HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-04-23 Public Comment - P. Kim - Weaponized Neuroscience7/6/23, 10:58 AM about:blank about:blank 1/4 Customer Submission #CS-23-329 Closed Created on July 4, 2023 by Patrick Kim | Closed on July 5, 2023 by Mike Maas Print Description Please see the attached letter for information on how neuroscience technologies have been used to manipulate and torture innocent civilians.Assigned to Mike Maas Collaborator/s None Due By 07/07/2023 Submission Age 2 Days Attachments 1 Messages 0 Internal Notes 0 Tasks 0 Source Internal by Patrick Kim Category Public Comment Department Clerk's Office Customer Name Patrick Kim Customer Email patrickkyungkim@gmail.com Cell Phone - 7/6/23, 10:58 AM about:blank about:blank 2/4 Location 917b Bridger Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 Messages (3) Julie Hunter <BozemanMT@customerportal.help>07/04/2023 06:49pm Email Issue # CS-23-329: We've received your feedback! Hello Patrick Kim, Thank you for your feedback (CS-23-329). We're glad you reached out to the City of Bozeman. Your feedback has been received and is being routed to the appropriate City staff! If your feedback requires follow-up please expect an answer within 3 business days. Thank you. Julie Hunter Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue Street Address 917b Bridger Drive # City Bozeman State MT Zip 59715 APN Assessor's Address Flagged? No Census Tract 000504 Block Group 300310005041 LowModPct 20 CDBG Eligible? No CDBG Approved? No Owner Name - Owner's Address Owner's Mailing Address 7/6/23, 10:58 AM about:blank about:blank 3/4 This email is in reference to issue CS-23-329 (CRM-V3kMQV6zJ). In case of any queries, you can respond to this email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue , Bozeman, MT 59715 Mike Maas 07/05/2023 01:26pm Email Issue # CS-23-329: We've received your feedback! Good aernoon, Your public comment will be processed for retention and distributed to the City Commission and sta for review. Thank you, -- Mike Maas, MPA| City Clerk City of Bozeman | 121 N. Rouse Ave. | Bozeman, MT 59715 D: 406.582.2321 | C: 406.599.0804 This email is in reference to issue CS-23-329 (CRM-V3kMQV6zJ). In case of any queries, you can respond to this email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue , Bozeman, MT 59715 Hello Patrick Kim, Thank you for your feedback (CS-23-329). We're glad you reached out to the City of Bozeman. Your feedback has been received and is being routed to the appropriate City staff! If your feedback requires follow-up please expect an answer within 3 business days. Thank you. Julie Hunter Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue 7/6/23, 10:58 AM about:blank about:blank 4/4 This email is in reference to issue CS-23-329 (CRM-V3kMQV6zJ). In case of any queries, you can respond to this email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue , Bozeman, MT 59715 Mike Maas <BozemanMT@customerportal.help>07/05/2023 01:42pm Email Issue # CS-23-329: We've closed your feedback request. Hello Patrick Kim, Your feedback (CS-23-329) has been closed. This means your feedback either didn't require a follow-up, OR a member of city staff has responded to you! Of course, if something comes up in the future we encourage you to reach out again. Thank you for engaging with the City of Bozeman! Mike Maas Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue This email is in reference to issue CS-23-329 (CRM-V3kMQV6zJ). In case of any queries, you can respond to this email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Bozeman, MT 121 North Rouse Avenue , Bozeman, MT 59715 Dear City Council Members, As a patriotic citizen and constituent in the City of Bozeman, I am writing to express my serious concern about the placement of innocent civilians on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSDB), and to ask you to consider congressional oversight of FBI fusion centers. Over the past two years, I have been the target of military-grade psychological weapons, including neurological monitoring, 24/7 publication of my brain activity, voice-to-skull (V2K) technology, advanced neurological interferences, directed energy weapons (DEWs), and defamatory gangstalking. I strongly believe it is urgent for Congress to audit fusion centers run by the CIA, DHS, NSA, and FBI that place innocent civilians on the TSDB. Classification as a threat on the TSDB is used to allow the deployment of full-scale surveillance and neural intervention apparatus on targeted individuals in violation of their Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights. To briefly explain a method for how malware telepathy works, once the unique energy signature of a subject’s brainwaves has been collected, this person’s brain can be hacked in real time by manipulating or overlaying brainwaves that correspond to their specific signature. Cruel and unusual punishment by means of these highly intrusive and arbitrarily imposed neurotechnologies denies life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to thousands of targeted individuals in various, tailored ways. This May in Congress, FBI whistleblowers testified that the agency’s top brass is forcing agents to swell the TSCB and offering financial incentives to that end. According to official Department of Justice documents, over 97% of names on this list “have no known ties to terrorism.” By deputy director of the Terrorist Screening Center Timothy Groh’s own admission, we know that non-investigative subjects are placed on this list according to secret criteria. In adding innocent civilians to the TSDB via secret criteria, the FBI and DHS are violating not only the Administrative Procedures Act, but also the only applicable law in Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-6, which states that this list is only for known and suspected terrorists. I am currently participating in a lawsuit against the FBI (TargetedJusticevGarland) that involves 1,850 other targeted individuals whose handling codes all end in 3 or 4, meaning we are not under criminal investigation and should not be on the TSDB. I hope that Congress will uphold the standard set by the Supreme Court in TransUnion, LLC v. Ramirez (2021), which categorically concluded that the harm from being erroneously placed on a potential terrorist list bears a "close relationship" to the harm from being labeled a terrorist. The FBI’s fabrication and distribution to third parties of this false and defamatory classification constitutes an egregious breach of non-investigative subjects’ Fourth Amendment rights to privacy and reputation. I know that psychological warfare weapons are also wielded by our near-peer adversaries, and that attacks on the sovereignty and sanctity of the brain could also come from countries like China. Insofar as congressional inquiries may reveal that these neuroweapon attacks (which are in fact war crimes under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions) have originated from foreign adversaries, I urge the creation of a budget to increase protections for civilians against weaponized neuroscience technologies. However, well-documented neural monitoring, gangstalking, and DEW attack evidence indicates our nation's own institutions are committing crimes against patriotic civilians in violation of state and federal law, seemingly for the sole reason that they do not hold the same opinions as the secretive, politicized agencies targeting them. In my experience, I have noticed how V2K and malware telepathy can rapidly spread disinformation due to their ability to arbitrarily introduce false information and behaviors that observers may mistakenly perceive as originating from a targeted individual. An information and perception war is being waged on the American public at both individual and group consciousness levels which simultaneously threatens to subvert the organic human being. Technologies capable of severely altering human perception and behavior have the potential to undermine the biological integrity of human life we take for granted, and ultimately free will itself. I believe it is critically important to the freedoms of future generations that members of Congress look into fusion centers, which have unconstitutionally placed targeted individuals on the TSDB and persecuted them without due process. The targeting of innocent civilians with neurological weapons, whether it stems from agencies in the United States or those of a foreign power, represents a grave threat to democracy. Freedom of speech, the right to self-determination, and the independence of mind and spirit are vital to the struggle against modern totalitarianism and to America's competitiveness against foreign adversaries. As weaponized neuroscience expert Dr. James Giordano says, "the brain is the battlefield of the future." That is why I strongly believe these threats to democracy and free will warrant the close scrutiny of Congress. Thank you very much for your attention to these rapidly developing issues. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Patrick Kim patrickkyungkim@gmail.com (858) 310-9140