HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-31-23 Public Comment - J. Gardner - Fwd_ urban campersFrom:JIM GARDNER To:Agenda Subject:Fwd: urban campers Date:Wednesday, May 31, 2023 8:44:15 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Forwarded Conversation Subject: urban campers------------------------ From: JIM GARDNER <jgtopfuel@gmail.com>Date: Wed, May 10, 2023 at 10:43 PMTo: <agenda@bozeman.net> As I drove around Bozeman doing the usual errands, I have finally reached the point of utterdisbelief with what is occurring with the disgust of "urban camping" in Bozeman. I cannotbelieve what the management, or more accurate mismanagement, of Bozeman is lettinghappen. Everyone of you is guilty of letting this decay of a once beautiful town happen. Thefilth, littering, illegal parking, defecation, and I'm sure illegal activities need to stop NOW! All of these people do nothing to contribute to Bozeman. They pay no taxes. They pay nofees for "camping". And they definitely don't do anything to clean up their messes. And thenwhat do all of you do? You appease them by spending hundreds of thousands of Bozeman taxpayer dollars to build a warming center, provide them with dumpsters & porta-potties, givethem free this & free that, all because you think your liberal compassion will make it all better& make you look good. What a bunch of bullshit. Where's mine & all the other taxpayersfree stuff? So are these eyesores the result of what we are getting for paying taxes &supporting Bozeman all these years? Most of you haven't been here but a few years & this isyour accomplishments? You should be ashamed. Whenever a business wants to build,expand, or generally do something to contribute to the community, what does the city board, city planners, mayor's office & anybody else that thinks they know better than everybody do? You make that business spend thousands of dollars on design plans, you make them spendthousands of dollars on landscaping. They can't have a building too tall, a sign too big, the listgoes on. Why? Because we need to keep Bozeman "PRETTY". But you won't do anythingabout "urban camping". What an embarrassment. You can say "Well, They're down on theirluck." No they're not. This is what they choose because they know they can get by with it. Tax free. Free food. Free clothing. All the while they have enough money for cell phones,cigarettes & alcohol. Instead of spending money to appease them, maybe you should use thatmoney to buy 50 acres, maybe out around Logan since the county already has property therefor the landfill, and tell them this is where you can reside & only here. Obviously they don'tneed water, electricity or sewer because they aren't using it now. As MSU & highschool graduations are near, I'm sure a lot of people coming here for the ceremonies will beappalled as to what is happening here. You're letting the same thing happen here as ishappening in California, Chicago, Detroit, Portland, Seattle, etc. An acquaintance wasattacked recently as she walked to her car after work in downtown Bozeman. She wasknocked to the ground & almost raped but was able to fight off the attacker before beingraped, but not before he hit her in the face causing a bloody assault. This your agenda? Myself & everyone else has had it with what is happening to Bozeman. Whatever title youhave been given means nothing. Remember each & everyone of you can be voted out and/or replaced. Do your damn job! ---------- From: JIM GARDNER <jgtopfuel@gmail.com>Date: Wed, May 31, 2023 at 8:38 AM To: JIM GARDNER <jgtopfuel@gmail.com> I'm waiting for your response from the original email. What? You're all too busy.