HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3013 Levying and assessing SID 662 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL BENEFITED PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 662 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 662. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman did, on the 13th day of June 1994, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 2982, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2982 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 662 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION OF ASPHALT CEMENT PAVING, GRAVEL BASE COURSES AND SUBGRADE PREPARATION, STORM DRAINAGE, AND ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES TO CONSTRUCT A 2,691-FOOT PORTION OF NORTH 19TH A VENUE BETWEEN BAXTER ROAD AND WEST OAK STREET, IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings, the Commission of the City of Bozeman did, on the 22nd day of August 1994, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 3000, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3000 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 662 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS FORTHE ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION OF ASPHALT CEMENT PAVING, GRAVEL BASE COURSES AND SUBGRADE PREPARATION, STORM DRAINAGE, AND ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES TO CONSTRUCT A 2,691-FOOT PORTION OF NORTH 19TH AVENUE BETWEEN BAXTER ROAD AND WEST OAK STREET, IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. which Commission Resolution Nos. 2982 and 3000, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the character of improvements to be constructed therein, the cost of said improvements, and the method of assessing the cost against the property within said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Commission Resolution Nos. 2982 and 3000 are being constructed and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of Commission Resolution Nos. 2982 and 3000, and the costs of said improvements is the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-five Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($295,900.00). -----.- NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-12-4201 and Section 7-12-4223, and all other applicable provisions of Title 7, Montana Code Annotated, and amendments thereto: BE IT RESOLVED AND IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONT ANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements of said Special Improvement District No. 662, there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amounting to the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-five Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($295,900.00) upon all benefited property in said Special Improvement District No. 662, and that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements and the amount of each partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule" A", and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the preliminary cost and expense, based upon the amount of the bond issue, of constructing and making the improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule" A", as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be made in semi-annual installments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a period of nineteen years; that the payment of the respective semi-annual assessments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November and the 31 st day of May of each year until payment of all installments, together with the interest thereon, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same become due and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to be held in the Commission Room in the City Hall of said City on the 17th day of October 1994, at 7:00 p.m., be designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said Commission. - 2 - ___ _.. . . n.. _.u____.__ Section 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman be ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said Special Improvement District No. 662 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of ten (10) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission for the final adoption of said Resolution; that said notice shall be published at least ten (10) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution; and that said notice shall also be mailed to the address determined from the last completed assessment roll for state, county and school district taxes of each owner of each lot, tract or parcel of land to be assessed and to such other persons known to the Clerk to have an ownership interest in the property. PROVISIONALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of October 1994. ATTEST: ~~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 17th day of October 1994. ATTEST: ~~ ~ J~~ N VINCE ,Mayor ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 3 - -------.--.------------------------ ------.-------- SA200....i CITY OF BOZEMAN RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Pf~GE 1 F;:UN TIME <7.32.27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A PROPERTY....OWNER TSCHACHE. JUNIOR W & ELIZABETH LEGAL....DESC. CDS 1240F TRACTS 1-01A SID M2 ONLY PROPERTY-ADDRESS f~CCOUNT ::: 1 1 8000 P(.:\RCEL. :~ S I D.... DESCF~ I PT I ON PAVING N 19TH-W OAK TO BAXTER RD SID-NUMBER 1662 BOND INTEREST RATE 7.4<799 S I D--AMOUNT 29~:; . 900.00 TOTAL SID fiREf.\ ~;.)~~j9(1. 070 SID-YEpIF(S 19 PI~:OPEt\TY AF~EA 1 .498. 3~:i() ~;S SES SED ASSESSED UNPAID TYPE REASSESSMENT YEAR PI~INCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT BALANCE _______._.n._...._._n".__.n......______.n.._.__u..n._._._n____~_____"._.__~~_____________.______________ DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. i<794 A 20B7. 1 7 1503.42 3590. ~i9 n22~;. 21 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1995 1994 B 2087.17 2895.91 49B3.08 7~:i1 38.04 " DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1995 A 2087.17 2817.64 4904.81 73050.87 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1996 1995 B 2087.17 2739.37 4826.54 70%3.70 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1996 A 2087., 1 7 2661 . 1 0 4748.27 68876. ~:j~5 DEL.IN(~UENT MAY 31. 19n 1996 B 2087.17 2~j82. 84 4670.01 66 78? . ::)(; DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1??7 A 2007. 1 7 2504.57 45?1.74 64702.19 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 1??B 1997 B 2087.17 2426.30 4513.47 62615J)2 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1998 A 2087.17 2:348.03 4435.20 60~5n . 85 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 19?? i?98 B 2007. 1 7 2269.76 43~)6. n ~jB440 . 68 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1999 A 2087.17 2191.~50 4278.67 ~j6353. ~51 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2000 1999 B 2087. 'I 7 2113.23 4200.40 ~j4266. 34 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2000 A 2007.17 2034.96 4122.13 ~:;2179.i7 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2001 2000 B 2087.1'7 1 9;;.i6. 6? 4043.B6 50092.00 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 200i A 2087.17 1878.42 396~;. ~j(l 48004.83 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2002 2001 B 20B7. 1 7 1 B00. 1 6 3BB7.33 4~j917 . 66 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2002 A 20137.17 1721.89 380?06 43830.49 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2003 2002 B 2087.17 1643.62 3730.79 41743.32 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2003 A 20B7.17 'I56~:;. 35 3652.52 Tt6~)6. 1 ~j DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2004 2003 B 2087. 'I 7 1487.0? 3~:;74.26 Tl~j68. ?8 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2004 A 20B7.17 14013.82 349~5. 99 35481.81 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2005 2004 B 2087.17 1330. 5~) 3417.72 :13:19.1}.64 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2005 A 20(;0. 1 7 1 2~)2. 28 3339 . 4~:; 31307.4'/ DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2006 2005 B 2007.17 1174.01 :~26 1 .10 29220.30 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2006 A 2087.17 1095.75 ~51K~.92 27133.13 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2007 2006 B 2087. 17 1017.40 3104.6~:i 2~j04::i. 96 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2007 A ::;087. 1 7 939.21 3026.38 229~:;8. 79 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2008 2007 B 2007.17 860.94 294B.11 20871.62 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2008 A 2087.17 782.6B 28b9 & B~.:j 18784.45 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2009 2000 8 2087. 1 7 704.41 2791 . ~j8 166?7.28 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2009 A 20a7. 1 7 626.14 2713.31 14610.11 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2010 2009 B ;!.087 , 1 7 ~:;47 . B7 2t)3~i. 04 12~:j22. ?4 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2010 A 2087417 469.60 25~;;6. 77 1 043~:;. 7"7 nCl...INmJENT MAY 31. 201 i 20i 0 B 20B7.17 391 .34 247B.~.:ji B34B.60 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2011 A 2007.17 313.07 2400.24 62f.d .43 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2012 2011 B 20B7.17 234.80 2~321 .97 4174.26 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2012 A 20B7. 1 7 156. ~;B 2243.70 2087.09 DELINDUENT t'Wl' 31. 2013 2012 B 2087.09 7B.26 21 6::i. 3~:j .00 __.__~_~.___"~_"_""_W"."._._"...__"..""_."_.".~.w."w.n._._""_."___~______~_"_~______~____________Y.._.MM_MM_ TOTAL 77312.38 56~:;2~.;j . ~:j9 1 ~5:5837 . 1f7 ... ........n_n__n___n__ . SA:?00"'-1 CITY OF [lOZEMAN RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAGE 2 FWN TIt.1E 9,32.,27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A PF(OPEI:(TY....OWNEF( TSCHACHE, JUNIOR W & ELIZABETH LEGAL....DESC. COS 1240F TRACT 1-01D SID 662 ONLY' PROPERTY-ADDRESS ACCOUNT =::: 1 1 f32N) PAI\CEL ~~ SI D.,.,DESCR I PT ION PAVING N 19TH-W OAK TO BAXTER RD S I D"-NUMBER 1662 BOND INTEREST RATE 7,49?? S I D....AMOUNT 29~5 , 900 . 00 TOT {~L SID AF;:EA ~;~590. 070 s:rD'-'YEAF~S 19 PFWPERTY Af~EA 1.4?f3.5:30 ASSESSED ASSESSED UNPAID TYPE REASSESSMENT YEAI~ PIUNCIPAL I NTEF<EST PAYMENT BALANCE .."---------~--~--------~--_.~---_.__._---------------------~------~-~~---------~ DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1994 A 2087.42 1 ~i03.60 3~:i91 .02 77234.40 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1995 1994 B 2007.42 2896.25 4?83.67 7~:j147 .06 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1995 A 2087.42 2f317 . 98 490~:j. 40 73059.64 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 1996 1 9?~:i B 2087.42 2739.70 41327.12 70n2.22 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1996 A 2087,42 2661.42 474fL 84 68884.80 DELINQUENT MAY :31, 1997 1996 B 2087.42 2583. 1 5 4670. :7i7 66797 ., ~50 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1?97 A 2007.42 2~i04 . 87 4592.29 M709.96 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 1998 1997 B 2087,,42 2426. ~.:i? 4~:i14.01 6~!.622., ~:i4 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1990 A 200'7.42 2348.31 443~:i. n 60~B5. 1 2 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1999 1998 B 2087.42 2270.04 43~i7 . 46 ~i8447 . 70 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1999 A 20B7.42 2191.76 4279.18 ~56360. 28 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2000 1999 B 2087.42 2113.48 4200.90 54272.B6 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2000 A 2087.42 203~L21 4122.63 ~.)21W5.44 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2001 2000 B 2007.42 1956.93 4044.35 50098.02 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2001 A 2087.42 1 B70. 6~5 3%6.07 48010.60 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2002 2001 D 2007.42 1800, :n 3007.79 4~:i923. 18 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2002 A 2087.42 1722. i 0 3009.52 4383~L 76 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2003 2002 B 2087.42 1643.82 373 1 .24 41748.34 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2003 A 2087.42 1 ~i6~i. ~:i4 36~:i2. 96 3%60.92 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2004 2003 B 20\37 . 42 1487.26 3574.68 3'7~7in. ~50 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2004 A 2007.42 1408.99 :3496.41 3~,:A06. on DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2005 2004 B 20137,42 1330.71 3418.13 33398.b6 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2005 A 2087.42 1252.4:3 :B39 . 135 31311.24 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2006 2005 B 2~)f:O . 42 1174.16 :3261 .58 29223.82 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2006 A 20B7.42 1095.88 31B3.30 271 ~36. 40 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2007 2006 B 2087.42 1017.60 3 1 O~i. 02 25048.98 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2007 A 20\37.42 939.32 3026.74 22961.~'i6 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2008 2007 B 2087.42 861 .05 2940.47 20874.14 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2008 A 2087.42 702.77 2B70.19 18786.72 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2009 2008 B '.:)0~n. 42 704.49 2791.91 1M;9?30 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 200? A 2087.42 62(;.22 2713.64 14611 .08 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2010 2009 B 2007.42 ~547.94 263~7i. 36 12~:i24. 41.; DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2010 A 20B7.42 469.6b ~.~~5~:)7 . OB 1 04:n ,04 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2011 2010 B 2007.42 391 .30 2471:\.80 8349.1.)2 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2011 A 2007.,42 313.11 2400. ~53 6262.20 DEL.JNQI..JENT MAY 31, 2012 2011 B 2087.42 234.83 2322 . 2~:i 4174.7B DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2012 A 2087.42 1~)(1.~55 2243.97 2087.36 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2013 2012 B 2007.36 78.27 216~j.63 .,00 ____.____~_.~".~_.,_""._.___."...".__..........._".._..__.__.n.......___.____n__._.________._____.__.____w____~______ TOTAl.. 79:321 .90 56532.39 135854.,29 ..... ....... .n_.. ._. __. .nu.._n_n_____________.__ ----------.-------------------------------.-. . SA200....1 CITY OF BOZEMAN RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAGE 3 F:UN TU1E 9.32.27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A PROPElnY.."OWNER TSCHACHE. JUNIOR W & ELIZABETH LEGAL....DESC. cas 1240F TRACT 4-01A SID 662 ONLY PROPERTY-ADDRESS r;CCOUNT ::: 1 18400 P{IF(CEL :~ SI D....DESCf~ I PT I ON PAVING N 19TH-W OAK TO BAXTER RD S I D....NUMBEF~ 1662 BOND INTEREST RATE 7.4<19'';:' S I D....At10UNT 29::.; . 9~)0. 00 TOTAL SID AREr; ~:j~S<10. 070 S I D.... YEr~iF~S 19 PF(OPEIHY f-IREt1 'I,2t)6.000 ASSESSED ASSESSED UN PAID TYPE REASSESSMENT YEAR PI:~INCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT B~,:)L.ANCE _u.__n..un_..__u....n__n.___u_______..M..___..__.__...u.._.._..._.___.._.___'"._n__u...__u_._.__n..u_______~____~__.___.___~..__.M__ DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1994 A 1763.~)1 1270.28 :3033.79 6~}24? . 8~) DEI...IN!mENT t.1AY 31. 199~:) 1994 B 1763.~Sl 2446.B4 4210.3!S 6~~4B6. 34 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 19?5 A 176~L~)1 2380.,71 4144.22 61n2.8~5 DEL.INCWENT MAY ;51. 1996 1 ?95 B 1763.51 2314.58 4078. OS) ~:j?9~:i? . 32 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1996 A i763.~:j-j 2248.44 4011.95 ~.'j819:5. 81 DEI...INQUEtfr MAY ~51. 1997 1996 B 1763.51 2182.31 394~). B2 ~j64:32. 30 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1?97 A 1763.~d 2;16.18 3879.1.8 ::j4MB.79 DEUNr~UENT MAY 31. 179B 1997 B 1763.51 20~;0. 0~) 381 3 . ~)6 52905.28 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1998 A 1763.~;j1 1983.92 3747.43 51-141 .77 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1999 1998 B 1763.51 1'117.79 3601.30 49378.26 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1999 A n63.~':i1 18:51 .61.) 3615.17 47614.'?;::j DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2000 1999 B 1763.51 1 70~5, ~B 3~34? . 04 458~j 'I .24 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2000 A 176:L ~51 17Fi.40 3402.91 44087.73 DEL.INQUENT MAY 31, 2001 2000 B 1763.51 1 '.I::'''Z ")"7 3416.78 42324.22 \.J....).....' ~ ~n J DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2001 A 1763.51 1587.14 33:5~). 6~:j 40~:j60. 71 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2002 2001 B 1763.~51 1521.01 3284 . ~)2 ~5B797 . 20 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2002 A 1763.51 1454.88 3218.39 37033.1:.8 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2003 2002 B 176;L ~51 1388.74 31 ~j2. 2~:j 3::j270. 1 8 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2003 A 1763.~51 1322.61 3086. 1 2 :B~:j06 .67 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2004 2003 B 1763.~)1 1256.4B 3019.97 31743.16 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2004 A 1763.'51 11 </0.35 29~53. Gt.) 29979.65 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2005 2004 B 1 -n3. ~) 1 1124.22 2B87.73 28216.14 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2005 A 176~L~51 1 0~)8. 09 2B21.60 26452.63 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2006 2005 B 1763.51 991.</6 n~55. 47 24689. 12 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2006 A 176;L~)1 n~). B3 2689.34 22<125.61 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2007 2006 B 1763. ~d B57.70 2623.21 21162.10 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2007 A 1763.~:j1 793. :57 2~)::j7 . 08 19398.59 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2008 2007 B 1763.::d 727 . 44 2490. ?::j 1 763~.'j. 013 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2008 A 176~5,;); 661 .31 2424.82 1 ~JB71 . ~j7 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2009 200B B 1763.51 59~5. 18 23::iB.69 14108.06 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 200? A 176~L ~ji ~j29 . 0~5 2292.56 i 2344 . !5~.'j DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2010 2009 B 176:5. ~i1 462.71 2226..42 10581.04 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2010 A i763.~;j1 3%.78 2160.29 BB17 .~'j3 DELIN!~UENT MAY 31. 2011 20; 0 B 176::L~51 ;5~50 . 6~:j 20<74.16 7054.02 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2011 A 176;L~j1 264 . ~/,~ 202B.03 5290.51 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 20;2 2011 B 1763.~:i1 198.39 1 9f.d .90 3527.00 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2012 A i76~L 51 132.26 1 n9~5. n 1763.49 DEL.INQUENT MAY 31, 2013 2012 B 171.)3.4(;> 66.13 1B29.62 .00 .."..w.__.____..~"__.__._________..____w__._..MU__...M"..._.___"________..u..u._._.____..__.u._.___~_._.~__,_____.__ TOTAL 67013.36 47760.16 1147TL 52 ------------------- ...nn___.___.__..nn_______.....n_nn____ . S(:120(.)._.1 CITY OF BOZEMAN RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAGE 4 f;:UN TIME <1,32,27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A PI:~ 0 P E f~ T y... 0 WN E R TSCHACHE. JUNIOR W & ELIZABETH LEGAL....DESC, CDS 1240F CDS 4-01B SID 662 ONLY PROPERTY-ADDRESS i~CCOUNT 4:: 110600 PAI\CEI... ~; S I D.... DESCRIPTION PAVING N 19TH-W OAK TO BAXTER RD S I D....NUMBEf~ l I L 1'1 I {hJ<.. BOND INTEREST RATE ..., ~D<:)D ( ^ ^y I I I SlD....AMOUNT 2<1~:.i . <100 ,00 TOT ,~)L SID (.1 1\ E (.1 ~:i~/.1O, 070 SID".YEAR.:i 19 PF~DPEF:TY AF\EA 221,960 ASSESSED ASSESSED UNPAID TYPE REASSESSMENT YEAf~ PF\INCIPAL I NTEf~EST PAYMENT HALANCE __.~~.W._.R.___._.~_._..._...._._.""...."..U"u..u..u.........._.__..u__...__._____.__u.__._.______._____________.u.____._____ DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1994 A 309,19 222,71 ~;31 ,90 1 '1439 ,B~5 DELINQUENT MAY 3'1. 1 <19~:5 1994 B 309, 'I <1 42B, <19 T5B.18 11130.66 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1995 A :309,19 417.39 726. ~5B '10821 .47 DEL.INtJUENT MrW 31. 1996 199?5 B 309. 1 9 40~':;. 80 714.99 10~)12,28 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1996 A 30<1. -j <1 394.21 703.40 10203.,09 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 19<17 19<16 B 309. 1 9 ~m2. 61 691 .130 989:5.90 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1997 A 30<.1 ., 1 9 3"71.02 6130.21 ?~5B4. 71 DEL. I NQUENT t-lf; Y 31, 199B 19?7 B 309. 1 9 3~:i9 . 42 668,6'1 927 ~;. ~i2 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1998 A 309.19 347.03 6~57 . 02 8966.3:3 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 1999 1990 B 309.19 336. 2~5 645.,42 B6~r'7 . 1 4 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1?99 A 309. '9 324.M 633,B3 8347 . 9~) DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2000 19<19 B 309,_ 1 9 313.04 622.23 B03B.7t.) DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2000 A ~509 , 1 9 301 ,4~.) 610.64 7729.57 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2001 2000 B ~H19 . i 9 289.86 ~~.;99 ^ 05 7420.30 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2001 A 30?,19 278.26 ~.)87 ,45 7111..19 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2002 2001 B 309.19 266,67 575.136 6B02,00 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2002 A 309.19 255.07 ~:i64 . 26 6492,B'I DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2003 2002 B :509 . 1 9 24:5.4B ~5~:i2 .67 6183.62 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2003 A 309. 1 9 231.813 541 .07 5874.43 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2004 2003 B 30? , 1 9 220.29 :529,48 ~):)6~i. 24 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2004 A 309. 1 9 20(;1.69 ~517 . BB ~.i2~:;6. 0~i DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2005 2004 B 309.. 1 9 197.10 506,29 4?46.B6 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2005 A 309.19 185,50 494.69 4637.67 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2006 2005 B 309.19 1 n. 91 4B3. 1 0 432B.4B DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2006 A 309. 19 162.32 471 .51 4019.29 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2007 2006 B 309,19 150. n 4::i9.91 ~5710.10 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2007 A 309,19 139,13 448.32 3400,91 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2008 2007 B 309.19 127 . ~;3 43/.1,72. 3091.72 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2008 A 309.19 11~;.94 42~i.13 TlB2.53 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2009 200B B 309. 1 ? 104.34 4LL ~:;3 2473.34 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2009 A 309., 1 9 92.75 401.94 2164,.15 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2010 2009 B 30? , 1 9 BL 15 390.34 1854. ?6 DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2010 A 30<1, 1 9 69. ::56 ~57B. 7~:; 1 ~j4~5. 7"7 DEI...INQUENT t1AY 31. 20'j 1 2010 B :309,19 ~:i7 . 9'7 367,16 1 236 . ~jB DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2011 A 309. 1 9 46. T7 3::5~:i . ~36 ?27,T? DELINQUENT MAY 3'1. 2012 2011 B 309. 19 34,70 ~543. 97 618.20 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 20'12 A 309, 1 9 23.18 332.37 309.01 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2013 2012 B 309.01 11 . :59 320.60 .00 "W'___"__'__'_.'__"'U'___'YU__"M"'____'MU'_U__'UM_"M_M__.a_."._______M_._.~___MM_W__"U_______._____._U"_._._..u_....._ TOTAL 1 17 49.04 0:3"7:3.38 20122.42 ---------.-..------ SA200....1 CITY OF HOZEMAN RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAGE 1::' J I:WN TIME 9.32.27 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A PROPERTY...OWNEI:;; SACCOCCIA, PHILIP JR LEGAL,...DESC. CDS 1215A TRACT 4A SrI) 662 ONL.Y PROPERTY-ADDRESS ACCOUNT :::: 118800 PAI:;;CEL i~ S:r D.... DESCRI PT I ON PAVING N 19TH-W OAK TO BAXTER RD S I D....NUr1BER 1M2 BOND INTEREST RATE 7.4999 S I D-",t1~10UNT 29~j . 900.00 TOT AL SID Af-;':EA ~:;~.)S)O. 070 S I D....YEr;F~S 19 PROpnny AREA 1 . 1 0~,:.i. 230 ASSESSED ASSESSED UNPAID TYPE REASSESSMENT YE?)I:;; PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT BAL.ANCE p~_._-----_.~-,-"---_._-""-"""._--_._-"--_._.__."._...._---"-_._---~------------y~----_._----"._._.".."..- DEL.INQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1994 A 1 ~)39 . 56 11 08 . 97 2M8.53 ~:i6963.74 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1995 1994 B 1 ~B9 . ~56 2136.11 3675.67 ~:j~5424. 18 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1995 A 1 :':i39 _, ~56 2078.30 3617 . 94 ~;3884. 62 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 1996 1995 B 1539 . ~56 2020.65 3560.21 ~5234~:j. 06 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1996 A 1 ~539 . ~:;6 1962.91 3~502. 47 ~5080~:j . ~50 DELINQUENT MAY :31. 1997 19% B 1 ~B9 . ~j6 1 90~L 18 3444.74 4926~:j. 94 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1997 A 1 ~539 . ~56 1847.4~5 ~5~587 . 01 47726, 38 DELINQUENT MAY 31 I 1998 1997 B 1 ~539 . ~:i6 1789.72 3329.28 46186.82 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 1998 A 1 ~:!3 9 . ~:; t, 1731.98 3271 . ~:;4 44647.26 DEI... INQUENT M(IV 31, 1999 1998 D 1 ~n9 . ~56 1674.25 3213_,81 43107.70 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 1999 A 1539 . ~56 1 61 6 . ~:;2 31%.08 41 ~;6B . 1 4 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2000 1999 B 1539. % 'j ~558. 78 3098.34 4002B. ~58 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2000 A 'i ~i39 . ~:.)6 1 ~j01 .05 3040.61 38489.02 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2001 2000 B 1 ~:;39 . ~~16 1443.32 2982.88 3b949.46 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2001 A 1 ~:.i39 . ~it; 1385. ~)(i 2925.15 3~:;409 . 90 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2002 2001 B 1539 . ~:i6 1327 . 8~) 2867.4i 33870.34 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2002 A 1539 ,,~56 1 270. 12 2809.68 3n:~0 " 78 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2003 2002 B 1 ~:;39 . ~:.i6 1212.39 27~) 1 . 9~j ~50791 .22 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2003 A 1539 . ~:;6 -j1~54.M 2694.22 292~51 .66 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2004 2003 B 1 ~:;~39 . 56 1096.92 2636.48 27712.,10 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2004 A 153?56 1039.19 2578. 7~5 26172. ~54 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2005 2004 B 1 ~539 . ~56 981 At; 2~32 i .02 24632.98 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2005 A 1 ~~.i Ti . ~:.) 6 923.72 246:3.,28 23093.42 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2006 2005 B 1 ~139. ~:.)6 065.99 240~:; I. ~:,i~) 21 ~5~5:~ . 136 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2006 A 'I ~)39 . ~jf.) 808.21.) n47.82 20014.30 DELINQUENT MAY 31, 2007 2006 B 1 ~j39 . ~::;6 7~50. 53 2290. ~)9 1B474.74 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2007 A 'j ~j3? . ~S6 692.79 2232.35 1f.;?3~5.18 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2008 2007 B 1 ~:;:39 . ~:j6 63~5. 06 2174.62 1 ~:;39~:j. 62 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 200B A 1539 . ~56 ~:i77 . 33 2116.8<1 1 :38~56. 06 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2009 200B B 1 ~:j39 . ~,:,i6 ~j19. M 2059.16 12~516 _. ~50 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2009 A 1 ~.:d9 . ~56 461 . B6 2~)01 .42 10776.94 DELINOUENT i1f1Y 31/ 20'1 0 ~!.00? B 1 ~E9 . ~:j6 404. 1 3 1 (;>43.1.)9 ('J2::~7 . ~5e DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2010 A 1 ~n9 .56 346.,40 113135.96 7697.82 DEi...HWLJENT MAY 31. 2011 2010 B 1 ~:.:i3? . ~i6 208.66 18213.22 61513.26 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 2011 A 1 ~n9 .56 n~). 93 17"10.49 4618.70 DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2012 20'11 B 1 ~B9 . ~:;6 17:3.20 1712.76 307?14 DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 30, 2012 A 1539 . ~j6 'Ij~;. 47 1 fj~5~,). ~n 1 ~:;3? . ~;B DELINQUENT MAY 31. 2013 2012 B 1 ~:i39 . ~.)8 ~57. n 1~.W7.31 .00 _~.~~_____..~,._._._""~__""~_.."._._.__a".__".._._...".____..___._u_.__.__._._...............M.___.._.___..u.._.______..____._.___"_ TOTI;I... ~~iB503, 30 4169~j.11 10019B.41 - - . . SA200-1 CITY OF BOZEMAN TOTAL RUN DATE 10/05/94 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PAGE 6 RUN TIME 9.36.36 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE A ASSESSED TYPE REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT "~__.",~._~,".___.~____~.".._"~.."_"..."."..__"__.___~._.______.___.__.._~______~_.______'_M~___~"_'__'___'_._._ 295899.98 210886.63 506786.61 = ~ _~,r-J:'ll' ..~- ",.'" NOTICE HEARING ON FINAL ADOPTION OF COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3013, LEVYING AND ASSESSING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 662, CITY OF BOZEMAN. FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION OF ASPHALT CEMENT PAVING, GRAVEL BASE COURSES AND SUBGRADE PREPARA TION, STORM DRAINAGE, AND ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES TO CONSTRUCT A 2,691-FOOT PORTION OF NORTH 19TH AVENUE BETWEEN BAXTER ROAD AND WEST OAK STREET, IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, held on the 3rd day of October 1994, Commission Resolution No. 3013 was provisionally passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution levies and assesses against Special Improvement District No. 662, in said City, an amount to provide for the cost and expense of making improvements within said District, to wit: The boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 662 are described as follows: Description A tract of land located in the East Y2 of Section 2. and the West Y2 of Section 1, Township 2 South. Range 5 East, P.M.M., County of Gallatin. State of Montana, based on data for the North 19th Avenue Interchange and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NW Corner of said Section 1 and the True Point of Beginning, thence along the West line of said Section 1, S01044'27"W a distance of 1322.53 feet to the North 1/16 of said Sections 1 and 2. Thence S89010'16"E a distance of 729.26 feet. Thence S01 042'57"W a distance of 1329.64 feet, to the South line of the North Y2 of said Section 1. Thence along said South line, N890 1 0' 17"W a distance of 728.48 feet, to the West % of said Section 1. Thence along the West line of said Section 1, N01042'57"E a distance of 63.12 feet. Thence leaving said Section line, S89033'38"W a distance of 236.25 feet. Thence along an arc 114.22 feet, said arc having a radius of 1 032.50 feet, central angle of 06020'18", and a chord bearing S86030'22"W. Thence S83013'20"W a distance of 167.83 feet. Thence along an arc 107.03 feet, said arc having a radius of 967.50 feet, central angle of 06020'18", and a chord bearing S86030'46"W. Thence S89033'38"W a distance of 816.78 feet. Thence N11 055'20"W a distance of 95.49 feet. Thence N09050'28"E a distance of 147.93 feet. Thence N30003'54"E a distance of 284.62 feet. Thence N41 0 18'56"E a distance of 1 00.00 feet. Thence N58022'30"W a distance of 596.16 feet. Thence along an arc 385.41 feet, said arc having a radius of 380.00 feet, central angle of 58006'42", and a chord bearing N29019'09"W. Thence NOOo 15'48"W a distance of 1 00.00 feet. Thence N89044'12"E a distance of 877.33 feet. Thence N01 042'57"E a distance of 1326.19 feet, to the North line of said Section 2. -------------- - --.r"'.___r .~'~ ~ ','~ - ,,"'~~. Thence along said North line, N89041 '22"E a distance of 1068.51 feet, to the Northeast Corner of said Section 2 and the True Point of Beginning. Said tract contains 1 01.81 acres more or less and is subject to all easements of record. Excepting therefrom the North 19th Avenue Right-of-Way located in the East Y2 of Section 2, and the West Y2 of Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Section 2, Thence S89 041 '22 "W along the North line of said Section a distance of 770.27 feet to the East line of said Right-of-Way and the True Point of Beginning. Thence along said East Right-of-Way through the following course: Thence along an arc 499.51 feet, said arc having a radius of 1849.86 feet, central angle of 15028'17", and a chord bearing S24037'58"E. Thence along a spiral to the Southeast a distance of 147.80 feet, said spiral's centerline has a tangent of 677.33 feet, and a spiral angle of 02015'00". Thence S34039'32"E a distance of 196.98 feet. Thence along a spiral to the Southeast a distance of 152.75 feet, said spiral's centerline has a tangent of 613.19 feet, and spiral angle of 02037'30". Thence along an arc 922.22 feet, said arc having a radius of 1697.02 feet, central angle of 31008' 11", and a chord bearing S 16028'31 "E. Thence along a spiral to the South a distance of 152.75 feet, said spiral's centerline has a tangent of 613.19 feet, and a spiral angle of 02037'30". Thence S01 043'28"W a distance of 753.67 feet to the South line of the North Y2 of Section 1. Thence N890 1 0'17"W a distance of 22.89 feet to the West % of said Section 1. Thence along the West line of said Section 1, N01043'28"E a distance of 63.12 feet. Thence leaving said West line through the following course: S89033'38"W a distance of 97.82 feet. Thence along the West Right-of-Way through the following course: N01 043'28"E a distance of 698.36 feet. Thence along a spiral to the North a distance of 147.25 feet, said spiral's centerline having a tangent of 613.19 feet, and spiral angle of 02037'30". Thence along an arc 854.49 feet, said arc having a radius of 1577.02 feet, central angle of 31002'43", and a chord bearing N16026'38"W. Thence along a spiral to the Northwest a distance of 147.25 feet, said spiral's centerline having a tangent of 613.19 feet and spiral angle of 02037'30". Thence N34039'35"W a distance of 195.62 feet. Thence along a spiral to the Northwest a distance of 152.20 feet, said spiral's centerline having a tangent of 677.33 feet, and spiral angle of 02015'00". Thence along an arc 570.39 feet, said arc having a radius of 1969.86 feet, central angle of 16035'26", and chord bearing N"24009'07"W to the North line of said Section 2. Thence along said North Section line, N89041 '22"E a distance of 124.91 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said excepted Parcel contains 7.68 acres more or less and is subject to all easements of record. That said Commission Resolution No. 3013 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission, subject to inspection for a period of ten (10) days by any persons interested. That Monday, the 17th day of October 1994, at 7:00 p.m. of said day, at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building, 411 East -" "."'.' c - Main Street, of said City has been designated as the time and place where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final adoption of said Commission Resolution No. 3013, and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at the said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Resolution No. 2982, declaring it to be the intention of the Commission to create Special Improvement District No. 662, and Commission Resolution No. 3000, creating Special Improvement District No. 662, for street improvement, including the engineering, construction, inspection and engineering certification of asphalt cement paving, gravel base courses and subgrade preparation, storm drainage, and all necessary appurtenances to construct a 2,691-foot portion of North 19th Avenue between Baxter Road and West Oak Street, in the City of Bozeman, Montana. DA TED this 4th day of October 1994. ~ :l2~ ..A' p ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission Publish: Thursday, October 6, 1994 --.--.---