HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Amendments Amendment Number 4 - Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services - Wastewater Collection System Model Update Phase 2 Page 1 of 2 Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement for: Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this day of , 20 , between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as CITY and Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as consultant. WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated February 24, 2020, herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: Amend Section 1. Purpose: of the Original Agreement to add a new paragraph to read: City and Consultant agree to incorporate and Consultant agrees to perform additional Scope of Services attached hereto as “Attachment A – Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 – Amendment 4”. Amend Section 4. Payment for Scope of Services: of the Original Agreement to add a new paragraph to read: City agrees to pay Consultant for the completion of the additional Scope of Services attached hereto as “Attachment A – Wastewater Collection System Model Update – Phase 2 – Amendment 4” and totals $60,251. The Consultant’s billing rates range from $254/hr to $135/hr for its employees are included with this Attachment A. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN Jeff Mihelich City Manager ATTEST: Mike Maas City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: E9370C5D-72C5-460D-BA54-4F27FF9DBE96 June 2327th Page 2 of 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM Greg Sullivan City Attorney CONSULTANT ATTEST: By: By: Its: Operations Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: E9370C5D-72C5-460D-BA54-4F27FF9DBE96 ATTACHMENT A – Wastewater Collec�on System Facility Plan SCOPE OF SERVICES – Amendment No. 4 Hydraulic Model Updates and Public Engagement Task 1 - Mee�ngs • Kickoff: One meeting with City staff to discuss scope and goals of increased density modeling. • Network update meeting: one meeting with City staff to review to discuss FME output; review growth area extensions; review sewer replacement. • Mapping meetings: Two meetings with City staff to identify, discuss, and finalize corridors and locations of likely higher density development. • Analysis review meetings: Two meetings with City staff to review scenario results and discuss next steps. • Documentation review meeting: One meeting with City staff to review draft project documentation. • Recommended Improvements Workshop: Workshop with City staff to discuss new d/D exceedances and potential improvements and how to approach funding and implementation Task 2 - Model Network Update • Run GIS exchanges to import new network features and update existing network features. Includes one (1) import iteration. • Revise Norton Ranch Lift Station under existing and future scenarios based on recently completed development project • Vertical realignment of Cottonwood sewer between Oak and Baxter in the existing and future scenarios based on road extension City project (NW Crossing sewer lowering) • Revise Laurel Gardens Lift Station under future scenarios based on Rose Apartments Development plan • Update and run existing system scenarios within the model to ensure new and updated elements are correctly activated and utilized by the model. • Update and run Infill and UBO dry and wet weather scenarios within the model to ensure new and updated elements are correctly activated and utilized by the model. • Update model results data within model attribute fields to reflect updated d/D for pipes. Task 3 - Model Scenario Development and Analysis • Increased Density Mapping: o Develop a map showing Increased Density Scenario assumptions. • Scenario Development: o Scenario 1: Increased Density Infill  Increase R-S, R-1, and R-2 domestic wastewater loading by 25% to account for Section 19 in SB 382 (this is equivalent to an additional 0.24 MGD domestic loading)  Assume all infill and future annexations within current City boundary become R- 4 zoning (20 dwelling units/acre) o Scenario 2: Increased Density Facility Plan-UBO DocuSign Envelope ID: E9370C5D-72C5-460D-BA54-4F27FF9DBE96  Scenario 1 “infill” conditions plus Facility Plan-UBO allocation using future land use o Wet weather conditions will be evaluated for each added scenario. • Model Analysis: o Develop pre- vs. post-increased density impact exhibits. o Review results with City staff and identify locations where hydraulic performance is not met, including depth to diameter (d/D) requirements and surcharging modeling results. Design flow will be calculated at flow depths that correspond to the City’s d/D design requirements. Task 4 - Documenta�on of Analysis, Cost Implica�ons, and Recommenda�ons • AE2S will write and deliver a technical memorandum (delivered as a pdf document). • Documentation will include: o Summary of model input parameters for existing and increased density conditions. o Summary of trunk sewers that exceed hydraulic performance requirements (d/D) for the scenario. o General recommendations will be provided to address issues identified at locations of increased density. Recommendations may include:  Policy discussion on impacts of further increased density beyond current Future Land Use Plan  Further analysis to refine sizing needs  Further flow monitoring  Maximum allowable densities • Incorporate increased density analysis findings into overall Facility Plan and Graphical Executive Summary Task 5 - Facility Plan Public Engagement Coordina�on • AE2S will coordinate with City’s communication team to prepare public engagement templates. • AE2S will review public comment and incorporate into draft Facility Plan Proposed Fee Scott Buecker Zach Magdol Donovan Voeller Aidan Scheffel Rate ($/hr)$254 $220 $190 $135 Task Description Hours Hours Hours Hours 1 Meetings 6 12 14 2 Model Network Update 8 60 25 3 Model Scenario Development & Analysis 2 14 36 40 4 Documentation and Recommendations 6 32 40 12 5 Public Engagement Coordination 8 8 Subtotal Hours 14 74 158 77 Subtotal Fee $3,556 $16,280 $30,020 $10,395 $60,251 Hydraulic Model Updates & Public Engagement Total for Increased Density Modeling DocuSign Envelope ID: E9370C5D-72C5-460D-BA54-4F27FF9DBE96