HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3062 Set public hearing on Lattice Materials application for tax reduction ~.,- .... -. _c COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3062 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA. ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE APPLICATION OF LATTICE MATERIALS CORPORATION FOR TAX REDUCTION UNDER SECTION 15-24-1401. ET SEa. MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED AND CITY OF BOZEMAN COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2660. WHEREAS. at its meeting held on the 21 st day of February 1995. the City Commission acknowledged receipt of an application from Lattice Materials Corporation of Bozeman, Montana, for tax reduction based upon improvements to their business pursuant to Section 15-24-1401, et seq. M.C.A., and City of Bozeman Commission Resolution No. 2660; and WHEREAS, Section 15-24-1401, et seq. M.C.A., authorizes local government to grant tax reduction for qualifying improvements or modernized processes that represent new or expanding industries whereby said qualifying improvements or modernized processes may be taxed at 50 percent of their taxable value in each of the first five (5) years after the construction permit is issued. and that in each year thereafter, the percentage of taxation shall be increased by equal percentages until the full taxable value is attained in the tenth (10th) year and that in subsequent years, the property shall be taxed at 100 percent of its taxable value; and WHEREAS. the Bozeman City Commission enacted Commission Resolution No. 2660 to implement the tax reduction specified in Section 15-24~1401, et seq, M.C.A.. to qualifying new or expanding industry; and WHEREAS, Lattice Materials Corporation of Bozeman, Montana. sets forth in its application certain information regarding the improvements and modernized processes and for which Lattice Materials Corporation requests said tax reduction; and WHEREAS. Section 15~24-1402(2), M.C.A.. requires the governing body to give notice of a public hearing to hear comment, as set forth in Section 76-15-103. M.C.A. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana, that the Clerk of the Commission be directed to give notice to the public pursuant to the legal requirements of Section 15-24-1402 and Section 76-15-103. M.C.A., of a public hearing to be held upon said application on the 19th day of June 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. at a regular session thereof held on the 15th day of May 1995. ATTEST: J (jJ:- c:I ~ ROBIN L SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission ;eJc{;A~ PAUL J. LU E City Attorney - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana. on the 19th day of June 1995 at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of the Municipal Building. 411 East Main Street, Bozeman. Montana. will hear public comment on the application of Lattice Materials Corporation for tax reduction pursuant to Section 15-24-1402. Montana Code Annotated, and City of Bozeman Commission Resolution No. 2660. whereby qualifying improvements or modernized processes which represent new or expanding industry may be taxed at 50 percent of their taxable value in each of the first five (5) years after the issuance of the construction permit and that in each year thereafter. the percentage of their taxable value shall be increased by an equal percentage of their taxable value until the full taxable value is attained in the tenth (10th) year and thereafter taxed at 100 percent of its taxable value. For additional information, please contact Robin Sullivan. Clerk of the Commission, at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman. Montana, or telephone 582-2320 (TOO 582-2301) during regular business hours. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the City Commission Legal Ad Publish: Friday. May 26, 1995 Sunday. June 11, 1995 1 YJ. ~ . - APPI. TCATTON New or Expanding Manufacturlnp; Indulltry ProJJert.y Improvements or Mmlernizcd l'rocE-sscr. (TItle 15 * Chapter 'J4 - Pllrt 14 MeA) TO: Arletta Derleth AIJSeS80r, Gallatin ~=~ NAME OF APPLICANT: Lattice Materials Corporation ~lallingAddresll: ,516 E. Tamarack Bozeman. MT 59715 LEGAL UESCRJPTtON OF AFFECTED PROPERTY: n / a DATE CONSTRucnON PERMIT ISSUED: n/ a (If no permit f.s required, specify the date when construction began.) 1'1115 APPI.ICATlON COVERS TilE (EXPANSJON!NM CONSTRUCTION OF 11\E Lattice Materials Corp. PLANT. NUMBER OF ANTICIPATED NEW JOBS WIIICII WILL BE CREATED? 3 - 5 NUMBER OF EXISTING JOBS WlIICII WILL BE ELIMINATED? 0 WIIAT AFFECT WILL TilE NEW, EXPANDING, OR MODERNIZED INDUSTRY IIAVE ON OTHER BUSINESSES IN TilE TAXING JURISDICTION? Increase of supplies purchased. Indirect benefits include purchases hy npw BmploYPPR ~t loc~l retail Bstablishments. WHAT ECONOMIC BENEFIT CAN BE EXPECTED WITIIIN TIlE TAXING .JURJSDICTION FROM THE CREATION OF TIlE NEW OR EXPANDING INDUSTRY? stronqer company, increased sales/profits, better iob stability. AN APPLICATION FOR "NEW INIJUSTRY" CLASSIFICATION <,'tiat/WILL NOT) BE MADE TO TilE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOR THESE FACILITIES.. (15-6-135(3), MCA) TilE QUALU'YlNG PROPERTY CONSISTS OF 11IE FOI.LOWING: See attached list Tm; MODEJ!NJZED PROCESSES CONSIST OF 11IE FOLLOWING: See attached 1 i s t TillS APPLICATION IS MADE UNDER TilE PROVISIONS OF 15-24-1402, MCA, AND BY RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY 11tE Ci ty of Taxing Bozeman of Gallatin COUNTY,ONTHE 7th DAY OF Feb. ,1995. ACOPYOF Jurhdlction SAME IS ATTACHED. ~~ Owne~/ARent 1'f11 Subscribed and sworn to before me this (NOTARY SEAL) ~ 1 ~/..> ir- ------------------------------------------------------------ WE, TIlE UNDF.RS IGNED, of (APPROVF./DISAP,PROVE) 111lS Al'Pl.1CATJON Title Taxing Jurisdiction BY . WE FIND 11tAT IT (DOES/DOES NOT) CONFORM TO THE CRITERIA AS SET FORI" IN THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY l1\1S ON THE _ DAY OF , 19_. Name Title ~ Name Title Name Title \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19___. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary PubUc for the State of residIng at My Commission Expires: NOTE: MAKE APPLICATION FOR EACH AFFECTED TAXING JURISDICTION AND ATTACH THEIR RESOLUTION. Assessor (Original); Clerk & Recorder (Pink); Tax Jurisdiction (Canary); Applicant (Gold) .1. . .- . . LATTICE MATERIALS CORPORATION EXPLANATION OF ASSETS ON ATTACHED LIST ASSETS IN SERVICE IN 1994 ITEM 1 Puller #3/shumacher: Produces additional crystal growing capacity to both the silicon and germanium crystal. In 1994 Lattice Materials has added the capability to grow germanium, which has directly added to additional full time positions within the company. ITEM 2 Clean/Dry air system: This is a compressor which assists in machine operation. Provides for increased maintenance efficiency. ITEM 3 Scratch Digs Standard: Provides for a value added quality control process not previously applied at the manufacturing level. ITEM 4 Centerless Wheel Balancer: Production tool for changing and balancing grinding wheels. Provides efficient method to assure quality and consistency. ITEM 5 Edge Grinder: Provides added ability to finish edge on parts without the need to send elsewhere for final processing. Value added process. ITEM 6 VS-4 Anton block set: Tooling for production equipment. ITEM 7 Cleanroom cabinets and tables: Additional storage necessary for expanding production capacity. ITEM 8 Bridgeport CNC mill: Provides for contouring capability. A value added process now done in house instead of sending out for finishing. ITEM 9 Sinks for saw room: Additional feature necessary for expanding production capacity. ITEM 10 Spitfire polisher: Provides greater polishing capacity. ITEM 11 Edge beveler: Provided value added process. , .' -----.---., -- ---.-..- .. - ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2660 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN, MONTANA CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE 15-24-1401 ET SEQ. MCA TAX INCENTIVE PROGRAMS FOR NEW INDUSTRY OR EXPANDING INDUSTRY, AND DEFINING THE IMPROVEMENTS OR MODERNIZED PROCESSES QUALIFIED FOR SAID TAX BENEFITS. WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on the 29th day of June, 1987, for the purpose of determining whether or not the City of Bozeman, Montana, should approve tax incentives set forth at 515-24-1401 et seq. Montana Code Arinotated (MCA)' to new or expanding industry as defined therein and if so, to define the improvements or modernized processes that would qualify for said tax incentives; and, WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission recognizes the need for encouraging responsible economic development within its jurisdictional area; and WHEREAS, 15-24-1402(1) ~lCA , as amended by House Bill 709 of the 50th Legislative Session of the State of Montana, 1987, authorizes local government to provide tax incentives to qualifying improvements or modernized processes that represent new industry or expansion of existing industry at the rate of fifty per cent (50%) of their taxable value during their first five (5 ) years following issuance of' a construction permit, and thereafter increasing taxes by equal percentages until full taxable value is reached in the tenth (10th) year whereafter property shall be taxed at one hundred per cent (100%) of its taxable value; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to encourage' reasonable economic development by approving of the tax incentives as set forth at 15-24-1402(1) MCA to support and promote industrial improvements and processes that are clean and that maintain and enhance the community's natural environment and other amenities while broadening the economic opportunities available in the area, improving the economic opportunities available in the area and improving the economic stability of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bozeman City Commission that the tax incentive program as set forth at 15-24-1402 (1) MCA is hereby approved for qualifying improvements -...-. --~ -''''''~'''. ,~.--,"~ ,--;:--';>- .,,<.,~, ~ .)'iF -'/'" and modernized processes of new industry or expanding industry within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Bozeman, Montana. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following definition shall apply to the Tax Incentive Program approved hereby: 1) Expanding Industry: The City incorporates the definition set forth at 15-24-1401(1) MCA. 2) New Industry: The City incorporates the definition set forth at 15-24-1401(3) MCA. 3) Industry: The City of Bozeman incorporates the definition set forth at 15-24-1401(2) MCA. 4) Qualifying: The City of Bozeman incorporates the definition sets forth at 15-24-1401(4) MCA. 5) Qualified Improvements and Modernized Process: Tax benefits may be granted for real property other than land, personal property, improvements or combinations thereof including but not limited to buildings, equipment, private streets, open space, private utilities, and other site improvements that the ,-, City Commission finds to be in the best interests of the community. Tax benefits may also be granted for processing including research and development, processing of Montana raw materials and other value-added products, development of Montana-made products and other processes the City Commission finds to be in the best interests of the community. Such requests for tax benefits shall provide a comprehensive statement addressing impact of the industrial improvement or pr?cess on the community including the impact upon the environment, and the I I handling, manufacture and disposal of toxic or other wastes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman this 29th day of June , 1987. "-" . (\." tbt It U- .." \~ , fYltt..1 VI....'I....e JUlHTH A. MATHRE, Mayor 'ATTEST: ((J:v at )~ Clerk of the Comm~ssion --- > r ~ ~ ~ I! -1\..J..,.. . ;~A_..4.^--- State of Montana Marc Racicot, Governor De artment of Revenue P.o. Box 202701 Mick Robinson, Director Helena, Montana 59620-2701 David L. Nielsen, Tax Counsel (406) 444-3339 May I, 1995 Miral D. Gamradt Administrative Services Director The City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, Montana 59771-0640 RE: New Industry Property Tax Reduction Dear Miral: This letter is in response to your letter to me of February 10, 1995, concerning your interpretation of ~ 15-24~1401, MCA, as it applies to tax benefits given to new and expanding industry. I understand that your concern centers on ~ 15-24-1401(1), MCA. In that section, "expansion" is defined as improvements added in either the first tax year in which the benefits are to be received or in the preceding tax year. Your question is whether it is legally possible for improvements to be taxed in the same year as they are installed. As you noted in your letter, industrial improvements to real property added in one year are not included on the tax rolls until the succeeding year. For improvements to real property, your understanding is accurate. Most personal property can be placed upon the tax rolls in the year it is brought into the state. Section 15-24-301, MCA, provides that personal property is subject to taxation and assessment in the year in which it is brought into a county in the state. The tax is prorated according to the number of months remaining in the year. See ~ 15-24-303(1), MCA. For example, personal property brought into Gallatin County in March 1995, would be taxable in 1995 for 9/12 of the year. With this brief explanation of the difference between the taxation of personal property and real property, the analysis of ~ 15-24~ 1401 (1), MCA, becomes easier. The language of ~ 15-24-1401 (1) , MCA, that superficially appears confusing--whether the tax benefit is in the first tax year in which the benefits are to be received Director - (406) 444-2460 Legal Affairs Personnel/Training "An Equal Opportunity Employer" ---..- ~ --. ----. . .. ~ ;' Miral D. Gamradt May 1, 1995 Page 2 or in the succeeding tax year- -accommodates the distinction between personal property and real property improvements. If personal property qualifies for the new industry benefits, those benefits apply in the same year as the property is added. In other words, for personal property the year of installation is the first tax year to which the tax benefit applies. In contrast, with real property improvements the tax benefit applies to property installed in the preceding year. In your letter, you also make the comment that property purchased in 1993 does not qualify for tax treatment as new and expanding industrial property. I opine that the statutory standard applies when the property is added, not when it is purchased. The year of purchase is not relevant. The test is the year of placement into use. If, for example, a piece of personal property was purchased in 1993, but not put into use until 1994, and was put on the tax rolls for the first time in 1994, that property would qualify since the property was put into use in the same year it was put on the tax rolls. If the property had been placed on the tax rolls in 1993, the year it was purchased, then it would not qualify since it was not put into use until 1994. Your letter also implies that for property to qualify for this special tax treatment, there mus t be at least $50,000 worth of property added in either the year the benefit applies or in the preceding year. It is my understanding of the statute that the local government approves . by resolution a project for new construction or expansion. The project plan could provide for the expansion to be phased in over a time period. As long as the first year had improvements added worth at least $50,000, improvements in subsequent years worth less than the $50,000 would also receive the special tax treatment, but would be brought in at the percentage rate applicable to the first qualifying improvements. The threshold qualification for the tax benefit, therefore, is the installation of at least $50,000 worth of equipment the first year. Once this qualification is met, subsequent property added in later years as part of the approved project would receive the tax benefits, but for a shorter time period. - ______u____ . ~ OJ '!' Miral D. Gamradt May 1, 1995 Page 3 For example, an industrialist proposes a plan to install $100,000 worth of new equipment over three years, and this plan is approved by the city. In the first year, the industrialist installs $60,000 worth of equipment. That equipment qualifies for the tax break and is eligible for a 50% tax reduction for five years. In the second year, $30,000 worth of equipment is installed. This equipment would also qualify since it is installed pursuant to the plan. This equipment, however, would only have four years of eligibility for the 50% reduction. If the remaining $10,000 worth of equipment was installed in the third year, that equipment would qualify for a 50% reduction for the next three years. More recently, you have asked whether there was a requirement that improvements and equipment must be part of a modernized process in order to qualify for this tax benefit. Since the tax benefits under ~~ 15-24-1401 and 15-24-1402, MCA, are discretionary with local taxing jurisdictions, each jurisdiction could within that discretion establish such a requirement for the types of improvements and equipment that would qualify. If the City of Bozeman desires to only approve improvements and equipment that are part of a modernized process, versus property that is more conventional, that distinction can be made in approving the project. Under this statute, the taxpayer does not have a right to impose upon a taxing jurisdiction what property will qualify for this special tax treatment. The decision of what type of property qualifies is in the discretion of the governing body and is made when it approves the taxpayer's initial application. The city's resolution approving the taxpayer', s application should define what prope::-ty qualifies for this tax benefit. I hope these answers will be of assistance to you in interpreting t~ act. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. fDettL! DAVID L. NIELSEN /jl ..... .---.-- .". - ------- "--- t V i I 484 485 SPECIAL PROPERTY TAX APPLICATIONS 15-24-1401 II ,. 15-24-1304. En. 84.7504.1 by Sec. 3, 15-24-1311. En. 84-7513.1 by Sec. 10, I~ person Ch.582,L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7504.1;amd. Ch. 582,L.1977; RC.M.1947, 84.7513.1; amd. !i Sec. 6, Ch. 274, L. 1981. Sec. 25, Ch. 693, L. 1979. ( I,' ustrial, 15-24-1305. En. 84-7505.1 by Sec. 4, 15-24-1312- En. 84-7514.1 by Sec. 11, 1,;= 3 shall, Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84.7505.1. Ch. 582, L. 1977: RC.M. 1947,84-7514.1. enue a 15-24-1306. En. 84-7508.1 by Sec. 5, 15-24-1313. En. 84.7516.1 by Sec. 13, 0 Jerty in Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7508.1. Ch. 582, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947,84-7516.1. ; Ie 15-24-1307. En. 84-7509.1 by Sec. 6, 15-24-1314. En. 84-7517.1 by Sec. 14, "i , tement Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7509.1. Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7517.1. : I'- d by the 15-24-1308. En. 84-7510.1 by Sec. 7, 15-24-1315. En. 84.7518.1 by Sec. 15, l~ tion, by Ch.582,L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7510.1;amd. Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7518.1. ,de: Sec. 24, Ch. 693, L. 1979. 15-24-1316. En. 84-7519.1 by Sec. 16, - 15-24-1309. En. 84.7511.1 by Sec. 8, Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7519.1. o. m; Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7511.1. 15-24-1317. En. 84-7515.1 by Sec. 12, 15-24-1310. En. 84-7512.1 by Sec. 9, Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84.7515.1. ~rty. Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7512.1. 15-24-1318. En. 84-7520.1 by Sec. 17, - ) insure Ch. 582, L. 1977; RC.M. 1947,84-7520.1. - omplies - Part 14 - - - New Industry - Real Property Improvements .r changes 15-24-1401. Definitions. The following definitions apply to 15-24-1402 - - unless the context requires otherwise: x.exempt (1) "Expansion" means that the industry has added after July 1,1987, at least $50,000 worth of qualifying improvements or modernized processes to ;)roperty its property within the same jurisdiction either in the first tax year in which a person the benefits provided for in 15-24-1402 are to be received or in the preceding Jr entity tax year. terest is (2) "Industry" includes but is not limited to a firm that: taxable (a) engages in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or veen the substances into products in the manner defined as manufacturing in the 1972 interests Standard Industrial Classification Manual prepared by the United States ,nces the office of management and budget; , ocument (b) engages in the extraction or harvesting of minerals, ore, or forestry -. - ent does products; prorated (c) engages in the processing of Montana raw materials such as minerals, . ,perty. ore, agricultural products, and forestry products; ii {-exempt (d) engages in the transportation, warehousing, or distribution of com- i .r both a mercial products or materials if 50% or more of the industry's gross sales or r e taxable receipts are earned from outside the state; or e taxable (e) earns 50% or more of its annual gross income from out-of-state sales. t calendar (3) "New" means that the firm is new to the jurisdiction approving the ~. resolution provided for in 15-24-1402(2) and has invested after July 1, 1987, at least $125,000 worth of qualifying improvements or modernized processes ~~ ~,.- in the jurisdiction either in the first tax year in which the benefits provided ~,: "- for in 15-24-1402 are to be received or in the preceding tax year. New industry I' I ~,,- does not include property treated as new industrial property under 15-6-135. 1','. /~ (4) "Qualifying" means meeting all the terms, conditions, and require- !}- by Se<:. 1. ments for a reduction in taxable value under 15-24-1401 and 15-24-1402. :" .i502.1. History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 564, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 574, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. k by Se<:. 2- 694, L. 1991. t .',503.1. l- I; ~ If .. -- .- , , , ,',' t ;) "~*:~I:;~, .- \~ '{"I!" J ~,'" ~~'n ,.'- 1./' tJ:, ';, :~ ~"l ~~. . ;''1:11%;', it~,~ fJ!'>J*:'h; ~,,"hl ,. '!if: ,,~," . - .' " \'Ii\' p j .,1 1"11 . 2' . (: ~'I&t'<':-1 ~,,' ~_i;,., ',' '."".',~ - 15.24-1402 TAXATION 486 487 SPECIA 15.24.1402. New or expanding industry - assessment - notifica- tion. (1) In the first 5 years after a construction permit is issued, qualifying Aemode improvements or modernized processes that represent new industry or ex- pansion of an existing industry, as designated in the approving resolution, 15-24-1501. Remode must be taxed at 50% of their taxable value. Each year thereafter, the ings or structures - a percentage must be increased by equal percentages until the full taxable value Subject to the authority CI is attained in the 10th year. In subsequent years, the property must be taxed tion, or expansion of exist at 100% of its taxable value. taxable value by at least ~ (2) (8) In order for a taxpayer to receive the tax benefits described in or its agents, may receive subsection (1), the governing body of the affected county or the incorporated the following 5 years in a< city or town must have approved by separate resolution for each project, following schedule. The pE following due notice as defined in 76-15-103 and a public hearing, the use of tions (3) and (4) and are I the schedule provided for in subsection (1) for its respective jurisdiction. The remodeling, reconstructior governing body may not grant approval for the project until all of the applicant's taxes have been paid in fulL Taxes paid under protest do not Construction period preclude approval. First year following const! (b) The governing body may end the tax benefits by majority vote at any Second year following con: time, but the tax benefits may not be denied an industrial facility that Third year following const previously qualified for the benefits. Fourth year following con, (c) The resolution provided for in subsection (2)(a) must include a defini- Fifth year following const! tion of the improvements or modernized processes that qualify for the tax Following years treatment that is to be allowed in the taxing jurisdiction. The resolution may provide that real property other than land, personal property, improvements, (2) In order to confer or any combination thereof is eligible for the tax benefits described in subsec- governing body of the affec tion (1). an incorporated city or tOY (3) The taxpayer shall apply to the county assessor on a form provided by town must approve by re the department of revenue for the tax treatment allowed under subsection (1). expansion project the Use I The appJication by the taxpayer must first be approved by the governing body schedule adopted pursuani of the appropriate local taxing jurisdiction, and the governing body shall (3) The tax benefit des! indicate in its approval that the property of the applicant qualifies for the tax of mills levied and assess{ treatment provided for in this section. Upon receipt of the form with the district purposes and to th approval of the governing body of the affected taxing jurisdiction, the assessor governing body approving i shall make the assessment change pursuant to this section. subsection (1) apply to sta; (4) The tax benefit described in subsection (1) applies only to the number (4) A local government ofm.il!s levied and assessed for local high school district and elementary school modify the percentages COJ:'l district purposes and to the number of mills levied and assessed by the following construction thro governing body approving the benefit over which the governing body has sole government may not modii discretion. In no case may the benefit described in subsection (1) apply to apply to the fifth year follo levies or assessments required under Title 15, chapter 10, 20-9-331, 20-9-333, A local government may n 20-9.360, or otherwise required under state law. (1). The modifications to tl (5) Prior to approving the resolution under this section, the governing government apply uniform body shall notify by certified mail all taxing jurisdictions affected by the tax project approved by the go benefit. Hi!;tory: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 5~ History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 564, L.1981; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 574, L.1987; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 695, L. 1989. 694, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 48, Ch. 767, L.1991. --- -- ':S AND USE 826 . , 827 CONSERVATION DISTRICTS 76-15-103 ng loosening of soil and exhaustion rainfall; and retirement from cultivation of steep, highly erosive areas and that favors erosion; that the topsoil ld pastures; that there has been an areas now badly gullied or otherwise eroded. . th:se processes of erosion by wind Histol."Y: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 72, L.1939i amd. Sec. I, Ch. 5, L.1959i RC.M.I947, 76-102(A) .rptIve t?psoil, causing exposure of thru (C). ::Ire erOSIve subsoil; that failure by 76-15-102. Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy ld control erosion Upon his lands of the legislature to provide for the conservation of soil and soil resources of 9.ter from his lands onto other lands this state, for the control and prevention of soil erosion, for the prevention of ltrol of erosion on such other lands floodwater and sediment damages, and for furthering the conservation, e~osion in the form of soil blowing development, utilization, and disposal of water and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of dams and reservoirs, dl~ent~tion of stream channels preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, protect public lands, and protect and :rtlle soll material in dust storms: promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of this state. ~ ~eposit over alluvial plains; th~ History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 72, L.1939i amd. See.l, Ch. 5, L.1959i RC.M.1947, 76-102(D). I rIch bottom lands by overwash of 76-15-103. Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise, in this pt out of the hills; deterioration of .ld :an~e. cover grown thereon, and chapter the following definitions apply: sCIentIfIC processes for increasing (1) "Agency of this state" includes the government of this state and any _~s~s destruction of food and cover subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the govern- .11 ~n~o ~treams which silts over ment of this state. !mlntshIng the food supply of fish' (2) "Board" means the board of natural resources and conservation r reserve, which causes wate; provided for in 2-15-3302. ld causes crop and range vegeta- (3) "Department" means the department of natural resources and conser- jd an.d volume of rainfall runoff, vation provided for in Title 2, chapter 15, part 33. :h brIng suffering, disease, and (4) "District" or "conservation district" means a governmental subdivision 19 to operate eroding and eroded of this state and a public body corporate and politic organized in accordance [arm ~:)Uildings, and other proper- with this chapter, for the purposes, with the powers, and subject to the sses In municipal water supply restrictions hereinafter set forth. ~g; , (5) "Due notice" means notice published at least twice, with an interval ltrol and prevent soil erosion and of at least 14 days between the two publication dates, in a newspaper or other and further the conservation publication of general circulation within the proposed area or by posting at a '..er, it is necessary that land us~ reasonable number of conspicuous places within the appropriate area, the ~oil erosion be discouraged and posting to include, where possible, posting at public places where it may be land Use practices and works of customary to post notices concerning county or municipal affairs generally. servation, development, utiliza- (6) "Government" or "governmental" includes the government of this .:i carried out; that among the state, the government of the United States, and any subdivision, agency, or I are the carrying on of engineer. instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them. ter spreaders, terraces, terrace (7) "Land occupier" or "occupier of land" includes a person, firm, corpora- :.te: retarding structures, chan- tion, municipality, or other entity who holds title to or is in possession of lands dIkes, ponds, ditches, and the lying within a district organized under this chapter, whether as owner, lessee, .~O~Ing, contour cultivating, and renter, tenant, or otherwise. (8) "Petition" means a petition filed under 76-15-201 for the creation of a ., atlOn; seeding and planting of \ ~ater-conserving and erosion- district. i .lon and reforestation; rotation (9) "Qualified elector" means an elector as defined in Title 13. j i azed, deferred grazing, rodent (10) "Supervisor" means one of the members of the governing body of a ses, legumes, and other thick- district, elected or appointed in accordance with this chapter. off by increasing absorption of (11) "United States" or "agencies of the United States" includes the United States of America, the soil conservation service of the United States depart- ment of agriculture, and any other agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America. --...-.. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana. on the 19th day of June 1995 at the hour of 7:00 p.m.. in the Commission Room of the Municipal Building. 411 East Main Street. Bozeman. Montana. will hear public comment on the application of Lattice Materials Corporation for tax reduction pursuant to Section 15-24-1402. Montana Code Annotated. and City of Bozeman Commission Resolution No. 2660. whereby qualifying improvements or modernized processes which represent new or expanding industry may be taxed at 50 percent of their taxable value in each of the first five (5) years after the issuance of the construction permit and that in each year thereafter. the percentage of their taxable value shall be increased by an equal percentage of their taxable value until the full taxable value is attained in the tenth (10th) year and thereafter taxed at 100 percent of its taxable value. For additional information. please contact Robin Sullivan. Clerk of the Commission. at 411 East Main Street. Bozeman. Montana. or telephone 582-2320 (TOO 582-2301) during regular business hours. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the City Commission Legal Ad Publish: Friday. May 26. 1995 Sunday. June 11. 1995 ---.-.---