HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access - TFR LLC - Residential Sewage on Gordon Mandeville AnnexationEs"á"nemen 2812133 C-Page·1 of 20 09/29/202303:04:42PM Fee $160.00ItyClerkEriosemeree-ca11atincounty,m1 misc PO Box 1230 ||||Íl|||||||Il||||||Í|||||||ll|||||||||||||||l||||||Íll||||||lll||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 SEWER AND WATER PIPELINEAND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT TFRLLC ,theGRANTOR(S),inconsiderationof$1.00 andothergoodandvaluableconsideration,receiptofwhichisacknowledged,grant(s)to CityofBozeman ,GRANTEE,itssuccessorsand assigns,aperpetualeasementtolay,constructandmaintain 360LF (sewer)and N/A (water)pipelineswiththeusualservices,valves,connections,accessoriesand appurtenancesforthepurposeoftransmittingresidentialsewagein,through,andacrossastrip oflandsituatedinGallatinCounty,Montana,20to30feetwide ()fm alc tobe locatedonthefollowingdescribedrealproperty:Tract28ofSundanceBusinessPark|| annexationofGordonMandevilleStateSchoolSectionSubdivision,E-38,Section36 T1S,R5E,P.M.M.,CityofBozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana TheeasementismoreparticularlydescribedontheattachedExhibit(s)A whichby thisreferencearemadeaparthereof. ThisgrantincludestherightoftheGRANTEE,itssuccessors,permittees,licensees,and assignsanditsandtheiragentsandemployees,toenteratalltimesupontheabove-described landbyusingexistingroadsortrailsorotherwisebyaroutecausingtheleastdamageand inconveniencetotheGRANTOR(S)inordertosurveyandestablishtherouteandlocationofthe easementandthepipelineandto: (1)Construct,operate,patrol,repair,substitute,remove,enlarge,replace,andmaintainthe pipeline,services,connections,accessoriesandappurtenances; (2)Trim,remove,destroy,orotherwisecontrolanytreesandbrushinsideoroutsidethe boundariesoftheeasementwhichmay,intheopinionoftheGRANTEE,interfereor threatentointerferewithorbehazardoustotheconstruction,operationandmaintenance ofthepipeline; (3)Gradethelandsubjecttothiseasementandextendthecutsandfillsofthisgradinginto andonthelandadjacenttothatwhichissubjecttothiseasementtotheextentGRANTEE may findreasonablynecessary;and (4)SupportthepipelineacrossravinesandwatercourseswithstructureswhichGRANTEE deemsnecessary. THE GRANTEE AGREES: (1)That,inconnectionwiththeconstruction,operating,patrolling,repairing,substituting, removing,enlarging,replacing,andmaintainingofsaid sewer pipeline(s),it willrepairorreplace,atitssoleexpense,orpaytoGRANTOR(S)thereasonablevalueof anydamagestogrowingcrops,existingfences,ditchesandotherappurtenancesofsaid landthatmaybedisturbedbyitsoperation. (2)That,duringoperationsinvolvingexcavation,itwillremovethetopsoilfromthetrenched areatoadepthofonefoot,ortothefulldepthofthetopsoil,whicheverisless,and stockpilesaidtopsoilforreplacementoverthetrench.Itwillremovefromthesiteany largerocksorsurplusexcavatingmaterialoranydebristhatmay havebeenexposedby theexcavationandremainsafterbackfillingiscompleted.And,itwillleavethefinished surfaceinsubstantiallythesameconditionasexistedpriortothebeginningofoperations exceptthatthesurfaceofbackfilledareasmay bemoundedsufficientlytopreventthe formationofdepressionsafterfinalsettlementhastakenplace. THE GRANTOR(S)AGREES: (1)Atnotimewilltheybuild,construct,erectormaintainanypermanentstructurewithinthe boundariesofsaideasementwithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofGRANTEE. (2)Atnotimewilltheymodifythefinishedgradeofthelandoverthepipelinebyremovalof existingsoilorbyplacementoffillmaterialwithintheboundariesofsaideasement withoutthepriorwrittenconsentoftheGRANTEE. (3)Thatwherethesubjectimprovementsarenotlocatedunderimprovedpublicorprivate streetsorotherprovidedaccess,a 12footwideall-weatheraccessroadmay be constructedwithintheeasementwhereattheCity'sdiscretionsuchaccessisrequiredfor operationandmaintenancepurposes. (4)TheGRANTOR(S)warrantsthattheyarelawfullyseizedandpossessedofthereal propertydescribedabove,thattheyhavealawfulrighttoconveytheproperty,oranypart ofit,andthattheywillforeverdefendthetitletothispropertyagainsttheclaimsofall persons. (5)TheGRANTEE may peaceablyholdandenjoytherightsandprivilegeshereingranted withoutanyinterruptionbytheGRANTOR(S).Theterms,covenantsandprovisionsof thiseasementandagreementshallextendtoandbebindingupontheheirs,executors, administrators,personalrepresentatives,successorsandassignsofthepartieshereto. For an acknowledgennentina representative/corporatecapacity: DATED this dayof ,2023. LANDOWNER [NameofCorporationEnti] Signate: By:[Printednameof gnor] Title:[Example:ident,vicepresident,secretary] STATEOF Mad e.n%) :ss COUNTY OF e b ) On this7 dayof h y ,2021 beforeme,theundersiedaNotaryPublic fortheStateof Mon4Mh A.,personallyappeared Name 7|,no-/Å oM ,known tome tobethe_Title/l/la,n&Acrof_EntityTFR /J.I,thatexecutedthewithininstrument,and acknowledgedtome thatthefexecutedthesameforandonbehalfoflandoivner. INWITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmyofficialsealthedayand yearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL) ,,,,,,,SEAN MILLER otaryPublicfortheStateofMontana o --.NotaryPublic OTAR4 .fOrtheStateofMontana W1---Residingat:(PrintedNameHere) .SEAL Bozeman,Montana NotaryPublicfortheStateofMon n --My CommissionExpires:ResidingatScw../,ntanAjortn,na Febnaary1,2026 My CommissionExpires:2/0//20 (Use4digitsforexpirationyear) ACCEPTED: CIT OF ty a er CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. CountyofGallatin ) On this dayof ,20 beforeme,aNotaryPublicfor theStateofMontana,personallyappeadJEFFMIHELICH andMIKE MAAS,knowntome to betheCityManagerandCityClerkfortheCityofBozemanandthepersonswhosenamesare subscribedtothewithininstrument,andacknowledgedtome thattheyexecutedthesameforand onbehalfoftheCityofBozeman. INWITNESS WHEREOF,Ihavehereuntosetmy handandaffixedmy sealontheday andyearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL)Ã//%,JULIE HUNTER ..¢9%NotaryPublic OTARiq'.EfortheStateofMontana Residingat·N taryublicrtheStateof ontana .SEAL.Bozeman,Montana .My CommissionExpires: PW h June11,2025 ResidingatBozeman,Mon ana My CommissionExpires://20 EXHIBIT A SHOWING A VARIABLE WIDTH UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS TRACT 28 SUNDANCE BUS PARK ||ANNEX,OF GORDON MANDEVILLE STATE SCHOOL SECTION SUBDIVSION E-38, SECTION 36,T1S,R5E,P.M.M.,CITY OF B0ZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA S88'46'17"E TRACT 28 60.90' 152.73' I F----------- 20' UTlüTYEASEMENT 231.41 I I I I __L __J - 0 0' GASTON ENGINEERING &SURVEYING %¾²!s2e P.O.BOX 861 EASEMENT EXHIBIT gggg;5&e-o BOZEMAN,MT 59771 (406)586-0588 PAGE:1 OF 1 AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF CITY PROPERTY BY SIME CONSTRUCTION This License Agreement (the"Agreement")isentered intoon June (3 ,2023 between the City of Bozeman,a self-governingmunicipalityoperatingpursuant to itsCharterand the laws of the Stateof Montana,with a mailing addressof P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT 59771 (the"City") and Sime Construction,with a mailing address of 190 Ramshorn,Bozeman,MT 59718 ("Licensee"or collectivelywith the City,the"Parties"). In considerationof Licensee'spromises herein,and othergood and valuableconsideration, thereceiptand sufficiencyof which ishereby acknowledged,the Partiesagree as follows: 1.Purpose.The City owns the realpropertydescribedas Tract lA1A of Certificate of Survey 2554C ("Bozeman Sports Park"or "Licensed Property")(ExhibitA)and agrees to authorizeLicensee to access a portion of the Licensed Property for purposes of completing constructionin Baxter Lane,pursuant to thisAgreement and approved infrastructureplans.The alterationsof and improvements to the Licensed Propertyconsistsof thefollowing: Installationof 10-12 temporary wells fordewatering purposes withinthedrainage swale south of the sidewalk along Baxter Lane and restorationof the siteto likeor improved conditionupon removal of the wells,includingseeding accordingto the specificationsof thePark Superintendent. (the"Alterationsand Improvements"). 2.Description ofLicensed Property.The portionof theCityPropertysubjecttothis Agreement consistsof the realpropertyas depictedinExhibitA ("Bozeman SportsPark"). 3.Title.Licensee hereby acknowledges thisAgreement grantsa privilegeand not an interestin the Licensed Property and the titleof the City to the Licensed Property,and Licensee agreesnever todeny such titleor claim,atany time,or claim any interestor estateof any kind or extentwhatsoever in the Licensed Propertyby virtueof thisAgreement or Licensee'soccupancy or use hereunder.The City may enterthe Licensed Propertyatany time to assertitsrealproperty LicenseAgreernentwithSirneConstructionatBozernanSportsPark2023 Page1of12 interestor for other purposes which do not unreasonably interferewith the activitiesof the Licensee authorizedby thisAgreement. 4.License for Construction and Installationof Improvements;Term.The City hereby grants permission,revocable and terminable as provided herein,during period commencing on the EffectiveDate and expiring on September 30,2023 on the terms and conditionssetforthherein,which Licensee promises to comply with and abide by for Licensee's fulfillmentof the obligationsas statedinthisAgreement,which Licenseepromises to comply with and abide by (the "Use License").The Use License consistsof permission forLicensee, theircontractors,subcontractors and other entitiescontracted with or hired by Licensee to use theLicensed Property and no otherportionof theBozeman SportsPark foronly thepurposes as statedherein.Constructionof Improvements not in compliance with the infrastructureplan shallbe considereda breach of theUse License. The term of theUse License may be extended by mutual agreement ofthePartiesinwriting.The City Manager isauthorizedto agree on behalf of the City to extension(s)of the term of the Use License. Titleto allpermanent improvements on thePark Propertyand on publicrights-of-wayadjacentto thePark Propertymade by Licensee ortheiragents shallvestinthe City,freeand clearof alldebts, liensand encumbrances. 5.Indemnification/Insurance. a.To thefullestextentpermittedby law,Licensee,recognizingthey exercisetheir privilegesunder thisAgreement at theirown risk,shallrelease,and shall protect,defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City and their agents, representatives,employees,and officersfrom and againstany and allclaims, demands,actions,fees and costs (includingattorney'sfees and the costs and feesof expertwitness and consultants),losses,expenses,liabilities(including liabilitywhere activityisinherentlyor intrinsicallydangerous)or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limitand without regard to the cause or causes thereofor the negligence of any party or parties thatmay be assertedagainst,recoveredfrom or sufferedby the City,occasioned by,growing or arisingout of or resultingfrom or in any way relatedto:(i)the occupation or use of the Licensed Property by Licensee;(ii)the negligent, reckless,or intentionalmisconduct of the Licensee,theirofficers,employees, or agents on or relatedto the Licensed Property;and (iii)any negligent, reckless,or intentionalmisconduct of any of the Licensee's guests,invitees, contractors,or subcontractorson orrelatedto theLicensed Property. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page2of12 Such obligationshallnot be construedto negate,abridge,or reduce otherrights or obligationsof indemnity thatwould otherwise existas to an indemnitee describedinthisSection.The indemnificationobligationsof thisSectionmust not be construed to negate,abridge,or reduce any common-law or statutory rights of the indemnitee(s)which would otherwise exist as to such indemnitee(s). Licensee'sindemnity under thisSectionshallbe without regardto and without any rightto contributionfrom any insurancemaintained by City. Should any indemnitee describedhereinbe requiredto bringan actionagainst the Licensee to asserttheirrightto defense or indemnificationunder this Agreement or under the Licensee's applicableinsurance policiesrequired below theindemnitee shallbe entitledtorecoverreasonablecostsand attorney feesincurredinassertingtheirrightto indemnificationor defensebut only ifa courtof competent jurisdictiondeterminestheLicenseewas obligatedtodefend the claim(s)or was obligatedto indemnify the indemnitee fora claim(s)or any portion(s)thereof. In the event of an actionfiledagainstthe City,the City may electto represent itselfand incurallcostsand expenses of suit. The obligationsof thisSection5(a)shallsurviveterminationofthisAgreement. b.In addition to and independent from the above,during the term of this Agreement Licensee shallatLicensee'sexpense maintain those insurancesas may be requiredby City as setforthbelow through an insurancecompany or companies duly licensedand authorizedtoconduct businessin Montana which insuresthe liabilitiesand obligationsspecificallyassumed by the Licensee in Section 5(a).The insurance coverage shall not contain any exclusion for liabilitiesspecificallyassumed by the Licensee in Section5(a). Within ten (10)days following execution of thisAgreement,Licensee shall provide City with proof of such insurance in the form of a certificateof insurance,the insuring agreement and all applicable endorsements demonstrating thatsuch insuranceisin fullforceand effectand shallprovide such proof when requested by the City thereafterduring the term of this Agreement.The City may requireadditionalevidence of thenatureand scope of theinsurancerequiredherein. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page3 of12 Licensee shallensure such requiredinsurance coverage istimely renewed so thatthereisno lapsein coverage during the time such insurancemust remain in place.Licensee shall notify the City within two (2)business days of Licensee's receiptof notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminatedor Licensee'sdecisiontoterminateany requiredinsurancecoverage forany reason. The insuranceand requiredendorsements must be ina form suitabletothe City. c.Licensee shallobtainthefollowingtype of insuranceinthe amount indicated: Workers'Compensation:not lessthan statutorylimits;and Employers'Liability:$1,000,000 each occurrence;$2,000,000 annual aggregate; Commercial General Liability:$1,000,000 per occurrence;$2,000,000 annual aggregate; Automobile Liability:$1,000,000 property damage/bodily injury; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; Additional coverage as may be reasonably requiredby the City from time to time. For liabilitiesassumed hereunder,the City,itsofficers,agents,and employees,shallbe endorsed as an additionalor named insured on a primary non-contributorybasis on the Commercial General Liabilityand Automobile Liabilitypolicies. 6.Construction/Restrictions/Repairand Maintenance. a.Licensee shall,attheirsolecostand expense,incorporatetheLicensed Property intoany environmental permitsrequiredas applicableforthe Project. b.For the use of any public rights-of-wayor any realproperty of the City other than the Licensed Property the Licensee shallobtain an encroachment permit from the City'sDirectorof PublicWorks or otherapplicableapprovals. c.Licensee shallkeep theLicensed Propertyand sidewalks freefrom construction debrisand othermaterialsexcept as needed forinstallationof wells.Sediment, rock,mud,and other debris enteringupon the Licensed Property shall be cleaned or removed immediately. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page4of12 d.Licensee agree to immediately repairany damage caused by Licensee,their agents,invitees,guests,contractorsor subcontractorsto any publicor private property outside the Licensed Property including but not limitedto streets, curbs,sidewalks,irrigationand otherinfrastructuretothecurrentCity standard forthatinfrastructure.Licensee agrees to timely comply with any requestof the City to perform maintenance and repairsto streets,curbs,sidewalks and otherinfrastructuredamaged by Licensee or Licensee'sagents,invitees,guests, contractors,or subcontractors. e.Any damage totheLicensed Propertyshallbe repairedtoa conditionacceptable to the City.Maintenance or repairwork to the Licensed Property shallbe performed to the City'sreasonablesatisfaction. 7.Waste,Nuisance,and Unlawful Use Prohibited.Licensee shallnot commit,or suffertobe committed,any waste on theLicensed Property,nor shallLicensee maintain,commit, orpermit themaintenance of any nuisance on the Licensed Property or use theLicensed Property for any unlawful purpose.Licensee shallnot do or permit anything to be done in or about the Licensed Property which shallin any way conflictwith any law,ordinance,rule,or regulation affectingthe occupancy and use of the Licensed Property,which are or may hereafterbe enacted or promulgated by any public authority. 8.Hazardous Materials.Licensee agrees and representthatthey shallnot storeor dispose of on the Licensed Property any "Hazardous Materials"as defined by Federal,Stateor locallaw as from time totime amended. 9.Signage.Licensee,nor any of itsagents,may not installany signage except as authorizedby the City'sRepresentative. 11.Restoration. a.Within 30 days upon completion ofthe Licensee'suse of theLicensed Property or within 30 days of terminationof thisAgreement pursuant to Section 12, whichever isearlier,the Licensee shallcause the Licensed Property tobe fully restored to the condition existingat the date of execution by the City. Restorationisatthe discretionof theCity and may includebut isnot limitedto gradingand repairstofailedsub-grade;reconstructionof accesses,fencing,and existingwater systems,as applicable;installationof ground cover as specified by the Parks Superintendent or City Representative;and installationof temporary water system or applicationof water sufficientto stabilizethe area disrupted.In addition,Licensee shallrestoredamage they or theiragents, LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page5of12 invitees,guests,hires,contractorsor subcontractorscause to other public or privateinfrastructureadjacentto the Licensed Property to a conditionas good or betterthan existedpriorto Licensee'soccupation of the Licensed Property. Allwork torestoretheLicensed Propertyshallcomply with applicablebuilding codes and theCity'sdesign and constructionstandards,except totheextentthat the ExistingCondition,as explainedbelow,does not comply with such codes and standards.Licensee may be requiredto enterintoa contractwith the City forsuch work.Licensee may cause theircontractorsor otheragentsto conduct such restorationbut in no case shallLicensee be relievedof theirobligation under thisSectionuntilsuch restorationisacceptedby the City. b.Unless waived by the City Representative,priorto Licensee occupying the Licensed Property,the City'sRepresentativeand Licensee shallperform an inspection of the Licensed Property and adjacent public and private infrastructurewith video and/or photographs to record the condition of the Licensed Property and/or public or private infrastructure(the "Existing Condition"). c.The City retainsthe rightto approve any plans for and to inspectwork done under thisSection. d.The City and Licensee may enterintoan agreement priorto the expirationof the term of thisAgreement or priorto the end of Licensee'soccupation of the Licensed Propertyregardingrestorationof theLicensed Propertytoa condition differentfrom the Existing Condition.Such agreement may address:(i) improvements to the Licensed Property in additionto or differentthan the Licensee's obligationsfor restoration/repairunder thisAgreement;(ii)the City'scontributionoffunds tosuch improvements,ifany;and (iii)otherduties and obligationsof theLicensee regardingrestorationand repairofthe Licensed Property.Nothing in such an agreement willreduce theobligationsof Licensee under thisAgreement. e.Site Restoration Security.The Licensee must provide the City securityfor Licensee'srestorationrequirement through a form acceptabletothe Bozeman CityAttorney.Licensee may provide a cash deposit,a letterofcredit,or obtain a good and sufficientsiterestorationperformance bond payable to the City of Bozeman.The securityshallbe for the complete restorationof the Site as required by this Section in an amount equal to twenty thousand dollars ($5,000.00).Such securityshallbe conditioned on the City's determination whether requiredrestorationshave been satisfactorilycompleted. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page6of12 Licensee may substitutesuch securityupon a writtenrequesteddirectedto the City'sRepresentativeand upon approvalby theBozeman City Attorney. Release of the securityto Licensee upon satisfactionof their restoration obligationsshallbe upon writtenrequestof theLicensee providingthesecurity and must be authorizedinwritingby the City'sRepresentative. 12.Termination.IfLicensee failsto comply with any conditionof thisAgreement at the time or in the manner provided for,the City may,atitsoption,terminatethisAgreement and be releasedfrom allobligationsifthe Licensee'sdefaultisnot cured within sixty(60)calendar days afterwrittennoticeof the defaultisprovided by the City tothe Licensee.Said noticeshall setforththe items tobe cured.Notices shallbe provided inwritingand hand-deliveredormailed to thepartiesatthe addressessetforthinthefirstparagraph of thisAgreement.Failureto cure any defaultmay resultin an orderby the City'sRepresentativeforthe Licensee topay a fine. 13.Due Diligence.Licensee shallatalltimes exercisedue diligenceintheprotection of the City'sPark Propertiesand the Licensed Propertyagainstdamages. 14.Non-discrimination and Equal Pay.The Licensee agrees that allhiring by Licensee of persons performing thisAgreement shallbe on thebasisof meritand qualifications. The Licensee willhave a policyto provide equal employment opportunityin accordance with all applicablestateand federalanti-discriminationlaws,regulations,and contracts.The Licenseewill not refuseemployment toa person,bara person from employment,ordiscriminateagainsta person in compensation or in a term,condition,or privilegeof employment because of race,color, religion,creed,politicalideas,sex,age,maritalstatus,nationalorigin,actualor perceived sexual orientation,gender identity,physicalor mental disability,exceptwhen thereasonabledemands of the positionrequirean age,physicalor mental disability,maritalstatusor sex distinction.The Licensee shallbe subjecttoand comply with TitleVI of theCivilRights Act of 1964;Section 140, Title2,United StatesCode,and allregulationspromulgated thereunder. Licensee representsthey are,and for the term of thisAgreement willbe,in compliance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104,MCA (theMontana Equal Pay Act).Licenseemust reporttotheCity any violationsof theMontana Equal Pay Act that Licensee has been found guiltyof within 60 days of such findingforviolationsoccurringduring theterm of thisAgreement. Licensee shallrequire these nondiscriminationterms of theirsub-licenseesproviding servicesunder thisAgreement. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page7of12 15.Amendment.This Agreement representsthe entireunderstanding between the Partiesregardingthe subjectmatter and supersedes any prioragreement,verbal or written.Any amendment ormodificationof thisAgreement or any provisionhereinshallbe made inwritingor executed in the same manner as the originaldocument and shallafterexecutionbecome a partof thisAgreement. 16.Assignment.Licensee may not assignthisAgreement inwhole orinpartand may not subletallor any portion of the Property without the priorwrittenconsent of the City.No assignment will relieveLicensee of theirresponsibilityfor the performance of the Agreement (includingtheirduty to defend,indemnify and hold harmless).This licenseshallnot run with the land. 17.Waiver of Claims.Licensee waives allclaims againstCity forinjurytopersons or propertyon or about the Propertyor from theiruse of theLicensed Property.Itshallbe understood thatthe responsibilityforprotectionand safekeeping of equipment and materialson or near the Propertywillbe entirelythatof the Licensee and thatno claim shallbe made againstthe City by reason of any actof an employee,officer,or,agent of the Cityor any trespasser. 18.Representatives. a.City'sRepresentative.The City Representativeforthepurpose ofthisAgreement shallbe Addi Jadin,Parks Planning and Development Manager,or her successoror designee.Whenever approval or authorization from or communication or submission to City is required by this Agreement,such communication or submission shall be directed to the City's Representative and approvals or authorizationsshallbe issuedonly by such Representative;provided,however,that inexigentcircumstanceswhen City'sRepresentativeisnot available,Licensee may directtheircommunication orsubmission tootherCitypersonneloragentsand may receiveapprovalsor authorizationfrom such persons. b.Licensee'sRepresentative.The Licensee'sRepresentativesforthepurpose ofthis Agreement shallbe Parker Brown.Whenever directionto or communication with Licensee isrequiredby thisAgreement,such directionor communication shallbe directed to Licensee's Representative;provided,however,that in exigent circumstanceswhen Licensee'sRepresentativeisnot available,theCity may direct its directionor communication to other designated employees or agents of Licensee. LicenseAgreementwithSirneConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page8of12 19.Permits.Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties,Licensee shall provide allnotices,comply with allapplicablefederal,state,and locallaws,ordinances,rules,and regulations,obtainallnecessarypermits,licenses,and inspectionsfrom applicablegovernmental authorities,and pay allfeesand charges in connectiontherewith. 20.Intoxicants;DOT Drug and Alcohol Regulations.Licensee shallnot permit or sufferthe introductionor use of any intoxicants,including alcohol or illegaldrugs,upon the Licensed Property.Licensee acknowledge awareness of and shall comply with their responsibilitiesand obligationsunder the U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT)regulations governing anti-drugand alcoholmisuse preventionplans and relatedtesting.The City shallhave therighttorequestproof of such compliance and Licensee shallbe obligatedtofurnishsuch proof. The City may orderremoval from the Licensed Propertyof any employee or agent of Licensee or any of theirsubcontractorsforuse of intoxicantson the Licensed Property. 21.Liens and Encumbrances.Licensee shallnot permit any liensor encumbrances to be filedon the Licensed Property relatedto eitherthe Licensee'suse of the Licensed Property or the Licensee'sactionspursuant tothisAgreement.Priortotheexpirationof thisAgreement or termination by the City or Licensee as provided herein Licensee must furnish the City with satisfactoryproof thatthere are no outstandingliensor encumbrances in connection with the Licensee'suse of the Licensed Property. 22.Dispute Resolution.Any claim,controversy,or disputebetween theParties,their agents,employees,or representativesshallbe resolvedfirstby negotiationbetween senior-level personnel from each party duly authorized to execute settlementagreements.Upon mutual agreement of theParties,the Partiesmay invitean independent,disinterestedmediator to assistin the negotiatedsettlementdiscussions.Ifthe partiesareunable to resolvethe disputewithin thirty (30)days from the date the disputewas firstraised,then such disputeshallbe resolvedin a court of competent jurisdictionincompliance with the Applicable Law provisionsof thisAgreement. 23.Survival.Licensee'sindemnificationobligationsshallsurvivethe terminationor expirationof thisAgreement forthemaximum period allowed under applicablelaw. 24.Headings.The headings used inthisAgreement areforconvenience only and are not be construed as a part of the Agreement or as a limitationon the scope of the particular paragraphs to which they refer. 25.Waiver.A waiver by City of any defaultor breach by Licensee of any covenants, terms,orconditionsof thisAgreement does not limitCity'srighttoenforcesuch covenants,terms, or conditionsor topursue City'srightsin the event of any subsequent defaultor breach. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page9 of12 26.Severability.Ifany portionof thisAgreement isheld tobe void orunenforceable, the balance thereofshallcontinuein effect. 27.Applicable Law.The Partiesagree thatthisAgreement isgoverned inallrespects by the laws of the State of Montana.Jurisdictionfor any dispute or claim raisedunder this Agreement or proceeding brought to interpretthe Agreement shalllie solelyin the State of Montana,GallatinCounty. 28.Binding Effect:This Agreement isbinding upon and inuresto the benefitof the heirs,legalrepresentatives,successors,and assignsof the parties. 29.No Third-Party Beneficiary:This Agreement isforthe exclusivebenefitof the parties,does not constitutea third-partybeneficiaryagreement,and may not be reliedupon or enforced by a thirdparty except the City. 30.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,which together constituteone instrument. 31.Authority.Each partyrepresentsthatithas fullpower and authorityto enterinto and perform thisAgreement and the person signingthisAgreement on behalfof each party has been properlyauthorizedand empowered to sign thisAgreement. 32.Independent Contractor.The Parties agree and acknowledge that in the performance of this Agreement Licensee shall not be considered an agent,representative, subcontractor,or employee of the City.The Partiesfurtheragree that all individualsand companies retained by Licensee at all times will be considered the agents,employees,or independent contractorsof Licensee and at no time will they be the employees,agents,or representativesof theCity. 33.Integration.This Agreement constitutesthe entireagreement of the Parties. Covenants or representationsnot contained thereinor made a part thereofby reference,are not binding upon theparties.There areno understandingsbetween thepartiesotherthan as setforth in thisAgreement.All communications,eitherverbalor written,made priorto the date of this Agreement arehereby abrogatedand withdrawn unlessspecificallymade a partof thisAgreement by reference. 34.Recordation.This Agreement shallbe recorded in the filesof the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder.All costsof recordingshallbe borne by theLicensee.A copy ofthisrecorded agreement shallbe provided tothe City'sRepresentative. LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page10of12 35.Consent to Electronic Signatures.The Partieshave consented to execute this Agreement electronicallyin conformance with theMontana Uniform ElectronicTransactionsAct, Title30,Chapter 18,Part 1,MCA. ###########End of Agreement except for signatures########### LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page11of12 Executed this day of (1/-,20 . City: By: e elich oz man City Manager STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss. County of Gallatin ) This instrumentwas acknowledged beforeme on the day of A |j ,20 by JeffMihelich,as City Manager forthe City of Bozeman,Montana. .N Public forthe Stateof Mo t na Notaryub c Pn ed Name:(A 6 01 ortheStateofMontana Residing in ).8hResidingatSEAL* sozeman,Montana My Commission Expires:o q lA,2D25MyCommissionExpires:June11,2025 Sime Construction By:--- Parker Brown,Superintendent STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss. County of Gallatin ) This instrumentwas acknowledged beforeme on the day of ,203 by Parker Brown,as Superintendentof Sime Construction. JULIE HUNTER - NotaryPublic N taryP licforthe Stateof Mont na Residing t Prin ed Name: Bozeman,Montana Residing in /VM AMyCommissionExpires: ,°June11,2025 My Commission Expires:(o -Llg d i LicenseAgreementwithSimeConstructionatBozemanSportsPark2023 Page12of12 ----- CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 2554C _ _,_ THE COMMISSIONER OF THIS SURVEY AND OWNERIS THE CITY OF A TRACT OF LAND BEING TRACT 1A1 0F CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 2554B B0ZEMAN 1, Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development, do hereby certify that the LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 0F SECTION 3, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. accompanying certificate of survey has been duly reviewed, and has been found to BEARING BASIS: CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 2554A CITY OF B0ZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA - conform to the requirements of the Subdivision and Platting Act, §76-3-101 et seq., MCA, and the Bozeman Municipoi Code. THE TOTAl. AREAIS 79.869 ACRES Dated this?-_. dayof ~4-u"- . 2d sus.. FH4 Dire6tor of Cofhmunity I.)evelopment BNGER cas 2253 I CFRTIFICATF OF SURVEYOR CFRTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I, the undersigned, Steven C. Anderson, Professional 1.cnd Surveyor ''ma c.a pg 2a7 do hereby certify that between March .10, 2014 and October 16, I (we), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify thatI (we) have ._---....- __-__ ....-- u nd pla te some sis rib nd N o caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and ___________'t DAITER IANE H5762 . 1323.93 shown on the accompanying plot or certificateof surveyin 1225T.s oHeys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by the plot hereunto 7, accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivisbn and ersy . meluded, the foDowing desenbed tractof land, to-wit: nou on carisouss Plotting Act, (MCA 76-3-101, ef seq., as applicable) and the .orwe Bozeman Municipal Code. UR LEGAL DESCRIPTION iiswewe A tract of land, said tract being Tract 1A1 of Certificateof Survey No. 2554B, locatedin Dated this __ day of Ñ W-- . 20_ the Northwest Quarter of Section3, Township2 South, Range5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Goliatin County, Montana. Steven C. Anderson Montana License No. 12251 L The described tract has on area of 79.869 acres, more or less. The described tractis as shown on the accompanying plat andis along with and subject to any existing easements. CERTIFICATE OF DIRFCTOR OF PUBlic WORKS The above described tract of landis to be known and designated as I, Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works, City of Bozemon, Montana, do hereby Certificate of Survey No. City of Bozeman, Gotlatin County, Montanal and the lands l- certify that the accompanying plot has been duiy examined and have found the includedin cD streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or pubuc lands shown on said same to conform to the law, approveit, and hereby accept the dedication to the plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use -~ |--.-so.or City of Bozeman for the public use of any and oil lands shown on the plat as and enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein, the lands includedin oil streets, N "A³ being dedicated to such use. avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands dedicated to the public are accepted 7^³ for public use, but the City accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. NAREA Ass Med Ws 1 day of 2d The owners(s) agree(s) that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands includedin aD streets, avenues, aleys, and parks or public lands hereby dedicated Lhrector of Pubhc Works to public use. The fonds includedin all streets, avenues, oileys, and parks or iso2 " . . I City of Bozeman, Montano public lands dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for ©°³ p TRACT 1A1A maintenance include: Streets gcr5 71.182 AcRE5 cas 2552 a2 CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM DEO REMEW We certify that STREET TRACT1 is excluded from review by the Department of Environmental Quality pursuantto §76-4-125(2)(a), MCA "the exclusion citedin O 76-3-201". The applicable portion of §76-3-201, MCAis as follows "(1) Unless the CERTIFICATF OF EXFMPTiON - LGr 1R-2 Sus PH2 method of dispositionis adopted for the purpose of evading this chapter, the DERS requirements of this chapter may not applyto any division of land that: 1 (we) certify that the purposeof this surveyisto dedicate street rights-of-way, and (JM (h)la created for the rights-of-way or utility sites. A subsequent changein the use therefore this surveyis exempt from review asa subdivision pursuantto of the landtoa residentici, commercial, or industrial useis subjectto the . §76-3-201(1)(h), MCA, whichis os quoted below: requirements of this chapter." "(1) Unless the method of dispositionis adopted for the purpose of evading this & chapter, the requirements of this chopter may not applyto any division of land thot: Dated this ..[TL. day of à ®lf-- 2QD... ... (h)is created for the rights-of-way or utility sites. A subsequent changein the use of the land toa residential, commercial, or industrial useis subject to the , , , Craig Woolard requirements of this chapter." O 300 600 900 Director of Pubuc Works City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIFICATE OF COllNTY TREASURER O Dated this ± day of sh Ald- . 20_M.. 2sss I, Kimberly Buchanan, Treasurerof GaDatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that a687 Aus cp the accompanying plat or certificate of survey has been duly examined and that Owner: CITY OF BOZEMAN n 1231 t__________ all real property taxes and specici ossessments assessed and levied n the land O MID Nmr50'134 1321.67 1msr GAK STRINT / SNE Doc. f205145s to be subdivided have been paid. 615 BM a SMEET EsMr Dac. §2209sse Dated this J.1 day of à 20../.2_ By: * Name & 4e ignature gm. cr 1A2 m2 /2ac L5' supM5 Fo 5/8"RB Pat cos 2554B Deputy Irea urer Bi.ocK8 , 03L REc. 2-251 g-2 SusPH2 [ CFRTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER SM OF 1, Charlotte Mills, Clerk and Recorderof Gallatin County, Montana do hereby County of LEGEND ertify that the foregoing instrument was friedin y offree at M o'ciock, On this M day of 3LY10. , 2M; before me the undersigned hM., this Mih. dov of NdU 20 god recordecj as Certificate Notary Public for the State of Mr drW'l, pe hnA M TNt.ßcr;- SYMROi. DESCRFil0N of Survey No. TIJdC- and Document No. MSWV known to meto be the 04<1 WMnMCWr- of n , A 2" ACAP "12251 S" EXCEFr AS NOTED Records of the Clerk and Recorder, Goliatin County, Montana. and the person whose nameis subd6ribed to the mthin nstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of FD2 1/2 AcAP 733D LS', EXCEPTAS NOTED IN WfiNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the A FD YPC "12251 5", EXCEPTAS NOTED eputy Cierk and Recorder day and year first above written. ACAP ALUMINUM CAP n°tFN e Wi\ªc°# EL1 1. Easements within the subject properly 87Q **g2s-2s r.e s2s Residing at WQr m .) REBm we nd wn. IMEEEMBHEMÈMEED My Commission expires H4HD FD FDuMD 2. Measurements of existing lines are the - ---- - 15015C3.dwg No YPUBUckee Wo WrINESS CORNER same as recordin COS 2554A. on y. .o 7s. er/n auANYcHECm ²²"1* """'"'"*"""" TD8eg THOMAS, DEAN & HOSIONS, INC. ·----- MM ROAD/5DE-r MEMENT ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS --- - FUTURE SEEEr EASEMENT A FERI.S-Bo2EWN- EL WAS tensroN pHo ® ° ®*e ® ¯____OOo|OO OO--t ---O _.__oooo OO . BOZEMANSPORTSPARK s nonnePHASE1o/20D DRCRE5uBu1TTAL BOZEMAN,MONTANA D O W L zo2 oneacs LANDSCAPEPLAN O e o o O o .O r SNOWSTORAGE BOZEMANSPORTSPARK n PHASE1 /n/2co onearsusTT. BOZEMAN,MONTANA D O W L /207 oneacs LANDSCAPEPLAN=4as-sss48