HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-23 - Midtown Urban Renewal District Board - Agendas & Packet Materials (2)A.Call meeting to order at 4:30 B.Disclosures C.Changes to the Agenda D.Public Service Announcements E.Approval of Minutes E.1 Approval of Minutes(DiTommaso) F.Consent G.Public Comment Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. H.Special Presentation I.Action Items I.1 Midtown Urban Renewal District Work Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 (Fine) J.FYI/Discussion K.Adjournment THE MIDTOWN URBAN RENEWAL BOARD OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MURB AGENDA Thursday, March 2, 2023 For more information please contact This board generally meets the xx xxxday of the month from xx:xx to xx:xx Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Commission Comment Page or by emailing agenda@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 1 Memorandum REPORT TO:Midtown Urban Renewal Board FROM:Jesse DiTommaso, Economic Development Specialist David Fine, Economic Development Program Manager SUBJECT:Approval of Minutes MEETING DATE:March 2, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve the Midtown Urban Renewal Board meeting minutes from September 1, 2022, August 4, 2022, April 7, 2022, and February 3, 2022. STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:In accordance with Commission Resolution 5323 and the City of Bozeman's Citizen Advisory Board Manual, all boards must have minutes taken and approved. Prepared minutes will be provided for approval by the board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Staff will make any corrections identified to the minutes before submitting to the City Clerk's Office UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None. ALTERNATIVES:As recommended by the board. FISCAL EFFECTS:None. Attachments: Sept 1 notes.docx Aug 4 notes.docx Apr 7 notes.docx Feb 3 notes.docx Report compiled on: February 28, 2023 2 Page 1 of 3 Unapproved minutes from September 1, 2022 board meeting via WebEx TO DO List: Everyone attend October 6 board meeting In attendance: Tracy Menuez, Nolan Campbell, Susan Fraser, Emily Talago, Brit Fontenot A. Call to Order – Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:40pm. B. Disclosers – none. C. Changes to agenda – none. D. Public Service Announcements – none. E. Action Item – Grant/Reimbursement to El Mercadito for infrastructure upgrades Brit presented (see Attachment A), giving history of project. El Mercadito invested with rent for two years but was unable to make the purchase as hoped, but did make upgrade to power that this board had agreed to grant-fund. Original grant paperwork not fully executed so doing it now so can reimburse $26,000.00. Brit took questions from board. Nolan then asked for public comment – there was none. Emily motioned to approve as presented; Nolan seconded. All in favor. F. FYI/Discussion Brit reported Speedy Lube asked about incomplete landscaping. He and staff apologized and made contractor, Treasure State, follow up. The landscape fix was made the next day. Tracy asked for update on urban camping and Brit reported that in past month the city had identified 4-5 streets that needed clean up. Staff did notification of street cleaning to campers. Now working on maintenance plan and help for the campers. Emily asked for update on Bridger Care and Use. H. Adjournment Nolan adjourned meeting at 5:06pm. 3 Page 2 of 3 Attachment A 4 Page 3 of 3 5 Page 1 of 9 Unapproved minutes from August 4, 2022 board meeting via WebEx TO DO List: Everyone attend September 1 board meeting In attendance: David Fine, Susan Fraser, Jen Madgic, Tracy Menuez, Val Wyman, Emily Talago A. Call to Order – Valerie called the meeting to order at 4:34pm. B. Disclosers – none. C. Changes to agenda – none. D. Public Service Announcements – none. E. Approval of Minutes Val motioned approval of the June 2 meeting minutes; Tracy seconded. All in favor. F. Action Item – Olde Holiday Inn Site, TIF Assistance request from Bzn Hotel Group David gave an overview (see Attachment A for staff report). Jeff Lamont joined the meeting to present the project (see Attachment for the site plan). Board asked questions of Jeff: traffic congestion, staffing, housing for staff, etc. Board then thanked Jeff for presenting. Discussion. Questions for staff. Called for public comment. Rob Lateiner (sp), 3458 Sourdough, asked about funding structure and staff answered. Board discussion followed. Susan made the motion: having considered the Application, the findings of the Staff Report, public comment and all information presented, I hereby move to recommend that Staff negotiate a development agreement with the Applicant for the consideration of the Bozeman City Commission for reimbursement of TIF eligible costs of demolition not-to-exceed $2,000,000. Tracy seconded. Vote 3:1; motion carries. G. FYI/Discussion David reported El Mercadito backed out of lease for Mendenhall building. Staff then asked the board if should fulfill reimbursement of work/power installation done. Board supports this request of staff to the commission for approval. H. Adjournment Valerie adjourned meeting at 5:45pm. 6 Page 2 of 9 Attachment A 7 Page 3 of 9 8 Page 4 of 9 9 Page 5 of 9 10 Page 6 of 9 11 Page 7 of 9 12 Page 8 of 9 13 Page 9 of 9 Attachment B 14 Page 1 of 1 Unapproved minutes from April 7, 2022 board meeting via WebEx TO DO List: Everyone attend May 5 board meeting In attendance: Nolan Campbell, David Fine, Tracy Menuez, Valerie Wyman, Emily Talago, Susan Fraser A. Call to Order – Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:34pm. B. Disclosers – none. C. Changes to agenda – none. D. Public Comment – none. E. Action Item – MURB FY23 work plan discussion David described this annual process. He then went over past projects and city commission’s foci. David walked thru the FY22 budget as a starting point for discussion. David noted the BMX project is delayed so will roll over from FY22 to FY23 plan. The codifying project is still progressing but some work may also need to roll over to FY23. The operation manual is nearly completed. Discussion. David shared five projects for consideration of FY23 funding. Discussion continued. The practice, not policy, of paying grants only after the project is completed was based on 2016-2017 board discussions about previous projects. The decision was made that in order to get big projects done larger incentives would be required. It is a conservative approach/practice to only fulfill the grant funding after the project is completed. Discussion continued. Affordable housing, including ADU additions, came up. Tracy said HRDC has looked into this, learning some communities have built ADUs for this situation. The building is actually done by a non-profit and most become deed-restricted properties. Emily brought up fiber. David shared the history and map of fiber in the district/city, including conduit installed years ago is now leased to Yellowstone Fiber. This organization is building out over the next 2-3 years to cover most every residence in Bozeman. David asked for feedback on his suggested five projects, i.e. what to include and what to toss away for the FY23 work/budget plan he will bring to the board at the May meeting. Disclosures shared by board members – Nolan, 9TEN; Valerie, property on 8 th; Tracy, HRDC work with 9TEN and El Mercadito. Discussion. David noted bond advising currently occurring as more bonding will be needed. Phasing is a concern. Nolan said it is good to let projects come to the board. He then asked David what is forecast on revenue, and staff responded it more than likely to increase but will base the FY23 budget on current year’s income figures. Public comment was called for and no one was online. G. FYI/Discussion Tracy requested to be added to the next board meeting agenda a discussion of early funding on the El Mercadito project. H. Adjournment Nolan adjourned meeting at 5:53pm. 15 Page 1 of 5 Unapproved minutes from February 3, 2022 board meeting via WebEx TO DO List: Everyone attend March 3 board meeting In attendance: Susan Fraser, David Fine, Jen Madgic, Emily Talago, Nolan Campbell, Valerie Wyman, Alicia Ruiz, Tracy Menuez A. Call to Order – Val called the meeting to order at 4:33pm. B. Disclosers – none. C. Changes to agenda – none. D. Approval of Minutes Nolan motioned approval of September 2 and January 6 minutes as presented; Emily seconded the motion. All in favor. E. Public Comment – written comment submitted prior to meeting (see Attachment A). F. Action Item – Recommendation regarding the Aspen Festival Street Lighting and a related budget amendment and change order David presented, reminding board the national street code confirmed the lights are hanging too low. That lead to this engineering study and budget amendment. See Attachment B. Danielle with Sanderson-Stewart joined the meeting. 3 cheaper options were learned during morning conversations with Montana Lines, and staff recommends asking for authority to look into these options. Danielle shared the three options discussed this morning: 1) an extension to the top of the pole with engineering required and design, noting Montana Lines has such capabilities within their normal options; 2)add 2’ to base of pole; and 3) add transformer at base of pole but these are square and would look wanky, although they could be covered with some sort of wrap to disguise. Discussion. Mid-March is earliest the work could be done. Question is do we have to go to bid. David clarified if work is estimated at more than $80k the project will have to go out for bid per state law. More discussion as to why not wait and get new lighting at 9Ten, moving these lightpoles to that new area and getting taller ones for festival street. Discussion continued. David added staff is still chatting with Sanderson-Stewart about a good faith effort to fix the situation. Danielle said they were willing to accept their portion of the fault at missing the national height code. Discussion. Val agreed with Nolan on earmarking money to do this fix. Tracy also good with earmarking funds and added her trust in the professionals for design and cost. Nolan moved to recommend that the Bozeman City Commission amend the budget for the Midtown Urban renewal District to include up to $133,225 for modifying the street light poles and bases on the Aspen Festival Street to facilitate the reinstallation of string lights in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and City Code. Val seconded Nolan’s motion. 16 Page 2 of 5 Nolan thanked Sanderson-Stewart for owning their portion of the mistake as is always best. He added the board should do the same and not hold up progress on getting this fix done. Emily is not in support of the motion. Val said we’re in a fix mode, dealing with making previous work by the board actually doable. Nolan added he’d recently had a great Festival Street/District aesthetic moment while visiting a business on Aspen. What the changes in Midtown have done for our local economy is very important and a good thing for our Midtown District. Discussion continued. Alicia added to Nolan’s comments about the Midtown look as being great, adding the festival lights are the heart of it. More discussion and forming a SID was brought up. David said the board’s choices are how to spend TIF money. More discussion. Val asked for a vote by each member on the motion: Those in favor: Val, Nolan, Susan, with thumbs up from Alicia and Tracy Those not in favor: Emily. The motion carries. G. FYI/Discussion David is circulating to the board the action plan so everyone can read it. David noted he wants feedback as the work plan and budget for FY23 will soon be on our monthly agendas for approval. Susan requested the addition to an upcoming meeting agenda of how the board can encourage the formation of a Business Increment District. Nolan added Kevin Cook’s property at the southeast corner of Aspen at 5 th and the tall farm light that Kevin said could be taken down so not conflicting with the new lighting. David will check on this, i.e. how to request power company take it down in a timely fashion. H. Adjournment Val adjourned meeting at 5:27pm. 17 Page 3 of 5 Attachment A 18 Page 4 of 5 Attachment B 19 Page 5 of 5 20 Memorandum REPORT TO:Midtown Urban Renewal Board FROM:David Fine, Economic Development Manager SUBJECT:Midtown Urban Renewal District Work Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 MEETING DATE:March 2, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Discuss Midtown Urban Renewal District Work Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and provide feedback to staff. STRATEGIC PLAN:2.2 Infrastructure Investments: Strategically invest in infrastructure as a mechanism to encourage economic development. BACKGROUND:Economic Development staff compiled a preliminary budget for discussion purposes and feedback from the Board. Our intention is that the Board will provide guidance and feedback at this meeting and vote on a final budget at the regular April meeting. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:Staff is refining final revenue projection, which could impact the amount available for spending. ALTERNATIVES:As suggested by the Board. FISCAL EFFECTS:Staff is proposing a $3.373 million dollar budget that expends undesignated fund balance on projects that create affordable housing and net new taxable value. Attachments: Midtown Budget FY 2024 draft 02282023.pdf Report compiled on: February 28, 2023 21 Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal Board FY 2024 Work Plan and Budget (Working Draft) 2/28/2023 Revenue and Reserves Undesignated Fund Balance Estimated FY23 Ending Balance (TBD)$2,000,000 Estimated FY24 Revenue $1,701,529 Total Cash and Reserves $3,701,529 Infrastructure Investments Westlake BMX Park Improvements $300,000 Codify Design Standards for N. 7th Avenue Streetscape $50,000 5th Ave Trail $200,000 Festival Street Lighting extensions, fabrication and installation Bond Repayment Series 2020 $408,550 Professional Services and Outside Legal Counsel Outside Legal Counsel for Bonding and Redevelopment Agreements $60,000 Contracted Professional Services $60,000 Redevelopment Incentive Programs Technical Assistance Grants 1:1 match [2 grants]$15,000 Direct Incentives - Midtown TIF Assistance Program $100,000 City Fiber Conduit Connection Incentive Program $20,000 Outreach and Marketing Outreach Engagement and Mailing $10,000 Midtown Marketing and Recruitment $10,000 District Operations Payroll $98,000 Training $12,000 General Administrative Costs $30,000 Approved Grants and Direct Incentives Workforce Housing Project (The Lumberyard)$2,000,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,373,550 Year End Balance $327,979 22