HomeMy WebLinkAbout022 Covenants - (2014-05-12) 2nd AmendmentJ-519 AfterRecording,ReturnTo: The Watson Companies Attention:Shawn Holm 963 SW Simpson, Suite 110 Bend, Oregon 97702 2480710 Page:1 of4 05/12/201402:11:50PM Fee:$4.00 CharlotteMills- GallatinCount,MT MISC SECOND DECLARATION OF ANNEXATION TO AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR NORTON RANCH THIS SECOND DECLARATION OF ANNEXATION TO AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR NORTON RANCH (this"Declaration of Annexation") ismade effectiveasofthedateofitsrecordingintheOfficialRecords forGallatinCounty, Montana, by NORTON PROPERTIES LLC, an Oregon limitedliabilitycompany, and NORTON RANCH HOMES, LLC, an Oregon limitedliabilitycompany (individuallyand collectively,the "Declarant"). RECITALS: A. Declarantcreatedaresidentialsubdivisionknown asNorton Ranch (the "Subdivision")by recording(a)thatcertainAmended and RestatedDeclarationof Protective Covenants, Conditions and RestrictionsforNorton Ranch on October 14,2011, as Document Number 2399078 intheOfficialRecords of GallatinCounty, Montana (the"Declaration");and (b)thatcertainplatofNorton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase 1on February 16,2011,as Document Number 2382592 inthe OfficialRecords ofGallatinCounty, Montana. B. Declarantexpanded the Subdivisionby annexing additionalpropertyintothe SubdivisioninthatcertainFirstDeclarationof Annexation toAmended and RestatedDeclaration ofProtectiveCovenants,Conditions and RestrictionsforNorton Ranch recordedon June 27, 2013, asDocument No. 2453826 inthe OfficialRecords ofGallatinCounty, Montana. C. Declarantisthecurrentowner ofthe followingdescribedrealproperty(the "Third Phase"): Norton EastRanch SubdivisionPhase IlA,filedforrecordintheOfficialRecords of GallatinCounty, Montana. D. Declarantdesirestoannex theThirdPhase intothe Subdivisionpursuanttoits reservedrightsunder Article13ofthe Declaration. 1 - Second DeclarationofAnnexation PDX\l26066\l90611\RSB\l3191496.1 03/03/23 22203 Norton East Ranch Ph. 5B FP NOW, THEREFORE, Declaranthereby declaresthe followingpursuant toitsreserved rightsunder Article13oftheDeclaration: 1. Annexation. 1.1 The ThirdPhase ishereby annexed intothe Subdivisionand shallbe held, conveyed, hypothecated,encumbered, used,occupied and improved subjecttothetermsofthe Declaration.The ThirdPhase shallbeconsideredpartofthe "Property"undertheDeclaration and theplatfortheThirdPhase shallbe considereda "Plat"undertheDeclaration. 1.2 Lots 1 through 9,Block 1 and Lots 1 through 9,Block 2 withintheThird Phase shalleach be considereda"Lot"under the Declaration,and each owner of thereofshallbe consideredan "Owner" under the Declaration. 1.3 The twenty foot(20')alleywithintheThirdPhase shallbe consideredan "Alley"under the Declaration. 1.4 Open Space 1,Open Space 2 and Open Space A withinthe ThirdPhase shalleachbe consideredpartofthe"Common Areas" undertheDeclaration. 1.5 Lots 1and 2,Block 3 and Lots 1 through 5,Block 4 withintheThird Phase shalleachbe considereda"Future Development Lot"undertheDeclaration. 2. Miscellaneous 2.1 Any capitalizedterm notdefinedinthisDeclarationofAnnexation shall have themeaning ascribedto such term inthe Declaration. 2.1.1 Intheeventofaconflictbetween thetermsoftheDeclarationand the termsofthisDeclarationof Annexation, thetermsofthisDeclarationAnnexation shallprevail with respecttotheThirdPhase. [Signaturesbegin on the followingpage] 2 - Second Declarationof Annexation PDX\l26066\l90611\RSB\l 3191496.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declaranthas executedand deliveredthisDeclarationof Annexation as of thelO day of . ,2014. DECLARANT: NORTON P ERTIES LLC, an Orego ite iabilityCompany ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County ofDeschutes ) The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged beforeme this 0 day of b. 2014, by Kevin Spencer,theManager of NORTON PROPERTIES LLC, an Oregon limited liabilitycompany, on behalfofthe company. TERES U DRICH PrintName NGTARY.PUBLIC-OREGON Notary Publicinand fortheStateof Oregon COMMISSIONNO.465147 My Commission expires: -//-/ lyMYCOMMISStoNEXPIRESFEBRUARY11,2016 [Signaturescontinueon the followingpage] 3 - Second Declarationof Annexation PDX\l 26066\l 90611\RSB\l 3191496.1 NORTON NCH LLC, an Orego it " e LiabilityCompany By:1 Tite: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFOREGON ) )ss. County ofDeschutes ) The foregoinginstrumentwas acknowledged before me thisIb day of . 2014, by Kevin Spencer,the Manager ofNORTON RANCH LLC, an Oregon limitedliability company, on behalfofthe company. PrintName -eff5mfAe ,4-her;ch TER TU A m Notary Publicinand fortheStateof Oregon NOTARYPUBuc -OREGON My Commission expires: S *//- / b COMMISSIONNO.465147MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESFEBRUARY11,2016 4 - Second Declarationof Annexation PDX\l26066\l90611\RSB\13191496.1