HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3094 Annexing Birdie Drive (formerly Poncelet), 3.30 acres ._.~ ---:-... -_.~ ---- --~- ~.. ! -- fftM 170 PAtf14P7 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3094 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TRACTS OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY AND REFERRED TO AS THE BIRDIE DRIVE ANNEXATION (FORMERLY REFERRED TO AS THE PONCELET ANNEXATION REQUEST) AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman received a request for annexation from Greg Poncelet, owner of Montana Ready Mix; Penny Young; and Kay S. Mortensen, owners of the tracts, requesting the City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include certain contiguous tracts of land located along the north side of Bridger Drive, immediately east of the Bridger Drive Annexation, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana; and WHEREAS, an annexation staff report has been prepared in accordance with the Commission's goals and policies for annexation and was presented to the Commission on April 17, 1995; and WHEREAS, Commission Resolution No. 3052 was adopted by the City Commission on April 17, 1995, declaring it to be the intent of the City of Bozeman to extend the boundaries of said City so as to include said contiguous tracts within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on Commission Resolution No. 3052 was duly noticed and held on May 15, 1995; and WHEREAS, no objections to said annexation were raised at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City did not receive any written protest from the real property owners of the area to be annexed; and WHEREAS, on May 15, 1995, the Commission authorized and directed staff to prepare the necessary documents to proceed with the annexation of these tracts in accordance with Commission Resolution No. 3052; and WHEREAS, the provision of available services including, but not limited to, rights-of- way, easements, water rights or cash in lieu, waivers of protest against creation of SID's and water and sewer hookup fees, to said contiguous tracts is the subject of a written agreement between the City and Greg Poncelet, Penny A. Young and Kay S. Mortensen, record owners of the tracts; and ---....---...-.- . __n___ _n.__ .__. ._._n.. .,,_ _____ ----- - r ..~,'.... . - "ift t'10fA~ft. WHEREAS, said contiguous tracts are the subject of plats or Certificates of Survey, filed in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission hereby finds that the annexation of these contiguous tracts is in the best interests of the City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous tracts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That it is hereby declared that, pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 2, Part 43, M.C.A., the following-described property, which is contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Bozeman, be annexed to the City of Bozeman and that the boundaries of said City shall be extended so as to embrace and include such 3.30 acres of land, to wit: A tract of land located in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 31, Township 1 south, Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, described as Tract E-2, Certificate of Survey No. 1623, and Tract D, Film 5, Page 1113, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the East one-sixteenth corner of the Southeast one-quarter of said Section 31 ; thence along the East/West centerline of said Southeast one-quarter of Section 31, South 87048'37" West, a dista.nceof 1004.88 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract D, said corner being the True Point of Beginning; thence along the east line of Tract D, South 01026'23" East, a distance of 31 2.90 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way of State Highway 86; thence along said right-of-way, along a curve to the left having a chord bearing of South 68007'11" West, a chord distance of 500.04 feet, a radius of 1186.00 feet, along an arc length of 503.82 feet, through a central angle of 24020'23" to the southwest corner of said Tract E-2; thence leaving said right-of-way, along the westerly boundary of said Tract E-2, North 01026'23" West a distance of 164.34 feet; thence North 41013'20" East, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence North 68047'16" East, a distance of 88.59 feet; thence North 01026'23" West, a distance of 244.59 feet, to a point on said East/West centerline of the Southeast one- quarter of Section 31; thence along said East/West centerline, North 87048'37" East, a distance of 344.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Section 2 The effective date of this annexation is December 1, 1995. Section 3 The annexation of the above-described tracts is subject to the terms of the Agreement dated October 19, 1995, by and between the City of Bozeman and Greg Poncelet, Penny A. Young and Kay S. Mortensen. - 2 - --.---- .- ,..--- .-- . __u____ ---- - - fILM 170I'ACf14[19 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of November 1995. .,. J t, t/ \''-' APPROVED AS TO FORM: _../-;7 ~.l~..---. ./, ~ /' -<. :fd2 .... I,I'..? A AUL J. E City__~rney - 3 - . FILM 170 PAGE 1409-A , J\ffiaa&it af ~uhliratian Bozem.n, ontena; extend- Ing the bound.rle. of laid City of Bozeman 80 aa to In- STATE OF MONT ANA, } SS. elude within the corpor.te limite of the City of Bozemen County of Gallatin, tracta of land contlguoua to a.ld City and referred to.. the Birdie Drive Annexation Vivie Portnell , being duly sworn, deposes (formerly referred to ea the Poncelet Annexation Re- and says: That ~ he is Principal Clerk of the Bozeman Daily q.....) end herein more par- ticularly cJaacrlbad. City of Bozeman Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bozeman, State of .Man18h8 County 01 Gallatin Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed I, Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of the City Commission of the City 01 Bozeman, Montana, ( Commission Resolution No. 3094 do hereby certlly that the foregOing la the true and cor- )has been rect title ..w number 01 Com- mission Reeoll.ltlQn No. .3094 passed and adQ'Pt~.I~reg- correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said paper for ular session thereof held on the 20th day of November, ] ecn~lrt~ inseriton , the first of wh' ublication was made on 1995. Dated this 21st day of No. vember, 1995, the 22nd day of ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of Ih~C~ Com~ the 22nd day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ot. d ,O.>>'(t. 27~~~ November 19 95 ~Q~ ~_. ..,~ Notary Public for the State of Montana, flIJ resid~t Bo~ ~ntana NOT "Iff .111 Residing II eozeman. ~ 1_ My Commission expIIM JIjy , - --,,-- ~~--- . . FILM 170 PAGE 1409-B ,II NOtE, ROAD AND uTlUT"Y -..ovEIlENTS ACROSS tRACT 0 _E CQNSIRUCtEO AS PAIIT 17 T>lE REQulllEO _IItNTS '011 __ CREER SU_. PHAS[ , LOT 57 _. 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