HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3059 Annexing Kagy (formerly Chang) -~ . . r' I.i 178 ?ACE4174 IlL. . COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3059 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA. EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY AND REFERRED TO AS THE KAGY ANNEXATION (FORMERLY REFERRED TO AS THE CHANG ANNEXATION REQUEST) AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED. WHEREAS. the City of Bozeman received a request for annexation from Elden Chang on behalf of Yelew Builders, requesting the City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include a certain contiguous tract of land located approximately one block east of the intersection of South 19th Avenue and Kagy Boulevard, on the north side of Kagy Boulevard, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana; and WHEREAS. an annexation staff report has been prepared in accordance with the Commission's goals and policies for annexation and was presented to the Commission on June 13, 1994; and WHEREAS. Commission Resolution No. 2980 was adopted by the City Commission on June 13, 1994, declaring it to be the intent of the City of Bozeman to extend the boundaries of said City so as to include said contiguous tract within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS. a public hearing on Commission Resolution No. 2980 was duly noticed and held on July 18, 1994; and WHEREAS, no objections to said annexation were raised at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City did not receive any written protest from the resident freeholders of the territory to be annexed; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 1994, the Commission authorized and directed staff to prepare the necessary documents to proceed with the annexation of this tract in accordance with Commission Resolution No. 2980; and WHEREAS, subsequently, the subject tract has been transferred and is now in the ownership of Bin and Susan Chang; and WHEREAS, the provision for services including, but not limited to, rights of way, easements, water rights or cash in lieu, waivers of protest against creation of SID's and water and sewer hookup fees, to said contiguous tract is the subject of a written agreement between the City and Bin and Susan Chang, record owners of the tract; and ---.- ..---..-- ----.- _..~_r__. _ ,.._.__ f1LM 1?S?,~Ct4175 WHEREAS, said contiguous tract is the subject of a plat or Certificate of Survey, filed in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission hereby finds that the annexation of this contiguous tract is in the best interests of the City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That it is hereby declared that, pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 2, Part 43, M.C.A., the following-described property, which is contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Bozeman, be annexed to the City of Bozeman and that the boundaries of said City shall be extended so as to embrace and include such 3.557 acres of land, to wit: A tract of land known as Tract A, Certificate of Survey No. 573, located in the southwest one-Quarter of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian, which is on file and of record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. Section 2 The effective date of this annexation is June 1, 1995. Section 3 The annexation of the above-described tract is subject to the terms of the Agreement dated March 7, 1995, by and between the City of Bozeman and Bin and Susan Chang. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 15th day of May 1995. ~\J~ - JO VINCENT, Mayor ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 2 - . .. ~ffib-a&it of JIuhlitatiou fLU 178,;tf4176 STATE OF MONT ANA, } County of Gallatin, . SS. Vivie Portnell ,beingdulyswom,deposes and says' That S he is Principal Clerk of the Bozeman Daily . . - ~.... i IIOH Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bozeman, A ==Or:oih~'ty , C......,~n of the City of Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed :09zethm.~._~!~!allll. .xtend. · __rle, of ,.'d C . . R 1 . City of 80zeman 10 a. to .In- ( ommlSSlon eso utlon No. 3059 clude within the corporate lImite of the City of &ozern.n )has been I tract of land contlguoua to '11d City Ind ,.f.rr.d to a. . . . . . the kagy Annaxatlon (for. correctly publIshed in the regular and enUre Issue of every number of saId paper for merly ,.ferred to .. the '. . . . Chang Annexation R.que.t) I eonS-eetttt"v'e-- lnsert ion the first 0 Pu IIcatlOn was made on deand herein more partlcullrly - , 'crlbed. City 01 Bozeman the 18th day of May State 01 Montana county 01 Gallatin the 18 t h day of I, RO~ln L. Sullivan. Clerk 01 th.e City COmmission 01 the City 01 Bozeman. Montana, do hereby certify that the loregoing 18 the true a ,. Subscribed and sworn to before me this rect title, and ' . ~ .....-. 18tQ.aYOf ~9-'1"L :=."'~"'.'.""...~ :.L.d ,::-' .. , ._May, Notary Public for the State of Montana, CJ rk fFlOBlNh C' L. SUll,.".., e 0 t e Ity Commission residing at Bozeman, Montana NOT ARV PUBLIC lor the State of Montana Residing at BOleman, Montana My Commission expires July 6. 1996 , . fILM 178 PACE4177 I I N89"57'45" I .'U I EXISTING. ~I-- CITY LIMITS - LOT 2 LOT 5 j: .'i hv^ ~ ~I~ . 573 LOT 6 T A ~ ~ ~ a , ~ . ~ j: ~ 1 ^ ~ ~~ i i ~ -V' ~ ..~" ~ ~ e ~ . ;:t: ~ ctj I" ~ ~ ~ :'" S89"J8'J4"E~ . c:t: ~I ~ 148.99' '" . ~ Vi LOT 7 ~I ~ 1 w j: ~... ..... E%//%;;; TRACT B ~ "1 ~i i~ ~ -,J"418.J5' TO S. 19TH R.O.W.. z _ _ _ . r" - ^ .. _.. -.. ; 00.00' '~"'OJ"w ~ _ KAGY B~VD. 9~' I -V - '.0.'. ~.". i I N ~ RESOLUTION NO. 3059 ~ ANNEXATION MAP KAGY ANNEXATION o 150 JOO FEET S.W. 1/4 SEC. IJ. T2S. RSE I ' I . CITY OF BOZEIAAN SCALE; 1 = 150' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6/1/95 INoeXED j t'LATTED 354291 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECOHD IN TIllS OFFICE ON TIlE 14 DA Y OF NOVEMBER , A.D., 1997 OFFICE 0 < COUNTY RECOHDEH ) COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) AT 4:48 PM., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK 178 STATE OF MONTANA ) OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, PAGE 4174 Fee $ 24. 00 .$g~ll~f} q1~ RECORDER. BY ifJ1 ~t~jJ '1 ~ DEPUTY RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN ATTN: ROBIN . II"ISTRUM9ift' 0fI POOl """OlvvRAPHfC QUAU1?f ~. .---.- ...~- - - - -.-. ~. .