HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-23 Public Comment - N. Snively - Regarding STR Ordinance 2149From:Nancy Snively
Subject:[EXTERNAL]Regarding STR Ordinance 2149
Date:Monday, October 9, 2023 1:06:37 PM
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To the Bozeman City Commissioners,
We have been an owner of an STR for the last eight years. Our unit has always been fullycompliant with all regulations to host in Bozeman. Thus the city makes money from our STR
by way of fees and taxes, as well as, guests spending their money on food and fun in the area.Additionally, we employ one of several vacation home rental agencies in town to manage our
unit. They in turn employ people to schedule and manage the rentals, as well as cleaners,handymen, and such. I feel that Bozeman needs these jobs to continue for its residents.
Otherwise, it will add to unemployment and locals not being able to afford their rent ormortgages.
Additionally, on August 28th we received an email from the City of Bozeman entitled
“IMPORTANT: New Regulations Affecting Short-Term Rental Hosts in Bozeman.” In part, itstates that a Safety Inspection is now required “every three years” for STR’s, instead of “as
needed”. With this new requirement, there was a referral to a full page “Short Term RentalApplicant Checklist” of “minimal” requirements. The email said that “the new regulations
took effect on August 11, 2023” and suggested that compliance should be done “on or aroundOctober 1st.” Thus, we ran down the checklist and updated our fire extinguishers and smoke
alarms, paid the fee, and had the inspection done - all to the tune of nearly $1000! And NOWthe City Commissioners might vote to prohibit STR’s? While it is wise for all homes to be
current with those safety things, that’s a real kick in the teeth.
Furthermore, if the commissioners vote to prohibit STR’s ours will not revert to a long termrental, and thus, will not add to the pool of rental options for local residents. And should we
then need to sell it, frankly, it (like so much of Bozeman’s housing) will be out of the pricerange of the average Bozemanite. My feeling is that prohibiting STR’s would only exacerbate
Bozeman’s problems.
I strongly agree that all STR’s should be fully complaint with the City’s regulations. Butplease, please do not prohibit those of us who have always been compliant and contribute to
the financial health of the city.
Thank you.
Sincerely,N Snively
in The Legends at Bridger Creek