HomeMy WebLinkAbout219 -Special provisions- 2023 (2) SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. GENERAL The work to be performed under this contract involves furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supplies and services necessary for the reconstruction of Bogert Place from East Story Street to South Church Street along with associated utility replacement,ADA ramps and drive approaches in the City of Bozeman. All work shall be performed in accordance with applicable sections of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications Sixth Edition(MPWSS),6th Edition,and as further modified by the City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS, 6th Edition, which is hereby included as part of these specifications. All references to MPWSS sections,unless otherwise noted, are a reference to said Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. All correspondence and official authorization concerning the work shall be with the City Engineer or his designated representatives as identified at the preconstruction meeting. Any changes in the Work or schedule not authorized by the above shall be deemed as unauthorized and shall be done at Contractors risk at no cost to the Owner. All damages,reparations, and costs thus incurred during the progress of such unauthorized work shall be borne exclusively by the Contractor. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The work involves Reconstruction of Bogert Place from East Story Street to South Church Street including: replacing existing water services with a water main, valves, fittings and appurtenances; replacing the sewer mains and manholes; installing new storm drainage pipe, storm water treatment, inlets, and manholes; removing the existing road section from curb to curb, constructing a new road section, new signage, spot replacement of existing sidewalks, installation of new sidewalks, and restoring boulevards to pre-existing conditions; and all related work incidental to construction. 3. AWARD OF CONTRACT If the contract is awarded, the Owner will award a single Contract in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders shall submit a Bid for all Bid Schedules on a unit price basis for each item of Work listed as provided and described above. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject the Bids, or portions of the Bids denoted as separate schedules or alternates. The award will be made by the Owner on the basis of that Bid from the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder which,in the Owner's sole and absolute judgment,will best serve the interest of the Owner. The low bidder will be determined on the basis of the lowest Total Combined(Schedule 1 thru 4) Bid. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made within the period specified in the Invitation to 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS Bid to the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder who's Bid complies with all the requirements prescribed herein. The successful Bidder will be notified by letter,mailed to the address shown on the Bid, that his Bid has been accepted and that he has been awarded a contract. 4. TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION DATE The beginning of the Contract Time shall be stated in a written NOTICE TO PROCEED written by the City Engineer to the Contractor. A separate notice to proceed may be issued for each separate or combined bid schedule. Where multiple schedules are awarded under a single contract,the contract times shall run concurrently,unless the City agrees to issue separate notices to proceed.The Contract Time will expire automatically after the number of calendar days stated as Contract Time,except as the Contract Time may be extended by change order. 5. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the Owner shall be entitled to liquidated damages for failure of the Bidder to complete the work within the specified contract time. The Bidder agrees to pay liquidated damages for compensation to the Owner for expenses incurred by the Owner during the contract time overrun. As compensation for expenses incurred, the Contractor shall be assessed a liquidated damage of (Amount) per calendar day for each day that the work remains uncompleted beyond the contract period. Liquidated damages shall be paid by deduction from monthly progress payments and the final payment. 6. COST LIMITATIONS The Owner reserves the right to eliminate or reduce certain proposal items from the project following the Bid Opening to make the project financially feasible with the limitations of the funds allocated for this project. The determination of which items shall be eliminated shall be the responsibility of the Owner. 7. NAMES, PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Where products or materials are specified by manufacturer,trade name,or brand,such designations are intended to indicate the required quality, type, utility, and finish. Requests for proposed substitution shall include complete specifications and descriptive data to prove the equality of proposed substitutions. Substitutions shall not be made without the written approval of the Owner. 2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS No substitutions will be considered until after contract award. 8. APPROVAL OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner or its Engineer for approval the name of the manufacturer of machinery, mechanical and other equipment and materials which he contemplates using in execution of the work,together with the performance capacities and such other information which may be pertinent or required by the Owner. 9. BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS The Contractor shall show evidence that he has the finances,organization,and equipment to perform the work with a limited number of subcontractors. The Contractor will be required to have a full- time resident General Superintendent on the job at all times while the work is in progress. He shall be in a position to direct the work and make decisions either directly or through immediate contact with his superior. Absence or incompetence of the superintendent shall be reason for the Owner to stop all work on the project. 10. WARRANTY If, within two years after acceptance of the work by the Owner, any of the work is found to be defective or not in accordance with the Contract Documents, and upon written notice from the Owner, the Contractor shall correct any work beginning within seven (7) calendar days of said written notice. Should the Contractor fail to respond to the written notice within the designated time, the Owner may correct the work at the expense of the Contractor. 11. SCHEDULING Prior to or at the PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, the Contractor shall provide the City Engineer the following schedules: A. A practicable CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE showing the order,timing, and progress in which the Contractor proposes to prosecute the work. This schedule shall be in Bar Graph, CPM or PERT format. The schedule shall be updated and re-submitted as necessary to reflect project changes. B. A PAYMENT SCHEDULE showing the anticipated amount of each monthly payment that will become due the Contractor in accordance with the Construction Progress Schedule. C. A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN detailing the methods and means of controlling traffic for the specific conditions involved with each construction schedule. 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Contractor shall limit working hours to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No work shall be done outside of these hours unless specifically approved by the City Engineer. 12. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE After the contract(s) have been awarded, but before the start of construction, a conference will be held at the City Engineer's Office,20 E.Olive Street,for the purpose of discussing requirements on such matters as project supervision, on-site inspections, progress schedules and reports, payrolls, payment to contractors, contract change orders, insurance, safety, and any other items pertinent to the project. The Contractor shall arrange to have all supervisory personnel and a representative from each of the affected utility companies connected with the project on hand to meet with a representative of the Owner to discuss the project and any problems anticipated. 13. SHOP AND FABRICATION DRAWINGS The Contractor shall prepare and submit fabrication drawings, design mix information, material testing compliance data, and other data, in accordance with the General Conditions. Following review,the Contractor shall resubmit copies of any drawings which required revision or correction. Any review by the Owner will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions, inadequate design performance requirements, schedule requirements, and proper operation of any item required under the Contract. Notwithstanding any such review,Contractor shall remain solely responsible for full and complete performance in accordance with the terms,conditions,provisions, drawings and specifications set forth in the Contract Documents. 14. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible for checking with the Owners of underground utilities such as the City, County, power and telephone companies, etc. as to the location of their underground installations in the project area. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage done to these installations due to failure to locate them or to properly protect them when their location is known. It shall be solely the responsibility of the Contractor to fully coordinate his work with the agencies and to keep them informed of his construction activities so that these vital installations are fully protected at all times. A Montana One-call system,phone number 1-800-424-5555 has been set up to facilitate requests for underground facility locate information. The Contractor is responsible for contacting the One-call system prior to any excavation. 4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 15. EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, ADJOINING PROPERTY The Contractor shall contain all of his construction operations within the easements and rights of way unless written approval is secured from the owner of the adjoining property or written approval is given by the Owner to utilize the adjacent land area. 16. TRAFFIC CONTROL B. General. The Contractor shall at all times conduct his operations so that there is a minimum interruption in the use of the City's streets affected by the work. Exact procedures in this respect shall be established in advance of construction with the City Engineer. Barricade function, design and construction shall conform to the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the State Highway Commission of Montana latest Edition. Should construction of the project require the closure of any streets, roads or highways or require night-time or long-term traffic control, the Contractor will be required to prepare a detailed TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN to address the methods and means of controlling traffic under the specific conditions. Traffic control plans shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In regards to closures, the plan shall include specific details on traffic detours and estimated durations of the closures. Details of signing, barricades, flagging and other traffic control devices shall be presented. The traffic control plan shall be approved by the Owner prior to construction.The Contractor may be required to modify or adjust a traffic control set-up to fit specific field conditions encountered during construction. C. Traffic Access. Construction work shall be programmed by the Contractor so that local traffic will have continuous access within one block of any given property. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify all affected residents in the area of programmed work, of street closures, parking requirements and restrictions, and any other conditions, a minimum of twenty-four(24)hours prior to beginning work within the affected area. All signing,barricades,and other traffic control measures shall be provided by the Contractor. D. Warning Signals. All streets,roads,highways and other public thoroughfares which are closed to traffic shall be protected by means of effective barricades on which shall be placed, mounted or affixed acceptable warning signs. Barricades shall be located at the nearest intersecting public highway or street on each side of the blocked section. All open trenches and other excavations within the construction area shall be provided with suitable barriers, signs and lights to the extent that adequate public protection is provided. All abrupt grade changes greater than one inch which traffic is required to pass over; and obstructions,including but not limited to, material stockpiles and equipment shall be similarly protected. 5 SPECIAL PROVISIONS All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated by means of warning lights at night. All lights used for this purpose shall be kept burning from sundown to sunrise. E. Notifications. The Contractor shall coordinate all of the Contractor's construction activities to minimize conflicts at the work site,off-site events,or other construction projects nearby. The Contractor shall notify all affected residents and businesses,the Bozeman Police,Fire, Street, and Sanitation Departments, Laidlaw Bus Service, Streamline Bus Service, AMR Ambulance Service,and Allied Waste Services of all planned street closures a minimum of 24 hours before any actual street closure. In addition,all businesses affected by a street closure shall be given seven(7) days advance notice of the upcoming street closure. The Contractor shall maintain a log of all advance notifications that have been made for each street segment construction site.Prior to closure of any collector or arterial street, the Contractor shall prepare a news release announcing the upcoming street closure which shall specify at a minimum the impact of the construction upon the public and the duration of the work. At least three days prior to the street closure, the Contractor shall submit the news release to all local news media, and shall cause the news release to be published as a display ad in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. F. Signalized Intersections. The Contractor shall coordinate with the City of Bozeman Street Department and the Montana Department of Transportation when working in or near a signalized intersection. Signals shall not be disrupted without prior approval by City of Bozeman Street Department and the Montana Department of Transportation. G. Work Methods. 1. The Contractor shall position all traffic control devices according to plan prior to positioning personnel or equipment on the traveled way. 2. The Contractor shall inspect and check the work zone traffic control frequently including weekends, holidays, and other non-working days, and shall correct any deficiencies discovered. The Contractor shall keep a log of all inspections. 3. Construction traffic control devices shall be removed or covered when they are not being used for construction activities. 4. If the Contractor fails to correct a deficiency in the traffic control system that the Engineer deems a necessary traffic control modification to expedite the movement of traffic or an emergency hazard to life and/or property, the Owner may correct the deficiency and be reimbursed for all costs from the next progress payment to the Contractor. 5. Flagging shall be only performed by certified and properly equipped flagpersons. Flagging shall be done as described in the booklet"Instructions to Flagpersons"published by the Montana Department of Transportation. 6. Sidewalks and crosswalks shall remain free of debris and open to pedestrians 6 SPECIAL PROVISIONS to the greatest extent possible. When necessary, pedestrian detours shall be established or the sidewalk shall be properly closed to travel in accordance with the MUTCD and City of Bozeman requirements. 7. The Contractor shall schedule the work to minimize inconvenience to the Owner and to adjacent property owners and to minimize interruptions to utility service and through traffic. The Contractor shall maintain vehicular access to local businesses at all times. Work shall be scheduled so as to minimize disruptions to local mail and freight delivery. The Contractor shall maintain vehicular access to residences able to be used after each shift. Street closures shall be closures to through traffic with local traffic allowed. Provide channelization, flaggers, or other measures necessary to allow the safe passage of local vehicles to access residences that are within the work zone but not blocked by construction. Notify all residents at least 24 hours in advance of any access restrictions for individual approach or street closures. Schedule work such that individual approach closures last no more than a single shift. The Contractor shall utilize whatever means he deems necessary to allow traffic on driveway curbs and aprons a maximum of 10 days after they are poured unless approval is specifically granted by the homeowner to leave them closed for a longer period of time. The Contractor will be responsible for any cracking or broken sidewalk that may result from use of the driveways. 8. The Contractor shall designate one (1) employee whose primary purpose shall be to coordinate traffic control and shall provide a 24 hour per day telephone number or numbers to contact this person. 17. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS The contractor must complete the sewer renovations in South Church Avenue prior to beginning any work or street closures on Bogert Place. This requirement will allow for a street closure on South Church Avenue with a traffic to detour onto Bogert Place during the sewer renovations on South Church. The contractor must complete the sewer renovations in the alleyway between Bogert Place and East Story Street prior to closing the east-west section of Bogert Place. This requirement will allow for property owners to better access their properties during construction. The contractor must coordinate with the City Solid Waste Division to facilitate garbage collection during construction. The contractor may be required to move garbage totes to a location when they are accessible for garbage collection. No separate payment will be made to the contractor for this work. The contractor must work with property owners during construction to allow for reasonable access to 7 SPECIAL PROVISIONS private properties. No separate payment will be made to the contractor for this work. 18. DISPOSAL, EROSION, WATER POLLUTION, AND SILTATION CONTROL The Contractor is responsible for proper disposal of all waste soils, materials, and slurries unless otherwise directed herein. Where waste materials are disposed on private property not owned by the Contractor, evidence of property owner's written permission shall be obtained and provided to the Owner. Contractor shall comply with all Local,State,and Federal laws and regulations pertaining to fill in wetlands and floodplains. The Contractor shall dispose of all refuse and discarded materials in an approved location. This project is less than 1.0 acres in area and therefore a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)is required to be submitted to the City of Bozeman Stormwater Division. Compiling and submitting the SWPPP is the responsibility of the contractor. This plan must be approved by the city prior to scheduling a preconstruction meeting. No construction activities may take place under this contract until the SWPPP has been approved. The city will review the permit for adequacy. Please allow 1 week for the City to review the SWPPP. The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable precautions throughout the life of the project to prevent pollution or siltation of the city stormwater system, rivers, streams or impoundments. Pollutants such as chemicals, slurries,fuels,lubricants,bitumens,raw sewage,and other harmful wastes shall not be discharged into the city stormwater system or into or alongside of rivers, streams, impoundments or into natural or manmade channels leading thereto. In addition, the Contractor shall conduct and schedule his operations to avoid muddying or silting of rivers, streams or impoundments. The Contractor shall meet the requirements of the applicable regulations of the Montana DEQ, Department of Fish,Wildlife and Parks,Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and other State or Federal regulations relating to the prevention or abatement of water pollution and siltation. The Contractor's specific attention is directed to the Montana Water Quality Act and the Montana Stream Preservation Act. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any required discharge permits associated with groundwater de-watering operations and stormwater runoff. All debris or waste materials shall be cleaned up by the end of the work day. 19. PROTECTION OF EXISTING PAVEMENT All equipment shall be fitted with pads on the outriggers and other accessories as necessary to prevent damage to existing pavement during the course of the project. Any damages to pavement shall be corrected by the Contractor, at his expense, in a manner as directed by the Engineer. 8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 20. MANHOLES, VALVE AND MONUMENT BOXES All manholes,valve and monument boxes shall be protected with heavy builder's paper until final coating and compaction has occurred. Contractor shall dig out and clean completely all boxes and manholes which are not protected. All manholes and boxes which are at the edges of the defined limits of construction shall be treated as if they are completely within the construction area and the area immediately surrounding the raised and/or protected manholes and boxes shall be feathered in so as to provide a gradual transition over such manhole and/or box. It is imperative that manholes and valve boxes be accessible to the City for emergency maintenance of its utilities. The Contractor shall schedule his work to provide timely access to manholes and valve boxes. Manholes, and valve and curb boxes overlaid by the Contractor and not immediately re-exposed shall be subject to being uncovered by City crews without notice in response to emergency maintenance needs. The Contractor shall be responsible for reasonable restoration at no cost to the City. 21. OPERATION OF EXISTING VALVES All existing City of Bozeman water main valves shall be operated by authorized personnel of the City of Bozeman only. The Contractor shall not operate any existing valves without the written consent of the City of Bozeman. 22. SALVAGEABLE ITEMS Any items removed from the existing system under the terms of this contract shall remain the property of the Owner. Should the owner choose not to accept any salvageable items, then the Contractor shall dispose of those items at his expense at a site or landfill acceptable to the engineer. Any costs for the above referenced work shall be at the contractor's expense. 23. ACCESS TO RECORDS The Contractor shall allow access to any books, documents,papers and records which are directly pertinent to this Contract by the Owner, State or Federal agencies, or any of their duly authorized representatives for the purpose of making an audit, examination, excerpts or transcriptions. 24. INSURANCE Insurance coverage required under this contract shall extend, at a minimum, to the end of the contract time. 9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 25. WATER SERVICE RECONNECTIONS It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to hook up all active water services. Water services as shown on the plans have been identified to be active or inactive (not hooked up) based on the best available records, however it shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to verify which services are active and need reconnection. He shall be responsible for contacting and coordinating with the landowners to determine which services are active. All active water services shall be reconnected. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for locating all service connections outside mainline trench limits. Copper pipe shall be used to reconnect service lines 2" and smaller and ductile iron pipe shall be used to reconnect services 4" and larger. Replaced services shall be the same diameter as the original service,unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. All active services encountered that are not copper, cast iron, or ductile iron pipe shall be replaced up to the meter or until copper is encountered, whichever comes first. Installation of a backflow preventer and expansion tank is required with any reconnection to the meter where they do not already exist. All work shall be completed by a licensed plumber and be in accordance with all city standards and the Uniform Plumbing Code. See the Water Inspection Requirements document at http://www.bozeman.net/for additional information. 26. WATER SERVICE SHUTDOWNS The CONTRACTOR shall notify water service customers of any water main or water service shutdowns in writing between 24 and 48 hours prior to the disruption, and shall have all necessary materials, tools, equipment and labor on the site prior to removing the existing lines from service. 27. LANDSCAPING RESTORATION CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the restoration of any and all landscape features disturbed during construction. All landscaping disturbed by construction activities must be restored to a condition equal to or better than the conditions existing prior to construction as judged by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to stockpile and replace all topsoil and irrigation systems disturbed by construction. Payment for landscaping and landscape restoration shall be made under bid item(119). Disturbed boulevard areas and the proposed boulevard on the south side of Bogert Place from station 0+60 to station 4+25, totaling approximately 2,300 square feet shall be restored with Kentucky Blue Grass Sod. Seeding disturbed areas will not be allowed for landscape restoration. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 10 - of 4 SECTION 09810 28. WATER PIPE MATERIALS AND SPECIALS A. Water main piping materials shall be pressure class 350 ductile iron pipe as referenced in Section 02660, MPWSS, and City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS. B. All service line reconnections or extensions shall be installed under existing mains. C. Service reconnections shall be reconnected by the method shown on City of Bozeman Standard Drawings 02660-6 and 02660-12. Note that all corporation stops shall be ball corp valve type, and all curb stops shall be ball valve curb stops. D. The reconnection of services shall be made with the minimum amount of fittings necessary. At the determination of the ENGINEER, exposed existing fittings shall be removed and the service reconnection point lengthened, as necessary. This shall be incidental to the work. E. The reconnection of services shall follow the guidelines of the industry and material manufacturer. This will include: 1. Removal of burrs after cutting the pipe. 2. The use of a manufactured sizing tool to true the pipe. 3. Using special care to keep the fittings clean. 29. INSULATION BOARD Water line insulation board shall have a closed cell structure with an R-Value of 5 per inch of thickness. Maximum water absorption shall be 0.1%by volume and minimum compressive strength shall be 60 psi. Insulation board shall be Styrofoam Brand High Load 60 or approved equal. Insulation board shall be installed with 2-inches of sand bedding (or 3/4"washed rock) and 2-inches of sand(or 3/4" washed rock) over the top of the insulation board. Insulation board shall be installed as specified on the plans over all water mains, service lines, or hydrant leads when depth of cover is less than 6.5 feet. 30. FIRE HYDRANTS There may be locations where fire hydrants are to be installed at depths which differ from the typical bury depth. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining the correct materials to ensure that all fire hydrants are installed with the proper bury depth. Installation of fire hydrants must be such that the breakaway bolts are accessible from underneath and that the bottom of the breakaway flange is not installed more than 3-inches above the finished grade. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 11 - of 4 SECTION 09810 31. MAINLINE CONNECTIONS All mainline connection taps will be performed by the City of Bozeman personnel. City personnel will verify test results prior to tapping. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for supplying and installing tapping tee, connection sleeves, spool pieces, and all other appurtenances required for connections. Once tap is completed, CONTRACTOR shall complete all connections. CONTRACTOR shall provide means, methods, and labor to set and remove tapping equipment. City of Bozeman requires 24-hour notice and an appointment (scheduled time) for tapping services. No taps will be made after 3:00 p.m. CONTRACTOR shall be ready at scheduled tapping appointment time. If CONTRACTOR is not ready at scheduled time, City personnel will leave and CONTRACTOR shall reschedule with the required 24-hour notice. No consideration will be given to CONTRACTOR's inability to be ready at the scheduled tapping time. City of Bozeman will provide tapping service at no cost to CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR is advised that the City cannot guarantee 100% shutdowns for water main connections. Existing valves may leak. The CONTRACTOR shall have all equipment necessary to handle any water present and make connection without the complete stoppage of water. No payment will be made for dealing with water. All costs associated with less than complete shutdown shall be included in other bid prices. 32. CHLORINATION AND TESTING Water Water required for water main flushing, filling, and hydrostatic pressure and leakage testing shall be provided at no cost to the CONTRACTOR. Flushing CONTRACTOR shall provide a means for flushing and bleeding air from water lines. For flushing, a minimum of one 2" tap (corp and saddle) for pipe less than 12 inches diameter and two 2" taps (corp and saddles -with P separation) for pipe 12 inches diameter and greater, shall be installed on the piping if other means (fire hydrants, tapped plugs, etc.) are not available. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper disposal of all chlorinated water. For bleeding air, it shall require a minimum of 3/4" tap (corp and saddle) on the piping if other means (fire hydrants, tapped plugs, etc.) are not available. Corps shall be removed after testing is completed and replaced with brass plugs. Any corp, saddles, or other pipe or fittings required for flushing or bleeding air from water lines shall be incidental to the water main construction. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 12 - of 4 SECTION 09810 Chlorine If the "tablet"method of chlorination is used, only the granule hypochlorite shall be used. 33. TEMPORARY WATER SYSTEMS - GENERAL The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary water service to all interrupted service connections associated with the water main replacement projects. The areas where consumers are affected by the work and require a temporary water supply should be verified with both the ENGINEER and OWNER at least 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays)prior to the anticipated suspension of water service. Temporary water service shall include temporary service for fire protection. In lieu of providing temporary service for fire protection, the Contractor may provide a fire watch in each building for all times that the fire service is inactive and the building is unoccupied. This method shall only be allowed with the approval of the property owner. The person doing the fire watch shall have no other duties during the time they are on fire watch duty. Temporary water service to fire systems shall be sized as necessary to meet the demands of the building sprinkler system. Following the ENGINEER's and OWNER'S review and approval of any proposed shutdown request, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to give a minimum 24-hour advance notice (excluding weekends and holidays)to all residential consumers whose service will be temporarily affected, by means of individual notices delivered to each consumer. The CONTRACTOR must have available all the necessary materials to complete the restoration of water to each of these residential services within eight(8)hours after the suspension begins or before 5:00 p.m., whichever comes first. Failure to complete the work within the 8 hour period will result in the assessment of Liquidated Damages. See Article 2.3, Special Liquidated Damages. For commercial services, special arrangements shall be made by the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary water service. The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed to take a commercial service out of service except in emergency conditions unless otherwise approved by the business and the City. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all hoses, fittings, etc., for providing temporary water service. Copper piping or other "non-taste" inducing pipe shall be necessary if the commercial consumer serves food or water products as part of his business. The CONTRACTOR will be required to supply temporary water to the residential consumer if the above 8-hour limitations are expected to be exceeded. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a shop drawing including all materials proposed to be used for temporary water. Additionally, a temporary water plan shall be submitted for each zone prior to starting to layout the temporary water system. This submittal shall include connection points, hydrants and/or valves to be operated by City of Bozeman personnel, layout for connection to each service, and the location of all asphalt trench cuts as a minimum. Depending on the circumstances of the zone, additional information may be required by the ENGINEER. These COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 13 - of 4 SECTION 09810 submittals shall be submitted in accordance with the submittal section of these specifications. 34. TEMPORARY WATER SYSTEMS - EXECUTION 1.01 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for all activities of locating and exposing curb stop valves to the individual properties. The OWNER will operate all curb stop valves. All notes of existing condition shall be identified on forms as supplied by the ENGINEER. Any existing condition that is suspected to indicate a defect of the curb stop valve,box, or service shall be reported immediately to the ENGINEER. Other than the operating curb stop valves, the OWNER will not participate in any activity up to this point. If the notices are not issued or the service is not ready to be connected to restore service, the City shall be free to exercise its authority in not closing down the existing valves and water main system. 1.02 The water piping of temporary hoses,piping, etc. shall be a 160-psi rating,NSF approved hose, flexible polyethylene pipe, or PVC pipe. All pipe used for the temporary water system must have a visible NSF approval stamp by the manufacturer. A short section of high pressure flexible rubber hose may be used for the connection to each residence. The temporary system must be leak proof and designed to maintain a minimum working pressure of 35 psi at all points in the distribution system including service lines.. 1.03 The distribution pipe shall have a manual shut-off valve at each service tee. Additionally, each service must have backflow prevention fitting. There shall be a double check/backflow prevention fitting at the primary connection to the water supply source, which shall be supplied by the contractor along with a testing certificate showing that it has been recently tested. Double check backflow preventer shall be Watts Series 009, Series 909 or approved equal. Each backflow preventer shall be properly supported to protect the assembly and the attached piping from breakage. Each double check backflow preventer assembly shall be tested to verify its integrity by a certified backflow prevention technician prior to use for the first time. Each backflow preventer shall be tagged with an identification number and subject to additional testing at the discretion of the ENGINEER. All costs for testing shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. 1.04 Each house connection shall be equipped with a wye or splitter with a valve to allow for lawn watering. Plastic fittings are not permitted. The connection to each customer shall require a short section of high-pressure flexible rubber hose at the connection point. House- to-house connections are not permitted. All connections shall be from the approved temporary water system. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 14 - of 4 SECTION 09810 1.05 All pipe sizes shall be adequate to meet ordinary water supply demands of the consumers. 1.06 Contractor shall ensure that the water pressure at each temporary water service does not exceed 60 psi. This shall be accomplished by any combination of the following methods: a. Adjusting the pressure regulating valve at the hydrant connection. b. Limiting the size of the temporary water system. C. Installing additional connection points to the city's water distribution system d. Installing pressure regulating valves on individual services 1.07 Contractor shall take extra care when opening and closing valves on the temporary water system to avoid water hammer in the system. 1.08 All temporary water systems shall be disinfected and approved by the City of Bozeman before being placed into service. The disinfection procedures shall be equal to the procedures required for the new water main. This will require minimum 48-hours laboratory time Bac-T sample to determine acceptability. Temporary hoses,piping, fittings, etc., to be flushed and disinfected in accordance with the State of Montana Department of Health and Environmental Services, Water Quality Bureau standards, and the standards of this specification rp for to being put into service. 1.09 Once the temporary water system has been assembled,pressure tested and disinfected, the City of Bozeman Water Department staff will review the test results and inspect the final connection to the building. The City of Bozeman Water Department staff will not participate in the assembly of the temporary water system. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct all other work on the services as stated in Item 1.01. 1.10 Pipe protection measures must be supplied at road crossings, alleyways, or residential driveways. For crossings of arterial or collector streets, the CONTRACTOR will be required to install the temporary water in a shallow trench. Aerial crossings of the temporary water lines at street crossings will not be allowed. Temporary water supply pipes shall not be installed in storm drain pipes. For crossings of local streets, alleyways, or driveways, traffic-rated hose ramps shall be used to protect the line from damage. Mounding millings or cold mix over a temporary water pipe will be allowed under the following conditions: 1. The maximum height shall be 2-1/2 inches. 2. A bond breaker shall be laid on top of the existing asphalt before the millings or cold mix are laid down. The millings or cold mix shall be tapered a minimum of 3 feet on either side of the temporary water pipe. 3. Provisions are made to avoid impact loads on the temporary water pipe. 4. Signs are erected indicating a bump ahead at 500 feet and 100 feet from the bump and at the bump in both directions. The asphalt crossings shall be cut straight and vertical shall have uniform width and shall COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 15 - of 4 SECTION 09810 be cut perpendicular to the centerline of the street. Restoration shall match the appropriate surface restoration detail and shall have an adequate width to allow compaction with a small mechanical compactor. There will be no payment for any street cuts or asphalt restoration under this item, this being incidental to the work. Temporary water lines that cross pedestrian pathways shall have ramps that meet ADA requirements to allow for safe pedestrian crossings of the lines. 1.11 After services are connected or reconnected following installation, testing, and acceptance of the new main, the water service piping shall be backflushed from the residence to the trench. The inability to backflush shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from any requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.12 The CONTRACTOR should expect to find the existing plumbing on some services to be in old condition. The CONTRACTOR shall use an ordinary degree of care while working on this condition of service. Also, there may not be any convenient point of temporary connection on some services. In this case,temporary fittings must be provided to achieve the temporary water supply. This will be incidental to the work. 1.13 The contractor shall provide a local representative who is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to maintain the temporary water system and to respond to correct any problems with the system. The phone number of this representative shall be provided to the owner at the preconstruction meeting. 35. ENGINEERING MATERIALS TESTING AND CONTROL TESTING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for testing including,but not necessarily limited to: 1. Dates of acceptable tests for water mains, which shall include hydrostatic and leakage testing and bacteriological testing.These tests shall be conducted by the Contractor in the presence of the City. The written test results shall be provided to the City prior to acceptance of the water main. 2. Elevations shall also be recorded and provided for the top of water main at 50' intervals. The Contractor shall cooperate with the City to document these elevations, including providing the equipment necessary to shoot the elevations. The City will have a representative on-site to record the data as the pipe is being installed. The Contractor shall provide safe access to the City for these inspections and cooperate with the City to ensure that adequate documentation is obtained. 3. Verification that all thrust blocking is installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The Contractor shall provide safe access to the City for these inspections and cooperate with the City to ensure adequate documentation is obtained. 4. Portland Cement concrete and asphaltic concrete pavement mix deigns. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 16 - of 4 SECTION 09810 5. Installed sewer and storm drainage pipe shall be video inspected by the city water and sewer department. B. Neither tests made by the Owner or the Owner's Testing Company will relieve the Contractor from his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the Technical Specifications. C. Materials, compaction, densities, or other construction items which do not meet the requirements of these specifications shall be replaced and retested at the Contractors' expense. Acceptance/Correction of Deficient Pavement Improvements Acceptance tests shall be evaluated by the Engineer for conformance with the specifications. The Engineer shall determine what corrective action is necessary in order for the improvements to be accepted by OWNER. Corrective action may include total removal and replacement of the deficient material, partial removal and replacement, placing additional material, or in lieu of corrective action,payment of a penalty to the OWNER in certain instances. A. Portland Cement Concrete If an individual strength test (average of two cylinders tested at 28 days) falls below the specified strength by more than 500 psi, the in-place material represented by the failed test shall immediately be randomly cored for acceptance testing. A minimum of three and maximum of six cores shall be taken. If the average strength tests of the acceptance cores are deficient in strength by more than 500 psi but not more than 1000 psi, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient concrete or pay the City of Bozeman 0.25 times the unit price bid times the area determined to be deficient in strength; if the average strength tests are deficient by more than 1000 psi, the area of the concrete determined to be deficient shall be removed and replaced. B. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement The asphaltic concrete pavement shall be tested and evaluated for acceptance on a lot basis, with one lot being 1000 tons of material. 1. Thickness. If the average thickness of the pavement cores is more than 1/4" below the plan thickness, or if any one individual core is more than %2"below the plan thickness, corrective action or payment of a penalty will be required. a. Average Thickness Deficiencies. If the average thickness deficiency is between 1/4" and 1/2", corrective action such as placement of additional material (i.e. overlay or chip seal), as determined by the Engineer, will be required. In lieu of placing additional material, the Engineer may allow the payment of a penalty to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 0.25 times the unit price bid of the asphalt pavement times the amount of COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 17 - of 4 SECTION 09810 pavement determined to be deficient. If the average thickness deficiency is more than 1/2", an overlay will be required, along with cold milling of the existing pavement to provide for a minimum overlay thickness of 1.5". b. Individual Core Thickness Deficiency. If any one core thickness is determined to be more than %2"below plan thickness, additional cores shall be taken at 10 foot intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location until, in each direction, a core is found which is not deficient by more than 1/4", in order to determine the extent of the deficient pavement. If the thickness deficiency is more than 3/4", the area that is deficient shall be removed from pavement edge to pavement edge and replaced to bring the non-complying areas to planned thickness. If the thickness deficiency is not more than 3/4", the deficient area will either be removed and replaced to the planned thickness, or a penalty will be paid to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 1.5 times the unit price bid times the amount of pavement that is deficient in thickness. 2.Density. The average density of the pavement cores shall equal or exceed 93%of the maximum density as determined by ASTM D2041 (Rice's density). If the average density is less than 93% but more than 90.9%, the pavement that has deficient compaction shall be milled and overlaid(1.5"minimum depth),or a penalty in the amount of 0.10 times the unit price bid for the pavement material times the amount of pavement that has deficient compaction shall be paid to the City of Bozeman. If the average density is 90.9%or less,the pavement area affected will be removed and replaced or overlaid as determined by the Engineer. If any one core is determined to have a density of less than 86%, additional cores shall be taken at 10 foot intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location until,in each direction,a core is found which has a density of at least 91%. The area that is determined to have deficient compaction shall be removed from pavement edge to pavement edge and replaced, or a penalty will be paid to the City of Bozeman in the amount of 1.5 times the unit price bid times the amount of pavement that is deficient in density. 36. FLOWABLE (NONSHRINK)BACKFILL All flowable (nonshrink)backfill shall meet the following MDOT specifications: E. Flowable Fill. Flowable fill is a mixture of portland cement, fly ash, fine aggregate, air entraining admixture and water. Flowable fill contains a low cementitious content for reduced strength development. Submit a mix design for approval. No compressive strength testing is required for the mix design. Table 551-1 has the suggested mix guides for excavatable and non-excavatable flowable fill. TABLE 551-1 COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 18 - of 4 SECTION 09810 FLOWABLE FILL MIX DESIGN GUIDE MATERIALS EXCAVATABLE NON-EXCAVATBLE Cement, Type I or II 75.6-102.6 lb/yd3 75.6-151.2 lb/yd3 45-60 k /m3 45-90 k /m3 Fly Ash None 151.2-596.7 lb/yd3 90-355 k /m3 Water Mix designs must produce a Mix designs must produce a consistency that results in a consistency that results in a flowable, self-leveling product flowable, self-leveling product at time of replacement. at time of replacement. Air 5% to 35% 5%to 15% Unit Weight(Wet) 2,430-2,970 lb/yd3 2,700-3,375 lb/yd3 1,440-1,760 k /m3 1,600-2,000 k /m3 Furnish fine aggregate meeting Subsection 701.01.1 requirements. The fine aggregate has no fineness modulus requirement. High air generators or foaming agents may be used in lieu of conventional air entraining admixtures and may be added at the jobsite and mixed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation. The requirements for percent air, compressive strength and unit weight are for laboratory designs only and are not intended for jobsite acceptance requirements. Proportion fine aggregate to yield 1 cubic yard(1 cubic meter). 37. IMPORTED TRENCH BACKFILL Imported trench backfill materials must be used as backfill for all trenches within South Church Avenue. Imported trench backfill shall be 3-inch minus gravel pit run. Separate payment will be made in accordance with the Measure and Payment section. 38. USE OF REMOVED ASPHALT PAVEMENT Asphalt concrete pavement removed during trenching operations may be used as backfill material in areas with Type A backfill if mechanically processed to 4"minus size with a cold planer, rotomill, or similar equipment and mixed at no more than a 50150 ratio with other backfill material. Asphalt concrete pavement removed during trenching operations may be used as pavement base course material if mechanically processed with a cold planer, rotomill, or similar equipment to meet the gradation requirements of the base course and mixed at no more than a 50150 ratio with other base course material. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 19 - of 4 SECTION 09810 39. PROTECTION OF TREES, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, AND PROPERTY PINS Prior to initiation of any excavation or removal of existing curb,the Contractor shall cut all tree roots at the back limits of excavation with a Vermeer root cutter or other similar machine capable of cutting the roots in a neat clean,fashion from existing ground to subgrade elevation. Indiscriminate ripping of tree roots will not be permitted. The method and equipment to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the start of work. In addition,the Contractor shall take special care when working around trees to avoid any unnecessary damage to the branches or the trunks of trees. Protective barriers shall be placed around trees as necessary to prevent inadvertent damage by equipment. The contractor shall meet with the City forester prior to beginning construction activity to discuss boulevard tree trimming. All tree trimming is the responsibility of the City forestry department. The contractor shall be expected to provide reasonable access to forestry before and during construction to trim trees as needed. Any damage to a boulevard tree branch in excess of 3-inches in diameter resulting from construction activity may result in a penalty accessed to the contractor. If such damage occurs,the City Forester will inspect and access the damage and the contractor may be held liable for such damage at the discretion of the City Forester. When boulevard tree roots are left exposed due to construction activity, the contractor must cover the roots with topsoil or an erosion control blanket to prevent damage to the roots. Tree roots must be protected in this manner whenever the exposure is anticipated to last more than 2 calendar days. The contractor shall take extra care when working around boulevard trees. A general rule for this project shall be maintaining a 5-foot radius"no dig zone"around boulevard trees when excavating for deep buried utilities (water and sewer). The Contractor shall take care to locate any existing sprinkler heads or lines prior to excavation. Any sprinkler systems which are damaged shall be repaired by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for preserving existing property pins in the field. The cost of resetting property pins removed by the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 40. USCHEDULED EMPLOYMENT OF CITY WATER/SEWER SERVICE WORKERS One City Of Bozeman Water/Sewer Operations Dept service worker will be available 7:15 AM till 5:15 PM Monday-Friday with the exception of City recognized holidays for the water and sewer main replacement portion of the work. Work scheduled outside these times with less than 24 hours notice will be billed at 1.5 times the service worker's base pay rate of$ 38.00 per hour. Call outs (emergency response with no notice) will be billed 2 hours double time the base rate. Each succeeding hour thereafter 1.5 times the base rate. The CONTRACTOR is required to respond to affected property owners within the project and resolve complaints/issues that are raised. If the City is contacted due to non-responsiveness on the part of CONTRACTOR,the City will resolve the issue and charge the CONTRACTOR for its time at the rates provided for in this section. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 20 - of 4 SECTION 09810 41. DELAYS The Contractor shall schedule the Work to be completed within the Contract Time(s) stipulated in the Agreement, including an allowance for time lost due to abnormally cold weather, abnormal precipitation,or other natural phenomena. Time extensions will not be granted for rain,wind,flood, or other natural phenomena of normal intensity for the locality where Work is performed. Such events will not constitute justification for an extension of time unless agreed upon by both the Engineer and Contractor, and the total time lost to such events exceeds 5% of the Contract Time. For purposes of determining extent of delay attributable to unusual weather phenomena, a determination shall be made by comparing the weather for a minimum continuous period of at least one-fourth of the Contract Time involved with the average of the preceding 5—year climatic range during the same time interval based on U.S. Weather Bureau statistics for the locality where the Work is performed. 42. POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT Unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER,polyethylene encasement will not be required on this project except between fittings and concrete thrust blocks where shown on the plans. 43. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ROUTES To the greatest extent possible,the Contractor shall utilize the arterial and collector streets in the area for access to and from the site. This includes general construction traffic in addition to the transport of equipment and materials to and from the site. The streets in the area that meet this designation include; Main Street, Church Street, Babcock Street, and Rouse Avenue. The Contractor shall receive prior approval from the Engineer in order to use any local residential streets for a short term construction traffic route. 44. CONSTRUCTION STAKING The Contractor will be responsible for all layout and construction staking utilizing the control data. The contractor will be provided with an electronic version of the plans in AutoCad format to be used to generate the required layout data for the project. Discrepancies between Drawings, Specifications,and existing conditions shall be referred to the Engineer for adjustment before work is performed. The Contractor will utilize the services of a professional land surveyor, currently licensed in the State of Montana, for the construction staking for this project. Existing Control. Existing survey control(horizontal and vertical)has been set for use in the design and construction of this project under the direction of a registered Surveyor in the State of Montana. A listing of the coordinates and vertical elevation for each of these control points is included on the plans. COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 21 - of 4 SECTION 09810 Control points may have been disturbed or accidentally removed or disturbed before the contractor begins the project layout. The contractor will reset control that was removed or disturbed prior to construction if deemed as needed to complete the work. The contractor will be responsible for laying out all project points with the remaining control points,and those control points reestablished by the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for preserving and protecting the survey control until proper referencing by the Contractor has been completed. Any survey control obliterated, removed, or otherwise lost during construction will be replaced at the contractors expense. Construction Staking. The Contractor shall be responsible for the location and elevation of all of the construction included in the contract documents. The construction plans show base lines, control points, and bench marks established by the Engineer for control of the work. From these control points the Contractor shall layout the work by establishing all lines and grades at the site necessary to construct the work and shall be responsible for all measurements that may be required for the execution of the work to the location and limit marks prescribed in the specifications or on the Contract Drawings. Contractor's construction staking shall at a minimum include: 1. Street reference/grade stakes at minimum interval of 100 feet. 2. Curb and gutter alignment/grade stakes at 40-foot intervals and all grade changes,PC,PRC and PT points on curb returns and curb bulbs. 3. Blue tops on 40 foot intervals and grade changes on centerline for subgrade,base course,and pavement courses as required. 4. Sewer Main reference/grade stakes at 100-foot intervals and manholes with invert and rim elevations. All Pedestrian Ramps, sidewalk replacement areas, signs,and pavement markings will be laid out in the field by the onsite Engineer. Prior to commencing the work, the Contractor shall carefully check all drawings that in any way effect the location or elevation of the work to be executed by him, and should and discrepancy be found, he shall immediately report the same to the Engineer for verification and adjustment. Any duplication of work made necessary by failure or neglect on the part of the Contractor to comply with this requirement shall be done at his sole expense. Tie-in Elevation Verification: The first time surveying is being completed on the project, all locations where the proposed curb will tie into existing curb shall be staked. Any deviation in horizontal alignment,as well as the elevation of the top back of curb and edge of asphalt at the tie in location and 10 feet back into the side street shall be recorded and provided the Engineer. The Engineer will make any adjustments necessary and provide the information to the Contractor for incorporation into the work. 45. SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Sanitary Sewer Service Replacement: Any services that are found to be Orangeburg, vitrified clay or are in poor condition shall be replaced to the property line. The engineer will make the COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 22 - of 4 SECTION 09810 final determination as to whether a service needs to be replaced. Testing &Inspection: Because the proposed sewer improvements are replacing an existing live sewer system, testing and inspection will be limited to visual inspection of pipe, fittings, connections and structures during installation. In addition, the sewer main will be video inspected by the city water and sewer department for alignment, grade and water tightness after completion. Temporary Sewer: Contractor shall maintain sanitary sewer service to all users throughout construction. The sanitary sewer main in South Church Avenue shall be re-routed around work areas by means of temporary bypass pumping as required, to maintain flow. The following criteria must be met prior to replacement of the sanitary sewer main: 1. Contractor shall submit a plan to the engineer for approval prior to beginning work. 2. Contractor shall make service reconnections in a timely manner, and may utilize new sewer piping immediately upon installation. 3. Bypass pumping equipment must be maintained throughout construction. The contractor shall designate an employee that is available 24-hours per day to address any issues with temporary bypass pumping. 4. Sewage may not pool in any manhole more than 12-inches above the top of the outlet pipe. Contractor shall verify that bypass pumping operations will not cause sewage backups or damage to property upstream of any bypass manholes prior to beginning bypass pumping. 5. Contractor is permitted to run generators outside normal working hours if sound attenuation is used in conjunction with the generator; however, the preferred method for maintaining sewer flow outside of normal working hours is to temporarily reconnect the newly installed pipe to the existing sewer main. Sanitary Sewer Service Repair Couplings: Couplings to repair existing sanitary sewer services damaged during construction or couplings for connections to existing sanitary sewer services shall be Fernco Strong Back RC Couplings, Fernco HULK Couplings or approved equal, meeting the following specifications" A. Gasket Requirements: CSA B6O2—mechanical couplings for drain, waste,vent pipe and sewer pipe ASTM D 5926—Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Gaskets for Drain, Waste, and Vent(DWV), Sewer, Sanitary, and Strom Plumbing Systems ASTM C 1173 — Standard Specification for Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground B. Clamp Requirements: CSA B6O2 Clamp Housing—301 Stainless Steel Clamp Band- 301 Stainless Steel Clamp Screw- 305 Stainless Steel COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 23 - of 4 SECTION 09810 C. Shear Ring Requirements: .012" Thick, 300 Series Stainless Steel Width manufactured according to coupling width(1.5", 2.13", or 4") D. Coupling Requirements: Manufactured to conform to the performance requirements of ASTM C 1173 standard specification for flexible couplings for underground piping systems CSA B602— mechanical couplings for drain, waste, vent pipe and sewer pipe Maximum test pressure: 4.3 PSI (29.6 KPA) Maximum operating temperature: 104'F nonconsistent 46. SIGNS Reflective sheeting for signs shall be Type IV ("High Intensity Prismatic") or better. Florescent yellow green backgrounds shall be used for any pedestrian or school crossing signs. No separate measurement and payment shall be made for signs proposed to be re-used, re-set, or removed; the cost of such work shall be included in other bid items. Signs damaged during re-mounting or re-setting shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. Salvage sign faces removed to the Sign Department, 814 N. Bozeman Avenue. Properly dispose of any sign supports and foundation material that are removed. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section is furnishing,fabrication,installation and the removing and resetting of signs in accordance with these and other specifications,the Standard Drawings,and in the location as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 1.2 REFERENCES MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 1.3 STANDARD DRAWINGS Standard Drawings in Appendix C applicable to this section are as follows: City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-1, Sign Installation Standards City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-2, Dead End Barricade City of Bozeman Standard Drawing No. 09810-3, Standard Street Marker Sign Location 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. The following definitions define the signing work to be done when the respective terms are used in the Contract. 1. NEW Signs designated "New" are to be furnished new and erected at the locations specified. 2. REUSE Signs designated"Reuse"are to be removed from the existing post or COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 24 - of 4 SECTION 09810 posts and remounted on a new post or posts at the locations specified. 3. REPLACE Signs designated"Replace" are to be removed and replaced with the specified "New" standard signs, including new post or posts, at the existing or specified new locations. 4. RESET Signs designated"Reset" are to be removed and reset at the locations specified using the existing sign faces and supports. 5. REMOVE Signs designated"Remove"are to be removed,to include the sign or sign assembly and sign supports. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 POSTS A. Use 2" perforated square tube 14 gauge galvanized steel posts for all sign posts unless otherwise specified on the plans. Use Telspar or approved equal sign posts. Anchor posts as shown on Standard Drawing 09810-1. 2.4 SIGN POST FOUNDATION SLEEVES A. Furnish 21/4" non-perforated 12 gauge galvanized steel square tube foundation sleeves for all sign posts. Use "Telspar Quik Punch" or approved equal. Install sleeves in concrete anchor as shown on Standard Drawing 09810-1. 2.5 REFLECTIVE SHEETING A. Reflective sheeting for signs shall be Type IV("High Intensity Prismatic")or better. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SIGN INSTALLATION A. Assure that all signs are installed according to MUTCD Standards. Locate signs where shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Assure that signs are installed plumb, at the correct height, and with the edge of the sign a minimum of two feet from the face of the curb or edge of pavement. 3.2 SIGN REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT A. As directed by the Engineer, salvage existing signs designated to be removed or replaced to the site specified by the City of Bozeman. Properly dispose of all signs designated for removal or replacement which have not been designated for salvage. 47. EARTHWORK QUANTITIES Bid quantity for unclassified excavation was determined using AutoCAD composite volume surface method. The method computes a volume by sampling between a subgrade surface and COBMODS 6" Edition Page - 25 - of 4 SECTION 09810 existing ground surface along the alignment of roadway. The existing ground surface is defined as the field-surveyed topographic base of the construction area. The subgrade surface is defined by offsetting the finish grade asphalt elevation vertically downward a distance of 1.75'. The limits of excavation are defined as 9"beyond the top back of proposed curb on both sides of the roadway. Structural road base quantities were estimated using the area 9-inches behind top back of curb over the limits of construction, multiplied by 1.0 feet for sub-base material and multiplied by 0.5 feet for base course material to get a volume of structural material needed for the road section. No allowances were made for over-excavation, additional structural fill or any other overages related to construction of the road. The contractor shall be compensated for additional excavation and/or structural fill only if over-excavation is specifically directed by the on-site engineer. All quantities are figured as compacted"in place" quantities. Grading of boulevards to match the new curb grades is not included under"earthwork quantities." This item shall be directed by the on-site engineer and payed for under bid item (119). 48. ROAD GRADING EQUIPMENT & TOLERANCES The contractor shall utilize a road grader or similar equipment approved by the project engineer for fine grading the road base course prior to asphalt placement. The contractor is required to schedule a pre-pave walkthrough where the City has the opportunity to examine the workmanship of the project and make a determination on the acceptability of the base course grading and compaction. Acceptable tolerances for base course grading shall be as follows: • Finished and tested with an 8-foot straight edge placed on the surface with its center line parallel to the center line of the street,will not have a surface with its center line parallel to the center line of the street, will not have a surface deviation from the straight edge exceeding 3/8-inch. Additionally, the finished grade cannot deviate more than 0.05 feet at any point from the staked elevation, and further, the sum of the deviations from two points not more than 30 feet apart cannot exceed 0.05 feet. 49. GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC The Geotextile Fabric shall be Mirafi 600x or approved equal. 50. 14-FOOT 6-RAIL GATE The proposed gate shall meet the following minimum specifications: COBMODS 6" Edition Page 26 of 4 SECTION 09810 • Powder coated green finish • 6 rails with 2"tube aluminum construction • 16-gauge • 48-inch Height 51. Underground Infiltration Chambers The proposed underground infiltration chambers shall be StormTech SC740 chambers or engineer approved equal meeting the following specifications: • 85.4"x 51" x 30" (LxWxH) • 45.9 ft3 minimum chamber storage 52. WINTER SHUTDOWN A winter shutdown will become necessary if the project is not completed within the current calendar year. In this event,the Owner will issue a written Order to Contractor to Suspend Work. During a winter suspension the Contractor is responsible for maintaining the roadway to provide the traveling public with a safe and smooth riding surface including all traffic control, maintenance, and snow removal, for all roadways not completed through the final lift of plant mix surfacing. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary supervision,personnel, and equipment to maintain the road in a safe condition and at the highest level of service to traffic. All damage to the roadway shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor and at no additional cost to the city. Maintenance includes,but is not limited to the following: 1. Repairing potholes or other surface irregularities; 2. Reshaping the subgrade, side slopes, boulevards, and aggregate courses, as necessary; 3. Cleaning debris from drainage courses, culverts, and inlets; 4. Removing rocks or earth from the roadway and boulevard sections; 5. Removing debris resulting from construction activities; 6. Providing access to residences,businesses, and roads and keeping the present accesses open; 7. Repairing or replacing minor damaged parts of the work 8. Repairing or replacing extensive damage, not by Contractor negligence The City Engineer will immediately notify the Contractor if he fails to maintain the project during a winter shutdown. Failure to remedy unsatisfactory maintenance within 24 hours after receipt of the notice will cause the City to take over project maintenance. The cost of the maintenance will be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor, or otherwise be billed to the Contractor. COBMODS 6" Edition Page 27 of 4 SECTION 09810 53. LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION The limit of construction are the right-of-way on Bogert Place between East Story Street and South Church Street and the alley parallel to Story and between Bogert Place and South Church Street. 54. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The project shall be considered substantially complete when the following has been completed and accepted by the engineer: 1. Water main installation, including: all appurtenances, valves, fittings, connections, and testing. 2. Sewer main installation, including: all pipe, manholes, connections, and testing. 3. Storm drain installation, including: all pipe, manholes connections, storage system, and testing. 4. All Concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and drive accesses as described in the contract drawings. 5. All hot mix asphalt placement as described in the contract drawings 6. Signage and striping installed as described in the contract drawings. COBMODS 6" Edition Page 28 of 4 SECTION 09810