HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-23 Public Comment - R. Harris - Aug 8 Meeting - STR Public OpinionFrom:Renae Harris To:Agenda Subject:[EXTERNAL]Aug 8 Meeting - STR Public Opinion Date:Tuesday, August 8, 2023 11:59:13 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Bozeman City Commission, I would like to voice my opposition to any additional ordinances pertaining to short term rentals inthe city of Bozeman. Unlike many proponents, my opposition comes from facts and data, not from emotion. I stronglyencourage the commission to make sure that any decisions made on this or other matters are madewith a deep understanding and analysis of factual information, not unsupported emotion. We havebrilliant professionals in this community with access to information and an willingness to share itwith those who will listen and allow them into the conversation. For context, I am a Bozeman resident, I was born in Bozeman, have lived in Montana my entire life,graduated from a Montana college and am employed by a Montana business. I own two homes in theGallatin Valley, where I have lived and worked hard to contribute to the economic growth for the last16 years. As a mortgage professional, I have a very keen understanding of the housing affordabilitychallenges in our area as well as viable, workable, effective solutions that should be pursued (whichdo not include STR bans). To add additional, and more complete bans on what a person can do with their property withoutappropriate information or data supporting the efficacy of such a ban, is nothing more than atrampling of individual property rights, which we hold in high value in Montana. As far as I am aware, the commission has made no effort at attaining (or transparently publishing) aquantifiable understanding on whether or not this type of ban can have a meaningful effect onhousing affordability and until they do, this ban should not be on the table or up for consideration. This should include understanding how many units would likely be returned to long-term rental andwhat impact that return would have on rental rates across our city. (Many studies across the nationwould suggest a very nominal impact, if any at all.) I can also confidently say that many stakeholdersthat own STRs in Bozeman would sell them for a premium and simply invest elsewhere if a ban wasenforced on them. If further analysis is deemed necessary, the city should also consider and report the negative impactthat this could have on the how many these short term rental units that are being used by thosehomeowners to create housing affordability in Bozeman for themselves by generating extra income. The commission should also consider and report to voters the great number of individuals whomanage, clean, maintain and otherwise care for short term rentals, and the loss of wages for them. Often this type of work is an additional job or supplemental source of income so that they can affordto live in our community. The commission should not trade one person’s right to work hard andinvest responsibly to be able to afford to live in our community, for another person’s ‘entitlement’ toreceive something from those people. Personally, my one rental supports no less than 4 localbusinesses for various services involved with running a rental (cleaning, lawn care, accounting,laundry, etc.) Additionally, the commission should consider any other unforeseen economic impacts to thecommunity (loss of housing for traveling nurses, loss of tourism and tournament dollars for localbusinesses, costs of litigation associated with infringing on individual property rights, etc.) The stakeholders for short term rentals will present empirical evidence as to why additional laws andregulations against short term rentals should be a non-starter, but I would like you to know that as along standing member of this community, I am not in favor of new short term rental ordinances, orusing Bozeman’s time and resources in pursuing research as to whether or not this is a good idea,when it is clear and logical that it is not. Sincerely, Renae Harris