HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-23 Public Comment - T. Holzer - Urban campersFrom:Trevor Holzer To:Agenda Subject:[EXTERNAL]Urban campers Date:Tuesday, August 8, 2023 9:15:36 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ordinance 2147As we all have seen for years this is getting out of hand. The city has let this go for far too long! As a native of Bozemanborn and raised I have watched this town go down hill and in the last 3 years it has gotten out of hand. The campers in thecity need to stop! While some may have a job in this town many do not. They might be paying income tax but not one ofthem are paying any part of property taxes! You want to double my taxes while letting these people live for FREE on OURcity street trashing them and making it impossible to go down some of these roads. Our taxes have put up a dumpster forthem at my expense not theirs. They still don't use them and when they do it is full in a day. Maybe it is not all their trashbut you can't stop anyone from using them. Last week I drove down Rawhide Ridge and there were campers on both sidesonly allowing one car to pass at a time and there was a semi truck that couldn't even fit down the road to go to the townpump to deliver good. You say there are currently 200 campers on city streets yet if I park mine infront of my own housewhere I pay taxes I get a ticket. You have been encouraging it and now is a time to send them down the road.Sec.34.09.020 says camping on a right of way is prohibited yet They are blocking the sidewalks on max Ave. And evenhave tents in the trees on private property. Part C of the same says no more than 5 consecutive days yet they have beenthere for 3 years! Sub part in the same section says about employment status ( why does that even matter) they can find arental like the rest of the people in this town have to do weather they have to work 2 jobs to do it. 2 in that same sectionsays not within 100 feet of a business. Why can they literally park across the street from town pump, a casino and a newbank that is about to open! They you state that under 3. They must be maintained in a clean and orderly manner with noadditional vehicles or trailers. There are cars and trucks with no windows packed full of trash parked by every space. Notto mention the guy with firewood stacked in the damb street. Then you talk about no fires. We'll I personally have seen afire pit set up and burning on North 11th Ave by the Homewood suites and also by Map brewing off of Manley rd on eastGriffin Dr. Sec. 34.09.030 talks about towing fees and that they won't have to pay with the 1st or 2nd towing witch againgoes to WHO PAYS THIS. It would be tax payers again! You also say that no notice is needed to tow if it poses a risk forhealth and safety or is impeding traffic, they has been 2 burn down off of Davis lane and a stabbing and drug deals off ofMax Ave. This is Bozeman Montana not Portland or Seattle. Get this under control asap or my town will keep going downhill fast and you will never recover. It has been going on for years now and needs to stop. Stop wasting your money andget them out of here. I have no sympathy for these people who don't even try and say they do is a joke. There was newsstory a month ago when they interviewed one of your assistants and a camper that said " it is great not having to pay rent" this is your problem take care of it!! Here is the link from kbzk incase you happened to miss this story https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kbzk.com%2Fnews%2Flocal-news%2Fbozeman-urban-camper-population-at-an-all-time-high%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR12RQmnUnRMh0VE5JDuaDOmnhxNTV3ZpzlQBhNbDzLJGpGjI0M6Cm18KQM&h=AT17Hg-4b2VLuh4SQqHjLp_AInUDds4fE8hkEn6VvGMJFii65LRCMQSjBa-dXmAdwDPu9iQunt1IN4JeOoM3I031yV7oX7Nvjzkci63QDR8lmxBqAwL-iVVlkGOJS7ge0Atj&s=1 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android