HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-23 Public Comment - M. Connell - Connell comment 8.15.23 (STR) August 14, 2023 Dear Members of the Bozeman City Council and Mr. Mihelich, City Manager, 1 have been following the short term rental issue in the city of Bozeman for some time. While my wife and I are residents of Fargo, we own a second home here which we built in 2017 and use as a vacation home. We do not rent it out during the six or seven months we are not here. It sits empty as we have no interest in becoming landlords. I'm guessing the "leaders" of Bozeman Tenants United will and probably already do, consider us part of the "affordable housing" problem facing Bozeman and we wonder how long it will be before they direct their misguided political strategies toward us. At this time I'll spare you the details of how we are able to afford two homes but let me assure you, not a single member of Bozeman Tenants United has worked as long and as hard as we have. Not even close. For the record, I think your action on this matter should be limited to increased vigilance towards bringing the non-compliant landlords into compliance as soon as possible and then becoming ever vigilant in your enforcement efforts. The high rate of non-compliance is directly proportional to your current "soft" attitude toward it. When you get more serious about enforcement and consequences, landlords will take it more seriously. You seem to have a very qualified and competent staff. They just need direction from you as well as up to date and accurate data to carry this out. I do not believe it is appropriate for the city council to ban any current short term rentals, in essence terminating an individual's business. Finally, it is clear that most of the Tenants United members are products of a generation that somehow believes the world and in particular the government, owes them something. They believe they have a God given right to live where they want to live regardless of the economic realities before them. I in contrast stem from a different generation. Though unable to live in the community that I was raised in, I don't expect the government to fix that. I just call it reality. Nothing "unfair" about it. Despite all of the dialogue on this matter, I have yet to hear a solution for the Tenants United folks. Interestingly even your own staff's presentation, which I thought was excellent, showed what they are asking for would likely not help them. But I do have a solution, which you can share with them if you'd like. Here it is; drive to 1-90 on the north side of town and continue east for 11 hours to Fargo/Moorhead. In the Red River Valley they will find an abundance of jobs in the manufacturing, technology and agriculture sector. Some requiring college degrees. Many not. The jobs will pay better than jobs in Bozeman and rent, while not cheap, is less than Bozeman. So is the overall cost of living. Those United Tenant members who choose to live in Moorhead will receive free college tuition at any Minnesota Institution of higher education. Those who live in Fargo will not receive free tuition (yet) but will be taxed at a lower rate than Minnesota, and Montana. But wait! There are no mountains in the Red River Valley. What to do? True, but Fargo/Moorhead is 45 minutes from the heart of Minnesota Lakes country. Detroit Lakes (45 minutes from FM), has more than 400 lakes within 25 miles. There are no shortages of recreational not to mention cultural, educational and employment opportunities in the area. I don't work for the Fargo/Moorhead Visitors Bureau. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous, from an outsider's perspective,the young people look and sound who come before you crying, "it's not fair"! As leaders,you should not be afraid to remind them that they may have to do what many if not most of us have done under similar circumstances. Move to a place we can affo dl Mik Connell Fargo, ND/Bozeman, MT connell@midco.net