HomeMy WebLinkAbout401 E PEACH_NARRATIVE_6-14-21
June 14, 2021
City of Bozeman
Planning Department
Bozeman, MT 59715
Re: 401 East Peach Redevelopment
Please find attached a review submittal for the property at 401 East Peach Street. The
application consists of a CCOA and a Modification to an approved plan. The location was
originally developed as a gas station and most recently was home to Audrey’s Pizza and
Northside Brewery. The property currently sits vacant.
The current property owners, JSC Investments, LLC, are excited to propose a redevelopment
project that fits within the context of North East Bozeman and enhances the surrounding
neighborhood. The property sits along a redeveloped Rouse Street and mid-way between
the Cannery District and Downtown Bozeman.
The intent is to work within the existing building footprint to create two small commercial
spaces on the main level. Each space consists of approximately 1,000 sq. ft. gross. One
space would house Sanctuary, an interior design firm. The other space will either
accommodate a small office space or possibly “neighborhood” retail, such as a small market.
The development team would like to propose a second level living unit that could be used as
an apartment or potential vacation rental. This site is in a central location and is easily
walkable to both downtown as well as the Cannery District. The location also has good
access to public transportation. With the adjacent creek and mature vegetation, this property
offers an incredible location for a mixed-use project. Respecting the watercourse, we are not
proposing any building footprint increase and are proposing to only add a second level to the
West side of the building, so as to not encroach any farther on the existing adjacent garage or
the watercourse. The East side of the second level will be utilized for a roof-top deck for the
residential space. This will allow the property to enjoy the watercourse as an amenity without
adding any intensity of use to the watercourse adjacency.
The property is zoned NEHMU. The intent and purpose of the district is outlined below. The
proposed redevelopment fits well within the intent and purpose and will enhance the district.
G. Northeast historic mixed-use district—intent and purpose.
1. The intent of the northeast historic mixed-use district is to provide recognition of
an area that has developed with a blend of uses not commonly seen under typical
zoning requirements. The unique qualities and nature of the area are not found
elsewhere in the city and should be preserved as a place offering additional
opportunities for creative integration of land uses. The intent of this area is to allow
private and case-by-case determination of the most appropriate use of land in a
broad range of both non-residential and residential uses. Standards for buffering
between different land uses are deliberately not as high as standards elsewhere in
visser architects p.c.
163 quiet water way
manhattan, mt 59741
ph. (406) 282-9922
mobile (406) 580-6327
the community as it is assumed that persons choosing to locate in this area are
aware of the variety of possible adjacent land uses and have accepted such
possibilities as both acceptable and desirable. It is expected that the lots within this
district will continue to develop under a variety of uses which may increase or
decrease in scope in any given portion of the district.
2. The clear intent of this district is to support a mix and variety of non-residential
and residential uses. Nothing in division 38.300 of this article shall be interpreted to
be discouraging or prejudicial to any listed use except as set forth as principal and
conditional uses
Parking Calculations:
Office Space: 1,912 gross sq. ft. – 15% = 1,530 sq. ft. / 250 = 7 spaces required
3 BR Residential Space above: = 3 spaces required
Total Spaces Required: =10 spaces required
There are currently 11 spaces shown on the South side of the building.
Below is a screen shot of what the City Planning shows for applications for this property. I
am not sure exactly what Site Plan or Site Plan mod is the one this application will be
The proposed uses will certainly provide for less intensity on the site than any of the prior
uses of the property. We are trying to respect the location and sensitive nature of the
watercourse while still taking advantage of what the property has to offer.
The building design and materials compliment some of the more contemporary North side
and Cannery District design.
Attached are point by point responses to the comments offered in the concept review.
Thank you,
Randy Visser
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January 22, 2021
Visser Architects
c/o Randy Visser
163 Quiet Water Way
Manhattan, MT 59741
RE: 401 Peach Street Mixed Use Redevelopment, Application 20450
Project Description: This is a Conceptual Review application for advice and comments proposing
redevelopment of an existing building that will contain two office spaces on the first level and a
living unit on the second level. It is located in the NEHMU zone district.
Project Location: 401 E. Peach Street, Bozeman, MT 59715
We hope that these notes and suggestions assist you with the design and review of this potential
future project. Please note that comments are preliminary and based on information provided.
While we attempt to identify all issues during a conceptual review, please keep in mind that there
may be other issues that arise during the formal review. We appreciate your patience in the
review process. All references below to Sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code. If you have any
questions or concerns or would like to set up a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Sarah Rosenberg, Associate Planner
Department of Community Development
CC: JSC Investments, LLC 127 Churn Creek Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715
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Planning Division, Sarah Rosenberg, srosenberg@bozeman.net, 406-582-2297
1. This would be a modification application with a level 1 improvement per 38.500.020.B.1.
No site plan is required.
2. An encroachment permit from MDT to hook sidewalk into Rouse is required.
Not Applicable. The MDT installed concrete sidewalk along the frontage of N. Rouse Ave
during March of 2021. Additionally, MDT is scheduled to install concrete sidewalk along the
frontage of E. Peach Street during late April 2021. The proposed sidewalk along E. Peach
Street will run eastward and terminate at the box culvert for Bozeman Creek. The existing
and proposed sidewalk is shown on the site plan included herein. As such, no encroachment
permit is required.
3. Provide a landscaping plan showing what trees will be preserved and what will be
removed. A landscaping plan is provided.
4. Ensure that the building meets transparency set by 38.510.030.D. transparency
calculations are provided on the exterior elevation sheets.
5. The parking behind the building for the residential units cannot encroach into the alley.
This parking is not permissible. OK
6. The DRC recommend including a place to park bicycles. A Bike rack is located and
7. Include architectural elevations and landscape screening for any ground related service
areas and mechanical equipment in accordance with Sec. 38.520.070. None anticipated
at this time.
Engineering Division, Karl Johnson, Engineer I, kjohnson@bozeman.net
· See attached comments.
NorthWestern Energy; Thomas Stewart, thomas.stewart@northwestern.com
· Has the applicant submitted an application to Northwestern Energy?
· With the existing unit changing from one tenant to three tenants, will each unit need a
separate gas and electric meter? If so applicant needs to submit an application along
with the new electric and gas loads and work with the NWE project engineer to design
the size of the service and transformer needed for the new development.
· Transformer Location. If a 3-phase transformer will be needed, due to the size of the
units or needed voltage, a 3-phase transformer pad site should be planned. Typical 3-
phase pad is going to be a 7’x7’ pad. Transformer location and clearance requirements
to buildings is; for oil filled transformers a 2-foot clearance is required to non-
combustible walls and surfaces, that do not have any openings such as doors, windows,
air intake, and fire escapes routes, and meets current NEC or NFPA requirements for
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non-combustible material. For transformers 750kVA & larger a 3-foot 6-inch clearance is
required. For all transformers, regardless of size, requires a 10-foot unobstructed
clearance space in front of the pad where the transformer doors are located. Note, all
distances are referenced to the edge of the pad. For any combustible surface, not
meeting current NEC or NFPA requirements for non-combustible material, a minimum
of a 10-foot clearance is required between the building or any combustible surface and
the transformer. Due to COVID-19 there has been an impact on receiving larger three
phase and single phase transformers and a longer timeline may be needed to receive
the needed equipment for these services. This is one reason it is important to submit an
application to NWE and provide the calculated loads as soon as possible to avoid any
· Service & Meter Location. The electric meter & or CT cabinet will need to be installed in
the same general location within 10-feet of the gas meter. NorthWestern Energy
reserves the right to specify the location of our meters. All meters are to be located
outdoors on the corner or in a location on the building closest to the transformer or
secondary junction can serving the building unit. Meter locations will need to be
approved by NWE. NWE policy is to maintain a minimum 30-inches wide by 3-feet clear
zone between the front of the meter and landscape screening or wall screening for self-
contained meter bases and 48-inches for installations requiring cabinets. When using a
screening wall most commercial applications require the 48-inch clear zone between the
front of the meter and the wall. For this project the 48-inch clear zone, between the
front of the meter and the wall, will apply due to the past history of meter panel
installations for this type of commercial service. Location of the meter(s) shall allow easy
access to the meters for operation and maintenance. This can be determined through
the design process after an application is submitted through NWE and the area project
engineer will work through allowable shrubs and plants for screening and to determine
adequate clearances for access to our meters.
· The following applies to the gas regulator. The gas regulator cannot be placed under a
window or within 3’ of the operable portion of the window. It can be placed under a
window/deck on the second story, provided the “open/operable” portion has at least 6’
of clearance from the regulator. Ensure that there is 10’ of separation from any
mechanical air intake, including air conditioning units. The regulator will need to be 3’
from the closest corner of any portion of the electric meter base. Submitting an
application to NWE will get the NWE engineer involved and can help with this process.
· Meter Screening Walls.
o Gas service cannot penetrate foundation walls that are attached to the building
foundation per the International Fuel Code. Gas riser need to penetrate the
building above ground. However, if the foundation is not attached to the
building (i.e. the foundation wall is isolated from the building for just supporting
the wall this is acceptable.
o If this is a free standing foundation wall, a knock-out must be provided that is a
min of 2’x2’ but may be required that the knockout be larger on the electric
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service depending on the meter base amperage. Consult NWE for proper sizing
of knock-out
o Contact NWE for placement of knock-out to insure that it lines up properly with
the termination location to prevent bends in the service
o Screening must meet the clear zone requirement of NWE Electric Service
Requirements which typically for commercial application is 48” from the face of
the electric meter.
o Gas meter cannot be located in recessed location where it is not open
atmosphere above the meter without approval from NWE.
o Screening cannot consist of rolling doors or other devices that are required to
be open to access the meters.
· For landscaping. No large deep rooted trees or bushes will be allowed within the 10-foot
utility easement. All other approved landscaping will be placed so as not to damage,
prevent or hinder operation and maintenance of NWE utilities.
· NWE will need to review landscape plans for proposed landscaping within the proposed
development with location to utility easements and equipment.
· For landscaping, planting of bushes or shrubs a Minimum Working Space for a Pad-
Mounted Transformer is 4-feet on the sides and back portion of the concrete pad and
10-feet of clearance on the front side of the pad where the transformer doors are
located. Note, all distances are referenced to the edge of the pad.
· Submit an application online to have the NWE project engineer work with the applicant.
Go to www.northwesternenergy.com/construction to apply online Montana
Construction Application, and access Montana New Service Guide to provide
information on electric and gas service requirements. Once an application is submitted
the NWE project engineer will be in contact with the applicant. Electrical and gas loads
will be required for the NWE engineer to size the services needed.
Not applicable. There are no proposed changes to the existing utilities or meter locations
that currently serve the existing building.
Solid Waste Division; Russ Ward, rward@bozeman.net, 406-582-3235
1. Need to identify location for refuse enclosure. Located and Detailed on the A1.1
sheet. The pad for the trash enclosure is existing.
2. Need detailed plan for trash enclosure. See A1.1
These Divisions did not provide comment. Contact reviewers directly with individual questions.
1. Building Division; Bob Risk brisk@bozeman.net, 406-582-2377
2. Fire Department; Scott Mueller, smueller@bozeman.net, 406-582-2353
3. Parks and Recreation; Addi Jadin, ajadin@bozeman.net, 406-582-2908
4. Sustainability Division; Natalie Meyer, nmeyer@bozeman.net, 406-582-2317
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5. Water Conservation; Jessica Ahlstrom, jahlstrom@bozeman.net, 406-582-2265
6. Stormwater Division; Kayla Mehrens, jkmehrens@bozeman.net, 406-582-2270
7. Water and Sewer Division; John Alston, jalston@bozeman.net, 406-582-3200
8. Forestry Division; Alex Nordquest, anordquest@bozeman.net, 406-582-3205
TO: Sarah Rosenberg, Associate Planner
FROM: Karl Johnson, Engineer I
RE: Project #20450 – 401 E Peach Street CONR
DATE: January 20, 2021
1. BMC 38.410.060 (B.2) Easements - The applicant must provide a ten foot utility easement
(power, gas, communication, etc.) along the developments property frontage upon future
development. The applicant may contact the Engineering Department to receive a copy of a
utility easement template.
A 10-foot utility easement is shown on the site plan drawing C1.0 included herein. Additionally, a
separate easement document is also included with this submittal.
Water Rights
1. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.410.130 - The applicant must contact Brian Heaston with
the City Engineering Department to obtain a determination of cash-in-lieu of water rights
(CILWR). CILWR must be paid upon future development. Brian was contacted and he sent us to
Griffin who handles this analysis now. The CIL Waiver is included in the documents folder.
It is unclear how the existing or proposed development meets City stormwater standards. The applicant
will need to provide documentation with future submittals that the following requirements are satisfied.
Otherwise, the applicant will need to satisfy the following requirements upon future development.
1. DSSP Section (A) (4) Water Quality - The applicant must include a drainage plan with post-
construction storm water management controls that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire,
and/or capture for reuse the post-construction runoff generated from the first 0.5 inches of
rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation. For projects
that cannot meet 100% of the runoff reduction requirement, the remainder of the runoff from
the first 0.5 inches of rainfall must be either: a. Treated onsite using post-construction storm
water management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent total suspended solids (TSS); b.
Managed offsite within the same sub-watershed using post-construction storm water
management control(s) that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse;
or c. Treated offsite within the same subwatershed using post-construction storm water
management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent TSS.
2. DSSP Section (C) Water Quantity - The applicant must provide on-site detention with release
rates limited to predevelopment runoff rates. Retention ponds must be sized based on a 10-
year, 2-hour storm intensity.
3. The seasonal high groundwater elevation must be determined and the engineer responsible for
the design drainage must certify that the proposed infrastructure can meet or exceed the City’s
drainage requirements during the seasonal high.
The future development involves renovating an existing building and adding a second story as well as
relocating several amenities. The remainder of the property will remain as is. There would be no
increase in impervious area and no changes to the existing drainage pattern.
It is understood that the typical rule is if impervious area is increased by greater than 20-percent, then a
stormwater design plan and report would be needed per the above-listed requirements. As a result, no
stormwater design plan or report is required because the total impervious area will essential remain the
It is also assumed that the existing development was previously approved by the City of Bozeman. The
existing building was built circa 1976 and remodeled in 2009.
1. The applicant will need to remove the existing grease interceptor if one exists. The applicant
should coordinate with the City’s water and sewer department on the removal, if applicable.
Not applicable. There is no existing grease interceptor on the property as it was removed by the former
business being Audrey’s Pizza.
1. BMC 38.400.080 (A) Sidewalks – The applicant is advised that a City sidewalk must be
constructed along the property frontage upon future development. The minimum width of a
sidewalk along a principal arterial is 6 feet per the DSSP Section IV.B.3.
The MT Department of Transportation (MDT) installed concrete sidewalk along the frontage of N. Rouse
Ave during March of 2021. Additionally, MDT is scheduled to install concrete sidewalk along the
frontage of E. Peach Street during late April 2021. The proposed sidewalk along E. Peach Street will run
eastward and terminate at the box culvert for Bozeman Creek. The existing and proposed sidewalk is
shown on the site plan included herein.