HomeMy WebLinkAbout518 N Black Ave 2022 AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 1 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf INTRODUCTION NEW FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS As of July 2022, this AER (Architecture and Engineering Record) form replaces Montana SHPO’s HPR (Historic Property Record) form for recording historic structures in Montana. Visit https://mhs.mt.gov/shpo/forms to download the most recent versions of SHPO forms and instructions. If you are uncertain about which form to use, please contact Montana SHPO Cultural Records staff at (406) 444-4724, kyler.mozell@mt.gov REMINDERS The Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring that the information in this form is complete and accurate as per the Montana SHPO’s data standards. Please consult SHPO’s 2022 Guidelines and Procedures: Comprehensive Guide to Consulting with the Montana SHPO for standards for recording cultural and architectural resources in Montana. 1. IDENTIFICATION HISTORIC / PROPERTY NAME SMITHSONIAN NUMBER (issued by SHPO)i RECORD TYPE 518 N Black Ave. (historically, 502 N Black Ave) NEW UPDATE PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER City of Bozeman Historic Architecture Inventory DATE FIRST RECORDED BY PHONE (000) 000-0000 EMAIL ADDRESS 8/8/84 James R. McDonald Architects P.C. PO Box 8163, Missoula, MT 59807 DATE UPDATED BY PHONE (000) 000-0000 EMAIL ADDRESS 9/8/22 S. Wells and R. Schields, Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. 406-219-3535 mac@metcalfarcha eology.com PO Box 1526, Bozeman, MT, 59771 2. LOCATION COUNTY LOT/BLOCK STREET ADDRESS CITY / TOWN (NEAREST) Gallatin Lot 25 / Block C 518 N Black Avenue Bozeman NARRATIVE / NOTES ON ACCESS (OPTIONAL) UTM COORDINATES OR LAT-LONG FOR THE CENTER OF THE SITE, TO THE 6TH DECIMAL 12, 497229 E 5059006 N (NAD83) TOWNSHIP N/S RANGE E/W SECTION QUARTER TOWNSHIP N/S RANGE E/W SECTION QUARTER 2 S 6 E 7 NW (tab from last cell to add rows to TRS table) 3. OWNERSHIP/USE CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE/SURFACE OWNERSHIP CURRENT USE Drysdale Family LLC, 191 Paradise Vista Rd, Bozeman, MT 59715- 2420 Residential Public Private ORIGINAL ADMINISTRATIVE/SURFACE OWNERSHIP ORIGINAL/HISTORIC USE Eli Rogers (also spelled Rodgers) and Emma Barnes Rogers Residential Public Private AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 2 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf 4. HISTORIC PROPERTY/ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TYPEii ARCHITECTURAL STYLE TIME PERIOD Historic Residence Vernacular, Gable-front Modern ARCHITECT NAME/FIRM ARCHITECT CITY, STATE BUILDER NAME/COMPANY BUILDER CITY, STATE CONSTRUCTION DATE Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 1992 NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY This site consists of three architectural features: a residential structure (F1) and an open-sided carport (F2), both constructed in 1992, and a shed (F3) constructed in 1968. The site is located north of downtown, near the intersection of East Short Street and North Black Avenue. An apartment complex is across the street and Beall Park is a half block to the south. The site is located on a 40-foot lot; mature trees and bushes line the south property boundary and mature bush obscures the east end of the north elevation. The site was first recorded in 1983 by James R. McDonald Architects who recommended the previous residence to be a "neutral element within a potential historic district" (McDonald 1984). McDonald described the site as follows: "This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a rectangular plan with a gable roof over the front porch with enclosed sides and a shed addition to the rear. The one-bay facade is asymmetrical and consists of an off-center front entrance with 1/1 double-hung and casement windows. The railing in the front of the porch has latticework trim. The frame construction is finished in shiplap siding and the foundation is not visible. The gable roof is covered with grey asphalt shingles and features boxed eaves. There is a central brick chimney. The axis of the roof is perpendicular to the street. Alterations include wide horizontal siding." By 1992, the residence described by McDonald was no longer extant and had been replaced by a modern residence. The residences are similar in that they both had front gabled roofs and an off-center entrance. The building currently located at the site is described as follows: The one-story residence is rectangular in plan, rests on a concrete foundation, and is clad in horizontal vinyl siding with vertical corner boards. The roof is front gabled and is clad in asphalt shingles. A metal stovepipe extends from the north slope of the roof. The façade faces east towards North Black Avenue. The façade supports an off-center, open-sided porch with a gabled roof supported by two wood posts. The primary entrance is a paneled door with nine inset lites. To the south is a pair of one-over-one lite vinyl windows. The south elevation has a pair of one-over-one lite vinyl windows, a vinyl casement window, and an additional entrance near the east end of the elevation. The west elevation was not visible from the right-of-way. The north elevation is partially obscured by vegetation. A one-over-one lite vinyl window is at the west end and an opening in the concrete foundation is visible at the east end. Feature 2 is an open-sided carport that was constructed in 1992 (Montana Cadastral). It is located on the east end of the property, facing east toward the alleyway. It has a concrete foundation and wood posts support a front-gabled roof clad in asphalt shingles. The eaves are open, exposing rafter ends, and the gable peak is clad in horizontal wood siding. The north and south elevations have angled wood cross-braces. Feature 3 is a shed roofed outbuilding located at the northwest corner of the carport. The exterior walls are clad in horizontal wood siding. An entry is located on the east end of the south facing façade. The north, east, and west elevations are not visible from the right of way. AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 3 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf HISTORY OF PROPERTY (Compiled by Crystal Alegria, The Extreme History Project, Bozeman, MT) The property currently addressed as 518 North Black Avenue is in Beall’s 2nd Addition, platted on June 3, 1885, by William J. Beall. The builder and designer of this residence is unknown. The site is associated with Bozeman’s historic African American community. As the town of Bozeman, Montana Territory was settled in 1864, people came to this area from all over the United States and the world to settle. Many African American people came to Montana Territory at this time for opportunity and a chance at a better life, many of them being recently freed after the Civil War. Bozeman did not have the black population of Helena, and later Butte, but it did have a significant number of African American people settling in the area who were able to find property to purchase and work in the late nineteenth century. One of the African American families to settle in Bozeman was the Rogers (or Rodgers) family. This property is connected to the Rogers/Rodgers family through Eli Rodgers. It was the house that he and Emma Barnes moved into after their marriage. They raised a large family in this very small one-story dwelling. Eli Rogers and Emma Barnes were married on December 16, 1880, in Bozeman, Montana. Eli Rogers was born in 1832 in Tennessee, his parents both being born in Virginia. He came west, arriving and settling in Bozeman in 1879 (R. L. Polk & Co., 1892). We can only guess his reasons for coming to Montana Territory, but we can imagine he came here for a better life and the freedom this place might offer. During his life in Bozeman, Eli found work as a laborer and was able to purchase this property. Shortly after their marriage, Eli and Emma Rogers settled on this location. Eli secured a deed of homestead for the property on September 10, 1896, but they had most likely built a house and had been living here since shortly after their marriage in 1880 (The Bozeman Weekly Chronicle, 30 May 1883). Emma Barnes had been born in Fort Benton, Montana Territory in approximately 1859 (ancestry.com, 2010). She was most likely the child of Phillip Barnes and a Native American woman whose name has been lost to time. Phillip Barnes was an African American man who had been born in Alabama and made his way to Fort Benton where he worked as a laborer. Barnes was listed as a member of the Fort Benton community in the winter of 1862-1863 (Leeson, 1885). Johnny Grant, of Grant-Kohrs Ranch Association, may have known Phillip Barnes or known of him. In his memoir, Johnny Grant mentions that on one of his trips to Fort Benton, a black man came to him and said, "Mr. Grant, old Phil Barnes is dead and you are kind-hearted. You better take his children for they are starving around here." Grant took the oldest boy, named Jack, and was going to leave the two girls behind but they cried for their brother, so Grant took them as well. He had a soft spot for children and adopted many over the years. He went on to say, "When I came to Manitoba I left the oldest girl in Montana and brought the other two” (Grant 2008). The youngest Barnes sibling was named Annie. Annie Barnes died in Canada in 1876. But Jack survived to grow up and marry and has descendants living in Canada today (great- grandson of jack Barnes, personal communication 2022). Emma Barnes was the older sibling who remained in Montana, where she entered the archival record when she was listed in Bozeman’s 1880 census as residing in Bozeman and working as a laundress. She had four children living with her at this time, including Lulu, Berry, William, and Charles (ancestry.com, 2010). Shortly after the census taker visited her household, Emma Barnes and Eli Rogers were married, combining their households. Ten months after the marriage of Emma and Eli, they welcomed their first child together. The local newspaper ran the following notice in October of 1881: "born – at Bozeman, Montana. October 24, 1881, to the wife of Elijah Rodgers, a daughter (The Avant Courier, 27 October 1881). In 1885, another daughter was born. She was named Catherine or Katherine, but everyone called her Kitty as she was growing up. Katherine is one of eight children born to Eli and Emma over the next seventeen years. Emma had 12 (or possibly more) children total, seven of whom lived to adulthood. Like many women during this time, she lost at least five, possibly more, children at very early ages. For the duration of these seventeen years, Emma and Eli lived at 518 North Black Avenue (historically, 502 North Black Avenue), raising all their children in the small house. Emma Barnes died in 1901 from Brights disease, or chronic nephritis, at the young age of 42. Many of her children were still young when she died; her youngest was only three years old. Eli Rogers lived until 1925. After his death, this property was transferred to his son, Henry Rogers. On August 14, 1936, Henry Rogers transferred this property to his sister, Katherine (Kitty) Rogers Fish via a quit claim deed. She owned the property until 1945. Katherine did not live in this house during ownership; she lived at 304 North Grand Avenue in Bozeman during her adult life. AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 4 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf The children of the Rogers family, including Fred Rogers, Henry Rogers, Lulu Barnes Harrison, Katherine Rogers Fish, and William Barnes continued to live in this neighborhood during adulthood. They were all involved in community events and were strong members of Bozeman’s early African American community. Eli and Emma Rogers are buried in Bozeman’s Sunset Hills Cemetery, in the Rogers family plot within the African American section of the cemetery. Those buried around them represent other community members that helped shape the town of Bozeman. Katherine Fish sold this property to May Sellards on July 20, 1945. May Ping Sellards did not live in this property during ownership. May Sellards sold this property to Malcolm C. and Rose Story on October 17, 1961. On December 27, 1982, Malcolm Story sold this property to his daughter, Martha Drysdale. In 1992, while the property was owned by Martha Drysdale, the original residence was demolished, and a new residence was constructed on the site (City of Bozeman Building Permit 920059). The builder and designer of the current residence are not known. On August 20, 2012, Martha Drysdale transferred this property to the Drysdale Family LLC, which is the current owner in August of 2022. STATUS NOTES ON STATUS CHANGE Original location Addition/alteration Moved/relocated Destroyed The original residence, which was recorded by McDonald in 1983, was demolished at an unknown date. A new residence was constructed on this site in 1992. Other Historic address: 502 North Black Avenue 5. NR EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT HAS A FORMAL ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION BEEN PREVIOUSLY ISSUED FOR THIS SITE/PROPERTY? No formal determination Yes, determined NOT eligible Yes, determined eligible Yes, NR listed Unknown PROVIDE YOUR ASSESSMENT OF THE SITE’S/PROPERTY’S ELIGIBILITY FOR THE NATIONAL REGISTER Meets criteria as an individual property Meets criteria as a contributing element to a historic district Does not meet criteria Does not meet criteria, and is a non-contributing element to a historic district Historic District Name: N/A APPLICABLE NR CRITERIAiii ARGUMENT FOR OR AGAINST EACH NR CRITERION A – Events YES NO The current residence, constructed in 1992, is less than 50 years of age and therefore does not meet the standard threshold for eligibility for the NRHP. B – Persons YES NO The current residence, constructed in 1992, is less than 50 years of age and therefore does not meet the standard threshold for eligibility for the NRHP. C – Characteristics YES NO The current residence, constructed in 1992, is less than 50 years of age and therefore does not meet the standard threshold for eligibility for the NRHP. D – Information YES NO The current residence, constructed in 1992, is less than 50 years of age and therefore does not meet the standard threshold for eligibility for the NRHP. INTEGRITY (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association) The demolition of the original dwelling and construction of a new residence on the site impacts integrity of setting, design, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. The site does not retain sufficient integrity to convey its historic associations. POSSIBLE IMPACTS TO THE SITE AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 5 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf Nearby modern construction has the potential to impact integrity of setting within a historically working class neighborhood. 6. INFORMATION SOURCES LIST CITATIONS FOR INFORMATION SOURCES USED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM Ancestry.com 2010 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Lehi, Utah. 2010 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Provo, Utah. 2014 Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950 [database on-line]. Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Provo, Utah. 2014 U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., Provo, Utah. Bozeman Weekly Chronicle [Bozeman, Montana] 1883 "The Negros on North Black Street Proceeded to Make a Little Hades." 30 May. Bozeman, Montana. Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder 1864-2022 Gallatin County Deeds. Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder, Bozeman, Montana. Grant, John Francis 2008 A Son of the Fur Trade: The Memoirs of Johnny Grant. The University of Alberta Press. Edmonton, Alberta. James R. McDonald Architects 1984-1985 518 North Black Ave. Montana Historical and Architectural Inventory Form. Document on-file with the City of Bozeman. Bozeman, MT. Leeson, Michael A. 1885 History of Montana. 1739-1885. Warner, Beers & Company. Chicago, Illinois. Montana State Library. Montana Cadastral records online, http://svc.mt.gov/msl/mtcadastral, accessed 9/11/2022. R. L. Polk & Company 1904-2012 Polk’s Bozeman (Gallatin County, Mont.) City Directories. R.L. Polk & Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Sanborn Map Company 1884-1957 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana (Jul 1890, Nov 1891, Jan 1904, Sep 1912, Sep 1927, Sep 1943, Nov 1957). Sanborn Map Company, New York, New York. 7. LIST OF PHOTOS AND MAPS FIGURE NUMBER DESCRIPTION / CAPTION PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTO DATE TABLE 1 Chain of Title, 518 North Black Street, Bozeman, Montana na na PHOTO 1 Site overview from northwest end, looking Southeast with Feature 1 at center S. Wells 09/06/2022 PHOTO 2 Looking East at Feature 1 (residence), view of primary façade S. Wells 09/06/2022 PHOTO 3 Looking Northeast toward Feature 1 (residence), view partially obscured by vegetation S. Wells 09/06/2022 PHOTO 4 Looking West at Feature 2 (carport), view from alleyway. Note Feature 3 is obscured by the camping trailer at right. S. Wells 09/06/2022 AER FORM 1 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING RECORD PAGE 6 of 6 7/2022 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE (SHPO) | 1301 E Lockey, PO Box 201202 – Helena, MT 59620-1202 | (406) 444-7715 – mtshpo@mt.gov Ver. 7/2022 | https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/AERform1.pdf MAP 1 Clip from 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana showing 502 N. Black. Image retrieved from the Library of Congress. Sanborn Fire Insurance Company 1904 MAP 2 Clip from 1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana showing 502 N. Black. Image retrieved from the Library of Congress. Sanborn Fire Insurance Company 1912 MAP 3 Site location map for 518 N Black Ave. at 1:24,000 scale. T 2S R 6E S. 7 na na MAP 4 Boundaries and locations for three features at 518 N Black Ave. at 1:600 scale. T 2S R 6E S.7 na na (tab from last cell to add rows to photos and maps table) IMPORTANT: DO NOT insert images for photos, maps, and other figures to this document. Supporting photographs, maps, and other figures referenced in Table 7 need to be formatted, saved, and submitted according to SHPO’s Guidelines and Samples for CSR/AER Form Attachments. For more detailed mapping and photography standards, please review Guidelines and Procedures: A Comprehensive Guide to Consulting with Montana SHPO. I See Obtaining a Smithsonian Number. 2022. Montana State Historic Preservation Office. Online: https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/ObtainingASmithNo.pdf and Submitting Site Record Data. 2022. Montana State Historic Preservation Office. Online: https://mhs.mt.gov/Shpo/docs/SubmittingDataToSHPO.pdf ii See Site/Property Types for Montana SHPO Cultural and Architectural-Engineering Records. iii See How to Apply National Register Criteria for Evaluation. National Park Service, National Register Bulletin. 1997. Online: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/upload/NRB-15_web508.pdf Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 1 TABLE 1. Chain of Title, 518 North Black Street, Bozeman, Montana. Grantor Grantee Date of Instrument Type of Instrument Property Description/Comments Reference USA Eli Rodgers 10 September 1896 Deed of Homestead Commencing at a point south of the north boundary line three hundred and sixty feet on the east side of Black Street thence running east one hundred and forty feet thence south sixty feet thence west one hundred and forty feet thence north sixty feet to the place of beginning. Also part of Lot 7 fronting west on Black Street thirty feet and running back one hundred and forty feet in Block C of Beall’s Second Addition D: Misc. Book (MLC) 6/556 Henry Rogers (Son of Eli Rodgers) Katherine Fish 14 August 1936 Quitclaim Deed Lot 25 – 27, Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: 79/586 Katherine Rogers Fish and Mable Rogers May Sellards 20 July 1945 Warranty Deed Lot 25 - 27, Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: 91/454 May Sellards Malcolm C and Rose Story 17 October 1961 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: 138/608 Malcolm C Story Martha S Drysdale 27 December 1982 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #105156 Malcom C Story Martha Story Drysdale 03 January 1983 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (Partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D:#105351 Rose Ashby Story Malcolm C Story/Martha Story Drysdale 19 December 1984 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (Partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #133537 Martha Story Drysdale Douglas R Drysdale/Martha Story Drysdale 06 June 1992 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (Partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #246952 Martha S Drysdale/Martha Story Drysdale Douglas R Drysdale/Martha S Drysdale 03 September 1995 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (Partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #302301 Martha S Drysdale Personal Representative/Drysdale Douglas Estate Martha S Drysdale 08 August 2012 Warranty Deed Lot 25- 26 (Partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #2423006 Martha S Drysdale Drysdale Family LLC 20 August 2012 Warranty Deed Lot 25 – 26 (partial), Block C, Bealls Second Addition D: #2427551 Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 2 PHOTO 1. Site overview from northwest end, looking Southeast with Feature 1 at center. Photo by S. Wells, 9/06/2022 PHOTO 2. Looking East at Feature 1 (residence), view of primary façade. Photo by S. Wells, 9/06/2022 Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 3 PHOTO 3. Looking Northeast toward Feature 1 (residence), view partially obscured by vegetation. Photo by S. Wells, 9/06/2022 PHOTO 4. Looking West at Feature 2 (carport), view from alleyway. Note Feature 3 is obscured by the camping trailer at right. Photo by S. Wells, 9/06/2022 Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 4 MAP 1. Clip from 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana showing 502 N. Black. Image retrieved from the Library of Congress. MAP 2. Clip from 1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana showing 502 N. Black. Image retrieved from the Library of Congress. Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 5 MAP 3. Site location map for 518 N Black Ave. at 1:24,000 scale. T 2S R 6E S. 7 Site: 518 N Black Ave. Attachment Page 6 MAP 4. Boundaries and locations for three features at 518 N Black Ave. at 1:600 scale. T 2S R 6E S.7