HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-23 Public Comment - F. Curiel - (ALERT, AN URGENT MESSAGE TO CHECK OUT IMMEDIATELY; AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) The Potential Dangers of “SURVEILLANT” Smart Cities!!From:Fernando Curiel To:Agenda Subject:[EXTERNAL]Fwd: (ALERT, AN URGENT MESSAGE TO CHECK OUT IMMEDIATELY; AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) The Potential Dangers of “SURVEILLANT” Smart Cities!! Date:Tuesday, September 19, 2023 9:47:58 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. [This email message is for the mayor and all the council members to “READ” As Soon As Possible; IMMEDIATELY. HELP SHARE my email message to them as possible!] [I’M BACK; REVISED EDITION!! One Last Try! I’M NERVOUS & WORRIED BUT I KNOW I SHOULDN’T BE! There’s also a few more information. You might have already confronted with some information down below the email message; you can skip them if you like. If you’re a new council member or IF I’M MISTAKEN, go right ahead! HOWEVER, I’M EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED & DISAPPOINTED THERE ARE MANY COUNTY AND CITY POLITICAL LEADERS THAT ARE WILLING not to uphold their constituents’ personal freedom or ignore the overt negative impacts of Smart City technology that invade our privacy by monitoring and recording personal data FOR environmental and safety reasons but I’m all for the environment and safety; I hope you’re not one of those leaders. Don’t forget the Montana State Legislature passed an anti-Facial Recognition Bill and was signed by the Governor. PLEASE DON’T IGNORE MY EMAIL MESSAGE!!] “YOU MIGHT NOT AGREE” with the title of this email message WHOLEHEARTEDLY but I REALLY REALLY HOPE you’re OPEN MINDED to READ this in order to understand the overt problems of Smart Cities. Regardless if some cities in the state of Montana have are adopted some concepts of Smart City Initiatives or thinking of becoming a Smart City. However, “I MIGHT ALREADY BE TOO LATE” to reach out to inform the city of “Bozeman” on this topic of the huge downside of Smart Cities BUT at least I’m trying my best; even if the city or county already have ‘some’ smart technologies (meters, AI LPR Surveillance Cameras, etc?) or fiber-optic cables. I have “HUGE CONCERNS” about Smart Cities or the coming Smart City Projects and how they will negatively impact all Americans’ privacy and the like. I hope it’s never too late on what I’m doing; I’m trying my best to reach out to as many county and city leaders across the country as I can. I wonder if the city of “BOZEMAN” has any intention to implement Smart City projects or any concepts of them because the ‘coming’ Smart City Projects or Initiatives that I’m referring to, was hidden within one of the infrastructure bills that was passed in August 2021? However, Smart City Projects might also go to the city or county without you knowing it through State Grants; hidden language. SO THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-SCIENCE RANT! I’M ALL FOR TAKING CARE THE ENVIRONMENT AS POSSIBLE; there will always be alternatives and more scientific research. I’M ALSO NOT AGAINST ANY FORM OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES AT ALL but will be a SURVEILLANCE nightmare. It seems like Smart Cities are inevitable, like it’s here to stay. When you hear the word ‘Smart,’ you automatically think everything will be convenient and solving modern city’s everyday problems through awesome technological advances that are very promising. What dreams are made of for cities and towns. Unfortunately, the downside and problems of Smart Cities OUTWEIGHS the Pros and benefits that might sound great on the surface; SDGs, so on. We will ignore the potential dangers of Smart Cities at our own peril. Smart Cities are a danger to both privacy and personal rights for all Americans that will be connected to our Smartphone whether we want to deny it completely; the “Internet of Bodies-Things” will eventually make Smartphones or iPhones obsolete (nanotechnology/microchipping?) A CBDC or a central bank digital currency will be in a Smartphone. Regular Montana residents and all Americans will absolutely freak out of their erosion of privacy in the creepiest way; Smart City technologies has the ability to see right through people’s homes. Smart Cities will know everything about you, your moves, talks, and plans, so on; everything will be centralized. Everyone will be controlled at the end of the day but by whom? Most likely or a combination by programmable Artificial Intelligence https://youtu.be/GyDshu6eF3Q?si=D1HxAv0wL36OJLWo (1:00.) The Government will also know everything about you more than ever before and will have a centralized database or Big Data through Smart City technologies. Much worst than our computers and cellphones. It will be surveillance on steroids. Imagine the extremelycontroversial Patriot Act and the NSA Surveillance controversy, Edward Snowden’s case, together with Smart Citytechnologies and other related technologies or pre-crime technologies. Smart Cities will accelerate or be connectedto the cashless society. Also, Smart Cities will have the ability to deter peaceful protests and assemblies by thehands of the wrong people. We sometimes have bad leaders throughout our country’s history unfortunately. Also,imagine what would happen if our information or data falls on the wrong hands that might not have the bestintentions in mind for us in the not so distant future. In my opinion, it is obvious to me that having a Smart City thatprotects privacy at the same time would be an impossible task to do. The problems would not solve anytime soon ifSmart Cities are implemented. That’s how human nature works; hoping to fix the problems some day but nothing issolved. Don’t forget that it’s a possibility but most likely that Smart Cities will be interconnected with your socialcredit score and the coming Central Bank Digital Currency (cashless society.) I’M NOT EVEN EXAGGERATINGOR FEAR MONGERING! IT’S NEITHER A CONSPIRACY THEORY AT ALL! A programmable CBDChttps://youtu.be/jE-rOo-WMOU (0:53) will open the door for a much possibility reality of a Social Credit Score System and together with Smart City technologies will be a bad combination. Everything will be connected orinterconnected with your digital mobile’s driver’s license and digital IDs https://youtu.be/ImVvfUF0NmE (0:58.) Oh yes, even Smart Cities will have some connections to the CCTV surveillance smart cameras, fiber optic cables,and smart grids, meters, and freeways, so on. I would also like to include high density city projects and transitmanagement system which is connected to smart cities. Including with the internet of Bodies/Things and with thelatest extreme concerns of artificial intelligence or machines. And everything smart (sensors,) so on. Don’t forgetbiometrics, nanotechnology, and facial recognition, and pre-crime technology as well. It will be like living in avirtual or digital prison/panopticon. There might be good intentions behind it but the “Internet For All” projectsmight not be a good idea at the end of the day. The majority of your constituents are not even aware on what’shappening. There’s actually more to say about Smart Cities. Obviously, there are many videos about them on theinternet that explains the problem more specifically than I do. So check out this short videos, and articles that aresomewhat in order. I know that council members are mostly busy but I apologize in advance for my long emailmessage, and the list of videos and articles down below “BUT IT’S ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT” in order to makemy point across. If you’re still not fully convince on what I’m saying, you could always treat this information asuseful in case you are confronted with this kind of technologies for study and close inspection In the near future.Nothing is impossible; even if there’s already “some” or already adopted “some” smart city technologies. In my“OPINION,” it’s never too late to change course in order to TRY not to make the surveillance we have so far muchworst. Oh yes, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope some of this information doesn’t personally offend or scare youeasily, that’s not my intention at all. theintercept.com/2021/08/06/infrastructure-bill-smart-city-surveillance/ theguardian.com/cities/2014/dec/17/truth-smart-city-destroy-democracy-urban-thinkers-buzzphrase theguardian.com/cities/2019/jun/06/toronto-smart-city-google-project-privacy-concerns ‘Smart Cities’ Are Surveilled Cities https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/17/smart-cities-surveillance-privacy-digital-threats-internet-of-things-5g// https://youtu.be/-0bXUxRqy8g (4:39) theintercept.com/2020/01/27/surveillance-cctv-smart-camera-networks/ resilience.org/stories/2011-3-23/problems-smart-grids/ vice.com/en/article/j5n3pb/your-smart-electricity-meter-can-easily-on-you-court-ruling-warns(OR/&)politico.eu/article/smart-grids-and-meters-raise-hacking-risks/amp/ bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-06/a-surveillance-standoff-over-smart-streetlights cnbc.com/2021/04/15/eu-considers-ban-on-ai-for-mass-surveillance-social-credit-scores.html Fiber Optic Cables: privateinternetaccess.com/blog/big-win-top-court-rules-uk-mass-interception-violates-the-right-to-privacy/ gizmodo.com/your-social-score-could-be-based-on-your-web-history-1845912592 https://youtu.be/mDk4OPxyhQE (2:14) https://youtu.be/ot-Loi2EPnU (5:06) ** https://youtu.be/lVNlGQ6oFKE (2:30) https://youtu.be/ygK6gY9b5VY (2:32) https://youtu.be/1t12UqYl5SA (6:23) https://youtu.be/0cGB8dCDf3c (8:07) ** https://youtu.be/CLo3e1Pak-Y (12:55) ** **(ALTERNATIVES TO “SURVEILLANCE/TECHNOCRATIC” Smart Cities?) https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2020/jan/15/the-case-for-making-low-tech-dumb-cities-instead-for-smart-ones? CMP=share_btn_link (OPTIONAL READING) Or you could check out these information on your spare time: https://youtu.be/OQ5LnY21Hgc (8:11) https://youtu.be/VRRPy-yEKRM (12:31) eff.org/deeplinks/2021/07/dhss- flawed-plan-mobile-drivers-licenses (OPTIONAL) Or you can contact me through my email address IF YOU LIKE???