HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Liens & Releases - RG 5400 Fowler LLC - 3415 Gabriel Ave2810935 sem a -G a un M llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkilllllll||Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Returnto: CityofBozeman CityClerk PO Box 1230 BozemanMT 59771-1230 AGREEMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEFERRED IMPACT FEES AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO LIEN THIS AGREEMENT ismade and enteredintothis ||day of iA5h , 2023,by and between RG 5400 Fowler LLC,1144 15thStreet,Ste 2475,Denver CO 80202 hereinaftercalledthe"Obligor,"and theCity of Bozeman,a MunicipalCorporationof the State ofMontana,hereinaftercalledthe"City." WHEREAS,itis the intentand purpose of the Obligor to meet the requirementsof Commission Resolution#4433 to allow the issuanceof buildingpermit 23-34142 priorto payment of transportationimpact feesrequiredby 2.06.1640BMC on propertylocatedat3415 GabrielAvenue and legallydescribedastheN ½SW ¼SW ¼of Section23,Township 2 South, Range 5 EastPMM,Cityof Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS,itistheintentoftheObligorto deferpayment oftransportationimpactfees untiloccupancy fortheconstructionauthorizedunder buildingpermit23-34142;and WHEREAS,itisthe intentand purpose ofboth theObligorand theCitytoherebyenter intoan Agreement which willguaranteethe fulland satisfactorycompletion of the required payment;and itis the intentof thisAgreement,and of the partieshereto,to satisfythe requirementsofthemunicipalcode and Commission Resolution#4433. NOW,THEREFORE,in considerationof the mutual covenants and conditions containedherein,itisherebyagreedas follows: 1.Property Description This Agreement pertainsto and includesthose propertieswhich are designatedand identifiedas 3415 GabrielAvenue and legallydescribedas theN ½SW ¼SW ¼of Section23, Page 1 of6 Agreement forPayment ofDeferred Impact Fees and Noticeof Intentto Lien Township 2 South,Range 5 EastPMM,Cityof Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. 2.Payment ofDeferred Impact Fees This Agreement specificallyincludesthe payment of transportationimpact feescalculatedfor buildingpermit 23-34142,in the amount of $34,692.20 (Thirty-FourThousand Six Hundred Ninety-Two dollarsand Twenty cents).Obligoracknowledges thattheabove impact feemust be paid infullbeforetheCertificateof Occupancy may be issued.Obligoragreestopay theabove statedfee in accordance with thisagreement and Commission Resolution#4433 before the structure(s)identifiedinthebuildingpermitreferencedabove isoccupied. 3.Guarantee,Time for Completion ofAgreement No occupancy of the structure,eithertemporary or permanent priorto fullpayment of the deferredtransportationimpact feeand completionof thisagreement.This agreement constitutes a Notice of IntenttoLien againstthepropertyin the eventthatthedeferredimpact feesarenot paid.Should the feesnot be paid the City may withoutfurtheractionrecorda lienagainstthe propertyin the fullamount of the deferredfees as statedabove and for costsrequiredfor collectionofthedeferredfee. 4.Inspection Representativesof theCityshallhave therighttoenterupon thepropertyatany reasonabletime in orderto inspectitand to determineifthe Obligorisin compliance with thisAgreement,and theObligorshallpermittheCityand itsrepresentativestoenterupon and inspectthepropertyat any reasonabletime. 5.Default Time isof theessenceforthisAgreement.IftheObligorshalldefaultinor failto fullyperform any of itsobligationsinconformance with thetime scheduleunder thisAgreement theCitymay electtoenforceany of thefollowingspecifiedremedies: A)The Citymay withholda Certificateof Occupancy and prohibituse oftheproperty. B)The Citymay,atitsoption,recorda lienagainsttheproperty. C)The Citymay enforceany otherremedy providedby law orthisagreement. 6.Indemnification The Obligorhereby expresslyagreestoindemnifyand hold theCityharmlessforand againstall Page 2 of 6 Agreement forPayment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of Intentto Lien claims,costsand liabilityof everykind and nature,forinjuryor damage receivedorsustainedby any person or entityin connectionwith,or on account of the performance of work at the development siteand elsewhere pursuant to thisAgreement,or delays in the issuanceof a Certificateof Occupancy pursuantto thisagreement.The Obligor furtheragreesto aid and defend the City in the event thatitis named as a defendant in an actionconcerning the performance of work pursuantto thisAgreement except where such suitisbrought by the Obligor.The Obligorisnotan agentor employee oftheCity. 7.Governing Law and Venue This Agreement shallbe construedunder and governed by the laws of the Stateof Montana.In the event of litigationconcerningthisAgreement,venue isin the EighteenthJudicialDistrict Court,GallatinCounty,StateofMontana. 8.Changes in Fee During DeferralPeriod The feesdue atconclusionofthedeferralperiodshallnotchange from theamount determinedin Section 2.In the event the amount of fees due for the categoryof development for newly submittedprojectswhich isthe same categoryas thatwhich isthe subjectof thisagreement eitherdecreasesor increasesno change in theamount of feesdue from theprojectwillbe made unless the projectconstructsmore or lessdemand generatingimprovements than originally depictedon the buildingpermit forthework.In the event of non-payment additionalfeesfor collectioncostsand otherfeesas establishedby Resolution4433 willbe chargedin additionto thedeferredtransportationimpactfee. 9.Attorney'sFees or Other Fees In the event itbecomes necessaryfor eitherpartyto thisAgreement to retainan attorneyto enforceany of the terms or conditionsof thisAgreement,then the prevailingpartyshallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sfees and costs,to includethe salaryand costsof in-house counselincludingCityAttorney.Other feesand costsmay be incurredas setforthinResolution 4433 relatingtotheenforcementofthisagreement. 10.Modificationsor Alterations No modificationsor amendment of thisAgreement shallbe valid,unlessagreedto inwritingby thepartieshereto. Page 3 of 6 Agreement forPayment of Deferred Impact Fees and Notice of IntenttoLien 11.InvalidProvision The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisAgreement shallnot affecttheother provisionshereof,and thisAgreement shallbe construedin allrespectsas ifsuch invalidor unenforceableprovisionwere omitted. 12.No Assignment Itis expresslyagreed thatthe Obligor shallnot assignthisAgreement in whole,or in part, withoutpriorwrittenconsentof theCity. 13.Successors Except as providedinparagraph10,thisAgreement shallbe bindingupon,enureto thebenefit of,and be enforceableby thepartiesheretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assigns. ####END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES #### Page 4 of6 Agreement for Payment ofDeferred Impact Fees and Noticeof IntenttoLien OBLIGOR RG 5400 Fowler LLC Name:Drew Kraft Title:Vice President STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. County of W/I ) On this day of ,j\),2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Colorado,personallyappearedDrew Kraft,known tome tobe theVice Presidentof RG 5400 Fowler LLC,the corporationthatexecutedthe withininstrument,and acknowledged tome thathe executedthesame forand on behalfof saidcorporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL) N ublicfl theStateofColorado Residingat DM ('Oy DANIELAALEXANDER M NOTARY PUBLIC y Commission Expires 0 W/V M'k0 STATEOF COLORADO NOTARYID20194040405 MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESOCTOBER23,2023 Page 5 of6 Agreement for Payment of Deferred Impact Fees and Noticeof IntenttoLien THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Ánna Bentley Community Development Director. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of GALLATIN ) On thisday of W 14,$È ,2023,beforeme,a Notary Publicforthe StateofMontana,personallyappeare Anna Bentley,known to me tobe thepersondescribedin and who executedthe foregoinginstrumentas Community Development Directorof the City of Bozeman,whose name issubscribedto thewithininstrumentand acknowledged to me thatshe executedthesame forand on behalfof theCityofBozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and yearfirstabove written. (SEAL)Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana "JONATHAN C FULLER Residingat ov.ceMg m iMT c £NotaryPublic My Commission Expires:Ac...243 SD L(o o fortheStateofMontana (Use fourdigitsforexpirationyear).--Residingat: .SE AL Bozeman,Montana .....My CornmissionExpires: December28,2026 Page 6 of 6