HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo Style1 Mikaela Schultz From:Mikaela Schultz Sent:Monday, February 13, 2023 2:44 PM To:Cordell Pool Cc:Taylor Lonsdale Subject:RE: Fire Apparatus Info Good afternoon Cordell, The memo you provided (Canyon Gate Curve Radius Design Standard Modification update) meets approval by the authority vested in the City Transportation engineer. Thank you for sending the updated memo along for review. Feel free to execute and upload the final approved memo to Pdox for record at this time. Thank you, City of Bozeman MT Mikaela Schultz, EI | Transportation and Engineering (406) 582-2388 From: Cordell Pool <cpool@seaeng.com> Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 12:17 PM To: Taylor Lonsdale <tlonsdale@BOZEMAN.NET> Cc: Mikaela Schultz <mschultz@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: RE: Fire Apparatus Info CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Taylor/Mikaela: Thanks for the info. We had some older ladder truck information that differed by a few inches. Here is an updated modification request and figure. The swept path is 15.61 feet wide, which leaves plenty of room for mirrors or snow. Please take a quick look at this and let me know if this meets with your approval. If so I will get it uploaded to project dox for the record. Cordell Pool, PE Project Engineer Stahly Engineering & Associates, Inc 851 Bridger Drive, Suite 1 | Bozeman, MT 59715 Office: (406) 522-9526 | Mobile: (406) 581-3874 www.seaeng.com From: Taylor Lonsdale <tlonsdale@BOZEMAN.NET> Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 9:21 AM To: Cordell Pool <cpool@seaeng.com> 2 Cc: Mikaela Schultz <mschultz@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: FW: Fire Apparatus Info Good morning Cordell. Here are the fire truck specifications. The aerial tower truck is the one we will need to ensure works. The diagram on the second page is hard to read but the table of values is clear. On the pumper page you can see the call outs for the diagram. Let me know if you have any questions. Taylor Lonsdale, PE | Transportation Engineer City of Bozeman O: 406.582.2286 pronouns: he\him\his From: Scott Mueller <SMueller@BOZEMAN.NET> Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 10:02 AM To: Taylor Lonsdale <tlonsdale@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Fire Apparatus Info Thanks for the discussion. Scott Mueller Deputy Fire Chief-Prevention-Fire Marshal Bozeman Fire Department 300 E Oak St, Bozeman, MT 59715 Office (406) 582-2353 Mobile (406) 589-6271 “Excellence and Integrity”