HomeMy WebLinkAbout032 Response to PA engr. commentsSHADY GLEN CONCEPT PUD
August 22, 2022
The City’s engineering comments are in blue text, followed by the Applicant’s responses in
black text.
No Relaxation Needed - Use of a Culs-de-Sac
BMC 38.400.010.A.9 Streets, general - Staff finds that a culs-de sac-design for this development
is sufficient for approval. A PUD relaxation for the proposed Culs-de-Sac is not required as part of
the of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application based on the following
1) The culs-de-sac is necessary due to adjacency to park, open space and site constraints. The
applicant does not have legal access to Boylan Road at the terminus of the proposed culs-de-
sac due to adjacent private open space.
2) The culs-de-sac is necessary due to topography. Extending the roadway at the culs-de- Sac
terminus location across the East Gallatin River and associated floodplain would be detrimental
to critical lands.
3) As presented, a pedestrian walk is appropriate and will be installed at the end of the culs-de-sac
to provide multimodal egress from the end of the culs-de-sac.
4) The culs-de-sac radius is sufficient for emergency services to turn-around.
The relaxation request written into the application (Section 07, Relaxation #1) was deleted,
and referenced to these Engineering Comments.
Relaxation #1 Required - Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane Street Construction
BMC 38.400.010.A.2 Streets, general - Staff finds the proposed access via Commercial
Drive/Endurance Lane to the development are insufficient for approval with the information
provided to date. A PUD relaxation for the access not continuing as a public local street must be
requested by the applicant as part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application and
granted by the City Commission.
1) The proposed access via Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane is shown as a gated
emergency only access, which will not provide for the continuation of local streets
between developed properties when such continuation is necessary for the
convenient movement of traffic, effective provision of emergency services and
utilities. The applicant is advised that A 60 foot roadway easement across Lot 4 and
Lot 5 of Block 1 in the Bridger Center Subdivision adjoins the subject property. A 60
foot roadway is the standard easement width for construction of a public local street
section and the various components (stormwater, boulevard trees, curb & gutter, and
sidewalks on both sides, including underground utility.) The applicant must justify the
relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval in
BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on why not
continuing a public local street into the development via Commercial Drive/Endurance
Lane adequately mitigates any impacts from the proposed development. The written
and graphic material provided related to this relaxation are insufficient.
A relaxation request for an emergency access in place of a continuation of streets and
alleys between adjacent developed properties (i.e., between Shady Glen and Bridger
Center Commercial) is included in the application as Section 7, Relaxation #3. The
proposed subdivision meets the intent of BMC 38.400.010.A.2. The requirement reads:
2. Relation to developed areas. The developer must arrange the streets and alleys to provide for the
continuation of streets and alleys between adjacent developed properties when such continuation is
necessary for the convenient movement of traffic, effective provision of emergency services and efficient
provision of utilities.
Additionally, BMC 38.400.010.A.8 reads as follows:
8. Second or emergency access. To facilitate traffic movement, the provision of emergency services
and the placement of utility easements, all developments must be provided with a second means of
access. If, in the judgment of the development review committee (DRC), a second dedicated right-of-way
cannot be provided for reasons of topography or other physical conditions, the developer must provide
an emergency access, built to the standards detailed in these regulations.
a. This provision may be waived or conditionally waived by the DRC.
A public street connection through the existing 60-foot easement between Block 1/Lots 4
and 5 of Bridger Center Subdivision (to Commercial Drive and Bridger Center Drive) is not
feasible; the required easements do not exist. Additional easements would be needed
through Bridger Center Subdivision’s Block 1/Lot 5 and Block 2/Lot 1 to allow for a reverse
curve, centerline radius, tangent length and other engineering requirements for a full
access and 60-foot right-of-way per City Engineering standards. One of the required
easements, through Block 2/Lot 1, was vacated in 2005 by the City of Bozeman; therefore,
it would be reasonable to assume the City did not feel that a through street at this location
was appropriate or needed, now or at any time in the future. Additional justification is
provided in Section 07 of this application.
Another aspect of the above code section requires “effective provision of emergency
services.” The addition of a gated emergency access greatly improves connectivity for
emergency services to all of Bridger Center Subdivision, The Links and Shady Glen, while
deterring public vehicles from using a non-standard street connection. The gate was a
condition on an agreement to allow public access to Shady Glen through The Links
Condominiums; an agreement that allows the emergency connectivity that otherwise
would not have been possible.
The third and last aspect of the above code section requires “efficient provision of utilities.”
The proposed utility extensions are efficiently connected to existing utilities. A single
gravity sewer main extension would serve all the proposed lots and connect to Boylan
Road sewer main through a short easement. The proposed water main extension would
add a new connection between The Links Condominiums and the water main in Boylan
Road; this loop would provide redundancy and reduce outages in the event of a failure.
Natural gas and electric service would follow the lot frontages in a standard 10-foot
easement connecting to The Links Condominiums. All of the required offsite easements
are in place.
Relaxation #2 Required -Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane Emergency Access only via a
gated right-of-way
BMC 38.400.010.A.8 Streets, general - Staff finds that the private emergency access only via
Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane to the development are insufficient for approval with the
information provided to date. A PUD relaxation for a private emergency access only not continuing
as a local street & not meeting local street improvement standards must be requested by the
applicant as part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application and granted by the City
1) The applicant must justify the relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria
for approval in BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on how a
privately maintained gated emergency only access adequately mitigates any impacts from the
proposed development. The written and graphic material provided related to this relaxation are
The proposed secondary emergency access only does not show utility connection, pedestrian
access, stormwater treatment, or vegetation such as street trees. The applicant is advised that
an encroachment permit from the City's engineering department would be needed in order to
utilize public ROW for a privately maintained
emergency access for the subject property.
Engineering staff found that a cul-de-sac design for this development is sufficient for
approval. Justification for the emergency access as the second access to Shady Glen is
provided above in the response to City Engineering’s “Relaxation #1,” and also in
Section 07 (Relaxation #3) of this application.
We received assurances from City Engineering that an emergency access was
appropriate and supportable; this is documented in a 1/25/21 email from Lance Lehigh.
The gated emergency access design was vetted in subsequent meetings with City
Engineering and the Fire Department, and was supported by both departments as
proposed in this application. Efficient utility connections are provided through other
existing easements, to existing utilities in Boylan Road and The Links Condominiums.
Pedestrian access is addressed in the emergency access design with a separate
“pass-through” gate. Vegetation and street trees were deemed unnecessary and
inappropriate at this location. The emergency access would connect to public right-of-way
at Commercial Drive; the appropriate permits will be obtained from the City Engineering
Department, as well as a maintenance agreement for private maintenance of the
emergency access.
Relaxation #3 Required - Shady Glen Lane Street Improvement Standard
BMC 38.400.060.A. Street Improvement Standards - Staff finds that street improvements for this
development are insufficient for approval with the information provided to date. A PUD relaxation for
Shady Glen Lane not meeting a local street standard must be requested by the applicant from the as
part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application and granted by the City Commission.
1.) The proposed Shady Glen Lane does not meet the City's local street standard. The applicant
must justify the relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval
in BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on why a narrower street
cross section adequately mitigates any impacts from the proposed development. The written
and graphic material provided related to this relaxation are insufficient.
Information such as adjacent slopes, drainage patterns, relation to established flood
elevations, and how the City stormwater standards from ROW drainage are being
met, both quantity and quality.
A relaxation from City street standards is requested as Relaxation #2 in Section 7 of the
application. The relevant standards are BMC 38.400.060.A (street improvement
standards) and the referenced BMC 38.400.050.A (right-of-way width and construction
standards). The requirements read as follows:
38.400.050.A. All streets and roads providing access to, and within, the proposed development must
meet the following standards:
1. Right-of-way width and construction standards contained in this chapter: the most recently
adopted long range transportation plan; the City of Bozeman Design Standards and
Specifications Policy; and the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works
Standard Specifications.
2. Access streets and roads which are not on the city's or county's road maintenance system
must be dedicated to the public or must have a public easement which meets the criteria of
this division 38.400.
38.400.050.A. All street improvements must be designed by and constructed under the supervision of a
professional civil engineer, registered in the state, and must meet or exceed the right-of-
way and construction standards adopted by the city (including but not limited to an
adopted transportation plan or specifications manual) and required for the type of street
to be constructed.
Shady Glen Lane will meet all City street design and construction standards, with the
exception of the following specific requested relaxations:
1. Relaxation to Sidewalk Standards: We propose to provide an attached 5’ wide
sidewalk on the west side of the street, and no sidewalk on the east side, in lieu
of detached sidewalks and boulevards on both sides.
2. Relaxation to Street Parking Standards: We propose to eliminate the 8’ wide
east side parking lane, to reduce street width by 8 feet.
3. Reduce right-of-way width from 60 feet to 42 feet.
4. Replace the standard crowned street cross-section with a cross slope.
Before submitting this application, we received assurances from City Engineering and
the Fire Department that all of the above proposed relaxations were appropriate and
supportable as proposed; this is documented in a 10/20/21 email from Lance Lehigh.
The justification for each relaxation is detailed in Section 07 (Relaxation #2) of this
application. Taken as a whole, the relaxations help to minimize disturbance of existing
nearby wetlands.
Adjacent slopes, drainage patterns and street easement drainage are described in the
Drainage Report and meet City standards. The entire street is above the 100-year
flood elevation by several feet, as evidenced by the site grading plan and CLOMR
application. All of the required information demonstrating full compliance with City
standards is included in this application.
Relaxation #4 Required - Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane Street Improvement Standard
BMC 38.400.060.A. Street Improvement Standards - Staff finds that street improvements for this
development are insufficient for approval with the information provided to date. A PUD relaxation for
Commercial Drive/Endurance Lane not meeting a local street standard must be requested by the
applicant from as part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application and granted by the City
1) The proposed access street cross section via Commercial Drive does not meet the City's
local street standard. A 60 foot roadway easement across Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Block 1 in
the Bridger Center Subdivision adjoins the subject property. The applicant must justify
the relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval in
BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on the proposed
secondary access section and its individual details and why a full local street section
cannot be constructed and that the proposed secondary access design mitigates any
impacts from the proposed development. The written and graphic material provided
related to this relaxation are insufficient.
Information such as adjacent slopes, drainage patterns, relation to established flood elevations,
and how City stormwater standards from ROW drainage are being met. In addition, the
applicant is not extending City water main along Endurance Lane into the subject property,
where extending the main into the development is possible and practical for both long-term City
water quality and quantity.
The response to this comment is provided in our response to above City-designated
Relaxation #1. A relaxation request for an emergency access in place of a continuation of
streets and alleys between adjacent developed properties (i.e., between Shady Glen and
Bridger Center Commercial) is included in the application as Section 7, Relaxation #3.
Relaxation #5 Required - City Standard Sidewalk
BMC 38.400.080.A. Sidewalks - Staff finds that street improvements for this development are
insufficient for approval with the information provided to date .A PUD relaxation for a City Standard
Sidewalk must be requested by the applicant as part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application
and granted by the City Commission.
1) Shady Glen Lane only has a City standard 5 ft wide sidewalk on the southside of the
street, but no sidewalk is presented on the north side of street. The access via
Commercial Drive does not have a sidewalk on either side. The City's local street
Standard requires a sidewalk on both sides of the street. The applicant must justify
the relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval in
BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on the proposed
pedestrian facilities for the streets and the accesses for this development and why a
full local street section cannot be constructed and that the proposed street and
secondary access design mitigates any impacts from the proposed development as it
relates to pedestrian circulation and the safety of pedestrians. The written and graphic
material provided related to this relaxation are insufficient.
The response to this comment is provided in our response to the above City-designated
Relaxation #3. A relaxation from City street standards is requested as Relaxation #2 in
Section 7 of the application.
Relaxation #6 Required - Block Length Standard
BMC 38.410.040.B. - Staff finds that bock design for this development is insufficient for
approval with the information provided to date. A PUD relaxation for Block Length must be
requested by the applicant as part of the accompanying Preliminary PUD application and
granted by the City Commission.
1) Block length does not conform to City standards. The applicant must justify the
relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval in
BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on the proposed
bock design for this development and details and why a block standards cannot be
met and that the proposed street and secondary access design and the related
pedestrian circulations system mitigates any impacts from the proposed development
as it relates to street connectivity, multimodal transportation, and pedestrian
circulation and the safety of pedestrians. The written and graphic material provided
related to this relaxation are insufficient.
The proposed subdivision meets the intent of BMC 38.410.040.B. The requirement reads:
B. Block length. Block length must not be designed, unless otherwise impractical, to be more than 400
feet in length or less than 300 feet in length. Block lengths may be longer than 400 feet if necessary
due to topography, the presence of critical lands, access control, or adjacency to existing parks or
open space. In no case may a block exceed 1,320 feet in length.
The term “block length” applies to standard subdivision blocks, whereas Shady Glen has
no such blocks and cannot be divided as such due to the presence of critical lands, access
control and adjacency to existing parks. The proposed block length is approximately
450 feet, which is close to the standard range of acceptable block lengths (300
to 400 feet), and is much shorter than the maximum allowable length of 1,320 feet.
Therefore, a relaxation is not required.
Relaxation #7 Required - Watercourse Setback Materials
BMC 38.410.100.A.2.d. Watercourse Setback - Staff finds that the proposed design and watercourse
setback for this development is insufficient for approval with the information provided to date. A PUD
relaxation from the watercourse setback must be requested by the applicant as part of the
accompanying Preliminary PUD application and granted by the City Commission.
1) The subdivision layout shown on the subdivision pre-app is not compliant with the watercourse
setback requirements as placement of fill to remove lots from the floodplain is not an allowable
use within the watercourse setback. In addition, fencing is not allowed within the watercourse
setback. The applicant must justify the relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet
the criteria for approval in BMC 38.430.030 a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval
on the proposed design for this development including the reduction in watercourse setback
and why the watercourse setbacks cannot be me. The applicant must show how the design and
reduced watercourse setback mitigates any impacts from the proposed development as it
relates to critical lands protection, wildlife, protection of natural features, water quality, flooding,
and public safety. The written and graphic material provided related to this relaxation are
A relaxation from watercourse setback requirements is requested as Relaxation #4 in
Section 7 of the application. The relevant standard is BMC 38.410.100.A.2.d, which
d. No newly constructed residential or commercial structure, addition to an existing structure, fence,
deck, fill material (other than that required for exempt uses), parking lot or other impervious
surfaces, or other similar improvements may be located within required watercourse setbacks,
unless approved through, and in conformance with, a variance or deviation process as authorized
in this chapter.
The requirements allow for approval of specific variations; justification for the requested
relaxation is provided under Section 7 (Relaxation #4) of the application. The relaxation
is required to meet the minimum density goals of the site’s R-1 zoning.
Relaxation #8 Required - Watercourse Setback Requirements
BMC 38.410.100.A.2.c.4.d Watercourse Setback - Staff finds that the proposed design and
watercourse setback for this development is insufficient for approval with the information provided to
date. A PUD relaxation from the watercourse setback must be requested by the applicant as part of the
accompanying Preliminary PUD application and granted by the City Commission.
1) The subdivision layout shown on the subdivision pre-app is not compliant with the
watercourse setback requirements.
The subject property is located adjacent to the East Gallatin River, which has as a
regulated flood hazard area. In addition, the property has a jurisdictional
wetland that is connected to the East Gallatin River. The following setbacks per
the BMC apply to the subject property:
o East Gallatin River. A minimum 100-foot setback must be provided along both
sides of the East Gallatin River;
o The setback must extend to the edge of the delineated boundary of the
regulated flood hazard area per section 38.600.130.B if the regulated flood
hazard boundary is larger than the setbacks established in this subsection 2.c
(In this case, the East Gallatin River 100-foot Setback); and
o The setback must include connected wetlands. The buffer width must be
extended by a minimum of 50 feet beyond the perimeter of the connected
Note: the most conservative setback applies as the setback for the
The applicant is requesting a 35 foot watercourse setback from the City's required minimum 50 foot
wetland buffer perimeter requirement. The applicant is advised that the adjacent watercourse to the
property (East Gallatin River) is listed as an impaired waterbody for both total phosphorus and
nitrogen (Source: MDEQ Lower Gallatin Planning Area TMDLs & Framework Water Quality
Improvement Plan, March 2013 Document Number M0S-TMDL-02af). The applicant must justify the
relaxation, show how the proposed relaxation will meet the criteria for approval in BMC 38.430.030
a-c. and provide sufficient information for approval on the proposed design for this development
including the reduction in watercourse setback and why the watercourse setbacks cannot be me.
The applicant must show how the design and reduction in the City's adopted watercourse setback
mitigates any impacts from the proposed development as it relates to critical lands protection,
wildlife, protection of natural features, water quality, flooding, and public safety. The written and
graphic material provided related to this relaxation are insufficient.
A relaxation is requested to reduce the wetland buffer width from 50 feet to 35 feet. The
relevant standard is BMC 38.410.100.A.2.c.4.d, which reads:
(d) The setback must include connected wetlands. The buffer width must be extended by a minimum of
50 feet beyond the perimeter of the connected wetlands.
Justification for the requested relaxation is provided under Section 7 (Relaxation #4) of the
application. The relaxation is required to meet the minimum density goals of the site’s R-1
General Comment
The proposed PUD Concept Plan (PUDC) and the Subdivision Pre-Application (PA) is very similar to
the previous Bridger Meadows application, in which the City Commission denied. The applicant is
advised that many of the City's Commissions findings would likely still apply to the project as currently
The City engineering and code requirements are essentially the same as they were for the
previous (Bridger Meadows) submittal, which was supported by both the planning and
engineering departments. This application includes numerous revisions have been
incorporated into the project to address the previous commission’s concerns, and to
demonstrate more clearly that the Shady Glen development is far superior to what is
possible on this property under standard subdivision regulations. The Shady Glen PUD
provides greatly improved emergency access to its neighbors, provides new homes
including affordable homes that are sorely needed, and protects a unique, undeveloped
wildlife refuge within the City.
The applicant is advised that the criteria to grant the listed required relaxation in this PUDC must be
addressed in order for the project to be deemed sufficient for approval by staff. It should be noted that
many of the required relaxations may not be able to be met without significant design changes, such as
but not exclusively lot configuration, a reduction in overall density, increasing the wetland buffer, street
layout and configuration, and a City compliant street access to the development.
The proposed relaxations, if granted, would help the City of Bozeman achieve its
planning and development goals. The Planned Unit Development approach
allows for some relaxation of standards if the resulting overall development is
superior to what is possible under standard subdivision regulations. The project
has numerous benefits to the area and to the City as a whole, many of which
would not be possible under the subdivision standards. On this project, these
benefits far outweigh the relaxations.