partnership has retained Sanderson/Stewart/ Gaston Engineering, Inc. , to subdivide the property, design , the 'street* and utility improvements and to prepare the traffic accessibility study for the proposed project. This report addresses the estimated trip generation, trip distribution and trip assignment for the site traffic; traffic accessibility and impacts of site traffic; existing street capacity and traffic control devices. II . EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM The proposed subdivision will be served primarily by Graf Street and South Third Avenue. Existing Graf Street is designated as a collector in the Bozeman Master Plan and is approximately 700 feet long. Graf Street is 37 feet wide from back to back of curb with parking allowed on both sides. The pavement is in good condition. Graf Street is stop sign controlled at South Third Avenue. -1- 1 i . . .. . .. .. .. r Spring Meoaow Location ' 3rd Graf Figure I ' South Third Avenue is identified as..a minor arterial= street on the Bozeman Transportation Plan from the south city limits to Ragy: Boulevard. It ins: a two : lane. rural arterial; approximate- ly 25 feet wide with gravel shoulders and no curb and gutter. The pavement is in fair condition. The speed limit is 25 mph between the city limits and Ragy Boulevard. Wagonwheel Road and Graf Street are stop sign contoll d at South Third Avenu e. Figure 2 shows the estimated existing traffic volumes on the streets in the site area. Traffic volumes shown in Figure 2 ' were estimated from the Bozeman Transportation Plan and from counts conducted by the City of Bozeman and Sanderson/Stewart/ Gaston Engineering, Inc. in the fall of 1986 . Appendix A, at the back of this report, shows the results of these traffic counts in the - site area. hII . TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SPRING MEADOWS -SUBDIVISION A. Trip Generation The proposed subdivision will include single family and multi- family housing and a retirement complex. Trip Generation by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, ird Edition 1982 ' P 9 ,. .► presents the results of over 300 studies of subdivisions. ILL12 Generation does not present any studies on duplex housing.. In general multi-family housing generates fewer trips per dwelling unit than single family detached housing. However, it is 'also characteristic that higher priced more suburban housing generates more trips per dwelling unit in general. -2- 600 4200 r Ko 2800-a- /-,-WOO-lVWr 5000 r M nI3000 Q Spring Meador Location Rn 9 r Graf r 150 f I000 800 Figure 2. Estimoted Existing Traffic— 1986 AOT 1 Since the proposed subdivision -will have -quality, fairly expensive housing in an outlying area bordering a golf course t and a parki: we- estimate the duplex *units will generate the ' same volume of traffic as . the single family detached dwelling units. We estimate that the average weekday trip generation to and from the subdivision will be 10 vehicle trips per dwelling unit. ITE projects the retirement village to have 3 .3 trips per unit. The am peak hour (7:30 to 8:30 am) and the pm peak hour (5:00 to 6:00 pm) trip generation to and from the subdivision is shown in the table below. Table I - Estimated Trip Generation Spring Meadows Subdivision # AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR . Dwell- Average IN: OUT IN OUT Type ing Weekday Factor # Factor # Factor # Factor # Unit Units TripsPer DU Tri Per DU Tri s Per DU Trips Per DU -Trips Residential 60 600 .21 13 .55 33 .63 38 .37 22 Retirement 60 198 .11 7 .29 17 .29 17 .15 9 Total 120 798 20 50 55 31 r The trip generation rates shown are average rates for residen- tial developments. Actual trip generation for the proposed subdivisions may be higher or lower than that shown. B. Trip Distribution , Site traffic distribution is the percentage of site generated traffic on each of the major approach routes which serve the site. The estimation of site traffic distribution can be done -3- �, by several methods. The methods that are usually used are: 1. Area of influence method r 2, Origin - destination data method 3. Surveying of adjacent datamethod t This report reflects a combination of the origin - destination data method and the surveying of adjacent similar develop- ments. Trip tables for the year 2000 for the Bozeman metro- politan area were acquired form the Montana Department of Highways which were developed in conjunction withethe, Bozeman Transportation Plan. We have reviewed the results of the ori- gin - destination table analysis with peak hour traffic counts which we conducted in the site area on South Third Avenue. The combination of the origin - destination tables with the traffic counts results in our estimated site traffic distribu- tion shown in Figure 3. S C. Trip Assignment In order to assign the site generated traffic to the surrounding street network, the trip generation estimates pre- sented in Table I are distrubuted to the streets providing access to and from the site according to the percentages of total trips shown in Figure 3. Figures 4 and 5 show the esti- mated average weekday and peak hour site traffic assignments. D. Non-Site Through Traffic Non-site through traffic has been estimated in the Bozeman Transportation Plan. The year 2000 projections are based on -4- , • 1 1 6% Ifz 40% Kagy 30% 9% 85% n— Lj , . M Q Spring Meadow Location Pn 9 , [850/1 trot I , 100% 5% 10% Figure 3. Estimated Site Troffic Distribution - r 48 S �319 Kagyr 239 72 678� v. M • t Q S p 'n Meadow Location Pn 9 i 1678 Graf _ 798 0 80 Figure 4. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT — ADT r 1 r . r r Kagy IZ r r M r r r r QSpring Meadow Location 0 r �� 1 17/47 42/26 ,,AM PEAK XX/XX 3/8 8/5 �PM PEAK r r Figure 5. PEAK HOUR SITE TRAFFIC— GRAF a 3rd 1 ■ i i 8200 ' Ko 9r�� 10,500 v on .. - � r 67 r QSpring Meadow Location a 1 Graf -�f r r . rFigure 6. BOZEMAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN ESTIMATED TOTAL TRAFFIC YEAR 2000 ADT assumptions of type, rate and intensity of future development. i The accuracy of the traffic volume projections will depend on ' the accuracy of the assumptions used to make the estimates. A faster or slower rate of development, zone changes, etc. , will affect the accuracy of these estimates. The estimated.- year . . 2000 traffic volumes shown in the Bozeman Transportation Plan r are presented in Figure 6. IV. TRAFFIC IMPACTS AND ACCESSIBILITY The proposed Spring Meadows Subdivision will generate approxi- mately 798 vehicle trips on an average weekday. This traffic will primarily affect Graf Street, South Third Avenue and the intersection of Kagy Boulevard and South Third Avenue. Other streets will experience lesserAmpacts which will' decrease in : magnitude the further they are from this site, due to the , dispersion of traffic. Year 2000 traffic- volumes estimated in—. .. . the Bozeman. Transportation Plan show an increase in traffic on South Third Avenue which indicates that additional development was anticipated in this area. A. Warrant Analysis In order to estimate the need for traffic signals at a future date, we need to estimate the average weekday traffic volumes and the hourly variations in traffic volumes for the highest 8 ' hours of an average weekday. We have evaluated the need for traffic signals at the inter- section of Kagy Boulevard and .South Third Avenue. We have -5- estimated the average weekday traffic volumes from traffic counts done in 1-9-86.:by .the City of Bozeman and Sanderson/ ' Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. For the year 2000 traffic signal warrant analysis, we have used the estimates from the Bozeman Transportation Plan for average weekday traffic. For the hourly variation in traffic volumes, we have used a 24- hour automatic count by the City of Bozeman on South Third Avenue just south of Kagy Boulevard. Figures 7 and . 8 show the traffic signal warrant analysis at South Third and Kagy for 1986 and 2000 . The Manual on Uniform ' Traffic Control Devices states that "It is always desirable to have at least two lanes for moving traffic on each approach to , a signalized intersection" . Assuming two lanes of approach from each direction, this intersection is not meeting traffic signal warrants with the existing traffic, it will not meet traffic signal warrants with the development of the proposed subdivision, but it will meet traffic signal warrants with anticipated increases in non-site traffic by about the year ' 2000. B. Capactiy Analysis The unsignalized intersection capacity analysis has been ' calculated at the intersection of South Third and Graf Street in the am and pm peak hours of an average weekday. The design traffic volumes that were used to calculate the capacity where the existing traffic volumes plus the estimated site traffic. -6- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,� ���' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F1GUizE 7. SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 19S10 EST Calc: Date: ANE. WE-F_K-D9.y Ma 'or St. �. 3"—� AvE/wiLL`�►�1 Critical A roach S eed 35 m h JPP P P Minor St. KAA.-/ (We_t,+6 ) Critical Approach Speed 35 mph r Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph orI Rural (R) in built-up area of isolated community 10, 000 pop. p I Urban WARRANT #1 Minimum vehicular volume , Satisfied Yes No 47 ° i Re uiremt , U R U I R Number of Approaches 'm8f 420 'c4 33vrig 11414 1 529 14051 32Z -Major Street 1300 0 'Minor. Street 50 '105 200 140 1 116 154 IZ3 WARRANT #2 Interuption of continuous traffic MR Satisfied Yes No . 1 Min. Re uiremt , U R U 1 . R Number of 1 m$ e Approaches Maio Maior S Minor Street 75 53 100 70 ' ' I • I F►GU�.E S• . SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. ' T 'R .:.A. F. 'F- ..I.. .C: S I GNAL WARRANTS ' Calc: Date: AVE. WEE4MV i Major St. V.J Critical Approach Speed . . 30S7 - mph Minor St. WILLSOtJ Critical Approach Speed 35 mph ' Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph I] orl Rural (R) in built-up area of isolated community 10, 000 pop. [3 � Urban U� WARRANT #1 Minimum vehicular volume ' i Satisfied Yes No Re uiremt , U R U I R Number of 1 moe Approaches 7-6 g-9 iz-/ 3-4 4,-7 7--8 ' Major Street 500 6 0 4 2 0 G?o lo29 7�J L19 9i 1/L7 893 711 Minor 'Street 150 105 200 140 271 Z Z99 Z 3Gq 472 U..J Z87 • 1 WARRANT #2 Interuption of continuous traffic Satisfied Yes No , Min. Re uiremt , U R 57 R Number of r Approaches 1 more 1 Ma ' Minor Street 75 1531100 70 1 1 1 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 10-37 IGuRE �• WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS 1 1 LOCATION: s. 3 rJ E , AK F T. . NAME: P K I til LL A HOURLY VOLUMES VOLUMES IN PCPH RD � N , Major Street: s� � — N = IQ — Vs2$ V ~V — S Grade �-y V2 V,2� V2 D% V3 � �N=© — 3 _ 1) V' V9 7 9 Date of Coun AY /3 W2 a STOP — — Time Period:L M, RZAtA — — ❑ YIELD Average Running Speed: N=0/ Minor t Street: PHF: Grade % GP.AF Sr, VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS ' Movement No. 2 .3 4 5 7 9 Volume-vph) z0 3 2 ) Z 8 13 142 Vol.(pcph),see Table 104 y2 STEP 1:RT from Minor Street r• V9 , 2 = Conflicting Flow,V, 1/2 V3+V2= +� 206 vph(Vc9) Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cP T,_5-.5 sec(Table 10-2)c.9= pcph(Fig. 10-3) ' Actual Capacity, q, cm9=cP9=9L91-0 pcph STEP 2:LT From Major Street 0 V, Conflicting Flow, V, V3+V2= 3 +z = 207 vph(Vc4) Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cP T,=5-6 sec(Table 10-2)cP,=9-&pcph(Fig. 10-3) ' Percent of cP Utilized and Impedance Factor(Fig. 10-5) (v,/cP,)X 100= z I P4=$� Actual Capacity, c,,, cma=Cp4=9-0 pcph STEP 3:IT From Minor Street 'D V, Conflicting Flow, V, 1/2 V3+V2+VS+V, = 2 +204+ yZ + 269 vph(V,,) t Critical Gap,T�, and Potential Capacity,cP T,_ 5 sec(Table 10-2)cP7= 680 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity,cm c, 7=cP,X P,=16J80 X_-�&_-ff—'5 pcph SHARED-LANE CAPACITY SH v,+V9 if lane is shared = t(V7/Cm7)+(V9/Cm9) Movement No. v(pcph) c.,(pcph) cSH( h) cit LOS 7 /3 -792 779 -Al o J¢LAY 9 792 750 A- No DELAY , 4 2/ $D 961 - NoDeL4 :1 UNSIGNAUZED INTERSECTIONS 10-37 • � � � to • WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS ,2o LOCATION: G kA NAME: i µ�F :�..Jr P. 6C NSA i �� � .' HOURLY VOLUMES VOLUMES IN PCPH Major Street: s� �RJ �UE "�' N N �---- s Grade V2 V,� — V2--► V, — ' �% — V3 N= In — V3 � V V � V7V9 Date of Counts: a K 17 I q Q STOP I I ' /0 3/ Time Period: k — O YIELD Average Running Speed: 30 N=0 Minor Street: I PHF: Grade % ahF ST VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Movement No. 2 3 4 5 7 9 Volume(vph) Vol.(pcph),see Table 10-1 55 O STEP 1:RT from Minor Street r► V9 ' ConflictingFlow V 1 2 V +V = +�_= h V - � / 3 2 VP ( q) Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity, cp T,= Stssec(Table 10-2)cp9 pcph(Fig. 10-3) ' Actual Capacity, cm Cm9=cp9=Z— pcph STEP 2:LT From Major Street j V4 Conflicting Flow,V, V3+V2= 6 + 95' vph(V,,) Critical Gap, T�, and Potential Capacity,cp — sec(T,= O Table 10-2)cp,= 600 pcph(Fig. 104) ' Percent of cp Utilized and Impedance Factor(Fig. 10-5) (v,/Cp,)X 100 P,_ ,qg Actual Capacity, cm cm,=Cp,=L6_00 pcph ' STEP 3:LT From Minor Street I 7D V7 Conflicting Flow, V, 1/2 V3+V2+V5+V, =a+ 0-+ /D+ff= G /7 vph(Vc7) ' Critical Gap,T�, and Potential Capacity,cp T,=l 5 sec(Table 10-2)cp7=4/,36 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity,cm Cm7=cp7 X P,={2 �X = pcph SHARED-LANE CAPACITY i SH v'+v9 if lane is shared ' = (V7/Cm7)+(V9/Cm9) I ' Movement No. v(pcph) cm(pcph c H(pcph) CR LOS '. 7 /O 86S o of ' 9 3I 8G5 E3 37 o Des-A Y 4 55 1 1060 y 5 ape LA The methodology presented in the 1985 Highway Capacity -Manual was used to calculate the unsignalized intersection capacity. The intersection capacity work sheets are shown in Figures 9 and 10. This analysis indicates that all movements will 1 operate at .level of service A in the peak hours with a great ' deal of reserve capacity for increases in non-site through traffic. A shared right and left turn lane (the existing con- dition) on Graf Street approaching South Third Avenue will adequately handle the anticipated peak hour traffic on this ' approach. tC. Geometrics South Third Avenue curves to the west just south of its inter- ' section with Graf Street. The curve has a radius of approxi- mately 275 feet and is superelevated. The design speed is approximately 35 miles per hour for this curve. It is signed ' with a turn arrow warning sign eastbound and speed limit signs. Approximately 250 feet west of the curve is a 35 mile per hour speed limit sign and then at the curve the speed ' limit is reduced to 25 miles per hour at the city limits. Using warrants for left turn bays presented in A Policy on ' Geometric Desi n 'of Highways and Streets by AASHTO, 1984 (the ' green book) , we have evaluated the need for a left turn storage bay -southbound on Third Avenue turning into Graf Street. Based on the criteria presented in the green book and using the existing traffic plus estimated site traffic projec- tions, the design traffic volumes are well below the warrant -7 ' values for a left turn bay. ' D. Emergency Vehicle Access Any residential development of 25 or more dwellings units ' should have at least two access points for emergency vehicles in case one is closed due to accidents, construction, road closure due to fallen trees, flooding , etc. An emergency ' access road to the north is proposed which will connect with Fairway Drive and then to Kagy Boulevard. This road with the ' main access via Graf - Street will provide the recommended two accesses. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' The impact of Spring Meadows Subdivision will be very small on the existing streets in the .site- area'. The site' traffic will amount to an estimated 25 percent of the total traffic at the intersection of South Third Avenue and Graf Street in the peak ' hours and less than 12 percent of the traffic at South Third P . 1 Avenue and Kagy Boulevard. The street system has the capacity: to handle this increase without any problems and operate at ' level A during peak traffic hours. Traffic signals are not warranted at present but will be warranted by about the year 2000 at the intersection of Kagy ' Boulevard and South Third Avenue. At the time that the traf- fic signals are warranted, the total traffic entering the intersection on an average weekday will be approximately -8- 18,000 vehicles per-day. We estimate that the proposed sub- division will, generate, approximatley 678 vehicles per day through this intersection or 3.8% of the total traffic. ' The design speed of the curve on South Third Avenue south of Graf Street is approximately,'35 miles per hour , which is con- , sistant with the speed limit of 25 miles per hour posted. ' The existing plus estimated site traffic at the intersection of South Third Avenue and Graf Street is well below capacity ' for a stop controlled intersection and will operate at a level ' of service A with no delay during peak hours. ' Two access points should be provided to allow for emergency . .. access in case one, of the accesses is temporarily closed. APPENDIX TRAFFIC COUNTS s# - i3 1 ' 01) 640E4 David Holmes L I T"k' Bozeman O � > h� c� rL^ d` h (0'ti TIMr A nj 7 : 30 - 8 : 30 Y�> wag t0 ►y1 Friday, October 24 , 1986 �9 .,9 CP 101 187 9 0 u h 297 163 s 0 N ii � ii i■ii :� i� � � . �i iii�i i�i ■ii �ii �iiii � i October 24, 1986 Kagy from West Kagy from East S. 3rd from North Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 . 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 7:15 - 7:30 0 0 4 1 5 0 12 1 13 26 0 0 2 0 2 7:30 - 7:45 0 3 5 5 13 1 35 3 18 57 0 2 0 0 2 7:45 - 8:00 0 2 6 5 13 8 67 5 42 122 0 5 1 1 7 8:00 - 8:15 1 3 17 8 29 4 40 2 31 77 0 2 3 0 5 8:15 - 8:30 1 1 10 9 21 3 30 3 10 46 0 0 1 0 1 8:30 - 8:45 0 2 15 8 25 1 28 - 6 .17 52 0 0 3 1 4 S. 3rd from South Wilson from Northeast- Totals Left Left Right Right Left Left'Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 . 2 1 Total 7:15 - 7:30 20 6 28 2 56 0 3 3 0 6 20 21 38 16 95 7:30 - 7:45 38 11 34 9 92 5 13 18 0 36 44 64 60 32 200 7:45 - 8:00 66 20 70 13 169 13 13 19 2 47 87 107 101 63 358 8:00 - 8:15 55 8 48 13 124 13 19 9 0 41 73 72 79 52 276 '8:15 - 8:30 17 2 35 4 58 ll • • 1'1 11 0 39 32 50 60 23 165 8:30 - 8:45 30 1 26 4 61 7 13 3 0 23 38 44 53 30 165 �v a 1wr,:-R S6t1'/O*j Kagy, S . 3rd, & Wilson o0 SCRP.6,2 David Holmes - a T10 Bozeman Cb S TIME. �a A n1 ? u. nn _ i ..nn 00 Wednesday; Oc. 22, 1986 `'o p CP Vol 1% 66 94 22 2 v� 184 170 4a o � 354 `� October 22, 1986 S. 3rd fran North S. 3rd fran South Kagy from West Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 11:00 - 11:15 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 14 5 28 0 7 19 13 39 11:15 - 11:30 0 1 1 0 2 12 3 17 6 38 0 1 9 19 29 11:30 - 11:45 0 0 3 1 4 24 1 21 6 52 0 2 24 19 45 11:45 - 12:00 0 1 3 3 7 16 6 20 9 51 0 10 32 18 60 12:00 -.12:15 1 2 4 0 7 6 2 18 6 32 2 8 37 20 67 12:15 - 12:30 0 2 5 0 7 12 1 18 4 35 0 7 16 17 40 12:30 - 12:45 0 0 2 1 3 23 3 22 5 53 2 6 18 14 40 12:45 - 1:00 1 4 2 1 8 30 5 36 5 76 0 1 25 15 41 Kagy fran East Willson from Northeast Total Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 11:00 - 11:15 8 16 2 22 48 15 6 5 0 26 27 34 35 40 136 11:15 - 11:30 3 16 1 13 33 8 '19 4 0 31 23 40 32 38 133 11:30 - 11:45 8 18 0 25 51 11 11 , 5 0 27 43 32 53 51 179 _ 11:45 - 12:00 4 19 0 21 44 11 18 4 4 37 31 54 65 55 205 12:00 - 12:15 7 14 1 21 43 14 34 6 0 54 30 59 66 48 203 12:15 - 12:30 1 18 3 21 43 12 9 2 0 23 25 37 44 42 148 12:30 - 12:45 2 23 2 14 41 18 19 7 0 44 45 51 52 39 187 12:45 - 1:00 5 25 1 10 41 12 27 9 1 49 48 62 73 32 y J FACU.40.� i,� mm Cm Aim Ij\I'r,:-/I S6CT/04 S • 3rd, Kagy, & S . Wilson 0gsC/2vE2 David Holmes G11-�l Bozeman ry p TIMr s�, s 'y vv► t? VV\ 4 . 4 s_S ice_ Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1986 o i N (C) V\C I 61 10 4 26 ' ti / \\•� \ 191 295 S F- �r0' 4a � � 485• " ' ME October 22, 1986 S. 3rd from North S. 3rd from South Kagy from West Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 4:00 - 4:15 1 1 2 0 4 20 5 19 7 51 6 13 2 10 31 4:15 - 4:30 0 1 7 0 8 16 3 16 6 41 8 15 4 17 44 4:30 - 4:45 0 2 3 0 5 18 1 24 5 48 6 25 2 22 55 4:45 - 5:00 0 0 1 0 1 19 9 32 10 70 6 26 2 18 52 5:00 - 5:15 0 1 3 0 4 8 2 31 23 64 7 13 -1 14 ...35.. 5:15 - 5:30 0 2 5 0 7 10 4 16 16 46 8 11 2 15 36 5:30 - 5:45 0 3 4 0 7 19 7 25 11 62 14 20 0 14 48 5:45 - 6:00 0 1 5 1 7 24 3 11 . 8 46 25 12 3 10 40 Kagy from East Willson from Northeast Total Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2` 2 1 Total 1 2 .. 2 1 Total 4:00 - 4:15 0 6 27 26 59 8 21 5 1 35 35 46 55 44 180 4:15 - 4:30 3 8 21 27 59 15 25 7 0 47 42 52 55 50 199 4:30 - 4:45 2 11 32 19 64 14 32 7 1 54 40 71 68* 47 226 4:45 - 5:00 3 3 36 17 59 16 32, 14 0 62 44 70 85 45 - 244 5:00 - 5:15 1 9 40 23 .7.3 21 72 8 0 101 37 97 83 60 277 5:15 - 5:30 1 7 36 28 72 13 51 6 0 70 32 75 65 59 231 5:30 - 5:45 1 7 26 25 59 8 42 11 1 62 42 79 66 51 238 5:45 - 6:00 1 5 30 28 64 16 27 1 0 44 56 48 50 47 201 iJ f OMF II by StreeterAmet u e Proaram File # .t n 665 Identification 4018 Interval 60 Minute r. Date 6 Oct 86 S. 3 zi> 14aE. /Do 5...�.v End Date 10 Oct 96 r Time 10: 20 or ^GY End Time 14: 20 S b 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sday 7day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avq. -------------------------------------------------------7----------------- 16 16 18 28 20 20 L 7 11 7 13 10 i0 0 7 8 7 14 9 9 (. 2 3 3 4 3 �.-. 4 8 5 10 7 7 00 17 19 26 21 21 86 79 76 64 76 76 V•J t 1�! 2 50 193 250 9 - 7133 T 178 2209 176 - - 173 - 184 164 316* 265 295 281 Z126- 294 ^94 0 359 33�9 372 3.82 3180 1 3 66 314 2685 276 249 213 267 267 �28 260 210 227 00 345 -T 1 P:� -•22 441 7,94 458 437 43' 43:� 584* 646* 584* 593* 602 6()2 u0 440 465 448 468 455 455 10 369 357 Z36 343 343 252 213 242 211 178 223 186 176 191 191 00 91 98 96 108 --9a 98 54 46 49 50 501 50 al ;:912 �5161 5485 505C3 2168 0 0 5pg5 Ave.. X . 79Z AA L OMP II by StreeterAmet e Program File # 2 on 675 Identification 4021 Interval 60 Minute Date 6 Oct 86 A1,, c,"wk&C--e ,2D. ,BA.� G.�,v.� Sr. End Date 10 Oct 86 t Time 10:52 ��iELGSTvNE End Time 14: 19 36 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5day 7day .J Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avg. ---•-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1iJ 1 0 2 4 2 p 1 In 2 2 )0 O 2 0 1 1 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 4 1 1 1 ? 2 P) 2 00 15 ill 10 10 12 12 61 56 53 50 55 55 65* 62* 66 68* 65 65 to) 47 43 44 44 - 45 45 2B 44 24 24 O :30 5 36 22 52 48 . 44 44 0 67 44 51 65 61* 58 58 67 79 53 44 29 46 46 '•.B 51 -4 6Z 47 47 �. 63 70 59 73- 66 66 00 79 79 62 74 79 79 94* 115* 104* 91* 101 101 jil 75 75 66 85 75 75 O 49 61 64 56 58 58 37 ,2 ,,6 ,? ?` � f� V V � V i. 41 45 29 25 -5 T5 B 5 18 16 --iz 12 UO 14 7 6 12 10 10 685 L878 848 892) 7-147 0 0 S72 .Add- x .9�( = C2 o AA'D-r t•' I iCOMP II by StreeterAmet i Program File # 1 ion 6010 Identification 4019 Interval 60 Minute + Date 6 Oct 86 S. 3 zD 20aD 47 r36. z) PAsr End Date li_� Oct 86 ITime 10: -.4 /VCCT,?•acE ;,>,e . End Time 14: 1.7` ,. 8.6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5day 'day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avg. i--------------==---------------------------------------------------------- O 4 2 7 9 6 6 +' 4 4 1 3 4 _ C 0 2 2 0 1 1 8 7 4 9 7 7 �. 20 15 17 Q 18 18 0 146* 176* 17:7* 12-* 1776 176 85 74 79 99 64 84 65 =9 57 62 56 56 O 48 51 41 43 46. 46 " 64* 62 60 57. 61 60 60 60 69 65 54 70* 64 64 74 67 64 58 Z7 60 60 O 44 65 54 60 56 56 62 82 5- 54 6= 63 96 79 86' Ili * _9:7 9. 0 11�* 116* 111* 108 112 112 94 106�6 87 104 98 98 65 53 90 67 69 - 69 46 -.76 40 7-6 40 40 r' 29 4- 2. :30 3. 19 26 26 12 13 12 a 11 it id ------- ------- ------- ---=--- ------- ------- ------- +` 782 L1 A105 1116 1119 541 U U 11Y5 AJ6 . X -7 AADT SAv-D-rRsX/=iXr:/Gr SMN 111C. GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer_ David Holmes Oate 10-4-R6 Day Thurs . Intersection of -S . 3rd, Graf St. .__.. and , W qr)n whPpl Rnaej _ City Bo -em n Time: AM 7 . 30-8: 30 245 P h9 4 2 N 32 213 4. -- L 132 72 9 S. 3rd 13 13 0 10 0 146 4 FE, i 133 1 5 0 0 15 1 C;raf St _ qj Street Name 16 TOTAL ENTERING 3 A M (P M) gg 0 N / 5 3 Total - - � ice' 6me. mi� iw irN dw amw awo �o Wagon Wheel 3rd From West 3rd From North Graf From East Fran South Zbtal L S R T L S R T. L S R T L S R T 7:00 - 7:15 6 0 1 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 I 10 7:15 - 7:30 25 0 0 25 0 1 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 i ' 33 7:30 - 7:45 31 0 0 31 0 1 5 6 1 0 4 5 0 17 0 17 ;. 59 7:45 - 8:00 61 1 0 62 1 3 5 9 0 0 2 2 0 24 0 24 `97 8:00 - 8:15 21 0 0 21 2 6 3 11 0 0 2 2 0 -18 0 18 52 8:15 - 8:30 19 0 0 19 1 5 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 13 0 13 39 i � � '''� a'.� �� Y t ,, „� ��w . ., ' . ? °.,�ts :��, A E� �, SX'DERSX/STf VM/GAS V Ur==c, 11C. - GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer Date Day Intersection of _ and City Time: AM 153 74 d 41 34 4 .. t 37 r 37... . 0 I 6 . 0 16 ' 79J . .. 1 9 , = 42 0 10 1 3 rd rtr 1 28 2 f*Name 31 35 �- TOTAL ENTERING AM (P M) 66 N / S �- E /w Total i� Wagon Wheel 3rd Frcm West 3rd From North Graf Fran East Fran South Zbtal L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R T 11:30 - 11:45 12 0 0 12 1 5 : 9 15 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 33 11:45 - 12:00 11 0 0 11 1 12 4 17 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 1 6 34 12:00 - 12:15 5 0 0 5 3 10 10 23 1 0 2 3 0 10 1 11 42 12:15 - 12:30 9 0 . 1 10 1 4 . 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 i 37 12:30 - 12:45 9 0 0 9 3 6 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 26 12:45 - 1:00 18 0 0 18 2 8 8 18 1 0 2 3 0 13 0 13 j 52 1:00 - 1:15 6 0 2 8 0 7 8 15 0 0 2 2. 1 3 0 4 29 I 'l SA%=Sa'/5'MQn/Gi SMN E:r=1E2,L%1G, INC. GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer_ David Holmes Date 10-9-86 DayTh- ir-ri Intersection of S , 3r. G�.af - Sr.ree-t— and Wagan I&epI Rrnac ' City Bozeman Time: .. . " AM 249 (PM) 4 : 45 - 5: 45 C $4 a 155 94 r' m .MA " N 60 29 5 1 90 92 0 6.. 2 16 153 . . � i 8 61 1 10 1 0000 0 57 1 Graf Street '. v Str eet Name x 58 32 v a� TOTAL ENTERING A M (P M) 90 0 IN / S 339 3 FE �W � 169 • Total 508 m om m ism ! a Wagon Wheel 3rd Fran West 3rd Fran North Graf Fran East From South Total L S R T L S R T . L S R T L S R T 4:00 - 4:15 16 0 0 16 1 9 12 22 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 6 45 4:15 - 4:30 13 0 1 14 1 12 18 31 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 ' 56 4:30 - 4:45 17 0 0 17 0 5 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 47 4:45 - 5:00 24 0 0 24 0 10 16 26 0 0 2 2 0 12 0 12 64 5:00 - 5:15 16 1 0 17 2 17 36 55 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 75 5:15 - 5:30 10 0 0 10 4 15 17 36 1 0 1 2 1 8 0 9 57 5:30 - 5:45 10 '0 0 10 2 15 21 38 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 10 ! 58 5:45 - 5:50 13 0 0 13 3 11 15 29 0 0 2 2 0 7 0 7 ; 51 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston 1 Engineering, Inc. A ENVRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT AND TRAFFIC ASSESSIBILITY ' IMPACT EVALUATION ' for ' SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION ` Bozeman, Montana Prepared for: ' Spring Meadow Partnership Bozeman, Montana Prepared by: ' Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. ' Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors Suite 200 Creekside P.O. Box 861 1001 South 24th Street West Bozeman, Montana 59715 Billings, Montana 59102-3091 406-586-0588 406-656-5255 i 1 . 1 1 ' ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1 COMMUNITY IMPACT 1 SPRING MEADOW .SUBDIVISION for 1 . SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP Prepared by: 1 SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. i February 4 , 1987 1 1 1 t ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT S PAGE 1 Surface Water 1 2 Groundwater 2 ' 3 Geology-Soils-Slope 2 4 Vegetation 3 5 Wildlife 3 6 Visual Impact 3 COMMUNITY IMPACT t1 Water 4 2 Sewage 5 ' 3 Solid Waste 5 4 Roads 5 5 Utilities 6 ' 6 Emergency Services 6 7 Schools 7 ' LIST OF FIGURES , Area Map - Figure 1 2 ' Preliminary Plat Separate ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROPOSED SPRING MEADOW SUBDIVISION ' Introduction The proposed Spring Meadow Subdivision is located in the NW ' Section 19 & C.O.S. No. 819A in NW 4 of Section 19 T. 2S. , ME, P.M.M. , City of Bozeman, Montana. The proposed subdivision is located immediately east of the present end of Graf Street and be- , ' tween Graf Park and Highland Golf Course. A location map is included on the following page of this report. A copy of the Preliminary Plat is included in the map pocket. t1. Surface Water Two creeks traverse the area of the preliminary plat. One is Flat ' Creek at the northeast corner of the subdivision. The proposed ' second is Mathew Bird Creek at the west edge. Both creeks have designated flood plains. Thirty—five foot easements on each side. of Mathew Bird Creek are proposed. Flat Creek is proposed to be relocated towards the Golf Course. The streets that cross these ' drainages will require a 310 Permit. These permits will be q 1 obtained prior to construction of the streets. ' Graf Street will cross Mathew Bird Creek. The drainage structure will be designed to pass the 100 year flow without increasing the ' flood elevation more than the flood ordinanace allows. A 310 Permit and flood plain permit will be obtained prior to construc- tion. -1- 1 1 1 F � KagyU ' ird Gtof Spring Meadow Location 1 t ' Figure Storm water will be handled at two separate locations. Graf Street ' and all the area in the preliminary plat to the south will be ' drained to inlets on' Graf. Street. This water:' will be routed to an oil separator/sediment tank with a flow surcharge basin. Reduced flow from this system will be routed to Mathew Bird Creek. A similar system will be constructed to drain Spring Meadows Drive. The reduced flow from this system will be directed to Flat Creek. 2. Ground Water ' The ground water levels varied from 4 to 7 feet across the site on March 31, 1987. The development of the proposed subdivision will ' not adversely affect the ground water . .Caution should be taken in basement construction due to groundwater depth. 1 3. Geology - Soils = Slopes ' The Gallatin Valley is a high seismic risk area. This factor shall be taken into account in the design of structures. There are no known faults across the subdivision. Soils in the area consist of silty loams over dense sandy and silty gravel. The silty loam soil varies in depth from 7. 5 to 8. 5 feet deep. The soils will not pre- sent any unusual conditions for construction. They are typical to most of the Bozeman area. The water table will require dewatering for the installation" of tutilities, but not to a degree that will require an intensive design-construction scheme. The cuts and fills on this site will be less than 3 feet in depth. The street grades are proposed to match closely to the existing 9 P P Y 9 topography. -2- 4. Vegetation The land in the proposed subdivision is- presently used for hay crop. • The existing vegetation along the drainages is pasture grass, except for very limited brushy areas. 5. Wildlife The historic farming of this property, lack of trees and proximity of Bozeman limits the wildlife on the site. There are no critical wildlife areas associated with this site. 6 . Visual Impact ' The proposed subdivision is lower than the surrounding developed area. This will limit the visual impact upon the surrounding ' area. The Development Guidel-iries: -list the additional factor.s for ' site development that will insure harmonious growth in the Development. t -3- COMMUNITY IMPACT 1. WATER A. Source Water for the subdivision will be provided by means of the City of. Bozeman water system. The proposed line sizes are shown . on the preliminary plat. The following table lists the water requirements for the amount of water that flows through the "meter" into the buildings. Domestic Demand (minimum demand expected) ' Population Equivalents ' Number of Per GPM** Type Dwelling Units Unit Total GPD* Peak ' Residential Units 60 2. 50 150 30,750 --- ' Retirement --- Units 60 1. 75 105 21 , 525 TOTALS 120 255 52 , 275 145 i B. Capacity The proposed connection to the existing City water system has capa- city to meet and exceed the domestic and fire demands of the pro- posed subdivision. The water mains will be connected to the existing 24" water main shown on the preliminary plat and to the existing main in Westridge to the north. *Gallons per day ** Gallons per minute -4- 1 The plans, specifications and construction of the water , sewer and streets will be to the requirements of the Department of. Health and Environmental Sciences (DHES) and the City of Bozeman standards. ' 2. SEWAGE A. ' Connection to Existing System ' The sewage collection system will be connected to the existing sewer main in Westridge, about 1100 feet north of the proposed sub- division. The projected water use shown on the previous page is P 7 P P 9 ' the same as the projected sewer flows. ' 3. SOLID WASTE The solid waste collection will be by the City of Bozeman or pri- vate hauler with disposal in the City or Logan landfill. The . collection and disposal of solid waste will -comply with the DHES ' requirements. 4.' ROADS A. On-Site - Off-Site Streets ' The proposed Spring Meadows Subdivision will build approximately ' 1200 lineal feet on Graf Street as a public street and 1100 lineal feet on Spring Meadow Drive as private streets. The primary ' access will be on Graf Street to South Third. An emergency access will be built to Fairway Drive. A full traffic accessibility and impact study is attached. B. Access All of the lots as proposed on the preliminary plat would have' 1 -5- access to interior residential streets: No direct access to arterial streets would be required.,, C. Pollution and Erosion The storm drainage system and the erosion control measure will be reviewed and apporved by the DHES and City of Bozeman prior to ; construction. D. Cost The cost of installation will be paid- by the developer or lot ' owners. Graf Street will become part of the City of Bozeman street system and will be maintained by the City. -Spring Meadow Drive and ' Billion Place will be private - streets and . be main.tained. by the ' homeowners association. 1 1* UTILITIES The power , natural gas and telephone will be constructed under- ground for distribution within the proposed preliminary plat. ' 6. EMERGENCY SERVICES The following is a list of the emergency services available: ' Ambulance Halls Emergency Service 9 Y Police Bozeman Police Department Fire Bozeman Fire Department Emergency Room Bozeman Deaconess Hospital -6- r 7. • SCHOOLS The proposed subdivision will provide 60 family units which will entail 30 children in the school system. The 6,0 retirement units will not impact the schools. r r . - -7- r r TRAFFIC ACCESSIBILITY AND IMPACT EVALUATION for SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION Bozeman, Montana r r . Prepared for : Spring Meadow Partnership Bozeman, Montana r � Prepared by: Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering , Inc. P. 0. Box 861 Bozeman, Montana r r February, 1987 86-512 1 . r I. INTRODUCTION Spring Meadows Partnership proposes to develop a subdivision on the south end 'of Bozeman called Spring Meadows Subdivision. Figure 1 shows the location of the proposed subdivision. The proposed development will include both single family and multi-family residential housing and a retirement village. It is estimated that there will be 60 single family/multi family units, and 60 retirement units. Spring Meadows Partnership h p g e p as retained Sanderson/Stewart/ Gaston Engineering, Inc. , to subdivide the property, design the street and utility improvements and to prepare the traffic accessibility study for the proposed project. This report addresses the estimated * trip generation, trip distribution and trip assignment for the site traffic; traffic accessibility ' and impacts of site traffic; existing street capacity and traffic control devices. II . EXISTING TRANSPORTATI ON SYSTEM The proposed subdivision will be served primarily by Graf Street and South Third Avenue. Existing Graf Street is designated as a collector in the Bozeman Master Plan and is approximately 700 feet long. Graf Street is 37 feet wide from back to back of curb with parking allowed on both sides. The pavement is in good condition. Graf Street is stop sign controlled at South Third Avenue. -1- 1 1 1 1 1 � 00 Q 1 � Spring Location 1 1 1 Figure South Third Avenue is identified as a minor arterial street on the Bozeman Transportation Plan from the south city limits to Kagy Boulevard. It is a: two :lane rural• arteri:al, approximate- ly 25 feet wide with gravel shoulders and no curb and gutter. ' The pavement is in fair condition. The speed limit is 25 mph between the city limits and Ragy Boulevard. Wagonwheel Road and Graf Street are stop sign contolled at South Third Avenue. Figure 2 shows the estimated existing traffic volumes on the streets Ln the site area. Traffic volumes shown in Figure 2 were estimated from the Bozeman Transportation Plan and from counts conducted by the City of Bozeman and Sanderson/Stewart/ Gaston Engineering, Inc. in the fall of , 1986. Appendix A, at the back of this report, shows the results of these traffic counts in the site"area. IIh. . TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION A. Trip Generation The proposed subdivision will include single family and multi- family housing and a retirement complex. Trip Generation by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 3rd Edition, 1982, presents the results of over 300 studies of subdivisions. Trip Generation does not present any studies on duplex housing. In general multi-family housing generates fewer trips per dwelling unit than single family detached housing.- However , it is also characteristic that higher priced more suburban housing generates more trips per dwelling unit in general. -2- r 500 /4200 Ko -�2800 0�- 5000 a M ! 3000 QSpring Meadow Location 1 a Graf I� 1000 800 1 Figure 2. Estimated Exisfing Traffic— 1986 AOT Since the proposed subdivision will have quality, fairly expensive housing in an outlying area bordering a• golf course and a park, : we estimate the duplex=..units. w.i:ll generate the same volume of traffic as the single family detached dwelling units. We estimate that the average weekday trip generation to and from the subdivision will be 10 vehicle trips per dwelling unit. ITE projects the retirement village to have 3.3 trips per unit. The am peak hour (7 :30 to 8:30 am) and the pm peak hour (5 :00 to 6:00 pm) trip generation to and from ' the subdivision is shown in the table below. Table I - Estimated Trip Generation Spring Meadows Subdivision # AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR Dwell- Average IN OUT • IN OUT Type ing Weekday 'Factor' # Factor'' V Factor # Factor # Unit Units Trips Per DU Trips Per DU Trips Per DU Trips Per DU Trips Residential 60 600 .21 13 .55 33 .63 38 .37 22 Retirement 60 198 .11 7 .29 17 .29 17 .15 9 Total 120 798 20 50 55 31 The trip generation rates shown are average rates for residen- tial developments. Actual trip generation for the proposed subdivisions may be higher or lower than that shown. B. Trip Distribution Site traffic distribution is the percentage of site generated traffic on each of the major approach: routes which serve the site. The estimation of site traffic distribution can be done -3- by several methods. The methods that are usually used are: 1. Area of influence method 2. Origin - destination data method ' 3 . Surveying of adjacent data method This report reflects a combination of the origin - destination data method and the surveying of adjacent similar develop- ments. Trip tables for the year 2000 for the Bozeman metro- politan area were acquired form the Montana Department of Highways which were developed in conjunction with the Bozeman Transportation Plan. We have reviewed the results of the ori- gin - destination table analysis with peak hour traffic counts which we conducted in the site area on South Third Avenue. The combination of the origin - destination tables with the i traffic counts results in our estimated site traffic distribu- tion shown in Figure 3. C. Trip Assignment In order to assign the site generated traffic to the surrounding street network, the trip generation estimates pre- sented in Table I are distrubuted to the streets providing access to and from the site according to the percentages of total trips shown in Figure 3. Figures 4 and 5 show the esti- mated average weekday and peak hour site traffic assignments. D. Non-Site Through Traffic Non-site through traffic has been estimated in the Bozeman Transportation Plan. The year 2000 projections are based on ' -4- 6% g /` 40% Kagy 30% 9% 85 /o Lj r Q 85% Pn9 S in Meadow Location a � 100 5% 10% Figure 3. Estimated Site Traffic Distribution 48 } �319 • r xOgy 239 72 678 v M 5 Q S in Meadow Location Pn 9 • =678 Graf 798 40 80 Figure 4. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT — ADT Kagy Q Spring Meadow Location RI' 9 Graf 17/47 42/26 ,,,-AM PEAK XX /XX 3/8 8/5 PM PEAK Figure 5. PEAK HOUR SITE TRAFFIC.— GRAF 81 3rd 1 4. 1 . i //82010 Ko 9r�� 101500 1 � . iM . . 1 6700 i 1 QSpring Meadow Location 1 0 ' Graf i 1 1 1 . Figure 6. BOZEMAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN ESTIMATED TOTAL TRAFFIC YEAR 2000 ADT 1 ' assumptions of type, rate and intensity of future development. The accuracy of the traffic volume projections will depend on ' the accuracy of the assumptions used to make the estimates. A faster or slower rate of development, zone changes, etc. , will ' affect the accuracyof these estimates. The estimated year Y ' 2000 traffic volumes shown in the Bozeman Transportation Plan are presented in Figure 6. IV. TRAFFIC IMPACTS AND ACCESSIBILITY The proposed Spring Meadows Subdivision will generate approxi- mately 798 vehicle trips on an average weekday. This traffic ' will primarily affect Graf Street, South Third Avenue and the intersection of Kagy Boulevard and South Third Avenue. Other ' streets P will exP erience lesser ' im acts which will decrease in 1 magnitude the further they are from this site, due to the . dispersion of traffic. Year 2000 traffic volumes estimated Ln ' the Bozeman Transportation Plan show an increase in traffic on South Third Avenue which indicates that additional development twas anticipated in this area. A. Warrant Analysis In order to estimate the need for traffic signals at a future date, we need to estimate the average weekday traffic volumes and the hourly variations in traffic volumes for the highest 8 hours of an average weekday. We have evaluated the need for traffic signals at the inter- section of Kagy Boulevard and South Third Avenue. We have -5- 1 1 estimated the average weekday traffic volumes from- traffic ' coun.ts 'd.one in 1986 by the .C:ity... of• Bozeman and Sanderson/ Stewart/Gaston Engineering, Inc. For the year 2000 traffic ' signal warrant analysis, we have used the estimates from the Bozeman Transportation Plan for average weekday traffic. For ' the hourly variation in traffic volumes, we have used a 24- ' hour automatic count by the City of Bozeman on South Third Avenue just south of Kagy Boulevard. 1 Figures 7 and . 8 show the traffic signal warrant analysis at ' South Third and Kagy for 1986 and 2000. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices states that "It is always desirable to ' have at least two lanes for moving traffic on each approach to a signalized intersection" . Assuming two lanes of approach ' from each direction, this intersection is not meeting traffic signal warrants with the existing traffic, it will not meet traffic signal warrants with the development of the proposed tsubdivision, but 'it will meet traffic signal warrants with anticipated increases in non-site traffic by about the year ' 2000. ' B. Capactiy Analysis The unsignalized intersection capacity analysis has been calculated at the intersection of South Third and Graf Street ' in the am and pm peak hours of an average weekday. The design traffic volumes that were used to calculate the capacity where ' the existing traffic volumes plus the estimated site traffic. FtGUF.E 7. SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, -INC. TRAFF:> 1< C S I GNAL - :W 'A :.RRANTS 1 I 19iB[o SST Calc: L-• OWE Date: 4VE. WEEK.DAy rc� Major St. AVE ILL`0�4 Critical Approach Speed 55 . mph Minor St. KAZ-gY (Wet,+6 ,ncf Critical Approach Speed 35 mph Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph 0 or } Rural (R) in built-up area of isolated community 10 , 000 pop. Q J Urban U� WARRANT #1 Minimum vehicular volume Satisfied Yes No 47 Re uiremt U R U R Number of. Approaches 1 m8ie m-qm -Major Stree. SO 2 0 _eO4 z8s 33v Z611 414 1 Ell M Minor Street- 50 105 200 140 .1.��.. toe) 128 of 158 123 WARRANT #2 Interuption of continuous traffic Satisfied Yes No Min. Re uiremt U R U I R Number of 1 A. Approaches Maio S mm, .Minor Street 75 153 100 70 F�GU[z.E S• �t SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING, INC. • JRAFF I-C ' S I G N A L WARRANTS ZCCO EST. Calc: L. ADWE Date: AVE. yVEEKDAV Major St. Critical Approach Speed 30S, mph Olinor St. W ILLSOt.J Critical Approach Speed 35 mph Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph or Rural (R) i in built-up area of isolated community 10 , 000 pop. p 1 ■t 4• Urban ' WARRANT #1 Minimum vehicular volume Satisfied Yes No % Re uiremt U R U R umber of Approaches 1 mgYre In 7-8 8-9 i7--I 3-4 4-5, 5-4 4-7 7-8 6 01420 L70 (oZ9 741 L19 ')14 1/0893 �11 Minor Street 150 105 200 140 Z71 Z�4 7," V5030 47Z 7f z�7. i a1 WARRANT #2 Interuption of continuous traffic ' Satisfied Yes No Min. Re uiremt U R U R 'Number of 1 of Approaches more Maio 2630 inor Street 75 53 100 70 1 i 1 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 10-37 F'i GuRF- 2 ' WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS 1 v 1 LOCATION:' S 3r G R F T NAME:- HOURLY VOLUMES -VOLUMES IN PCPH RD � . Major Street: s — N N =M y V V 5 ,Z$ _ V2—_� �—V, — Grade 2 4— — V V3 �N=o �- - --`� �'' � V, v9 V7 V9 Date of Court , Ay / I lye N STOP — — Time Period: A — ❑ YIELD Average Running Speed:_ N=0/ 1 Minor Street: PHF: Grade % e kA F sT� 1 VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Movement No. 2.. 3.. 4 5 7 9 ' Volume(vph) 3 2 ) 2.8 13 II 7 Vol.(pcph),see Table 104; 21 MM I �j Al2 STEP 1:RT from Minor Street r► V9 Conflicting Flow,V, 1/2 V3+' 2= 2 + 26q = 206vph(V,) ' Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity, cP T,=5 5 sec(Table 10-2)cP9=90 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity, c,, cm9=cP9 pcph STEP 2:IT From Major Street r V4 1 = 3 zo = 20� Conflicting Flow,V, V3+V2 +� vph(Vt4) Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cP T,=5-6 sec(Table 10-2)CP4=I&pcph(Fig. 10-3) Percent of cP Utilized and Impedance Factor(Fig. 10-5) (V4/CP4)X 100= '2� P4=__86 Actual Capacity, cr,, C,4=CP4=90 pcph STEP 3:IT From Minor Street —)V7 Conflicting Flow, V, 1/2 V3+V2+V5+V4=2+20y+ t +�1 = 269 vph(Vc7) ' Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cP T,_ 5 sec(Table 10-2)cp7= 680 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity,c,,, C,,7=Cp7 X P4=Gg 0 X_-96r_fE—f pcph SHARED-LANE CAPACITY / SH v7+v9 if lane is shared = (V7/Cm7)+(V9/Cm9) ' Movement No. v(pcph) cm(pcph) CSH(pcph) cit LOS 7 /3 792 779 -/V0 DELAq 9 792 750 A- ko DaLAv 4 ZI SD ! - NOQeL4 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 10-37 WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS LOCATION: �,.3 R A F ' , NAME: R K�NS µ � J7 HOURLY VOLUMES a n VOLUMES IN PCPH Major Street: s. J,0 N a — N = 'Vs�—� V s Grade � Vi V4-;f-J, — V: V4 — — V3 Al V3 � �N=Q ) V V � V7V9 D f C ate oounts: d • 9 1 ' k Q STOP Time Period: k — ❑ YIELD Average Running Speed: N=0 ' Minor Street: PHF: Grade % 9RAFST VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Movement No. 2 3 4 5 7 9 Volume(vph) S9 ( 5`� P-/7 /p 3 Vol.(pcph),see Table 10-1 p� STEP 1:RT from Minor Street r• V9 Conflicting Flow,V, 1/2 V3+V2_ +�= - vph M9) ' Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cp T,=-ZL5'sec(Table 10-2)cp9 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity,cm cni9=cp9-LO-POpcph STEP 2:IT From Major Street j V4 ' Conflicting +V = 6 + =� h Flow,V, V 3 : V VP ( A) Critical Gap,T�, and Potential Capacity, cp T,=s Q sec(Table 10-2)cp4= boo pcph(Fig. 10-3) 1 Percent of cp Utilized and Impedance Factor(Fig. 10-5) (v4/cp4)X 100= 5 5 P4 Actual Capacity,C', cm4=cp4=ZX—O-pcph STEP 3:IT From Minor Street 'V7 Conflicting Flow, V, 1/2 V3+V1+V5+V4 =a+ 169+%+ss= G -T vph(Vc7) ' Critical Gap,T�,and Potential Capacity,cp T�_�sec(Table 10-2)Cp7=900 pcph(Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity,c,, C,7=cp7 X P4=&30X'9t; =.!L11 pcph ' SHARED-LANE CAPACITY SH v7+v9 if lane is shared = (V7/Cm7)+(V9/Cm9) ' Movement No. v(pcph) c,,,(pcph) c H(pcph) cR LOS 7 /O 96S Sa o &U4v ' 9 --T—3/ e37 P- o De,.AY 4 55 /000 9LIE' P • o De LA 1 The methodology presented in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual ' was used to calculate the unsignalized intersection capacity. The intersection capacity work sheets are shown in Figures 9 and 10. This analysis indicates that all movements will operate at level of service A in the peak hours with a great deal of reserve capacity for increases in non-site through traffic. A shared right and left turn lane (the existing con- dition) on Graf Street approaching South Third Avenue will adequately handle the anticipated peak hour traffic on this ' approach. ' C. Geometrics South Third Avenue curves to the west just south of its inter- ' . section with Graf Street. -;The .curve has a radius of approxi- mately 275 feet and is superelevated. The design speed is approximately 35 miles per hour for this curve. It is signed- with a turn arrow warning sign eastbound and speed limit signs. Approximately 250 feet west of the curve is a 35 mile ' speed per hour speed limit sign and then at the curve the s P P 9 P ' limit is reduced to 25 miles per hour at the city limits. Using warrants for left turn bays presented in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by AASHTO, 1984 (the green book) , we have evaluated the need for a left turn storage bay southbound on Third Avenue turning into Graf Street. Based on the criteria presented in the green book and ' using the existing traffic plus estimated site traffic projec- tions, the design traffic volumes are well below the warrant ' -7- values for a left turn bay. D. Emergency Vehicle Access Any residential development of 25 or more dwellings units should have at least two access points for emergency vehicles in case one is closed due to accidents, construction, road closure due to fallen trees, flooding, etc. An emergency access road to the north is proposed which will connect with Fairway Drive and then to Kagy Boulevard. This road with the main access via Graf Street will provide the recommended two accesses. 1 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' The impact of Spring Meadows Subdivision will be very small on the existing streets in the site area. The site traffic will amount to an estimated 25 percent of the total traffic at the intersection of South Third Avenue and Graf Street in the peak hours and less than 12 percent of the traffic at South Third Avenue and Kagy Boulevard. The street system has the capacity to handle this increase without any problems and operate at ' level A during peak traffic hours. Traffic signals are not warranted at present but will be warranted by about the year 2000 at the intersection of Kagy Boulevard and South Third Avenue. At the time that the traf- fic signals are. warranted, the total traffic entering the intersection on an average weekday will be approximately -8- 1 18 ,000 vehicles per day. We estimate that the proposed s.ub- division will generate approximatley 678 .vehicles per day. . through this intersection or 3.8% of the total traffic. The design speed of the curve on South Third Avenue south of Graf Street is approximately 35 miles per hour, which is con- sistant with the speed limit of 25 miles per hour posted. The existing plus estimated site traffic at the intersection of South Third Avenue and Graf Street is well below capacity ' for a stop controlled intersection and will operate at a level of service A with no delay during peak hours. Two access points should be provided to allow for emergency taccess incase-' one- of the accesses -.is temporarily closed. l� l� �1 APPENDIX TRAFFIC COUNTS 1 1 J� �j AW.:/I p-wyoAM KMM Sid, "Wilm i ogs</IvEQ David Holmes GI T'1/ Bozeman c,M) h 1 S TIME °' (0� 6' 6' �(0 s� A n1 7 : 30 — 8. 30 4aA� t? loe Friday, October 24 , 1986 v9 101 187 9 0 a1 ^� • 297 163 S o ry '• � �' 460 3 October 24, 1986 Kagy Fran West Kagy from East S. 3rd fran North Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right -1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 . 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 7:15 - 7:30 0 0 4 1 5 0 12 1 13 26 0 0 2 . 0 2 7:30 - 7:45 0 3 5 5 13 1 35 3 18 57 0 2 0 0 2 7:45 - 8:00 0 2 6 5 13 8 67 5 42 122 0 5 1 1 7 8:00 - 8:15 1 3 17 8 29 4 40 2 31 77 0 2 3 0 5 8:15 - 8:30 1 1 10 9 21 3 30 3 10 46 0 0 1 0 1 8:30 - 8:45 0 2 15 8 25 1 28 6 17 52 0 0 3 1 4 S. 3rd from South Wilson from Northeast Totals Left Left Right Right Left Left-:-Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 , 2 1 Total 7:15 - 7:30 20 6 28 2 56 0 3 3 0 6 20 21 38 16 95 7:30 - 7:45 38 11 34 9 92 5 13 18 ' 0 36 44 64 60 32 200 7:45 - 8:00 66 20 70 13 169 13 13 19 2 47 87 107 101 63 358 8:00 - 8:15 55 8 48 13 124 13 19 9 0 41 73 72 79 52 276 8:15 - 8:30 17 2 35 4 58 11 •• 17 11 0 39 32 50 60 23 165 8:30 - 8:45 30 1 26 4 61 7 13 3 0 23 38 44 53 30 165 ` IimrrR 5ett/,,4 Kagy, S . 3rd, & Wilson 00s£RfiEle David Holmes L C r/ Bozeman CP • � S `off O' TIM _ �a A n1 `90 Wednesday; Oc. 22, 1986 y �, `0 9� CP yti 66 94 22 2 v CP L44J 170 �-a o � 354 October 22, 1986 S. 3rd fran North S. 3rd' fram South Kagy from West Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Zbtal 11:00 - 11:15 0 0 ; 0 0 0 4 5 14 5 28 0 7 19 13 39 11:15 - 11:30 0 1 1 0 2 12 3 17 6 38 0 1 9 19 29 11:30 - 11:45 0 0 3 1 4 24 1 21 6 52 0 2 24 19 45 11:45 - 12:00 0 1 3 3 7 16 6 20 9 51 0 10 32 18 60 12:00 - 12:15 1 2 4 0 7 6 2 18 6 32 2 8 37 20 67 12:15 12:30 0 2 5 0 7 12 1 18 4 35 0 7 16 17 40 12:30 - 12:45 0 0 2 1 3 23 3 22 5 53 2 6 18 14 40 12:45 - 1:00 1 4 2 1 8 30 5 36 5 76 0 1 25 15 41 Kagy from East , Willson from Northeast 7btal Left heft Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 7btal 11:00 - 11:15 8 16 2 22 48 15 6 5 0 26 27 34 35 40 136 11:15 - 11:30 3 16 1 13 33 8 '19 4 0 31 23 40 32 38 133 11:30 - 11:45 8 18 0 25 51 11 11 , 5 0 27 43 32 53 51 179 11:45 - 12:00 4 19 0 21 44 11 18 4 4 37 31 54 65 55 205 12:00 - 12:15 7 14 1 21 4.3 14 34 6 0 54 30 59 66 48 203 12:15 - 12:30 1 18 3 21 43 12 9 2 0 23 25 37 44 42 148 12:30 - 12:45 2 23 2 14 41 18 19 7 0 44 45 51 52 39 __ 187 12:45 - 1:00 5 25 1 10 41 12 27 9 1 49 48 62 73 �32 �u^215; i!Ui �U ;>> 4 @NGII(E:r�va.►.*-IC- • i Ij\I'r'C-R S6C.l-10A4 S • 3rd, Kagy, & S . Wilson vgsC4&E2 David Holmes. Gl r�l Bozeman NI T t M E °' Am \.7 �9 t, ✓� 4 . 45_%• 4.5 o Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1986 o 61 104 26 ` •y'y� / 191 295 S ►--� fro' N A i October 22, 1986 S. 3rd from North S. 3rd from South Kagy from West Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 4:00 - 4:15 1 1 2 0 4 20 . 5 19 7 51 6 13 2 10 31 4:15 - 4:30 0 1 7 0 8 16 3 16 6 41 8 15 4 17 44 4:30 - 4:45 0 2 3 0 5 18 1 24 5 48 6 25 .2 22 55 4:45 - 5:00 0 0 l 0 1 19 9 32 10 70 6 26 2 18 52 5:00 - 5:15 0 1 3 0 4 8 2 31 23 64 7 13 1 14 35 5:15 - 5:30 0 2 5 0 7 10 4 16 16 46 8 11 2 15 36 5:30 - 5:45 0 3 4 0 7 19 7 25 11 62 14 20 0 14 48 5:45 - 6:00 0 1 5 1 7 24 3 11 8 46 25 12 3 10 40 Kagy from East Willson: from Northeast _ Total Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Left Right Right 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 2 1 Total 1 2 .. 2 1 Total 4:00 - 4:15 0 6 27 26 59 8 21 5 1 35 35 46 55 44 180 4:15 - 4:30 3 8 21 27 59 15 25 7 0 47 42 52 55 50 199 4:30 - 4:45 2 11 32 19 64 14 '32 - 7 1 54 40 71 68 47 226 4:45 - 5:00 3 3 36 17 59 16 32, 14 0 62 44 70 85 45 244 5:00 - 5:15 1 9 40 23 .73. 21 72 8 0 .101 37 97 83 60 277 5:15 - 5:30 1 7 36 28 72 13 51 6 0 70 32 75 65 59 231 ' 5:30 - -5:45 1 7 26 25 59 8 42 11 1 62 42 79 66 51 238 5:45 - 6:00 1 5 30 28 64 16 27 1 0 44 56 48 50 47 201 i_j OMF II by StreeterAmet t e Program File # n 665 Identification 4018 Interval 60 Minute Date 6 Oct 86 S. 3 �� �vE. /Doi 5...�.v End Date 10 Oct 96 Time 10: 20 0'r End Time . 14: 20 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 5day 7day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 16 18 28 20 ,0 .• 7 11 7 13 10 10 7 8 7 14 9 9 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 8 5 10 7 7 ;►O 17 19 26 21 1 86 79 76 64 76 76 , 3�5 =35.� '29* 329 3.�C► _3i� ?0 Z 3 31& .;. :20 363* _ 3.33 � 3 ;► 250 193 250 �39 178 ti09 176 -- 173 - 184 1 S 4 316* 26 5 2)95 281 3112 294 294 3 359 -3319 372 3.82 380* :�66 366 314 285 276 2149 1213 267 267 d.28 2)60 10 227 :►0 345 _ =12 J 441 3.94 458 437 4:1::, 4.33 584* 646* 584* 593* 6C?2 6C►2 ►0 440 465 448 468 455 455 ,) 310 7.69 357 336 343 343 252 213 2.42 'Ili 23,0 =0 _ 178 223 186 176 191 191 �0 91 98 96 1 C►8 _-98 98 54 46 49 50 50 ' 50 31 3912 C5161 5085 505C3 2168 0 0 �179 Z A A DT J �J W� i � OMP II by StreeterAmet e Program File # on 675 Identification 4021 Interval 60 Minute Date 6 Oct 86 �/,4acww.v[-c--� .,�D. ,B�w G�.v.� fr. End Date 10 Oct 86 rt Time 10:52 ��iELDSTONE End Time 14: 19 36 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5day 7day J Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U 1 0 2 4 2 2 A. A. )10 0 2 0 1 1 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 2 2 . 00 15 13 10 10 12 1-" 61 56 53 50 55 55 65# 62# 66* 68*:. 65 65 : 00 47 43 44 44 - 45 45 -78 44 24 24 - 0 10 53* 36 32 52 48 44 44 L�0 67 44 51 65 61* 58 58 67 39 53 44 29 46 46 38 51 1. 63 47 47 63 70 59 7 66 66 00 79 79 82 74 79 79 94.t 115* 104* 91* 101 101 di 75 75 66 85 75 75 00 49 61 64 56 58 58 y7 32 21 6 �T �2 �2 VV � V 41 45 29 215 -75 TIM 8 5 18 16 --12 12 00 14 7 6 12 10 10 r� _= 685 -= 878 == 848 = 892) _= 347 U 0 i� T72 A��. �sZ o AAi> - I i MP II by StreeterAmet Program File # 1 ion 670 Identification 4019 Interval 60 Minute Fate 6 Oct 86 S. 3 Rj' 2o�D �� r3c.�c7 P.osr End Date 10 Oct 86 ime 10: Z.4 wGsT ow--.ac-E �,g , End Time 14: 17 3 6 7 8 9 1C) 11 12 5day :day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Avg. Avg. 4 7 9 6 6 4 4• 1 4 Z _ •3 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ' 8 7 4 9 7 7 _ 2ca 15 17 18 18 146* 176* 177* 127. 136 176 85 74 79 99 84 84 65 9 57 62 56 56 3 48 51 41 43 46 46 64* 62 60 53 61 60 60 60 69 65 54 70* 64 64 J 74 67 64 58 37 6o 60 44 65 54 60 56 56 62 82 5- 54 63 63 _+ 96 79 86 ill * _9-7 9.3 3 11z* 116* Ill* 108 112 112 94 106 87 104 98 98 65 5� 90 67 69 69 >; 46 36 40 7 6 44 44 29 4Z 28 ti Z7 zz "'" .30 :z2 19 26 26 12 13 12 a 11 11 =-_-782 �1205 -_-1116 --_1114� 541 U U - -_ • 11 y5 AJG . X .y = /o-74o AA D7' INC. GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer— � David Holmes Date 1n-4-A6 Day Thurs . Intersection of S . 3rd, Graf St. .-- and Wagn_n .wheal Road _ C i t y Bozeman m .T i e• AM 7 : 30-1: 30 245 IPM) M E 1 • 2 N • 32 213 -- 132 . 72 9 S. 3rd t 13 13 0 . 10 0 . 146 4 15 j]:33 1 5 } 0 0 15 1 f;raf St b Street Name 16 T7TAL ENTERING 3 A M. (P M) 88 N / S 3 E /W . Total MIA -am . LEi wmb w1i 4i L� L� :a■� �w Wagon Wheel 3rd Fran West 3rd From North Graf Fran.East From South Total L S R T L S R T. L S R T L S R T 7:00 - 7:15 6 0 1 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 10 7:15 - 7:30 25 0 0 25 0 1 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 33 7:30 - 7:45 31 0 0 31 0 1 5 6 1 0 4 5 0 17 0 17 ;. 59 7:45 - 8:00 61 1 0 62 1 3 5 9 0 0 2 2 0 24 0 24 '-97 8:00 - 8:15 21 0 0 21 2 6 3 11 0 0 2 2 0 18 0 18 52 8:15 - 8:30 19 0 0 19 1 5 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 13 0 13 39 . J 1 ' i SA'�FRS��/SI��RT/Gr'�SIt�IJ IIX;��'G, IIJC. _ - GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observer Date Day r � Intersection of and City Time: AM 153cn h[ 74 79 d -- u 41 34 4 t 37 .. 37. 0. 6 E . o . 01 79 16 9 1 4 2 0 10 1 3 rd 1 28 2 Graf Street Name 31 35 TOTAL ENTERING A M ' (P M) 66 N / S '= E /W Total .. ! 0 Wagon Wheel 3rd Fran West 3rd From North Graf Fran East From South. 7btal L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R T 11:30 - 11:45 12 0 0 12 1 5 : 9 15 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 i 33 11:45 - 12:00 11 0 0 11 1 12 4 17 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 1 6 34 12:00 - 12:15 5 0 0 5 3 10 10 23 1 0 2 3 0 10 1 11 I 42 12:15 - 12:30 9 0 1 10 1 4 . 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 37 12:30 - 12:45 9 0 0 9 3 6 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 26 12:45 - 1:00 18 0 0 18 2 8 8 18 1 0 2 3 0 13 0 13 52 1:00 - 1:15 6 0 2 8 0 7 8 15 0 0 2 2 1 3 0 4 29 3 ' SAti'D�'T2.S�/SI'B�/C��S1UN E7rL��2I.\'G, IIJC. GRAPHIC SUMMARY Of VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Observe_ David Holmes pate 1�2-_86 OayTb+»rGda Intersection of S_. 3rd -Gr .f-. .Strep„�• and Wa7an Mapinl. S?nZd, City Bozeman Uime- AM 249 R (PM) 4 : 45 - 5. 45 cn 155 r 60 29 5 1 90 92 0 6.. e 2 16 153 ' 8 0 o t 61 1 10 1 0 57 1 ` Graf Street ' zv Street Name a 58 32 �'' a� TOTAL ENTERING AM (PM) 90 0 N S 339 3 E / W 169 . .Total 508 Wagon Wheel 3rd From West 3rd From North Graf From East Fran South Total L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R T 4:00 - 4:15 16 0 0 16 1 9 12 22 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 6 45 4:15 - 4:30 13 0 1 14 1 12 18 31 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 56 4:30 - 4:45 17 0 0 17 0 5 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 j 47 4:45 - 5:00 24 0 0 24 0 10 16 26 0 0 2 2 0 12 0 12 64 5:00 - 5:15 16 1 0 17 2 17 36 55 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 i 75 5:15 - 5:30 10 0 0 10 4 15 17 36 1 0 1 2 1 8 0 9 57 5:30 - 5:45 10 0 0 10 2 15 21 38 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 10 58 5:45 - 5:50 13 0 0 13 3 11 15 29 0 0 2 2 0 7 0 7 51 , ill t ' t f � SPRING ADOWS - . ' a planned unit development . CONCEPTUAL NARRATIVE AND ' DESIGN GUIDELINES ■ i TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE tI. CONCEPTUAL NARRATIVE 1 II. INTRODUCTION 5 ' A. INTENT 5 B. ENFORCEMENT 6 III . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 8 A. INTENT 8 ' IV. SITE PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 9 A. INTENT 9 B. STREET LAYOUT 9 C. ARCHITECTURAL SITING CONSIDERATIONS/ 10 LOT LAYOUT ' D. PARKING CONSIDERATIONS 10 V. ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS 13 A. INTENT 13 B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 13 ' C. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENTS 15 * Fencing 16 * Signage/Entrance Features 17 * Lighting 19 ' VI. LANDSCAPING 21 ' A. INTENT 21 B. LANDSCAPE PLAN 21 C. NEIGHBORHOOD LANDSCAPING 21 D. LANDSCAPE CREDIT 22 E. RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST 2.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SPRING MEADOWS INTENT The Spring Meadows PUD has been planned to create a high quality mixed use community situated adjacent to Graf Park and Valley View Golf Course. The planning of Spring Meadows is based on the philosophy that in order to ensure a high quality of living, a cohesive residential community must be created within a mixed-use environment . The attention to detail , the site planning sensitivity and the basic design tenets all contribute to a well planned, exceptional project. To this end, PUD zoning has been utilized to create a community with a wide range of unit types that maintains the integrity of each through land use transitions and the use of landscape and natural separations. The layout of various residential densities has been designed based on the site 's natural features amenities and the various unit types ' ability to "fit" these features . Consideration of man-made features such as major roadways , intersections and adjacent land uses has further defined the use areas of Spring Meadows. SITING CONSIDERATIONS The "Parkside" single family detached areas, intended for large homes on large. lots ( 8 , 900 sq. ft . min) , lend themselves to siting adjacent to the golf course and Graf Park. The exclusive ' nature of these homes allow uniqueness in landscaping and taking advantage of the adjacent amenities . The ability to blend the patio home concept into this area increases the open feeling, ' utilizing a zero lot line approach as an option on one side. The single family estate area is intended for even more exclusive custom homes with large 13, 640 sq. ft. plus lots that incorporate intense site landscaping to create an area conducive to this type of home. The multi-family areas are planned in siting locations that take advantage of natural swales and vegetation with the Sourdough Nature Trail being incorporated within these areas. This linear park has been widened to 80 ' to allow more landscaping to be incorporated to create a buffer between the living units and the park, adding to the separation of the areas. Open space and park. areas must provide a variety of opportunities to meet the broad range of requirements of their users . Locations near waterways add variety in plant and animal species . ' 1 I Open space and park locations must also allow maximum access ability to users via transportation trail corridors to achieve optimum use potential , to both the residents and the public use of 'Graf and Sourdough parks. ADJACENT LAND USES The land uses adjacent to Spring Meadows have been considered as ' a major factor in developing the proposed Master Plan for the community. Single Family residential areas adjacent to Graf Park to the west have been extended eastward through the design of Spring Meadows. The parkside single family lot area corresponds with the large lot subdivision existing to the west Graf Park providing an effective transition between these existing residential uses and those proposed for Spring Meadows . To the south of Spring Meadows , adjacent land uses are effectively defined visually and physically by the natural topography vegetation, landscaping, park locations, and multi- family siting. The eastern boundary of the site is defined by the Valley View Golf Course. The north boundary adjoins a planned multi-family project. Transition is achieved by locating the largest of the Parkside single family lots adjacent to this future development. rLAND USE PLAN The natural site features and siting requirements of the proposed ' land uses , combined with consideration of compatibility with adjacent land uses have provided the initial framework for development of the proposed land use plan. Compatibility between land uses , site circulation and open space opportunities were considerations added to, this framework to further define site planning criteria. Parkside Detached The residential areas designated for Parkside Single Family Detached homes have been located in the northern portion of the site . Current plans call for large lots affordable to custom ' home buyers. Lot sizes with a minimum width of 100 ' have been designed to ' accept the large custom home. The lots back either onto Graf Park or Valley View Golf Course presenting a choice of location according to personal taste as viewed to the two amenities. Development of flat creek, in conjunction with the Montana 2 Department of Fish & Game, into a fish habitat creates a unique amenity to those lots that adjoin it on the east. Spring Meadows drive ends in a cul-de-sac with emergency only access to the north that maintains the exclusiveness and privacy of the area. Proposed landscaping along Graf Park will soften the impact of the development on Graf Park and on the views of existing homes . This landscaping will also serve to define the property line to the west between Graf Park and Spring Meadows. Planting that ' will vary from within Spring Meadows to within Graf Park will offer variation in the look of this buffer and will keep from a "shelter-belt" look. ' Single Family Estate Single Family Estate lots have been planned for the site north and east of Graf Street , adjacent to the Sourdough trail and Valley View Golf Course and south of the Parkside area. Larger, more expensive homes are planned to fit the topography and adjacent amenities in this area . Access limitations prevent these homes from encroaching on the northern property line providing an effective transition from this area to the Parkside lots proposed to the north, and the multi family uses to the south. Views to the north, east further enhance the character of this neighborhood. Mul ti-family Multi-family uses have been proposed as the southern edge of residential development. These proposed units are intended as a transitional use between the Single Family homes to north and future developments to the south. tThe Multi-family areas have been provided to create an alternative to Single Family Detached living within the Spring Meadows community. Stringent setback and landscape buffering standards have been instituted within the Spring Meadows Design Guidelines to ensure a proper transition between Single Family uses to the north. Traffic impacts on adjacent neighborhoods have been minimized by siting close to collector access (Graf Street) . SITE ACCESS The Spring Meadows community is located in an area that provides ' excellent access opportunities not only for the immediate subject site , but for the entire Bozeman community. The extension of Graf Street continues the master planned collector connection ' through to Sourdough road from the existing Graf street right- of-way which currently extends as far east the Spring Meadows . property boundary. In addition, development plans call for an emergency access improvement .to the north. 3 EASEMENTS rThe existing main water line is incorporated into public street and park areas to minimize maintenance problems. Sewer and water extension are. planned to follow Spring Meadows Drive and connect with current-extensions in the Fairway Drive area to the north. PROJECT PHASING Project Phasing is proposed to occur generally from north to ' south. Parkside Single Family Detached areas in the north portion of the site are anticipated to be the first to be developed. In conjunction with the first phases of homesite development , Graf Street has been proposed for construction through to the south property line area. A five year build-out is projected for Spring Meadows. Phasing will be accomplished only as the market dictates. All improvements are proposed to be ' installed at one time. PROJECT FINANCING Financing of public improvements within arterial -and collector rights-of-way are currently proposed to be provided by SID. Improvements would include street construction only. Landscaping and drainage facilities within rights-of-way, off-site water improvements , -Spring Meadows Drive, Billion Place, and on site 1 infra structure have been proposed as a developer expense. 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 II. INTRODUCTION A. INTENT The planning of the Spring Meadows PUD is based on the philosophy that in order to ensure a high quality of living, a cohesive residential community must be created within a mixed-use environment . The attention to detail , the site planning sensitivity, and the basic design tenants all contribute to a well planned , exceptional project without sacrificing affordability or profitability. ' The basis for success in building a community designed for mixed use is in assuring that the planning and design standards developed during the project ' s inception be maintained throughout all the phases of Spring Meadow ' s build-out . These design guidelines will insure the quality of Spring Meadows by providing a flexible framework within which builder performance and ' developer commitments will work in concert. Specific design principles, parameters and standards have been established to coordinate the efforts of developers, consultant and designers involved in the processes of site development. These standards are in addition to the City of Bozeman Land Development Codes - Zoning ordinance and Subdivision Regulations . Through close regulation of these Design Guidelines overall continuity between individual planning areas will be more easily 1 maintained. To achieve this, the developer will establish an architectural review process within the project and the review entity will use this document as a guide to accomplish the following objectives : Assist in directing developers and builders in achieving a well planned and designed multi-use development; To serve as a "prototype" by establishing quality standards to be utilized by other Bozeman developments in the future; Assist prospective developers , site planners , engineers , architects and other professionals in the planning and design of Spring Meadows by providing a basis for individual design efforts at different levels; ' Insure the long-term protection of property values by providing design continuity , land use compatibility , integration facilities and quality architectural style , design and construction and; systematic review of all development Insure objective, d e opment through the use of the Spring Meadows. Guidelines. 5 B. ENFORCEMENT rRestrictive covenants shall be executed and recorded for application to all properties within Spring Meadows. Separate covenants may be recorded for different use areas. The covenants shall include provisions for establishment of an Architectural Control Committee which shall have jurisdiction over review and approval of improvements to be constructed on the property subject to the covenants. Evidence of Action ' The Committee ' s approval or disapproval as required in the covenants and in these design guidelines shall be in writing, as indicated by the signatures of a majority of the committee. The committee shall not be required to maintain records of plans submitted . Approval by the committee shall be conclusive evidence of compliance with the Design Guidelines and covenants provided that the improvements are constructed in substantial compliance with the plans as approved. In the event the committee fails to approve or disapprove a proposal within 30 days after plans and specifications have been submitted to it and the submission is evidenced by a certified or registered mail receipt ; or, in any event, if no suit to enjoin the proposed construction has been commenced within one (1) year after the proposed construction had begun and became apparent, such approval will not be required, and the related guidelines and covenants shall be deemed to have been complied with fully. ' Approval of Plans* All plans and specifications in connection with the construction ' of any residence, commercial structure, fence, wall , driveway, or other structure, and in connection with any exterior maintenance and remodeling of any residence or other structure, including, 1 but not limited to, changing the initial color of the structure, or any alteration of any wall , fence, or driveway shall be submitted to the committee or its designee, and prior written approval shall be required. Before any construction or alteration begins , plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and locations, the exterior design, the exterior materials to be used, the color scheme, the site plan, landscape improvements, a topographic survey, the location of the driveway and plans for the proper drainage of the Lot with respect to adjacent Lots must be submitted to the Committee for its prior written approval . In passing upon such plans , specifications and other requirements, the committee may take into consideration whether the proposed residence or other structure or alteration and the materials of which it is to be built are reasonably suitable for 6 the Lot 'upon which a residence is to be erected. The harmony thereof with the surroundings, and the effect of the application as proposed on the outlook from adjacent or neighboring property shall require approval of the architectural committee . The Committee shall , in the exercise of its judgement and determination, use reason and good faith. Upon approval by the Committee, a signature block will be applied to any plans. (See Figure 1. 2) ! No residence, fence, wall, driveway, structure, alteration of any kind, which has not received such prior written approval by the committee and which does not fully comply with such approved plans and specifications, shall be erected, constructed, placed, or maintained upon any Lot. No changes or deviations in and from such plans and specifications as so approved shall be made ' without the prior written consent of the Committee. FIC, 1 S M �►zR��CT ARWT,-CT- 1 _ITT 44' AOPRNPL si .n —niges 1 1 1 7 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oEVELoeWNT STANDARDS 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. INTENT By establishing minimum controls for the proposed .land uses within the development, further enhancement of the character and quality of Spring Meadows will be possible . These minimum standards established for each land use within Spring Meadows 1 have been compiled in chart form to facilitate their review. TABLE 2. 1 MINIWM SETBACK MINIMUM MAX. LOT ONE BLDG. PARKING LAND USE AREAS FRONT SIDE REAR HE IMT REWRMNT Single Family Estate 13,640 25' 0 8' 24' 2 car gar. Parkside 8,900 15' 0 8' 24' 2 car gar. Single Family Detached Multi Family Per 25' 10' 10' 24' Per zoning zoning code per unit ' (1) Setbacks measured to building wall , architectural appurtenances such as eves and overhangs allowed to extend 24" maximum into setback area. �- (2) 10 ' minimum between structures except in patio home configurations. t 8 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 1 SITE PLANNING 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 IV. SITE PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS A. INTENT Communities such as Spring Meadows rely on careful planning which ensures its residents that adjacent land uses are compatible, all necessary services are phased with future construction, and that development utilizes basic yet effective site planning principles throughout the project. The unique site character and exceptional regional visual quality of the property dictates that development respond to the natural landscape insuring a sensitive approach to existing site conditions. The intent of this section is to set forth general guidelines and siting standards for Spring Meadows which insure proper consideration of lot configurations, building orientation and street relationships and which will increase the sense of openness, and visual variety without sacrificing density. B. STREET LAYOUT Multi-Family and Townhome Areas For multi-family neighborhoods within Spring Meadows the following design criteria have been established for use as a guide for private road layout within each project: Access to multi-family areas will be limited to collector and/or local streets; A reduction in the number of vehicular access points and adequate separation will avoid traffic congestion ad heighten the sense of arrival at main entries ; The use of carports/garages is strongly encouraged for Multi-Family areas as a means of reducing the visual impact ' of large parking bays as well as increasing the value of the condominium or apartment unit; Where possible, stagger front yard setbacks, and alternate driveway location to allow for a more interesting streetscape ; In the single family estate areas where lot sizes allow flexibility in unit siting, front yard setbacks should be staggered. This eliminates the common problem of front facades occurring on the same plane. 9 Spring Meadows Drive is planned with parking on both sides to accommodate visitor traffic, yet allow room for two lanes of traffic to pass through. ' C. ARCHITECTURAL SITING Parkside Single Family Detached and Estate Customarily, density plays a role in the feeling of openness and visual diversity of individual areas. However, by adhering to ' the following recommended siting considerations a sense of openness can be perceived without sacrificing density. Varying front yard set backs should be included to eliminate the common problem of front facades occurring in the same plane. Multi-family/Townhome Site planning principles , when adhered to, will allow the implementation of multi-family developments which are not only marketable and profitable, but also offer the essential "quality of life " elements of privacy and individuality, not typically found in higher density communities . The relationship and orientation of structures are of utmost importance in maintaining a sense of openness. The following criteria should be considered regarding building relationships and layout ; Buildings should be sited to maximize the feeling of open space and, whenever possible, be oriented toward and.or be incorporated into a planned open space/amenity system. Congregate Living Community The uniqueness of a congregate living community becomes an integral part of the community when developed within the 1 proximity of other residential land uses . Special considerations to building locations to locate services, views, open spaces and access must be considered. The location in relation to adjoining uses must be considered in how the project relates to existing t and planned uses . Use of natural topographies to soften the visual effect of building mass and orienting to natural amenities become critical when considering site use. Siting within the ' "Living Community" is essential to the future residences of the congregate community especially with the availability of adjacent open community amenities such as Graf Park, Sourdough Park, and Matthew Bird Creek. D. PARKING CONSIDERATIONS 10 Intent ' Criteria has been established for parking areas within Spring Meadows which is based on design philosophies which consider the ' type of land use and requirements within land use areas and adjacent_ land. uses . Oversize Vehicles and Trailers The outside storage of oversize vehicles , such as mobile homes , campers, and trailers (i .e. boat, snowmobile and motorcycle) in ' congregate living is prohibited in order to create a pleasing streetscape and visual character and will be strictly enforced. The following standards apply to all Parkside single family ' detached, single family estate and multi-family. Permanent storage of oversize vehicles , trailers, recreational ' vehicles, campers and boats will be prohibited in private drives within the area described as the front yard setback. Outdoor storage or parking of such vehicles will either be prohibited ' within the project or be encouraged in side yard and rear yard setbacks (see Figure 3 . 10) ; Areas used for storage of oversize vehicles and trailers will be surfaced with an all-weather surface material ; Oversize vehicle and trailer storage areas will be required to be ' adjacent to the consecutive unit; and Fencing and screening of oversize vehicle and trailer areas will be required. These measures not only maintain the visual quality ' of the development but increase the security of stored items. The type of fencing and screening must conform to these standards in the Project Element Character and Buffering section of this ' document. (Fig. 3 .2) In all multi-family areas , no permanent storage of oversize ' vehicles and trailers will be allowed in off-street parking areas. Designated areas for oversize vehicles and trailers will be allowed, although these areas will require adequate screening to maintain a pleasant visual appearance. ' Dog Runs Control of dogs is detailed in covenants and restrictions and will be strictly adhered to. Dog runs will be adjacent to garage areas in rear yard only and must be screened by landscaping as outline in Figure 3 .3 . Off-Street Parking ' 11 Special consideration for group parking areas is essential to ' maintaining a quality environment. The following standards will ensure that parking have the least visual impact to its residents and adjacent neighborhoods; ' Parking areas will be located off private drives, turn-arounds; loopstreets or eyebrows, and shall be conveniently located to the use or _uses they serve in order to encourage utilization. Off- street parking areas will not encourage or require motorists to back directly from a parking space onto local or arterial streets; ' Off-street parking and all drives shall be paved, maintained and properly drained. Storm water runoff should be sufficiently distributed to prevent soil erosion and disturbance of vegetation ' in adjacent areas. All drainage plans will be subject to review by the committee . Maximum grade in parking areas shall not exceed six (6) percent. Cut or fill slopes created by parking ' area regrading, shall not exceed 3 :1 and shall be sufficiently stabilized to prevent soil erosion; ' Lighting systems designed for illumination of parking areas and driveways shall use levels of illumination (foot candles ) appropriate for the square footage of the lighted area. The type of light source and fixture will be designated to conserve energy ' and be in character architecturally with that area of Springs Meadows. No illumination sources shall be placed in a location or-be of an intensity to disturb neighbors, pedestrians or nearby ' motorists . All systems will be subject to review by the Committee; and ' Parking areas will conform to the City of Bozeman requirements. ' 12 � � � - ��� � �- � � . _- 1 . - � _ _.-__ �.. -.�- .; �. : 1 ���, -. . .- : . . . . . . � � ! � � � � ���. 3.� 1 1 ii ' ��� � �� � ____ 11 I 1 �.. �� _ _ �, 1 � --_ i 1 __ i --. ��I(o. 3.2 - . r r • I ( I II 1 1 Y 1 I� i r 1 ' 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t V. ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS fA. INTENT The character and aesthetic quality of architectural elements within Springs Meadow play a key role in a project ' s identity in the Bozeman market area. The architectural detailing implemented on homes, as well as project elements such as fences and entrance ' features can achieve a visual harmony for the development as a whole. ' As a guide for builders and their architects, and as a means for the architectural committee to critique proposed projects, design criteria have been compiled in this section. Additional requirements may be developed in the covenants, conditions and restrictions for particular areas. B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS tMassing Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure the diversity of form within Spring Meadows areas. Floor designed to allow for the integration of single story structures such as garages , covered porches and entry ways with the main story structures and iangles (see Figure 4. 1) . Variation of roof heights and angles aid in providing visual interest among individual units and groups of buildings. Siting and design of single family homes should mitigate the domination of garage doors on the streetscape. Bay windows, cantilevered second floors , protruding chimneys and other architectural projections provide added depth and visual interest to a building will be encouraged. The use of shadow is a major ' component in adding depth to building elevations. Shadow relief can be achieved by accentuating roof lines with extended overhangs and accentuating door and window openings. (Figure ' 4. 3) . In multiple unit buildings, scale is a key factor in creating a dynamic facade. Box-like structures should be avoided, by developing a compatible building wall to roof relationship, as well as providing a transition from higher to lower stories. Material/Color Strong architectural and neighborhood style are important attributes of a successful development or project area. Materials , color and textures should be selected to provide identity and visual compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods. 13 Materials with reflective or glare producing qualities , which may ' be disturbing and/or dangerous to adjacent uses will not be allowed within Spring Meadows. ' Exterior materials should accentuate and compliment the height , mass and dimensions of a structure. The use of materials which are compatible, but provide subtle 1 contrasts through texture or tone will accentuate specific architectural detailing . Materials should be limited to two, excluding trim and other architectural accents. Horizontal facade treatment should be used with buildings of up to two stories. ' Roofing materials , textures and colors will be considered in keeping with the architectural theme. Exposed aluminum flashing along chimneys , roof valley lines and all other roof ' appurtenances will be discouraged. Any exposed aluminum material will be required to be painted in a color to match the roofing material , and will be required to be maintained in a painted condition. Roofs on all structures shall be required to meet or exceed the demands of local climatic conditions, including design snow load. Roof pitch shall be allowed up to a 12 :12 pitch and will not be allowed to be less than a 4 :12 pitch. Although a strict "theme" is not established for Spring Meadows, special consideration should be made to give buildings a timeless appeal . This can be done by maintaining a sense of "Turn of the Century" aspects within all designs. Contemporary structures with single sloping roofs and "time dated" design will be discouraged. Special considerations to entrances , porches , eveline details , gable detailing, window accents and material inclusions will be considered by the architectural committee in determining if the design incorporates the "timeless " image described within Spring Meadows. (Fig. 4 .4 - 4. 8) ' Where residential uses abut , use of the following design considerations will ensure all uses compatible site planning with the least amount of visual impact. ' All non-residential buildings exceeding the height of 9 g g adjacent residential structures should orient their longest ' facades perpendicular to adjacent uses to reduce massiveness and maintain view corridors from residential areas; Buildings exceeding thirty-five feet in total height should utilize parking areas as a buffer area between residences by increasing the distance between incompatible structures ; 14 i Materials Exterior materials should accentuate and complement the structures mass . An area which establishes harmony by collaborating architectural style, scale, texture , use of ' materials and color will be encouraged. Roof Treatment ! Rooflines and roofscapes shall consider the views of upslope and/or taller buildings. All roof appurtenances such as, vents and heating/cooling ductwork, are to be grouped or placed to the rear of building to lessen the visual impact of these elements. All such appurtenances will be either painted to match the roofing material or building material , or preferably screened or concealed. When screening these elements, the screening material will be required to be of a color and material which complements the architecture of the building. SAll materials, in context with the above mentioned materials will be considered and will be subject to Architectural Control Committee approval . C. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENTS The quality of any planned community is measured by the relative success of the image it portrays. Spring Meadows will utilize design criteria and standards for all its community elements for both residential and non-residential areas to ensure its quality image throughout. The criteria established in this chapter will provide builders and developers with a program outlining the level of quality, uniformity of design, style and format of the following community elements : * Multi-family project elements * Signage/Entrance Features * Lighting Trash Receptacles Trash receptacles should be centrally located to the units it services , while remaining easily maintained and { inconspicuous. Preferred locations for receptacles include : the end of parking courts, along interior secondary access routes and private drives and separated from building entrances. Trash receptacles should be enclosed on three sides and utilize architectural material and colors in keeping with Ieach particular project 's character and shall meet Bozeman City Code requirements. 15 The use of landscaping will be encouraged to further aid in visually softening the impact of such facilities . Storage facilities will be encouraged to be integrated into individual neighborhoods . These facilities will be required to- fit architecturally to the surrounding architectural materials , style and color . Additionally , storage sheds/areas should be located adjacent to dwellings for ease of access and reduction of cluttered space . Detached storage sheds are prohibited. Meter Placement To maintain the visual integrity and residential character of communities , it is important that electric and gas meters requiring external locations, be placed in areas away from direct view of streets screened by cabinets, wing walls, fencing and/or vegetation. Transf ormers During preliminary design of street and utility plans it ' s important that prospective developers and/or builders present to utility companies their preferred transformer , switch box, pedestal and/or condenser locations. Continued negotiations with ' particular companies throughout planning and construction phases can result in mutually agreed upon locations that will limit the visual impact of such structures . Locations for such facilities should be placed in areas least likely to intrude on views from streets and pedestrian ways and should not detract from areas where considerable investment has been spent to achieve a high level of visual quality. Wherever possible, in any location, these facilities should be screened by low fencing, and shrubs ensuring year round visual protection. Side and Rear Yard Fences In situations where side and rear yards abut other yards, fencing shall be at the discretion of the individual builder although a shadow box style fence is strongly recommended. This type of fence construction does not differentiate between a front or back , presenting an equally nice appearance regardless of orientation. 'f Fencing is encouraged on rear yards of lots that adjoin Graf Park, but should be done with respect for the openness of this area and not become a continuous length from yard to yard. iMaintenance Fencing is subject to deterioration and requires periodic 1 16 1 preventative maintenance. Fencing of Spring Meadows will be required to be maintained to protect the visual image of the development and is subject to the following criteria: Landscape materials which have died along a fence, leaving the fence discolored, will be replaced by the maintaining owner or entity within 6 months of their removal ; and ' Any portion or segment of a fence which has been damaged or in need of repair will be repaired within 3 months of the damage or notification by the Homeowner ' s Association. ' These damages may be the result of, but not limited to the following: *natural processes *accident *vandalism *weather Signage/Entrance Features To maintain continuity throughout the project, standard design elements must follow basic guidelines. However, flexibility in materials, colors, type style and size will allow individuality among the varying land uses and individual residential communities. General Design Considerations For unity and project identification, the project logo will be incorporated into the main project , marketing, informational/ directional , and future site signs. The spacing relationship between the logo and project name have been carefully worked out ' and should not be modified. General Standards tIn order to maintain project unity all signs within Spring Meadows will be required to conform to the following standards : rNo sign whose surface area exceeds 3 square feet shall be displayed or placed upon any lot, building or structure without a permit. Permit applications shall be reviewed by the Architectural Control Committee and approval shall be based on compliance with the standards set forth in this section. A sign permit fee shall be established by the committee on an annual basis; All signs with Spring Meadows shall be subject to approval by the Committee; Maintenance of signs shall be the responsibility of the owner or a designated private maintenance entity and shall .be kept in good repair at all times; 17 All signs of a permanent nature shall have lighting from 1 within the sign itself, from above or below the sign face, or from the ground directly below the face. The source of illumination shall not be visible from a right-of-way or adjacent property; ' The followingsigns shall not be permitted in Spring Meadows: g P P g I 1 . Any sign designed to flash or rotate. 2. No portable sign located on one or more wheels. 3 . Any signs painted on the exterior of a building. 4. Any sign attached to a building which extends above the roof line or above the top of the parapet of the front wall, whichever is higher. 5. Any sign which impairs the visibility of traffic control devices or directional signs. All signage must conform to the City of Bozeman Land Development Code-Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. In the event of conflicting requirements, the more restrictive standard shall apply. 1 Project Entry Signage Permanent project entry signs/monumentation shall be permitted in two locations and are intended to serve as entrance features as well as signage. These features will be suitably landscaped and may contain elements of an attractive nature. These signs are : Spring Meadows Entrance , Spring Meadows Congregate Living. These signs and locations are called out on site plans submittals as presented to the City of Bozeman. Temporary Signage Marketing signs for different builders will be necessary to inform prospective community residents for future land use sites. A color palette will be developed to provide temporary signs with visual continuity . All signs will utilize a light grey background with maroon lettering. For Sale Signs For sale signs will be allowed provided that they conform with the following standards : 1. Maximum number: 1 per home or project Maximum faces : 2 Maximum height : 4 feet Maximum size; 4 square feet 18 2. Homeowners are permitted one FOR SALE sign for each . dwelling unit, provided the sign face does not exceed 3 square feet and the maximum height will be limited to 3 feet. 3 . For sale and builder signs shall use , colors and formats as set forth in temporary signage of design guidelines . Lighting The Master Lighting Plan is an essential community design element for Spring Meadows . Based on a colonial lighting theme, the Developer will be responsible for installation of lighting along major collectors and Spring Meadows project entrances. Builders will be responsible for installation of lighting on internal streets and individual community entrances. Street Lighting Lighting along Graf street will be standard according to the public works director and engineer for the City of Bozeman. Lighting on Spring Meadows Drive and Billion Place will be installed by the developer. This lighting will alternate from street side to street side so no two lights are directly across ' from one another. The light standard will be antique in look and a colonial type flair similar to those seen in turn of the century applications. ' Interior .Lighting Lighting within the Spring Meadows multi-family areas will be submitted to the architectural committee along with a "Cut Sheet" showing the proposed light standard. These applications must be approved by the architectural committee to see that they meet the design standard that is cohesive with the overall lighting plan. Sidewalk, parking and building lighting will all be reviewed on the following criteria: * Effect on overall mood * Effect on adjacent properties * Intensity * Height in relation to location and adjacent structure * "Colonial Flair" look * Number and location in regard to function fAccent Lighting The use of accent lighting particularly in association with ' entrance features and signage provides a dramatic sense of arrival . 19 Entrances , and signage adjacent to roadways should utilize 1 sources of illumination from within the sign itself, or from directly above or below the sign face. Flush mounted lighting will compliment sign lighting and illuminate vegetation without affecting oncoming traffic. Pedestrian areas particularly in higher densities projects should utilize low level or billiard lighting. This form of lighting will provide adequate safety with less glare. 1 1 1 1 1 20 1.1� aw ow Iw 1 . Single Family Estate Style B Figure 4.9 I�-}G GHUH . G= I --- — - = urn - -- I Lp Figure 4.10 18 l im Mol a" ow 1 - Single Family Estate Style A I".r. Li. i_r7 na0El _ Or a • • _t'�i%A/,���l�♦ /- __•ram 1 .gym- - - 77. ------ - y i t - 1 1 l Single Family 'Moveup' Style A i �� Ire,'-T` . 1 ago 1 _ - ooa �Sri•?� ,�' - �Q00�� i � '�5wi:�°`�`�t�,nsN1%�t�. `-a�w'��` Single Family 'Moveup' Style B Figure 4.7 • fir' 1 S�� � �-5 v�� -------------- -- _ C-4N 1 - OC�C�L7O� 01i Figure 4.8 17 Singleam am own" Detached/Patio ■■�' wiw��M�/f ww� IrI�11rn � R•II�E i am I�rs loV, _! il■ti_ �� __ y�� wu�Iww IZw n1l■1/��Ilrnr■I����w�r■� Yw■%�w rl■w iJ � �s� .ww�wZ'�.w•s. ii wur i �� �ruilrl :. ,.. ��� �■ii�i�i i flt' \IM 'manwoul ion mill - inn IIINOR <,a• �� ON ,�I�wrlrlti• o�ru. ,.. 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Plant materials of varying heights , density and style are the key elements in creating an innovative plan. As guide for prospective builders, _general planting principles and recommended plant species are also included in this document. This is to: * ensure that as various phases of the development are built-out, the character of all open space and landscape areas will provide harmony in a maturing community. * help to guide the homeowner and builder in the selection of species that are compatible with the Bozeman climate and even further with the site location of Spring Meadows within the Gallatin Valley. A landscape credit has been included in the sales price of each lot . This has been done to further control the direction and implementation of the landscaping within Spring Meadows. B. Landscape Plan . The landscape credit has been designated to one landscape contractor . A landscape plan must be submitted to the Architectural Committee with building plans for approval . This shall also include multi-family areas which fall under the reviews of the City of Bozeman. This plan shall also include proposed methods of irrigation . The landscape credit is sufficient to provide this landscape plan as well as a sizable credit towards installation of the actual landscaping. All landscape improvements shall be completed as per plan within 15 months. This time period shall start at the beginning of construction. C. Neighborhood Landscaping An overall development landscape inclusion plan has been established to enhance the atmosphere of the entire Spring Meadows Development. Those items to be addressed include : *Buffering the Sourdough nature trail from adjacent developed areas and create a pleasing setting conducive to walking, jogging, cross-country skiing and passing time I along this natural trail . This would include incorporation of benches and berms to create peaceful sitting areas. 21 I *Buffering the west boundary line along Graf Park. This has been done to "Soften" the effect of this development on Graf i. Park and the views from existing residences to the west. This will also serve to identify the boundary between Spring _ Meadows and Graf Park. This landscape is planned to vary in .. - line- .f.r.om. _on the boundary line to plantings in Graf Park to avoid a "Shelter Belt" look. *Group plantings are planned at specific areas to add to the overall look of the area. These are planned; 1) In conjunction with the entrance sign on Spring Meadows Drive. 2) In the area of Flat Creek. 3) At the entrance to Spring Meadows congregate living area. D. Landscape Credit 1 A landscape credit has been established with one landscape contractor to ensure that the overall scope of intent is maintained throughout the build-out of Spring Meadows. This credit is included in the sales price of the lots and is to be put into Escrow for the landscaping at the closing of each property . A recommended list of plants is included as a guideline for initial and ongoing landscaping. E. Recommended Plant List Evergreen Trees 5/6 ' Colorado Spruce Black Hills Spruce_ Scotch Pine Austrian Pine Deciduous Trees Weeping Birch Clump Birch Quaking Aspen 1 1/2" Brooks Hybrid Poplar Flowering Crab Shubert ' s Purple Chokecherry Decora Mountain Ash Japanese Tree Lilac Ginnala Maple ,l 22 Deciduous Shrubs Potentilla 18/24" Alpine Currant Cotoneaster Red Twig Dogwood Lilac Honeysuckle A W Spirea Gold Flame Spirea Ashleaf Spirea Purple Leaf Plum Golden Elder Rose Tree of China Dwarf Highbush Cranberry Rugosa Shrub Rose Evergreen Shrubs Mugho Pine 18/24" Techny Arborvitae Welchii Upright Juniper 3 ' Spreading Juniper 18/24" -Buffalo -Scandia -Tam -Prince of Wales -Blue Chip -Hughes -Savin -Pf itzer 23 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 OPEN SPACE/TRAILS 1 1 1 i 1 f 1 1 t 1 1 VII. OPEN SPACE / TRAILS A. INTENT The Sourdough Trail within Spring Meadows has been designated as an integral part of the character and visual amenities . Uses permitted within the trail area are to be determined by the City of Bozeman and the Bozeman Rotary Club . B. Accessibility Trail connections within residential areas are critical and should be located advantageously so as to encourage open space use. t The Sourdough Trail has been located to provide a connection g p o ection to Graf Park . The Trail crosses Spring Meadows Drive at the intersection of Graf Street to provide a controlled intersection crossing point. The area to the northwest of Spring Meadows Drive connects directly to Graf Park to provide the area for the trail in a more natural state than on a sidewalk or street. The trail extends to the eastern edge of the development to allow for the potential of future construction to the south. C. Park/Open Space Landscape and Maintenance Funding Funding for landscaping along the trail is proposed to be ' provided by the City of Bozeman park funds , Rotary Club involvement, and developer participation. ' Maintenance of the trails and open spaces are proposed to be maintained as follows: *City of Bozeman - dedicated parks and open spaces as ' accepted. *Homeowners ' Association - entryways , tracts , local ■ R.O.W. 's. *Bozeman Rotary Club - Sourdough Trail as accepted. ' 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 t NOTE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF Proposed New 8"Were, One To Connect To ot'd ng 6"Were, e'r In r re,.w one S P R I N G MEADOWS S U B D I V I S I O N Proposed N.w R•Sonllory S.we, To I Poposed 30•W/de Emergency Access Cenn.ct To Ex/sling B"Son/lory Sewer And Iltl//ty Easement ` InFolrrlewD,le. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONED Rs-� BEING A PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED NW I/4 SEC. 19 & C.O.S. No. 819A Porce/ 3A \ \ CO.S{No.406D SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T. 2S., R. 6E., P. M. M. \,I S89°07'5s"E II 1 21'1.ao' CITY OF BOZEMAN , GALLATIN COUNTY , MONTANA) / 106' 10 ' Sro/m Ra tention FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 Emargir-y 8reaeowo �e¢K / Bonocode I Pone .Eosemenl BY: SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. BOZ EM AN,MONTANA i 1 ( LOT IO LOT I I F. SCALE: III= 50 I 50 0 50 t o0 \ / 10,900 S. 00 S.F. 1 \ \ R R _Rel. - - Creek k D / ul 64 64 t„ Owners & Developers / loo Y.. Flood a ndary N 92-': ��' E.Wkg Spring Meadow Partnership Creak 618 West Griffin LOT 9 I LO 12 Bozeman,Montana 10,000 S.F. I I 10,000 F. �_ 1) 1 `vr'aodwaY Bou ndory m{. I N— — t I � 100 Your Flood eoandary�.1 �- -� 1 1 LOT 8 - o LOT 13 I 10,500 S.F. o F.li 8,900 S. ro Wide Podutrlan / Walkway - -- - � I 1I. 1 _ C.O.S. No.803 e$ I W \Q. Volley View Golf Club -LOT 000 �-F. A -4915 1 / 9,610 S.F. o'. D `� o 6 Easement Note NOTES, a 5wide Sidewalk 1n Addition To Easements Shown On Plat, - GROSS AREA = 18.6 ACRES /) Easement W° :� Easements For Utilities Shall Be 10 Feet - NET AREA = 14.4ACRES o' Alonq Exterior Lot Lines - TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS =27 / y / Oa LOT 15 - MINIMUM LOT SIZE = 8,900 SO.FT. '!-0 10,680 S.F. - ZONED; R-2 LOT 6 .p T �L ��' B - DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE =2.54 ACRES _ 8,900 S.F $e �{ - COMMON OPEN SPACE OR DEDICATED PARK=2.67 ACRES d / C K BLO Mathew / ° 3'wdesleewmk s Easement ZONED RS-1 ✓// ? �.o LOT 16 LOT 5 -o.� 8,900 S.F o, E N o 8,900 S.F. 4 e Limits Of Deloil d .•Flood Plain Study m 2 0 oh oQi O d I Vicinity Map m v I tI-I LOT 17 1 Loll Brook 4 $ 9 8, O + I GraLot p Oral's 3rd Add. 's B/o k6 S.F. I NI Grof's 3rdc Add. - LOT 4 - N '•I I o 10,410 S.F. I �� l0 NOi"20' J E IW sis,leg care 6 Gutlr -45. Gro/ _ Proposed New Curb 8 Gullet /�,5i�� stree/ End Of Asphalt - -71 , n I W N 0(, 37 09 E 30.02' I LOT IS 0) loseo S.F t� \ $ LOT 3 R m 9 45 S F 'S! �a O m 3 t m v - - I Lol S Block 5 Lot 6_4 v v I O Grof's 3rd.Add. Amended Plot /-46-4 LOCATION l II _ IH e s 1 ° LOT 19 sa. a I e 9,500 S.F. Trio LOT 2 � 10,140 S.F. :, e \ 00 Y.or Flood Se-dory = F I \ lC7 O o /0 ZONED R"2 \\ O i t, LOT 20 / \ \ p I Z 14,800 S.F. / Z Ia - a" / Lot 5 9i's /I O'ti0 Cily o/B iemop -,o -a•^ I / / / Block 6 / a /B F 562,56.3 Pr osed Storm = LOT 1 2'. I LOT 21 Oral's 3rd Add. Y// Ae/enrion Pone - I�-� - TI' -I•;640 S.F. t � � I i '� '10,320 S.F. I •�'�:,a^,ec� f , g ° S00°29'S6"W j /\ / C.O.S.No,803 S 9 3 E 14. 9' / / a Valley View Golf Club n PUBLICS PARK G 07 Acs. o —N01°20i31 E S89 09'� / /q 4t 69 - .. --� _ 30.3 } 205 30.31) .. ° �_, 58"s35"RCP R. PUBLIC PARK LOT 22 Grof Street I —� l / ve i cs. a '� \$ 13,640 S.F. ° t Eslstb M E'allo F!e NydJ - GRAF -N 00 37t 09'E 24" Water y Er do vas H dldt —Y—— = 30.02' Z } I N 89°11'51"IN / 381. I es r••,y, LOT 24 \ wi g \\\ 19,140 S.F. v a P R /Amended P/ad 1 I •9'' -Pork Easement o r \ /'46-A 111 I ! 1. A� i ' 0' ',p. Qp.": r'• LOT 23 I ZONED R Z / N00°28'01"E I \ LOT I 2os / sa'wide. ti 22,940S.F. Z J 0.80 Acs. I orb [s�e Eosam.nl 0 / eonnau�iryp.) / 119' 302' 421_ --_-_.-___— ---- \ � �- �9'09 211 E 382:00' - - PUBLIC PARK 2,33 Acs. � //// //}F/a°dwoY Baun ad)yam � 1 /4K ZONED RS-l LOT 2 O'Neil ( / ry G!V / \ 4.12 Act. \\ \ Oy�O G� Q, Q .p Proposed s'wlda coaarete 6F 1000 I / �Q �— - \ QQO C p Sidawatk(rypitol) 0\' PUBLIC PARK / -------�---� X \ aw / o propo.ee curb) LOT I O Gutter(ryploalo IC) =a e 1.45 Acres p'� W t= 'A �j/ O / PROPOSED BUILDING \ I I o -p ,_I oposed E+M of \ / / }r Grof6 Foarth Addition \ ro Powment I _ Z/ I 11 —_.50`-Radius-Temporary Turnaround Easement / O / w / / / o R-2 43'Radius-Gravel Turnaround Surface ZONED 32 S C.O.S. No. 526 rod rear Flood /I�/� � 300' zr' rn ----- PROPOSED PARKING -- - _ N 69°I0'13 Y1� . 575.00 01N /T .._. I S 00°28'01°W 45.00' N 89°10'13°W 790.00' ZONED R 2 ��'-�.;• - ------------- - - - _ --- .jam - _ - - L _ 9PAGEM ALL @ 9'x I6= ♦ x' S✓ - . �:PUTL'RE. � t caza�o� -__. � ,� �= ` � I ( -.��_ � �' �� ,< `SST 1 REQLI►i�•>IME�I�IT� 1---- "WNT VA." a6�-e' v P 'a, e SIDE YLRCS 9'— _y .•,...r � r�—...... . w. _ I I 'x �co '�� � .. ----RSafL YA0.D:.. - 20'—e' J I : `� / I •� +. ., �� �� ♦ .; . •� � zbNIhJG- .REQUIREMEM'�a> 1+Lim III RETI EMMNT.IAll .,�K\. .LOW R 1XVEL I I i CAFZE.1 YL�LNCe__ .. ': °�\ 2 I•^ SIT!= PEi�Gty`I AGES { ? $ uI + \ 26�a. rr Ill UILn(I'-4G I(o%a of gCTE . ovvEa LEYEL n• x '' r 1 OL P7�i4kIN In 2e% of BITE i I I + I' I I / \ \ r / LANCpy?�EIAI(e 26ei96 CF "g-TE it ', / I I COryC�F�cCa>TE I I I _ I --� o o'. �\ i ♦ '. 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LIVING _ 15 UNITS RETIREMENT CARE LIVING OWNER : LEISURE LIFE SERVICES ...INC a ,A P L A N NE D U N I T D E V E L 0 ' P M E N T SHEET. ---. - ._- a_ u __._-...::_ ... tP.. ._H _o_+-L:� •_� � G_ - 5 8: -:1- 2 0 4 •_ r _ i-tom,_..' -- ••� OP6 A. M� -as •oo -fibr- ^ :F Y'fef �■`t.:-l�q.�A° !:>'S4�� ram' . i Mi. i -. ALL•45!AR RED V=D SIOWCO _ .... _ wl Martkruc. ctx.E>e przv-v!r �.d,e,<.SS c�sr;t z++►r-F Io✓�P Wr_ST rLr-VATI O 101_or 7-0' ��_ o�. �._o. 2i_o` - f�lU'fE:PU•SIp 61i+•UP+. 20J6AR GLEI--� �- ... To MAICH V-D' &A57 FIN 15k m _t ` t f#4 NOPZ• ? ccnlc.w/sanrc o=9 9 = -••15LAST FWtsk eA,K514r_ EICL•C%fke- r-LEVArION Gl-1 R•P, L G✓I fit} f_= L n WCt l ON - M 11 f=_T 1_T y "..GN-C: 1/4^ s 1' e• S 'S: I•a 1' ----w f{!y µcE N A I-L W ti`F eurawrfi - Q z 'NB[6HWR 3fORA/OE •ills/•a{Iwp. STOPA(Z -rUP4sR/G u �v (� ' '`�'6'' EA•rIN� � F.AllN6 u F� JO tgH ENTRY F P>ATH Q eNT12Y 84Tld Q ►� Y YANCtVO COWS UNW ovmM uNP.AI OUANITY MOG0,3UrZ rzci LIH N& PZV-4 IlixI ilsxJ; gk OOtA IIsK13` i M '. 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Pra osed Ner:'A :San/ Y Sr Pro osed SO (ride-Emt,_: !'..ySY..--.-.1:.' - �' 1 ,��..�:�./. :'�� E:�1 \ D r�'. . ` V :'� �_,.'-V D I �..� � .O, :. S k 0 ., :. .. , .. t ". .:..: ; ,, - .. /ytil Easemeril". - -' >'.. - To tin B Snnitor Serer -And U Y.-. dv s - .. Connect o Eils q , Y - .. .-' .. .,. -:y. .. .. .. _' .: ... -i : :.- t:,. /n Fai/vrlr Orivr .. .. - `.%, S ...fit,. ,:: . . : J -: A PLANNED UNIT DE ELOPMENT . . I . . s-.r:_ h 0 HE IJNPL` AtTED -NW 1/4 :SEC. .19 81 CO.S.. Na.: 8194 . zoNED R 6ElNG `A ORTION T . _ ". x _ ,. . . . ..-. I Porte/ 3A /': - -' - .::::.. %+ ,. Laos Na.406D .. SI"YU ATED .IN :THE'' N W 1/4 OF SECT I ON .. 19, T 2.S. R.6 E.; P. M.M `k: \ ! . _ \ S89°0T56"E:. 211.80' COU Y AN'A • Cil-Y OF BOZEMAN', GALLATIN NT MQ,NT /� F` os' o JANUARY, 1987 K, f „ , Emergency Breekara 1. =sA.ron1 DOW 'PARTNE HIP FOR:.SPRING MEA RS . v . I /Veey I Aanacad! Pond .Ee1em BY' SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. BOZEMAN,MONTANA /_. SC 01 r{ . LOT 10 LOT tl �- _ I .. * p 11 �50 �0 50 'I 005. . ALE:. I' S. 10,900 S F ^`r{ ` 1 ` :. - „�, _ Relocate .. " . 1 \'.' . . I , . 1 / . . e. 1 n .areex 't I.. .. _ r . `.. >. I O . �/ ea e, Owners E3 Developers X a �4...I-I 1-\II.-..I�,.I%.\�).(_I-\"...:\�I...,?(II.,'..\,..-1I.,I)���_-...�,..( 1 �. ( oo rear F/ead a nd.'Y.' '�' ►t GlYuna Spring Meadow Partnership x' 1 x meastGriffin r . 1 ! ze nano ' �:. LOT 9 LO 12 n'MO ,, 'a: - 9 sle By t . - 10,000 S F. 10,000 F, o - i r' �-Flood,*,Boundary i - - ; . ( P 1 r. , i ./,0Ii-,-I,.�-,I_.��.1.I�,-I,.I.,�'.,�'...W.,aII 8>--,�-:.qr..-./(4I,r%I.A.��I.q...­,�i-I;I�..;.I...:-.-:!J..I.:i...1.I 9 i�*:..r.1I�r..II�'..�JI...qi,I:,-I�I,r�'�.�.�-.-.I I.I,1��a-1�,.�.�-�� f . I,II-1"t 11,1,i-I-..4I..I I.,I 1.,I,.1 1��-L!II_,,).%....,.I-,I�-�i 1_II.-,�.�I,.­.--�Iq���,"-11..:IIrI_.1�I��I,1."--..I­7 I....,,"._'1II...IA��,.,��..I...�I..:.A.I.I)i-I��,_,".-,.�_-`.,,-I,�-_�.._.,-ft._,.1�1-;.�I:..I�x 1I I.,..i...h........,.I.I-I.-_.-,.,..,.y.-.,-_..7.1.­I.�_I.I­.9I-,.z.-I I-� :Z I 3 , I _- / B9 / I t ,i' 1 ,� . N . LOT 13 /ao ralr Flood eorneo.y__� -'� I TO � - - ' .. . . _ I m 90 10,5 L � 8, D i 1 , { , . . / / , '. .. / Id Md.Plde.liaa , / / r. I I ,g LOT ,\fl [[yOISeNo BO Lab ...:` i I4 v u . I LOT 7 - - -4915 o .. r I - .. F .. ',1. �' l.. ^r"-_ .. pe f NOTES+ ; E _� l ..`' _ -`� S Wid.Sidewalk : - - .. :-. - - - ---✓- Ea..m.nt {il a - - NEOT AREA A 16.9 ACRESES -. -, e: > a� ., - - TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS _2T - - - - - .. _ pp O i 'I LOT IS.` :.. - MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 8,900 SO.FT. .--:, .d. .... _ ... - q + - /.., / .o ; . 1 c 10,680 S.F. _o _ - ZONED: R-2 - . _ _ _ .�/ / 1 I `e 9 n-' - , .. - DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE a -b, . re .. g ¢w ... . _ , S. - 1 _ +' - OMMON ACE OR DEDICAT A -2. LOT 6 a o' 8900 F - a'. P RK- 54 ACRES 7JII �. I m °' .. !!! _ . a C OPEN SP ED ':;` -, ' / / LOCK , 15 / i i SDI . d / o , B'r - / FMI NYt.ITYvI el. :._.' - :- - _ ' atF°d • I / ; E Wide S,dewal, 1 i rr . I 1 m.m.nl RS- - .- / . . j / .I ZONED `� I D` :R. / LOT 16 %11 _. . / , / o j o o p LOT 5 .o' I. •111J 8_ e,900 s.F ; / - //// � 16 b 8;900 S.E 5 / e 4 ..'. - Limils Of Detailed•.Fldo Plain Study .. /• m 2 _m I_ ,y •:' I I VI I I I aV t-V 1`• - - - 4920 - - -- of I i U / J� // Vicinit Ma j I.1 /17 L y p X Loll Black I Si- � - Q :d $ Co/VCF_PrrVA - - i 'A -_> ,' I- Lol5 Blark6 -B.OSF,'- LOT'4 : Gra/'s Jed Add ;.GioJ•s Jr0-Add -c ^ N - - - - . , . i1.. 1 - - 10,410 S.F.' - 'Lo P M�NT" . . E . .1 . ` \� o /. NDSCAPE h 1 . /, - -._ _ ---- - l a t ----- _J l ,: N 01'20'3E �. :w- ----- -- .:- rlst!q Crr3 B Gvlrer , L' I'1 :. 3 • Pt_Ar� .. Grre - Prapegee rver ee--B caner ` 45.15 - -_- _ - ----- ..Street _ --- - -------- ---�--- ' �- - . ', r. _ _ _ I , . ° e e or nipnon „ I i W ,: I.:. --- .., _ __.. . _,, _- .._._ ------- - 6 'I & , y,, --`' - `� �.. 10,680 S:F. O - I I -1. „ .,,r $ D (� R N . $ LOT 3 I ;�, . , . Lot 5-Block 5 i o _A' c `P v 9,345 S.F. :. (� p0.. _,,I - .. A:: L_'a. !/ � a , GFdJ's Jed.Add. L t 6 , . . e: 11 s - . Amended'Plat fn - - - �' i .,. - it Q 1. 11- _.` . .,., , :, . . - e eq' -- . =, 1 - - e D =r .. . _- _. -. II ~ I r _ - !. LOCATIOt1 '. 1 � 1 i ra� s9 .LOT r { \ I j - . - 4 5D0 LOT 2' L. I O, i \ \ ----/a0 rear F/ooe Baundory - - - .. . II I .1 0 140 a ;` X' � > ;< I ZONED R-2 : ., \ IJJ �:: I Z 14,800 ,F.\. \ -- -- a \ I° F: . __ _._ -...-_.._----- - __ - _ IN i .... Block 6 .Ad' - - pdUO City a/Boremon^ - / �' . . e .. -L�red S/.rm o o :% 81010h 3rd,Add...'r _ // 'reren11-Pone _ _ ___ LOT _ 1 . O .. 2 - ..lB F 562,5GJ L 1 r, T I - - `:\ \\ / t \ 10,320 S,F I `'`4::,:.. 3,640.5.F.. _ -' E .. , u is 1-\ � \ ° t ,r �..:: - S00°29 56'W •/ J •_ - _ "_:40,S.No:B03 . I - ... 589 1037E . ',. \ .\ - n t. "?" 1 .;�. '.Vo/leyVier-Go//Cab 14. 9 r \ •3--NOI°20'31'IE.:' PUBLItt PARK corAt:. S89°09'� " / r / /430 „ea 45. 5-. 34' - '_ „ . -:. 1., ti -�.J_ .. a- „ran 205 ��� ,*^: I ,30.3,� ne-, o PUBLIC PARK % : a m, LOT E2 G/qf''51'e i ,___ _ :�___. / c.-.i ,36 RCP. _ m i .\e.. 64 F - ,� . . .. ... {':,,- a I: -'- 6 _ -.- -', / t____ ..:__II_:. i m 0.17 Ats. 'i'! \ :13, O S. , Erislm z Erfstiny 5ie H el - -_,-GRAF 1) F , -N00°37-09 E. �-s 4" ral.r ndn- Jt.ta____ y - . / ' - - Er nn F,re N el ,ivt r �- -- -.- --_ -i a's 30.02' __ _ `� �� 1 - e,. :, ii N 89°I I'S1'W f r - OZ I4i` .. 1.. I .., .% . e " f .,. f 1..- 38I. 1 I a5 _• e'Da„• LOT 24` `\ - - - .- ';',. y V .a` p°"'i o/ LaJ 6d ' i. " .. I9,140 5.Fr r _ - Ja, -'.:..,. /Amended.Plo c gg -Pork E..:en. y , I - _ v /-4 A 1 -^ `� _ I - - t V 1 / - l 9. LOT 23` i; ZONED R"2 I N 0°28'01°E { LOT I 29s 30,wme; 22',940 S.E �:,, _ I !°_? f ,�, - / z -,.� • 0.80 Ace. ra)I ml�e Easamen! .. 2°' ,• 140.27 ,.: . . . / - o l ., .` o en s \. - . 1' 1 I - 11 {..i 1 I 1. pa ' - - / - ��-- v vat I I 1 �, ,.l }. -�\- , - _ ri `BoundaryfTYo.I l r L, +9.' :,1 + �f� `_'e tit - -Y. y Y �� _�- �� 1 - 7= - -- -� I ni --- -- .,- - - - - . -- --- -'---- . o r+ _ - - -/��. .:'1 �'v .. -J-Eare2a_Worer Moin _ 2 / ti 1/ ». _S89 09 2 E / // 382.00 - s - - + 316' . - -- _ W n - _ �� 1 P BLIC PARK / . U .r -. //flr+/7 --� p`F,'. I ; / - 2.33Acs. // _ ' \ \ 'I- /; �, / ra -.. -•� - / .. _ __ .. - - - , / - G \- ?, �4 / E \. ' 4 . V1 rr / 1, 313 �� / .\ \ I /'.: f/ f 1 . M +. .; NED: R5' T y II< ` U 0 / � ,. r ' / .. \___" �,- / 4 m 0 Nri! � / J l !V 12 Ace. \ ` too 1 - :. / P°j / 05 t G , ` . / :,Y 6F l000 QP _ �.� 1\ r OQ w Siaa.midtTro teal Cloncrete �1,� : - ,.<a.- _..- -------- 2 l / `o ,\' \. 1 Qe- c C c 0 PUBLIC PARK , `1 "- a ' ' j/ .: %4q1g ` \ �\`t > q-, a _I*-.IdClurb5 LOT- I p . : -W .' /. a1 \ \ _ Z - :45 Acres 0 d. u , Typ ca e 1 «, .. - r - i �� I � '- t V/ °��° PROPOSED BUILDING \ '_: �' vrovo.ed Ena or / 3 Grols .,Pourih AddNion,.,,. ' ?", 6 / \ _ �,/... ,. _ - \\, . ' �\ -` ',me i 1, Pavement - \, - r - -. - 'Z r ` 11 ,.. ._: '\� ... .SO`Radius•Temporary Turnaround Easement - '�. - O .,3 ` :. 4 . 4 ,�. - ' 43�Radiu6 r Groy°I Turnoraund Surface e _ - ZONED . N / _.-.-,_-_-. _ --_____ _ 3A 11 21 . .: ", :.:: a:. D ;d f - GOS. No.`526 - too rnr Fkod. - ....._.._._.._..___._ '; Aa�ndory ...J - .- 391A. 300 O -r . :. - R-p ----� -_� /� N89,IQ 13 W, / 575-00 N a PROPOSED PARKING .. , " . t .. ' I ~_ L_- -._ f OPEN /� ,.' I _500°28'DI" ,? -. s CE �----- _. r_... - -_ W % Nb9°10113°W - - - i 45.00' t. 11 r I / :- 790.00' •, .:: : , . . ,:t ,. r ZONED R 2 �vl l' ' . •, _ , - .. . .. t, , a '..:2`'' - .. - s - : :' ,{ . - - .. : - -. - , - - -. - a . •,, .: ::;: ... . . . -- z' .. „ _ - .. .-: '_ ..:' _ .a r'y � T ,.J. .. _ ' .r ,, a _ 1-r .o..:. �- . .r.-. '' ., :.,.. , . . •., .r: t., -..r - - - .. :... .. _ .. .. 1 k-r: S V -. _ - ., .:..' ,"„ , :.. .. -,t.. .. . ... -..Y 1 - .. - ..e' '... .:'. U K; # .: .. .. .:.... x. .. 4"x` Vs,.. .. ... -. a , .. .. .. ..i .. .... : e --... . :.. .. .. .. ..: ..- -. _.. r „. ....�u.:, .,: .. .. .. 1 .. ,.._..: , r r .. -� .. .. .. ., .: .: ... ...e.., r.. r .. Sr -:- r. r.,: „ t, : S r .. :,. v-' .4 PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION 1 11 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT " BEING A ;PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 19 8( C./S. 819A SITUATED IN THE N.W. I/4 OF SECTION 19, 12S., R.6E., P.M.M. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP AUGUST, 1988 BY: Sanderson/Sfewarl/Gaslon ENGINEERING, INC. BOZEMAN, MONTANA 00 SCALE: ILL= IDOL eD 50 e W 200 1 1` JM'WNE PUBLIC ITILITra ER°ENLY ACCESS Ra4D C./S. 406 D EMENT E.TENOEO n 1 fAIRVIEW ORIVE IS'Wide Storm Sersr 3 A' 21 (R Easement S.89°07'516"E-211.80'(M). J` ------r,-'-- i0e,r� , I'i..so , \ III -1 .,E.,. PO.B. LOT CURVE DATA ( 10 - II 8 10,5293F.' -10,504 S.F.o R L _ T I i - is �( °\� _ �w ^ , ^ 1 09:53:35" 83.00' 14.33' 7.18' I I srpae' i } I 1 ooj-6 NOTES 2 50.43.04 50.00' 44.26' 23.70' eT.+� I 3 99°47'24 50.00, 87.08, 59.37' I I ¢to yz I ��'"•I �m 0 Faana sla"Reaar r/rqp 4 101.34,12" 50.00• 88.64• 61.27' ato o sln a7B�R.1a,./C.p 5 48°56'15" 50.00' 42.71' 22.75' I =N 8 g093 •n ' �183F (MI Meawrse Distance 6 20.19'57" 167.00, 59.26, 29.95' I - + -id 9' _ (R),Record Distance 7 30°34'35" 167.00' 89.12' 45.65' I I i r I - An P,4perty Pins Along swing Meador wive 8 Bd6en Place 8 87°37'24 $0,00' 76.97 47.97' W F - -F I Flat Creee Are 6'Wit...Ca,ners,Set On Lot Lines Or On Rad,aH CL Olrres 9 96°44'25 50.00, 84.92' 56.26' I I 1 e6.se' - Basis 4l&annp=East Line Of GRANS FOURTH aOGTION ANtif%ATIfH1 10 18°23'17" 370.89' 119.03' 60.03' l � 1 11 35°40'32 117,00 72.85 37.65' - - I I Q 8 I� 81 13 -8 - - Gross Area 18.718 Acs. - 12 98°48'001. 133.00• 113.28' 60.33' B B$453.F _10,489SF 2- $ Net Area =13.338 Acs. 13 116°39'13" 50.00, 101.a., 81.04' s4'wme2.450 14 32°40'27" 83.00, 47.33' 24.33' 'a i pinny+i i R Lary Park Area t Arac=Acs. 15 29°48'02" 332.50' 172.94' 88.47' "T cn"rptExT Private Street Area=1.335 Acs. a-E seas• _Ss' 16 27°18'30" 332.50' 15d.48' 80.77' I ee.ey I I Public Street Area =1.595 Act f 8 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 17 15°22'38 332.50 89.24' 94.89' ` ' � 81����""14 18 60°52'38" 267.50' 284.22 23' 68' 157.18 I I -8 7 '•e op,aaS SF.$ `\ I, the undersigned, Dennis L. Foreman, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify 19 28.45'02" 267.50, 134. .56' 09,6003F�8 li that between November, 1986, and August, 1988, Spring Meadows Subdivision was surveyed under 20 84.42-54. 15.00, 22.18, 13.68 - -- I f my direct supervision and platted same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in 21 8956.38 15.00 23.55, 14.99' zo'mae unity Ease>Fent l(ryp.) I f accordance with Montana Law and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. 22 60°30'27" 15.00 15.84' 8.75' I I avm 23 85°16.21" is.00 22.32' 13.81, I I a"ey I i 1 1 1 i 15 DATED this day of A.D„ 19_. � 6 I$ 0 lo,7ea sF o e,B693F18 I Dennis L. Foreman CENTERLINE STREET CURVE DATA Imo'( ^� Registration No. 5606S R L T I r" easy 1 ease' Bozeman, Montana 16 1 42°3402 100.00: 74.29' 38,96' I ES ,� 8 5 tl 2 55.38'11•' 150:00' 145:66' 79.1$' I I 9Vag so. °9'0oo s.F8 ro - 3 41°3931 300.00 218.12 119.13' I I O'" CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR 4 47°58'09" 300.00 251.17' 133.47' r14 1 so m• I, Andy Epple, Planning Director, of the City-County Planning Board have reviewed the cli accompanying plat and find that it conforms to law. 8; 179,028 S.F.$ DATED this day of A.D-, 19NOTE: 1 3T I DUE TOTNE POSSIBILITY OFMGH GROUNDWATER WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION, I r 1 I 1 1 1 wal O (Signature--Planning Director) IT IS RECOMMENED THAT AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SEASONAL MGM GROUNDWATER LEVELS BE MADE BY A QUALIFIED ENGINEER OR SOIL I alley I I' t O City-County Planning Board SCIENTIST PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES WITH A LOWEST IB 8 tri FLOOR LEVEL MORE THAN THREE FEET MO*THE TOP OF THE CURB ' �! & ON THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. I In, I I S,3333S�?1 �I.859 S.F.0 C ' I - 4C I I 15'Wide Utility Easement Across P,7vate Onre(Typ) CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE F I I I 3 O } - "ee^eserE$ I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the I. >� - I Bee9'' tap I i accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to law, ap^roves i I ( C / i1 8 8 4eiz SF r4r it, and hereby accepts the dedication to public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as 4 'T $ 2 I•�q a NI being dedicated to such use. I O 510,135 S.F.3 _i S Vt DATED this day of A.D., 19-_ O 20 GyR R-FI' , se^,pe,32sRS T 3F'. V1. 1a2103.F 0 / '•` Director of Public Service, b. PARK 975S. x City of Bozeman S.-° W. 199.93(R) 14 '(hO a 21 i -{ ' 12,7593P. 20'wloe Utility Easement(Typd 48.29'(R) 5.89°IO'37"E. 200.05(M) �.,R) 4sasr'm) � I N.01°20'31"E. He4 zoo.xr S.83°09WE 430.34(M) a" syE = I B tape 45.15'(M) sax ro' rS4 °.° 4aa CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER __ o N00°3T09"E ta' =--'e9lm -E=6Rk�--� -- -R-- gq, "s•rm I4,a36s.R I, Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify _30.02(MJA_ ------ __ - _ 4= a rn,iES EP(i. W` p y property taxes assessed ___�_.__-__R_!t_ - '� \ TYR that the accompanyingtat has been dill examined and that no real aoDo(R) +d xAE' svo and levied on the land to be subdivided are delis uent. N.8 9°I 1'51"W. 4 582.00(i0 '\14' 19,197 S.F.I °p 1us°ranese.A"sE°.Merrt ."+•A. LUI 8 _fig ' M„Ifi-Fasl'.y ? +.• ;y 1 , DATED this day of A.D., 19 . N.0(°28OPE 1 aJ 1 22,84S.F. aJ4 -16 140.27(M) 34,156 S F 14o.s111t) sue,_ 'E. Treasurer of Gallatin County ' �•�_!DJ ® east' - ass sae.rs' S.89°II'52"E. 381.94' _ ---Nes"z'oe w.-_ ---- -- 4z4.oa-- --- EAsr.WEET waaLc*nx LW[ see"ri ca'� /Z - ASCEyrnEAS.0 ✓< K AMT--eo r9 anaa' start►x e,MExc .•-.sT;Sri.a '-y�- --- -PARK se9°Ieoz-E " �Vu, . i . p J• p36 ACR 504.7I i LK EOEER w.,n EASEMC N •--°�D(T�i'!F(L /• /9\'OC\// °eat"-2;tr 1--t Mwn-Famny Lot 213.412 S F. 1 OG`� 63,436 S.F. W jp Gj el= N M_ ATE"MFea"ROd E„Rr iLRNAROUNO 8 OO 8 �r f N.89°I0'13"W. 573.97' tan.y 3LV s' I N.89°IO'13"W 794 tz .43' S.00"28'01"W, 45.00 CER'TIFLCATE OF DEUICA'TIUN CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES We, the undersigned mortgagees, do hereby join in and consent to the described plat, releasing I,u respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into We, the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that we have caused to be sur- streets, avenues, parks, or other public uses and dedicated to the use of the public forever. veyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, as shown by the plat - and Certificate of survey hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to-wit: .Dated this _______ day of .............. 1988. ----Description---- MORTGAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF BOZEDLA ) A tract of land being a portion of the unplatted SW} of Section 19 and Certificate of BY. Survey No. 819A situated in the NW} of Section 19, T.2S, R.6L•'., p.M.M„ City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being further described as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....... day of .............. 1988. Beginning at a point which is the NE corner of Certificate of Survey No. 819A said point also being on the westerly line of Certificate of Survey No. 803; thence from said point of beginning along the line common to Certificate of Survey NO.s 819A and 003 500°10149"E a Notary Public For the State of Montana distanca of 900.99 feet and 543°49101"E a distance of 754.721 to the SW corner of Certificate Residing at ___________ ____ ____--__,_.•-_ , of Servo No. 803; thence across a -y portion of Crafts Fourth Addition S00°28'01"W a distance My connnissign expires________________- of 135.00 feet, N89 olOI13"W a distance of 573.97 feet, S00°28'01"W a distance of 45.00 feet and N89°10113"W a distance of 794.43 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of Survey No. 526; thence N00°13146"E a distance of 294.05 feet to a point on the southerly lino MORTGAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF LIVINGSTON) of lot 6A of Amended lot 6 block 5 of Graf's 3rd Addition; thence along the southerly, easterly, and northerly line of said lot 6A S89°11'52"F, a distance of 381.94 feet, BY: _-_- _-------------- N00°28•01"E a distance of 140.27 feet and N89°11'51"W a distance of 381.93 feet to the BE corner of Graf Street right-of-way; thence along the easterly right-of-way of said Graf Subscribed and sworn to before me this _______day of 1988. Street N00°3710911E a distance of 30.02 feet and N01°20131"E a distance of 45.15 feet to the SE corner of Citv of Bozeman Park; thence along the southerly line of said Park S89°10137"E a distance of 200.U5 feet, S00°29'56"W a distance of 14.89 feet and S89°09139"E a distance of _ _ ______________________ 430.34 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of Survey No. 264; thence along Notaiy Public for the State of Montana said line N00°04105"W a distance of 1123.55 feet to a point on the southerlv line of Residing at _ _-______-_-__._ Certificate of Survey No. 406D; thence along said line S89°07'56"E a distance of 211.80 feet My commission expires ___ _________-_ to the point of beginning. Said tract. being 18.718 acres along with and subject to any existing easements. The above-described tract of land is to be known and described as Plat of Spring Meadows CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development,.City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in Graf Street and all alleys, and parks or public squares shown on said plat are here by granted and donated to the use of the public forever. I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the Plat of Spring Meadows Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development to the City of Bozeman, Dated this ----day of A.D., 19___. Dated this of ___ , A.D., 19 Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman Master Plan Area and can be provided '-- ------- --- with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste. -__ --___-----___-___--_- Therefore under provisions of Montana Law, this tract is not subject to sanitary restriction Eugene Graf III Spring Meadow Partnership clearance. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed and sworn to before me this DATED this day of 1988. ---day of ------' 19 ---day of -----"-' 19__ . Director of PPublic Service City of Bozeman he State------ana ---------'---for the-State'--Montana .Notary Public for the State of Montana Notary Public for the State of Montana - Residing at ____-_--_______________ Residing at __ My commission expires _-___________ My commission expires ________ _ CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS I/ Gerald Wine, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office this day of _ A.D., 19 and recorded in Book of Plat on Page , Records of the 1, the undersigned, Paul Kinshella, do hereby certify that between April 1988, to October 1988, County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. the required improvements were installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifica- tions. DATED this day of A.D., 19_ Dated this day of ............... 1988. - - Gerald Wine .. Registration 84059E 86-512 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION BEING ALL OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 819A Pamel 3A C.O.S.No.4060 SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T. 2S., R.6E., P. M. M. S89°07'56"E ? ' zn.so' CITY OF BOZEMAN GALLATIN COUNTY MONTANA 106' 10 > FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 BY SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. SOZEMAN,MONTANA CLOT 12 SCALE: I"= 50' 50 - °- ---50 ° \ 9500 S.F. � - � I i 01 1 5fi 4 0 O Owners a Developers n m 1ri i a_ ss LOT II Spring Meadow Partnership = o —��4__I 618 West Griffin 8500 S.F. v Bozeman,Montana 89 LOT 10 a 7832 S.F. _ ^, { I \ LOT 9 l \ 1 C.O.S No.803 II l \ Valley View Golf Club -- -4915 I `1 LOT B W c� o. 'e I I LOT 7 '`^ e" ie G OOK l i / = LOT 6 y ° rb mti a J m2° m2 cr 0 LOT 13 0 �- —4920 vl J Ale,1 LOT 5 / Vicinity Map Lot 7 Block 4 .J $ Graf's 3rd Add NI Lot-5 Block6 4 CLd Graf's 3rd.Add. I N01'20'31"E_ Lu i 45.15' / � LOT 4 N O'37'09"E Ik °130.02 CD O Lot 5 Block 5 lot 6-4 c v a iN O 4.�----� Graf's 3rd,Add, Amended Plot LOT 3 i -~ LOCATION 5 II I 3Op9 - �\ 3 LOT 2 F i s 7832 S.F. in 5 O / r Lot 5 ` 9ti0 C/ty of Bozeman Block 6 /°' /B f 562,563 - N J LOT I = ^I•� \ —// Gro('s 3rd Add o \ \ SOO°29'56"W \ / 4' C.O.S.No.803 - L`' / \ Valley View Gol(Club —N01°20I31'E °PUBLIC PARK o.o�A „ \ S 89°09'/39"E/ 1 / 89 ' \ I 45.�5 `�30.311 �`r L 1.1.�^ t �4s l�fK14 0,,7a�5. Lo Graf Slreel�' I r 1.5 -Eairtin 24 wale—r MJ--+ --_�' —�—GRAt' —N00°37'09"E T — - -- — --r— -- —� tea__ i ' 2.I5 Ass. - 1 _30.02 N89°II'51"yy �— _ r-- -- 381.93' �/ --- o,ruM.+;. Lot 6A Amended Plot I - 1` o I L O Y 1 li>I Exls/mg,3D'w/de a� r O.8D Acs, woler C.ne£aaemenl \ / \ I \ PARk 1.33 A,., N � LOT Z\ \ \ \ '� LOT i �_ a hE Ac,^„ \ \ �\\ j 2.+4S Aca. � /� -� J,M.i•!.i�:-#'ww:i� \ \ 1 \ i ;�tr'f1='F'>Tm�ry' / — —————— 1 Ww G� i PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION BEING ALL OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 819A Porce/ 3A C.O.S.Na 4 i 06D SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T, 2S., R.6E., P. M. M. S89°07'56"E ? ' 211.80' CITY OF BOZEMAN , GALLATIN COUNTY , MONTANA FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 BY: SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. SOZEMAN,MONTANA Co LOT 12 SCALE: I"= 50' sa o sa as \ 9B00 S.F. e 1 I r I 0 m Owners & Developers N_ ss i I LOT II Spring Meadow Partnership = e ---3u$..__ 8500 S.F I 618 West Griffin Bozeman,Montana LOT10 WI m 7832 SF LOT g NN— I \ I C.O.S No.603 \ Volley View Golf Club �- -4915 LOT 8 ... LLl D: "o LOT 7 /Ile BOCK 0 / LOT 6 y c � tib vN I V m 2 r4 LOT 13 a o 2.�.5 Acs. --4920 J ` LOT 5 I / Vicinity Map Brock 4 Gro/'s 3rd Ad y Lot 5 Slock6 Grd I .Graf's 3rd.Add. ( \� 0 N01'20'3I'E Graf 1 1 I 45.I5' '�— SJreeJ - - -�-- ) LOT 4 N OOP 3T0911E w I JI of Brock 5 L 5 4 of 3rd.Add Lot 6-A Amended Plot I /-46-A - LOT 3 I rfr?ff LOCATIN ' Rio — �I F9 :l 3 LOT 2 F .f 7832 S.F. U) O A92 v o i i ------ ---- — - o CL - z a i y � i Lot 5 City of Bozeman Brack 6 / /B F 562,563, LOT I Grof's 3rd Add, 9960-5`.F. - `o \ \ S00°29581 W 4 C.O.S.No.805 j \ 8 °I '37"E 4.89 N 01°20 I ' i Volley View Golf Club I 31"E PUBLI', PARK o.57 a� S 89*09'/39"/ \ /430.3 ' y0 es' — R°+ 11 4 -�30.31) ---� Li1 -_ " �!R I{ Graf Stre y _ Exia/!n 24" water M -- '- GRAF 3 h5 /'- -N 00°37'09"E �--•—J-�=--Q——-°�'-- .r—— - ' ?.l5 Acs. 30.02' - ---------- /N89°II'51°W L. 381.93' a a Lot 6.4 1 Y a o h Amended Plot a m /-46-.4 L O T 1 nna 30'wids 0.80 ACS, wol r Give Eosemanl ( 9 -� \ 1 rj�/ —Er/a11n0 24__Woler Main —'`'�- ----- J-- —L / 1.33 Acs. s O ' ICA LOT' 4.12 Ac:,, \ 2.4S Acs. a9� o L... t7 � Moli'1fnmiY ` \ � \ \ / 32.9 O 32.5 ' \ NB1' lD'r3"-W— --. ------ 13G_S I` PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION BEING ALL OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 819A Parcel 34 C.O.S.No.4060 SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T. 2S., R.6E., P. M. M. S89°07'56"E _ ' 211.8d CITY OF BOZEMAN GALLATIN COUNTY MONTANA 10G I 10 1 > FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 BY: SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. BOZEMAN,MONTANA LOT 12 <l•`f SCALE: I"= 50' 5�_0_0 50 100 \ 95005.F. 0 � I i \ 0 /J 56 n` eq 01 0 I i m Owners & Developers r+7 w °s Spring Meadow Partnership _ LOT II —aa'_ 8500 S.F. 618 West Griffin Bozeman,Montana 09 I • LOT 10 m1 — AI - 7832 S.F \�_ LOT 9 1 C.O.S No.805 \ Volley View Col!Club I LOT 8 / W 0: O LOT 7 ` e� Gee �yOCK 0 / LOT 6 y o Hb dN d • J 0 2 m Z Q LOT 13 Q 2 2c Acs, —4920 _j � 1•'u I+�'r/�rV LOT 5 I / Vicinity Map Loll Block 4 $I .K / J�9� "' •,:•y 1 Gra/'s 3rd Add Gr �n l 5 Black6 ` _ • J��bra/'s 3rd.Add. - 01 G 0 N 01'20'3 — h Street 1 _1 y 45.15' S/reel - - � LOT 4 r �[ N 00°3T09 w -- - 1. 30.O2?19 r Lot 5 Block 5 ` a !k O Lol Gra/'s 3rd.Add. Amenddeded v :N O Plot O7 /-46-A 1 _ I LOT 3 U LOCATION s u� LOT 2 F i to 7832 S.F. in O a9 7 � O 0 / O Z O / ----- - -- N Lot 5 111P Cily of Bozeman B/ock 6 ? /6 F 562,563. - Grat's 3rd Add. LOT I \ ° S00°29'S6'W ,/ /' / / a, C.0.S.No.803 S89 10 37'E 14.e9' ° PUBLIG, PARK o.o1 Ass, \ ° / , Valle) View Gal/Club —N01°20 31 E S89 09'39'E� i430.34' 89 45.15' I / Graf Sire el4�' I �'3o.3r -- -'� _ A�` -s l•J. —— 16= , PARK 0,17 A,!,. .7 ----- _ —� L�r 15 ° ' � � Ex'slin aa" w/er nl n --�-- GRAF�— _ —N 00 37 09'E -�——�--�==-4——'�—a�-—— —„•�—— _— � %-- 2.is As. 30.02 —_ R z -- \ I CouN +q, S � N89°Il'S1°W -- -- �-- -381.93 �'� mm e.�/ Res ieentral o Lot 6A c v o n Amended Plat LOT ) EaisIM 30'wrde ? 0.86 Acs, I War-Cme£°semen) \ � ,Mal+i�n a i i Y i �2 �r—Erisring p4 woler Moll= -- \ PARk 1 \ \ Acs. NN \ \ \ C \� L0T L� \ o 4 \ n9 2. S Acs. yr Malt',fomll'1+ q 2 Y, - // \\ / �' ��•�G __ _l _--_ / / Gr°35 Fn q�lb Add;•L:°x I .. - - .. - _ _. , . .. -- r- _ „: .._ r „__. __ _� . ,. ,r ...: Y .. ., .r. - _.. ,. .. .se.. ., ._ _. ::._. .... ,. : 4 .. a.' n... .. . .. ... T_..:...... :::.. :'... .. .. : r: .r. .. u...n. c .... .. .:.... ,., ..: r ,a..: , .- ,. . ., :,,, ,. .. .:a :. ., .. a ..t-,._ ., :. a. ^r ...1. ... y '� �K "' `:..'-�;*-I II.,`-.I�-1-,.,,-.F... :.:'. ,.,,�I�,-,,.".-�--I'.:-I..:.�i-,1-..,_1.1,�.:.1,-,..�;t.�.�t.­--_l.i,,...I.1�'1...Ii�".:.I.Z.I,..�,.��1�.,I�...-.1 x .-... .. ...... .. .. .. : .... .. .. .. - -.... ..,.,_..:/.1`-.,I."II.".1lI._I l)1I I_I 1.I./..,-_1 I_�-1.1..:I�I'i.1_A.:-....�-I]/.,�W.I;_:1\,-....'.II..../-//ILll....I,I t II..-,--I,.,r.�I,....-"...iI�I�,.I.I-:-.. I tII..1 I1..�,,�'I"�\.�.,,s�I,."..e__.I-.�.,-.,..,I-1 I.�-.,1,,"!...,�-�-.�I,.­-.�I o1r..I.:,.,I.�;._'..,.1 4.�l�. ,-.�-1f I",�I�1%I..�,.I-\,III 1-..�1.I..-,-).r�,I.N '-,I,,.4.�.:I.I. -;1II.!I I..�.1.,.I.:��l.\i:.....jI1.,12 .. are ...ru. ,. _ „.. 7 ,; ..I... PRELIMINARY' PLAT OF .:. - .. -.: - ,:. �:: C nee! _ �±.'; �,1,1­1�I.�,-1,1��1 �.1­�­..-I.I"1,�,.­��-_,IiI.-�,.I:1":.I ,,. _ ,.� ... .. - •:.R4 B_wo er Cine.'To oe ., Il .-.. t- .. .. .-.. .:,. .. _ .... .-.. .._....... ... �- .:�'; .... ,. -:. '. ,r r.' Moiar-t/ns�M.F°/rvN On .�. _,... ..... 4 .: .. .. .., < .To Ells n4.6. .:.... .. _.... - .. .. ... . :. ..r- : - , '�1F,'Y �_ .a.n - 1 " T � 1 I ;,`•_: - ;.',. sootror'Srwer .o. d :30'w/ds:+£Ies. set ,oNs-'- - _ .. ProPesee.tie..,9', f - r:'Plap sad _ �4 tr -I. :'.. .. " :- ..... :_::- .. .. '. : ..Ar-'tlh1'I Easement :;.::�W" ..'q.`"^..':,' ,.. - -.. .: .:' 4 CPnneo! ro-EelAhna B Sdn!(ery SI..er 4 ..,.Y., ..,.. .�A...x. - - s > .,, ..:. a , - In'Fdlrvin w, Dilee - „ - :. . . A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT r': .I _ - ED RS - BEING -k"PORTION' OF -THE UNPLATTED NW 1/4 SEC 19 & C.O.S.. No 8.19A �. . . ZON . r,. . ' .. - '..Ponce/ 3A '-- , ,.:,: r -. .. . - - _, .. .. :, .C.O S No.4060 .` ..;. ' 19, T 2S , R.6 E.,: P M:Ni. fi SITUATED ` 1N `THE NW (/4 OF SECTION j \ sa9�o7'a6" I I 211.80 CITY OF :BOZEMAN , GALLATIN COUNTY , MONTANA / / W PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 f I � .. FOR: SPRING MEADO Emergsnrr Bree.!owo I Storm 11`1 : :., 1tea� I rroc e n s GAST ER OZ EM / T I - Bo dd Pe d pro em BY SANDERSON/STEWART/' ON ENGINE ING INC 8 AN,MON7AN. :, � ` / I LOT lO LOT'II ) C A L E 111= 501 0 50 1 ;`'1 . J. ` (/ / so . _ \\ / /i---y 10,900 S.F. ,t 00 F. . s : o -Reb=eH' .: 1 \ . \ - - - 'Creek, \ n �. _ ` b ."� _. , \ \ I. - % _ r I o /�� I` , I i 0 srr toper ; Owners a Deve s . / i' 1 - I r { y00 ri°r Fiooe B ndory-+I - s0. \ ' - ►n` I,oy Spring Meadow Partnership . ` _ 18 West Griffin ,% ek Bozemn ontano ` LOT 9 e12 n'M t r 6 i - 10,000 a I 10,000 F ° y; , ,I -Fedod.vor Bo.ndop' s' I . i _ I_.-IZ.,.�x-...I.._..I-.�..I._...�:�I I.".-/..-1..I��..'...1 I,.1�I-..,�.,./�...'..,"I.�..�I-..�,.1,I�;-<1-.",-�I-II��-.-II I..---��.I,I.,,,,..._-II."..--�..��,.-""..._._t I��I I r.-..���..L­�I-.-_I,I I,.,:1-;I,,..__�..I_­:,l..,�1.I/-..1:�-.��..�.I-._-.I.-,1II. - m .. r ::_4�-.I�t.I..,.,--1:I_.....'.,-...1..�-.�t-....,..._-..�,:..I�l�,,I�i,'I.-,,�_-.�;1���-I.I\...-__---,,,_....,;II 1_r.._­.,�-�,..j...t: ,.,0­."I,I,.-y\...-,.�I..0 I..\�T,,.-'.'-..\,__.I'.I,­I",I.--,.,.",­!A-1..),I,. .�,,,.II�I\:\i-��.tI�,1.,�iII\�./�1t).,,�1 q��I;.:.�..4I.1I�,II 1�.'..�1..:..V`,1.I..-.'I..I:,....1�"I i •I, eZ` I ­ N; . + ``,- i s9' . ` 89` _ _ I, .. N i .1 ' � ? /00 rcol Flood Bouneoe,_..rl. .. \-` ✓- ^1 i � LOT 8 I 1 -i_°0 8,9005.E - - 10,500 S.F ' 1 I . I / ' / / !, wait.r \ I!_ .. } C.O.S. No.803 �'= 1 I r$ LOT !4 `�Q valley vie-Golf Club J \ LOT 7 I" I `/ 1 \ `. �_ �_ 0 y �' 6 r 1 (� •��. - ,. NOTES j --y�-l--�--\ 1 I 5w:de Side !x _ GROSS AREA= 1e.6 ACRE -f /` S > E semen! W dyf� - NET AREA =16.9 ACRES . Ip.- >� qI - _ _ - TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS =27 1 - O,, ? >LOT 15 - - - - MINIMUM LOT SIZE = 8,900 SQ.FT. /�. / ,o - I I - - . �� I I e �0 10,680 S.F. ,o - ZONED: R-2 ri " LOT 6 e I �k- - DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE _ ;; .. / / eM _ 8,900 S.F $ 1 I. - COMMON.OPEN SPACE OR DEDICATED PARK=2.54 ACRES / Die / .. a r Locx 1 /' . e s 8ild / / � BFlro HY!nypl\ .I- : ' . I iW// _ ,. :I _5'Wlde S:eawolt .. I o . / /M�: / - // 1 - - �. _ I I- Ememanr ED. - _ / . ' / } a LOT 16 N /�'-- I > ZON RS- .. d // _ :• I e e ' LOT 5 -o •1 g ':8,900 S.F. / N. _.' 8900 P a' .. '.I . $ Limits Of OeloNed .flood P/oin Study - /, o m m 1 l ___.-.� , - . -. I ' ..`1 I v u _ � " r Vicinity Mop �I I / e •} LOT 17 �ru AL x c ol7 Broce4 I I 1' I c I tl$ e9do s.e o CpNCE ; rya - _� 11 I La15 B/ock6 �I ! Gro/'s 3id Add. I yI I Gro/'s 3rd.Add. I 1 l - .LOT 4 �I. lA .1 1 `/ DEYEL�PME NT' 3 �. .. i 10,410 S F �� I I I ` \4 _ l0 11. / LAND5CAPE n. 1 '---... - - - ----- ---- N01'20-31°E_ _ • W PL.A�1 I � .,, �ErrrrJny care a c.her, 1 45.15' I '- Grof Proposed New Curb B 6ulrer `- - . .-_.. _ ___ ...__ 1 °' I. J ' .. End 01 AsAbe11 L.- ... W I -: - //30.02' LOT ISF (n - I '-, �� _- - I I I •. 'o fit . } - - - LOT 3 a - o - I ,. .1 :l1 �, I Lot 5 B/ock 5 G1 _ ,3 S.F I 8 11 '' ' -_ __�`L : - ` ,. - Grol's Jed.Add, I - Lot 6-A a `T v I $,• �- 1� il, It 'I ,•-.. I Amended Plot - I __ /-46-4 • - IN 89r ' - "� LocATlory r " _ - I• i l / I •I Y a _ . e . ,. I:��`,.,-",-j 1 I), .;..,-...,I-)I.l 1 1-e-.;-t..-:-.".0.I-,_.1I..-1 LOT 19 a ,9,500 S F. `:. &37� - 1,..�.L-..Ir�1I;.�::�I� . , \ \ I I LOT .2 I :R F { - i '� \ '­-...--110 Yee/ F/oOtl BCunee,y \ r = I � - -n A - I . i 10140S a! I, ,� \\P 1: ZONED R-2 \ \\ \ I i _s \, I Z LOTO 50 \ ` rl . ,. : . ..._....__ _-____.- -'---...._- _ . 14 80 f _._- - o -.'�4 .__._-__. ..._.. _ I cn .. -LO/ 5 vl 9a ,,p •, - - Bloe6 6, c s 1 0 it F 0 62 on/� posed siorm LOT I o I OT 2 . ,:- -.'GrOf s 3rd Add I / - \<-M-11nn Pme _ I - Y /B 58,5631 \- .. '\ � - ,' _.10,320 5.F _ e ! '-13,6a0.S.F. 1 - :\ \ I _1 L \ \ \ S 00°29 5_6"W r %\ - C.OS.No.e03 :,, 89°10' 7"E 14.89'�: �/: 1 \� s t �.._, c,., ,, /ter v1 e a t Vo ew 0 /ub . . PLI It PARK ;07 Acs \ e n / . -N01°20 31'E .. :\ -I_° -• ." L_. - �. + S89 09 n.,.v. �430.34' e9' - B� `.. t:h-.:: a_ _. v._ _•_.�: _e a�.. I 1- '-=30311. . , .r_58-,36"RCP. -'��- , PUBLIC PARK .-$- - - LOT 22 ..' Graf 3lreel -�-.� i I / - ^ i l �.� - 13,640 S.F. ` ° -_._.-_. 69b _. _,I .__: _ __-_--.tea.._ _-_ __ I_•.!-- 0.17 Aes_ -��. \ -N00_137'09°E _F-r- =�Er; 2e^ wale, Mom_-��,_IEr/rlmy Fr..Nyee - -GRAF�- `� .. }� `\\ \�/ . Fire N dl .I.:, -�_� /'" r b. - .. 30.02' I. I N 89°I t.W: :, - I 381.9�3' ; e �` - '. ,� ..\ LOT 24 \\ ,<,' R "' L,o 6A l I w . .' 19,140 S,F. 50 , +, K o ,R /Amended "a - - e ' \ -Pori E enf .. V W I 1 Pq :. _ LOT 3 l I I ZONED R-2 / 1 N00°28'01°E ( LOT I s 2 1 > 3 0 s. -'� . - Iao.27 ¢ , ' 0.80 Acs. \1 w , fI n W. 22,94 F 1 ", -I I / /'��'` - o I `'` Oxen Spae °\. - ,) :) 1 i:I} I j - ;�.. P��y '' 4 Esremenl !!! \ y,.,. -... l v'sndndory(Tyo.l _.,,� ,J $ .,..., \: _ -.1 n . ( �- - - , .: --- - --- , �-Er.r A�24"woler Groin�- T 't e i �, _ _- _y ' _ _ S89 09 2 E /. 382:00' ___1 31e' ='j-R-- - - - - --- I // �1 - _- - -- - --- --•- - P BLI P K /l--- --L f \. ! ��- `f r.. //_ -- _'--., I p4,�.. I _ ' - U 2.33 AclAR " - �- ��, \ _ j /�fFiooe.or Boenearr_.-_" j / _ - - _ \ / -z _ _ i /.• - - _� -- fi N � \ °` ZONED Rs / /9 % ` n N i'' .. j /0// 1a / .. LOT 2 `. ' 1 QCT \ ' -__ .. } 1, ..ONr.1 t / / �� T_ \ 4.12 Ate. \�` ,, �\`. OFO ./ G / .) p� -Fi : P \_ \ Q - Pr°eoTed 5'wide Ca'cWI, Q ' .6P1000 / I �Q ..___' li` QPO ` 0 C -sd.=olt tRrvrol l r �V. / -__1__.-_. _-._.,_- _ / `` 1 PUBLIC PARK - V " t / a // • / / C�C`"y ` 1\\�; \ °ai Q -_a opotf TrDlcol l :LOT' I - o / ' / �p Y W/ I / / ^k \\ , \ \ /' /'. mr.. 1.45 Acres - - / /- , �. IL `. o } PROPOSED BUILDING '�1 1\ ' ,, ', :m Ie N-aa,emend End°r - \\ / 3 d Grol't fourth Addition'r. = . 1 °�}� ` 1 - ' 'Z', ,, 1}i 4 . /. �: �.I -:50`Radius-Temporary Tumaraund Easement j '/- / - - m . ' -- Radius-Gravel Turnaround Surface ZONED R-2 i __._-... -_ _ .._- -----� _ _ _ _-CO.S. Nd. 525 Bo eo.F/0od /' _ _ / r '.r __.._F I PROPOSED PARKING. ' . . szl X � ao. / 2Ty' s ' VT r� .. �{ - fY 89°10' 3:,1k / 575.00 i fi . \. . . L_. .-,_ I f " - - - 11 r.IaPE sp,LcE .____.. ------ - ------ ----- soo°28'01"w , . . . i N89'10'13"W O / 45 00� / .. 790.0,0' . . - D R Z . ZONE . a . .. . . .. . - x ,h . : '' .. '... . . : - , :.r : :: - ,. , :..., .... - r - - : . \- y F x ..... ,-.._ > . r ,. ✓--.. , .. : n,-j.. ,.. .. ..1 - „:. �. ,: .. _.,. • JJ rI S 3 : r ry pp x .. e , -, .. .:.. ,. ;v e, .: : , .. _ - .. -:-... ,. - ;v _ 1 NOTE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF Prop ec Proposed New B"Water L{ne To Connt r N Ew1Bny 6"Water Line /n 1Fairview B,l SPRING MEADOW E /� D /\ � � /S S U g ® � VISION Piopased New B-San{lory Sewer To I paposed 30'Wide Emergency Atcess �``♦//I I//—�`i ►►i/)) �►dC(/ Connell To Er/sting B"Bonllory, Sewer rind Utility fasemenl ' /n Fairview °r1'. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ! BEING A PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED NW I/4 SEC. 19 81 C.O.S. No. 819A ZONED R�i Porcel 3A C.01No.4010 SITUATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T. 2S., R. 6E., P. M. M. �� • �� S89°07'56°E I :2n. 080' CITY OF BOZEMAN , GALLATIN COUNTY , MONTANA 'or EmeryBncyereaMawa I f—� FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP JANUARY, 1987 % srorm Reten tion BOZEMAN,MONTANA C/ Burrocode Pond .Eosemenl BY SANDERSON/STEWART/GASTON ENGINEERING INC. ; LOT IO LOT I I SCALE: III= 50 I 50 \ 10,900 S.F. 00S..F. - - \ � � b ._ReloWte Creek Owners & Developers i 1f • / ,• l / 100 yeor Flood B neory—y N E,letin9 Spring Meadow Partnership l`1 V - creek 618 West Griffin I 1 / LOT 9 I 12 Bozeman,Montana 1 0 10,000 S.F. _ 10,000 F. 2 1 ! Iootlwoy Boundary .y iu I ,rom /oo roar Flood Boundary �^ '-'� ~1 LOT 8 �;-o LOT 13 - 1 8,900 S.F. dWide Pedestrian xmlkway C.O.S. No.805 I Vo//ey View Golf Club 1 g LOT 1I4 s F. 'boo -4915 LOT 7 1 9,610 S.F. o'e 1��• ��.` $ ? Easement Note NOTES: eWide Sidewalk In Addition To Easements Shown On Plat, - GROSS AREA= 18.6 ACRES Easement W c Easements For Utilities Shall.Be 10 Feet - NET AREA =14.4ACRES Along Exterior Lot Lines - TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS =27 it I0 T LOT 15 - MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 8,900 SO.FT. 10,680S.F. e - ZONED R-2 / LOT 6 D I w > w - DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE =2.54 ACRES / 2 6,900 S.F. $ �{ - COMMON OPEN SPACE OR DEDICATED PARK=2.57 ACRES eµ — I1 `ke / OCK a Flre HYI.(rYp.) " Mathew / • > }°� 5'Wide Sidewalk "• Easement / ? L o ZONED OT 16 LOT 5 0 8,900 S.F 2 /•�.�'•' 9 8,900 S.F, g Limits Of DeJoiF/ood/r•'°1 Study m 2 m 2 r, 'o y 6 --4920 Q V v 5 Vicinity Map I Q -1 LOT 17 0 r Gr ' Brock 4 ° I Y 8"do S.F. Lot B/ock6 1 � Gro/'s 3rd Add. I hl " _- LOT 4 - Grof's 3rd.Add. 1!7 I � 10,410 S.F. N 01°20'31"E (W 1 '.15 I r/sJ/ng Curb B Gu71er Graf Pioposad NBw curb B GulrBr 45 End Of ASPB°/f 1 ( W 3 N 37'09 E 0.02' LOT 18 --T -- - I 1 0,660 S.F. p LOT 3 _ (� 0 1 `` �• ',. a m LaJ5 B/ 5 Lot 6-A v c 9,345 S.F. :° O i2 11 N to T Gfaf's 3rd.d.Add. Amended Plot .a - /-46-4 89 i - LOCATION t 6 LOT 19 9,500 S.F R,3a 1 LOT 2 \ 00 rear Flood Boune 10,140 S.F,ory o \ F \ n kn ?1 O e 9ti5 ZONED R-2 `t /0. \ O C) LOT 20 14,800 S.F. / Z a_ Lot 5 9?S. 0l'1.0 City of Boremoe Black 6 °' /B F 562,563 P oeed storm = LOT o° I LbT 21 Grays 3rd Add. \ \ Relenuon Pane - - I - }� h' 1'3640 S.F. SOO°29'56'W J "`: GO.S.No.B03 S 89°10'37"E \' I4. 9' %/ �� \ / M- ��e\ � Volley View Golf Club PUBLIC — PARK G 07 AcsN01°20 31'E \ ' n/ 430 34' 89, ss?' 205 1 R.CP ,Q, i PUBLIC PARK �,• ! rtlo;' �a LOT 22 ------�-' . s_ \ >..?• Graf Slreel I a? 13,640 S.F. 4�p " Eristin 24" Waler —� E ling F'ra Nydt —GRAF tea•017 Ac Er srin F'/e N dl. 1 I N 89°I I'S1°W 381. 85 Ilk4T v / ero• LOT 24 v menC/ 6A 19,140 S.F. Q R o Aded Plo / I I I •? •'�' Pork Easement \A W I , •° s. �n.°'. : Ji. I 1 / J t n 2,940 S.F. / / I LOT I •2es' / . 3°'w/de LOT 23 . 2 ZONED R 111 N 0 14°20 2801E I I° o.eo Acs. I \ °re 'i B Easement /' / GI /'Boundary 2 / 24_—Water Main SS 9°09 2"E / / — `382.00' 316' PUBLIC PARKLj \ / - _ oo - ry_- r-p� _2.33 Acs Flood woy eau z ea 1 • 0 1 c. LC ~ a ' lo ZONED RS- / / � / LOT 2 MaQP t' ' t P9 O'Neil ( a3 4.12 Acs. ` �' Proposes 5 concrete / 6F/000 Q q —SNewlk(TypieaPIMIU PUBLIC PARK 'r --^----�--- XProposed C1r1 LOT I / O ^ cenerlryplam)B o / / aci 1.45 Acres m •yam \\ O aI .-- / \ is m \ / 3 Graf s Fourth Addition / PROPOSED BUILDING \\, - ° � PooeTseea End ar �- -� � _ o /J / O ---'4 Radius-Temporary Turnaround Easement Il / 43'Radius-Grovel Turnaround Surface / f / N ZONED R-2 32 C.O.S. No, 526 YOO Bounea,Flood - --` 15 � '100 2T' 0 575.00' -- PROPOSED PARKING -- -- �f OPEN � cE � \ °28'OI"W 500 — 45.00' j N 89°10'13"W 790.00' ZONED R"2 86-512 v �.a.� I` I {'III { 112 .�sP,acES aLL @ 9'K1�- PUTURE PIWIc -/ #' \ 4' y , i FSO>z _ r " 'k 5tT�CK REQ1.15�ME'NTS� X.. 9�Fip ONTY AYAK S —RR pp 22 01�—0 o• t.Aul REQUIREMEMS • .� a �� 1' tIFyE 1 LOWER;L�YEL. -C�REJ� e1y'T. -+ a.\ 1 . ,���. I ' ro*io: 1YIN�e __..� I * �. Sll PERGN`1 AG�s uAl r��- 26c � r IbUILDPN C. lro% of V ,o/ I� Pd& 24%. of BITE �) H?PCP.1-VELl o f/ I— FAPwp16 wr LAMotax811•'(G' LL= n�� l I' �' � � ;.. — d � ,I IR ,tea �° %/� � {� L©w� .L'V�L �,ac�a; J / I 12 LINI-T* MecH, �i Uhll T� Bi. 0\04 / LOWER LEVEL 6A L 6\/6L 400°jv'' �/ L�f'P L�1��L- 2�, 000 �✓0 fiT ate �Q- t to.Ll ITai I ' � ro urrl••I� IT,/va.E1? >< �/. ; x - 7 .I�. :.�. ILJPPER L-£V L PPEP•.LClEL G A'P EL_ E 1� Cc .`G7 noo .. 2m0 -- Mpt?I�PURRtbB- i. _ Q i -'LOWO C1�MMON 't`IC�ME.:. 17•Y: __31zE - _ MATLI ,1 I 3I'o. LAD. pd_-P- : T---- OR/TMPrr! : :.Plti�tiG 2x»p x. x % r G - e_1Q4 I`—* WILLOW4 SP-4LO _52._TGLL-. I �`.. /'/ 0e + ,t + .—._._. t + + + } ..Coves D•• MOUSTP-N AOH.: -7'0' - lot--.TALL. 4"(Z TR.UHK L.tw k 4 x �8= 90Y: ZKI NCs. 9'P6C.E5 IQD. H - •� - +--• y �O=xlGeC( x ' I • —_. :{ WE....rPRLV� :. 9 Is IV _...P7/&I CONC.C-uAa.t Awl -j ?Avid CV � - ' - - :.6J.4'A:K/N' st. -:� a t t FIDNDAP.LF2.A PINE__ 'A-W TALL r I m f�LE L16HTai 6 12 TALL Jd , 3 . "�_•�LAf::FbLE_:.:__._._3 .__. ..-_2y TD.LL -. - 'aL1�L DI .RIPTICmI'. o s to 2e . . 4e so DENSIT .�:L0T2 P�LOLK 2'.'. e3P'"SfiINCn MEb.PUAP� 'I^ry�I�IIII �nl�p -.:SL1P,�f�IV10lON.-PJOZEMAN;M6s&TANA" _III411I IU I�� VIA. .. $Yflu �ORTs-+_ C3DROOM-- PLAN 60 UNITS CONGREGATE LIVING 15 UNITS RETIREMENT_ CARE LIVING OWNER LEISURE- LIFE SERVICES _INC ✓" .� A P L A N N E D U N I T D E V E L O P M E N_ T S HEET - ---- �- -7r -. �N_-, �..__ 5 T tyi _._..._ t--� z� •-r t-•t +--•r ,�- 1..__t_.. _ --..P�--.�.. .z,:-� r-t •,�• r--} tit o t--1 -r A r•.► 1s. � u o r-� •,� � o G - 5 8 - ? 2 o a . - _ _ rr �ti FLL•HC•�fCT RED WOOD 81DINfo -:�- . .. _. - ' - - �- W1 MATUYNfs CaM oRV-M ram_-_( RMF Wr-5T 7:Lf-UATI O'H I Nc TE'FY_c.51(d.1S-t'o fi&VF— ' I (,� otjo L.164TIAYo 2"A.pHPLiL7 RWln1� �_ Gv6R 6"�6WwEt- 6"LAPWC(N6 G°(oLO.Wl--JD ToMArH 2(-P• v OIF.ST F(NISH^� m 4' •� •° Co12" NG.CURB {.. w/t#4 NoP47- w CONC.W/santc o 5 I w� _ •• (�lAyt FINISH�.7. •• = •• GHP� ICI It - �LEuArlor� cI�R'8 1:)r-7tQL 5I CAN f-� LC VAT 10h - MA ,l ItNZtZY FHfRAf•IC.E N A\ D �'l1B/Si14tlA .,�.. ✓� LE 'fll9/�I{WP. $1•� 'tV�SLIW@ 'D Dob AIH r=NTRY.' u Iaa-TH�I I EYTIN� G'#T✓I Q r YANf7Y� costs L1n1:1J �VMIINLI WAISIRA I Wnt`ca1 OVaJITY y y Mrom-im uVIt (r,�t LM&Vp �r II L x 13 Its x 13`- $EDROCM I l9 k 13e — R ti'LI�M x13' Ilbxl3` AW-HITWTURAL ARSk L1(oKTW(o C4 AQ�'2 of Co J 75 WATT ME>PLURY VAPOR POOR f',�t l _ ARZA:LIGH?fNC, No --'- ..._ PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION OA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (( BEING A 'PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 19 & C./S. 819A SITUATED IN THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T^ 2S., R.6E., P•M.M. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR' SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP AUGUST, 1988 BY: Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston ENGINEERING, INC. BOZEMAN, MONTANA ioo so 0 100 _ zoo SCALE: I"= 100' 1 � 11 t 30•WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY 4 EEoreer ACCEas RaAD {�/,:^,- l={)G J 1 GSEMERr EXTENDED TO 1 ( F11.734R DRIVE IS'wida storm sewer .�A V4 211.73'(R) Easement S.89w07'5�­E-211.80'(M) J LOT CURVE DATA 10 POQ 1 i 10,329& _- - 10,504 SF g . 0 A L T I A ! I 4\\ R - 4 ¢ 1 09°53'35" 83.00' 14.33' 7.18' I I f (' � I 1j �n NOTES 2 50.43,04 50.00, 44.26, 23.70' -- ".. I 3 99°47'24" 50.00' 87.06' S9.37' I I10 ��z I !/la44 �m • Foane S/�Reear w/wp 4 101°34'12" 50.00, 88.64, 61.27' o Set 5/87Row, /Cap 5 48.56,15" 50.00, 42.71. 22.75' N 9,147&I'e 12 ° (M)Measured Distance 6 2U°19'57" 167.00, 59.26, 29.95, 1 - $ 1 •�1708&F.G (R)Record DistaMe 7 30°34'35" 167.00, 89.12' 45.65' I I 1. 01 - AR Property Pins A"Swig Mtae, D-s el-D'c 8 87°37,24" 50.00, 76.47, 47,97 I Nee°as'es'T. --- I Art C women,Corners,Set on LO'Lnee O•C -esa's Ce c ases 9 96°44'25" 50.00' 84.42' 56.26' I eeea'I _, nite°ss!!'E. I e9]s' - - - Basis of Bearing!EDO Line Ct GRAF'S BURP.--0-'CN AY EFA"Oh 10 18°23'17" 370.89' 119.03' 60.03' 11 35°40:32" 117.00' 72.85 37.65' I I 8 B I$ 1 13 g Gross Area 18,718 Ace 12 48°48'00" 133.00' 113.28' 60.33' 1 I =p,489SFm 8,945S.F.8 Net Area =13.338 Acs 13 116°3913 50.00, 101.80, 81.04' ! g $••�1 Pueuc Park Area =2 450 Acs 14 32°40'27" 83.00' 47.33' 24.33' IBwaoE w•LwS 1 EA'e. 15 29°48'02" 332.501 172.941 88.47' I oaavE rlal-1 1 I r,s.ss 16 27.18,30" 332.50, 158.48, 80.77' I 1 I 1 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 17 15.22,38" 332.50, 89.24, 44.89' 14 g 18 60°52'38" 267.50' 289.22' 157.18' I '-I g6,965&F 19 28.45.02" 267.50, 134.23. 68.56' ( S 7 1$ I, the undersigned, Dennis L. E'oreman, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify 20 89°42'S4" 15.00' 22.18' 13.68' I o9,600SF1$ iwarrR that between November, 1986, and August, 1988,'Spring Meadows Subdivision was surveyed under 21 89°56'38" 15.00, 22.18. 14.99' 20'Wide Utility Ease (Tys) I my direct supervision and platted same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in 22 60°30'27" 15.00' 15.64' 8.75' accordance with Montana Law and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. 23 85°16'21" 15.00 22.32' 13.81, I I 1 / - II $1 15 DATED this day of A.D., 19 8 6 7310,783&F. - $8,889SFI S CENTERLINE STREET CURVE DATA rJ V I �) Dennis L. Foreman iv _ „ Registration No. 56065 � R L T I 1 else' Bozeman, Montana 1 42:34:02", IOU.00' 74.29' 38.96, ,j t? 8 5 I $' I6 Sdd 2 55°38'll" 150^00' 145^66' 79,15' I I 8a,8e95.0.1 "900B S.F.p 3 41°3931 300.00' 218.12' 114.131 I I 11 01 CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR ..00 4 47°5809 300.00 251.17 133.47' 1 1 so.1e• I, Andy Epplee Planning Director, of the City-County Planning Board have reviewed the N I I i D accompanying plat and find that it conforms to law. g 4 I$ oo B028 S.F. DATED this day of A.D., 19 NOTE: I I _10,400&F.=_ I d' WE 70 THE POSSIBILITY OF HIGH GROUNDWATER WRHIN THE SUBDIVISION, I I I I I i O A IS RECOMMENEO THAT AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SEASONAL HIGH I I I 9a.l1 (Signature--Planning Director) GROUNDWATER LEVELS 8E MADE BY QUALIFIED ENGINEER OR SOIL 1 + I p City-County Planning Board SCIENTIST PRIOR To CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES WITH A LOWEST I :2 I I B 18 F FLOOR LEVEL MORE THAN THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB W, ON THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. I r` I I B. 3 1 1 9I(),8595.F. $ R QCri 9,333 SAI I 4C I- 15'Wide Utility Easement Across Airate D"raf Tye.) CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE I f I L. I I On, it Nee sear.. 1 9ael' I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the m i accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to law, approves $11 S. ?ty, it, and hereby accepts the dedication to public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as $ 2 1'& of I being dedicated to such use. Q 210,133 S.F.3 �i >>a Ws' I O I I 1 �e°��� �a s'y DATED this day of A.D., 19_ -Gf!AF'F3 '��,f.li 1 I I 2 3.39 xl3 ll349. �.. I 1 20 S7 J &99' - �--- PARK _- -_ _-- 15,2 t0 S.F •� qy O�,r Director of Public Service, I � �1 5 - ,97'S.F a 4,p``aa City of Bozeman ­0.: I S.00 29'56"W. I$ -.nook ° a 199.93(R) r10,327 S.F.81- - 4 21 4529'(R) IS.89°IO'37'E. 200.05(M) �I SOOIRI)n 430.4Y(R) I I ^ i 12,759&F 20'w,de uli n,•y Easement N.01 10'31"E• 1a.a4 .zy S.89"09'39"E. 430,34'(M) -9A9°03J9 45.15'(M) a xzto• 22 ep CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER A 21l.aY as N 00'37109,I E __ - - s ee ss E,=SRA ---- -tY-- PARK 4,4365.F. _3Q02(M) --_ i__- __-L... gg 3 6,3s5& aw...3lpewL e,` Ir _ _ Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify -____pj R_ _°e syro4 �t4• {� f Tn,Tlea u(. sr".s� dX'aT'R a that the accompany in 30.Do(R) �$. t Y n pt C )ine been duly examined and that no real property taxes assessed ez.!•' I a, 7J f �'b \ /y w>;,o and levied on the land to bu subdivided are delinquent. N.89'll'51"W. 38L93'(M) 1 A(�. ` 382-OOIR) �Q8 19,19?S.F.t ��lD' 'LwoEwal¢ 0T 5 N.00°28'01"E. '® 1 'b. /,Vnurins ZEASEVexr DATED this --�.. day of _- A.D., 19_ I I 22W849.F. ••^3• 140.31'(R) Ue.3r W.zA Treasurer of Gallatin Count L- ' S ----NewlEoe^w.- E.t 381.94 2 ---- _..- .. .:.n'-- -' rE+-ta ^sera.9 Tsar-wEsr"msrcrrom u"e 89°II'52" :F/ s.e3•rs'De'E. Ne.TS' T - -- _PARK- ..--- se✓'wx"E. In 2.236 ACRES - O Lc�al ueserE.r"• ��.s•, a) _ E al ;L 213,412 S.F. 41 BVOG�/ 63,436 S.F. ■ G t0 -_ in ad of o erear, 2! 1 N.89°1 Oil 3W. ...Is. 57f. uy 3"' i N-89°10'13"W. 794.43' S.00°28'01"W 1 45.00 i CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES We, the undersigned mortgagees, do hereby join in and consent to the described plate releasing our respective liens' claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, avenues, parks, or other public uses and dedicated to the use of the public forever. Dated this day of 1988. MORTGAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF BOZEMAN) BY: CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1988. We, the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that we have caused to be sur- veyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, as shown by the plat Notary Public for the State of Montana and certificate of survey hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Residing at ' My commission expires_ ----Description---- A tract of land being a portion of the unplatted SW} of Section 19 and Certificate of MORTAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF LIVINGSTON) Survey No. 819A situated in the NW} of Section 19, T.2S, R.6E., P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being further described as follows: BY: Beginning at a point which is the NE corner of Certificate of Survey No. 819A said point Subscribed and sworn to before me this _-day of r 1988. also being on the westerly line of Certificate of Survey No. 803; thence from said point of beginning along.the line common to Certificate of Survey No.s 819A and 803 S00°10149"E a distance of 900.99 feet and S43°49'01"E a distance of 754.72' to the SW corner of Certificate of.Survey No. 803; thence across a portion of Graf's fourth Addition SOO°28'01"W a distance Notary Public for the State of Monatan of 135.00 feet, N89°10113"W a distance of 573.97 feet, SOO°28'01"W a distance of 45.00 feet Residing at and N89°10113"W a distance of 794.43 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of My commission expires - Survey No.,526; thence N00°13'46"E a distance of 294.05 feet to a point on the southerly line of lot 6A of Amended lot 6 block 5 of Graf's 3rd Addition; thence along the southerly, easterly, and northerly line of said.lot 6A B89°11'52"E a distance of 381.94 feet, CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY N00°28'01"E a distance of 140.27 feet and N89°11'51"W a distance of 381.93 feet to the BE corner of Graf Street right-of-way; thence along the easterly right-of-way of said Graf Street N00°37109"E a distance of 30.02 feet and NO1°20'31"E a distance of 45.15 feet to the 1, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the SE corner of City of Bozeman Park; thence along the southerly line of said Park S89°10'37"E a distance of 200.05 feet, SOO°29'56"W a distance of 14.89 feet and S89°09'39"E a distance of Plat of Spring Meadows Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development to the City of Bozeman, 430.34 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of Survey No. 264; thence along Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman Master Plan Area and can be provided said line N00°04'05"W a distance of 1123.55 feet to a point on the southerly line of with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste. Certificate of Survey No. 406D; thence along said line S89°07156"E a distance of 211.80 feet Therefore under provisions of Montana Law, this tract is not subject to sanitary restriction to the point of beginning. Said tract being 18.718 acres along with and subject to any clearance. existing easements. - DATED this day of _, 1988. The above-described tract of land is to be known and described as Plat of Spring Meadows _ Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development, City of Bozeman, Gqi.14tin County, Montana; and the - Director of Public Service lands included in Graf Street and all alleys, and parks or bl' squares shown on said plat are here by granted and donated to the use of the public forever. City of Bozeman Dated this _day of , A.D., 19_. Dated this_day of , A.D., 19 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER Eugene Graf III Spring Meadow Partnership i, Gerald Wine, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed and sworn to me this the foregoing instrument was filed in my office this day of day of , 19 day of 19 A,D., 19 and recorded in Book of Plat on Page Records of the Y County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. DATED this day of A.D., 19_ Notary Public for the State of Montana Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Residing at My commission expires My commission expires - Gerald Wine 88-512 PLAT OF SI'PRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION II " A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT " BEING A (PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED S.W. I/4 OF SECTION 19 8{ C./S. 819A SITUATED IN THE N.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T" 2S., RISE., R M.M. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP AUGUST, 1988 BY: Sanderson/Stewarl/Gaston ENGINEERING, INC. BOZEMAN, MONTANA [Do 50 O 100 200 SCALE: I°= 1001 � 1 1 1 ^ 1 � 9o'RsoE weLm�enuire (..i::. 4lit;,:, NER9ENLY ACC 99 RO4a 9EMENT btiFllDCa la 1 F4IRYIEW ai1VE I - A 211.rN(R) 15'Wide Storm Sewer ( Eosement S-89a07'SV E-211.8d(M) J - as.9a f "1 �8 P•O.B. LOT CURVE DATA I I 10,5m II$ Io,�oaaF� I 4 I ¢ 1 09:53:35" 83.00' 14,33' 7.is, I 1 !, I II 2 50°43'04" 50.00, 44.26, 23.70' pT.M', I ft', G R. NOTES 3 99°47'24 50.00' 117.08' 59.37' I I u) \ I 1 a / 02 4 101°34'12" 50.00' 88.64' 61.27' 1 / m • Founds/e'Re9arw/Coo 5 48°56'15" SD.00' 42.71' 22.75' I I =N $ 9 -' I�'12 $ o Sn 5/e'Reear+/coo 6 2U°19'57 167.00: 59.26' 29.95' = 0 9,1475(m ;,9,708SF.d (MI M d Di Distance _I IRI RKad DIf1aMa 7 30°34'35" 167:00' 89.12' 45.65' I I i ( - All PraHi Plus Alan Swims Meadow wI,.a Binim wea 8 87°37'24" SU.00' 76.47' 47.97' N�"a5'5S'F - I 1 _ _ p,e 6'wtnffa wrnart,Set On Lot Lines or on Ramals of ce- �e9�I .jy- me9°ss'»'E. 9 96.44'25" 50.00' 84.42' 56.26' I Basis of Beating.East Lim Of GRAF'S FOURTH ADDITION ANNEXATION 10 18°23'17" 370.89' 119.03' 60.03' 11 35°40'32 117.00' 72.85' 37.65' I { B I$ gI 13 g Gross Area= 18.718 Acs. 12 48°4800" 133:00, 113.2S. 60.33' 8,9455.F. _10,f89SF m R � $ Nei Area =13.338 Acs. 13 116.39,13" 50.00, 101.80' 81.04' I I i4•u,oE IR1nIc 14 32°40'27" 63.00' 47.33' 24.33' idencE wAsewAr Pork Area =2.450 Acs. 15 29°4802 332.50 172.94' 88.47' EAaeAtlmT I ORRVE F nReWTE 189 SR' 16 27.18,30" 332.50, 158.48' 80.77' I 17 15°22'38" 332.50' 89.24' 44.III $I 14 8 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR - 18 60°52'38" 267.50' 284.22' 157 '-� '0'8,965 sF$ 19 28°45'02" 267.50 134.23' 68.56' I I $ 7 I° 1 I, the undersigned, Dennis L. Foreman, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify o SAM&F ffi t that between November, 1986, and August, 1988, Spring Meadows Subdivision was surveyed under 20 84.42'54'. 15.00, 22.18' 13.68' I - Wore 21 89.56,38" 15.00' 23.55' 14.99' 2o'YAde Utility Ease�t(Tyo.) I ¢ my direct supervision and platted same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in 22 60°30'27" 15.00, 23.84' 8.75' I I / 1Ini accordance with Montana Law and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. 23 85°16'21" 15.00' 22.32' 13.81' I " I - II $i 15� g DATED this day of , A.D., 19-. '9 6 It 2ID,783 SF.u $8,8895FI CENTERLINE STREET CURVE DATA r: Q II f'i Dennis L. Foreman - G,I cn I Registration No. 5606S 0 R L T I j r+ I I BA9° Bozeman, Montana - 8 16 81 42°34'02" 150U.00' 74.29' 38.96, $2 55.3811 1000 145:66 7915' V89SFJ $9,DDs.F$ 3 4139.31 300.00 18.12 14 13 CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR 4 47°58,09" 300.00' 251.17' 133.47' I ; _ " ( � I t 9o.m' •, I, Andy Epple, Planning Director, of the City-County Planning Board have reviewed the � i accompanying plat and find that it conforms to law. 8 4 I$ S?A2e s.F. c; DATED this day of A.D., 19 NOTE' I I 510,400S1.._= I d• -_ DUE TO THE POSSIBILITY OF NIGH GROUNDWATER WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION, I I I I ' " O R IS RECOMMENED THAT AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SEASONAL NIGH I 7 I i SOOT e0 (Signdture--Planning Director) GROUNDWATER LEVELS BE MADE BY QUALIFIED ENGINEER OR SOIL .i I " I I I O City-County Planning Board SCIENTIST PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES WITH A LOWEST I '�+ FLOOR LEVEL MORE THAN THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THECURB iL' I ' S I IB $ N I 8 3 I$ $Ib,85s S.F.ON THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. I I $9,5535.F.1 a I 15'Wide Utility Easement Across Privota D-e(Tso.) CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE C.I V I I Nes°sYSYE. Y I ` I I 3 O" '"I I Sae,' " I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the iD I 3 I i $ accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to law, ap;+roves O II g $ SF Z'y„ it, and hereby accepts the dedication to public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as 'c $ 2 18 r 1 being dedicated to such use. I O "_lO,t33 S.F.S �; �W. 00 DATED this day of VD A.D., 19 -.RAF'.` 3 RC• I 's I Z s.es^sa9a' I p ADE, 1 \ I I I aces i Z 4 1 20 a 90.. PARK --- _J I I 15,21os.F ° ( Director of Public Service, 5 --- ��2( A'7s s.F -o--- °° b F City of Bozeman 500 29'ss'W. 21. 99,93(R) - -1 'ems' 12,739 S.F. 20'Wide ufi I�Iy Eesament ITy,,J 45.29'{R) �S.89°IO'37'E. 0.05'(M) ;�rsno'(�) 43a4Iw) , i . E, ; N.01'2031"E. S89°09'39 E. 430.34'{M) oa CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER A,_-....- a.e9°aYa9�E.- o I I �. 22 ° -r----- R-_ PARK N00°3T09'E. -- 6RAF' -- - 14,4365.F. 3Z �d5�"-- 6,355s. /f W,af f,xwppl. Ir , Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify -30A2(M)__ --- i --- --- -a �\ T.4 s uTnITIF9 fA5. e`, 3o o01R) _ 09 � / a � esECTYe nF that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that no real property taxes assessed r*o" �� xAa° ' and levied on the land to be subdivided are delinquent. N.89°I I'51"W. 381 R) 929• e�D 24 1 \�� �( so.. 9 A,,� 38200(R) / .to- I9,197 S.F "'llll °"' I-A,°E wRuc LOT o �„ y I I Iunur,es 2 Nexr DATED this - day of A.D., 19 . 8� N.00°28'01"E. I �4 { o / 22,904s.F. -- " h4 .27(M) 34,166SF. �:?41' �'o e, 140.31'(R) Treasurer of Gallatin Count I ® neat ss aoa.Ta' y S 89°I I'52°E. 381.94 2� W. _ --- _eaaoa'--"-- CENTER c"sEerK W.y [AST-WfeT YIOaECrpl LINe ri cYE. aq.Ta' I AS SHCYIW:sw 4METC>_r•. ":..f�'-+E-3 - ---PARK--- _ ? sB9°re'oz'E - C '' r 2.236 ACRES �( WOE wm[R OUyID 51e 4rnAR.:n..:IMIrw:.a,W l.e9°I2'09"E. 91a.0a' LeI fAbEM 0'4EIL /BLO 213,412 S.F. I �. OGY.i 0,436 S.F. - ui y{ - ie� it 95 N N t dle -ca5 MEn"Nrr iLwN UND O- �r,- o 1 N.89°10'13"W. 573.97' 4TX .-S. 528 xyl sss I N.891 10'13"W. 794.43' 5.00°28'01 W. 45.00' CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES We, the undersigned mortgagees, do hereby join in and consent to the described plat, releasing our respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, avenues, parks, or other public uses and dedicated to the use of the public forever. Dated this day of 1988. MORTGAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF BOZEMAN) BY: CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION Subscribed and sworn to before me this d$y of , 1988. We, the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that we have caused to be sur- veyed, subdivided and platted into,lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, as shown by the plat Notary Public for the State of Montana and certificate of survey hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to-wit: .y Residing at My commission expires_ ----Description---- A tract of land being a portion of the unplatted SW} Of Section 19 and Certificate of MORTAGEE (FIRST SECURITY BANK OF LIVINGSTON) Survey No. 819A situated in the NWi of Section 19, T.2S, R.6E., P.M.M., City of Bozeman, - Gallatin County, Montana, and being further described as follows: BY: _ Beginning at a point which is the NE corner of Certificate of Survey No. 819A said point Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1988. also being on the westerly line of Certificate of Survey No. 803; thence from said point of beginning along the line common to Certificate of Survey No.s 819A and 803 SU0°10149"E a distance of 900.99 feet and S43°49'01"E a distance of 754.721 to the SW corner of Certificate of Survey No. 803; thence across a portion of Graf's Fourth Addition S00'28'01"W a distance - Notary Public for the State of Monatan of 135.00 feet, N89°10'13"W a distance of 573.97 feet, SOD°28'01"W a distance of 45.00 feet Residing at and N89'10'.13"W a distance of 794.43 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of My commission expires Survey No. 526; thence N00°13'46"E a distance of 294.05 feet to point on the southerly line of lot 6A of Amended lot 6 block 5 of Graf's 3rd Addition; thence along the southerly, easterly, and northerly line of said lot 6A S89°11'52"E adistance of 381.94 feet, CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY N00°28101"E a distance of 140.27 feet and N89°11151"W a distance of 381.93 feet to the BE corner of Graf Street right-of-way; thence along the easterly right-of-way of said Graf Street N00°37109"E a distance of 30.02 feet and NOl°20131"E a distance of 45.15 feet to the I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the SE corner of City of Bozeman Park; thence along the southerly line of said Park S89*10distance of a Plat of Spring Meadows Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development to the City of Bozeman, distance et to a p feet, Sthe easterly a distance er ifica feet and Survey No.'264; a distance of Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman Master Plan Area and can be provided 430.34 feet to a point on the easterly line of Certificate of Survey No. 264; thence along said line N00°04'05"W a distance of 1123.55 feet to a point on the southerly line of with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste. Certificate of Survey No. 906D; thence along said line S89°D7'S6"E a distance of 211.80 feet - Therefore under provisions of Montana Law, this tract is not subject to sanitary restriction to the point of beginning. Said tract being 18.718 acres along with and subject to any clearance. existing easements. DATED this day of , 1988. The above-described tract of land is to be known and described as Plat of Spring Meadows Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the Director of Public Service lands included in Graf Street and all alleys, and parks or ublic squares shown on said plat City of Bozeman are here by granted and donated to the use of the public forever. - `Dated this _day of A.D., 19 Dated thisday of , A.D., 19 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER Eugene Graf III Spring Meadow Partnership I, Gerald Wine, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that Subscribed and sworn to before me this Subscribed and sworn to me this the foregoing instrument was filed in my office this day of day of 19 -day of 19 A.D., 19 and recorded in Book of Plat on Page Records of the Y Y County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. DATED this day of A.D. 19_ Notary Public for the State of Montana Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Residing at My commission expires My commission expires - Gerald Wine 66-512 I I I ry I I ' I I 1 P� - - - --- --- - ---- --7-1-- --- - - - -- --- - - --- - - - - - --- --- - -- - _ _. � t W j DRAWN BY:GAM CHECKED BY:CAM .t \\ , JOB N6 9475 \ m r EXISTING 8"WATER MAIN � I \ \ EXTENDS ON TO PROPERTY. I SEE SHEET F1 FOR CONNECTION MATHEW BIRD CR. 315.73' S8912'08"E 1 { _ -. `, ------ ---.-_._� --..._'- -- - ---- - -- ---- - - - --- - --- ------ - - - t \STANDARD DRIVE '*--ASPHALT PAVING a ` ; .. \APPROACH. . 54'-0" I \ NEW 5'-0"WIDE 'l`17, -lJ. 1" 1 11\ t CONC.SIDEWAL28 K W/CONTROL J R#267.50' I � TS. d I `` \ O 5'-0'O.C,�� L 134. f "1..11 23' I t7 I � ` MULTI-FAMILY LAT LIST 2,BLOCK 2 T Q so'-o' 9o'-0" zo'-o' ,'"'j , - (10 SPACES O 9'-0-EA,)7F i` SNOW STORAGE-TYPICAL i b a --_ _-- L I NI ` J o o ;/ o o _ rxmv� I rCITY OF BOZEMAN -- OI I .ASPHALT PAVING ., el I �s 4 ,`\ r,. -m' 1 I STANDARD DRIVE N '� N i .YI I APPROACH SEE � o I p1.1 1.i , E10ST. ALK \_ NEW W I r+' 100 YEAR FLOOD BOUNDARY o w s of 1 024 F , ' r MCI C SI r I CITY OF BOZEMAN ! w 5.-6 y�sm-zr SEE D SEE HE RA ASPHALT PAVING o "T'' ' I STANDARD DRIVE "4_ 42'-0" 26 0' 18'-0' 36'-0" 53-2" 1. 1.1 45'-0' 1. 136'-8 N 18'-0" 6.0"• l i , APPROACH SEE G A7. t .� 729.43' S89'10'13'W ' 1 1 20 0" g a a - LS 0" 100'DIA• 4PAFE55%onigC j SETBACK //'CUL-DE-SAC N '6./ I '/ EASEMENT c� NOTES: NEW 70'DIA. LovELL v. S[N6Ee �/�/�/ PAVED CUL-DE-SAC , - I r LICENSE NUMBER A �*� O SEWER LIE CONNECTION IS SHOWN C %7i[7 (W/ASPHALT HEADER) �{,r ,Q 4 _Soo "=30'0" ® O ON SHEET FL `Zsf53S - ._ I Sl4TP or: MOPISPNP 1 ^,.!' 2 NEW 4'WATER SERVICE ONEW 4'FIRE SERVICE LINE (SEPARATE ENGINEERED DRAWINGS �� ' NOTES: AND SUBMITTED FOR PERMIT.)ECIFICATIONS LL BE,4 1. ALL PARKING STALLS SHALL BE MARKED NTH A PAINTED 4'STRIPE RHPIPWBD$CON MTIONALLY APPRO\rgD � - 2. SEE SHEET Lt FOR DETAILED UTILITY INFORMATION. BOZEMANT(7ITI=3OUN R I%PAR PI�ANIdII"Tf} t PLANNING Dnwmxlk TJATE — —ID- t_. SITE INFORMATION _ V AREA % OF TOTAL a TOTAL LOT AREA 213,412 S.F. 10p% ' ` TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF BUILDINGS 26.725 S.F. 13R "NITETORCH 600.SERIES" TOTAL AREA OF LANDSCAPING 158.196 S.F. POST TOP COACH LANTERN TOTAL AREA OF PAVING 28,491 S.F. INCANDESCENT LUMINAIRE TOTAL AREA OF OPEN SPACE 186,687 S.F. 87g - - I BY HUBBELL LIGHTING INC. - i� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2,BLOCK 2 OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION APPROVED BY- STEEL HANDICAP „ STREET ADDRESS: 3175 GRAF STREET PARKING SIGN CERTIFIED NURSERYMAN - 1 (WHITE SYMBOLS AND g EVERGREEN TREE-GROUND DECIDUOUS TREE PRUNE BACK 1/4' o r1 '�l. LETTERS ON BLUE. 3mo PERMITS REQUIRED: BUILDING PERMIT E THE SAME AS ON AN SPRAY WI AN T 3"DIA.BRONZE ANODIZED b LINE 7U B SITE D NTH TOESICCAN ;^eBACKGROUND) A P C!] L OlE Nzm SIGN PERMIT- EXISTED AT NURSERY ACCORDING TO MFR'S.INSTRUC710NS �� . -IF FOLIAGE IS PRESENT,DOUBLE OCCUPANCY: GROUP R-1,TYPE 1-HR. DATE TD STRAND OF 10 GA.GALVANIZED WIRE TWISTED GARDEN HOSE b LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE 2 1/2"DIA.x 10'-0"LONG CEDAR STAKE m Ii WITH NOTCHED END(7"-0"EXPOSED) 3 GUYS OF 10 GAUGE 2 PER TREE II TWISTED WIRE 120' SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTING MATURE OTY. APART AROUND TREE BASE COVER DRAWN BY:GAM 1 II STEEL POST SET IN : TURNBUCKLE I I CONCRETE BASE CHECKED BY:GAM FOLD BACK BURLAP FROM TOP OF BALL II JOB N0; 9475 BASE PLATE W/FOUR ACER PLATANOIDES NORWAY MAPLE 2'CAL B&B -50 FT. 28 3/4"x15'G.S.A.B. I $'SOIL SAUCER r 2"MULCH - 1"DIAL PVC CONDUIT 0 0FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA MARSHALL'SEEDLESS 1 1/2' -2" 40 FT. I6 •� II •r - I COMPACTED GRAVEL GREEN ASH B&J3 BACKFILL NTH TOPSOIL AND PEAT MOSS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR •a II 24"x2'x2"STAKE - 3:1 RATIO BY VOLUME IN 9"LAYERS.. TO PROVIDE 12"0 x 48" .I I II z DRIVEN FLUSH W/ WATER EACH LAYER UNTIL SETTLEDCONCRETE FOOTING II i FINISHED T GRADE '�' 3/4"z8'-0" U.GROUND PINUS SYLVESTRIS SCOTCH PINE 8'- 35 FT- 11 _ B&B 12' MIN. - I ROD,CONNECT TO GROUND I LUG IN POLE W//6 CU. WIRE w PRUNUS X CISTENA PURPLE LEAF PLUM 2'-3' 8 FT. 17 1 TOP OF CURB/WALK 5 GAL OR FINISH GRADE Q - JUNIPERUS SABINA TAM JUNIPER 18"-24" 3 FT. 10 TAMARISCIFOUA 5 GAL Ism UNDISTURBED SOIL ��\yy""/�T/,I I WRAP DECIDUOUS TREES OVER 1'CAUPER `>Y'vY.l•L O J SABINA SAVIN JUNIPER 18"-24" 3 FT. 10 I WITH BURLAP OR ASPHALTIC KRINKLE 5 GAL _ a/\ /\\\T J KRAFT TREE WRAP \/\ -6"0 x 12'CONC.BASE EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN GROUND COVER: 3/4"WASHED GRAVEL OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC W/POLY EDGING �F 1�F ALL LAWN AREAS TO BE PLANTED WITH KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS,RED FESCUE,AND.RYEGRASS MIX- A PLANn NG DETAIL AIL E LIGHT DETAIL n HDC SIGN DETAIL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION TO BE UNDERGROUND AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Al-Y NO SCALE { /11 - -- -.- - _ 1"MIN.EIFS OVER r+S••- � r� . ... - 1/2"CDX PLYWOOL /y1 1 ( I OVER 2x FRAMINGLl 10' �—�� ,". II I - ROUTED I' LETTERS b EIFS Q fed CHAIN-LINK _. FINISH spmol ll1� �IDENCE' I I ® fed GATE W/VINYL Lam....___' m 4"FACE ;. FILLER STRIPS BRICK OVER I CONC.BASE I�,I 8. I�If I I ,:q 4✓ 31�tJ yI LJ MOUNDrT TREATED 6x6 CORNER •:{ ! 1 )� {i .� PLAN SIDE ELEVATION POSTS SET IN GONG. ° 12"mTJNO �' _ �� I a (REAR ELEVATION SIMILAR) 3'-O"BELOW GRADE I B TRASH ECWSCLC'JUFTtE DETAIL SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURESI I 16'0 PIER O EACH TYPICAL BOTH SIDES OF SIGN I END W/2#4 BARS rT� 1' A1.1 1/4_i•_0^ (ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO I I I I 1/2"PREMOLDED FILLER CONC.SIDEWALK PROVIDE POWER FROM UNIT1 (SOME AREAS TO ( BE LANDSCAPED) CONCRETE CURB 4"WASHED GRAVEL �\ OR CRUSHED STONE / r \ SIGN DETAIL AIL a A1.1 d'° {E,�C `? - 5-0"TRANSITION SECTION FROM CONTRACTION JOINTS- EDGE OF GUTTER M F �3�(7 i\!w� EXIST.CURB TO DROP CURB SPACE O 10'CURB GUTTER 3'ASPHALTIC CONE.. ry7"'+Cr •: ; a � EXPANSION JOINT FLOW LINE } 3 OF 1"COMPACTED 5J 1 l•` K i O CURB RETURNS BACK OF CURB ROAD-MIX ) y � [ 6"OF 4'AND SMALLER ,•ci` ��iy :,Y `-��' v R COMPACTED FILL F i�S' _s,lei �•!aW-/ r GRADE OM TESTABLISHED AS OP OF NTIRILLRISE PER RBFOOT .. CUi'(G7 DETAIL A!L r 3'WASHED ROCK PROFESSFpryq� A1.1 EXPANSION JOINTS MIN. 6'THICK M-3000 CONCRETE 6'-0- - CURB AND GUTTER 2 3/8"Is HARD. - ,•1_ STEEL PIPE -- - _ -. _ - ------------ ----- LOVEL4.V. R R LICENSE NUMBER 800 1P SpAT OF MO ZPaP STEEL PIP EMBED _0'". 11 5'-0 VARIES "WASHED F N SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY PIPE _ APPROX.12"INTO .>. .:: ;'. - _ .-.`• .. - VARIES ROCK CONC.PIER •. _ - WAY RAMP UP'.:• b o _PROP. LINE —iG-W-yJ *il U• a� ,I: •r. i 26'-0 hiROAT A _ LJ PLAN SECTION qq,�� �/ul x7EC 1 Y®1`1 A-A F DIKE PACK DETAIL HDC RAMP DETAIL n I A1.1 A7.1 AG.1 DRIVE APPROACH DETAIL - --- --- - - ------ -- -------------- -- --- - ------=- - -- - - - - - - .. ... .. . . - STREET - ----- - ----- ----�- -- - - ---- --- --- ----- G 1 ---1--------'-- 1 \\ i // ✓mAa' DRAWN BY:GAM CHECKED BY:LWS <\ JOB N0:9475 - ATHEW BIRD.CR_ I . \ a --------------- On -- / ��-_� \, - 1 i MIN.11.CU,FT. \\ \\ o - \ STORMWATER RETENTION . \ �• �� \ �.�381.94=--589'11 52-E -�-� // (MAX 18"DE )_ 315.73 SB9'12'08"E ------- --�i--- - ---'�---- -----_— --- - --- ---y'--- --- ---�-- -- __ o ---' -- -- z _ 192. 4929 mm CUR \ - 29. OND I _ �"—_.\ `\\\ `� ,\ ` ♦ 21275 S.F.TOTAL - - ;2 , � ../�,>- - •\ , .•... 6675 S.F.BLOG �- 28450 ' 1 \ -\� ♦ ♦ 4900 S.F.PAVING l ��i, R= 26' SEE AP�(3 Y ♦`.. ♦ AREA 1 �� `I..'i1}t T= 68t. 1 • r� 1 I - /- ,/'• -...-` ��� MIN.1,699 CU.FL �t� ( -\ ` �\ \ti\ .'.2,BLOCK 2 \♦ .' i MIN'.1,299 FT. I L ' STORMWATER h (_ \ . ♦♦ STORMWATER RETENTION / •' ` ♦ ♦ l - `ETENTION --------- {MAX 18"DEEP) ri/ /i' \ \ \�'. i'< ♦♦ ♦ g I MAX It$ D ). p I - a29.23 T.O. I pr +2E0 29T51 ''• i / I b Z 0 AA r Y• _— i O . o30 T.ac �1 �. \\ \\\\ \ P✓�� �' `\ +2a.rs }L 1 wss op wan \ 1 , I ✓ 30530 S.F.T0T +29.s _ �� \ - - �� ✓ I 5150 S.F.BLDG. EXIST.WALK I \�--1GO YEAR FLOOD BOUNDARY 2o.75+ +xis T.O.a ✓� .� 10700 S.F.PAVING +"..5 Ir;` .n.zs .Z 75 ,.'\ \�� ✓✓s nn.nR. EA 2 .+xio 1 I NEW WALK I I 36180 S.F. 5085 S.F.BLDG. 21570 S.F.PAVING w.s T.O.C.— 1 / cos° +3" I AREA r r/ .. +YAS Tat—r3o.0 +29.>s � 95 NOA '/ xiI -.+ -Am +xi8`\ ' +xis T.O,G !ftD C2� i 1 Ir Nos .0 , ; r St.O� '� +30b _ .xis �9 Ts .30.0 3 + +xi0 +3ao +xi70 , / T r _— .31,75 To c 729.43' S89-10-13"W L+3 5 Lo.a pppFESSlay4( 1 i SEE STORMWATER RETENTION CALCS ON SHEET A1.1 , lGEL V. RI LICNSE"DER S 05=hMI\ PLAN R j 000 A1.2 1 0 0,. sT �\P 4 P - _ l t 3 E OF N MHO A, 102 STORkMATER HIE-F`MON CALCS 'AREA 1' STORMATER RETENTION CALCS 'AREA 2' SURFACE AREA (EXG,) AREA (DEV.) COEFFICIENT SURFACE AREA (EXGj AREA (DEV.) COEFFICIENT U BUILDING 0 6,675 .95 BUILDING 0 -8,150 .95 PAVING 0 4.900 .85 PAVING 0 10,700 .85 per, . GRAVEL 0 0 .60 - GRAVEL 0 0 .60 IRS GRASS 21,275 9,700 .20 GRASS 30.530 11.680 .20 0. 1/2-PRE-MOLDED 'SMITH,80DO-SERIES'CAST RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS - RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS JOINT FILLER IRON GREASE INTERCEPTOR EXISTING SITE -C=.200 EXISTING SITE -C .200 {� OR APPROVED EWIVALANT NON-SKID COVER DEVELOPED SITE-C=..585 DEVELOPED SITE-C=.628 - e CONCRETE SLAB LOCK AND LIFT RING - CLEANWT OVER MINIMUM 4"OF. LOOK = .200 (6,675x.95)+(4,900x.85)+(9,70OX.20)=..585 (Ox.95)+(Ox.85)+(30,53Dx20)_.2DD (8,150x.95)+(10,700x.85)+(N,680x.20)_.628 WASHED GRAVEL. 21,275 21,275 30,530 _ 30.530.. I. PRE-EXISTING RUNOFF-10 YR.STORM I1. DEVELOPED SITE RUNOFF-10 7R.STORM 1. PRE-EXISTING`RUNOFF-10 YR. STORM II. DEVELOPED SITE RUNOFF-10 YR.STORM W SITE SLOPE» 29. SITE SLOPE»2X SITE SLOPE»2S SITE SLOPE«2R 99 TRAVEL DISTANCE -140' TRAVEL DISTANCE«140 TRAVEL DISTANCE»170' 1RAVEL DISTANCE»170' ;z4 i• _ C=..20(PRE-DEVELOPED SITE) C-.59(DEVELOPED SITE)- C._.20(PRE-DEVELOPED SITE) C=-.63(DEVELOPED SITE) , T=9 MIN.(FIG.22 T m 10 MIN.(FIG. Tc=14 MIN,(FIG.22). f e ( ) _ Tc=18 MIN.(FlG.22) c ( ) INLET AIR RELIEF -0UTLET - . �, '7 - I .41 INCPER HR. -.85 I-.41 IN.PER HR. I...41 INC PER HR. r•85 rm3 1Ki=.41 IN.PER HR., ,.= PRE-EXISTING RUNOFF IS -PRE-EXISTING RUNOFF IS:- STATIC WATER LINE - Q=CIA 3 0=CIA 3 .200(.41) (mzTs Ac =.04 CFS �-EXISTING RUNOFF - _.200(.41) (ulLO�0 Erz Ac) =.08 CFS +-EXISING RUNOFF f35a0/T FT / LOW INLET MAY BE / -DEVELOPED RUNOFF IS. -DEVELOPED RUNOFF IS DRAWN BY:RSS USED WHERE ROUGH- - Q=CIA r 1 3 l 0=CIA 3 CHECKED BY:GAM IN CONDITIONS DICTATE - _.585(.41) \�/ -.12 CFS f DEVELOPED RUNOFF _.628(.41) a l =.18 CFS -DEVELOPED RUNOFF \. _ \.A.Tsao fT 'w ISlaO fr "c JOB NO:9475 III.REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME 0.04 CFS RUNOFF(EXISTING) III. REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME 0.06 CFS RUNOFF(EXISTING) - m REMOVABLE BAFFLES fr fr REapnm u,wnox/ r:v r.: ,�� Fri xEanxm RElExnax Frt+ii kt•T:�.a+ .. , - TIME(HR sEc. I a xx. wwxE fr3 _ _ -T' TIME HR /ax. I of wn. wwe,E fT3 in.c,T r'1 o 2 1 60 .04 288 555 - 2 1 60 .06 414 REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME 0.12 CFS RUNOFF(DEVELOPED) REWIRED RETENTION VOLUME O.18 CFS RUNOFF(DEVELOPED) � REgARFD xERNnON fi / REQRRED RElEi1TOtl Fa TIME HR a IaxM. v9WUE f11 TIM HR /ra-rx. WWRE r - 2 60 - .12. 843 2 60 .18 1299 n CREASE INTERCEPTOR STORMWATER RETEV,,MON CALLS 'AREA 3' SURFACE AREA (EXG.I AREA (DEV.) COEFFICIENT BUILDING 0 5,085 .95 PAVING 0 21,570 .85 GRAVEL 0 0 ED - 'T GRASS _ 36,180 9.525 :20 - RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS p DEVELOPED SITE-C=.693 r - (Ox.95)+(Ox.85)+(36,IBOx.20)=.200 (5,085x.95)+(21,570x.85)+(9,525x.20)_ .693 - 36,180 36.180 a ' ( 1. PRE-EXISTING RUNOFF-10 YR.STORM ;I. DEVELOPED SITE RUNOFF-10 YR.STORM SITE SLOPE-2% { T TRAVEL DISTANCE» 350 TRAVEL DISTANCE«350' C=.20(PRE-DEVELOPED SITE) C= .69(DEVELOPED SITE) =13 MIN.(FIG.22 �,. Tc= 23 MIN.(FIG.22) c ( ) i..41 IN.PER HR. i=.41 IN,PER HR. -•65 � W -PRE-EXISTING RUNOFF IS: q=1-6 CIA (a,ao fT " _ .2DO(.41) haao�_�� =.07 CFS EXISTING RUNOFF 4d -DEVELOPED RUNOFF IS - Q=CIA l _.693(.41) (�•1°D fT 3 / -.24 CFS +---DEVELOPED RUNOFF , �r III.REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME 0.07 CFS RUNOFF(EXISTING) - a R/ REWR1[0 REIFi�TON 'NCIrm TIMEHR /SEC. /of rni vauuE tfr )... nH n.a fn -- - REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME 0.24 CFS RUNOFF(DEVELOPED) RETcr+naf 8'OF 3/4-WASHED GRAVEL TIMEHR /sEa f a'xx. v R [� I 3_p^ IS° 2 60 .24 v�'l rr�� Un SEE SHEET A1.2 FOR. ` LOCATION OF THIS DETAIL r r �/i rG •�� I' o vaoFEs'siov4�. A 1 1/2-MINUS: GRAVEL �,�.A.ri� ,i',�^. � .c i GRAVEL AT GROUNDWATER _ 1 uEEry ea N BER LEVEL STATE OF MON�P�p I2--4-95 �((' C n STORMATCR RUNOFF DE TAIL L AD" . I� 42i 19:9 t __—_-'\ EXIST.FlREHYDRANT 0. EXIST.FIRE HYDRANT I � I r _-_____ __ _ _____.____________ ____ ____:__ _____ _.--- __-_ -__ Via____.___.-__. L ___..._ __ ___.. ________ _______-____ ____________._ _ __ ___ r _____ ___ ___ __ _ mil-Iril-"V 1 IlLG 1 c7 FF-- ----- ---...---- _ .__.. - ----------- -- ------- ----- --- - ' -- ------- --- - --- -- - - ---------- ----- ---- ------ r — --- ——————————— \,. EXIST.FIRE HYDRANT 4 .9 �-. DRAWN BBY:CAM Y GAM CHECKED 1 , \ JOB N0:9475 V \ I 1 \ ` \. 1929 ATHEW BIRD:C49 . /�.?/ '� •- ^'vim I i i \\\ i \\ F - - ------ - ---- 11 ... 02 EXISTING B'. W - --�------W----- .. WATER MAIN 361 --' -' ---�_- -' -_-�-- I-__- _ __ _-_- -�--_ ____ _____ �i 15.73' S89'12'OB"E 8 -- — - � r NEW WA 1 ... -. .. i-• y n{u _- j � ` _._ ._ `. �� 1 ET1NN 8'P EWER MAIN EXTENSION i MAIN 0 TO PROPERTY NEW 6'SEWER �� ':, L \ UNE SERVICE UNE / X EXISTING PVC -- =• -- —� SEWER MAIN RVI E NE 1 POND _ �. WATER METER � •-�'� 1 •, - '` ' - A 2 45'02" NEW UNDERGROUND TV FIRE SPRINKLER RISER�� 7.50' CABLE BY TO INC. I: SEE C /� // 'ti C 1 1 3 I F .56'• NEW UNDERGROUND r TELEPHONE SERVICE ' BY US WEST INC. �.. I - iti \, ` \�'• �t I �t�.: I NEW UNDERGROUND \�\� , �` � t rn I GAs sERmcE er � ' - PICNIC ' 1 MONTANA POWER CO. ' ;.•. :'.� . . �,,� � - .`, MI�LTI-FAMILY LOT, \ •• ' ^. TABLES LO 2.HLOCK 2 �' TYP - \ `LAWN AREA TYP I ------^ _ \ \� NEW UNDERGROUND 120/3PH/4 1 ( r'--------- / / ELECTRICAL SERVICE IBY MPC OF MECH./ELEC EOUIIIPMENT I I a g � SIGN SEE F. I LANTERN . 1 i 1 I EXISTING / - 1 ' -i _ I _ -- - - - -- --- r -- - ------At. - ----- ---- - I 1 WATER MAIN Dip UGH75 �- 1 — --- r`_ r: r_---- -----� -• ----- � 43'- 89"f0'T3"W--- � ��}• L-- �- ---- ---- __ - _ 1'_—_ �,.� 20'-0" V - 25 0" o PpOFEsStpryq� SETBAC - SETBACK SEE EET AM FOR LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE. � - !I EXIST.FIRE YDRANT- I.OVELL V. RI ER LICENSE NUMBER.. LANDSCAPE UnLrY PLAN aoo U \ OF MQNSP 12-4-95 f an Ply\ .�� RECEIVED 91 J U L 2 5 19 9� RECEIVED OF T �l;►��y� �- l� Dollars DISTRICTS CATED AT FOR Sh ey M. Chen , lerk �c Recorder G n County he County of Gallatin, State of y. $ n,,,,uty Lot 2, Block 2, Spring Mcadows Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more commonly known as 3175 Graf Street IN CONSIDERATION of rcceix4ng Minor Site Plan approval from the City of Bozeman to construct a 74 unit assisted living facility at 3175 Graf Street, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, in recognition of the traffic that will be generated by the development of the above-described property, have waived and do hereby waive for ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns,the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement districts for street improvements to Graf Street, including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. In the event Special Improvement Districts are not utilized for the completion of these projects, we agree to participate. in an alternate financing method for completion of said improvements on a fair share,proportionate basis as determined by square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or a combination thereof. We further waive our right to make any written protest against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the districts to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above- described property. This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. ­ 44 , A�. • WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS WHICH WOULD INCLUDE PROPERTY LOCATED A 3175 GRAF STREET We,the undersigned owners of the real property situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 2, Block 2, Spring Meadows Subdivision, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more commonly known as 3175 Graf Street IN CONSIDERATION of receiving Minor Site Plan approval from the City of Bozeman to construct a 74 unit assisted living facility at 3175 Graf Street, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, in recognition of the traffic that will be generated by the development of the abovc-des'cfibcd property, have waived and do hereby waive for ourselves, our heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns,the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement districts for street improvements to Graf Street, including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. In the event Special Improvement Districts are not utilized for the completion of these projects, we agree to participate in an alternate financing method for completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of the property, linear front footage of the property, taxable valuation of the property, or a combination thereof. We further waive our right to make any written protest against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the districts to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above- described.property. This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST SIDS t {• SPRING MEADOW ASSISTED LIVING LOT 2, BLOCK 2, SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PAGE 2 OF 2 We warrant that we are lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above and that we have a lawful right to convey the property or any part of it, DATED this 1� day of -�_ '_ _ - - - ' 0- v'! to R'�,!ir�..-� v'.N �y� , � wie ir_•S.� • 1 ,i tiN 4 �..,t+w•TA.z � SPRING ME ADO" SSOyCI.ATES _" f. ., .. w` .. t w•�3•` Y�Y.�3�y.1M,' +�{SC�y`p,�Y.1 J p� Y.,t ^ ' f O 1 . - . , . . ti..� �,�f r.+s S Yam}w L�,''S`�•"'iY.\'' 'ti By., 7GL� ZY _ STATE OF MONTANA ) ����`�J'�`•���1�/� - '�� � , -, I nss 1 , `may^ •=�V.^ - '!. r. County of Gallatin ) b .On this J,L-'Lday of Lit , 1995,before mega Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared r i'�I' 1. `� known to me to be the of Spring Meado Associates, the.qqqw=#en who signed the within instrument,and ac owledged to me that he/she executed the s e for and on behalf of said f,e%H IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and set my seal the day and year first above written. ��' �,�L. �:_ 1. •� �,�t, ,(�.� - N tary Public Mr,State of Montana Residingat �;`� My Commission E pires: I - i i y� I •r RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN CITY ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN A "R-2" (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY - MEDIUM DENSITY) ZONING DISTRICT ON A TRACT. OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, M. P.M. , CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ----------------------------------------------------------------- WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin County Com- missioners have adopted a Master Plan pursuant to 76-1-604 , M.C.A. , 1981 ; WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission has been created by . Resolution of the Bozeman City Commission as provided for in Title 76-2-307 , M.C.A. , 1981 , and a jurisdictional area created under 76-2-310, M.C.A. , 1981 ; WHEREAS, the proposed site of the Planned Unit Development lies within the said jurisdictional area of the Bozeman Zoning Commission, and the request is in accordance with the adopted Master Plan; WHEREAS, the Planned Unit Development application has been properly submitted , reviewed , and advertised in accordance with procedures of Chapters 18 . 52 and 18 .54 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman; WHEREAS , the Zoning Commission held a public hearing on April 28 , 1987 , to receive and review all written and oral testi- mony on the request for a Planned Unit Development; WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission found the proposed Planned Unit Development to be in general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission found that the proposed density bonus was in compliance with Section 18 . 54. 090 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bozeman . NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Bozeman City Zoning Commission recommends to the Bozeman City Commission approval of the application for a Planned Unit Development in an "R-2" (Residential , Single Family - Medium Density) zoning district on a tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M. P.M. , City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, with the following conditions : 1 1 . Prior to Final Site Plan approval , a specific park and open space development plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Recreation Advisory Board , the Superintendent of Parks and Planning Director . The plan shall include a detailed landscape plan, identification of type and location of improvements and a development schedule providing for the installation of those improvements prior to or simultaneously with major development of the area; 2 . Specific provisions for the maintenance of common open space shall be included in the covenants and owners association docu- ments; 3. A maximum of 117 dwelling units may be constructed within the P.U.D. ; 4 . Prior to final site plan approval , a 310 permit and flood- plain development permit shall be obtained for the relocation of Flat Creek; 5. Prior to final site plan approval , the following revisions shall be incorporated into the Guidelines : a . A specific section identifying the review procedure shall be incorporated into the Guidelines; b. Table 2. 1 shall be revised to conform with the minimum setback requirements outlined in the Zoning Code; C. A specific materials list and color palette shall be added to the Developmental Guidelines; d. References to building heights with the reuirements of the Bozeman City Zoning Ordinance shall be added to the design guidelines; e. A reference to compliance with the requirements of the Bozeman City Zoning Ordinance shall be added to the design guidelines; f. Specific light standards shall .be identified in the developmental guidelines; S�J 6. 9�The Covenants and Owners Association documents shall be revised to include language insuring the maintenance. of all open space and incorporation of the developmental guidelines into the covenants; 7 . No building permits shall be issued for construction within Spring Meadows P.U.D. prior to Final Plat approval of Spring Meadows Subdivison; 2 8 . Three copies of the Land Use Design Guidelines and required supporting documents containing all the conditions, corrections, and modifications approved by the City Commission shall be sub-' mitted for review and approved by the Planning Director within six (6) months of the date of the City Commission approval , and prior to application for summary review of individual projects. One signed copy shall be retained by the Building Department , one signed copy shall be retained by the Planning Director , and one signed copy shall be retained by the applicant; and 9 . A section shall be added to the Developmental Guidelines indicating that the verb "should" as used in the context of the Developmental Guidelines shall mean "will" wherever effective; and 10. The developer shall participate in an appropriate percen- tage of right-of-way improvements for pedestrian walkways on South Third based on the proportionate share of vehicular traffic generated by the proposed P.U.D. DATED this 28th day of April , 1987 . Resolution ZC 8711 . Steve Lere, Direct r Jeff Rupp, Chairperson Bozeman City-County Bozeman City Zoning Commission Planning Board 3 Zoning Commission Chairman Jeff Rupp called a break from 9 : 22 to 9:31 p.m. ITEM 4 . ZONING COMMISSION -- ZONING APPLICATION #Z-8711 - AN APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT UTILIZING DEVELOPMENTAL GUIDELINES IN AN 11R-2" (RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE FAMILY, MEDIUM DENSITY) ZONING DISTRICT, Spring Meadows Partnership, applicant Marcia Elkins presented the Staff Report (see file Z-8711) recommending approval of the PUD with eight conditions as listed in the Staff Report . Ms . Elkins stated that specific site plans for the proposed retirement housing project will be reviewed in-house if the PUD is approved . Henry Shovic noted that the Staff recommended that the developer sign a waiver of protest to 3.8 percent of the S. I .D. ' s for the improvement of the Kagy/Third/Willson inter- section and asked if this recommendation was covered in the Staff Report. Ms . Elkins stated that the Planning Board has required this and condition #7 of this Staff Report states that no building permits can be issued until final subdivi- sion plat approval is granted , which will ensure compliance ance with this recommendation. Henry Shovic stated that the Developmental Guidelines use the word "should" instead of "shall" and "will" and recommended that these be changed . Henry Shovic noted that multi-family housing is not allowed in the R-2 zoning district unless a PUD is approved , and asked the Staff if they felt this was an appropriate area for this type of development. Marcia Elkins confirmed that it was appropriate and added that the developer has done a good job of providing mixed uses. Melvin Howe pointed out that the Development Guidelines allow buildings to be closer than what the Zoning Ordinance requires and asked for clarification . Ms. Elkins replied that the object of the PUD is to allow for clustered develop- ment, and the PUD process will allow buildings to be built back to back on separate lots with no minimum clearance. This enables each lot to have a larger yard area. Patricia Follett noted that the Developmental Guidelines allow internal lighting of signs and asked if this would create a problem. Marcia Elkins replied that if the Zoning Commission feels this could be a problem they can recommend that it be changed . In reply to a question by Roger Craft, Ms . Elkins stated that the emergency access will be a dedicated easement to the City of Bozeman for emergency purposes and it will be built to a city gravel standard with a permanent break-a-way barrier as approved by the City Engineer , Director of Public Works, Zoning Commission/Planning Board '- April 28 , 1987 - Page 12 Police Chief and Fire Marshall . An easement will need to be obtained from the property owner to the north and the ease- ment will be recorded on the plat. Ms. Elkins reviewed the conditions under which a density bonus may be limited to reduce adverse impacts which includes development of parkland , buffering , streams, recreational areas, and schools. She reviewed Staff Condition #1 which requires a specific park and open space development plan. Roger Craft noted that no time frame was proposed for the submittal of this plan, and Marcia Elkins replied that they left the time frame open to leave room for negotiation with the developer prior to final site plan approval . Henry Shovic asked for the definition of a "patio home" . Ms . Elkins replied that the home is built with zero lot line on one side and a courtyard on the other and the homes are placed back to back. She noted that there are two units on the driving range of the golf course that are a good example. Henry Shovic asked why a 550 foot limit was set for cul-de- sac length. Ms . Elkins replied that the reasons include insuring adequate site circulation and adequate emergency vehicle access. In response to an issue raised by Jeff Rupp, Ms . Elkins stated that the Park Superintendent is opposed to the pro- posed public park improvements becuase of the cost of main- ten4nce. The Recreation Advisory Board recognizes there is a trade off, and has expressed support for the improvements the developer has proposed installing . Jeff Rupp stated the PUD regulations state that a project should be unique in order to receive the density bonus. He also stated that because of the problems with Graf Street and South Third , it seems inconsistent and misleading to say that inconvenient access will not take place. Marcia Elkins replied that the traffic assessment indicates that there will be no change in the service level and the City Engineer has concurred . Mr . Rupp stated he did not agree with the assess- ment. Mr . Rupp also questioned the availability of water , which was discussed during the Subdivision hearing , noting that the city will probably have to ration water this year . Ms . Elkins replied that because the land has been annexed the city is obligated to provide the sewer and water and the system has the capacity to handle this addition . Mr . Rupp stated he has difficulties with the area because of the design factors of the streets and the approval of a density bonus will make the situation worse. Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 13 Roger Craft asked if the traffic studies include pedestrian and bicycle traffic or just auto traffic. Marcia Elkins replied that the primary function of the traffic studies is to analyze auto traffic but the capacity also includes pedes- trians and bicycle impacts. Melvin Howe asked for clarification of the level of service of streets in terms of capacity. Ms. Elkins explained that the term is used in traffic analysis. A .level of Service A is free flowing traffic with little congestion. Service C is what is experienced on Bozeman ' s Main Street at 5 : 00 . Streets are designed at a Service C, but most of Bozeman ' s streets are Service A and B. She stated that there are dif- ferent expectation on what you would expect downtown and in a residential area. Mr. Howe replied that not all streets are the same because some don' t have sidewalks which causes more traffic congestion, and questioned that this development might have an impact on South Third. Ms. Elkins replied that the traffic assessment shows there will be no level of ser- vice change and that the City Engineer has not identified any problems . John Miller, representing the applicants, reviewed what is planned for the development explaining that the density bonus is needed in order to make the project feasible. The use of Developmental Guidelines and Restrictive Covenants will main- tain the quality of the area. Buffers will be used to iden- tify lot lines as well as buffer adjoining properties . He noted that berming , landscaping and non-continuous fencing will be used to help maintain a unique atmosphere. They will work with the Park Department in developing part of the pub- lic park. Nick Fullerton , architect for the project, stated that the congregate retirement housing complex will have approximately 50 ,000 to 52 ,000 square feet and will have retirement housing apartments as well as 15 units for people who need extra help with specialized needs. A common dining area and recreation area will be provided as well as a commercial facility which will provide sundry items for the residents of the facility. Mr . Fullerton then reviewed the landscaping and buffering for the development. Jeff Rupp noted that there are homes of this type that are currently having occupancy difficulties. Henry Shovic asked if this particular use should be discussed at this meeting . Ms. Elkins replied that the congregate living is a part of the use but the specific criteria for the development will be reviewed in-house with the approval of the Developmental Guidelines. Paul Kinshella, Sanderson/Stewart/Gaston Engineering Inc . , explained that the congregate living will produce less traf- fic than if the lot were used for a different type of use. He Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 14 explained where the floodplain was in relation to the devel- opment and how the area would be landscaped to take advantage of the floodplain. Mr . Kinshella explained the layout of the road in relation to the existing water line, noting that the road did not follow the water line because the road curves instead of making a 90 degree turn. Access to the water line will be available because it runs through the parkland. Jim Cordial , housing consultant, presented the Commission with statistics on elderly housing and the need for this type of housing . He explained that it is estimated that one half of the residents will not drive and a bus service will be provided for the benefit of all residents. This will help alleviate the traffic concern. Mr . Cordial stated that 60 units will be retirement apart- ments with cooking facilities in them, but group dining will also be available. Fifteen units will be for personal care for those who need help accomplishing daily tasks. Skilled nursing or intermediate care will not be available and no medications will be administered . Residents will not be eligible for medicare. He added that the density bonus is needed in order to make the project feasible. John Miller added that this type of facility is new in Montana and statistics show there is a need for it. The idea is to incorporate it within the community, and not set it apart from daily activities. Roger Craft asked Mr . Miller if he had any objections to putting a time schedule on the completion of the additional landscaping that he is proposing . Mr . Miller replied that he did not, and he plans to install most of the landscaping when the sidewalks are put in and all unsold lots will be main- tained. Mr . Craft asked Mr . Miller if he would object to joining with the South Third neighborhood in providing side- walks for the area to help alleviate some of the traffic concerns. Mr . Miller agreed that there was a problem in the area and suggested that the City do something . He stated he could not answer Mr . Craft ' s question of his willingness to contribute financially to the project until costs were avail- able. Roger Craft stated that Bozeman was behind on road improve- ments and that the people need to work together . Basically, there are two means of improving the roads - SID' s and feder- al funding, and if each developer would make a contribution the work might get done sooner . John Miller said he would contribute as long as everyone else who benefitted partici- pated as well . PUBLIC portion of the meeting was opened . Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 15 Ken Weaver , 100 Heritage Drive, stated it would be helpful to extend the participation of the SID for the intersection to include improvements to the pedestrian right-of-way along South Third, and noted that this requirement was incorporated into Clair Daine ' s Westfield project. He agreed with the applicant that all who benefit should participate and stated that with the inclusion of this development funding would be closer . He added that if the residents have to wait for federal funding or for the City Engineering department to do the work it will never get done unless it is brought to their attention. Barbara Lyons, 205 Graf Street, expressed concern regarding the maintenance and snow removal on the emergency access, and questioned the feasibility of the emergency access. Steve Lere replied that the developer will be required to provide year around maintenance and snow removal . Marcia Elkins replied that the access will have to be maintained all the way to Fairway Drive and not just to the property boundary, and these requirements will be in the Covenants. Mike Money stated that this will be difficult for the City to enforce but by placing the maintenance requirement in the Covenants it limits the liability of the City and places it on the property owners. Jerry McNally, 102 Graf Street, questioned if it was neces- sary to have 117 units in order for the project to be econ- omically feasible. John Miller replied that the 117 units are necessary to make the project feasible. He added that the project is cost intensive, and to make it work they need the extra units provided through the density bonus, and one way of making the project work is by developing the congre- gate retirement facility. He stated that he could develop condominiums on the lot, but that would create a greater impact and there presently is not a demand for a new condo- minium development in the Bozeman area . Mr McNally stated he was not opposed to the congregate retirement facility. Mary Etta Parkinson, 105 Graf Street, expressed concern that Graf Street may become an arterial street due to extra traf- fic caused from this and other developments. She added that she was impressed with the congregate retirement development, commenting on its attractiveness, but further stressed her concern regarding traffic on Graf Street. Marcia Elkins explained that when the connections are made further south to Sourdough and South Third Street it will be easier for resi- dents south of the city to use those streets instead of using Graf Street. Ms. Parkinson replied that in the interim, Graf Street would be used . Steve Lere added that Graf Street has always been intended to be a major access street. Ms. Parkinson expressed concern that buyers would be unaware of the potential traffic projected for Graf Street. Ms. Elkins replied that a buyer could research what policies affect a piece of property before they purchase it. Ms. Parkinson Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 16 concluded by stating that the existing problems on South Third should be addressed before approving additional devel- opments and creating more problems. Ivan Lawrence, 2244 Bear Canyon Road , stated he has met with many senior citizen groups and reviewed this project with them, and he found that there is a need for this project in Bozeman. He expressed support for the project stating it was a quality project that Bozeman could be proud of, it was in a good area, and was very necessary. Frank Armbrecht, 9748 Cougar Drive, stated that the site plan has been well thought out, the building is well designed and there seems to be a need for the project. However , he questions the traffic impact. He asked Mr . Miller what he projected this project will add to the tax base. Mr . Miller replied that at full development when the subdivision is entirely built, he estimated an addition of ten million dollars to the tax base. Mr . Armbrecht noted that this was a substantial amount and stated that the problems on South Third did not start with this development. He added that with this amount of tax base income there should be a way to alleviate the problems on South Third . PUBLIC portion of the hearing was closed due to no further com- ment from the public. In response to a concern expressed by Kathy Ball , Marcia Elkins stated that the congregate retirement facility is a part of this application and if something were to happen that it would not be developed , the P.U.D. would have to be reviewed through the conditional use process. Patricia Follett asked if there were any processes the Zoning Commission could use to facilitate the improvement of South Third. Ms. Elkins replied that they could recommend that the developer participate in an S. I .D. for the amount of traffic projected from his development. The Commission can also miti- gate the problem by not approving any additional development until South Third is improved which could take many years. Mel Howe suggested that the City sidewalk policy be used to alleviate the pedestrian traffic on South Third. Marcia Elkins stated that the city can order that sidewalks be installed but only property owners that adjoin the property are required to participate. Mel Howe noted that this is an option to alleviate this problem and suggested that Mr . Miller may volunteer to pay his share if this policy was ordered . Kathy Ball stated that the people who live in this area who are affected by the traffic and lack of pedestrian ways have to work together to alleviate this problem, noting that there are ways to accomplish it. Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 17 Jeff Rupp asked what was proposed for the two lots that are not being reviewed for a certain use. Marcia Elkins replied that they are designed to develop as PUDs with a maximum of 18 units. MOTION made by Roger Craft, seconded by Kathy Ball to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the conditions as recommended by the Staff with the following added to the end of Condition #1 : . . .development schedule "prior to or simul- taneously with major development of the area . " AMENDMENT to the motion by Henry Shovic , seconded by Roger Craft, -to add the following to conditions : 1) A section shall be added to the Developmental Guidelines indicating that the. verb "should" as used in the context of the Developmental Guidelines shall mean "will" wherever effective; and 2) the developer shall participate in an appropriate percentage of right-of-way improvements for pedestrian walkways on South Third. Roger Craft suggested using the same wording as is in the Protective Covenants to coincide with this amendment. VOTE on the AMENDMENT: FOR: Henry Shovic, Roger Craft, Kathy Ball , Mel Howe, Patricia Follett AGAINST: None VOTE on the MAIN MOTION: FOR: Roger Craft, Henry Shovic , Kathy Ball , Mel Howe, Patricia Follett AGAINST: None The motion passed , as amended , unanimously. This item will be heard before the City Commission on May 4 , 1987 at 7 : 00 p.m. John Miller thanked the Commission and Staff for their time and assistance with this project. Zoning Commission/Planning Board - April 28 , 1987 - Page 18 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ' ASSOCIATION The undersigned, being the owners of all the real property hereinafter described in Article One of this Declaration, hereby adopt the following Declaration of Protective Covenants pertaining to and effecting the use, regulations, restrictions, reservations , easements and development of that certain real property described in Article One. It is the intent of the undersigned that the real property shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to covenants , conditions , restrictions, regulations, easements and reservations hereinafter described in detail and set forth each and all of which shall be binding upon and shall apply to any and all owners of any parcels or tracts of the herein described real property, and to any and all heirs , assigns, grantees, personal representatives and/or successors in interest thereto. I. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The real property which is and shall be conveyed, transferred , occupied and sold subject to the conditions , covenants, restrictions, regulations, reservations and easements, as set forth in the various clauses and covenants of this Declaration, is located in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by . this reference made a part hereof. II. DEFINITIONS 1. "Association" shall mean Spring Meadows Subdivision Homeowners ' Association, its successors and assigns, which shall be incorporated as a Montana non-profit Corporation, with its members as the lot owners. 2. "Member" shall mean any person or entity owning or purchasing a lot in Spring Meadows Subdivision. Each lot owner shall be a member of the Association and agrees to abide and to be bound by these covenants, and the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Resolution of the Association. 3. "Owner" shall mean the legal title holders or contract purchases , whether one or more persons or entities , owning or purchasing a fee simple title to any lot but excluding those having an interest merely as security for the performance of an . obligation; provided, however, that prior to the first conveyance 1 l of each portion of the properties for value, owner shall mean Grantor. Prior to such conveyance or contract sale, Grantor shall have the right to retain such rights incidental to ownership hereunder as it may desire in its discretion. 4. "Lot " shall refer to a parcel of land derived by dividing a tract into two or more parcels. 5. "May" is permissive. 6. "Shall" is mandatory. III. HOMEOWNERS ' ASSOCIATION It is the intention of the undersigned that an Association be formed and be called Spring Meadows Homeowners ' Association, " but for convenience shall be referred to in this document as the "Association". The Association shall be formed by the owners of the various tracts within the development to care for, protect and maintain the roads , boundary fences, drainage easements, open areas and any other matters which may serve the development so as the same will be maintained for the benefit of the development of the owners of the individual tracts therein. Every owner of a tract shall be a member of the Association. Every person or entity who is the owner of a fee or of an equitable title in a lot. or living unit, or who is subject to an assessment , either present or future, by the Association, pursuant to the provisions of any instrument relating to such assessment, shall be a member of the Association. For the purpose of determining membership, such ownership shall be deemed to have vested upon delivery of a duly executed deed or contract to the grantee or vendee . The legal title retained by the vendor selling under a contract shall not qualify such vendor for membership. Foreclosure on a contract or repossession for any reason of a lot or unit sold under contract shall terminate the vendee 's membership, whereupon all rights to such membership shall revest in the vendor. Each member of the Association shall have the right to vote as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners ' Association. The membership rights (including voting rights ) of any member may be suspended by action of the Board of Directors is 2 such member shall have failed to pay when due any assessment or charge lawfully imposed upon him or any property owned by him, if the member , his family, his tenants or guests of any thereof , shall have violated any rule or regulation of the Board regulating the use of any property or conduct with respect thereto. Assessment: The Association many levy an assessment on each tract and the owner thereof for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residence of the properties for the improvement , repair, maintenance, and snow removal of the roads and sidewalks for such other purposes that may be approved by two-thirds (2/3 ) of the tract owners . Further, an annual assessment option shall be extended for yard and landscape maintenance within each owners private yard should they so desire. The declarant for each tract owned within the property herein described, hereby covenants, with each owner of any tract or development thereof by the acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not is shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association, such assessment as shall be levied by the Association on an annual basis. The annual assessment shall be charged upon the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property and tract upon which the assessment is made. Each assessment shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the owner of the property at the time the assessment fell due, and in the event of any action to enforce the collection of any assignment, the Association shall be entitled to its costs and interest at the legal rate from the date due and reasonable attorney ' s fees . The Association may require the assessment lien at the time it is assessed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, and in such event, the receded lien shall be noticed to all third persons of the assessment lien outstanding against each tract. The maximum assessment per lot which may be made by the Association each calender year shall not substantially exceed the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the Association carrying out the purposes herein set forth. The amount of an annual assessment shall be fixed by the Association. In addition to the assessments made above, the Association shall have the ability to levy special assessments for capital improvements upon the property which assessments shall require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the tract owners. Directors : Members of the Association shall, on February 1 of each year, elect three (3) directors who shall have the power and responsibility of setting the amount of the assessments on each lot for each year. Such directors shall be elected by a majority of the voters represented at a quorum of any meeting of the Association, and may be removed from time to time at any regular called meeting of the Association. 3 F Notice and Quorum for Meetings and Actions: Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized hereunder shall be mailed to all members not less than fifteen (15 ) days or more than (40 ) days in advance of the meeting. At such meetings called, the presence of members or of proxies entitled to cast sixty-six percent (66%) of all the votes of the members shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not present, another meeting may be called subject to the same notice requirement , and the required quorum at the subsequent meeting shall be one-half (1/2) of the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No such subsequent meeting shall be held more than forty (40) days following the preceding meeting. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments: Due Date: The annual assessment provided herein shall commence as to all tracts on the date determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual assessments against each lot at least ninety (90) days in advance of the date of each annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment and the due date shall be sent to every owner or member subject thereto . The Board of Directors may require the annual assessments to be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. The Association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by a Director of the Association setting forth whether the assessment of a specified lot has been paid. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments : Remedies of the Association : Any assessment not paid within sixty (60) days after the due date shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. Any past due assessment on any lot may be recorded at the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, and from the date of recording shall be notice of the lien of the assessment to all third parties . The Association may bring an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay the same or foreclose the lien against the property. No owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use or abandonment of his lot. Sale or Transfer of a_ Tract: Sale or transfer of any tract shall not affect the assessment lien or the personal liability of the owner except to the extent extinguised by Montana law pertaining to liens, mortgages , and trust indentures . No sale or transfer shall relieve such tract from liability for any assessments thereafter due or from the lien thereof , provided that if the assessment lien has not been recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, a good faith purchaser shall take the property free of the lien. 4 IV. LAND USE REGULATIONS Uses Permitted: A family dwelling with one living unit in a single building may be installed on the tracts that are so designated. Multi-family units may be constructed on those lost so designated. Those units must fall within the City of Bozeman guidelines for Spring Meadows Subdivision. In addition to the dwelling, there may be added private garage and outbuildings incidental to residential use of the premises . Any outbuilding must have approval of the Architectural Committee as well as the City of Bozeman prior to construction . All construction shall be completed on the exterior within ninety (90) days unless arranged prior with the Architectural Committee. Final interior construction shall be completed within one (1) year of start, with all landscaping in place within fifteen (15 ) months of start. Exception to the above is for the installation of foundations prior to winter for above ground start commencing in the following spring. In this case prior approval of the Archite__ctural Committee, is required. This shall apply as variance to the ninety (90) day exterior completion requirement only. In such case the site shall be taken to final grade except for one top soil pile not to exceed fifty (50) cubic yards and not left with other excavation piles during the winter months. Any unbuil t lots shall be maintained by the Homeowners ' Association and costs assessed to the particular lot. This shall include mowing at intervals to eliminate grasses over four (4) inches in height. One temporary building may be used on any tract during the course of continuous installation, not to exceed one (1) year from start of construction. No dwelling building can be used as a dwelling until house is completely enclosed and roof is on. No store, theater, tavern or entertainment establishment of any kind, or any shop of any kind, may set up as a permanent or temporary business for the purposes of any commercial operation, shall be permitted upon any lot at any time, with the . exception of cottage industries, which may be permitted. In order to preserve the natural beauty of the property, no one shall unreasonable cut or remove the natural trees and timber from the property, and in the erection of structures on the property, care shall be taken to remove as little of the natural growing timber as possible. Under no circumstances shall any of the natural trees or timber be cut , removed or sold for commercial purposes. 5 The only roads permitted in said real property described in Exhibit "A" shall be those set forth on the plat thereof , subject, however, to utility and drainage easements, which may be required to be installed to the various tracts of land in said subdivision. Said utility easements shall only be used for installation, maintenance and repair of utilities, and shall not be used as a through road. The restriction against roads , however, shall not prohibit the use of driveways for access to private residences on the lots from the main roads fronting said lots. Any private road shall be approved by the committee. All zoning and other laws , rules , regulations of any government or agency under whose jurisdiction the land lies are considered to be a part of and enforceable hereunder and all the owners of said lands shall be bound by such laws , rules and regulations. The owner of each tract shall control the weeds and all noxious plants on his tract, provided, however, that he shall not use poison harmful to humans or animals and enjoyment of the occupants of said property. In the event the owner shall not control the weeds or noxious plants, the Association may cause the weeds or noxious plants to be controlled, and may assess the lot owner for the costs thereof. The invalidation of any one of the covenants or agreements contained herein by a judgement of a Court Order by law shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. Each building site owner must assume the burden of supplying power systems , which shall be and maintained at all times in accordance with all applicable rules and regulation of any public agency and in accordance with any rules established by developer not inconsistent with such rules and regulation of the public agency or with provisions of the Declaration of Covenants. The owners of two or more building lots may join together in the installation and maintenance of . domestic water supply facilities for their joint use, so long as in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of any public agency. There shall be no incineration or burning of garbage, trash, or other waste or debris on any building lot. All such waste material , except that which may be clean and efficiently disposed of through the use of sanitary sewer systems shall be hauled for disposition to the Sanitary Landfill or to such other publicly maintained and operated place of disposition as may be convenient, or shall be disposed of in such other manner as may be designated by the Association. 6 • . • These restrictions , conditions and limitations shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the present owners and all subsequent owners of any portion of the area included within the aforesaid plat. The grantee of any portion of said property covenants and agrees by the acceptance of a conveyance , faithfully to observe and comply with the said restrictions, conditions and limitations applicable thereto. Any provisions herein may be enforced by any owner of any portion of the area included within the plat , or by the developer, either by an action for damages arising out of a violation, or by an action to restrain continuing violation or in any other manner permitted by law. In any action of any kind for the enforcement of these restrictions, if the relief paid for is granted in whole or in part, the applicant for relief shall be entitled to recover necessary costs of the action, including attorney's fees. Each lot owner is responsible for the costs of bringing electricity and telephone services to his residence from the primary line. All utilities shall be underground. Livestock: No. animals and livestock may be raised, bred or kept on any part of the property. 1. Livestock included poultry and fowl . 2. All pets shall be kept on a leash or in a fenced area. 3: No swine or any kind shall be permitted for any purposes on the property. All Articles of the Spring Meadows design guidelines shall become part of these covenants and enforceable- as the same. Storage of Materials : The storage of supplies or equipment, boxes , refuse , trash, materials, machinery or machinery parts that shall distract from the aesthetic values of the property shall be place and stored in buildings for that purpose. Use of Easements : No dwelling or improvements shall be placed on nor shall any material , equipment or refuse be placed on any part of said property within the area of the easement reserved as indicated on the plat of the property filed in the office of the Clerk and Recorded or Gallatin County Montana, or the easement reserved and created in these Protective Covenants. Nuisance : No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any portion of the property, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to that neighborhood , or seriously depreciate the natural environmental qualities of the property. 7 Public Utilities : There is hereby reserved, for the purpose of public utilities , a permanent easement across a strip of land twenty (20) feet wide from the back line and each non-common lot line (ten feet each side of common lot lines ) . of each lot or plot within the subdivision. Valley' View Golf Course : Those lots that adjoin Valley View Golf Course must take precautions to not allow trespassing from the lot onto the private golf club. Interference, trespassing or damage to Valley View golf course shall be in violation of these Covenants and pertinent City and State laws. Patio Home: Any two adjoining lots may with approval of the architectual committee agree to wave the setback requirement on the common lot line in order to position the two proposed buildings . either closer to or adjoining on the common lot line. Mutual agreement shall be made; recorded to this effect. V. ` EASEMENTS Easements. for roads, drainage, electricity, telephone, lighting, water , sewer , cable television , and all other utilities, bridle paths, -pedestrian: traffic or any other service or utility shall be and are hereby reserved. All road easements as show on the plat shall include a corresponding easement for .drainage , electricity, telephone, lighting, water, sewer, cable television and all other utilities. Easement areas may be landscaped by property owners so as to enhance their appearance so long as landscaping does not interfere with the -use fo the property as an easement. No utility, service line or facility shall be installed or replaced without the prior approval of the Association. All easement areas must be restored, at the expense of the utility or service entity doing such work, to as near the condition that existed previous to such work as possible. At the discretion of the Association, a bond may be required of the utility or service entity to ensure compliance with this provision. No external TV antennas shall be permitted. No radio antennas shall be permitted in excess of three (3) feet. 8 VI. ENFORCEMENT, APPLICABILITY, AND CHANGE These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said covenants automatically shall be extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless changed in whole or in part as hereafter stated. Enforcement of these covenants shall be by proceedings either at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant; and the legal proceedings may be either to restrain violation of the covenants or to recover damages or both. In the event of any action to enforce these covenants the prevailing party shall be entitled to costs and a reasonable attorney' s fee to be set by the Court . Any lot owner, declarant or the Association may enforce these covenants. The failure by the declarant hereto or of any subsequent lot owner to enforce any covenant or restriction contained herein shall in no event be deemed a waiver or in any way prejudice the right to enforce that covenant or any other covenant thereafter or to collect damages for any subsequent breach of covenants. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by Judgment or Court Order shall in no wise affect any of the other covenants or provisions, all of which. shall remain in full force and effect. In any conveyance of the above-described real property or of any tract hereon, it shall be sufficient to insert a provision in any deed of conveyance to the effect that the property is subject to the restrictions and covenants herein contained without setting forth such restrictions and covenants verbatim or in substance in said deed. All of the above-described real property and lots shall be subject to the restrictions an covenants set forth whether or not there is a reference to the same in a deed of conveyance. A breach of any of the foregoing restrictions or covenants shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value upon any tract or portion of the real property or any improvement. thereon. However, the said restrictions and covenants shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of any subsequent owner whose title thereto was acquired by foreclosure , trustee , sale or otherwise. These covenants may be changed in whole or in part by the execution, acknowledgment and recording of an instrument in writing setting forth the change signed by the owners of at least 9 • . . • seventy-five percent (75% ) of the votes of the lots in the subdivision. Any change of covenants shall be effective upon the filing and recording of such an instrument in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. Any change in these covenants shall not affect existing structures and uses of the lots. XII. AMENDMENT These covenants or any portion thereof may be amended, abandoned, terminated, modified, or supplemented at any time by the written consent, duly recorded with the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, of the owners of seventy-five percent (75%) of the privately owned land included within the boundaries of the development. XIII. SEVE RABILITY A determination of invalidity of any one or more of the covenants hereof by judgment, order or decree of a Court, shall not affect - in any manner the -other provisions hereof , which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the developers have executed this instrument this day of 19 10 STATE OF MONTANA ) • ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of . A.D. , 19 a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared known to me to be the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same . Notary Public for the Sate of Montana (Seal ) Residing at My commission expires 11