HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2996 Establishing tag system garbage rates FY95 - COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2996 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, ESTABLISHING TAG SYSTEM FEES AND OTHER SPECIAL FEES FOR DEFRAYING THE COST AND EXPENSE OF COLLECTING AND DISPOSING OF SOLID WASTE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 1323. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 8th day of April, 1991, regularly pass Ordinance No. 1323, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 696, AS ADOPTED ON THE 8TH DAY OF JANUARY 1940, AND AS CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 8.16 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, DEFINING GARBAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION THEREOF BY AND UNDER THE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE, AND FOR DEFRAYING THE COST OF SUCH COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF WHICH SUCH SERVICE IS RENDERED; AND PROVIDING PENAL TIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. which Ordinance No. 1323, is hereby made a part of this Resolution for further particulars in respect to the basis and method of assessing the cost against property herein assessed; and WHEREAS, on the 18th day of May 1992, the Commission did pass and adopt Commission Resolution No. 2858, establishing the tag system fees and other special fees for defraying the cost and expense of collecting and disposing of solid waste under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1323; and WHEREAS, on the 21 st day of June 1993, the Commission did pass and adopt Commission Resolution No. 2916, amending the tag system fees and other special fees for defraying the cost and expense of collecting and disposing of solid waste under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1323; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the fees contained in Commission Resolution No. 2916 must be revised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That to defray the estimated cost and expense of collecting and disposing of solid waste in the City of Bozeman, for the Fiscal Year 1994-1995, a logarithmic base assessment structure is hereby established, as set forth in Schedule "A", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. Said base assessment shall be calculated by applying the percentages contained in Schedule "A" to a base rate of $47.00 per dwelling unit for all residential properties which are serviced by the City of Bozeman or not --- -----.---- - serviced by any other private contractor licensed by the Montana Public Service Commission for solid waste collection and transportation. Section 2 That, in addition to said base assessment fee, users of the City's solid waste collection system, except those serviced through a dumpster which is subject to the optional flat rate dumpster fee set forth in Section 4, below, or those serviced through a solid waste collection account which is subject to the imposed flat fee set forth in Section 5 below, shall be required to purchase tags which must be affixed to the solid waste container which is set out for solid waste collection. The costs of such tags, effective October 1, 1994 shall be as follows: Mini-container (18-20 gallon capacity, up to 20 Ibs.) $ 0.80 Container (28-33 gallon capacity, up to 30 Ibs.) $ 1.05 Bulky items that cannot otherwise be properly placed in container Attach an adequate number of container tags (divide estimated weight by 30 to determine) The City's solid waste crew will pick up only tagged solid waste on their regular routes; and the tags will be removed. Section 3 That, in lieu of the tag system, an optional/imposed flat rate dumpster fee assessment, as set forth in Section 4, below, be provided for those property owners who apply for that assessment or upon whom the flat fee is imposed by the City Commission for non-compliance with the tag system. Said optional assessment shall be applied only to dumpster accounts within the City which are serviced by the City of Bozeman and not serviced by any other private contractor licensed by the Montana Public Service Commission for solid waste collection and transportation. Section 4 That the optional/imposed flat rate dumpster fee assessment shall be determined as follows: $141.00 base rate plus $134.15 per cubic yard of dumpster capacity per year (based on once per week pick-up) plus $162.90 per year per additional pickup per week Whenever speciality materials, as identified in the City's current landfill schedule, exceed 50 percent of the dumpster's contents, then the per cubic yard of dumpster capacity - 2 - -- -- dollar amount shall be increased in accordance with the specialty materials landfill fees established in the current landfill schedule. Section 5 That, in lieu of the tag system, the flat rate fee assessment for those property owners that utilize solid waste cans and upon whom the flat fee is imposed by the City Commission for non-compliance with the tag system shall be determined as follows: Base rate from Schedule "A" plus $218.40 per year (an amount equal to four 33-gallon tags per week) Section 6 That commercial account flat rate dumpster fee assessments shall be determined as follows: $141 .00 base rate for up to and including four offices/businesses per building plus $35.10 per office/business per building over four plus $134.15 per cubic yard of dumpster capacity per year (based on once per week pickup) plus $162.90 per year per additional pickup per week Whenever speciality materials, as identified in the City's current landfill schedule, exceed 50 percent of the dumpster's contents, then the per cubic yard of dumpster capacity dollar amount shall be increased in accordance with the specialty materials landfill fees established in the current City of Bozeman landfill schedule. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 8th day of August 1994. ~\\~~. ~ JO VINCENT, Mayor -- ATTEST: r;~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 3 - SCHEDULE "A" $47.00 Base Rate Total Base # Dwelling Units % of Base Base Assessment Assessment __eer Building Assessment Per Dwelling Unit eer Building 1 100.00% $47.00 $47.00 2 86.86% $40.82 $81.64 3 81.65% $38.38 $115.14 4 77.95% $36.64 $146.56 5 75.08% $35.29 $176.45 6 72.73% $34.18 $205.08 7 70.75% $33.25 $232.75 8 69.03% $32.44 $259.52 9 67.52% $31.73 $285.57 10 66.16% $31.10 $311.00 11 64.94% $30.52 $335.72 12 63.82% $30.00 $360.00 13 62.79%. $29.51 $383.63 14 61.83 % $29.06 $406.84 15 60.95% $28.65 $429.75 16 60.12% $28.26 $452.16 17 59.34% $27.89 $474.13 18 58.60% $27.54 $495.72 19 57.91% $27.22 $517.18 20 57.25% $26.91 $538.20 21 56.62% $26.61 $558.81 22 56.02% $26.33 $579.26 23 55.45% $26.06 $599.38 24 54.90% $25.80 $619.20 25 54.38% $25.56 $639.00 26 53.87% $25.32 $658.32 27 53.39% $25.09 $677.43 28 52.92% $24.87 $696.36 29 52.47% $24.66 $715.14 30 52.03% $24.45 $733.50 31 51.61% $24.26 $752.06 32 51.20% $24.06 $769.92 33 50.81% $23.88 $788.04 34 50.42% $23.70 $805.80 35 50.05% $23.52 $823.20 36 50.00% $23.50 $23.50 times number of dwelling units in building , . ---.--..---- ----....- --- - --- .--.-- -...-