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Bozeman,MT59771-1230 ÊÜ se.Na _c!ÎÍÎÎ u t s
This Declarationismade thisL day of ri \,2022 by Canyon Gate
Investors,LLC,of 111 W.Lamme Street,Suite 101,Bozeman,MT 59715,hereinreferredto as
A.Declarantowns certainrealpropertylocatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,and
more particularlydescribedas follows:
A descriptionof land being the SE ¼of Section31 and the SW ¼of Section32,
Township 1 South,Range 6 East,PrincipalMeridian Montana,GallatinCounty,
Beginning ata point(P.O.B),which isthe Northwest Corner of saidCOS No.2408 and a
point on the N/S linebetween Sections31 and 32 of said Township and Range and the
centerlineof Story Mill Road.
thence,S 88°15'30"E,along the south boundary of Legends at Bridger Creek
Subdivision and thenorth boundary of saidTract 7B,a distanceof 1314.68 feettoa
pointbeing theNortheastcorner of saidTract7B;
thence,along the east lineof Tract 7B,also the West lineof Legends atBridger
Creek SubdivisionII,Phase 1,S 00°06'32"W,a distanceof 650.92 feetto a point
on saidline;
thence,along saidlines,S Ol°47'33"W,a distanceof 62.90 feetto a point being
the SE cornerof saidTract7B;]
Canyon Gate Declarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions 1
thence,N 88°19'21"W,along the North Line of MT.Baldy Subdivisionand the
South lineof saidTract 7B,a distanceof 817.12 feetto the NE cornerof the West
33.34 feetof Lot 45 of the MT.Baldy subdivision;
thence,S Ol°44'26"W,along the eastlineof saidLot,a distanceof 260.01 feetto
a point;
thence,N 88°17'19"W,a distanceof 491.61 feetto a point on the linebetween
saidSections31 and 32 (aka the centerlineof StoryMill Road);
thence,leavingsaidsectionlineand along theNorth ROW of Bridger Drive being
the South boundary of Tract A of COS 1815,N 88°30'52"E,a distanceof 40.01
feeta pointatthe intersectionof saidROW,South Line and the West 40'ROW of
saidStory Mill Road;
thence,leavingsaidBridger Drive ROW and continuingN 00°18'18"E,a distance
of 321.05 feetalong said West ROW of Story Mill Road and through Tract A of
COS 1518 to a pointbeing the saidWest ROW and the Southeast ROW corner of
TractD of the Osborne Subdivision;
thence along saidWest ROW of Story Mill Road and along the East boundary line
of TractsA,B,C and D of saidOsborne Subdivision,N 00°18'18"E,a distanceof
652.19 feetto a point being the NE cornerof saidTract A of said subdivisionand
the intersectionof the West ROW of Story Mill Road and the south ROW of
Boylan Road;
thence along said south ROW,N 88°53'53"E,a distanceof 40.01 feetto the
Said areabeing 1,107,450 square feetor 25.42 acres more or less,along with and subject
to alleasements of record and allas depictedon the attachedExhibitA (the"Canyon Gate
Annexation Property."
B.As a conditionof approvalforthe annexation oftheCanyon Gate Annexation
Property,City ofBozeman applicationnumber 21-337,the City of Bozeman requiredthe
Declaranttorecorda covenant running with the landpursuant to the terms of the Canyon Gate
Annexation Agreement;and
C.To satisfytherequirement of the Canyon Gate Annexation Agreement,the
Declarantdesirestoplacebeneficialcovenants,conditionsand restrictionsupon the Canyon
Gate Annexation Propertyfortheuse and benefitof Declarantand forthe use,benefitand
protectionof the futureowners thereofand the City of Bozeman.
NOW,THEREFORE,Declaranthereby declaresthatallthepropertywithintheCanyon Gate
Annexation Propertyas describedabove shallbe held,sold,and conveyed subjecttothe
followingCOVENANTS,CONDITIONS and RESTRICTIONS,allofwhich are forthe purpose
of enhancing and protectingthe value,desirability,and attractivenessofthe realpropertyby
providing a reasonablyuniform plan for itsdevelopment as a desirabledevelopment.These
Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictionsshallrun with the realpropertyand shallbe binding
upon allowners thereof,and shallinuretothe benefitof and be binding upon each successorin
interestto the owner thereof.
Canyon Gate Declarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions 2
L Height and Bulk Limitations.In orderto advance thegoalsof the Bozeman
Community Plan 2020,Theme 2,notwithstandingany provisionto the contraryas setforthinthe
City'sregulationsforitszoning districts,withinthe Canyon Gate Annexation Property,and as
depictedon theCanyon Gate Annexation Zone Map Amendment,Ordinance 2099:
A)except forthespecificbuildingheightlimitationsinsubsectionC,the maximum
heightof structureslocatedwithin the entireprojectislimitedto a maximum of 50 feetor 4
stories,whichever isgreater;
B)thebuildingfootprintof each buildingwithintheB-2M zoning districtislimitedto a
maximum of 25,000 square feetper building;and
C)buildingswithin thenorthern 100 feetof the B-2M zoning districtshallbe limitedto
residentialpurposes only and limitedto a maximum heightof 36 feetforstructureswith a flat
roof and a maximum heightof 46 feetforstructureswith a pitchedroof.
2.Provision of Income RestrictedHousing.In ordertoadvance the goalsof the
Bozeman Community Plan 2020,Declarant agreestoprovide withintheR-5 zoning areawithin
the Canyon Gate Annexation Property,a minimum of 60 housing unitsthatarepricedno greater
than 120%of Area Median Income atan interestrateof 3.5%perthematrix setforthinExhibit
B.As determined by the City,a one person household includesstudios,two person household
includesone bedroom units,a threeperson household includestwo bedroom units,and four
person household includesthreebedroom units.The saleand management of the income
restrictedhousing unitsshallbe administeredby a community land trustor otherentity
acceptabletotheCity.Declarantshallbegin constructionof the income restrictedhousing prior
to any verticalconstructionwithinthe B2M zoning districtand shallcomplete all60 unitswithin
24 months aftercommencing construction.
3.Duration.The covenants,conditions,and restrictionsof thisDeclarationshallrun
with and bind the land inperpetuityand shallinuretothe benefitof Declarant,each owner of
property,the City of Bozeman,and theirrespectivelegalrepresentatives,heirs,successors,or
assigns,subjecttothe rightof amendment provided inthisArticle.
A)This Declarationmay be amended upon the writtenapproval of thepropertyOwners
comprising fifty-one(51)percentof the area of thenon-publicrealpropertywithintheCanyon
Gate Annexation Property;provided,however,thatany amendment isprohibitedwithoutthe
consentand approvalof theCity of Bozeman;or
B)As the primary beneficiaryof thiscovenant,thisdeclarationmay unilaterallybe
releasedinwhole orpartby the City of Bozeman after15 calendardays'noticeto theOwners of
propertywithintheCanyon Gate Annexation Property.The City must determine the form of
C)Any amendment shallbecome effectiveonly upon the filingof such amendment in the
recordsofthe Clerk and Recorder of GallatinCounty,Montana.
5.Enforcement.The Declarant,the City ofBozeman,or any owner of real
propertywithintheCanyon Gate Annexation Property may take actionto enforcetheprovisions
of thisDeclaration.Enforcement may be by injunction,declaratoryjudgment,actionfor
Canyon Gate Declarationof Covenants,Conditionsand Restrictions 3
damages,or any otherlegalclaims,allof which shallbe cumulative and non-exclusive.The
prevailingpartyinany actionshallbe entitledto recover,inadditionto otherdamages,its
reasonablelitigationexpenses,includingattorney'sfees,as may be awarded inthejudgment of
the court.
6.Severability.Invalidationof any one of thesecovenants or restrictionsby
judgment or courtorder shallinno way affectany otherprovisions,which shallremain infull
forceand effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF theDECLARANT has signed thisinstrumentand arranged
for itsrecordationintherealpropertyrecordsof GallatinCounty,Montana.
a Montana limitedliabilitycompany
a Montana limitedliabilitycompany,its
Managing Member
By:Andrew Holloran,Manager
On thisa3 day of %cc i .,202a_,beforeme,theundersigned,a
Notary Publicforthe StateofMontana,personallyappeared Andrew Holloran,as Manager of
Canyon Gate Partners,LLC,the Managing Member of Canyon Gate Investors,LLC,known to
me to be the landowner thatexecuted the within instrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey
executed thesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe
day and year firstabove written.
My CommissionExpires:
September04,2023 u Ic teof Montana
Canyon Gate Declarationof Covenants,Conditions and Restrictions 4
J f Mihelich,ityManager
City Clerk
On this Ñ day of ,2022.,beforeme,a Notary Public
forthe stateof Montana,personallyappeared JeffMihelich and Mike Maas,known tome tothe
persons describedin and who executed the foregoinginstrumentas City Manager and City Clerk
respectively,of theCity of Bozeman,whose names aresubscribedtothe within instrumentand
acknowledged tome thatthey executed the same forand on behalfof saidCity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe day and
year firstabove written.
Not ¯aryP licfortheMate of Montana
TAYLOR CHAMBERS7.£v.·..s NotaryPublic
ResidinOat:SEAI Bozernan,Montana
My CommissionExpires:
Canyon Gate Declarationof Covenants,Conditions and Restrictions -5 -