HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-23 Public Comment - D. Carty - Public comment on proposed UDC update (Application 21381) CDBFrom:Daniel Carty
Subject:[EXTERNAL]Public comment on proposed UDC update (Application 21381)
Date:Thursday, October 5, 2023 6:08:42 AM
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(Please post this public comment in the UDC update folder, Application 21381.)
Date: Oct 5, 2023, Time: 6:10 AM
To: Bozeman City Commission (CC) and Community Development Board (CDB) Subject: Suggested changes to the City of Bozeman’s (City) proposed UDC update
It is well understood that the well-being of people and land is intertwined (e.g., A Sand
County Almanac, Aldo Leopold, 1949). Perhaps reflecting this understanding, the MontanaConstitution has, since 1972, guaranteed to all Montanans the right to a clean and healthful
environment (Footnote 1). As Montanans, our right to a clean and healthful environmentshould be integral to the City of Bozeman’s (City) proposed Unified Development Code
(UDC) update. However, such is not the case. Instead, the City’s proposed UDC updateleaves unchanged current UDC language that discourages land stewardship and
discourages environmentally responsible development—arguably resulting in the City’sproposed UDC update being out of compliance with the spirit and intent of the Montana
Consequently, I am writing to suggest the following changes to the City’s proposed UDCupdate. My suggested changes will, if adopted, offer increased protection to Bozeman's
natural environment, help encourage land stewardship, help encourage environmentallyresponsible development, and help bring the City's proposed UDC update into compliance
with the spirit and intent of the Montana Constitution.
If you cannot see your way to adopting my suggested changes—or something close tothem—then I ask that you vote to reject the City's proposed UDC update in its entirety.
City's Proposed UDC Update Language and My Suggested Language
Sec. 38.410.010. - General standards. B. Natural environment (UDC draft, page 4-18)
City’s proposed UDC language for B. Natural environment. The design and
development of all land uses must be properly related to topography, and must, to theextent possible, preserve the natural terrain, natural drainage, existing topsoil, trees and
other existing vegetation.
My suggested UDC language for B. Natural environment. The design and developmentof all land uses must be properly related to topography and must preserve the natural
terrain, natural drainage, existing topsoil, trees, and other existing vegetation.
Sec. 38.400.030. - Intersections. (UDC draft, page 4-5)
City's proposed UDC language for Sec. 38.400.030. - Intersections.A.1
A. The following requirements apply to street intersections: 1. Streets must intersect at 90-degree angles except when topography prohibits this alignment. In no case may the angle
of an intersection be less than 60 degrees to the centerline of the street or road beingintersected.
My suggested UDC language for Sec. 38.400.030. - Intersections.A.1
A. The following requirements apply to street intersections: 1. Streets must intersect at 90-degree angles except when existing topographic features favor protection of existing
natural resources. Existing topographic features and natural resources include, but are notlimited to, surface landform (e.g., plains, hills, and valleys), surface water (e.g., springs,
creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and seasonally flowing irrigation ditches), trees andother vegetation, and minerals. The angle of an intersection may be less than 60 degrees
to the centerline of the street or road being intersected to comply with protecting existingnatural resources.
Chapter 38.710.050.A. Documentation of compliance with adopted standards (UDC
draft, page 7-19) and Chapter 38.710.050. 5. Vegetation. b. Protective measures (UDC
draft, page 7-21)
City's proposed UDC language for A. Documentation of compliance with adopted
standards. The following information must be provided with all subdivision preliminary platapplications in order to document compliance with adopted development standards unless
waived by the development review committee during the pre-application process per38.750.050. The developer must include documentation of any waivers granted by the city
after the pre-application review. Additional relevant and reasonable information may berequired to adequately assess whether the proposed subdivision complies with this chapter,
the Montana Land Use Planning Act, and other applicable standards.
My suggested UDC language for A. Documentation of compliance with adoptedstandards. The following information must be provided with all subdivision preliminary plat
applications in order to document compliance with adopted development standards. Nowaivers will be granted. Additional relevant and reasonable information may be required to
adequately assess whether the proposed subdivision complies with this chapter, theMontana Land Use Planning Act, and other applicable standards.
City's proposed UDC language for 5. Vegetation. b. Protective measures. Describe
measures to preserve trees and critical plant communities (e.g., design and location ofstreets, lots and open spaces).
My suggested UDC language for 5. Vegetation. b. Protective measures. Describe
measures to protect (1) all existing native vegetation (trees, shrubs, and other vegetation),(2) all existing trees, native and nonnative, 6 inches or greater in caliper size (diameter at
breast height, DBH), (3) other important trees and shrubs (e.g., fruit-bearing), and (4) othercritical plants and plant communities.
Sec. 38.710.090.C. Contents of landscape plan. 7. and 9. (UDC draft, page 7-40)
City's proposed UDC language for C. Contents of landscape plan.7. Complete
landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including
typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or
caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of allexisting trees on the lot over six inches in caliper must be specifically indicated.
My suggested UDC language for C. Contents of landscape plan.7. Complete landscape
legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typicalsymbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper
sizes (DBH) at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of allexisting trees, native and nonnative, on the lot with a caliper size (DBH) over six inches
must be specifically indicated.
City's proposed UDC language for C. Contents of landscape plan.9. An indication ofhow existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during
My suggested UDC language for C. Contents of landscape plan.9. A written plan mustbe submitted to describe how existing trees (healthy, dying, or dead) are to be retained and
protected from damage during construction. No trees or other vegetation may be removedfrom the site between annexation and the approval of the preliminary plat plan.
Summary and Conclusion
The Montana Constitution guarantees to all Montanans the right to a clean and healthful
environment. Arguably, then, the City’s proposed UDC update should include language thatencourages land stewardship and encourages environmentally responsible development.
However, the City's proposed UDC update contains little such language.
The UDC changes I have suggested will, if adopted, help protect Bozeman's naturalenvironment, help encourage land stewardship, help encourage environmentally
responsible development, and help the City's proposed UDC update comply with the spiritand intent of the Montana Constitution. Also, the UDC changes I have suggested will go a
long way toward maintaining Bozeman's historical “sense of place” and securingBozeman’s future as “the most livable place” for our community as a whole.
Finally, as I stated in the Introduction, if you cannot see your way to adopting my suggested
UDC changes—or something close to them—then I ask that you vote to reject the City's
proposed UDC update in its entirety.
Daniel Carty
213 N. Third Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
Footnote 1: Constitution of Montana -- Article IX -- ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL
RESOURCES. Section 1. Protection and improvement. (1) The state and each person
shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and
future generations. (2) The legislature shall provide for the administration and enforcement
of this duty. (3) The legislature shall provide adequate remedies for the protection of the
environmental life support system from degradation and provide adequate remedies to
prevent unreasonable depletion and degradation of natural resources.