HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 Resolution 5425 for AnnexationDocuSignEnvelopeID:FF31816C-F899-4AE8-A331-80448926216E Semerad-GallatinCounty,MT MISC 111111||l|111111111||||||||1111|||1111111111|||||||1111111|||||||||11111111|||111 ca. RESOLUTION 5425 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA,PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TRACTS OF LAND,HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED,TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE EXTENSION OF Ti1E BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACTS,KNOWN AS THE 130 FLANDERS MILL ROAD ANNEXATION,APPLICATION 22043. W.HEREAS,theCityof Bozeman receiveda petitionforannexationfrom Vivian Helvik requestingtheCityCommission to extend theboundariesof theCity of Bozeman so as toinclude an areaof landcontainingapproximately1.0875,addressedat130 FlandersMillRoad;and WHEREAS,an annexation staff report was prepared in accordance with the Commission's goalsand policiesforannexationand was presentedtotheCommission on July26, 2022;and WHEREAS,a publicmeeting on saidannexationpetitionwas duly noticedand heldon July26,2022;and W.HEREAS,theCitydidnotreceiveany writtenprotestfrom therealpropertyowners of theareatobe annexed;and WHEREAS,on July 26,2022,the Commission receivedthe executed annexation agreementaddressingallrecommended termsofannexation;and WHEREAS,the provisionof availableservices,including,but not limitedto,streets, Page 1 of3 DocuSignEnvelopeID:FF31816C-F899-4AE8-A331-80448926216E rights-of-way,easements,water rightsorcash-in-lieu,waiversof protestagainstcreationof SID's, and waterand sewer hookup fees,to saidcontiguoustractsas describedisthe subjectof a written agreement between theCityand theLandowner;and WHEREAS,the Bozeman City Commission hereby findsthatthe annexationof this contiguoustractisinthebestinterestsof theCityofBozeman and theinhabitants/ownersthereof. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana,towit: Section 1 That itisherebydeclaredthat,pursuanttoTitle7,Chapter2,Part46,Mont.Codes Ann.,the following-describedproperty,which iscontiguousto the municipal boundariesof the City of Bozeman,be annexed totheCityof Bozeman and thattheboundariesof saidCityshallbeextended soas toembrace and includesuch approximately1.0875acres,towit: Legal Description Tract I of Certificateof Survey 2360 locatedin the Southwest ¼of Section3, Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana more particularlydescribedas follows:BeginningatThe Southeastcornerof saidTract 1,a Gaston Yellow PlasticCap (YPC);thenceN 00°59'59"E,a distanceof 127.51' to a Gaston YPC;thence N 89°48'l5"W,a distanceof 37I.54'to a calculated positionon theNorth-South I/l6thlineoftheSouthwest Quarterof saidSection3; thencealongsaid l/l6thline,S 00°59'59"W,a distanceof 127.5l'toa calculated position;thenceS 89°48'15"E a distanceof 371.54'tothe Pointof Beginning. Containing47,371.1square feet,1.087acres,more or less.Subjectto alleasements of recordor apparentfrom a visualinspectionof thepropertyand isalong with and subjectto any existing easements. Section2 The effectivedateof thisannexationisJuly26,2022. Page2 of3 DocuSignEnvelopeID:FF31816C-F899-4AE8-A331-80448926216E PASSED,ADOPTED,AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana,ata regularsessionthereofheldon the26thday of July,2022. DocuSignedby: CY .ÁNDRUS Mayor --DocuSignedby: DocuSignedby: M IKE M.AAS CityClerk APPROVEDASTOFORM: DocuSlgnedby: GREG SULLIVAN CityAttorney Page3 of3 From MCA 1-5-610(7)Forcertifyingacopy ofan electronicrecord: Stateof Montana County ofGallatin Icertifythatthe foregoing and annexed record entitledResolution5425,dated July26, 2022,and consistingof 3 pages isa true and correctcopy of an electronicrecord printed directlyfrom the electronicfileby me on Spk lp,fI,docy . "*%,,,MIKE MAAS..··.NotaryPutdic .. OTAarai.fortheStateofMontana *.SËÃL * Belgr e,M tana (Signatureofnotarialofficer) My CommissionExpires: (Officialstamp)~.,«c*November8,2025